r COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, a e- U AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. m L. TATE, Editor. 2 00 PEI ANNUM. "TO HOLD AND TllIM THE TOUCH OF TltUTII AND WAVE IT O'EH THE DARKENED EARTH." 1 OL. 14.--NO. 23 BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA-, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1860. VOL. 24. l)oicc Poetry. LIGHTS AND SHADES. tV MM. 1IRMAN1. The gloomiest day hath nlama of light ; 'Tim darkest wave hath w hit a foam war it, And twlnklci througlt the cludl;l nl;ht, Home solitary star to thjcrlt. The gloomiest stuil is not all cbomj Tha tadrlt heart U nt nil Ra.lnoss, Jtii'l iwpetl) o'er tin ilnrkeft doom Thvu ihln; so.ue ling, ring beam of gladnsss. rpalr I nn-er luiti drsnnir, Nor lift, nor death. th f.it-iri! t lot j Ani'mund tin ihiimvy brow of caro Will Hop i an I Taney twins tlnir roisi. trial ul v dpclnrcd its principles, honinn so abhorrent to every principle of common I dwlicatcil thereby to conceal its dangerous tendencies fairness so replete with outrage mid I New- its true theories are belched by the Sum- usurpation divided, dismembered and j lent process ated to, and wielded the vote of the I upon equal and the same terms' Eve: ,f . ., ., ...... i ., . r ,.. I citizen has a rtcht to tako with him in J or delegation, mrougu uio .rauuu- , - . of ffWcl process of a unit vote a rule lorced , ., Constitution of the United States rce Every I n Territorial Legislature, to bo put up and 1 I ilnirn In It . ntl-nd Inl'nli num.. nt .ilnna. uro. (UlicorsJ t or those doctrines tlio Southern States refused to accept Mr. Douglas as a candidate, and who, had he been with and of them, would have done otherwise. But whether tho Southern States were reasonable or capncious m tiers and Clicevcrs, and are reduced to broke up the Convention, as it should havo upon a largo minority of this delegation to ognizes. It recognizes slaves as property, practice by its John Browns. (Cheers done, and as every sensible mind saw it stillo llicir sentiments, while small niiuoii-1 ana pledges tnc icuerai government to pro and hissw) It di-turbs and embitters would do, and I commend with my wholo tics were released from it in others to suit tcct it, and Congress cannot rxerei-o any . ' . ... . . . . .... i urn mitlinritv over nronertv of that tics the social relations it severs the holy ties heart ana spirit, ami approve the conduct the purposes ol the conspirators will here-, , ' '11.,i',lllnl,ai1.. nr. ' their refusal to accent and sunnort Doue of religious brotherhood it breaks tho of the President, Gsucral Cu-hing, who ; after be known by the name plainly bran- crc(J0 ovcr property of any other kind. las, tlioy had taken their stand delibratcly bonds of a common political faith -it blots ' refused longer to preside ovcr a tyrannous ded upon their guilty foreheads at Charles- The act of Congress-, therefore, prohibiting alter mature consideration their avowal out tho creat memories of tho revolution cabal and of the delations who. under ton "political caniblcrs as creatures ' any citizen of the United states trom talc- was Dciorc me country uisu w as wen un it destroys comincrci.il interests ami tho , the same 1'rcsidenl, reorganized and placed ' who hang iestcrtng upon the lobbies of " 8 5," . , 1 lty over private property had pre- Political. CHEAT SPEECH or ON. DANIEL ?. DICKINSON, DELIVERED AT THE rrnl Dinwcratic Musi Muting, Coop:' Institute, iav York, July 18, 1SCU. Mb. President and my Fkllow-Citi-ns : Ever fleeting Time has brought upon' another period presciibed by the nstitution for the election 'if Chief Mag rato of this great confederacy a popu r struggle knonn to no people under heav i but ourselves, and exceeding in interest id importanoo anything amongst men, vilized or savage. THE DEMOCRATIC r.YUTY Upon preceding similar occasions gen ally, it has been the good fortune of that irty to which you and I belong (cheers,) that great party which has swayed the stinies of the country and shaped its ilicy from the days of Jefferson to the escnt moment, to s'and united in priuci c and purpose, and movement, liko a onian Cohort in the best peiiol of the iirtress of the world. With meh pur ges, such principles, such united e-iirr.ic-s, id such harmonious action, tin. demucrat party jhcryed and won the highest inhdence anil gratitude ot the toiln.g mus s it bore aloft in iti banner the sacrud ord equality it plucked hoary huai'o 