COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT 9 LEVI L. TATE, Editor. ;VOL. 14.--NO. 31. THE fCiitumlmt Jntutrrnt II PtfBLlSItUD EVIRT 8ATCRDAT MOttfrNO, BT ILCVfi li. TATE, IN BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA OOUNTT, TA. ofiTce H the new Titlek Building, trpottte th Kitkanet, tide f tt Court House. "Democratic Head Quarter i." terms op suuscnrrTiox. ,t $ 00 In advance, for one copy, fur six months. I 75 In a-Jvanre for one ropy one year. S M If not paitl ithin the lirst three month, f 3 54 If not puiri within the frrnt bU months. 2 50 If not paid within the year. T N'O gllbtcriutlon taken for lr-4 tlinn fclv mnntha. W,i.'nd no paper discontinued uutilall arrearaaca shall havt titen paid. fi OriHnnri' Anvv-nTKPMB-wTo Inoorinl nn.t In. urnnif TO-MOllUOW Did we but know what lies beyond Tills varied, shadowy path we tri-ad, How often would our souls despond, Our eyes the tears of sorrow hed I But Ood, who knows what's best to do, Who sees in fiom hi, starry throiiCi lias wisjly hidden from our lew That which had best remain unknown. W walk to-day in conscious pride. And nans the Hag of hope on high ; But ah! to-morrow by our side Borne friend miy lay him downwind die ; Borne early flowers that woo our praise, Some sltr where we laid our trust; Such flower, fro dies th3 evening rays, Way trampled be, and laid in dust. Youth dreams of many glorious tilings, As on hehies in pleasure's track ; Each day some new born promise brings, I(e turns no eye of sorrow back; The' flowery fields arc all before-, His eyes on tome bright star are set ; Life is to him a sunny chore, ftp tit 1Carn 11 llS lliatIow'i 'rt k,W To-morrow! In its secret shade I little know what Is for me ; N(hjj may b0 with my falher laid. gftS'A 0r wrecked on dire mUfortune's sea, " Butfar bpyoniMife's boundary Uvea The everlasting army bright, Antl ,Ic who takasor give, Can 8ulJo iy wandering feet aright. ADDRESS iV To the Yulcrs ortlia I'nclili Cungress ional District. READ AND CIRCULATE. ,ffOu tho second Tuesday of October, the voters of this District will bo called upon " to cast their suffrages for a Representative . -11 in Congress. Ever fince tho organization ofj.tho District, it has boon steadily and , largely Democratic. Owing to causes flth " or than party strength, the Opposition has, 'now and then, carried tho Distiict, bir every well informed man knows that the - VTwelf h" is to-day thoroughly opposod to the doctrines ot'Rlack Republicanism as jt previously was to the other forms .which tho Opposition has, from timo to time, assumed. The "irrepressible con flict" and tho disguised Abolitionism of Seward, Sumner, Giddingi and Grecly, .are viewed with loathing and disgust by i the sturdy yeomanry of Wyoming, Lu "rerno, Columbia and Montour. 'I he leaders of tho Abolition party in this Dis trict, know, full well, that to succeed thoy -inust deceive, and their past couduct, as well as their present position, lead us to beliovo that systematic deception, smooth hypocracy, and an unsparing use of mon key, will again be their resort. Voters of 'the "Twelfth," a word with you about 'thp candidates who aro scckbg your suff i rages, and tho priuciplos involved in their - selection. .JEhe Republican candidato GEORGE W. SCRANTON, , is the present incumbent. Ho is a gentle ,if man of intelligence, of good moral charac ter,-and ot great wealth. Ho camo to Luzcrna county some twenty years ago tind settled in tho upper end of tho county TjTeouipany with other parties ho bought land laid out a town speculated in towni lots built a furnace started a store j ...and mado money. Liko thousands of i other men, ho has been successful in busi-! ness, and has acquired that kind of local greatness which belongs to money and sue esss. Two years ago, whilo the opposition were calling themselves tho "Peoplo's par ty," .'soma half a dozen politicians slatted the name ot ur. bcrantou lor Congress. ThRev. Reuben Nelson and Davis Alton I Esrt . wcrft rilronrlv in tlm fiold 'rime' gentlemen were known as thorough-going ntiti'slavcry men, and tho sincere aboli tionists were their friends. Rut their claims were disregarded. A fraud was to bo 1 perpetrated, and neither Nelson nor Al-' ton ' were tho men to head it, In Mr. Scranton wes found the iustrument which the manipulators could handle. Engaged fo'ri twenty years in tho pursuit of wealth, , be had not troubled himself about politics 1 h"ad not even professed to have any po- J litical opinions, and had cared little for ' parties or partizans. To nominate such a man, said tho wire-pullers, will bo a mas ter-troko of policy. Ho was nominated. Tho shrewd speculator was all at once become the politician and the leador of a party. Reforo him was Congress behind him Wall street. To work ho went. Leaving to tho wiro-pullers aforesaid tho task of reconciling tho friends of Nelson and Alton -tho honest abolitionists ho himself solicited iu person tho support of Democrats on tho ground that ho was just M touch a Democrat as anybody. When they qucbtioned him, he pointed to his votes for Rigler for Wright for Buchanan and pledged himself, if electid, to pur Buea conservative, no-party course. His importunity, if not entirely modest, was certainly very earnest. Tho trick suc ceeded. Dcmoerat3 , voted for Scranton the Democrat old lino Whigs voted for Scranton tio AVhig, The abolitionists votod for Scranton, the auti-ilavery man BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA-, A finaucial panic had overspread tho world Scranton was tho Archimedes, and Congress the levor, which was to lift tho world out of its despondency and despair up into thehappicr atmosphere of wisdom and wealth. Mr. Scranton was elected. He went to Congress with tho good wishes tho confidence, and tho votes of all parties How did ho fulfill his high-obligations ? Where does ho stand now ? Thoso are pertinent question to tho voters of this District now that ho asks for a rc-olection. Let tho following artiole from tho Luzerne Unton of September l'Jth, express our views on this point ! COL. SCRANTON. The Republicans of this district hava nominated Uol. Scranton unanimously for ro-elcction to Congress. Wo expected this Would bo the case ; indcod, had it not been bo lor other reasons than the positivo deo lination of tho Colonel, it would have been an instanco of flagrant ingratitudo from his party. So far tho nomination seems to havo fallen still born upon the public. It must look omnious to the Colonel and his car- titans when they contrast the reception of ma nomination two yeas ago anu now. Wo learn that then all was enthusiasm.on evory strott corner and from overy alhy and by path was heard the shout for "Scranton." Ho represented himself and was represented by his friends as havng no sympathy withpartizan Republicans. Ho had voted forRigler in '54, for Packer in '57, for Col Wright for Congress in '! l and it was said boldly that ho did not vote for Fremont, and many were tho insinua tion3 among Democrats that ho voted for Buchanan. His election was asked on tho ground that tho business interests of tho district, prostrated and languishing, do manded the election of a man who was thoroughly identified with themf and who would go to Congress above partizan ob jects and ready to co operate with any party to advance our great industrial con cerns. Col. Scranton will not himself de ny that this was the position ho put him self in before tho people. Ho even wont so far as to insist that Hon. G. A. Grow could not speak in his behalf in this county because of this ultra partizan position and aUo because ho was known to be a freetrader, and had voted in Congress in favor of reducing tho Tariffin 1857. Mr Grow was tent back to the Wilmot district leaving his Appointments at l'i tstou and other plncos to be filled by others. Now what did this man Scranton, when ho took h'u scat in Congress, with all thc.o pledges to his constituents retting upon him I The very first vote he cait in that body was for tlii- same free trader, Grow, for Speaker I And nut only for Grow tho freo trader,but also for Grow the bitter, malignant aboli tionist, who recently made a speech at Montrose, which will be found reported in the Rec ircl of tke Times of week before last, and which for violence of language and intemperate abolition sentiment, is fill ly up to the standard of Win. Lloyd Gar rison or John Drown! For weeks Col. Scranton, forgetting