AGBIGULTUR AL. THE 11EAPERS. Th harvest iu rode high aloft, And downward thro the branches 1'cU slanting beams, as shy and soft As tender lovcr'i glance . The Summer vv inds comes dancing by, t3 weft perfume i In his tTcssts , II spies rose bud grew lug nigh. And ntop-a loluviili kissed Th ilpe wheat nodi her yellow lie d. And blushing, gold all over " Com' kin ine, too," the softly mH, "Thou gay light footed ruvrl" Bui now the reapers, one fay one. Are ftartcMng from their n (job i tig Vnrue laugh and jeslthe white, and sunte A merry song are crooning, Now swift the lads and tasici go Across the waving meadow. Hut Willi stands with lowering brow Beneath the oak tree's shadow. (atdhe, "I've lost my trnelove dear. 1 know not w here to find her i If I should go the reaper here, Ob I w ho would go my binder f " tie hearetb not ths foot that stcpt o light behind hlin, mm In ft, ftjt, leaning uti his cradle, kept Hisloe silk duty humming. A white hand on fals shoulder laid Heturued in quick confusion, 'J he saucy uraldn, laughing, said, " 1 hope li no Intrusion f" " Hoi hvc J on lofct your true love dear And know not w here to find her f ;o, Wtlltc.reapt for urn here, And I willbeyour binder I" TO PROMOTE I'ERTILITV Fit L' IT TUBES. JN Every orchardi.-it must have observed that some fiuit trees of superior quality nncl ot luxuriant giovrtli, are yet slow in coming into hearing state, and are after wards inconstant. is the ease, es pecially with the year tree. Let lis note down some of the methods proposed for remedying this evil : An abundant and tends to tho iiovtli ra id of 110' flow of sap i wood and formation of leaves, rather than to the fruit buds. Whatever cheeks this flow, will excite tho production of flower buds. For example, select a vigorous evergreen which has thus far shown no cones, and transplant it and jiext year it will bo covered with seed vessels. So it is often xcitVi fruit trern. The check thercbv mven t .. .. c to the growth of roots and branches, tauscs the organizable tap to accumulate in the branches, and directs it to the for mation of fruit. Hence it "is, that formal root pruning is sometimes practiced. As this process is described in nearly all fruit manuals, wc will only remind the reader that it should be practiced only in the fall or winter. Mr. lUVCrS. Of Knc and. as , ' a i nnrlc Arprrrinrl xr knavr. no ooner catches 1 nearly everytioay tnaws, no ooucr tatt-iits j an.of i s dwarf-ncars nannins. than he lifts them from the ground and sets tlicm hack again. Fruit bearing is quite sure to lollow. Ringing the branches is another metli-' od. This consists in taking out a circu-1 lar ecctiou of bark, about an inch wide, on several branches of tho trtvs. Tho! effect of this is to prevent the return of elaborated sap from the topsof tho branch es to the limbs and roots below, and al most always produces tho formation of fruit buds. ThU practice is not to bo generally commended, it robs tho lower portions of the treii of the proper lood, and j !..,. it... ..IvMnA li..Hj,nn Bnln. nfl... ut" luu Bsi !. w...v." -..v.- wards . t Mending the branches downward' is O another and beticr method. This impedes 1 1 , oolli-Hie abccni ami uutccin oi bap, unui causes its accumulation all atom; thol - branches in the form of fruit buds. WhoJ has not observed that n crooked anplo tree often bears better than a perfectly ', ttraight onot And one with a flat, rprcading head, better than a pyramidal ( ono? Hence we toe tho wisdom of it praclicc common among nurserymen, of removing tliu central branches of young apple tices. This bending down of tho branches bhould be done in June or July, whilu the ehoots aro most flexible. Training tho branches to .1 wall or! trellii, i? nnother method. Tho s'ight 1 comprcsMon of tho ligatures, and the bend-j iug of the branches, causes a check of the' flow of flip, and bo induces a fruitfulucss. I American Agriculturist, RIPENING TOMATOES IN WINTER At a meeting of tho Rockford (111.) Horticultural Society last winter, Mr. Ordawny brought a specimen of tomatoes, red and yellow, small and large, but all ' ' e ' perfect, which had been ripened in his j collar, according to the following meth od: I " If any ouo wishes to know how to keep them frefh und good all winter, read the following recipe. j Plant late in tho season, and pull up the vines iu tho fall, before they nro injured by the froit ; fasten a bag about the stock, two inches above the root, then I hang them up in tho cellar by a cord tied ' around the vine nbove tho bag, and fill the bag with inoist dirt. When the bag is tied over tho root, leave a email hole at the top, for the admission of water, which khould be used occasionally to prevent tho rooU bccouiinir tlrv. Tim moro liclit in ., . ., , , , , , the cellar the better, lhev should bo l.W,fis :.l'c"iI"uany"ewl'ni'ul'"l"'r.,Lf'''l,'J. huuk vv. ..w... .uv uii uvuiy Diuu MI A .,i . . WllcrO huu Will noi fclllKO tlicm trom a window if possible, and swing the vices' ,,n. ith the roots imnernioat." NEWANDSl'LENDID ASSORTMENT OF AT MR COAVfift Of V Main nml Iron Mrccts, bo ypu w tnt SII.K8 1 Colo tltloWF.U'S. Do you want LAVIXI.A CUIT11 1 Co lo DROWCR'S. Do you want l.'IIAI.M DEt.At.NES t flo to BR()VER. tloou WRru'fARIXCOVERSt do In tWOWF.R'S. 1)0 you want CLOfll UU8TF.KU I do lo RROWER'ri. Do you want SKELETON SKIRTS ? Goto MlOWP.Iin. Ho Jou wal DR. CUTTER'S HKtRT-aUlTENIir.Rit ooto nnoivi:R's. do In MIOWKR'B. I do to IIROWTR'S. do lo nitOWKR'g. do to DROWEK'S. On to RROWER'S. lo to IlIIOHEIPS lio to IIROWER'S Go lo DROWCR'B, Do you wont MCS1.1NH1 lln yen want CALICO EH I Do you wont LAWNS t Uoyou want BAItEOfcHt Dojou want I)E llEtiEH t Do you want HOSIERY I Do )ou want 0 LOVES I Do you want II ANUKCUCIIIWS I t you wm ELS I Ooto BROWF.R'3 Do you want STELLA BIIAWLH t Co lo RROWER'S. Do you waut MOfl MR MITTS t Goto IIROWER'S. 1)0 you want SILK GIRDLES I do lo DROWCR'S. Do you want GAUNTLETS I Co to UROWER'S Do vou want CROTCHET BRAIDS t do to IIROWER'S. Do you w ant TIDY COTTON I Do you w ant PA LM F NS t Do you want SUN SHADES I Do yon want UMBRELLAS I Do you w ant 0 ASSIMERES f Do you want PERSIAN PLAIlIt Uoyou want LINEN CHECKS I Do you want PEU0ALE3 1 Doyfln want JEANS I Do you wont NANKEENS! lio vou want GINGHAMS I Do you want DUCALH I Do you wnnt CURTAIN MUSLIN t Do ou want COL'D CAMBRICS t Do you wnnt WHITE GOODS t Do j on want DENIMS I Do you want SILESIA I 1) j mi want DRILLINGS I I l.i ) oil nnt TICKINGS I Do you want CHECKS I Do jou want LMIIES' S'lOKS! Do )uu want LADIES' GAITER! Go to IIROWF.R'S Go to IIROWER'S. do lo IIROWER'S. Goto IIROWER'S do to BROWER'S do to BROWER'S Co to BROWER'S do to BROWER'S. Goto BROWER'S. Goto BROWER'S. Go lo BROWER'S do to BROWER'S' Goto BROWER'S do to BROWER'S do to BROWER'S Go to BROWER'S. do lo BROWER'S. do to BROWER'S. do lo BROWER'S Go to BROWER'S. do to BROWER'S. do to BROWER'S. Do you want FRESH GROCERIES ! do to BROWER'S Do on want OiUEENaWAIIK! Go lo IIROWER'S Do you GLASSWARE ! Do Jou want HARDWARE! Ill Jon want DRUGS ! Do you w ant 1'URU Srl'.T.R ' Doyou want CHEAP dOODS! I'.looiii.biirg. May 111. 