Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 01, 1860, Image 2

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Columbia County
Democratic Convention !
Atntnerman, Wcnner, McRpynoUW, Shoo- Gonoral Poster Duty of Domo
maker, McIIcnry, Young, Harner, Kink, i crat8.
Fruit, Allen, Howell, Wintcntceti, Fowler n ... ,. .. , , . , .
I.ovan. Cool ltclt-hard.-M. ' V uc Gon' 3 Bollcllstl 1,13
In purunco to tho notice given by tho For Jesse Coleman. Uawi. Erwinc, personal friends ami admirers to become a
Democratic Standing Committee, the Dele- Klinc,Colley,Isaiab.,Bowcr,Knorr, Knittto, cnndidato for Oovernor,lic frankly replied
.. 1 .. i I . n .. . t 1. TlZ'ln ' ..' IT ... . It it.-il !-(. 1.1. -IT 1 !l ....1
- - , ..... wv,,A.t. Mjr IUU .WlllWimiU U I U I S U I ( wu.vio, .......... . .- Q
lkvi l. tate, EdUor, Columbia Couuty, wet in Convention, at 1ouo D'e'ck, Mouscr, Hcimbach, thorcforo declined to comply with their
f 1 1 -t-t ; i ,. .. JJ . ' Johnston. Hcrrimt. Welih. Ent. A. Cole. ...i... rri.i i i... -r
.1110 UOUrt House, in UlOOlllSblirg, on Jlon- K. Cole 21. wisnei. j.uis very largo class ui perilous
uny,iuo suu oi August, iBUU.ot 1 o clocK, l D:it, ..,..,! i. c..."''"'"""" .i.vvuii-
1 7ti11mrA:
n r it. et .
, x . lor u.o purpose oi lormmg a county Tcntion now ceJ lo lhe uomitl!ltiou of a
ticket, to bo supported at the ensuing clcc cnndldala for Roi8tcr aml Reorder, and
1 i ou, ana transacting bucU other business as ,:,,i n:i t -i-tii,
DEMOCRAT! CNO M I N A T 1 0 N S . migh t b e brought before tlio Convention. . oSa 1, Frit,
tuu wniuuiji netu iui miiy represcnicu of Sugarloaf
except Conyngham, which scut no dclo The nominations hero closed, and Daniel
mf" ... I'00 was U')' chosen, having received 30
The Convention being called to order-, vot anJ Hs ouo,lt
on motion of l'etcr Billmeyer, of Blooms- b, DdnUl L(,.Mc3sr(i KiHmo,.cr)
burg, Hudson Owen, Esq., of Berwick, Hc.ndcr:hot, Erwinc.Isaao Bower, Colley
was appoiutcu I'resident ot the Convention ; Urea bender, Moats, Isaiah Jiowcr, Am.
sATurtDAT Monumo, settembes i, leco.
lioiL Jolm C. Breckinridge,
Gen. Joseph Lane,
Important Correspondence).
mu. nnncKixntnaE to vindicate HIM
The extraordinary and reckless charges
preferred against Mr. Breckinridge, has
induced tlie Democrats oi ivcmucKy to in
iieonlo of his native State. From the sub
I 1
not bo found an easy task to MfuV
from among them thoso who haic t1'
voting with them for four years U
gainst tho Democracy, and who, it j,
siblo. might prefer cither Hell or:Efcl.
to Lincoln, but who, In their frt0 (r
proclivities, unliuestiolinbly prefer List'
to Breckinridge or Lane. In ihokhi,
iced the Democrats ot Kentucky to in-1. iiv.t!.(.on jj .luocra(.y ou j one hair of tlm non-tlaveboiaing fiu
him to vindicate himself beforo tho jiomUy evening. I trust that your pro-1 there U no vestige ot a lJolLLvcnt,,
1 posed demonstration may prove perlectiy b-....'uui " ."' """u H
luceossful and worthy of the cause in which Wtonl t cket, or a portion 0f ,
Lottor of Robert Tyler, Esq.,
Islip, Island, Aug. UOtb, 180.
flK.sTr.E.MEN ! Althouch absent from
home, I hasten lo acknowledge your polito
oincu corrcsponaenco it iu no seen iu suceosMmam J , .cloral ticket mav bo seen. tU I. V
Mr. Urcckinridgc has consented to make you arosop "-" - X&jJ Mplralton of those 'connected
an address at a meeting to be held in bcott . , lucnt wo must now
In ac- ,i,.,i , ii, i,,,,!,,tnniic.n of tho truo
or OltEOON.
ron rnr.BiDr.NT :
ty after couuty instructed its delegates for
him. To each and every ono of these he
replied that he did not desire the nomina
tion and therefore positively declined. , county on tho 2nd of September,
lien tuo Head
it was found that
letters from hit:
name for the nomination
lion waj prouamy ono oi mo auicst aim to urco his own claims to tuo rrcsittcncy ' Onnosition.
most patriotic that over assembled in tho but his boIo object is to repel personal ac- main a Democrat can havo any difficulty
fatatc. An mated contest was upxog ou Piintinim iuvolviu? tho dernett treachery as to tuo position ho suoum occupy, jjx
... ... .. " .1 ...ii ... ..... .1... ..lw rl4
BUOUIU hllMaill IUU lUUIJi ui(ju........
