AQK10 0 LTU It NAILS i: ynuii' TllUES. A nitirfltlr f.lpfc iiriil mirt tcirtlm nt V,. In..1 . . . . ricordou, was mi.ntioiioa to us a fowuays tincoby .Mr. Alcsandor Duke, of Albur- marie. Ho f ta'.cil that whilst on a visit to a Uui libor, bu attautton was call to a 1.1, . i , i largo poaca orchard, every tree of winch win totally destroyed by tlw ravages of ,, ... ,. .. .i i tho worm, with tha exception of three, and thoso wero tho inot thrifty and flourish - !. .....1 1 w in 1 mg pencil trees lie ever saw. Tho only rait-.o of thoiv superiority knowu to ltii Vi.wt.. u-n i,i. ,.rrimr.nt m-,ln !n ' .11 luionco of observing that those part of v urm eaten timber into which 11 nils had i 11 1 in, ecn driven, wsrc gonerallysound. When Lis trees wero about a year old, be had .elected three of them, and drove a ton penny nail through tho body as near the ground a polios "Wist the balance of lii-t orchtrd had gradually failed and finally yielded entirely to tho ravages of . J J , the worms, these trees selected at random, treated pr. cisely in tho same manner, with , r . i . ... , , , the exception of tho nailing, had always been vicoions and liealthv. furnibhiu him , ,. . 1 .., ,1 . 7 Ob uiai. VU1JI tyijliviu wivu mu livafcuoii liu iWiuu of the most luscious fruit. It is Mtppod that tho salt of iron afforded by tho nails is offensivo to tho worm, while it ii harmless, perhaps beneficial to the tree. A chemical writer on tho subject Bays : " The osydation or rusting of tho iron by ti.o sap, evolvos ammonia, which, m the tap rises, will, of courso impregusto every part of the foliage, and prove too bevore a dose for tho delicate palate of intiuding insects." Tho writer recommends driving half a tii, sen nails into tho trunk. Several ex petitncLta of tho kind have resulted sue Ciaflllly. IVash for Out-buildings. Tho fol lowing receipts wo find in several of our agricultural exchanges : , Tai.o a barrel and slake in it carefully, wi h boiling water, half a bushel of freth lime. Thtn fill tho barrel two-thirds full of water, and add one bushel of bydraulio limo o- water cement. Dissolve in water and add three pounds of sulphate of zinu !iito vitriol,,) stirring tho wholo toincor jiuruio It thorughly. The wash should be of the consistency of thin paint, and may be laid on with a whitewash or other brush. Tho color is palo stono color, near ly white. If you wish it to be straw color add yellow ochre, two pounds in powder ; if drab, add four pounds- raw umber. Another good wash is made as follows ; Slake limo with hot water, in a tub, to keep in tho steam. When dissolved, and in a half fluid state, pass it through a fine scivc. Tako sis quarts of this lime and one quart ot clean rock salt for each gallon of water tho salt to bo dissolved by boil ing and the impurities to be skimmed off. To live gallons of this mixture (salt and lime), add one pound of alum, a half pouud of copperas, tbreo-fourths of a pound of z , 1 . . r 3ii , pOtll&Il i1 last tO D0 aoUCU gradually), lour nuaris oi uno saua. or nara wooa .ii ii . AUcI Coloring matter 19 SUlt tUO X'm?E Clover in Pastures, Tho growth of white clover on soils natural lo- its production, may bo encouraged and nromotcrt liv a top-uressins ot plaster and 1 Tii-i-i e 1 aiihes. Its chief value is for pasture, ai it is of too dwarf a growth to give much of a hay crop. X writer in tho Uoatou Cultivator says : " There is an