1 livhVgo by tin b'aid,aml arraigned trior id pretension before tho gre t tiibunal of is people it was radical in the leforma on of abuses it was conservative in tiio reservation of ill that expeiicueo lutl ap roved the cons itution was its. pillar and s cloud, and progress was its watchword. Loud cheers.) Under its benign policy ur borders citti'udcJ from tho Atlantic to lio Paeilic we subdued and fertilized new erritories we civilized, educated and ab Jrbed their barbarous or r.enii-barbarou3 aces, and nearly trebled tho numbur of rco sovereign States. (Cheers.) Uver badowing, monopolizing, unconstitutional ederal bank and protective tariffs, tho-c levices of.craft and fraud, that they might ub.-istupon the fruits of others' labor, iave, after yeais of conlliot with tho do aocracy, finally been driven from tho field ind exterminated, and the only great work eft them in the present crisis is to vindicate Uc supremacy of the constitution and the quality of the States. Its present admin interchanges of free trade it degradts us in nomination Messrs. Brcckinridgj and State and federal legislation to purchase as a nation before the envious monarch". of ' Lane. The remaining fraction, made up chartered privilege and immunity by cor- earth, and deprives us of our inherent ! chiefly of delegates from republican States, rupt appliances; who thrive in its foetid power to vindicate our rights. It sows ' whoso delegations were tho authors of tho atmosphere and swell to obese propoi lions, broadcast the terrible s.ueds of domestic ' gioat wrong, deprived of their head and like vultures upon offal , office brokers, strife and pas-ion, that the people may j without a democratic body, proceeded to who crawl aud cringe arouud the footsteps reap in due season a harvest of ashes and ! nominate Mr. Douglas and Fitzpatriek, as of power, and by talsc pretences procure desolation. jwo were informed, amidst tremendous "en- themselves or ilc tools places of official the democratic national CONVENTION ' thusiasm Vermont and other New En- trust and emolument, that they may pack public expectation. I gland States, and the wholo Northwest, and control caucu-es and conventions at There was never a moment in tho hi i- ; were piCilgea to .Mr. JMulas (-ubject ol tho expense of the people they defraud tory of tho democratic party, or a time . course to a slight incumbiauco held by and betray, while honest men are engaged wheu the mas.-es of tho people looked to i0Ilu Abraham Lincoln) with deafening ap- in their industrial avoaations to cam their the si;tiii" of a national convention with 1 pJue- Some flntboatmen descending the bread. (Loud cheers, and a voice, "Oo it, more confiding txp etatiou than when it ! Mississippi, in rather a jolly mood, pa-sod old man.") Oh, how has the once noble was about to assemble at Charleston i house on the shore w here they were fid- spirit of tho democracy fled from such April la-t. There was nncr a t me when ""'"o aua dancing on the piazza the boat contaminating approaches ? Home, whose such confidence was more wickedly, wan tonly and shamefully betrayed when reasonable expectations were so madly iell into an eddy and once m each half proud burner once waved triumphant over hour passed the houo again, and the a conquered world, degenerated in the boatmen swore they were fiddling and pursuit of sensual delights to a band ol blasted as in the results produced by its I dancing in every liou-e lor a hundred hddlcrs and dancers, and the demooratio action. Its proceedings find no parallel miles on the shore of the river while they party of New York, fouuded in thespiiit in disgrace and degradation since the em- hud be. n revolving in an eddy and had of .lefforson, and emulating, for many nir nfttii NW World w.im hold nt miction seen but cur. The Dougla strength is years, the noble effort! of a Jackson and for money. The democratic tiaitv for its steady de votion to tho principles of tho constitution, 1 ok H , which would dishonor the resorts of a Pe tho catholicity of its creeds, for its grand Waning all questions of tho merits or tor I'uhk in cast off clothing j cheating radical nuahsis and it- ju.