SATURDAY, SEPTHMBu 8, 1800. 'We Iijvvo tlio Farmer & Gardcucr, American Agriculturist, and Gcncssce Farmer, for September, all valuablo ag ricultural works. -OR. ICT Tlio Senatorial Coufercnce for this District, will bo held 011 next Monday, th'oJOth fast., nt tbohouso of Col. Urown, in Northumberland. near Meal. 5Ir. QconaE KnE.ssr.Eit, of Scott township, last wcok, presented us with' a lot of Cno young Boar meat, sweet and endor for which ha will accopt our grateful acknowledgements. Mr. J. A.J. Cumminss lias been dcliv-l ering his cxcollont Maps of Columbia and Montour counties, to subscribers, and wo aroliappyto say, thatthoy aro well execu- tod and give vory general satisfaction. Tall Clover. Mr. David S. BncnvN, of Main township, has loft us two stalks of ' Clover grown upon his excellent Farm.ono ' of which.mcasurcs 5 feet and! 1 inches, and the other full (i feet in length, to bo seen 1 in tho office of tho Columbia Democrat. '2 BST Mr. Jacoii Bond, of Orango town ship,'iil,this county, lost his Barn, last Saturday night, by iiro, supposed to have boon set on fire, in which ho lost his en tire crop, two horses, two cows, pioporty . in all amounting to near 3,000. on which ho was only insured 8000. Wo would ailviso T)t John, of tlio Ho publican, to lako no fuitliortroublo about that '"Iliekory Polo." Tho Polo is all) right, and so aro the IcmocraU wlio pro- cured its orcetion. The Doctor and his party have over entertained a holy-horror for "hickory poles," since flon. Jackson strung up their six tory nialitia friends for treason to tho Government. Polb Raising. Tho Democracy of fctand commited. Sugarloaf township, Columbia county, will Com'th. vs. Nathan Sccly Sclliugli.iuor hold a mass inciting at the Hotel of Kzo-'to mill org Dist. Atty. & Jackson for kiclColo,on Saturday, tho loth inst., at Com'th -Freeze for Deft. Verdict "guil at which! timo a Hickory Polo will be raicd. i ty." On motion of Mr. Freeze, rule for Thcro will bo several prominent tpcakcrs , n0W tfia. prcscnt,-nnd it is expected that tho Demo- i Com'lh. w.'AMnccut Arnwinc Ansault cratio citizens of Sugarloaf will turn out in , and battel,) DUt. Atty. & Hurley for full force to hear tho issues of tho canvais Com'th Clark for Deft. Vcrdjpt not Loncstly expounded. guilty but Deft, to pay half the costs. V Com'th. w. Nancy Michael Adultery MoilE ATTonsiivM. On motion of R. ni.-i. Atty. & Clark for Com'th Wirt & F. Clark) Ksq., on last Monday, Ronr.ux j Freeze for Deft. Verdict gu'lty f-cntciico S. IIowem,, of Evpytown and Wkllixo.i Com'th. vs. Fraulclin Stewart Obtain TON II. Ent, of Jjolit Street, were ad- itl monuy under false pretences Dist. inittedjto practice Law in tho several j Atty. for Com'th--Hurley, Clark & Freeze Courfcof Columbia county. On motion 1 hHJelt. Ver lict, not guilty, Prosccu of Cdl.JWe, Solomon li.ovr:ii, Esq., (0r, Joiah Thomas, to pay tho cost, n monibcr of thu-Rar of Noithumbcrland , countyfas admilted to practice as an At-, Thfi Am(!1,icau Valchiiiau Office, ' "UUIla Ul l"u l'uuu'J vl VUIUUIUIU, " Thebd is a kemrdv run Evnnv THING, COUI.I) Wli HUT riM) IT." Tho rcmody against a reckless wasto of monoy j is to acriuiro a tasto for savin;:, which is i readily secured by opening an account and depositing all your surplus income or earnings in tho Franklin Saving Fund, No. lflfl South Fourth street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia, where it can bo withdrawn when required without notico, with 5 per cent, interest. This Saving Fund never suspended ; see advertisement in another column. Col. John 0. Fiieese. Tho defeat of this gentleman for a LngMativo nomina " tion, by tho late Columbia Democratic Convention, is regarded by many of tho ,, citizens of our county and this Representa tive District, as an act of jnjuitico and wrong, especially as it was accomplished by misrepresentations made in tho differ ent townships of his position on a certain defunct local question, and that just before tho Delegate Elections, and also at a timo whcns Col. Freeze, was confined to his couch by a severe Providential affliction. No political parly can ever mal;e any permanent political capital by the unjust persecution of any one of its own merito rious and worthy members. In makiug this brief statement of a self-evident fact, we havo no desire to consuro tho action of the Convention, as wo believe that many of the Delegates at the time, did not seriously consider tho injustice they wcro inflicting upon iho man to whoso aclivo efforts and consistent democracy, tho par ity in Columbia county, mora than any oth er man,wcre indebted for its efficiency and glorious organization j nor aro wo willing to cast a reflection upon tlio worthy gen tleman upou whom tho Convention con ferred tho nomination, as wc intend to jiold his nomination our cordial support. This feeling is prevalent throughout tho oouuty, and to show that it is not alouo confined to Col. Frcezo's own political friends wo copy tho subjoined paragraph from tho , l6t Columbia Co, lirpttbhwin : 'PI, A.i J tin limit fliit lttfi il mi n niAVA n ml i i V i worked harder for tho Democracy of Uo- lumbia oounty than Col. John G. Frcczo, , ,i i . , 1 .and no man has been so poorly pant nnd badly troatcd by them. Whenever they l. Ji . l t sinvu uau any ivuui in u iuuji uuvu ninajo called ou liim and ho has cheerfully re tpondcu, but whenever ho has askcu any thing nt their handa they havo invariably cm( mm. If ho continuoi to kiss tho rod that smites lain wo shall hciv.tlter coiimii- cr him as ;v moilcl ot foioaranco md .....i,-. lueoicncas. Court Proceedings. BLoojisnuna, 3rd Sept., 1800, Court met, Hon. W. Ji WdoDw.tnt), Prcst. Ilon.'s Peter Kliuo and Jacob I'lvans, on Iho Bench. The usUal business of tho morning was gono through. An un usual amount of criminal business was sont to tho Grand Jury many matters of tho kind wcro laid over to Deo. Term : Cornt'h. vs. Win. Goodman Assault, with intent to commit a rape Dist. Atty., Jackson & Freeze, for Cornt'h Clark & Comly, for Deft. Vcrdietguilty of assault, but not an attempt to ravish. Sentcnco, a fine of ten dollars and tho costs. Cornt'h. vs. John Whipplo Indictment, larceny of a horse. Dist. Atty. for Com'th. Wirt for- Deft. Plea of "not guilty" withdrawn and plea of guilty. Sentenced three j ears to the Penitentiary. Com'th. vs. Henry May Larceny Dist. Atty. for Com'th Jackson & Hurley for Deft. Verdict, guilty motion for new trial. Com'th. vs. Edward Carey