Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 04, 1860, Image 2

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LEVI L. TATE, Edlto.
fun nmiuuui
1 n 1J 1 ' 1
liUU. dOllllU. inuotv.llll lU&i;,
Gen. Joseph Lane,
or onfiaoN.
or QEonaiA.
it Fred. A. Bkrtr.
2. W.M. 3. Pattirbos,
3. loi. Croltcstt.
5. a, Jacobt,
C. I'karlfs Kelly,
7. O, 1'. JlMES,
t. David SciiaIi,,
0. J. L, LlKHTNER,
19, B. 8. llARBKR,
11. T. II. Walk FilC,
13. Joseph Lacbach,
1 1. Is au Heat. now,
15. George I). Jackson,
1(1. J. A. rHL,
17 J. It. pANfiER,
It. J. 11. CRAwreao,
11'. II. N. Ltc,
20, J. II. Howell,
51. N. 1'. Fetterman,
fitf. Hamuel .Marshall,
53. William Hook,
SI. II. 1). IUmliv,
134 8. 8. WiscnesTEit,
25. Gavlord Cia-Rcn.
Profoundly Impressed i'Pottiin of l-roinpt. '
fionrnui nnrf n.-tl riitt nrtiotl Oil itlS naTt fit tlie l)t!lli
critic State Committee, m order lonmi, " lmssime, me
f 1"
Eon.equcnrca which mint inevitably result from the un
recommend to the Democracy ortheStato that llicy unite
with heart ami voice in tire ni'"rt of our i-icelkut and
competent nomiiicu ror tiovcrnor, mnry 11. ro.ier, nn.i
that In all the local election, thvy act us oiie parly, for. i
giving and forseltlneany diirLTencc. that theymayhavo
ininriimmd for the l're.ldencv : but n Ith a vrcw to o lmr- ,
vjSjJ" XXS
vzsiMstM hy tbo friomla of ,ho Union' aml ll,e!r
I'rctideut on the rlii'ral tictet Kirmed Rl Iteaumg cm
der.landinr;. iz: That il .ait elaciorai ticitci unouw no
elected by the people, und it should njipear, cm ascertain
ing the result of the other State, of the Union, that by
ca.ling the entire tote of l'etin.ylvanla for Stephen A.
Uougla. and ller.chel V. Johuson, it uould elect thenr
President and Vice rresidcntottr Mcrsrs. Lincoln und
Hamlin, then .aid elector! shall bo under obligation m
to cast said vote; if on the other lianJ it should appear
that .aid vole would not elect .Msr.I)ou5lasand John,
son. but would elect John C. Urerkinridgi nnd Joseph
Lane President aid Vice President over .Mcr-.ri. Lincoln
and Hamlin, then .aid vote .hall be cast for them ; and
in case the uuited vot. of Peuiis) Ivania would not elect
cither of these tickets, then the electors may divide it
between them according to their otn judement of what
would be the beat for the rountry and the Democratic
S arty the basis ortlus united action ocine inai it ismc
rst am! highest duty of all Democrat., however they
may differ about men ami minor point, of principle or
riolicy, to unite acain.t a common enemy, nud to avert,
f possible, the greatest calamity that could bcf.ill tiie
country, the election of a lliack Kepubliian l'residcnt;
and further, the Chairman of this Committee i. h.rthy
authorized to correspond with the heveral elector, in the
State, anil obtain from encli of said elector, his written
pledge, within thirty day. from tin. dot, that he uill
faithfully carry out the object of thi j resolution.
The Democratic Stato Executive
. T th meuilneof the State Committee ontheSnd intt..
A t wn re.olved that the next meeting be held at
Croon, at the call of the Chairman. In pur.uanre
thereof, the meinb-rs of the Committee nil! assemble at
Caisww, on Thursday, the Mh day T August, IsGU, al 3
o'clock, l M. As business of great importance u ill be
laid btfore the Committee, it is earnestly hoped that cv
erv member wilt bo present.
Hemocratic paper, will please . cony.
July 20, lfcGO. CA.irman.
On tho outside of our paper wo givesomo
answers sent to llaldcman and his bogus
Convention whicll assembled in llarrisburg
on tho -'Olh of July. It was the smallest
kind of a fizzle, admittedly so oven by
themselves, and deservedly so by tho voice
of all souud democrats. It was condemned
in advance by all the Breckiniidgo papers,
and by all tho Douglas papers not in tho
interest of Lincoln and tho Black llcpub
licans. As a spocitnon wo annex tho following
from tho nttsburg Posi, ono of tho most
sincere Douglas papers in tho State ; and
wo could fill our columns witli extracts
equally pungent from similar sources.
Those Douglas Democrats who aro not yet
prepared to follow Forney nnd Hickman
into tho Kcpublican camp, condemn Jlal
demau'itnd his Convention; what shall
we Bay to'those who give to the movement
aid and comfort I Timo will unmask them.
Tho Post says :
This body meets to-day at llarrisburg.
It will be butlimly attended. Wo know
of no Democrat from this part of tho
State who is going to attend it. Tho in
cutablo llaldcman, to fresh iu his zeal
for Douglas, so recent in his couvirtatious
with Mr. Douglas' bitterest enemies, is
now working to place the Douglas De
mocracy in the position of bolters from tho
Stato organization. Ho will not succeed.
