AG B I CULT URAL. TJSE3 AND VALUE OF MUCK. OP MUCK COMPOSTED WITH HOSES. Ia spading, and, perhaps, in plowing, the obsorvins farmer has noticed luorc than onoo how rank and luxuriantly, and with what dark green color plants grow, that havo fortunately sprung up in tho immediate ucinity of a largo bono, de posited there, perhaps year before, hy some provident dog, or sent from tho farm house as a nuisance, that the inmates were glad to havo abated by burying tho thing out of sight. It is now partially de cayed, having a sort of honsy-comb ap' pearanej; and through it and interlacing every part of it, aro the dclicato rootlets of plauti, having travelled some feet, per hapi, in that particular direction to feed upon tho phosphato of lime and the phos phorio acid with which tho bono abounds. Now hero aro circumstnuees over which tho farmer may pause, longer than Burns did over ilu u:oue ho turned up in his furrow and here ar? suggestions madj, and lcosons to be le.trncd, which, if pa tiently attended to, will lead to many Jiappy reiulti 5 tuch as rich fields of corn, ani fruits and grain, fertile meadows and pastures dotted with fat and thrifty c.ittlo, and consequ:ntly, liberal profits, and cash in huml, tho ultimate object of his opera tion. Hero is " tho evidence of things not seen," tho fact laid bare, that bones uiill make plants grow, provided they cotuo in ooutact. Is it not, then, the part of wiidoin, not only that allwhich como from the kitchen of the farni-house be carefully preserved, but that'evcry pains bo taken to accumulate it in large quanti ties, and appropriate it to the advance ment of our crops t Suppojo this to have been deuo and tho muck ready for tho compost, then tho bones must in some manner be brought into a powder or paste ; the latter is tho bcit form in which to u-o them, and they may readily be brought into it, by weighing tho bones, and then to every hundred pounds of bones, adding fifty pounds of sulphuric acid, the common oil of iiriol of the shops, and costing a bont three cents a pound by tho carboy. If the bones havo been ground, half thut quantity of acid will be sufficient. Take half hogshead tub, place it in some con venient pct, and surround it, nearly to the top, with moist litter or the drier por tions of the horse manure heap, and then if the tub leaks during the operation of reducing tho leaking will bo saved. First diluto the aotd with three times its bulk of i water ; place the bones in the tub and turn on one-half of the acid and water. In twenty-four hours afterwards, stir tho ql. inrl tp tUa Vnno npo Yiftt oil rli-tnl ved, pour on more of the acid and water, ' ' . , ., , , . and BO COntmUO to do until too Whole IS . , , , . A, , XCdUCed tO a pulp Or patC. Another UlOllC . , , i. - i of accomplishing tho sama result, IS by mating a heap of thb bones ou the burn or other floor ; but it is not so safe auu economical as tho Crt method we havo described. When this has been effected, dry finely pulverized muck should be intimately mix ed with it, until tho whole will be iu such a, dry state as to enable a person to scatter it with a shoel or by hand ovonly over the pile of muck with which it U intended to be composted. There is no loas in ubing the sulphuric acid, as it decomposes tho silicates (sand) of tho soil, foruiiug new clem'ects which aro decomposed by the living plants and are fed on by them. 'ow, then, the uiaterials all being at hand, tho pile may be constructed by a layer of muck, sis inches in thickness, then a tpriukliug of the boncduat scattered evenly over it, aud to on, until tho materials arc all used. This compost we consider next in value to that of muck and barn-manure, uud plenty of examples might be cited to eustain this opinion were it necessary Prof. J. P. Xorton, Elements, p. Urf, says, " Two or thrco bushels of theto dissolved bones, with half the usual quantity of yard manure, are sufficient for an acre. This is, therefore, an exceedingly powerful fertilizer. One reason for its remarkable effect is, that the bones arc, by being dis solved, brought into a ttato of tuch minute division, that they are easily aud at once available fan the plant. A peculiar phos phato of lime is formed, called by chemists a sujierjihosjjiate, which is very soluble ; and in addition to thin, wu havo the sul phuric acid, of itself an excellent applica tion to most soils." Ia gardening, and especially on light lands commonly used for that purpose, this compost is one of tho most convenient to uso, quick in its effects upon tho plants to which it is ap plied, and yet permanent in its results. The farmer cannot exercise too much care in this branch of his industry, for nouo of his labors will raoro amply reward kim, or produce to him more gratifying results, than thoso which ho bestows upon his compos! heap of muck and hues, A'. E, Farmer, " Mike, wbat kiutl of potatoes aro thoso you aro planting T" "Raw ones to Lo iure. Bo tho houly poker 1 an' does ye.i tonar thiuT: ,1 would te afttr plantin' September (ffoatk I'llOOLAMAtl'ION. ' ' WMHIjr.Aa. iho Hot. Wiliu J. Woodward, rr.. dent of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and (icn eral Jail Dell.ery, Cmul of lluartcr Wesslun. of the l'enro and Coutt or Common Hens anil Orphan's Court, in tho VCth Judiclnl District, composed or the counties of Columbia, fsiilllenli and Wvominff. nnd the lion Jacob r.vAunnil mu tsl.t-.r. issociaie anuses o Loiumuia I Mum v. Imi'n (null lUflr nrtirfint. tuinrlncr Hi, In thn ninth nrntitv. Iinvc issued their Precept, hearing dale tho ninth day of Pcb., In tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eiity, and to tiio directed for holding a Court of 0cr and Terminer and UcuoraWail dclivtry, j General Quarter Bcfslons of the Pence, Common iIca and Orphan's. Court, lu lHoomsburft-, in tho county of Columbia, on the tint Monday, (being ttiu 3d day) of Hcpt , next, and to continue one week. Notko it hereby pivpn, to tho Coroner, the Justice of tho Pcacu and Constables of tho said county of Columbia that they be then and there in timr "roper persons at lOo'dock In the forenoon of midday, with their records, InmiHition and othir remembrance to do those things whith to their offices appertain to be done. And those thit Hre bound by rccoguitauce. to prose cut) against tho prisoners that are or tuny hi in the Jail of said county of Columbia to ba then and there to front cute thcui us shall be Just. Jurors are rorpieMcd to be punctual in their at tendance, apreoably to their notices. Dated at Mourns burg, the Std day .of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiht hundred and sltty, and In the Mill year of the Independence of the United Mates of America. (God sate the Co m mou wealth.) v JOHN SNYHLH, Sheriff. jniv sr. ma TRAVERSE JURORS, FOR Tlir. SKPTF.MB KR TERM, 1SB0, Bloom William Hear, Joseph llucklv.Joai.pll Weav er, Johnl:. Mojcr, CharlesThomas, rJtratciirldgu A.Wib son, Ya-ttno lioone. Hot. Ilerwick Jacob Mover, A. II. Tate, Heaver-Peter (Irarhart, Samuel Johnson. Centre Thomas Conner. C'attawlse.i S oloinnii rtcinaru. Franklin-Jacob Kostcnbnder. l'uhluscrcsk-Jolm freiillun, Thomas Lunjer. Oreenwood Samuel Mlisgrate. Locust Jonas rahrinaer. Minim Michael fry, Jacob Yohe. Madison-Dan'l Mcrklc, Isaac McllrlJe. Henry Dildin,. Montour Andrew Utatk. Mount Pleasant-I'.liaa Howell, Andrew Crouso, Maine Aaron Andrews. Orange James Patterson, Henry Belong. Tine William Artcr. Scott-A J. Thornton, Barauel L. llettle, tins Kiuin, Robert j. Unwell. 