advantage in pastu ling whito clover which docs not triko every farmer. Each joint furnishes a tnuh root, (and ot courso a trcsu plant,; whenever such joint comes in clo.e con tact with the soil, consequently tho more it is trodden the thicker it will spring up. Hence one reason why it grows inoat lux uriantly near tho bars and gateways of our pasturers, where cattlo often congre- "ut." jiiiny farmers havo observca Uiis latt mentioned fact without getting hold of the reason thereof. Tho natural growth uf various grasses, self sown upon all our toils, is a matter of curious intercut to tha uuturalist aud the farmer observant of ua sal u. ' TioiiT- Uauns rou Hay. Xu practi cal uud observing farmer will say that Itis hay is kept better or sweeter in a tight barn, than in one which admits Mine air botweun the boards. Hay will provo musty in very tight barns unless it has been dried as to in- 1 jure it. In common barns hay that lias ' had two day's drying will keep veil though put in u largii mow, provided that tho air may come in at tho tides. I They aro not experienced fariueis who . doublo board their barns, or put ou clap ' boaids to make thein air tight. Mass- uchusills riMghinun. ! TTntrvii "n' l.- t, Jlomn. JJoatiOrgOt that hoeing repeated fcoeiug and Btiriug of t!v ground, coimitutca ouu of tho essential of uucccsr ful gardening ; thcrcforo, hoc curly cab baud, and Lettuces Cauliflovvc'r, &c, an occasional light dressing, Uou the corn uud potatoes. Keep an cyo to the tquaah lugs. They will lcar cIojc watching. Lzaniino the viuea frequently, and dc troy the ecainpa, by soaking hen mauuro in water and pour on the inea, it will, drive them away, and add to the growth 1 -vf tLe vine. NEW AND SPLKNDID AS3011TMENT OP AT MF. COItXKII UF Itlain and von streets, lo you ant BILKS I Ho to tlROWEIt'!-. . Do you want LAVEM.A Cl.OTII I Oo to OUOWKR'B. Do you want CIIALLl DELAINES I Oo to UIIOWEII S. Do you wan. TAI'LE COVERS I Oil to r.KOWER'B, Oo to UKOWKR'tS, i Ltl yuu IT Oil l sVlS til MUOl 1 U IV Wlu 1 till Ui DojouwuiiBKELETONUKiiuai oo to iirower's, "",u ant or. cutter's 0 yaa MUlJL,N8 ( i Do you want calicoes) Do you want LA WN- I Do you want iiarcges t Do you want de ekgesi ' DovouwantllOHIERVI i BoJousUiolovlsi , Do you want.iiANDKERcuiErs i Uoto imoWEtl',- Uo tu DUOU ER t). llotu ItKOWER't). !.- ,. Litdii rrtM , i, n i'i. ' nolo uuuvi til s. (Jo to DROU'ER'd. ni.i rinrnvpnM lloliil liuivt I S. Oo (o VKOVv ER a. Go to HltUWl'U'a. Do you want lURl'E 1 BATt HELS I Oo to EROWER'S. STELLA shawls i oo to erowers. iioyouwantMoiMUt mittsi ontoBRowEits. Do you want BILK GIRDLES t Go to EROWER'S. Do yuu want O.MTNTLETU I Oo to EROWER'S. 1,0 you want crotchet braids ' 00 to uroweR'S. Doyou wantTii) t otto.n 1 Jlo you want I'ALM r NSf Do you want sun shades i Do ym want umbrellas f :D, Doyou want linen checksi 1:' Doyou want nankeens 1 ,,'05ou "anta" v)l!l' Do you want DUOAL-U do nu want curtain muslin i 1,0 ou ,'a"1 C0L'U '"AMRRim 1 DoyouwnntWlirrEGOOUSI dojou want uenimsi u" 'ou B"' silisia i OotofROWKR'U Go to DlOWKR'ti, Uo to UROWKR'S. Oo to KROWER'S, (Si lo EROWER'S. Oo to BUOWER'S Goto DROWER'ij' Oo to BROWER'i, Goto IIROVVER'S. Goto RROWER'S. ' Go to CROiVER'r! Go to I'ROWER'B Go lo EROWER'S Oo lo DROWER'r) 1 Go to EROWER'S' I Ko to EROWER'S' I Co to RROWER'S Co to I ROWER'S. Oo to flROWER'rJ. Oo to eilOWLR E. Go to ERUWER'tf. Do you want DRILLINGS I Do yoj