Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 28, 1860, Image 3

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' rf -kJe '
ay- m.
Culttiuliia Jnuarrnt
Tho DesIoc.iat is offered to subscribers
for tho, Campaign at tho following rates :
Singleopy, - 40 eta.
Ten .wpjes, - - $3,00.
Payment in all cases to bo made In ad
vanca. J
Jtr Our frieqds aro solicited to get up
clubs. .
It. lAlh. I
n-.l T . r.. Ar.. I
' I
oAiiuua, mi ujjiui mk-
bhant ofiJlaltiinoro, was in Dloomsburg, t
this week', and declared himself a Douglas-
Preaching, Sir. J. Smith, of Lewis-.
burg, will preach in tho Baptist Church, (
to morr'5iv Sabbath at 10 o'clock, A.
SI., and also, iu tho evening.
"tail dats.lh: .TmiF.siiAH IIaokn'
buoii, a tall Farmer in Centre township,
reported somo Oats stalks, 0 foot aud 4
Inohos in h'cighth, a spocimon of which may
bo seen'at this office.
R. GooDr.ANDEK. Eifi., has sue
ceeded 6en. J. II, Larrimer, in tho publi
cation of tho Clem Held (Democratic),
Republican." Jlr. (J., wu rc-pcctfully i
suggest. that you change its name and give ;
it a more appropriate designation. They
should. bo called hv thiih- nroncr namQ3.
rJ (3'u;bia county, BlooinsburgJ
ItOWU anu OWllSllin I I tuts fl noilUiailOIl 01
aSOerwick yn, Jjiglit Street 0.11,
Espytown -lGi), Lewiihutg Chronice,
A mistake, friend Woiidiin'. Blooms-
- . . . . ,.-
burg, alone, if you ploa-e. The town and
township, jointly, miiutur about four thoiu
and inhabitant?.
Erfaitn. Two crron occurred iu tho1
public ajtioii, la.-t week, of thu CeitMis re
turns. . Ono hundred were omitted in tho i
Uarwiok" population, vi. : instead of
G30, as publi.Oicd (in our column) iu tho
Democrat, and Thrt'0 hundred in the popu-
jaiion OI JliipytOWll, VIZ i- tllU, lll'-tuail OI
400, aslt appeared iu tho h'.ip-Mican.
Of course, both omissioiH, were unintended. '
,-( !
A 'Fac. AVlicn Jamis Bucuvnax
wentinto-olhea there was Twenty Millions
i!iSruif;RWtios in debt I Think of that. 1
; ;?..,,;,i,. i
' '
The natural result, Dr. Jo'm, of Ilepuli. '
licsa Legislation, in reducing the TurilT of
184B, and substituting tlmtol ls.i,, v.luolt
has nearly "ruined tho country."
r "".. i r t . . I
rennsy vama uifataiu?i una iiuacx
vifk Gaztttc. Dr. J. II, Pi cston. Into '
Editor of tlto Pitt.tou (!ucttti, lias f.tvorcl
us with lus new paper, bearing the above
names publishcil at Pluenixille, in Chc-
ii9. lyuuniy. ii n iiiiu'-touuiu in iiir.ii uii
conducted with groat spirit, and promi
to bo a model newspaper. Succo-h to our
excellent friend, Dr. Puleston, and the
"Fhcemz GazUte.'1
Native Tai.kst. Jamei Curr, a
young man residing iu Sunbury, who has
. in,. -,, r
been practicing privately on tlu wire lor
some time, made one of Ins first public:
appoarancos in the capacity of whu-wal ;
ker, in Sunbury, on lat Wednesday eve
ning. His wiro was stretched' from Wea- 1
fer's Hotel to Bossier's i-tore. Thu 1
performance was good for a beginner,
Sunbury Guzittc.
Danville Aeculenvj. Mr. J. W. Wr.s-
TON, Principal of tho Danville Acadomv, I
i I, 1 i - , ,
publishes hl3 Card llsowharo 111 tlie Co- ,
lumbia Drmo-rat. Wo understand that
. , ' , , , j a -i-
it is a well-established nnd flourishing ;
Literary Itwtitution. Mr. Weston, and
.. , i . . -sr- t.
bis ucoompltshed Assistant, Jim lUu,,
aro known IIS tho lllOSt Successful discipli-
.1 t. ,.!, ,.!. ontien!
uiiiio u "iviu ....v..v." - -
lection of country.
" With Time and Patience the
Leap of the Muxkeuuv Tuee inci.jn.s
Satin,' and also with lime and patience,
in depOblting Small as WCll as Urge amounts
in tho Franklin Saving Fund, No. i30
C..ll. . I, at ... irM,A.tnut
, ... i . 1
Philadelphia, they will becomo to you an i
Indfirionclent fortuno to retiro unon in old;
age. This Saving Fund nlwaj3 pays on
dernandl'with five per cent, interest, and
never suspended. Sea advertisement iu
another column.
An Industrious Census Taker.
Mr J. 11.' Barber, Assistant Marshal, in
Lawrence county, Ohio, thus sums up his
week's labor in a note to the U. S. Mar
shal: 'I oommenced on Monday at 12
o'clock, afer walking ten miles from homo,
visited every houso i u Lawrence town-j
I hip, filled thirty pages of Schcdulo No. 1 ,
four of Jio. 4, and took all tho other
statistics. He walked over 100 miles
through brush, briars, wheat and corn
fields, and named two babies called ono
Jarass.. Buchanan and tho other Lewis
0 ilord,.; . Finished tbo township by Sat
urdiy noon, and walked home, a dijtanco
of fifteen' pules, by sunset. And all this
tima'th'e mercury 00 deg. Fohren heit.
call that a week's work which few
mn have equalled. A"fter this wo h&vo
ns upirstion to become a oensus takftr.
roit tub
Popular Sontimont.
Wo clip tho following from tho Greens-
hunt Democrat, which litis Douglas and
. ....... .
Johnson at Its llCttU, Uut supports tllO re-
commendation of tho State Central Com.
W ftf
"Col. Fomoy, ID tho Philadelphia
Press, of a late date, proposes n union of
tho frienda of Lincoln, Douglas, and Bell,
, , .,' -iif . p
to defeat Breckinridge. J. ho infamy of
SUOll a proposition il only equalled bytllO
. 1 1 - . .,, . tit i
impudeilCO of tlllS paid hireling of Rlack In rlniniintf to hr il Tl.'lnn.
licpuuiicanistll 111 Claiming 10 no a JJi-UlO-
crat. Bounht and paid for by the Abol
itionists, and supporting Judge Douglas
only to betray lnni, Iris effrontery is most
brazen and shameless.
THOrttTY. Iu a recent Lecture before tho f .1 T. nu.f f'.illonn nfl'il.u
bludents of the Iron Crty Lollego, ot I ltta-
burirb. P.. bv the distinguished C.ll.italUt
nml flnnnnlnr. .T. 51. hcrmnrliorii. lUn.
. - . ft , t
; "
1 'rcsiacnt ot lite oyraeuio :ttm umgiiamp.
ton K- n- 'hu Icluror said that lie knew
of no place in tho country that afforded
Clinll Oil VO I , f v. rrna in .l,xm .im.i nil tltn '
Iron City College; and that a eourso of
training iu that Institution was worth at
least 83000 to every one of its graduates."
L'ittsburgli Gaiftlc, Juno 22, 1300.
!?1 A REU fi!l.
, I
of dunbury. ,
' '"
Wheat 1
Butter ,
Dried Apples.
Ryu . .
. 00
. 33
1 00
. .50
White Deans.. .
Buckwheat . . .
Democratic County Convention
wrrirr. i. h -r by tiveT-1 th uen.orr.tie ior,
'"". l"e .ivi-rai ii'riiiii:iis nun i.iecnon Ifl.
trni.f.ii .niiinii
triit c.f f "olu fiilfi.t rount, will nu-pt at thu r-pt'rtic
(iiana, mi o;uuiiLmi, mo 3itl aiy cf August, ln
twiintli.' hii.irf :t find ? n't link in tie nffrnnnti of
a li 1 dnj . for III l pmi'Of-e l" . ltit-in twu i"iriit's lrin
i"uli nieciiiiti Ihntriit, t nnft in i.'uiit l Cum entl'ni. ut
lh' Court Ifu'UC, in I'l'ims!nirir, on .MO.MI Y, ill -7th
tiny U AtitiiMt ai 1 d'cl'fr-. I". 1 . fr tin piinw -f .nn
kin.); th" nuniiiintiMiM t f tt lli-inncr iti party f
( il jtulila County.
n. i tv:viKi:c.
J. H VVllfllH
I. h. .moi;i)i;.
A. H l I K.
m. rt'MM.irunn.
