I r i COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. tEVI Li TATE. Editor. 3olotiimiljurg: SATURDAY MOANING, AUOOST 11, 1BS0. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. ron rnEsiDENTt lion. John 0. Breckinridge, OF KENTUCKY. Ton VICE PRESIDENT) ys 'T" T Ucn. Josepli Jj'iinc op oncoo.v. TOR rRKPItlKVT: STEHIKN A. DOUGLAS, 01' ILLINOIS. roil vice rm:sini:.vr: HERSOIIEL V. JOHNSON", or oEOnai.v. DUMOCR-VriC STATU NOMINATIONS. TOR GOVERNOR: HENKY D. FOSTER, OP WESTMORELAND. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. ELECTORS AT LARGE. niCHAIlD VAUX, GEO. M. HUM. PHTRICT tLECIOR, 1. Frkp. A. SFRVrif, 2. M. C. riniR9n!i, 3. Jo. Crockett. 4. J. (J. l(RrMFR, 5. a. V. jAiotfy, (. CllARLfcU KfULVj 7. th V. James, p, David Shull, 9. S, t.e LtOHT(tR, K H, H. HlRHLR, II. T. II. W'AfKFK. 1.1. Jotorn IjAinrii, U, ImiaC It fc it HOW, 1.5. (.YOROK I. jACKtON, ftl. J. A. Anu 17. J. H. Dasmr. Id. J. It. Craw r r d, 1!. II. N. I. tp., X) J. !4. Ilowrn.. 81. S. I Fetiermam, 2.'. HtMCkL Marshall, 2:1. Wit UM Hook, SI. It. U. HAMLIN, 12. iS. i. WiKOitcTrn, 25 GaVI.IKD ClIlRCH, HRWI.UTtON OF TIII3 F,MOC;ilATICSTATn EXK ClITIVB.UOMMIlTi: IV fmmdly f mpreiiscJ w 1th the Impnrlnnff nf prompt, vljotmiB nnrt patriotic nr4hm on the imrt nl fli Heino rrAttc tfmtc Cuiiniiittpc, In order loawrt, if poHlc, th etin-i"(in-nccH w hii h must Inevitably result from ttfo tin luppv cliWrion now existing In the rank ofthi Uenmc Mcy in our fittit- and nation, o cordially and honoi-.ly r-r mtnu'iiit to the licmorrfiry of Hie Mate thit they nn itu with iH'nrt and Toic1 in the support of our cxci-Mrnt ami competent nominee for timcrnur, lli-nry I). Futer, and that in all thj local election" they act as mo party, for. tli, ins and forccttinB any dlifrrvnri' that they may have titc rt.il net! for tho I'muk-ncy ; but with a icw tw apcr f.-ct unity against tho common many, wc n-romincnd to the Democracy of IViinaj liania to unite their vote for I'rmdent on the i'U'tl"ral ticket formed at Ilearlinft on the tut day of March, ltUJ,m the MU ins bails and tin. leritanliticlit That If paidelertorut ticket nhoitld be It-cteil by the people, and it ehouM appear, on ascertain ing thu result of the other fllates of the Union, that by rait mi; tlm entire vote of IViinaj Ivania frr Stephen A. Dtmplaa and Herschet V. Johnson, it would tU'ctthem President and Vice President ovt r Meiers. iJiimlti and Hamlin, then suld tlettors fhnll under obligation so tocastsnld vote ; if on the other hand it should appear that -iM vote would not elect Mesiri'.DoiiBlasand John, poo, but would tU-rt John V. Itreckltiridtje and Joxrph l-inu President aid Vice President oer -Messrs. Lincoln and Hamlin, then sjir oip shall be cat for them J and in rae the united M'te of Puniis) lvntiia would not ilert tthercf these tickets, then the electors may itiWde it l-ctween thcin according to their own judatiKnt of what would be the best for the country ami the Democratic party the basis of this united action being th.tt it is the Hrt and highest duty of nil Demr rats, how cter they mav diffff about men and minor pot ut s of principle or policy, to unite azainst a common enemy, and to avert, if possible, thn greatest calamity that could befall the country, the election of a lllark Republican President; andfurtlnr. the Chairman of this t'ommittee is hereby authorized to correspond with the several ilvctom in the titate, and obtain from each of said i lectors his written pledtre, within thirty days from this date, that lie will faithfully carry out the object of this resolution. Democratic County Convention. TVTOT1CC I, hf nby given, that the nemocratif K'ortor, 1 11 In n.l Fnr h ......I K.ipnimtia iml l'l,.tiAii 11... 1 irku of Columbia rmintv, will in.it nt tiio iNprctiva , i.lncci. on SATURDAY, tho 2ith day of Annul, be- twi'ontbe hour, of :i ana 7 oviock in tho aftfrnoon of aiitl ilay, forth piirponc of tboi.jne two Dt-lrKatO! earti KU-ction Di.lritt. to inf-ft in Cnnntv f'on.t-ntinn. nt th Court lloiitfcin Hlooimlinrc nn .MONDAV, tlic eTth riay ofAlieil.t.at 1 o'flork, l M . for tho purpnsu of ma iling the ii.Hal nominations of Vnc noinorr.itic party of Columbia County. ii. l.nVK-ni:un. j. w woons. I s. .monuoi:, A, II. TATB. M. Wlll.lClir.lt, w.m. iitiwr.i.i., j. i.Kiicorr, fiCHfitraUc Standing Commute. Illoomibiirr;, July lf, 1(0. EST The Hon.IlKNKY M. Fclle"., has been nominated for Congress in tho Second Dh-trict of l'hi'adelphia, by tho Conititu tional Union Party. OS The handsome testimonial received by Col. II. A. Fonda, from tho employees of tho Cattawissa Railroad, consists of a i-ilvcr Pitcher, salver, and goblets, all of which have inscribed therein, "Presented to II. A. Fonda, Esq., by his