. ItlCI COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. "'IS, i;SLEWL. TATE, Editor. "TO HOLD AND TRIM TUB TOUCH 01' TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." $2 00 PER Ah n.. '.!, " 1. 1 id "I 1 II VOL. 14--N0. 21. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA-, SATURDAY, JULY 28, I860. VOL 24. 1 I K . 11,1 Nt. i ir Wfi Irrt l.- on'ir -.Vn 0? to 1 1 mi H'P inn cm m it n Cfhtmlmt lenntcrnt " -v I! rCUIIID IVHXT TCK01t MT!md. IT IiUVI li. TAT12, IW BZ.OOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COONTY, PA. !. o f"fTo e I iaUl firlr flIIJf . cjJi 1A Cuing, h) llit " lCVrI Itui. ")(nroJliMltlrlK.' lj i TKRMH OP suiiscnirTioN. r'' 00 In alvanee, for on copy, for six month. I 75 In rt Ivfti.co, ror n-le copy, one yi-ar. H ttfclf not paid within the rirFt IWee months, IT not pal. I within the Artt ill month!. 9 Wl'lf not paid within thoycnr. . No eulncriptiou taken tor leu than ill month, 'and no paper illicoiitinuod until all arrearage! ihatl hard been pbiii,. , Orillnnry Aov.'RTi.SMF'.Ta Inicrleri, and Jos tt oxif xeculod.'at tho eat.ibliahcd urlcci. i tiitn IT I nice poetry. From the ChrttUan Mreat$ $ Jovrnot. Ii FOLLOWED THEK. jgtvflJF " T" ' Z. r tl fiAtovVcd ihoc wlun trliimpli rrowncj tiy mhtOi to lon'a hill, ' AnI henil tny nnmu imcvivy h.roti innt rippi lYfuruu . . fnril thy f trp nt itbrf ' '..0. tha winding rovi,. 1o Bilhnny JU - I wPt wlili lJ ,M1 ... III.. .1.. v Vrin ton.lf r Kr.ipjs dlJ wit, ' 'nj fpont In pr.iycr ntsi'1" ''"'r JOnmoon lit (Hint. m fcnMt bfiifftth the oliva ihaile. ' jSOf OeUiimii, I'ifcrill every treiiiMlnit lunrl. t cricit. t ESHapr.iy, hi r)' fortbicr' re 1 iaw tin!" nhn in Tilnr'a hall, AVhil-l acotr-'ra gr.npcl nronna, nd thy tI brow by linplotu ban !a JVithTlnll'J thorna crowncil. I follnwM ttl?e till thon ilnlit faint. llenonth tho ahnim fiilload, Anl fill tint I ImJ cniurj tby .ham", lnraruatu son of (Jod I If 1 follnwpil th'" on rnhar)1!! tfcp, f.wl har.l that iloli-fnl cry VVlllch ahiiok thi furth," KM, Ml. .Lama nb.uhtiini!" I followe l tiirr till nr thicro." My lirokrn .pirit rtoo-l, .Tfill from thy ham!., thy fir t, thy M, 6ututh.il tb piiri'lo llool. . . L. - .1 .t..t... nl ;l't 'jllitnj palMiki- r Iby Krav , Till rnl''l rock, nm! prrmtrat mou Vroclaiiticiltliy power to .at '. T wtrln I fr th.'Cli)! Ihoa iU fU AnJ tn-w w Itli .tsrs lif nur row path T cuittc m1 to ihy h'm. Tralrle Coltag, M.irhm, Inwn. .jSclcct Stoni. .THE WAV TO KEKF HIM. " Out again to-night?" said Mrs. Hayes fretfully, ns her hufbaiul rose from the ten t.tiln ',.! iln.inml liia o-rnnl eont. Onrcrp I ' i r3.rr nihil ev-ar mfrc- . iff 1. 1 , faMt 1 I' ! ' b . . ' "Yts.IhavoanengagcmentwithMooroj " .1 shallho in early, have a light left for me V. in thViibrary. Cool night." And tvilh ". a careless nod William Hayes left the 1 roonu4" " Always tho way," murmured Lizzie naves. sinkiiiL' back unon tho sofa. "Out everyitiight I don't believo ho cares ouo bit about nio now, and we've only bee n ' . married about two years. No man has a k more orderly house, I am not abit extrav agant, and yet I d.on't believo ho loves nio anv moro. Cm ucar, wliy is u ; i. wasn t rich, ho didn't marry mo for monoy, and ha must have loved mo then why does ho troat mo with so much neglect ?" and with her mind filled with such fretful quer ies, Lizzie Hayes fell asleep upon tho sofa. Let mo paint her picturo as sho lay there. 