V Kfuiiiliiit JDemnrmt tDAY JIOHNINQ, AUGUST 4. I !-v. vi.vik m suuAiiuug CUffilA IMOOHAT l'OR TUB PL'Oampnisii at the following rates i I now enjoy. Wo do not learn nicroly tho P TSinglecopy, - - illl cts. I dignity and sacrcdnoss of puro patriotism r - Toriiies, - - 8:1,00. i by following tliein in tlieir uarcor amid tlio I l'ay'raoiit in all cases to bo inado in ad- Btorl"3 of tho rovolutiou, but all the vir 'vancoJiESfc tucs which adorn humanity nro presented '3 ... ... . 1 to such relief, in Inn nrivntn rind tuililin fin. Wurlrioiid.aN.oliGitcdtogetup iiclabi.ij' LLM L. TATE 'j"rmi i t c .1 n ijMtfJIio August number of tho Gaiczcc ''"5i!3 011 0llr aljlo ani1 wo filul !t tt coinpicto1 number. 1 i J-'lIon. 0i:o. "SV, SCranxon, M. of C, has our thanks for tlio President's Mos-. ' f taco onttho Utah Territory. o arc requested to announce that' iflSTA. P, HT.T.r.. of nanrllln. veil, , tho - 1 preacWiiPtho Unptist Church at this place, ou Ttiesday ovoniiig next, at 7j o'clock, IST" Qur ainctum was honored on Wed- ftood rpon-ois at th.o baptum in blood of nosd'alast, by aWinl vi.-it from Mr. V.j0,lr Imant Jlepublio. S.DoehkeU, of tho United States HotclJ 'J'lic memoirs are illustrated by copious ...iavwv it,, v r,i r 1 notes explanatory of events alluded to in anJ .Wr V. JlliiOist), rtn., ot thu Jivcoiu-' ,1, , ' e ,,J ,. ,. , 111 the oomve of tho biograjihical narrative inS Ujusltee. . n,l theH0 w ill bo found a highly useful tea- -JlXfl- 7. e tllro of 'I'o work." CSTIr. Pi:n:n WlkckHu, of Cooper Col,ijs otMKr of tho above books.witli .towuijiir, Montour county, committed Mii . j a liiimUomu Gilt, worth from 0,) cunt j lo cido oirdaturday evening last, in his b.iru Sll'i), will bo sent to any person in tho by banging, uame, intemperaucc. C5 leaves, ft.wii'e and two children. taajunni! 15AI.1.V, of Cattawissa, was ., ivWi i , ' ., , ,. . ' . tho onWIJclcgiiti) trom Columbia, in tho lornty-tIMciiian-u ugld Convention, latoly held at lUiiiiburg. Xo body was hurt uy.'.tle facile. I SSKiWo learn that a Cainp-uieeting dorthftupei vision of tho Motho.li.t Hri- copal Church, will bo held near Ituek HornJtiiii county, cjinmein i.ig on I'riday.j the l(Mlof Augu t. mm I MoiciXeH) Go,j,ls. Mr. K. P. Lut, 1 isaaM ' , whoieadvci tisoincnt is n another column, hal revived a largo and seltct assoitmcnt , of choipo GJids, at hii Drug Store, i" I Lloomslruig. I TfiemAwricm Ajricft'lurii', published by 3f& Jiultl, hi New York, has boon ro-1 ccivccl'for Aujru'st. As usml.it is oinnlint-1 icallyjjjin Anu'iican Agiicii.turUt. Kvciy Fdrmcrr now tlint thoy have atlurotl grcatbrpjis, bhould Mipport F.triu .lour- tfet "(V(er, lur - , . - - . lUUIJUl.r J.lll-1 IIUIK II.IS UIIll'lU.I Ill'Ull .ts irttt a Bjoad'yoar, timur favorable iiiisiucea.aiid I we bespeak for its J. litors Mas r-i. hi'A.v- or.Kli and Saunkr s, .1 liberal patronage worihy tho meiitt of this our only Faim Journal. Qfiy John (1. Treoze, wo observe, is , s c ' ' t announced as a catiilid.it.) for Uiu Ije-jif laturo, for this Kepronontativo District, by thotDcmocracy of Columb ia county, sub ject to tho deci-iou of tho Uomocratio Con tention. Mr. Freeze would make an able, ltoncft and fearless representative, andjwe shall take great pleasure in giving him. an efficient and cnergctio suppoit, should lie receive the nouiiilation. We hopu'ho may. Danv tlr iMeUigcixcef. tdtd(lga Dtu',.- Mr. b'AJfi'KT, Dhaki:, fctlding near Xew t'oliuulms, iiUeme county, was on laH Saturday, at about 11 o'clock, A. M., found dead in tho mead ow whero ho bad been engaged in raking Hay. He bad gone to work after break fast in hU ordinal y health, and been dead Bomo time when found, but how, or what caused his death is (uitu unknown. Mr Dr'ako tt'as iri tlfo 00th year of bis age, and refpected and e.-teemed by all who enjoyed his acquaintance. The Catl'umssa Nut s- ries. Mr. F. 1 .MmtCEnoN, Vroprirtor of tho Oattawissa Nurseries, advertises "Strawberry l'lauts'' in tills Oclumliiu Democrat, Mr. M., is a practical Horticulturists-Hid has eetablished itt Cattawissa, one of tho liuest Nurseriis in Pennsylvania. Ho has all kinds of Trees, iShrubbery, and Plants, for sale ebeap, which wo hopo may receive tho at tiution'of our citizens, generally, now that tbecaii'.obtain their invaluable products jM'th'oig'rowth and enterprise of Columbia county: '" Good Giinwl ii ubooe. nil Piicc," Such,wai tho couiuol Franklin gavo when hs said,," Tnko caro of tho penco, tho pounds ' will tako caro of themselves." " Bewaro of tho little cxpon-cs," for " a mail,leak will sink a great ship." " lie patient in adversity and huniblo in pros perity." " Ho mindful of things past and provident of things to come." 15o timely wUoj rather than wise in time ;" and they -v-hOjiiro timely wi30 deposit tlieir nionoy inUFranklin Saving Fund, To. llli'i Squth."ft'Fourth ttreet, below Chestnut, Where it will draw Ji p'ir eont. interest, aml'oa'n always b had in gold or silver whrifde.ircd This old and reliable K.i vingFuiid never sirpcnded. Invcstmeutii are t 'made only m the best secuntins, Large and diaiill eu:uj rcceivct. TeriiBoment in another columu. BOki Just Published. nmantrmcAtFitiiTciir.il or TiioPtnarha or m DrctA. ratio, or Amcrican lRI)trEKpktRi With liistoricnl roinrkiupon tho Declaration, and n sketch crilic Itnii-' Iiij event, coluiciteil t ith tlioniloptionortlii Ailiclos or Confederation, and of the l'odornl Constitution! Ity llctmm J. Losslng, Author of Um of tlia rri'sldcnla," tic, tto. llfutrit,il ttllh tint I'ollmjla trtliuMgnirs,niil numerous ether engrntliigs. Oni vnluino, limn cloili, Price gum. Ami upon reccii( of the irlco, with VI Cents ailititloutil for roalnjo, n copy oftlm llook, log.thcr with, u liamlsomo prel nt, Worth from M cl, to lii", "111 In) noiit to any nddrena in tlia United Stales. from the lhtalii "Tlioro are lessons of deep, nbidiiijj in tertst, ami of incstiiiiablo value, to bo learned In studylug tho lives of tho men ..l. 'I ..1 ll I - .1 11 1 III l.- tsiin,, f frnn I nil ll.il a ,1,:1 tion, of voner'ated company, that when wo mo irom n perusal ot a narrntiva 'of their lives, wu fuel m if all tlia nnliln ' qualities of our common manhood had iiuuiiiica m our common mnmioou nau , bofol.0 UJ , mil!W .md clmlleuging our profound reverence. The biography of a great man, is an History ot m own times ; ami wnen wo havo portued tho recoid of the actions of 1,10 muu of our revolution, we havo imbib- .1 It. II n . i u" ll ,SB"cral nowicugo oi tne giuat events of that struggle for Freedom. If this Pr,P05it!01 true, when we fed that thU i'0lT I,0S a C l0.fll PU ,l10 rCS".