inovement, is indirectly to obtain
1 I . 1 . 1 ...1 ...I.i.t. .1
iiouuuui .luYiuuiigu, iriiitu mpjf arouti-
mc Convention assembled, Vnntin this inv tat on. wh eh circuinstau-' nnnc n os of t ho covernmcut and tho prcs- "j l""""-" . . ' . .b,,,sI - tti
several delegates had' " " ..l f,l 1,im. Mr. ervat ou. most probably, of tho peace ol , '"""l1 ,,ulu ",,t j
forbidding the use of his urockiridKe does not become amenable to W:J? il all parliisAo decido wilier it
. That Convcn- the chargo of traveling from Stato to Stato P alty 0f whicli you area part, and the their while to assist Judgo D0l,3l4
V,. m kU iik In ra. Plav 1113 Klllliu ui iuuiiw ill, Ulfir In,,
i 11U ll.i.u II. .v "
. .. .... tv t.. i .. .. .1. i. ' l.-i. r-:.i.. .1... ...i:.t4.... !.-. . ... ... . . i .
aim on motion ol John jUcKevnoldu. I'cur "lermau, nuuuur, iviiuuc, mcineii. w I ui-ntu uiu mwim ui iuu CUUUWUU3 wwiu and pcrlidy 10 uis country ai ins uyii iiuuiu . , . .. . , .,,; e ,i.
v., rc witt Deuiott.Shoemaker.McIIcnrv.Youmr'it. It was feared that tl... ..arlv could not ...,i .i.' .,). f . unerringly indicated by the act on ot tho
tv. ii ucuu. uuu Aitri'f tntit JCfllll, 01 . i ,. " ' " nun iu iu iuvav.Mwv
xr..i:.. .1.' o ...... . narccr, rniK, letter, xiarmony, Allen, l.annonizo unon e ther.
ron congress :
totbjtct to tU decuion of the Caitgrfiionel Qorftrinrt.
Sutjttt to Ma dtciiitn of tho Stnolorlat Corftrtnte.
TOR assemrly :
Suhjttt to t$ decision cf the Iicpreitntattvt Conference.
roR commissioner:
ron auditor :
13. JfMErH LiCBACIt,
14. Is vac llECKnmv,
lb, J. A. Anu
17. J. It. DlNMR,
If I. It. N. lAE,
M. J. 'A, Howell,
ill. N. I'. t'fcTTLRMAKt
. Sanleij Marshall,
.1. William Hook,
'U. u. u. Uahli,
.uauisou, wcro cuoscu occrctancs, who Mouscr, Heimbaeh, Howell, Johuston.Le
wun lueir Bcaw, wueu me vonvcniion pro- van, Uoolj JJut, lleighard. M.
cceded to business. j ft, Jacob II. Frits. Messrs. Kline,
uu motion ot John .McUeynolua, the uwen, ivnorr, Hill, Manhardt, ttohrbach,
townships were called over in alphabetical Mclteynolds, Fruit, Folic, Dicttrick, Her
order, and tho Delegates presented their ' $ttfr 'th,' Wintcr.tcM, Fowler, A.
, .. , i- ii ,10W, tj. tiOIO. I".
credentials as follows : ' . , , . ,
,, . , , , . Next in order was tho selection of a ean-
Jior. lierwick Hudson Owen, Jacob . r n . n
T . . . n " , didato for County Commissioner.
a.uu xw. L uHKa,oa laa, pctcr Bill U0U1i,lated John Doak,
w.iv uuvu V. (.lluilra ua( UWVIl lull 111 11119
Dorough, and that tho two latter, being of
opposito sets, were tie ; both claiming tho
'scat. After soma considorablo discussion
tho matter was left to a vote of tho Con
vention to decide, which resulted in tho
election of Bower to tho seat.
JJloom Pctor Billruoycr, Aaron Hen
Denton Samuel R. Klino. Robert L.
F. Colley.
iieavir Jonasliredbunder, Jno. Hoats.
Driarcrcck Wui. Arwine, Isaac Rower.
CentreHenry D. Knorr, John Hill.
Cattawissa Georco Manhardt. Reuhcu
I -i.n
fpialifications of Gen.