'Sho was a blondo, with a small graceful figuro and a pretty face. The, hair, which showed by its rich waves ils natural-" tendency to curl, was brushed emoolhly back and gathered into a rich Inot at tho bad; ; 'it was suih a bother to curl it she said ; her cheeks wero palo and the whole face woro a discontented expres sion. Her dress was a neat chintz wrap, per, but sho wore neither collar nor sleeves "what'" tn0 u3 dresslnS UP Jut for William I" Lizzie. slept souudly for two hours and then awoko suddenly, Sho sat up, glano d at the clock, and sighed dreaily at tho prospect of the long interval to bo spout along .before bed time. Tho library was jujt oyer the room iu which sho sat, and down tho furnaoo iluo, througlittho registers, a voico camo to the young wife's cars ; it was her husband's. " Well, Mooro, what's a man to do I I was disappointed and I must have pleasure somewhere. Who would have fancied that Lizzie Jarvis, so pretty, sprightly, and loving, could havo changed to tho fretful dowdy.sho is now ? Who wants to stay at home-to hear his wifo whining all the eve ning about her troublesomo servants, and her h'eadacho and all sorts of bothers I Bhe got. tho, knack of that drawling whino 19 pat, that pou my life, I don't bvlicve she .m pik piaiitrily." Lizzio sat as if stunned. Was this true t between them, filled up another hoar picas She lokcd into tho glass. If not dowdy, nntly. her customo was certainly not suitablo for an evening, even if it was an evening nt homo with only William to admire. Sho areso and went softly to her own room with bitter, sorrowful thoughts, and a firm reso- luuumo win DacK nor nusuamrs Heart, ond then, fiia'lovo reigned, to keep it. The next morning William c.mio into tho breakfast room with hii usual careless manner, but a bright smilo c.uno to his lips as he saw Lizzie. A pretty chintz Willi a pretty collar ana sleeves of snowy 'muslin, and a wreath of soft, full curls, i had really mctamorphoised her ; whilo (ho t blush her liusband's admiring glance call ed up to her cheek did not detract from her beauty. At first William thought thcro MU'it bo a guest, but glancing ho ' fcruml they were alone. " Oomo, William, your colTcu will bo j stonocold," uaid Lizzie, in a cheery, and j pleasant voice, . " Ct mut be cool till you sweeten my j breakfast with a kisi," said her husband, crossing tha room to her side ; and Lizzio's heai t bounded ns she recognized tho old liver's tines and manners. Not one fretful speech, not one complaint fell upon William's ear through tho meal. jllio newspaper, his luual solace during that hour, lay untouched, us Lizzie chatted wily upon every p'oasant stibjeitsho could I .l.l.tl- nl" n'nlM.M,,,. 1... l.ta nMnlrln.1 1... . Villus V, iiuiiiiiii till Jjl illlllUM IlllLiU'l aim' cordial mam cr. " You will be homo to dinner?" sho said as ho went out. "Can't to day, J.izzie, I hate busitfcs out of town, but I II li tiomo early to tea. Have something sub.'tai-.ti.li. for I don't ifxpect to tline. (Jood bye,"' and tho s'!uil- , of "'-'" ald consequently pay moro or Jing look, warm kiss ami lively wlu-tle ,la"s io 1,113 H gatherers. Fay more or 'was a marked coulr.nt to his carelcsi, , luts wu bliy '"cause thuro is a groat t a ' lounging gait of the evening protious. I !'' 1,10 "mount as in tho kind " I am in the right path, ' s.tid Lizzie in ! of loU tstwtc'1 at ih"c Jircnt stopping ' . whisper. ''Oh whit a fjol I have been Ve. ! for the last two years ! A 'fretful dowdy!' j l'Mo ani1 fashion tuke heavy tolls of the I William, you shall never say that again. ' I Liz..ie lot ud her hu-bjtid with a rial j wifely devotion, mid her lip would quiver , ,n she thought of her husband's conlldciiRj i , to his friend .Mooru j but like a brave lil I tlo woman sho ctifled back the bitter feci- ing, and hipped off to perfect her plain. The grand piano, tilent for month-), was opened ami the linen cotcrs taken from tho furniture, Lizzie thinking " Ho shan't find any parlors more attractive than his own, I am determined. Tea time camo, and William came with it. A little figure in a taly, bright silk dress, smooth curls, and oh, such a lovely lili.rl, ol.inil rooilv In icnli'.ilnn