Assault and battery.. Dist. Atty. & Jackson for 'Com'th Clark for Deft. Verdict "cuilt v." Five dollars fine and costs. Com'th. vs Abraham Young Indict- mont, misdemeanor in office, as Justico of tho Peace. Dist. Atty. forComth Clark and Hurley for Deft Verdict not guilty, and Wm. Deunisou Prosecutor, to pay tho costs. . Com'th vs C. Titsworth Fornication & bastardy Dist. Atty for comtli Jackson for Deft Verdict guilty Thu usual sen- lullc Wagner adm. of C. llcrminger, vs Lud wig Thiol Action of assumpsit Freeze for Plff Clark for Deft. Xoutuit entered by consent, with leave to take it off upou cause bIiowii. Coiu'th. vs Daviil Kvana Assault ami battery l)ist Atty ami Freeze fcr comtli- Clark for Deft Verdict, not guilty, but Deft, to pay half tho co&ts. Coin'th. vs George Lcvan Fornication Dist Atty ami Clark for Comtli Wirt & Freeze for Deft Verdict, guilty. Sen tence S100 dollars fine and cots. and to at Lock Haven, U olfered for sale by its proprietor, Mr. D. S. Dunham. Bj Tlio Prince of Wales ii announced to visit Philadelphia on tho Oth of Octo jjer cay The Luzerne Democratic Conven tion meets next Tuesday, at Wilkcs-barrc. Tho Dkmoc'IIAT is ofiered to subscribers for the Campaiiju at thu following rates: Single copy, - - 40 cts. Ten copies, - - 83,00. Payment in all cases to be made in ad vance. CSy Our friends are solicited to get up club. LEVI L. TATE. Blanks! Blanks! A beautiful lot of Co.n.staiii.t: Sam:s Deeds, .lusrtcrs lir.A.NKs of all l;inds,for &alo at tlie oflice of tlio Columbia Uano erat. Qr-Hite l,i LR l.NM,nliAlR and CiTtuaric 1'iils in uuotiur tol'iniii. DLOOMSiiuna jiaukkts. Wheat.. . .1 to Shoulder . . Ilultcr. . . . ltyo 75 Corn 00 Oats Hi White lio:ins...l 00 Buckwheat r0 llama l!i SIS IS II II ISS II M II SSI I II SIS I Tallow. Lard . . Potatoes.. . Dried Apples. 1 fiO .18 a ac it i !: it . On thalstuf July, hy thi Rev. M J.tSiowr, Vr. IIiium Knurr, nf rihickhhiniiy, mid Mus Haiuii Ass lvnstK, v( ilt'rw uk, Uoliimbi.i count y. Ou Hih 'jDili iiiGt., hy thu Itov A. It. ll!l, Mr. Josmh II. Kin, and AJi-id JUciutL M UiiirutLL, belli nf Ku!i tew iuIiio, i'j In 1'Jiiu tow nshii. Coin mln a county, on the 30th ult., hy Janice Vot-uui, J. 1', .Mr. (Jtout.1! CKntkY, aii'l Mis CATiURikawiautn, hoih I'fl'iue townnhip. Ou the.M uitt., l-y K v. Win, J. Ilyer, .Mr flFonnR lloi. I.LHtl 11, ('ft QtlaW Ittia, tit .Ml JjLtZADtTll Mll'UAhV, of M;u it tw p. I I H I . Ill f ijilitr'ireft.P.iturdny uiornmjj, t? ftemher 1st, l?Ct), Cutntti W'.eiUNMiv, u;ud U yearn and U inn.. In Wilkfj-liurro mi Rilurday M.t, the Ul init , of ty phoid lctr, Lydia, wile of djnmcl II, t'uicrhaugh, in thu O Jd year ot hur njiu. In Vomiu?,un I'ndiy, Aujitst 2th. firo. W.Pwet- i mil, only honor wm. rwttiani, agua ji )car I , uioom.lur;.. on the Willi nit. Asu UiiuittNf, iiaushtrroniuiryanj Aiiiia.M.ortine,inthei;ii,i)ear 1 Intirott ton'nsliin, llutuinbia rftunty, on Werlnesilay t llt, Mr.ukMiOEFi.ntKi,!ir., m ihoe-i.i jear onus i "te- I In Heaver tnwni-liiii, on tho 1 of Aiijil'l, Au, Jniisliur of Joseph Marl, usc.lUmontli, anil Vil.iys. In Mitllimlllj.oit the li'tli of Auc'iit. Wiurti II , noil of riillniCreaty ugfd year, Oiunntht and hd;i)s. In Mifflin tnuimhin,nnih)?.tuof AuaUM, IIfkrv Miu. kit, father of Comiuiei"in'r Miller. ugLd oljoui Hi ycnri. At her reildenff, near Uliminhluirj, mi tlM.lUtult COLUMBIA "DEMOCRAT I'OR Tim ilcd,uscd -uyiMr . in Jatksnu towmhip Loiiiudi-t-nuutv (u b :iut m 1 Aucunt Mr AtMtiii lit uio ni I'.ml Ha uj d limnu., md i, New &&uertiscmcnt& WANTKD. A lantf seronddiAmlM HOOK CASH, with plnni door nnd Degksit.tchort. Address A. I!. Klooiiiflbtirg, F o.( or thu Ldilor of the Columbia Democrat. ALSO. A few tnadfl of rira Wood, on nccount duo tho Editor, EXEOUTOU'S NOTICE. Estate of Henry JWkr deceased I" KTlT.nS tcitnmcntaryon tliq Fstfttn of IIisry Mil J im.lito nfMlfliiu township hi Columbia county, deceased Itavu been cranted bv tlmR?eitrrof Coliiiiihbi county, to tho undersiiinod, nil per ions liming claims ngullKt tho Citato of tho docedeni, ore relics ted tn pre sent thorn to tho Uvccutor, at his residence, in Maine township, without delay, and alt persons indebted to niaha payment forth w Hit. - Eicculor, September 1. WALL PAPEll BOItDEltlNG AM) PAPER HANGING! rplin undersigned respectfully Informs tho fltiens of J. Illnnmtiliiirtr, and the people if Columbia county cnrrally.thatl.c has jn,t procured from tho fcast.J ....H.u.HMVMM.-.v.vmw.. FANCY WALL PAPER, intiuitins nil tlm modern M lc 10 lf orn nn.l for it.iln 1 nt rstnlilihiiieni, lu tliu lUnoimHiuri l'o-t Oinco. rnporiiiil fcciiteil In ffiijtcrior stjlc.ntmoilcnlc prices tttnl nn uliort notice. 17- lVrBfin-i iiavinp liouacs In pnper will flml it tn their advantage tugiv e liini a call and rtiuniHe hi Ftorki U, J.TIIOUNTOM. ! lllnnniglmrg. P. lPrn, 3m. LIST OF hl'll'TMUS pr.MAIMNn In tlio foit Offlci at Uloom shuts, Ta., lV August lUtli, ISM). llutlcr. Chejlrr A. ,Mt, llrilitel. S.irali Aim IMro. Coder, An?, linn 11. yilss 'lark. V. 1'. Ciiiu, Thomas l ift, John llaitm, John llartiuaii, 1. Klaro, Ahrahani l,ee, Jaineii,', 11. II. J Martin, Mr. ! Mcllcnrv, Jf. 1.. ; Pulim r, Dr. M. i Calmer, A. Mr, 'Parker. I. r. I'aiill. 1'. I. Kolin. 11,1. (Ship) Hiinth, l.l?.iu Miss r'ln 111, I). K, Waanor, John Williams, 3en.(Colorrd.) Tersons ralliiiff for tlio ahoro Itlters, will please say they aro udttrtised. i n. uorr.RT. p. .v. A SUPERLATIVE TONIC. DIURETIC. IHYMATiKR CGBDIAi To the Citizens of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, AroiiiLTtimp, Dni'finwTn, (JnottRS and Truaib J'amilim. IfWr'i Pure Ccffnac Jirftiuhj, llvfjei Part Jlfrulrrit, kkrrnj anil Port Wine, Wvifr'tt Pure Jamaica and it, Vrolr lUm, t Itvfjc's Paro Scotch anil frfih Wh'tsly, ALL IN BOTTLES, IliC leruti to mil 1 Jig mteiihoi, ofth ntl'ti nf ihj Viiitftt 6laU'4tu the tilcne Wistt timl I.iiiiuitrt, itiiior(eil by I' Wong, vC .Now ork, ulm-su nnme is t'.i miliar in evi-rj part t'tln rmitr for tin; purity of his Ltlcbratuil ta(LlM Stii.Ari'tt. -Mr. W'olu-, utlnilvttir t i nc, fiicnkin:; of Uiu purity ufliij Which iiikI J,iiinrn, fiiijn: " 1 ill btuku my nputatiiia m u man, my utau. umz tun im-rcliaiit nftlurty i-jtrH rcfiilcinr in tin fiiv t Sow itrk, Hint all tlio Uraii'ly ntnl Witica winch 1 linlth; art1 jiurf us importi'il, and nt'lliu hctt -mality, ami c.tti bn rtlifil tiftiui by cvtr nirliacr." JJvcry ImtHi! Ina tliu ir"i,rifii,i naim' on thu wax, it ml a lac h utile nf hit mnatiirf on tlio cfrUlictitc. Tint pwlilic am rcplcl tull tin itmlt-. call ami i-xanutio tor tlicnitttUus. 