WW. llMWIM.t..
DrontLrctte biatiitwj Vvinmi'tte.
ninumfVirc. July K l:it.
Ciuulidute'.s Dcpiii'tiiient.
I7" nioc's( emlvts or .'ANDlour-i, for nomination
for puldie olhcs, will In durgid Si, eaih. piyoble i-
JOHN l!. I''liKI''.'.K
Will lw oir. red bj hisfri lu's .u n laudi late
yon .vr.tni:n or mi: i.rmv.rnmr
" ''"';;;';;";;f ;;;:;"'' cu.,ty-.ui.
tAcnn Kvr.iti.v, of iiionn t.nMi.iii,.. win
sl-v ral Coi.rU of CluMibi . o ititt , nibjcit to th'
i id" t'l' I) 'i.i. cr itie C'onvi i.ti n.
T ! I IT M It Kt.iVr. ul
i-mi'ir" i nwKhin we nf an
I 1 IU irtz f to iiiiiiniiiio .
Will h .1 fit' A!f.
urn ot rm: i.t.atit,jrt:ni . nbMtt th- .luj...,,,
i f th ' ll-'tiii-cnitir Cunt -nli'tii i f I ..lifi.ln i to ii, ty
- -
Win h n am ii-iat - r r nt atrrjt ixn ftrroiun.ii
oi ( oiiiMhi i rooiiij". ii tt,r li nulling count) Conv n
tio.i, imiijcct to iu rul
TF.Hfi: COI.KM W. rf r.iii-. w nn- Pniirri 'il
y CiiiKlKlat forthi otlir.- of Pr.i. 1
ttttli: iii"i iJitiiTftl I.I ction. mtiit'cl I
on,M,,M,.1.,t!lll.,My u..i...ran.i.on
fOIIV DO k', F.-l- of Hri
1 atithiinr.iMl to-, trill b
ar ret I; nnvitr-liip. ve ire
n Ciiii'li Pitt for
i(.tir of ColainbiHi'omitt. tliHlull. r bivct to tin nitiL'-
a of the Uoin rath' County Contuiition.
EtlW.Uil) STOUT, if Jlidison innnship. Columliia l
county, uo nr.- nol!i.,rir.-d to iiuiioihil,' Mill 0- ,i i
couniy, v.0 nr.- niiiu.,rir."ii 10 iiuiioihil,'
r.i.iiidate ir tiie i.i ti.huure. siibjicitotiiun.
riLE! I'IMM riM!!!
What it it 7 Ihio Curtd f
ThuUFan.'s of pi-Mim lm j IMe - utier for year
with the disrase titt-u knotv u hat it it, i r how Iti
cukJ. Kvcry tas .f I'u win tln-r maniftjicd in thi
form oftMtern'il tnoior-i fi"i fin lily dnij:-, t r in tio
lent itchinn and irritilio'i, iLtpeiuN tsxentially upon
""f"1'"' ",i wno nmUi... Th
pro'luc.s tli i ug.ij;eti.c .t. dil.ili-oi ot Ihe veins, forma-
nutlon rf turners. li" pais an I o!T. rl.iRl and
n. di.easc c.n" wiiy in fwd. mniiy cur.-d by m-di-
ciio-s n Inch, taken iiitrually. rLlie.u llns venous con-
p(.s,, llnlll ,,,.,.,,, nsii-.-, anjevi-nnijictioas.
" '"
UUMninn-s' rloMioe.iiii'- Til.t Hp.tirc. a siinpla
p., ,kt. ,u(,rtllr(,0 llmi, ,hr j,y, curc8 , j,,,,,,,.
I'y curin?llio condition utu.i Hluchtlu disease depends.
Hureds have been rur.-i byll.ev n f the most ohst,.
,, caj All Hill li j .r.mpll) b..nc6nil by it. Price
SI cent a box.
.V, It, .A full sstof llu'i?HiU y' HoMrorATittr Hricirica,
with Hook of Dir-'iti-in. and twent) dilllrent jmrli',H
in Iirge viaU, tnrr.icco cat-, $'t , ditto, in plain cat-', $-1 ,
casi ftf flt"iix an! liook, $2. tfntglj b.xts, W
cents and 0 cents.
Tli-H2 ItPHitJleB. bv the sinple box rr casr,tjri s'nt by
mall or, free of charge, to any addre... on ri
nr. r. iiUMnmnri&co
No. 50J Uroadwiiy, IS'ew Yotk
twin o) t. i. IjI u.i .icik, wnuiinwuig, nt,
C3"TII0MA3 w. mattson, Uecetved thi rruo
.Medal at the Wor I's 1'alr in London Uil. ferTItU.K.5,
CARPET RAGS. Hoots, .line, and (iu-.i. tlrcat induce
nients are now oiljrcd tii purriiasers of tlie abov-. aril
clc. This is much the lirscstctocL of trunks. Carpet
Ilajs, Valices.&c, in 1'hiladtlphi.i very cheap f-T eish
N'n. 402 Market Street, ono door abo. e -Ith, &uf sijr.
UNIFORMITY or rWCE3!-A New I'c.TrKi I nu
ItxE.s , r.vtri ene Ait o-sn Satettun '
cf tho One Pir. i lisniej Here No loo Mir
kit urect nhove S.stli. rhiladelpliia.
In addition to having Us largest, met varied anl
fa.hionabl: stock cf Clothin; in rmladvlphia, imdc ex
pressly for retail sales, have cnnrtituted every on. bis
own .ale. man, by having marked is fifiures, on each
article at tha very lowest prtce 4t can hi .old for so they
cannot possibly vary all must 4uy alike.
The good, are mil sponged and prepared, and creat
pais, taken ulth the making .n that an can buy with
tho f!l a.suranco cf getting a good articlo at tho very
lowest price, Also., a large itock. of piece goods on
hand, cf the latest .tj is and be.t qualities, v.luch will
bo mada to order, tn th. most fjshlonablo and be.t man-
mer, 23 per cent., below credit price.
lUmemacr Ue, in Market, above Sixth St.
No. 04. JONES 6l CO.
07 Ths Heavens were tlluminited on the evening ol
August 27, 1553, by ths most splendid Aurora floreali
ever seen in tha century. Gays of tti toloredliphti flail, and tho change, were beautiful In tho
.. , . ...b.,
oitremo. At ono tlm a rapt ob.srver remarked, that
be fancied ho could see tho . parading lights form then,
It vo. ntotho followtnj word.; "Buy. II younarcaenl.
at the Brown cUone Cl.thing Hall of Itocunti Ac Wnsoir,
No.. Ml .nd (AS Chsstsiut street, aanve Puth, FhiUdn "
Curing tho Summer llial has Juilpnnod away, thouj.
!in,t. of aiiffornta frnin i!iniitii rfai,hnD I..... I I
relieved bythe us. of i.o,TitK'i.irttrts,ti medicino'
l,lcl' vid.miy destined to maintain . pctmancnt "
place In the public estimation. Rilliou diarrhoea It ono
ofthaia diicmca ulilclt bnnlcstlm skltlortlia nhrrlclnn. i
Tin, medicine .her ad.nmi.u-r to net upon the imv.cN
naifir irnni. t ri ronz-ti llm a .... - f ... n 1. ji tn
' ' " "VUlt-lf Ul LHU L't II. ill. III 111'
culty la to get n remedy that u ill reach all tho iligcsllvo
'ga8. ai.JglvctliomiiinultancomlyarutliofvlKor.tu
rM lhcmiIv0" rthW discasr. thu problem ) oivid
S" "J! T'wm- ZT T
stubborn case.. Hi. only falrto ay, that durlngtho
,,..I0 i,t cio.nd. ihN ..cdieiuo b.i .ehie.ed ..
cum. than nny other ever presented to tho public, and
,.,., f ,, . ... ,. ; . , ' . ,
during tin full, which that torrlblo .eourge.tho fever
md ague, la so prevalent, tlio Dictku will gain friali
Hold by all druggist, in the world.
7"8oe airmti.einsnl in another column.
rrtlNCIPLUS. Wiiira IIallClotaiu Daxaai, corner of
rourtli nnd .Market .tract., doea not follow-In the bcatait
...... .. , ., . ., . ...
trac. Wo aro nullified that tho only war to buildup
and keep n large bilaineaa la to .ell good, i heap and giv i
.atlifaction to cu.tomeia.
rretencu will not answer.
nnd liuinbiig liaa had Ita day, and we Intend to our
lld . '
lc.,l and no variation In marked nrlcca. Tola (tern
Hill .ti.filn h.-ir ti llhmit dtiflinff V. .I...II l..,un,..t
"in "',f "ilnoul I"""- Wo .hall buy and
ten ,culivly for c,,. Our n..ortuicnt for incnnnd
boa In tin lirRi-it In t'lutaJilithia, and our prices much
lovw-r titan any MIht. Cull at onco nnd aaa for yout-iclf,
at tin
S. W. corner Fouith and Alaikct sta. Tlilla,
rebruaryiUi itO. l-iin.