WIl- :umo" " J " . , I ' L'a'e Ml tea tl'B Pa3'ci1 al , mornmS n.cal had done. j After tea, there was no move, as u-ual, ' toward tho hat rack. Wil.iam stood up be.Mile the table, l'ngcring chatting, till Lizzio aUo arose, alio lead mm to tho light, warm parlors, in their pretty glow of tasteful arrangement, and drew' him down besido her on the sofa. Ho felt as if ho was courting over again as ho watched her fingers busy with somo fancy needlo work, and listened to tho cheerful voicj j which ho had loved so well two years be foro. " What aro you making, Lizzie ?'' " A pair of slippers. Don't you remem ber how much you admired tho pair I work ed for you, oh I over so long?" " I remember : black velvet with flow ers on them. I used to put my feet on tho fender, and dream of bluo eyes and bright curls, and wish time would uiovo faster to tho day when I could bring my bounie wco wifo home, to make "music in my house !" Lizzio's fao saddened for a moment, as sho thought of tho last two years and how littlo mu-io sho had mado for his loving heart, gradually weaning it from its allegi ance ; then sho said ; " I wonder if you like music as inueh as you did theu?" " Of course I do. I often go in at Miss j Smith's for nothing clso than to hear tho j music.'' " I can play and sing better than Miss Smith," said Lizzie, half pouting. " But you always Bay you aro out of practico when I ask you." " 1 had tho piano tuned this morning. Now open it and wo will scohowit sounds.'" William obeyed joyfully, aud tossing asido her sowing, Lizzie took tho piano stool, Sho had a sweet voice, not power ful, but most musical, and was a very fair performer on tho piano. "Ballads, Lirzio?" " Oh 'yes, I know you dislike opera mu sic in a parlor." One song after another, with a nocturne or lively initrumnl pitce occasionally, Tho littlo mantle clock struck cloven ! " Eleven 1 I thought it was about nine. J I ought to apologise, Lizzie, as I used to ' do for staying so lone: and I can trulv say as I did then, that tho tiino has passed so pleasantly I can scarcely believe it is so late." Tho piano was closed, Lizzie's work put in tha basket, and William was ready to ' go up stairs ; but glancing back ho saw bis j littlo wife near tho firo place, her hands clasped, her head lent and largo toars fall- ing from her eyes. He was besido her in an instant. " Lizzie, darling, are you ill I What is tho matter?" " Oh 1 William, I havobeen such a bad wife. I heard you tell Mr. Moore, last evening, how I lud disappointed you : but I will try to make your homo pleasant, in deed I will, if you will only forgive and love me." Love you ! oh, Lizzie, you cannot guess how dearly I lovo you !" As tho littlo wife lay down that night she thought : " I have won him back again 1 Bettor than that, I have learned tho way to keep him." THE TOLL-GATE Ol' LIFE. Wo are all on our journey. Tho world ' tlirLlII?l W llloll K'nOVil n.a.in.. O " v' j'S7lll l. Ill MJU1U I respect like a turnpike all along where vice and folly have erected toll-gates for , (lla accommodation of those who choose to c:l11 they go and there arc very fewol 1,11 bo.-ts of travelers who do not oeea tonally stop a littlo at some one or othvr , lirse many a man Has become a beggar hy paying at their gates thu ordinary rates they charge are heavy, and tho road that way is none of the best. Floasure offers a very smooth, delightful road in the ou'set j sho tempts the traveler with many fair promises, aud wins thous amis - but she takes without mercy ; like 'an artful robber, sho allures till she gets her tittim in her power, and then strips him of wealth and money, and turns him j off a miserable object, into the tvor.