1'nr tin in it t he?. For fale at IUtail by all ApuilictarR's and Grocers In ta. 1 Uuokuic 11. Amiiqn. N'o. F32 Market Pt., nulid'a, &!c sigtHl Jor Philadelphia. 1 Head th fiillowiiiir frum thu 4v nrk Cnurn r . Khui mous ItuhtHoia Jor one ,Vcw York lfitniiit, Wc aru hipy to inlorm our IV 1 1 j -t. 1 1 i 7 c ti rt (hat tlu-n: is tun: plin in otirut.v wlicrothi! lidK"tan, niioilifiary, ami uiiiiitrj niLiiliaiit, an ami purihanu pure Wiii'v ami , Jsi'iuori, ii" puru as importi'tl, ami u the bat quality. V do imi hiUmuI togivy an labor ate ittf rriplinn ()t iIhk nvr ih int'd itt.iui u biiBiufiiH, nltliou;;li it will wlII rrp.iy iiiiv ftrautfi r or ntizui to inl L not vno WoLrt's eiit-u-biw nar-'housy, Sits, Iff, 'D and y., Jiuivi r firn-t, ami ion, J?, 1'j ai-.l -jj, .MdrkctlicM Hn.Tt. Hit Mock ct' h(huapp-4 on hand ready lor fliiniuuit could not htv.i btt'ii kBi than thirty tlioiuaml Lsipuii; the Uramly, boim) tin tl-uiisaud tau.i Viut.u'i! tf J-'.lb to Jffjo, and ten , thousand ia't of M.ukiu, hhcrry ami l'orl Wine, ri'-otdi mid irifh Whisky, J.iui.iiia'aut fct. L'oriv Hum, fume t'r old and i-pial to any hi tlun cmiiitry. liu al-.ii a id thiuc laru ti Kars, lilled with liratui), U m, &c., in itiskH, under CiMiHii lloitdu key, ready lor bottlniL'. .Mr. Wullu'tt b.des ut M'tinappd lad ji.u'r uuiomitu.i to one hundred and eighty tlious.ind doun, and we hope hi len thaiitio j euri In: may bec'iually eiiLeebsiut with Ins UramliL'a and Wiuujt. lliii bucint-Bd mniH the patronage nf every lover of hiri pent. 1'muiij f.itinliud whowifU pure U'uieitaml Lcpitira lur tnedital utie tliould (tend their nrdera tliri'it to .11 r. Worn:, until fiery Apoihecnry in tin- land make tH their miiidi to discard thu poiiomxia htuit'troui tluir I nlielt-rf, and rvpldie it with IVoUu'a pure Wiiicsaua Ji morn, j We understand Mr. Wolfe, fur the aLCOiumodatiaii of email dealers m thu toil u try. putit up aatoilt-d c.isuh of H men and Li-iuort. such a man, uud such a inurilunt, Fhoultl be fiulaiiied hu tuns id thouiaudi nt oil poiu-iitsinthe tuiU'ilMateu, who nil nollim;,' but i.iuta li'Uij, ruinoiiri alike to tinman health and liapoiucbri. totpteiuber tf, ItfOO lim. I A TMlQUail TICKET TO CMFQRXM. C. S. OLlSKltT & GO'S. Fiflh Oraud Quarterly Disliibution Of 100,000 Articles Worth $300,000, VTTII1CI1 will hesildforlhi)tOtUo the tirch.ifr of Our U 01 ilc 1 1 fen istiicueet ever used, and s warranted not to mrrode in any ink. l.tery busmutsd luati and l.iuuly cliuuld usuttiu Uoldcn Pen. 'I Ik. tollovi inj; li.t f lUii.OOU arlu cg u ill he dutnhutod auioii our patruiidat loueaih,aud nevd not bv paiu'tor uiiin iiiioriu iue i'uriiiair wuuii oi ine luiiowing atiiclos uc w ill sell him lor yl.tnj and Ihcn a ia uj-itM' w lutlicr he Keudu the JiUhbAlt and IdWit thu UUUDri or All Uuuiiiiriiu he rtturnudat uur Aliunde with in ten uajbdiurthe imnludwr Keren ck Hkiu, (uulesi inuy ari. tuiuiriiiurj ,) aim iiij iiioucy , in uo rLiunacu, List of Goods Included in tho l)istributicn. Tinnort, Cold Hiiniiuy L'ancd Wntrhes, Gold Watches, LaiUeji' Mer atchu,Uuaril, VctLhatelaiuChalirj, Uaiuco tlruocheft, .Mosaic and JU Uroothe, i.ava and l'lorvutiue Hrooihud, Coral, Unierald and Upal lirootlK, t'.-iiucti i:ar-lni-., .Mosaic and Jet lliipllru)', l.aa mid I'luieiiiiin) lircji. Coral Kar'Hro)', L.iuMld und Cur liiups, Ihiiianonie Ai'al lliai'a, Alos.uc ami a inco Itraith t, ticut Krt'iutj'iiu, W'atth lvei, i 'ult ami Jiihhou .slide, eU ni IUipoiu cuitln, nUe a ItiiUuns, t'l.iiu Kiiiy, moiiu and 6cl Itiugn, isatiios' Jcuclrj, Can tun l.r.ipj ihanli, .Mmtf'eilinu uu l.ain, Llialln , i'remhaud Am.-rKan i.a h. lierigeif, I'oplms, i'lench L'j littien ana i lUtr l,.nlaa Ulcu (Joudii In variety, tiitiillit.r with Head l)redtrf,t,abai, l'aucy i'aui, and in I.u I uliaobl tcry dt'M-riiih'.i ui'GUODo usually luund in llri cldm Dry Uou More. PL.1.V OF DISTIiWUTIOX. Ilijhctt rreititum UK) Dollar, Kourot I'roniiuiii Si 03. The urli tie aie uuiut.rfd,(iud CcrliliCilu tlalm what u will ncll cadi ncrvuii lor uuu doiui .ire ol.iLd in nealed Uuuloiiotf. Willi n iK-riHial arrange meni ot ire- in t a hi n ; so mat in tacit llmuuvu Leitiiiiaif tin. re is one lor a r V 't fiir) a .win, rf rr' 't w 4 i y A, !-t l xi I And there will ..I no Lu a tpU'iiuol runiitiin in cmli ten i t uliliciiU. J.uilieti, il'juu iled i re a tine r-U iw I, oi Drcnj I I'llteiu. vt a h JUlilul uillile t JdWtlry, iliclosii us .m i Cent lor a l.o ot the (iohhn I'eiu, ainl we will kind il. lit) receipt ul .tU l villa we will ricud )OU ouo JloV i't I our tioitleu 1'eus, uuUa tJLulcJ tiutue ot the art ni- whuli t wt fat-u twr 51. l'KICKS TO AOHNTS, I'UST i'ATD. 1 lfoes I'tna wiMi 1 Ci rtilkales, $1, ti do ttu u -j, ia ilu du '.'j do 5, lUO dn do ItiiJ dn Jc. . 11. Willi cadi r.uka;'e of luo hoses v preeiit the punlussr 100 Certificate, one of w hit h is gUdr-iniLed to luiium wiB umii iui a i iaii llilii Hi or &ewill31a ' ihine, r ly orilfriiiffiD butt in uue jiatka;j junare kuru to receive 60 Certificates ronttuHiiig one or.h r for a H'leiulitlSlhVUll WATCH, hemde .1 lar;re iiumber of oilier very nlunhle irrniluuit. One Certiiicale bent ' gratis, upon nppliealion ot any person dcuriu t act as I Ajeiit, which may t-iuMe him lu iruturo a aluabl4 Premiiiiii uiiuii the iiailiiont of SI. riaiiuri, Alelodeous, .Mubic, l-ooks, &.C., houjjht and suld on Coiuiuii.Mni he sunt to the Cuiiuir at the i.ow! ".yJrndu'wfn Ill, Lri;.....! Willi thu addition of j jiff cliii CoiuunssiOii lor furwurd N. II. Acnti wanted in evct) town. Circulars sent on application. Address all Coiiimunicauonsti c. i. cuijir.iiT co., Commuit Mtrckanti .y Ucntrat .ica, 133 South ruurtU btreit, Ikiuw ClKtnut, I'lula. P-7"" i'or our iittcurity and ability to fulfil our tiijfdge- iueiils,uhf'Mril.rumoiiiefollewins well known Cviilleineii uud butiues llrius: l.s. (iov. Kansas, Weti.-.oriUnd, Ta. rolmt'r. lticturdsou Ai Cu. Jewvlleis, rhiladelptiia. Is A, Warue, l-f., " Wm. A. (irny, , m Meiirs. Ktiamerer & Moore, XV uu r t?t hi low Anh " Messrs. 