Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 29, 1860, Image 3

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ia Inmrrnit
iU,!iU'gg',UpAY, 8EPTKM1.KR 20, 1800.
1 10
. no
"f m;w?'! m
Tailow w .
?, Wiito!!dns...l oo
l,t Buckwheat 50
jjftr(j 12 I
Potatoes fiO
Oried Apples.! fiO
. 12
jr.. . - . -
bill I I" '.T ' r ""'"0 " -
' fiieted tenth? Card of Madame (tchwentl
'Stmfhn; Wo aro assured Uat tbey will
do all that is claimed for then..
lAii. KMor John uincbrennor. .
devout man and tho founder of tho church ,
named by him "Tbo Ckuch of fi,l
but designated by tho world as tho Wine-1
bre.nariSBs, died in Uwrbburg on the '
Uth insti. agsd about seventy years. I
MB" W. ProetorJk Co., 708 Chestnut
Street, as will bo seen from their advertise
mc'nt, bavQ opene'd their Fall Stotk of I
Mantillas, Cloaks, &c, of all tho latent
Parisian' aid London Styles, m addition ,
toaclioieo lolcltoti of Ladies' Furs ; to I
all ofhfcUK6 invito special attention. j
"!Ve offer a word in commendation
of thbsAdvertioing Agency of Joy, Cue,
ACo.fof Now York and Philadelphia.
Tho members of this firm havo tho credit
of. conducting their buincs3 with both of Ctlitmbin aro wide-awakes and anx
prudonop and energy. Thoy aro honora- i ious for the contest in October, when l'us-
bla nioo,-.and will do their utmost to give
coUrtf silisfuctioti to all who may favor
them wllh their patronage; and wo can
conurTcnd' them' to the good will of the
Nowspapor .Press throughout tho country
Jla i
ThotSulivan Co. Democrat sayp, wo
aro'Vndcjjtcd to .James Duxs, E'q., Dep
uty Ma'rihall, to tuko the cencus of tbo
following townships, for tho following sta
tUtics V.?'-
... .... pgpulul g PiCnf JJ, Pir, )).
Dusuom-JJ. iit)5 S.,7y.ri
OuUey", 3S8 50,5 10
LnpittO twp., 3b5 41,000
LapottoB. ' 208- 53,'JoO
ChaR. 1,717
iTotai; 1!,003
-We havo now fully cn-
tercdupon tho nad swcot feason of the
"scro and yellow loaf," Tho forest nion
arcliafc rapidly being defpoilcd of their
gorgeoiii diadonn, and everything in na
tufoMtfltoatei that Summers jlorie-i are
'passing away." On every hand wo bo
lioM'cridouces of ths fact tint
' A-1Tha luclan-h dy daya havj coute,
Trt) aaddcit el tin )cnr.
AntUwlnlii we
tin deiiarture of!
r,..v;ii. ..." .
sainincr and ir? many troiics ui noatiiy.
wo cannot but look with pleasure on the llisht At half p-vt 8 o'clock on Satur
vatiglorios of Autumn, nnd improv tho ; morBiIIg ,i,0 !(Jhooiicr "Augusta"
autpieioua occasion, lo uw nll who j ,.., imo hcr as gIl(S WM about tcn niil,,s
wnul4T?hai1Iy'lliacCO!10nl'eal,y,toLu'!from tl10 El",re- A terrible break was
''"JS"0111 at uiUs CI,U,P " I made into the steamer, and aftor the colli-
Light' Street, Pa.
Editorial Visits. W IiaiI tin picas
uro, night before lntt, to Hike by tho hand
np F.flWnririi lirr-lti rn.i Pnl 'PlTI'. nf llli
I oluhlbia JJrmiK-riif, and Mr. Mooiu:, ofj
tha CletirJirM Republican. I hey am
whole smiled, clever follows and Miok well
to the profciiion of lliu "Stick and ltulu."
Long nlay they tlotuuh.
Wo clip iho foregoing complimentary
ri'otlce',ifrom last Thursday's 1) rly Tunis,
of Yilliamsport, an excellent and spicy
i nbeetpublishcd by our social friends,
MusrI!o,rjsii k 1''it7UCkai.i. In be
Bal( jf .Brother Mooke, vo return f inecrc
thankibelioving tho cooipliment well de
ferred. By tho way, we learn that a half
interest iu tho "Daily Tistrs,' U offered
for sale,. and wo believe, it a paying cs
tablijhment and would prove a first rate
Sound lUi'irni.tcAs Doctiunu. Cas
eius M. Clay, a United States Senator,
rcoontly addrctsed a ltepublioait Meeting
at Tiffin, Ohio, in the course of bis remarks
ho eaidv;
" They (tho Demosrats) tell you wo are
for liberating tho blacks - for totting the
negroes free. SO WK AHEI Wo bo
liovd'as you do, that in 1770 'all men
wore. s created freo aud equal; endowed
with cprtain inalienable rights
They meant just what thoy said, and they
roiieatcdly spoke of negroes as men, and
s pefs'ori,,. THEY MEANT THE NK
This is pure, unalloyed Republicanism
tchils men of I'cnnnylvauia, how do you
like it?
Air ClaV tlOCS UtClI'ltf US far as
J fa J ,
hii'obadiutora of Massachusetts, who say
. ,. -
thnt n nrnrrnr w hftter than a XCfllU
t ( .
IVtitt I11CU of Columbia COlinty ItOW llo
,t . 11 .,
toil like to be tolu that vou aro no dciut
than tho negro ?
"iBWKCT and Sound js thk Si.eki or
an IrtDUSTiuoUH MAN',' wlio carrn mi
hotiest.HvcHhood, keeping a strict guard
filo expenses, saving something from each
'iweek!' earnings or profits to by abide,
ngftiiifit'n day of need, to purchase a home,
or.for gome other useful purpose; depo- Qn loth, by Upv. A. 1 Shunafelt, nt
iUat'ju the KrankUu Saving Fund, No. ' tho re&idcneo of the JJriduV father, ,Moorc-iac-South
Fourth street, below Chestnut, land, Jiycoming eouiity,Pa. A. Madison,
, Philadelphia, where itill draw Uvo per H of Wloum-burg, to Mi Hannah
iwut. interest, arjd can be drawn nt any , 1auu.
.time "in gold, tilver or note, without no-1 In Kvansville, on the 3)st intMby Kev.
tice. remalea. niarnea or biiiirie, mm
xuicord can dcjiosit iii Ihc-h own right, and
bucU deposits cannot- no wuuurawu wuii-
out their couseut,
niventmems arc inauo
ouly iu the most reliable yecurities.
us .iiovcrument, State ami City ioauj,
tfjrpund Hontfl, t Mortgages, be Thu
Jlbtapany uew'suspectled. ..See advtv--t?i;iuoLt
iu aaothcr column,
( linthiislasllc Dimocrnllc Alt-cling.
I l'ursuant to hricf notice, n respectable.
portion of die. Domocratlo Citizens of Co-
lumbia county convened on Thursday oven
ing last, in the Court Houso.atBloomsburg.
Judge ltUP121lT,wns appointed President
l'ctcr Eut, Esq.. and Sheriff Snyder, Vico
Presidents, with A. 11. Tata, and II. 0.
til.!.! C ,.!-.
".... . -
-aicn H.urigiit,JS!q.,uariu . natulan,
lisq., and Hon. Erra B. Chase, of Luzerne
each in turn, addressed the meeting, Mr.
11 . . . . 1 T L ' , . . 11 I 1.
vA(MiAi.Lj, mu jjcmauiticiu v.tinuiuaca ior
Congress made an able and telling address,
,... . ono ollr , '
i justsucn an ono as our uomocratl lovo
to hear and approve tho sentiments of an
honest man and plain democrat, simply
I Ml .
anu sensiuiy exprcmeu, every sentiment
of which rceoived a hearty response by his
'" au.lteuco. not mora able and
intonating were the remarks of .Mr. Hax-
IULL' tbaa lUos0 f Mo- Cl,ASE "nJ
,Klni,T a11 of Mhom ,,ul Justicu 10 11,0
subject on which they treated and cspceial-
ly to Col. Scranton, the "Plug Ugly,
Know-N'othing, llepublican" candidate for
Cougrcss, whom they clearly proved to be
tho grossest political impostor over folitci
upon our Congressional District,
- , '- .
I6T An ontUuiistto Democrats Meeting
I was nciu on luesuay evening lti-it, ;u uiu
Duck Horn. Tho. mooting was spiritedly
addressed by Messrs Urockway, Little,'
Tato & Shooiuakcr. Tho Democrats of
Hemlock in common with their brctlicrn
the, ItANDAr.r. and tbo
Ticket will be
handsomely elected.
WynMiNO State Fair. Tho Sta'to
Fair of the I'eiiii'a. Agricultural Society,
hnld tlin Inst wi-nl?. nn flm W'vrvntl.iff
, , , JV 0
tlu lueld. was n mngmhciout altair, ami
proved :i complete hucccs-i. Over twenty
thousand persons witnessed tho operation,
and it yl3 conducted to general satisfac
tion. M"o agaiu advert to tbo sub
ject. 3Ir. fl F.O. 1.. SlIOKMAUtU, of lliek Horn
, '
111 llllS CO., Il.'Hl lllS pocket lllckcd Oil the
. .... .
Cars, going to the Fair, of n wallet
taming -185 !
Terrible Ca!;u;iily Xc.Tly Three Hun
dud Lives !.ibt.