-t of our most rugged roads of life. Intcmpcranco plays tho part of a sturdy villain. Hu is the very worst toll-gatherer on tho road, for ho not only gets from hi customers their money and their heii'th, ! but ho robs thorn of their very brains. The man you meet on tho road, rugged and ruined in fame and fortune are his visitors. And so wo might go on enumerating many ouiers iu.ii gamer ion or tne unwary. Accidents fomctiii.es happen it is true, along the road, but those tsho do not get through at least tolerably well, you may be sure have been stoppim; uy tho way at some of these places. Tha plain common- .i a 1 . 1.. 1. . p , . sjiimj men, wuo travel siraign'iorwaru,gci . , through tho journey without much difli-' culty. It. I 1 at . 1 1 ll . f. 1 i 1,1s being 11.0 state 01 in.ngs, u oecomes every one, 111 1110 outlet, 11 tie iniemis 10 make a coinfortablo journey, to tako c.iro wh it kind of company ho keeps in with. We aro all apt to do as companions do-i stop where they stop, and pay toll where I they pay. Then chances aro ten to ono but our choico in this particulaa decides , . ... , . , Hating paid duo respect to a choico of 1 , . 1 ,. . companions, the next important thing is to , 1 , ' , 1 , , ,, ob.-crve how others mauago j to mark tho ., , . , , , good or (vil that is produced by every 0 , 1 , , ' course of lite see how those do who man- ,, , , , ago well; by these means you learn. ,; . 1 i-. .1 1 the man. Aud they require long and careful culture, cro they grow up to to a second natute. Good habits we speak of. J 1 B id habits ara moro easily acquired they aro spontaneous weeds, that flourish rapid, ly and rankly, without caro or culture. A Cukcumo Remedy: P. H. Perry of Collins' Centre, N. Y., writes as fol lows : " A gentleman lately informed mo that ho had raised a good crop of plums simply by spreading a heavy coat of fresh horse manuro on tho ground under his trees. He said it entirely prevented tho ravages of tho curculio, when on their account ho had not been ablo to gather a crop of pluui3 for years beforo t3r What ocoupatio is the sun t Why a tanntr, to be surs. ROMANCE OF A POOR YOUNG MAN It is str.ango what wonders may bo ac complished, by industry and perseverance, in a few short years. A few years ago Tompkins was at homo with tho "old man,''agriculturnlly engaged mtho Spring Summer and Fall, and walking a milo to school in tho Winter. At that timo ho worn thick cow hide boots, bis hair was long, ragged and yellow, and his clothes woro vulgar homespun. Ho had heard of the city, and now and then had a golden dream about it, but had never visited it, but had never scon any of its luxuries and refinements, savo on ono Sunday, when a party of high-toned young drunkards from town raced past his fathers door Having frequently read that the citv "gets all its smart men from the country.'' Tomkins obtained the old man's consent to go thither. Ho went, and during tho first year of his residence in town ho pur sued various avocations of menial charae - ter. But ho kent steadily onward, and at length roceived a thirdrata clerkship in n retail store. An agreeable chango now took place in Tompkins' pcn-onal appearance. He woro checkered pantaloons, and there wassome thing almost supornaturally elegant about his luektie. By herculean efforts and consiatra'D'c sil ha jn.ide his fcsir "roll under" behind and "frizzle up" before. Standing before tho glass ho would won der if tho old man and neighbors would know him now. Ho mado new acquain-. tmccs fast. Ho lorgot his old friends, Bill Jones, tho Hobbs boys, tho Browns, and the other boys of the neighborhood. He had forgot all the sweet things he had said and all tho promises ho 'had made to Sarah Jane, out there in tho Peasley woods, which joined the old mans farm. But was ever so much better, ho got ac quainted with the gay and brilliant blades who were identified, as ho was, with