1'ralt S. Ite.ith, 1'ifth ond Market Mrtttsfnila. J. C. r'uller. E.t Jeweller. A, l Ward, Iiy., I'uldishi'r of Tatlaons, &.c , ,M. II. Home, Catasau4 lUnk, Hon. I.. M. Iturson, Dirckd Califernii, ISrpleiuher tf. IdOO-Wni D 0 you wand N'O l MUjifllN'fj -u : MEMORANDUM OF PREMIUMS TO UK AWAftPED AT THE AGRICULTURAL, 1IORTICULTMUI, AND MECHANICAL BSGBSnSVSOS -Of- OIsIMJBIA COUNTY, On Thursday, Friday ami Saturday, Tho 18th, 19th, and 20lli of OOTOBEn noil. S My Orderpf the Kitcutiv, Qominlltca. class i-korses. Dest pair of Draft Homes, 2d " do do He ft ' Carriage do ill) 00 3 lit) h tie G 00 UO 4 00 8 00 5 00 1 01) a 00 4 00 4 00 0 no 4 00 4 00 5 00 s on s 00 3 00 Kit it a 2d ilo do Best Marcs, 2d to Ikft Stallion, 2,1 in Best Etnlllon between .1 & 4 yean, do dn 2 & a year. Heat OWing Cott, 2)i an, Uest Maru do do Beit Brood Maru and Colt, , 2d do uo do Uei-t Horse Colt 1 year it, 'I MJ J n.t cimrte vtt Iiru llnne jJeSt ?to "lar"V JU1HJ 3 AMlCr Wl I t I . Om II IF U.lnrtl Iuiise.l!riaareck Isaac Veltrr, Maine. Ci.1SS i-C.1TTl.i; flcjt Dull 3 years and upwards. Ili-sl ' 2 years old l!enl " 1 year " liest Cow, Dijvoii ur llurham, o,l .. .. llest ' Natlvo Stock, 2 .. :id Ilc-t Devon or Durham Heifer, Host alie Slock 1 year, Itest tJalf of any hreeit tinder 10 moiitlis, lleit Yoke of Working Oien, lloct pair uf Steers, 8 00 4 in) 5 00 3 00 8 no 4 00 e oo 4 Ul Oil 1 (HI 2 00 s no a oo 4 on 3 no n it) 4 oo liest ilisilay of Cattle owned and held as farm stnrk iiy tlio i'lliihitor, Lomhniini; the 1,,'sl proiierties in ri snru to proiiiauiulirocitlng.reidiiisii. .ililknis. 10 00 2,1 JUDCJIM-Krubcil WiUoii. Mndlii no Mathius llatl man, Catlawisaaj Jul in Hill, Outre. VL1SS Z-MIKEP. lVnt Tlonded Huck, .1 nil .1 Ul) j r.fst Natlvo " lit t.t Uluoded I ave, ! s-M " I UrrlilWiilay of Sheep, I -I... " 4 no 2 (HI :i iv) 3 no JUI .hS-Tliomas Crroliti!:, Fruit j I'miiUm Mc ( llride, IkinloLk; Jo-ima .Moiideiihall, rrauklai. j Uct lioar, I m,i l!et llrund Son, Jd a ihi a (Ki a mi 2 mi .1 no s (in :i no in J-j ami nea lest IIo;g, liest lot of U or more, under 10 weeks, . i " J (nj JUlKtrS S.linil'.l Lnzirii. AIniilmir' Vant h I! i., Centre; tJ.A. liow man, Miillin. cms? s-rouitTtir, llept palrSlnnhaid, Itr-ft t'hltt'lOIIJf, Jient " Hantuiug, llcst " eapoIitan, Hect ' (liiuiti, Hint " rnlinli, liitft " l.i'yhorii, Itc-t " Ithmk Hpanisli, IVst and I .truest arity nf Fowls, l!'"t " nt Turkey, I It's t " Uees-o, ltet f.ot ri','eoni, lt't Can irv Ilinl. JL'HrJi:-I)r. tfimnn Cntner. Mjilnn ; S. tU Ilownuu, tUrwick ; Dr. tienrse ll.i)hursl,Ciiluwia. c-i6s-u 7.u.v ..v atuw Minns. Host biiahd White Whnit, j .".t ' ' White Wheat I .V " ll-d Chalf lif.irded. 1 m " nuil latgeit variety oi Wheat, " buOiLl otUatj, 3 00 1 lit) .'ill .')!) Pest no, yiuoked Corn, tiuurtlsecd " yp.ikUl " ot anj kind, Cuikwln'sit, I'letersevil, 1 iki IHI 1 00 1 on l on 1 on Timothy S-cd, I ihj t JIMtiillH-lVier.M.'J r.iuj-li, Uriiifrt'ik , I'hilip Iletse, uuuiniiim , ii. it . iircisii.ii tt, in-, moth, c-)Ai 7-airjivn- Djiii'.n mutTn. Best Lot inter Apples not less J, I (10 -! 1 " " " 50 IhH " Fall l ou " atniiarjii'st ariety of Applei, 2 Oil ' an. I ' Tears, J Oi) ' i'eat hf-t not lesi than 1 Uos , I 00 " Lot ttuiucen, J m " ' ol Jlrh'd Apples, " " IV.Hhf. " 1 quarts nfllris. I Cfu'ities, 50 " I quarts nt ftoncd ' 0 " arlty oi Craiiei. and 1 1 wot variety of Hiod Fiuit, I W " 1 hilf hel Oaiiii-. m " Currant Wine, 1 OO " White Currant Wnio, I tw " lilackherry 1 no " t.r.ipe M Cat.iwh.i " 1 Oil " and Urpct nritty of Wiuc, 3 no " Cherry Wine, I tw Ji;iM!i;.H-;ii Mtndnhall, IVnion; Htrani ReLdir, 1'ranMiii; Thuodure J. Uolivi-r. Mt. l'k.iaaut. Bestlmhel Mrrrtr t'ut.uo's, I 00 ' I riuct " " " l'nik Kve I 00 " " IH)r ,ird " 1 tHi ' I'l-.tch IJIown " 1 00 ' " hlianunrks I 00 " nnd lament variety, 1 00 t tf-juaBiies, " 2 riiuiokins. " mid larcvst varily of rumpkliitf, 1 ih) " 2 LllCe.HC 1 iinipklus, " I ilozi'ti Kct'tsf, " 1 " Carrots, " ti Heads Cabbage, sd ti " UettJJ Stalks Celh-ry, 7.5 ti Heads Cauhlluwor, TA " b 1U. 1.1111. ' " 12 Mtingoes, 73 2.1 1 60 Beet 1 IV, k J.nna Ilenus, ' SO " 1-' Toi.tuLiM'tf, 50 It Purple Efie I'hnU, 50 " 0 Jiitrs Cret.ii Ctirn, uO unl tarireft aritty nf Vegrtaldc, I ih) " J.nt ot 'I'liriiips, . 75 JUHfiUS-i:ii Crevclin?, Srnit; Andrew Treas, Ctii ire i t:arton, tlooiu. cuss y-av; miur phoiwcts. Ht Canned or Preserved White IViuhcn, 1 00 51) l!tt I'd 2d Uest 2d Uest 21 Villow " 1 Oil (luinccB, Pears, 1 00 50 1 IK) 50 1 110 50 1 IH) 50 1 00 2 0(1 Jnr Quince Jelly, fiefct Jnr Apple Jelly, Fett hpicetl IVadies, i.ircest arteiy oi innncuor rrcsiiri u i rmt, " I loll iiulter. I 00 50 1 50 50 50 50 OO 1 0(1 1 00 2 IH) 1 00 2d Uest Appl( Mutter, " Tuiualo " v., r Pe.uli " Paidry Apple IV. " 1'a-try Piaeh Pie, Finn Cuke, !' fd.l Cake, Potin.l Cakt, and l;ir!fct .iruty ofCakeand Pastry, " Loaf of llread, ,ol nf nouzhniila. " L"t of Idsnirt, " Tomato kitihup, Pirkle,j, " and lar'et,t nrii.iy f Paklei, 1 IHJ - pampnM-Mii'r inear, oil " Lnl Hard tioap, 50 " " Hull ' fr) " Hiniplu Hweit Ci.lcr, 50 JUIKJKH-Dr. F.C. Harrison, Clnruu ; Mrs UrOioe i."n, iiraiie; ,iirs &irenier rursel, IteuiluiK, .irs. j.nas iMLiernn, loutuur; Mrs. AliiM Crevilius town; .Mrs. Andrew lktltr, Creeuw ood. Cf$S W-IfOME $ HOUSEHOLD. Uest Two Pieces Cloth, " ' Linen Check, " " lied (tuilti, 2d " Uet pair Woolen flanked. Ueit Hainple ltaj Carpet, not less than 15 j arils, . py 2 oo 1 uo 5U 60 1 Oil .Ml 1 OU 511 50 ! "" "'ln Carpel. ? ... 'A'". Woolen Mittens, KnitTidy, 1 00 31 " 50 " Coverlid, 50 Jl'IMJUS-i:. P. Lilt, rioom; Mrs. H. It Hoc hit, Cnitawiib.ii Mrs. JaioU Melltrk, Light Hieet; .Mis. Mtas H. Fowlir, ili-pjtowii. CU1SH ll-MOIES WORK FLOWERS, Cent Fancy Loilct Cocr,, w 1 Oo 50 1 Oil 50 1 (mi He it Faiiey Lamp Mat, lie 1 1 Hnmplo of Blurt Collars U Dos,onu( " Knit Ph.inl, o f ntuiuan, " Artiiicml Flowers, " Complete sit F. in broidery, llist'Ornanicnnl Shitl Work, " Ihfpictcjl 1'low'irs, llettt.iu 1 Larjeit variety ol Klowrr aitdLartEvt varwiyvf MilUnary wotit tfa.nplco! Wiud or Z' l hyr wuik WfrktJ fckitl I tKI 50 5(1 I OO 5d 50 , 1 oil j 50' 1 (hi I on , I uo I W SEWING-MACHINE DEPOT. MONTGOMERY UUJLDIA'GS, DANVILLE, PA. EUREKA ! ! EUREKA ! ! EUREKA!!! Celebrated Shuttlo or Lock Stitch Family Sewinc Machine, ranks high in tho mar ket cannot bo excelled. It i? preforrcd SHUTTLE R iLOGH - for its simplicity, durability, strcnth and ranted. Piico $50. Double Thrcnil Tl-lit Stitch rnmiiv Sen Ins .Mnclilni. plitity, strength nnl i-llieicncy. I'rice, nnj $.1S warrnntcil. The uinlcrsicneil uir,r these Seniim Machines uith the srentest confnlenre diet th.v nro ile.tineil tn meet tbe wants of tho penple. Don't r.iil to pvatninc the Pitrcka ond May 1'luwcr before purchasing, eilk. Cotton ami Lin en threads suitable for Hewing Mathines, ou hainl and for sale by Danville, May 20, 1800. Om. Meet KmbrfiiJered Slipper, 1 no 1 2J ' t M liest