Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 25, 1860, Image 2

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" las
LEVI L. TATE, Editor.
Hon. John 0. Breckinridge,
Gen. Joseph Lane,,
FOB ritKS!lr.NT :
runner electors.
1. Fred. A, Berveh.
2. VM. C I ATT Ik 14 SOW,
3. Jew. Crockett.
4. J. 11. ltKEKNEK.
5. H. W. jAfOBT,
tt. Charles Kelly,
7. O. IV James,
p. Illt BciULU
l. J. L. IJBTHrR,
JH. 8. . IURBER,
11. T. II. Walker,
13. Joseph Laciucii,
H. Isaac IUikhow,
la. (iuiROK I). Jacesok,
1, J. A, AnL.
17. J. II IIAN5ER,
ri. J. It. Crawford,
I!'. II. N. Lee,
i!0. J. V: Howell,
31. N. T. Fettermak,
22. pMLtL Marshall,
23. William Hook,
SI. It. JJ. Hamlin.
tfa. t; at lord Church.
ty.t,A thn Demnrrntic Electoral Tickt be
headed tv ith the name of Ftcphon A. Douglas, or John C
llreckiuridgo. as an Elector at Large, and in tlio event ol
the uceei8ofsaitllifkct, if the greater number of votes
f 1 1 a II have been cast fr Stephen a. uouRia, men mu
wt9 of the Electoral Cotleee of the Btato shall be cast fur
Htenhen A. Douglas and Urrschell V. Johnson for Presi
dent and Vice-I'resldent.butif for John C. Urecklnriilfie,
then for John C. brecklnridge and Jos. Lane for tho same
offices. If the vote f l'vnnsylvanla cannot elect the
candidates fof whom the majority of the vttcs are eafct,
and it can elect any man running for the othce of I'rcsi
dent ofths UnitcdjSlatcs.claimingtobea Democrat, then
the vote of the Electoral College shall be cat for that
windidats. Ifitwill notrlecteithcrof the Democrats for
whom it is cast, oranyortho Democrats who are voted
for In the dates, then the vote shall be rait lor the can
didate who has luu majority of the votes of the State ; and
thai th Chairman of this Committee be Instructed to ob
t.n. th nt1oniKii nn thn I trifMtrrRtic Electoral
Hcket oflbUrttate their several and distinct pledges of
acquiescence in tn forcgoiiiB rvsoiuuon, mm m
tbe result of liisartlou In the premises at the next meet-
tug of the Committee, to be held on the day of
Democratic County Convention.
TVTOTICE is her-by given, that the Democratic Electors
XN in and for tlio several Itoroughs and Election Dis
.tt Mtmtv. will meet at the respective
pUcrs, on SATURDAY, the 23th day of August, be
tween thn hours of 3 and 7 o'clock in tho afternoon of
aid day. for the purpose or mot-nig two Delegates irom
ach Election District, to meet iu County Convention, at
the Court House, in Moomsburg.on MONDAY', tho 27th
day of August, at 1 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of ma
king the usual nominations of the Democratic; party of
Cola.ub.a County. p wmiMBEM.
M. SO'llLICHI'.It,
J. I.EGU01T.
Democratic Standing Ctiinmittcc.
Blombutj. July Hi. lsfl.
Union is tub State. The Pittsburg
Tost, a zealous advocate of Douglas, says
that indubitable evidence of tho excellence
of tlie arrangement proposed by tho State
Commitleo for the union of tho Pennsyl
vania Democracy, is found ia tho fact that
it is so extremely distasteful to the .Blaok
Republican, and most of all to poor For
Foster and Victoky. Thero ap
pears to bo no diseord amoeg tho Demo
erata of tho Stato (whether Brcckinridgo
or' Douglas men) on tho subject of Gover
nor. Tho voico of all is for Foster, and
if they nil work for Lim earnestly and in
good faitb tho second Tuesday of October
will crown tbcFr efforts with victory.
There is no- reason why any Democrat
edouM not voto for Foster ; and con
ciderattona of patriotism will, wc trust, in
duce many who are not identified with
party, to give him their support Let us
all, then, go in for Foster and victory.
Wont Stiok-l
5cn. Kodmfort's Stato Commttteo, it
u said, struck from tbe ticket tho nanra of
Gen. Qeorqe M. KElM,as elector at largo
and substituted that of Hon. Jou.v Cessna
of Bedford. Tho -Reading Times, howev
er, learns that Mr C. respectfully declines
tho houor, in other words "won't stick,"
and that Richard J. Haldejian, the
veritable Sir Richard himself b to bo
substituted 1 By all moans let this be
done. Wo go for Dick firnt, last, and all
the time. Thero should bo a man at the
head of the ticket who has traveled in for
eign parts, and can talk Frcuch, Italian,
Turkish and Choctaw I Wo go for Disk
well, wo do.
Death of a Prominent Citizen.
Sinco our last issuo we havo seen the death
of Mr. Thomas Reynolds, of Danvillo,
(which occurred on Wednesday, tho 8tl
inst.,) announced in toveral of our exchang
es. Mr. R. was quite advanced inlifo,'nnd
Lad retired from active business several
years sinco. Ho was much esteemed by
all who knew him for his probity of char
actcr, correct deportment through a long
life, and promptness and honesty in his
business relations. He wielded an cxtcn
tivc influence in that section of tho Stato,
and his loss will bo much lamented by his
numerous friends, and keenly felt by his
family. Ho was tho father of SamueK II
Reynolds, Jfcq., of Lancaster city,
"Peaco to hu ashc3."
SST Tho Presidential election comes
off on tho 6th of oyeiiibcr. I
Oil and Water.
At tlic North Mr. Breckinridge is de
nounced as a " Bcccssionist" and tlisun
ionist," wliilo at tlio South mo of hi
cnoinits Jiold him up ai far too tiortlicfn
I ! '"..! Al al. V.ll. TU- 11
ilia uiumuus, j& iiiu i.uiau vii. uag-
is rircsontod as tho champion of" pop-
ular sovereignty," wliilo at tho South his
supporters aro compelled to disavow his
interpretation of that doctrine. Mr.
j Douglas and liia northern supporters aro
unsparing in their denunciations of thoso
a " slavo code,1' sc., whilo at tho South
Qor. Johnson, who is running on the same
iirl.n4 wit). T1V Tlnitfflna 1m cntil
linlicro that it ia the rirdit of tho South
" to demand, and duty of Congress to cx-)
"tend, protection to persons and property1
" of every kind (including slavery) in tho '
" Territories during their territorial state."