the retail trade. HeaNo got acquainted with the Miss Batkinscs, thu Miss Flipkinses, tho Miss Murkinse, Ike. He was gay, was Tompkins. Ho mas tcred billiards, ho drove livery horses at a fuiious rate in tho suburbs, and he got gen teelly drunk every Saturday night. Ho know the names of all tho fancy drinks, of all tho swift horses and tho swifter women; and ho chuckled to think how very much more ho knew than those low fellows out there in the old man s neighborhood. He read the titles of many books, but never looked beyond them. These titles he would gaze at very profoundly in Old Batkim' parlor while waiting for the young ladies, who were going out with him to dress. But to hii credit be it said he lead tho Eastern "literary" papers, and much good they mutt have dono him. Ho was subjected to a great trial one day last summer. A solitary horseman stopped in front of Biggs, Jiggs & Co's ; an wanted to know ,i;f uij Jccm3 workc(, t,lcro Tll!lt solitary horseman was old Tomp kin, T,M ,10 foa for was tho 1 , a , , f ow wo Lftvo to - v " - been writing about. Now, old Tompkins was quite a man at homo. Tho neighbors . , . . ..1 ...,. i,i 'i',i.i,.G in iaei, riiiner luuuvu ul. w ... uu.,j....o. ... . . . .. . . n,.l.aUlnin t0 como un I to the city on that infernal old maro, iu jjuv , ...... ... - j O I ovcrlaitl oU swallo,v uiIea ooat) and that old hat and abovo all thoso scan-, dalous home-mado pantaloons, was actual I.. v;.liH"i,l. Sn .Tamps tlioiifrlit. But ho ' . , . , . . . old fellow homo to his boarding-houso, 1 whero ho mado such awkward mistakes il.nt Alt'roil .Tinlcins and Miss Larkius came very near choking themselves laugh. . ,,. r 1. i 1 iii atliim. James was right glad when ,, , tho "old cuss" went home, 1 , . , , . I Tomkins crows moro and more elegant 1 , 0 ,. . ,, . . , every day. The neighbors certainly r, , ,. 0 ... ' would not know mm now. Ilia appear- . . L. , ... 1 anco is perfectly splendid. i Mnlir llintl.- rtp it I I. of llirt nrtfii- onil nn. ciuth young men in tho country especially think of it! When James Tompkins first came to the city ho was awkward and pen niless. Now look at him I Gazo on tho illustrious young man. Ho dresses beau tifully, can bow charmingly, cau talk ex quisitely for hours about nothing, and owes about every tailor, shoemaker, bil liard. marker, and livery stable keeper in town 1 It can thus bo seen what a poor young man from tho country can do in tho city if ho chooses, and how many of them do it I But tho Romanco of a Poor Young Man docs not always cud here. We wish it did. A crash a pillaged money-drawer flight of Tomkins his capturo by tho pou Uee -trial- .conwtion-.pcnitenhary-. 1 1 -.... .7 t T.'.. 71 ... 7,- neighbors. CUvtknd plain Dealer. INTERESTING TO HOUSEWIVES. Tho tlousckapsr's Friend, has tho fol lowing : As a general rulo, it is tho most econ omical to buy tho best articles, Tho prieo is, of courso, always higher y but good articles spend best. It is a sacrifico of money to buy poor cheese, lard, &c, to y nothing of tho injurious effect upon health. Of tho West India sugarand.moUsscs, tho Sauta Cruz and Porto Rico sugar aro considered tho best. Tho Havana is sel dom clean. Whito sugar from Brazil is sometimes very good. Refined sugar usually contains most of tho saccharine substance ; thero is proba- 1 D'j" Inoro economy in using loaf, crushed and granulated sugars, than wo should first suppose. Butter that is ron.de in September and i October is tho best for Winter use. Lard ! should bo hard and whito, and that which ' is takeu from a hog not over a year old is best. Rich clieczo feels softer under tho pres sure of tho finger. That which is very strong is neither very good nor healthy. To keep one that is cut, tie it up in abag that will not admit flics, and hang it in a