SATURDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1800. t BI'POSDURO MARKETS.' Wliat ...l 10 .....76 Shoulder 10 Buttor ...18 Eggs 12 Tallow 12 Lard 12 Potatoes 00 Dried Apples.! CO Corn....; 00 Ustt 311 White Hon us... 1 Uo Backwhcat SO Hams,.'. 13 DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS ! Tho following appointments will bo ful filled bctttcon thii nnd tho oosuciog elec tion'; . ' Beaton. Saturday ' Cth da lilooniftburff, Mondoy" (till da , 1 Compctont speakers will bo at all tbeso places, and the publio aro respectfully in vStcd!to attend and hear tho issues of tho day fairly discussed. 'By order of the Standing Committee. " ' JACOB HARRIS, Chairman. n i Let tho word pass nlong through our ranks, STICK TO THE TICKET, THE-'WHOLE TICKET, AND NOTII-ING- BUT THE KEOULAll DEMO CBATIO TICKET!, " aa-Hrtc Feachcf. Mr. Fd'k.Dheueu, Vjf Bloomsburgfhas presented us with a lot ofvory largo and Cno-flavorcd Teaches, of Us own raising, for which ho has our sin eero tuauks. is, "We are in want of all kinds of pro tde'e) such as our farmers have to spare, .iriofuding Pumpkins, Corn-Stalks, Wood, Coil, &c, which we trust iome of them I : Ml - 1 1 . ... I TUll cany supply ui whu. , y,v 11 Tho '' West "Branch: Democrat," published at 'Villiamsport,-by.CiiAKLs T. Huston, Ekq., has just been received at I tbisoffie. If is, a .atly. printed and 'j ii h . -lxr ruuuu syuiiiuutaLiu p.iuui. no iou ik groat success. i ! i-'Mqrt Ncio Goods. 'Mr. A. 3. Sloan, opposito tho Court House, lias just received a chjico'lot of 'Eall Goods, to'tho exami nation of which as, por 'Card in our col-umnSj-public attention is respectfully in vited. It 13 amujing to contemplate the defoaljof Col. Scranton in Columbia coun ty, s every Democrat of whom wo wbt, that voted for Mr. S. two years ago, will iiOTr-voto for David It. Ka.ndai.l, Esq., thd Democratic Candidate for. Congress. ;ANOTima Eire at Danville. On Friday afternoon, a portion of Dan illc, South.of tho Court IIousu, was coif turned Jy fire nuppo.icd to bo tho workof an iucsiuliary by which Eomo 59,000 or 610,000 worth of property was lott. Hib ler'sTannery, Mr. Lcidy's Oflico, and several stables were included in tho con flagration. . . Ouit Agricultural Fair Ground, is now in coinploto order, for tho opening I'air on tha 18th October. Tho dfficorsof tho So cielyjdcserv great credit for tho manner in which thej havo conducted its affairs. Wo-ariticipato the Fair of Fairs, in Colufn LiiVoanty, as tho List of Premiums havo Ijcoiv enlarged and iucroascd, so as to tuak'o it the interest of our Farmers to compoto for tho prizes at tho approaching VUo'unty Fair.'1 tfuTnK Atlantic Iontiilv" for October is on our table. "Wo do not agrco with1 Its political speculations, .and wish it would'oschcw that sort of thing ; or if that cannot be done, give us au occasional arti clo on the other Eido, as its readers com "prfso different political uews. , j But othornuo this number is superb "Borne of tho Haunts of 13urns,'' "a Mod- O' 1 ti . 11 ami . -c. ,1 crn uinueronn, j. roics.'or so'ory, "Peter VValkor" &o., aro in -tho best stylo. ' - nr " - ivaurcss JicKnor iv rieius, 10.1 asn iDg.Sfrcct, Uoston S3.00 a year. isar:"31v Novki," in two beautiful vol umos,.vniform with "TJ10 Oiixtons," boiug a continuation of Harper's Library odition of Uulwor's,Xoi'els,.is at hand, It,'U roally a luxury to read this edition. Jt so finely got' up good paper, clear .largo typo, handgomo bindiug and when completed will mako "tho neatest library so wo know of. Of courso uo collection of books, cither private or publio cau bo com plcto vrifhout a full set of Bulwer's'Novcls, and the one wo aro speaking of, is ths'ono to buy. Address Harper & Brothers, tranUin Square, Jfow l'ork 51.00 per v'ol.leloth. , 'h '5I?Y8bion Should bb Cured nr 1'iiu BENCK." The passion for squandering money,as fist as received, is cured in mauy ly pTuUcntly depnrf-ia.TlJlfrkiiklm Saving Fund, Ko, 30, SoutU Four(li'St., !- below cbesfnui,-riinaac inoooy .not iiiamodiately ueuded jn proour-1 jng"'tijQ''wacssars of lifo,'ip tio place of' carrying it aliout them, or hating it near , " . 1 , . ., at hand to Sncnd.aa temptation offers. And . r ..... in eq noing utey actiuiro vaults oi economy and thfiftincss,produciug pleasure'to'tliem - Belvufl, and affording comfort to tltoso around tbcin. This Saving Fund never . t.i . i i , DU9I.IVUUCII, ;tuu reecivvfi unu pays 111 goiu, silver or nples, at may bu riceireu, :tny amounts, lariro or small with five per eeut i.'., ., o i i n rt, without-notice, ceo advertisement IniAnil.a ,.l...n in another eolumn. .... MCMOHANDUM OF PREMIUMS TO St AWARDED AT TUG AGRICULTURAL HORTICULTURAL A,ND MECHANICAL COLUMBIA COIKVTY, On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, The 18th, lSth, nd 20th of OCTOBER neat. By Order of (as Ezetutivl Comnitttt, bLAsYi-iidRSEs nest pair of Draft Horses 310 00 s no a oo e m rj oo 4 no 0 00 3 00 3 Oil 3 Ul 4 m 4 OH 0 Ul 4 00 4 till '1 (10 u UO 3 00 Id du du iv.t 2d licit Sd Bunt 'Jd Carriage du du ' da Mares. la lalllon, da talllon between S Ac 4 ye ars, do ' 2BL3)eara, (iclding Colt, 'Jjenti, Mara do da Ilruad Mare and Colt, da do da Ilorao Coll 1 year, du du da Mnre. do do licit da licit llo. t ilest Jd Pet Vd Hot Ilest Plngle Carriage florae, Kcat do da Maro. i on JU1IHES Abncr Welsch, Oranco : Enock illttun houie, llrlurcreok ; Isaac Yetter, Maine. class i-cattlk Beat null 3 yrara and upwards, 8 on 1 IB) 5 (HI 3 till B OO 4 00 00 4 00 on 4 (HI 2 mi s on i no, i IHI Kit Heat " ii years old Ilest 1 i-ar " Uost Cow, Devon or Durliara, 2rt Uest Native Stock, ai .. .. .. 3d ' Ilest Duvon or Durham llclfcr, Sj .. .. .. Beat Native Stock 1 year. Rest Calf ofuny breed imdnr 10 months, ilest Yoke iif Working Oicii, id Ucsi p.tif of Steerr. 3 00 I II uo 4 00 va Ileal dlaplay of Cottlo owned and held as firm stock ny 111 j uiiiiuitor, cninninliig 1110 bi-st prnp'-rliea In ' rcgurd to prolHnblu Breeding, Feeding at . VI liking. 10 TH) 2d ' 5 till JUnOLS-lleubcn, Wilaon, Madlaon; Malhlui Halt, man, Cultuulss.i; John' Hill, Cinlre. pent Bloodod Buck, 00 2.1 ;i 00 Beat Natlvo ' 2d - " U'at Blooded Ewe, 2.1 Bed display of Sheep, 4 00 2 on 3 on 2 on 3 on 3 (10 JUIiriKS-Thomaa Crevellns. Srnll! I'ranLlin Mr. , Dride, liuinluLk; Joshua .Mcndeiihall, Franklin. CL.1SS 4-illVAVI I Best noar, 3 00 2d " ..." 2 00 Best Brood Sow, t 3 no i " ;' . ... 