A gay and lively crowd thronced tho
. .
ileck-ot tlic " Lady Klgiu" tteaincr, as
fhi left tho harbor ofChieago on last Fri
day, and sailed through tho waters of
hike Michigan. The Union (luards were
among tho paity, Kumboring about two
hundred und fifty excursioniets, with many
other persons who were on board beside
.1.., r....
All was incrrittc?s
of tho
mus o ....,1 , .,.:.,,, hl,!llir ,,, ,.,, ...
inu nil became Mlont on dock and in tho
cabin. In about twenty minutes the boat
itb its precious freight sank beneath the Denim ill Fish, i llCCSb & I'rOHSiOlh'.
Clear WlltCI'S of that beautiful lake. This HaBC..n.tantly nn Irani unMO,iinaMof
. , . . , , , , , i I1HIEII AMI I'CIKI.nil Klll. ir.. mi:
misfortune reminds us of the awful calam- S1,rkirrl. m,.,.i, r'i,, m,ie Ki.h. iic.s.. rmifi.u
ity of tho" Central America," about three' 'W'ft'VjKM?tl"r' eiJ"'
years biucc, off C.ipo Unco, when about spt if. ipmi-:iiu. '
the bame number perished iu the bolster- 1) " I L A D K li 1 II I A
om Atlantic. Tho disaster i said to havo " r.ipra iM.vnixn MjixuKtcruuKitx.
eaat a general gloom over tho city of Chi-1 ("i-i. TnAuu.)
e.,.Q. The ,Bi,lnl U ,iil J I. ' HOWCll afcOllHiC,
uy to grat carelessness in both tho officers
on mo mcaincr ana tiio Bcucnncr. buclt
scenes arc calculated to c.iuo travellers
tO pailO almost UeforC they rUk tllCtU
selves away from terra firma.
Tho following appointments will be fui
tilled between this and the eusueing elec
tion :
unrnrrstill fc H-py, Monlay l-t Ortotcj
Iti'lir-Uire Sl Cnitcr lllo. Ttie.ilay 5,1 il.i
ntilluat.'r .M llltrn .t Hriariri-tk, WcilnosJay 3d Oit.
MainWIli & I'cavrr, llinr.uay Jtli o l.
rTlahtnnn u Franklin, Tnilay lli do
lli'nlnn, HatiirJay (III uo
Lloom.liurs, llniuloy fctli tin
Competent speakers will bo a' all theso
places, and tbo public are respectfully in
vited to attend and hear tho issues of the
day fairly di:cused, ,
I5y order of the Standing Committee.
JACOD IIAllllIS, Chairman.
Till! undf-rmsnptl, IVmocr-'itlc Cdito-B of folnuibia
count) , take tlimot iiikioii to my to nil tbu faiuliilnt. u
iu tiomiiuiti'Mi, tip fit'iicrnl (-'.lection 'IVket ban boon
prlntiril, lu fipanl barnat our rff uj.irh
hi. I Dim nr.lip f,l I lm i.irll. lltt-.ri.-l...l i,.,il nr.. tn.n.
rcutl) foMliitribulion. i woultl nlo iulomi the urn-
1 ili.lateH th it, im .full H Oih', tn nil prii)tluf i&rv uml
1 jiii all print r..i. a i'ahi iii, iwr, ink, iti-m,
it i riiiiM, r.i
imarialilj paiil
nra, it'., ii i inu in in I m nriainj paiil l'r in a'i ant
o h'T-i ru-lKillullv uud earnctly re'iut nil the Can
1 d 1 dale, tot ithor ti'f. up, fl, tend jn, and pav lor th -lr
JTirUUb ftir.Teuionii,Mheuifroiiitmrn'pei
' ThiciiriB In been c-tablulwd nud enf.'r.-"
-d. 111 iu my
i oithc coumij mour Mute
-a rub' 'lire to 1 nup' to tint
Jiilne of merhntuc4 nnd aoid" fature diihrulty wo
I hall htrirtly uiihori to Ih arrangement, nud tru-t tlu I
Hi'inm rmiR I'andiJitcfl of our lh triit uud t'ountv
will appreciate ill propruty and nrquicfrr- in itfjuiur.
tUhtor Cduuitita I )t mot rat.
I I'JUor Star of the A'orth
1 ALUM . TATi:,
j Iditor Urrtriek Gaztttr,
l Pi pteinber 9 , 10.
I rwM TrTrrrmr.ii-rTi.irearnnmini mi 1,1 mi iiiit niriTTnn
t "
3 AB BF-BiI.
.). unnz er, ur. riiibu- oi-imwiu-uu,
to Mm Sauau Kciiodi::
both of Centre
iwp., una couwy,
In Uriai'crcek,Columbiu Co., on thu 20th
int., MriT. MAU'V llAnuie, aged about 51)
Ncu) QV&ucrtiscmcnts-
PhilSll ARItlVAk
7 tin umJcrHcncI, grafeful for pait patronage, teep'ct
fully Inform hlcutumcra and the public genf fatly,
that lm haijun tccclnpd from tho Latter no cities, the
Largest and tuont ictcrt ttrck of
ill Ml
Thnt m yit boon opened in Iltnoinabiirn, ti which h
lit v I ten the attenJUm of his friends, and twaurca the in
that they aro offered for salt) at groat bafgalna. Ills
Stork coniprlnen n larRo iiimortmetit of
Cnnrlstinft nf Faphionabi r Darttti 1'oats, cf every d
crintlon; 1'anta, Vests, HIilrtH, Cravats Stocks, Cotton
Handkerchiefs, Glove, Suspenders, 4c.
01 cvrry devef )tlr.n, fine nnd ehcftn,
N. Il. Kcincliibrr " Lovnnbrrg'it Chrap Empturvm'
cull and sec. No cMrgo 9r t'liimiiiit UmnN. ,
IIlofniburs, Prl- 53. lt-Wl. (Ju lrt59.)
II. C, & 1. IV.
W- ,. .... ..... .
R would resr-Ttfully lnite the attention rf our
frienda nnd the public generally, from tho Tn
and (otnuy. t our presents .
- - - -
which iKtMibccn sth-cted with crent rar niwl under morfl
tllllMTiliilliry iidviilitecr Wo ran itlfei: to CuA and
rruue pay ur-i t-r treat Imlijci'iuotila.
(lur ilock eniliraci'8 nlni.t 'every nriMy, ulyle and
qtinhty, in the lirei IJoudt line, Wc liavo .
Del.nuia troin IJJ ita . lo SI per jnr.l. nil Wind I'laMa, '
tt.tton I'l.inl, Siuiniy l'liilda, repliinels 3lollnir
ettim,'iil,la. i,r f.xlm Plnid Sllki lor 5Url.
perjitrd, hint k rilk mid other in Lime qiinif
tiUci, ili.iwU. Ilrotlie, Mellnn, I Iwrulg
iiibil lll.mket, Tnliioea. Tickings.
ClutkM, r'tiipen. fcr , A-c.
CLoIIm, (iiIiii( rn, fcialtlnetl. An.
In addition lo llu ntioo we otfor (!roc-
lien, Hardtt lire. Uurrnau are, lllow and
1'ed.n Ware, I'.oi.tH and Slioea, and Cnpi, (nt
reduced prices) Wall I'npet, L'lirpett, I'lirh' t Clinni.
futum Varn.&c, .c. I'isb. call, Iron, Nulls, Lumber,
Wind nnd t'
l.ioouilmrf, ept. Jl, ltA
TV'l'ICi: U hcrt'hygiveti I hive trft my lhicketi
1 1 in ttj handfl of 'J,Iiihikis J Morrit l.( mid
un ess p.i)iunt ofalleoaH du- me Unudo by the tttliof
utioujr neii suit will uj nifumtJ.t ir tli s um
I'loomslnirg, Hfpt. Jjth lei'O. :n.
T w-i i
V nilT!tll ! ifcOJll BM.Ct'Trfc i
I V puriiianee (f an order of tin
1 luiultijt colluty,ti.i
Orphan's Court of Co-
isaturdai. (Hi of October, iitxt.
at J o'clock In the- nftrnonn, fauiu.'i It. Anderson. A.I-
n.inii'tnilor Ui .. I J,-lin nd. rsiui. I.tte of Uintri low n
flnp. in aa.d lourtj. deerused. will vfon lo ealj !)
r.lllic Vendue, upon tile premises, . i ci-ruiu
fitnatJ hi Cnitre. ille, In tli3 .nl county, bounded and
, ilci.crib'Ml m Idlbmn, tu wit;- On (In North by tcctui.d
lUw'it nf f.iid toun, on tlu I ..ii) I b hind of lletukt.ih
txiniie, on the .niilU b an Alb-), and on tltf cut by
lauds of l'etr iliittL'tibteiii. H larvuii uti! erecl.'d u
and ntiier out iiuiidinci.
I. He lee lt.ite rfK.nd ilei itnnte ill ll,. tnu u .
thin ot Cciitru and county nfor i4uld.
jacoii nvr.uhv.
6' H'liy staml c nil tho Hay telle I
ANY l..idy or Oei-tb.'imn in ib,t I'litud rtt.ttvt, po
nf?in? Iioim &l to 15. c.iiictit'r into t: cjs .md
ri'ppiUbj biimin'.i bj vslmh from to fli) p--r uny
CJit bw rcah.ud. For particubir. addrcti (wuli utamni
V. H. AlTiiV & ('(!., "
Xo. 37, (oM UJ N'ortliUU .tiU, I'liiladttybiii.
't 'J.t. 1-tQ,
I'nr th"1 iictd aitd rlTjct ill Cur of nit ftjtammationg,
i-tcer, liftru mutism, llijuprpsia and Uier Complaint,
Pile, Gruitt, nnd nil 3tutc and t hronit Dutusti n ASItClULLiRLS. Swlld 3 Cl'lll ttllll) to Ikt ARCIlt.