oniployoes." Cattawissa RAitnoAii. At the clec tion held in Philadelphia, on Saturday last, tho following officers were elected: President, T. Haskins Do Puy ; Directors Samuel V. Merrick, Charles Macalestcr, James a. Cox, William Schott, Joseph Paxton nnd Robert Bayard. s SGT Tho Unionville Weekly Argus published at Unionville, .Missouri, by Ilcn ry B. Rhone, of this county, is an excellent nud tpiey little paper, and is doing good servioe in tho cause of Breckinridge and Lane. Tho Democrats of Columbia county aro sound wherever you find them. Go it Ronton, you aro all right. Skwinci Machined. Theso useful ma chines, advertised in our columns, more ehpecially tho "May Flower," and tho Eureka," which are sold by Mcsrs. Grier aiid Mnrtfn, of Danville, aro grow ing into much favor. Tho perftct char acter of tho work, as well as tho very moderate price, has given thoin tho pref erence. Hard Pusbod. Great parade has been mado by soma illy papers about tho Dauphin County Democratic Convention, Tho Patriot ij- Union, ono of tiio best pipers in tho Stato, nsst-rts that no reso lution in favor of Union was voted down, nnd nono in fuvor of Douglas passed by th majority. And proves its assertion by publishing a protest; eigntd by a majority oi (no convention. Tho qarly days of November will gettlo the brag and blister party, and Dauphin county will not be' behind in tha work. L i u bi united Washington Dictation. " IPe desire to ascertain the strength of tilt National Democracy Aorta ami Aouth, aml tve intend to ascertain it." I Wc find the nbovo, in the lust address I of Miles Taller ami two other members of I the Douglas National Executive Commit ' too to the Democracy of the Union, This is tho second imperial , Idict issued from this Committee forbidding all compromise of tho dilTcrencw. of thn Dcnioeraey and j Impudently interfering with tho action of State organization?. c make this quo himself at the head of this treasonub'e, tntion from tho address and desire to call disorganizing movement, as usual, out tho attention of our readers to tho reason , fide of Luzcrno comity, no papor in hU why this Committee to urgently opposes a District supports him j and we refer to tho Union of Democrats in Pennsylvania and several articles in refcn-iico to the conven ekewhero against the Sectional ltepuhli-1 tion, to show that the solid democracy cf cans. " They desire to ascertain tho ' tho State understand and despise tl o Ktrcugtli of tho National Democracy North and South." So then, that hal come to be the ques tion. Wc supposed those gentlemen were anxious to elect Judge Douglas to the Presidency ; but it seems they have quietly abandoned that as a hopeless task ; and their solo desire now is, to ascertain the strength of tho divided Democracy. Wo should greatly prefer to chronicle tho re sult of a united vote, of a triumphant Do- mocracy. If Mr. Miles Taylor is convinced that Judco Douclas cannot be elected, would , it not bn more patriotic for him to astist frankly in tho election of Maj. !rcekin- J ... ndgo, than to take a course, which any child can sec, must result in tho election of a Black Kcnublican! He can't coax tho Democrats of Pennsylvania off on such a fool project as that. arc in Favor of "Fusion." Is it not a significant fact that thcro aroj but two classes among the .Democracy who arc in lavor ot a "lusion" or "Union j Electoral ticket I And who are they ! i hy 1st, Buchanan and his office-holders ; . ,. .. , and t!nd, a majority of the offiec-Wc , tho "emocratie vote, upon one electoral in every county men who want a noini-1 ticket. After expressing its decided pref nation lor Congrcts, the State Senate, the crcncc for Mr. Douglas, and its belief that llouso ot Jiepresoutativcs, anil the count offices I 1 Now let tho independent men of the Democratic parly note this. These men care not a straw for principle. ; they are working for success for their oivn nomina tion nud election. Mark them and treat them with the indignation their selfishness deserves. Such men aro dema goguesare dangcroui in the extreme. Look out for them. Cot, Co. Republican. The labors of tho Republicans to pre vent a union of tho Demoeratie party aro incessant and earnest. Is it not enough to make Col. Wright pause in his destructive oareer, to see tho Republican papers sup posing him, nnd urging a division of tho party t Is it for any good to the Democ racy that they take that course ! Demo crats, when Bepublicans pat you on tho back, and defend your course; it is high time you should take heed to your steps, 1 and ponder tho paths of your feet. o say that tho masses, without refer- eiice to presidential nrcdolictions. aro for . 1 . ... 