-t and lolly con- delimits of Mr. Douglas as a candidate, scrvatis.ni, had won the confidence of the his pretensions were pressed upon tho Con masios and wiuug unwilling admiration volition, sometime" under the practice of a from its heredituy opponents, and :dl good platform upon which lie could stand with men looked to it in this, I ho evil day of cotivciiienc-!, sometimes in the admission vir country, fur iLliwrunec and safety uud i ejection of delegates by the procesi Its convention as-umbled at Charle-ton of machinery and management, and at and oi '.Nimzul lor busiiics. A holy man ntm.r nines in the direct presentation ot arrayed in the iobcs of his sacral office, his nam:, beyond all pveccdmieu or bounds with raised hai.d and f rvent supplication, of eourtisy or ie:i".ii, in a manner and in iiuolcrs the favor of the Bctiut'.i -ut lning a .-pint, and with a feeling which spoke who has vouchsafed to us, a. a penph;. so di fiance to nearly one half of tho States of many ble.-Jngs. Tho whi-pcr of beauty the confederacy, when it was well known is hu-hed in tho sallurics the used bow tlrv would not aermicsce in his noiiiina- tlifl. ni;iv liMii.s iii svinimtlieiio ami deer, tinn . tli.it tl,ev n-m.i.l nnt ,m.ri l,!r !f mociatlo masses, but "Wo to the i iders that devotion-levity U humbled into silence, nominated, and that ho could not be eke ! "'"''I'l-'1 '' down.'' Political gam and even lurking fiaud is abashed and tod without tluir votes ; pressed, too, in a wrs . you navo ureatuau your contagion cowers for a hidinu' lilac. But tlu praur tone and temper, and with a iWued and ! throughout tho democratic citadel, and is over, and a bund of conspirators take obstinate pie i-tenoo which was Veil eal- ptofancd and polluted its very walk You possesion of the assemblage, and, instead ciliated, if it was not intended, to break up luvB defiled its holy places by your cor of a National Convention, a great buck- the Convention or force it into obedience ' rul't;"c l"-' "ci i ""-loati hca-ts (old in the aica ot its temples, and hlthy rep- he removes to der.tood : and, unless ho the Tenitory in quistion to reside is an j cmptivc right to the nomination which is Mp.reiso nf nnthoiitv over nrivate property . not conceded, they had a rii'ht to set him which is not warrentcd by the Constitution i aside as a mere matter of choice without .i .!..... i e il. .,1 o rr 1,,. 1,; I anv reason whatever. Theso States lielil uuu tuli nulltill v iiiu 7i,.i.iv..., kij m. 4 i. a.. Tn..:in.H nH..A 1.,',.. a hStn i onu limurGil and tweritv electoral vnt.n UHIIU19 IV llik ,atli llliil - -' J ----- to freedom, ' Isuro for the democracy with an acceptable .Vntvifall anm.iesend in this deel-ion. oanuiuate, wh.leevcry other State expect 1 . I flm.n nn tin. nntiho ivfiMi pnimlnH ...tn.l us or aoubttul, and yet, managers ot tho minority and doubtful States, by artifice and combinations, sought through the strangely protracted sessions of the Con ventious held at Charleston uud Baltimore to force tins one candidate upon the South rm S ates, and in tlii- persistent and in.-auo cltort, lirst dismembered and then adjour ned the Convention at Charleston, and fi nally divided and broko it up at Balii more. It was of all others an occasion when -11 mere individual preferences should havo been forgotten surrendered for the public good j but it was Douglas or nothing, and hence the result. The I estimated in the same way. a Tompkins, has, in the hands of "political i ...... .i.i . i i i CAUSES Of DISRUPTION THE AUTHORS B""'"! "KK" uugiauuu uy piaMnv.cs tho sctitinieiit of ilia people of the State and nation ; cheating :t greit and confiding party, whose piinciplcs they put on a disguisj, for tho purpose of enabling tliom to cheat ; cheating the Coiiv.ntiol which admitted them to seats; cheating delegates wno tru t-d them ; cheating ev erybody and everything with which the) ea no in coi.tact, except Mr. Douglas theii iniuince, and then lamenting through then accredited organ, Iro n day to day, that tin- Convention hid tot remained togcthei so that they might havo finally have cheat tedium. Thev have ovei thrown the de- like good citizens ; had yielded willing and cheerful assent and obedience to it as an authentic con-truction of the fundamcttal law, by the highest tribunal, the question of slavery in the Territories, would have been at rest, and tho democratic party would have been on its way rejoicing. But, every kind of means was resorted to to evade it. llampart abolitiouism, more manly than its accomplices in mischief openly denounced it and defied it as it is wont to do all legal obstacles to the con summation of its own distempered idea demagogism inflated itself fauaticism foamed, and trimming cowardico shrunk around it and