Hundreds of I t.tiuiuiii.-t. Hm COTll rinl.i J'a. t. 1).
r" Acnry. H W Cor.ThtrJ. AkIi
btrpt , UMI-IUw.
iiMnr. t ou.,
MARhiT ?TKKtT, I'llll. HELrlll k.
1 f n inc rcnioM'd to their N'ev
maukkt m.. nr.t now pr.-p;
Ila inc ri'innM'il tntliPir N'cw f-tnrc. Ilnr. FOl'llTIl .
irpil to uilsr to tho TUAUU
a.snrtiuelit of
' nomiKus. run: Hi;iu:r.KH,
ftl' fftho ncfstnnil best drisuf, Irouithu lowest priced
1'urcli isers will do . I'll to i it it thc'fiit.ibllBbmcnt
X, K. LVr.l'ourlh n.1 Market Mr rem, I'hil.irl'n.
flt'pt. -2), 1HU-3IH.
Mantilla Emporium.
o. 70S C'htfitniit Htrcct, rhitnilclphia.
Itnblih il in lvV5 fur lliu eielushe tluplay nnJ nnb)
of tin1 I,ii3t 11 n ellttki m l'uriM. Lotitlou unJ thu liner
production of homo inanufactureJ
To w Inch htm ben juirted ii
Which I'mbr.ici't lb Urpeht araortiuciil of
hUJiy OF .ij.h .VrMVA,
Kcal KiiMinu Sibb,
I'iiid Hark llitilnon lla Gallic, ,
Kuii.iu nu.I AnuTit in Mink Ruble.
Kuynl r.ruiiiK. I'bintliilln,
run' Ibik yib'fl'i'i H'lujrri'l, A-c, ir,
miu up in tb? most f.ial.Hiiidblj ttji.' fur Latlica Win
ter Cost u tin.
One Fii"il Trici Irom which iiO(l-inlioii run b3 made.
Tin l'.iru M.iiitilU.rtu.ik ami I'nr Kuiporium, No, T03
t'hw'btnut it., (abi-v-J tevctitlj, 'uili tub',)
v. I'uucruii 4. co.
fl lit. 2. lfO-am.
roil THU
New ilovk tUccIi'In
. ,-AXII-r
"oA'C NcroRMl
The Nt w York I VcckCv and
1 liiawy Phc'hio o ,c Year Jar
7 tvo JJofars
tn u ti;rvs to riA'ft?.
1 cf-py one ytar, and thd t'ictorial l'l'unn 1'U'Uov.
one car.
t! du do .'J, nnd a IVcmiuni.
J do do S I, do do
ti do lit) $J, do do
tf do do SU, do
10 do do &M, do do
IS do do do do
yeiid for it HH'riuiPti N'umbt r. which Is fuinikhsilrrr,
and nmtitinit lull 11.1ri1rul.1ra of I'rtnntimii.
Kditora and I'roprietor of Iho AV York. Weekly,
ii Ueckinait Street. N. V.
Sept. SJ, JffC0-3m.
A 1) M I N I S T 1 1 A T O It S NOTICE: t
Ettutf tj Ethabtth Ricli'irds, ittuainl.
LUTTCIltf of Adiniiildrntion on the Utnta ofCina
b'tli ItirluirJ-. latu of H'thnii tiiwiubip, I'oluiiibin
1 ounty,dec'ued, have b.u-u p runted by tho Ki'v'ittr nf
Co hi tub 1 1 rouniy, to th-) uudirmgnud, renidinj; 111 Hem
uirk towii'hip, u I i;rou huviuj ii.titm ntjuiii! ibo
dilute 1 f the di'icdt'iit am re'iuett-4 to irccnt them
to. the Admlnittrator, without delayt and all perions
indebted tu make nayuicnt forthwitn.
cuo. vv Diunsiueii,
f(-pt. 22, lPt-0 Mitratit
lll.CK I.AC.-f. HH.MVI.H, of the lilfit
XJ Ml, at
Any t.ftdy who will srnd her nwldrcsa to Mrs, I!. Car
AoitR, (la! ti more, .Mil., with Ihrfle thrHtpunny k)hUco
rumps Included, will fjecire by fitum iaUlomclMax
cf iniportancR tohar.
I have a valuable roctpo fur making Hniwy, which I
tvfll senil to any person upon the receipt ntsu centj we
make and use it In our family at katf the rati and con
si tier it as gnod asthf best article of genuine bee nude
Honey, 'frem uhitk it cannot be ttd." Any. person wbf
wilt make and sell It nnJ clear fnmi $2 to S I a .day- it
I .. 1 . ..!. ..k. la -.1 i.m ..t. I i
had at any store for 3H cents Every' family may hava ' fir U aitliplicitv clurabiUtV. strength Mid oiUciCnoy tllCSO luachilWS arc P.U Wflr
IhHdellRiitfulliuuryior fifty My cajtmalu'ltlA ISmlifi , Ven
utcs at any time, 'lb we cent postage itcim?s ta good as
nmnry, j , u ' - I i
The ru4s4 Tlrnrtt published at Hawkinsvillo, fonr ,
tin. nf TrmrH.l.iv. March 3d. aars! Mr. H. Hmlth . hf this I
county, prcnenM u with a bnutiful article of llonuyj
j, if not aupcrlnr to any thing wo even saw, The
j honey U iiuhttrjc lured by Mrs.ttarLiav-acardinir to the
I directions given In a ipt'cips-vr Hidi she purchased nf
Dr. J. P. Custom, Daliimnre Cily, Md. - Any pr"n can
I pet this rcrcipt for niakitm houcj.ond 4ie Independent of
i (iiu mnicy uee, oy rillJK " 'n JU tenia incinien4'io
l t UN. J. I . LItLAUhll,
f N'o West IluItljuotJ rit., Ualliinore, Md.
3rpt.J3, IbO".
Dr. J.riOREAoa.lrtU:r (VnefalAitens, Whohcsata Jl
Jt nil, ftir Dr. "WhratimrV Celebrated Ftmalt Ittts
Thet Villi ar$ truly tatuable for tjidxtl,for thty wilt re
ftore monthly eourtts tc Acre they may tlopftotn any cam, inv neiernavu itiiieu m any case woeao
, Uhi dlicrtion around the bo coiiIjuiUib Out tJbt ltae
1 been Mtritttv folhtetiL Indeed, these Wiw case nfifellura
ail t.r f t. , kn,.i. h..l..,. It.(nif ii lu w. nt.KI
thev nru ncrftctW ii.ifti. Sniffle bin iimilod to orJer
no Litre iiiiij it nun rei-i )nt nf nte dolliir. hv
nCpt. 2J, 18G0. llillLimro City. Mf.
- v - 1
CKKAGKR ia the Sole Agent for
a w tn, "iiwik" ,tiraraiea jiinrrimoniai Tvrri-i
a nooks, .No. 1, "A Hook fur Young Men designed to t tc
p.irMhvmf r IVm,iIe Hucu t." 2ia. i!, "Kfrors In Court
ship." No.:t, "IttproiliKtive Control " Kith'jr nf which
Will be it.'d to order. poBt paid uputr tJcoipt-ofSS ct-
VVA-'lllMI t
H"e have a Chemical Proem, ' ,
I'er Cleaning Cloths, by the usi nf which tho HotliM
ran bjwnshei,try clean uitl.oiiLbiiluin ami with iry
llttl-- ml. In us. It) tliidlii. tliod iiiiirli lurd lubnr Is chvmI,
the trathing ran be done tn half the tune, and the clt-UiVi
ii r ery hlte and clean niitl lust lonaur, (or thi y nru not
worn iut by rublum; as by the eld wsiyi.Cw.iBUliijtbyiim
chitiiei, A.c TIu urtnli'n tu.vA o-jh IhiI littletamt nrJ
t-asj to obtain. 1 n,.iil th" n'ceint to ordfr. tuvMice
yni l.iliiou the rer!.iit if .Vi ttntsi 3 cent putt.iffo VtaiiMiA
as good uu money. Address
J. r. rnRuurt,
I a1tiniTip.vMd.
tT" 1 f J on really want soni'-lliiiiE n4 tiilit thi
Honey ur tratkittg Heceipts, fui tlny mi all I claim ior
tin m and they idiould bu in cveiy tanitly. "
A M'AV COOK, und uu duntinoJ tu crJati u'st'iVitiort
Juft iiiibluhud,
'rnii suxxy bmTn, . ";,''r
r.n.hracini! tie)eat,,e.prrienee i.r o Xmthem.Uoirrii-
i" uie lana I'l socar. nee, ti.ii.ieco nii.trottini. r.iTi'
Uu iy l tioun-tutt J II IstiRviUM.ol .MiH-mtiiiiuL Hnnd
j fc.miLl liuintd lu oiu vuluiin1, H mo. .'ii ugc lfiC4
literary noittrt form the Prets throughout thf, Country.