1 ' union, and will vote tho Ilcadini? electoral ticket. They are for princinlcs and not alone for men. Thoy understand rcpubli can tactics, and will neither follow nor bo lead by them. Wo have been in too many fights to bo deceived by falso calls, or counterfeited honesty, and wo don't want any advico from Republicans at honi, or Forney, Wright, Haldoman or Taylor, nlirnfwl "Drjlmt rrv.vi i-i o Wiiat is Gonoral Foster ? vt ny is it that ucn. r ostkii continues mum Why is it that he don't come out openly and declare either for Douoi.as or BnECKiNiunoE ! It is now confidently asserted that tho feeling of tho people of Foster's own county is in favor of Brcck- inridgo, and that Foster himself isa Brcck- inridgo man. Biglcr distinctly claims that j ueu. roster is opposed to senator .Douglas, but advises him against publicly expressing his prcferonco for Breckinridge. The game of theso managers is to concentrate the support of both wings upon him, and then to claim his voto as an exhibition of Mr. Breckinridgo's strength in Pennsylva nia. Will the Douglas men agree to this ? We shall see. Columbia Co. Republican. Gen. Foster chooses not to tako sides on tho Presidential question, simply because ho was supported at Reading by both Breckinridge and Douglas men, is support ed by both now, and by their united votes, they will elect htm Governor, over Kuow Nothing Andy, in spite of the machinations of tho Republican, General Foster is tho nominee of tho united Democracy. Tho Dr. is very much afraid tho Doug las men will vote for Foster. Tho election of Foster will bo a victory for the wholo Demoeratie party, not for any wing of it. Wo do- not believe tho Douglas men will desert Foster. If they do, where will they go ? Not to Lincoln, certainly ! Will the whole body of Douglas men follow Forney and Hickman to the Republican ranks ! No I No I Don't flatter yourself with such a result. Eir Frof. William Houscfielh, has commenced delivering a Series of Lect ures on Phrenology, for the benefit of tho citizons of Columbia county, which with the advantago thoy enjoy, over any other community, in tho purchase of cheap goods at Bottle's Store, Light Street, ought to make them a happy, intellectual and prosperous people. HaT The Atlantic Monthly for August has been received and several articles have interested us groatly. Thoso who desiro good reading should subscribe. Three dollars a year. Ticknor and Fields. Bos Democratic Sontimont. Wc give below, cxtrncU from a number of papery favoring the election of Judge Douglas, condemning in urimcarurr d terms the men who no acting with John AW1 Forney, in getting up bogus convention, and endeavoring to divide, distract and destroy the Demoeratie party. Col. Wright, atnbtiioui of notoriety, liavini? so trreat n mania for creating a son- sation, that ho would rnthcr he kicked out of a room than not noticed at all, has put treason and tha traitors, We publish a litt of tho officers so that tho party in the ftato may ice who they arc, who are willing to betray us into tha hands of the republicans. Mark them well obscrve how the black republican papers pet and praiso them birds of a feather will Hock together, llickman has openly g one over lie was a follower of Forney and tho lest of tho crew will pr s ently be found in the mine boat. Keep your eye on them. Tho Grcensburg Demotrat says! W'e (-hall in no wiao aid or countenance ' the treasonable doigns and efforts of Col toriwy, tho imiil IiirehiigoriHnck Ilenub. licanism, and a follower of Judgo Doug ks M Wlls ,;,,, rftCariot of Clifi-t, only that ho might betray him. Wo shall not ! follow him, or any others acting with him, into the camp of Black llcpublicanism We shall not asiUt in the election of Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Cur'in, and the defeat of (itu. Foster and tho Democratic partv, by lending our pen to a denunciation of such honorable agrcen cnt as only can secure a . .Democratic victory .j The Pittsburg Post, in a long leader, a PHn.,nt.. : c . p ....... he is tho regular nominee of tho party, it proceeds : Yet it does not follow that wo may not in a friendly spirit discuss the difficulties which surround us, and escape them if wo can without the surrender of principle or socrifico of organization. Wo have im portant Congressional elections pending, and a gubernatorial content at hand. En thusiasin in the ranks is necessary to en-! sure success, and can only bo obtained by j unity of action. Whilst wo aro poi-itivc 1 and clear in our cupport of Mr. Duuglas as tho regular nominee of tho party, we have not, nor shall we bo timpted to ex press a wish or thougLt in favor of the op position candidate as preferable to the election of John C. Breckinridge or any other sound Democrat. No ono regrets more deeply