insisted that the question was not decided and a'l these combined together, sought to deny to tho ci izens of the slave States the benefits of the decis- ion,tither in theory or practice. (Cheers.) I repeat, the South were satisfied with non-iutcrvcution, awaiting in good faith the decision of the courts before this adju dication ; since the decision, they would have been satisfied with non-intervention, and tho acknowledgement and practical vxtcu ion ot'it according to its fair and .quitablo spirit. run orjeltiun of the south to mr. douolas. The South did not object to Mr. Doug las because of his principles of non inUi veutioil nor of lii.s duetiilied of qualified popular soveieignty in tho Territories, as u so oitcn and so pompously alleged ; but their opposition to him airNes. to say noth ing of his unfoitunate controversy with the administration, from his advocacy of what they regard as a most rank and mischiev ous error, tho squatter sovereignty heresy contending, as he does, us we have already tive duty of this Government to proUct the naturalized citizens in all Lis rights, whether nt home or in foreign lands to tho same extent as its native-born citizens, ' lieicus, Uncof the gieatest necessities of tho ago, in a political eommercial,postal and military point of view, is a speedy communication between the Pacific and Atlantic coasts : tlicicforc, be it Jno led, That the national democratic party do hereby pledge themselves to use every means in their power to secure tho passage of some bill to the extent of tho constitutional authoiity of Congre-s, for tho construction of a Pacific rail-road from the Mis-iasippi river to the Pacific ocean, at the earliest practicable moment. Let us herealtcr bear no more from any one profes.-ing the democratic ciced, and pretending devotion and obedience to tho constitution and laws, in denunciation of the Southern democratic States, or assert ing that they have titbtr proposed or de manded a slave code, or that the Conven tion of democratic States which nominated Breckinridge and Lane have adopted one but let all such foolish fabrications be left to the rantings of Sumner, and Checvcr, and Giddings, and their sombre associates. (Cheer, laughter and hisses.) democratic Nominees. Tho public and private history of our nominees constitutes iheir eulogy. Both are now, and for years have been, in high places in the government. Mr. Breckin- Convention broken up, the party divided, stafcsman an(1 G;n. L0 ha3 W1itt(rn hu and all for a candidate who cannot get an I m ' t,:, , ,,., i,,. electoral vote The democratic par.y.un- sWord, Th nrc true fil-nds to tho der such rule is like ho serpent m the fa- constltutioni 'and frco from tho cxp5uien. ble, winch gave up the lead for a time to ev ,. tran3 of d.. The wcrQ the tail instead of the head to prevent its placca nomination by 'he opcrat on of clamor, and m attempting to go tail fore- ',,, -cnilruelit. and not forced unon tie most it stuck last, and thus remained the tail rclusmg to give up tha right tu go ahead. And thus will the democratic pirty remain until it shed its tapering cs trjmity which insists on being honored with command. CHARGE OF A SLAVE CODE TUB DEMO CRATIC PLATFORM I' or the jurpose of turning attention from the weakne.-s and absurdity of their own po-ition, for tho mad and selfish pros tuition of the democratic party, to alarm the fears uf the timid, shake the knees of the weak, and minister to the morbid cra vings ot a lingering ami dormant aboli tionism theyiioelaim that the national democracy who havo placed in nomination urccHitiridgc aud jjiuiu aic the advocates of a slave code for the Territories. This ideal bantling was begotton by design up on ignorance, at.d supported by empty noise and brazen clamor. Tho platform asked for and in-isted upon by Sojthcrn States, was just what the eon-titution en- stering bazaar is erected a political trade to tho behests of a combination. (Cheer-.) whom we silos is opened management inaugurates The authors of this outrage her slimy and repulsive court, and tlu should hold accountable, and who are office of Chief Magistrate of this mighty justly aud directly chargeable with it, republic is put up like the board of a puhhe weic the ruling majoiity of the New York pauper, at the lowest bidder. Its proceed- delegation, They hi ings boar evidence of deliberate and long power, and madly and cherished design, of a combination and ruptly u-ed it for tho disruption