Tho power of the Stato Committee is
jufficient to sccuro the Democratic voto
of ihe Stato to tho nominees of tho Nation
al organization. When tho Stato Com
mittee rcfuso this when tho Stato Com
mittee refuso to ptistain tho National Or
ganization, and depart from tho spirit of
the resolution of the Beading Convention
to do this then ths friends of Dougla3
will bo justified in maintaining tho organ
ization of the party and doing all in their
power to sccuro the elcetiou of regular
Mr. Ilaldeinan h too young a gcnoral
to head a political revolution iu tho Dom-!n nnv.M nf Tim n.i'k'3 1 n . lit,
new a Douglas man to bear tho banner of Pennsylvania,
tho people's chieftain. Wo aro for a uui-. -
ted Democracy in I'cnnsylvama as long
.u. nanj, uupo ..... uw. ..... county who was ado egato to the disortra
can bo obtained. Wo wish to maintain i . ir . , . b,
the integrity of our Stato organization i ,linuS Convention at llarrisburg, has made
and also to be loyal to that of the National 1 himself rich, by offices obtained from the
Democracy. Such a body as that which 1 Democratic party. Tho sound Democra
ts called at llarrisburg to-day must be cy ,vi. remember this, when aClcik of the to the jnterests of both. u (o ,)Q
Sty Imlay & Bieknell's lleporter for bo taught a lesson. Tho Captain has had
August, is a highly valuable Counterfeit
I Tho Voto of Pennsylvania.
lu 18C0 the voteof this State for Prcs-
idcut was divided among thafcpartiea as
follows i ft A f
tp, n,mi!n IS-' ;
Tbo Dcraocratio candidate
received ,
The Bcpublicau t "
" American ' "
Total vote.
" 007
'Buchanan over Fremont,
" l'lllmoro,
" " Both,
Tho Republican party was in tlto minor-
'ty on tho popular voto 105,011 then, and
is no stronger now. Au Union ticket
'fw supported by all opposed to I' rcmont,
would havo teen carried by a majority,
larger than tho number of votes given mm
in the State ; and an union ticket iow,vi'M
defeat Lincoln as badly. But should it
not receive tho support of tho Bell and
Everett men, nor any part of their friends
it still can carry by ut least as largo a
majority as in 1850. Thero will bo also
a margin for disaffected democrats, of iua
ny thousands.
Nearly all who have voted against the
party at tho State elections since 1800, or
refused to voto at all, have been induced
to do so, on account of their opposition to
. Mr. Buchanan and his partisan fricnds,but
i will sow voto cheerfully for Douglas,whom
'they consider likowiso opposed to tho pow
ers at Washiugton.
Thus it is evident that tho regular dem-
oeratio electors can bo chosen in this State
! by eighty odd thousaud majority, if sup
j ported by tho entire democracy ; and by
' doublo that majority, if supported by the
Bell and Everett party. But, if tho latter
I insist in running a ticket of their own, and
tho boltiug democrats make war upon th0
regularly nominated electors, the result
will bo closo with the bono however of
j success. We must bulievo that as the day
! of election approaches.the friends of a Na-
t.,;,!,,,,, ..jil !( in the laudable
e f1Afrt:n,
Sir. Lincoln. They
hesitate and negociato lor many
1 ,;i. ,,1..,.. ,,n l,,lr nf ,.:., Cnmr
VVCCJsS, SllllWheil tlio Hour OI Uiai comes,
J,lltinr,n,1Pr. nf rlrfi-itiii- tlin sectional
"'0 importance 01 UCleatlUg lilt sectional
i; . Tnl,n lJrown artv will bo coneo
uisHnioni uouu Aruvtn paiy ,vm uu t,um,i.
T0ips .,.:n lm cast aCeordlDi'lV.
Yoleb wlu .it-tormuijlj.
Col. Forney's Compliments
The virtuous Kditor of tho I'rcsi, ad
vertises a number of leading Democratic
news Panors. whoso Editors hold office
under the National Government, which ho poiscss a copy of "Smith's Now Geogra
seems to think is an awful stato of affairs, pliy."
lie says they receive a salary of from Tm i' ci.rci.TOR, a pocket manual of plain
. rules aad calculation, for business operation. ; by
$1000 to $1000 each, and for tho life of Martin i. limmr. l.ama.tcr, i'.i.
us we can seo nothing wrong in this ; un- Wu Ililve before us a copy of the above
less it is because they will not travel under named new and neat publication. It is
his lash. vcry handsomely gotten up, iu convenient
One thing wo do know ; that their sal- for"1 for pocket companion, and is said
aries aro not as txpaiisive as that attach- io c tho mot practical calculator over
ed to tho Clerkship of the Black Bepubli- puUMicd. J. 15. Lippeneott k Co., pub-
can House of Bepresentalives which office, lUkors, Philadelphia, where we would ad
by the by, is also hold by an Editor of a v "very buMtios-man to sent and get a
r .1 ..!. ,...ii :
If he had given us tho amount of his
salary, wo could then seo who was re-
csiviug the largest.
If it is a disgraco or crimo to hold au of-
fice under the national Government, wo
aro surprised that Lol. l'orncy has been
trying all ms liletimo to get one which
he has obtained, and obtained it in the
same- way that Bmcdict Arnold received
tho British gold by treason and treach-
The Continental.