(1. inr III,) llllfliAH itilj mil Anl-nvm 4n wilhiu as .small a con pass as a ncrsnicu- ous view of ihofubj:ct would allow, tho chkf o'veuts in tho lives of the men who uumi. i.hu,umi nwain ui uiu jmw, and V!l ccnti to pay postage, by address. , nw; tlio puliii-licr, wlio is ilosiroui ot call- you,r at cl,t.10" lo tLod of tranvaeting business, via : With cSch book that ii bought at his ltabli hmont, a present is civon- worth from filly cents to ono bundled do lars. J iio t resents are ot cootl qu;itly st nil of tho bot .Manufacture, and eonipriM) a laro as'orinient of Hold and Silver un-,lara, aS'or:ment ot (.old nnd bilve ' JtL' hi vcp Plnteil W.in,, Silk dro lm,vous t0 mnit0'u. ,SCiid for a complete clac-ifiod catalogue of books, which will bo mailed to yoiijfree of expense, and ono trial will assure you tll!lt 1,10 l'liao ' tIlu eouulry to buy 1 ..i. it... .:r. t t. ..,.t.i: i . e. uuuai, in ill uiuuill ijijuiv eliluil.-lllllGIIL Ol Cleo (f. KvatH. PnldWirr and Originator of tho oift IJook Knterprise, and 1'Toprio tor of tho largc.-t Gift Book Kstablishmcnt in lb- countiv. rcrnianentlv located at No. -i::0 Chc.-tnut Street, Philadelphia. A ll 2 B3 5 . h u,Mrlif tim Cni.n.j.i.i rountyTnii the 3M inu. iij i'miiiifhh i) i i.ii-. i .nr. ci. ti. Lin, ainu .Misjd I'cMNK, h.tt'i ' Kcnt-i.i, Culiiiuhiii comity. Oi Hmitlay, July nt t!i nsih'iio rf Or C. P. II rntui-.u, AUlautl, P,i , t. II, t NVinit, M, IK, rf Uan ill i-i Mm A'imk Ui tit, i f l(it-i. At 11. nli.ii, J ilj hj tii,-i'.rv J.O N'ohtc, Jamjji Mc IU.NUV., Kn'i , Alt'rcliaiil drill tout Muft-r, nl ( 'iiii.Lpi, 1 Mi'U Itl.lHU 'I'Lli!!, all) tl I Jtll.bfl L (..r fri -Jul M Il.-nty. mi 1 lii-t arron I t.n- (:y,nill wf .t nnr i-nrn.nt con5rat.1l tti mo, If Jim... 1 lt Mtrfil T.ttlllrt III it llll! Ill' t',.im.l .1 11. rtl,.. I,.t,.,n,l r ... .11.11 1 111. nit" r pt.d 'ropii.'rlty alti iid tln'ii , fit. a jour- " "uoi h. i:u.hif.J In Valley tu .Miaituur .mit, on tin iri U till,, 1 r-. C'iiitii vi. Iaii. wil'1 of tii. Lit,- l.citi-i .Mtm, (( 'd.. nj;fd yj.ir. r inontli-i and i day On Hi.- i't'i ut , in Vnlli y township, at fah-h .pph-ni.-n'd. har f-nii-in law, .Mrn L'mt k u It u. in th dft yttitr nl 1kt In lilnoiiiiiiMir?, on Thuraday niornitig l.ihl, Mr, Juou Mti- , i,fi'd tb vi'nrs In Talu:aiis Cnn'r, f,-i- rcntnty. UUnci. July Slat, lAi, Mr. lli-MiY WmF.Nn, lornii-rly of Urangeill-, t.go I jcim, l ino'-ith-i, and 5 d-jya JlLOOMSIlUlUi MA1.KMTS. Wheat Uye Corn Oats White lloaus.. Hui-k iv ileal.. . II mis ...i as Slinuliler. . . Uutter 'ga Tallow I.ird Potatoes., . . Dried Annie ..1(1 ..II ..li! ..ia ..Vi . .Ill 1 fit) ..7.') . 110 . 3:i t tin . .51) Democratic County C .nvoution ; NontT! l It r hy givn, lit it th' I"iiiocr.i(ic r.Vctnra ' lit an I for Hu Kivcral tlomiijitia and Kkiinui lh , trlru nfrolniidn i county. ill i.i'-f t at tlu rit'ttUj1 pt.ic-h. "ii SATUuDA If, tho U5th day of Au-rt, 1 tw-i'iillif hours an I 7 oMmk in th-1 ntt-T.nio'i of a.nt ilnv, for th.- piirpt.nn of i li-tsiui; two U , at.-a from I Mi h I il'Ti i hi 1'iftri' i- to met i in Cnnniy ( 'oincntinn, nt I t!i Court lions', in 1 looim ImrLMin -MO'.VH V, tlia -.Mil ii.iv it A.iuiul.nt I o'llrHH, I'. M . for thu iniriHHt of ni.i- kiut! lint ihii.iI iiominiiiioni of tu Ikniorratic p-iriy of Columbia County. i). i.nvi:viini:(i, j. s otms. ; 1. i. MOMiOl!, A. it. T.vri:. m. Hrm.ifiinit, VM. IIOWI.I.I.. j. i.r.tifitirr, 1 DrmoernUc $ aiming Committer. ltlnoinr-tiilrS, July lii, lriii). Caiulidato's Dcpavtincnf. i 7" AoL'.NCfciTi ok t'AMuiuTLa, for nomination for public otl'irca, wilt ho clwg 'd Si. payaldc in- rarta'ils in Girincr. f)AxfKl7LKi"li Of rionnt towiuliip, will bit a r.indiil.Ut for HhCi A TKH S tibVUHUKU I Coliimhu tnmiiy, U fic tho coioins County t'onvmitoit. oulijin t tn iu ni JOHN 11. FKKK.K Will he oilVri'd by liutrit'iida na it taiididatu foii jirjwtrit of run t.r.akt,.inmr. to dm Ik-iuutratic Convt'titnri ol (' lundm ci'iintj Jcct to ita d. iM-in. IHIOT1IOXOTAUY, r. I A CO II i:VI.UI.V, of lili.om township, will h'nun il dnbttflthiafall, for MuViHuW'V.IU and Vl.F.tiK of th'- acv t'ral Courts of Culuuihia m tiny, auhj.-i t to tho naif 1. a of Hie 1'uuii'iralic- (o tuty Convention. ASSF.MIJLY. nlKAM H. KI.IN'F. of Orange towiiohip w' nr' an-tli-ni.'-.t toauuouuM', will be n camfidat'- for tMF.M J!FJl OF TllF. waibWUiir.. nibji.it to Hi , drriamii of the IK'nimralit Cotm-utiou f (.'oluHibia touniy. .TAC015 II. FlUTO of Hugnilof, lowni-hip, will hn ntuudidalo f r UF(t ISTHtl ,1Xli KF.VOHUl.li of IVhii. .lit touiity h.foru (he roinio; Count) Conv ntin, hubjtel to ita rnt.-a. , 1'KOTIlOXOTAltV. Il'.SSU ColXMAV c.f Ortna, wi- ant uthori.'d to ,tiiniiiucri. will In a Caudid.iti for thr niiice of I'ro- thonotar) , at ilu npproai hitijf (itin-rat Id-cpon, uldcit j to the decision uf tlu Columbia Cuuuty k'lnocratic ton- NCIItlOll. 1 CO I '.NT V COM M LSS lO.NKlt. JOll M Ksf , of Itriarrrtck township, wo are Hiith.'M.ed toaiy. vnll h- a Candidate for C'omiuia Bioucr (f Colaiubtucoiiitly, ihir fall, iubjct to the urn; e of the Hi mocratic County Convention. ASSEMBLY. -rmirtnn CtTil'T r-C Xfurlinnt, luni.niii fV.1a, n, I.. t . lit county we are authorized tn aunouitrc will I a I candidate or Jte fiitUturr moct to the uiagcs tf tint fnmorrAtic County Comrntion y UNIFOIt.MITV OP rittCTMl-A Nsw rATnt aiEa AVtry tin Ml eitn Suleiman I JONES fc CO., Of thO CrCSont Ona I'llr. rtnllilnir Hi... Vn im AT... ktt llrctl above With, I'iiilndelpliln. in addition to hating tlio largest, inol varied and faahlotmlitA Alnplc or i'lr,ii,ln. in i'i it. t..i nt. i . ...i. .... . ....,.. ... ii,,,,ia uiuuu u. prcty ro, retail ivo eon.tltuted ivory on own salesman, by having nunk-l in figure,, on oaeli cannot possibly vnryall nmat buy alike. rrsjTerxs o full OMurnncuof Rtttlnga cooil nrtlclo nt tho vcrv lowctnrlco. Alia., a lnr.ro .Hwt f , ' . - . 7 i i i "in u"i iipi '(iiuuucn, viticil Will Mj "" i wiuir. in ino moil uMiionabio and icfi man nr, SJ.1 pir cuM., below credit pricon. lteinomU'r tho Crorcput, la Market, uhnve" Hlxtli St, N' W4. , JONT.S & CO. C7" Tlio lleavelia wero llliimlnatcd on tlia cvenin" o 1 Aupuit 27, l'jn, by the rawt aplendid Aurora llorcnlia ever aeen In the century. Kays of Ul-colorcJ lichtaflaah. 'r. "J cl,ae. were benutilu. In ,., cxtromi'. At one tlins a mpt Mcrcr ruuarkeit, that , ho fancicil lie cuitltl eo tho Ptmrktlnfr llclitt form thim , .o.vo. ln.,.,l,u following woria, ..,uy.l, joiirBarinent, ni mo iirou-i! stone iiMiiiiijc Hall britoLRiiiLt& Wiunw, NWCiKlnii.liiiUriincinjt nt. w;. 