Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 25, 1860, Image 3

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iyulftfflbiii JiMiwrni
rort. Tim
W6 J4 Cp-v- 01 1)4
Tlio Dkmocrat is oflcrcil to pukcribcrs
lontno Uampaign nt tho following rntcs !
bincle copy, - - 40 eta.
yfcn copies, - - 83,00.
fKMj. " jpayiiiont ia all cases to be made in ail.
fjjf. Way Our friends are solicited to get up
4 jBlanks! Blanks!
U'-ME beautiful lot of GoxsTAiiMi Sales
'XDrkus, Justioks 1!la.nks of all l;iiida,fbr
vrsole at tlia office of the Columbia Dcmo-"cTat.
The "Democratic 7a," U tho
ifam'o of a newpapor publi'dicd in llloom
field Porry co. Pa., by J. II. Cooper Kn,
It in a neat paper, and lias tho ring of the
true metal.
The "American Agriculturist" for
August has been received. This is one of
ilSlfeC!,t n,"l cheapest Agricultural papers
j6ntlio country ,aml thou'd bo liberally p.v
'SwirSmzou' by all classes, and particularly
Tfarmerj. Published by Orange Judd, X.
lYFSHl per annum.
.fjTnr. IIkckii'ts of the Lackawanna and
Koomsburg K. 11., from tho passenger
business alonn, for tho month of July,
"amounted lo S(i,'JI5,0l. This is tho lar
est month's business tho Company has
.'"done! fcinco it' was organized, and is a
gratifying increase in proportion as hi
facilities are added. 1
B6y- A Lady friend writes us "that the
committee of arrangements for our county
fair j' have omitted a very iiuportent chss
of things for which there sdiould bo a libe
ral premium awarded it U for tho best
trot inj old Uaclilor in single harness, the
ring to be open to all competitors, the ob
jeet boing the improvement of the ttock."
Safest Antidote against sorroto is
Employment," and tho surest remedy
against vice, U depositing all your money
nofc inmcdiatciy needed in. procuring tho
necessaries of life, in tho Franklin Savins
l'flnaK. 13(1 .South Fourth street, below
Chestnut, Philadelphia, whore it can bo
ivitUtlrMirji wheu required, without notice
ttitlH per cent interest, Invcatnients arc
inado.pnly in the most reliable securities
'i'lus Saving FuHd never suspended, nnd
iays ingold or silver if desired. Sec ad
vertisement iu another column.
TilE Republican mccling of tho OtU ult.
"d:th;0 good effect of waking up (do Uciio
crata iu this vicinity. A few days ao a
number-of nieu connected with IMcKidvy,
; Ncal itCo's, furnace, concluded to raise a
hickory4pole iu order to show their pref
erence for one of the Presidential caudiditcs.
Soino ladies of the town, with commcnta-
t blojcritlm'.iasiu, went to work and madoa
largo' flag and streamer to accompany tin
P'iMiKvcry ti'U'S kcw in readiness, oi
Saturday' last a crowd congregated at tin
-graMy'coniinoii below (ho depot, and pro.
i cc?$$"t ercct 1,10 I'olO) which, by the
w?y)?" .iLfill(1 ono i Jc!,la nearly 100 foot in
length.Iu a remarkably short timo, it
wiSlSel '" 1,19 lirolier position, and
''MIi ?vr c'luor wcro f5'W' as tho flag
. bearing the honored names of Uiieckin-
lupaEL'ANE, .t Foster, was thrown out
li.' to 'tho breeze. The editor of thU papr
mi leiriij called for, responded by making a
row remarks. Col. Fukkzk, who was just
returning home after several clays absence,
i wag called for and proceeded to make a
few effective remarks from the carriage.
' AVe presume tho reason why ho did not
occupy tho stand was, that it resembled
tho Republican platform, being shaky and
" built on rails. It is evident that our op--,
ponents'fear Col. Freeze, as in this week's
"Republican" we aro informed that "mm.
less he stays off the stump, thty" (the lie
J publicans) "mill vote dead againit him."
Amusing,' truly !
Thcro was a marked dificrenco between
this meeting, and tho ono held by the Op
position. .'. Largo posters wcio sent by tho
; latter all over tho County, announcing
i soino ofkthoir best speakers, among whom
may bo. mentioned Curtiii : and no stone
was leu unturned to secure an attenuanco.
d, The result ha.? been chronicled. The
.in cheering rwas douo by ono gentleman on
tho platform pounding tho tloor with his
u cane, two intoxicated darkies yelling, nnd
one man pounding the grass with Ids fist.
No notice was giren of tho Democratic
meeting on the contrary, yet a crowd as
fCiscmb'led which astonished. all by its size;
and thotliundcriiig cheers that went up
were liearlfelt.
Dr. John protests in this week's paper
v against being called an "abolitionist," yet
speaks of us "as the Slavo Codo factioli
of Bloomsburg." He careful Dr. ! Tho
contemptuous manner in which he speaks
' of Irishmen shows that tho old tincture of
''Knojr Nothingiam" ia in his bones, and
that it is with difficulty ho can restrain the
derlretjualign our foreign born population.-
-They will bo apt to remember his
sncc'riftit tho polls,
Seward's first caiiipainn sncoch wn .In.
livcrcd at Boston on tho lyth Just. Iu
that Micech lie tirnplniiiio,! it.. ((.'. - '
... .....v- ... uiiijjii.ujc lerms, anu plctlg"
ed the Illinois champion of negro equality
to carry out tho sentiments of A, JL
cal Abolitionists of tho North lo tho full
Wo copy the following from the ' .peech :
"I know, indeed, flint r.m cni,:.,...iH
JlflVO llflf Ulu-vj 1,.., . 1 .t
Sfnrn nf Mn,l V A1 1 i t ' ;, . .
u. uuier ouues, liavo nttclllptcU to drive
the discipks.of that illustrious teacher
John OuineyAdamsl from tiZ nil W
ltur if i In til1,f il... r r 7 1
JJut it is to-mglit that I am frco to confess
Ihtbofonn,? onrtI,,B.n' ffl'7rlVwi,Ess UPOXNP.W
IniiiUt Ijo lounu, whether ho was nf nr. ri!tvi'ii.ii'j.i- ,.
tlicrn or bouthcru birth., whether ho wns
of the "solid tnen of llostoll," or of tho
iigncmcn ol MissH'.inni, have assailed mo
for tho maintenanco of those doctrines, I
i, ... ... 1 ,',
have sought to communo With Ills spirit,
and to loam From him whether ilm iIm
iu which 1 was engaged was well and wor
thilydono. AVhat a commentary tinon
of John lluincif Adams, the people rf the
United kttntcs, uho huilcd him fiom pow
er antljiom jiUcn. arc cal ins to the head
of the flatten, to tilt very seal from tvhich
he was rxpTiitttf Abraham Lincoln (en-
tliusiastio cheers) whose claim to that
scut is that he (onfesses the olliaatiannl
that uIOtiKU LAW applause ivhich the
Sage uf Quiuct )ir,c awicd,uiid that he
avoics himself, yon weat. ok wok, roil
Prolonged cheering. This, gentlemen,
is my simple confession. 1 desire now on
ly to say to you that ijou have arrived at
the last .itt gc of this ' conflict h-fore you
reach tltc triumph which is to inaugurate
thh pi eat polity into the govcrmcent nj
ths United Stales."
General Foster.
Tho Ccntro Democrat, the Lincoln or
gan of Col. Curtin, puWishcd at Dollo
l'onto, tho reudenco of Col. Curtin, has
taken up tho cudgch in defence of Gen,
Foster against the malignant .landers of
his own party.
We take the subjoined extract from that
paper of the l'Jtli ult:
" A finer gentleman than Qen. Foster
cannot bo found iu tho State, and it ia an
infernal outrage for his party to treat
him bo shabbily. Ho is tho model of an
American gentleman and statesman. Ho
is an upright, consistent man, and such
men aro always wclcomo to our ranks.
Ono thing wo will promiso him, if ho
joius us we win treat mm iiccently, and
that is more than tho democrats aro do
ing for him at Uio present time. We aro
norry wo nro placed in a hostile position
towards Gen Foster,. for woliko him vi-rv
much, and come what may, no word of
auuso snaii ever escape- our lips, when
speaking of him, nor will wo stand by and
hear him traduced by any one. The man
that maligns him in our presenco, will be
told he U mistaken if he repeats his abuso
he will bo told ho is a liar and if he
reiterates a third time, what wo know to
bo false, wo will smash his teeth down his
throat. For General Foster wo have the
niarmest feeling of personal friendship."