Recently on visiting Philadelphia, through
the politeness of Col. SfevK.vs, tho gen-
tlemanly proprietor of this model Ameri-
can Hotel, wo were shown through every
appartment of tho Continental, and had a
full view of tho structure iu all its ramili-
cations and its vast concerns. Located on
tho corners of Chestnut and North Streets
centrally in the City aud in tho centre
of fashionable life, the House is ono of
tho largest of tho kind in tho world, finish-
cd, furnished and conducted in the first -
style, with all tho iminagiuable conveni-
encics for tho comfort of its guests. We
have neither time or Fnaeo to yivo a min-
uto description of this magnificent struc
ture, which would doubtless deeply interest
those of our readers who havo never seen
tho sight tho tight of a great hotel con
ducted by Steam and engineered by 20 1
iorvants aud cannot therefore do more at
present, than to iuvito our friends, when
they visit the City of Penn., to call aud
seo thu Amciican Continental.
, mi n, ., , , ., . .
tor Tho PhdadclpliM I'rnnsylcaman.
. r
""' uu uw,au i,,m JjU,teu "i-
John II. BniMNnn, Esq. Tho new Edi
tor has greatly improved tho Pennsylvn
nian, infusing into its columns life, zeal
aud ability iu tho democratic cause, and
lias raised to its mast head the glorious
flag of BRKcKiNitinan k Lam:. Wo
welcome friend Urimner to tho Editorial
chair, and bespeak for his cxcellont paper
in increased patronage of the touud demo-
jgy. Captain Jacou 7,lic,j,lr, of Butler
his iharo, at any rate, and a little beyond
his merit, we think,
Delay of the Mails.
Wo aro sorry to learn, that of late, tliore
has been much eausofor complaint of tho
uncertainty and irregularity 'of tbo United
States Mails. Aud on no.'routo more so
than between, Bloomsburg..and Philadel
phia. On tho evening of tllo'2'lth of July,
wc deposited tho riibjoincd letter in tho
City Post OiLco, in tinio for last week's
publication in tho Columbia Democrat, but
it only reached this oflico on last Tuesday.
Etl, Cvl. Dcrn.
Letter from the liilliiir.
Philadelphia, July 125, 1800.
'lh tut Old Arm.Clurir :
In this City, at present, there is
nothing of special importance! trauspiring.
Tho Merchants have had a favorable spring
trade, and aro preparing for a ttill more
prosperous fall business. Our lato abun
dant harvest, every whore, has inspired
ccucral confidence, and tho country will
again bo prosperous, despito tho cflorts of
croaking speculators, doubtless beyond
The Prince of Wales, arrived on last
Tuesday, at Saint Johns, New Poundlaiid,
in British Canada, aud is receiving tho
homage of Her Majesty's silly subjects.
Aud who is til-; Prince of Wales t lie is
the eldest Son of Queen A'ictoria, a boy of
about 19 years old, with a thick skull,
who is tho heir apparent to tho Throne of
Tho young Prince, after vWtiug certain
porlions of his Mamma's British Dftmiu
ion, will dolTliis "itoyal Bobes," aud isit
Washington City, ami other parts of Ameri
ca, under tho cognomen of plain (simple)
"Baron Benfrcw."
Politics aro growing exciting and in
creasingly interesting in this mcrcdiau.
The Bouglas-i'to, under the'lcadcrship of
Mr. Traitor Pornoy, make tho most noitc,
whilst the Brcckinridgc-men, here as cKo
where, havo tho numerical strength and
aro tho only part" who is sound in the po
litical faith.
Yours for want of timo,
L. L. T.
Our Hook Tabic.
Smith's Uhv fiLoonAriiT.ctu.tain.ny MapQucstiottH in
UTr'cncl with mnli fact an un uljervinir tourist
won hi nr.tici.1, which uru follow etl ly aciMcinetaAliiinl
r-x,irutory notes, Imscri on a coiiilnn.itimi or iliu lint
ltical, eyittcnifitical ami couiirfUeiisive syt -uift, de
ijruud to he pimjilc utitl nuiutte, but n(t ilry. iliilo ytt fr.Ktic.'tl, l'urthr usijoi'Cuitimon StiiouU
in ilia Uiutuil Stat-.' ami t'uiiad.t.
The above is thoiroutfc-iuccd, of ;t beau
tiful new Geography, Kdited by Koawell
0, Smith, A. 31., aud published by J. 1).
Lippeucott k Co., Philadelphia. It ia the
latest edition of Geography, containing
over ono hundred Maps, the whole forming
a convenient and ready Manual, for Fami
lies, Counting Houses, and Travellers.
Every family and business man should
copy ui iuu worn, ur u.iii in insuu tiuu
examine the Messrs. Lippeneott s establish-
meut, where they will seo the largest and
heaviest Publishing and Binding House in
the known world.
T", nnai. i'outuai. Chaet, and Map of tiu
Containing accurate portraits from Life,
0f tho candidates of each party for Presi
dent uud Vice President, iz : Bell, Lin
coiU) Douglas, .Breckinridge, Everett,
Johnson, and Lane. With their Letters
' of Acceptance, Platforms of their ropec-
tivo Parties, together with full particulars
10w a President aud Vice President will
have to bo chosen in case there is no choice
by the People, aud a vast amount of Sta-
tistical Matter, &c., &c.
The Map is beautifully colored, and
printed on heavy calendered paper, size IW
by 40, showing the exact boundariei of all
tho States and Territories, extending
through to the Pacific.
' Politicians of all parties and others,
wishing to have before them material for
being fully posted at a single glance, should
' possess a copy of this Map.