nrcscncc ot the peon
Kuowiug tho high owl statc. The reasons which have in-
Foster his stkm uUCC(i i,;,,, to ta.0 this step aro forcibly
lust Statj Uouvcution at Heading, ami
2., Wu, C. rATltUdOM,
3. Jo. Crock fcTT(
A. J. Cm. ltRtNftRi
5. O. XV. Jaiobt.
7. O. 1'. Janiu,
. David Schall,
0. J. It. LUHTNfcR,
8. H. II A It lib R
11. T. II. Walk tit.
12. S. 6. WiNcucflTEit,
23. Gatlorp Ciicftcif.
Htsolrtti, That the Dcnmcrattc T.lcctorol Ticket be
headed uith the name of Stephen A. Duuplai. or John C. an Electoral Large, and in the event oj
the pucceiuoiualj tlcktt, if (lit greater number of votes
tha1t have ticuH cat for titrpheu A. Douglas, then the
vote of tho Electoral Collect of the State shall be cast for
Stephen A. Douclaa ani lit r-clicll V. Johnon for I'resi
dent and Vice-l'reahlcnt, but if for John C. Breckinridge,
Ihcn for John C. Urccktimdse and J. Lane for tho same
office i. If the vot u of li'iinntvaiiia cannot elect the
wiididatei for whom tho majority of tho votes arc catt,
and ltcAiich crany man running fur the oihce of I'roi
dent of th United sjtmci.clatininjtabca Democrat, then
th vote of th! Electoral Coih'KO sltall be tact lor that
mu did ate, IfHwillnuukcteiiherotthfi Deinocratu fur
HhOD)itlscast,oraiiyofthe Uonvtcrati who ar-t voted
rVrintliutfuui. then the vote uliall bo caul for the can
didatowho ha the major it of the votciof the State ; and
that the Chairman ot this Commit tee tw inntruoied vo ob
tatn from the centlvmin on tho Uemir rutie Eh ctoral
ticket ofthisStatettuir oeral and Uutuut edges of
acquiescence in toe loregutitK rcfoiuuon, anu io rcpen
the rciult of hi artiou in ihi premutti at thJ ruxt meet
tng.of thiiCommitWu, to be Jutd on thu day of
Hh.0 Republican and tho Tariff.
Evidently the Republican, publL-hed by
Dr. John, docs not know what it h talking
abont, on.acrtaiu occatious. In tho last
issue of that astufri sheet, an attempt is
made to provo, not only that tho Black
Republican party is tti tariff party, but
that the Democratic party is iu favour of
frjo trade. How docs this falsifying sheet
endeavour to. provo this last 1 Why, by
quoting a resolution adopted at tho last
Democratic National Convention, which
says, "the time has come for tho people of
tho Unitedi States to dcelaro themsolves in
favor of froo seas, and of progressive free
trale throughout the world.''
Now,' what docs thi3 resolution, mean 1
Why, simply, that tho peoplo of these
United States should abandon tho tariff
system whcucvcc tho same should cease to
be profitable to. them. To say that we
ar in favor of ''progressive free trndo," is
only to say that we are iu favor of no high
rr tariff than i3 necessary , that we are iu
favor of lowering it from time to- time, as
may be profitable to us; but it is not by
any mean3 saying that the Democratic
paity is in favor of i lowering tba tariff
without reference to the pkoohebs of tho
age, and to tho interests of ourpcoplo.
Tbo Rtpuolivm atks, why, did not Mr.
Entgct up in the National Convention
and offer a tariff resolution ? Ricss your
simple soul, Doctor, beoauic tho resolution
on the subject, already offered, suited him
and Jus constituents. Neither he, nor the
people of Columbia County, nor of Penu-
Frankhn Win. Mcnsch, Reuben Kuit-
tlc. -
John Wcunor, M. A.Am-
-Isaac A Dewitt, David
Hemlock Jno. McRevnolds, Seth Shoe
Jackson John Mellenry, Jacob Young
Locust John Harncr, Henry Fiuk.
Maine Isaac Yettor, John Harmany.
Miftlin Stephen Poe, Stephen Dieter-
Madison Benjamin F. Fruit, A. S.
Montour Jos. Mouscr, P. S. Heimbach.
Mt. ricasunt Samuel Johnson , William
Orange John Herring, Abner Welsh.
Pine John F. Fowler, Valentino Win-
Roaringcrcck Philip Cool, Pctcr Le
va n.
Sugarloaf Kzokicl Cole, Aliuas Colo.
Scott-Bcuj. F. lleighard, Peter Ent.
On motion tho Convention proceeded to
make Congressional, Senatorial and Rep
resentative nominations, when Peter Ent
offered the following resolution?, which
were unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That Emanuel Lazarus, of
urango, anu John iv. llobbins, ot Catta
wissa, be, and they aro hereby appointed
Congressional conferees, to meet similar
conterees, from the several counties, in
thu Congressional District, at such time
and place as may be fixod upon, for the
purpose of nominating a candidate for Con
gress, for this District, with instructions to
support Hon. Geouqe Scott, of Columbia
couuty, and to uso all fair aud houorablo
means to secure his nomination,
Resolved, That Hudson Owen, of Ber
wick, William H. Shoemaker, of Hemlock,
be, and aro hereby appointed Senatorial
conferees to meet similar conferees from the
stated iu thu subjoined correspondence :
August 18, 18G0.
Hov.Jou C. Bueckimhidoi, Islington, Ky:
Dear Sin : lour trienUs ot this tJou-
' by tho moro recent proceedings of the , use : ami opprc.
Democratic State Committee, regularly' With great
j appointed by that body, in this ami m
I other particulars, so freely and fully rep-
resenting the Democracy the Stat, j on U m. . ecu .
'Hostility to the regular action of tho par-
of Berwick.
Isaiah Bower nominated William La
mo n, of Briarcrcck.
Thu nominations closed, and tho Con
vention then proceeded to vote. By the
fol'owiug ballot it will bo seen that Lauiou
received a majority of tho votes and was
declared tho nomiuec of tho Convention.
For Lamoa Anvine, Isaac Bower,
Kline, Cooley, Brcdbcudcr, Hoats, Isaiah
Bower, Annucnuau, Wenncr, Knittlc,
Mciiich, Dcnitt, jr., Doiuott, Yettor, Har
mony, Fruit, Allen, Poo,Deitcricli, Mous
cr, Hcimbach, Johnson, Wchh, Eut, llei
ghard 'J5.
For Doak Billmeyer, Hendershot,
Owen, Knorr, Hill, Manhardt, Rohrbaeh,
-V cll'jyuoldshoeinakor ,MclIcury, Young,
Harnor, Fink, Howell, Herring, Winter
stuen, Fowlor, Levan, Cool, E. Cole, A.
olc 'Jl.