niul crentrst tarlctvof Pnufy Needle work, 1 oo junui.n l;oi, it. ii. late, luooui ; .inm uiiimn, i;r' wirkt Mim Kate llyer, CattawissK AHss Caihariuu lictz,. Mill wile. C1SS 2-FLOUR. IIrt Cample Wheat Flour 50 lbs. or more, 3 00 2d oo T.est ' Uuckwhtat, 2 00 2l 1 00 liest Corn Mcnl, l m JUIMiKH-Jiiine M.mtci-4. I'inn! t'.ll Mrn,!,Mili-iil Uolirsburg; Ikruard fcHmur, I. loom, cum implements. I'Ot Plotislt, 2 00 ' Ihreshuiff .Machine, 2 00 Horse Kako, ik) " I.liuu and (lunim Pprcador, 1 on rortatiie titter Mill, 1 ihj " Wine Press, 2 on Walll1!t Marhine, l oo " Cnlleition of Ajiritultural Implements fc lord thu properly of the exhibitor, who mut he a i Farm, r, 10 00, JUH(Ii; Hitch-, Centre; Wm. Howell, MrfUiilPIcnmiit; John liuterRl, Mniitour, CL1SS lWJ(WXi .V VAUUUaF.!S. 15 est Shitting Top Uuugy, ,1 m 2,1 ' J UO l'.el Opt-n Bu;gy, 3 00 -.1 " " J tHl lljtTio Horse Carriage, 3 tm -1 1 ut ilea eMail, 2 im 21 i 00 t dphy or Wncoiis and Carti.isci, 4 00 " Child's Carriage, 1 ihi " Faim Wajrnn, 2 00 JTUliLS Mleter Purxel. Itriuhiik: .I.oii.mI). Mi-- Henr) . I'lJ-hiuiitit k ; Ur. John K. Kobhius, Call.iiias.i CUiSS ij-MA.XUVACTUltlUJ MtViCLliS. Ifil I)tVI-li).N. t-l lat Mnlo Carriage H.iruebS, 2 O'J " ' UiMihhi " " 2 00 ' 2 Sides Hole Lent Inn 1 00 " 2 " I'pper " 1 Mi " 2 " Kip ' I 00 2 t'a I Skills. I tU " Spefiint 11 Himlh Work, 2 00 " A- Bp'tttcst nritty -f ffiMth workfjr Fanuuie,2 00 pair Fiiiti toi0l 1 uo ' " t.'oaise " 1 ou " Btt iudsor t.'h.ur J dozen. 1 od " " srpriiiii i?tiii Chans 1 dusui, 2 IHJ " KoLkini; Chair, I 00 ' IIiH Ml.uI, 1 10 Mittee, 1 00 " ufa, 00 " Hat l!.i(k. l 110 " Hihpl.iy of Ciibiuet Work, :i hi " J tlo.eii (rn LrooiiiH, 50 JlUHa:-KniJt Fuwler. Itn in rrrk : W II. Wu,..h 11. Herwuk: Jaiksou 'i huiuas, .M.ulifou. CMS Hi -.VA.YUF.IVPUJIED ARTICLES. t-tlOND 1)1I1UN, llt'Bi P.irhr Sloe, 2 00 " Cnukini rtuvi' and Fivturcs, 2 00 ' uud :reatel ,inety nf Tin ware, 3 00 " (i.uiij'le Portable 1'encrf, 1 00 JFlitilW John I.udwit;, Dloom; JtiJm Ibituian, Ikiulftck i .Mai shall Kiimej , Si oil. VL.4SS tt-.VAXUlUUPUHEl) ARTICLES. 11UBD DUlilUN. liest Artilkl.UTetth, j no " tuiug Machine, j mi le.'nl Model Farm (Jate, 1 no " one dt,eii thick, j iki " Foiket Kuil, j (hi " Larthen uud (lueciisware, 1 00 UiDL-reliouar) Preiiiiums will he n Mowed under this ilasi. JUL)C;i;S-lr. (i. W. lam, Or.inso; John R. Moyer, Ulooui; Juhu II. Vauilerhliee, Mt, Fh-nsaul. CL.1SS i- HIVES. Uest ohscriiitory llee Hive. l 00 fwarni lift's, l 00 ' sample Honey, 1 uo Jlj'IH.US-Jolm M.narlon. Ilcnilo.k: (V.'i 1 1 1 in' Centre; Joseph Lilly, cott. CLXSS X'X Best simple I.raf Toharcoti stalk, 1 00 ' " 1 1 room turn, 00 JUlHJLrf-Juliii M. liarton, Y.t Crcxclins. Jesipli LiI), class 2.)-mi-ccij(am:ol akticm:"?. JL'lltll-Hr. V. John, liloom; Hon. (!. 11 Willits, Montour; Piter lint, Centre. UI.A-id 21-TKIAL OF llDUICd. ne-tTrotUns; lloru or Mare in Inriiess, 25 ihi 2d u tu iivnl pair Trotting Horsis or Marcs, 13 tl 2d " " a 00 JUIMSC-Ccorsu Mait, Light Ftieet; Hr. W. Mt Itejiiulds, llemtnik ; Jonas Ha) mail, Urtuiiw ciud. CLA- 22-TIIIAL OF MLN. Itest and fa ftct.1 Uuiiiot, 5 00 2d " ' 2 5(1 inland fateit Walker. 4 00 2d ' " 2 W JUIMiCS Ur. J. Ramsey, Bloom; Uoorgo Wcavir, liloom; Win. Neal, Idouui. CLASS 20. Best three acres of Corn, 0 00 2d " " " 5 on Best three aires of Wheat, o 00 2 1 " " ' ,5 00 Be ft three arres of Oais, 5 t1!) " L " IVtitoes. 5 IHJ 214"" a 00 Iift i acre Turnips, " J Tuhacto, 3 ou CouipLtit'irs tor Preninuns for I he nbovo Apnculiural ortidm lions siesi oroduce a n'l.L laleiueiit ot the mode o cilltnatioii, ami kind of bced lined. Tho (jrouiiil to I Ihi in 01, u Loiitiguous piece, to he measured hy a bunt), jor who klialt nukj aJhlavit to the currniuess tdfthe ineasuremeiit id the laud. The number 01 Mihels uiut I alo he ei rliiled to by tome other peroi'ti who helped to nu.isuru the sauu'. The exhibitor mut also iinluiu I h iioplo of taili taiii tj , not Ic&s than half a huhtl, at 1 ue uou .uuuai 1 air. COMPUTITION WITHOUT THU Cr)UXTV. The Columbia Count) Afe'riculttiriil tfwiely makes the field nf compt titlou rti-etinsive with un,r Count iea in ma Bun, ami rorutau) iu ties ine iiuzeus 01 yuicr cietieji to compile with us for our premiums at Hie com ing Fair, HAV AND STRAW " will im finished free for all animals inU'rei fur prcim. num. and grain w ill hu furnished at lirt iust ior thooo w ho desire to purchase, INSTRUCTION! TO JUI) (3 CP. P. The Judges will hue the diM ritionnry power tn withhold the premiums if the article c.vhibiUrf is rut uurihy a prviiiuuu. 2. Th members of tin a nous Coinmjitees will make it a pomi lu bj on the ground as i-nrly as pnshiblo uu tin ttirund day and li.t later than lUo'iloik, at whith tune iheir names will he called Irum the sunt, and iney will hu i'pe(ted to proceed to buiness, 3. Phe Chairmen of tho iiiilerent Coiiiinittees aro re qui sted to hand in their report as early us pi ism !). The Primiuius will Ui. awardeu b thu Prisidut oil Saturday morning, tho 20ili, at ti o'clock, A..M. KKtaJLATlUN?. 1. AH arlirls for competition luiibt ho on Hie ground bj J2 o'rl'H k, .M., on Thursday I he 1Mb. 2. All arluli s I'xhihited niiip-t remai n on the prouml until 1 n'll nek, P. ,M ou Friday thu Dili, and on all 'u a bi-'un will bo returned to the exhibitor whin i ailed for. X (JAIJTiUN - All articles cMilbited, win tin r eatables or nut, mut-t Je rcrpeited us pmato property, and any "7 perou ui letii'u in punuiuiuj or injuriu); uiiin win ou 50 i tk-a it w llli accord uifi to 1 5') 1 . AH ailules nifered lor lompLtition. must ha owned 50 I by tlio competitors , all iruiU. vt celabk, llowers, &.c , x luilel lie tlio eruwiu ol I lie luuinclilors. iia.l an inanuiai turi-d nrliih-'s uiuri h io b.