MOITAT'HLIFK l'II.L3.-Tlia high nml envied cel.
ehrlty which this pre-cniiiu'iit tnediclnc hits acquired for
ill tm.irialilo t-tflcncy hi all illeaes which it profeno
to cure, hai rindred the utual practice of utiiitatioug
pulTuiiT not only uimciessary hut unworthy of them
TJity aic kiurn 11 by their fruits, ttrlr Rood workt ifti
fy for tlioin, and thcy.thrlv not by the faith of tinkered
. uloiH. Iii nil lisi'h of custlvcncio, dyspepsia, Iiillioua
tiid liver atfv'ctioiM, piles, rheuuintism, lover A; aeui's,
li'-ulth, these Pill. lilo Invariably procn a certain and
epeedy remedy A single trial will placerthe Life iill.
. bejon-l th- reach of coinpeml.n in the estimation tf
every patient,
llr. Motrit'a Thocnli liitters, will bnTound eiually ef
, . j fieiirl us lu all cases of nervous debility, dyspcpsli, head
I nrlie, tlm sickn,-.. incident to fcnlal j in dellcat. benllh,
12 nnd every kind of wenku-ss of Hie ills-stive organs.
12 for said by V. u. MoHat, 3?." Broadway. New York.
1 ' nnd ly mcdirine dealers und druggi.t generally through.
out the country
IVbruary 10. 1jro-lIm rm."
Nctu Ducrtiacmcnts.
Estate of Amtfrw tocmctlar dtrruml, ,
JUTT-Hi r f .ldininUtratiou tn tlui l-.siate of Andrew
tftio-inaki-r latf i'f .M.vlts'j'i tm nl)i, in ('Inn.hi i
I'unniy, ilect ;ih -il h.n been cranted by th Iti'Ki-tT of
t'l.lttiiilui mint) tf til - it tulem ij!iied, a II pcrnong -iiu
rl iikm .t.un.t ilio t nf tii" dureileiit, art re'pff
t.'il tn pr--i--i't tht in to the Admin Btiator. tit hid u si-ili'iic-
ii'-ar J- rf)tinti, iti-o it tlelaj .and all pcr-oru in
iU Lit il tu iiMke p.i)iui ul ftirlim nli
T'l mb i.if. Tniy if, lJ,n. ,'tdm'r.
It the ijrphtin 1 Cvuit.
'lUIi: Ati'htor upoiiit- I to nnkr tHt-tri'mtim t.f tha
J b il met' in tli' han.l-t of Al.raham il.tiibms. VJinttt
itrnltr '-film -tain f Ilium id Kulibliis liitc of Llu- nl.l
c Mint), Uucmh' it. will lift i tint iti-tributei-ri nml all per-
.Olid litter Htiil. I ii r t hi tiur ni.-i.'si nl 111. nrim iiitiiii-iil nt
J Iiuolhc-, ill ItloutiKbiirc. on rtA 1'l ilKA , the iltli day
of Ani;ui.t next, 1i twei ti tlu' hours of nine A. M an 1
throu 1". M.. "h natt I where nil persona h'n lug cliin
art TL-'piiri-'l tt (ireHint tltin, or b-t fur ut ilLb.irrud
from :i Wiare cf nuid fund.
j c nii.Kzr.. Auditor.!.!. Jtjlyd, l.'O.
Valtiublo Real Estate.
N pjrsiiinrpiif .in order ot the Orphan' Court cf Co
I'l.iiUia toiinl) , on
Siititrtfaif, the tU day n Augutf, nrjct,
ntlOoVli.rk Kith! f-rtfitotni, John lSi)dcr Tr -ter, ftp-
I point- I li) th- Orphan Court ol thu ant nt; , to tin-
I pose of i trl.iin Itij..l IMnte 1 1 J llm I'rlte, lit ( Cam
I wiisi t(iMiihii, ti iaid county, ijrpa-ri. will eip-ih.
I to Mile, I'ublii' V.Midiif, at th I'nli'ic II. hh f D.uii-1
1 Iti-inb U i.i tit- luttn of C.ituw itj. jit the aid ro'inij,
! a certain
; I y i n in th.' nanl tounship of C;ttt.iwis'i, bounded nnd
; d 'tin v im tt.llown itntlht Norm by lnulti i f I lira
; b t'i It 'iisinif. r. on til Wet by I imJj of cath iriiic Drum
ill Jit. r n tlie M.ut lb) I milft nt Ahraham Yai r. and tn
1 th i rut bt I Hid , Lit. ol Dcftf lent, now ul J(.r'mi-h !'
t'nich. r; ii'iu.iii.iiiu
'I'wciily-iiiiac Acri's oi'Laud,
more or tVlitTt-'on u t r-:i t-'d a ouo an. I a half Mory
ansE mvuujxu house.
Lilt th t !:t..t ' of said ileceus',!, .itunt.- in tlie tetvn
.lilp of Cutlavi i..i, und coui.t nfnrt said.
J.M.'Oil I.Vt:i!r.'. . Cltrk.
I loom-burg Jul) J-1. 110.
-or -
Valuable Ueal Estate.
IV p-irs.lance ol'nn order oi til) Orphan'. Court of Co
l.nabi i county, nu
Friday, the 'ith ihuj f Angtut nrxt,
I at Id ii tUa k in tlu forPiiooii, ..ii.tu.-l II. Audi rson, ad
luinlstrator 4.C , of John And, rsoli. Lite of Centre town
ship, iu .uid inuiity,deri..'is',l, mil vxpo.u to sole, by
; Public Vendue upon 111 premise., acellain
i LO T O F G li O UND,
! Mitiinte hi Ontret itle, in the t-aid county, bounded ami
, tk.i.ribe.1 a IoUjwp tottit On llm North b) Second
, Mrei t of fan! town on the L;o-t by l-iml of lltzekiah
llonlii . on thu South b) hii ,lL),.itl(l oil thuj Went b)
I lands i f IV t i Unit tiri-m. Wtii-reon nro ircl'da
and oth r '"it builtltnfjv.
I Laid th' Ui;it" of xaid deceits'1!!, situate in the town
, thill of Ceptrc, and comily utorueaid
HI inburj. July V-J, loT.0.
Val tiublc lieal Estate.
IN' purs'iancw of .in onli r ol tint Orphan's Court of Co
lumbia couniy, uu
6' duritmj, the 'iHlt of August, text,
lit 10 o'clock in th.- forenoon, Ueiiben Ilattmaii, Adinin- ,
i.lrator of J.icoli i islofl, late of .Mur'ison ton n.bip. in
.11 I county, dee-'-ised, will cxposo to sill.-, by Public
Vtndu -, upon the premises, ti c. rtain Tenement and 1
adjoiumt; tamlx of H.nanuel gidler. mi the Last, the heirs I
of Jonathan loiii-llr, on tho North, and othci laud of",
th, dt-'tfjud on the WV'it mid South, conlfiiulnii i
m.viv-thuei: aiks,
and one hundred nnJ tishty-lUe perched, strict measure, j
ail under eooti cultivation ; on which are erected a
a HANK HAUN. t'idtr itrt-'s. Wagon-htuse, and oilnr
out boil dins- ALSO,- A certain other
. mostly wtll Umbered, nnd to Ins sold with the tract above
' desLiilicd. ailloiihuit lauds of Alcxnndi-r Carr. on Do
North. Adorn Ik'Uvr on the South, iiudotlur lamia of the
dCLt-UNk'dou thi' Lii'-t, coniauimu
Eightttn Acrts (i)nl Twtnttf Irihrsy
strict Mfd.iirc. A 130. -A ccrtaluoth.-r
adjoining Ho tract Hrt abuvu dcribeil on thu La-t,
AUxjudir Curr .i th NoitU. other lands of tha d- ciaed
on ih. WtM, and At a'u lldlor on tlu South, contain) iiff
anJ one hundred and thirty-four pt rcli's. striit meahiire,
niOrily chared laud and uiidir t'oudtuiiivaiioii, on wlinh
ui l. it tied a poii-l
and 8TAULI- Al.SO.-A cerlain other
adjoining hnds of Jepli Youn;, on the K4tt, the tracts
at.ove uescrtuiu on ine .oriu, .luam uu itr.ou inu n m,
ami Amos Heller on the South, cuiiuining
Bnd one hundred and ten perches, about thirty acrss of
whirh ar uill timbered aud thu remainder in a good
statu ofcultivtloii.