Price only 'J5 cents, or five copies for
51, nnd really one tingle copy is worth tho
dollar. Address all orders to Patteo &
Bead, Publishers and proprietors of tho
1 Philadelphia Union, Philadelphia, Pa.
I AUx. JUcKiuuey Craig.
This yoUug man who enlisted on tho
!Jd July, ISM, in the Cavalry company of
, th' United States, commanded by Captain
James Oakes, (who by the way is a most
perfect gentleman and gallant soldier) was
1 discharged Oil tlin 2rl inl . ill Vnri Tn.m
i o ' - o"
i Texas ltavi ng scrv ed out his time. Jlr.
p..;,. ., , ,r t, , , -.,. , n
I and a nephew of the late Wilhan McKiu-
nev. who were both well known and hi,d,.
ly esteemed in this county,
The blood, as wo think, on botli sides
would havo justified tho expectation of ju-t
such a discharge as our noble young friend
received from his Captain, which conelu
tied with a certificate of character in tho
following words : bravr and galuht
soldier Cli'irackr, excellent.'' Mr. Craig
was appointed firet Sergeant upon-liis en
itsiuiciit, held that position till ho was
discharged, and was afterwards with the
command of detachments, ucnt on import
Put excursions. Ho had the entire coufi
dence of his is shown by a let -
tor from him to our friend Alex. MeKiu-
, . , . v . ii.
ney, enclosing his discharge. Wo presume
c. i iii-i
Viit,U,v... ntMlun l,nnnl,...tP,r,.ln l.
' , , , '
may be rewarded by an olticcrs commis.
I tj0n
-live lom and bo always happy.
(jretnsbttrg Itf),
Tho Roadiug.Eloctoral..!riokot. j
Tho Morning ,1'alnstjlvanian, says, that
tho Foii.sur IlAt.PKJlAK mass Convention
of precisely U09 cs-offico holders and
office-seekers has bad-its poor hour and
fi zr.lcd out. wo desire to address a fow
words of sober common sonso to tho De
mocracy of the Stato on both sides of the
house. You havo manifested a propor
spirit in refusing to become tho tools of tho
bombastic Tluu.MVlliATK at Washington.
You havo declined to rccoguiso the Ohioan,
the Ark'insaro maut and the J.ouisianian
as your conquerors and masters, nnd you
havo crmhingly rebuked tho insoleuco of
little Mr. Halpkman and tho perfidy and
disorganizing conduct of tho other petty
political blockheads. The l'ori.M'.Y-llAl,-DF.3t.VN'
mass Convention, but a repetition
of the KsoX-PoiiNnv " States Bights
Democracy" Convention of last year, has
met the same miserable fate of neglect nnd
popular contempt. Why, the intriguing
aud corrupt politicians who have figured
so conspicuously in thn impudent and
wicked movement, should have imagined
for au instant that you would fail to vin
dicate the right aud-&tty of the Dimoera
tie party of Pennsylvania to manage its
own affairs by its' own appointed aud reg
ularly authoii.ed agents is a matter of
profound a.tonisbment, aud jut as insult
ing as surprising. It thoy supposed tjiey
could safely practice on tho patience of
our Democratic peop'.Cthcy havo been
wofully disappointed. ' In every part of
the Stato, both tho local press and the
people, without regard to their Bueckin-.
lllDUK or Doucu.AS proclivities, had de
nounced in fit terms the arrogant preten
sions of thoso who havo uudei taken to
supercede our old accustomed State organ
ization by tin imperial Ukas'e, dated at
Washington, conferring absolute powers
on Mr. Hat.1)i;man. So it id that tho
mass Convention has failed to do anything
except to expose the folly of the move
ment, and the imbecility and bad faith
combined, of a set of wretched factionistf
who would use the name of Judgo Doug
las to his own discomfiture and disgrace,
lo serve their own miserable ends of per
sonal malice or party treachery.
Now why, under these circumstances,
should not every honest and rational Dein
ocrat in tho Stato vote for our electoral
ticket chosen by tho lth of March Stato
Convention '; Does any one, or can any
ono with any show of pretence or truth,
dispute its regularity aud fairness I The
electors were not selected by a Committee,
or even chosen by tho Convention in
masse. Each distiict presented its own
carefully selected member of the college.
In a DoutU-vs! district a Douor.AS elector
was fixed upon. Iu a district friendly to
Mr. BiiKOKixnilHii:, or some other Pres
idential candidate, 'nil elector friendly to
Mr. BiircKi.NiuiiUE, or such other can
didate, was put upon tho ticket. What
honest Democrat ought to hesitate when
the question is whether a Democratic elec
toral ticKut tnui sanctioneu uj ,t leguiar
convention of our party shall ca-t the 1
Presidential voto of the Statu, or the
Lincoln Abolition ccctois thill do it.
Ono or the other thing is inevitab e aud
no sensible man believes nor can believe
otherwise. If any man calling himself a
Democrat thinks he is serving-" his princi
ples, his party or his country, or main
taining his own personal consistency and
honor, by preferring tho election of Lin
coln- to Biir.cKiNiiiDfiK on the ono hand,
or DoudL.vs on the other, let him prove
his persistent folly and declare his poli
tical infamy by obstructing the success of
our regularly chosen Democratic electoral
ticket. But all those who are not prepar
ed to go to this extent, will vote the Bead
ing ticket. Why should any Democrat
desiro to scu thu vote of the State deliver
ed into the keeping of tlie Black Bcpub
licans ? And if not, can any propositions
bo fairer than thoso submitted to us all
by tho Democratic State Committee 1
If the vo'c of he Slitc will elect Judge
DouaL.vs, it will be given to him, what
more can any Douolas due Democrat
rightfully demand If, on the other
hand, tho voto of tho Stato will elect
BuECKiN'iuPuK, it will bo given to him.