wintTI 'KINGS I bjyoit want II Ki i:sl I)o you want U mt.A' 3'IOESI Uojou want LADICl' G.MTERf Co to EROWER'S, II I you want ntESII BRO ERIRS I Oo to EROWER'S Do you want UUEENSWAREf I)J you want GLASSW RE I Do you w ant II A HI) W MtE 1 Do you w ant DRUGS 1 Do you w ant PURE Sl'I 'EH ' Do you want CI I EMI' GOODS' Llooinaburg, May 1). leu). Go lo EROWERH. Go to EROWER'S. Oo to EROWER'S Oo to EROWER'S. Go to EROWER'S. Oo to CEOWER'S. Light Street Store. i-iiKAsy & ro s. Kiu.LKnN. 1 LL styles of Guilt Moulding fir Tlcture rrnnn-s by CREASY it CO. LL Muile ef Lumber for sale by CREASY ti CO 1 Klnus 01 carpel tor sale by CREASY Ac CO JUST received all kinds cf Ladies' Dress Goods hy CREASY .fccO A I A.I1L1..'.B, ofth) lateit fashions tor .ale by j 1 IRON', I.alla and Sleil, ror sale by , ARB0N Oil. f.r sale by CREASY . -CO. CREASY & CO CREASY At CO. CREASY A. CO. CREASY it CO. CREASY St CO. gTONE Coal, for eale by jUMBEtt, of oil kiali, for tale by ND kinds of Good Goods, by LISht SIrcet, April 7, 1?C0 -j1 ia ni ui a VAI.I'E5, 'I HAVK1.I.1NU It AG-'. iKt Prm ASiat aitarJtd at the HVrtj Fair London II. AX OK Ml S & SON. WhirMtMie am- INntl, Nu 611 Ciii-.itiin St , l'lltLADUI.I'IUA. j i. well ifl-itfti in-rniruiif nt ot Trunk... UJlj-JJi i Vtihrori uiut 'I r iVtUum Hap uti Ljci" J'HyX Trunk. and ll-tl Cdttci-KeaiCuilx.Tt GlStft,,rl a&J CilOltUlt UrPl, ,1'M 4 IKi'J -6m iM.l) UK. HKATH'O JiUUK Ot'Trivcl nnd area! iliscovi x i f the p t , a tic' O.t it' lillia Vediri(H'8, wild lull I'lri'Ltiunti luf Iiu tirlai n cu r ot IJniikii mill liiii. H-uiiflil Ii i: una lit. f H.i, Caitft-r. llwp pii.i. I.ivr r Cumi laint, liravpl and f Urin.irv Orprtitti, Fctn.)) Cixn ,i I jl nlf , tC lllul rated win, hundreitj ui rerliGcatis o rurf uud i iBr.ivii!B, Kl.v Hit. ,.,r..n.u i.f ...cmia u a ii.oiiU LiiHailnu rbll,.iir. 1 beings i.s pu-rsible finm prmtdture Oenli, it will be sent loawy putt ufihe cuuiintni by ndiup 2.rct.t lo . Gtr Kror dHav rt.-w Voik L'i v . Knld.'vrj V. Ilireiibncli, Rlotini.burrf ; N. I. Rink fccv.DuBv t Co , iterwiik Oct'dn'r" 1S..H- HOWaIU) ASSOCIATION, !MlllilMi,Fil;A. 1839 H i end uriVftf lutttuh n, tst&ttitkeii by ptttntoneutf:TktTufttk ,yV and dhtrttitd, a$ittd Kith firuRt anU tpUimic d- l in Uireciors oi ihlf Wf)i luik.wn Iu,-tituiKii in tin ir t A n n lt(n)ri upon Hit HrHtiMtiil of H lji-ai s exprtfci the tiljhBi M.ii'niitction with tho bULt wlnrli huutiui-Jod thi I ui iht-ir t.urK-ouin Hie , tionorrrki-a, ciet-t Hypinhn, ttiuice oi um.niMu. -i mmii aun.e, eta .aiuonlera riiiuinii.irco 01 tnn .jme ulm I.,, me cn.uiniljar. Tlie con.iill-Hii H.irjcon la .1,11 111111.111 10 cive .11 ui) iii.i 1, au 11.1. iiMiii. in all who apply by ltir with u ilf.ciiplion of lln-ir cninlili.iu (acoorciipatiuii.lin'.ri. of li' ) n.-il in cii-i'B of extreme poverty, to r'UUM-311 MKUICINB filKL of CII.MKIC Au ailuiirublH Kcn-iit m aiieriiistorrlim i ur rSenniiai Hh, nba.e, anil oth"r -h.ase. nl t , tVxual i lue 1'iili.iiltltig rorirfoit, will tin .i-til tiy uail (in .eaij . uveioiiH,) riu:i'. op .-ha tc: ci .... cremt .,i '1' VU 8 1'A.Ml'd for piilae. Otl:.'r Ui-porl-anJ 1'iacl. nil lh nature ami iri-n'men I ol teliial mim u.i ,. A-c . art ton. uiil'i beii-K putilislivil for a ..iluiioii Jia tr-billlon ami will bf .i-lit lo t!i ortliili'd ollU o tlleni'M r-lii,lie. anil lu.tlioil. ol melil Jl.coveii-iJ ditritie Hie ta.t i ar, tiro ot priat valno, Arliln-.,. l,ir Iteprt it uealiiieiil. IK J SKIM, IN j HOI'GHIOV, Acinic Ji'irpenii llonanl A.siciation 'JSo'',?'"''