than wo the division which exists among tho Dc nioeraey. Indeed, wo aro willing to give up anything, which the rules of the organi zation do not hind us to support. Wc are not one of those who desire, by haung two electoral tickets, to throw the vote of Pennsylvania for a Black Republican candidate. It is our earnest wish that i every Democrat in Pennsylvania should cast his vote for a united Democratic elec toral ticket. The Mass Convention called to assemble , at Harri-burg on tho UOth int., was very slimly attended. Hendriek B. Wright, ofi Luzemo county, was called to tho chair, ' and some two hundred self constituted Delegates took teats in tho Convention. Considering the noise and fuss made a-, bout this Convention, tho excursion tickets issued by the several rail-roads to induce people to attend, wc think rorney iV Co., n 1)Ut tl ... ..... a, noor . . attempt to disorcanuo the Democracy of the Old Keystone State. After the pas.v , age of some resolutions, in which the Stato 'Committee arc advised, admonished and I threatened if they do not rescind the Com-. promise Resolution adopted at Philadcl-. phia, that tliov will be superceded, their power annulled, and tho management of the Democracy placed in ether hands, tho Convention adjourned kink iuk. This harmless attempt on tho part of tho For ney faction, to bully the Stato Committee into steps to divide the party, will pass for what it is worth and nothing more. North Hiuiivh Democrat The Jcrsoyshore llcpubli:an says : On Thursday last, liUf) sclf-coustituted dalegatos from about one half the couu.ies j'" tm8 t5t,lto assembled at Harrisburg for tho purpose of distracting tho Demoeratie party as lar as their limited inllenee and abilities extend Mr. Buchanan and his Administration came in lor a full sh ire of abuso from thoso two hundred and nine distinguished popular chanq ion.s,who have thought proper to wage a war upon tho Demoeratie party, tor the solo reason that it has refused them life long pensions. Men who have been lifted from poverty and obscurity to afiluenco and prominence ; who have held office by i.ppoiniuont and by election, until tiio powers that appoint ami the peoplp who clcet havo become disgust ed at their arrogance and persistent do niands; men who-o official derelictions havo been covered w ith tho mantle of char ity and who should be -satisfied to rest iu unmolested retirement, havo, at the call of the Black Republican Clerk of tho House of representatives, assembled at Harrisburg and impertinently assumed the control of the machinery of tno Democrat io party. Of course tlra people will treat this Convention with the contempt it de serves Solntc frciud of Mr. Douglas figured in it, and it niu-t be powerless, ci her to injure tho Demoeratie party or ad vance the interests of the Black Republi cans. The Democratic party has iu the past unw isely p'accd tho.-o men in positions ( iar above tnoso to which ilieir merits en titled them. It has paid them a thousand fold for all the service they have over ren dered, and it can now allord to loe their vo.tcs. Let them tako their positions in tho Republican ranks where thoy rightful ly belong, and wo wish the supportors of Mr. Lincoln joy m tho acnuisition. Mr, Douglas may congratulate himself in thus being desorted by the parasites who, .hi das like, would betray him with a ki.ssyind who, masked in tho garb of friendship, A, Modol Dologato in a Domo- would counsel sueh n cdltrso as wouldl cratlc ConVOUtion. leave liim in a hopeless liiinoiity in every) It will bo recollected by those of our nKtoil?;p rw wLo clo30,y r "? proccf lio-e the compromise fe working in be- ings of tho Democratic Convention, at. the half of tho republican nominee. ' Front Street Theatre, in IJaltimoro, which - ' culminated in the nomination of Stephk.V Newfi 'A Douglas, that a certain Mr. Lewis Connecticut. 1 K. P.vitsoNH was the leader of the bogus Tho " Union" ritatu Convention of Con- 'Alabama delegation who wero admitted to ncctieut, which was held at New Itavc'n seats in that tumultuous and irregular on Wednesday last, appointed a Commit assemblage. Of Mr. Paiisons' political tee to nominate rtii Electoral Ticket. In antecedents and present proclivities, some this re.