11, i-,.!!,.,,.. E3" THOMAS W. MATTSO.V, Reeelvuil tlio Prill Moital nt t!i 1 Wurld'a l'alr In I.undon lSil f)r TKL'XK;, CARl'IlT li.t;s. Boots, shoes and Oiiina. Ilrcat Induce nicntA tiro now olfered to purcli.iaer cf thj above arti cle. This la much tho largest atock or trunks, Carpet 11.15s, Vullrua.&ci in l'hlln Iclphl.ncry cheap for tash NTn. 4'IJ Market Street, one door nh'ovo 4lh, Setts aiic. ID- A ,XV rill.1t ANII DUSINtSa VH Nr.W rni.CIPI.l:d.-VlllTt!llAl.t.Cl.oTAlollAiAUt,corn,iri.f v. ..,,i..l.. ..... . .. . 1'nurlh and Market alreota, does lint follow In the beaten trnck. Wo are s'ltisned that the only uuy to ho, 1,1 up nnd. keep n largo buslnesa Is to sell goods i heap an Igiva satisf iLtlon In custolilera. l'rLtenco will nut nn.in.r . 1 1 i... 1...1 1.. .1 i .. . i.... : goods five per cent, ndvanfupon roat, (,,., more and ,, , leaj.) and no valialiou in marked pricea. This )atim Mill sustain llsrlf uitliout puirinf. We slinll buy nn.l i ..lUuliiaively for cash. Our naaortment ror men ami koya Is Hie largist In l'liihilelphia, and our prkis much Imiir than any other. Call at once nnd aeu for yourself, I ol t10 wnrrn ham. cwrrniso iiaza.mi, M. W. comer l'ourlh nnd Mnrkot als. 1'hlla. , l ibruary 5i, 1SI n. I'Jki, jii.ir.iTn i.in: ri..i.s.-Ti,eiuSh..i i..i .. vbtny wimh thM pro-tiininciit mcdtcm: litis ncqniri'd for 1 its i!ivnri:illc otlit.iry in nil diaras whirl, it prnfutsei ! t-Zciue, haj riniorcllhoiim.il iiractu-e rf ott-ntaticim j ptiffliift not only utin T-.o.iry hut unworthy nf tham. i Thej tire known by th.-lr fruit, their cooil noik- ntl- ' t iin t'i. unit im-jr mi it u u 1 uy ui" i.iikti ui nit- crcu 1 ulou. in iill r.iae.1 of cocti uiichh, ilyiprpi 1, LUlionn nntl In.-r alfvLlioiii, iuIcb, rli'.titiLiiti:ii, I'lvlti ft njue, ohsii mt' h mJ nclw. ntj.l nil gfinri'l ilcraiiscinTts tf health, lit i 1 II j luie iit,iil,ihly pnivin a certain nml upvvily r.-.nfily. A miiIc trial ulll .,icm tlia l.ifi i'it . hcjoiid th-rnicli cf coinnftitl.n In lhi ebtiimiti-m of L-vi-ry p-itiiint. j Ir. MoiVit- r.Wnlt Hitter, will hf'foitiiit t lualK tf. 1 ficar i iih i 1 nil 1. ism f tiijrvo h th hilijy, ilynpi p.ja, fcail lull lu fiiktit m tin ith'lit In lcinnl i in tklirata hcattli, a 1 1 rii'iy kiii'l tf wnnkneffl tf th'i t'Uftditti organ r. 1'or nilc hy it. Mmlit, llrn.u.'way, iVv Vurk, ami hy iiit-di. mo ih'nl ri ani I'niggljt s-nurully through out th-' cutuiiry IVIiriinry 10, ltfO-i:iii-Cm. Tcmale Health! Female Hjalili ! ! Thoiii-ainlB cf furnnlcfi ctill'-r troiu dcr.tugetncnta pecu liar to th.- net. Tin t, anil mrt common among thosu i, IV-IM.K lVl AhUIf Wll.l M, or I.HLOllHlIKl, witlih its constant aitimlai.tH, Lkwivdh, Tkihthvi o.-, I.amb er W'Biit liui;. and (.i.vvn m, 1)i n;i.n v. Nn one ran b en tirely II hu Uiih fiiiiVrrf, ami in Immlrerfs f rase liuillli Ik iitt rly (Mi.tirii.lncil. o t m lun.l nu dh i.i and ilruii do Inn liitU (iond-utti n iinn li injury; Iuu'IJum riiKFYii' i-'i'hikil UnHtufAnia IV-mu. 1'ttt.i arj Just lli till. 14, r.li'urij; ptoiiiptlj, and (nrlns porin.inoiiily. A einll u'u worth will dJiuora gotvl tli.m ii-iarta of m ktnimn, r Bit tnoiitl(inuciiildiiC3im a doctor. Sit huvc li-rdl. N. ll.-AfuH ftLtoniuiiriiRLTH' (uMt.uiumu rfrnint iiilh Hook ot iiircttins, nnd tiii'iilyilufi'rtfnt Ituinoilii. in liiro i iK inur ncu case, S ' , in )d tin Ltlso, SI; I cue cf lilt,-. :i bows, n td Uoidt, -r.ittu uud .VJ nwiita. inilj holts, 2.1 ( Tii. m' Iti'iuudii h, hy th hiiiI h.it r r CiMi. iir( cent ly m.ilt' nr aj rots. lr u of iiiart;o,M any .Ui.rt.-id, on k- ' c ii t of Hi. j nc. Vild n , I'K. I 1 1 I,' .1)1 lll.ltl ii I II j--- ltro.iiiuay, New ork. ' 1 1 hy IJ. V.J,X'T. Au'.Mit,J.. ua.sltnri!, t'-i. j IZvlii thoic uiu nr -in tii-' rnj') in iitii'p rf-iih-altli fru'i.i.-ntly havo novd to li.no riLu.irj,.1 tutoiifnait prcci. i ti ta 1 1 ill tea hi1. V' nr.! ih-mi ii will ariiu red iiiuiifct 1 llitiiiit.i.itrt t'"tfiu' i IN Hi il ll. rli ix li. ir to." in h an m- J i;ir.jtor tliry in.ij lind in llu.it.ut n a iUi inu ainoU tiiw ih it cannot bo taken n-ularly itliutit iiii;' it iltty and tl;itml to th pyi-U-m. At Una L.ion,p.utlciilaiIy, tii j bt roiiji-it in in U niti prod'aj.iia.iL tlu ni.il ui.i, inc r- I tain si'doms of th" country. In tilt c.ijo."i of levtr and iizne, th HiririH i-t mofi- p. t, nt ili.ui .my .unotiut i f i -ilia:, uliil.) th-' Han't d.iuijiroiH i a-ort if laliioua f -u r i lillo ita won li-rlnl pn p rti'-a, Tlina, tinh.iv' lilv'd tlii nifi it i no i 1 in.i.r nsu jtm-i!vT.f r an) f thu tulnn.iila which tlm HoarLi rut linttiii profLa.a to toilidut'. Tn thujuj whihut' imt ni.idi' tii' rxpiriiiKiit, u cfri.i.illy riTotiuiieiid tin tarlj ipplicaiiun tuilu- Hn n ifuln iu'vr th .ir; ftritki n li disi usi's of tlnj i.ti'blii; crg.ina. hy .til drii.'rritH in tii j world, lStitt nclv. rUnrm-Mit in nimtli.r colimm. L"' Thia hcinj; tin.-ht,iaon ol thy jiar uIk'ii tliilmM, ilji.-tit r . ,'iiui dud r:i tin 1 unli.ippily hut too pr.'i.tl nt. i i u.iudoi.r n a h r of Urown'd I'M'tui. tf Jamaica tinier, aiitllda nn on.parahlf Itji.h r.i lit ire li.i.'Ii ,11 In witliciirttiv it iiil in iir.il poui r 'l'jif m-i.iiiii .aalmvu nam .l ha tr ily nrr-'tt -il tht- f.ital prot.r.-i .f tiliaac. ami m rd liuu lr.d uf licn, (i'uUuiibut Democrat, Tho fnllouin arc thu receipts to tho otUuo of tlu' Coi.UMHI.V J)',M() 'HAT, (lui'ill ' tlu month of July, l&UO : Irani I), rr i:i.t $:i IHI Join IJ. IVitt'r, S-d 1 Hluudiii Coutiiy, 1'2 ,0 Cat-sidy it Italil, Hi ut) Juo. M J,.hiibt(in,.M.u , lu Oil Tii.iin Ali-Kfoii, Ji) iM) John Itia.-wick, 3 ui) I.ipju ucMt & llunUr.lu tin JV:ti r r h ik, 1 7j O Jnuoa Ac Co., e 00 (iiu, VV.S.Mrrh, Tb'I, It Od llctny Adolph, .10 U.i.ic W'i It-U, li ml riwau, lir.'wi'r i. .'., 7 M ThoiiiiiriTri'iuh, 'A iU ti. &: C. .MLrriam, 7 ,'in Dd id J.t f, 1 e Try tc Cirami, 5 00 J raijiowiil'. N'.Coin., 1 DO William Uuuin, .1 mt Haut. I Midir, Jr., '4 CO A. CJi.-a. brooch, &Cn.. j W (ilucr 1. 1 ana, n CO Ji-lmo & la u, (liui .Mail L nt, ;i n Haicau l!uyd. Col. II K Kline, 5 (HJ lUldw in Ac l.n Jloor.' ( r i-lig. 2 30 u. i Alluu, lUldwin tc i.indi-rmaii,:! joint 1. J.noiiy, iim J llamliiirif, Mra. h. Wttki nUd, ti lid C. 1'o'iiii.iiu, Fiaukhu f.iv jut; I'und, ti HO David WiIhuh, Allfii i. .N'Miultjn, ii M John W.vuirli, Col. J. 1! Ilaki-r, 4 00 Tiiuiua .McConrick, A IKJ 7 An 1 ml !Nciu QltJucviiscmcnts. IMiAlX XUT10K. A I.I. pi rn'iu tndtbtijd to ilu laU firm of llombm U :'hinuim. and a 1 1.0 to tii uud mut'd. fT Hi - l.-rni if H iiiKliliia p,.nl ar: Iii r. Ii ii'dirtt-.t tiial if inim . 1 ilL pi) tiii'iu ji. in 1 mailt-, their uciouuta will W ii(tjuatu,i hy Ujjal iiihccra. JusMU'll I.. SIIAWti.V. Hloouulmry Aui.fnt I WU -.lu IiS Ikti by fivLii, that a citaiu tine hill wliuli is draw n tn lav or of llonr W, lU-iuboIl, lor thu biim ol iwunty. two doll.ira. b.