Mr. Johnson has never retracted this
opinion. Un tuc contrary, lie lias reitera
ted it, in a speech made by bun in Mis
Bouri since Ms nomination for Vice Presi
dent. In that speech he quoted the fol-
lowing extract from a speech made bv Mr.
Toombs at Lcxincton in Scntcmbcr last :
"... i
' It may bo that tho power of the Ex-j show. It was done without the Bhadow of friend, Ilonry Clay, in any of his nu
"ecutivo may bo inadequate to that purposo' authority from any quarter, and can be mcroua conflicts for the Presidency.
(the protection of slavery in the ; Tcrri- C0QIidcrcd in no other liclit than an act 'The idea ia really ridiculous. Here ia a
tones ;) but if all Uiao safeguards fa, .1 .li.r.M.ization.nemetrated bv fine old Kentucky gentleman, all of the
snail wen dc prepa lopr,
" rights of all tho people in tlio Territories,
" aa well as elsewhere, by all the powers
n . II 'I
oi ino uovcrDmoui."
After quoting this extract from tho
speech of Mr. Toombs, Mr. Johnson
said :" I subscribe to these scntimtiits."
Mark the fact, that this endorsement
aorscmcnt of
tho po sition of Senator Toomba was mado
siuco tho nomination of Mr. Johnson for
Vice President on tho Douglas ticket. It
eoincs up fully to the Dreckiuridgc plat
form. Wc wonder that tho perpendicular
Douglas men do not rcpudiato tlioir can
didate for Vico President under such cir
cumstances. What I Union between an '
interventionist and a non-intcrventionist 1 1
You might aa well attempt to minglo oil
and water. How can Mr. Douglas con
sent to fuse with Johnson ?
Thero is not now a prominent man at
tho South who advocates Douglas upon the
Douglas platform as declared in tho
Frceport speech. Thoso who have cs-.
poused his causo aro careful to repudiate
his doctrines.
Breckinridge and Lane.
If tho Democratic Stato Convention
which met at Heading the la t of February
had been chargod with tho selection of
candidates for tho Presidency and Vice
Presidency, there ia every reason to be
liovo that it would havo selected the very
ticket sinco nominated by tho National
Democracy at Baltimore. No ouo who
was present at Beading and mingled with
the dolcgatcs, can fail to bo awaro that at
least three-fourths of thom preferred Breck-
inridiro to any other candidato for tho
Presidency. Tho sentiment in favor of i
Lano for tho Vico Presidency, though not
so strong, was still well defined. '
Tho preferences of tho delegates to
Reading were but the reflex of the sonti
'mcnts of tho Democracy of tho State. A
vast majority of our voters looked to
Breckinridgo as tho leader who could car
ry us safely through the contest of 18G0.
Had tho suspicion crossed their mind that
any coneidcrablo number of their repre
sentatives at Charleston would go against
bim, they would have demanded instruc
tions in bis favor at Reading in a voico
that would have commanded obedience.
Brcckinridgo and Lano aro the candi
dates of Pennsylvania. Sho would havo
chosen them if the choice of candidates had
been placed in her hands. They repre
sent tha principles she lias always adhered
to, and she will sustain them in their strug
gle for tho right. Thoy aro men of tho
Jackson stamp frank, manly and coura
geous and tho Democracy of tho old
Keystone will rally around them aa they
rallied around tho Hero of New Orleans
in the groat fight of 1828.
Illustrious Trio. The representa
tive men and chief orators of tho Republi
can party aro Charlls Sumner, Owen
Lovejoy, and Gkorqe W. Curtis, all
distinguished for tlicir hatred of tho South,
and tho most violent and vindictive denun
elation of the compromises of tho Consti
tution. In a lato speech in Brooklyn, N.
Y., Mr. Curtis, in addition to his usual
extreme language, is reported to havo de
clared that Lord Grey was right, when
he declared in the British Parliament that
" government had proved n failure in
America." Thus, this light of modern
(Black) Republicanism takes, as upon this
point many of his party will doubtless
take, the British side of tha question, and
denounces tho government under wheu ho
lives as a failure.
Henry D. Foster. Tho editor of tho
Ccntro Democrat, which warmly sustains
the republican nominees, recently paid a
visit to Atlantio city thu3 alludes to tho
Hon. Henry D. Foster, whom ho met at
that place Wo commend it to somo of tho
politicians in this section ;
,(Wo are sorry wo aro placed in a
hostile position toward Gen. Foster, for
wc liko him very much, and come what
may, no word or abuso shall cscapo our
lips when speaking of him, nor will we
stand by and hear hiin traduced by auy
one. Tho man who maligns him in our
presence will bo told ho is mistaken ; if ho
repoatA ins iiuusi;, tin win iro turn iiu is u
linr ; and if La reiterates a third lima what
w8 know to bo false, wo will 6niash his
teeth down his throat."
Tho Roumfort Committoo. i A Culled Soulli for IJrecklurlugc & i,anc.
It will ho recollected that tho Forney, . mJ, cov, 1N Kentucky.
Halilcman Convention which met in liar-' .
rishurg on tho 20(h of July, appoitilcd an 1 In a former artlclo wo exposed tho shal
Kccutivo Committco of sixty seven gentle- lowncss of tho hasis on which tho Opposi
men, with Gen. lloumfort as Chairman, tion affect to claim North Carolina
whoso instructions wcro (as expressed in founding their fragile pretensions upon tho
tho resolution) to "address tho Democracy diminished voto given for Gov. Ellis;
of Pennsylvania, corrctponrt with tuo rcg-vfhilo
ular organizations in tho several counties,
distribute correct information, and guard
tho vital interests of tho Tarty."