's oo , Be.t and lieatiesl 2 Hogs, 3 no 2d 2 00 Brat lot of Pigs. G or more, under 10 m etka, 3 (hi !M " " "I 2 00 JulKinrt Sainil''! Iiaarus. Montour : Vanish BeeKu. " . . . ileal pair enangnai Hi st ." CbitMe. Ile.t " lldiituuis. Btst ' Neapolitan, llc.t (lame, Best " Polish, Btrt " Leehorn, riest ' Black Spaiil.h, ' Best and largest laflcty of I'mvls, heal ',' " , otTuikcys. Best " " (levse, Bc.t Lot Pigeons, Bfit ('unary Bird, sn 50 :o 5n 50 e no 2 nil l no so 50 JUIKICS llr. f imon Cntner, Mmlison Helk Bowman, Ucjw irk ; llr. (leorgu lla)hural. Ciilt.nvi.sii. CLAis -r. oiiAix muss s.tus. Het bilslKl White Wheiit, " " Canuilian Wlnlc Wheat Bed Chair llear.ieil, ' and largest ancl of Wheat, " buslul of 0.its, 2d IVst Uyc, Smoked Corn, 1 50 1 50 1 511 2 no 1 oo 50 50 1 no " i.niirnaaen " I on " " Hpi rklcd 1 (XI " " ol any kind, ' 1 00 " Rurkheat. I 00 Cloicreecd, 1 00 2.1 50 Timnthv Sed. 1 00 JUIKiCS I'cterSl.TMiigh.Briarcrei k j I'hiliplloisi-, Grecnuood; U.'W. llrel.back, Hemlock. ci.isn-aiir.wx fruits. Best Lot Winter Apples not less 1 btuhcl, I 00 50 " Fall " nnd largest variety of Apples, 1 00 2 00 j no I on 1 oo and " I'riira, Beaches not less than 1 Dot,, Lot tluincea, of Dried Apples, " I'mrlies, 4 quarts of lined Chcrri's, 4 .piarls of stalled " Variety of Crapes, and Lirgest vari.-ty of lined Frait. 1 bushel Onions. I'urrnnl Wine, White entrant Wine, i.lackberry " (.rape CaUwb-t ' . ami largest lariily of Wine, 1 Ch, rrr Wino, 50 50 50 lit 50 1 on 511 1 00 I tin 1 oo l on i on s IH) 1 IH) Hiram R-cdcr, JUIlliUd Kli .tleiiihiuhall, Benlon Franklin j Tlieo.ioro J. vtolitrr, Ml. l'leasant. iv.m -vtai;T.lBLV.s. Hist bushel Mercrr Potatoes. ' I'rlucu Albert Fink Cyu ' ' lloor Vurd ' l'i'uill Llowii . jiiuo ' yiMiinnrka " nnd largest tnrKty, 6 S'(ilailies, " 2 Pumpkins, and largest variety of Pumpkins. 2 chueso I'uiiipkiiis, " 1 oozen Uects, " 1 " Carrals, 0 Heads Cabh.igii, 2d 0 .. -Bu.t 1.' Mlalka Cillery, " 0 llenda Caulitlower. ." Glladdlsh, " 12 .Mangoes, 21 IS Bert 1 Beck Lima Beans, 12 Touutuis, " li Fitrplo Kgg Fl.uits, ' 6 liars lireeu Corn, " and Ijrgest tnricty of Vegetables, 1 00 1 on I (HI 1 IK) 1 IH) I On 1 00 I 00 .5 T5 1 00 7.5 75 73 50 5U 50 50 50 1 (10 i.ot oi i urmpj. 75 JlTIH7i:s-clilrevcling,ftcutl; Andrew Freas.Cen ' tre ; F.ii Uartou. Bloum, ! CLASS 9-IIO.VF. DAIRY TRODUCTS. rr lr,...,i'..l tt'h.l.. P..rll... 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 on 50 1 ihi 50 1 lla 50 -: . ' .. ' 1 21 . Bt st 2d Beat Vi How Quinces, rears, 21 Best 21 Best 21 (lllincg Jelly, Best Jar Apido Jelly, 1 00 50 1 IH) 2 (HI 1 50 Be.l Spiced l'inchcs, &i Ijrgcst vurulyof canned or Preserved Fruit, Knll flutter, 50 5n 50 Best Apple Butter. Tomato " Fear . " " Poach " 1'u.try Applo Pie, Fa.try Peach 1'e, Fruit Cake, S.dii Ckle." ' Pound Caka, uud largest variety of Cake and Taitry, 50 50 50 iO 1 on -1 on 1 00 2 00 l.o.11 01 ureuu, 1 00 2d 50 LottfnouehnulB. 50 ' Lot of Biscuit, " Tomato Ketchup, I'lcktef " und largest variety pf Tickles, l i 1 nivr iiieg.i, . ' Lot Hard Soap, , 5U Kofi ..' 50 Hauipiu slweit Cider, 50 JUJlUUH-Dr. F..C. Harrison. Bloom ; Irs. rr.(ieorge I.nll. llrniu.i. . Il KlU.i... Piirt lluinlnrk: Mrs. i Kius l)ulerirh.'Jllontour;1rs.' Alfred Cravcling, Espy. I town ; Airs, Auilrvwslkrler. Cresuweod. ' CUIfS W-tlOME Sr HOUSEHOLD, Best Twu Pieces Cloth, 3 mi 1 ui : no so i i in " l.iuen Check. Bed Uullts, 2d Wolco Bla.,.'ke,' J-.'f a t,"Ke-no' " " !? 1 f ';; ;; Vlr.ieiiM.Ti.,u. m Kl'1','' ' 'Icv-;ijiJ. . s JUUUlJal-li 1". I.uti, Bloom; Mrs. fl. II. Dceincr, catuuissai Mrs. jwi Meinck, i.ijht strestj Mrs. titUs II Foitltr, n.iittiwn. , clash ii-l.idies iivns floii-ers, - B4"' L"ji,l,a "r, faucy ump Mat, UMiupi.orBhirt"ceiUu fcDeia. 1 00 60 1 00 so I 00 1 no so .... Uitmnaii. " .rtlll. Irtl s lunn,. so 1 no SH fomiikni sit nmtroidiry, u"st oniamsntai eheii work, , " iiuiuiiorrioBtrs; ' " sa , in stand Uritest varirly ol riowars, Biti.arcrt uity,f Miiitnary woik, 1 00 1 00 i no so 1 oo wlckl Miss Kale Eycr, Cattaniiaa Miss Catharine I' CI.1SS U-FLOUR. Beat Pamplo Wheat Hour 50 ibs. or tnore, a oo 2d " .. ., y ry. Beat " Durknhcat, g 00 fid oq Beat Corn Meal, i oo JUDOKH-Jamee Masters, Nnol Ell Mendenhall, Kohrsburgt Bernard Stoner, Bloom. class -agricultural implements. Beat Dough, 300 " Threshing Midline, a 00 ' Ilorao Hake, , 1 00 11 Liino and tluano Ppreader, 1 00 " l'ortablo Cider Mill, 1 00 V Wine IVss, 2 tH) " Washing Mnchino, 1 00 " Collection of Agricultural Implements so tools tho properly of tho eifiibilur, whu must ba a Farmer, 10 00 Jl)llliB;-F.lhvood Hughes. Centrel Win. Howell, Mount rieasant; John Ulctcrick, Montour, CLASS H-ICftOAS i- C1lllllJiaF.3. Beat Shifting Top Uuiigy, 2d Best Open Buggy, 2d BculTwo llorso Carriage, Si Beat Sleigh, 2d Be. I dixplny of Wagons and Carriages, " Child a Carriugu, Fiirin Wneun. 3 DO 1 00 3 no 1 00 3 110 1 00 X IH I IH) 4 IH) 1 00 no JIJUIIUS S) heater Purael, Hemlock! Janioall. Mc Henry, I'laliliigcretk; Dr. John K. Itobbius.Cuttaniiaa. Ci-lSS ii-JltJ.VUMCTlHV.l) ARTICLES. lar tiillaioi. Beat Sett Fincla Carriage Harneaa. 2 OO III. Illl Kilo (10 2 Sides Holo Leather 1 00 1 on 1 on 1 on 2 00 2 on 1 uo 1 on 2 " Upper 5 " Kip 2 " Calfskins, Specimen clinltll Work, 6 greulcsl variety of rjimth work for Farm use, pair Fine Hoots, " Coarse aM iuiNor Chairs I dozen ( bprlng Ctiit Chalis 1 ilo.en, ItntkliigCliJir, ll. H titead, Settee, r-.,i, 1 1 at Hack. 1 on 2 00 1 on 1 10 1 on 1 on 1 00 Displuy of Cnhlnet Work, 4 on 50 W. 11. Wooden. I riozeil Corn Praams. J U II IX.11S F.nos Fowler. Ilriarcrcek Berwick! Jackson lhomae, Madison. Ci-lSS 10 V.1XUFMTURkU ARTICLES, BLLOaO DIVISION. Best Tarlnr Stovo, 2 00 Cooking etovo nod t itliircs. IHI and greatest variety of Tlil-wnro, .1 IH) sample l'ortablo Feme, 1 00 JUIIUS John l.udwlg. Bloom: John Hartmun. Hemlock; Marshall Kinney, fcott. CZ-J4S 'VI MANUFACTURED ARTICLES. THIRD Pit 1S10N. Best Artificial Tcctll, 1 OO " Sewing Maclilne, 1 00 ' best Model Farm Gate, 100 " one doen Brick, 1 (HI " I'ockcl Knife, 1 IHI ' F.nrthcn mid (lueenswnro. 1 00 Dlsi retiontir) rreiiiiuina will hu ntlowed under this class; JUUUKa-llr. lit W. l.otl, Orungo; John It. Alojer Bloom; John 11. Vanderslicu, Mt. l'leasant. C-55S li-BEES S; JllrCS. Best observatory Bee Hive. 1 00 " Suurlil'Bccs. I 1 (10 " sample Honey. . 1 00 JUUtllls J.diu M.Barlmi, Hemlock; Ui Crevcllng, (.entru ; Joseph t.lliy, rcoii. CLASrf l'.i. I'est sample Lenf Tobacco 0 stalks, " Itrnom Corn, JUDUCS-Jolm M. Uarton, Cli Cre. cling, 1 OO Jt'seph CI.AH3 SO-MICnLLANEOUS AUTICI.K3. Ji:i)(U:S-llr. I'. John, lllooni; lion. fi. II W slUta, Montour; Titer lint, Centre. CLA$a yi-TKIAI. OF UORdW. nest Trotting Horse or Mnre in harncsv, Ih'st pnirTrotting Ilnrscs or Mares, 25 00 10 uo 15 00 d (JU JlJ)Gr.-(;eorge Mniu. Light ftrcet; Hr. W, Mc Kcyuolds, Hemlock; Jonas Ureitiwood, CIAS 22 TRIAL OF ML.V. Rrnt and fastest Ruiuier, Jd tied nnd fastest Walker, 2.1 " s no 3 51) 4 00 2 UO JUIXJM Dr. J. Rnmncy, Doom; Geurgo Weaver Uloom ; Wm. Nalt Doom. CKASd 20. Best throe acres of Corn, 10 00 2d " . 5 0(1 tSefH three acres f U heat, 10 uo d .... 