1 Ha. Go to BROWER'S do to r.ROWER'S lio to BROWER'S. do lo IIROWER'S. Uo to BROWKIt S. alt;ivii5s;i, Uilli.imiort & Eric K. It direct Railroad cos. j!""tle btliretn Ala ihcrltnl Oultkr$t and eart tatlt and fliilautliiMa Chrnpttl Itovtt front It fern Mtui York to Philadelphia, itarTiibhrgt rilliburg Baltlmort, ll'aihiigton clfy, asd the sovta Th'! dilfcrcnt Trains on this Road pass Rupert as fol lows: TRAINS MOVING SOUTH. Express Freight. IMH) a. m. I'liil'iilclpbll Mail. !').: . 1. I'hiladelphla .V N. V. l.Tpren, 11,'jo p, m. TRAINS MOVING NORTH. Express Frsight, 12,20 r. m. Eimir.1 Mni, :i.4u r. . Niacarn Express, ll.'.Hr. M. mnr Et:nvrr.nri( piiiu'dclpiiia. Rupert lo I'hllada., $141) Rupeit to Millnn. S ,0 no llarmburg, .) isi do P. Clinton, 2 ID do 'J'amaoilil. 1 5!) no n iinaiiport. 1 4U do Elniirn, a l.'i do Macra Falls, 7 20 All passengers arc reipiested to procure Ticktts before entering the cars. Ragg-ige checked through lo Phila delphia und Elniira. II. A. FONDA, Sup't. Juno 9, l?ro. hXOHEMENT DOWN I OWN AT L. T. Sharpless' Store. FRESirTRlilVAL OP SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. rpHK underblgned, haung taken charge of the New j i more tormuiy Kept uy Joepu nuarpiess, ne tasea tills methud of Informing his iiumeroti customer that he hai juH rttumed from the city wuhu large nsbrt meut of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, whiih he offers for sate nt his Cheap Cash Store on Main Street, nioomsburg, ol tho vcrv lowest lilnc prices. 1IU Stock has been selected with a great deal of nr'1 11 . juuguieni, nna will compare lavoraoiy nun any stotK in goous ever nrougni in inis piacc. Country produce taken In exchnnge for goods at (lio mlrkl.t p'r,e, Ho ,,as ,llnil ,;,!,! mn.numly kept n a country more. uitaiiiinacaiiDciorcpurciia,. ) ing elseviliere. ing elsevllere. 1.. T SHARPLESS. Blootunburg, April 23. lCO. liealesl! Rest!! Pays for Tuition in Phieh) linlry Jtook-Kepping, Wri ting. Commcrclil Antnnictic ami Lecture. Hoard 8 uMs S20( Stationary S7, Tu ition $)J5, entire expenses 02, Un1 lime from t! to 10 week. Every BtuJent.upon rr'idiMtiie.ii guarntced rompptent lo manage the iam ituiiKs rToj' liusiness, nnit 'pianiK'U to tunta saiary $300 TO$1000. inter atony time No vjcatlon Review at plfl,,nU ntPHSIIrP. riri, r,rl1i,lurr nest Business Wriling fo, IB50. received at Pittwlitirg, Phli.idt Ipliia nnd O'lioSinte Fairs, Also, nt the principal Fair oi the Union lor iho pan foury.. n-v .Miiiiaippu rim,, rt'crived nt bill nrlre. 1'n' ci-cu'ars fp cimens ami Enibeiiitiied View of t le Ui liege, fndoP live I'ller st.lmps lo t v . jcuirti. i-iiisiiiiign lannnry 11 I MO. (April ii. ItfMO 'i'jf! ORB AT EXCITEMENT AT TUB Ell ESI I ARRIVAL OP IMILLER'S STORE. THE siibscnlier lias just returned from the city with unother largo und selea assortment of SI'RINCi fe SUMMER GOODS, rmrch.iedin I'hiladelphiaat thejowest rip ure, and w hich ic Is iktt-riiiiuefl to sell on nx moilerate terms ns can be procureu tincniicft 111 liiouiuiuuri;. ins siock conbuis i f LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Choicest si) les and latest f.ibhiou. 1 Dry Ooodji, Grocrrtci, Hardware, tjnfensirarr. Cedar It'art Jlolloie Ware. Iron, .Veils, Hoot and khoa, I Halt and Cap, ,r o,c. I III short everj thing u. nail) kept in country Stores lo w liirh lie inviteri the public generally. I Ll" The Highest Price mud for lounlry produce STEPHEN II.) MILLER, mnonishnrg. April;!. lS.yi.-y. frggz ajMovAi,.) OMUUtn UUM Ctnnmisston Merchants and dealers FISH, OHKESE is PROVISIONS. No. 111.1 Arcli St., Jim uoor anovo front Aunn.l H . li-M.-v. PIIU.Anr.l.PlllA PHtLAnj'.LPIIIA. MANUrACTUIILR 01' CAMIIES, F1SK COM'EtriOXEUV, &C, AID WIIOUULB OEAirR IN FOREIGN &DOMESTIU FRUITS. iLiiHins, ii-riines. Currants, Almonds, Citron, IHng Wuluuts Pigs, jPilberls. Dates, iCrtuin Nuts, Pru Nut I, tliried Apples, I Peaches Sw eel Oil, Pt-urau Nuts, Oranges, Ist'lliOH. Syrun Pine Apples, ICrackeri, FIHK It OHKS, 4C. (X No, North Third fired. Houth Last comer Vino PillLADiaPillA. Marrh HI. lKt'O-lSiii. AGUIOULTUKAr AVAKKIIQUSK. ALAIEUr' assortment of tho bet fertilizers in the market, at reduced prices lor iush, con. f slating of No. 1 Pi ruviuu and Cotumbjuii(juaiio' buperphovphatc of Lime from ihc best munutac- S 1 r to I- asterTe' at JhoKle a a 7la I ' ' loudrclte.lla.tertc.iatHliolesahiaidrUail Imnlement and Heed Store, corV.cV "f th and I Mark. Streets Philadelphia. Marrh I I"3H. "jMIL' largest uud inot complete assortment I of Agricultural uud llorliculluial Imple. I. n,r. nfered in phiiadiinim. cmbra- i clsewliero lnuue or ' lUo best materials and Il (tfkuianshio. exnreiisly for my oun sales. ' farmers ure InriUid to call and examine Ihc aortmcnt. imDimni and smdWar.hooscvui and Market tnei, "!??5'''J!; Ullfl IM i I i l'UBHO SALE -OF- Valuablc Real Estate. TN puruanrc of nn order of the Orphan's Outtof Co. 1 luuibia county, on Sturric the '25th of August, wit, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, Reuben tlartman, Admin litratorof Jacob Zclsloft, late of Madison township. In said county, deceased, will cxposo lo sale, by Public Vendue, upon the premises, a certain Tenement and TRACT OF LAND, nHjittning lands nf r.m&nnHCidler, on I he Kast, the heirs i.f Jonathan Mosleller, on tho North, anil other lanils of the ueceasvil on tho West una South, containing siXTV-iiiiti:.: aires, , . tii. ' ringe, nnd makes tho married linnpy, ller aid nnd oil n BANK BARN, CUct pro., WaBon liouio, and otlwr moan, of luliulin many liunilrcil lnntl anil liainl. lo outbuiliHnyK. ALSO, A certain oilier j Rdlier, TliuiniauiU i.f broken licurta )ino liecii liralcu Til V (IT nV T. AN'n anil mailo happy by lier. ...... ., ,. f . Ilinwellkn.mnloilre pnbllcnt larco lliat tlio was innilly well tlmbrroil, anil lo bo .old with the tract above the rlrrt and .he l llic only permm who can plmw lira described, adjoining lalidl of Alcjander Carr, on tho Hkcnou In reality, nnd who can glvo enllrc .alirr.iclion North, Adam Heller on the South, and other lauds of the deceased on the East, containing Eighteen Acres and Twenty Pirchcs, strict Measure. ALSO, A ccrtalnolher PIECE AND TRACT OF LAND, adjoining tho tract firM nbovo described on the Hast, Alexander Carr on thii North, other lands of the decensud on the Wutt, and Adam Heller on the Houth, contniuiiig rt -i Tr i-i ht m tf a 41 t- Tl rt, D J2i V i!i iN X X A U. Jh O f my cleared land anduu'd.r goodcuUH-.llon.ou which aro erected iigond N E W P K A 01 E II 0 D S I . rBI11", iiwuduj and STABLE. ALSO, A ccrloln other Wl ACT flTi T ITCn 1USIjJ. WJ. Wi'i'i adjoining lands of Joseph Young, on the East, the tracts above described on tho North, Adam He Icr.outhfl West, and Amos Heller on the South, containing SEVENTY-FOUR ACRES, and one hundred and tea perches, about thirty acres of vihich ore well timbered and the remainder in u good state of cullitatiou. Lnte the Estate of said decrased, situate In the town, ship of .Madison, and county aforesaid. Bloonuburg, July S3, 1SC0. GREAT ARKIVAL NEW GOODS, AT TUB Light Street Store. Creasy, Brother all hands on active duty WE Would inform our Irionds and customers, that we hava just received an un usually large imnfirtmeiit of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, WkirhweoiTtTntlowcr rate, for rrady pay, than nny ever lit fure opened here and will be ofd "ilienper than the rln'apffet," u c snail noi auenipi to enumerate inc various nruue tlu'vureiiiiini'iiriamirl their name In lesion nn our sua Ibey are iinuieiisQ find Ihcir name is legion ns our spa rlous ytore Kooiim, iiuludnif; tin Cellar nnd tljrret, nro filled too ertlowiiitf. There are to bo found the finest fib ricks, in the country at netonishinglow futures Ln di' wtMr In creat ariellef, nl 'il per cent, lower than ever before oilered, CLOTHS, MVt I.I V, GROCUUIEd, IlATi. CAP3, Boots, Shoes etc,. al the same rate. In short, almost everything in the iiierc.iniue line irom n neeme in nn nncnor. I,."" Our friends will do well lo call before they make their selections. III. W. CREASY, it CO. Light Slrcel, April 23. 