Karr Valliß. 'e beta the proper time me yew potatoes, US apt to err by pith. •Iy. The roots atnitinue esti boast shot the tope their fell growth. 80, honeeted before the co me sorbing mina, which ile the setting in of winter. 411.41 in • hot sun, the , " greet ) end beano* un- 0 ottu Isidnal and wormy ap es, Ito., and boil ttla Indian mud, pots. 'Cow adostanoes, sad ur swine. You will thus wldelt said fruit rosy ~ t blurs generations of yoixr ondowome. the corn with which you on the barn ground, tol ling to hsro much of it • charcoal, giver* to hogs is bald to be searal.— it with aquae* And it being troubled with a Edur, which tie leant- 4:mi coals in a situation $ earl have 1001011, and :armoires without char advice or attendance. farther, and they will .ermitted to ferment till taste, or has become Try Four. n in the field as follows re are ripe enough for . clout quantity for early and at the time you op to be ripe, gather a y for planting the nest to take it from stalks t bottom, of a regular 11, the ears net low, and he greatest number of of the best quality,— y, and from the corn described, plant your d if any hills should be row that which was first Dee to earthing up your our late seeds, and dry to stand over winter; di among your late po• vegetables, and throw en, alias manure min den. a this is the sewn when ng into use, it is well to of :medical men relative r. Bennett, a professor gives his opinion as tOl. tomato is one of the erica of the liver and ere calomel is indicated, aost effective and least agents known to the •heroical extract will be that will supereede the the cure at disease. as sueoessfully treated article Mono en used as an article of t sovereign remedy for i!eittian. should ho constantly used Cher cooked, raw, or in p ; it is the most hcalthy Roar. or SHANGHIX.— given to a climbing rose ina by Kr. Vowsustr. deter,' a Chronicle speaks ta. It says it " may not •iers," but a pillar , lei" Mr. FottruSE say, esteem by the Chinese; ,f the best white roes I It is frequeotly Been • vexing trellis. work arm. built ever harden maks. it is well suited, ee it le 'r and it bloom profuse Its flowers are white, on the °Weide ; awk,et- V in endless profutii‘ni in The Sowers are /mall, not maul up well ; but early, s rampant grew- Is deaarrea attention. " OURS FROM A Duna , The great diliteulty of ore a stable, whore sur -40 an la a Mak+ of 00/a. known. Willcox Spirit Je $ gentleman who*: groat peril tram nett $ Tido tried to save them On Into,lay, Friday and nalutday, Tit* 18th, ult 4 anti Seek rt cIOTOSIM bet, Order 14 Urvivilet Oprmtiltet CLAM I —MIMS. liftat pair of Dttft flare Id - do do •Mt Cartloge