his conversatism, for getting the tariff, forgetting every pledge no nad given during tne canvass, tor Uis election, struggled to organize tho House by placing such a man in tho chair, where his word would be law in tho formation of committees, and where his influence would bo potential with his party on all matters of Legiilatiou. After having spent weeks in this fruitless attempt to organize tho House, under tin goadiugs of the pres and the unmi-takablo prossuro of public sentiment at homo, Uo1. Scranton profess ed to return to and be wil ing to redeem his oft-violated pludges, and to vote for a conservative caudida'o for speaker. He therefore le't Mr. Grow and voted for Smith of North Carolina. He, and a few acting with him, worn taken at their word, and Mr. Smith was elected ; but behold, as soon as the result was known, and before it was announced by tho clerk, Col. Scran ton changed his vote, thus undoing what hud been done in good faith. The wholo country was amazed at this act of perfidy, and Col. Scranton found it necessary to explain from tho floor of Congress. And what was his excuse? Standing upon that floor where truth and caudor and fraukuefs should bo most sacredly regard ed if anywhero iu tho wide world, ho pro claimed that his reason for changing his vote was that Mr. Smith was not sound on tho tatiffl Now Mr. Scranton will not pretend that he had any conversation with Mr. Smith on tho tariff between the time of his voting for him and tho timo of chang ing his vote. This reason then was nei ther frank or honest, but as though to make- his insincerity moro palpable, he had all along been voting for Grow, a known and avowed freo trader ! His voto for Smith then was only for tho purposo of satisfying the conservative element of his district, which he thought he could cast safely, as there could bo no danger of his of his election. These wore exploits in the last Congress and beyond these his constituents heard nothing of him as of tho least importance in that body. to their interests or tho inter ests of tho country at largo. . Ho has loca ted himself with the Republicans, and no specious pretenses will avail him now for tho purposo of obtaining Democratic votes. Ho is entitled to the support of tho Ropub. licaus, but tho prcstiso about him which carried him so triumphantly through tho j campaign before is broken. Democrats ' need not fear him, with anything like a , respectable nomination. This district can and.must bo redeemed, and Mr. Scranton j will find this timo as ho passes through tho 1 district, that his glory has departed, and that instead of bonfires and illuminatious AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. "TO HOLD AND TRIM THE and huzzas, ho will meet the sullen deter mination of a people who will not bo twice deceived. The only intellectual feat performed by our rcpresanta live in Congress, was tho rooital of a long, dry manuscript essay on conservatism, o., which we judgo must have been remarkable at least for clearness as tho reports stato that the Hall of the House was soon left nearly vacant. As some indication of the standing of bur representative among his coteinporaries,we quoto a paragraph from the corrcspon Uenco of tho lVeio York T'mcs (a Rcpub Heap, paper,) published during tho last session of Congress. Speaking of Mr. Scranton it says : "He is a very good looking man, and might do in a board of directors of a rail road company, yot how such a man came to bo pitchforked into Congress, is a niys toryl" Tho Democratic candidate. DAVID R. RANDALL, is a member of tho bar of Luzerne county, to which ho was admitted in 1818. He is now forty-two years of age. His father, was a New Hampshire farmer, who came to-Chenango county, New York, when Randall was six years old, and died there some eight years later, leaving a largo family of children and littlo property. Young Randall found himself, at the ao of fifteen, the head of a family, who look ed to him for Eupport and protection. Left thus, with seven brothers and sisters, younj; Randall strusrclcd on to Bunnort tho family aud educate himself. Day Jimo found him at his work on tho farms in tho neighborhood, or any other lubor tuatho could nnd to do that