1(1. TRUNKS! TRUNKS! 1 ryllE largest, best Irmdsom- I 1 eit est and cheaiifst nnrr incut of tkile leather tolid Iiiveled Travi-liiig Trunks. I M(ci' Bonnet Ores Trunk Children's Conches, Propel 1 Uth Lrather imd Carpet IS.ipn Packing Trunks i-c &c, a I THOMAS W MATTHON'S. C ttbrated London Prize Medal improved chert spring ' 50H1 sold Leather Trunk manufactory. No. -402 Market I Ftrfit, youth wett corner Fourth and .Market, Philad'a. Augusts M7-tf. Hi! Company, Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. 1. Money is received rvry day, nnd In nny amount largo or xmnll. 'J. 1'IVK I'KIl CUNT interest is naid for monev from ' the di it U put in. j :t. Tho money Is always paid hock in GOLD, whencv cr it U called tor, and without notice. ' Guardian$ and others who denire to have it in a place of I pcrieci ftmcty, ami wnere inu'ren can uc ooiaiueu lor it. I 5. The money received from depositors invested in I Ural Folate, Mortgages, Ciround Rents, and feuch other ! flrntflass pit nritif n as the Charter tiireits. I U. Oihre lloiirn Lvery day from H till 3 o'ttotk, nnd on Mondays und Thursday till ti oVlok in the evening. Hon. MKNllY L, ItHN'NKK, 1'rcstdeitt KUUFKT SKLrillUOK, rice t'rcerttnt, Wm J. Kled, Secretary. UIKEUTOKS, Hon. Henry L. Renncr, 'ranrls Lee, J.ilivaril 1,. t arter, Robert Selfridsc, riamuil K. Ashton, r. Carroll Itrcwstcr, Joseph 11. Itarry, Joseph Verks, C. Laudretll Muiius iicnry uiiienueriicr OFFICE: Walnut tlrrct. South IIVK Oicscr of Third Strict, Pllll.ADEKPIIIA. April 111, l-.VJ. Aug. 11, VSA Feb. 1, 'M. STEAM ENGINES AND HOII.ERS. rpHK RiibMcriber is now prepared with new Machinery, J to build stationary engines, from 5 to 100 horse pow er upon the latot improved plans, and will build to order dutiUlti or sinpte portable enginfs from ID to 40 horse power, Uigped upon carriuges with Holler (feu ring and Pu nip n ull complete and ready for action, Alxo u cylinder line uud tubular boilers cust Iron coal breakers. natL'iiteil in ISJti. for thrcshinff cm in nnd crackins corn and now made on a laree fcalu for breukiuu coal, HeuV muiius PuuM.s nnd hru euL'ineH rijri'ctl complete with double acting forcing pumps, all kinds of mill gearing und hoube caxting made to order. Line .shaftings wnh any desired cizes of pulleys fmUhcd with lungers, Iron ulanini! done, sav 'ii feet Ions: all kinds of Iron turning heavy pre und other screw a turned with any uexireu pucn 01 mreiui. 1 The best Hough Iron threshing Machines, that ever come before the public, cast Iron and wooden machines made to order. Lever power, chain r trend power made to order. Also takes orders for the following machinery: Hurrinoir latent patent grain mill, 51 uuu ottered by via patentee for its em butdivU in one ii iuai. 11 win griun in cnou nnc meai tour. Also bolts and 1 levators alLiu rdir, also Uu gale's Patent flower, manufactured 11. Harris at tro., tne lllol poweriui inowir now in into with thy leust amount of power, ono of which will be put in Uku at the Foundry for exhibition. All of the above w ill bi warranted to be they are sold for, Auo-Tuke order for Scott's Patent lllucksimlh tin ker, and ripThtsto uso them In the touuties of Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, Lycoming, full! van nod CI m lun, one i'f whiih tun bo exu at my shop. LUWIriH, MAUH. Uloomiburg, Columbia co , Murth ii,, Iboii. SAVING FUND i u . s. TrustCompany. I rrnflr nP 'Fhiylnnrl ",-, file PAnl imit Aitr.nnn.i small num reLcived and paid back on U demand without notue, with Fit rtR nsr TkK Irom the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. OtHtc Hunts From i) until ."i o'clock every day, und on Momuv L lmno, Irom ? until t oclock. PrCsideut-hiTLrilLN II. CRAWFUUD, Treasurer PuMf Fisk. Ttlleruicj( (. Uunttr, DIK150TOUS. Stephen It. Crawford, i Daniel IleidleinaH, Iteiiiamin W. Tiuelev, ;ueorge jiiniu, lAlex'tr (J. Hurt, M, IK, 'William M. (itlwin, lit. Franklin Jucksou, (Pliuy Fisk. I Puul II. (loodurd, M, U. I Patrick Itrndy, I James Lvvcreuux. Tliouiuw T. Lea, ' Marr h iid, ltt-ly. HOW LOST, HOW RES'I'ORED. . Just Published, in a Sealed F.nrelopr, , WK,K, ON THH NATUItl!, TUHAT.MLNT AND &U!j'rSS ItAHlCALCl'lir.UF BPKKMATOItlllKl. I hrTy "r Heminal Wenkness, Hexual Hebilt I ttiiiA&tay ty. Nervousness und Involuntarily Fanis bions, including Jmpoteuiy uud Mental uud Physical . Incapacity. 1W UOH. J. CULVLRWKLL. M II., Author of Green Hook" Sr . The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, ' I tkorl' """ f""" un experlenco that the ful consequence, of selfabusH may bo ell'eitually remoted 1 1 " "!"",.'5,'i't".,e ,"'.''",.t'."'u.l,.u?"t'ou"''l:1 "''."' Hons, bougies, instruments, rings vr cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain und eliutual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition mav he, may euro himself ckeaulg, prlcatclg aud Radically. This Iiccturo will prove u bJou tu tliuusuiids aud ihotis Ulids, Hcnt under sale to any uddress. it void. on therereint of two postage ntuuijis, by addressing Dr. Cll, J, U, K"SY;iiw-IS:, AUtf-w v-" I QUI'ERIOR Golden Syrup Molasses, ' "7.v5,doi"l7.tJVk,.Slr,',, f" a"0"' al c clKif fu'f ol' 1' rb.iplcss, MS v ra w q iv xtea w iMlfesMETYTllIST LOOK OUT ! GOOD NEWS FOR ALI, rpHH never-fulllng MRS. VANIIOKN, Is th best, flic stirrfedd when till cthnrs have failed. All who are n trouble nil who liavi bi-on nnfortiinntc. att whono fnnd hopes hnve brpn dinnpunicd rrtislied nml MiM'mI by false proinlics nnd deeeit, nil who hnve been ricrriv til and trifli'd with, nil fly to her Tor nilvlcc ntid satis faction, nil who nro In tluoMs v( tho nfft-ctlon of tho&a they love, consult her tri relieve nnd sntisfy their minds. .V LOVE JWFAltiS MJTM f VTA5 fine hns the fierrrt of n inning tho a AW linns of tho op. poimtsex, It Is this fact which luitiirrs llUtrruto pre tenders to try to Imitate her, and to ropy her Advertise mentD. Kho thc r-liow a von Hie I UKWLSS OF YQUU FUTUHF. U IFF. Oil IIUSIMXI), Or nlisent friend. Hho CiildcR the ri rie lf to n hnnnv mnr. on nn ino concerns oi nii, w men can ni ipnteil ami prnv j ed by thousand, hoth married und nluglc, who daily No. 1330 Lombard Street, Philadelphia, All Interviews nre strictly prlvatf nnd eonfidi-ntlal. H'FJIt.Tlt KMMt.TWU GOOD LUCh' AM) IIAITINHHa arc within the rinch of nil. Hire Is tho living wonder of thrt rnllalitenM use ; all who con i sun nur arc nFionirnea ut me iruiniunii'ss or ii"r iiiKr 1 1 nit ion anil predictions. AI. I. those who ha I link consimeu ner, mrir uau icu ui.