5 (K) nestthreuneresofOsilx, 5 oo 1 i'Mut-es, 3 00 Id 1 " 3 00 Hfft i nereTurnip-i, 3 tki 1 Tubucto, 5 UO Cnmpetitnra fnr I'remliinifl for tho nbore .gricultural produi lions hvv produce n rfi.i. statuiiiviit of 11m mode of cultivation, ami Kimluf setd useil. Thu Crouihl to be In one lontintioui puT'Slo ! mciisurtil by auvey nrwho t-hull iniik- Uitidmit to the i-orrcrlne t.lMhc me.isuruHieiit ot'tlittlainl. The number of btiahuU muit also he certiftfd to by no me other person Mho helped to tncnurc Hie mine. 'I'hu rxhibitiir iiiu-t nlso oilitblt n snmpln of eath nrirty, notices than half a bushel, nt the nest Annuitl l'tiir. I)R. J. RAMSEY, President. A. J. S IiOjn, Srerrltry, ItlnonisburCs Auguil 181.0. NOW IS THK TIME TO COM MENOK FORMING CLUHS FOR TUB New) Work tUccldn, Wsk I AND . COMIC PICTORIAL PllUNNY PHELLOW ! ! A SPLR.N'DID TRBMIUM TO EVERY SUBSClilBER! The New York Weekly and Pictorial Thunny Vhclfaw 01c Year Jor Two Dollars I! OUR TF.RVS TO CI.IIKH. 1 copy ono year, $2, and tho Tutorial TJiunny Phellow Barople of Worsted or Zephyr work, Worked Skirl Real Knibroidorvd Slipper, Sd " Ileal and creates! variety of Fancy Jfeadle-work, JUDOM-L'ol. L. I.. Tate, rioonit Miss tVil.. 2 do do 91, nnd a Premium 3 do do 5 1, do rin fi do do 91, do do ri do do do da JO do do S5, do do 1J do do Sit1, do do Bend for 11 Bueeiioen Number, which Is fiirnishadrfe. and contains full particulars of I'reniiums. suitors Aim I'roprictors oi inn wvrw jor nrruy, iTJ tieckiiian tJlreot, N. V. gept. 2'.t, lSC0-1m. TTOXKV, T I have a valuable HE DEST OF HONEY 1 rccine for making Honey, which I will send to any person upon the receipt of 50 cents we make and unu it in our tamity at half the ost, and rnn sid(.r it as good nsthu het arlirle ot genuine bee 'tinde Honey, "Jreui vhtrh it cannot be told." An)' person who Will iiiuae auo sen ii aim cieur iruwi 9-iu 9.1 it -11 f. lulu, I., mnfcs, ,t .in.l lll.iv i-Jlli h hid at any .tore for 50 ceuts. Evpry fannly in. Ime this iid giiitui luxnryorany lauy can matte 11 tu 10 min- utesnt any time. Three cent postage -tamps a godd as "The Vulaski Times, published ut HaWkirtaviUe, feor-1 gta, ot 1 iiurMiay,..iiann m, saya, ur, u. iuiir, 01 tins county, presents us vviih a beautiiul article 01 Jluiiwy, Tho honey is mauulactured y Mr, Smith, according to the directions givvn in a' receipt, which she purihiisedof Dr. J. T, CntAOLR, Baltimore City, Md. Any person t.n get this rereipt lr making Jumey. uud be of the honey-bee, by nriiuii!, vx HIi 50 rents inrJoscd, to Da. J. T. ,..V3 Wist Daltimore St., Ualtiiuore, .Md. ScpuSJ, IbW. JtOW IS Y0UJI TIME 1 Tim under'igned wilt sell between this and the SOih of Oclobiir, hi cutireVtock -f f)t HATS Sr CAPS AT COST! All tho.a III w ant of a fioo.1 llal or Cap, at Ilia lowait Manulacturcr's l.rice, will plraae Call liiimcdiatcl)'. A ATOIt:. nltli Pirn), for ilbr Rroom or Offlrc (liu lamo LOOKlKO aMSS. I, n V'itV' WAOOX, for ,ala. nearly new, and of txccllonl work, nian.liiii, fur either ono or two horses, any hotly ui want ol such an artirle. will nleaso rail anil vxtiliilne for hliriulf. 1 will sell It low for rath or short credit. Al.riO.-all thn.a that know thcmsclrcs indebted, will plea.o rail and mako nnyment and those hating claims witlprestnt them bytlicliluafpeciflad. . S. U. ANUWALT. Illoouitlmrr, Sept. S. iia Flour and. Feed Delivered I C'lfE.VFER, "THAN THE CHEAPEST. 'I-HR undersigned has niado arrangements that will X enable hlin to deliver. Flour and Feed, FOlt CASH, about ten per ce.itt. rheaper than any bodyitl,, in town. Ills prices are as follows ' Flour, it us I Cornfc ItyeC'hop,. 'a)l fi5 Corn II Oats Chop. 1 .U llran. 1 10 1 respectfully s.licll u share or Ilia pnblir patronase. NOStS KAUFMAN. nioniasburi!, June S3, IPW-tf. HARTMAN'S CORNER. THE tecond arrival of Now (ioods, tlii Bpring, at UAKTMAN'. SUMMER Cafsemeres, and Coatings of the latest slyle, at UAKTMAN". ITTOOL. Cotton. Hemn. and Ran-Car. 1(KI VV ptta for sale cheap, at IIURT11AN". no TXTALL Paper, Wall Paper, in grpa. W. TI nanllllis, cheap for sale, al UAKTMAN" 1 JUSTICE TO THE SOUTH. ANEW BOOR, and one destined to creates seniation Just published. " The suiNr s"outh'; OR Tltfi SOUTHERNER AT HOME. Embracing flv ye tin' experience of Northern UoTcriv hi Die land ofiuitir. rice, tobacco and cotton, Ldi tedby FrofkhorJ II iMORituH.of MiifliKippJ. Iinnd omely bound In ono volume, VI mo. 5'JO pages Trie JJterarf ntttttt form tk Prtit throughout the Country, Till titlNIT HOUTII "Tllll brtOk li MHI11lnlia.1a-.ft. 4tm. riei oflcttert, written In ait interesting ityle of a nara livu, e mbod lrg tho most romantic featurca of loclal Ufa on di!ferentklnd of plantation!. U'u Ci-ibeartuatimony from our own (tenons! observation ofclmilar iccnei In their truthfulnvii aa hcrodipirted. They are portrayed In a 1 1 id. Intercatlng atyle, and wo would like to nrethi look Irithuiiandiof tlituinnila of dprcircd people, who have no pcraoiiaj kno ledge eh her uf South wrneri or Southern life, except wll.'it Xlwy lime gained from partisan Journali, or tlioao uho Intent lonnliy hno wriiit-11 u uctuivc 1 tun y nrjtuuucaif, uujjato, V. r. '1'hk Pl'SNY Houtm i'TUii olums Iji In I In iWm e.rt... tcra. Thpyglvc, snfirni wueanjudgitfniiliriilplctitrea of South or n life, and are p'tinud uiiliout prrjudtco. Itif-y prtBcnt ccnua tml$ diilVrtnt frum an "L'nclu Tom's Cabln,,'tlit!pkturijs prcst-iitud hero arejUito graphic, and uiin tut- iiriiiiin. in...ivu4tiuiii yvry ncunv imiurui eolora' Itoi ton IMttf lice. Tub fiimsv Sottit "c hav rarely peeped nfihln thecouriofnii(uro nppctirlng voluma, Altlmugh not intended asti nnner to thu tout iiiitruthi In tho L'nclu Tom tranli oftha Uit ten years It nverthe!ens dws oft. mercifully hurl back to the lr source all Ilea of such a na tur.t and wo ru to believe that thu hook will In rend In thousands of northern homes. Thu south also should take to it huiilguantly far independent of Its truth liilncM and Integrity It Is ono ot the hvelictt ntid hin.t enttrtulning Irouks of tha year" lmttitttniborotJ? V. TitB bojint tsooni 'in riiieriirisuig pun isher. (i. G. Lavaiis, I'lilladelphlri, of (Jiailuok imtrKty, in Hetk ly isiiuing nfcw works ( interest, nnd.cpreading them oror the country, and his ) stem of transacting business authoress is with liertheineinnd sire iniiicsthe interest of tbe reader along with lier, us she, )n her iiuiusinL' oil hand style, delliibtes tha peculiarities of a eoulheril homo" 'I'rcii, Tim f-ev South,'' Whatever bears the nnmo of Professor liigrnh.iin is sura to iiivolYallp! elements ofl striking elicit (nut n w obi populur cilrrenry ; and Ibis Is Just the case with the Subtly South or (he Soullierner at Moine, w Inch npprars from the press of (1 tl Kvans.un. I dir the oditorslnp of the