No Democrat ought to object to this, un
less ho prefers Lincoln, the Abolitionist
and rail splitter, to BnKCKiNlunm,, tho
Kentucky con-ei valive, devoted friend of
tho Union, the gallant soldier, and tried
patiiot and statesman. No ono should
prefer Lincoln to BiiKcuiNitiiiar,, unless
ho also prefers tho election of CuiiTIN to
Hknuv D, Postek for Governor, and is
willing to seo the Democra'ie party of the
State prostrated beneath the heel of tho
Black Bepublieaus, now organized and
eager for tho plunder and sack of tho
State Treasury. Wo cannot surrender
our electoral ticket to defeat without, at
tho same time, going very far to sink tho
party as a Stato organization beneath the
odious weight of an Abolition supremacy
for years to eonio, most probably.
Supp'std ll'tfe-Murdcr near Norrhleien.
NoitmsTovvN, Pa,, July HO A woman
named Ellen McXameo, who resides iu
Plymouth township, a short distauco be
low this place, was found lying dead at
! tll01fo0t ,f 1,10 ccll'r1 Lo,r ?well!,n
f0'. ' ,T an" ,a'l- S0,VT of Le' nb3
iicinir uroKcn ana tier bkuu iracturea.
,,,,,,, , ,
Her husband has been arrested and
C V the charge of
Botli the husband and wife-were of very
intemperate habits. The parties are both
Letter From Senator ritzpatrick.
Wbtompka July 18800. I
Hon. J. L. M. ComiY DEAh bin:
. , . r ). . ,
Your favor of tho 6tli i instant has just been
received. You say that "theroi a good
deal of filiation n3 lo lny Preferences
A. .( .in1i1iitA now liftfnra thn eniinlrv
for tho candidates now he lore too country I .
for tho Presidency and Vice Presidency,"
and that you "would bo glad; 'if not' in -
consistent with my feelings, that I would
1111 JL,lcm--. ., .
The office of ice President is a high
posttion, and ono a nomination for which,
if tendered mo by a united Democracy ,up-
on a proper plntlorm, I am frank to say, ,
L woum noi nave ueeniieu.
I could not accept tho nomination
with Mr. Douglas, for the reasons set forth ,
in my letter c-f declension, and for others,
whicli 1 said in tliat tetter, I youw ,
then impose. I differ entirely with him on ,
tho territorial question, as set forth m my .
letter to Mr. lludgius last fall, aud as in
ilicatcd bv my voto on the benato resolu
tions commonly called tho "Davis resolu
tions," which passed the Souato at tho
last session of Congress.
Differing as widely as wo do upon tiie
question oi popular or sqiuiiicr-soTereigit
ty, and the protection ot .lave property in , . qV whicll ca)lc(1 ..tho lnoct.
the ; 1 could not have accept- ; of ' tlcmall.. iu the State Capitol.
od the nomiaatioii with Mr. Douglas on , rj.i.. '?. t ,. :,,,i,i .Yrmimr
the platform presented, without subjecting
myself to the imputation of having aban
doned well-matured opinions for the hope
of obtaining power and place.
1 would have supposed that tueso opin
iom publicly expressed, and my dcclcn
(ion of tho nomination for tho Vice Presi
dency, would have been a sufficient guar
antee that iu bcleetiii" from tho candi
dates I would at least voto for those whoso
pouue... semi menu comon. uiom i.e. .y to
t i - l -I..
my own. i lava i wajs icuu n jcinu
-J..L ...l. i ..!.i.-5i.i.i:
eiat, aud adhered with fidelity to thepiin-
ciples and Usages of the party. 1 lie di
visions and disruptions of the Convention
at Baltimore should bo, and I feel assured
aro, deplored and regretted by all Demo
crats, and by nono I am sure, more than
According in sentiment with tho plat
form upon which Breckiniidgo and Lane
have been nominated,! shall as a matter
of course yield them my support. Very
respectfully, your ob't serv t.,
iii:x. 1'lTZl'ATltK'K.
Letter of Mr. Welsb, Chairman
of tho Democratic Stato Com
mittee. Herewith wo publish the loiter of Mr. in reply to the Hon. Bk'Haiiu
Thi correspondence, wo understand, is
now closed upon tho pait of Mr. Wixsii.
It must, however, be admitted that this
letter is rather racy, and that the author
lias administered some very sevcro hits
upon Mr. Vaux which will be fully uu
derstool and appreciated by every citizen
conversant with the political life of the
Ex-Mayor. .
Youk, Pa.,. Tuly SOth 18fi().
MvDk.VU Sill : 1 feel constrainud to
add a third nolo to our somewhat lengthy ! on the soil of Kentucky, to make, one or
correspondence. This might well have ' two explanatory statements, and forbear
been omitted ; but your second lotter,now on this occasion to enter into any statu
before mo, induces mo to call attention to ' meut or argument iu reference to the dr
one or two points, which may not prove ' cumstauees .that otctured at Btltimoru,
unprofitable to you, or tho undersigned.