E7"See Sinf.,rd' I.tirn. Im-iuc-haior and Cathartic
rai... in another riduiiut.
M A It K 1 1: o .
At Ihe 1'orks Hotel, in rials iilare, on Wednesday the
viiin nisi., ny me Itev J II. IImiiim, Mr, C. M. Ilisrs.i.f
il lliilli-naack, l.uvriieCii., li.
In ril.ickfliinny, mi Wednesday, August ITlh, nt lli
house nl the i.ride'a I'alhrr by K-v. Juhu JuIiiisdii, .Mr.
Juus A. IIaktui, to -Mijk Ki.sik -l ia.
si 1 1: i .
In Mifflin tiiiishii. Col inn !,i,i county M.indaylaat,
lr Iiiil.ipllARi.ihtit, in tlntad .Mr i.fhis age
In rlloiimshurgv-on the nth of August, .Visa rfAs.u
Amuia, daiiehti-r or J.-icoI, k. .-ii.,i i'h.-, i im
nged Hi years. I month ami 23 iln) s. ' '
iln mo III; Inn., at .Mt. Cilcad, .Vmrow cnunly, Ohio,
.Mr. Uamal Itaiiuii.i it. r,,riu..ri., ..e i,.- .1 -
rei.ledunt;ol. Tjuun's lann.) aged about M ) tars.
lit l.lslit - Street, Julyjoth, IHUO, JIakv IIehhia, daiidh.
ter ore. W. and Cathariue Blldiiuon. aged 1 year and 8
In l.ijht street, Aupivt Hllh. Wttur S son of f
tad talliatiiiehdiiunii, aced about 0 years.
At Asbtiry. Columbia rounty, on the COili inn., of Con.
siiiptinn, Ciakimia a I'aalar, aged II j ears, ono inn.
aid days.
Vlcat l
Uutter. . ,
Lartl . . , .
. ti
. CO
. ;ti
1 00
Con ,
litickhcal. .
, 12 I Dried Apples. 1 AO
Candidates Dcpavtmcnt.
t? AkoCMfMi-NT! or Camiiu1is, fur iinminnttnn
for public lllrcs, will be iliargtd S.', (;uh. ,i uLJu 1
rartabty in ifraact,
JOHN (!. l-'ltJiKZK
U'lll bo by his Irleiidg as a randnlnlo
ran .win Kit of nit: f.r.aisMivtti:
t-i Ilu Hemo.'.!! 11, Convention of t'olumbia LoiiulyHub
juct to its dctisicui,
WIM.IAM I.AIIOX, of llilairreek loirn.llip. ne
ariiautlirir'd niy, will lien rmuliiliM for ('mil
nihisioner, Ihilall, sulijeil tolhu usages of Uio t'oluni.
bi.t'oiinty lleiiH ratic Convention.
Ot rionin lonhip, m,ii i,e a ramliihile for nulls-
Fhts,- UUVKthH of Col 1,1,1 enmity, 1,,'fure iho
niiiisis ( iMiuty Unveulion, .iil'ji'il to iu usages.
pnonioxoTAuv, s.c. I
JAfOn r.VKltl.', of lllmini tinMHlilp, l be a ram'
ill! ite this idll, for n,l r.i'i.iA-
oflhil several fours nf Columbia lomly sul'Jvrt lo Ilu
u.jcii ol Ihe Ilenioralie County I'onvi iiiioii.
niniV It. KLIN'l,of Orange township. o are an.
talnxeil lo aiinnu. . u ill h.. .un,li..u r...
BKH (' TIIF. Ll.atUirUHF.. subjutta tho dc'risnill
ol IU3 Zeujoiratie I'ouenuuil ofColuuibii tountv.
Of Ebarlof. townm. will bu a candidatn for nm.
m'tM tXD HFAJOHLKIl nf Columbia rountv. heiW
the coning County Coiytntion. mbjetl to isrule.
JF.a3ClOLiaiArJ,if ranite, we aro nuitiorizcd (i
annoilcti, wiII4iu uOndidale tor tlm ivltitu of Pro-
thnnotaryVat the uppioanjug Genenit Lletttou, suhect
"lTu " -'inioia iiHimv ucmocraiio uon-
OIIN III K. Ft , of Itiairrrfk toum-hip, we nro
il ntiihoilxd tn wy, will h a Candidate for Comuu
hiouei of edumbiarouuiy, ufdll, snl.jut to tKuhUfi
i s of the DlucKiutu County tyuvtntton,
"ism i firry one Alt n Mttmax I
"no rrlco nothing- Ptorp. No ;oo Mur
.1. " Rivth. s-tiii.diriu.
v""'r r"r rrt"" ,mvo ""uti every one il.
J POOlU are UCll Hlflliecd Btld Orpniirn.. nn.1
HlniUkcn Willi iliomaklnu ia Dial all can buy with
"l0 "'J'0 no "t iiia1nic,wl.lcli will
'""I1" ". i" tli mo.t fa.lil.mabieandlieu man.
. """ .'
.' """"ccni.m siarktt, nlmvo Sixth Bt.
No. wi. msm k m
l'mrnu nmi Marker irm.i. .i.. ,.m u,i. .I...
u'on"! Mllnned that ilia only way to build up
"-.inM1i ioamgond,tnea. nn.iiire
', ,h,",T!" VZ"? l'"mc ? "..
" hatlidil ll .lay, and o Intend to s our
Bou.l.fle.crwnt.d,..,MH.iico,t,(noi,.onnd no
lem.iund no varlaiinn in innrL...i ,.,!. -n.i
1 """,al" "i'l'out imiimj. fh.,n iny d
' i'" ""'""'T'1' ,.r,c,,,,'.,.". ,;,r. ""r,,,";n "'' n.i
H. W. corner I'uiirllt and Mattel ata. l'liila.
reuru.ny a, lrtl.1). I Jin.
C7--IIIOMAa W. .MATTHOV, lleceiled tlia 1'rlr.o I
.ileilal at the w orld'a l air in Loudon leil, forTUUNKS,
CAltl'IlT IIAIJS, lloola, ihoes and Gumi. Oreat induce
menu ore now minted to uncliaacra of the above aril
dc. Thl I. inucli the Urgent Hoik if trunk, Catiet
llaga, VulicuA, tc., in I'liilad. Idna ery cheai for chaIi
No. -I'M Market Street, ono door aliovc 4lli, Ihtitk title.
lD"Tlii. Iji'Iiii; tlie eniKin (iftlio )ear when iliarheea,
d)seu1ery, andcliulerannd unhn)ity hut too prcintviit,
ne remind our render! of Ilrnun'a r.sscnec or Jamaica
(linger, and his lucompnralila Cholera Mijlure. Eachncla
wilhcuratlleand poller. The incditinea above'
iiainmlliavelruly arretted the fatal progress ol" disease,
and saved hundreds of 111 es.
rcmalo Health! rtmale Health 1!
.indium -i ii.-ui.ik-h mi hit iron! iicrangeinen l g oeru-
Ihr to Ilie.e. n,... and , co ,, ,e,e ...
1 IIIU HKIK..KIS Or UlllTlS.or LtOLOMlIUA, Milllll its
rim.t.inl alteiidauts, I.AS'tiem:, I'RimiiATiov, I.amk or
Whk llACK,nud(ltMnAt.UiniuTV. No one ran be en
tirely nrll Mhotlius sullers, nnd In liuiidrcds of cases
heiiltli is utterly uuderniined. Old school medicines nnd
ilrujs iln hut little (,'ood iiflcti much Injury! kill Hum,
riiai.vs'iAriiiclloiiFoeMiiieKrMAiEi'ii,t.s are Just tlu
thinf!. nlieiln; promptly, and curing permanently, A
dollar's v, orth h ill dumorc cood than quarts of nostrums,
orsixiiiuiitlrsnltend.iucuoiiuduilor, 8 boxes fnrfl.
Single bores W cts.
N. U.A full set of IkiMrnnevs' UoMiorATiitc Creams,
ullll Hook of Directions, and twenty diirt-reut lleincdies
iu larpe i i lls, inorurco case, $.5 ; dntu, in plain mse, 84 i
case nf fifteen luxes, and Hook, Single boxes,
cents ami oil cents.