graidiic Professor, it is t It id in 6l)le, keenly ob.erviuit, interesting in p ot, nnd In fiurposo nnd manner it obviously spring- from n v. aim ieart,aod will ha ns warmly welcomed by a host of readers" 7'Ae Mm I'srlrcrT. a "i ' j GOOD ROOKS! CHOICE HOOKS! NCW AND II.l.Uin'KATJ'U F.UITIO.VS. PUB THUONE OF DAVID: , I'rnm tho Consecration of th" Fheplurd of nethtehem to uiu iiiii'-iiiuii ut i rim,w iiiiennnii. ncing an iiiusirn thm of the splendor, Tower nnd Dominion of the Renin of thehepherd Kins, in u series f Letti rs, wherein the Inaiiiticenec of JuJea is sliown t tho render, as if by au eye uiireM. llytheRtjvJ II Incraham, LL. Ii, One volume, lnut., w)3 p.ifrcs Trnu $1 i. "This la thu third i olums, und'the conmiLtion of n ' series of works by the sumo author, on the hintory of thu Isruelttiih monarrhy.i Theorrjfili under Moies, v.ns treat-id of in Ihu ''Tillar of Fire," und its crent Rlory un Her llni lit. Is trrnted of In Itfln'tViiYk . TT l.n 'ri...... ..c Ilavld.) while the decline of Hebrew power and tho op-ning orthe lietvdispcusntioisninet lliiirdelint-nlioii in mc 'I rince oi mo iiousu oi I'aviu, t ucse works aro liiKlnrii itllv I nlnnl.le. m tiiioilliankS fit lufn....,.!.... . I... tive tu the sienery, geogrsphy uud manners of tha Holy Land. Tho style .is interesting! inid powerful and i the work leads us to tho contemplation nnd .....lw i.l.l.irt-l;i,irf.. lr,l..i.i.i.. . doctrines of die truth It 10111.11ns. w'llhoilt being, ns surh hookstouonlinariiyere,eithcrma4illn, stupid, dogmat. icor conceited" Roitoa Daily Alias, i. . nPHl'' PILLAll OF FIRF ' ' r on ISRAEL IN BONDAGE. Wv Iho Rev J II lMtRllM..lllthnr of tha ' Trlnrt . nf ,ilrt Opagia. llntiss of Uawd." Unu v'o utile, Unio, cloth, 1,00 pagi 1 riru 91 ii.. "Tills work Is designed to sketch the 'Hebraic history during thi bondafC in l.gypttlm. Troidnt Moses being tho central ft u re, and is ntred and strikint; hUtory of the period, in nhictt thu vv riter emherJlrst, from tho Uibla and then from profdti history ii vast inasi of material, which by Ins cemus. in thrown uitn n fjnriful narrative nfthutnost attracttvu character which carries the reader along w ithout diminution off. 4nUrer sTAiddi'Ai Evening Bulletin. THE ritIN"0E OF TS HOUSE OF DAVID: OR, THRliF, Y1IARS IV THE HOLY CITY. In a scries of letters rHutilig ns if y an ry witness, alt the mccdcs and wouicrtul incidents in the Life of Jic- sus or Naxareth, from his llaptiiti in Jordan to his Crusifixion on Calvary. Hy thn Rev J II Iiuraium, Rector of Christ Clnireh, und of ft Tho mis' Halt, Holly springs, MisiisMppi. Uno volume, 12 iho., cloth, 412 pugntt. -j. " In this work the author has suececded in the hold and dnrme task of presenting thu rrnt; (cmling hlhtortcal partsof Ecriptire iu connexion w ith' secuiur hiftorv, co as to present the tlcar and hlc-likt pirture of thost events (is;th'y might be supposed to appear to n cnu ual obsrvsr. Ths deseriptioits of rites uud crreinoiiK's are ipirited and tomprehimHive. 'Hie style is highly hiiigiiiative and attrrittivc, hihI we prcnnt this voIuhio will be as ptipulur an Um't'Pllgrim's Troi;rcss." Peabgttrian and Etangthit Copies of either of tlii :iboo bnoks, with n handrome Gift, worth from 51 rent u.f loo. wnl be sent to any perxon in the United Mate, upon receipt of $1 25, Mid 21 cents to pay poMugc by addrcsring tint publuher, Geo. (, Uvon, Thilade'phia. C7" If yon vvnnt any bo"k send to Ceo. O. Evans' (Jill Hook hcl(tblihmi-iiltNo430ChiituiitrJtreet I'hiln rie phia, where all book are sold at the Ttib!ilur' inw prces, nnd you have th advuniagu of receiving a hand some prceni worth froih' 50 cents tn IHO dollars with each book, Send for n rompii-te C aiflhVd Catalogue of liook, which will be mailed (0 you, free of efpence. Order any bo)k that jott may w.tnt, remit the priep, logeiher with the amount n'quircd for poctaije, arid on trial will naiir.t toil Hint th.t limt nlnft in llit minlrv tOmrlme books it ot the fit ft Hook Litab i'hmcul of I AC.F.NTfl WAXTUn, to whom gtfintr inducement. 1 sue 11 as rnntioi nc e'piiiiirn n any oint r noine, aro on j (red. Any person in any part of the country ran bo nn aceni, Miiiiey ay lormini; a cjiid, fi-ndiun n 111 01 b(okii, nnd reuniting tho.imsu.ti vf money required for 1110 innif. ind for a CntrL'iOL'iie whichcantalus all the do. I red in formation relative in 'ageneus "n'nd thu furuution of rhibs ; nnd to innre prompt ami kioioMb o deaimux, ad dress nil ordfr to tlu head ouartera of fleo. II Jviin, proprietor of the oldest nnd MrCtd'Cin Hook Krtnb irhment in tho world, IV rmnnyMilly located at No. 3J Chsitnut .ir-it,'lliiladvlphia fl Eept. ItjOu -Iti . . . NblW WAUO'N SHOP. Main Street above Vie Forks Hotel THU underniffhtd, linv mje rcTiihved from rsptowii to JtiooiiiabiirtT, respectfully infiirms hU friends and r UK turners, that he has opened u inw shop, on .Main Street, liloonbart'i above the Forks, where lie will conduct the i WA GON MAKING BUSINESS, III nil lis various depiirtuienteuiid on a more extensive stule tluu hvretidDre. iS biggie, ftprmp Wusons, Hulkies, Light W'apnm, and all kiiiils of vt hides, made tu prtb-r, on fhort not 11 c uud fair terms. Also IIoitul and Farm ViittL-HiitKOHt uiiide to order. ' Uy- Kwaiu'mi, of nil kinds, uiclntJing Heavy Wagons, promptly und iluaply Qi-ecuifd". -ylS t.;JACOU S. l.VANU. Itoouit.biirg. April il.'lOTCni ,,rT . Mr, rt4JV ...T ., i 1 L'lJ ANLl JL'-Ol'T' l 1 L. SUMMER- AJl'llAJSGEMENT. , - - . , . , . Delaware, Lacfcawounarl iitd WeitftrtitiRall Road, Oni.n.r. ...I... m .., .u lj, Ifnus'vvill run as follows . JiXeiES& I'AS.SK-NQKU TRAINS, Tho Accoiniuodatiun Train bound nut on N. V. tc Erie Railroad arrives at ;rt'IIuiilatXi,:ojrand the Ciucin-1 nail Express atb.uj a. m. uud connects with tha Etprvss Truiu wluth leaves u'ruat liend fflNiw Vorkaud 1'hila dtlphla,ut i t, 7,10 a.m. Duo ut fiirautoji, , , 11,35 a.m. KXtUtb.&S PASSENGER TIIA1NS, Muntfti'MtiRTit, Tdisengers from New V01K. Icavu Tier No. 2, North River, at " 7,30 a.m. From TJiiladilphia. Ic'ave' Walnut hi, "Wharf at 0,00' " Du tttraiituii, T iMf DiieutScruuioii, uit V;5 -The Accomaitnlalimi Truin,ilres not leuve Scranton un til utter the urrival of the Morplug Train on the L. 4-11. K,l,ad,-1',,i , , ,TaJsci,SttsTFuiil ttiu Wyimnilg Vai: Jj uiraljuiii.oaioii lor u ly tllll .Mfrnwil 'ii.ini l-'str I hi! nirrAl..i....lJl,.,i. .. A...f Inii.l ..a. thu .mllnrl. Division, a i)(iaseiiLr Car will l attacheu to Hie Eiurtrbs tvlVIKIIk ilUllll, IVU1 Ills OLiUillUll, UL 1. , Riturinug, will leave Jiruuipu at 1 3.W a. m. Ducal Scranton, .'.5J a m. I'asatugers to and Iroin New York, change cars ut June lion to and ironi Thiladelphia ia U. D, 11. li.t lenvp or take Ihu tars at Hope.