was honora ble, and tho night-time found hiin at his boons ty tno liglit ot pmo faggots. In I Wilmot proviso should bo applied to this this way ho educated himself and support- I Territory, and that slavery should be for ed a widowed mother and his brothers and i over prohibited within its borders. Tho si-tcrs, till he arrived at tho ago, and ac- Southern men, on tho other hand, domand quired tho necessary education, to cuablo ed a positive recognition of slavery. Con him to become a teacher. In this pro- gross refused to grant cither of theso ex fessiou ho rose rapidly till ho become a I trcmo requests, and left tho matter entire teacher in the Seminary of tho town near i ly to tho people of tho Territory. When by. 1 hero ho labored with the satuo en-1 thty ahull request to be admitted as Stales, crgy that had charactciizcd him from I it icill then he fur them in ttr i, n,,tia, early boyhood, and was finally appointed Superintendent ot Common bcbools for tlm county of Chenango. Devoting his H.Ll''11?,0..00011 concluded to enter upon tho study of tho law, lie accordingly entered his uaniB,"1"' suoum seuie tne qucs ion. no in the office of Ransom Ralcomb, now ono ' did not sav that thev had tho nowur to do of the Judges of tho Supreme Court of uujjiuiiiu vuuri ui o.w lorK. ims was in 1040, anu hi continued to read law illi Judgo Ral -T r1 fill. . - . .A.r. 1 . comb till 184(1, being obliged, however, to devote much time to teaching, itc, to support tho family. Judgo Ralcomb be came so much interested iu his student that of late years he has several times visited Providence for tho purposo of spending a few days with him at his home. In 1810 Mr. R. left his homo and came to this county, commencing hero to build up his fortune by teaohingsoon after on teriug his name with Charles Silkman, Esq., of Providence. Hero, as in Now York, lie was obliged to teach day-times aud study nights, tor there was ever be foro him the dependenco of his mother, brother and sifters. Strufflina alonz with persistent energy, in 1818 ho was admitted to the Bar of Luzerne. Ho opencd an office at Providence, nnd soon Ins studious habits, frank manners and ready business tact, brought him clients, the number of whom increased, till of late years ho has had a large aud fucrativo practice. Mr. Randall u a frugal, industrious, honest, hlunt man. llo always says, what he means and means what he says. From his practieo ho has accumulated a . .('.,-oi.i i,.., r- aided largely to educato his young broth- ors and sutors, tho youngest ot whom, a , sister, ho is now supiKirting at a female Somiaary in New York. His mother died the present season, not living long enough to witness the honors so soou to no exten ded to her son, by a peoplo who havo witnessed his heroic struggles in life, and who will over reward thoso who havo tho manhoodj courage, ability and will to rise superior to all obstacles in youth, and mako to themselves a plaoo among the nun of our cbuutry. At tho Bar ho is univer sally respected ; indeed we beliovo that Judgo Conyngham was the first to suggest his namo for Congress, and there is not, among over fifty members of our Bar, ono to bo found, no matter what may bo his politics, who will not bear cheerful testi mony to tho integrity aud high character of David R. Randall. Indeed his truthfulness, candor and honorable bearing are proverbial, and wo challenge tho severest scrutiny of tho character of our gallant standard bearer. His nomination was a tributo of which any man might bo proud. Tho offico sought the man, not thu man the office. Mr, Randall has all his life been a steady, consistent, thorough Democrat. Ho is an earnest supporter of tho electoral ticket formed at Reading, and regards the do feat of Sectionalism as tho paramount ob ject to bo attained at tho coming election. His views upon the Tariff aro jiut thoso which all intelligent Pennsylvanians en tertain, and are equi-distant from the bald heresies of such Republicans us AViU mot, Grow and William 0. Bryant, on tho ono hand, and from thoso of such idealists, droaniers and Abolitionists as Henry 0. Carey, on the other. In regard to the homcstoad bill, ho would so direct legislation as to givo every old