-in, ami tney nre now nr J O Alii ffiy' iho rS' of n V,!,Und lius'K I transactions. If yon follow her advice, you will 1 . ixrnon: roun ciitcuMii.vr.s I nnd succeed In all )niirund. rtakinir. Those who hnve . been fortunate nnd unsuccrse fill in life, nnd in business I thosowliohato worked hard and struggled ngamst I ndversily nnd mlfortiine the crenler part of their lives and found the more they tried to gt furwnnl in the world, the more things things went nghist them I All cases have consulted her for tho taut twenty years. Ah those who wisely followed her nd ire nre now lifCH IMPpyjItfn SUCCESSFUL! in all her undertakings! while tho biluded by prcu dies and linorance, neslerted her ndvln-, nre st" 1 1 la boring ftgaiiintadersiy and poverty, if you vnluc jou happiness, ynu w 111 consult her yourself, nnd be huccuks ful nnd happy nlan. All liitcniews nre strictly private and confidential. Come onu I conic nil I to NO. 1336 LOMBARD STREET, between Juniper ond Ilroad, Philadelphia. March IJ, It-lv. DETERSIVE SOAP TIIIB ceh'brated Wabios Simp, i-i now in market for more than u Jenr, and that it Ii.ii given nnivcrcil satinl.ictioii, m ? ident Irom the fact, that the Manufac turers of it in order to fiipply the demand, have been obliged to iucreaoe their capacity to ttinku nptnl to fire llumlrrd Thousand VountiA per tt'erk. It is decidedly the bt$t and thtapett Soap cier mnde in thii Cnimtry; On' Found vf it Vitl go a far, for any use Th rec of the Common Soap hi general vc. It i made upon a new principle, of the materials, mid known only to Vav IlAiut-N it MiKrow. I docn nwny entirely with the waFhboard waves the necssfitv nf boiling the clothes. It does not brink FlaimeU, It i:'MOVi;H (iUi;.i:. INK OH PAINT SPOTS perft-ctly nml from the mod dcliratc fabric a en fullv one-hfilfthe time nnd labor usually spent to the w -lshiug. ( i warranted fret from SAI.&O DA, or other injuries alkalies, and guaranteed not to rot or injure the tfotlieu. ALSO Vaiilinngni & il!rKfone's, B'iperior oriental Toilr i Chmieal Otlc Pnli. Extra Pale nnd Urow ii Sonps, im will nn Dmu Ticaiv Jc Co. wdninantiua CnntlleK nt IowckI market price. For Hale by all respectable Croccr, and Wholesale by THAI IV & MrKl'.ONi;, N'o. 2-J and 24 South Wharves, PiuLADixntu. caTtTon. There being several imitation brands of rietersie Sonp in market, the. public nrn nolin.'d Hint none ure genuine except Van II, Aden & McKionr is stumped upon each Bar of the Sinp, as well as the Boxes. Tebruary S3, iet,n 13in. THIS WAY UIIKAP BUYERS. RLOOMSRURG cheap cadi Httre. ngnin reptciiUhM with u fr.;sh tock of SPIiLXO 60A-we are now prepared to nflV-r to the public a very hmdsomc lot of spring und Summer (Jtd at usual low prices, for HEADY PAY ONLY, Come aloug with xour cah and produce. II. C. Jt I. IV. IIART.MAV. March 31, IrtA TIII1 Proprietor of this well kriovnnud centrally lorn ted Motisi the Lxciumji. Hoill, fitn.itc on Main Street, In tlonmbur(r, iiumed lately opposite the Colnm lua County Court House, re i-pect fully informs his tVit'iiilp mid the public in general, that his House ia now In or der for the rectptiou nndvutertainmunt of travelers wJm may loci diuposed to favor it with their custom. He has spared no expense In preparing thu Hxtiusot;, for the entertainment of hU guents, neither shall there be any thing wanting (on hU part) to minicttr to their personal comfort. Ilin house li spacious nml enjoy uu excellent businesn location. O" Omnibuies run at nil times between the Exchange Hotel nnd the nrious Kuil It odd Uepot, by which trav elers will be pleasantly conveyed to nnd from tho re speciie Gluttons in due tluiu to meet the Cars. W.M. II. KOOXS. nioomtli'irc. July 7. 1Jfn. MAK VlLIiU IX STITUTJJ. THIS Institution was founded by the present Principal and has always h.ul u tilfriil share of tho ui wiu 1 tJiiiiiiiuiiij . 111 1 oujvti aiiiieii hi 111 mi int; et r ciM-H ol'tlie Iiibtilule, u to feiuru in mimln a orooer de- t'lonnitnt of the mental iiowers, und thim ou.ililv tliein for si If instruction, speiial attention being given to the formation of conett and j stemaiic h.ibjtu. Tile ileld of study eiidtraces Literature, the rcieiiceh, me iiaiuemaiiet, tn-i uiassics umt M em Language. B, gixinghis undivided utt. ntimi to the Hue rent a or tin- luititution, and Hi'iunng thecn op r atn 11 d well pi;ilitled instructors, the Principal hopes to ren tier EUWM.icwuii iu 111a paiicns. u.e next 1 1 riu w ill open iuanauii. Jiunusi vita ltfuu. The Principal will receive pupils from n distance, pb board era, and will ri tlu'in ev ry attention ueriss-iry J. M. KLLSO, Principal, Danville, June 23, l?tkl 3ni. AGKNTS "WANTED. 1 AA fCl be swld. Now ready, the National 1UU.UUU PolhnaJ Chart, and Man of the UniUd Htaten, t-nntaiiiiiitf aciuratu Portraits, Iron, lift', of thu Candidates f e.uii Party for Prehideiit and Vice-President, with their Utters of acceptance, Platforms of their respective Partijs, w ith n nt-t amount ol tatiftiral mat ter. KesultM of tho Presidential Llcuious ol the United stales Inmi ITt-Oto 11; names of the speakers of the ii.iiiu 01 ni iirt'iifiiitiiivt.-a irmu ncy iu jrnu. The Map is buuutilulty colored, and printed on heniy calender paper, tun'Ji by 40, showing the exact bounda ries of ull the HtaUsaml Territories, extending through tu tho Pan tic. Ketail Price, only 25 Cents. Sent, nost naid. on receint of the price. A rare chance is ottered agents. For terms aauregs UUAM; UULISON. July 14, 1PC0. PluUdelpliia.Po. X CAKU TO YOUNG LADIES k GENTLEMEN HMIi; subscriber w ill send (fret of thargt)n nil who uetire ii, in ueripe unu uirections tor loaning a sum pie Vegetable Halm, that w ill, in from two to eiirlil days, remove Fimnls, Illolches, Tan, Freckles, Ballou iiean. and all impurities und roughness of lite tkin, leaving the samu ns Nature intended it should bu tvft, clear, smooth, and beautiful, Thoso desiring thu Hectpc, with mil iiisirucion,.uireriioii, un(l am ice, w in please can uu ir uuurcss iwnu return ptwinve.i JAS. T, MARSHAL!., PllAf riCAI. ClILMIST, No. 32 City tluildinfjs, N. York, July U, iyi0-3ni. NATIONAL SKYLIGHT. DAGUERREOTYPE AND A M 1 1 R 0 T Y I ' E GALLERY, In the Moutgomery Buildings, A'orth Danville ONH of the most convenient and extensive establish ments in tho Htatu' charges siilliciently high lo en a me me wors. in ue warrauieu. IX7Nuno hut the best materials are uxed. Invalids and dee'd Dfrsons taken at their resiilenren. Instructions given iu Daguerreotype und Ambrotjpe Motitguinery buildings upon the third floor. All ntted up nicely, nbovu M. C. Crier's Drug Store Arrive ut our rooms, I'll remove iverv douht. For tho pictures we'll make )u vmUi boldness utan J. II. COX. December'JT, 1860. Notions, 1SG0. JOHN M. SHELDON, ofjerso Town, Columbia Co, WI i Ji at), Aorth hint 6". Philadelphia, IMPOUTLIia v JOllUhKe, OF Hosiery, Gloves, Fancy Goods, $ct With n large Bnd complete nisorlment of bit poods In our line Fur which we invite theuttctitiou of coun try Merchants. February 1800 Cm. WATIOAL HOTEL. IRACE STJIEET. AIlOW THIRD, I PI!II,AUF.I.IIIIA C CAKMAM'.rroiirictor. January I, IcOu.