The "Democratic masses'' will tell vou
plainly that you have not succeeded in
destroying a single po-ition iij my letter of
. .. 1(uk iu,t:iut. ,,1,;,!. ,!..,. to in-
voke, if possible, the spirit of union aud
.. . . .
harmony iu the Democratic ranks. The
entire complacency with which you "beg"
every question you undtrtaKo to discuss,is being animated or sustained by a hot
I confess, extremely refreshing, and will i ambition, I feel that the position which 1
cum for yon the reputation of being a most occupy to-day is right, Great cheer
skillful tactician in evading the true issue ; (iug J
but you have yet to luuru the f impla art of i 1 leel that 1 could not havo shrunk from
fortifying your statements with logical con-' it without being lalse to my country, false
elusions. I to my friends, and false to myoelt. Cou-
You say, in your letter, that ''the Dom- sequontly 1 accepted the uoiiiiuaiiou with
ocratie Executive Committee, in tlie oxer- all its responsibilities. To thoso who
ciso df the authority conferred upon it by j take advantage of tho po.-ition of a silent
tlio resolution of tho National Democratic , man to heap upon him execrations, 1 say
Convention,' nominated Mr. Johiispn in pour ou 1 can endure. Applause.
place of Mr. Pitzpatiick. What "author. I leave it to others to explain more fully
ity ciufurid," do you refer to t Why do the facts aud circumstances ot this nuiii
you not produce the resolution itself, o iuatiou. Perhaps, also, I my be allowed
that wo may all see it wording? I have
looked iu vain lor the passago ot any such
resolution, as you now claim to have been
adopted by "the meeting of gentlemen 'at
tho Pront Street Theater. Pray as-ist me
iu exliuming it from tho records,published,
understand mo, at the timo ofits passage,
I want tho ongiitat resolution, as it was
adopted by the convention not any that
may havo been manufactured by a special
committee appointed to put in shape the
Executive Committee when it clothed tho
roiiiusi'ii iirn.-nmunfM. nor " in r i yi iintii. onri i uoinm ,., 1
- -,--------,-.-. "o ; ------......s ...... , or iUr iircelaundgo rece yed a
ofgentlcmei.' had concluded its labor, heirjudgment as to what i, sectional ought , UOiuination. The statement of tl.
and widely separated. By doing so, you to bo conclusive, and when you find that a 0Il ot- tlu ic,v trut. . ,
will afford mo real gratification ; for it , majority of tho Democratic organization lkehanau sinuo Im -i,-ii-,,7. 1 .1
will clearly establish tho fact that, "the of tho State of Pennsylvania, and a sup- tl u 0S",e "la x
meeting of gentleman" referred to, had tho posed majority of Now Jersey, Connecticut 'i?,,. "',. :. , ,
most enlarged &cm of tho duties of an ami Massachusetts, with a lavm, ,,..,1 i,i, ...... . ' " uo 'nBrn'
iettcr, as you lay, with power ot making co-oporatiu, how can such a nomination
a nomination for that branch of the Demo- as that bu properly called sectional. A
cratic party which now claims your servicu majority ot the States of the Union sec
ant! allegiance tioual, nnd at war with thu principles upon
It would all'ord mo much pleasure to ro-- which the Union itself is founded !
view your letter in the same genial piiit I Fellow-citizens, as to tho chai"o that the
which characterizes your last production.
It is a rare tempUlioii,but I must resist it.
In your communication, thero are several
(.ui.iis nine.. siiiKu t.iu jiuuuc par-iuaKo a nspoiise to a Kentucky audience
tieularly tho I hilailejdiiv public with i and iu this old district too. I urn an
peculiar force and fitnes. For example, American citizen a Kentuekian, u-ho
when you attempt to demolish "these uhn y never did an act or cherished a thought
love honors and $kc," of course you could , that was not lull of devotion to the Con
not nave included yourself in that unfor- stitution and tho Union who feels as you
tunato category. I, therefore, ' indulge do upou this subject. But perhaps it would
till! lintin" tlinr. vaii .vl.i-. 1,.,,, 1.,, I I I i. .. 4 . . . '
., uuu IO
modest in your expectations of official sta -
tion, may not bo thwarted in your present
Senatorial aspirations, cither Stato or Na
tional, and that tho bright. dreams, which,
as a neophj to iu office seeking, and place
huntiu;, you aro now conjuring up in your
vivid imagination, may all be realized
when your "Crcsar" is happily seated upon
his throno in Washington,
Any prolongation of this diseussion will
scarcely ue prontabie. Uut 1 cannot re
fram from alluding to the happy hit you
made iu the conclusion of your facetious
epistle. As you penned it, a flush of par
donablo prido must havo illuminated your
beaming countenance. But, "I regret to
say that you aro as far wrong in your
reading of Scripture,' 4s you usually arc
in your logical deductions. No minute;
tvas made, by the substitution of the name 1
of "Martha," for that of "Mary." It was
.ifinlnd e-rnrlu Tit T ItlPflllt it
"nd,'rt08dl ' i know you would
.a ,. rMtfic.i. if vouhad been
liav oeuu mucn gruiineu, u yuu mm u
i pbrlliHtcd to laka ft sent by. tbo sido of
, ',jf(i liut ads, positively could not
k f t no clliighte,i you. "Mary" was
. . ... S. . ... i ......... :
. f. .... oln ,ll0 beituinimr. She
tXa i"
1 i j
QnQ ,
rebuke, when the Master wmo,
not draw a parallel between; you,
t.n linil 1mnn nvnr lovftl. Bui
"Martha" was inclined to be dissatisfied
Cttmbercllnbout lnuch scrving"-
,itroublc(j llbout mnny thiu-gs."