811 gatloaf Henry C. Hess. Andrew Lnubach. GRAND JUKOllS, FOR THE SEPTEMBER TERM, 1860. lilxmi-Cakb Barton, Jr. William Coleinuu, Simon C. Fhlve. Itonton-Jno. Deisctine, Patterson Moore, Thos. IIis. Brlarcreck Adam Suit. John Davenport, Jacob Mos teller rphram Lvans, Petr llaynmu. Cattawisa Samuel Thomas. Cei trc-John Shairor. Franklin Tho in a Howcr. FisIiniKf reed-Hiram Itittenbrndrr. Greenwood-David Albertaou, t'cUr Glrtn. Jack i" on James Vocmn. LocuHt (Jeorge I'uttt rman. MadisonJohn Demott. 1 1 til i n John Snyder, Jacob Scrmcppanhriicr, UouriiirTcreek Cinrli" Kck. iVcott I'll i 1 1 p Acheiibath. TKIAL LIST t on run it:rriim:ii ry.ios. ism. . lleiijniuiil A. Coles. William Minons. i 1'itcr .Miller is. the Catlawlssa, Willlamrport k Eric Railroad Company. a. riamucl Lemon vs. A. V. Creamer. 4. John Mct-'nlla vs. Henry ilantz. 5. Simon rettt-rmail l. Wright Hughes. b. Jacob Schuyler vs. Wilson Ager. 7. Charles Hcuninger vs. LudiMg Buhl's administra tors. . T. W Kalilervs. Daniel Ncjhanl. V. Jno. .McMulligan ct. nl., s. Mamucl Rhone. 10. J. K. Cirton s. Hdgnr i:. Itartnn, et. ul. 11. William Smeycr vs. John llotfnagle. 12. J. 1'. Jaiksoti t. al., s. i noh Howell. 13. tltcplieu II. Miller vs. IMiml F. Scjbeil. 1-1. Hubert II Auun s. llenj. 1'uydon. 15. Win. pploinan is. Jonathan Mostellcr. iO. Lnos Adams ts. Craintiel II, tjcjbcrl. 17. Mary Hess ts. Win. Hess. 13. I'eter llillmc)er t s. .Michael Mr) lit. 19. Jeremiali II. Harlmau vs. Abram N. Harvey. '.U Nathaniel H. Kntcr ct. al., m. A. N. Ilartcy. 31. C. 1). Herring et. al., vs. John n. Jacob)-. !. Joseph Lilly vs. James S.ilikcy. SJ. Laviua Colo vs. Adam Lutz 1 1. al. St. Daniel Spaydo vs. Christian Laubach. 35. Iraltobbins s. Jacob Dlchl. riccrge moan's Cxi-cutor vs. Jas. Rantz. 27. Jacob M, huyli'r vs. Albert Btoukey tt. al. 2S. Georgi Getty s. Henry Sllollabireer. 2J. Jidln Uartou s adm'r vs. Jos-ph Lilly, JACOU LYLltLY, l'rothonotiry r.loomshiiTE. July 'J.. )M-0. BV Virtue of sieral ntscf t'ltulkhni Vrjionas, a sued out of the Court of Common I'iudd of Columbia county, to mo directed, will bu expusfil to Public EsjI', on MoXDjir, the 3J iKir oy t-prr.vnt.ii, i?w, at ono o'tlock in th tiiurnuon, .it the Court limis-c, in IttnnniMtiiirtr. tt fnllmiiHt H, r,,i.n.l lrrm. siuint.ii All that curtain lut of ground cituate in liopkinsvillc, I Eloom township, Columbia county, bounded and desuibcd as foilciwa, to wit: on the northeatt by Vain street of 1 paid town, on the eoutheuttt by an al , on tiic routli-) west by an alley, and on the nnrthue! by lot f - ! .containing one hall of an aire bd Hie same more orles,wliereu iseretUd atwotifry t'K.VMC DWELL-1 ISi HOL'gK, a Tramu Stable and other out buildings ' seu-jtl, tdKtn in eiecution and to bu ttold as the prop erty ot Jokiah II. FuiMian. ALSO, All that certain tract cf lands situate in Heaver town. icaubyapuulicmnd, on tho touthliy lands Michael's heirsand other!, on the west by land off liu- Iloau, iUi on Hie north by laud of John anil Kcu. ben Ilcrr.nger, conlaininif eiglitj-iiine ncres, twenty fic acres ofuhiih are cknrnl lauds, uherion are trerted a i" si'iry ci-.i.ut, utt tiL,t.i,Mi uuubu.t raino Kitch- en, a Tramo Ham and other out buildings with the an- nrizeuti.iKci in execution and to bo sold as the prop. crty of Charles 1:'. M jnu. ALSO, A certain lot of ground situate in Maine township, Columbia cntlutv, adjoining lauds of Isaac Ve-lL-r on the north, Aaron llcrliuger on the south, west and ejst, Culitaining one acre of laud, w hereon are re-ctud nouo ond a half story I'RA.ME DWELLING IIOL'SE.a Frame; Stable and a w ell of w uter at the door. e 1 c e , -"-UOU, vie, .-ene-i emti ui lanu siiuieia in ucavcr ami aiaino i tOVVUsh US. (JoluutblacOOIltV. iirllfilnlixr Inmli tit'l'h.irl. a Matin oo iho north, Jacob tSlmnuu a luiis on the north, i Alirulllll lvllfrllt ull this rii.nlli ( lia.l,.. I'uhur I i..r. lUnderlitet on thu oast, and Mary Uulp on th-j vveM, coiitaiiijjig ouo hundred aud oncairefcaml u half uiththu appurtenant-en, about ten ucres of is cleared land eld, taken in t-jcucutiou and to b: nold at tlu prop- crty of Jacob Hokr. A T .... , V ' Atthj same timcand phce.hy irtu"of ft wnt ofc-t iv" niM'p0 "'at certain twohloryntAMH IVi:i,L- INd MOL'tiC or buildini! situate in tint tou. iimIiIu ni', in thu tounty of Columbia, on the iunth bide of the mum load leading from Uloomsburn to Ueiuirk, being in tbv Milage ut La py tow ii, said buildiui coniaiuinp in front twenty six leet, und in depth filty lvo fct, and th- tot or pti-ui o ground uud curtilage appurtenant to tht taid huildlllir. bouildcii On thu linrlhi'.ist L .I. i; , the northwest by David Vhitmeti, on the north by 'tho main road aforesaid and on ih nonth bv ;in nli.-v city :ty of William A, Case. JOHN SNYDJIR, Hucaiir's Orrite, I khenr lom.liur.', Aug II. Ifm. J' RAYMOND'S l'A I KNT S.HWIIV i1tACIII.E! p.iTExrr.n M.iuai a, itu, PBIOE $10 EACH, MtsaBS). ZU1TINUUR & UUUUlNS.of Dlooiiisburg, hueiug purchased the extlusizo right ol the above valuable luiruovt.u Cheap 1'ailm ribwo .Msemsi., lor the county of Columbia, u ill bu happy to supply their mum. ..mi mu uuieie lor inu nceoiuiuouaiioii e-i itielu. selves and families. The lullowiinr ure sonic of th tn. perioT udvantagei this implement possesses over uuy ever et ottered to the DUblir. VU; to the publi l. It sews irom 4UU to UXi stitihes ner minute. Um saviug both muu um labor in the operation. Its construction is so plain and situple, with any thing is idsyktpt iu order aud vwl give entire satiklaciion. 3. Ouu of thu most valuable features of this Mnthinr, is the smulluess and thacumpai tuess of its mtthauism. 4. Duuble-thread Muchines.are always ditfMblttomaii egi. uud very unhandy in lhrvudiu;r, but this Alathiuo is vatsiir tiireaded than even a tommou ueetile, 5. It ran bo atluthed to a bourd, table or stand, iu op crating order, nud detached in Ut than half u iiiinute. ti. Jt greatly th,j thread, and ya, produces a seam, kuitiiiently btrong for any work fur win. h it is destined, u quulitltutiou not known to other n.vvig Ma 7. So human hand Is capable in producing a scam so regular and systematic, tf. Among thu array of Patent Sewing Machiuts, there are none soilieay and durable us Kavmono's I'atsm but no Machine Is adapted to all kinds of work us experience has proven. P. Thu operator ran shape his scam, Jut ns he pleases, vvavs, leaves and flowers, tic, eun be rvprustuted or imitated. IU. It i particularly adapted to all kinds of stitching such as gentlemen's shirts, bosoms, rtibauds, collars, etc., and all kinds of Ladies new ing, including silks, lawns, deWnes, calitoe, &c.,exccptingloriueu'sheavy wear, this .M.tehine- is rathei too light of ronstruuion, ' 11, Uutult the foregoing advantages, though real in tlietntelvos, dwindle- iutoiusignitlcuuce, wheu compared with the preservation of health, being a saving of both labor and eysif lit, aud Icav et the ojwrator w ithout stoop. Log, and cuublud la perform lii? work, octupyingaua tural position, 1'or salo by tho undersigned, at their respective residcncti, iu jlloouisbiirg, who will pot tho macluiiy in operation uudglvu all necessary instruction. 