The Convention nominated Joseph B.
Kuittlo, of Frauklin, for Auditor by accla
mation. On motion of Benj. F. Fruit, of Madi.
ton, tho following named gentlemen wcro
appointed as the Democratic County Stan
ding Committee :
Hemlock Jacob Harris
Benton Richard Stiles.
liloom M. 0. Woodward.
MiJJlin Samuel Creasy.
Cattutvisstt Peter Campbell.
Orange William Fritz.
Dnarereek Samuel Kclchncr.
Maine William T. Shuman.
On motion of Peter Ent tho following
resolutions wcro read, by Benj. F. Fruit,
and adopted unanimously by tho Conven
tion :
ixcsoivea, mat while the division winch
at present exists iu the Democratic party,
is sincerely to bo regretted, yet having
unshaken confidence in its principles, which
principles wo believe to be eternal as trnth ;
and having equal confidence, notwithstan
ding the sectionalism which exists in cer
tain portions of tho Union, iu the integrity
of tho peoplo f wo are as ready now, as
ever before, to meet tho common enemy iu
whatever guise hs may assume, trustiug iu
tho right, and confident of victory.
Jltsolveil, That tho action of the Stato
Committee, at (J reason, iu the formation of
a Union Electoral Ticket, in this Stato,
meets our henrty approval ; and it is the
obvious duty of all Democrats to rally to
its support.
Rcstdvcd, That iu He.nky D. Foster,
wo hail as a candidate for Governor, the
patriotism and integrity and the desire
of so large a portion of the Democracy to
nominate him his namo was introduced
into the convention iu spite of his protes
tations to the contrary, and he was nomi
nated unanimously amidst a degree of en
thusiastic fervor rarely if ever witnessed
ooiorc- " , v v :.r: i ' .i,
rri . ..i ii s t . ,i sonai assaults maae upon vuu much juui iruaiuu us uu vuuwj. v... ...
Thus Iittcrally fined into tho field nolllitl.ltion for tho lroaidcncv at Balti- we havo the Democratic party, unchanged
against his repeatod csprc-fBcd will aud lnoro. in in principles, aud faithfully subject to
presenting a divided nnd distracted
tion, ihcapablo of effective eoitstitut.,
resistance nltor Lincoln's election, ati
becomo moro and moro torn to pieces
demoralised, until Aw hoped lor fix.
Use aim ojtprfas mum uiny annc.
respect, your irieud aai.
l!nilI.'T?Tl TV! i,..
' g"S!ional District, have deputed us to re- 1. .1; , K)C(1 b (,
becuo to bo given by them to suit your condemnation ; and the professing Demo
convenience,) for tho purposo of publicly ' crat who seriously indulges in such folly
.vindicating yourself from the violent per- or wickedness, should bo reckoned and
llear in I'uliruruia.
1'roni the Bnu TrancUco Ilultelln
San Anton loIoutemy co., July 5, l';
I consider it my most painful dwt
inform you aud your numerous reader,
tho luelaueholly death of a young
whose name U Barkley Woodwaid, i-
. .... . 1... llp...:,1nnt:nt rtn n.l i.l trt nf tin. Xiilinnol it ! nt. ...i rt , .1 en .. rr..i-l v rl PSI I'filM fit CU-Ci t MO
or natural rtilhcultics ami make a prancl , ;' ""'" - - "" r'v ,r. '' , ,. . ... ,-,
, , , .,,,, . 1 Democracy, you aro the ucau of a disun- the Chicago candidate ami ot initiating a
and delcrininiMlrallv far Iiniirc O. ltVini.t . J'J ... .P . ... ... i ....
. nuriv ; wn wij.ii to niiora voir i ic on. nn mv nr inirio pinaucinaiioii. aim lur
nirainat his intercsti vieldincr his ncrsoiial ' Tlicv have been induced to make this its old rules and discipline, and on the
,1. i il, .!,.., .1, c t.: 1.. . rp.nirt ninrn nnrtintilurlv. because vou ntlu'r side, wn have the OlinOaitioil, coll
w v.,u u. 111s iiaiy. u x rfi . .1 y-.-'.. ...... .1..'.;... .1... f I) 1 .
submit the question to every honest man, a "ccnt.y awaucu iroin mo , jisting o the wncoiiwvuoj.uou tm. , u .-u.,nla,,
,, , . , "stump ' by Judgo Douglas, at Concord, Douglasitcs, who prefer Lincoln s election I a,,ed about twciisix-years. Hu can
whether it is not a golden duty for every aml A. Jc-.. d., t j0lliivii0 . tUu t0 t?.at of ltvcckiurirlne, and tho small I .f. .,..,. ;,..,
Democrat to use his utmost efforts to elect former chitrging you with having uttered , number of old Fillmore Kuow-Nothings, 'u tu eireumeluu '. .
him to ssaciifice every minor considcra-'extreme opinions iu favor of squatter sov. who now call themselves friends of Bell r ' t M .
tion especially to forsct all extraneous ercignty, ami the latter asserting that as and Lvcrett. Ut these, tnc Jiiucoin-Auoi-
It was on .uouuay, tho 20th of J
that this man left the place where Lu r
encamped to gi in search of some ca:
which appeared to be misiing. WLitj
hi rambles he came upon the trucks i
giizzly bear, and followed them iU)t
iiiomitains as far as ho could nJo. 'Il
lie dismounts, tics his horse to a tree .