This Committee or rather, some turn
fn five of tha sixtv-soven ccntlemen com-
nosini? it met in a back room at JUuolilcr's
Hotel, on Wednesday last, and proceeded
tn tnlrn iho liiirli handed and unauthorized
step of mutilating tho Heading electoral
ticket by striking therefrom the names of
the electors who refused to pledgo them-
Uelvcs against tho compromise nitoptcu Dy
tho Democratic State Committee, at Urea-,
son. Not only was this act unauthorized
bv tho honest surnorters of Mr. Douglas
in Pennsylvania, but it was in express vi-
'olation of tlio programme marked out by
their Convention of tho 20th ult., na tho
abovo extract from tlicir resolution mil
. . ......
- - - - - - - - -- o - ,
a nanuiui oi men conveneu iu piniiw i a j-j -j
r00m, where they wore shut out from ob- bountiful liviug, ran through his citato,
1 . .... .. ... . .M1 - -i 1-1.1 .. 1 j
iscrvation and criticism -all reporters be-
; excluded excent the reporter for 1'or-
noy.s pftsS i,0) a3 the special organ of
.li.nrrMnijulion. waa permitted to nrcnaro
g() mucll of iU procco(iing3 na the mana-!
ircrs wished to fcee tho licht of day.
Ti.n inorvniUtmoir nt thp.ta men
will bo nmiarcnt. when it U recollected
how loud they have been in their protcs-
tations airainst the nowcr of the rcsular
State Committco to mutilato tho lloadinK 1
ticket, assuming that nothing loss than a
State Convention coulil exercise SUClipow- lie masses lonarus an oiu uuuguuiui gcn
or. Then why did they not call such a tleman, that had bo often dispensed an
Convention of tho friends of Mr. Douglas! overflowing hospitality, and induced thoua-
Thcy woro afraid to risk such a procedure voto out of the Democratic party
as they well knew that a very large major- organization of the State, liut the rank
ity of the supporters of that distinguished nd will return when they sco tho use
statesman are in favor of tho Cressou com-, that is made of their course by tlicir trait-m-omise.
as affordim; tho only rational orous guides and by the Opposition gencr-
means bv which the voto of the Stato can
be saved to the Democrat Wc shall bo
much mistaken, indeed, if tho Democracy
of Pennsylvania will not scout at tho far-
cical idea of theso twenty five men asaum-
in(T tn undo what the rcrrular Democratic
Stato Convention did on the first of March
last, at tho city of Heading. Wo do not
for a moment believe that the honrat friends
of Judge Douglas will consent to be trans-
fcrrcd to Lincoln by any such silly contri-
Tho Difllcultv Settled.
Tho attention of onr Democratic friends
,1 i i .i i-
is respectfully called to tho proceedings
of tho State Executive Committee at their
. n . .. .. .i. j,;
meeting at Crcsson says tho Clcarjlefu
Htpublican. Tho action of tho Committco
was prompt and to tho point. After ma
turc deliberation the friends of Douglaa
and Brcckinridgo agreed to support tho
present electoral ticket, excepting ono
the Senatorial electors, who ia to bo omit
ted, and the name of Breckinridg or Doug
laa substituted, as tho voters may prefer,
and tho electoral voto of the State to be
cast .for the ono having tho greatest num
ber. Thia will cnablo tho whole Demo
cratic part)' of tho Stato to voto as a unit,
and it is precisely what every man who
lb 13 UIHVU V tlllAb V..V. V mail M IIU
... , , t- i i- i .
did not prefer Lincoln as his second choice
, . , m, w .., , , .
desired. The result will also scttlo a
much desired point, and that ia, whether
Douglas or Brcckinridgo ia strongest in
This proposition was made by the friends
of Douglas, and excepted by the friends of gtatC3 it ;s h,,,,.,, pJarty pr0 am,
Breckinridge, and was supported and op- timplo, and heartily unites in tho support
posed by about an equal proportion of of Abraham Lincoln, aud consents to fu
each, and so far as wo havo seen and hion vhh tho supporters of any (no) other
heard, it has not with tho uuani.nous ap- datc for the Presidency, whether ho
' 1 . bo Ureckinndpe. Hell, ljniii'l.ia nr llnm.
probation of tho party.
And why should it not 1 It is prefect-
ly fair and equitable. Every real Demo
crat in tho Stato must prefer tho election
of cither Brcckinridgo or Douglas to Lin-
coin. This nrraugillicnt enables AH
such to uuito and voto for tho samo clec-
tors, without sacrificing any feeling, prcj
udioc or party obligation. They may all
regret the present unfortunate condition of
our party-tho failure of the National
v,UUvt;..u vu muu u g wtx.
would havo secured harmonious action,
may bo, as it no doubt is, regretted by
many true Democrats. But thero is no
help for that now. Wo must deal with
things as they are not as thoy should bo,
or as wo would wish them to bo. Thoso
who repudiate this action of tho Commit
tco, whether thoy aro for Douglas or
Breckinridge, aro but aiding the Aboli-tion-Republicaua
in tho election of Lin
coln and rendering him more .aid than
if they wcro to support him openly.
They havo tho utmost confidence in tho
success of this arrangement. Wp bclievo
it will baing out a larger voto than would
bo polled under any other ciroumstanccsi
and thus Fosteii will bo triumphantly
elected Governor iu .October, and tho
State overwhelmingly carried cither for
Breckinridge or Douglas in November.
i& We perccivo that Gen. E, W,
Sturpevant, of Wilkes-Barro, is to do
liver tho addresi before the Susquehanna
Agricultural Society, at Montrose, on the
l'lth of next mouth.
by all well-informed persons his
success in carrying any majority cannot
fail to bo received as tho most decisive cv-
idenco of tho popularity of Dreckiuridgc
and Lane in the Old North Stale.