. fii-iNV S(H'Ttt-"Tlua Imnlc i coiupoi'i-d of u ho-
rii's flcllcm, written in an intnrt!tiiii; ctl ifn lima
tuc. ctidntd.viiifr tin nio-st niiii.uilic ti'at'irJn of orut jt
on (iiilV-r.'iit kinds of iI.iiititti'iiiK. UV i uu bonrtcsViuiony
from out own ,-rson,il nbsi-nation of binnUr occur in
lli' Ht'Ulli. to tlietr lniiliriilo-tH as Uvtn h juctcd. '1 U y
liri' port I in 'it in .i i 1 1 liitt-Tcxthii,' tl l, and no won 1,1
I like ti act' llto book m til h.t nil h id tliouf.inds t,f di'c'l ed
I)judf wli IniU'iin kiionlud&ccitlicrofjtoutli'
.no rs or Nmtturn lil;, -cr;it luit tln-y luve ctiinud
Irom jmrtiraii joiirn.ilr', or w Ui ititjtitioualu lute
writt.-li to dtd'i v' -Mi.'t Jtrpubtican, Jluffolo, .V. Y. 1
Tut MNY muni " Tin volume iin Hit (urtn of lit.
i tiTn. TliJ!iiJ ii u cuti juilfrr, fmiliful pictnr4 ,
(f 'oiitli.'iii lit-1, audiiro l 'Dili d witbnut irt ju.Iicj 'I lo'y
yrc''iit pwuf M'-it- ditlVrmt trm uu "Unrl,; Toin'a i
-.iluii,"tli"'ii.tiir. pri'Hontcd li'ii'uroiiiiite gr.iobic and !
wiMlmk I iMirtniitu paintod arc m rry nearly uaturJl "
. colorH"-iioton J tally lice. '
I Thk tfi-sKt Sonit''Vi b.ivt ranly peeped witluul
thu toer of aiiHTi) appctizim; oIuiik-. Attboujh r't '
inti-'ioU'd m nn answer to Hie foul utitruili tu ill'. UikIj 1
Tom traU ut tli l.t ten j iiiri, it u. i aliflpss does uu-
no rurally hurl btik to tlti-tr sofircu all i i.f hui n n.i-
tur aiol we art gltl to IHiiMH tluit U boot: will b
r-ad in tbonnaiiiU "f n.trt li'm tinmen 'llu hhiiIIi .ijto
HliouM t.iki to it brmsnatill) Kr indipi.idciit of iutrt'tii
fiiti-8ainl int"iirily it iioiK ot tlu lni'hct .tml tnn't
I'liti'rtViulns bo'ikt f tli" 7W Greensboro. C.
Tu f l n n v 5?o'-iu - Tll'' ciitorpti itiis pub ilnr fi
G iv.uii, lJii ndi'iphni, of liitl 11 ink uo(iri :t, wn k
l icHiniiii u.iw uorntt .f hituK'ki, aud tpn-adint; I'
n i-r tli J countrj , :md bi uj t.tiii ir tr-iint-utiu? bus incsH
iiui) In louktMl um n .in nit:tutinij, fur dilljfti
kiiovlnlKi;, uiiP'tua t2d b any i.t tbt country ho com
lut'lid Ibl b'Hk to ii II Hotly ,5(rf.
Tm Hitnny ci m - "'I bn in u rnptivatiicr volutin,
ptruintij iiiuctrativu f riJuilicrn lifj. 'i Ii t ln-nrt o tlit
nl,tlnir...y n u itli lirr ill 'llll' fillit ailn, i irrl. a lit.,
ot tlutrc.itlcr iiiott wttb Iter, m fU, Ui livr iinni-itiii (.if
uaii'i injic
If linarfs llu pt'rulnirai.ies of a fcomli'.rn i
1 Ull!'
I rrn.
MM Snl'ril-
' Wliattucr hears lli'j name nt'
1 t'rot'rf'Kir Itijt, tli. tm m sure tn into w tbo cifiiifnn m
I fctriWiug I'll'- t f inl n I'puliir currency ; nn 1 flu k U
1 jit lb-! ci ) Itlith'i minj ooutli.or tlti.Stuitti'Tiicr nt 1
Hoinr, wbul: imiitMrt Inun th-i prcin ti"(;.(I t.iuistuii
i tcr lbs I'diit rtlup ot tho Kr.ipbic l'rofca-or It l vivU
I in hyv, kt-piiiy oIim rvtu.t. inltrchtim; in p ot, un-t in
purpo-o! uml iniuncr it obinii.y rpriu' frmu ti unim
i ln-nit, nml will Us na wnruily wckumctl by a bout of
rJarfi-ra" Tht Vtif urker.
I'mn tli Ct.ucrritloii of lb" Flirphrril of llcibkhcm to
tlu Ui h'ltiou of I'ritit'ii Ab-oitoiii. (bins nn iliuhtru
tinn of the. rpli'iirlfir, I'nWtr niitl Dominion of the He it'll
of llu-Mi-phonl King, in u mrf ( Lvtiort wbriin
the inagintufiice ut JttJca i non lo thu rra.lcr, nn
if by nn ) HttiKus. Ity Hm i 1 II luprnbnm, I.t..
I. One olumu, li nut., t.l)J pijc Prb e $1 'Jo
" This i thi third tilunr;, ami thu tornpatirm (f a
en" ofworki by th name author, on the lntury ot
thu IsniHiii'h monarchy. The origin under aMawn, wn
trratid uf in thu Tillnr of t'iri'." und lU preat u',or un.
dcr I'nvid, i trcuti'tl tf in tbu work, (The Throne tif
Uavhl ) Mima mo urciun: n .wimnv povvorttiiia Hie
micniiiR of tbu new dipensnttoii meet tlicir ile'ino-nlltin
iu the 'Prince of the llonc of Ua Id. Thrxu u,.rk nrJ
luiitorK any aiii.ttH', uh iinutiuuoi3 ot iiitnriuali'm ri la
live to Hi rJciMU'ry, LreoLr4ih nnd inaiiiiiri Cf tho llnry
Laud. The -tic in intireftini; nnd powtrfu," and
thu work U'aJa u tn tbo coiiti'tuplatoit ntnl
Htiulyof the tubliuut laiij,'uJS of tin I'jbic anu'tUr (,'ient
flnctniivn if the truth it coniain, without bjiutr, nn tch
IiooKh tooortliinil-y are, rimer uiaittiiin, ktuptd.dosiiiat
icor conceited" iiotton Daily Mlat. .
Uy the Rev J II Inoku, author of thi "Trincr- oftht
HiiuMe of li.i id. ' Una u ume, li m, clutli, tOOpagci.
l'ru-e SI -.
" Thu work i detutftieil to bk-lch Ihe llobraic buturj
liunngtlij boudiiKC in Ipiptjthe fropht .Mo5' b.'tiis
tli ri' iliurj.aiid in a Ireuntid tvtrikiui hifurrol ttu
perioJ, in winch the writer Rather fimt, frum llw Hible
mid then from pMane hiUcrj u iatitia of material,
wbich b liingeuiu, i thrown imo a lamiful. ntirriltvc
pftlwiititt iiiir.iciierbaracter whirh carrieK the rauhr
nions wiunnii uiiiiiuutiwu 'i uui.-ii t HHuunpmw
Kitting liulteUn,
Til E I'ltlNCE
1 OF Tllh ' ' ' T O '
ou, Tint nn vn.vua iv tin: holy city
In n mien of Uttor rUni; lis if b aHoo wiuutts, nil
Hie .mien and. ftouuenui imi lenm in tnu i.tu 01 Jt (
vi'd nr NaafcTit, Irom u liaptmiu iuijorjii tn bin '
. CruMtHum on Calvary Uy the Key 4 II (vikiim,
Kertv tl t iirisii iiunn.auuoi pi irtm.ia' nn. nony
fprmg, MjMMsmppi. (Jnuoimnu, 1, mH(T';lotli,
jui;.'it lnco$l Uq.
" In tins work the author I110 nuccei-deu iu ibe bold nnd
.lanng taok of preKoiitmi; the great leadiuy l;iitnrjcal
panmu Kirip l" iiniriut nun 'tiihu i , pji
ut to preH.-nt tlu clear and lili'-hka piUdN ft tlumu
rveuin iin.thuy might be mipponod to appe.if to a caim
11.1i obg-rver Th denrnptiom of ntejt an I ct re'tnonlt'H
nr nuriti'il nnd coiupriboiinv. . The tyle U hte'ljl)
i fsMa --"i -A.;r'iaVi,ti-vlr.1"
. P-eijteriannttdJ'AttHjrtUst
I Copirn nf eiiherrf Ilia aboe book, with a I1.1ud1.omo
tJift. worlli 1 from 5a 1 eiJ- o f 100 u. tr, ,cni t.v nny
" ' : .. . i i l ir . ii, il, . ii ii- i.
lico if l, an, 1 uiTuiie pnia.
If i ou u mil uny book koiiiI to Goo V C'-nn'
Uilt Huok Kttnbii hint ui, No I t.i lh '-tuut Mj.'i't I'hila
oy.'nhm, wht-r all bookt are o'd at tlu l'ublilirr' '"w
I'm I, uuu "W nir v in1' inn niiiii;u oi itirivniK u iiuii't
ktuiij pn:eit worth from .'iUtjuh to n0 dollar with
i-nit) bonk ri.'iid lor a conipli te C nft 'd (.'.ttaiogiu uf
ItCk. vbi ll w 1 I bti mailed to ou, Iree of ixpeiui;.
Order nti book that j on 111.1) want, renijt ttierice,
toscthtr with the iimunt re'Uiied for portafi', and 0,1
trial will uMir tti it th - iiut )i'ari in (he touutry
to piirili-ie lnK)k u at the (Jilt Uook Ltubii hnutit of
Uiu G. Lx9, '
AOHXTH WANTIIO, in whom prpntr tiidureinc ntT '
! turn m tnunot ba I'piailed b)1 uuy oilier Immr, nru otf
, f red. Any prron in any partof tbtr naintiy, cnu be
' nn .ijent, fiiup'y by tunning 11 club, tending u let of
i liookd, uui) remitting the umoiiul of moiwy- re-pilriiu1 for
tha mine . '
He ml tr a rntno;uc wbkhrantaln all (ho ilcircd in
.formation reiBlio to ujeii'-jj uud the loriuatton of
rlub; und to In mire pjnmp nnd honurab v dcn'ioj, ad
dre.i nil order to tbi Iwad 'tuiirtt rt of Uco. G. Mar,
1 proprtiior of the uutt nud larjcft Out Hook i;tnb ,
it bint nt in the world, IVrmmicntly local ;d at No 43J
I'h ittuut .Ir'tt, riulndelphia.
tt'pi a, in.ii- 4t
rTMVO ,MR y Uofip rowdvr Kcs' (looil wsgesand
1 llfady tnt'itmviit giWQ, ul Thomas Trtulld'.