kes his lifle and follows in the track
the dangerous animal until ho ovens,
it; then ho goes to within twenty fa.
it and fires 1'ioui behind a small i:
lie loaves his nlio leaning ngaiast
rock aud liiakes for toiiie trees, lu.:
bear is too fast for him ; ho has nuU
Against his will he agreed to bear tho ' portunity publicly to repel these assaults, j other objects, at Washington, a wiil.'ul and
standard of his party, becauso it was believing that no just man would be dis- corrupt violation of the Constitution of tho
thought that of all men he was most likely 1 P,c'' to require that you should, by your j United States. They piopose, among
to carry it throutrh successfully. Shall : tiluncc; Pen,uit ?haiF3 0, u,.'Just, to, bu otllt;r t,li,liia l '.rt:at l10 MuVA 'SllF";
4, , i ,. ., i promulgated under tho authority of these , Court as though it had no cxistcucs, and
wc, then, Democrats, abandon him amidst diainguished men. The propriety of thus I to administer tho Government in the
tho battle, or through our unfortunate di- publicly stamping as false these and other caprices of a mob, stimulated by the de
vision on other subjects neglect and forget accusations, is tho more obvious when we magogueiim ot unscrupulous leaders, m iy
him, and allow him to bo defeated for tho ! reflect, that for the last threo years, you suggest or require. The Doiiglasitcs, who
want of attention to hii interests !
The Governorship of Pennsylvania
including as it does the control of its legisi
lation, her laws, her taxes and its reveu-
I uca is more impoitant to her citizens than
oven the Presidency of tho nation- Penn
sylvania is an empire within herself a
nation of herself abundantly ablo to pro
tect herself, let other States do what they
may. But to preserve her power, she
must take care cf her domestic affairs.
Wc arc of those who believe that our first
duty is to tho Statc. Preservo Pennsyl
vania iu a healthful condition and she will
take care of the Nation. '1 ho first step
towards doing this, is to excrciso tho ut
most caution iu the selection cf bar chicl
Magistrate. She must havo a man who
understands her wishes aud interests and
havo not had the right to speak in the Sen- meter Lincoln to Breckinridge, seem nos
ate, although by law its presiding officer ; sussed with the one idea of destroy
aud because tho obvious motive of the these ing the Democratic party. They despair
personal assaults is to weaken tho coufi- of the election of Judge Douglas, and are
deuce of tho people in tho National aud uudoubtedly for Lincoln I'uly, though
Constitutional Democracy. I apparently for Judgo Douglas iu Putin.
Will you permit us to urgo you to name sylv.mia, as they arc apparently lor Bell t timo to use hit revolvur. The bear tl,t
an early day when it may suit your con- and Everett m bontu ot tliu nouthcru
venieucu to meet aud address ii. States. They openly profess their inten-
Very truly and respectfully your friends, tion to sacrifice the Democratic paity, both
William Johnson, Richaiid Hawks, iu tho national aud State orgaiiizatiom,
J UNlUH Wauii, T. B. MomioK, Jit., ' at tins time, with the expectation oi Mia
Senatorial counties iu this District, to' "ln,11 sought by the peoplo on account of hi
uominato a candidate for Stato Senator,
and that they bo instructed to support thn
nomination of M. E. Jackson, Esq., of
Berwick, this county, as tho candidate for
Senator, and to use all fair aud honorable
means to place him in nomination.
Resolved, That Alfred Powell, of Or
ango, and William T. Shuinan, of Maiuo,
bo Representative conferees from other
counties in this Disirict, at Danville, on
Friday, the 14th of September next, to
nominate two candidates tor Rc-prcscnta.
lives in tho Statc Legislature, to bo sup
eminent talents irreproachahlo character
and unswerving integrity ; and wo pledge
to him, as well as to tho Union Electoral
ticket, the undivided supportof tho Democ
racy of Columbia couuty.
Resolvttl, That wo are now, as wc ever
havo been, iu favor of a tariff for revenuo,
and affording reasonable protection to the
industrial interests of the country ; and that
wc havo no confidence in tho Opposition
as a tariff party, inasmuch as in 1607,
when in power, tho tariff was reducod.
Resolved, That wo pledgo to tho ticket
ported at tho coming election, with instruc i day formed our undivided support.
tions to support Hiuam ii. Kline, ot this
On motion, the Convention proccedod to
nominate a candidate for Assembly.
Peter Ent uouiiuated Hiram R. Kline,
of Orange.
John Mcllcynolds nominated John G.
Freeze, of Blooinsburg.
Tho nominations closed, and on ballot-
Risnlved, That the proceedings of this
Convention bo published iu tho Democratic
papers ol this county.
On motion tho Convention adjourned
sine die.
Oh, Isn't lio a Darling?