-aiiui; date Ilu. Hi tiilh u.ij ,i July, A. I. IMJ, ii 1'iiiinli u iilonl loiiaidi raliuii, uud all p raoiu arj vvariifil againai 11 you aiiuu fur, or pinha-'iusti'io a tiu , a I 11 1 md loiunU'U tiu paynutit UiiriM I. 1,1'AVla, tlLII Achland, A isiul i lrti-:ta. Strawberry TJants! Siiawbrrryrinnts! 11M. V. V. MMtCKKON'.uirira for aalo IUiHlUi. th ll 1 ci-l. hrai-d U ii.mi1, a Amivnv HmiMM) Snt ihiu auv, iln line pl.tnia amubl.-1 r plant inn Ihla tall. 1,1 rtim lutli of Augut to liih v( tiptomhor, ben turn.) ut $1.60 jwr Idd. Also. HLholco varittyof hardy Native (r'i'C int a, surli aa IhUware, liuu 1, Columbia, Ciucord, r rankhn, Lliulou, Uah. Ua, ( iiiuwl.ti. dr. u" A thuice naaortiueiit of Tritit Treca on hand in turn,- for fall planting. r. r. .Mi:i:ct:itoN. Cattauua Xrric. Cattnwiagi, Aug. 4. lHil)-:iu, GIJiL vt PAUL, (iciunil iotnmi$f(fU Mficli.tuls, I'LAI LKi 11 Tikli, rrovia.miB. 1'lour. ituitt-r. Clue a . Oils, lined i't ml .t, (iialn, He da, Ueaua, Whiakfy. Wool, Counir) rroi.ucu uud .Mticnaudian I!' n rally No. 31 oKllr Hiiinvw, I'mnDrLFiiu. " j Cotiaimiuicuta Cf 1'rovUionB. 1'lour aud Count rv 1'rndtiui K'liciWd, and riiurua promptly made tath advaucd whtn dciired OKHUBU for all kinda cf Fih. 1'roflainnr 1'lour Dried fruits, iu filled at thrf lowest Catti Tiicra Sujutrt 4, IcuO 1 'm SPECIAL NOTICES, yar;brs;zi.:sEwiNG-MAci-iiNE dijpotj IN pursuance of on ordar of tho Orphana' Court of! Columbia county mi i I oaiUMai, till! Hill Hill OJ August, 1rZtf at )l) o'clnek In tin forenoon, John M. I'hetuWlIn, Ad-1 minis! rntor tifNoali H. Pf.ntls. I.itn of IHiiotii rou-tihli,. I . ... . , - . " " " ..III ....07 . i I . n iii. Vond .mViiVo Pml. a certain c' ' "m" a ..-.., alluate In tlopkfnflrllle, riloom totvmhip, in tho rounty SSSESixSSSi lot V,mJISu".ctl y"C. Fliticlliencc filonjr nai.l nin-ct . "lu ? '"r.6.?1?" ' lwo f',-t to ' W iit i tut nu,pf inciirti flouui iwcmy-mncii deprcii " Miiiiuru-n uiiu iiiitriyun(ii ii'ci w an Alloy, llicnto by tnlJ Alley nonli (lily thrru Ucprctg ucstilxty two rect to tho lot of t'imou C, tfliip, Mnrcnald. lltMuo liy thu Mine ntrtli thirty nevrn Jcgrpft rust imo MinJrcil mid ninety night fevttu thu plnru uf Jiceiiinlng, tbvro is PltAME DWJShLINd HOUSE. a small frdiiia ffiop, K kitchen, and a hrgo j wi, ....r ofidvcKainatiie In t.ioiown. if oriliwui, uuU county nionuiU. n , ,t , JAtOH UYVAIUV, Cttrk, StTl? Itii per cunt. r 11m ik fourth U be pjil nt thfj MnklRit duwii ut tin ttiom-rtv. Tim m ti,.. , ' J.M, UlillMIlLKI.IN, niomnghtirg, Aujit 1, tHCO. I No. " IHICK tT I'llll.Anr.l.l'IIIA. (Iiiit.- Cm, 11. II. Joils.) TIMS Hotel, ki-ptonth.-. tcym ;;,, s convenient for ruveli-ra, l.'illzcna. and 1110 Pulilii-i-eueriilly. In n 11 thu liuineilintu lu.lBlilihrliiin.1 of thu r.clunso. nl '',', ,,'li V"!,in,"f"lv nfllio IM.mir. Wharves, the laniliiis f. r fluiiubiMta ,.,:lI,'i?,'.V.""i!;" l',''I". "I1'1"!, "' 3 o-cl..tk III tho Inoruiiill to l'J o cl'irfcnt II ctll, fur 1 Jl celitsniiil uniinrija. I-O'Wiilt Ho s ..in no priJured t , 'rr J c"", p; r nlcht. Tl, CI, nnblrsure lean, v.. II ventllaunl and Ln urn. f.i.ni.iV. i : ' te',!!!;,." ! .rc, Iha cliolui (.ijars. Th 1'rimriclnr Imiies that l.e VirlVi i, V ,b"ual atteiilliiii. with cuinpi.teiit uud obliging .-r iiiitt, "" '" ',,,!J"!' orrrvriiiK (Lato of IlaltlmoM, M 1 and Madii.ra ll.'usiVl'lili',, i . rHOVMLVoli. Aiiiit4.lwu-ain. " ,,,.. ,,.,,.,., 1 l'UV.U IV lillU , d II., W7,u J7- ' 3 Miilh .md t Iif-Mi.tit Mnds, orroiiiK tub "iimAim iikuhi.," I'UlhAIHWaNil.V oV" .UtMilOJIX, MEXVir, AWi fl Clti MtMLS JXU JUV(1K. 'I1 O s I c 1 A v I i C 1 ; fs . liiihinV, Con. 'ray's, ll.it-iy'B, be, Ur .v,-., rtifumciy, t-oajia, H.irhito, Toiltt I'uWil n.iul Lt.-aitvuv. I.vf l..oiout, ofKuhoi lii-t MI- ra. tlMI l:01.1l i'lMirtl iiRL'BllLR, Of Jill tfl.i-fl an. I htjl;B, UoM'tiuenA. Tom 11 VVAfitM tf aitiiruvm kinds. IMI luLlfll 11 Alll IlKlGll. t'oMa 1 1 all Miiilc, llulialo, lmli 1 K1.M1 t, ; ,Vc 1'omadkj ton 11m Ilvm-Liihui's, rouJra) , and Sltinz- vna't, Ac, iViu nuia'jO.u rcuKtoin tfdui, H'Aifcti iron, I'urJani l'ouiuii!.!. IijC aj ri u w it'i c'loirj rqt. i iti.iic Kianvv, 'in.. ft. I!, Cor. It1 Hll.l L'li.-rtil.U M'. A 1. giut 4. l-'-'l-K.n. a. r. ciirsninoui.ii. jKn. Atts. a. v. ciiJisKuriouan & co., PORK PACKERS, a'Mtiii-io.y Mcr.cir.wi x ,j- iniur.n.u.h: HI VMK4 IN Fish, CiiccM', attsS E5fvi.!r.9.Xj 10 Xirlh U'hariis. nlum Mnrl.it St. r.it KI113 and Luring llouai Angiut I, i-'ill li.n. , llll and ll.'i'd r I'liir.Aiini.i'iiiA. WILLIAM QUIN'X." ihAlii'H Am ir'ii'JiTf JSEa II. W. Cur. Tl.irl nnd M:ir..t fin. l'lir..Alli:i,llll.. CatiiS ifl.co per I()(jO. Ansn-I I. 11 (1 - TIIK WtXM Sf ,1(11, x q n: u :ir , a a, ji X , an hi.n!;t .snir.ur, llijlo-v I'diirt'l SI..J I'llll. MHIU'IIIA, l-i. Aumiit I. 1-10- Ui.i. ii. I rOLINK I. hi;, No. Jo, Mm I'll U'llAKVII.-s, I'liit.iilLhilna. SlOl'SJ J2A5a')ies, AMI Sill!' UIlA NJ) 1. 1: II .V, Jpiin Cotto.i for faalkiiiu'. U a. Twin a, T.tr, 1'jtcli, O.iluiai. ltlock, an I i)ir-. itr, Anau-t I, I .-mi Win. NKW JHIUlvs! MJW UOOKtil! (It.O, a. KKt.Y , l'u'i!ul,tr. AMI oiiidiNAToit or tiii! iiu'r mule hn i nti'i-.isr., No 1.IJ C'li. itnutMri'i t, i'Al.'iljl';il.(. Just Vnili-hed Tin: II U..M 1-1 11 O O K 0 F II K A L T 11 AMI .7afl;sm;asf:o, A 1AM1LV i. oven n. rMHRVtlMI 'Dili Javs and Jhans ( I'htjr-ual Culture, .1faitol to Piac ttrul I'tc. Inwa of I)i2l'1ioii, 1 -rt utlini'. Vrntd.ilimi. uaca of tliii jinj:ai Circulation ana 1U iiovalimi. l.aw a and lliaciai-a ol tui i, i iiunti'j, t lotoiim. i cnip.r.ii iil, 1 ouj nnd Cjiniii!, I'oiaon, l.viri ii' and . ic, ic IJi.w lo t kvhU (,UH.itntf,tiun W.th s ii.-r.il " pinhvin rnd ltr' lloiiai'i.n IntiiVf to a Ion;; .iui lK-.iiil. hi . a ia r.-.iiark.-r-J.an - w tii UKJIir L'.-l- UP I'lIVdKlANS, With thirty-oni' illutMiioii4. t)n-j inltinn, JJmo.. .'iuo p,i li iti.tM'iiu'lj hun-N in 1 1 tli. Pi in- f I.ii-)., .n, np u rc ,'ipt o ill pro - and 'il tuita ndiIilMti.il f r 1'o-t i'.'. a iop ol Uiu book, tiu'ilnr uiiu a h.iu.'bi'ini r nt. uorili from ."Dc nt lo .5 UK), utll h,.- suit to .my a.l.in b in thu Ciiil -d M.iIjs. Vrotit the .itm nctia Vrftbijtcrtan, Vhiff.iUtp'tta. I inlturi; ol trio' in'.ilili. It 1 mnanot Hi. Mihstaut of a coiir ' 1 pm.u on in or nar 'ii ny nr . 1, .u mi. It mm' .iur.iltl frtv from all lwfitn oaudi Mr.ivasan.i s. It t4-.ii. ti r a U" h'nv wo 11. iy av ft I tli- l"o 1 mirlant uc 1 1 itti'iiir tiiri .md no tnniM, iii! I ujn-ii it m.iy be pri'piT to njiiMilt.ui 1 1 mpl'iy 11 pht-iuin. It ni.tin- i r la.niy v aliL.tdo and 1'r.n lual auustathtna mi llu- van nul'ji la tpnk. ti ( l'i; lli till' ii.ij.'1'. and ma) prv ,1 k-i) iih lull bonk, in all f.umliua, md an iota h to t -a h how tmurj di-, foimt. m 1 ua.