soldier a home and people our western prairies with honast industry, while he would restrain, TOUCH OP TRUTH AND WAVE IT if poisiblo, that corrupt tido of legislation which is pouriug wealth into tho coffers of tho monster corporations, whoso existence is a reproach to America, tho world over. THE DUTY OF DEMOCRATS. With such a nomination regularly made, no Democrat should for a moment hesi tate as to what his duty is. Let us not be twice deceived. Mr. Scranton has for feited nil claim to Democratic eupport.. Ho is running now as tho candidate of a party whoso only hopo of oxistenco is in perpetuating sectional ttrifo and in main taining eternal agitation. Let us rcdeom tho District, and provo our attaohniont to tho ancient faith. Especially lot the young Democracy rccoguizc in "tho nomi nation of honoU Davo Randall a tribute to those rjualilics, which, sooner or later, bring their own reward. Let them sco in it an illustration of tho truth, that industry, good character, high honor and a steady adherence to sound principles, is better than wealth or wire-pulling. Let us all sco to it, that the Twelfth Congres sional District is not again mis-represent- cu upon the lioor ot Uongrcss. A LEAF FROM THE RECORD. A friend has placed in our hands a copy of a speech delivered by Mr. Douglas in tho city of New York on the first of Juno, 1854, immediately after tho passago of tho Kansas-Nebraska bill, which, has an im portant bearing at this time, showing as it does how Mr. Douglas then understood tho Senatorial question. We call attention to the following extract : " Some of tho Northern members of ! My object, as Chairman cf tho Committco on Territoiins. w.ia to nnnfnrm ;n, il, . principles of tho compromise of 1850." IntMa speech Mr. Douglas indicated I . c"' 1,1 m3 P"1101'. the people of the Tor- ! so at nnv imn if-r tl, m -,,,!, -.t;. r . &o at anytime after tho oiminizat on t 4" .fa...faMV.u. v. -M "I ""'J '"') they shall request to hcudmiiled us States which request was of course to bo mado through a Stato Constitution. , Furthermore, ho said that his object was to conform with the principles of tho compromise of 1850. What were those principles? This question is diiectly answered by'the celebrated report of Mr. I Clay upon introducing tho Compromise bills. Listen to the lancuano of that ro- ' port : " The true principle which ought to regulate tho action ot Uongrcss in form ing territorial governments for each newly ' acouired domain, is to refrain from all j legislation on the subject in the territory ! acquired, so long as it retains tho territo- rial form of goernment leuvtng it to the people of suui ieinloiy, vilicn they have attained to a condition which entitles them to admission as a State to divide for tnemsciEes tne qwstion of lite allowance I or prohibition of domestic slaven." (See Congressional tiobe, May 10, 1850, page 015.) This evidonco is conclusive as to tho i understanding of Mr. Clay and Mr. Doug- lasof tLo P"11 f tho compromise of ieou. it cannot do repudiated now, nor can it be successfully controverted bv the advocates of squatter sovereignty. W venture to say that none of them will at tempt tho task. Tea. In Taylor's "Travels in China," the signification of some of tho names by which tho different brands of Teas aro known, aro given, which aro as follows making duo allowance for tho changes and corruption thoy undergo, in form and sound in being Anglicised; "Hyson" means "before the ruins," or "flourishing spring1' that is, early in tho spring.1' Hence it is often called "Young Hyson." "Hyson Skin'' is composed of tho refuse of the olhor kinds, tho native terms for which mean3 "tea skins." Rcfuso of a still coarser description, containing many stems, is called "tea bones." " Iiohea!' is the namo of tho hills in tho region where it collected. "Pehoi" or "JVcco'' means, "white hairs'" tho down on tho tender leaves. " roucliong " " folded plant. " " So tchong" "small plant." "'Iwankay" is the name of a small stream in tho prov ineo where it is bought. "Congo" is from a term signifying "labor," -from the caro required in its preparation. S Cesar, dis chilols gwino to Wash ' ington to ply for offis ob do Government.' " Well what ate you