.Mills, near l.ilil blicct
rti'pl a.',
Celebrated Shuttle or Lock Stlleh family Rawing Machine, ranka high in tho mar
ket cannot bo excelled. It is preferred over all other
. t.
Price $50.
oiriieTkrrftdTH:hl Stitch Family flowlnjr MicWe. tThls Machine posicsflo the threo (rand raqulsitea, stm- 1
pl Jty, strength and rlnciency. Price, SU and 1 wnrrantod.
,.,,,iAi.iAnjt,i Air-f iha rinwrinir Kl n rti I it with I hii a ppl at run tiAtT ( thht thcv ara dl in All tn mnt thff
Tho unilpr.ignf,'l fttrf then) Siwinc fttnrlilneti with Ih'i ft rrat.t confifnce that they are aftinitd to tut 1A4
ant, ufllii pt-npln. Dnn't faU to exainlna Iht Eureka and May I'lowcf biifl purcljailhg, Silk, Cutlun end Lin
b tlueada aultnble ToHwritg Machuit., oti band fliud fot loll br
Danvklle. May 3fi, 1800. Om.
Valuable Real Estate..
. v , ., i
1 ft. P'in" n 'J f Ottfim Court f to
Sittirrfmi. ftt ttntt rf tlrttJtfe. ?
. J J ' '
at 10 o'clock In the fori'nnnn, AHna Cle and Wiltlam
clc' Administrators of Ua-kil Cole, lat nf Bugarh-af
0vvn!,hiP. in sold county, Jfceased. will epose t s.iU,
iV11 upon J" p"1- a ccttain
nllninlne Ividt of Jonhua HrHik on tlie Kaat. Ilirld Lew
M i,'VK 1 L f " . , . V" l"B n tin art1 (I ana ruiy Acrt?,
more or lat oh which nra erected a MIAMI
lIuL'rsi;, and
Fuiiu ritAMi: mvi:i.i,iMi iioiisks,
n lllnckmnitli thop, (Urn, ntnl other out buildings, about
10 ucrja ot wbicli l ctcanrtt and lu a gcnnt ttntu of cul
II , Htioii.
I..itf t lie of mixl dcroawd. nituatc lu tlm tovu
ibip ut fiii.if, and totuity uforiitiid.
niooinsbiiriT, H -pt'inb 't Hk iHtO. Clerk,
J AIIt man) jcarst f nitcpflfut practice, I)r.KKT
l.lNfi itiM dextrtit to du good to tlie alllKted, llu cuu
lliiueii to ciirj all tLutU o
Ltititxi'S) Tumors TIV4, Sf.rnfuiuior
Kittys. 7:i't, S'ticS) iJrM
If curnblf, without rutting cir poiou. u ibn'H not con
tin o lulimolf iivrt I)' to tli: iuro of llu nlmvu dituaneti, but
will tr -ut on all otli'Tit with t-urrt-'im. ruii'iiH will bj
1-lleJ, if iktsir tl. it rcUDtialilu ilUUnce. I'ltkoiih Ac
tinnc tniit Dr. K., w ill (iIimjuj stop ut tie K.iHroud
lloti'l in Moduli i cib ire w Ii Ti! tli will lu directed Ut
hi r.nidvnttt. For nll partiiulari writ) Pluto lUtuatJ
plnuil), Knctoi.'it p'tota rt.iu,p t' prepay answer. -Addr.-ni
Ur. U K klU, !,((., .jir(.h.i.iicaburi!. Cumber
luinl co I'n.
ri.'pUmb.r I. leO" Cm.
.nnvrciiiiv, and rfiiiVini wake.
UV. would rpiitt ill) nn our tnemln,
li.itrinid and tlu hjoMc t.MKT.illy, thnt we SrY.
have now iu tori ami oil r Wb.d.-Hiilj and lit. fij-J fc
tail, at Hit! lowit Cash I'liuf u lurjic nud very It5
tlin.c-stock of Wauh;.uiid Jw.dry. Silver uud 1'Iatcd
W$:i "ZiSpl Jm,? ihn. non'l Work and Mh.r J.w,!-
I?! i ,VV;;7. v,s""u,ni,,m"
N. II att'iitlmi Riti to tlu Ucpalring cf
Wan iu und Jtiwciry.ot 'tf"r;1y,',IjAttl ,.y
No. C Market Ht., kmiU .-ide, fhibidclphia. it 1 Kin i... -
a pioini r 10, it-u.- Jin.
wall lurm:, iiuiu)i;iilu
P A 1 17 1 TT A (i r "T fl!- !
J. l J. XJ jlv a xi i 11 u i
plUl nn IfrniL'iKd rip 'ctlult)" in form n lb" citizens of
J IH.MUiisburt', nml tli p' if t'tilumtua ci'unty
s.iticriilly, lb it h j lm jn-i procur-d fiom the Last, u
l.irgo ami . nrii'd aM rtiuont d
i-AXcr WAr.r. paper,
Iiit.l'1'ltilff all l't inmli'rn btjlus l Uu nt'n and (nt sala
at his n.iMit.limi'nt. ui ill i l.lunni'liurtl I'usl Ollici.
I'an'riii4 r u'LUtcil In supcfl r.l) Ii:, at lumli rate prices
n'ld nn iIiirt iibltri'.
. T r,'rs"in Ii.l. INC ll.iilsu, to pipLT w III tlild It to
lltuir aiJ.iiitai.'L to jiiv u I. ina u call .inU fanniii lus .tuck
Illonni-hur? S-M I-I'll -m
folate of iltnry Jhd ry deceased,
rKrrKIW tnetamnntarvrin thf t'stuic of Ih.Nnt Mil
j ikii l.itc ff MiiItn tiiwiiiibip in 'luu.hia county,
ii"i'r.ie4 hj"i' b-'fii L't.iuicil bv tlf1 Hi' fitter "1
utility t i the uiidL'iijm;di nil pcrcoui Davtitf eFutms
a it.-, i bst the h ft. ii' o ttif iiecL.'iiint, nre ie'iu(teii lo nru
airikihst tlis hnt.ii. oi Hi-- tiec.-m i . nre ,aViim vt pre-
XLnt tli Mit to tlm t.x tt'utnr. at bit riMlleti.v. in iMann
townxhip, without -tit lay, und nil person indebted to
inaKe pav ui mi totmw mi,
ukurgi: MUtUrn.
P-plenib r 1. 10.
pr.MAIMN'ri in tin Taut Othce at IllootnsbBrg, Ia ,
AugiiU KHIi, Itf.U.
Dutler. Chtfuter A. Mr.
Itechtcl, Harah Ann Mm.
Cotlcr. Atiiieliua It. Mws
Clark. W.T.
Cain, Tin mm
ritt, John
llnnn, John
Hartiiian, f.
Klace, Abrnham
Lee, Janien
Marlin. Mr,
' Mcllcnry. SI. L.
ruliuer, Ur .M.
Calmer, A. Dr.
' Pnrkir. I. V.
t'dith. V. I.
Kowliu. I.d. (Hbip)
Hinith, Line Mi.a
sioj.1, n. k.
, W'ttnor, John
( tVilham. rtco. (Colorad.)
Locy, IL H
lVrpoiu rallinc for ihn nbofo letters, will please nay
they ari ndvertttfd,
li, 11. RITKKT. P..V.
John FAitnnt. So. ;n .wteii i .
hotwet'll "til., & rill ,MI . ytiiladtlphia,
(l.ati rt'lrt V.irk-tM.l
Imporu-r, lnnufatliirr of uiiiOcukr
in all kind of
'FUR 3.
Havius removed to my lw Flout
71- Ardi Mreei, nnd bi'itisn''d
entirely in the Jianufaeture no! palk
of Fancy Fun. hi'.h m accordaucj
witlithi"OnA l'rite Pruitiulr. ' 111 ie
mirkrd nt the lotcct i'Dflble prices cotihiftoiit with n
I ri:n(innlili ori.tll. 1 would cr it it n int from tho
. wntf l'nr fur either fadf' or Children Wear, and
j nni-ciiou of m tH.'kitiou ofllioe ptHMln, sttift 'il. ui
i ntll, ifmy nbilny tupleajo- m eiery ilenr-d cMrntiat
.7 iv ront. nt a oitance. w no may nun u incouve
m -nt to 1 all perfonalU , n-ed oul Mnuio the nrtirlB they
uuh, tojrtlur with lb' (inc. and iut.truLtiotin for fend
ins, and furwnrd th'tiinh r to my add rent mom ) uu-om-pan
my tu nuurt! u atilactrry co.npliaiicu with their
ft iell
Auciut a. lro ,1m
i m,vi , lllc sdmol IIoiihu in lUpy. 011 &.1TVtW.iV, the
(A rftfy f Octulur. nrt, i 10 o'cloi k A. .M. Addrc"ii
lUl, ;w-ajB will bu pr s.-nfil. nnd important tmbjert
duTUMHed, Tmcheri and friend of IMucation are earn
t.ktu mvited tu attend
1 AVAL HIJIirjr.?.S, Principal.
j ft MtCI. secretary,
( ,..4 ,jt tm
( - - -
. TV7 ( )r IS YOUH TIMK!