-d, haw b -ii gia'it. d hy Hie Kei!i.U'i i f smm , na toprv.-iit tii ir oicurti n.-c Th" mil c.b.wlui (onuiy,l.i th.- uuib-raicm d. nil pcraoiia hi- im una of pb aical mliiin. ad.ipu-il lo pr.utir il uat, are m K uuia ataxia th l..tiii ol in j dcce.ii-iii. ar n-un'-laid down 111 luuaiiui-r wilbin th-comur In-iuimtoi all. t .,.,1 10 ucl'm nt tlifiu to tlio Administrator, ut In, i'.tlini.alitii'a havn h.-i-ii aoldfd,and the rul'S and u-i. ...,..,..1.. A work ol thin t h.irai t -r l ao 1 nti.it to t.tuulo'n. p irUt.ul.irU to ji uiu uiLttu'ra, that f-w b ml 1 h.' without mif.ii. , .... I 1 nc ur'iii niimii -r ri u -iiih amuiiiT iui.ini ti.ia aircaay ' cr.-afd an nlariu tn 1 iiuili-w . nn l ri tl t Ihmm h.i ; hn 11 tn iUl. upon th f.dlurt-a 1 1 ph) cicj.ma 1:1 itiur im.-ioj't to j inn-. I Th'' p'iilo-'opiiy of rlu 1 1 num f tin f-aturca of tlu hook and the caiHu t f consumption, ,1 nn.t nnpuilaut 0110. Thi ia tn at.'.i hy tin- dm i' r in n ni'l i-liiknij uud origi nal i.iautit-r, and lua iiicaua of how to pri- 'at it. i,ra 1 11 1 I down in plain an I uiimitak".iM. Iitiiu.i.". v. 1 Tina purtioi) of the oluiu- o iuip.'rl.iut (. th - lt) ikh) ui ritona who art 'wn now ilwua iii?uiuiihu fr tiLiirly thai nuuiht-r i't - .niuunly-w ill b ran wtthan iut.'rtrt which wilt ivtMaallv have .1 tnott dinrallj til. n ui;a ci nv-vs.s rr?M.iirii, .n. ijj LiiMinii nrtHi, Aiie. I. UVO-lt ijiiii-idjd i 1. DANVlLIaK AOADK.MV. I III. AiMih'iuic y.-.ir loiuiuucca Auit 0, to inutiuu.' foil-l'iur u. ka. J If frlnnii i iliv iiteil into a rrim.iry and ,1 Ui;lirr pt-piirimi nl, 1 ach inijt r ita rirpictuo t'laihir. hihol nra uri ad.intli-d at an) tinic, 1 Ample prov iain ia madf lor all Hp r'"piircmeiiH of a thorough and rienn it inurav if atuJy, iiulmtiiij the 1 Mathi'ioiiiii a, N.itar it t- in , Ll.ia-ua, .Modern l.au ' ya mti, Itrawtu-;, Mumc, t ic, ri liui ii a from abm.nl 1 a 1 obtain board w ith f.n iltln-a , for hoiin- atud), on very mukrate tcriu, 011 applnaiiou i t th" ('rim ipal I I Tlu i'riuiipil. tii inkf-il for his p.itt (i nt?roua Riippurt. niauri'a lua pairmu t.f hia uuw-ttritfd ill'orta tn in.tku till tilo . I jll tii.it ran he ihMrcd fr the ncpuntion v( u ihortu-:h ttui utinn. 1 j or paitirular ttppiy tn J. V. WWmV, Vrhtlpnl, . IVrryt., near Dwt u'a HoUl." 1 itinviit- juiy:j. inm. I lil'DDlNU TI.MU. 1 lit lindu 1 r iiilliusait irv kiiiiLTior ari'1iea I 1 ' IruiLcaii ba bl.aucd ut my houi') urn and trelcome. 1 Or, if mini- prU' r to pb'ua. Mra. '.upiiiiigi'r, with n !' aeoda. hulba orroitaof aoiso' iir.it) r rire Hunt r, nr I any otluT tittfut or ornamental plant, tin y fh.ill luvu our hi-bt ihai.ka. ! Miller Jlurxuutty ia much swciti-r, more juicy ani I earlier than 1 ith-r th t Isabtllu nr tin-1 wmrba , thu 7Wr I larjan cherry is vi-rv I irge, dtlicnuuly kWd t, 1 urly, and has a very amall none ; tlu tad Mutch currant ia 111 hooka and praitico tho bckt. ana our pcarlua, jnaa, ic., are aUo very good. IIIA'RV .UITIMiUIt Bloouibhurg. Julv 'JI lJfO It LOOK OFT, FA1!M1JHS! li EVOI VlXfl JIOKSC U-lKtS, (t r aalo at i:iy 1 by 1: 11. nuitmi Jun, 21. !'0. khiUitin t.aitr-r. (and n, Hjmbue, (tir sals i by II RTMAVS J. UUMUHY UUJM.UJiUS, liAAVJL.Lli, FA. EUREKA ! ! EUREKA!! EUREKA!!! Celebrated Shuttlo or Look Stitch Family wvimitlltll kjuillliu VI JUWUO. W1.11.U A.' ill ket cannot bo excelled. It is preferred ' SHUT VB OR fer ? strouslh ana faUtCU, 1 11C0 JijU. DotililpTLrrmtTittit Stitch Taniily fl:lii(! Marhinp. Tliia Mac Hne poiscnie tho throe cfan-J reiuliitfl. rini pi Icity, KtiMicUi and flfiicloncy. Price, 5'W nnd narrantrd, 'ihjundfrfjjriiod olTcr thi!" ScwiiiB .Mmhitip wilh the err-ntent ronti-ieuce that thpy arc dot tine J to mnt the wanli ufihe p.-oMc Unt fnll tfifxniiiine Hi I.nrekn nnd Slay Klowcr brfore pureti.nlng. 511k Cotton nnrt Mn en thread miititl-lj for Hewing Alachincv, on hnnd anJ for salu Lv sr. 0. OKIKU, J)anille. May 30, 1800. Om, ,T. V. MAHTLY. iiooK mm "Vjr jtTV. mi A TT iTJ VC f- rJ V PV n ti Wj' rt'lIK undersigned, wi,hiiig to retire from It till business, oil. ra lo acll, at I'lunlo Bale, tllu ell- I liri.HoiKol Jio 'K.i, Sl'itionarif, Vnll-paper and futures i.lniiitiitii to tho eatabUshtnont. l'irrt door nboyo tin i:ri,aniru lint-1, C " Tor plttlcutltraeil'UlirJ nt ritore. Oi CtiAUK. r.l.niin.biiri!. July tl, leiu. Henry ZlliilllSri's Ustalilislinictit. (IIViioi. far hcl dtid and burled s. ... . . )U.,r",J ", " ') Eoo.l 1 !, '" V',,"', ch ' seise line lael uhler.) iino uu -i iimicuu jia 'KalXgla'. Umm!i.!' W ' A """"nil l.na, I'nteiit, (l.'ne -IIL-VH. Or coiiimn 1, or innalt, or l.irt'o I liidyotir 11 nti li !t a full A kintik, nji-rl. or .1 hit f If it Is or Isn't In splint t-i, WIioiiouIiI aucit n 03lti-r "fit" f Cjlliidi-r lirnko 1 vi mi' or a siuidi.-t 1 A Jtin I, ti iihri'l, or n sirina ' " ltd it iinis:, n crUtik, or a Imtniniii, As n I, .i- with n iijoriiiis 11 inn f M.1I11 -,'rins broko, suro ! or a iiti, lloiin nun nil III.- hid iinlrlua," " 'I'n iiiaki ihoin i, ii'urau than a sin!" I l'ionivli.irir. J1I1 14. IMU. i PUJUjIO SALU 1 .-or- , MJ$.M& HV irtui.' t fan Order of tlu Orphan' ('ourt f Colitm hn (.ojiiiy, Laiiluy Wo.uiwaid, trual r, uppoiutud by (li iirph.in h oitri 1 1' l.n. thu inutity will uxpnau 19 t-dlu, on 111 1 r n.ii s, on ! Vic.s.i-, ll.t 'ZUt of Augnti, A. , I80U, at 'JiAlotk, 1', M., tlu- f dluwinj Ktal list at,, 1.) wU: A TIltCT OP LAND, bituati in tlia ti'Wiialnp o fiutf, in ColJii.bia toutity, , toutaitiinK atom i dm: iiuxdui;!) acuks, 11 f.ur prupurtioa ft whitli ia tl.arjd, and o.' whiili j-ri; ! A ItAltN' and otlur out hitiliiinca. ThU Iract if'joitis , land s 1' 'lliotiua I lu 11 tied I on tin1 111 rth, uiul '1 houia I Kf8, ii. UOItver, uud oth, ra on tlu lad, outli, and mi hi. lin Hit lisUta if I'll i Up Halm, latu tf l.ucruc t.Ullty, JlC.'.'.i.'U. J AO MI nVKIM.V. Clcrl,. ' CuXfl'li'.W ( F -Ono fourth nllh pnaiiaa'- tiioui'j, 1 b.i o ti rit'iit.) tolu paid on the (.oiifirinatitai I of tin wil t.sn p r cout. M ths one toutUi to be paid nt (Ik itir,im mivn t,f lb; propfriy. Tho halanci- of thv I pnri.il.. ! iiioui y in 0111 year Irj.n thu loiuiuu iliou uf kali., w all hil'.r it t'r hunl iiiu j ar. ar.Mw;v wuuuwako. rdooniahur,', July 14, lUl. 'Irxittcc. Light ! Light ! Liht 1 1' AH . ;i)N VOAii OIL IIIIl'.MlliS AMI LAWS FOIi I'OAti. KUIlOSIlS'i:. nil IMRIKIM Ol I.s. TMIi: lupl. Iinis? Ijrilli.mt. -.mil ill nni'i-t I'tirtnlil" luillt X 111111 In list.'