-ncct thev followed tho example of idea may be formed by tho following card, tho " Union'' Convention of tho State of New York. Tho NomiiiatingjConiinitteo is constituted as follows S. II. White, of Hartford; F. D. Whittlesey, of Southing. tr i i rv ir . T!..r?. tout H.G. hewis.of-New Haven; "f' l). Hitchcock, of Watcrbury ; Ijiac Knight, of Canterbury ; F. P. Loomis, of Now London; Chas. II. Leeds, of Stamford; John W. Itoss, of Greenwich. Wc regard this action as favorable to co operation with the Democrats in tho support of a joint electoral Ticket oppo scd to Lincoln. Tho " Union'' men of flnnnecHnnt nra tmt. nnmrn,,,. ln.Ml.tf'. are of tho truo uict.il. AI.A11AMA. Tho Montgomery Advertiser sets at rest in the following emphatic way tho claims of tho Douglasitcs to Hon. Uenrv W. Hilliard : " Mr. Hilliard authorizes us to say that lie is in favor of Breckinridge and Lane ; indeed, lias been ever since the news of his nomination was received. True, ho was a member of tho Convention at Com mercial Hall, in tins city, in June, nud was appointed as a delegate to the Balti more Douglas Convention, but did not attend." The Mobile 7 ribunc sums up the array for Breckinridge and Lane in Alabama thus : i " There are our two Democratic Sena tors Clay and Fitzpatrick ; our Democra tic Representatives, Stalworth, Clopton, Moore, Curry, Pugh and Cobb ; our Democratic Governor, Moore, and every officer of our Democratic State adminis tration all of them against Douglas and for Breckinridge. Nearly every Demo cratic member of th e State Legislature i the same way, and almost every leading man of the party in every county; ami last, but not least, nearly tho entire pop ular mass of the Dtniaeracy of the State arc opposed to Douglas and supporting Breckinridge. ' NORTH CAIltir.IXA. Another Bell and Everett elector has declared for tho Demoeratie nominees. Th? iVorit Carolinian announces the fact as follows : " Wo are rejoiced to announce to tho Demoeratie party and to every free South urn statesman this morning, that J). McN. McKay, E q , ono of tlu electors upon the Bell and lOvorctt ticket in thi-i district, Ins declared his determination to support Jno. C. Breckinridge and Gen. Joseph Lano lor President and Vice President. Mr. McKay says no Southt m miiti Call do otherwise and perform his duty to the 'South and the nation at large.' So it will be with every true Southern man be fore tho November elections." TKXAS. Wo have reliable information that John A. Wilcox, who has been North to organ izc the Houston forces, and get up cleetn ral tickets in his favor iu the several States, has avowed his determination to go for Breckinridge and Lano. II'iijh'"oi CtHitttutioii. VI.KIINfA. 0. Jennings Winn, E.q., iu the cour-n of an address at a Demoeratie meetini; at . Nortolk on lucstlay evening, stated that his father's ab.oiu-o wis caused entirely by severe illness, and that hu would bu ready and willing, as soon as relieved from his present indiqio-ition, to raise his . .... .i . voieo in vindication of Breckinridge and Lane. A VtKY Siintn- Turn. Tho Wabash Intelligencer tells a strnngu story of tho editor of the Demoeratie paper of that place, the I'l linilmlcr. It t-ays his papsr came out last Saturday morning crowded full of Douglasism and denunciations of the Republicans, and yet the night before tho editor had tigncd his l.amo to the constitution and becomo a member of the Wahn.-hRt-piiblie.nl Club! As ho wrote the editorial during tho day or the week preceding tiio day of publication, his union with the club at night was a pretty " short turn," to say the least of it. A 1-tiitMinAiii.K Accission. Ksrlast U.wa State Ihpincr. published at Iowa City, announces that it will next drop the name ot Douglas and Johnson, and ther attcr give an enthusiastic support to Lin coln and Hamlin. Diiuiii.as Cut Douiu.as. Tho Cin cinnati Inqui tr, a Douglas paper, has the following : " Lane Prcbiibly Dc.'cited. Wo aro glad to percoive that .Too Lane is proba- bly defeated for ro eltctiou to the United States Senate in Oregon. Politically and peisonaly ha is unworthy of tho po-itiou. it is e, blent that the ticket of Bret - kin - ridgo and Lane will be badly beaten Oregon iu November." To which the Hunterdon Democrat, an other Douglas paper replies : "The Cincinnati Enquirer it tho leading Douglas organ in tho North, and no doubt fairly represents this interest, which pre fers tho election of a Black Republican united .-states .-senator to that ot a patiiot,, soldier and statesman, like tho gallant Lano. It this is Douglas Democracy, "Good Lord, dclivor us from it." Although this language is probably rath - er profane, wo cannot help heartily endor ting the fcnliment. ... .. , which He fiikt in the Naihvillc Uaionund ' .'Imerkan of n recent date : I Editor Xashvillt Union rm Amcri- s hi looking over your paper of the 8th, in an articlo headed " Mr. Dotiglns altl' llis xomination," JOu refer in very ( lrong nmi jUst terms to one Lewis K. Paibom, of Alabama, " who," as you , :-y, " never lU Ins lile voteu Democratic ticket." ' Tliia !rrnttivf ntip.i livtlnra in HIV mind a very striking occurrence3 whiel took idacc at Baltimore during the session nf j the Convention, which, with your consent, ! 