J)mielv ! Yet when tho Mas-
r ca)l aml t,almy reliukca i,cl. disloyal
rirr. s ip. . Un. wna mliicod to
, .,?' f ,..-. .-I.Ip. t.rnrv"
rmf i,' vn .... nMt.Bve
. , McX is ahsolutelv perfect
tiiat .ijiirtha,' is the person not "Mary"
that ho Mt tho rigi,toouS) ro
, tCM-Min'0 j Let this cluoidation
cnuro to your political benefit, as well as
to your spiritual welfare I have yet
great hopes of you.
While I am writing, mossages from
llarrisburg aro flashing along thu electric
wire, announcing that you, no doubt upon
r ..r. ........ t .. ,.n.,rt!,,;ti
J.I lllll UU LIUUJ JVU ,., 1...V. ..........
the first fruits of repentance," by declin
ing to take any pait in the formation of a
now Electoral ticket. Should you bo able
to prevent that movement, and then grace
fully yield your assent to thn action of the
Strto Committee,) ou may yet enjoy untold
ileliglits tm the lolil oi the true nomoc
racy 1 am glad you ttill stand hy your Bead-
Hit; uuua. -li
in that city you proclaimed the
j - - Qf .UIlivi3r31ll to!er.uion - 8t,cl?
. . . . :..
'to l., and, ill
future, honestly practice your
teachings in the citadel of Democracy. As
you there said, on the 1st of March, 16(10
"In a time like this the future of our par
ty, of this nation, of this empire, icquircs
that if you would succeed you must con
sider tho only means by which you ran
I succeed no saciilieo of principles but
I union and harmouv, for success !"
ot my high tou-ideia;ion, anu to muscnuo
niy.-elf, sir,
Very respectfully,
Vour obedient servant,
William II. Wklsh.
j Chairman of Dom. Stats Ex. Cominittse.
Hon BK'iiap.I) A aux, Elettor at large.
Mr. Breckinridge at Homo.
Mr. Breckinridge delivered the follow
ing speech at l'rankfuit, Kentucky, in ro
ply to a deinonslr.ition of welcome by the
'citizens, on the 18th iust :
l'nr.r.ow-CiTiy.K.NS : 1 thank vou out
0f the 1 illness of a grateful heart lor tlii
cordial weleomo to my home. 1 feel,
fw-ltow citizeus, the impropriety upon :m
occasion like this of doing much more than
leturniug t) you my cordial and grttt-lul
acknowledgement for your kiirlncs. Per
haps, however, 1 may bo allowed here,
iu tli.- midst of my old di-triet, and sur
rounded by my neighbors and lriemls.
land which rcu,ted unexpectedly
' iu placing n.o buloru the eouutrv f jr the
office of 1'ivs-ideut. But L think it due to
i vou and to myself to say, that beiii1'
cognizant of all tho. o facts. Iiaimr obser
' c
ved all those transactions, having pjuder
' cd carefully over them, havinir consulted
with my friends, unconscious altogether ot
to cay that thu claim that 1 stand bufoiu
thu country as a sectional candidate can-
not bu truu, whether refeience be had to
tho number ot States which co-operated in
thu nomination or to the character of the
principles which aniniattd theni. When
you find tho Democratic organization ai-
ded by largu conservative elements in all
tho Southern States, aud m those two
States upon the Pacific Ocean which havo
been so far lemovcd from the coutcst of
, posing organization iu all the other States
, . .in il .Li.iru min H i-
Convention to which 1 owe my nomination
! sunnorted. or th:it 1 .,.v,n ,,i
- . - .' - ..... ......v....
1 with the spirit of disunion, how absurd to
ni'.i .; i. i ..i ue-eu ueuer, noui in your behalt and
1 iu initio, if I had refused to re.-t.ond loth,.
sentiment. Fellow citizens, this i.,, per
haps, tho lust timo that I shall havo an
opportunity to sav aiivthln in im, n,.;i.
bors aud lrieuds during tho pcudeneiof
this inn.-ai Vl', .1 r.. r i
this canvass, .!,,. r. r i ii i
enter into no anrumcnt unon tho lvirtii-n
lar topics of the day. , erhans i-0I , M.
pardon me for niakini' two or Ihrco ob
,...,1." , . . . v--
servations, which, it seems to mo, bhould
commend themselves to all parlies every
Fellow citizens, wo livo under tho bust
government on caith. Wo aru tho only
country in tho world whom tho experi
ment is demonstrated that free institutions
may bu established over a great population
and a largo area of territory, and be con
sistent with publio order. It has bocn
demonstrated in our case for the first timo
in tho history of the world. How arc wo
to iircsorvo these institutions J How aro
wo to preserve lmaci tuai uoumo lorm ot
govcrnmeutf Stale and' Federal, that has
been hsudod down to us,.by our forcfath
ers? My answer is that wo can only dd
it by clinging 'with unfaltering fidelity,
unrtaveref by policy, lo tho Constitution
thcy.bcqueathcd tq us.
I'liold that fidelity to the Constitution
of tho United States in all its part?, and
iu nil its obligations, is tho conditidn of
tho American Union, nnd its perpetuations
That Constitution was framed and tranj;
mittcd by tho wisest generation of men
.. . . ... ..... -r . . ,
that ever liven in mc iiuo oi nines, u
may bo called an inspired instrument. It
answ'cred tucm at nn carljr day. If has
answered onr purpose. Itii gflod enough
for our posterity to keep it pure.