-j HENRY ADOMMl'S alii,i;i WAiti'itooitis, No..1 NORTH SECOND STREET, lAltOVX MAnSET. n.. lint, iihAvn t'litl.t Chnrrh. I Vlls?rp mn Jt7 ., . tl,(1'n a-"" ' pmADKLPlIIA. A General Assortment of C0T7'.lOf: t UH.VITVIK, In. Stay U. IJWI-Um. UNITED STATES HOTEL, AND GENERAL STAflB OFFICE. t.imwv.1 fAA. HENRY WELDY Si SON, cypassenge,,lnthcPI,ll.vlefph,aMaliyrarn"'nS Souin.nnd Eiinlm Mall Train aolns Noilh, MAT. at tht Vniird Ham IMtl Tamaoua Ta, Mnrcii 12. IMO ISM. . V;if: Miwckij ynoM i so iv Si a.i rf: tml ,m3 ,becn t).1(,a for ycarSi givlng sntlsfac-t-L i. 1!..: A. .1-1 (Inn lo nil who havo used it. Tho Hitters miui) ituiuu C013 k fi08 MARKET STREET ABOVE SIXTIL1 vilit.tim.vnu. J. W. TOWEK, rroprlclor. Tfrms: $1 U.1 per day. Mav 13. lPffl-l.'m. -m s w n w : m m w M w -m-w 11111 ri IN 1' HO TINE, I The Persian Fever Oliarm. I?OR the prevention nnd cure of Ftttr and Jtgvt and . lliious Ftrerl. This wonderful remedy wns brmigbt to the knowledge of the present proprietors by a Iriend t xx ho has been a great traveler in Persia and the Holy lind. While going down tho river Euphrates, ho experienced r a srrrre attack of Peter mid Ague. On discovering Ins , condition, ono of tho lloatiiKii took from his personal! .Imiiel, saying, "IIWirlAis and no hercriettt tourh you." Although Incredulous as tu Us x irtues; lie lomplied, and expcriemeil Immediate rilief, and has since always found itun etrectual protection from all malarious corn, plaint". On further investigation he found that the boatman at ributi it it to mfrnciifuiM powers, and said that it eoiil.l only lio obtained from the Priests ol'tlie full, Honietiiup , ullerwards, the gcnlleiuan in eonterslng Willi a Priest obtained from him tlu secret of its preparation, and ns certained where the medicinal heihs were found, of which it was compounded. The wonderful virtues of this urticlo have Induced a full belief in the minds of the natives in the miraculous healing powers of their Priests. i Hince his return to America, it has been tried w Ith the happiest elt'.-ct by sevrral Ladies and Gentlemen of lii-h character, who have given it the most nn'iuulitied praic. This remedy having been a specific in Per. la for hund reds of tears, fur tho prevention and rure of Fever and Ague nnd Bilious Pevers is now mlVreil to the Alui'ri cliu people. 1 it win no sent ny mau.prepjiii, wnuiuii Directions ror usmiii receipt of one dollar. Principal input and Manufactory. li8 Main St., Rlih- nioud.Va. Branch Olllcc, Bank of Commerce Building, New Vork. Address JOHN WILCOCK 4. CO. June 30, leCO J2m. A GRIUULTURAL WAUEIIOUSE, iW .21 if a3, South Sixth straL mar the State If- Wit? PIllLAlii:LPHIA, plnn'A. rrL'N floors of this'specioiH btiildnig, erected expret-iy 1 tor the pronriiior'sirjde, are-stored with weds and imphmeut ofI,!tertM to farm-r and gardeners. . nxxv i iaki r-. i Aiii.isiitu. j ne sun.criiiers fio.iro to call, the nttcnllon, of evtry one liiterj.teii in fiirmiii; ami Hardening to their xvcll si lected stock of Agrfcultil- I ml Tools. lliirranlcd tlanlcn and Floirer Srrdu firms and I'irld Jvcis, ,iIAc niwr rclahlc quality. The Agricultural liiiplcuients sold by us arc mostly Hired at our fUam works, Pa. Haling lilted up our establishment withuut regard to expense, with the mo.t comj Ifie luaihiinery fur the in.iiiiif.ict nre of wtrinu kinds of agricultural implements wenrcuow prepared lo supplj nil nttitlisin tins lino fully emiiil, if not superior, to an thing of the kind ever before oil red to the public. Laiulri th's warranted Canton Heeds hnve been before Jlhe public foriipwardsof sixly jearsi th'-irwidu spread popiioiriij. unu no- iiicreiisiii'ieiiiano irom jear In ear, are thu bisl eveidtnecs ot thiir superiority uter all otliers. Country merchants can be supplied with seeds in pa pers, or in bulk, on the mutt liberal terms. lUoouisilale, near Bristol, Pa., our giirdin seed grounds, contains three hundred and seventy aires, anil is the largest establishment of its kind in the world. II. I..X.MIKI.HI & Ml, Xon. 31 Sf 21 Jxiufa imth ttrrtt. l'htlad. ifhia, T7 Landreth's Ruml Register and Alumnae for Ift'iO. contnitiiug a l'arm, O.irdeu anil llreen lluiisc Calandar fur every mnntlt in the tear, can bo had g rais, upun per .until or po.-t paid nppliiatiun. January 1:1. irtiu y. IMI'OllTAM' NATIONAL WORKS, 1 ui'j.icurju in 11. mrJililo. ac .u. 340 and iJ46 Hroiviway Ntw York. The following works arc pent to SubscribTrt in any art of the country, fuiiun re tint of retail nrice.i bv mail or express prepaid : Till: NLfW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA: A popu lar Dictionary of timer jrKnou.'dgc. Ldited by Ci-ouge lltHLtv and t iiARLvs A. IHna, aided by u uiiinernns se lect c rpn of writer- 111 all branches of t?ckneiB, Art, anil Liuraturo. This work is being published in about j l-irje oliimcs,eath cotitamniL' 73 J two column uies, ls. one to nine, im In-ive. are now ready, each i ontaiuing near i.5oo, original urtich's. An addmonal uluuiu will be published utiui In ubotit threu uionihd. Price, ill Cloth. 5rt: Kheeo. 50: Half .Mnr.. SI: Half lUidSid, $4 M each. inersew .iiuticiiii cycloptruin is popular without icing siiiierficial, Kurued but not oeduutic. tomnri-heii- bite but sutllcientl detailed, tree from personal pimu and patty prejuduo, fresh nml yet accurate. It is a comph tu Mate.urnt of nil that is know n upon every im iiuriaiii topic wiiii rue scope ot nuiuan lliif'llii,'ence. Ilvcrv iiiinorlnnt iirtn I" in it has been snei iallv written lor us p.ige4 by m 11 w ho are authorities upon the topiCB on which they fcpeuk. They are remured to bring the Biiiijm up 10 inu present moment 10 biato iut now it hi un 4s note. All l he statistical information ih from thu latest reports : the geographical accounts Keep pace with the litest eAplnrutions ; iiijitorifiil m.itters nicluilc the freshet just lews; the biographical notices not only BpctiK ni uie uluu, nui uisu 01 tne ininj,'. it is u iiurary ABRIIMIEMFNT OP THE UEBiTR OF CONORESH . Il-'lllg tl Political History of the United Stales, from the orguni zatiotl of the lUst Federal Congress in Kr'.l to WoU. JM ited and compiled by Hon, Tnonis 11, 1Is.ston from the OtHcial Itetords of Congress, Ihe work will be completed in 15 roval octavo vol- unu'8 of 751) pages each U of which are now road y. An additional 1 ulume w ill be publishc J 0111-1 in three months. 