- For Tttlktoii, Kuigtton aiWilkctibarrc, take L. St II. R. R, cars at Scrauluu, ' Fur Jeisdp,;Vrcht)ald'ainirarDODdaIe, take Stages at Scran tun. t Tickets soltl and bacgage cfircked through. , tJOHN URISUIN.SujiL V, N. Jrrnis, GenTiclict Agent. June lo, liO. . , ' tin NOTICE,. A 1.1, persons indeblsd to tha undersigned for rrofles. siouql sertiu:s nplo April 1st, 1-tAI, are respectful ly reauestud lo call und settle either by note or otherw is. " J. C. tMrrtM.M.D. nioomsburg, August If, IBfiO. . T0 tou want It N'O.-lMACKCSEli, Co to DTIOWF.R'B. LOOK OUT, FARMERS 1 EVOLVING HOKBJA KAKCS, for sale attipy. y , u. r-utlf.u June 33, IF'". DO ,you-want ,,v .-. . $6. i iiepinsit;, Uoto ' inn; u . ...r.nui,,,,,, ,VT uiiiumng township. In said county, dfcuasud, w il expwse to soitj, IS cou"uy' n' C0"" !,lc:' u"" lf,a t,cm'""-" ct'""'" um"ms- Tub Susat iourB-"Tlils la n captlvallnir volume, , , . atronllllllliulrallvcersoulluriilife. Tim heart ol ll.o T R. A C T OF LAND. SE WING-MACHINE , DEPOT; JUONTGOMEllY BUILDINGS, DANVILLE, JPA. EUREKA ! ! EUREKA ! ! EUREKA!!! Celebrated Shuttlo or Look Stitch Family Sewing Machino, ranks high in tha mar ket cannot bo ozccllod. It is proforrcd over all other SHUTTLE OR LOCK-STITCH MACHINES, for its simplicity, durability, strength and rauted. Prico $50. DrmMft Thread Tlclit Stltrh Family Sewing Machine. pllrlty, strength nnd piHrieney. I'riee, $M and f.W warranted. offer thene Hewing Machines with the greatest confidence that they are destined to mct tho wnnts of tho popit, Unn't full to pxnmino tha KtirKn nnd May flower before parthaiiig. tylk, Cotton and Lin en threads suitable for Hewing Machines, on hand and for salo by Dnnvillo. MaySfl, 1800. Om. TU13LI0 SALK Valuable Ileal Estate. IN pursuance of an order of tha Orphan's Court of Co liimbia county, on Salurduij, the XSthday rf October ncxty at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Alinaa CIo nnd William Colo, Administrators of Czekiel Cole Into of tin gar I oaf ndloliilii's lands of Jonhui llrluk on tho Hast. David lw is ntid Kekiel Cola on tho North, John Cnle on the West, and Montgomery Colo on tha fcoutii, lontatnmg One Iliimtrril and l'ifly Acres, moro or less, oh which are erected a FRAMH Ml MM 44 SAW-MILL. anil LATILMILL, a 8'1'ONl: l)WI.l.LIN(l HSUSK. and ' . Fouu FitAiin: iui:llixg iiousl's, n lllitcksmilh tjhop, Iturn, and other out buildings, about 40 ncr en of which is cleared and In a good stale of cul titntiuu. I.atu tho I.statc of said deceased, situate in tho town bin of Sue dr lout, and countv aforfaitl. JACOU CYF.RTA", Uloom!ibunT.P"ptcmher 10. IP'-O. Clerk. ' AGU1CULTUHAL WAUEHOUSK, Nos, 21 tj- liy, South Sixth stiat, near . io Slate House, rillLADr.Ll'lllA, 1T.NNA. ri-KN floors of this speiioils liuilding, erciled ctpres-ty J. fur the proprietor's trade, ure stored Willi sieds und linnli nients of intrrest la larniHrs' and eurdelicrs. HaTY VfcSBS HsrAliLisntb. Tlio subscribers desire to call, the utlentlou. ol every one luleresleti in lariiiiug nnu garuenioii la men wen siieiieo a.pii. i-i ,iiivu..u. nil TuiiIh. Warranted Garden and Fhtetr SteU (Iran and Field .V-dsv etAe west rilable quality. The Acricutturul Implements sold by us nro iuo.tly iiiitnuriirlnred ut oor steaul woiks. llrl.tnl t'H. Having lltted up 01 establishment without regard to etpuinc, Willi tho lin."t complete luiuhieiiery tor tho uianufacturu of vafloua kinus iciilturnl impienieiits we are now prepared to supply nil urliclea in Ibis line I filllyiipinl, If not superior, to ail) thing of tho kind over uclorn onereu 10 ine puunr. l.tniHretli's unrrenli-d Harden Heeds havo been before thpubliclorupwurdsor.illyyiars:tlieirwidosrcad popularny. una me inrreasiuniieiiiaua iron, j. or ij 1111. ' "10 eveldenoes'of.llieir superiority over nil Country merchants ran bo supplied Willi secos in pa. nun tir in hulk, on tin mot lilicrul lerilix. ItliMtnisdule. nenr llrMol. Tu.. our carden seed eruonds. coituins Ihreu liundri-d uud sev enty ncrcs, and is the laruest establishment of its kind in the world. I. I.ANUltBTH & BON, .ViH. SI 5 '1 Iwuti bulk ttrcet, I'hiladttphn rt"7- l.ntnlrrtli'a ifurnl Reeixter Hlld AlmanHC lor IrtoU eontaiiiiuii n I'arm, (J.irden und tireen llouie Cnlandar lor every monin in me year, can ue 11 1 iTan,urun pei- puna 1 or poi paiu uppiiLuiiou, J.uiUiiry -1, ltfoo y. hVK 1NSUUAN0E. TJW Gild lit) LIFE J.VSUIL1AVK, JIXXUITr JJXl) orncK, no. 40d ciiestmt sfrlkt, CATITAL(paid up.) $.100-000. Charier l'crictuoJ, f'ONTINUnto make INSURANCE ON LIVES on i)is 1 nnu 1 ri.ionuhlu ternm. The capital b''in paid up ami invested, topctnej with larice ana consianiiy incn-iinini; iffti-rvcii iunu, imi-rs n nrrfert Hcnrilv to rnr iiisnn-a. f The vreniiiimns must bu paid yeurly half yearly, or ipinrterly. Tli'1 Company add n BONUS periodically to Uie insti r.uircn of lit.- The FIRST ItO.VUsi um-ropriiitcd in Do- ceiubtr, ItfM, ihetfLCOND UONUrt In Uccemher. I', the Til til!) HON'Ua in Itecember, lf54,andthe FOURTH IKlNUrtin Ilea mln'r, ica'.i. ' tT7"TUf'se ntlditious aramado without requiring any increase in thr premiums to li paid to tli Company. The fullowinj are u few examples from thf liegii-ter. Amount of Folay und Sum Bonus or bonus tu bo inenMsed Policy Insured addition by future additions. No. swoo tm m ."o m MUM lOoO Mi 4,050 00 lll'J JlHHl 400 00 1,400 00 " 333 A(I00 Jt".5 mi c a?.". 00 " &c. &c, A-C i-c, Painpi'lets, containing tablf s of rates nnd explanation, forms of iipphcatioii, and further information can bu fojnd at the othcu. THOMAS RIDGKWAY, Pmident, 3ho, t. James, Actuary. LrA'l I TAT1I, JlgtnU Y. C. Harrisos, Eiamlning Fhyntxan. October Hi, 157 ly. ItEVE 11 K HOUSE, ffORMrRIV hAOLR HOTEL.) NO. .'7 NORTH THIRD SI'RKET, TlHLADnLTHlA. 'plIlS house is situated in the mmt business part of the I 1 itv. has one hundred nuil thirty rooms : lar ire Tar- tors mid every room is newly furuiiihednud U Lnuaidered mm of tliv tnert Ilotrls of its class in Thllndilphia ; it has erected n tarito obiervutory where persons can luive n tin; view of tha fity, Delaware rin r, Ap., &.c ; it is also supplied with fioi and rold water Bathes, which w ill hi free ol'thaTge for the guests of the HoUxu ; City Cars will take you to the Revere Hoiue. Our charge in mod erate, 9 1 ia per day j person visiting the city will pleasa come uiut try the Hrrere me, and we pledgo ourM'lvcs that we will eudeuvor to use our best efforts tu make it appear like home. CiiiRix J. Fabcr, of Rending, w ill have charge of the office. (J. W, H INKLE, formerly of tho States Union Hotel, and lattirly of tho United States Hotel, Atlantic City, N. J.. Trofrietor. May II!, mK)-l5im. BLACK LACE BlIAWLg, of the latest fashion, for 8alo at 1IARTA1 AN'S mSsMfcsf wmh rfMlETroprietorofthi will know 11 and centrally loci L tfd House, the EiiiUNot Hotel, situate on Mhib. Sir'et, in lUi.omcburg, immediately opposite the Colun luu County Court House, respeiilully i.itorms lus frieuds and the public in general, that his Uoiue is now 111 or der for the reception ami entertainment of travelers who inay feci disponed tu favor H wiUi their cuttom. Hu.has spared 110 expensu in prepuring the EriiA(.p, for tha entertainment of his guests, neither shall there be any thing winning (on his part; tn'miuUler to their persuiuil comfort. His house Is spacious uud mjoy uu efcellcut bum ue s location. - " - ' 'UyOmnibuiies run at all limes between thu Exchange II ui-1 and the various Kail Roai Depots, by. which irav clcrs vull, b) pltasantly cnvejed l" and from thu re bucctivu Stations' iii dm time to 110 it thu Cars'. 