These Kemeilies, by the single hot or case, lira sent by
male or express, free of charge, to any address, en re
ceipt of thu price. Address,
im.r. HUMPiinr.y &uo
No. Uroadnuy, New York.
Sold by 111'. LUTZ, Agent, bloomsburg, fa.
Even those w he arc in th enjoyment of perfect heallli
frc-iufiitly have neod toh;ie recourse totoniraaa prceii
tivcn of iliseasu, Wc nro never too ut-ll jnnored ag.iinst
the dtfnniilts of "the ills thnt ilei-h is heir to,' Such nn in-
if orator thrymny fliittlit HoTrtTTi r'h liirrrns-n medi
cine that cannot bu taken rrgularly wilhoutghhi? vitality
uiiil ilnniiriiy tDthct-jttU-ni. AtlliUncasoti.partiiutarly,
ths UrongcstiUiin id not proof agjinst the matari t, in cer
tain section,) of tlm country. In atl cases of fecr nml
Ague, the Itm kill i more pottnt than any nniount nf qui
iti ne, while the most ilangerous cue of billions fetr
yieltltoitswondcrful pritpurlics. 'i'lmfcC whohavp tried
the meirine u ill never ti5C nnother.fornnyof the ailmtrntq
which tliolloiErrtit IJitnR professes to subdue. To
IhohC uhuh.ivc not made the expeninent, e corthally
riTmnniPnil an early npp.icaiion tuthe llirrrnsf whemver
they are strkWcn by tliseaseu uf the digestive org anu.
Sold by all druggist in thu world.
CBce adterliricment iu another Poliinm,
.Mttr'r'ATW LI PR HLI.S. The high and envied nl
chnty uliich this prc-ennurut niediiiun tus acquired for
its im nrialile eitiuicy in all disea-ea hn h it profofes
tufuru, h.m rendcrod the iiitiul practice T ostetit4tiouu
putting not only uiinecet-siry but unworthy of them.
Thry arc known by their fruiis, thfir good work- testi
fy for them, and they.thrhe not by the faith of tinkered
uloittc. In all cawea of cobtivencKS, dyspepsia, billitum
ami liver allVction, piles, rhetunati-nt, feteru & ucuex,
obstinate head nrhes, and all general derangements of
health, these Tills have invariably proven a certain and
speedy remedy. A single trial.w HI pUcelthe J,itu Villa
beyond ths rout h of tompimiun in thu estimation of
erry patient.
Dr. Moifafa I'lioenU Ihttert, w ill h-"found equally cf
Head us in all case-inf neroui debility, dyspepsia, head
ache, tlm eickuenit incident lo feuialun in delicatw hcnlih.
utid every kind, of wertknesH tf thu digestive or!.ins.
Tor fijle by W. 11. Mntidt, H-'U llroadway, New York,
and by medicine dealers and dru;gitt generally through
it the country
February 10, lGO-lOm-Tun.
K7" Tho Heavens were illuminated on the evening ot
AuRiifit S7, IWtby ths niopt splendid Aurora Rorealis
ever cecn In the teniury. Hajnof tii-coloredlighUllarih.
cd across the kj, and ths changes were beautiful hi the
sxtreme. Atone timen rnpl observer remarked, that
he faucied'he could scu tho sparkling lights ltriu ihem
sclvea into tho following worJs: "liny all your garments
I the Ilruwn Htone Clrtliing Hall of WiLhov,
Nos, Iti3andtjt). Chetuut tircet, above Sivih, rhilada."
BV Virtue of several writs of Venditioni rivonas, is
sUi'd out of Hie Court of Common I'll ',!,.
couniy.ln me directed, will bi) cpucd to Public fcJ.ile, on
MKYth'ir, TilK M JL1VOF Afc'.UflMi. Ji-oO, at
,' "omnniiie uiwimwii, o uie. uouri J Inline, in
iuoomnurg, nn toijowiHgm ncnhed properly towit;
All that cwil.'lhl lot of croiimt nitunln in ill.
Ilbh'in tow Ubhhi. t'olumhu count v. bounded nun . ltte nl... I
ns follows, to wit: on Hoj northeast by Jlam street of
l rum in., n, im iiiu uuin--iibi ny an iiuey, oil tlie south.
wet t b an alley, and on the northwest by lot of
1 .coiitumiiis out hall of an acr bo the saiuu more
or less, wheroun iserecUd alwottory r'RAMKDVVl.LL
HOUH, a 1'r.iMiu Ktabto and other out buildings
rtvieil, taken in execution and to be sold as the prop
criy of Jonah 11, Kurgan.
All Hint certain trad ofUnds situaio in rtenvcr town
fhip, C'olumhia couuly, l'a., bounded usiollows: on the
r.iM ny,i piimic ro,oi, on tnu tjoutu hy lands of .Mauaxtu
AlnJuu-l'ii hmrsHtid others, on thu west hy t.uut ofisim.
man it lloiiti, and on thi noith by land ol John and Jteu
bon Merr.nuer, coniaiutug 4ty lit -n nu mres, twenty tivu
to res ot whiilt are cleared Limls, whereon are (reeled a
two story l ilAlir. DWKLI.lNti lluCHi:, Frame Kitch
en.ul'r.imo Uaru um other out butldius wad the ap-purlenaiH-es.
H-ud, taken in execution and to be huld as the prop,
criy of Charles K. Mann,
A CNrl.'iiu lot of ground situato in Maine towiulnp,
rolumbia i ouuty, adjoining lands o Uauc Vetttr on the
nod j, Aaron ikrliucir on the south, wlpi and eat,
toiitaiuiii' one at ri'ol bind, w hereon are erected none
nnd a ball r-tory Fit AM 15 DVVIII.LINtillOL'tfJi.a Frame
htablij ai id u will uf water at the door.
Onn other tract of IjiU miiikn in Heaver and Mamc
towiifchits.'nlumbi,t mil my. adjoining lands tf Charl's
Maun on the not ih, Jicoh hliumau s heirs on the noith,
Abrahiim K net hi wu the south, Charles Fikherand Jacob
lliuderhter on thu east, and Marv L'ulu on thu witJ
coutaiuiug one hundred and onemrisundalult with the
uppurlcnames.about ten acres of whieh is t leu red laud,
(Seized, liikLii tn exciutiou and to b: kold as the pron
crlyofjatobllossler. ALSO.
Althe same tlmeitud vittuonf h writ ofn.
ran FmIi. all that ttitam two story 1'K AM K lnVi:i,l.
IM! HOUlili or building situate in Ihi lor, usliiu of Btoll
nai tetiaiu two story rK.vnir;
luildms mtiiattj in Ilm iom iiuliln of Hi nit.
in the county of Columbia, on tin bimtli bidu of thu main
rMuienijing ironi isiounuburg to fiern ick, Ieiiig in the
tillage of Kcp)town, eaid building coutaiuiug in trunl
iwvuty hi fei,t, and In depth tilty two f-et. and thu lot
or piece ol ground and curtilage uppurtemaut io thu said
building, bounded on the Hurt beaut by Iaac MiKamy, on
the northwest by David Wlntmeyti, on the north by the
main road a fore ho M mid on thu south by an alley.
M-und, taken in etecutwnand tm be kold as ih vjon
erty of William A. Case.
Purttirr'a Orntr, l Shtriff,
Illoonuburg, Aug 11, lrO. (
WiHopett rooms nt tho Kx change Ilottl, tn Itlooimbiirg,
our ma me iuun it-rui oi uouii, lor ine snieui rri i;
TACLKi. of every variety, to tint all kinds of artVe
lions, of the,cye; Microscope t, spy uuilJUuizrlng glah
es, of wry kite. Telescopes, niagint)ing aud Opia
jlatses.and wiry other art uio in thu optical line,
i-pet lades and gUcsei. aud iH.trumciii al Muds
vyin ds tarciuuy r paired
If" Mtf ahtd)i kt,i-pa tba bis1 E)u-U'atcr fur bale
Augiut ll, la).
VMUVK imOWN, Jit..
Ninth anil llirstniit streets,
orrostTK Tin "oihakd iiousa,"
Toilet Articles.
Lutiln's, CViuttray's, Ilailey's, ate, aYc,, fee., rerfuincrv.
Hosns. Hn, h,.l. . 'I'lillet tw.i.. i . "
r.AU l)i,'oUHir, oflhelifit distillers.