In addition to tho vote of Mr Lincoln
for tho resolutions of George Aslimuu,
ing Hrram R. Kline received 29 votes, and offered in Congress during the Mexican
John G. Freeze 17, thus it will bo seen ' war, whieh declared that war was wroug,
that Hiram R. Klino was duly nominated, unjust aud unconstitutional, Old Abo to
For Kline Bower, Oweu,Cooley,Klino, ted against a bill granting one hundred
Arwine, IJowcr, .Mouser, lieiinbacli, Deit- and lixtti (teres to each of the volantcirs
..u, x uu,, ,ul, x 6..-.U, - wh0 SCIV(d in it! Ho thus sought to visit
bender. Hoats. Yctter. Uarinanv. Wenner. his wrath upon tho patriotic meu,young
Amnicrman, Dewitt, Dcmott, Fowler, Mo- and old, who at the call of their country,
Henry, Young, Allen, 20. , marched to tho battlo field. This act was
For Freeze Billmeyer, Hendershot.Mo- worthy of a tory of tho Americau rovolu.
Reynolds, Manhardt, Rohrbaeh, Fink.
ir.nn. t.- inn v -.. a
.. . , . , .. , . , i . ' i.(Hlii.l, Jl.llvll, .1.111, .1-1. JUIV. Jl, UU1C
ylvama, dcsiio a tariff b.gbcr.and for any . wintorstMB Menscu; Kuittle; fool) ul
greater length of timo than tho occasion re- vaD jpait n.
quires, xno plain positron oi ine peopte oi
Pennsylvania is, that they will be iu favor
of a tariff so long as tho same may bo nec
essary or profitablo to- them, aud not any
longer. This is eouiaioa senso; and this
Is, in substanco, tho National Democratic
Resolution. j
Tho Black Republican resolution, adop-
ted at Chieaao. is not half so cood. Wo
Tho Convention then proceeded, ou mo
tion, to select a caudidatc for the office of "w"
Peter Billmeyer nominated Jacob Ey
erly, of Bloom.
Peter Eut nominated Jesso Coleman, of
No other nominations for this office were
made, and upon taking a vote Jacob Ey
Tho vote stood 25
lution. In Lincoln's brief public lifo ho
never did a patriotic act. Talk about such
a man being one of tho peoplo! Itisnou
seuso, and worso than that. Oit'o States
" Tho New York Journal of Commere
says : From what we seo and hear wo
aro inclined to believo that the Brcekiu
ridge vote in this city will much exceed
tho Douglas vote, notwithstanding the Ut
Ass.v Payne. Assa McConathv,
A. Thomas, L. C. Hamuli.,
Joseph Patterson C. 31. Johnson,
Jas. II. Garuaud, Willa Vim: v.
Jas. P. M hxcALF, V. M. Flouknoy,
Tiiosi. W. Bullo'.'k, James Warren,
LhXlNClTON, Ky., August 21, 18(H).
Gt.NTLuMKN I havo received your let-
nig a new political lorniation looutng to
Judge Douglas' future Presidential api
rations. The election of any uoiisorv.uivu
statcsmaii would iutcrfero with tltU .sp e
.ulatioii. Tho few friends of Boll and
j Everett arc, I believe, honestly bent on
Lincoln's defeat, with lite hope of making
'Mr. Everett ice President in the fir-t
instance, uhen he may beco no Prcsidmt
tor of the 18th iust , iu which, ou behalfof , by operation of the Constitution.
my friends of th'n Congressional District, j Tbii brings mo to my immediate object
hiniito tho grouud aud chaws h'u ,
and faeo nearly to pieces, ho being
entirely blind. Iu that most hurt
condition, ho wandered for about t.;
quarters of a mile duwu the creek, tow.
where his horse was tied, at times wa'..,
it titties tumbling aud rolling donu ..
rock, until tftiough exhaustion bill
dowt and died. Iu (hat state he
found four d.ijs after his being missed.
The reasjii of his not being touuii
fore that time was this : He was in...
ped near the house of n Mr. Earl, ara.
thu morning of his leaving camp he!.
nmw.M ilia nurvn in nurv ilmm nut mill ' vou invite mo to auujcss the people, tor in writing this letter. 1 desire dlltlllC tl V
protcct them. Such a man is Gen. Foster' ''i0 lmrPi0 of vindicating myself from tho to warn all conservative voters lying south 'Mr E. he was going to look 1'ors;.
1..... .. ' ii ' . , I violent personal assaults mado upon mo of Mason and Dixon's line, ncaitiit the ' cattle l Mr Allison's, hu being fa.
With him as Governor wo wculd not need j . ' uomiimiou for til0 i.-Wideuev at nol.fa m,r into which tl ev nt,v fall. .. . I-.., . , ..... ., . .
1 ,, ..." i ' uiniuov. jiu um uuuuiui: uuuo. iljil..
i jMitimuic, ui ruiUIUUCO fcfJ IJ1U &uiiliijsuu ii'jmiiiir
fear danger from any quarter.
For these reasons it is the high duty of
isaltiutore. m reference to the supposed popular
I have not proposed at any time to t akc strength of the Bell-Everett movement in
...... :.. t. ...... l i .i: : .r .i .. vr....i. i. i.... i. .i..:..i
pat tO UiaKe all poSlblO Cttort l'1' 1,1 tuu enei.ti jiumit-ui tii-eussiuun ui inn .otlll. Ji IS uest V) fpeiii. iliilinj uii
jien Fo-ter directly but aUo , To this letter, however, 1 rec- this point, because incalculablo n.ieliief
Jl - 1 m.lll tf flin ,tirlloliriia T Mm.... rtf ,11 n1 rlrtJ f ....... I... ... n I .......I 1... tl.