1 ' , WM. li. KUON3. " IE 1 00m &h urg, July 7, lrt"0. f OLD DR. II BATH'S ROOK VlOfTr-ivels and ereat discovi rffa of the Ja paiifl(iandUai"l India Midiciues, with full diredion lor Ihe ferial n cure olCoiimimpiioii, Uronchitis. Cough CoNs.Catairh, Aatbiua, IVvers, Heart Discasu. Scro fi In, Cancer, Dvippia, l.fvrr ts'omplaiut, Ornvel and Urinary Depooits, Female Comptainis,itc. hlutlrated with hundreds oi eeriificates ol cures tnid enginving. For Ihe purple of rwcumgaa many tuttermg fellow, beings as possible fiom premature death, It will be bent to any part oClhe continent, by tending 2renu to ' ' URS. HEATH, C47 nrntdwav. New YorkCiiy. Rnldbv R. M. Hnirenburh. Kloouihbure l N. L. Rank . fcCo,, Dauvilfit; Jacob Lavvall, Catafcauqua ; A, n.l - - October!. IWi'-lSni. THIS AVAY OHKAP BUYERS. BLOOMrtBURO cheap cusli Storn. again replenished with a frenh ktock of &I'RLXI COOU6-WO are now prepared to offer to tho public a very hand.omo lot o bprmg uud BUiumer'Uuousat utuai low prices, tor KEADY PAY, ONLY,- Come along wilh.your cash and produce. 11. C. 1. W. IIARTM AN. M.nrcll 31, iibH, OOD NEWS FOR LADIES 1 uv Ladv who will send her address tu Mrs. E. Cue- aoer, Ualtiiuore, Md., with threu three-penuy postage stainpi included, will receive by return mail, something of importance to her, "Woman, knoto Thvstlf and be Ilappv, Sept.Si.lWsO. Town Lots Fur Salo-. CEVERAL desirable building; lots In nioomsburg for saif , or particulars iniaire ot Vf, WIRT. Uloornsburg, Juno 23, ISfO-lf, rpWO MEN to Hoop Vowder Kegs Good wacesand l iteaay employment given. Mills, near Liitht Buctt Sept, M, 1?60 at Thomas Tnnchc's all This Machine possesses tho threo grand rciutiites, sfm in. u. uitiii, J. V, MA11TIN. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. WHEHEAS, bj tho laws of tbo Com ! inonwLalth, it Is made "the duty of the PherUT of every county to give notice of the (Jcnerol Ktections by publication in one or moro newspapers of the county, at least twenty days before tho Election," and tocnii mernte therein 'the ofllcrrs to bo fleeted," and to des ignate til place at winch tho elertton is to be held." 'iherefure, I, JUlIN HNVUKH. High Pheriir of Columbia countv. do hi-rebv mahc known and proclaim tothoouHli NINTH DAY OF UCTOllJ'R, being the second Tus. day tn said .Month, at thu several diatrtit within the lounty, to wit: iH'Oion tovviisnip, ni tne nouso 01 jl.zikui Lore, now Utcupieil by John Lole. , neavir luwnsiup, at tne nouso 01 1 ranKiin LBiiuman. llloom townshir. at the Court House, ltloomsburif. Hriarcreek tovf iibhip, at tlie Hcboot Huusu, near Evan's Mill. Horougliof ucrwici.'Btlhe Town House, in Berwick. Cuttawissii towtiihlP. at the liousu of Ma unit, 1 Koiteu- bader, CatLtvvissa. Centre township, at tlio liuase 01 jerenituli ilcss,dcc'd. Couyngham tiiw naliip. at the house of R. R, Wasser FithiiiKcruek twp., at the houne of (leu. Y. HottnidU. Franklin townshi-p, ut Clayton's School Houmc. Urucnwoud tow nahip, at the house of Joseph R, Tatlon. Hemlock towiihliip, ut the Duck Horn. Jackhon township, at the housu of Ezckicl Cole. Lcii(it twp., at the house of J. L. Hurst, Slabtown, Ml III in township, at the house of lm Keller. Madison twp.; ut the house of John Willi ver,d"c'd. Mount rieasint twp., at the hotise of Win. lluUhiuson. Montour townahin.&t the house of JulmRtthartls. now onupiud by Willium HoUiugshuad. 0 nn n lownsnip, ai me nouse 01 isanc leucr. Roaiinscrtik township, at thg public house of John Snyder. uraiige township, at thd house of Alexander Hughes, Oruuijeville. fine loivnsnjp, at toe nouse 01 albert uunterr Hij,'urloaf low nship, ut the house of Almas Colo, fcicnit twp., lit the hull ue if Enoch Howill, Espy. It is directed that the eluition of thu said sev eral dislriits sliull be opcued between 11m hours of a nnd in o iio(,K,iii i lie loreiioou, unu finau coiiunuw open wun out httiYruptoni and ac)jouriHiieiit, uutil ? o'clwck-lu the tveliiuit. w hull the oulln mIiuII h-i clomd. 1 ne ouners 10 us 1 iccio j ai 111 j; tuae ana places aioru nam. uri: A Governor A Jtfcmbtf of CoitgresSy A State iietiutor Two Members of' Assembly. One person for JPtothonotury, Clerk of the Loan of lluarter oe&sioni uj the Ur-i phans Court, and of the Coiut if Oyer and Tennwr, One person for Register and Recorder t A County Commissioner y A County Auditor, It Is further directed that the incutincs of the return judges at the Court Housj in Hlooiiisburg. to uskj out the general eUelion, whicirwill be the twelfth day ot October. w The Congrcsilonal return Judges of the Twelfth His , trict, coinuosnd of the counties of Columbia. Luzerne, Montour and Wyoming, will uieeiat the Court House, in JfloouiBburg, on Tuesday, the Fifteenth day of October lieu, to make otit returns lor member of Congress. The Senatorial return Judges of the Thirteenth Sena tonal District, composud of tht counties of Snyder. Nor thumberland, Montour and Columbia, will meet at the Court Houses in tho borough of Sunburyi in thu county of Northumberland, oil Tuesday, the Fiiteeuth day of Oc tober next, to mukeout returns for tit ate. buuatur. The return Judncs of the Representative I)itmt, com (losed of the couuiies of Wjuiing, feuHivan, Columbia und Montouf, shall meet at tho Court House, in lllooms burg, In the county of Columbia, 011 Tuesday, thu Fif teenth day of October make out returns for mem bcrs of Assembly. And in and by the said act, I am further directed to give notice that every person, excepting Justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the Government of the United States, or of this titute, or of any city or Incorporated district, w hether a comtnisHioiipd ofheer or otherw isc. a subordi nate iih per or aueut. w hn la. or hnll be eniDloved under the legislative, or executive, or Judiciary department of mis stall, or 01 any incorporated district, ami ai&o mai every member of Congress, and of the select or common council of any city, cnininirj-ioiicM of any incorporated, bylaw, incapable of holding