Vot tlie QtlumUn tlmoitat,
Editor ef Col. Democrat,
Deak Sir : If it will noi in
trudo upon your columns, please insert the
following thoughts iu relation to tho rising
generation :
Tlie youth of our country are dcgcnor.v
ting in regard to morals, ami in my csti
matioti it is chiefly attributable to a want of
proper parental restraint. It was tlie cus
tom, formally, for children to consult thsir
parents, but tho order is now reversed,
aud parents have to enquire of their chil
dren if they do thus and so. I am a firm
believer iifstrict parental government, and
in my opinion there is nothing conduces
more to tlievcll being nf society, than tho
propcrShtrol that parents have or rather
shoutfl'hai'J, over their children. There
shouMTo no such wm-d.i in the family vo
cabulary as the-e : "I can't control him."
"Her dispo-ition is such that it will bo im
possible fofuo to subdue it, or control it."
If a eljiM ige to bear a whimper of this,
(and vtlutthcy don't know themsclu-i
t'ljrtf-S'V; .tlv.-a. 3 offioloui neighbors enough
to tell) then it ij indeed hard lo govern
One great mistake iu parental au-
thority, 1 thi'ik, ii in governing too much.
(That is, wu t.-ll our children lo perform
certain things, with but very liltle couecra
whether they do them or not, and the con-soqii'iic-
i, a neglect to observe thnt which
wo strictly intend them lo do. We should
be very careful not to tell them anything
(to do, only what we intend them to psr-
for.n to th" very letter. A of tine
tuiiity formed in this way, it is no
hard-hip for t!r;m to obey. Thon they
think nothing elsu than to perform imme
diately thoy.itrc told to do, A lack
of this whole-ome restraint ii ono great
came iu my estimation, of the corrupt aUW
of morals and digr.iceful con luet of th .
rising generation- If they are paimhtid
to grow up without proper re.-troint, t'i s
are then prepared to transgress th il
laws of our country, and bring a bla't'i,;
stigma not only upon themselves but nun
parents aud a 1 with whom they are . i
naeted. And how it mint wriuc. th.- u-
I sciences of parents when thiir Child. .iro
thin degraded throush their neglect. ot
only do they violate the civil laws oi u
country with impunity, but tho higher 1 1
of thu Almighty. Lit parents' conum--c
then at tho fountain head, let each a tend u web
thu government of their own hou'eho'd. or.K
II.ivu them respect their word, have th, wori
respect the laws of thu land, and above a'l
the laws of God, nnd the wheels of soji.-u
will move on without so much colli-ion nm
disorder. Let each look well to his o n
house and luavu his neighbor's bti-in
Cambria, July 27, 16(50.
EegulaJ- Nominations.
Vn copy thu following Editoiial li
thu New York Tribune of July iiOtl
" Th
" Thu largu majority of thoso De.m ci n- ..,
tin. Stritu nf Vnrl- S"9"
Douglas are of thu old Barnburner, Bull
.. I -i- .t . i i ii , , 1 . IlOnl-
lo i'latlorm v.iug ot thu party. The s:n,
is true of such of the journals as II- i
namu at their editorial head, which Hi
had an exi-teuce. Of all thu ai"unu i,
employed by this class of politician:, .
newspapers iu behalf of Douglas, the im
unseemly i the asseitioii that ho i
'regular noiuineu of thj party, and tK
foro every Democrat is bouu'iT to sir
turn, lusted by strict rulej. iu .t
wuuiKiuu oi etraca or con-it..i.
these Bainburuer leaders and jo.
insist that tho assumed 1 regular.
Douffius's noiiiiuatiou has nn.- I,.
AYujjiua a iiuiiiiuaiioii nas any L
force upon the masses of the party ?
oral Cass was, beyond all coutruve.
noitiiueo ot tho DjinociM
,,rf.i,i',liPM '
J V . .
:Vnd yet, because it tuii d :i
veu;;es to bolt hun
Barnburners cot i...
..t;: : v. ' '
in i ..., r inn . i.i
Uullalo Convention, uud, placin-' M
-. . . , ' " f-i
V an Uuren upon its platform a3 tl.. !
didate, they run down ' tho liroat x.
gaudur' (as they irreverantly calle-'
venerable friend,) scouted the hi.
iorco of regular noiiiiuatiou, uud, I .
words an! deeds, proclaimed thn. I1
cruts had thu right to bolt tho camln
and npudiato the jdatforuis of the y
in order either to maintain important
tiplcs, gratify personal antipathic
avenge cherished wrongs. Anion,.
conspicuous leaders iu this historic
"n k -"'s3 il,u regular iiomii'
,'Jy '
"UUI lh
Piling. John Cochraue, John A'an Pi
Wm. Taylor, Enoch IS. L'
Ik 111. II I .ltd I-...
D- Barto. Isaac Butts, and a ho t u
promincnt-politicians, wlio now in'
all Democrats aro bound to suppoit i
las beeauso ho is tho ' regular' eautli
Ah Ihcso partisans scouted Cass,
Misiained Van Jiurt'ii iu so
borrowing their avguinenls, aud emu
their cxamplu, thousands of Deniocr.
our f-tate pcout Dough", and ni
; I
of el
by :
I u u
i 11
ow V
' and
,, Nuf:
in th
ill Oi
in -I
he si
' Be