1 nun, 9.1; iaw Miuep, jou: jiuit iur., 94; nun Cult St 'll eaih: A WAY OF FJiOCUJllAXJ TUF. CYCLOPEDIA t Oil DKBATLS. Form u club of four, and remit the price of four books. und ftvo copies will be aeut'at the remitter's expense for carriage, or for ten Bubscnbcrs, eleven copies will be sent nt our expense for carriage. No other works will so libernllv reward tin prr Hons f AgentB. An Auht Wasdin mm Cnt'sn. Terms made known on application to the Publishers. LAMPS! L.IUirs S! LAIrliIM Head Quarters. i ANOTI1KR FRKSII ARRIVAL OF ! JO-X$ 4 MILLEIl S. IMPliOVKD PATFW C0AL oil. nunjrt.tis, ee foh BUKNING, COL KERO;!Ei;,oa OARRON OILS. MAKINC the heft aud cbapc-ht Light now in ut-e, uit able; lor Churches, Hlores. or familv line, no ihnmo r from Lvplosion und one half cheaper than any other light, now used aud ttyUALi TO ASS. The nbove lamps, with or without, Globes or fhadcb, can be had ut the NEW AND OHEAl DRUG STORE, l:cliiiiiRO Uiillilliig, llloninshiis, l'a , Where the undersigned would llesiieclfullv'iiiforul.lils Priends and (lie puldic ill general, that he has just re ceived Irom Ihe utiea, a larue and well silciled stoik of Hoods, in his kind consisting of t'ltllXII AMI PUIIItU IlltUlid. MUIHI-'INPS tulli:Mit; IlKuUNII t WIIULIlMI'ICCa. rAJ.NTcl OILS, VARNIIUS UVK srupp. win'iiow mass, op A Ll 8IZIS. PAIVP, 4. TOOTH ft ailAVINU IIHUSMUd. TOBACCO ic CIGARH, UP TUP. I1MP IIIIAN'llSt 1'i.npu.M i:uv, panov so.irs, 'imissErt ai itA-:r.s, Ulll'i IVIVLIS Si URANIJIIH pint jinuii'iNAl. usi:. til. Acf ciriTiNn, IIONIlTOtlHIIIllt. tlll.T MUUI.II IM! I'Ull PHAJli:S,c AdllUAP V.llllLTV ii1'cai:i:o. Ull, I. AM I'd AMltdlAllCS. I'l.UllliCAill'llllNlJSAPCTV PI.UII) I.AMPS4.HIIAni:s. Also All the most nonohr Patent Medicines of the ... .,..,,....., it-tMx.iuL ui um da),preiM-nptionsaud family medicines rnrcfully put up. N, H.-ilie Dental profession is till yru.-;; co ulnuejl uud V eth inserted, iu the tuo,t approved iiiauni r. rietuig ihaukful for past patronage, he lojii- u cuniiuuuiicu i me same, 1M , , O. M. HAUFAHUCH Hloomt-burg, Jan. lt'.Vl y, BARGAINS! BJWGAINS!. NEW GOODS TITTOUI.ll res; ipcctfully inform the citizens of Ligh it vicinity that lhev liavo hiwi rl... n vv rilrectaiid new nnd extensive uvsuriment of DRY GOODS AND GROCEUIBS, which they will sell chi an for cn,li. Tb.v l.s n i,,. variety! all that is tonimonly found in a '"'"uiabl. value, llnnnii the pnnati'ce of ciiilonic Country more, and aro determined to sell cheap. To ha f'10 ra 'i'"1 '"""' coniplninls of clll.lrill, it is t. selsctionof their tiHids they have paid strict altculioii , K ,iou I ,"" lauiily, null, dual, or tra-eler Iherifore, Ihei, lucrchandu',, will 'b,ar rixonnnendaUoi , bl'oul'1 K"l,out "' ,.r, und will prove to bo of the first class. I , .ypriOll, The proprietors cordially solicit a liberal share of pat- r l o prevdit this valuable ll.seueifroin bring cornier ronase. OiinoinorsMoulifdowcllto call und cxan'ine !! I!,,' r "w, ' r"raYinj. exi ciM at a urea' con their penornl xnriely before I'lirihasiniiilsowhere. M,H ."'"iid on tlio oulside of ihe, in oiler lo Country producu taken in i Jihaneo for coods at tho H"'1'" punliasers niraln.t bell) luiiosed upiil by lushest liaikcl price. k, si in worlhlcss luiitations of lr&. ' JiIAItTZ k J-.NT. l.lahl Slreit, Octobi r 2J, 1M9. I ADIES' ULACK GAITERS, at all I J rn ranpina from SO cents lo Jl Jo. at lT Pharpl. ss' cheap store May 10. ISnit, 1 lLOUR AND FEED for nala nl. !7 J. T fharplc cliaap cash eiorc May 15, isco. EOSTETTER'S stomach bitters. Ir Is a' fact that, at conio period, every mem ber of tUo litiman family is subject to dlscaso or disturbance of tho bodily functions) bill, in. i. .1,1 of n irnnil Ionic nml t he cicrchd of plain common sense, llicy may bo ablo so to reirulate 1110 sysiem us i C,;V"'U I""'", ": licnllli. In order to accomplish this tics red object, tho Iruo courso to pursuo Is certainly things at the least hniard of vital Strength and )if0, por this purpose, Dr. Hosteller Wis in- troditceil to this country a preparation bearing i.i.i. u i anow lncdiclne. but ono Hint WHICH Will prOUUCU u liaiu.iii si.m v. cpcralo powerfully upon tho slomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous ocnon, anu urns, uy uio tuuiue juv cess of strengthening nature, enable tho sys- tern to triumph over disease. i For tho euro of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau- sea, Flatulency, I.0S8 of Appetite, or any Ilillous I Complaints, arising irom a inurum iiiucuuu of tho Stomach or Dowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c, theso Hitters have no equal, Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con tracted by new settlers, and caused principally by tho chango of water and diet, will bo speedily regulated by a brief uso of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a dlscaso which is probably moro prevalent, in all its various forms, than any other, and tho causo of which may alwnys bo attributed to derangements of tho dlgcstivo organs, can bo cured without fall by using HOSTKTTKR'S STOMACH HITTERS, as per directions on tho bottle. For this disease every physician will reoommend Bitters of some kind ; then why not uso an article known to bo infal llliln? All nations have their Hitters.ns a pro- vpnllx-n of dlscaso nnd strencthener of tho sys tem in goncrnl; nnd among them all thcro la ; not to bo found a moro healthy people than i tho Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon sciontlfio experiments which 1 havo tended to povo tho value of this great preparation in tho ucalc of medical science. i Fever Asn Ancr. This trying and provok- I , ing disease, wlncu nxes Its relentless grasp on ' I tho body of man, reducing him to a mere sha- , I .l,,-i limn, nnd rondnvinrr him nhv- i bicnlly and mentally useless, can bo dtiven from tho body by tho uso of IIOSTETTUll'S IlGMJtVMJD JJllTlillo. iurllicr, nonooi ino above-stated diseases can bo contracted, oven in cxposod sit nations, if the Biltcrs arc used s per directions. And as they neither crcuto I wiuwa nor olTcnd tho pnlatc, nml rcnacr tin- ' ncccssnry ony clmngc of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote Bound sleep and healthy digestion, tho complaint is ie 1 mnre.l ns Pncedilvaa is consistent with the pro- , '. ., , i , auction ot n tnuruugii unu iei uiuiiviit tue. ror rmons in Advanced Years, who aro suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, theso Hitters nro invaluablo as a rcslorativo of strength and vigor, and need only be tried to bo appreciated. And to a mother whilo nursing these Hitlers arc indis pcnsablo, especially whero the mother's nour ishment is inadequate to tho demands of tho child, consen,ucnlIy her ttrcngth must yield, and hero it is whero a good tonic, such as Hostctter's Slomach Hitters, Is needed to impart, temporary strength and vigor to the system. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for all cases of debility, nnd, beforo so doing, bhould ask Ihcir physician, who, if ho is acquainted willi tho virtuo of Ilio Hitlers, will recommend their uso in all cases of weakness. CAUTION. Wo caution tho puUla against using any of tho many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach BirTEns, and sco Hint each bottle hns tlio words "Dr. J. Hostctter's Stomach Hitters" blown on tho eIJo of tho bottle, nnd stamped on tho mtlallic cap covering tho cork, and obsorvo that our tmtogrupn signaturo is on tho label. S-Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEH & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa and sold by oil druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout tho United States, Canada, South America, and Germany. .