tryin' to got now, eh?" " I'so gwino to 'ply for do post ob Bos ton iu de post offis apartment." " Sexton ob post offis apartment?" " Yes, sab. '. I beyy de dead leters," O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." SATURDAY, OCTOBER G, I860. PICARD'S LETTER. At the special request of many persons, who wish to have the following letter and affidavit in connection, wo havo consented to republish both. One reason, why wo do it, is because it was attempted to throw a doubt upon tho author's credibility ; and tho letter with an affidavit to it will doubtloss scttlo tho matter, LETTER TO ANDREW G. CURTIN. Mn. Cuutin As you are now a promi nent candidate before tho people of this Commonwealth for the highest offico the people of a sovereign Stato alono can confer, aud as you doubtloss desiro every man in the State fo voto for )ou for Gov ernor, I take this reasonable occasion to givo you, as well as the public, my rea sons why I cannot and will not voto for you. Wheu you was Secretary of this Commonwealth, a circumstance occurred in Bellcfonte, the place whero you reside, showing satisfactorily to my mind that you possess too malicious a spirit to fill, with any creditable dogrce of dignity, tho honorable position of Governor over n freo, civilized and enlightened people. The circumstance was ono nf too uerious u nature to be lost ; and as I told you then, that I would on some future occasion re mind you of it, I shall now proceed to do so without tho fear of your itnvoLVEii in my mind. I will here first stato that I am only a poor man, and by profession am a hucks ter. At tho timo above rofcred to, I came to Bellefonto on business. I had an ex cellent dog with mo to guard my wagon. A number of boys began teasing tho dog by running at him; and some went so far as to throw stones at him. So soon as the dog would defend hiuisdf against these unjust attacks, the ungodly boys ran into the houses ; but no sooner had Iho dog again returned to his wagon, than tho boys would also return and repeat tho in sult. .Among thoso boys was the son of A. G Cuttin ; who, being a little tardy in leaching tho house, was caught by tho dog at tho leg of his pantaloons. Tho dog was at once recalled and tied in tho stable belonging to the hotel, so as to prevent the bos from teasing him. Soon after that you camo to me and asked me whether it was my dog that had caught your boy. I told you that you should keep a "littlo cool," and I would explain tho matter; but you would not hear mo, and walked off greatly excited, and returned with aitE VOLvun in jour hand and a crowd follow ing you. You walked up to mo and drew your revolver, and said : You Damn Dutch Son-qf-a-b 'i, if you say one word J 11 shoot yout G d D d Dutch Son-oj-a-b It's brains out !" That, Mr. Curtiu, was my introduction to our Secretary of Stato ! It was a loud and strong introduction ; and I must say I never had an introduction to any official gentleman (?) I so well remember. You then turned to tho poor dog and shot him thrco times, and said you had another ball left for me. Tho subscriber is ready at any time, when called upon, to verify those stato menls by good and reputable citizens who were present and witnessed tho seone. These, then, Mr. Curtiu, aro some of my reasons why I really and honestly think you aro unfit to bo tho head of a free Dutch and sovereign people liko that of Pennsylvania. You seem to have a very contemptible opinion of Dutchmen; but allow me, Sir, to tell you that tho Dutch men of Pennsylvania will show you by next October that they havo an equally con temptible opinion of you. Thoy will shoot you, not with revolvers,but with something moro effectual Knd honorable paper balls! R. PIOARD. Middloburg, Pa.' August 0, 1800. AFFIDAVIT. I, tho subscriber, am personally ac quainted with Col. Andrew G. Curtin,th present candidate for Governor. I was presontonly to wituoss tho latter part of tho sccrto,when Mr. Curtin shot Mr. Pick ard's dog. I lived in Bellefonto at tho timo it oc curred I hoard a fuss at tho stable be longing to tho Pennsylvania Hotel. I thought somo porsous wcro fighting nnd went to sco. When I camo thcro I saw Mr. Curtiu in a great rage, with a revol ver in his hand