of the con-piracy to tie up minorities agaiu-t democratic party iu endeavoring to force them, and leave tho-e free who were for it up to .i fixed point to sub-erve their in- them, and thus attain bv fraud or force a famous -cliemes. Thev wc.io there chare- - . , ,..,,.. n,i .... . paiticular result, regardless of popular id with high responsibilities by a patiiolic 1 outlaws, ami set .u ueuauce. mere is no sentiments or of consequence which might and confiding constituency in a eii-H of i iox f0 cratty but his hide, finally goes to follow. The ruling faction had snuffed up unusual interest in the history of the party j -be hatters. You will hang upon its skirts, stration by a wiso and foicseciiv lbrcin i tho scent ot lour hundred millions ol spoil, and he country tiiuy , in an evil moment, -,..... run v.- ...... .,v ... .l- ,ml ,lnm,.vt!e sllr-v- m,i. tlv advanehU I and for them the administration of Doug- luld in their leprous hands (he de,tii,i s of , venge but as an open enemy you are pow M I 1 " . . .. . I 1 .... ..!.. .1 . .1 COIllltn tllOV iVllvss, ,iuu mu uin. vi.uut wus V'J iiivrsu and hail Moil'- profesa! to be trovcrued by honorable -veil, that notwithstanding tne decis.on ol the Supreme Court in the l)red Scott case holding that all citizens witli tlicr proper ty are to be admitted there on, on equal terms, slave property iueluJeJ, a TeiriiO rial legislature may, by its cuacted law, exclude slave propc.ty from the Territory thus virtually investing a to rdorial Legi-lati.ro with powor to anuulthis pro vision of the constitution as construed by the highest tiibunal known t the law. These arc the articles of creed proposed l.v Miv !)isnr. as. in whirl' llm Smith nli. litieal gamblers I you h ive perpetrated juct 1,, the celebiated campaign debate vour last cheat toiisuminatoil your last 1 with -Mr J.incoln, previous to tho Drcd tiles have inhabited the sanctuary of its gols Its toweling eagle has lied for a brief season, and foul ravens croak for prey and what their bloody beaks and 1,1 ,i, . i.i dirty tallotis upon its sacred alters. I'o selfishly and cor- your public sentiment, and tiot forced upon t io public by the process ot political machine ry. They will carry seventeen States by acclamation, wi h a fair chance for others in addition. 1UOULARITY OF NOMINATES. When all other expedients fail, we arc reminded that the nomination of Douglas and Johnson is entitled to support ovcr the other ior its legularity ; aud I have observed that certain gentlemen who were regular members of the speckled Buffalo Convention of IS lb arc most emphatic iii swearing allegiance to regu larity. The Convention which made this nomination had no sign nor show nor shadow of icgularity. Tho delegated Convention at (. harleston had no power to adjourn to Baltimore a distance of hundreds of miles, in another State, and nearly two months aftcrwaids. No such, thing was ever conteinp ated ; no such power or discretion was delegated even by tho most tar letched implications. A entitles them to, as con-trued by the Su- f00tl nom u: al 'vo "more Here it' oiuuieu to re-pett ami suppon, tut fraud unon the democratic nartv for vou Scott decision, in answer to certain qucs- vv ill never airaiu bo tru-ted. lleneeforth 1 'ions loied by Mr Lincoln, Mr. Doug- you will bo held and treated as political Mr U rt ;nif..-.'.t nfi!m n.mirv in vnitn nfl las was expected to rain mi Ik and honey, a noble paity and of this coimtrv they I s . '. "... i t ... . i i M VI - n' r i.l 1 1 1 .11.1 u-tinl-iNl ,-nit Willi iktirli.w ,isi,l ,,-Ti'e,!i t . ho efforts of foes without and foes within. I "how powdered sugar, and hail Mofi- profi-sal to md democracy was in tho zenith of its at's Vegetable Life Pills. (L'uightcr ) cotisi,leiations and to de-ire the unity, and inu,v Tc in.,in timt rrr.snt Under pearl v two weeks of this niipliciiti in harmoiiv, and success of the democracy. ionscrvativo party of the people amf the I of the foiciug process the Convention (Cheers.) They proclaimed, personally J of reckoning aud retribution, and yours is .i. .