ItttST LvOt.t.ll I'm,-,. It.K.ll.a ..rnll .I... ....I .....
JraTlMUHfcTwiTM WssiikSofappruvtid kind.
lltST ENULIflfl II It R llpliKtita
pOMM "l" kinds, Ilu thin, India Ilubbor, fcc, ice.
Auoo0A Willi cnolcu Pvruni.
i Ki:ii K niunv.v,
a . . .o- .B- ' -,, 11111 flieitnut hll.
a. r. cnrtEORouoii. 0, Allra,
Fish, Clicrsv, ami rroTivions,
10 Noilli Wharves, nuino .Market Ut.
racking and Curing House, Dili nnd Kred PU.,
. . rilll.AUCI.l'IIIA.
H. V. Cur. Third and Market Sts.,
. I'lULAiiru.riir.v.
usr I'ards $1.50 per lOUO.-iJa
Aiigu'l 4. 1H.0-V.m.
311 WAt.NIJT SrilEET,
(below l-'ourth til.,)
1'illl.AnCLNItA, Ta.
Augut4, IWO-l.'m.
Spun Cotton for Cmilklnjr, Rnp"(i, Twins,Tar, Pitch,
Oakum, Itlutks, anil Oars, A-t.
Atifiist 1, .tA Mm.
General Commission Merchants.
I . . . n.Ai.fcii 11
, ' ' & VStft. : SlZZX'
i'ruiu, drain, Scuds, lleaim. Whiskey, Wool,
quinary 1 1 ou'icu iuki mercilliiuittJ
N'o. 34 Norhi WiuRt, rmttrnLrnu.
fTT Coiisisnmentii of rrnvlsimnt. Fhntr and Country
Produce foluited, uud returns promptly made. Cash
mUuiici'd nhen denlred.
UUnilKS for all kinds of nli, rWslonn, Flour,
Dried I ruitK. fti, tilled nt tlio low est Cash Triceo.
Auciict 4, iMiil -I Jm.
oouu sr., riiiiaDr.LriiiA.
(I.ntu Col, it. 11. Joklh.)
TIIIH Hotel, kept onlli-j hnropean Plan, 1$ convenient
forTraeler. Citizi.-us.iiui tlm I'liMirifi'iicrnllv. ls.
lug In the immediate neidiliorhooii of the Utchauge, ud
joining thu l'o.t Odiee, nnd within n few minute walk
ofthc Delaware Wharves, tho landings fcr Steamboats
iMeait can ua ini nt nil Hours, front .1 o'cloik in the
nVloi L to tli
morniitg 10 iv ociockiii nigut.ror l.'l cents and upwards.
Lodging UiKtms ran be procured tit all times for 37 cents
per night. lhu Chambers are ilcaiuwell ventilated and
atl newly furiilf Imd. The Hating Department will be
provided with the beet the market cuu produce; the
Drinking Counter fiiriiMhud with g-od lai-iuors and
choice Cigars. The Proprietor hopes that by etriet per
sonal attention, w Kh competent 1111J obliging servants,
hu will be able lu please.
(Late of Ualiluiorc, Md., and .Mad 1 stun (tonne, nna.)
AuguM 4, ir)in-nui.
I'.iTENiTJ) MtliVIl 'J, 1453.
HTiny. ZLrriui:tL &. nomtivH.of niooniBbur!?.
llX hating purrliaied tho extlusie ripbt of thu above
vaiunme iin-tio l-o ClikAP I'ail.m- Etwisu .'lAinit, lor
the county ol Columbia, w ill bo happy to supply their
Inendu wild the article for the uciummodjtiun ot Ihem-
Mlei and l.imi hes. The lidtow ntr are some ot the su
perior advnutjges this implcineni possesses over any
ever jet otlered tu the public. Viz:
1. ItfL'Wrtirom loo to (ami stitches per minute, thus
un on wnn lime nun i.inor in ine 4'per.iuon,
In luiibiruitiou is plain mid himpli, with any
tiling like f.iir usage, it is i-uty ktpt iu ordir andwil)
give entire faatifi.o tion,
3. One of Hit most uluabh features of this Machine,
is the smulliief i ami the oinp.ii toe of its mechaiiisiii.
1. HfJiible-t bread Machineslnreatwns'dilliCHlttoiiiHti
cgc, und crj unliandj in thrvadiug, but this Marhiuv it
easier threaded than een a couimoii needle.
2. It can be attaihed to a board, table or stand, in op
erating order, and detailied in 1cm h Hi. hi tiIl'n niimiti
ti. It grc.itly i-ionoiuizt-s thii thread, and jet7 produces
i Fi-uiii, muni .uuii mtoii lor iiuy worK or wiiiwi u is
distiued, u 'piahiiLutiun not known toother sew mg Ma
T. iNo human hand is c;io.itdc in iirn.ltirlnff ft scum tn
rcul.iraml t)8teiuatie.
rJ. Among the array of I'atent Sewing Machines, thero
are none ho t heap and durable as IUymosd' 1'atlm', but
no .11 hc nine isauapteii loan tunls of work us experience
has proven.
It, The operator ran hhapu hi kcain, just as he please?,
waves, leaves and rlowtrs, tic, can bo rtpreciitid or
JU. It is particularly adapted to nil kinds of stitching
such as gentlemen's hhirts, bonoum, rMh.imK collars,
etc. nud all kinds of Ladies' sewing, including silks.
iiiw us, iiiittiiitB, i auinvK, etc., iriripiingmr men s m.ay
wear, this Maehine is nil her too liabt ofronxtriRtion.
II. Hut all the foregoing advantages, tboiih real in
themsoUoy, ilwiudle intoniMintulie.iuce, w hen compared
wiih the preservation of health, being a slivihg of both
labor and eymItt, and leaves lh operator w ithoiit i-tooj
iug, and is enablod to petlonn his work, occupj inga n.i nosilioii.
ITv For sale by the undcrcigncd, at their respective
resiuem is, in nioonuunrg, wno win put lliu uiailittiu iu
ojierauuu unu givu an necessary iiistrm lion.
nioinfburg. Ma'13, lPf.0.
Sealed Proposal will he received until the i)th day of
misuMmiM.ior i uu KiT.L'KAM a lubu used ujnui
thu groiiudii of the iVnnt.jlvaiii.1 Plato Agrltnltural lo
nely, at U'vomlng, during the tihibitjon, September
lli -Villi i.7lh and !lh llacti buildiutr'to bu JlH) feet
long by 51 wide, with kitchen nitathed HO by 'ii feet.
I he buildings to bu creeled by toe contractor, und to
bu removed at thu closu of thu lair.
.Mm. for ono JsAIUi.S ICi: ritl'AM. I'AKC. cnvt
ru iiuA.tuY awn ii;rioAu : i.tto. a tent
lor this saloon, titty f,-ct in drinieler, with the neres
ary tables nnd neats, will be fit nil lied bo the suiiety.
And alao tor one (ientlemsn's Ice Criaui,' C.iku Con
feitiouary, Lemonade, Tobaico, and ogar halonii.
im; li'iii, on ny leer, witn necessary lUturcs M tills
sjmi'ii, i. in uieu uk oiyiinoi'M ny tne sKitty.
i'roilOs.tls lilltV bi SLIlt to (I. , llnuna ft rrt lnrv
Ilariubitrg or to tJeii. i:. U Miint AT,tjenerdl tin-
lriiiit-iuiaiii) ai twines uarrc,
O. A IIinSTCH, Secretary.
H ABRisnuRn, July g,- o.
TDK Acadviuic year coiuiiieiiLcs Augut W, Hf0, to
cool i ii nn forty-lour weeks.
Tho Hehool is divided into a Primary and a IHehrr
I'l'i'iiMiut-iii, cacn iiuuer us reniettuo Teacher. Pcliul
ars aru admitted at any time.
Ample pro Mod is made for all iho requirements of a
thorough und i-xtentive touru of study, iiiUudiuii thu
.Mat huniiitics. N' Suem i.,.,i. i in.
guaues. Drawing, Miiiiic, etc,
ISi hotars from abroad can obialn board with facilities
for home ntudy, on very moderutu terms, on uppluatiun
to H io Principal,
The, tlinnkfil for his part generous support,
nMUre his patrons of Ins unw earied efforts to luakulbe
school at) that can bo desired far the acquisition of a
thorough education.
j or particular upply to
J. V. WTSTOV, Printipnt,
r FvnySl., near Deen's HuUl.
rPIIK fceoml arrival of Now Goods, (his
J. h'l'nng, at JIAItTM.WH.
SUMMKlt Casscnierc3, and Goatiutcs of
Ihe latest s))le, at IIAUTA1 AN'A I
WOOL, Cotton, Hemp, nnd Hag Car
pits for sale cheap.'ai IHIUTMAN'tf.