-ui. i li J. II. .Moytr. L. i' l.uti, Bloomsbiirg : A Mil ler, ic Co. Berwick; II. I'. Reiehird, Kspit.wn; M. C. Crier. Jo. Lvl, A. b. Kan!., & Co., ll.iiivilln. October 1. KVl am. NKW TINWAHE SHOP. MAIN STRUCT. OPPOSITE Till'. EXCIIAMin. THL uiidersiued refpertlnlly iuforms hi Iriemln and thii public g"iierallj. th.illi;h.H punhaied the -. stork nfjl C, Vhllard. and opined A NKW TIN. waki: ANiHiir.irr ikon iT.iti.irfiiMrAT, Iii tlio building formerly ocnipK-il for that purpose by the suid Mr. .'Milliard, wlK'ie ii is prepared to con. durt the business in nil its various branches, Tinwnre and Mou'-e cpmiting of all kinds made to or- ner mi tuori nonce anu ai mouerniu prires, AIo HTOVl.ri, of various sty I s, ciuutantl) for si 1 'or tj le or. JVi:n. ice-pairing none iu order in miiCK nine. ILr' Country produce taken in ouliamre for wnr! I'MIMt S. .V1U lUnmlmrg. IMirvarv U L"n. ilMMKMSIJlIIU. II Alt HER S1IOI'. 'pllll uudrrined resp'Tifnllv in'ornis ih" ntizTis wf L lllotimvhtirz.aud the pi, hi c gem-rally thai In hat &kinl tl c DAUUCIl Hi Ktl', located npi om.c 1 IboCotis Mouse Aiio'xi door to the Columbli D'iiocrat, in the wbili-Frame Cuildi g. oppo-i e Hip Cxrh ingc lilorKj where he is nt all times ready to wait upon his cus tomer to entire Fatjtl.iriniu, SUAVJlXG .) UAIR DRESSING, IVill lieexecutcowilh car nnd no iness and la the most fisliiou ilileslvie and on very moderate'terms. Cs'SIIAMPOOIM;, do i iu L'llySijIe, lie so lirits I ncreai-ed pu'ilic i.itronace and iil-'diii'S Ins best endeavors to give every rtiuoiial.lesali.liictiiiii . K. A. FPANPOnil lllonnisliurg. Jan. II, IH.O CHEAP HOOT AND SHOE STORE. T1IH stih-criber invites attention i his new ptock of Hoots and Himcs, Juel received from Philadelphia, ami coiiipriii g J-UIt GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Root, (iaiters, Ovford Ties, Schmiiidi Tics, Navy Cait crs, Clipper h, &c, &.c KOU LtVDli:S WEH. fiaiters w ith and w ithout heels, t-lprrs ditto, Riukins., French .Morrocco H.M.ties w ith uud without beets, tfcc ( Also, MfStHS' AHD CuiumtN's mm im mum i of every depcriptiou, at prices murh btlow th old tt,-J dard, and Ir-ss limn the saimi fjualiiy of (ioods cauie bought for at any oilier Htoru Iu tow n. , Work of .til kinds made to order ot th- best inatermlin the nentect manner nnd on reutouibl term, warra'd toeiual any city work and much In low city priced I keep none, hut the bt workmen, uud have liviter in rial than wns ever before brought to this-in lacttbe v cry Isvd to be had iu the city market, 1 CF.OltliU h. sandlK Ilanv ille, May 2ti, l?i.n. y. PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING 'I 111! kiib-crlber lionlil Inform his friends, llinlim is J iirnj pregiared to int up, on ,h,i notice, uu, In a scillillllc luauuer, the lnt 1 vi.m.v.1 vuiKTF.n i.imrr.vixn noii. nt 151 cents ier foot. All work warranted. , U. ll.lilIH.i:AN. .wiiis, i"a, i, iriu. TINWA11L3 & STUVE SI10 HMIL underfigned recpectfnlly Informs his olfnends i X and rutomers. that he has purihani-d hirothers Interei.t in the above i-PtablMim. nt. and tint eoiiem will herealter be conducted by himself etelutively. ' I j lie has jiut rtcened nnd otlVrs for sale the larg-1 2?A ful and most rxKn.jvu iissortmciit of t A NOV f?gj HTO V HS tver introdiicfd mlo this lArkct. T?e His fwk cuiiMts of a rompli-te nJrtnieut of the hot Cookmg and parlor tto es in tlm murP t. tog( tb- r with ttove FiMuns of every .Icm riptionOvni and Ho Hloves, Radiators, Oylindar Cloves, i'ui Iron Air-1 i mni riutrii, i iiiinuii Ptotes, etc., cti, ltrepine iilld , Tinwure conantly uu hand und in inufaetu d t-i order All kinds of repairing done, as ummI, mi t-liit notice Thu patronage of old HiemU nu.l n-w ton'ers re uciii tioves, x uniioii rioves, &c. WrVepine audi speiifully t('licited. A. S1RUPLRT. Hhtonifhurg January I IA5I-tr. MiOHXS BlfaWi OF JAMAICA ! FIvUDEItlCK I1R0VN, CHEMIST A IV I) lilt l! (GIST, .Vrr.EMsl Cbriir of Chnlnul aud Ifth Hmti, PIIII.AIIP.I.PIIIA, Sou: maniif.irlurer of llrown'a ;ssice of J.nnaca I. inner, uliith is recognized and iscnbed by ho Medical 1 acuity, and has become Uie landard fanily Mi'ilic oriiui iTiiatM.i ui...... I Tills Psseuio is a pre,aralion of unsiial excelleil-. I Iu ord.nary diarrhiia. iiuioirnt ilirdet. In short, null 1 Pjoslratluil "f the .li-f.ll v a inctiou. it I of ..VV' , 1rL , "VV."' " ? ,. ' "1 '',!.' and Chestnut Hlrei Is, Philadelphia Also for sale bv ull resneilribln In,. "1-,. ,n ,k c.i. abl ted Viales. .March 10, IMO-lim, want so. 1 MAttLIU'U iinowiui! HEAU WHAT THE PEOPLE SATJ The undrirnel Invtnir usl .?,.7."2.,Il'MprW'V, pprccmC IIOMtKOPATIlIO UKMKllira In our fvic, with the most BUNfuctfiry re-Mtts, nnd hurlng f,,i dr-nt-e In tbelr gcimlnrnr", purity, nnJ firicivey, cf..rir ref.iAinien.l them trt nil jerni ho Wi i to blrf vff(ri liable, nn 1 Ulleaetous rcmcdlfs at band fur pirYAkj n 'rTbeCltv. Win. H"-mer, edltftr of "Tl NVll.prn i,, pendent," Anhmn, N. Y ; tbe Iter. I- It. Cre-,T( h llectnr of PI. Petc-r Cbnreb, Auburn, N. v . the lto. 1T Ivr, Chftplahi ef the Auburn Sf-He Prhin u,e t Hiieufer l. IUer, Hwtor, Nett-H"dfrf Mm.j Uie r Allen fiicrli-, New-York Cinftremo (lie Iter. Mm, MebftW, I C-mferrnee, N. , thu lv, p. i Piatt, IWiH't, A 1. 1 the Iter, .bd.n K R;.ld., IltiiTal-n y llirt. Ii, L'lb-ii, N. Y.i tho Hon. Nml D-iw;, Purtlmi Me. l the lion. Hrhujhr CoKit, 3 mth-lleiid, lud.j t1, V (letrge Htimplirejs N. Y.t Hei'O ' """I. '1 . MIlAf The OhN iUle ,1 mmal, C'dumhiM, Ohio j the lion. II n tlrsbam, Mllne. Ill.j th lhn. 'fhnmn J n.a, Mvn'i full-, I'li.t tbi Mnn. JwtTi lVnellet, Ltleii, X V j llrhtnl. I , I'll''!. N- V. A. ., t. i t L'tlcn, X. l Jamci Plimkctt, Yq , Nnshvllle, Teiiu. list op specific itnMKnir:?. . N.i 1 For Kerer, Cmiientton, ntnl tufliimmitlnn. No! S Pir Worm Ferer, Worm ddlc, AVttllug tlii le Ko, 3, For Otdlc, Crylujl, 'i'tclhhv, nai ti'akefulritM ,f lHXo'f4'Fr Dlarrhei, Cliotera Infatituoi, and Hmmtt Cnuplhil. . . . . Nrt. .1 Fr Cdte, Orlplng. Dnmtery, or ntondy rinr. No. Ci 'r Cholera, Cholera Morhits, VonIlIng, Nn. T. For C-iuglm, 011, Inlluenra, nnd Core Tliront, No. B. ror Tooth-Hebe, Faep-achf, nnd XeumWiv. No. 9. For Headache, Ytrtltfo, Uel and FuUu'-h of n,f No.' 10. TvrrrU rntj For Weak and Iiprnntfl gtomm-h, CmM'p:.tloii, and l.lver C'inpl tint. No. 11. Fun KfmaLB luitKUULARiriM, Sv'atity, TalrJul, tr !?iippne'l l'crhids. Nrt. 12 For Iucorrlen, Profuse Mrnpe, and Rmrl- Down nr remme. X,(. 1 1. For ('roup, H.Ano Cmu'l), II id Hrr ttbtr No. 14SUT UUKIM 1'itW rir, Mu; rimple on the Fnc". No, irv. Rirs.rwitc1 Put For Piln, LuuencM, irg..r pea hi the Chest, li-wk, I.jIh. r.r Urnb-. A. For Fever an 1 Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ajru. CM Munian-wed Aciip. ... ... p'0r Piles f'hel m H'cillmr, 1'ileriml or i:tnrnn1 (j'Kor Sire, Weik, r y(l nned Kt-Mnrii !'