-Lii nudu hy the iuuipciitor All hnv, Fljiuy Jlorsa Fxlulutionit, an w til as liw h.iii nf bpirituou li'piurs, Laer liter and Ale will )om tiil ho prohibited. Application turrelrethiuenttiaoii ur retaurantsi in'irt bo made to tho tpc'cial coumiittcu cleiiDil lor that purpose. epi;ciAL otici;. The amount required for meinhcrhhip tn thi Horiety is ona litdlar. (anurdiu;! to thu aluratiou in the luiiaiitu lion uiadu at the e,irly iniciiu);.) I'or tins a ct rli finale will hu gneii, Mailed b the President and fei retar). CVrtiiKaivs imay he ubuined at au time ulivr the first of tvtobcr at the oilice of thu Sit ret iry or Frisideut, and at any of the tilores in Lloonburt;. Dr. J. KAM3HV. PrutUM. A. J. Sloah, Stirctary. Blooiiulmrg, Awiust St, ISl'Q. LADIKS ON13 WtlOK JOHN FAUIUIl, So, 7H AKCII H . between tli., &:Mh , Ms , Phttuddphw, (Late If hid Market M.I Importer, .M.iuufaiturcr of and Dealer in all kinds of Haviuii removed to my N'tw front;. "1-t Arch direct, and heiu now ctijaged fiitirely In tha ,Wanuj ae turn nnl t"iE of Fancy Furs, which in aecnrdaiicu with thu "UA Price Puncmle," I havo woirW nt tha fowctt pus title prtctt roujiitetit with a reasonable proht, 1 would soliut a vhit Ironi rhOMj in want of Furt for either Luhct or Chttdrfn' llrar. and uu mcpiTtion of my seUchou ofllmno goods, silUil' d, us I am, of my ability ti pleaso in every detin Ur seiitiul v e Perous at u dmianrH, who may ihid it lucniive nienl torall peuoualiy lo.ed only name the arijrlu tliey w h, luther wiihtliettrii- uud Imdruni' n for svud- inj tin J Inj ward the ordi.r Mmy adtlrvss money hcmiu piuviu to insure a att Un-r comidu-, with th-ir w i lu Auitt 2 1 00 iii, 1 over all other STJTGH MACH3WES, efficiency theso machines nro all war Tills Moclil.M iiriasMios the three prsn.l tanlil.ils. .Int. W. U. GlUKli, J. V. MARTIN. NEW CLOTHING. 71inuTdersi?nod. prateful pn.t patroii.iiio, rpfpert fully inform hltLUMuOM-rs and tha puldieKeiif rally, that he hasju?t received troiu the Lasterne utics, the largest and moil select stock of SPRING & SUM 1 Ell CLOTHING, Tint li.n y.l been opened in Uhoinshur?, ta which he Invites thu alleniioit of Uii friends, oud assures idem lint they are otIUed for sahi at ureal bargains. His ji!ntli:mf,vh wuakim; aitauiil, Colisintinir of Fakiiiovaki f. Iirfch Coaih. of ovvtv dc rriptioii; i'aiits, Vests, Shirts, Cravats blocks, Cotton iiiiiiiirveiin" in. ! nuniiuiiiit ri ote. liUI.II W.VICIILS AM) JIIWiXKY, Of rvurv ili-sriititloti, lino nnil cli,-iiii. N. 11. Ilclii'-iulit r " Ijitccnliirg'e Cltmp .'w;,sriiiM,'' villi uuu Bvc, i.u Liiuri:,! ii,r v-lllilliir l.ij,,,.. 1IAMU LUWUVIII'.lill. Hlfioni.lmrg. M.irrh 31, (Ju K,.) jiAi;ri.iuui: JiUUK husi'Ital. I)U. J0IiiST0i. rjMli: founder this Celebrated liisHiuu.i, oiTerr Uic' ini i m i.iiii,,ii , mm eiietKiui leuit'tiy in Hie woild for ill' dstwr Ulecti, firKlnrert.beinluiil wink-. iiPK-, Piiius in the Lnins, tJoiititutiurinl Hthihly, tmpo teiirv. WeakllUfs of the Hick uud Ltmht. All'eitluim ul the liidnejs, Palpitation ol the Heart, Hi.pepMi, er- vou-4 lllilability. Iliseane of the Head,, Ntmo or Skin, and all those sirious and imdaiit h) I)liurtlers aii'in Imm the deetriicluo hituWoi ouih,whi(h du fctroj bull i body ami mind. These neiret mid solitary prailidf, are more fatal to thur vidimslhaii tlie ton.; of til reiitt lo the iiiaiiuers Llyites, blilihlun their lim-i htilliaisl iiopin unit antiiipatiuiis, reiidiring uiariiau &,c, impoxbible. .MAUIIIACI,. Married petfoiid, or oim,f .Men contemplitln mar riae, duiti" aware f physical WLakuenx, nrgamc iit-abili ty, tUfonuitit't, i.c,, hliDtilil iitouedi itt ly toiibull Dr. Juhucton, and be restored to pi rleit health. He w ha ulaies hiumi If under the. tare ol hr. Johuton. ma) Miluuid) (uuihle in Iuh Inmnr as a geutleiiKii, and eUlllMUtU) Kl llpoiiUMMUU IM 11 pUJICl.HI. UUCAMt; WLAK.NLS imtiiediitely cured and lull ivr rttored. 'Ill is is the t-enallv imttl Iii"iuetilv leiid hv th. iho w ho h n e bet nine Die Mini ot lui proper meulHeu uuiiu pel hum are txi :nii to luiiiuiii e ts troiu nut h. ma aware uf the dreadtul lun-e.pnuce that may iii miii. rVuve. vv liti I h .1 iiii.l.T.t I Ii.. villus , l tv ill t.i .... .... - leu 1 1 lii lie ii V III 1 1 lb, 4 iiiuit itl iiriirhMthm m hi irtnnr 0) nose laiiuu inut improper uamis map uy use prudent. lietMes It'Ull tlepriVMlii Ilk! oleai-ure ol lie.iltliy nlf- ("pruu-'f, th" ini't serious ami tiilruiiive sj nipinnn tn both limh an I nil n.t arise. The nMein heiuuies ileiaui: ctl ; the phi iiul nnd im utal powers weakt ited. nervous debility, d) upep-ia, patpitalicu ol the heuit, iudiL'et.liuu, n ua-iing ol ihe iiame, Coup h, fc uiptuins of CiaifUiup tiou, &.r. UT' t'd'ee, o. 7 Htillil Fni K i HFtT, Mteii doors from i:,iltiimrc trtl t, ii.i-t side, up the hiepn. Jie par ticular in oliMTiim; the .N AMU and MJ.Mi.Lli, or ou will mistake the plate. A Cure iltirrcitltd, or wo Charge Made, in freia One to , Wit ihiijs. I XO .ML11CUIIV Oil NAL'fUJUd UUt'Crf UtiU). 1 jut, .oyAjo.v, ; Membor of the llojnl College ot rturtreoni, nt London (iraduate Imui uuu u the mosl cnuueiit (Vlle n f Ihu Fmted States, and the grcaltr rltl lu'i lift) has le;en fpmt in tin; (irt-1 Hospitals id Lnnduu' Pari, Plnla il Iphuaiiil cNewhere. lias elt' cted some uf Hie iiiont as oiiihlu cures that were cw known; many truiild d Willi rtiipnij in tin; head mid cars when aleep, crent ner nuiifri(i. Ii4ina id tniied at biidden souud, ami bach 1 nines, with frt"'eiil IdUhliimt, attended sometimes with derangement of iniiid, were utml iiumediauly. ACUUTA1N IHrinAU. Wii'.'ii the mi'iMiideil ami imprudent vt'tary of pleasure finds he ha" imbibed the heeds nf tins paint. il discuie, it too ulltu happens th it an ill timed beuse uf li;iui- ur dread if iliMuer, diters liim irom appl) iu? to th c w ho from edutatiuiiand ret-pet lability 1.111 nlmiu hejrieiid III us , delnj iuy till thu rimMittilmnarv sj inptoms of this horrid ilieuse makes their appeaimice, ttiuh as ulcerated sore threat, ilisea-ied no-e, nottiine, pains in the head and limb-i, ihuiiiessnf tiht, dwaluess, nodes ou tho bkm hones, an laruis, blotches uu the head, face and extreme- iirniireniitii' with rainditv, till at lat thu iialate ol the luoiilh and hones nf (he hum: fall in. and the ictti.i of lliH desease becomes a horrid ohjei t uf cujuiinsneration till th nth put a period to his dreadful hulleriugs, hy m-u-ilius; him to ' bourne from whence uo traveller re turn-, lo FUili, therefore, Hr Juhiiftuu plede't-H hiiti- If to ureservt LheuuKteuvioablu hut ret V, and irnui his exteiiMu prat lice in the in t-l llnspitaUof F.ttrope and .MU'-rna, ue can couuaeitiiv rt comuieuti aie' auu theedv cure to the unfortunate itlini of Him horrid disease. TAIvF. PAli'liCl'I.AIl MJTIUH. I)r J. addressed all Uiu-e who hae injuiu 1 theiiHclv-cs hy priviitu and improper indulgence , '1 ht'e aru some of thu had and uu lamholy eilectJpro duced by earlv habits uf outh, Weakness nt the ii.UK ana i.uuiis, rain in tnu ni-au, ihiiiui'ks ni riut. LsOxh ni .tiustui lr 1'uwer, rai'iiauon ui me ueari. n s pepsia, eroUs irrittnblllly, ller.inireiuelit nf tint tiv t: Functions, Heiieral lielalitj , cj inploius of Lousump tiun, tVe. ,M UN PALLY The f-arful effects upon the initid nre muili lu hstlieaded, Lo4of M morj , Confusion of liters l)epresiuii ut tliet tiirit-. 