. Nn liuncr nl i. -.illusion ainl I'lii'iiinr 111.111 11,1111, i.irn nil. nsn nil iir i.iiiii n. lit', ivi"KQUAI. 10 li.t.-i, Si Willm.it tin' iispi'lia" of pit IHtilri's 'I lit' Hlmic I.niilia 11 nil .111 111 ir 1 tin y iri.iin,iti.'-.i inn In- m'i-ii unit liou-llil .it III.- nltl 1 atiitililii-il llrinx uii'l tlii'inii'iil Muru .! tin iiiiili'rnii.'ii 'il. 11 Iii lt.it.i'rr limi-.i'll'lli.it frtiin Jus liui!! i'X- 'pi'ii 111 ' 111 tin- llrn- tr.nli', li" kiiuus turn' mill uiu re tn imj . .111 1 H ill tn'rinnn'il i-nt tn In- mi'li-rsi'ltl Ii) nny nni' in UliHiinilinri; nr snrriiiiiiiluii; rnnntr). t.'nll nml '' Ins nml .mil 11 fll in 1 it 'il tni k of iiiiuns. ui'i'i'.i'.LS mi ni i:mii; m.s. i'.it-t VAIt.MMlKJ. in l.-l'l I I.s Ol -.- (ll.rt-s-i l liO.ll 7i'l in '.'1,111. l'iln.i.TII)A iiii.s. iM:i;t'UMi;uv - u I'AMIV -ion 111'. All. Tii'i.ia run laiii:s. x TO HA GO'AlS'b CIG.'lUN. Aa-t'd iliauda, i'.iii-iit MPduini'a ofivi-ry ari t in m I.i'iu.ira (pnr ; lr in i1iliu.iI tisu tul, 1 laid, C.iiHplieia Carbon (.Ml, Turiii-iiUiU' anil Al"tiio Tru-ni , Mionldif liraca tuid Ab.liiiinn.il appotti-ra, furjViiMl and II. n- iai iiinriinn ins, n imi u.iii tin a tooiu iiriiinij, x ro. iiuiu ldin y'a Iliiiiiii'nathic It tin dica, (.'.irtlcti. Canary. II. nm an I 1 1 flu p M'l-iia. Tlii-rinotui icr-i. proof jiUss Morocco i.iuii"r miii rii'ii' j iuhiiil"'. vl , tc. iolciii.t w it 1 1 iu lar 11 and iim.-t vai tod afaortiiifiit of Di'riuati Tu 3 and Y AMV" li WtJl 1U.NS, icr hroniihi totlna plac, all id whitli dua-o call nnd si-c jtii,i ou mui-i n in 0. J l.t 1114 I -.irin'il b) fali'p"n ucu Hut "loii? eredrta wi,i i.tji Kfi p iiimua louvni, j ntvi; 1l1t1-ru111i11.1l to th at iU-r. to tl ,tl on tit cualt prim iplj, titii r iii'm or ' rt.i i; in"n . ll.aiui;Mrv .1 a ri'ular appii niii "ahip at Drug all I Apt'lli ) .try b 1 110 -o-. b Ml lining taril'il it 011 lor lb 1.i jit t ihb'i 11 ) , art-, mi 11. j iw u liuok, I lijtt r inyM.!!' Hi it 1 am at 1 tMli ju-tiL'o in all kixmi iuu a lri.il. 'tii 1 11 1. tui lo llo- public fr 1 .j;?! luvor-, 1 wotitd ak .1 trial on 1I1 11 w iinutipl'. and will Ku.ira.m-i' d all, (li.it 11 will tunki' Itm j In, 11 .a, and pa) hot in ilu end Iti pa 1 .lull ami bilv at rfdac -d prm a. 1'ii.SiOIANo l'Hb-t lillTlONS c ir fully compoundt-ii.and allor.b racorrciilynnawcrcil. All in 'diri.iL'fi jii.iiutitfi d aa Hi omui- lldcit, tou Koom on .Main Mr.'i t, 11 -ar Mark. 1, n.-Ai iin,.r to thu l'ui.Oi-tic-, idouiiub.ir, Ci I iiiiibj.i touttty, I'.i. JA'MKAIM r. a;t., r-VllBU-t 1. 1-Ml. AU-MLVISTltATOirS NOT1CK. Estate ii Awtfttv MejCM 'lu'y ie7 usu!t l.TTCKS ol adiiiiut?lr.ition on tlnj Khi,itJ of AnJri w mini n,.iL r. I.il, .1 !.nli..i. timi.J.n. .iaf.,1 j ,i .nvmnrJ r-j tow n,u iihn tt ih l.iy.aud all i-erMuia iu - to 01 -u in uuiv. navim ni uriiwui. J..Ku. iiiui., .Ww UlonaiBhurL'. JulvJ'1, l-H). lltth- hill nil 'li fill. I h.t purM- SAVUT FUNDS. ,?lSWKI.l' !J.V I 1'iiiirlli Mri'i t, In I'liildili lilu.l, lii)a .i' KWKI.IN' tfAVIVtl I'l'M) -No. Uti South iwi-uu Cfi'-ftiiut nu I Walnut. all d po-H- tin iii 111,111,1. ll poMtiin,' iu.au-1 i cured b (Jov riiinciit if'.alJ and Citi l a a (j.'iiudl t , MoitnML'i.-, Xc. ! jma ompaii) ut-tin b.h. iy n 11 r ui.nt larce 7 ' tli m u'lUk in th. forenoon, & nuti I IT. All It ron, ad !proiita i-.tna.-iu.'ialj will run no tin wnh di-po.1- , i,.i.titi.ti..r Ac id John Andiron. lat.- ol CttUre town- ;,,ir". '"' 11 -""'''.n. 11 ..t an u.u r. asi wi.lmi: t ? l1' r t-iii. nu r.-i to i.u owiur, ua uu n.iv-. .u , tr V?.;. .T. V.r ".T .V" m.' ,, . f : ' ' ... itX in tlivir "-wil itht. a.id rui ii dcpfeits taiibj- Willi .ruwu mil) u in 'ir 1 urn 111. Chart v p.-p -lu.il. liu-i'rpiir.ited hy the ft it t H'7 IViiiinUitutij. with autlmriiy to receive iuoiuvj i 11111 liiuu.-i and r.xft-utora. LIMW JiXJi .MLt. AU.US jiivnirF.i). -til:i . i-p.'ti daily hum l' to ;t o'i(utk, ana on Wed- .3 IK-aU.tJ tVclllUSUllttlrt o'tlock, IWtlWOIlS. 5 Jan h It, Sh tnuou, C) ma Cn-tw alladi r, - Ji.lm hi utllr, Ci-ore Kuaaell, (S. NUl.uhi W. Mi'.in, lldwardT. IIatt, '5 la-wta Krumliharr. lii'urvlKlain. Niiht-l.i Itm 'iilimuc, N.ilh.ni muuli-y, Jo.. II, Hiitlu'ithwaito, r.phriani hlitichard, Ja -ph l.ippiuoutt. JAt)i li. MI VNNOV, 1'rniUi CVKCri CADWAI.I.AIlUlt, Trvai.urr. March W. 1-5 1 Um. " Il dl.ir siiv il i" iwn-e I'iirn 'd." AUDll'OK'S N0T1CK. lff.IlK ui.diiigiii.'d. Auditor, sipo'intod 1 1 I l.y tin' .iriiii-iu's 1 ii'iri ft' 1'iiliiti.iiiii co nay, to '.'I, trih ite ua -ta 1 1 Ilia hau U ol Hon. lMer Kline admiu lairatur of Hif eautjof 11. urj Mi-u, laio ol 1-ocurtti vvu hbip Coluuibia i mil v , ib tvaoi-d, 111101115 tii. ir -ditora td rait dcct'ik-m, act ,ruuy in tho rat -a a.id propuiiiotia tablirh.-d hy law, will nit ud to tlu iluti"H of his up pianiiaunt on TUlUiaO.tr. PilF-iM ihiY UF.iUlW$t at 1(1 o'clock, a. M., al lua oluce in Itloomaburi;, when uud whfr.-all p. rmna having rhiima iifanihl thu aaid folate, ah.ill prt m ut the name h tore ud Auditor) nr be deb.irnd irom couiins in for a !iar- ui.i a-i i V. WIKT. Auditor. .lloomlMiri. July n wu-41 K V Sl'ONH liUAUlty. 'I IIC undraii;ned has opoued n Monu (luiury niar hia X (eaidc'Ilt'tj about lull untile eat ol llloouioburt unit ju par J to fiirnuh thi-'S dtmin,; HUILUIXG vi'OXiu tinarticlj rfih? roott dtairablc iuufity and on fair terrna. iy . iwo r ft Fir il Sowing Slachino, ranks high in tho mar over all other L00K-STjfH WHILES, fiu M- M war TO (ft 00 i6 i(l if . PUDLIC VJiXDUK -m VAl.rfAlJLl-: FAHM AND 172,a! ritito E W m W 1A ?J & r1 ftVS, latfl of l.'olunibtn rnuutv. id .ihi-.l. will i.v,,nd0 1,. iv.l.l... M.1I0.011 1 .V.l I, .... i ll.n .;...,.. A .1 lOfll ...... una ij jinann, iouu, nt 10 o'llnch. A M., upun the pri'iiilaeft, in the loiMishlp otOraiig, , In aaidtiuiul) the lolliilnUeul I'.alate Mi A, X'llAC. Oif XrA.N.lS, situate in said town-hip, iiinn.Mi.iniy ndj.iccnt to tho Klw.i.. m,, ,'. V a i , ," "V"'"1' " ;'!',M" ""' will rs, loutainiiig 112 av aa r. s, lu tii .' natut mora ut h-a j, on u lm It am vrtitjil 1. in,, 'in.i Jiiiiurfnnntoiit iiiiii.linf,, nml nf im ii ntmut .11 mi ;ir ii.'iiran. I In i l.lrln I. ill litlr com Ition, nnn a Hie oi,.iilluinly is ulliT'lcil fi r Ilu Invisslnn'iit ..I' n rKtennT:M7' vl .MILL 1' It. O I' IS li V Y . f..nai.iiii-!if.ti,ir,'jTiiroi'Sinr) I'miiij Vi -A 1 1 C! 1 J'J f H ) 3 ncriiisaininiii.uitiniiirr. s nf tan i, niiiiii ia iiutindoii nnnin'Vr Imi ti nf sji.1 I 'uiuiiliiiitui, .mil a imhlic rmiil, mni mi tlu nortli nn I ivr.l liy Inn latu Ii "lon,ii'i! Int.'. I.. Iliikt'tt-i. ilu iM-d. mil is oim f tao lunt IocjUiI mills in Ino ;:;ry;,K,l:? xs'zrX'i; mm 1 1 I.UU1) KUJMXli UUMnTIOX. l.n- tlu i:sUtjif .loll ii Cuvauliov.in, di c.aoc.l. t'i.7'yi.V- Dh; AW.'