! u r ..o,1,-,?,",, c"lwlA-L' r'",JM 1:1:0 July i: Watck-AJakcr's Card. riWItl iHidr-rmjiied ahu 1 fully unnouuci' to lln w fiultJ n ppf-c - ut.Mn. thiti he Mi li-crfiLil mi Main fcirttij two douf '( ui A J. l'Vin'kbior',v,Iijri! ho It (iif-paitiitit am in) to ivry du. lartaiiMil of lid! W.iuh AlakiMC and i-jttLfiuliuiui, AIILinaoi Watrh Ulticttv, Jtwtlry ni.J no Inrlli, r-t imi'lu on ),ort iiotu'. mid ou ilin iiioki riaoimtl i irui. uf i ixepurfu 10 wur rant all l it. wik mjcu iirw-t vm. in ... L-haiim. fi., tuini f.r i.r " Also; neatly laeiotat. Call nndkte LOUIS UI'l.NIMnil. lo.fl.linr, lulu o IM'O- -I KUUl, a A ) tV. iUUiAOU.N, lU'urti'i'iso or D!t A MUI'S, IVIMIS, Cl'iiS.&C. SOI.K asnti nube l:im. d riiae. for the unrrvalled "UUybant" brun.l ol Si.liuaaiii (Jin..llfrouitli Co.. loin (loose, bonded Warvhuu.i. good, entitled to tie pintjrb. at ibiir titorv, A'o ii:ii! Uicilmil strut. J'iitatteahia. To which addre.a till crdcr. .cnt, .ball b. proinntly und carif-lly uttended lo. Jauuary 1, lu,ubm j li 1. 1 X D S AND S 11 A IllT-T. , it. J. ivilijaiiiM, 115, Xo.lU Hcconil til, cc, j l'HIL.UIEU'UIA, I. thO most L'lt.-u-iku mnuufa, turtr of AND WIXDOW -sH.VDKS. ' Ahioituiiil in Uu Cii, at Hit I. OWE ii'l CIS 11 1-RICES. Storo rtlmdi' inadu uud I.ettvrt'tl. prll II, Im-U. BLOO'.ttiHJKU SUySight lecture Gallery. a'HIi uuucrkijucd iiifurui thu cituen cf liUoiu. uud iKijLiJortiooil. that he li.x tak -ti thi largo room in th U&tluue- i'lotk, our .Me.rn, btuiier 4t 1 -Mtuih uakt-rj. uud .lrn. C'turk Uook-ttor-j, where he hjsputiuu.ursubk)l.i.M. ltuonly by ligbttlui (.ood piituit'H mil beiuktii iip-.iiull) vroupti, wbvri) vach per uou cuu 04 idutn jum as win u bijiuruij, lie Udi kouo to coiuidt ruble ripciuo to muku big is- tabhshuu-Lt u brut clabM one, iiiiu he thertl'uro hoIhiIh u liberul patroiiuje to L'tmbU him, to coiutautly introducu all tho modern tmj rovtiumt cl thtj act. U Country produce taktn in iUihanc for picturti. 11ENHV ltUtoN&IOtK. Uloom.burg, Suv. SSJ, J6-W. the 'iHonnl tlcrncn ' SECOND STKCET, ABOVE ARCH. ruiLiorwnM II. 11. KUlVAUUii, VrufrUnr. la 14. lWll-.-lm. iITlll It Mr C M....-. ' IS T.i i rf , . , Wiw;"w tit chp cmll HIM. gf L. T. Wrpli, IMl'OltTANT NATIONAL WOltKS, I'UllLlallED BY D. APrLCTOr A. CO. 340 and "148 II row I way, ttio York. Th rouowtnc woiki aroent la Bj&ncfllwri in an pait of tha country, (upon rcl&l uf Mail prlaM by mall ur it urt ft tirtDAl i i TUU NhVV AMERICAN CYCLOPAIIIAf A popu. lar Dictionary oflknurul Knowledge. l.dlt-.'d by Oiohh and I'HARtta A. U.i.t. kkk-il bv a nutuorini .ti led corp. cf wilt, r. In all branches of Helenas, Art, aiij Literature. This work Is rnlng pnMl.hed In abiiut 15 laru octavo volum ,,ia.-h containing TAJ two column patf... Vtls. on to nlil, In lif.lvf, ara now rcaily, each containing n.-ar Solio, oilulnal artkli-,. An adillltoual volJiua will bd publl.hevl unci In about threo month,. t'rlctr. In Cloth, $1; Sheep, 3 i3 Half Mor., 91; Half ltuitla, St oil each. The Sew Aii.erlcan Cyttopaidia Is popular without blve but lulllcieully detailed, lr;u from personal pliuo and patty prijualte, fresh anil U accurate. It Is a coiiipl.