1 it I nriinniiiiire, Aversiuti uloin.ti, 'i', Ac, are some ul the cils produced, Thuuriauds uf persons nf all uses can now jndjje. what is the i.tii-te of their ilecliuin lu'alth. Loimc tin ir ieur. becunuiiL' weak, nale t'.ud emaciated, liavniL' kin- jiular appearauc abuut the cjes, cough and ) mptuins of LuileUmpIloii. in:. joiiNaio.vd ixvinouATixd nu.Miinv fou UlttJAXlC WHAlvlNCtfri. lly this greatuiiil importaut remedy, weakness of tho nruan aro sitecdilv cured, and lull icor rettored.-- ThoiiFtaihls id the inot-t nervniis and dibililated, wlm had all hope, luvc been imiuediately relieved All inniei hint nt it lu iMarriae'e. I'hvsieal and .Mental lliaiiiali IU at i tin, Ni rvous Irratabilit),"Treiiibiiijn and Weakutut ur e'nauM.uiou ni me iitosc iiariui hjuu, vpeeuny iureu by Doctor Joliiu-ton. VOUXti vMLV Who have injured tluuselves hy a certain pnetice, indulged in wlieu alone u habit trepieutly darned from evil luiiipauiou.'', or nt crhool thu elfeils of whiih nre nijjhtl Ult, een when a-K-ep, and il not Hired n-ndirs nuirriai-e i in i.jriilli. and detros Loth luiud and bud), blmiild nppl) iiuuii'diaftl). What a piitv that )oiiti man. the hope of his country, and Ihe darliui; of his parents, hould be biiniilied jrmn all priiKpeetH and cnjoviueiilh of lif, hy the coiue puu i es of ikvialiiiii irom the path of nature, and iuduliHg in a certain keep l habit. Mich pcrsuiis billirt; ion templatuiL'. MAUllIAHi; should rellert Ijiat a round mind and lodvnro Hie most lucessary rcpiiiiiies to promoie eim.iiiblal iuppiiuos Indeed, w ilhoul Ihee tliejoumej Ihioiigh life Incomes a wear) pilgrimage, the prucpett hourly darkens to thu tow ; Hie liiiiul becumes shadow ed Willi tlenpnirA;'-tl Willi the luilaiuhol ritlei tion that the happine id' aiuitlu r b-toiiieshliuhted with our own, OFFICII NO. 7 yot TnFlir.l)i:itlCKSl'..fawi'rf, Mi ALL HFiUllCAL OPLIt ATIU.VW PUIIFoIl.MiUD. X. II. l.t t uo false inodei-iy prevent vnii, but apply iiiuiieiii'itt Iv ciih' r personally or by Lt tter. tKix ami M:slT.!:l)lLV ccufp. TO ATlLtMirJlS. Tho mmy tliousiu In tuied at this intitution w.thin the la 1 15 jears, and the oilmen ma important Srini! (iperatiuiiK performed by Dr. Johnston, witueteil hy lint n porters ol Hie papers an I many other perti'is i.u lices ui w huh h i e appt ared nsani and again betore the paid ie b-i'idi s Ins it ainlin ait a peiitl man tf chnrai ter uud rt'tpoutibihiv,! a suihcient uaratiLee'totheailhite I taki: Nuiict:. X'. II.-There nre mj man) iuoiant and wnrthln.i Quacks ndvi'iiitiii; iheuiKlvcs Pltvsinaiis, ruining the In alih t f the aln ady atUitletl, thai Dr. Johurlnti deems it in eeui-ary to say, ospeually to ihoso unacpisii'ited wall hi n patitiou, that his" rrcdemials uud diphuuis atvvajs lian in hit oliice. I ."Takk Nutuiv-All letters nvi-t he nnt raid, mid ruiiiain a poi-lagc? kta,r,p ibr Uic reply, or i.u answer will be sent. Manh K. lBO. j IIAllT.MAXS C011XKU rpiIK secoml arrival ot'Xuw Uoods, tliia JL rjTIIH,', III IIAI'.TJIAN tJ. QUM.UKU CiiKscmerc-5, riud Coatuifti of K me lau.t fcijif, ni IIAUT.MAA ii. WOOL, Colton, llcmp, and Hag (Jar HI. lor Mlu ilii-dji, at A.N J. "rALL l'apor, 'all Paver, in great 1 T ' t 1,111 lit les, cheap farfcale, at HAkTMAN'jS. XOTICH. ALL persons nidrL'tCtt to tho undcrnuiud fir Profit mouul si rvnes opto Apiil lt, Itui, ar) npeilfut ly rcpietted locall and cUU either by ugtnnr nth. rwise. J c. JIUITUL.V. U. I'.loomsbiirg, August 11 1Q KSl'VT STKA.M MILLS. I J 1.0011 an.l I'BKI) iiiaiiiif-iituroil hy l'oi.i it fc Cntt . .l.tNu.utttiLlr clwuui .Mills, 111 Ufly, CvlU'iWJu cuuu tv. P.i y lill.MN luri-hascil 3t tlw ii j'se.t Mjfkvl frictf FI.OUll AND FEED, of all Minis nil hntid in iuoniitics tu suit lUnuiscrs. I.ll, AlCUlt I I'MI. LOOK. OUT, FAUMKllSl 1 I'.VOi.VlMi UOUSiU UAKi:s, ,-r sain ul I'.-py, 1 V by U, H. I'Uitnn.. J ii in 53, 1 rtW. c 'PLXL HOOP HKUlTd u fri th nupjily reri id. iur bui II UIT.M N' LAtU LACL i l tin j l lUWbfc ol ul' in rns? A Battlo with tho Iudiaus. St. Louis, Sept. I. The Fort Smith Times reports a fight between tho Indians ami several companies of tho First Cavalry, under coinmaml of Captain Cam, near Smoky Hill, at thu fork of tho Raw river. Thirty of tlio Indians wcro killed. Columbia Democrat Tlio following arc the receipts lo the oflie of tho Columbia DmiornAT, during the month ol August, l'-GU: .Mathew Mrlldirv 7 Oi) Jacob P.roWii, Jitnipli tieurhalt, John (Irover, J. Iltnry Asklns, Jacob l.yerly, Ub'1 , I. van C Jones, Jeremiah C H.uitli, Hcniy (1. Philips, Jones Wehult tt Petfr Jmoby, Francis Lvniif, .Mil It, tfamuel Kclrhner, Nnthan Cae, Jacob Jacobr, Prof. Win. IhTfClkl.l Jehn Ituch, F' Am. Hook tJo.. 3 J Ui'ii, .Mi'ler, Ll j , 2 nil Alfred Ff$fr, , 1 (JTU'ut. Krickbium, & Hi Hr. Win Wak fluid. 2 5l ( Jitiilian Wolf. 1 a 4 Oil S3 thl 54 2 U.1 F.ft.of Ahrahim Hinitlt,! M 2 oo Nathan ( 1 20 .1 oo Jhu llutluo'lc, 1 VJ .t itt Philip Htxs, 1 20 J 50 Uuuicl Keinhcld, J 07 2 IK) John Coepif, 2 0l 1 T.5 Henry Roup, 4 00 2 00 T. J. Vaiuif ridice, Ut' , 50 0 : Aaron Wolf, 1 5d , 5 M Pjid a lltiwtr, 'J 50 2 W Jniiii Jf-iirrt, (Fanner ) 2 00 1 IHI Stcnhen Ilitierlik, J - i K.iiiiuicr, 4 IKI rt.t4. Nii.h. 5 1 . I X t I J 1 tr) ud 1 41 2 5) 1 Ul ..1 1 7a CalUwisd.i i;riilo Co., 0 2.1 John (jeailisrt, Hr., Aaron lieriunger, u W! sannn l Joniiktoti, Jcss Ct'leiuau, 2 0v H-t id Tobiss Hdlc Il.nuel Lei 1 5'f JiiLksuii la'fily, 1 5ol llandolpli I hi man, 1 (PlUJi'o W I'uiist, 1 M Hald l-ee, 1 50 C., 1 IDJ lluuel l-tf(l, ,W Maitz mid Uut, .Mrs. Aim Ktll-r, Fr. It. Kfrn, Jaikioii (, Isaae FnlirhiKer, Isra.l Mumey, lleuvi r, VALUAliliK SUlIOOli JIUUKS riuLisiiLu uv E. C. & J. IIIUllLi: & CO., No. 5U3 Jlinor fUrooe, n,lllc!l!li,l. CatnUgurs furaithtA gralvoutlj, on opplitaUvit. EXGIJSJllH'YtVOLOG Y. THU niWT LOOK OF UT VMOl.OdV. Hy JomI TmnivH, .M. I). Price, hy mail, pot-piid, 4i cents. lu use in the Pul-tlc fc-thouU of Phila-lvlphla, .New York, Ur.H klyu, .(., m-iu Noimil HdiOids ot Masi, A.r Fur the ttiuly ol Lt)iuolog the follow lug advuntRgcs ar.- iliiiiued L It imparts to the pupil mnro tlinroiish ant prerUo ktoiwj(J:o ul the iiieam.iof tho wurds ut the LiiUli hiniuairi than ran be oblaiued hy any other ptoiics in the b.iiue period ortiiiie. 