-..i. ...r... i.. ' rirnverl nnfnii.il in tho oiner'encv. and nml tlnnu.'h their aeciedlted organs, that '. at hand Jonsitiuuon, mo couuiry a baiuiv imu uiw i - i- - f r. --- - - ly cliques, who betray trusts and abuse power as with individuals, there is a day patriot's hops, is ciipplcd and divided if ts power is weakened, its forces scattered, tj energies weighed down, and there are brebodings that its proud banner may fall railing in the dust let it bo remembred ihat it is not the fault of the party or its paused lor health a portion ol theueicga- m their n;w the Southern states were en tions withdrew, aud tho residue adjourned titled to name a candidate, and declared to Baltimore for a peiiod of some six wevks, that it would be their first policy to second for ventilation. Tho public had reascu such suggestions as were made in that to hope, that separated from the influences quarter, and suppoit such candidate as which surrouud them, and no longer should be named by, or be the ino-t ac- orinciples, or of its masses, that it is thus I breathing tho contagions they engendred, ccptablc to the South j and with such pre " .... . .... . i -1- i. ..i.i i . i . ... : ..jr..i. -........,.. .1...:.. i:.... degraded, but that it is because in an evil . imsnt its management fell into the hands of the selfish, corrupt and venal, who have betrayed the trusts, half gained by stealth, half confided to thcin, and because iu at tempting to use its power to advaneu per sonal ends only they havo destroyed its organiiation, divided it into sections, and brought them into conflict with each other, instead of concentrating all its forces upon tho enemies of the constitution. (Loud cheers.) THE REPUBLICAN TARTY. This organization, with many elements ' but inhaling a healthy moral atmosphere, tea ions and false pretences on their lips, they might return and discharge the duty they went to Charleston. But from tho which they had undertaken. But abstin- moment they entered the Convention at dice only edged their appetites, and their ' Charleston, until it was finally broken up last state was worse than tho first. (A by their basj conduct which secured them voioe "That's so.") The same drilled, the designation of political gamblers upon packed, machine majority, met again, the floor of tho Convention, their every aet composed of delegates from a portion of States, and assumed to sit in judgment upon tho rights of regular delegates from acceptable to the Southern States, aud another portion to punish them for some their every cuoit in season and out ot tea- was to oppose the wi-hes and resist each, any, aud every candidate who would bi I ur timi hi l.i-t fi-l- ntl iliiii::. rvin. Am) it i .-.In Iml wnli li hi lumr. I In tt- ni-.i-r J. l vv ri Imiiii.111 imwur, W llm null! 1'inilr il utlfnrulv f-ri. Mi,- t'ltli'-i'l f'-uri h nml M.'il li'iij. las answered as follows The next question propounded to me Lincoln is. can the neonlo of a Terri. I .. ..... . .1.. i. lory, iu an liiniiii wuj, aaiu-i uiu wi.-u-cs of the U. States, exclude slavery from tin ir limits pi ior to the formation of u State constitution '! I answer emphatical ly, a- Mr. Lincoln has heard mo answer a hundred times from every stump of Illi nois, that, in my opinion, the people of a Tenitory, can, by lawful means, exclude slavery from their limits prior to the for mation of ti State constitution. Mr. Liu coin knew that I had answered that ques tion ovcr and ovcr a;ain. Ho heard mo i aruuo the Nebraska bill on that principle I a lover the Statu in l'-ol, iu l-?55,and in I W)G. and ho has no excuse for nrctendins v,, .un. i,,. u,,a ni-ua-nmut) t0 ue , U0Ubis aj to my position on that THE DRED SeTTT DECISION. quc-tion. After the passage of all oftheso meas-1 After tho Dr-'d Scott decision had been urcs, came the Dred Scott decisi- n by the pronounced aud published, Mr. Douglas Supreme Couit of tho United Statos, pro-1 tcs his position thui : nouneed after unusual labor and dclibera-1 matters not what way the Supremo , . ,, n ..... .. , ,, Court may hereafter decido as to the ab lion, const tu ng the Constitution and tho , , . n . . stract question whether slavery may or rights of citizens of States in the Terrifo 1 may pot go in a Terri ory under the con ries, as Mr. Calhoun and other Southern ' stitution, the people hive the lawful means statesmen had contended, and thus setting to introduce or exclude it as they please, the question for ever, for all thoso who l'or tlia' &lavci'y c;,'"lot. .sist a dui' ,r ,a" ',.,,.,.... , hour anywhere unless it is suppoited by propose to abide by tho Constitution and . . . regulation can oulJ bo cstab- Haws. The substance of tho decision was ijshn(i uv the jocai icaialaturo ; and if the this : Tho territory acquired is acquired by nonconformity to the majority standard or other delinquency in short, to