to harmonize all party differences in order nml m0st churished friends, whoso wi.h- regard to it. and noihin- can be lo-t bv
tottrcngthen the party and thus increase r3 arc nith mo almost comtnands ; and af- presenting the unvarnished truth. South-
chances of his election. Clinto Demo- ! tor some reflection, I havo resolved to a c- urn conservatism should hope for the be-t.
ccpt your invitation ; not that I consider but be fully prepared for tho worst, and
any defense necessary beforo my neighbors no stop should be incautiously taken. In
and old constituents, but became it may tho event of the success of the Abolitionists
bo well to group together aud refute iu a iu November next, the Southern States
public and authentic manner, accusations (such as may be persuaded to vote, under
remarkable for their number, their iujutt- erroneous views, the Boll Douglas coali-
I ice, and tho persistency with which they tion ticket.) will havo gained nothing for
l icel that themselves, while it is hut too evident the
every Democrat
not only for Gc
That Stephen A. Douglas, in the Front
Street Theatre Convention by which ho
was nominated, received 52 votes that i have been urged against me.
were not for him ; and that counting theso I it would be unjust to my principles, my division thus exhibited iu the Southern
52 illegal votes, be lacked 21 of a two- "'ends, anil mysclt lo remain longer in m section, in the face ot tho universal Abol
third voto, tho only legitimate) power to
nomiuate. That taking those 52 illegal
votes, he lacked 70 votes of a two-thirds
voto ; yet was nevertheless declared the
nomiuce. Wo ask tho people Is he the
regular nominee? BESIDES ALL THIS,
DELEGATES ; just as tho action of a
Court of Law would bo condemned as void,
if decreed by bogus Judges 1
Fitzpatriek,tho nominee for Vico Presi
dent, would not accept such an irregular
nomination; and Herschel V. Johnson,
lence beneath this torrent of defamation ;
and I hope to repel every chargo whioh has
been made, to tho satisfaction of all can
did and honorable men.
It bo will agreeable to me to meet my fellow-citizens
on any day and at any placo
that you may select.
Very truly your friond,
ition ascendency in thu free States, would
only tend to encourage tho enemies of the
Constitution and of States Rights in their
illegal and fanatical career. It appears
to mo that a reasonable proipect of the
defeat of Lincoln by tho election of the
, Bell Everett ticket, can alouc justify any
southern state m its abandonment ot tli
and Mr. Earl thought he had gono to.:
other place to pa the uiht. UnlucL
Mr. Karl and his hiied' man weroci.
away about twelve miles to attend a t:
on Tuosdny. Thry could not Muiir.
til Wednesday, when they found '!.
Woodward had not conto. On Thurn
they commenced a search for him, '..
could fiud no traco of him until late,
tltny found his horse, but could no::
hint. That night Mr. Earl notified all
neighbors adjoining. On thu niorui::
Friday, tho 2'Jth, tho neighbors ani'.'
the number of ten, when, after a U
search in the vicinity whero the burse'
found tied, they found him iu tlu co
tion above lnciitioiiud, about four r.
froni tho house of Mr. Earl, and i.l
eight miles from the Mission of tiau i
1 havo taken tho pains to send yet:.
u in us .luuiiuuuuieiii. ui mi; i . .. , . ....
Democratic party at this iinportant aud I tomu,um' 110l'111o' Jon wiinn.i
il-iittmrniurtni.;..! V- (l.nmwM.lii r.t'tl... OY DtU't Ot it. Ill YOUr IKitHT. With tl
rtitinnlriirinl . .. ' 1 . . I ... ....
i.b.iuui.ui.11. southern States may lorni a tolerably
A fow copies of Lists of Premiums of correct idea of the prospect of Bell in the
the Stato Agricultural Society havo been North, when the plain truth is that the
left at this office for distribution. peculiar friends of Boll and Everett can.
Tho Exhibition nromises to bo very norm- "iy buow a majority in a .,&.
' lar, and crowds will take tho opportunity
to visit our beautiful Valley. All will bo
wide welcome, and as comfortable as
couuty in a sulfite noa.staveholdins Slate.
I ttate this as an undoubted fact, and
am willing to meet the verdict at the bal-
lot box. Tho Boll Douglas coalition
tickets, in some of the Northern States,
havo been conceived and arranged by the
.......:..:....... 1'..: t. .c t...i i. , .
uv ....... , . iiiuim iiuiui.ivu ii leuus ui uuugo xou"tas,
REMEMBER, DEMOCRATS, THAT , utcs "?.u of ,me lTrtola !' with no expectation of securing any Elcc
KRSOHEL V. JOHNSON WAS NEV- ton K'DSst0n, Plymouth and Ailkcs- toral voles against Lincoln, but solely with
tho purpose of exciting tho Bell and
quest that all L'eitnsytv timi papnti
ciptj, so that Mr. Woodward's wit!
mother may learn her sons untimely 'i
I was ono of tho pcrsous that west
wlm vena lMirpr nr nvmi ninilimi. 1
, . n . ii .i crowds at fashionable watering places,
ed in tho Convention, was placed upon tho . . . ?
.!.!..: i.: .,n iho b air Grounds aro within a few nun
liuiiei. in ills aivai! i
Montour County Convention.
The Democratic County Convention oountv
Barro, as well as house and tent accom
met on Monday, tho 20lh of August, at Q
Danville. Johu Shearer president, lhe
following Couuty ticket was nominated :
Senator Dr. L. F. 0 .Idwcll.
Prothonotary Geo. D. Butler.
Treasurer Edward Morrison.