-td sutvuient if all that Is kiioun upon curyiui. I'ortunt topic with tin) scope, if human Inulllgeiic - livery liiipoiianturilclo In it has bjrn specially wrlit'ii for Us pages by uipti who uro authorities upon tlu ti pica 0,1 wnich tlu-y .u 'nk. Thwy ore rmiuirod to bring tlii subjwtuptu'tuureKnuu.'uunt to statu ju.l how It slauua neir. All the statistical Infuriuatinn la from tlia Intuit r, ports I tlu geographical accounts kelp paco with ii ia., si ,-ipioraiioii, ; iimuricai mailer, niciuue ine frtih t just views: tlu notices hot only iii.ak of tlu', but also of tlu litln;. ltlsalibrary of itself. ABRioorMSNT or Tin: llroirR or Coiurliu' Ueing a Folllknl lllitoty of tlia tlmud tflatt-t, from the organ), zation of the first r'eilLriil Congress n 17cJ to 1650. El Itj.l and louipitid by lloo. Tilotta, II. tiailoN fruuitlu UtUcial Rtcorcs of Contr at. Tlu word will ba In 15 roval octavo vol. unit s of joo psg -s eiirh 11 of wliith are now ready. An additional loiunie willbepuUiiha l once In ttiree luontlie. i.i,ii, , vw ouevp, null wu(., ai, iiaii Calf 31 5J iAch; .i ii.ij- ur fuocvm.w run creLor.wi.t on LlhllAll-H. I'onu a d ib of fur, and tei.,lt the price cf four bocks, and llvu copies will to Bint at the retain r s ripens ' for carnage, or fortui sdliaerll)rs, tlio coiwa will bo aeia ui our vApenad lor carriage. IIJ Atin.N'1'S. Noothr wctka will so liberally reward -the exir tiOUS -f ArfvUt- All AoLr IV'AHTkU 11 11114 COV'NIY. IV run tuaic k.iowt on &;-(licaliou tu ti. rutjluiK xf 1 ' ,--- UN 1 MCU aTAU S ash B'tttut uiui 4 Sor, MA.Il w A C T If ItlN.jG) XIO .j Huct i$t ats, rftiitititfjrf'in, Win. Uaf' rail i"c to.. I'miirfrloi JjlJilK IVii-tf rrch and rtntoncnii Zinc I'tit Vi I l-'iita.aii Klut, V-itrnh-. ItrMmr Jajiuiut, liMim;? J Oil. 'I nt i it iii i nt Mri1i('r ii'l i vi rttliliitf ( Uii-ai'i; in itn i'Al.N i' UL'SlN Ldt(, ut utunttiUnil.'tt tuw pr nt- tnf cii W.VHlNr; 1.1. 1 '' K r llluciu; Cl.1t.ia t'Ut tip in ma;j t't.'hrmt '., IrW, ill n ! Main ttftvt tibf'Vc the lorkh Ifrttl , 'I I!E unfitrffgned ltalnc mincved frttin FttpjtAnn to McomVjurKa r.tiicctniUy itifonn hm frienils mid rustoiuirs. Uut hfl luH fpiiii'd a now hn), on ,ilalu fclr"tt. Uoofaibarj;, uby t lie Ftrka HuUl, hJ will condiut ttio IV A ( OA tiUblXESS, In att its various deuartuttuts. aud on a word t'xtiuUu bURniTa 'niu Wakcrn. tJutKlcs, Mjht Wajrotis, and rll kiuils of vfhitlcn. utadf to bnlt-r. on U rt notice and Atto-llurpH aui Farm WjicclLacrovmi. 1 maJi? to crJir. IT, or all kinds, including llea y Vagons, prouptly itud theaul tn-cuivJ. JAOOIl 8. UVANfl. LI coin bIi jrtj, Aril '21, Cm. :Ni:wc akiua(;i; I'Htaklisuaifnt I A ULOO.VSBCfiQ. it the -VeiP Britk Thnt Story Varrige t'actery, on Jilttn Wits ',tarkcK fPJIE !bcribtr vtoulJ rtup 'ttlally announce to the ( J public, tljat tut hat couiL.u-rivi;ti tiiu i in all its v.itiiju branihuii. He is nrfoiril tn ticrutrt all orders ditd liau on tun d ot prtbent nn uesortint-ni 1 of fiuwliv'd wurk wliirih pa re mil find tu ttuir a4 van tag 2 to call dud vxa iitii". ' Will be iJone in thu wost ( ruutpt and car"fiil lnanucr aad upon t i.m whuh cuimot to f-iu- riatihtjctioti. tilMAWtlilDtili A. lLbO.V, April Ce, ltC5. M W rLACKSVIUI r'piHI undcripned r-Jptcif illy informs lii friends and i Piii cuiiiiiiit rs til 'it tii! xi i b ii 'ii d a tlijt) on MaU Btrect. a fjw dours above thu Fork' liot.l, u ur,;, wuer nc ULeigns coiiii.iunig iiu ti.Ml I UING ItlJslNKS, In all its various brauthe, at low pricr-4, and on an cu larrfed i-caK andsolicitt tho public patroiia? tj i ruiiucv, -jcuiu, gciKraiii iikcii n r wot1 . ILi;.S C. ABLOTT. nifinmrnirff aiari. l.i ' l-'lUNi IsS U IIAUKUSON, M. 1). 