1IENKV KUJTIN'GER, Dloniburg, May 12. IfoO. WINE AND LIQUORS. WHOLESALE AND It ETA If., TIIC unilenieneJ, hating opened n New Store', on .Main Street, a fsw'eloor. South of i,on utrttt. Dloomiburi;, and stocked It nltb tho best Urands of all ainils Imported Liquor,, will bo happy to supply the trade on tin. siost accommodating tcruisandat uuuiually low prices. ' Cr Public Custom Is respectfully InvlteJ, risom.burg July 7. ISM. Agtnu klLUlNO cirrJAWrJ, &e., kt coitor Lis, "AKT.MANf KEW ANDSl'LENDID ASSORTMENT At the corxf.r or w illnin and Iron Streets, Do you want (in to IlROWKU'S. Do j on wnnt LAVKLI.A CI.OTII I !o to .IllOvVl.tri. p ,ou ,,,,, CiAI U ,r,,AINl:S t Ho In miOWKH'f Do )ou n an. TAIILH COVl:l!rf I Co to llttUVVKlrH. 1 (lo to IIHOU'l'.H'r). Do you want CI.OTII I1UH1 KRrt I Do you want SKEt.KTON SKIRTS t Oo to IlKOWIIHU . Do you want DR. CIJTTKR'3 BKIRT-SUlTHNDKIlSI Do you nnnt MUHMNdc Do)ou ttantCAl.H.'Oimt Dn)oii want l.AWNt I)o)ou wniitltAlli:Hyt Do you want HI! lll'.fir.S I Do you want HOSIERY I Doyouwantfll.OVHSI do to r.RHWKIt'P. do to n. !o to IlItUWl'.R'fl. tin lo imoWRIl'd, tin to IIKOWKK'tt. Oo to llROU'Hlfe), Go to HIIOtVER'S I ., . ............. ,j . (lo to I HOW 1,11 S I DoyouwantllANDKI'.ItCHIKrHI tin to UROWl'.It'S DojOitwiintCAIll'in'HATClir.l.SI Goto HROWr.Ii'H Do you want STI'.l.l.A HIIAWI.H 1 tio to IIROWHR H. 1 Do you want MOII MR MITTS I tl" to lllll)Wl:U'S. ' Do you want SILK Olnnl.HS I Co to IlRoWIIItU Ho you want OADNTI.nTS I tin to IIROWKH'H I Do you want CROTCIIliT Illt.MDS I Co 11. IlitOWI'.R'S. Do you want TIDY COTTON l Ho you want I'A Mil'' NS 1 Do you want SUNSHADI.HI Go to IIROWER'S Goto HROWER'S. Go to rtROWER'H. Go to llROWER'rt Go to IIROWER'S Goto IIROWER'S Go lo GROWER'S Go lo ItROtVER'S Go to I'.HOWEIt'S Go tn IHSOWEIfrt Go in I'.ROWI.R'it Goto UROWER'S Do yon want U.MIiltL'I.I.AS I Do )oU w ant CAHSIJIHRKS ( Do you want TtRSIAN I'l.-MD t Ho you want LIMIN CHUCKS ( Do you want TERCALUS I Do you want JKANS I Do you want NAN'KEENfl Do you nantfilSOHA.MSt Do you want DUCAI.I Do ou want CURTAIN' ML'HLIVI Do )0U want COt.'l) CAMIIHKM I Do jou want WHITE HOODS I DoyounnntDENMISI noyouwanlfll.ESIAI' Do you want DIULI.I VHS I Goto IIROWER'S Go to IIROWER'S Go to IIROWER'S Go to HKOWEIt'H Go to IIROWER'S fin to IlltOWCIt'S Go t6 IIUOWUIl'H Go to MIOWEIl'S. Go to IIROWER'S Co to I1ROWER S Do you wanlTU'KINGSI Do you want HIEl'K'i ( Do you want I. MHI'.S' SHOES! Do you want LADIES' GAITERS' Do you want I RESII GltO'ERIESI Go to IIROWER'S Do you want QUEENSWARE I Goto IIROWER'S Do you want GLASSWARE I Do you want HARDWARE! Ilu you want DRUG3 I Do you want 1'UUDSrl -E3I Do you want CUE U" GOODS I niiHiin.hurg. May 1". 1JC0. Go to IIROWER'S r.u to linOWEK'S Goto IIROWER'S Go to IIROWER'S Go t" CROWtR S (alla,iiss.i, W flli.nnsiorl -.V I'.rio (!. li. f 777 Itvt rrTfVV UiKJiLL.ik.. .-, s3 turret RMnaJton-kliU"'"',''-''itcUu belirun Xtti' gara 'fails and t'inlmttljilna .eTorrsf (Vt'csest And (.Amlest Routt frotn Hei ern Xete rkta Philadelphia, Ilarrlsburf, Viluburg Uallmore, llahi'ton cKy, and las eifA Tho dilfjrent Trains on this Road pass Rupert as fol low s . TRAINS MOVING SOUTH. Htpress 1'reighl. O.CO . m. I'liiladelphii Mail, 1U.-I2 a.m. riiiladclplii.i A. N. V. Express. 11,'-M p. H. 1 RAINS MOVING NORTH. Eiprcs rrclght, 1J.SU p- M. Elinira Mail, Ml r. M. Magara Kxpre. ll.'.'ll P. M. FAKKX BtrnrEtLVROPLItTir rillL.IUF.l.Plll.1. Rupert to I'hllada, $ I III I Rupert to Milton, $ 70 do llamsburil, :i UO I ilu Willialilsport. I 40 do I'. Clinton, 'J 10 f do Elinira, III." do T,imniua, 1 50 1 do Mngra Fall", 7 20 All p-i-scngers are renin sted to proi lire Ticki Is b.foru cnt"riug the e ars. Eaggagc dl.-cked through lo l'hila dtlplua and Eluuru. II. A. I'ONDA, itip'l. June 0, l.'IO. liXOUKMENP ouWN lOWN L. T. Sharplcss' Store. I'R lu SlTAll 111 VA L or SPlUXfr AND SCMMKU GOODS. MIllI utderi.ijjned, Invtiitc t.iketi ch:irK! tf the New J Moro furni'Tly kept by Jo-fph ?iharph,', h-- t-ikm this mctlmd of Infurnniia hi-t nuiiifrntti tn-t.(iiin that he h.. juat rsturned from llii illy uithu Uri'i-iimi'Tt. ineiit of SPRING k SUMMKll GOODS, which he uifors for hale at his on .Main Blreet, UliHinhburg, at lb: erv lowest lUlnu prices, llin Slock been Ivtted with a rtl i.I ileal nf care, and judgment, and wilt romiinru f.iorab)y with any tork of sood cur hroncht to thm place. Counrry produce t.iken in exclumse fur moods nt the market price. He his on hand cvLnlhini cfunuiouly kept In a country ttore. CHu hi in a cull before (lun liad ma tlsewhere, l.t riHAnrLr.s. Blnom-burg, April lCO. Cheapest! Best!! fjarffebi!!! Tays for Tuition in Hnu-I i Utiiry ltukKef ping, Wii ling. (;ommcrciai vrjiiunnicdini i. enure Iirnrt fiorrr'tli Stntintm i'ti R7 7W- ISQUM ti XtCChS S1. mitOftun a- ttittl CHtirC CXDtuSfS iS-ti'J. Unnl time from ti in Id week. Every Snid-iit,uioii , crti.liiaiiiciei fii.rniced u.n.prtn.i lo use illf. ioki i.rany liuyineriei, ami 'juulifml to cam u salary i 0 frulll $500 TOSHJOO. PludiMits ntir at nnv ttn u No vacation lii viewnt 1 l1ti r 1 ,r"1 l'tniinniP fr Kent lliir-iuifo Wrihup f"r liii. 1 T"u lVv,t nl r' "burf, I'liiluUlpl.ri nnd tmiS'alP rf- .M-'K nl the tair tl ihu Union lor 1 ",e ' a1 3 I ,, li'i'sirrs Hnnj rercivcd at hall priro. nr Ct'cD'ars, p ciiuenx ami Hmb llihed 'ievv if I tieCtlle-c, iiulop llv.- letter M.mip to V XV . JtNKINH, t'iti'iiih. Pa. , miliary II Ji-nil. (April -2A It-Z'J.) OR HAT KXRiTISMUNT AT THU 6ras m a15 l ''ESi ARRIVAL w MILLER'S STORE. THU 1m jiut returned from the city with another large ami mleu ansortim nt of SPKINtJ & SUMMKR fiOOD.S, purchasediu I'hiladtlphiant tUeJowt-i-t fiaurr, and vvhtilt ho is determined to sell ot us iu(h( rate ternw as ran Iw procured elsewhere in llloomaburj. Jlu tfck ioiults of LADIES' DltKSS OOI)St CJioiccfl Ivies nnd Inlet f.i.hion ' D') Goudt, Groeerm, Hardware, tlueentcare,Odar Hurt i J hi low Hare. -. .Vuiji. Ruota and Shn. 1 JIt$ ami Caw. it., x-c. In thort cv'r Hung iiMially kept in ton n try Stores to II s v, HE 1,1 VI II I I'll Ull C pe lit Tail). xu x ue iiiguett i nee p.iiii nr conn try produco .STl.PIILN H. MII.LI.U. I.loomthHrg, April '31, y C. C. SADLER &. CO., i CummisnoH Merchants ami aeulcn in I r loll, 01IKESK ct I'ROVleSIdNS. No. lOil Areh St., Und door aliovtt Front Aususl 11, ItMS-y. l'HII.ADULnilA. MANlIKACTCllllIt fir t'.llMJIi:S. l'Il: (DM'i l 'I KIVPIir LP so uuoUALb nun is ' FOREIGN & OUMKvnU FKUITS Hal. ins, i-riines, rrn Mils, Aliiionds, I'encun Xuts, llnir. Walnuts Ornncs, Illie-d Apple, Currunts, t'Kron, l'", D.ltes, " I'i-.ii he S toil, i iioores. i,euiuus, brups, jCrcuui N'uts, il'ine Apples, Crack ke-rs, FIRK IIVHKS. JjC qc. o. 203 North Third yin el, Month Hist corner Vino IMUI,A1)EI,1'H1A. March in, leTO-lim. AGRIOULTURAI. WAItEIIOUSE. AI.Alini: assorlmcut of tho best firtilisers in ..-t. the market, at reduced prices for cash, cun. tir?, sistine of No. 1 I'crutlau iiudt'iiliiiiibianCuaiio'stcar Kuperphosphnto of l.imo from Ihe bott manufac turers, l'oluh, I'hospliiite. u new nrliclo for fruit treTa l'oudretto, Plaster icc M utlolesalu uuii ri lail. , , . , . I'AciCllAI,!, MOIIIUS. Iinplenient and S.-cd Btorc, comer vf '.tlt and Market rln-ets 1'hil.idelpliia. March li Iti'J. "JfllK laree.t and most complete! iissortment ,,,rrc.. I ol Agricultural aud Horticultural linnlc- fflvC! ments ever otTered in Philadelphia, tnilira- cinir many new Imnleinents. not to 1m, rimii .Htf . v.