and damning and cursing Mr. Picard. AVliilo L was present Mr. Picard gave him no word which would in sult him, but Curtin shot tho "dog and de clared ho had another ball left for Mr. Picard. I did not know Mr. Picard be fore then, but I thought at tho timo, from the manner in which Mr. Curtin behaved ha would thoot him. And to say the least of it, thought Mr. Curtin was a ver ry daugorou3 man with a revolver in hand. After this oxcitement Curtin loft ond the crowd dispersed. SAMUEL II. SNYDER. Chapman, Sept., 17 1800. Snyder County is, Bcforo mo, tho subscriber, ono of the Justices of the Peace, in and for tho coun ty of Snyder, personally appeared, tho above named, Samuel II. Snyder, and af ter being duly sworn according to law, doth depose and say, that tho abovo state ment is true and oorrect to iho best of his knowledge HENRY MOTZ, J. P. Frceburg, Sept. IS, 1800. Honry D. Foster and tho Tariff. Wo recently published extracts from the speeches of Henry D. Foster, while a member of Congress from tho Westmore land District,, iu favor of a judicious tariff securing reasonable protection to tho great interests of Pennsylvania. From tho po sition taken in those ipoechcs, years ago, Mr. Foster has liev'er deviated in the slight est degree. As a representative in Con gross, as a candidate bcforo the pepple,and as an advocate of political principles on tho stump, he has ever maintained the most undeviating consistency upon this question. His record cannot bo impeach ed. And yet wo aro surprised to'seo that Mr. JI'L'lure tho Chairman of the Repub lican Stato Committee, and tho confiden tial friend t)f Mr, Curtin, had tho effronte ry to declare, in a speech recently deliver ed iu Philadelphia, that Mr.-Foster was opposed to tho Tariff and hostile to tho interests of Pennsylvania. Mr. M'Clure as a willy poli ician, and has tho reputa tion of not being over scrupulous in what ho says or does, but ho has not displayed his usual sagacity in thus flying in the face of the record, to help the sinking cause of Mr. Curtiu. If Mr. Foster is not a friend of Pennsylvania interests, there is not a man in the Commonwealth whose fidelity can bo relied upon. Mr. Foster's record can be pointed to as an evidence of his sincerity npon this ques tion, but whero is Mr, Curtin's record ? He professes to bo in favor of a Tariff,and wo havo no reason to doubt that ho is ; but it must not bo forgotten that he ii now using tho question as a political hobby, whilo he is associated with a party which has neither the power nor the disposition to legislate for the interests of Pennsylva nia. The peoplo of this State should un derstand that if they ever succeed in pro curing a Tariff favorablo to their interests it must bo through a combination of por tions of nil parties. It cannot be effected solely through a party so sectional and so unpopular with the conservatives of the country as tho Republican party commit ted to the doetrino of protection. It is truo that most of tho Republicans at tho last session of Congress voted in favor of Iho Morrill Tariff bill, but it was with the expectation that it could not pass, and with the express object of accumulating ammu nition to bo used in this Presidential cam paign. Wo havo to point only to a few facts to show that tho Republican party is not a tariff party. Their candidate for Vico President, Mr. IIamlin,is notoriously a free-trader, representing a freo-lrado State, and as a Senator from Maine voted for tho Taiilfof 1840, an act for which Mr. Dallas was denounced by tho Opposi tion all over Pennsylvania. William C. Bry- aut, editor of tho Now lork Lvtning Post and for forty years a consistent and per sistent advocate of freo-trado, has been placed at tho head of tho Republican elco-. toral ticket by tho Republican Convention of Now York, which clearly shows that hostility to tho Tariff does not impair a man's standing with tho Republican parly of New York. Every well informed man knows that tho Republicans of tho West ern States do not mako tho Tariff an issue, for tho reason that the party is divided as o tho expediency of legislating in behalf of the interests of Pennsylvania. Theso aro well established facts ; and yet, pro uming that they