Late the -state f said deceased, utuato in the town
ship of MaJiion, and couniy aforeiaid.
Clriomsburir, July 2.. If0.
Estate rf Gtorae lielclintr, rlectascd.
LETTERS tc.tamentary. on Ilia E.loto of O.oaot
Ktccu., law of Centre town.hip, Columbia coun.
" ty, deceased, ha. in; been granted by the Regi.lerof .aid
s ,,,, ..v kan,,,ii t'.ii.h.i.. .. i. ....i.. ..T i... ir
d, ha. nit been granted by the Regi.lerof .aid
county, to caniuil Kvlcbner. Uo resides in Unarcreclc
lov.niiip, both in .aid county, notice isthcr.foro hereby
Kivcnus.ii ptTsens inucuien .u ill. oiait. oi .am uc.
cUenu , ko ayirient forthwith, and all per.oo.
having claim, or demand, agalu.t .aid E.tale,to present
"'' uiecuior. lor .en cmeni.
July 1, lW)-t
September (EducL
flTllEKBAH. tli. lion. Warm J. Wood ivaud, Trcsl-
rence ami t,ouri or common ncai anu urpnnu court.
In the UOtli Judicial District, composed of the counties
of Columbia, Sullivan nnd Wyoming, onl the Hon. Jacob
F.vaw ami 1'iTktt Kline, Associate J it fixes or Columbia
comity, have limed their PrecrpL bearing data the ninth
day of Fib., In the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and Biittf. nnd tn mil directed for holrtititr a
Court of Uycr and Terminer ami Oeiieral Jail delivery,
General Quarter Sessions of the Foace, Common Pleas
auurplian'a Court, In lilooinsburg. In the county or
Colinnh a, on tho first Monday, (being the 3d day) of
B!t, ,t, and to continue one week. "
Notice I. hereby given, to tho Coroner, the Justice, of
IholVuce and Constable, nftho .aid county of Columbia
t that they be then and there in their proper pcraona At
I lu o'clock in tho forenoon of aaidday, nitn their record.,
inquisition and other rolueiiihraucu to Uo thoae tiling!
thul are bound by rccngnUiince, to proHecul'o agalu.t tho
priaoio-r. that are or may be In the Jail of said comity of
V"',T!'i'l,ln U llu'" "'''!t " l,"iCI".V f""!1
iHjjint. Jurora are re'iuuted to bo punctual tn their at-
tendance, agreeably to their notice.. Dated at Ulooin..
burg, the S.ld day (of July, in the ) ear of our Lord one
which io ineir nincea npperiain 10 oo uone. Aliu tnoae
of the Independence of tlw United latca of America.
iuou aaie me uoiuuiuu. caiiu.;
JUI1N' rfNVJJMl, A.riy.
July f, ISljO
ou and junons,
yOtl Tit hi SKI'TUJIIIJKU TllitMt 1800.
Uliom Caltb Uattun, Jr. Wtlliani Coleman. Minion C.
Iluntnn Jno. Uef inline, Patterson Moore, Thos. IIc.
llriarcrcck Adam Suit, John Davenport, Jacob Moi
teller i.phram l.vaui, I'ctt-r llaymau.
c.ttavv lns.i- H.UHIK t Titonia.
Cti tre Jul in HlmtlVr.
FranhUn-Tlioiiiiiii Ifowcr.
Kiililncrcuk-IIiraiii Uittunbendcr.
(ir.-enw ood- pat id Al-uitiun. ivt.r Ginon.
Jackufii Janu'4 Vocuin.
Locnt Oi.'orpo retterman.
M.idUon-Johii Domat.
MIHIiii-Johii HiiyJer. Jacob Schm-ppenheisfr.
Itiiarlngcreitk Cnarles Kik.
Hcott- t'hillp ArhPiil.acli.
lilo.itii-tVilihiu llnr. Jn-i-ph Kmklv, Joitph Wcav.
it, John IE. Moer, Ch.irlo-Thuinax.MraHhfidg, A.Wil
fon, Valin lloone.
, H rw itk-Jucob .Moyer, A. It. Tate,
Heater- l'tter ltcnihart.riamut'1 Jnhnaorj.
Cci.tre rii'tnaii Cniiiitr.
' t'atlnu iii HmIomuhi Ueinard.
1 Ir.liikliu-Jai nh Kutenb.ider.
ri.luiii;crtjwk John Crevelmir, Thotuaa Lunger.
tirc.n.vooii Hatiiu l Musirave.
L'H'ust Jonas r'atiiinzer.
' .Mi 111 in Michael Try, J.tcnb Yuhe.
.Madlnon Dan'l .Merkle, Uaac -Jcltri Je.Hcnry Dildin.
Montour Andrew Cbtrk.
Mount rieaaant t.liaa Ilovull, Andrew ('rouse.
Mainr Aaron AiulruwB.
I r tie James PatUrson, Henry I't'lonjf
l'ina --Wjllinni ArtPr.
Scott-A J. Thoriitun, Saimul L. Ikitlf, Hla Krum,
llr.bcrt M. Howell,
Sugarloaf ll.nry C. lleis, Andrew I.anbac!'.
yon rm: septhmhui tjmm. izto.
1. Hritjaii.L.i A, Cole vs. William Hininns.
lMsr Atilltr tn. tlie Cattaw iasu, Wllllainsport St
F.rm ITn ilratl Compaii).
.1. hJiiim.1 Lemon vs. A. W. Creamer.
1. John Vf nll.i vs. Iltnry llantz.
5. rim.on FctiiTiinn tn. Wright Hughe,
li. JuloIi S.hut ler n. Wikon Airer.
clmrles Iknninger vs. Luditii; Diehl s adminitra-
f. r. W.Kahhrts. Dni. I Nihan!.
9, Jno. .tictlullif-au d. at., ts. Snout 1 Ilhonr.
Ill, J. K. Cirtoii t n. i;dgir V.. Ilartnii, tt. at.
li. Vi J J i u kjj din)ir v, John llotl'iinto.
1-. J. V. J. irk. mi ft nl.. vd i nm li llowtll.
J... cti-phcii II. M.lhr vr. IJanM F. Huyb.Tt
' II. KnliLrlll Atitetivs. IJenj 1'ay.lon.
Win. .ppl.'man tu, Jonathan MosUlhr.
1 In. l.iiox ii.nis n. fcainut'l II. rfe)bttt
17. Mart' l(r,K v. Win. II.--;
a. I'tt. r llillinvcr ts, Mirha'l M)Urt.
' 1.'. Jiri'ioiab II. nariinan vp. Abnm N. (lartcy.
Nathunul l. Rnter tt. tit., v. A. N. Ilartuy.
-1. (!. ti. Ht rrlnii 1 1. nl., tn, John fl. Jncoby
2.!. Jo-eph Lilly th. Jann ri V. t?.uike).
V-t. L.iviu.iLid.! vi. Adam
-L I) unci ,S;i)de h. Christian Lmiliach.
Ira llnbbins ts, J.imb Un-hl.
Wj. (ijurii .xutitir ts. Jas. Rantz.
Jacob Schti)l r v, rtlhrrt Htonkry tt. at.
Ot-t-rs" i tiyts. ll'iiry t'boll.ilisrr.
John HarionV .ulni'r v. I. ill).
JACOH LYLULV, Pmthonottry.
I riuomlmrg. July n, Hi.u.
' lll cadeii i- y.Mr itniiiii'MH,.' Ane'Uit JO, l.fiO, to
I conthuit forl.t-f'iur w.'.-kn.
Thu School ic nitiied into u Piimnry nnd n llichcr
Departini nt, t arh nnd. r us rM,Tiv T-aclier. Schul
art) art admitted at am ti.ite. !
Ampl" prt h ion ix made for all tha rcnilrementa of a
iii.-rimun an. i eximsiV'' ennr ot tiuy, iiicluduii thu
.M.llll'liialiC. Natlirul SlI-HCl-h. Clinic. Mnilitrii I.nn
(,'iia-eii, Drutini;. Mukic, ic
S- from abroad r;m obtain tn,ird with facilities
(or hoiint study on tiry mo lerhte teruu. on api lication
t ih I'nii'-iptil
Thn I'linitpal, thnnkfHl for lu pnst ftftirrmt nuppnrt,
nojri's hi p.-ilrtilm f his unweaii'd riToili to make tha
vhool nil that mi b- dir.-il for th-; ac raiiition of n
thuroiiph eilnrnli'jii.
For paitirtilar npl) to
J W WFHI'liN', I'ri-cipal.
Fi-rryt., rn-nr Dcn'ti tlottl.
Dint 111-. Jily it Hbii.