!' i , C. For Catarrh, of lnff Handing or reccnl, elllur fRi obstruction or profuoe dlncbsrge. W. 0. For Whooping Cough, abating 111 violence itr Shortening its course. In all acute diseases, such as FeTcrs, Inflammtdto Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, llbrumatlFm, anl sueb tr tivcdlscnscns Hcarlct Fever, MenMcs nnd Erystpeh advantage ol K'vlng the proper remedies prmnpily vbius, and In nil such enses tde fpeclfics act like a c' The entire dbeuse Ii olten nrreted nt onee, nnd In all the violence of the attack Ii moderated, the disease tv i, put-A. nnd rei.drred lest rlnmierous. Coughs and Colds, w bloh ure of such fremient occerr nnd which so often liythe foundntlon of dWeiwcd W hroncIiUU nnd consumption, may all be nt once tutu, the Ktvtr nml Cough Pills. In nil chronic disenev,ich Dr-pepla, Weak Ftnms, Constipation, Mver Compl ilnl, Piles, I-emal iKblUlj.m Irregul iritles, old lien UUnn, ,Mme or Weak KeK, fhtwrl Fii't Kbeum, nnd other old eruptions, the enf e has 'e1f.rt whose proper application will atlcrd a cure In alnmst evcrr tiiMuiiee. Often thv cure of a sin tie chronic dinVu'ly.m ni Dj-pepfln, IMea or CHtarrh, Headache er Female Uml nesi, bus I ore than paid for tbc case ten tlmts over, rmcK. Cae of 20 vials complete, In morocco, and nook , . , t (j C of '.'0 vl-tls and llook, plnln. ... .4 Cne of 15 numbered boxe-s, and Hook J Ciisc of fi boti-s, numbered, and Hook Mngle nunihcreii boei, with directions. 25 ceii'i, Jmgl lettered hoes, nllh dlrcftlons,. MceM. Large case uf 2 or. vial?, for plaottrs and iihj6lclai,f..tl5 f AI.S0 SPECIFIC". Koi Asthm on Phthisic. Oppressed, DlfCeult, I.atvirM PreatMng, tit tended with Cough uud Expectoration. I'fk 0 cents per bo. Fun Kan Discharges ami DKArx n Dlichargrs from tl Kar, tbf result of Scarlet Fever, Meashs, ur MercurUk For Noises In tbc Head, Ilardne-3 of Hearing, und Ituigiij In tbc Kins, and Knr-nibe, Price, oil cents per box. Fob Hcnora'M. Enlarged Clauds, Fnlnrged nnd Iiiduml. ed Toiifils, wt-llhic and Old Clceri, Scrtfuluuj Cnclici) ci Cldldren. Price, Ml cents per box. For (lisrnAt. DunuTV. Pbylcal or Nervous WealmM, Klther the result of J"k-koi("S( Ktce-slvo MedlcaUou, or Ii hmistlng Disiharges. Price, f-0 cents per box. Fn Ihtoi sv, Fluid Accumulations, Tumid 15 elllns,h,i Scanty Pecrellons. Pi Ice, Mt ccnls per box. Fob .ka Sickse-. Deathly Mckneps, Yerllgo, Naii', Vomiting. SlcUncss from riding or motion. Prlct, 50 citi-4 per box. Foit Ckivarv DistARC1 For Oravel, Renal Calculi, r,IB cult, Painful Urination, DiWascs sf the Kidneys. rVtotf ccnu pr bt'X. Puk Hi-misai Fvumions Involuntary Dihrgri nc4 Cotic(uent i'n.slratlon and Debility, Had llesultsof FtU Habits. 1 he uost sueceiful nnd enlclent remedy Vimsi, and may be nhed upon ns a cure. Price, with full tlirte Hons, 1 per lo. Pei sons wb wMi to place tbemc1res under l.'ic profci slonnl care, ft to seek advice of Prof. Ilt'MrUHKic, fund so, nt bis ofli:e 602 Hroadwny, divlly from S A.M. to b P.U or ny letter, OUR REMHDIF8 RY MAIU Iok ovf thi lint; ms,ke up n cate of whnt Vtndyi choose, nnrf Inctosw the amount In ft current note or f tan ti by mall to our nddnss, at No. 6(12 Hroadnrny, NeH-Ytrk, nnd the medicine will be duly returned by mall or expr, free of rlnrpe. AOr.NTS WANTED. Ye desire nn nctWe, efficient App-t for the uie of our Remedies In every town or commun!'; In the Ulited fctalcs. Address Dr. F. IICMPIIItKYP A Co. No 60J IlROAPWir, Nw-yoitt Sold y E. P. LUTZ.Ainii. , April7,l-fn. 5 A K IT O 7X,n S m NHVLR nnitlLITATLS, IT isrOMPOUNDLD I'.S'l IliLLY I'KOM fll'MP if j ii.HOi'como nn est iniislieii lari. a stainiard Ji flinr- and ajn roved by all than llllru .... .1 1 . derce in ull the tlnoi -fc 'ittenifcil, es foi w hich it is re, mu ll has cured thon. two veiirs who had glv n lie liliniernns liu mv onsfssimi show Tit floe mimi Up n- Z4 ui up nil Imp, rd rrlitl so icrtd ceil he. ha ii ft daptedln the tenipfl- meiuof Uie iiKilvidital surl qti jntilie ns tuadl IH the iliciates of you li the UhC of the TOR nml It will citr ous AlttieKs, Dytpepm nt' Complaints, Hytcn acl Habitual Co stietnt ft 1 Mr bus. Cholera lofan-l Finale ll'eakentsues and r i in King it nml lornl a W gently on tin; Umwl. ru .jour IildgMiient rm( 2 1. 1 V U I! INVIGOM Jixir Cfinpliints r- Choht I holt, a fidp may ne usi it niratn Afrjlitni. Ii ull (it hnsnil Ordmarif Family rfCK lli:.lA(ji;, t, M iioo.riod- mo KMifi i"" ui roiiiiiieiiri-iiieiii ss- oi arm h, AH who use it ar$ giv- wg their testiiimny ' Is tavor. bJ mix wat nit i thi: mouth with tiii, n yiCURATOU AND SWALLOW I.OTD "I OfiK'I lltl rtucK cay; doluiii vfm botu.k. 41 SO. SANFOHD'S FAMILY mmm puis, COMPOUNDS!) rilOA! Purr Vtgtloblt F.itraets, itrfnvtvum Glass ClStt S 'Ugh, aad mil Keen in any XavttfV Pho l-AMILV CA-i .TI1ARTIC PIM, ' ecni t hut ui ni'd r-. I th.irtlc whh h the p pneiorliaf Used in Ins twenty jenra Jhe conrlanty in those who have long sui-J.nUon winch all thejr use, has induced in the reach olnll. uraciice more tin' tr.isln dfniiind fi Ui-ol tho PII.Land'' exj less in ric-mi me lo plnre IIh-iii hi' know that (liiTerTt' i port ions n lie liuw I'll AR IJC PILL j this wi It itroiu n vnii'ty n llrnclH wliirhnit nil miiit.irv rannl.iiiu Tl n prott'ssiou welli " lli'iiiics.H t nn dilfereul This FAMILV CA-1 with dui re lr re nee to, w fart. ben compoundeiti W purest Vegetable Cx-' r every part nf hf till-1 ?7 nor and iri in n'l co- f n-edid, p n r Ii ns I He- I MAtll fmiINFfS. pAINff LnsiivtM'ss. Pain xsn sog w )t ren f 'nihil t RASOMNTS f f I I.f iviiie Paik t.n IK Huhenfm i.vir V viioit dopy, frouifciid"! 2 (fn coin, wi irb ir"' Ny II iieeetfd,etdin, n loiitr ct urxeoi I'tU1 LOSS Of ApPFinK. i, H OEH'iNO f-'NTU' Cntn OVKR THK COPY ' IIeOI.MMM II f ' cni or wnnirr isths( n n nil litri a:it HfiKsen, Worms im w ,i i-uphi-n rr Ai IE nrt'M a 'j iiim, n grpntl Q TihifiiR of I he and ininy tlneases lowhirli fleih ik heir Km liuw r ouslo mention in Ibis ndvi rtiseuiPiit Dfst IP1 PRIl'H 30 CI N'IS PlIB LlVTR iKVinnROim AND FAHttY rTUAr.TtCr' are retailed by Druggrym generally, and kuldnlia" .lit III' I tl it 1 n.ln 1.. .11 I - H. 1 . VV. SANFOIt D. M I). Munufnctiirer und Preprif"1' &1XFOIW& LvrinoiitTon aad m.u cathaiitic pills, C7 268 IIIIO All WA V Ol NFKAL AOLNTS TOR DUKlMSBe'RO, Geo. M, Hagenbuch, H, P. Lutt. und John R M"" June 4. Ir-.ili jy'in. II. 0. UOWER, SUR(JE0X DEMIST l)F.SIUhXVr.,Vd Brick Bulldinf Mav llartm !J vn woxn eirecc, Uloamtburg l'a. S'i'JZ'.ih HUnlT.CTFDM.V Hirers his pff'""" fmgffiWL al sertices Iu tho ladies uud cinllfliin' JJlrS ri '""oiiikbiiri! and viiiull) lie H prrr"' J-A "Iu attend to all the various npiM!" Dentistry, and u provided Willi the latest iiupreuu I'llKUK IN 'I KK Til. IVhiihwill M Inserted on pivot or gold plate I0'1',ii,unaliirnl 1 I lt .ll.ii.rt... ......I.. ,.e -,,1-Li alulU June 13, 1S57 Qiiiy ISJ, CPALDING'S Ccliibratpd I'rT"J IT I fllue. Cor sale al I. T flurfiloa cheap rain W' .... uti... ..jiiy ,.- -