aro unknown to the peo plo of Pennsylvania, tho Republican can didate for Governor and his Chief Com mitteeman aro engaged iu tho demagoguo gamoef misrepresenting tho position of Mr. Foster and claiming for iho Republi can party what it cannot and will not per form Tho only way by which Pennsylvania can cvor obtain legislation far her peculiar interests, is for her people to act unitodly and exclusive of party. If sho places her interests entirely in tho charge of one par 1 ty, and that party tho Republican, which jis detested by nearly two-thirds of the $2 00 PER, .ANNUM. VOL. 24 people of the United States, she will never obtain the protection desired ; and tho sooner her citizens' learn to realize this truth tho Utter for them. The first great step they should take towards tho accom plishment of their 6bjcct is the emotion of Henry D. Foster, whose whole political lifo testifies his devotion to Pennsylvania Interests, and Iho defeat of Mr. Curtin, who would rido tho Tariff to death to ee Cuae his porsonal elevation. From The All.ntown (P.) Democrat. A Pew Questions. Democrats 1 cut thii out and ask your Know Nothing and " Republican" neigh bors tho following simple questions : Who are in favor of civinir netrroes tho right of suffrage, which thoy refuse to for eign born citizens ? The Know Nothings and " Republi- cans.'' Who passed tho law. in Massachusetts preventing foreign born citizens from vo ting, when duly naturalized according to tho Constitution of , tho United States ? The Know Nothing, and "Republi cans.' Who recommended tho camo law to hn passed in Now Jersey ? Tho Know Nothings and " Republi cans," Wh o recommended tho same law to be passed iu New York ? Thd" Know Nothings and " Republi cans." Who sanctioned aud approved that odi ous measure in Pennsylvania,' by giving oueui euuseut iu lueir late state Uonven tion ? The Know Nothings and "Republi cans;" Who introduced a bill in the Lerisla- ture of Ohio to strike out tho word 'white' from the Constitution, in order to cive negroes the right Of suffrago ? 'Iho Know othincs and " Republi cans,'' Who are in favor of fo'reieners not vo- ting until they aro twenty-ono vears in this country ? Tho Know Nothings and " Republi cans." Who voted against admitting Minnesota as a free State ? The Know Nothings nnd " Republi cans." Who voted against admitting Orecoa as a free State 1 The Kndw Nothings and " Republi cans." Who carried banners in 1650, upon which only sixteen Stars appeared, where there should huo been thirty-one ? Tho Know Nothings and " Republi cans." Whojwcro in favor of letting tho Union slide ? Tho Know Nothings .and "Republi cans." OsT Another instanco of bravery has bsen related which took place at Winetka,. upon Saturday last, among tho passengers of tho Lady Elgin. Among tho raft3 and pieces of wreck tossing in tho surf, ono raft was anxiously watched, to whioh wero olinging five persons, nmoag thorn John Jervis, of Milwaukie, his wife and child. As the raft was drawn in tho surf it was capsized, and all disappeared for a mo ment beneath the anry waters. When it aioso Jervis alono was clinging to it. He instpntly left it however, and swam for his wifo and child, and recovered them. Twice and thrice ho repeated this heroic act. Finally when the shore was almost reached, tho raft was for tho last timo capsized, and when it reached the h-ix face, JcrTis alono was clinging to it. Again, ho loft it, and swain for a long timo in search of 4hoso whom ho hod so long and so nobly protected, but all in vain, and ho was obliged at last to swim' to tho raft to save his own lifo. JSSyAnian was indicted out west, late ly, for felony. His innocence was proven, but notwithstanding this, the jury found him guilty. Tho Judgo was shocked, and arose and said : '' Gentlemen, the prisoner's innocence was clearly proven." " Yes," said tho foreman, " ho is inno cent of the crime now charged gainst him, but he stole my gray maro last Christ mas." ESr It is very well for little children to bo lamb?, but a very bad thing for them to grow up sheep. SST " Bob, did you bear that my fa I ther gets married again next Easter J " No, Tom I did not. Does he get an old woman7" " No sir-ee ! He gets a new one," r