-v ...... v.. ... v. .uaieriais una wofknun.liip, tiprcssly for my on cales. I arincrs arc invitud tc, call and ciaminc the smtrucnt I,, ....... rAtCIIALL MORItla. Implimeniand SctiW aithoas) ?il anJXatk' i rrrcet rliilailrlphia .March 13, KM r I lsOO.1 OUT t GOOD NKWS FOIt ALL ! THKneverfallinKMIlH. VAMIUKN, Is the. .est. I'he succeeds when ill then Iiavn failcil. All whonro In trouble nil who havi- been unfortunate, nil wlioso fnuil hopes have been disappointed crushed Am! Mnsteil by f.ilsit promises and deceit, nil tyhn Hare been deceiv ed nml trifleil with, nil tly to her ror'ndiieo nnd salis f.iiliuu, nil nlin arc In iluobts of Ilia hireclinns of those they love, consult her tn relieve and satisfy their minds. IX IJOt'K .IhF.llhS 4K .Vt'l'.T! M1LSI Plic has the secret of uinnlns the nltertlmis of the op. I. 1 .1.1. e..... t. l-l-t. l...l.i... llllln.H... n.n. Icjef, , iry to Imitate her, and to copy tier advertise. nieiits. rlie slie shows von tho I uatohs oy yovii Fvrvnr. mrr. on iwsn.i.vt. Or tibsi-nt friend. Sli auides the single to a happy mar I riige, and makes thu lu.irrii-il liopp). Her hid nud nd I vfre has been solicited in iiiniiiiieralitc Instances, and the risult has attrnHn been Hie mentis of securing I .- hPKMtr Jf.VI) IMI'I'Y M1H1H.WF.I Wie is therefore n sure ilepeu.lence. Hhe has been the i i.-nmii .if hrliieli.s iiiitnv timiitreil henrls unit linmls to- Pettier. Thousands of broken lienris hate been healed and made happy by lier. It is well ktinnti tothe publicat largo that she was , tics first mid she is the nnlv person who can show the likeness In reality, and w ho cun glie entire salisl.u lion mi ull the concerns of life, which can b tested mid prov, ed by thousands, both married and siiighii who dnily and eagerly tisit her at Nn. 1 :UiO Lombard Street, I'liilatlclphia, All interviews are strictly prilnle mid contldelitial. ilvmixj-lwj:. oonn luck AND HAITIVHS are within the reluh nl' nil. She Is the litln? wonder of til J enlightened age i nil wli.i con sult her tire nstoni-heil nt tin truthfulness of her infer, luation mid predictions. AI.I. thus l who ha I bait link consulted Iter. Ill-ir bad li ft them, nud they ore now lor tuuate, rich, einiui'iil and hiipliy. To ALL In business her ndtlce Is linaliiiilde. Sh-1 can foriti I wlththcgrent i st certpiiil), til result of all coiiiiuercial and business triinsaitiolis. If )oti follow- her nf, ice. )nn will iMi'Uuru vuuit cnicuMr.i.wr.s nnd snrreed in nil Jour undi rlakliigs. 'J'hos. who have beu fiirtiin.ite nud unsuccessful in life, and in business thus who h.ive worki d hard and struguleil against adversity nnd iiiisfoitnne the grenler part of their Ihi-s ami fouii-1 tlu- more thev tried to get forward in the world, the more tilings things went agllist them! All cases li.ive coniilled In-r f-r the ht twenty )cars. Al thos-i who wis ly followed her advice, are now men n.tri'r .ixn ivccfasfvu in all her undertakings; while those Inlnded liy preju dice and ignorance, m-glccted lo-r iidlic-, stll la bi ring agailistn itersily nnd povertt . Ifyou nliie)ou liappln-ss, )ou will cons'iit li.r )ourself, and bo success ful nnd happy also. AH latere i are strietly private ami cnnnJchtln!. i.iinieonoi come an i to NO. 1336 I.OMUAHI) STIIE11T. bitween Junineranil Droad, riuladclphia. March 18. li-S'i-ly. DETEiRSIVE SOAP T1I13 celt-bnited Wa-hhi-i Soap, i now in market for more than a year, and that it ha piven universal caliHaction, is evident from the fact, that the Matiuf.ic tureri of ft in ordvr tu Mipply the demand, hiue been oblisted tn iuireasc thir cupucitv to make M One Hundred Thousand rounds per Irak. It H dti irtcdly the brtt and cheapen iopp ever made in thii Country; One I'ound vftt kill po as far, for any ust ai Thttc of the Common aap in ncnrral use. It in ni.ntu upof. n new principle, of the, and known only ti Van II vaoi-n i McKiovr. I doei away entirely with th wnhh-ard aen tha necs'tfitv of biiilin-: tin rlntheH, it Idoe-tnot f hriuk ri.iuncN, KUMOVl'.S (JUl'Afjl,. INK ll't I'AIXT tfl'OTH perf.ctly mid from tlu niott delicate , l.turic, caves niiiy one-nan tne lime nun laimr iiiiiaiiy , -upeut tn llK' w.i-.hinir. ( $ warranted J rec from tJllMf 1 or othtr itiurir alkaltca, and guaranteed not tu rot I or injure the cluthcu. ALSO VaiilinnsfMi A: HJeKronr's. Kuperior oriental Toilet (h'-ttiical OHvc l'al;, I.Ttrn I'nle and Pruw u r'Mfis, tn well an DntP Tiiain & Co. Ad.imantiiu' Caudh'H at loweit market micH. I'nr tfale by ull respcituble (iroci-rn, and Wholcfnle by THA1X -k MiKLONi:, No. nud lU Houth Wharves, I'iiiladli ritti. caTt'iTon. There bein; n"ternl imitation hrandu rf Dt'Tt-iee H-aj in m.irkit, the public are notiiVd not)'" are Genuine rcipl Vts IIaagen tc ih stamped upon each of tli-j rtiap, will as the lloxcjt, IVbrtiary itf, l"l U-Um. THIS WAY ClIKAL' lsDYEltS. r LOOMSW'RG eheap cash Hli-r.'. again repl-nlsheil P Willi a fresh stock ol "t.T7 (VCOn-wn are now prepared to oil' r to the public tt ery handsome lot ol'SpriiiJ and Summer Goods lit u.ual low prices, for HEADY DAY IIMLY, Come aloug Willi je-ur cah and prodnee, II. C. b. I. W. II.MIT.MAV. March 31, IHO. T H E v i t 7i ti y iv f vt 'tt n r ryMIE Proprietor eif this wetl-knowii mi I cculr illy loci ' JL tod House, tilts ExeiliMiK HoiM., utiiutj on lniii Street, In Itliioiiisburg, iiiiiuedi.iti ly nppositw the Cohliu . bia County Court House, respeellully informs Ins Irie-inle and the public tu geiie-rul, that his House is nmv in or der for tho reception and entertainment oflru-.otcrs who I l:i.iy feel disposi-il lo f.ivorit with their custom. He has 1 spared no expense in preparing the Em u eM.c, lor tlie-i-nt. rtiiiulin-ut of his guests, ne-itiu-r shall llier.i be inf illing w anting (on ins part) to iiiini.ti-r to their personal eienfort. His Ionise, is spacious nud e-ujo)s an excellent li unless loe.itinn. I Lt5- Omnibuses run t alt times tn-tw-eeii the Kvih.ingc Hotel uudthe tnrioils Rail Road Depots, he whitli trae- ! e-lors wilt ho eime)ed to mid from the re- tpecllto St-ilious in due tiiuu to meet tha Cars. I WM. II. KOONS. I lUopirph'irg. .luly 7. li-'-0. '' JtfAiSVISiiLtJE liVeSTITaJ'A'JE. i T'llIS liibtiliitioii w'liu founded by the nren nt rrtncinal aiul has nlw u h a lib ral hh.nre of tho utroiuiiri' n( tl)ij (.0.llimimyf The object aimed at in all ti.tM-A.-r ricHifthu Intitule, ih totecure iu pupils a i roper de- vehement of the. mental powers, imUtluu 'uuln them f'r inutruction.spetial iitten ion hing given tothe , V " T1" , ht. . . . Tin tleld of htm'y cmbr.itrH Jiitglir-h Literature, the Sd.'iiffH, tin Mfttliemaiies, th i;iasKit and .Mtr u Language. 0 giviuahis undivided alt ntiou tn the lutert'etrt of th) liir-tiUiti.m, and securing the co-op ratn n of will ipuililV'd luitrutlors, thu I'rintipal hop, tt to ren der sdluta-tiouln his p at r hi in. The next Tt rm will open JMunttun, Aifgttst SIth) lritit). The I'rimipiil will inreive pupils from u dlanr', ns ln.irders, .not will Biv th -m every attention mctssar) to thJr tomfort. I 'or particulars iiiply tn J. SI, KLLs'O, Principal, Danville, June 31, lt-L0-3m. AG K NTS WANTKI). 1 HO OHM ,,',,t'1,1' '"vv fad), tlu National nu,ww iuiukum nan, ami :vi.ip i, niu luiiu btaten. toiiininiug accurate Portrait. Irom hf'. of tho Cam'idates of tueh I'arly for 1'refidcnt and Vite-Trt si dent, with their Ictit rs ot a ri ptance, I'lniformi of their refpettivo I'arties, with a vat aioount of iftiit mat ter. Ilesult- ot tli J PrefiHlcniial Lletlions of Hit Uniti'd states from ITl'lito lrj'i; nuiiR-iiof the Spi-akvri ff the iloiuu 1 1 IN pr-'ci illative from ITe'.t in la.. 'Ihe .Miip is li.'auiitully colored, and printed on heavy calender paper, ue : by i t, Ut mg the exact buunda nt sof all thu latis ami Territories, extending through tO lllll I 'ill l tit! I It i-t ail Price, only i.K"euti", Sent, pobt paid, on receipt 1 of the prite. A rare ihantc is oifereU agents. IVr terms I add re si I DUAVU UULlON. j July II. If 00. I'liilailLlphi.