BUDS, limb r cuiiincs f try "ip'Ti'ir tari ti" f
fruit, can beolitainrii tit my homei-ifM and inltome.
Or. if some pref r t'i pb-n. Mro. '.nppina'T. w ith a few
hfi-tin, hiiPji orrtiotsof iiiao pr.-ti) t-r rjre flwt r. nr
any other utrjut or ornamental plant, th.'y tthall have our
lest thank.
Milkr'ii Hurvtn!u is niurh nwertir more Juicy ami
iirlier fitli r Hi - habelln or the Catairba ; ihf T'ir
(tjriat therry t ti rv large ileliciiiuly wetl, f.irly, un.l
Ji.ii a very urn ill Ptone ; tie Jtrd Dutch currant is in
li.tokn nnd pr-irticu the bt-i, nnd our peach. s. peas, A-c.
aru aUo very good.
1 1 UN It Y '.LTPlNOLlt.
llln(imburir. JnlvJI. vrit lit
Pennsylvania State Agricultural
' H) dining Ualllo (.round, "
xru uiLKns-iiAititn. luzfrm; county, r..
n rlltH,ittie of Arrnmreinent
pleaciirn in un-
ordt r t'f tho
I .1 iiruntiug lhat in ai ronlanre w ith tin
Luecutitui onimittie. th" nrrnnptnientu for hrddinc tho
neit Mato Fair on THK W YII.M I N G U A I T L li
li ll O U N 1, near Wiki sUaire, bate b'iii tonimenccd,
1 ind will b! completed at tho time appointed. The ex
I hibitiun will opi n in Tuixlny, and will continue for
! 'J5M, ?CA, 2TrA, and -'th.
I Th proun Is which aro mo: beautifully locat-d, and
! not only l.iri!. but roinarkably w.-ll adjpted to thu pur
' imifH of the exhibilion.
Tin Huil linns, Sheddinp, I'eiif, fee., are not only mm
' iiiir.iiiin. bat r'uiarkablvrontemeiil nnd am h ndditioiu
j will be madf to th-.iii, ntnii early day Jit will be found v
I a bitfh: vii auk ron ironszs,
An well a 4 etery other rontenL'iirui lien- haary to thu
j comfort nil I nafety both of Cxhibitora niiti tht .nimaln
nnd Article;, tlwv wl-ih to exhibit. Tin mo-t comnldu
I arrnmeuit'iitu lum h;. n made w ith the dillVreiit It.til
road CttinpauieH for th tranvportatinn of AntuiaU aud
triKlfn iiivniu-ii i ir eAiiiuiutiu
Fne of Chttrge Roth Wtn s.
I Witor to the F.ihibitloii w ill find mut ample acmni
modaiionn, at moderate pruev. 1 he 'lilt r-'tit K.nlroud
, Companies, will isme F.XCUIUslO.V 'ICKFVa, nnd txtra
J trains will b nut upon tlie iliir.T'nt roaila during Urn
time of th exhibition, tuallow tiitori uu opportunity
of eiaminin; th
tM.i(i.YtrJ'jrVT XCKXMtW CO.iL MIXF.s, ttt .
for which thu V tl.LLY Ol' WYtiMINO m mo justly
Li ,1s rf I'rti'iiiiing, Judees, licpnlatioiit., tVr.cnnbn
I h id ut all the principal Agricultural Wan hoiieii. nml at
I ihe oitiro of ihe "Tanner and Gaplen.-r," or mi appliea
1 thin, until S ptemb r U t" then r -tar), ai Harnsimr.
Alt r tint time th- Hecr -lary oiln e will b ai lc$t l'itn
ton, Lu7, rue count).
J S. HALDF.MAN. I'rtt't.
A. O. ll-ihrrR, Seeritar)
Jul) t!l.
rMIF undersigned lus opened a Mono (luarry near hu
L reni lence, about half u mile eust i f liloonmhur?, and
l Iirenar.'d to lurnith ihoNij letirinLr 11 U 1 L li t -Yf?
S TOJVK, an v( tlu inont lUsirable itmhtt , and
, on fair Urnm.
I July 14 lNii.-tf C. s. F Iri 11 I'U.
' rI HE utulursignciL Auditor appointctl
1 I by the Orphan' Court of Columbia rminty, to t
I tribute otsHs in the handM of Hon. rur Kline, admin !
utrater nf the etate nf Henry Mei2, late of Locut town.
ship, Col.mibi i rotiniy, drLeused, anions the rr-ditors of
said decedent, according to thu rates ami proportions it
tablikhed by law. ttill nttuid to ihe dm leg of his ap
pointment mi Tmmau.iY, THE'jcsj ihirvF.iuoubV,
lroi), ut IU o'tloik, a. M,( at his olfice In Hltxuntiburg,
when and whera all persons hat ing claims nguinit the
said estate, shall present tho tame befora said Auditor,
or bo debarred from coming in for a share of aid assets.
Y. WIRT, Auditor. ,
lllonmhurir. July IL leWllt.
Etnte nf Solomon lltihwui, dtceaart.
. r ETrEllH Teitam-ntary on Ilia Estata of SoLOHof
lJ lleciiM.ii, lata or seotl twp.. loin
.sed. have been granted by thi Repli
county, to the iindcrsisucd, ns In
psrson. having claim, asainstthe Es
Ucckman, late of iscott twp., Columbia county.ds-
later ri -.oiuniuia
county, to me unucrsisucu, ng n unie K jge, ail
Kt". . "avl . .'. " cjiais oi no urce
' ' I1''1"",,1 P""" Vi i"V.' . ."la fci"utv'
f"V,h '"ih ' '
mcnt forth., ub.
. ur.r.
Juno a. ItCO-Ct.
CEMENT by the Barrel, for sals at
ty 1J. 1M0.
Celebrated Shuttlo or Lock Stitch Family Sewing Machine, rankd high in tho mar
ket cannot bo excelled. It is preferred over all other
for its simplicity, durability, strength and slficiency theso machines aro all war
ranted. Prico $50.
Doubt e Thread Tifht stitch Family Spwinc Machine.
pjicny, iirenpm anu rniciency. rrice, sjj anu jn narraniru.
The undenigned offr-r the si rtuwini; Machines with the
waiiit ui ii e neonip. iion i in i to exa nine ine urei(a anu
en threads tultablo forSsttlng .Machines, on hand and for
Danville. May 20, 1800. Cm.
PIIE Uliuersicncd, vYl-hing to rctirO from
I ibe huilnesi.otVen to sell, at Wlvate Sale, the en .
tire hock oi
JJooka, St'ttionartj, Watl-paper,
. . - i
and fixture belonging to tho establishment. First door
l nbiitc tho l.xchance Hotel,
rj7 For particularseniuire at Store,
Rlooinsburtl, July 11, 13G0.
Henry Zuppltigri's Kslnblislimcnr.
Whom they had dtad and buried iomttimt tatt i-infir,)!
AO you want a (jool.n very goo'l new watch f
XJ no jou warn a encap waicn i
llave)oun tlilHcult job f
Do yoa ttant kcya, leather gards, &c. ?
Or a ttatch Rlans that will stay In I
A Hunting Glass, Talent, ficneva,
Or coimnon, nr miull, or large I
Did ) our watch get a fall f
A knock, n Jerk or a hit (
If it is or isn't in splinter,
Who ttnulti civu it a hater "fit" f
Cjlindi r broke' ti rut' or a Fpmdel I
A jtwit, n, or a up mm (
lletint n nciisf, a crack, or a humming,
As n liw with a vigorous wing
i Mnlu (prlii- broke, sure I or a pin.
Dovt ii w ttli all thd bad w atehes,"
1 "To make them is worse than a sin'"
lilooiiijib'irri. Jult 14. 1'-Q,
M.M(m yi m ski 'sm ,
t. v i iri., r.r n rir.i.'r of tin, Clrohsn's Court of Coluni'
15 bii ciuiity. Stanley Woodward, trustee, appointed i
1... Dm 1F.,I... I". i f ,.r 1.ti.-rnu rniintv. w 111 esoose to '
sale, on the premises, on I
i 'lutsibiy,lht 21t of .August, A. l).t 1800,1
at 2 o'clock. I". M.. the follow Ing Keil r.state. to w It :
situate In the township of Fine, in Columbia county,
cci.tuinii-t' nVout
a f.iir proportion uf which is cleared, and on which arc
i erected a
! LOG 12 0 USE,
i A ItUV and cth"r out milhlinjts. This trad adjoins
lands ot Thomas UenrieM on the north, and Thomas
! Uvea, ti Willltir. and other on the cat, poutb, and
west, .Uti- tht) tate of l'itUip llann, Ut. uf Luzerne
county, deceas 'd.