cool, dry place. If mould appears on it, wipe it oft' with a dry cloth. Flour ah., meal of all kinds should bo kept in a cool dry place. Tho best rico is large, aud has a clear fresh look. Old rice sometimes has littlo black insects inside the kernels. The small whito sago, called tho pearl Sago, is the best. Tho large brown kind has an earthy taste. This article and tapioca, ground rice, should bo kept cov ered. To select nutmegs, prick them with a pin. It' they arc good, tho oil will instant ly spread around tho puncture. Keep coti'ee by itsell, as tho odor effects other articles. Keep teajn a close chest or eani-tcr. Oranges and lemons keep best wrapped close iii solt paper aud laid in a drawer of linen. The cracked cocoa is best j but that which is put up in pound papers is often very good. Sott soap should be kept iu a dry place in tho cclur, aud not bu used until three mouths old. To thaw frozen potatoes, put them into hot water. To thaw frozen apples, put them in cold water ; neither will keep after being fro zen. PRECIOUS FRAGMENTS. " What God Hatii Phepaukd." Oh, blessed condition I to havo rest on every side, fullness of grace, perfeeiion of peace, to bo free from all fears, to bo lodged in tho bosom and locked in tho cmbraco of God to eternity, to bo in the haven, in our Father's house 1 0 my soul, it is a heaven to hope it ! what then is it to have it 1 The Morm.no or Joy. Blessed aro those tears which so merciful a hand wi pes off. There's no wilderness but shall end in Canaan, no water but shall bo turned into wine, no lion's carcass but shall bo a hive of honey. O fainting soul, tru't in this mercy. Oh, beg that sinco thcro is an infinite fullness iu tho gift, aud a frceness in the Giver, thcro bo a joyful trust in tho receiver. Evk.n so, Come. Tho soul of the be liever is never gotten near enough till it JO 111 lliu Uliua, - .1. .. in tho bosom of Jesus. Tt en..!, not Cat lVter of his tabernacles,) " Lord, let there bo ono for mo and ano- H.nr f,.r tlieo but. " Let us both bo to-1 gothcr in one." It is ever night with one who loves Christ, till tho sun of his pres ence bo arising. " The Munitions ov Rocks." Bo thou, 0 Lord, within mo, to strengthen me: without me, to watch mo; over mo, to cover me ; under mo, to hold mo up ; before mo, to lead mo; behiud mo, to i bridgo philosophers undertook, for a sci bnng mo back ; round about mo, to keep t cntitio object, to penetrato into tho depths off mino enemies on every side. j of a Cornish mine, Professor Farady, Ouh Sakiiatiis. Through tho week I who mado ono of tho number, used tore wo go down into tho valleys of caro and infiu'to 6sto following start, shadow. Our Sabbaths should bo hills of . ling 'WiieDt of his visit : light and joy in God's prcteuco ; and so, " ''' u ord,ny ma""cr' as timo rolls by, wo shall go from moun- , in a l"ct, an1 w"h a "lllicr a filIow tain-top to mouutain-top, till at last wo passenger, ho perceived, as ho tho t, cer catch tho nlorv of the eate. and enter in tw unmistakable symptoms of frailty in to go no moro out forever. o---.. u " ' 1ST A country parson was addicted to using tne phrase, "i natter myseii, in- stead oflbcliove." Havinc occasion to congregation, during a revival, To "flattered hlmfelf that mofe than one L.ir-riKAM .m.1A t. inmMarl , half of them would be daransd. A Reminiscence During tho admin istration of President Jackson there was a singular young gentleman employed in tho public serviea at Washington. His name was 0. he was from Tennessee, tho son of a widow a neighbor of tho President, on which account tho old hero had a feolling for him, and always got him out of his difficulties with some of the higher officials to whom his singular interferences wero distasteful. Among other things it is said of him, that whilo ho