7 OVI.D rfpctfutly inform the citizens uf lUous t,ur and vifnnt.-. Im foiiti.uw-ithj piatticei-f And solicits a-hare rf public r-Jtri-narre n Alaiu Hirecl, ftfii liouiie b.low tho Iwirt """bVuiyTltM-if. JAM ICS V I.AMDKiir, wnn IPL'ry & IB j !B 3 13 21 In MrU'rnnHil Ofiilirr-tii CLOTHS. I' AS IMriKHS. VKSriNGrf MEN A NO Buy' WEMli. No 3(12 Market St,, Lower side, ubuve Tliinl, I'llILADiainilA. Orlli.-r lM.lJm BloomsbuTg Head Quarters JlfKKI.VV, m:i, ti 10.. IN THE riEUl WITH AV INCREASED BUrTLV fiPRIXG &8bSaIBR GOODS. WE would annouiiCB to tho public and our friends that we have Jut-A returned from the City with a very I rue at-bortu.vtit tf NKW CHEAP GOODS, Our .toch of IWV (,'OOIIS Die larce.t. clioan. e.t, and handnoinest now ull'-red in this lo u I VVu uro Jclern.ineil lo com-icu with the and all tho-e .i.llnt to buy clieap, cm .ave money by Riving ii, n call. We have all kind, cfllomls and Ware, to supply tlia wants of tile people. A large lot of Ladies' Dress Gonds, OV KVI'-KY DUf-ClUI'lOX. ll'UJTE GOO OH OF ALL KXDS, HlatTCn, Colliru, Spencers, IIaudk:rchi.f, Mouncingt, Uun.ta auj 'rriuiiinusB, Unceu and Biciuj, Loauct faliboiiit iii Ursa varM), V ti nt lUbtona and Lrai-tr), Kid, CotUu V Lit ThruJ i;iovt' Mohuir Mil., &.c ALIi KINDS OK Ml AWI.S. KKOOUJS, Rlick titlk, Cahhmcrc, Embroil. red, ri'lla, &.r. AUo a Urge of Cloths, CabtiinerrJ. Sdtiaiutri, Vvvtinga, Twci-dn, Jeaim, Itcatcr L'lotbn, Cualiug, VcUtl ic. HOOTS & MJUii-s UK AM. KINDS knj Siren, fr M'-n, Wooien and Cliildrcu. Wit have a lartft- Hmturtuuiitt f lUts nnd t upn, of J.itut fah ion We Udo aUo, Hardware, Uueeiin ware, t.Vdjrware. Acc. Very Clitap Carpet. Carpi I lias a, 1'loor, 'i'dbiu and t' Oil Cloth-i, .Main, Uagi, ila-ikit. A.c MUSLINS. riiiN.NKl, 1I0KINGS, iiupiri, lew uiijn, liriunijf. ic, in atuncatiie. Alio, h Urge assortment of Iron, N'uiU Clue-i., a Iarju ..uantity of t-alt. 4c. We invite our In. ndn and th- i-ubhi ueiiernllv. to civn ui d call bifortt purchaiu tli wli. r . c Iiu, e bought our eoodn at the l.uua Cah I'riivk, and will not bj univmold by anybody, or thu n-i-t of niauklnd. MiKIlM'V, NEAL CO. j mooHitburir. Vav 1 1. l-Hit. j M'KAM KN.INK.S AND UOll.KUS. I rplIH subscriber u iimv prepared with new Mutlnner), I J to build fctationnry fiij-nuo, from o to lud hrtti pow I tf upon the latvkl plait, and will build to crder Uwuble or uncta ponablj iiiinen from U to -l-J horne powtr. Hipgcd upon carriage with lu-iler K-ar ug and ruuiiiH all comiiUte and r-'Uitv fjr union. AUo a cylinder lint and boib n cnt iron coal brcaktrv. patented in l)3ti, fi,r llir bluiij, pram Httd cr-iikiti torn und now ma leon u larg- krul jor breaking oul. Iltavy mining I'umpii and liro i-ium. ru'0'ud iuii.pMe with uoublo iiitin-; biniii'; iuuip. all Mm ''I'iuali'fJml'nhK .1,0,1 Willi l,Xr.'- and house he m.ide iu oru uny demrt d .; of iiulLr tlni.liod Willi Iminrt irt'U i-idiims none, iiu -i uti imitf . uu Kiuf.a oi Iran turniii h a) preii un J other Kirews turned with uny dt'tdrud pitch ol threail. 'J h b tt Ko'if h Iron tbrechintf .Alailtiurii, that ever co iii1 Ii tore the public, ciiat Iron and wooden iii;i(hiiie inaili' tu ordfr. ta-wr power thainr Iread powtr undo to wler. AUo taken ortleru for thifulluw iuir nuuhlnerv Ilarrion'M laUt-t patent ifr.iltt mill, $1 UO.) oilVred by th-j ' raltntee for iU tunul, It will friud in oud lino intul 1 tU bUkhfU in con iiour. Also Loltn und iletatom all in . order, ult-o Uuj,rKte'u 1'aleiit I'lower. inantiluitur-'il by . 