1 "Jesiro to lay before your readers. . . i . . reiueiiiui r in.it .'ir. Aauee, in his Baltimore speech, gave Mr. lal-. wuoio iiu.i.oer present were .rum v,ui,.uo. sons one of the most relentless scathings j land, Dauphin, Lancastcr,Luzerno, North that any man ever received. Meeting j umberland and Philadelphia, with Mr. Parsons at Bainum's, after j 'n append the following list, taken night, 1 asked hi... .1 he had heard he s..v..'1-li nf All- nlioi'V. Iln rmilll'fl 1 utt. he had not. I told him lie was quite severe upon him. He asked if lie was personal. I told him no that he had charged him with being a Whig and then a KuowNothing all his life that he had never voted a Demoeratie ticket in his life. Mr. Parsons, in reply, said that this was all true, and that his whole object in get ting into this Convention, was that he niigl.tsecure the nomination of S. A. Doug las, as this Has the only way, in his judg ment, to destroy and ruin his old foe the Dei. o Tiicy. Not only so, but he further -sai I that he intended his move ments as a Hint to tho Democracy lo conceal his rj.il purpons if ho could but reach his aims. " At this stage of the game, now being played, I have shouldered the responi hility of giving you theso facts over my own signature, and which were promptly i communicated, when in Washington City, to part of tlw A iibania delegation. I j make no coiiunriit. C. W. CHARLTON." 1 So it appears that Mr. PahS"NH nud his conicxs, for wu have a light to eon-1 sider them of the name .-tiipe, came sur- reptioiily into thn Comrntiuti to " seruir the nomination of S. A Dm.'.H.AS," a, the only way, in their judgment, to de.-tfoy and ruin their old foe, tlu iK-moi-r-iry ! Afler this outrage upon common decency and tho time-honored usages, of the party, was it any wonder that the aicniiiplihrd ...,. .. . . President, O.u.r.n CrsuiMi, It-It the Chair iu di-gu-t 1 Was it any wonder that Urn delegate fion. nil th.' reliable Detnoinitic State.- retired from the Hall, turned their backs iu shiuie and liiiinilii tion 'ion. surh p. i-taele, and sought a-.-oeiations more eong.-niul to a N-itiotial and Con-titutional Democrat t This Mr. Lewis E. Paiisons i tin same gentleman who made the leailin.' .-peech at the Diiriii.AS ratitieatiou meet ing in Independence Square, a short time after the nomination -, and w- think we havu a light to ask ev.ry honct I) 'L'fil.As man if lie does pot b-lieve that Mr. Paii-o.ns' was then animated by the .-nine ho-tile spiiit to the Democracy as when he s-iid he intended hi- movement as a feint to the Democracy to conceal hi ic d p iipnex if he could but reach hi aims." Jims Hickman. t his notorious po lilieal traitor, who, iu connection with Haskins, Forney, Knox, and Douglas, so bitterly opposed the Administration of Mr. Buchanan, has finally gone over into the Black Republican camp. Ho has of . Into addre-sed republican meetings, de- nouneed his old fiiend, Douglas, nnd strongly advocated the eau-o of Lincoln and Hamlin. Ho wasati Aiiti-Lceonipton Democrat of the first water ; and his fate h0 tno l,u some more of these s-tcoiijj Aiiti-L?cnmpton dcinorats. For- nry ',as a'0 ?.nm overi 'l0'b' fou-l i and tho sooner some other ones would go, tne better it would be for the democratic P!lrty. But the fact that both Hickman ana ""icy havo already gone over, is conclu-ivo proof that their doctrines, if lcr-listcd in, will lead nil kindred spirits the same di-graceful goal. Sclvi'i ..... BlNcnr.N and Tin: TAnirr. Brjore ' l''"rfss'"lJ0tr",,l, a distinguished mem her of the United Sltttes ticnale sent a copy of the. Morrill T,))J Dill to Abruhum Lincoln with the. irrp,cs. that he would S'i'c it his endorsement and return, it uvs dcs'rablr. to pltce him right upou the i ei ord si fur os Pennsylvania's intcrists I are conrcrniil, hut lie was ?iot etspoicd to ,)etll"s raugl.l. He fins not hem heart from simc vpin the eubject. undue sun. pose, intends to keep the bill in his potktt unt-l aftci the Election, Can the Iteimb. I :,., ,,,,.,,, ,ir,. ;,. . i . 