-t.l'a. I A CA1U) 1 TO YOUNG LADIKStVGKNTLKMHX. , rplIK fubscribcr will s"tid (free of chari:)Xo all who l . ii'-Mru it, in itei ipe nun iurixuuun nr mahing u sun pie t rgtiatnc ndi m, mat w in, in irm two to eignt an) s, remove 1'iiiipks, l.lotrhes, Tat, FrteUrt, Hallow ii-'f. and ,lIt impurities and roughness of the Hkin . nimii us Nature intende-d it should hi li-aviug the t mouth, and beauutul. Ihosu defirini! the Ui tine, with til Iiutruciious, ilirecliimt,, ami advice, will pku&u call v" "I Bllltrllllll ILlUii, llirll,,.!-,! JAri. T. .MAllSIIAI.I.. rnscnest. Chemist. Xo. 32 City Huilding., N. Vork. July 14. 1'CO-am, NAIIONAL SKYLIGHT. DAGUERREOTYPE AND AMIMtOTYlMS OALLKRV, In the Jlhntgotntiy Iiui!dinpi, Xorth Vancille, fSV, of the must convenient nnd extern five establish uii'iiU iu tho Mate : ch ir.'es billhiieiitlv hlirh ti. in able llm work to ba warranted. lO"Nout but tho best material aro used. Invalid and dec'il u-'tsons t.ikeu at Ilu ir residences. !i,roce.s..o, Instruttioiu pivm m Daguirreotjpe uud Aiobrutypo ' .Montiioiiiiry buildincs upon iha tlurJ floor. All tilled up nicely, above M C. Crier's Drug Store. arrive at our rooms, i u remove i very uouot, 1'or thu pictures we'll luuku ou with boldness ktan out, J, II. CON. lucemtier 17, IMll. " 1800. Notions, 18G0. JOHN M. SHELDON, ol Jersa Town, Columbia Co, vv 1 II iNp 39, AW 7nVrf Ut, rhiluittlphia, IMl'ORTEIlb i; JOUUt-KS, 01' Hosier ji, tltovis, Fancy Goorls, S,-c, Willi a larpe and complete nsoiliiienl of ullcoodsin our lino For Mliich we iillite Ibeattcutioii ofcuilu. trv Merchants, Pi'brur.ry t!.i IDCO.. Em. MAYJOMi HOTEL. RACE STREET, ABOVE THIRD, lIIIt.AUUL,IIIIA. c CAKHAAV, Proprietor. I I I1KNRY AD0Mir8 CAiunriyr WAitiiuoows, fio.M NORTH rUXON'D BTUr.nT, ABOVK MtRKt-T, One Door above Christ Church. A One nl A-nortment of COTTMIE t VilXITVHE, In. eluding S7o.c. WHlliADBIiPIIA. Msy IS, lVJI-Um. UNITED STATES HOTEL, AND G ENI!! It Al STAfiB OI'I'IOE. IfPMMVWVl'nY & SON. I IIbNU WHil.Ul tv '?;''.. Hie riillailclplna Mall 'Irani uolng dull Train going Nnrtli. rV Passengers In a.oT.1. n.l l'.l,.,l.n Alilll lilXF. tt ilit United Htltt Intel 'Joissjua Pa, March 12. ISoU-lSiu. .ijiT:lir.i)UCLi from si so 7X3 si ' run Ar States Hnion H)otcl7 C00 ,t fi08 MARKET STREET r.Miovr. SIXTH.) S, W. POVVEn, Proprietor. Tcrms: 81 25 per day. Mav 12. If on- I Jm. IXP EOTIXE. Tli o Persian Ecvcr r in. rOll the prtcntlotl and cure of Ferer and Jlgut and I ; Utlioui hirer. Thisw lerlulrel ly wnshrought to the knowledge of the present proprietors by n Iri.-iid elio has been n great Irnteler iu l'ersi.t and the Holy i.nit.i. I While irohig down the river Eunhrales, he experienced t a.ficrcallacki l l'eieruud Ague. On illscmerlng his com. itlou. one t-ftne lloaliiien toe'k from Ins pi rson an I .fisiiici, so) log, -iicoe rnis nsii e j-cerr nu rosea geii." sMthoiieh iiu reilutonsns to iti irtueit ; In1 compljeil, and i'Vpiriemed iiiimt di.ite relief, nnd has rinee ula)sl louinliliui tlfcctual protcrtiiiii from ull initiations com- i pl.iints. 1 Dm lurthrr inveflisntion he fount! that Ihelmntmnn at ' tritut ditto viiratulvus powirs, nnd said it emitd only be obtained Irom the l'rit.aists ( f the riuli. tSonietimo , ultirward, the gentleman in com ersinir w ith n I'riest obtuiued from him th-' seiret of its prepitrutlon, nud an cert.iitit'd wlura th) meiiKlnal hi-rhrt win fiund, of uhkhit uns couuioiinded. The wonderful irtnesof tliisnrticl-- h.ue iuiluted a full bi-lief in the mind, of th-: natives in IIkj miraculous heahns powers or their Pries Is. Mine. hU return to America, it h-is been tried n ith tlx. hnppit't elfert by several I.tidtes ami (eiitlemen ol hull 1 chur.u.t-r, who haie fjinn it tho most uiiiiinhtivtl pruie. Thii remedy hjin been n specific iu l'eria for tininl reds of j ear, for tho prevention and rure of Fever nud Ague and Uillous FeMr-i now olfs-rod to thu Amrri can people. i It will hi sent by luail.prt paid, w ith full directions (vt us', on n ceipt ot ono ( ' rriutipnl Depot ami VHiuufartory, W Main Ht.. Itirli- 1 iitond, a. ilruiuli Uilice, 1-ank ot Commerce tlmlding, N'ew York, Addr.-m JUIIN WILCOCK At CO. Juuc30,?C0-12'i. AGUIGULTiJllAIi WAHK1IOUSE, iVo5. 1! 1 i) 523, South Sixth &trcttt ?tcar tho State it vse. Pill LADKM'MIAt l'CNN'A. 'pl'N floor of this fptiious building', rreded rxprcscly i fur th proprietor's trade, ar.a stored w ith feeds nud imp lenient 4 of iiit.'reft to arinir' und pardt nerti. Hiiv Vkars uuhiild. 'Ihe sulMcriber-4 derire lo call, Hit-' att 'iniuii. of t very one fntereited iu t.iriuinit ami L'ardiuiiic to their well nclccUil Ptoik t f .Varicult'i. ralTiMU. Warranted Garden and Ffoirtr Stcdi Grass and Etrtd turds, of the vtoitt rrlubtc quality. Th' Apriculiurnl luipleiuents fold b) u are mooUy m iuuf.iclured ut our bUhiu uoiksi, llritol I'n, Having tilted up our efetablishmeut wit limit recard to epeiie, uith Hie imwt tompltte marhienery for the miinufen Hire of arious kinds of agricultural Implements . are new (irepiireil to upd) all nrtuls In this line, fully i'iual, if not tmperlor, to anything of the kind ever before otl -red to th; public, I.audrith'fi warranted (iardell HreiN li.ieo been lirfiirr th-.' publie tir uiu nrtlti i rily jtars; th-fr w ide cpread pimiilarity. ami the incrennliipdein-iuil fmm )i-,ir tnjear, are Hie, b.ft ovvidente of their KUperiority over all ItllHTH. Country men hanti ran bu ciipplied with seeds in pa per -t, or in bulk, on th j mott liberal U rms. r.loomsihile, near UrUtol, t'a., our uartleii sred prtnindti, eonitiius ihreo hundred and feenty acre-, ami i-t U.u largt iktabliKliuicut of itx kind in the world. I). I.ANI)1UM'M A. FOV. ,V. SI 4 ai'.StfMA .S.rrA rni, 1'hiladnphia, C7" r,aiidrethH litirnl Kenii't'T ami Almanac tor l"iiO. tont.'iiiiiiiK a 1'arui, J,inkii and lireeu Houmu t.'altndar for month in the year, ran bo had jyrudiipou per (tonal or poit p.iid application, January 'Jl. 0l y. lMI'OUTAiNT NATIONAL WOKICS, I'L'llLLULD IIV II. AITIXTON CO. 3 10 ntnl XMH Hroa'licay Ntw York. The follow iiis works are cent to ttibirnb-rs in nnv part of llm touutry, tupi.ii retipt ol rit.ul priee.j by mnil or i'pri'Kii pruuol; Til 11 rtlAV A.MLUICAV CVCL01M:1iL: A pnpu lar Uietioiiury oftieto-ral Kliowl'-ilge, lahted by(Inuai: Itiri.rv an 1 ('iiaiiiw A. Dvnv, nidtil by n uumenns se lect corps of vvnlirs in all branch s of Hi leiires, Art, utitl Lit--rat ii re. Tlii work is ming ptibhnhed iu about I.j l.i r4e octcivn voluuiuf.earh conlaimiiL' J two column pages. Voln. one to nine, inrioive, are mm read, each containing m-ar 2 oiHi, oriiiinal artieles. An nildiiional volJmu vv ill be publish-jd once in about throe months. Price, in riuth, f'l; liheep, SI 50; Half Mor., SI, ILilf Kussi.i, Q ."'Death. The New American I'jtlopxdia N popular without neing imperlh learned but not pedantic, tompriheu bive but suttleieiitly ib-tailed, iree from p-rou,il prpie und pait preJuilKi. tresh and et nciurate. It is a couipl te ulnteiiitut of all that is know u upon ever flu imit'ii t tonic with the scorn of huiuaii intt'lliireiiff. Kverj iinportunt nrtii'Io in it luiri been speiially w ritlcn lor its paen by nan who are nut ho mien upon the topirs on whit h they speak. They are re'iuireil to brine tin subjttt up to the present moment to state just how it stuiihs vow. All the btatistlial