JACOI1 nVr-KLV. Cltrk,
j IWfitnnXii OF SjiLF.-Unp fourth -t the purchase
mom-')', (.b'as ten per cent.) tub-; paid on the confirmation
of the;, ten p.-r c-nt. wf Hi one fmrth to bj paid at
I the utrikimi duwii nl tii rrouirtV. Tltc b.ilanru nf the
purclinai tiioin y in mn: year ti:u tlu coiinrinaticn of
sale, Willi lnu-rst lor taiti onu cnr.
&r.NLi:v vvoonwAiii),
Cloomsburg, July 14. 1N0. Trutttt.
t fM .11.. "'U be sold. Now rrndy, the National
lUU.UUU Political cliart, and Map of the Unit.d
stales, curit.iii.Jl.3 accuratj TortraiU, Irom lif.', f the
Ciinlid.'ilL. of etch I'jrtv for l'resldelit und Viced're.i-
dent, uilh their later, ot aiceptancc, I'latfiruis cf their
n-.n ir li. I'.irli".. Ult I n VAU uniou or ol i.tull.1 ca liul
ter. Ki suits of th; 'residential Elections ol the United
Waici Ironi ITvo in lP5ii ; name, of the Speaker uf the
1 lloue f 1 iif'rent.iiiauveH iruiu nsj io ictu.
Tli4 iMdit i b.ntitifully colored, and printed on heavy
ralen I r pap'T, kizuIiJ by 4U, hoi"if the exait boiiuda
ri' a 1 1 all Uu States ami Territory , extcnuinj; through
to th; Fan tie
It tail 1'rn.u-, only -J.3 Cents. Sent, pest paid, on receipt
of th i price, A rarethante i ottered ugeutx. For teruu
Jult 11, FlnladflpHu.l'a. t
nMlr, silbHcribcr will send (free of charge) t all who
X d.'fire it, llu- Hecipe and itirvrtion for mnking a sim
ple rrgctaUe Ualm. tint will, in from two to light days,
reuiot e I'linpl-s. tllotth n, Tan, FretUes, fallow m-n, fin i
all imptiali.'s ami runt; linens of tlu Skin, l.'uvin; the
bdiiii) -a Niture intended it should h j -toft, e tear,
smooth, and btttuttfut. Tliost; de&lrin. tlu Rl (.!()-. w ith
full iiintruttioiiii. direclioiin. and adt nc, tt ill plvase call
on or aJtlrjHu (with return poetaze,
'ft At riCL ClItMI&T.
o. 3-2 City UuildiHgc N. York.
Jul yl I. I'lKi -3ni
"1'Iir. Min HiRMAN. havmc eucceedvd Mua I'
I I'aiitant, in th" Milhni ry Humucs, in lllooiai-bur-.
Hill conn one the trail, other well know n
Ktamt in ths Hnck Storu Hons., rn Main Mroct, a few
dooro abotu tlu iAchangu Ituililiniis, in all iU ilipirt
uimiM and in the in't luoVru it)l) of Fashionable
Millimry They have jut rcceiwu from the L.tfUni
Citl'-a, a fh ct assortuitiit of
Comprizing etery variety of Spring and Sumni'-r wear,
whiUi w ill be made to order, with neiiiness aud accuracy,
and on very moiUrate t pus
Ladien of Iiiimiinhurs. and others, are invited tu call
and cxamin.' their Stock of fiooils.
Hloonubnrjf. J'liiuUJ. Irl.O.
TJ. -
THK 1'roprn.torof thu well-known and ft-nlrally lorn
tr House, the Lmimmii: HoTft, Mtn.ito on Alain
SireLt, in i.loomfbur!,', immediately oppoiite the Coluiu.
bi.i Count) Court House, I.i I or mi hi a Iriendr.
and tho public in general, tint Ins lloutc is now in or
der for the riciptiuti an tt nt.rlaiumeut of tnitelers who
may i I ilinponud to f.ivor it w ith their custom. He has
spared no expetii-e in prepurim; tlu L'x.mufioe, for th"
eiit.-rtaiiimiMit uf hi" gueflU nt ith r shall th"r.! benny
thuiL wauling (on hi parii to niiiiinLer to their personal
eunifiirt Hi h on ,' is niai.iou nml enjoys an i cfll.'tit
buine4 location.
. Oiiinilmses run at nil tunes iKtweenth" I.Kchmse
Hotfi aiiiltho tarious Kail Kortd Depotu, by wlnrh tr.n-i-Uri
will be pleaa. inlly contiyed u and from tlu re
Fin tue St Hions in due tuiiu to meet ibe Cars.
WM. II. KOONS.'iirg, July ?. It-i'iQ.
A hill", bill nit fii fill thu purne.
, ,r?UANKLlN SAVINO nM-o. South
t I Foiiiih Strett, b tvteeii Chvhtuut un I Walnut
I'hil.idelpltia, pa) a all th'poititH on lt mand.
iJ.-piihitors' money -tured by liotcmmtnt Stat.'
i r.n.l I 'it i- I .nun-. Criiniiil IIi-uU. .MirliiL'i. JLi
TIiih Company ilieni saf.'ty b tier tlixu largs m
' proiiist, rtiime'pn ntly will run no rik with dcpoi- s
l liort' uouie) , but Jiato it nl all time1 rea Jy t-i r.iurn m
"2 'w ills pt r ee nt. iiiti'ri-kl to th owiot, h they li,ivu
t tilwu)n done. '1 liii i tmipauy u t r utii u d
i J Fuinales, niiril-d or ingl'. and l), tan lo-
f 'pout in ih. ir own right, and tilth deptf!ttf tun be -;
I -U. ittiilnmn onl b iheir oiueiii. w
X Inrorporated by iheSiate of1
i ll'iini liniii.i. ii till uiitlliH ill' lu rtTL-nu iiiuiiev-3
itrom iriiftet's and Uxerutors. u
Oihce open daily from u to .1 u'i lotk, und on Wed- j
nehiUy ct tmng until e o'rloi k.
Jarob IV Sli'innoo, C)rus f udwallader.
John rliiinibir, il or ire Uism II, .u,
M-l... luW Slotiu, IMwttrdT ll'.iu. '2
Li'ttm KriiioMiitrr. Ilenrv iKIunt. "
I Mchol js Hilt iihoun', NathHil Smedb ) , ,J
'ju. il Sutherthwuiie, Lphiiain Ulauchard, i
I Jonlt Lippliiiott I
JALOll U. HI VN.NON', IVildent, 1
March I',, le.lJ-l-'ui. -
" A Dollar nat il i tw ii tt Niinifd.'
Ai VI L li U 8 WTITUTIi.
THIS Institution was fi.unlhd by the prfsrut Principal
and has alwa) a had a liberal tharu of thu patronage
of the community. Thu objtct uimed at m all the exer
cines of the Institute, ( to eiure in pupils u proper do
tclopinent of the mental potters, und thus qualify them
for self instructioii, special attention luing yivtii to the
formation of correct und ) stematic habits.
The field of tHudy embraces' Ln?lili Literature, the
Hicnces, the Mathemalics, ttu Claiics and M ern
Lnniriiageit. Hy giving hl4 undivided attention to the
intutftts of the Institution, and see u ring thoco-r-po, alion
uf well qualified iuvtructors, the Principal hopes t o ren
der satisfaction to his putrn, Thu next Term will open
Ahndtuf, August Wi, 1300.
The Frinripal will receive pupil from n dlktance. na
boarders, and will give them every attention necessary
to their comfort. For particulars apply to
J.M. RLSO. PriclinJ.
Panvill. Junil, lrYU-3m. .
I 1) EVOLVING IIOKSU UAKF.d, tr sale at F.npy.
. by V.. 11. rUltUlU,
June 33, leW.
Thli Machine ponesiei tho three grand requisite!, lm
ereatrnt confidence that they are destined to meet tht
aiiv r inwer seiora Durcuasmz. duk. t-oiion anu
tale by
M. 0. ORIEU,
i rV (... -f i- .... n , - . ..r t,i..