or exercniug at the ame time, the office or appointment of Judge, inspec tor or clerk of auv election of thU coiiimonwLaltli, and that no inspector, judge or any officer of any suih elec tion auaii dj engiDie 10 any ouiee man iu un vuiuu tur. Given under my hand and enl, at my office in Woe-ins burg, thu li-Jd day of September, A. li., lew). JOHN SNYDER, Bloom-burg, Bpt. 8S. 1HM). Sheriff. . tShcriir's Sale. virtue of a certain writ of Levari 'acias. to me directed, issued out of thoM'oiirt of Common TU-as, of Columbia rounty, will be exposed tu putilic sate, ai 111c uouri nouse, in uiooumonrg, on Saturday. Ike 20 day tf October 1800, at two o'clock In the nKuriioort of said day, a certain Tlt.iLT 'Jl i(an 1 1, hliuaio lu rine, late .iiaaisou rown fchip and lJrcnwood townslilp. be j; inning at a post thenru Lv lund l.iie of Ell iMeildeuhall. North tlilrtv- twn degrees, East ow hundred und niutty livepenlies to a post, (hence South seventy-four degrees Eabt, forty two and tt is lit-ten tin terches to a post, thcnc by Irani rierr, ami joiiainau i.mnoii, Douin loriyiuree auu inree ft m r ill ilecrees. West, two ImnJred and eleven and one' l.-uth perihus to the place of b'-giumnj, containing TWENTY-FIVE ACRES and ONE HUNDRED AND FOItTV-SEVEN TERCHES, strict measure. Si-ifd, taken in execution, uud to be sold as the prop, erty-of Isaac Tyler. J0ILV SNYDER, Hlirntrr's OrrirE, t Sarriff. Illoninsliilrc, tVit.:j, 1ST. I piCII GOLDEN PLACER I Mour, cr.iiT.virj than OALlFOll.MA ORJ'lKE'S PEAK S The .Most Splendid and Liberal Enltrprxsi Ever Offered. General .Manufacturing Agency for the sale of the following catalogue of goods, tO Worth more than 500,000 Dollars.'all of which will be sold at $1 iU each, irrespettive of value, Cirlilkates stating what each pen-on can have ure placed in envelopes, sealed, and given out as called lor. Every article in the foil wing catalogue will be sold for $1 i!5each. It is optional with those wishing to pur chase, w huthcr "thej pay tor and laku the armies alter ONLY 51.25 EACH! The S3 ceRts tuMtbe patdin ad r ante and icUt be returned in ff Otitis, 100 Gold Hunting Cased WulJiui, CI CHI 00 each, Utn Gold WaUhes, (5 ("0 - 2K) Ladies Cold Watches, 35 00 5(111 Silvor Wutihes, 15 00 " 500 Gold tlu.trd, Vest t Chntelain Chains, 20 00 " 3Hk Cdliieo'Hrooclnfs, 0 00 3'mmi Miuit' and Jit HroocJies, 5 00 :iiKN) Lav a bud Florentine Urooches, 5 00 " :iooo Coral, l.merald and Opal TrooLhcs, 5 ) 3000 Cumeo Ear-Drops, 5 IH) " 3XK) Moi-aic and Jet Ear-Drops, 5 00 ' 3iHW 1-tva and Fluruntine Kar-Drnns, 5 00 UOtHl Coral. Emerald and Omil Ear Drons, 5 00 vouo mosaic ana c ameo uraccieis 3 00 to 10 00 (.hmj) (K-nts' Itreastpins 1 OO IO I) on 1 00 to 7 00 1 no to I. oo 1 oo to 7 00 3 50 to 7 UO s on to 5 co 2 50 to 7 00 .jouo vvnicn tvB, ytXMJ Fob untl Ribbon Slides, IMUHJ tttsolfl(nnmStuJe, ytHHl Mttve lluttons, IHXiO I'Iaiu Rings, TIHjU Ston Sit Rings, 7U"i retts Ladies' Jewelry, 3 (Ml to 3 TO Tliiiip arlimt ai Aeettts. will collect the advanre nay- nmnt u( 'i5 cents on each Certificate ordered for Goods. and remit us 10 cents on earn, Tire rimamiug 15. cents on eai h, they can reserve as their commission no com iiusnen allowed on remittances of less than onj dollar on urn rfniifBlod to at I a A ire nt for US. Wo will e$changs, and give our cutoiiiers any goods on our Lit in plain of those their Certificate call for, watches excepted. N.H. Agents wanted iu every town, Circulars sent IT Address all communications to C. J. DOL'GHERTV. No. 4 i South Third St., Vhiladslphia, Ta, 1-pt.W, 1P60-3bi. NEW TINWARE SHOP. MAIN STREET, OTTOSITE THE EXCHANGE. mHE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and j me pumic ceiieruiiy. vnai uu nua iiuiciiukcu mo stock ol li. t;. jilliaru, una opt-ncu j nr.iv un 3 WARE AND SiiUET IRON ESTAULl& lu the building formerly oci upied for that purposeU by Uie fcaid Mr. Milliard, where he Is prepared to con duct tha butiaess in all its vat lous branches. Tinware and Housu spouting of all kinds made to or der on short nottc and ut moderate prices. A 1st -STOVES, of various Stjles, comUlltly for tolc. Repairing dona tu order in quick time, ITV' Country produce taken in echa.iee for work, PIIILIT S. MOVtR. Cloounbur, Fibmary U, 15-53. efficiency theso machines aro The Exccutlea of Walker. Tbo report that tho career of tho so called General Walker has bcn brought to a sudden and fearful end, is full con firmed hy intelligcnco just received. Uo was shot at Truxillq by order of tho pub lio authorities of Honduras j and his com panions, with tho exception cf Col. Rudlor who Avas also executed, wcro allowed to depart unmolested. Walker foil a victim to tho violated Law of Nations. Whatever f&cts may bo alle ged in oxtonnatiou of his conduct, or how ever dexterous hia skill may appaar in ova ding tho legal consequences of his piratical expeditions, thcro can be no doubt that ac cording to tho codo universally adopted by civilized nations, ho has legally and justly porished. He was a selfish, cruel, and unprincipled man; mulish and obsti nate in tempcr-and his plans were utterly weak and impracticable. Ho was neither a hero nor a man of great purposes, but an unscrupulous adventurer, and a practi cal invader of provinces at peace with tha United States. The' su firings, cruelties and bloodshed which havo attended him from his first raid upon Nicaragua to tho present timo, havo now met tho retribution they deserved. The ExccuUou of Walker. New Yoiik, Oct. 3. Tho Havana DiariOy received by tho arrival of tho Cahawba, contains an ao count of te ex ecution of General Walker. Ho died with fortitude, professing to bo a Catholic., lie said that his war upon Honduras was wrong and that he alono was to bin mo, aeccptiug death with resignation. New York Dferaofrdiic.SUto tfommttco . I'OUM.VTIOK Or THE UNION TICKET. Albany, Oct. aEvening. The Union ticket has been finally formed. Green C. JSroiwou has been substituted for-' Henry S.'llandall, Elector at largo. Tha Doug las Statu Committee has also endorsed tho fusion. Win, U. Grain, of Herkimer, has been substituted for Wm. 1? Allen, for Licutcuaut-Governor. 13ALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. 