1 , " u" wiuhy M.Lincoln don't, en- mo'H' Jarip measure iclncli the R,- piuKKuns minis n necessary lo the sa'va tion of tkecounliyl iear- Col. Forney, in tho Philadelphia Press, of a lato date, proposes a union of the friends of Lincoln, Dougla. and Bell. : T .Vie I10,lu:ltl' upn tho South, or tho to defeat Breckinridge. The infamy tX.X " uwy cquaien ny tne impudence of this pcid hireling of black republicanism, in claiming to be a Dem- ,-. iii.. -,i t.. u .l. l ., 1 ilionUtS) 6U,lporti'n ,Iud Dou , Llv to bitr'av h ,. hUf,rnI u "L! i , . " 7,'. J -', brazen and shamtshsn, Poruoy'a Convention. I In point of iiumbers, when wo consider the great flourish that was made, and the tlo,'ucnt -'"c,,u, tlmt ,,',llus-,f ' of truo hearted, independent and principle- loving of the Democracy" would' be on hand, we must say that the Convention wn3 ft failure. The "thousands," who wero expected, didn't come to time. We understand that not a single person was psent from Armstrong, Allegheny, Indi- mm, Washington, Groeno, Fayette, Weaver Morccr,Crawford,Vcnango,lWarrcn,Lw- rung0 0r Erie counties in fact, but kix wuro j mtendanco from all Western I Pennsylvania, and they were from this couty. We give their names ns follows: jgr(e iaitrr Andrew Graham, John I . ' . ' ' haird, Jim. M. Laird, Dan. Kistler, .Tr., and Maj. David Williams, who, by the way, was chosen Vice Present from Indiana county. There were only about two hundred persons present, and some of thoe took no iiart in the proceedings,while others,whose 1 names appear as officers, wero not in at I tc,1(llinco at all. About onchalf of the . . . ii .... f ,, official , ' Philadelphia 1'ress, which shows the number of dele gates iu attendance from the different couu lies, as also the counties not represented at all : Launliis lepiesented. not represented. Adams t!) Allegheny. Berks, Bedford, Blair, Bucks, Bra dlord, Butler, Clarion. Columbia. Cumberland, Clinton, Chester, Carbon, Centre, C imhri i, Delaware, 0; Armstrong. 1! Beaver. !! Clearfield, 4 Crawford. 1 Klk. !!,' Erie. if Fayette. 1 Foie-t. Ill Fulton. Hi Greens. Ij Indiana. 1 Jefferson. hi Juniata. 3; Lawrence. H M'Kesn. -1; Mercer. "! Montour. Northampton, anj Pike. , Putter. Diiiiplnu, Franklin, IIiii.1iiu.i1ou, liT.ie.i-ter, 1 mining, hu.ci lie, hi high h"h:iiion, U ! Snyder. !i Soinerstt. hnllivan. Venango. Warren. Wn-hiiigtoii. Wayne. Wyoming. ! W!JH!.. , .0,,mmberl:.nd, It i Philadelphia, .'I (Jill Uk.) ' rrl'V ''0,tcr, 'huxlkill, husiiiieliiiuna , );,, j Union, 1 Wr-liuoridalid , , '-"''i Total, Uicinsbur: Pent send. Momolrs of tho Fast. Wo take the following extracts from a . peech of Hon SteI'iihv A. Dorm.As, with the comments thereon from the Rich mond r.i.f'tirer. bo belter commentary John M. B.-iuin, of Union; T. Add- upon the proceedings at Charleston nnd M'Cool, of Schuylkill ; R A. L-unbci Ii.iltin.uiv could be made by any liviii" f I-'iupIiiii ; John A. Magee, of IV.. man than are contained in that little n V.'"'0"'. of Adams a"d (-il'orb',; 11 it.- . , . . Urri 01 1'raiiMin. peech. It is. so entirely appo-ito to the On taking the Chair, Mr. WrM.t present state ot aff.nr.s that no one can dressed thu Convention at length. iriid it without a hearty lauh : ' On motion, tho President appoint ! Jtinoi: Douiu.as os- Unanimous Ndm- eoinmitteo on Reso'ulions, ns follon INATlo.Ns. On the Uth of July, 185:2, It'ehiird, Vaux, of Philadelphia; Ir.i ' the lion. Stephen A. Douglas addressed j;1"1'1"'!!, of Centie; John Cc-sna, or li the Dt mocracy of Richmond, Yn., in the JJ, ' '' J'' ,)oH'i"'tt f Nortlmniberlii!. Alrieiiii Church. From tho speech pre- ' J,''0n, of Philadelphia ; John pared by himself, published iu the En- J-'lynaid, of Lycoming; Jas. Nill. 'ittrer ot July L'Uth, ISSU, wu make the J1,,"n; vn-. r,iinlr. of Wtslmw subjoined extracts. It will be remember- ',""'' Judge Cl.ampney.s, of Lanea-tfr od that at the Baltimore Whig Convention ,a"'c' Woodward, of Luzerne ; (i w ol ltJ.iL', thu North demanded the noini- )) Var00' of OheHer ; C. L. AVanl, nation of General Scott, and the South 15radlord ; Geo. II. Bucher. of Clcariiri. .... .1 .1. . .1 1 rt . against him more thai, fifty tunes, day! Center-Andrew Freas, Jac alter day and night after Light, and yet buch, Henry 1). Knorr tho 'nomination was unanimous. Great , ConyngwmV. R Wohlfai I.:.,. .1-.. (if... ; , i A V l"! a.ua. laughter Scott, therefore, presents to the American Union i residency, where tho North demanded tho nomination of a particular man on a sectional issue. And tho delegations from ovory Southern Stato, without oxcoption, resisted he nomination as dangcroui to their rig'.its and institutions. A nomina Hon forced upon the South by the Free Hoxl wing of the Whig party North, is now presented to the American pcoplo as a unauimous nomination." It matters not whether tho North for- vmca men's opinions, that Northern men wero o way and Southern men another. 'uti aftor tu0 nomination is mado, wo are told that it was a fair cnmnmml.n IIT nV ho Pla'!r'. . . r . 011'1 tho. "ndidate, lu" "ireciion ot men who rlofo" and "rpit upon" the platform, Thus, wo have Wind eld Scott befoiousfr Presidency. After mature delii,(f.! he proceed.