I J tia county, tha Administrators of John Covenhovan,
late of Columbii county, Uuceased, will expos.j to Fublla
Sals, on
iStthtrday the 4A day tf Augustt 1SG0,
at 10 o'clock, A. Mupon the premises, In the township
of Orangi, In taid county, the following Real Estate, fix!
situate In said lownhlD. linmediatfilv niflatpnt to the
? i ommm
town of Orangevllle, bounded on the north by lands of
'. v. ivi'iuiiiets; on ina cast ay lanus or utnry
i VVOir. Han . mi till unlit h hv lanrla nf ntil IV irlm.n nnH
other, and on thu west by lands of Do II as and
eiutiri, containing
112 A V K KS,
be thi savi. more or less, on which areertcljd a
Darn, and apjiurtenantnut-b'iilditigs, and of which about
0 Acres ar cleared. This farm is in Liir coKi'ition, and
a file fipjnrtunity is aflorded lor the investment of n
sm-iraKiountofcnpital.the r'arm beiugcontiguoas t th)
morougdures anu manteia li tnv couniy, aibo,
consiitingof a Urge Three Story Frame
with the water power appurtenant ihmtu. This Mill
is erected on about twouins of land, which is bounded
on the north by other lind of J. Covanhovan, deceasid,
and lot cr Daniel Keller and other ; m t!u't-at Ly
landu of raid Covanhovan, nnd A public ron 1, and nu tlu
M rth and west by lands late h.longinu lot. ') liick.tti,
dvcjaiicd. aad ii of tlt-j b.'Kt lot.-itcjj imlli in the
country. ruoHring nothing in thi tvuy uf substai.tial re
pairs. Th j water power is eucllcut, and the Mill is
now in
Late the Estate of John Covanhovan,
axivuiriowx of SJI.E.-O110 rourtli of tlie purchase , . , v, " ,. ,t, ..,:.
ino.uyO-s.teiiperc.iit.)toi,epdidoiitheconArination sjres are being taken for the preservation
01 th. .ule, ten per ci nt. of tlie oiu fouita to be paid atli-lir,. ,.rt.,-t
the.ttlklng down tf ths property. Tlu balance of tli 01 nnu properti.
pi'rcll.isJ Kionjy in une year linin llli nuifli in illnli nf inn .1 in iiiiIii.ii i. lams iri vi,u isiiiiiiinTln
S3I. Ulltl.3 li. .I III..Mil.
.vt..-iJ.t;v .villi,
Joty ?. nca.
Valuable Real Estate.
TN pnrsuanc of an order of tho Orphans' llourt of
Qimiioi county, un
StUurdtnj. the HBth dun of Jtlhi. next,
J' J J
ai niuiiuiMii me iuil-iiuuii, jijiiii .tj. tll.'lliucriin, At '
mi tistrator of Noah S. Frentis, late of Bl mm township,
in said county, deceased, will expose to sale by Public
tviiuut:, uoun luu j'f iu i a curiam
situate in Hopkinstill.:, Itloom township, iu the county
aforesaid, bounded and described as follows llec inning
nf n titnlii. ntl lftr rlillliU'.ut at, I.i ..f ttnin n- ,,..1.11-
road leading from lllaomsliuri to llnw irk, on a line of a
lot now owio.,1 bv Simon C. Sliive. tlieue.- alonir kind
struct south llfly three deirrecs east sizlv two f.ut inil...
corner c f lot No. r, thence south t enty seven dcerei s
west, one hundred and feet to an Alley!
thence hy said Alley north fifty-three degrees we.tsi.iy
twofectto the let of Hunou c, Hlnve, atoresaid, ihence
by the same north thirtv-tevrn dfirreeseaitt on- hundred
nnd ninety-eight feet to the plvo of Le;inuing Tht re is
erected on th premises a two-t-tory
a small frame Shop, u kitchen, and a large ,
witn a wen ot water on tne preivifie.
Lale the IMale of mid dfeens'd, situate in the town
ship i f idooni, and county nforexnid,
Condi' tout of bate.-Ulte-foiirth nf tlu unnhase
money Jfs ten per cent.j to b. paid on tlie cunilrmiitiou i
f thesale. ten percent, of the one-fourth to be paid at
tlu striking down of the property. The balance tflhe
purchase money in oiu year irom tlu cuunrmatioii of)
-ule. J. M. CHEMHL'.ILIN,
Llooinburir. Junet. lcilO.
I.i i tVot'.M v ri 'l l 'TT ra t . , n t.--it
LbJjlLJfIJJJi5Jilji ili!l)ajllV
"I'Hi: Hummer and Fall Sep.ion of thu LUoomshurg
1 Acidviuv will heirin iwMi"iirb
' tiz . , . ,
U It(HCSdatJ) AUgltlt lif, 18G0.
FupiU instructed ii) I'ndhh, Clasrics, Modern Lnn
guaiies, Mathematirs, Natural Sciences nnd Vorul Muu
The con ru of Mutlumatics and Classics is intended to
prepare tin student for admission into a Uultersiiy or
College, or to ipiulify lor busiios-i.
A U nly Itegmtjr of tha ntteiidniiee. conduct and scU.I-
nrhip ot i ath student i kept, tt hrh is opfii nt all tiute
for examination by parents, guartiian or utlurs.
Spt'iinl iittfiitioii i given tothoitho design fitting
thekifceltts fur teachiiiL'.
T F.H 1 S
Common English, viz- Orthography, heading, Writinij
uu 1 Arithmetic, per Quarter, fit no
If teller Imgllih and Clamic-", no
No extra charge will In made for French or Cerman.
No deduction will Im made on n-eouut of iioii-atienJanco
or withdrawal b fore the ilosuofttu seioii, unless in
cafu of protraded nickui'ss.
Ooo.l iiii.-irdiug lots been procured in private families
durint'lhe Spring and Summer H.-ision for $1 fit) per
wt tfk.
It. fcronceg -Patrons of thi school.
1. A. ItECKLKY, A. B., FricoL
r.looinsburg. June
ill (I 111
Kvnttr so in;
'CliriipiS .''''. '4? thlllpOi'"
ta I'i.E vsEiAi.r. i: tin, v.
l.ilht Sire. I. April SS. 1-M
REM.MMNll in tl.ti I'ost OI5c. at nlouiiis'.urg, Pa
June 331 li, lel'U.
Ilatrctt, llr. J. M,
II, rz.tre.s.r, .Mis. Malinda
llurdirk, W. C.
Healer, Samuel J.
t'o i cr,Thoma.
Oordou, Mary
ilordonlMory Ellen
llurte, .Mi.s .ary
llerSeln. A. A.
Jonis, ll. w.
Kistlrr. Benjamin
Loyd, Joint
Me -I irk, Jns.T.
Mills, II. a
May. Musi.
.Ma;, I, 1'rofess 11,
Neigle, Mi.s Kmnia
Prior, James
I'ulmen, Mr.. A.
Rbtseu, Miss W. U.
Sell., arlz, Jos.
Hluar.l, John
Hinilh. Harmon V.
make, t.
V. uitebark, ueo.
Persons .ailing for the above lettfrs, will plea) .ay
hey are
1. B. RUPErfT. P V
rPHK second arrival of New Uootls, thi
jk. erring, a. u.iKi..iAr. r.
SUMMER Casseinero-", alid CoatiiiL's of
tho late., .iy.t1 ' IIARTMAnV
W7"OOL, Cotton, Hemp, und Rag Car
sVT pen lor .ale clla).,'at LIHRT.M AN'Jo
WALL Pupcr, Wall Paper, in great
It Ht.ntitie.. cheap for .le, at HATMXN'
M CI kf S . r
Anollicr John Dromi Affair.
Tht Recent V,rtt rati of a Plan it Dev.
attau the Country.
Sr. Loiiis, July 25. An extra was to
night received from tho Bonha'tn (Texas)
Era offico, of ihe 17th inst., containing a
letter from tho editor of ihe lltr
ull, in which he states that '.lis fire which
destroyed that town on tho 8th inst.. ha.i
led to tho discovery of a- plan to devastate
tho wh'oio of Northern Texas.
Tho plan was districted and tub dis.
tricted, each division being under the
charge of white twW, who wero to con
trol tho negroes.
Several white men and negroes hive
been arrested on suspicion of boing con
cerned in ihU base plot.
Tho following fires aro reported to hava
occurred on the samo day that tho town
of Dallas wai destroyed :
A mercantile houso in Black Jack
Grove loss 83'0,O0'0.
Thrco business houses at Denton Iom
A largo storohouii3 at Pilot Point
los3 810,000.
A storehouso at Ladonia loss 823,
000. Eight Htores at Belknap loss not giv
en'. The town of Milford wai totally de
btroyod,and several other smaller fires
took place.
Great excitement cxist3 throughout tho
country, and prompt and effective mca-
I) Ii. J(HhMTN,
rpHK founder of this Celrbratcd Institution, otTers tha
X most certaifi, ipi'edy.and only vilerlual remedy iu
the world f r etiects fir titftts, Strictures,Sminaltttak
tici. Fatui in the Louts, Constitutional Utbility, Impo
tency. Weakliest of tlu Hack and Limbs, Affection cf
tbcKidnis. Palpitation ol the Heart, Dispepsix, Ner
vous Irritability, Disease of the Head, Thrwit, Nobo ot
Skin, and all those serloui and melancholy Disorders
arisinif from the destructive habits of Youth, which de
Utroys both body anJ mind These secret and solitary
nractcea. ore more fatal to their victims than the sonet f
tlu Syrens to t3c manners Ulysses, blighting their most
nrillianinopes ana aiuicipaviuns, ienunm( marriage etc..