1). Harrt Ac t'u , the ino-t powerful Clow it now in unu ' ' with tlid l-,at Hiuoiiut of puwvr. emu of whkh will bu put in uni at tin rouiiitry tor tiliihitiou. All -f tha j ubow will bi warranted to be what Ih.-y ure told ur ALfco-Tnk order for friotf i'al nt lllutkkiiiiih (?iri- ki-r, and nchtrj to uu ' Ihcm in thu couuiie of L'l-lu.i.bu, Mntour, Norihuinlierl.ui'l, l.)coioni('l HuHiun and ClJutun, uno of w ludi unt bu eiu at iiy alii.p LnWIdll.MAUti, Uloujiikburff ('iiiuinl'ij to., Ui, leM. k, :a, I x ? i A T T U It N IC Y A T LAW, HWIIMSHURO, P.I Ort-w " Court Ally, formerly occupied by Cliarlc. U. Bloonutiiir, Dvc , lit). - OUT L .0i i'..V l O.t AM. I ttwbi.L viu J. sucieeil. wtitn. all otlijia have failed. All ivhoam in trouble all who have been unforLliuLv all whiao fonJ houv's bavo bent ils.tDDclnt'.H crundt J sod Maited by fills ( piomlitu and deceit.- all who havti bjen Uoc. iv ed and tilllod with, all (ly to h:r ftra.lvlce and satis ftctl'in, all wh. are In d.n bin i f tbJ alTjciinns of tfii vj lhiy lovti, consult hit to n lhvfl and atigfy th, if mimii. .V MV AW.UHS HtlH JfKVKH fJilLSf Bha lias tho rcrcl of winning1 thi alTjctiDns of the ftp posing It Is this fact whkh imlucjs. IHitrate pre temUTB tu try to liiiUat1 her, and tj copy h.'r advertise munts. Bh sti yuu tlu LiKLXtAsur rouut-uivitu n'lVEOKIIUSnjXD. Or abiunt fii.Mtil, Hlu (tulles ths single to a happy mnr riagp, nn 1 mak. s tho mirried happy, I If r afj and ad vico Ins bv'tti solli-itcd luinniii.i thlo itiBtanct-i, and tti.j nsull atrttHS biun thj int-ans cif .'ciii imr vf M'HtiUr 1Xlf HAPPY MJihhMQF.t She is th.Tt furl ft euro drpenJnce, bhj has bucn tha means cf tiriii?iii? mailt hundred hearts and hands tu getter. Thoiiftatidi of broken luarts hae been Jivalod and niadt1 happy by h r. It is well knovMi tilth public at larje that sha was the tlrxt iind li ) is thi only p.'rujn wht can slinu tlu likoiipua in re i lily, anil wIm ran glv rntlre satitr.utioii on all the concern of ljf . which canlu t.-ted nnJ prov cd by tut Juan dn, lmth niarrud unJ single, who dally anj uafaly iiit hjr at N(i. lHIlti linnihiinl rftrccl, Pliil.MlclptiU, All Intfrvicwi are ntrlctly priatu nnd confl tentjat. it'Mwn f:vjAv.AV., aouo lvoic AND HAl'lMMWd art-uilliiil tlu r.'acll if nil, Hll9 i th. Itvliif won li-r r( tin I'liUaht -tird aj ; all who con gilt h:r are nutonifiu'l at th. truthfuliit-ss of hur inf r mat nm an I prlictimis. thoiJ who ha I bid link coiiHiilt.M h t. th lr bad It ft thni, and th y .ire now- f. r tunat rlcti, (Mui.i 'lit and hippy, 'fu Al.l. tn bjcin a hr-r advice is invaluable Via can f-jr-tc-l withlhsaffnt est certainly, tli ' result of all cumnurcial and Uutirws transatlii'n. iryou riinw lur a-ivic;. you will LWIIVM VOVl UUlVUJUb71.Vl.!J an I t'icc-Ml in all your iiud'Tlikini. Tiioi( wtm have baf n foriimat' mid unf'icccRiful In 110, ani In busin is I - those who Invt worked hard and ttrutrilcd n-tinst adveieity anJ nusfoit me tlu greater paituf th-ir llrs and foun 1 thi mre they trld to klI forward in th) world, the more tbltijH tlilu went a(ini.t tli.-ml All 1 cai -s have c niultj'l li - r f-r thi I ant twntv jvars. Al , thosi whs ws-ly followed h r a Ivice arc now MSIl IMVFYAXO SViXtMrVU I In alllier ml iertaklii's; while thoai bll.ijL'd by preju I dies an 1 lin iranc. tigl ft ti h t advfr.', ar.