iulormatioii is irom the latest reports ; the ge-ographical uceouuta ketp pair with tin l.itt ut fxptoratioiis ; itistorital m.itters iiiclutlo the frebhet jiint views; tin biographical notices not only upt-iik nt (he dead, but uUo of the liv iug. It is a librar) ol itself. AltRlOOEMfcST OF Tilt: UtlliTE OF CosfHUfit ' IVilig 0 1'otitiral History of tin Hinted Htates, trom the orgam Zititm of tin lirst 1 Vile nil l.'misrea in to IH.'iO. 1M- itud and lompilitl by Hon, Thomas 11, Ifi.troN from the Oiilcial Uecords of Congrs.'i. Th'! work will be conipkted in 15 royal octavo vol utin s ol i'Ai pi.grs eath 11 of vvhith tiro now rudy. An udi Volume will be published mice in three months t loth, $1; Law Hieep, $Jou; Half .Mur., 31; Half Calf SI jO eaih; A ll.IV OF ritOCUHI.G THE. CYCLOPAEDIA t OR tiKliAlV.S. l'orm a club of four, ami remit lhr price of four bonks, aud live lopies will bo seul'at the remitter's exp nsJ for tarriage, or lor ten siibniribjrs, tl"cn ct'pi.s will be sent at our fipenSo for iarnas'e, 'IO AG K NTS, No other works will no liberally reward tho exer lions ul'Ajjt nts. An Aoist Wantld I Tins I'm si v. Tern 1 1, made known on appliiatioii to thr Publishers. .i prn iu i. LAiiirS! L.lOirs ! ! I.Affll';!! ! Head Q,tiaptcrs. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL OF lUXm $ MlU.r.R S. PJtTKXT COAL OIL 0Utt.Yt.tta, 4; IJIWS FOR BU KNING, rnL Kntosi:Ni..oii CAititox oil. STAKING th bt ft and ctuptst Light now iu use, suit- 111 able for Churches, Hi ore h, or f.iuuly ui-t, no danger from Lv ptusion and one h.df cheaper than any other EQUAL TO (JASS. The above lamps, w itli or w iihout, ntobes or Hhadcs, can ut the NEW AND 0HEA1' ORUO STORE, IvxcIiuiikc CiilliliiiR, llloiniisbiiir. Fa . Where the iinilcrsisiioil would Ui'sp-ctlully inform, his 1'rii'inls .mil Ho- public in irrui riil. tint ho has Just re coil i-il trom the-etti-s, n luri! nnil Hell selected .tuck ol IjOOJs. in Ins kiu.l consisting of I ttCSlI AMI 1'UUIli; IlltUlis. MLlJI(,'INi:.S c lllCMlCAL. UKe.llN'1) li WIIIILK M'ICES. i'AINTH OILS, VAItMrllES I)Vn rJTUI-'r, WINDOW CLASH, Or" AUU SlZl rJ. I'AI.NT, ieTOOTII it BI1.WINO imL'tfllCS. TOIIACCnieClCAHS, or Tin: uitAMirii l'hliril.MKUY,l'AM;V SOAPS. iitui'sr.s ijiioui.or.u ua t.!. cut: wiNtitc nrtANiiir.s roit MIlllll'IMAl, llgn. CI. AM? CUTTING. dum-.'id uuiiru. tiii.T moui.ii INC I'Olt l'l!AJll.S,4: ADIiUAr VAIllt'i y Ul't.'AllllON Ull, IAMW AMIBllADCS I'l.lHIJ.CAMl'llUNUSArilTV ii.e'iif .eii-n re i-ii n ni.o, Atso All the inoat llnmilar ratt-nl Vtihrlnr-ti r.f ihn day.prewnpiionsaud family medinues carefully put up. N. H. Tho Dental protission is Ml'l ,v i continued and Teeth inserted, iu the tuoht (s& TEE? unproved manner. Peeling thauklul for past palroiugt', nopes ii louiiuiiunce ui uie kume, 0. M. HAGKNIIUCH. Illoom.hiirif. Jan. lPSQ y. BARGAINS I HJIRGA INS ! . NEW GOODS ffi&lJill'S Ss lflSSfffio WOULD respectfully inform tho cillscus of 1 ii, rStrool and Meiinty that tb.-y lijic Ju.t rtcciiid I neev nnil extensive u.gortuieiit of nnv norms amii rjifni-ipiirijo which they will ,cll cheap for catb. Tiny have alarge fJoMliwEtavS fnnclions. ,. f and general wrielyi all lh is coiunionly louud id a chole la and sin,?m,-. ?f,'.h!' p,?J l:c,, 'l"dcinic Couniry More, nnd ore determined lo sell cheap. To thu Har t c ffica ou. -nf r f,i'1"1''r, ,1,,l'l,,',' 11 " I"'' .eUctiouofilieirgoodsthc-yhaecpaid .trut attention ; should b'tuZotif iaJlt'Jua. "aUler Iherefore, Iheir inercbanillie will bear rcconiiucndanoa , "unoul It- and will provotobooftho llrst class. 1 T ....,.,, M. . V? ''" Tho proprietor, cordially solicit a liberal .bare of pal. ' fecd a m-w !ie!l .n?! ii,Tlte f,f" '" cou'"" ronage. Ou.tooier. would do well to call and examine wi I be fo !, f , Ij. . ''n8' uleil at a great com their gentrnl variety be-loro purchasing elsewhere. guard ihcS2,Lha,er. i'siJ ' k"" w,f i" Mii . JaVkS nr . t i goods at th, highest luatket price, .MAUTZ cV UXT. Light Street, October 12. 1850. I ADIES' BLACK GAITERS, at nil I J lirtces raneinc fiesn M rents tn nl .'.n n, , il,,. ..... .I.....-.,;... f." - .'"." Vav Id, Jij. I LOUR AND FEED fa bale ut L? .., it., ,H,rMisewjB, Miyir, leva. HOSTETTEE'S STOMACH BITTERS. It 1 a' fact that, at some period, cTory mem br tt tho liumim family ia tuljoct to tlltioawj or dlalurbanco of tho brxllljr fUnctlotnj tut, with tho aid of ft good tonic nnil tho excrclso f lln enmmnn Betiso. they may bo ablo so to roRtilato tho eystcm as to eocuro permariorit hcnllh. In orilcr to accomplish this ilcsiroel object,' tho truo courfo lo pursue Is certainly .i. i,ici, .111 nroeluco ft naturnl Btato of things nt the least hazard of vital strength and life. For this purpose, Dr. Hosteller lias in troduced lo tliil couniry ft jirciinrneiuu Ms name, which Is not a new medicine, but ono that has been tried for years, giving sotisfftc tlnn lo nil who havo used it. Tho Hitters onerato powerfully upon tho stomach, bowels, nnd liver, restoring them to ft healthy nnd vigorous action, and thus, by tho t-iniplo rro- ' cess of strengthening nature, cnablo tho fys- tern to trlutnpii over disease. 1'orllio cureoi uyrejm, i m.Bo.-e.o. , ..... . L'lnl..lnnev AntlClUC. Or OnV 11II10US Complaints, nrlsing from ft niorlud Inaction of tho Stomach or How els, producing Cramp", Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, ice, thcs Bitters havo no equal. DinrrliiTn. ilvnontorv or flux, po Generally con .i.ku.vuu , is . r tracted by now settlers, nnd caused principally by tho chnngo of wntor and diet, will be speedily "J . . . , , e .1.1- . ..n..itn 1-eglllatcel Dy ft uriet I f"'"" Pytepepsm, ft tllROUSO Wllicll IS prowatliy Inoro i jirevalent. In all its various tortus, tnon nny other, and tho causo of which may always bo attributed to derangements of tho tligcstho organs, can bo cured without fail by using 1 IIOSTKTTEH'S STOMACH HITTERS, ns per directions on tho bottle Tor this disease every physician will recommend Hitters of some kind ; then why not uso nn nrtlclo known to bo infal lible? All nations havo their Hitters, as ft pro- ( vonitTO nf iltspnsn nnd Blrencthcner of tho ' I tent in general j nnd among them nil there is not In Iki found ft more healthy people than tho Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon scientific experiments which havo tended to povo tho value of this great preparation In tho ncale of medical science. Fkvkk and Auvje. This trying nnd provok ing disease, which fixes Its relentless grasp on tho body of man, reducing him to a mero sha dow in ft short time, nud rendering him pliy bically and mentally useless, can be driven from tho body by tho uso of IIOSTETTEU'S KENOWNED HITTERS. Further, none of tho nbovo-statcd diseases can bo contracted, even in exposed situations, if the Bitters ore used ns per directions. And as they neither creato nausea nor offend tho palate, and render un necessary any change of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep nnd healthy digestion, tho complaint is ro moved as speodily as is consistent with tho pro duction of ft thorough anil permanent cure. For rmont in Advanced Yian, win) aro suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, theso Hitters ore invalnablo as ft restorative of strength and vigor, and need only bo tried to bo nppieciatcd. And to n mother whilo nursing theso Bitters aro indis pensable, especially whero the mother's nour ishment is inadequate to the demands of tlio child, consequently her t-lrength must yield, and hero it is whero ft good tonic, such ns Ilostoltcr's Stomach Hitters, is needed lo Impart temporary strength and vigor to tlio system. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for all cases of debility, nnd, before so doing, should ask their physician, who, if ho is acquainted with tho virttto of tlio Hitters, will recommend their uso in nil cases of weakness. CAUTION. Wo caution tho puUio against uilng any of tho many Imitations or countcrfsits, hut ask for HosicttKn's CeLr.nnATr.D Stomach Ditinn, and sco that each botllo ha. llm word, "Dr. J. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters" blown on Iho rido of tho bottle, anil stamped on tlio metallic cap covering tho cork, and obscrvo that our autograph signature is on tlss lahcl. sir Prepared nnd sold by HOSTETTEIt & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Po, and sold by all druggists, grocers, nnd dealers generally throughout tho United States, Canada, South America, and Germany. M.l.i by J. It. Miner. E. I'. Lut, nio.iiusbiirg t A. Mil ler.Sct'o. Ili-rwick; II. I". Riighanl. Esp)town. M. r Grier, Jos. I.i 1 1, A. s. Rank, & Co., Danville. October I. 1J5'I 12m. NKW TIXWAUB SHOP. MAIN HTRHF.T, OPPOHiri. Till: KXl'ILWr.R. TI1H undrrisigueil rperifoy infnriiH his frienj ami tli. public (."Mit-rall), thai hhas punhannl tho Hock or I). V, Millard, and opuo-d A NiAV TIN W'AltK AND H1II;i:T IKON F.HT . 1 1 1. 1 H 1 1 ,M P. NT, .arsw In tin huilding fi,rmeil ocrupid for that purpUhfV by tin said Mr. Milliard, wht-re he is prepared to con duct the bUFim'BS in nil its various brunches. Tinware nnd House t-pouiing nf all kinds male t or dcr oil t-liort notice ami at moilernte prici s. Also STOVP.H, of vnrioiu ftvls rou&lanil) far ! k' Hcpaitiug done lo order in miick lime, I by Country produce taken in exenance for vvotki' piiiup a. Movc.ii Itloonibiir(r. IVhrnarv 14 Ipsi1, m.ooMsisuiM. ha it iiku siiui'. TIIH undcrsienrd rrp'Tt'iillv In'orms th" ri'iidis o! Hloiimbiir?..iiid tin pi, bl c p iiT-illy thai In-hit nkfMit II o ItAIMIKIt Klini. Ii.r.itcil m.i m. .. I K.o iiouse ainxi uoor io 1 lie uoiuinhia D inocrat, in the v mi which u ituih-i vv hit-FraiiH lluihli j, opjiot-ite the Hxch uigr IU rkj U htcnrel thom whfre In (i at all iLnrs ready lo wait ution hi cus. twoyrsr w hn had piv-l tomers to rnlin aiiF(ariioii, SHAVING HAIR DRESSING, Will hrxeruteo with tar and ar.luf ami .i the most fahioiMblfstvle and on vi ry mo Icraii tero trS-HHAMPOOINll neuoii C.ivlHivIh. II,. linis inrrcaxed public p.iiron.iri ami oKke his bit endeavors logive every ieibou.-iiieaiiiiciinii li n, ni i.i.ruitii Itlonnifliiirif. Jan. 14, IPfiri CHEAP HOOT AND SHOE STORE. THH subscriber invites attention to hi tiw stork of limits and Hhoes, just received from Philadelphia, and comprisinp EUR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, llooi.. Ciiters, Otford Ties, Hclnntiih Ti:s, Naiy Cut ers, Clippers, &e., lie KOK LtVDIKS WEMt, iaiien with and without h"cls, Mippers ditto, (liukins. French Vlorrocco Ilooti-s with and without heels, Lc Also. Missis and CuamtiVs of every description, at pries much Mow the old Man dard. andlesi Ihau the same uuality of Goods can be bonclit fur nt any other Store in tow n. Work of all kinds made to order of the lie it material, in tho neateht manner and on reasonahk terms, warranted tnupialany ciiy work and much helow city prices. I keep mice but the b"st workmen, and iiaveb'ittr mate, rial than was ever before brouebt to this-m fatt, Uic very best to be had in the city marki t. OLUIUIH H. SANDF-IW. Dam Hie. May 2d, laG0.-y. ' PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. 'I III-. sub.cnb.'r would inform his friends, that li. i 1 now prepared lo put up, on short notice, aud in u BCientiflc manner, the b-st wv.vw puiisrF.n Liaurxtxo rols, at 1-1 cents per foot. All work wurranted. nioomsburg.Mayai.iafA U. HIPLUMAN. TINWAUB & STOVE SHOP. THK underi;'ued rei.p, clfully informs his o.t friends ! and ninomers. that he hus purchased ins brothers I intertill m the above establishment, and Ihe concern will I hereafier be comhieiPd by liimselfcxfiiuivcly. lie has just rtcnveii and otlVrs for sale, the larg-1 - n,! !lu'ht "nuve ansortnuni of 1'ANCV WSa ni , ,Vl'r '"'"luced iutothis market. -2 His fn U ioiiits of u rompli tu aiurtment of turner i ..oKinj ami pailor stoves in ihe m irket, toseth. er withwoie rmur.. nf.,. ; !::; ; . : lt..e si,,e.-ri l,;.l.,.. ... i.I "' ""l"' '" 'eii nuu ! Tlfiht Mnv v. (.'niiiKio SIoi-m. Ac jo- n-..h. ..... . .-- ci-.ees, ai iron Air- I H'ware com.iai.ily on km it and nuuufartured to onler 1 "I"1''1 ' repairms done, us usual, nil short limine Hi" palrouat-e of old tnuids und new cuMomersr.-. Motepipe and und new cuMnmers re- ! Speilfuily solicited. Itlooiufburg, January , ll-tf. uiion;v& Eisrvr. of jama ia gimier FUKUEUIOIC UKOWN, CHEMIST AM) IMtUGtiisT Mrth EeaU torter of ani l(A Srw(i ' S iill.,Ut.Ll HI , Ol.n manufictuier of ll,., ;,. f j.lmfa f? w.hllh 'ccoeuued and prcenbAi ii tu, Medical l-aculty, and ha. U-eoinn iuu' ,tadard tain, li .Meilieine of the United Slates. lainn) , ?'.. E"l, ' preparation of unusual cicellonr J... , ' "m","w a' incipient cholera, m thou, mall wortbles. fmltatiori. of SS. 1 """" "I" .tVlVBVS anlchVu $2? C" for sal. niiit Chestnut Streets. I'bil.-.,l.l.,l,, . ' i"eri-i 1 llth ,cfftn., Mr.s tii if. n in... Al.o r... .,,i k.. .... ... . ..'".: v" .ovu-.iau JJ J0U want KO. 1 MACtCKLLi Co ia Jbrty s" Peoi HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLH SAT. Th. nn'lrtstirTie.1 luting use. Wofesser HUsfPIIRPTa. SrKOlrlO IIOMIKOI'ITIHO lirAIKIHM In our f,s wllh Id. must sttlsficlnry resslts, nnd having full ,hri, denee In Hide genuineness, purity, nns elllCHey, cheerfufis rfenstinend Ilium lo all per. ins nho wish lo bars safe ri II eble, nrsl elUeaelou) rciueJIes at hand for prints or d Inestle use. . Tlie Hv. Win. Hosmsr, e-lller ot "Tlic Nnrlli.rn peielsiit," Auburn, N. V. I lb Itev. K II. Cresssy, u u Rei-tor of St. IVter's Cliurrb, Auburn, K. Y, t Hie Itsy. M. I lies, Chaplain f the Auburn Sts,e Prison; tlis lt(v Speneer l, llle-e, Ri-elor, Nctv-llsdhrd, Mass l,e n,,' Allen Steele, Ns-Vork UMiiference; the llss. Ssniiwi Mshols, Kul-llt-ninee ('.infercnee, N. V, t Ibe Iter, p, s I'rall, ll-rse-t. VI. I the Rev. John K., lliitTsls) a. tl Hurl. K'. I'lb'ii. N. V.t Iho Hen. Neil lies:, IVllsnJ. Me. i Ihe Ion. H' lniller Oulfuv. Soutli-lleri.1, Did.! th. u,' George Hiinipbreis, N. V. t lle-nry 1. Cook, Vso, , IMIIiri. " . i; :, rrv,,;,,,,,,;,.. 0,,, . ' ,, .',' .'. . .... Ti..,,.,., r 1-1 e.T-V liririeio, .-.t.iiiir t,.-. nisn-s. Cello, MS. I Hie HOH. , ie,, . ..en, w in ItrMsl, K-i , Glle i, K. V i A. S. Pond, r( , L'llci, N, y . James llimkell, Y , Nssliillle, Teun. t.isr ok spr.cinc ncMKtitr.i S-. I. -r-.r I'tT'-c, tinr.-tton, mid tiiltsmuisltsn. vVrm IVvt-r, Wt.rni Ctdltf, lV-tlirn: thi lir,t . YvT VV'-ue, wrjni,:, itnimiK, i imKClUibFui if '"so!!4 Vwr Iti'irrhci, C)kni Infantum, and Paum, C. itipl-hiti. ... S Pur T die, r.rlplm:, Dientery, or lll' pUI, r, Por (Imlrra, Cledera vlarbiis, Voodltny. jf1() I. y,,r Cotiirti. 0ilJ, Inlliieiini, and irr Tlirant, j;,,, 4.-yr T.tolh-nvh Cti-e-acbe, mik! NfiimlU. Nil! y For Hcndtiehe, wllgo, and FullntM tt tl llei-i. So. 10. !