2, It iiuiiis the iniiitl uf thu pupil to habits ot analysis and eeu rali.ntion, a dfideratuiu in all ) Menu uf tiuiaiioii, win.ji in iippiied hy iiiailiLiiiatii-al ktuities tit j tiir- milicate student, and by this Minly, it Is hlieeJ i . " ' . . miur mail vy any niiun 10 lie roni ion Siliou pupil, 11 "....,.. .... , II' A I mi iiuldirthad tor hi"h r clasii. I VVIi"i 'I IKinl. nt.' iii-luii r.i ... . 1 i WU'.VI Ii -4a -ri'Mi li.t m le i itti -et v u i" fi f, f t " . , , . ' ' l" J BOOKKEEPING. AX MLF.MF.VPAHV TKI! TISH OX HOtlK-UnnPIN'O, J'OU CUAI.MUX tiCHOOLi. Ilj ti. W K. HiTTtM.t, toruu rly Principal nf "Critundcu tt Philadelphia Com mercial Cnlleme." Price -lads. This 1 1 eat isu was piepared witJi riference to the eapa city ni the advaucod pupils ot the "Coiiuri'm' or "Cram luar" htliools t.fuur country, of from twelve to rjxtceu curs of aire ; and c Indicates tire principles of the bcionc amtthiiiipplicutioiiot those prim iples to the Hioni iimpls modes ui keeping annum, so th it they may u is hi lived, be full) uudcrbijod by the class ot pupiii reicrre I to. Tin ' Counting Houai edition" of Crittenden's Honk Keeping (of whiih the above isviiiually a part) is highly coniiiieiuled by many ot the beet praftical km uuiitaiits o'l thu print ipal ciii'-s nf thu tonutiy. (For th.-lr opinion at length, bee Dosinptlve Catalogue.) JJLEMENTA liY A RITIWETW, THU HLEMUXTrf OF PKACT1CAL AUITHM LTIC ; be inc an process of antll im tic, with tin i r application to compound numbers. Cniuprisiugiopious exercises. Hy Wm. Voouls, LUD., and ,AMLLt. Alsoi-. Prku20 tts.J A txt book in tho Public m.housuf Philadelphia, ic. "Tin authors nf thin book havo succeeded well in the very (litlUult tak of preparing a really good tet-bnnk lor the iuetriutlonot voting pupils. The ileuruehn ot its definitions and explanations, ami the natural and cay tleiiuctionsot its rules from those explanations can hardly f til to attrart the attcuiiou ot tencher,and make tor th.'iu thurougli and correct btudciits." Public Ledger, Phila. IJ A liberal discount from the nbovc prices to PchonU; and an extra discount lor intntiliietiou. Hamplo cojue lurnilied, pout paid, alt?f-Authe prices named. ept"inbfr f, IstiO. 25 Kewaud ! WA stoli-nfrom Jarksou Lt-idy, in liloomsburff. Co lumhia ro., Pa., mt the eve mini u mui la) , Ihe 2Mli inst , a POCK I IP HOOK, cotitnuin; the following noie-i of hind .-One uu fiiunu C. tilnve, to ihe tiniiuait nf fcllti, dit-'d the l.Uh of .May, A. D IrZ. OnutlHM of SUt), diitt-d uligul the first of Mav , 15 1, One ditto, uf bliu. iiaiett iSuveinlK-r 5th, 1S5U Oini cm John Zcdsloli. of 100, dited about the 15th of August. 15. Ono ditto, t f 5 W), dated Djceinbef 2. Hi, Irt't, One ou '.ebuloii ?. Kobbins.uf t, dated about the first of Jiino lsij, one on Halt i a rling. of dated pril t'th, JhsI. One on Marsh ill Hirtou, of China, Lee to.. III., ol between 5" or 6"t5. dateil bninewlHTo Ir-tvvet n thu At h of May, and the 4th nf July, 150, and nil pc rnu ure hen h cautioned against iiee.mi.tti ii g for, ur purctuiliij (he same, as pa) muit thereof has been Mopped. ALSO, -In tha s,iim! Pocket boo't-, $70, alt lubiUs or th i I.auk ct D.iiivilht. ALHo, At the s'lin' time and plic, asmatl ILVLIl FUF.NCll WATCH, wild a guard, and dtdd hlide, b. loaning tn lEaudi lph llavui m. Ten Drdlars will be paid tor the turn tf the prk-1 llonk and it contents, uild leu lb llai k iiit. lorthtoii v Iclinn of the thief, to b.j p.iid bv said Lt i ly and I n Jintlars lor the retovery oi the Watch an I eoavt. it -u i the thief, to bo paid hy,theai I llnvmuu. JAi'KMiS' LHIDV UANDOLI'II IIM MAN IlloonH'mrg. Aueut .10. 1-iiO WK havo como to tho full iktivmina Hon of h.iwujoiirrdd I look i nettled upihi fall, nud pcisous found on th i delmiuent list aviII bo called upon in a lawful way ll-'asu ntieud to this rail and save eobt. II. Ctl. XV. HAUTMAX. lUooinshiirg, Sepleniher 1, lgti. OHANGU'ILLE ffllLK i lii D 5f 3 501 j Oa E OKAXRLVlLIJi, COLUMI.IA COLTXTV, T J. A. SHANK, A. B.-rrlncipal, nUY, Aeudem will he opened on tin -liii i f Stptr-mbe r J 1u0. Tin tourseofiiihtruilioneiubrscesa sulid mid thoroiieli Hn-lnh Hdiuation, wlnl.t Hios wbode--ir to prvpare ffr hniiu ss, or for Collife. have evrv advui tafu tortlis ac'iutsitiou of thu uL'mt uts uf .Mailt in- u.-i, and of the Latin, Creek and (ieruuiii languages. EXPEX&l'.S. Tuition, p. r Session ( f L'lvicu weeks. Fur Hu Firt Grade 'UNI; Ht-nm 1 Hrade Vio : Third (irido. 5i t) One hull the Tu:lioii lo ri'pureil to bo paid at thu opening of e,uh tMfsioii, and tho eiler half at the fioe unl.s oihvrarr mcuienuare entered into with the Principal. There will be nodetMntlnn ti,r absence, ctuopi in caw of protracted bickiic, (- HOARUIXO axd w.ismxn. Ilo.irtlni2 ran he had at present iu private families, ptr week, nt iJiK), iniluHiiig fumUhed rooiiH. lodping and fat J ; and washing at neveuiyhve cents to uuo doTI.-tr jnr iiionth. W i ur niriner initTin.iiionaii iress. Ui'v. IMhrjistrtsicr or .Mr. 11. Lazarus, Dr. H W. Loti, Mr A. Weliii, Mr. J Patterson. .Mr. a. Ailiiiibach, Mr tV. Iitiw'inau, Of.iUJt illt , t-i plemlier I HEAD! HKADM JtKAD ! ! I rviiro, Ehou, Jul-j 20ri, It CO. .Mestrs. John Wncox ft., Yuur"tnp.'iHue," nr "Persian Feer Charm, ' hns dot,o wnii lurt 1 was wlmlly dLspt.iuici.tau.l wretch ' d when t applied it, and in five hours ihe lulls wir u uiov i d and n.i f t r h is nsuid. It m trn simpii t ruio iiiiTiiiiiabb', and a wtaidvrnf nature or art. t would not be without this -"a tiiifle hour, lly io"taiitly weanaj a 1 icvm to tw "ojue prof.f." Yours Very Truly. tf. M. HTOL'T. JMtf. A.'aUiriff, Jut 1 h.ivw toru unatrhed fmui tho grave by the p plication ot jour ncudeitu) "Inpettine, ' nr Persian lev r t'liauii." For m. ral jturs I Imve Miikft tl uvrry n Iruui eir and acne. Lant r'prmj my life was liiioattned, but j our rimdv has d-tr ) d the dUcase, and 1 am rapidly saining un a ptiite and treugili. Ktti-ci itully. uurs, D. N. UAItno.V. Tims truly wmiden'til prectne nnd tars for Fever and Aguu and hiltious F v r tuilti" sent b mail postpaid uu riiptm onedullai. Also fur sals ut all r..tuMo Drayuiiitsaiid Couu(r Slur PniKiji.iID.'Pia uud Man. Kite tory. I 4 Main Pt.. Rirh-Liuud- a. UratuU "t.iu , llanktt c'uauiuuu Lu,loia, New Vujft. Adrv-S JOHN WILCOX (t CO. t?pleioUi 1 1H-0 M)W ST ON13 QUAKttV. J i 'IMMJ undi r-.m d ti . 0u d 4 ft one Uuairy nr r hi , 1 risidnuu atwiut hLir a nuls tnt uf tdcHim ibiiri: and ,1 pi p 1 d ti) furnUh Ilu u deslrin;' UU IL O I XO ' a'ic.Vi an 1 I eftti. wo. t Ut irabi jlit ar 1 uu isu t rr.n. in nt 3- 1, C S FI5IIEK Lntoi l'Ku 11 fLHr iV jlt'h' p, t : t Te iv d and 1' II KTM N w