WAJjL raper, Wall Taper, in great
luantitics, cheap forsalu, ul IIAUTMAN'S.
ALL persons indebted to the undersigned for FrorTes.
tiumtl rUces up to April Lt, letAI, are resperlfuL
ly ropiekted to call and lettU either by note orfthrwisc,
, J a nuTTuit,.!. i),
nioomshurg, August 11. 18fn.
17I.OOII and VFXU inanufaclured by Foi.r & Cbiv
X iLiNo.iiltiiLir etcam Millsjii F.spytCVumbiacoun'
IT- GRAIN punhased ol the highest Market prices
of all kimls mi lull J in 'luanlltics 0 suit
TUB Tint rlass Enduo r f iho Umicil Stales I irv Co.,
uf riillsili-lplua-llullt ly John .Rnuw, in HioIh'.i
inauni'r, anil almul llirt-e yrurs tU"IUIievi'il In tur Uio
hist Kiismu 111 II10 Uily,and uill ta .old low If applied
for uon. .Vtldrusi,
,N'o. 317, Korllirtfcond Mncl,
or, I II rllll.l.lMiMiL'lir,,
Nu, All Nvrlb Fouilh trlrui i,
.u;uilll,lSoa-3l MnlddJi'lua. I
Celebrated Shuttle or Lock Stitch Familv Knwinir Mnrlnnn. l.i.rl, Jn tlm
kct cannot bo cxcollcd. It is preferred
shuttle or ivmsinm mmmms,
for its simplicity, durability, strength and efficiency theso machines arc all war
ranted. Pnco $50.
VpffXSmSl e,eVr7rycye:?,dMl,'lnaV,aed.M",'i,,C T""" '""" ''
."; lersijouii iiuer mesc rawing maclilnca Willi
.""nr PL;t "T 1 ,fa" a', l'.,"ml"" ,:'!rlk,,
threads suitaHo for Son ing Machines, on hand and
DanvjllcMay SO, 1800. Cm.
7Iin undorslirnpd, prntrfnl for pint ptttron.tue, reanrrt'
riilly' Inform hlarutiiiiuri ami tlicpulitlcpcncratly,
that he h;njut ret eh vd from Uio Kastcrnc cities, tlm
That has ysl hccit otienrt) In lilooinotiiirff. tn wi.lri, i.
init'mlioattentioi,or his frlondu, ami aflurcn tlicm
llwt tlit-y nri uiTured for unlo nt ureal bargains. Hi
tJiutk coiiiiirini's n laruw aoxortuiciit tf
i:iiNTJ.i:.ii;NH vj:.iiimi aitauhl,
Confil-liiijt nf 1 AMimtAtuK l)iub Lum, of every ttci
rrlpliiHif Pants, Vvsti, KlilrtH, i;ra,ati Bturks, Cutlun
laiu.kerrliivfi,(loi-K, f uputidcr, kc,
uuLij WA'iriiLa and juvj:lrv.
Of every doxcriptiun, tine anl cJipnp,
N. II. Uciiifiubi-r ' LoKcnbcrg,$ Chrttp VmMtivm."
call aim scu. No charge fur eiitiniiiff (Juods.
lllnnimlmrp. March 31. 1a'n. (jU9 ir.V.)
Tlinfonnitcrnf ihU f Vlchrnteri Iiiflllutlon, niTer Die
moi't Lcrtain, in-cdy, aiul only rik-climl remi'dy In
Uio unrM f r ctrvctn fr Uleetn, STricttircn, Siiiinul weak-ik-.
Pain In tlm IsoiitH, Cniislitiilnntnt Dt-hilily, linii.
Il'iic, Weakiiesn of thy Hat k und JJinft, Alki lions nf
th-; KhhR), Palpitntitm of Uic lioiirt, IhnpeiMU, Svt
wtis Irritability, liiscunc of tho Ikad. Throat, N'usu or
ykin. and all tliosy humous and uiclaiulioly Dinurdors
aridiiig from tlia (lugtnicthti hutntHnf Voiuli, hit!i d
Ktroyn both luidy nnd mind. Thenc xren t and ilitiir
pMiticvf, aru more fclul to their victimi Hum the sons ft'
i , i., - . .,.,. ,. ,., . . i .... i t .7 .
J'"ii iu i ue nun nt 1.1 i lynrH:, uiislliMlg incir llll
. -P""-.' . " " ' " "
ma itui A nr..
Married pereom, or Voting Men contcmptatiiM mar awnrctf phicat w i oknesn, organ ir d-abili
ty, ileformilieit, &.c., nlionlJ immediately consult Dr.
juihi-hhi, nun iia rt-H.oTCU uj periHl Iieailll.
Ilu who ptacm hiinclf under the care of Dr. Johnnton,
m.iy riUsiotirly coutlde iu his honor as a gentlemen, und
coiiiidcnily rely upon hi pkiil nn a phyfiiian.
immediately cured ami full igur reflored.
' Tills deveiLKU Is llli! liennllv moot frc.mpiitlv nnl.l tiv
those who buconip Dm utini ofiiuproper imiiilfti'U
tieii. Young persons are too apt to commit cxei n liom
not being aware of Ihu dreadtul (.oude-mvtice that may
cimue. Now, who tlmt undortandu the mibictl will pre-
hy those l.diiug into improper habits than by the prudent
Hetddcs beius denrived oi llni ideanuru of lieiililii' ml'
j.i.i.1 .iiiii uiu ji.n. i r oi pmcn iiiioii m iot uooiier
fll,ri'Uit, tlm mnst verioun ami lietUruuive. n)mpiomi to
"ln '"H' JU"' i"i"d arine. The f uteni becomes terang
' tl' ' physical and inentnl powers weakeiu'd, nerv'ii
"a vana iraiue, uougn, tuipiumsoi Coiibuiuii-
Ily-" (Jllice. N'o. 7 SoCTlt Fni-'niiiric WmrrT. oui .t.Hir
from Haltiuioru Mrect, K.ift stdti, up the steps. Ilu par
ticular in obxerting thuN'AMC uud MJMULIt, or vou
will mistake the place.
A Cure U'arrentcU, ur no Charge .VoJc, f from One to
Tvo Dagt.
nit. JonVbT(L:
Member of the lloyal Collese of .Surgeons, nt London
mi'iimiiui; iium uiiuui inu niosi cmineui woiieges ol ihe
United States, and thu greater pnrt tf whose life has
been spent in the iin-t Hospitals of Loudon, Paris, Phita
di lphia nud elew here, han elleited comu of thu inot as
tuiihing cures that were ever known; many troubled
with ringing iu thu head and ears when ucleep, great
nervousness, beiujt ul.iriued at sudden sounds, and bash
fulncris, w nh fre-ment blushing, attended sometime., w ith
deraiigemeut ol mind, were n red immediately.
When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure
finds he has imbibed thu seeds of this painful disenne, it
too often nu ill timed sense ofshamu or
dread of discovery, deters him from applvlug to thosu
who from education and respeitability caunlone bt friend
him, delajitig till thu cciintitiitioiiury sjiupioms of this
horrid disease makes theirappearnnto, smh as ulcerated
sore throat, diseased noe, nocturce, pains in tin; head
and limbs, dimness of sight, deuluess, nodes on tlm skin
bones, uud uriim. Ltoti tn-ii on I lie. In-ml. f.n ami c in. ......
ties, progressing with' rapidity, till ut last tho palate of
iiii: oiuiuii iino oones oi me nunc l.tll in, ailu tllC Vltlllil of
mis ueseusu in'comes a norriu onjectoi coinmisscratjon
till death put-i a period tolns dreadful euiferiugs, by sen
ding In in to "tint bourne from whence no traveller re
turns." To slleli, therelore, Dr. Johnston ptedires him
self to jireuere thu most euvioablo secrecy, uud Irom his
t-xtensivu praiticu in thu tirst Hospitals of Duropu aud
America, hu lau lonfideiitty recwmuieiid sate and speedy
Dr. J. addresses nil thosu who have inj ireJ thcmsidves
u) iivuiu Jimi improper iiiuuigeuoes.