( IX
: iTv"2Ksf.,.i,lv,! fc"1"" :!0t,, cf
. uttottir. 111-cMr. nta k n
Atf e , a1, (f gof)(, r CflK at lit nwt
IMiiruMdCiur.'r h price, '.u uiii iium'uiaui)
A XPM' STOW., w th I'tiii, for I'nr 4trom or Oilin?.
One larce liOh IXU i I lu- al-o, Ji TIWCK
IIWOicV. for ml, neuily new. nnd of XTlletit work
nuu.liip. vi cilh'r on or two hore. any holy in
want of urh an articl.', wilt ;nVine mil .tnJ rTnmine
lot him tlf. 1 will i-tli it low for ra h or tbo t-redit.
ALfiU.-nil tho.e know Uieiiif-lvf Midrl ted.
Mill pleu'e fl I and make piuiftit and inou haing
clainu v.llpratnt them by the tiuii peih 'd.
1 H. is. ANL.WALT.
Ploorti'lfir1', ftutt W. Ij-TII ,
A M psrfona indtbted to the undcrrigned for Protrc
lr.uil t,i r irrM un to Ann) Int. IHl). tire rftpettl'ul
flo-ml 1.1 ts ice up to Ann) I ft. IHi). lire rpettlul-
Jy reiuclcJ to call und jietiUuther bynotnnith'TWiie,
j c. uirrrciujif. n.
llloonifbnrr. Arguft 11. lfO.
riour mill rfd Delivered !
'rill' midtTf ianed ha ui.idu nrrantPinenl tint will
1 intiLln bim totlchver l'lourand iVed, l'O It CA&I,
nhout temper cent rhencr than any body eUe iu town
His iirli'k art! asl'ollous
riour, V 23 Corn i. Hjo Chop,
Corn Ac Out. Chon. I & llran.
I rcpcctfullr ..lien a shsrj vt ihorutllc patrmiag.
Itlonnshure, Juno 23, lWO-lf
i i'owa l.flls Tur Sttlc.
QPVCRAl. desirable building Iris In Eloomihitt tor i or p.itiwiM, m-tiir' i
rl?om,biif Jun.53, YA tf
TXnfKKKAS, bTtho laws.of the Com
T T inonn eullli. It ia made 'Uie duly of lbs Bturltf
l every cuuniy lu bivii nntice 01 me ueucrui Aiecuun,,
liy publleutioii in one or mure newtpafitra of llic rounty.
at luaal twenty da), bctore the Election." sjiu to onu
mvrate tlu-rjln oflirera to be elected," and lu "dea
iicnate 111. place at vWildl th election la to bo hold."
Tiicrefore, 1, JOHN ti.VVIIKR. lhjlj rhcrlirr.f Columbia
county, uu neruuy maeHnoft n etni pioeintiii mine 'Ubii
Ll ..-fnC V'V.lV . m.Wa., . V' KHUAi,tiifl
tiny in .tid .Moutli.'at tbo dcj.rul uuttttta witbili
tit j
count), in wilt " " i
llciiioii townsblp, nt th? houVe of Kukil CoV.
Uettvi r tow uliip, nt lUii lioutc 01 rrnukliu U. fc-liumon
iDilOlll tUWIlBflirr, .It tilt? Court llhllitf, IllOUIIlrtbU rit.
Itrinftrci-k tow'iubip, ntths Town lloiin., LlLrniik.
Catla.Ui.itiinn.lilp.attliil liuuc uf iUimu 1 KosUn-
badc-r, (;nltaw nun,
Uenlro tow nsbip, nt tlta luuso of Jc-re in I all Mess, dee'd,
I t'uii)iijjiijui townsblp, nt tlio bout) vf K. K. W'.iiiit'r.
KiiljiiiKfr.tik twp., ut tlu b on ui ofOco. V IluU.uan.
r'.rHiiklju townslii), at Claj ton's tkbool llouc. 1
i OrJenw'ood towiisbip.nt tbo lniuirj',)V,JoBCph K. I'atton,
' jicoiiock inuitvitip, hi mo luck norn.
Jack on V'Atisiilp, at tbo bouso lf l..tfki?l Colo.
UlUhI tvt p , uttlio bouy of J, L, llurnt. Hlubtovvn.
I i itlliii townbtt, at tbo loine ofJoln Kfller.
Mitdiion twp , at tla bouiiof John UMliver, d ae'J.
Mount fl twp., nt tho libuni of Win llulfbiitnon,,
.Montour louiiabip. tit tfRi bou0O of Joint lUcbnrd. now
1 ociJpi'd by Willitiiii llollnii'jlt juJ. '
j Alum towiHblp, at tbo he turn of Isaac Yi-tfr.
K.i.irincr.'i-k towiisbip, ut ilia bouao of (J. W. DrrU
I bull, iniw unoccupu'd,
Otiitpij tow iiyhip, nt llto liouio of Alexander 1 1 ugh.: 8,
i 1'iiiti low iijtliip, nt the house of Albert Hunter.
! rj.irlo.ti towimlilp, at llu liuju td' All nan t;.dc.
I Hmll twp., nit lie liuUftf of llosvtll, Kspy.
1 It H lurlu'-r direct id that tho c-loctloli of tlu mtid no?
, ointtn nil ill bj opened bft.M-ou tlu liouri of rt nnd
, ID uMck i.i tin tort'tioiui, and tli all continui opoti wil It
out jut rruption and ut joiiriiinciit. until 7 o'clock the
evening, wU-'u tti.t polls eliull lu closed.
' 'J'Ju tifi(,brd tu lurlctttij at lti4 tuu uiid ptaciu ft far J
h nd, .ir'
1 jL Governor
I 1 vMetnUf of Congrcsty
A Shite isetutor
, Ttvo lMtmbcrs oj Assembly
. ,.i-, fn T. ,,r,,.ni...,. f, J. ,(
1 tt.a fn,,.tt t, V . I,
l , . 1 . .t r r
p ttMh tOUitami OJ ttC Lultft tj Ujil
Tenuity r.
' S'er l''fUf'i
j A LOtintjj LW?imtSHOner)
A County Awhtor.
. furtliiir ...rocttid that the ! meeting cf tha return
Jmguii ut tiio Court Houbo in 111 00 ins liar it. to iakuut
1 general cljciion, which will bj thi twalfth day ot
I I'lloUJI.
1 Tlin L.'uiTr.'i.hiii il rMtirli Jinlfff. nf tin Twelfth 1)1.
'tria. fuiiii.osL-J oftim cudiitios uf Oula.ubu, Lui-rtw,
itur.iud jiciiiutr, will iiiiH at tin Court
1 w i'r(r, cm Tuesday, tiu i'ittentti ilfiy of liLlotur
uijc, co iu out nturni i'r tu tiiib.-r oi uoiigruia,
'J .i j rfj it atonal return Judnes of ttu Thirtjiitith Sena
torldl Diiirta toinponed oi tlu counties of iSnydur. Nor
iliiiiiit), lonlur nud Colnitilua, mil uuvt nt 'hi
Court House, in tbo Sor.)u;h of .Siubary, in the count
of North.iuili.rl.iinl, on Tuesday, llu I'li'tjeiith tiny of uo-tob-T
n "tt to niak- Oit p turiM f.u s:att ri'tiator
Tho reiaru Jutiieti ofthc KeprJntativo UUtrkt, - om
postd of tin counties of ti,uiu, auliaii, toUiuuii
und Woiitiur, Khali mutt nt thj I'tnirt ltoun. in liloJ.ns
buri in the tounty of Columbia, on Tuesday tlu Kif
l:utth day of Oitobsr next, to muLo out rturiiri fur mum
bur. of .AsM'inbl) .
And In mid by'tlie sat 1 na, I am lurthr dirLloJ t"
give tiotira that every person, ciieptinfr Jutitir,'ii of tlu
pcact-, who hold tiny olfico ur tippolutituut of profit
or trUKt under the Uoverummit cf thu Lotted Mal.'ii, or
cf llni Mate, or of any city or iiuorpomted i Utriul.
vvlvtliT atonitnissmncd o Hi cor or othcrwic, a aburdi
fl ttfl othcor ot ugent, wbol. or shall be tniplcd utulr
th- leiilatiic. or uKucutitc, or lutlUiary lU-uartuiuiit of
tins M.ita, or oi'nn) Incorporated di&triil, nud nlto that
eiHrj uiiuibT ifJoiir. ami uf tiio selector coiiiuioii
t"llin II oi uny cny, roiiiiiiiS'ionur oi uny iiH-iiriuiiL'ii
tll.lrm l,.lxyl.ts, iuc.ip,iblu oriioldint; urcxerti.itu ut
.,. .,. .,. 0lhLor:iDnoiutiiient of Imlce. iu-ntic
tur or clerk of any election ui. itiu. coinmoiiweaKli, and
tntit no hinpector, Jud?e ofiiny otlifer of auy tvurh elec
tion hall bj rliglble to any qthec thin to be vuUd for-
(ilcn under my band nud -nl, at iny oince in Dlooim
burit. tbi "iid day of deiiteiiibcr, A. U., Ino.
niimm burg, S.'pt. S3. lljtO.