Kipinlly groundless are the hopes of tho
, ... , . ,, ... ...
opposition, as inspired uy mo law iu-
tion in Kentucky. It would hardly be
believed in any other country than ours,
that tho choice of a man to fill the very
subordinate though pecuniarily profitable
place of Clerk of a Court, would bo seized
upon uy any rcany powenui ponncui cum-
binatiou to maKo an empty vaunt 01 an-
ticipated victory in tho contest for the
Chief Magistracy of tho nation. Wo arc
quito sure that General Lcslio Coombs,
in Iiis better daya, would have laughed to
s:orn any such pretence, it it Had been
. ... 1 . . - f i
sci up uy mo opponuuu oi ms uiu-ioug
. . , .
uui Kepi sun mroug noiu ou iuu uwu
of tho people. They put him up for
Clerk of a Court in order to give him a
chance for life, and vote for him ' without
respect to party." It is a matter of com-
passion and good-fellowship, not of pol
ities. How absurd to infer from such a
manifestation of personal and social feel-
"S towards an individual any political
prefercuco whatever 1-
It ia true tho leaders of Douglasism took
advantage of this kiudly disposition among
aH'- Aa ' tho leaders let them go.
Tho Democratic party in Kentucky is well
rid of them, as hero in Pennsylvania we
ar0 happily relieved of tlio incubus of
Hickman, Forney, and their treacherous
, confederates,
Hut no man acquainted with tho inner
life of Kentucky, and with tho motives and
characters which control public events thero
( needs to bo told that J ohn C. Drcckinridgo
"'") "ovemuer, ouiaiu mousanus oi
voics irom ino truest aim most intelligent
men hitherto classed with tho Southern
Opposition, many of whom m'ay havo voted
for CMM out, of. co,nPas!on. an'
associations, and private, feelincs. 11
.,, , ' ,. . ' b
too, will bo reliable and permanent sup-
porters of his Administration, because their
1 .... . ' .
. . " vy-l-
! Wrt Miv in nur frlnliils tlion. tmf !n l,r
.. j . ... ,, .. ...
spirit of boasting, but with that deliberate
courage which f-prings from accesa to the
best information that can come from reli
able sources the bouth will present a Uni
ted Front for Brcckinridgo and Lano.
Advance, then, Pennsylvania, with alacrity
to tho contest, whero victory awaits you 1
Morning rennsyvanitm.
Republican Fusion.
The Lihigh Register geta off the follow.
,, . . n ..
ing in its last issue, on tho subject of the
n . ..
"btrcngth of Republicanism : '
No better proof of tho strength of tho
Republican party need bo had than tho
unity it preserves in its organization, and
tho constant coalitions mauo uy its varied
. , tv . . .ir..
ri" 7 -"""
bo Breckinridge, Bell, Douglas or Hous
Of course, wo aro bound to bclievo that
tho Republican party of to-day ia synony
mous with that of 1806. and as its iccord
,., ,,niv nrnnf rrnn, , ..n ,1..-,
I ., .Infinil,, rnnnliisinm. n wnnl.l Jifcn n
JinoW) Mr, Register, how it happens-if
the Republican party makes no fusion
that Col. Fremont accepted tho support of
Gcrnt Smith, Lloyd G arrisoii) !wl nil
tho ura AboiUion Conventions, and, at
tho samo timo.the nomination of tho Know-
Nothing Convention of Newark, in 1850!
And, also, how it happens that Lincoln's
friends to-day, ask tho support of euoh
Know-nothings as Flannigan of tho Dailu
News, (aud gets it tooj and, at tho samo
timo rallies tho Germans of Illinois, bo
ncath his btandard, aud inserts tho Dutch
plank iu tho Republican platform, in or
der to gain tho support of tho Chicago
German Convention. And how is it that
you demand tho support of tho Pennsyl
vania Tariff men, and at tho samo time
insert a frcc-trado plank in your platform
in order to plcaso tha freo-traders of New
England, and especially such doubtful
Slates as Connecticut and Maine, which
havo always been frcc-trado ? Wo "pauso
for a reply !" Carbon Democrat,
Douglas rou Union. Tho Chicago
Democrat, published at tho homo of Doug
las, says :
" Mr. Doug'as has receded from his
hostility to Breckinridgo na against Lin
coln, and ho now sees it hia duty to unito
with any and all for tho defeat of Liu.
Tlio I'lilhdoipliia Press
This iournal, in its last issuo, takes oc
casion to fpeak in abuivo .terms of tho
Pittsburg Post, becauso wo prefer tho in
tegrity of tho Democratic party to tho
advocacy of faction. Since Mr. Fornoy
has become tho servant of tho Ulack He-
publican party, and is fattening on tho
spoils of their official patronage, it matters
little to any Democrat wliai no says con
cerning tho party which he has deserted,
and which ho is determined to sell out,
so far as is in his power. Ho deceives no
one, for his actions and his position speak
louder than his words.
Tho Press charges that we " pretend to
bo for Douglas, and advocate a scheme
ilcnounccu in terms of bitter indignation
by Douglas himself.'' If to insure tho
"J O
success of tho great Democratic party, a
compromise is pcrmissablo in irgima,'
Now York, and other States, we think it i
is equally bo in Pennsylvania. o aro
tho friend of Mr. Douglaa. Wo have been (
so from tho start. AVo bclievo in the ,
great doctrine of popular sovereignty ;
and as a Pennsylvania Democrat, and
the editor of a Democratic newspaper, we
claim freedom to act as one of the popu
lar sovereigns of the Kcystono State. It
is not that wo love Cresar less, but Rome
more, that wo advocate a united Demo
cratic ticket. Wo bclievo that tho best
interests of Mr. Douglaa, as well as of the
Democratic party in Pennsylvania, will be
best served by a faithful adherence to tho
Cresson proposition.
Out of Mr. Forney tho seeds of Democ
racy hare mouldered and died, lie has
a contract to fullfill with his masters. It
U to keep up discord in the Democratic
party in Pennsylvania. Ho prates about
principle. Bah 1 Ilia principle is com
prised in livo loaves and two fishes. The
Clerk of tho Republican Houho of Rep
resentatives ia not tho man to give us les
sons in Democracy. He has been thrown
off and discarded by all who truly love
Democratic principles. Hi? paitizanship
of Mr. Douglas would be an injury to him
if it were not manifestly hollow-hearted
and insincere.
Tho popular sovereigns of Ponnsylvania
will not ask him nor Mr. Douglas nor any
ono clio how they shall best secure the in
terests of the Democratic party. They
will think for themselves, judge for them
selves and act for themselves. They will
sacriGcc no principle in their efforts to se
cure the State for a Democratic President.