deny to sovereign democratic States the right tore- of personal cleverness, bodes evil to tho turn to tueir scats at Baltimore, because best interests of trudfrcoiom and humanity, they did not occupy them for tho whole It is founded in sectional disturbance, its period of the protracted sitting at Char aliment is prejudice and passion, its efforts leston a question belonging entirely to calculated to array State against State, the constituency of theso delegations' alone, Boction against section, man against man, and with which the National Convention brother against brother to destroy all , had no business whatever. And not only kindly relations and l'ght up the fires of, wcro theso delegations expelled un sectional discord aud strife, to end in bat-' der such pretensions, but bogus dclega tlea of blood. Though its managers threw tions, made up to suit tho convenience and overboard its nr. at founder and leader, necessity of the occasion, wcro put iu their Governor Seward, because ho had too pUccs. (Hisses and cheers.) A decision sou, by uiglit and by day, was to force upon the southern states a culminate whoso creed they repudiated and condemn ed : a candidate they had declared, in tho most solemn form and with npeatcd as severations, they could not aud would not support ; a candidate who was at open war with the democratic administration, who had but a single supporter in tho demo cratic Senate, and whoso special adherents had just aided the republicans in the elec tion of Speaker and Clerk of tho House of Representatives, two of tho most influential and commanding positions in the govern ment. (Cheers.) Thoso who ruled, and the people of tho United States for their common and equal benefit, through their agent and trustee, tho fedoral government. Congress can exercise no power over the lights of pcrsous, or propeity of citizen in the Territory, which is prohibited by the Constitution. The govcrment and the cit izens, whenever the Territory is opened to settlemont,both, enter it with their respec tive rights defined and limited by the Constitution. Congress has no right to prohibit the citizen of any particular State or States from making their boan there, whil j it p irmiti citizens of other States to do o. Nor has it a right to give privi lagos to one class of pcopla when it refuses thfin to aaollur. Tho Territory is ao quirod for their equal aud common benefit tod if open to any it must be open to all, prcme Court and nothiii: is in all its length and breadth, as adop ted in the Convention of Democratic Stites which nominated Breckinridge and Lane. It is the same non intervention which every i true denncrat has advocated, aid giving effect to the decision of tho Court and nothing more. Let every democrat r;ad t with uuc.oudcd isiuii,and not through thu smoked glass of incipient abolitiouiim ; let him analyze it carefully, and then tell us in what section or sentence or syllable this terilio slave code reposes; and when read weighed and understood, let all who cannot subscribe to the great principles of per-onal aud State equality there enauci ated, as established and guaranteed by he constitution, and authorized and vindi cated by the decision of the Supremo Court ofthu United States, remember that he has taken the first lesson in abolition ru publicanisiu, and is alieady on his way to that organization iu his yu pathy with a scetiou.il bigoted creed and narrow political beliet. Hat hero is the platform ol demo cratic priuciples which will speak for it- sen : - PLATFORM OT THi' REGULAR NATIONAL D'MOJKACY ADOPTED IN CONVENTION AT BALTIMORE, JUNE, IsflO. R'so'o-:, That tho platform adopted by the Democratic party at Cincinnati be affirmed with the following explanatory resolutions : 1'tr t. That government of a Territory organized by an act of Congress is provis ional and temporary, anil during its exi t enee all citizens of the United S ates have an equal right to settle with their proper ty m tho .territory, without their rights, either of person or property, being de stroyed or imp iired by congressional or tcrritoiial legislation. Seoi'ttt, That it is tho duty of tho Fed eral Government, in all its departments, to protect, when necessary, tho lights ol persons and property, iu 1 ho Territoriess and wherever else its constitutional author ity extends. Tlunl. That when tho settlers in a Ter people arc opposed to slavery, they will 1 ritorv havinu an adonnatn nnnnlatinn fnrm elect representatives to that body who will a Stato consti ution, the right of sovereign, by unfriendly legislation effectually pre- ty commences, aud, beinc co-uinmat.