was employed in tho geno ral Post-Office, on ono occasion ho had to copy a letter of Major H., a high ofiiccr,in answer to an application mado by an old gentleman of Virginia or Pennsylvania, for tho establishment of a now Post-office. Tho writer of the letter often used classi cal languago ; in this letter ho said this application could not bo granted, in conse quence of tho applicant's "proximity" to another office. When the letter came to G's hands to copy, being a great tickler of plainness, ho altered "proximity'' to "nearness to." Major n. observed it and asked G why he altered his letter ? Why replied G., because I don.t think tho man would understand what you meant by proximity. Well, said Major II., try him put iu tho word "proximity" again. In a few days a letter was received trom tho applicant, in which ho indignantly said : That his father had fought for liberty in the first una hs Jumself in tho second war of iudcpendcnce,and ho would'iikc t? have the name of tho scoundrel who brought the chargo of proximity or anything elso wrong, against him ? "Thcro," said G., did I not say so? G. carried his improve ment so far that at last Mr. Barry, tho Postmaster GeneraLsaid to him : "I don't want you hero any longer, you knotv too ' much." Mr. G. went out but his old I friend, the General, again got him into another place. This time G's ideas un derwent a change. Ho was ono day very busy writing, when a stranger called in, asked him where tho Patent Office was. 'I don't know," said G. Can you tell mo where the Treasury Department is?'1 said the stranger. "No." said G. "Nor tho President's House?" No. Tho stranger finally asked him if ho tnew whero tho capitol was. ,lNo,'' replied G. "Do you live in Washington, sir?" said tho stran ger, "Yes sir," sad G. "Good Lord 1 and don't know where tho Patent Officcfroas ury, President's Houso and Capitol aro?" "Stranger," said G. "I was turned ont of office for knowing tco much. I don t mean to offend in that way again. I am paid for keeping this book. I believe I do know that much ; but if you find mo knowing anything moro you it ay tako my head." "Good morning." said the stran ger. LET THE CHILDREN SLEEP. Wo earnestly adviso that all who think a great deal, who have infirm health, who aro in trouble, or who havo to work hard, to tako all the sleep they can get without medical means. We caution parents, particularly, not to allow their children to bo wakod up of mornings let nature wako them up, sho will not do it permaturcly ; but have a caro that they go to bed at an early hour; let it bo earlier and earlier, until it is found that they wako upthemselrcs in full titno to dress for breakfast. Iteing waked up early, and allowod to engage in difficult or any studies lat, aud just beforo rctiiing has given many a beautiful and promising child the brain fevor, or determined ordi nary ailments to tho production of water I n bo brain Let parents make every poisiblo effort to have their children go to sleep in a pleasant humor. Never scold or give lec tures, or iu any way wound a child's feel ings as it goes to bed. Let all banish buincss and every worldly care nt bedtime and let sleep come to a mind at poaco with God and all tho world. j" Some years ago, a party of Cam the rone. J "How often do you chango your ropes, ! my cood man I ' ho innuired, when about half-way from tho bottom of tha awful abyB3. J "Wo chaDgo them every threo months, sir," replied tho man in the bucket; "and , we'shal ebango this to-morrow, if we get lto " up safe.1 SABBATH READING. i Fromlba tV.ittri ChrMlan Adocw OLOSE OF TIME. r rucHEi uooDMixjir. Tho Lord nho made tho bcaveot and tart) Now aendi hdatijcl down, With aloud trnmpct in hla hand, To apeak creation'! doom. , Uo ictthla right foot on th' lea. Ilia left upon