They yielded nothing in giving their as
sent to a compromise, which, if faithfully
carried out, will secure the State to Mr.
Douglaa, beyond a peradventure. The
Post, and tho friends of Democracy, who
will not listen to the arch schemer and
schismatic of tho Piess, arc perfectly able
to stand Mr. Forney's abuse. For Lin
coln and tho Abolition sectional party
which true Democracy opposes, tho J'rrss
lias no word of censure. Against the
dangerous principles of tho Opposition ho
dares not raise his voico in warn'in". John
Forney is joined to hii idols let him
alone I Pittsburg Past,
Rogular Nominations.
The. very strongest card of the Douglas
itcs, and ono which is most insisted on by
them, is their claim that their candidate
has the "regular nomination." In many
States their entire strength is derived from
this mistaken assumption ; nnd yet in
those very States wo sco tho Douglasitcs
repudiating regular nominations, and even
voting directly for tho candidates of tho
Opposition in preference to tho regular
candidates of tho Democracy. If Mr.
Douglas U entitled to any Democratic vote
on tho plea of regularity ,so was McClarty
in Kentucky, but tho Douglasitcs voted
against him ; so is tho regularly nomina
ted electoral ticket in Pennsylvania, but
tho Douglasitcs declare their intention of
setting up another j and tho same is the
case in Maryland, and all throughout the
bouth. Everywhere in thoso States the
Douglasitcs aro in opposition to the regu
lar JJcmocratio organizations aro, in fact
"bolters," 'sccc:!siouist3,'' "factionists,"
"disorganizes," and all that thoy impu
dently chargo against tho genuine Democ-
r acy Constitution,
Tiik Candidates tor the Charles-.
ton Nominations. Thero wcro nino
'gentlemen beforo the National Democratic
Convention, for tho Presidential nomina
tion, viz : Messrs. Hunter, Outline, Doug
las, Dickinson, Laneioucey, Davis John
son, of Tcnnassec, and Pcarco, of Mary
laud. Since tho Baltimoro nomin.nions,
they havo doclarcd their preferences as
follows :
tor major mtECKiNninaE.
1. Hon.R. M. T. Hunter,
li. d en. Jo. Lane,
3. Hon. James Guthrie,
4. lion. Andrew Johnson,
0, Col. Jefferson Davis,
0. Hou. Isaao Toucey,
7. Hon. James A. Pearco,
8. lion. Daniel S. Dickinson.
ron jupcie Douni.As,
1. Hon. Stepbcti A. Douglas.
Of tho gentlemen prominently mentioned
in connection with tho Democratic nomi
nation, but who wcro not voted for at
Charleston, nearly every ono has express
ed a preference for Brcckinridgo and Lane,
Among them aro Ex Governor Wiso, Es
Speaker Orr, Senator Hammond, Ex-
Prosidont Pierce, Senator Slidell, Secreta
ry Thompson, Somttor Bright, Hon. How
ell Cobb, aud bsuator Bayard.
On Thursday, Friday ami Saturday,
The 18th, liih, and 20th of OCTOBM neit,
llf Ordtr vf tkt l.'rrtnlire fTommillrf.
llcit pnlt o'f Draft llorici,
J. tin t
$1,1 00
3 m
I'umngc uo
tin Uo
u mi
u nil
4 m
8 110
s m I
tflnlllon between .1 tc 4 yrnrn,
do . " :icnm,
(iuMlng Colt, Syi-r,
Marc tifi flo
llrnod Mnre and Coll,
da do ilo
llto Colt 1 yen,
do do do
:i no 1
4 IK)
4 ir-
li ml
4 l
4 ml
'J K1
lh"BI .-.liiir, .i
jjert single car,i..5o ii,,
Mnrr. do do
:i ui
JUIHIEU Ahnor MVUth, Oranje Knock Rlltt-n-
; Itaac l tlti'r, .-Maine,
B nil
4 UI
.1 UI
jj ;; :;;
-o .
:i ui
tl u
4 on
e no
4 ui
tl u
4 ui
on or Iliirham,
Native Hlock,
2il "
3d ' " " ,
Itt-it Devon or Durham lleif.-r,
Hot Native Stork 1 )rar. 'J UI
Iti-itt Call of any tirecil tnnlrr 10 month, 'J UI
licit Yoke of Working Ui-n, 4 UI
!!, " 3 l
Bent pair of Stci-ri, UI
11,1 " .4 UI
Bt-.t illrplay of Cattle owned and held tin fdrm alnck
hy tin.- t-xliitiitur, cinoliinliig lloi brut roiirtii' In
r,-eard to prorttakle Ur c ling, l'i-rdingfc ..Hiking. 10 00
2d 5 (in
JUIKlKH-llpiilH-n Wilon, Mndison; Unit
man, Cattanissa; John Hill, Cvntri..
CSS 3-f:l'.
neat llloodci Duck, 5 110
!!d " .1 IK)
Hi nt Native 4 UI
Cd ' 2 UI
IW-.l nioodml Eive, II UI
'J,l 5 UI
Uct dlrnlay of Hliorp, ". UI
JCDCHa-Thoinaa Crorrlloir. flrott; Franklin Mc
llrlde, Hemlock Jn.lioi Mniidciiliall, IranMin.
t7.4S 4-tm.VK.
IV. t Roar,
llct llrood Sow,
.1 ro
2 til
:t III
Beat find henviert 2 lloga,
2d "
Beat lot of I'lga, G or more, undrr 10 w cka,
a in
2 HI)
a in
2 no
Jl'IKir. Samuel I.nx-irnti, Montour; Vatilah K2crc,
(.cmre ; u. a. liowmao, .Minim.
cmu s-rovi.rm:
Beat pair&linnghair.
Heat - Cliitlagooga,
lli-bt " llanluma,
Heat " Neapolitan,
lli-at ' (lame,
Ileal " l'ollsll,
lle.l " Leghorn,
ll.-it " Black fpanl.h,
Ik-at and largeat arlety of Ton la.