-d bv vent the introduction of it into their nud t. admission into the Union, they stand on If, on the contrary, they are for it their an equal footing with the people of other legislation will favor its extension. Hence St.ves, and the State thus organized ought no matter what tho decision of tho Su- to be admitted into the Federal Union premo Court may boon that abstract ques- , whether its constitution prohibits or recog tion, still tho ruiht of the people to make nizes the institution of sluvory. a slavo Territory or a frco Territory bill. ' l.tsn'ied, That the democratic party I hope Mr. Lincoln deems my answer are in favor of the acqusitiou of tlu Island satisfactory on that point. of Cuba on such terms as shall be hon- If it bo true, that the Territorial Lcgisla or.ible to ourselves a . d just to Spain, at turocan, by an act, cxeludo tho citizen of the carlie-t practicable moment. a Southern State, with his slave property, lies lo , That tho enactments of State from all tho enjoyments of. and participa. lei-laturos to defeat the faithful execution tiou iu tho common territorial property of of the fugitivo slavo law aro liostilo iu all the States, as is asserted by Mr Doug- character- subversive of tho Constitution, las, the constitution and tho deeisionsof the and revolutionary iu their effect. Supremo Court, aud the rights of person R'solvd, That tho Damocraey of tho and property there, are tho playthings of United States rccognizo it as tho iinpora- uot on the score of regularity, lor it had not even tho semblance ot it. lhc i .'gu lar delegations for a l irgo number of States were rejected, and bogus contes tants, soma of tuem without prcteacj cf ' regularity or delegated authority wuro admitted in their places, while i galar delegations trout numerous other Slates, because of this outrage, withdrew, aud j this pvoWnded regular Oouvention was a mere traction of one, paitly but not wholly filled up with uiiauthoriz.-d persons fmiu the outside It acted in violation of the uui.orm lulc of democratic National Con , ventions, which it had it-elf adopted, requi ing two thirds to nominate, and then l diircgaidjd it iu making the noinina'ions, for at no time, bogus dclcgat-s included, ' did the vote icaeh u ar a two thirds vote. Its nominee Ior Vicj Pre idei.t was Mr. l-'.tzpatriek, who declined to accept such a I nomination, and the regulaiity of iir. ' Johnson, who now ruus as Vice President ' with Mr. Douglas, counts iu tho request I of some half dozen individuals, aftr tho ! adjournment, that ho should run and iu I which request, it seems, ho cordially uni ted. (Cheers.) The rogu ar President of the Conven tion, lieu. Cushing, lclt bis chair and went away, aud piesided over tho Con voutiou which nominated Brcckiuridgj and La.ic 3o that the regularity of the nom ination of Douglas and Johnson may be summed up in tins : that Mr. Johuson was not and has not yet beou nominated by &ny convention ; that Mr. Douglas was nominated by delegates of an irregular, iraeuoiiai, inoiteu up uonvontiou, without a head, without a deiiiocrt.c body, but a mere skeleton, half solt, half republic in Stato delegation and a bous tail. No one pretends that tho nominations ot Breckinridge aril Line li ive the authority of a legular National Cjiivotitiou accord ing to tlio usages ot tiie party j but they have uiore claim to regularity than thj etiur. This Convention had a head in the President of the wholo Convention. It had a democratic body in tho re- utar delegations trom all the sure democratic Stat.-s a majority of the States ot tho Union it had no bogus extremity, aud it tiad a platiorm of manly principles of liberty, equality and lratemity upjii which every true democrat of tho vihois Union cau stand. Tlu questio.i recurs, what shal we dot Dol Why, stand resolute ly by principle, and let tho s-orm rnge ou there is sunshine beyond the clouds. We shall thus commence to descrvo suo ccss and if we parsevero in this stern path of coustitutioual rectitude wo shall pre serve our sen respect, command tlio re sp.'ct of all others, and our efforts will bo crowned with triumph for our party and our principles, tho good influences of which will last when party managers and tricksters and their vile uchemos arc for gotten, or remembered only to bo hated and execrated