-Trsrti Pit-H Par Weik nnd DetstjAt Plfttiti.b, C-mtl'itrtthn, mid Mv Complilnt. Ni. II. For Fcvvik Ikrbuilihiiu, Scitoty. pAlafol, w Fiippreed Period. So. 12 Par l.pticorrJicv, TrotW Metucs, and VeSAm D. two rtf P.'imle. 1 1. Pur Cr-vip, llinr Consh, fttd Hrc-.tbln?. 5f0 it t1it Itiui'M PiLLrt Fur Krsl(fla!i, ti-unloi pimpl'-s mi the Face, ... It,, Umki'mvtic Pit.t For Ptiln, laroenein", i.rSjr. nc m In the Client, Ilf-k, UIn. or Limb-. A For Pvir and .Vae, Chill Vvwr, Diimb Agu, 0'4 Mliintcs. Agues. p F r PII'S, H'l'id or Il!e ellmt. Iitertml or FttirrifiT. O For Sire, Weak, r Itttl-vnc 1 Vj,n an I i veli-h; Ful ;n,'vr - - C For Cstarrh, f lont sttodlng or rcct, ntu obntrurtlnn or profuse discharge. W C For VWiooplng Cough, abating Its r4 linrleidiig Its coumc. In all acute diieatr, inch ns FeTeri, InflammaUort, DUrrbea, Dyicnlery, Crmtp, KbeumatUm, Mid such n.. llvedlieaniai Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Frjitpclii.trt adTantage of (riving the proper remcdlM promptly U ot vlou., aud In all such cities the specifics net llks a obinn. Ihe entire dlneaic U often nrrcitel nt once, and lo all cam the violence of the Attack Is nod crated, the dlitaie ilsnn ttipd, and rendered lesidanveroui. Ceughs nnd Ceilds, nhlcti are of such frequent occuirecce, nnd tthLh i) often Ky the foundation of dlieaed lurp, broncbltls and ronwnptlon, may all bs al once cursd ty the Ftvrr nnd Ce-uh KlU. In nil chronic dUei, such ti Dysperili, Weak PtiraitK Cunmipiillon, LWrr Coruplalnts, Pdts, Female Debility, snj lrreKul-iritles, old Headaches, Sort or Weak Eyes, Cttanh, rUtt Kheum, and other old truptlom, the ewe hu ipetlAcs wbffte repir application will afford n cure In almost ertry liixtaneo. Often the cure of a simile chronic difficulty, ucfi ' (apepf1ii. Piles or CnUrrh, H end ache or Fetnn.1 vYek iiiiw, l.xs i-ore tl in paid for the caic ten Hum over, Pr.tCE. ur Cme of SO v-Inli complete, In morocco, nod U3&V-. . . 5 Cup of '2f v iK nnd Hook, pUIn 4 Cne of 1" boxts, and Hook 'J C of fi boxe, hiimbercd, nnd llook 1 H lisle numbered boxes, with dlrectloni S3 Crtiti. Smule ktU-re-t boei, Uli dlrestlon Ui centi. Llrge cue of S c. vials, for planters nnd pbyikUhi ...(13 AL'JO flPECIFICfl. Ton Asm u oa PitTinaio. Oppreiid, Difficult, Laboret Ilrenlldnx, attended vtlth Cuiigh and tipcctoraUli. 1'rlca, W) a-ent per box, Fon I- m lii-wiiAanMivnriArHm. Plicharpsi frcra Os lar, the reiult nf Scnrlet Fever, Mfasltl, or MfrerU'i. Fur NoImi In the llesd, HiirdneMof llenrlng, and niiiyni In Ibe Purs, ami Kar-Hiln. Price, brt ctnl per box. , Foit i.v. Piilargfd tllatnU, Fnlargfd and Irl-luraW el Tonslh, Hnellliici and Old L'lcer,9citluloui Caehety cf ' ChU Iren. Price, M) cents per box. I oh (LiMui. liKiiuttv. Phjilcsl er Nervm Wkri. Lit tn r the result of riiekneu, hxcenlvn Medlcallou, ur ki i liKiMiIng DKlmrires. Price, Ml cents per hrtx. Petit iJKortT, Fluid AeeuiMiilntlons, Tumid awelltnEI, w '.ti St-Hiiiy PccreihuH. Pi Ice, .''0 cents per box. 1 Fun Jr Hicksi"i Denthly fik'kneM, Vertigo, Nair, 1 Vomiting. SicLiuu from rUlurf or motion. Prlc, W ccUU j.i-r ho, ; Fok 1'aivnv DinR For C.mvcl, Ucfial Calculi. I) lb cult, Pulnhil Ciluntlun, DUiMeS f Uie,hldacs. Prle,M , ifn per box. 1 Foit .'vii(al Kvitwon Involuntnry DuehargM irl C.msfimeiit PiontrHtlon and Dcbllitv, Had lUiulti of t I HvhiH. The molt suocrnnful arid elflelrnt remedy WnnwH, i snd msy W r tiled upesi u a cure. Price, with Ml din- 1 tlom, f 1 per box. Pcisom who wish ti jlace ihennclrei under tht prof sluiml c.rr, or ti sciUr. advtee ot Pror. HtHrURfcTd, esa Jj I !, ml Ms office Hroadvray, dally fivru 8 A St. t b P U. , or by Utter, OCB IIF-MED1F3 CY MIL. Look over ttic list; make up a ease of nh&l kind you boof, mid IncKt tbe amount In a current nl or itsiiiM by tnsll to our addr-M, at No. fC2 llroadway, KfH-TorV, I mid the medicine 1H bs duly itturitcd by loall er viprm, i frte of ilmrpr, AfiKNT3 WANTED. We desire an active, efficient Arir.t for Ibf Inb; nf nur Rwnnllts In every town or cochuulII In the United Stain. AddreM Dr. F. HCMrilRF.Ya i Co No fC2 JUtoitwir, NkW-Vut. So'd I y E. F. LUTZ.Aiibni, onoiuktiui; i a April 7 KO. s a lipoma's Nnvnii nmiiLiTATr. TT IS rOMPOl'MlLH r.MIRKhVrRO.M RIMa t J liav hi niiip an ennbltnlicd fart, a Hiamlard Mi do i dint .nporovrd by all ihill , have ur tl it. nix) h u rsorlen lo w nil conn 1 Sdi cc in all the disii j IITlulMl, ands within the lit. eu upnll hopes M relitf 10 ln.ld ceil t i nuiiicrous nn. mTZJ tm-i.tof me inn vohial , nrh oi jniiiiet as to in , ..' . .' ..j'V, hvptrritrt ih ill. Kill. It. Hint llrfflt il jieiiily on l hi- Hum I onr Juileritifm juni L I V P, It INVil.litiA .iter Coinplomtt. Jul . vnii mh u.i. .i I TOIt nnd it i1lcurl out Altaths Iiytpipiit ner CnmplainU, l)yen a K Habitual Vcttirent$g lAroiiit jtarrnota tif 1 If y ftropty, Acr ftw Vhvttf Cholera, Lktlrt AP'ou Chrlira Infan (tna ttfatne$itt and, lv aati (irdmary ramly KICK HHAItACHK. (as, M in twenty mi nut tt ifirjj taken m roiiimurf.)ifni All who Uis H art i'ir- I s-. Hi lavor 1 i tun flatuttntt.Jayniui inn V no Usi t fiKC'l'Mli .Mediant, It w III rate thousand ran flif or three 'taipnenjult tu ol nt'ark, iff ttiCir tcitimory m mix wati:ii iv mi: mopth with tiif in- VlGliitA'POH ANHH WALLOW POl'll TOHK1 HER pniCK u.v: dollar pr.n bottle. s a TTfo ITd's Fi.vtt y CATHARTIC PILLS rnoM Partl'ItlaU, F.ilratti, t,,d pot vp In, (Hill Cum 4 , ,fl ,-. ... . nrrp in any f amily rim PA.MILV UA.i .T flARTin PILL li i reniin inn ai-uv. c;n- .r piii' used in his ilwrtic which Uif pi. orattice more llm irfaslitf ilenmul f.'-w Hfd the PILl.isHi il twenlv lears. rJ Th- CI. n. Hut y I,,. IllosH who luve loov siltslai-tiuo winch all ex) lens in Mytril ia .me lo place I lie m iwtJ.- their use. has inditctd in ini- learn oral . I 'I I o prnle.sion well I lh.inlcs.irt on itifls-reiil i This 1'AMII.V CA- knrw that ditTrrnitiV 'poitioni ol iho how i it TH AKTIC PIM. Iii th Is well ftJl'lidioi fn-m h varifiy t tracts which art ahUu iu niar) canal, and " 'ici wh-rea Ca limit n 'Ar.urMkr.i of ilu tit- Willi ilus ref'rrnCK in . lacl. bven loiiipuuniteu pur. si Vcietable r.ny pari nt 'lie uli- ooon mm iu n'l cs iie.deil, such as lli MAlll t'liHis,,.. p.,,, I o-mssn.. I', is .Ho ii"i sour, from mil. 0 v ll ni-iileclnesil in l.o.s of ArrniTE. a C.ilO ,iER line BOPy. lh lilt lUtK AHO I.l'f SliKIKEIH tiVIK 1" d' n coin, which lrHp'' a loiiir c tiTfttC ru I'REtriKO Sfc.1iT!0lt 6t Hkolesm.kii. II I"- aiiii'. or wcinur ihtiik IJikA4rs. ,11 All. Jill Irin.A.IMtK'M n " ' HILTIKtR or AI"" I l.n.l-MATISM, fit en t l i Kirua of Ihe w and lu.iiy ,ise'ases 10 wliieh flesh is heir. loo nuui'l ... iiie-iieiou in nils auvi rlisenisnl, Uosk. 1 I. 3 , , ni in: so cr.N'iB I II. I.IVKR ISrinoR.-lOR AND r'AMltY CaTII A OTIC I'll I' aro ri by llroggists generally, and mlilwliclt sale by Ib.Tiadn in all l.irgo towns, IS. T. IV. fANrOIID.M-n.. Miuiifariurer and Proprifinr MXFORDS L1FFR LVriOORITOR ,1XD W'"' CATHARTIC riLlS, VJ- 208 into AIIW A V. .. """CAI, ao.sts ro rtnuisi-in. t-co. 51. Ilagenburh, U. r. Luu, and John K. Me" June , e.,i lym. II. 0. IIOWER, SUKGEON DEMIST HtilUFJfCF.,Vd Orltk RuiUl.g MB Ifartmn s.t." ca MaA itrtlt, Uloouubur, Pa. KLSrr.CTrt'LLVr.tri r. h't prcf-si-', Jl si re ice s to ilu. ladies and gentlemen bloniuthurv and vicinity. He Is pri I "I ; , .-Hitui'i iuuiiiis; various rperi'""" utnustry, audi, provided with the latett imrrovmenb ., I'OttOKLAIN TEETH. a, will a "'.'"'""".'"''"I'ivc.t or fold lute. t ' .r"l ""I'etior artit'l, tf TOOTH rOWIiKU, ul " on hand. June 13, 1857, (N'nv 13, 511 CP ALBINO'S Celebrated IWr"l t 1 Clue, for sal. T -r- e-. .. ....k ff,sr w is. i a CROWE r.'3. .lti,.t. . . ' '"-r," cu sp , iSt, U, Id