The&u are some of the sad aud mel.uitholy rlfectiipro
duced by earl) habtlH of oulli, i: WeukuesS ot lliu
Iliiik and Limbs, l'uiu in thu Head, Dunnes of Hight,
Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart. Djs
pepsia, Nervous Irratabiluy, Derangement of the Diges.
live Functions, (leneral Debitity, s)iiiptomsof Couaumii
lion, i.c.
31 IIN'TALLY. The fearful effects unon tho mind nrn
iiuuh to bu dreaded, ios of .Ml iuor, Confusion of Ideas
i'-1 tree ion oi iuu rpirits, j,v n l oreomiiucs, vversiuii
oOociety, Tiiuity, &,c., are somu of the evils nrodun-d.
Thousand) of persons of all ages tan liuw judge what
iithu cause of their declining henllli. Loosing tlutr
vigor, becoming weak, pale and emanated, liaviuu sin.
gular appearauc about lheeei, cuugh aud empiomsof
uitiiAMu vj:akm;.s.
Ily this L'rentaml iuinortatit remedv. wraknesi of the
organs are upecdily cured, and full vigor reMored.
Thousands ol thu most nervous ami ilebililnted, vvho
had ht all hone, have been immediatelv rilieved. All
niipediiueuts lo Marriage, Ph)sical and Ditpiali
tKiitioii, Nervous lrrulubilit),Trembliiigsund Weakness
or i-kiiausiuiKiu oi iuu moM icariui hiuu, speedily turcd
Who have injured tlnnselves by a certain prnctlre.
indulged iu when ulouu a habit frequently leurued Irom
evil loinpautons, or ut school thu etleits of winch are
nightly hit, oven when n-deep, and if not eurcil renders
marriage iiupo&feible, and tletlrojs both mind and bi'dy,
bhould apply immediately. u pitly that jouug man, the hope of his country,
nud the ddiliui! of ins oareuts, should bu sunttheil from
all pripeets and cnjojmenW ol life, by thu cousemieu
res of deviaiiug from Ihu path of nature, and indulging
in a certain nee ret habit, riueh pertiuiu bcluru ton
teiu plating.
tliould reflect that a sound mind und body nro Ilm most
necessary reiusiiies to promote rouuubiul happiness 1
Indeed, without thesu thu journey tliroiljjh life hoioiues
.i weary pilRrnnage, the prosp cl hourly darktnsto
Ihu view; the uiiud becomes thaduwid w nil despair
tilled with thu iiietamhol) relleiiion that thu luppiuess
of another becomes blighted Willi our own.
OFFICII NO. 7 OUT FKI.DKUICK til., Jhiltimorc. .Vd
AI.U KUUIilU.,!, Ul'l liVI - UAH ILI 1U1 1 K .
N. Ik lAt no falsu niodei-ty prevent vou, but nnnly
iumivdiati'ly either personally or by Letter.
tKt. utsi;.sui'i;i;i)iL,v cuu
7X1 hTlLSHtlliii.
The many thousands cured nt thu institution within
the Ut 13 ) ears, and thu numerous important Surgical
Operations perfnrmed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by
tlm ri'portrrs ol thu papers and many olhT persons, no
tues of whieh have uppiarcd again ami ugum hftore iho
public, bt'Hilcs his Maudiug as u geulleniau of tharutlrr
und respouftlbllit , is a suiluient guurunut to the allliac 1
N. It. There urn im mniiv luiuirnnt nnd unrtliti.ti
Quarks adveiliiing themselves FlivMciaus, ruining thu
health of tho already urilicted, that Ur. Johnston deems
it imivsHiry tf say, especially to llmsu uniU'MUiiiiit-d
with his reimiiition. that his credentials uud iliidom is
ttlwn)s hang tit his oihce.
ML 1 AKt NoiKK. All letters inilft be pott punt, nnd
contain a postage stamp tor the reply, or no answer will
bu sent.
Marrll J7. IPtW.
'plll3 subscriber takes tho liberty 10 inform the Lndies
.1 and ti'viitleiueu of UraiiL'ev die. uud mirroiimloir'
country, that he has opened a "Faniy Hhy Uuuo& Tuim
minu tfiout," m tlruugeville. Where ho Keeps on band,
uuu ia vuiiaidnuy iL-Lcivniii u general assortment oi
tstnple & Fancy Dry Goods.
Trimming, Jlnmlkcrchiiff, Hosiery, Gloves, Miiti, and
in short, all kinds of furuiohin giMids fur both ltdi. 9
uud gentleuu 11. His goods are nought at New Vork and
Flulanclrhia both: hi therefore has tlm htvles of tmtii
places. They arc bought for (.ash, which enables Id 111 to
sen ni lower ruws nun uuy oilier in tiiu countr).
He respcitfully solicits u share of pairoiiage.proinliinj
to render good saliMattioit, Fleusu tall aud eianuim
bt-foru purchasing elsewhere.
S. U. Country Fruiluco taken in cichango for goods,
Indies wiklung ebeve, Cpo or other patterns, .will be
lumulud gratis with Ihe Utctt cay H) lei, on upphca
Orangcville, Juno 0, 18C0.
In the Orphan' Cvurl.
Till! Auditor nnpoinu'il lo mnku distribution nf Uio
bdlaiicu 111 iho hands of Aurnlmni Hnbbiiis, Admin,
istratnr ot llmcbtutu of Thomas Hotitiins.lalo ofilio said
eouniy, ilen usi'il. nillmtul Hie dLlrinulova and all nor
sou. iiiurc.ud, for tlic ioirM.i's ol his nnpolnlni.-nt, at
Ins mhco, In lllooinsbiiri!, on ATlIltlAV,lho S5th day
or Ansiisi iioxi, huini'in iho hours of niim A.M.. and
throu 1, I Hhonuiid ulieruall persons luvlnj rlalnis
nro reimrcd in ircu-nl iIkiii, or ho foronr ilcbalrcd
Irom u share of said fund.
Elooui.bur. July 53, IPCO.
I, IVU tliillm; Cjtui.(jilJ no Ilumbuji,) for ulo
J- by JIAKl'.M.VN 8
over all other
w Kay . -
tno greatest cnnfhlcnco that lliey art denined to meet the
"n'' M- n,v "fo putchaMUg. H, k C ttou and I ,ln
for sale by nu un.
M. C. GlUElt,
.T. V. MAltTIN.
"Clicapcr thin the' Cheapest I"
E7- l-LUAHi: C.M.I, i:.M!I.V, j
l.islil Klroi't, April 2J, ISU).
"A little, but often fills Ihe imrn1.
-TMtANKMN SAVINO FIND No. 1J0 ftnntli,
l l onrin hireit, b.-twi en l Jieitnut anH vViitnut
I'liil.iiklpliia, nave till detiosils on
leiioniirh money securetl by Government Slaty
and City I.o.ins, Crouiid Kcnts, .Morlznees, A.c. '
This Compniiy dt-enn safely bvttor thnu large
prohts, comtc'piciitly will run no rick with deposi- a
lori' money, but have It ut all times ready to n turn
w ith A ner cent, interest tu ihe owner, as Kiev li.iw 2
alwus done. This loiupany never suspended. o
! Fem-iles, married or single, nnd .Minors, can des
poit in their own right, nnd such deposits tan be -
wiiuurnnii umy oy in-'ir consent. v lncornoratL-d bv Hip Btnto of"5
Uennn)lvaiii.i, with authority lo rcrelvu niouc) M
Lfroin truiitres und Hvi'iutors.
Othce open daily trout .i to U o iloik, uud uu Wed-"
ncsu.ty evening until a o cikk.
Jncoh R FhannoD, Crus C.i'lvvalla.lcr,
John hindlor, f.eorse liusstdl,
Malaehi W, t'loan, Fdwnrd'J. Iljatt,
Lewis Krumbli.irr, Itinry iM.uiv,
Nicholus lEilteiihousL', Nathan Hno'il'ley,
Jos, 11. tiutticrtlmaiti, Uphriam Itlaialurd,
Joseph f.lppincoit.
JACOll l(. tfllANMlV, IVsideiil,
CVIli:S CAHWALLAUKIt, Treasurer.