Heat " " olTurki-ja,
Ileal (ici-ae,
liu.i i igeon..
Ileal tltinarv Bird.
JUIHIUH-Pr. Himon Cotncr, Miidi.nn ; SJlaBowmnii,
iL-n.icK, nr. .corgoiia,uurai,i.auavjFii.
c.ks-c anjti.v jixo wwm nr.Kns.
Beat hualiel White Wln iit,
1 to
i M
1 m
2 (HI
" ('.ilinuiau ninlc Wheat ' '
" lied! Ili-nrdi-il,
nnd largcat luriety of Wheat,
i hualiel of Data,
l in
Peal Bye,
" Smoked Corn,
Coilrileeed '
" l-peckled 'i
- ol tiny kind,
i Clo.i-raccd,
I i
1 1
1 U)
1 UI
1 III)
1 mi
1 no
I Tiinmliy Seed.
JUI)(;nS-lMcr.M.Tr.wgh, rr'nrrrcek; I'lnlip lleia.
Cn-t-nwooil ; (1..W. Drt-ialiaek, tleiolork.
1 no
cuius t-aur.M'if uiiir.n mvirs.
Beat Tit Winter Applea not leaa j bnahel,
Beat " l'all
' and largeat cricty of Apple.,
" and - IVnra,
lVnrhea not leaa than 1 t)u..,
' Lot Uulueea,
" ' of Dried Applea,
" M I'l-nilua.
M 4 ipiarta of Priuil Clietrioa.
4 quart of aliinud
Varlely o liriipea,
' nnd l.irgeal tnrl.'l) Of Ilri'd 1'ruit,
" i liuahel Oiiiuna,
" Currant Wine,
" Wlutu Currant Wine,
" Blaiklierry
" (Irapo
" Catavvlia . "
" nnd l.iraeat varhty of Wine,
' Cln-rrv Wine.
1 CO
1 lJ
2 lai
1 00
I (10
I (10
1 Do
,1 UI
1 no
' 2 00
1 00
JUIIlil.rt -Ml llendi'iiliall. I', ntn.i
Franklin; Theodore J. Wnlivwr, Ml, Pl.-aaant,
1 Hiram K-i-d(r
C-W -Vt.(lF.T.1HUJS.
Beathuahel Men er I'olalova, 1 (H)
' -i Pink j:u i u
" ard 1 (H)
' Tenth Dluwn no
I'rliu-e .luerl " 1 00
niuo " j im
" rliannnrka i o.i
and largeat tarkty, J u.)
o rj-piaauea,
2 t'uuipkiua,
and largual varl-ty of fumpkina, 1 00
Liiciai; , Ulliaiuai ft
1 Uet-ta, '..t
1 Cjrrota,
I, Itvada Cuuhag,,, ;j
il (I . ...t
Beat 12 Slalki Ct-ll.-ry,. -,
u ucaua auilllower, ,3
12 Mangova, -.5
it 12 - r.o
Beat i l'eck Lima Beana, ,vi
12 loiuatiiea, . o
II Purple l'.gg i'linta. w
b Hara tireen Corn, in
aud large.narltty of VtgttahUa, 1 U)
Lot ol Turuipa. ;5
JUlMJi;S-j;ilL'revelini. S.-mt, Ail,n. I'.n. r
tru; Lll (.urtuo, Bloniii.
t'iMi j-uumi; s- juiity ritonucrs.
Beat Canned or I'reei-rvcd Whil) IVjihea,
21 .
Beat " " Vt-llow
1 Ik)
1 IH)
2d "
Bt-at (liitneea,
Heat " Teara,
2,1 .
Beat Jar Quince Ji Ity,
Beal Jar Apple Jelly,
Bt-atFpiped I'e.tthea,
largebt an, ly ef canned or Prcscr cJ Fruit, V. 0 )
mii unci,
Cent Apple' Hulter,
' Tomato
lVar "
' IVai h
" l'antry Apple Vic,
" IVach I'll',
' Fruit Cakf,
! lla Cakf,
" Found Cake,
" aud lanret nricty of Cake und rastry,
Loaf oflirt-ad, '
Lot of Doughnut!,
" Lot of Uinuit,
'J'oumto Kvtihup,
" l'itklvD,
" And l-irifil variety of 1'jfUcf,
ri.iiuiiloi'iJer V'ii. gar,
' Jot Hard Hoap.
" " Holt .
" Ran i ol is riurpt Pnln
1 IU
I (l
1 IU
JUDCiarf-iir. F.C.Uarriioti.Illoomj rrn.llr.fignriju
I.lia Duunrh, Alontuur; Airs. Ai:rtil Cravclmj Upy
cms io-yav 4- household.
UcfclTwo 1'ieres Cloth,
" Linen Chuck,
" ud UuilU,
Ur.t pair Woolen lllanketi,
d " "
Uij Hamplo Kag Carpet, notice than 15 )arJ,
Ue piece Wooton Carpel,
pair W'ookii Htockliigs,
" ' 1 Hoiie,
M Wotilen aiitttin,
" Coverlid,
9 IX)
1 IK)
1 (hi
1 UI
1 la)
1 Ml
1 .Ml
n, Dtcnmr,
Jijuuiia-ii r, i.utz, niooni; Mrs. H.
Dct Fanry Loilet Covir,
Ucht Fancy Lamp Mat,
bV.l Haruple of Whirl Cellar, t Uotunu.
" Knit Shawl,
" Ariii'aiaj Flowers, W' .
1 (HI
1 IM
1 (HI
1 (HI
1 uo
1 la)
1 ia)
1 01
Complete avi Lmbroidrry,
llcat Ornamental Bhcll Work,
" Ui'iuaul 1'luuvra,
!!il n "
IkaUnd I.arteat variety ot llowara.
" ana Uie.t variety ut ilillcnary woik.
Hampl. irf Wi.iaM oiZcnliyi '
" UutaeilBkiit
1 Ul
1 (K'
. ,,7" 33
llAtnlcrMt'fitvtlffrllcrNp(''3l-ivfnrK j 5 t
JtllMJM-O'ol, I ITntc Hloonti Mlm'WNinn :P'
.. . . L- -I, A.Ib. IS.., .