the ahore. And atreara by til pi who made all worldf That "time ihal'l be no moro I" Ilia trump-t wakiiiln alumberin(deid That aleep beneath tho (round, tVMIe marble tombt glte up their dead At dreaitul trumpct'e found. The een thafe burled million! too. Up-rotla them to the ahore Ileraelf affrighted, baitea airay. And ahall be found no more. Tha world, with one loud btait le fon In ITamea she pnaaed away 1 And to f new heaven! and cartb appear Re eden'd bright ai day I Behnjd, the dead both email and great Beforo tho Judge appear I At God'e right hand itnnd! mghteouaneaa, "Come, my beloved t" to hear, Ilia llrlde he gem! with itarry erowni. And makoa her robea complete On harp1 of gold tlngi paalmi of love. And walka the pearly itrecte. But at Hii left jtnmli Man of Bin, tVilh dread and borror inlx'd, While thunder-toned the Judge pot(i(mi,' ' Depart I your doom la fixed: "RIGHT FROM HEAVEN., Ifl-2 msSMblocottago at tjir-Bottom of a hill, two children wertrfiovering over a smouldering fire: A tempest raged with, out, a fearful tempest, against which man and beast wero alike powerless. A poor old miser, much poorer than lhese 3U'C"ng children, though ho had ll0aP3 of money at homo, drew his raggod cloak about him as he crouched down at tho miserable door. Ho dared noi cntef for fear they would ask pay for shelter, and he could not move for the storm. "I am hungry, Nettie." "So am I; I havo hunted for a potato paring and can't find any." "What an awful storm I" "Yes; tho old tree has blown down. I guess God took oaro that it didn t fall on thu house. Seo if would certainly have kill- i cd us." "If he could do that could n t h'o send us bread ?" ".I guess so ; let's pray 'Our Father,' and when wo coma to that part, stop till wo get somo bread." So' they began', arid tho miser, crouch ing and shivering, listened. When they paused, expecting in their childish faith to see soma miraculous manifestation, a hu man feeling stole into his heart; sent somo angel to soften it. He had bought a loaf at the village, thinking it would last him a great many days ; but tho silence of tho two little children spoke louder to him than the voico of many waters. Ho opened tho door softly, throw in the loaf, and listened to the wild eager cry of delight that camo from the half-famished littlo ones. "It dropped right from heaven, didn't it ?" questioned tho younger. "Yes; I mean to lovo God forever for giving us bread because we asked him." "We'll ask him every day, won't wo ? why, I never thought God was so good, did you!" "Yes, I always thought so, but I never quite new it beforo.'' "Let's ask him to glvo father work to do all tho timo, so wo need never bo hung ry again. He'll do it, I m sure." The storm passed ; tho misor went home. A littlo flower had sprung up in his heart it was no longer barren. In a few weeks ho died, but not beforo ho had given tho cottago, which was his, to ths poor labor ing man. And tho little children ever felt a sweet and solemn emotion when in their matinal devotion they camo to those trust ful words. "Give us this day our daily bread." LOSS AND GAIN. Dr. Payson, in his dying hours, taid ho could havo saved himself much troublo in life if ho had only believed that tho Sa viour's presence was enough to fill him with joy, if all tho earthly comforts wero taken away. Io found it so in sickness, but could not quite bcliove iu health. A poor simple man, with none of Pajson's- imagination or fancy, once said in a dmi lar spirit, with h'u dying words : ltI havo lost all my property ; I havo lost all my relatives , my last son is dead. I havo lost my hearing and my eyesight ; I am all alono, old aud poor-, but it makes uo difference Christ never grows old Chriit never is poor ; Christ nover dios and Chrie't nevtr will forsake ine." t.