Commissioner John McWilliams.
Auditor Win. Bleo,
Win, McNiuch and Hiram A. Childs
wero appointed Congressional Coufrcc.
Win. A. Dealt and II. Antrcm, Senatorial,
and Adam Gcrringer and Robert David
son, Representative Coufrecs.
latlons at Wyoming and on tbo grounds. Lverett men to antagonize the Democracy
Wu doubt not that the officers of m.r 1,1 tllc oath, and thus to divide and
. . ... , , .,..' conquer the section w itch defeated him
society, through whose invitation , at .,,:,,.. A. , i.r..k;,,nnti, ,.
State Society has appointed lhe Exhi- tion iu 1850, out of two millions nim
bition of 1800 here, will do all that can hundred and thiity-oue thousand votes
bo done to make the thousands comfortablo cas' ''j? I''rco States, there were given
v,nra nt t .:n i for Mr. Filltuoro the ntoasro sum total of
opportunity a, this Exhibition of seeing tho Si iSSl
unesi mook ami larm implement! w tho j States, did not elect ono Elector ou any I "o growing brighter every day. -'!"
world, almost at your doors. Let not tho 1 hokot, aud only sorved to make a Demo Western portion of tho Stata therm-
opportunity pass uuiuiproved. Americau
uventious aro sought after by tho nations
search of him, aud I can vouch fvr :
truth of what is written. Ho had.
lately come to this vicinity to live, i
nono of his best friends know that lie -any
relatives in this Stato. Heniu...
ed that ho had a mother living in l't
sylvania, but we cannot recollect ia
Francis Sylvesti:
Western Pennsylvania. The
Fact, of Columbus, Ohio, has declared
Drcckinridgo and Lane. The first nun''
contains tho following clwcring new .'')
Wostom Pennsylvania :
" Wo learn by a gentleman just rcti
ed from Pennsylvania that thu pro;
lor tuo success ol lirccktiindgo ut that
of tho old world, who acknowledge oursu-
cr.ittc plurality iu three of tho smaller , perfect stampede among tho Douglas u
States. In other words, tho Fremont I They are conduit out bv thousands.
party had a clear majority over thu uui-
ten iJcuiocracy aim the I'lllmoro faction
um, and even Spain invites our mechanics.
Russia travels ou American built rail.
will discuss it horealtcr lor this two ami crjy wa3 jujy cjj05en(
cry raised by a party who had tho power for Eyeriy) and 21 for Coloman.
in 1857, nnd who submitted to a lowering 1Vr Jacob Euerty.IUnxi. Billmoycr,
..i'jt.A tn'.iV nnfl.1i nmnn o tontlftn en , t T U.,lt. ,irtJ,-
ut tuu ittJiuj v me licnaersnoii jsaao owcij uicuucuuoi ,
jatt of tke Loaest press o: x'cnnsjivania,
The Prospects in Kentucky. The Ken
tucky Stutcsman gives tlio followiug uu
. i .r il . i - !..!. 1
couraging accoutii m u.o pruspecis iu iuat roa(s f,.r A,ner;oall in-nmn,!va. ,
State:-" To our friends abroad wo have yanUco ui0W3 turu tUo sod ia far olT rc.
I to say that no apprehension need bo felt as ;,,,,
tcr has tho endorsement of Tammany to tho voto of Kentucky in November next. Is not an exhibition liko that to-bo hold
Hall and Jlayor Wood. There aro'-M". Vreckinridge will certainly receive next mouth worthy tho attention of every
doubtless many Douglas men hero, but tin vole of Kentucky, and by not less than farmer I
we ecareely ver meet with one. Among then thousand majority. Ho can't bo Whethor tho Stoam Plow will bo here
tho merchants there ia an unprecedented beateu iu Kentucky. No fear need In? en or not wo cannot say, but a Steam Firo
lloats, Oweu, Hill, Manhardt, llohrbicb, dfgrec ef unanimity." tertained on that scorQ." Engine is promised, Record' the Times.
i r . .. i . j
penoruy. uur reapers anu mowers aro ,,i twclvo of tho Northern States four
preicrrcu in i-.ngiana, i raneo and Uclgi-' years ago. Sinco then tho American or
quitu n number of tho rural distrie'ts
menso mass meetings of tho hone; ;
manry have been held, cordially-iudor.-
urccKiuriUgo and Lmu, nnd denouu
Know Nothing movement has been groat-1 1,10 fraud by which Douglas claims
ly wcalicncd, and it would bo, iu my tho regular uotnitieo of tho Deiii) '
opinion, an unpardonablo exaggeration ' party. Brcekiniidgo and' Lane ha
to placo tho probablo Bell-Everett voto bright prospect of carryiu" tho Old K(
at a higher mark than onchalf tho Fill- stono by a largo majority. SoinotoitU
more voto of 18511. It is now proposed! -
torccall from tho ranks of tho Black Ro-1 '-jcniiiing Dfniotratlc XowIiiaUoiiS
publicans tho men wlio havo been steadily For Congress -Gun. Robert rKruicj
voting with that party for tho last threo Assembly-Col. Robert Crane,
or four years on all questions, whether of Register and Recorder-II. II- W3:t
Rational, States, or municipal concern. Commissioner Michael t'urts.
At a moment when the Lincolnitej aru Auditor Reuben Hillcr.
tluslicd with anticipated triumph, it will Coroner Michael Kelly.