WICK1 nun- ibj ...... --uitr)D4
Prut Wheat I'louf iO Ibi. or loorf , ' ' j
ad " "i lf ski
Bet nuckhcut, sou
a,t it" ; - ... ii,
tli tt Com Meal, 1 . ' jf? 1 ui
Itolirburg I Pi-riiaril etotu-r, l.looio. '
class K-jiamcviruML iMrLr.Mr.xrs.
nenll'loujh, .... 3 00
Tlircalilnl Machine, j w
llorpa Hake, 1 u,
" I.lmf and (liiano Bprailcr, j ...
rnrtaMo filter Mill,
Wine l're. S
M'aihlnn Mai-lnnil, J dy
Collection of Airrttnltural IniptPtufnts k tool,
ttiii roicrtr of tlio olliltiltor, who imi.t lie n
JlJlttViStnilwonJ llii8h-. tViitns Win. Iloncif
Mount t'lt-asanl ; join iiuimn, wuiuuu,, (
ajiss li-mtncMva t vjiHHuana.
iic.t shining Top uam.
S to
1 (HI
1 141
:i ui
1 111
4 iu
rii'i-l Open Buggy,
Ile.lTwo Mono Carriage,
Bl-i-t Weigh,
TtU dliplay of Wapona and Carriage!,
" Clnld a Cairi-ige,
.1 L'...... IV..UI.
HtiiiiKA i-.l.e.ter Titratl. Hemlock; Jame.ll. v.
Henr), llihingiteiki Hr, John K, Koldiiiia, (Julian i.,
f.ISS S-MJI.VfACl VHl:l) JlltTIVI.U:.
l.r muio.
Bent Helt Hlngle f arrlagj llarln-ta,
llmiM'i ' "
' 2 Hitca olo I-nllier,
2 l
2 w
1 V)
1 IU
I Hi
'J nn
K upiK-r
2 " Kip "
,. -;M-.--kln..
fperinn-n rlmilli Work,
c (vri-BtCdt vt emitliunrkfur I'anii uu,5 in
1 i.ur r iiiu nuitt i ik)
1 " t'ojrae " J wi
1 net U fiKlcur fti.ilrn 1 flnzcn, j ,
' hiiritip rent limit's tlujn, v i
1 itockiiiK t'h.Ur, I iu
1 II.-, M-aJ, 1 Iu
1 HWteti. 1 Ou
' n,, 1 t-j
Ilia It ark. 1 Im
' l)iRila- t-rrnlilnrt Work, 3 (M
1 i ttu.cii Lorn HftMPum, u
JUnUKi-Kiion Fuwlt r, nrdirrrrk t . 11. WWn,
Hem Irk! J.irkfim 1'lioindi, Muil(oti.
IWdt TarlnrStftvP, 2 M
UtHjkinii etnve And niniri'H, i
and drtHtcit iirl-t ol Tin ware, ;t oj
jiii'Io rnrt.ilil' l'eiiC''i J tnj
JL'IKJKS-Jolm I.ntlvMit. I' lot. in; Julin Ilnitti.4.i.
Il3inl.kl .Mnfrili.tll KiiifK.Hcotl.
Rcit ArllfirinlTfi tti, i w
THIRD birirtlUX.
Hvntiig tiafiiiii',i 1 m
Iicpt JIniJi 1 l anii (atc, (
oiid ilfeit l.ruk, j o,
I'ofkii Knife, I ij
Larthfii aiul tl'lttonpn-nrf. 1 im
hinrriMl'H.ury rmiiiuinsnfU U' allow rJ uti(!crtliU(l.ilt
JlilMiKH-Or. ii. V,, or.iiig.j ; Jt.lni It. Mutt
HIikiui; Julm II. Vamlcritlico, .Ml. II iisj.nt.
(lrt o1iprnlnry Itiu lliw, 1 fto
rwtirm ii"'f, i (m
' namjili' llmuy, 1 W
J i; in; ilr John M.nnrton, Hemlock: Ml Crovctlnu.
t-Viitn ; Jis?li Lilly, Mull.
IVt BimlJ Tnliartnil ti'lalkn, 1 ffl
JUIKJL3 Juliii(. liatlou, VAi Crcclinp, J'Wj-li
JtJlt(;i:tf-Ur. T. Jclin, lilmmi; Hon. IL li Willtti,
Itrpl Trottinjc lloriiu nr Mbru lu linriii'M, ?,i
1.M " Jwim
Utd i.iir Trotting llotnvn or Mtirvi, 15 im
i " " r w
JL'IMJn-l.'.'orei) MnrDi, I.iBht Htrcit: Or. W. Ml
Itej iiulilo, lli-inliHk; Jim. i llaj (nan, tircitwuuj,
licet mid fistcst Knit li Jr, 5 Ml
Ift-.t uiiil f.tst ikt Walker, 4 '
'2 1 ' u IM
Jill (1123 -Pr. J. Kamnfy, niotfm; flporso Wiuki
Dlui'iii (Vm. iNcul, itluuni.
CI.Aiiri aj.
Deft llircc acres of Corn, 10 IQ
ni " "
l!i-i tli re s ncn'ri of henl, )u u
2t l- " " i m
IU ft tliriM' nrri'8 of O.ii, .i uu
" 4 " l'ot..tilCB, .1 '
ttvi I acre Turnip, i! w
" ' TuhalCLO, it l')
C'oTn)ttitor fir I'rcriiiumji fr llie oloe Agricultural
iru(!iitliKtm Mter iirndnci- ti riL. dlntuiiivut ut tli inmit
ol cultiittioii,iiiia klii.l of Hril Usutl. The (Jruinij l
Im in one LOiiliguoim uicic, to bt mranifLa ty uflurt
or who i-Iiull nukj (..luinwt to tit.! ttirruiiionn ulftu
iii.-iiniiri-iin nt,ol'lliiil.tii(l. TIij ioi lulu r f busliuU mu
thi i"' ci-riiii'-il to 1 ito irns oilier i-ron w ho hclptdi
inc;ii.iiri Hit n.irin'. Tliu t-xluliitor uiiiit nino vxnilnl
Kjiiiplo ol i-utli v,iritt), wot Ion tlian Julf u tuhj .
t Ji 4 lo'xt r.iir.
coMt'K'uno.N wtntoirr Tin: countv.