She rill'N Sale.
virtue of a certain writ of Levari
Far 1 at, to inn directed, issued out (f the Court of
1 onimon rifn. i.r Uoiuiubia rountr, ni bj exposed to
public ale, at the Court Uouae, in Uloomiburg, on
Saturday, the '2i);h day (f October 18,60,
nt two o'cloik in tho attcrnoon of eaU day, a certain
Tit ACT F LAM), situate in Title, lata Madiion town
tthut and rti-uwood township, besinnUu nt n pout,
I thence by land htl of WW Mendetihall, North thirty
I two ilt'urtcif, Uat one hundred nud niu'jty-iivo perclo-a
to a pot, mence ao'un m-venty tour ut grea t:aai, torty
two and cizlit-tent'ia perches to a pojt, thenro by Irani
lierr, and Jouatban L.imou. South forty-thre'i and three
fourth depr jit Weil, twu ImiWred and elecu and nue
tenth pcrclu'f to tha place of b.'smnin , co-Halriinc
tu'i: i'v-nvu AMtua uud ou MUNOitnu ami
I'UKTY Sf.VKN riMtCIICd, ttrict tm iiure.
S -ized. tnki-n in execution, uud tu bu sulJ nd the prop
erty of lJdo Tjler.
biunirr's Orncic, l blrr'S
nionmsliurg, tit'pl. W 0. t
ai.iroitiMA tut riM: i-imk;
7'A .Mat Splendid and llnttrprise V.rer Offered.
(i?niral .M.iinir.irturiiij Agency fci the it. of th
fiflotn ratalogue nt ools. lJ" v mt!i more than
.Miti.UlO Hollars, nil tifwhith will be k old at SI -ii each,
irr''ipftiu of alup. LVrtificaliJ Uting what ecli
pcrsoii tun have are placed in envelopes, spieled, unj
t'ii'''ii out uh called fur.
Kvcry nrtuL-itilbf f-ilUvini; catulnsuc will hi ) I fr
SI '5inch. It id optional Willi ttlKO Whn.p to ptir
rnne. wlieilnr they p.iy (or and tak tb atticletf after
th y rectme the Oitimata ur not.
ONLY 91.25 BACH!
The '25 cents must be pai)n advance and viU be
'rcturntd in good.
jr Gold lluuimsCdhuU Watches, 8100 OOcsrh
KM Oild Wat. bta. t-5 0)
MM l.adi"' Ould H'atchCf, ' ' A3 MJ "
Ann HiHcr oiclin, 15 ixt
50' tlold Ouard. Vest fc Chntetnni Chains, '2i M "
:i(ill I'ami") Uroorbes, "
nitn) Mi..'ir and Jet Droocht'tt. , 5 00 -
:tiKii) l.avannd rionntnie Uronclu-t., A o,t "
MtU) t'oral, LTiu. raid and Opal Uruothvi, A I l "
MfM) Caui.-o rir I'top. 5 W
.iihi) uud Jet 11. r Drop. 5 UJ "
:i.k),i i,nd nnd I lorutiua, 5 H) -
'JIM t'oral. KiiieraM and Opal IUr Drop. 5 O'l "
tUIH MiHairiiiulCHiiiuu Uraculets, ?J 00 to 10 t) "
ini'M G -mi' lirtastpius 1 5) to ti uu
LDt) UnKli Ki yn. I no t? 7 i
ynud poh und ItibbonShdeB, 1 no to b 00
mum .s(tt-.o UoiiouistuJd, l cm to 7 Ut) '-
HtHiu Mevo Miutnni, 2 60 to 7 in
OiWH I'l.iiu IIin'.'B. 2 M to 5 Ui) "
7oi 1 0 ti?,n t?il l!in;i, - 6D to 7 IHl "
;imii Mtti l.adK-a' Jewelry. '2 hi to 5 m
Tli'tt" ftrtinir a Acenti. will collect Ilia adi.inrc i,t
liifut t.l '-',1 1 'im tat each Ceittftrnta unit r'l lur (tondn.
and remit u lo tcntii on each. The rcrttiiung 15 reuta
on r arb th ran re ervc tn their ccmtciivii -no rom
inniu ullowi it uu leuiittaticct of tiis than one dullat
vou ure r (''tad 1 1 a.t .u Agent fur n 1
Vc will i-nchaui', and jiu our euitofner any pools
on our Lit in place ol tbosa tbur Utilifttfttei call tor,
Wntche ecrrtJ,l
N t!.-Aj:yt war.ted in every town. CtrcuUri itut
on apptlcattsn.
C- AJdre nll communtcationa to
f. J. DOrqilCRTV.
Nn. 42 fiouth TlutJ St., I'btladvhihia. V
B pt.?J, lS6U-3iii. '
'pUU untie rftgiiud inlortni hi fmndt and
1 tu.1 puiait' generally, maine na purrn lien tne
I the
i-tot K ot ii. t . .Millard una opened A m;h Ttx
WAUi: AND hllilliT IRON
1.3i' i
Ju the bailJiny tiirmerl
U occutued tor that nurnokti
by tha H.nd .Mr Milliard, where h i it prepared to con-
,lurl lli Kit. in k. ill ,ll tt. tnrlniit hrnnrln,.
i l',i,,v.r.. -.,,.1 II.A,,.., .nniilin. rtf oil L,t,.l. m .1. .n ...
i tit tir 'i snori lionets ana ui moamaie prices,
: o. short iiolico ana at luoactale prico..
AUn-HlliyLS,i.fvuriiunles, cnusunlly for ,al,.
Kcpairmi! tlonc to ordpr m quick tuns.
couutrv nioJu&w uitji. m oiclianzti for wmk.
riiiul' b. xovui,
Dlooruibu (, Ttbrniry U JfSl
I EVOLVING llOhLL" RAKES, for sua It
iv by r b. re
jnn it'o
Political ExcltonioutatSt.Louiu
Sr. Louh, Sept. 30. Koth ilia Doug
las and lircckinridgc parties hotd meetings
bore last night. During the speech of
Judge Halliburton at the Ureckinridga
gatUcring, an attempt was made by tbo
Douglas oca, to break up tho meotitig.
Two of tho Urcckinridgo party wra stab-
qJ auJ si ifflitl V WOUtiJcd.
Gcu. Walker Safo.
New Orleans, S'pt 20. Tho achoon.
Vr Taylor urrived this evening, from Stella
on thu 13th. &he reporU thnt General
Walker ja aafc. Ttho rumor that ho had
Leon a hot was uufouuded. ,
Uo will probubly return homo hf tho
next nrrhai.
Walkor and liudlor would havo boan
reloasiwl with tho rust of the party, If thay
had (,-jaitnfd . Anjcric.-iu citizenship or
Ilrhifth protection,
It i.i cci taiti that thuy will not to shot,
flij the ljritiah coniMiutidur haj declared
that he would not permit it.
iJL.' Or TrlVnlt Mud iri:l'l lai Civ. rial n 111 Ja.'
,,JU,, ,. c , j, .,.,,nn, win, r.tll illwclioa.
1 Id r t lm (( ti,i,ii.lluii It 1. 1 1 .' I'.innli-
I Cn'4i. Crfl.tiili. A si bin tt tv?M, lltnrt
1 f i l.i. Cam vt, lM'i(pi i, I ivr i,l.ihit, Urvtl nnd
. UHnirv hepoHiti, tVintilt-Coniitlaliiis.icc. Iituirntet
j with huiidn:i.i 111 nr u Qc.H curt-it nud rdfft.i vit.fim,
, Tar-thf purging uf rticumi; at wnny i-utfcrliiR HUw
ufliuK" (tnintiJiif norn prr-umiunt 1if.11 it, 1 1 win u
unt to uny unit wrltii uiutinctit, by wrnliog 21rnt tt
M7 Uroi dwa hNfW York OMt
H0I1I by (I. Ms lUr.citbiicfi. nbLtuinOtrf ; N. U. lUnK
ttCo., Duuviib; Jaeou LqwhII. Culaa.tuoa J Miller
& C.i .ftrrwo& v
Octobfi 3. iSua-llm,
'vnni'roprietorcftbi wclt-knowatui'lconttutly lucn
I ted Mous, th I'xt iiAvtii. 'Motel, sltuattr.ou ,Vq
Siroot, tu HlooiuibutS, iuiuiodtatfly oppoilt(i the Col am
bi-i t'ounty Court II mi so, rJBVctluliy inform bii trinda
nd tlu publn: In general, tbut hi llouse ii now lu cr
dcr for tli 1 r tci-ptnm and fiitortAnilnetit of travclart h
ina) fjt-l diipcirji-d lo Invor it with tboir custom. He hat
Ip.imd 110 rxpfiiHt in pr-'pariug Uu Kxt uhue, fur Ihu
cnt:rt.iiuiucat of liiit gutain, ntritli r chnU th bo Any
thing wtiiiiiiiif (n In p.ut1 to n in itt t tbi purjTi
cuuuort. Iliahum h Bpuiioui hhJ cTjoytt an xocll&t
0 jgni,;t, f'tnuuii
ill'" O.uiiil'uiM-a run nt nil times hctn oen llit? Eschiriff
lie t -I uudth-i viirioud Kill lt'Jiul U-'putu, Ly trnv
tlari will bn plr'omutl) cuicycd to and from tho 14.
tfpjclivo Uliom iu duo H.uj to uijtt tbo Cnra.