Miirch I.', I'-jJ K'ni.
'A llollnr i In in- parni'il
September (Eoutt
WI1CRUAH. the Hon. Wahhi J. WwuuAnn, TrcM
dent of the Court of UtT and Terminer and Ucn
cral Juil I)U n try. Court of (lu.trter Hessiotis of the
l'e,iri und Court of Common Fleas nud Orphan's Court,
in Dm .1ith Ju1l11i.1l District, (omposed ot thj counties
of Columbia, tfullivau and Wj ouiiiifr, and Ihe Hon. Jmou
Ivam and Fhrnt Klink, AssoLiatu Judges of Columbt.i
couuly, have issued their precept, bearing d.itu ilm ninth
ilay ol Feb., iu the year ol .our Lord oue IhuusutiJ eight
hundred and si vty, and to lue directed tor holding n
Court of Oyer and Terminer uud tJenerul Jail dilnery,
(Jeueritl Uunrter Semious of the I'uucr, Common 1'leus
nnd Orphan's Court, iu Uloonieburg, iu the county of
Columbia, on tlm lirtt Monday, (being the 3d duJ of
Sept., iie.t,iind to Lotithino one week.
Notim is h-Teby Hiveii, to thu Coroner, tho Justice of
the I'euce nud Constables of the said county of Columbia
that they be thru and there in their proper persons at
IU o'i lot k iu th.1 forenoon of 1 id day, with thrir reiords,
lU'piiKilious and other ri'iui'inbraucti to do tbuH'i things
w bn h to thrir othces npp'Ttaui to be done. And those
that tire bound by rerognujute, lo proseiuta against the
prlsoiUTs that are or may bu in ihe Jail of suid couuiy of
Columbia to hi tiVunud there tu prosveutJ them ns s.t.t1i
Imjust, Jurors aru replevied lo bu puuttual in tluir at
tolidnuce, imreiably to their notices. Hated at Mounts,
burg, the fd day tof July, in ihu of our Iord one
thousand eight hundred and sixty, and iu Ihu dlth jeur
ot the llidi pendence of tlu Uuitviil H tale a ot America.
((Jud save Commoiiwt.-a1lh.)
JOHN CiXVlllIU, 4AfriT,
July 23, lf-0.
Ult AM) JUKOliS,
yon my, eptkmbkh tehm ihco.
HI join Caleb Jlartoii, Jr., WjMuiu Coleman, Wiluou C.
lientoti-Jno. Iltfiseliue, Fattcrsou .Moore, Thos. ht,
Urian reek Hull, John llav i-nport, Jaiob .Mus
tiller l.phrum Lvuus, Ft ter ll.ty man.
Caltawusa i-.iuhi,1 Tholiuii,
Cei tre Jolm tfluiK-r.
Franklin Thomas llower.
l itliintretk Hiram Ihttetibt'nder.
f irceuwood Hav id Albertson, Ftl;r (Ilrtnn.
Jatkson James Vocnm.
LoLUht-(iiorge FtMleritMii.
.M Klison John lliiiuott.
Miftlin John -Siiy.I r, Jacoh iliwcppeili.-jscr.
ItiMriugtruek I u.irles Ktk,
.Voit-l'lulip Ath.-nbdih.
FOR TJiy. 8 F. FT KM 11 Kit TKU.V, IflfUI.
lilotiiii illtam Ib-urs. Joienli ttiiikh'. Jim nli
rr, John K, Muyer, CharlwsThoma, oirawundgy A. Wil
h't. Uerwick Jacoh Moycr, A. 11. Tate.
Jteuvir-lMtT tii-alhait, Samuel Joliusou,
t ntre Couiht.
t.'allaw issa Solomon Iteinnrd,
Franklin Jacob Koatcnbadt-r,
FiKhlugcreik John Crevellng, Thomas Lunger.
tj'rt'cnwood -Samuel Iusgrave,
L(Mii-t Jonas F.1I1 ringer.
AlirHm .Michael Fry, Jacob Vohc
3ladisou H.ui'l.Mcrkle, IsuacMcltrNe.Henry Hildinc.
Alontoiir Andrew Clark.
-Mount l'len.ant-i:iias llovvill, Andrew Crousy.
Elaine Aurou Andrews.
Hraugo J-inies I'attirsou, Henry Delong,
Fine William Artcr.
Hi ott-A J.Thorutuii, Samuel L. licit L', Llias Krum,
Hubert S3. Ilowt'll.
bugarloaf-lloiiry C. Ilcss, Andrew Lanbnch.
I. Iloiijauiiii A. L'olo s. William Kuuoiis.
IVttr .Millir w. thu, (Villiaiosoort Si
riu Uallroad Coniimii).
II. HaiiuiL'l 1,0111011 is. A, W, Creamer.
4. John Mri.'uIU vs. Henry llulilr.
o. buui.ii 1, ikiiiiii,, ,. Wrts,t lluchcs,
0. Jacnli Hilniyler I s. Wilson Alter,
tors' Uurlt l,"H'l!f J-ndlvig nielli's adiniiiLtra
r1. T. W. Kahlrr vs. Daniel Nc hard.
U., al., s.Sjiuuil nhonc,
! . ;.. " 1 t'dglr E. ll.irtoii, it. ul,
II. illiaiu rame)er s. John llotrunglu.
JJ. J. r, Jackson t-t. at., va. r-notli ilowtll.
IJ. Stephen II. .Miller vs. llaniel r. 8eb.-rt.
!; "'"""t'E Aulums. Ucuj. I'aydon,
15. l in. .iileniati , s. Jonathan .Hosteller.
10. Lu,,. Auanis is. tiamuel II. tie, bill.
1.. .Mary Hi . s i a. Win. Hess.
Irt. I'etvr llillmej.r vs. .Michael Me) lorl.
lit. Jireuiiah II. Ilartiiian s. Abraiu X. Harvey.
a. .SathaiiUl i:. llulcr it. nl.. is. A.N. Ilariu.
-' '" Ut "irrni! it. nl., vs. Jolui 1. Jaroby.
Joe)ili Lilly vs. James W. tfaiikey.
-I. l.aviiiaCnlu vs. Ailam l.uu it. .1.
:t. 1 l.ui I, l-i),ay lie va. I'hrl.Iiau I-auUicll.
So. Ira Itobbnis s. Jaroh Unlit,
Ju. Ileorj. tloan's lliiculor i s. Jas, Raatz.
.7. Jacob rjchuj ler l s. Albert Mookiy,
JJ. !eor; deny is. Henry rjliollaberser.
-J. Johnllarlon'sailnrr is. Joseph Lilly,
, . , . JACOB LYtllLY, Wollionotary
Illoonubiirj, July sa, ai,u. "
Estate of Andrew 6wcmalcr, deceased.
LlriTUltrl ofadniiuistratioii on Uio K.uto of Andrew
rtUormakir. lain of ilaui.iui loii,liip, in folnmbia
rniiniy, dennsed, have becinranted by tho llrii.prnf
L'ululilWa county, in Ihj unilir.ijncd.all Klson. hav
ut claims araln.l ihesUto of His diicdeiit, aro reoae,.
led to luosenl tlioni to iho Admlnl.lrator, at his rest.
i elic near J lMloivn.illini delay, and all persons lu
d bted toinakeiinyuitnt lorthivlib.'
moon..bure.J.irji . "!TII0MAlift
Tho Toxa3 Election.
OAr.VESTON. Auir. llrliirnn frnm
tho Stato indicato flic cltct'iou of Gcorgo
ah. A-iuuruur lAiuuiiiiuiugo jcuiocrai lor
Attorney Guttural, by a largo majority.
Suicide of .V I'oslmasltr.
Detroit, .ug. 20. Caleb C. M'ooJ.
burg, Postmaster at White Pigeon, who
was recently arro.Hcd for robbing the mail,
committed suicide yesterday, preferring
death to imprisonment.
Railroad Accident Two Lives 'lost.
Jbw Oar.KANs, Aug. iil). A collision
occurred on tho Onrrollon Itailtray last
night killing two persons, aud wounding
tevcral others.
Flour nnil I'tcl iiilivireii :
fl'ltll imitcrsignid tins mndc fltniucim uis will
X Minble him tu deliver Hour rind Feed, FOIl CAHII,
ubout ten por cent, then per tluu uuy body else m tow u.