. -Una touith of Hii par, li.iti 1 lm.l. l.t.n pi-i c nL) to It' pirf ( Oil tilt) OlilKilLitl ni . ot tii -at j. t' u pi-r c nt. ol ilu uiu f.'otth to h pjid at ' th" atrikiim down ot lbs pruprty. Tha b ilanc i r th- j piinb.ia.- K.onry in on.' juir from tbJ conliiiiuitiou of a il.-. w ith mt. fir ai t me vcar. , cYitLrf ii. Vni:.tiY. ) ! lit 1 1 11? i ' iv l i. Ui il' I v f i i., . i U HJ.'. i Jr. I, , . r, , , , . . . , r.,-.. f, i- Tina -oouri oi i-oniinou iieas ana ur inau . B L&DlllZjll'W iSj j&jV M ttiYih- ' 1,1 ''" J JidicI,U JJulntt, tomp.m .1 i.1 th, tJl. ,nr rtiTi.! - n..T r .Ti . J u, . diiiiibia, Hulltvati nnd Y) online, uud the llwii. 4 ill, tf, 11 r a id 1 all HjFaiu:i of tin liljuinihar , jyAta uud Klimc, Aaauciato Jul)tea of C.,l . , -u.- iui.) wiiiutgin iconniy, h.uoiflauudtlicirnK'ctpt, hcitriiigdMtJlh . II (ff6t(t?, August lit, ItidO. j djy id I'tb., 111 tho jcur ol our Lord one tli-juaau I'upiU instrutt.-d iu r.ncllli, (ItaM-a. Mo 1. ru Lnu huudr 'd and aixiy.nnd trj mo l in tied fr Mni.., gu a, Mathoiuatica, Nat11r.il hu. Hcca and 0t.1l .Muk ' Cu,irl f Jcr Ttrniitu'r and Ucncral JjiI u- hv Th. i.mrn if .Matiii'inatKa an.l ClJiiHm u inti'ioU-d to tiun-rnl Quarter Hcaaiom of the lVace, Common pripjri-lii irtaji nl lor adu.iasion into a Lliltortity . r una Orphan's Court, lu JiluoiutburB. i" tlu 1 oat, Coib'Ui'.ir tu nuilif) lor Imatni-w. t .duinbia, un the lirst Momhy, (hfinj thi 3d ia, A Daily UtTi-tt n f thu alU)iidanct, tnitljct nnd ml:d- neit, nml tocouiinue one week, nr-liip 1 1 .-in b Mudriit K k.'pt. whii.li i op -uui nil Um-a hoiiai ia hereby civen, to tho Coromr, th-j Juati' tor L-Aaiui nation b y in-nt. Kimn-iansor others. 1 lnj I'l-'ace und Couslahlea of tho aaid toanty of coin 1,. ipiiial att-iiiiiiii ia pntn to tha . i iu design utiug 1 1,1 tllt'-V' 1,0 ,licn fl,lJ ttero in their pn-jKr p-r 1.1 thciuai.Uta f.r uuihiiirf. ' "tluck in tho forVnoon of gaidday, witiuiuir j.r r 'J' 1JUMH: , ijiquinitioua arid otlnr rt-utcmbrancu to do tima thi Coin mutt Knglnh, la: Ortho-jraphy, licadniR, Wrhiii" 1 M ll t0 tl,e,r olhw appelant to be done. And t jud Anthiiictic, ( r UuatUr, si w tn,,t arti hound by recognizance, to priwccnte ai,.in.si llislu'r i.'uiilih and CLibaica, si w ' l'n"nera that art or.tnay be in the Jail of aaia nui.i No Mtr.i 1 bir!?n will h.! m i le for Pri'ticli r (irrunn I Columbia to he thin and there to proaacuw th- m Ba s Nu iledui tnui w ill lm uiudc ou a'-r.'ijiit ul iioiwitl'-udanru Jst. Juror a tiro, requested to he puuittial in lb.ii n or wiiii irawiil b ion th" il.weotihi auatiun, unt -sa in c.ia.i 1 1 pi.rfr ti t -d sit-kit fa. (iiioil li.iaruiu li ti bocti prncurcd tn prix.it'i famili-a duiiujthj Spring and riuuimcr tjva.i,.n i.Jr 1 iii pr lU'frfreiir'Jl-l'atron- of Wvi nhni'1. U. A. I.IXUIXY, A. II.. rrirtiptit nNninnbi'ry, Jan.- J.I, J-to.-tf lTliLIO SALK ' -Ol' Valuable Real Estatd IN ptir-uam-e of an rrder of tire Orplnu'a Court of Co la 111 lua co inly, uti tttnfutj the liofi of AttiyCj uC.ct nt 10 o'lloik in the fnriiiouil, Ucu'j-n llartman, Admin t ijtr.ltori.f Jacoli ui-luft. Lit of Ma. lion tow n-lap. in aai i toitniy, ib n aaud. will cxiimn to eak', by Public Viiidu . unoii tho pt'cnilai it, a c rtiu 'iViu-muit and 'V lid (.' OF LA .YJ, adjoiuni" landa of 1'innnuel tiidh-r. on liie Cut, the IieiM ' t f Ji'iiatii in Mof-lttli r, on thu Nonh, ami nthi.-r bnda of tlu lU'ivn.vd 011 th Vut and ruutl!, lotttaiuiu,; i-.i.Yi Y-n:i:i;i: auu:s, and mii huudr-d and iijliti lUi-pi-h-'i a, ttria nn nsure, ' ail an I -r .'on! tultivatiuii ; 011 whith.uu ' r.tUd .1 'J'-JiAiJii ii tViiLLUJ'Jj lilUU&Zo ! a HA Mi HUt.W t'tdtr r a. Va40ud10jaJ, and oth r 1 onlbuiluiiiya. AI.iO.-A Ltrl.iiii oth -r TUAOT UF LAND, j di at nh. d, a tjitiuiiis landa td' AkiniOir fair, on lift Ni rlli. Adam tl -lit r on tii rioulh, uu,l otlur laiuis of tne dcca-ifd ou Hi, Kt, 1 oi'tiiHiin JigiUtH -Ic'A and Ttvttitif Ptnhvi) blliit .tU'tHurt.'. AI.SiJ, rui.U loilt r ,1'IKOK AM) Tit AC l' OF LAM), u.ljoiiiiu,' thu tr.iU liri-t above di hcrib -d n th ia-t, Aloxaiok-r Car rou th-: Noitli, nl lu l.nuJof ih - d ci-utud on ilu Vul, an 1 A a n ilill rou tlu South, lontaiaiti,; SEVENTY ACREy, and i.ti' Imiolrt-tl and liiirti loiirptrrh a. irut measure, imlly ih-Lr 'd laud ana uluur jmuhI inltiv atiou, on wlm.li ai - croitt d a yimd t 1: w f u a n k ii 0 1 is , and fii'Alil.i:. AlitftV A c rtaia oth.r TliAUT OF L.iXV, udjomiu;' t.iuda ol'.t'i-i fll omm, uti th- Lat. ih- trm ta ,ib tk'htril'tl 011 lU A i'llll, Adam IK- l-r. on llic vut, an 1 Alum lit 1 r 11 1 the Suulli, iioiiaiui.i SllVllN I'V-FUl'll AUK MS, and niHt huiicreil mid t a poiiii. 1, a-oiul Hurl) ucra id' w huh .ir-1 Ui II tiinb-r d and the rtiuau.a 1 1 1 4 good ft.it- ot culmutiou. I.ali' lit l.ftjii 1 1 tail ilfCf.uo'il. Mtuai'J in tlu town- l fchip 1 .Maduou, and luuuty utun I. JAUU i;Vt',liLV. Chrk. .lAii.iaImr?. July .'J. l-i 0. 1'UllLiU SALK -Ul' Valuable iicaS Es(ae. IN piirn nice of an orJ,.'r of the Orphan' Cu 11 1 of Co laiobia county, on Fifot, the U-lth thuj if Au$ml ttcxt tin p. in aai 1 ioaiity,dfi a.il, will ixpuae to mIc. b) Tunuc miJuu upon tin premu , a uTlui-i LOT O b' G li O GA'J), bituate in C utri nil in tlu mid cou-ity, bounded nml di airtbt' I ui tuilow a. to wil : 0.1 iho North by c?-iomi r'tri'it d' aaitl town on the lUt by I tad of lU-ikiah i.oou. , tin th-South by nu All. y, mil u tit WVkt hj landatf l'it,r lliilt'tiruiu. Wlareoii arc crcilodu FUAIK DWKLLLNG llOUSHi, and oiit r out li ul iiiiiia I. at in - i.iUtt! of tail ditcaavd, .ituate in tlu town- ahip ot Centr.:, and count) aloiur-aid JACU1I r.VUULV, Crr;. r.Ioonifburtr. July '.'S lOtt. l'UKLIO SAL1-; -or- Valuabic Lieu! Estate. iN purnnnceof an order of the Orphan's Court of Co I iiuiibiaLOuuly, on ... . , . , - . . . OlUltatai) HC ihitj Ot AttUSt 7UZt ..1 HIaVUL ti. (li.. i'. r Inf.ii ,'Priuh. nn. t . 1 1 .1 .i t . h. A 1 .... . ,1. MIIHIIUII U) Hit" va j'j M i, . I, Mil f ,11 -.UIU vuuiiiji, I" "laj- oae of 11 rt.iiu Ual I'.fl.ae - f John I'uci-, lato of CuU iviaaa tn,v nliip, 111 bdi 1 county, deitjt'i, will expose in salt, by t'ublic Vendu.', at thu 1'ubiic House of Dinul U nihold, in ih; town of Catlawistxt, m ihc kaid cmnty, a certain LOT OF LAND, l)tu in tlu said towiitflup of C'atiau iaaa, boundi-d and it. acribed aa tiillovva : On th Noj-Hi hy lands of t.iiza- hi-th IK'nniai r, nn th i-stbs landa ii Cniuariua Drum li iter, on the tsoU'liliy l.t-idaot Abraiiam Ycniitr, and on iht i.ait hv 1 ind, lat- of Dctedent. now of Jcrcuh 1'. riiiclur loutaininj; Tueniy-nine Acres ofLaiuJ, inor or baa, Wher is d a on i-i't ah. 4 sir . .V l O MS It 1 1' H 1. 