Tlu Cohiniiii County tf'Hlty iituke th
il i 'I.I of t'ouifii lition mk u iiuu uitli oilier Count i i in
tin Hut., i-iniiiily im itcs tlu titi..itrj t-l oilier r
ti.iiLM lu LuiiiptU w itti iirt lur our irn-iiiiUKOj ut itiu io.u
li'S I'.ur,
will l' f t nil ui nil Iri'oforult animals ciitcrcil fnr pn-ni
iiiiik mill L'riiin will Im f,irniliva ut ilr.i tot lor t!iv:
wuo tltiirn to'f.
P. This Ju'J,'i-iH InvB the i1inrretlonary po-'r t
witiiliol.1 Mil- j.rjioiainj if ilu iirtulj cilnWk-d m w
woriliy u jirviniiiiii.
nii'iiiliLrn of the varioun Cornmiticp will moh
itapohii to Io onth'gri il anviirl) a pus m bit- ou ill
n-i.-mi oay-iiiiUiut later lli.ui IDocliKk, at wliuli in
tneir im hcb a ill talU J from tliu Itnd, antl ilojy h.
ha ciiicit.-il to irocci-u to liUiinoH-i.
.1. J lie ClMir.i.Qii of Hie tliitWvnt Cnnmiittfei ari'o
I itfluii to Ii.iu I in Hi tr rt'inot um early ui po-uiUe. 'Id
1 reii.ititurt iiliii nuariK-u by tliu 1'rc-Ji.Unt on caturd.
""i Hi no; win, ui y o ijoik, .. M,
1. All articles for coiiiji titiou imibt lio on the grout
li) l-'oMotk, .M., onTtiiirmlj) Hi Jrtli,
J. All urtuK't fliilfitud must rtniain on tha cri'uni
until 4 o'tloik, l. M,. on Friday thti .'ili.uud on all itc.
kioiiri mi) im rfturnutl to ttic tituliitor wlivu calleil fr.
3. CAUTION'-All aituUtujjiliibitctl, AliUlivrrntaltln
or not, mutt be rjn.cttl aa riutc t-roptrty, miu r,i
ior-oit di-if.U'iliii rJ.irutitf vr injurinic lluin will t
diall nith atiordinn ulav,
1. All arlitlfii oilurctl lor ronipi-titioii, muHt lnowiiri
bytlid eompctiiors; all irtiiU, i', flowt r- Jtt
luiiHt Im Ui' ffOrt tli ol tlio com pit i tor uu.l all luamiht
turutl nrliiles mnl hnu t.i-tn miulu by Ilu tompctilofi
AllHiuwa, FIinB liorh.i Kilnbilion, as willa Hi
saiuorfcpiritiiimliiHorn, igvr ikt-rauj Ale will
tltt bu prolubitutl. Application for rflrvvbmtnt i oh'i
or n-Mtdiiraiii, nniKt boi.imJe tu the special toitiuiiUf
clatcU lur Hut jnirpoiif,
5tl ' , "l,10Unt rcTiired for m-mlMTslilp to llm Hori tjr
" i''iiiiuilulic'yrarlyiiiwiiii() For Mil
l ;l,1,M,,llb,';Uv"'"1!"ll"'y fri-ltfitauJinur.
S uy btfobtainudhtaii) tnu after thilu.i
; , , ulu" oftluMorMliiUloomslmrK.
!! ' J BlxAti Sr-tretary,
New SVtiucrtiscmcnti.
y A N c, x xv jl is i- a it t
juii. r.Miii.ii, mi, ,is Altl'llft,
J IwIhwii Itii., HHU , Pla., VMuitlMa,
? li! ' l1"'lMr,lVr l"f'Huri:ruf unj Dealer
' ri.lll., ... HI M.,l,n .1 ,
. ,11 ui, Mima 01
llaliiij rriaorrif In my NVw froar,
It) Arcli tilreet, und lifiiiL- iiuwiizd-ej
enllnlj- In W ,hH,fa,t,re rnilMut
uf taut) fun, uluili ill nriuriliiuca
Mil till) "(JA Pnre VI..;....,, I ... -
ant r r.r, for either IMtu- 'r c,,l,,' "ilVir. I
- l...cli,m.,r,y .,,.n fl10' ''Zu.a Sil
' V-"!"iy" 7 lu,l'l,,'l" ' lry ileaVrcJ eaai iili
nlTi.fiTi 'al 11 i1,1 ""'" iny lln.l lim"'
uiJi ftE ,l'.',r',"," y' 1 ' "mtl)en,lUK-ll
.. . 'Hi llui-rice, mi,l iii.tru.iiiina fur"
l"iu 2. ";?,':rJ l" """ My uiiilre-imili 'i
VL"! ""l,fac',"y nitli 1"
luilil.t S3. HiO-Jin.
rUllliIt! BALK
Vnlllilllln Dnnl l74n in
Ii-i.,.irua;,r? ?" ,,f " .fuu'i of
i Ilenae, efCi)lulnl,i4 HMiniy, ,, It ',
ottuntuy, tltejirsl uay of September, ''
LimimM1, i'!,"" Aurnlum rirliivri.p.'.-
iZ , h, WJ' u" 1 ' f.tmry tllintl'i
li latr, 11 1111 .lie 1,1 J, in, ,,,.,,,,, j ,
r ? ';11' ' Vei , up,.!, iha'pr. nu-e'.
auill ,arl ufa curtuni leneniciiiaiia
J.V. Kii'f lh0 "1J"!"')i"f Villlin.n.ljoininj! Ian'
idtn ii TI"'liiaar,Juul, Yolie, uJriii A'u.ijt
ana ullicra, luiituiiuu; obmil
One lliiiidrcil aiu Tlilrly-two Acres
Tij-iiijini uKa; z uXi
I Villi- iiiiV !';8,'''!"'1" '""' "ntaililns a'
....' . . ' i IHIKTV'TUU AIRI.-