His prices ure us follows i
Flotir, 57 !ii Corn & HynChop, M M
CorufcO.its Chop, 1 M lintu, l m
I resptxtlully solicit a elnrJ d Ihe public patronise
r.ooiinburc, JiineCH, IPW-lf.
Tho ilit dstnlilisliitil urtlrti;. in cunstnnt uso by
tliutisatiilrt uf Pdriiirrs miiJ risuti-rs for
a ininitii'r of yeurs Jtast.
'rice J!I5 per 2UD0 ths. (ai cents per lb.)
IT.KUVIAV, Itecclved direct from ths Government
btores. Warranted ffcunine,
ICHAI-.OI;. This is the old fashioned Fiotktri Ouno,
iinpoTtt-d direct.
l'ACtt'KJ OVIIAN UirANO. A snnll 'jnintity of this
w'll known article, In nice order, drg and ttry
1 1 ro tig,
Allen tV Needles' Ken Ferlilizer.
The low price nnd superior miality of this fertilizer
is fast briiiFiug it into neutral ujf.
Ptue g:m 2cr "-iOOll tOs. (lj centner lb.)
ItONi: DL'riT, llutlun-iu.tkcrsitc liant Duit AcUround
LAM) 1'hASi niI. Warranted pure. In barrels.
A liberal Ut due Han made to Hkalkrs on all the aboo
N. II. We have n l.trpo number of Diplnmas for
FrLuniuiiiN awar.led by ilu various rfgrtcuUuml tone
iiei, wlkh uu are reipiusted to call mid examine,
41 SnHth Wharves and 41 ftoutli Wut.r t3t.
yf'irtt More aUitt Chettatilt)
July 7,
1'llll.Alll U'lll A.
Town ii0(s For Sal?.
CI'-VIIUAIj desirable building luH Iu I.Ioomsburg fjr
For partieul.irs in-jairJ ut
I'Jootnsburs. Jumi St. 11 10 -If.
you want
TUT. nndcrhisto'd, hiving opened a New Store, on
Maui titrt-tt, 11 IVivv doorJ ritmih of Iron Street,
Illoomsburs, and rlorked it with the bst l.ramk nt nil
kinds of Imported tttumt will be ll.lpp) tu supplj th
irado on tlu nmat nceomuiodatlug tcriuaud at unusually
low prices.
Qy" Fublic Custom is respectfully invite.'.
h. w. ra)iir.iNs,
ItlooiiKhurg, Jul )' 7, 1PC3. Jijrtnt,
Henry Zuppiiger's Ksfnblishiuciif.
(Whom tktff hnd dead and buried tome time last rlnttr.)
I y wint n tooiI,n very goo I new vvutth 1
iromi ttaiu a inenp witten f
Have jou u diitlcult joht
li- you want keys, leuther gards, Lc. I
Or n w-ntch-iiUss that w ill ktay in f
A HuiHlng (Ilass, I'uieut, Ccuevs,
Or common, or small, or largu I
Hid) our vviUih g-t 11 fall
A knock, jjerk or a hit f
If it is or isn't in splinters,
Who would civeit u better 'flt
alindir broke ( vtryu or a Kpindel t
A Jcw'il, u wheL'I, or. 1 spriui f
Heard u noise, a crack, or u humming,
A n bee with a v Ijforous w ing t
Main spriui; broke, sure 1 or n pin.
How 11 with nil the bad watches. "
"To 111.1k them is worse Hun a sin!"
WouuiBburg, July Jl, tfou.
umlerMnctl, viIiinn; to retire from
1. tlm builuess, oif rs to sell, at Frivatu dale, thu tu
tlre stock 01
Hookup St-ttionartf, Wati-popcr
and fixtures belonging to the establishment. Firil door
ubovetlm LxchamtJ Hotel,
u For particuljrsui'iutrs nl Store,
Kloomburj, July II, 1I.
Light ! Light ! Light !
V A 11 a (i 0 N
ffiAL, ki:kiisi:m:. tut imiwon oii,i.
rpllll b.ft, iim.t brilliniil. nnd til i,,et-t iorltilil.) Ilalit
X now in use. No daio'iT of i tlosiin an 1 theitlur
than lluid, lard oil, lish oil or i,itiiih.ite,
Eay-KQUAl, '10 UA.s,-a
Wilhoiil llio eipeitsa of pas Hilurrs. Tho nlioio Lamps
(w ith all llu-ir l.uiey triiiiiiiinsl run be seen mid liouaht
at tin old I'stiibli.h -d llriiji and clieiuinil Hlors if lliii
iiiidersi;'iied. iv ho ll.itlers hiiuilf Unit froui Ills long ex
perieuee in tlu llro: trade, he kiums lion and uliere to
bu), and is deteriinned not lobe undersold b nnj one In
liloouihbiirn. or siirroiinilini.' t-oiltllry. fall and seo Ins
nelv aud llell siltrteil slut I. of
UltUlM. ,MlJUI.;Ui;3 .Mr CHC.MItJALS. r.MVTd
I'llOM 7l!l lo Sliim, IJUNriXTIONA,
miM, riittr'U.MEiiv Au
t'.wuviuii i:r. ar. '
I'lcLty run
AssFtI Urandu, Fntcnt .tdiriucs of every varuty in uWj
Li'iuors. (I'u re) for im'ditlual uso only. Fluid, Cauiidit-nu
Curbon tin. Turjieutiuu auJ AHoiui, Tru sses, rIiuuldu
llrn-t-s and Abdominal Hupjiurters, Surjtical and lieu
tat luxirumcnts, Hash n.ul mill tooth Hruhes, Fn f. Hum
I'hrrj's iloinirj-.tthir Keim-dles, Uardiu, Canary, Jlapu
ami I (emit scods, ThermoiiKters, proof't'las Morucui
Leather and rhou tViudncs, Stc, ice, to'tllur with thu
largest au mooi varied assortuient of Herman Tovs and
ever bronslil to this place, all of nllicll iileaso call and
sje and you iiiu.t b.lieie.
Hallos learned by sad experience Uiat "loiijr rrcdlts
Hill not hoop llniies inoiing," 1 have iliiermined lu
Inrntihbuvers. to make it an oblurt tn tlitu m wnii .
the idler, to deal on thu tasli iiriucinL, iltlier money or
HavfiiL' served n retrular nonrpntlrcaliln nt the, Tr'r.
ailll AllOlblltrv hotiillOdd. hlkLltOI h.illfHr ......
fur the lat t Ijht en )enrs, on my' own liik, I (litter
lu,M df that 1 uiit abti to do Jubtlco to all efvlnj; me a
trial. Thiiikful tutho imblic tor rat luvors, I would
aika trial on tlu nuw irim.lpU, B(id will gnaranteo to
all, (hat it will makit loiij; frKitds, aud pay bekt in tho
end tu pay tasli uud lny ut reduced n rices,
I'nVSiUIANi 1'B.hdtUll'riONS
rnref illy coiupo'iti led, and all orders correctly answered.
All ni'iliciiiu. euaraiite.d ns reconitii.'iided, riiorj llooni
on , If uu Htr .'et, near .Matkit, next door to the 10.1 Of.
lice, jJJoousburj', UalunitU uianty, l'a.
Auicu.t 4. lffi.
UVrilltl t ro'i"i-ysr.u-rxFj.iEFuni
JlM II VI A 1 l'lML-Vt:-vT CUIIK of thi, ,li,.
JaU 1 Illllil I trsssini; coiojilainl u,il
Made by C. Ik SEVJIOUU tc CO. 107 N.sssv sTauVr, a, r
1 mo, $1 per box; sunt Ir'o by ivo.l.
May 1-J, iMiU-tlin, 1
LAM.'Ar4TKIlHXlilHM'i, a line lot, last received
aiidloraleatl.J,.tplr',arJ,by ' '"""ca
wTKKI. lH.MJl' HKIUTD.a fre.U uihIy nccivvd.nd
O for sala ut
BLACk LACi; PIIAWLS, of llio latest fashion, fp",
'" l IIAIfl MAN'S.
Al.olof rnHSIl CHMI;nt, Just retrl'md aud for
sala rhe.ip. at IIAKTMAN'U
SLLI.1NG oir OA Wi", tc, at cost or less,
.1" you don't beWc, it, call i
. . at
I T.l OOl'S, Hoop,, Uoc-r-j nnd JIoops,
1 -LA t l ale, at HAltl'MAS'tf '