1. l.SG IIO USE. t.al ISO l.ttut' 't r i-.l ..wo. it '' 1 it V1 1 if f t,,t. 1 ;ui It Vl.RL I - l' - iat' tm. J uy i . LATE It FllOJI KUllOJ'i:. Tho Foarful Syrian Ma .s ir- Onb Hundred and Fifty Ytllc. . 4 slroycd. 7.0V5 Oft ,000 PLRiOffi RUTCHKHt Ukvkoux. Julv II. Tii n nlMflr fi J Druses. 011 tho evening of tho Uth, v pcvcnii men wero Killed, and ninny v, carried off for their bareliis. Tho French, llussiuu, and Greek C ouls took refuge in tlio house of Ab Kadcr. The attitude of tho Turkish w.ts iiidccistvo, and rather injurious t .....,f..l I.. .1.. ril.! .. .. J J useful (o tho Christians' ! 'l''lrei! thousand Turkish soldien a- I veil lo-lblT. The fears nf tlin (Iln iMi. ro rcjlonllod, and Comu.issiqnors nlhl NnrwioV nrnnmrtnlml .wtll. X ll.. , tV V . 7 V tT, . I. 1 Asians 10 me nrst ot duly pay it .1 ' -i," t ""7'""', UUnit allll pillagCll lol Village) tinea " -SHh of may, while from 7,5UH to rt,in Cluitliaiiii, inhabitants of Lobalinii. m I lof whom wero wealthy men, and a t t. 1 KL'ra atiytlllllg 1UI0 poverty, al'O llO iv wfiijrt,Bi uujjuuiuug sjji eu:tiuy l laily bread. Over and above tlia number of OJirU tians hlMt in autual- warfare it, i.s hiviiM ' that njen or cicut thousand liavo I' I l,,,.,,t, 1 :.. nil 1 UHlClll TCH 111 COHl IllOOU. Tlio ina..?crM at Dampens won I jit this date. I iV I' reuclt vessel bad been f , IL.ila tt.a, and was obliged to ta' .', . " oriler to restrain the fanatical norV from coinmittii,'; , . , tucl' 'Hit face. I 1,11 , . ,f, r . . ,,, , . 1 "ti AUitrillU lllgato JllCUI-:y hi. ' 1 to vroi Syria to c o, . , Willi tllO VCS-SOls of tllO OtluT pOWOl'S tl ' ' (Jrcat neitatiou nrevailed at Alt. i n( llli:a pit,. September (Eouvk PllOOLAMATlUNr . it - i;nilUAt3. tho (lot. Warren J. Vootn.ni' V dent ofthe Court of OVcr nnd Tcriitimr un : ir.ttJ-'iI Deltvtry, Court ul (iuaritr .S(.moii . wiianre. airrt-tubiy to tneir noiaca. uaiuj wu. bm. the i'Jd U.iy tof July, In tlii )tr uf out t,urd one th-iiiiidud cigiit hun red uud blxty, uud In the n:1i v ot the ludi-pctidencu of tlu Uiuud rittia ot AuKrie, (Cod BUe the Coiuinonwuallh.i JUIIM tf.WUUK, V.r Cf. July gj, lgfio. ORAXB JU11UKS, fOIt Till: SF.PTF.MH Elt TKtJU. 1-60, III join Caleb Liar ton, Jr, William Coleman, tfiiiio.j 1 -'hi vi. Ilenton- Jno. Ileiacltne, I'nttcrfcou .Mooru,! lio. Ita Uriarcreek Adam Suit, John Havcupoit, Jatub t.lkr L'phraiii lluiu, l,eltrllainau.J Cattauiaaa tJamuel Thomas. CiiMrn John ffJi.ilK-r. rranklin Thoiun Mower, riahingcreek Hiram liitlnibemler. (irci-nwoud-Ia id Al'jcrtson, IV ur Ulrtei. J.akbuu Jainua V'utuiu. I.ocut Cuorjo l-'ctternniu. M nlifiou John liciuott. .Millliu-John rinyder, Jacob SchwcpiieiilKiair. Koariuairm-k Cliarlea Eck. HioU t'liilip AcliMibaih. TKAVKHSE JUKOIKS, FOR Tit hi SF.PTLMBV.R TEit.V, IttGO. I;lojui William Itcara, JoM-ph Itutklu, Ju. ph Vea ir, John R. Moycr, CliarluaThuiuaa, btrawti.tuc A Wil son, Vatiue Ilouiic. llor. Ik-rwick J icoh Moyer. A. It. Tnti Heaver- IVUr ticarh.ut, Sum uti Johuaou Ccniro Tiioiua Conner ( ati.iwia,i Sulomon Keiuard. rruiikliu Jaioh KuHtcubader. 1 uhiuuiruk John Cr'V lni, Thomaa Lungci (Jrt-i-uwood iSaiuutl ."MuBgravc, l.ocui.1 Jonaa rahnueer. .Midliu Michael l'ryJacob Volte. Matliflou-lnu'l.Merklt , Isaac McllriJe, IIenr DiMine Mont.iur Andrew Clark. Mount rii'iitaul llliaa IIuwlII, Andravv Cruuati Aidine Aaron Andrew a. ('range Jamt's rattirsou, Henry IKlons. Pino Will mm Arter. Hcotl A J. Thornton, Samutd I, Uatle, I lia Krirai. n.-b-rt ri. Ilc1w4.lt. Migarloaf-II-nry C. Hesa, AndrL-vv Lauba:!'. TKIAL LIST yon tiif, &F.PTrvnF,it yvama iho. 1. Heiijamiii A. Colu v a. U illiam Hiiuoiih. I'et r .Milh'r vs. the Catuwi.a, illlmuspoit I.ria I'uilread Company, U. Samuel Lemon vs. A. W. Creamer. I. Joint .Md alia a. Ik-nr liaiitz. 5, biimm IV ttermati va. Wrijrht IIuiIk's, 0. J nub frchujkr s. Wilson Ayer. 7. Charka IKiiningc-r va. l.udivit! 1i hlaatn.int tra turs. tf. T W.Kahlerva. Daniel Nt-)hard.' U, Jno. Alc.MuIligaii it, al., b. t iiinal Khoiic. 10. J. K. Cirtoii a. i:d;;ar K. llartou, it. al. 11. William riinujLT v.. Jehu lloIluai:te, I-. J. I'. Jacktion et.al., a. 1 mull Howell. IX t-tepheu II. MHUr va. Uannd V. iSf)b.-rt. II. Kobtrt Autena. IJcnj l'a)dou. U. Wui. Appleman s. Joiia'ihau.MoteIler. 10. Liioa Adama a. SauiiKl It. M)herl, 17. Mary Heas Win. lleaa. 1. l'c-ur Ilillincyui a Mn.haf MevlcH. Jeremiah 11. Harttmin s. Abraui N. Hurv.v -0. Nathaniel U. Kutcrtt. nl., va. A. N. llarv ). SI. C. 1. llernni,' et. al.. v a. John U. Jacwbv 'J.. Joseph Lilly va. Jaim-a W. HaiiKfy. 11. av ma Cole vs. Adam I.111. tt. al, SI. Dan iil tpaydo va. Christ un Laubaih 'ii. IraHobbnu va. Jacob luild, HO. ticorire bloan's IHtiutor a. Ja. RatitT;. Jucub bchuiUr v. Albert frtookij (t. al. "it. (Koran (Iitly a. Henry hiillabr. r. -J. John Uartyli's udm r v a. Joai'ph l.iily, J Vtolt LVfcKUV, l'rotho.i()l.n lloonuhurp, July sj, 1,0. EXECUTOIFS NOTICE. Estate rf George Kccnur, rhu,ui- LllTTIlllS tu.tjiiuiit.irr, on tlu K.lol,! ." 1;, . KkLiiiNtR. latu urct'iitrc township, I'oimul. , . ly, ili'Li-.suil, luMiiiibuuu urauli'il ly tin- Iti-gin i i . ., uiiinty. lu tt.iiuiit-1 Ki.liliui-r, who reaitit's in i ri u towiiklnp, uiiaili.'uri:t'II.Ktliiiiiiir,vhirt'.i'li'-1 ,i tnwn.liiii, lidth iu saiil cotiiity. noticii is thcr.-fiir Ii r i gui.li td all in.rons iiuUbt'il tothd U.tatu hi - 1 codciit, to nuiko luymunt fortliutlli. nml ui u . . Iiu, 1111; cliiiiiia ur iliiii.iiiil.tienin.i .mil Katati n it tlicmtu tho Executors lur atitluinmit. SAMUKI. K-f'.TC.rw'li . . UUU. II. hCLCMNi 11 July 7, WX) Cts. F.. EXEOUTAllt'S NOT10K. Estate of Solomon Ihckmiut, ikw. LETTI'Il:! Tttitamfiitury mi tint ltiitu m . llii.i.x.s. law nt" aicull IU) CVIuiiidiai ... , - ceaacd, It ive been grantf d by tho lUsisrerof t..d county, i; the under, uiiud. realdinsiu l.iin. i.i ( peraoiu having ciaitna m.-aia-.t tin- i:bti. u ,n dun are r'pualed to prc-ni ibetii 10 the i . ''""'''VV''7' an l'Vi uiu,iw 111. I wimwnii. HlAItV T.Ktl.l' . t Juno 9J, UCU-Li. Auorronti .notice. 1'lt Auditor nipmii'd to tnnko diatritntiou ' balauic in tlm Jiaiola of Abraham itobbtiu, . talraior of the i-tiata ofTTiiiinua ICoLbnia.lnte ui 1 county, dinaai-d. Wilt ji.'i t the distribute; nu . . aon luiir'-stt u ior tm' ourii"t a i.r ihn apta nit hia oke, 111 Ulooiiubu ts, in hATLUUA,v.,t ' of U20ti next. ttiwe 11 tii hours of nine thrafel .M., wlH 11 and where all peraonj h.tve. are rc lutrrd to preaint tlu in, i r he form 1-; u trom a khore of mid lunl. Ulooiubure, July W 1K0. . ( 1 tMKNI by tlr 1 kVov .t r. 1 - 1 im 0