1) It. JOHNSTON, THE founder of this Celebrated Institution, ofllrs th most lertalu, sjieedy, and only effectual remedy la the world for clfocts fr Gleets, Strictures, Seminal weak ness. Tains In thu Louis, Constitutional Debility, Impo teucy, Weakness of the llaik and Liuiba, Affections of the Kiunevs, Talpitntion of the Heart, Dispepsia, Ner vous liriiubility, Disease of thu Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, and all those serious and melancholy Disorders arising trom the destructive habits of Vouth, which de stro)s both body and mind. These secret und solitary p rati ices, are moro mini to mtir viiviuis man iav ug ui the Syrens to the mariners Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes and anticipations, rendering marriage &.., iiupu-iaiuii;, .'l.lllUl.VUfi. Married ucraons. or Yonue Men corncmDlaflnj mar riage, being aw ar-t of physical weakness, organic usabili ty, aeiormiues, cH suuuiu iiumeuiaitriy cousuu ui. Juhiiatou, and bi restored to perfect In tilth. He who places hilnself under thu Ure of Dr. John i ton, may nligiuusly i on fide 111 his honor as a gentleman, ana coutideutly rely upon hW skill as a ph)siciai:, ORGANIC WEAKNESS immediately cured uud full igur rectured. Thla ilfy It Ihn ts.-itullv liifskt tV iilJi?nll V Tift lit fi thoM-i who hive become the viitim ot improper Indulgen cies. Young persons are too upt lo commit excess from not being aware of the dreuuful couseiuvnce that may ensue, Now, who that understands the subject will pre tend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those fulling into improper habits than by the prudent. Kesidcs being deprived ot thu pleasure of beulthy off springs, the mesl serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes derang ed; the physical and mental powers weakened, nervous debility, d)spepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, a wasting 01 the frame, Cough, Symptoms of Consump tion, &.C. Oihce, No. 7 South Fredrick Street, seven doors from Uultuuure street. East side, up the steps. He par ticular in observing the NAME and NUMUER, or you will mistake Hie place. A Cure liarrcnttd, or e Charge Madi,in from One 'I'teo Vau. NO MERCURY OR NAU3 COL'S DRUGS USED. Itil. JUtl.VSlV.Y, Memr of the Rojal College of Surgeons, at London. Gradu.tte from one ot the nil eminent Colleges of lha United States, and the greater purl cf whose life has been spent in the Ural Hospitals of Loudon, Tans, Phila delphia and ttlsewhere. lias ejected somu of the luont as tonishing cures that were ever known, many troubled with ringing iu the head and ears wh'n asleip, great iierounet, being alarmed at kudduti sounds, and bash fulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derdiiguiucnt of mind, were tured immediately, A CERTAIN DISEASE. When tho misguided and Imjirudeut votary of pleaiura finds he hart imbibed Ihe Sicds ol this painful dibeasv, it loo often happens that an ill liind sense ofshamu or dread of disiovery. diters him from appl)iug to llioko w hu fiuili edut,atiou and respi-ctdbility lau aloiitj bt friend him, dt.fa)iiig till the constuutiouary symploms of this horrid disiau nvaKes their uppearaijce, suih us uliurated Kore throat, diseased nose, nuLturce, pains in thu head and limbs, tlimiieitu of tight, dtafness, nudes on the skin bones, and arms, blotches on the head, lace and ttxtreiui . ties, progremmigwith rapidity, till ntjaet the palate of the mouth und bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this desOdno buiomesa horrid obleitof coiumissttrutioii till death puts a period lo hi dreudtul sufferings, by sen thug hiui to "that bourne from whence uo traveller re turn a." To such, therclure, Dr. Jobiiktuu pledges him selftupreservethe inoti envioable secrecy, and Irom his extensive pruiticu in thu first Hospitals ot Europe and America, tu ianLonfidently rn mmcud eaf and speedy cure to the unfortunate v ictnn of this horrid disease. TAKEf PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have ipjaied thenm-lvss b) private und improper ludulginc-es. Tliese uro some el thu sad uud melancholy iLTecta'pro duced by early habits ufjouth, tit. Wtakntts of thu Hark und Limbs, Tain in the Head, Dimness of Sight. Loss of Mutiiular Power, Talpitatiuii of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irratal-ility. Derangement of the Digea Uvh Fuuiiious, General Debility, sjniptorat of Consump tion, k.c. MliN'TALLY. Thu feuiful elVects upon thu mind are muih to bu dreaded. Loss of Mctnorv, Confusion of Ideas Dipresiou of Iho Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion of Society, Timit), &.c, urn some of the oils produced. Thousands ofpeisuus of all ages can now Judge what is the cuusc of Ihuir declining health. Loosing their vigor, becoming wt.ak, pale und emaciated, having sin guiar nppearanc about the eyes, cough and ) uiptoms of lniiHliiimt.nli. DR. JOll.NSTON'R INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAK.NESS. Uy this great and unportaut remedy, weakoess of tho organs are speedily tured, uud full igor restored. Thuuitands of ihe most nervous and dibilitated, who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Phsicul und Menial Disquali fication, Nervous Irratabilltyrmubliiigsand Weakness or L-xhiustHiiou of the mot I teaitul kind, speedily curud by Doctor Johnston. - YOUNG MEN. Who have Injure! thmselvcs by a certain practice, . indulged in when alone- aliabit frcuKlitl) learned from evil lompanluns, or at fcchool the fleets of which are nighily telt, even when ash-ep, ami it not mred renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, fchould apply immediately, , What pitty that youmr nun, the hope of his rohntry, and the tUiliug o hu parents, should be snatched irom all prospects and rnjovmenls of lite, by the consuquen ct a if deviating trom the path of nature, and indttlgiag in a sertain secret habit. Such persons be fort iou tuiuplauiig. MARRIAGE should reflect tliat a sound mind and body are the most necessary lequisitu's to promote lonunbiul happiness udi-bd, without theny the journey through life becomes a waary pilgiiniage, the prospect hourly darkens to thn view, the mind beciints thadowud with despair et 1 filled with the im lancholy rtiiedion that the happiness of another beeonn-s blightrd with our own, OlTlCU NO." SOUTIlFREDERICKi3T..J?aiisr,.Vi AM. ttlinGICAI. OPE RATION b 1EUFORMED. N. U -L-t no fulsu modesty prevent you, but apply, immediately either personally nr by Letttr, DlvlJN lil&lj.SIa DI'l.l-AJliJ Vvl'AW.l. The mmiv thousand tured at tins institution within the lat 15 )ears, and the numerous import art Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by IIIC reporters Ol mo papers nun ii i mi y iurr it,pWu., nt- ticei of w hirh have appeared agalii and again heforu tha public, besides his standing ai a gentleman of ha ratter and a sumcittnt guaraatiatotUc uttiicUl, 1 ' TAKE NOTICE. IS? R. Ther ore so many ignorant and worlhleta auacits advctlisiuz thnns Ives Thyiiciaiis, ruining th health cf Ihe already aflheted, that Dr. John lion deem-f itneivisary to say, especially tn those, unacquainted with his reputation, that bis credentials and i!tplrra alw-avs hang hi his odice. E- TAki. NoTtcs. AU IwtUia must b poit paid, and 1 ciatam a ponagc stamp tur tht Ivplt or no answ ct v I be sent. March 17. 13C0.