-! to accept the platform th write tho letter which ho Lad proa;1' ' Mr. Archer in the private nolo that ' found in Bolts' breeches poektt." it'' ghler. ' 1 If the reader will substituto " tu, A. Douglas" for " Wlnfield Scot"!" will have a just nnd complete condtV tion of his own nomination, from hii, lips. Such a nomination of Gen, St! he pronounced would "convert V' General into n bad President," nD(f ' may ask if the result would not l0 cq-41-disastrous to n Senator? i If Mr. Douglas could urge tie t ' ,....! ...!!. ft. ... u. .. . "i l-uuutl-ivu ttiui uuu. oiuils uoniiQatitg "dangerous" to the South. from the d t' sions that exi-ted m Baltimore in b what circumstances would palliate the, from the same causes in the Democtt party in HUO 7 " Out of thine Cr mouth do we condemn thee," Stephtt Col. Potnoy's Conventions On Thursday last, a Conveutios r:...i.. i. ti-....i..H it. . , roiney and .vir. llaldcmau, was Lslj the Hall of the Houe of ReproscnUt;, and was called to order by R. J. , man,who explained the authority by irt the Convention was called. George Nelson Smith, Esq., of Camlr was eho'el. temporary chairman, ncj Simpson Africa and Joshua T. Owen t, porary Secretaries. Mr. Smith, upon taking the ohair, r, turned thanks. Amotion wasiiudgt!, a list of delegates be prepared by the . ntary. This motion was finally aruend so that the delegates fiom each coiatjs. authorized to prepare such list. Amotion was made to appoint a eg: mittee of thirteen to select permanent c4 eers of the Convention ; which waa ncr, to, and the President uppoi'.ted the folio ing : Messrs. Ward, Miller, M tits-. M Laughlin, Grahim, Siuip--on, lie-, singer, Graither, Patton, Champm Mitchell, Putoibaugh and Druhr. Alter the committee retired, on mo;. lot' C. D. Iliiieline, Chas. Brown was eal. jupon to address tho Convention 1, ' committee on permanent orgaiii.atioc i ported the following: I Pre-iilent IIumiRIi k Ii. Wlttn.-ji J Luzerne. I Vice Pre-idents Joseph Mcgnry. .1. , F. Deal, l-'raucis M Cormiek, i-Mr. Kcycr, Chas. Brown, ol PiiibuU-1 I, John D. Petit, Chester; A. T. 1'ulV. Bucks; II. I-I. Wiiglit, hehigh ; A (,r.. Berks; llciij. 0. I'liu-i, &.,u)hl: , I Lilly, Mi-L.jii ; John F. Mean-. Hi I- Geo. P. Steele. Luzerne; F. . K- i Potter; 0. D. Fldred. of Lycon.i.i i iJolin J Jtcib-nydcr, Perry; John It i incuts, Northumberland ; Dr. Mcic rl . Dauphin; John Black, Levi Hall, hun ter; John Bush, Aduns; II L, l'i York; II F. M.jers, Btdfo.di .1 Leonard Clearfield ; V.wid Wtllutms i (liiinn; John M. 'Lard, U'isimoril. , Peter lirui, Luzerne; J. B. Mont, t ry, Allegheny j Jacob Zeigler, Hut: W. Patton, Erie; John 1 Charles L. h uiibeiton, Clarion ; .1' Romo of Fr iiik.iu, and Win. S. Gorgi. Cunibrlaiid. Secrctaiies-J. Simpson Afiica of Hu ingdon; J. T Owen and Adam W'n.tu, of Pliiladclphiaj John L. Dou-heilv Jianca-ter; C. 1'. Alexander, ot Ceiiti iu-.i.sicii iuu ueuiauu. commenting upon , tho sectional aspect of that nomination, Comiuillf cs Of Vigilance, and tho deplorable results that would come lilomlier Billmever Vmln.n from t, Mr Douglas said : leder, John J Birklry ' ' Well, General fecott received tho -Riehard Stiles, Win. Anp!. nomination unanimously , according to man, Isaac K. Krickbaum ,lm"MP' iiu hi'!, n,,S v th l"0l;?f ntion-' "f-Mo-es Sehliehe;-, Samuel Job Laug hter.J 1-ellow-citizens, ,11 you sori) prank g siwmn ever hear of a unanimous nomination, Jimciek : UoroughUmhon Owen lob which wa8 made in defiance of the fifty Doak, Michael Frantz times repeated protest and rcnioii-trances Enarae,kWiYm'a Lamo Sm ot the delegations from ouo-half tho States Kelchner, Henry Doak ' ot the Union represented in tho Convcn-' CVtrtit-Wi-Georiro Manhift T.u- tion? Every Southern dclce-ation voted Rodino .l.i. nco, anhart, ltU Jacob Ilagti The nomination of Uvueral mtn florin AO ll,!.1 m ' . i. t , E: , -4" "l' A- s'lciviernan. people this extraordinary anomnlv iiiii.5... n.. ,, r-'c'"nry, near, niK lltMfi't.fl- l II. IT tr the first time ,n the history o our party. i-W,W,'-Reubeh Knit le, Wili.u contests has a sectional nomination ever, Mcnsch, Samuel Lohrma.i ' been forced upon either ot tho two groat Griemcoot Andrew J Albcrtson Jok-' par .cs You may talk of the dangers Leggott, AMchola. fi. ' I.:.:. ' .'-,"" ru". e.rowlnS t t Jlanloeknos. J. Vandcrsliee. Fm. tier. John Mclh.3- f w Fahrran' .... .iwtmt tiuiuiu iliuu ior inn lmli C...I ..,. i .. t . Domott, John Fruit. .Michael G rover, Johu Hr mony, William T, Shuman. Montour Evan Wellivcr, John C, Quick, Joseph Mousor. ilii,iCl,arlrs It. Hess', Jacob Y"h. Jr., Stephen H. Swank. Mount VffwnwtWilliara How6ll,Jol) Mordan, William J. Ikolcr. Orange Alfred Howell, William Fiii Abner Welsh. Pine Albert Hunter, Benjamin W tersteen, John F. Fowler. Roatingcrck Michael Federof,Dai Gearhart, David Hower. ""Joseph Lilly, Philip T. Ha man, H. W. Creasy. 1 Mugarloaf Josiah R. Fritz, Alia. Cole, William B. Petcrman, By order of tho Committee. DAVID LOWEN'BERG, Chairman