.Married person, ur Young Men contemplating mar-
riascbeniR aw arc f physical weakness, ( ranic dcabili.
ty, dLfurmitioii, c, bit on I d immediate)? Dr.
Johtitlon, and bit rttoretl to pet feet luallli.
lie ttno places iiimscu unuer me care oi ir. jw.r.non,
1 ,nJ', rcl,S' "".'' coulidc in h s honor as a gentieiotn, and
co"ll,k,,lll'roy "!V;'vif. iv,".f-ti-yu"iC '
.. . OIIOA.MI. Wl.AKM.a3
'"""'d'at")' cured and lull vigor restored,
' . Illls deseaso s the penalty most frequently
lly paid by
thosu win hate become the victim ot Improper indultoii
cien. Young are too apt to commit excess from
not being aware of tbi dreadful coni-(u,unce that may
tntine. Now. who tltut understands the subject will pre
t'nd to deny that Un powtr of procreurioir is lost sooner
by tiiune tailing tutu improper habits than by th?
Uesitl-JH b-tnij deprived ol tho pleasure of he.ithy Ltf
spring!, tlu mont witniiih rind uesructite t) inptoms to
both body und mind urise. The system b:comes deranc
ed, the physical an 1 nientil powir wcHkened, ncrvou
ilebility dysjiepnia, palpitation ol tho heart, molj -tti-n,
awfit-img ufthu lrame, Ct u:h, Symptoms if Consump
tion, Ate.
ZJ Olftce, No. 7 South Thedrick BtREtT, seven doors
from Daltimort! street, fcltle, up the stpps. Ue par
ticular in observing tho NAMIj and NUMbLIE, or jou
wilt mistake tlu place.
A Cure It'arrcnted, or vo Charge .Mad:, in from Out to
i wo uays.
Mfnitbr of the Royal C. liege ot i .rgenni, at Londoii.-
Oraduate fromoheof ttu moit lim unt Colleges Lf thi
UimU State, nnd llu greater part nf ba
r11. fMt Vhj?,rt IS'iW 1 1 London, i'aiii, I Mia
,tj,iu and clsi-wlure, hai etl.'ctad some ot tho mot as
touinhintf cures that tttreevtr knnvtn, many trubl;d
nuh ringing in tluhcad and car tth:ti atleep. crt-at
nervousiusH, b.'ing alarmed ut midden tiouiu., and bah
1 fulnenn, with fre'pient blushing, utUndedsometiuus vt itU
1 derangement ot ml ml. were cureu liumetliat. I)
Wiuii tlu mguided and imprud nt votary of pleesurna
. finds lot ha imbibed th (-etil jf tin paint ul oiseasj, it'
ton often mi ill timed eiie offchanu o,r
I drtud f difLovery, d' ter him from apjlyi'ia lo thoi-tj
. wlo from education nnd respectability cuu aim, b friend
hiui. dt laying till tin- lonntitutiomiry t) mptom if tSii
I horrid dmuu makes their appearance such as uic. rated
' sor! thmat, dinaed noso, nocturce, puins in thj hcn.t
' ind lurthi, diiunt,nsof niclit. deafnes. uoJej tm the akin
bone, and arm, blotches on the head, face aud extreme
Uv progreinB with rapidity, till at I.nt the palate tf
' ,'10 mouth and boneof the noc fail in, and the victim of
1 1'""1 desense hetomes a horrid objected" loinioissuratioii
I till deuth put n period to hi dreadful sutl'enng, by sen
tlinS ,liui l,i "that bournu from whence iu travulUr r
turns." To, Ihertfore, Dr. Jwhnsttii jdedges him
tjiteniivo practice in tlm Itrst lloppiiani of Furope anl
America, he tun coniideuily recommend at'c and ipecdy
cure to Hi unfuituuute vit iimof thit horri t dist are.
Dr. J. addresits all thoie who lute irjurei tlieiuiilt
ritan aim improper indulgence.,
it'ioj are niiii' ol the sad and mtlanrholt eiT-'its on
duced hy early habit ut you Hi, mt rf tlu
Hack nnd liiuilH. 1'aiu in llm lleud, Huniiet. tl Right.
Loss of .MJM'ilar Power, 1'alpitatloti of thu HlJII. P)
pepsia. ,'rvous Irrutability, 1 It. ran cement v( the Diijei
I ttw Funciiyiis. Ueiierdl Debility. )mptouiof lonsump
lioii"! Lr.
MU.rLI.Y. The fearful eiTects upon the mind am
murh tu b i dreaded, Lo ol Memory, iunfiuion of Ideas
Djprei-inii ol t!) Spirits, F.vil Fori bodings, Aversion
of Sdciw-i), Tumi), ic, nru some of the til produo d,
Thoiisiaiidti of pjrfniiH cf all nge can now judge wlut
ih tlu cnus. nf their del lining lualth Looaiug th ir
vigor, becoming weak, pule and (inuciaL'd, having sin.
gular appeuranc about the e)e, cough und )utwoii- if
F) tliii gre&taii'I important ruiudy, neukuiss of thi
orguiit are pei1ily cured, nnd lull vigor restored.--Thoiihaud
oi the mo t nervous mid iLbilitalt-d, who
lia.l lo-t all hope, hate b.-en niimeitiuti lv reluveil All
iiupedim.-iit lo Mh mage, Phyvital and Mental Dituai,
iiciitioti, Nertou Irrutability, Trembling jaod Weakness
. in i nr. I in mil iiii.Bt ivuii'.i ou., rj" .t7 .......
( by Doctor Juhntton. .
1 Y01J(I MEN.
j Who hi vt injured tlmou'ltes bv a eertain practice,
' uulultd in when alone a habit freipn ntlv learned trnm
i t til eootpatiiuiin, or ut thuoI llu tllTt of which ant
i nightly telt, eteu w le-ir as'ec p. and if not cured render
m image iiiiposuld,', mul detro) s both iiuud and bod) ,
bimuld apply iimni'uiat"ly
What a put) that )ouu; man. the hope of hi r ountry,
I and tlu diirlmg ( ln parents, huuld b ' tliatrlied fro-i
I all prosptrt and uiijo)ii.tiits of life, by ths conietpieu-
cvs ot m tiaiiug fioin tho path of nature, und indulging
in a btrtaiu ett-t habit. Suiti ptrson before cou
I templating.
I should tt (li i t Hint u itouud mind nnd body Bra ihe aioi
neresary rtquuitit to promote ronunbruf happinek
Indeed, withnut them th journey through life biTome
it weary pilgrimage. Hi prospect houily daikcntn
til- tiew , th hi i ml becoiucn shadow ed t ith despair Ac
j tilled wilti thu nutate Ik I) reflection that thu happiness
ui .iiiniui'i ui-muii m in mill u niin u'i o'.n,
OfFlCE NO. 7 SOUTH 1 KEllLKKIvfcT.. Baltimore, Md
ALL Si iil.CALlM'i:i;ATlU.Hr.:KlilKMUD
N. it. Ut no falsi modesty prettnt you, but apply
' liumediit. Iv . utter personallv or bv W ill i.
' A STlU.OF.hb.
The many thousand rured Ht thi iunumooi ivuh'n
I the lat 13 )tar, aud thf numerru. nnport-'ii ."(ritm
Operaiions ppr formed by Dr. Jihn.tou, witiw' i by
, the reporter otth paper and many other perijon, no
tice of which hire appeared again and again before th
i public, betide his utauding as u gentleman, of cliarict' 1
i und responsibility, i a nitltrntgiiarantcetotheatrlittc
I N. IL There nr o many ignorant and worthleu
, Quack advertiting tVmelve I'hvsiciaus. ruining thu
health cf the ulreudy atttitted, that Dr. Johhstoii deema
with his reputation, that hi. credentials and diplomas
alw Jis lianjii bi. oihce.
I iL".Ta S'nii-t -All letter, mu.t be, post paid, and
1 contain a po.uge slaiup for the reply, or nu auswtr will
bo seut.
.March 17.
- .
tn i
r KL'TTElt. ha. r. moved hi.ornxe. to Vark.t
street, n.u doqttotiieuew l
U.U nlv..,. be b.ppy to attend
poqr. lotneuew Liumeran thurch,..iHr-i
to in. v.anta ot tils
March 31, 1C0.
.. K
1 ) liS
tLA ctforii roa LA.rus nt:sTs.