Hi, I tl - tn
.bAliU ViUJtK LOllK 110SIJ1T L
I) It . J 0 II X ? T 0 IV ,
rpiiKflKinderf thi CclcbmiM Itintmdta, oiT-rt th
inojt cjriiiin. fuvtiH.uud oulv cib'ctunl reudv in
tlu worli for erJjcUtor iflcft. Mi"Htirf, dciutnal wwek
ncii, raiiirf in Ui . I-onm, CoiiaUtutjonal Liability . IiDpb
tunc), Wt,akuLd ut thu Llnck and Limbs, AUoction (A
tbj K.I Jnc u, 1'nlpitatioti uf ths Heart, UiKpcpsia, Nor
vom Irritability. Ltisftide of trn Head, Throat, Noio ur
Skin, nnd all tuo,j uenotH and melancholy Unorder
arunr,' rroutiu aeatructivo iiauita 01 luutit, nuicn ue-
1 tro bUi toay nnd mind. 'Hiom scrut and atdilary
prdaicua, uro more taut to tn -ir victi'nstnaii tbo acn of
Uii tJyren lo ih miriiitfrii LIsjic!, Lliglittnif tirtir luo.t
I brilliant Uopas bad anticipaiiytii, rudtitng uiarriag&c
.Married perann, or Voting .Med contemplating mar
ri'iji'.bjiiig a .vary . f phyt.ical wcaknesn, organic a cub Hi
tj, Utf.irM.itijs. ace, bliuald immtfdiatly conn alt Dr.
JuhiKtoa, and bi rcatored tifpctfct lualtti.
lid w'fw plnceH hima.lf uudur tlu care of Dr. Jwhniton.
muy religiously contue iahm houur na a gentl.iu.ju, uu
cmiidoiitl) Tly upon huk.ill as apbykician,
immcdiatel) curej nnd lull wor rtJL'l,
Thu iittiHttu U tlu p-.julty uioit frequently paid by
thus wild Ihii u-'coiuo thu iLlim ot Improper inuulgu
cuit Vouot' perrum arc loo apt ta coutuill vlccm Irom
rnt bciOfjivuru tf tlu dreadful consvunct; thjl tunf
endue .Now, who that uiidcr-.taiidit tbo tfJbjeit will pta
tJiirf to deny tliat the power of proaeation'itt lout voonr
by thow falliti( into improper Iiabit4 than by the prudbiit,
I'-vsiden b injc deprived ol tlu pleasure of heelthy tiff
prnis, tlu itivsst rieriousuud uctructio nyinptuius to
uta oouy ah i im u it uii9c. i uj pysiuui octouit), uratig
I Ji 'U'l lilivsnal ana uinul poncrs nculKli.d. octvfus
ilebilit tirtpjiiria, palpttatiuti ot the h-art, iudixt'tioi.
a waatiu, oi tlic fi.tun,, L oiis h, Sjinpw.oicf Uomumji
tiuu, &c,
ijy uihce. No. 7 tSoyiurRtDRtcK Sibeet, leven dori
from llaltltuore alrect, iiavt nldj, up tli mlf p. Uu par
ticular lu.ui.nerilutf the .NAM C aud MJMuCR, or jOu
will iniitike thi placa.
A Cure H'arrented, tr no Char Afaie, ih rom On I
Tiro Oat.
DU JUU.1).
Member of the Koyut ColU'ite ot riargenns, nt Lonilon.
Graduate fromoueof the mubt euiuu'iit CuIK'iJ cf thu
L'niWd ritTtef, nud tha greater part of whom Ufj Utu
been ipent iu the tlret lltipitali ut Loudon. I'atU, I'hilv
delplnaund i.Ue where, lm chect'd noiuu cf thu meat a
tonishiiiic cure that wcrjever known; many trbublmt
with ringtnt; in tht head aud tar when aleep, rat
iicrvuuujn, b jny alarmed ut sudden nuundSiUiiu h uh
fulness, with frc'jnentblusbiiis,'. atended oiticiiiea with
Ueratijcmeut of n;tnd, were cured tmiuedlately
NVh-jn tbo mHpu.d:d andiuiprutlent votary cf plsaiur
find he lm Imbibed tlu seeiu ot thin painful dictate, It
Icju often un til timid heme ofhutu or
dread of distovcry, detent hui from appljmg to thoti'
who from education an J respectability cuiiuloue b.trieud
Ii i ui. delaying till tha vnniltutiutiary i mptoius of thi
hjrri I ui4.'ac makt-ri th.-ir upvuraiue, tach as uleeraUJ
More throat dHcacd no ie, uocturce, paiun in tbo head
and limb, diumcut of sight, d-afocib. niden oil the bfciA
btiiui, anj a nn a, blotchei ou the head, lici and etria
ti-ji. prfirjtinj witJi rupi.lity, till aWus the (,nute of
tlw in iiuh and bailee of th noe fall jn, unJ tua vKtuncr
tlUsde;ase hecoutesn bnid objeit uf coinmisafratiCH
till del th putn a p'nod to bin dreauf-1 autf.ringK, Ly vo
dinj; lit in to "tint bourne wheuta no traVvlljr re
turn." Tu muh, th.refor Or Jolmitim plttdgea liia
uclt to prai.Tve tha ma-it cir in.,bl - Kcrec . uu J iruui bu
extensive practice 1 1 the tint ilopitaU of i.uropa and
Americi, hi can confidently reciiuiueud taf.' atij Hpeudy
curtJtb. unf -rtunaij uii.ik fthiii horrid dtacaaw.
TAK1J V MtTIi'l LAIl MiTlCt:.
j Dr. J. a.l lr stcn all th . who have it JaioJ thatuijfoi
bv private aud tif pr-jpvr iudulgeiicvb.
'lh'Me art noma oi tha kid a.uJ iudancholy clT-di pro
ilui'.-d by i'&rly habits of youth, vti, . Wc-uktic o th
Ilaika-id l.tmb I'uiu in tlu Head, Iliuiuesa uf tight,
I Loch of Muscular Tower, Palpitation of ttielkmt. lit
, pjpvii. Vervoui Iriuta'ulit), tijruugvuleiil f tutt,liig,j.
live functions, Hu-rul D.-biliU, m uiptouu of LbiisUiiio.
Ucn, &.c.
MliS' r.VIXY Tlu f-'arrul ciTecH upon tlu icind ara
much tu bj d ready ti Xvnol .lMuor),c.onfuiioU vf Ideii
Ll 'pretsioD cf th a fcpir tn, KmI Lurcboding, Aveitviou
of Sou -ty, Tim ity, &c. art ume uf tlu eviu produced,
Thu'isaudri pi-rs-uis of ult ujf tun liuw judge wbnt
is tha caune 'of lh ir declining health. Louiug itn,lr
MSor b 'coining weak pnlj and emaciated, haung eiu
frill r nppearaiit; about tlla ee. cough and inptom of
Co iuu mpt i on.
, VUUAAU' WLlAh-NKa't?.
1I thi preat and luipurtant ruin-il). wenkncsti of tha
org.uu are npacdily cured, and full tifior rettuteib
Tbou.iiidt tif the mot nervoua and .debilitated, whn'
had lo-t nil hope, ha , tfittitcuiat Iv Micvd. AH
ii tiin,-iittf l.i M.irrl . Vh Jirnl iin.l f. tl.-... .-t.
I lUaiititi, ,N rou lrrutabilit),Tr- uiblmgHdntl U'ukntia
or exhautation ot the moil f arful kind. peedtl' cured
by Ductor JXnuuttni.
VOU'.NO Mr.v
I Who have iniured thuml-i by a certain Drarti-
itidulK'"! iu when alou.'- nlmlit frequently Kafuc-i from
cil cuiupauions. or ut fchdul thj cltscu of wbith am
titnrJttt Ull, even wi -n ualecp, and if not cured render
iturtiaje luipoittibla. und dtttiuj both uinid an( body.
bhiuil.1 upplv inn-ixliat 1
What a pilty that jouiig mnn, tie hor of hit mintry.
nnd th darlint; cf In par.-iM. tJimibl U nini.' from
nil propvitt. and iMjotiin'iiu of 1 1 iV , bv thu cunxcuuir
ecu d dt-Matiiiff front tli path ot nature, und iiiduljtn
; in a ktrtatu secret imuit. such persons before tou
i lempUttng
should reflect that a oun J tiund and body are tbt moit
iiicesary rtuintu-ti to promote couunbuil happmct
I indeed, without tin the jyumi' through life hluiiijei
I ji wer the protpect hourly datketm tu
I tne view , uk iuium bcrinneH nbaluwcd with ottpairav
till -u with the rtnVrtioii that th hapmneit
of aiitttlur b.coiiieHldigbtJit with our own.
, UrPK.i: M. 7 sOUTlTrUCItCi;iCKbT..rir!e,,V(
N U - Let mi fals" mo.lcttty prtvutt )ou, but apply
tiuiucaiatt-ly cither personally ot hv Lilttr.
im nrM.vai.Jis.
Tho many thousands curcu at ibia institution Atihm
I the at J5 year, and th nuun'roun important 5urtui
upcruiiiMih pcuiirnicit o ut jountiou, v uo.'kbfd y
th i rcpotur of th papers and many other peruii, no
tit i s oi which havo appeared again and again before tbo
puoiic, o.'nuc ins (uiiuir,; as n senucnian ui ciurnrU'r
an J rchpoiiaibilitj . i u fuibctent guarantee to thoadicu 1,
N. B.
Tlt'rq art. su u.nt miorant ani wnrtli!!..
Ouacks a'lVLrttsIn xhHinlvt' rysiriaus, ruinini: Ui.
f Itf airtiatlv aQlicLutl. that llr. JihnsLon ..m.
r, to ray. i,pially tn iho.j uu.w.Wutrf
! wuU lu, rfpatalion. that tli .d,tuia:i aoa eirloran
, ona) hani In hi. caire. '
' uy-1 1 on.-Ali uttsri twit bj n!, nd
I contain a pottage stamp for ISa rwl. or no an.viir i.l
I Im sent.
.Martn 17 ih.
TOU Want