- ctlll It hurinit nitaliij't adv i sitv anJ pwTte. If you value yon 1 liippin si, von v. til coiitiult lur yuursulf, and bn succchh fal nnd happy aUo. I in iiii'-'r. i i'v urr sinriiy privaic una coiii.aciiuai. ('oine oiu I corneal!! to N. 1336 I.UMUAIII) STltKhT, , Utivecn Juniper a-rl Ilroal, IMiil.iJclrilii.i. Maicli W. Ir-il ly. QETEKSIVS SOAP VLADSL?" HIIIrf c.-l 'bnt.-d H'a-hiiir p in now in maik't frr J more than n ytar. anl that i hit ijlwn univfrual ralinfdctl n. 1 p lent from tho fut, Unt Uia .ManrCic Urt-r) of it ia orJpr to supply tlu d"un id. lnvi hui uHi-joit tn iucr-asti their rapacitr lo mnke 1-4 1: a 1 to rne Hundred THitand Founds per ItrtL It ii tlrci edly the best and ehtapttt iuap ever maJn in this Cointiy; Cne round cf it wilt go cs Jar, for ap use as T,'i tf thr fonmon S)tft it gcntral ute. It i mailt! upou a n-w prj;uipU if tlirj'riaU, and kncv.n only In ah Itwms 4c MiKfotr I do"i nwav rntirrly with tin wahlmaril- ia.." Hit) nn-BSfity rf hoilinj: the rWhtfu. it does nft nhink r.anii' l, KiJMOVLS CllC sn. INK Ovi lUlNV Mi'tH'S perf-ctly and from 113 tnot dehrnt t fabric. ?ncri full vfiie-halfthrf 1 1 1110 anil labor usitplly spi-nt to th.- wii-hnm. Mt warranted frr t fron S.$L&tt U.i. or cthtr Inivrira atkalUs, and uaihiteJ ni-t to rt or injjrj the L5i l,n:li.i'K"ii .V air Ki fun's. Siperler rriental Toili t Cli-'inicil flliie- I .it-, Fitra Pale nnd ItroiMi S.iu.. n well a. I)m Tnvtv &l Co. Adan. aiitlni t'uiiiile. at low e.t market pilcc. Tor ri.ile by all ri.pkctable tlrocri.. .ind Whoh.nle by TIIAIN 4 VcKCONE. N'o. C-Zand 24 Sjutli Wharves, I'tiiLvoiLriiiA. caTTtTox Th-re b'itiir -rral mutotion hranrt. rf ntprivr Sotif in in.ii k. t, tho public are ri"tifl 'd that imnu are gcnuiiKM'Vc-pL Van IUvuln fc McKionl ii stamped upon facn oi tlu Mna'j, as will as tlu fJoj. February iM, li 0 Win TIIH WAV t 1 1 K A i' U'YKIUS. I! I.OOMrfm'Ur. tlK-ap cjbIi yt.r-. ajtnin r-pltfiiidifd 1 1 wiih a lr ah mock cf bt'ULVa (cons wh nr.- now pr p.irv'ti to til" r to thu iMic a vrry bnuJtioniii Ii I of spring and Sunimtr Gouua at UMial low prU.-.. lor f WUJY r A i h.NLV, Come alone with jour caih au I tro-Iuci. 11. C. A. 1. V. HAllt.MAV. Murrh SI. 11 fl. mrvmiiKL motel. RACE ii TIMET, JlUir; TU1RD, rnii.Diii.i'iii a. I" I'.Ui.ilAAV.I'iiiiirtctor. JaiiiLiry I, lct.ll - j . iuyuonds i'A h;n r S Hi W 11 M Atl! fl 11 1 YiKirilld. l'l'i'I.JL.l i. lUii,iU.Mi, of i:i(,ombliurff. 1 ilA iuutig pur hdu uio t li.tic rikhi l uij ajie,u vult abl liMennVto Hfcvi 1'ailm .ti ti fr 1 tlietuaiily vi w ill bj iiapp) to M.ppi Hi ir 1 1 it, uua tiiiii in j ai u. ui r,.u ill t Um.iiuntilluh ll Uitm-' xtlver a m lunihux. Tlu luiluwiti' me t,oia' of tlu xu- perior no jiitafefj tin a iiupiciikiii pumtua-tj ovt-r an) ; J Wl Ull.l ta'U pUIJII . 17, , i, jt few ii um ;iw to luu biitUi.-i. n -r uniiute, thut no v iii' liLtn ti.tie una labor iu llio oiiiuiiuu. U. JtS iittinlrU'tloo ii. ko oiaia iiii.l knm j. ith anv thing iiro lair usa.'u, it i in orutr aud wni; 3. UoobU'-tiirt-aJ iu.lmicii,iirualwaji iHitUuittumim. "S. ad very unhandy in UiraJn.-, i,i tliin Mm Iuuj u Lanu-r thrtuticd lUau teu u lummoii nejdl 4. One ot the ino.t valuable featurei of Itiis Ma-hini-, it the kUMllutkf) una th tonipai tutu tf tt ,ltti haiium. 5. It tun be' aitatheU tou board, lu,lti i r stand, hi i p- "' " in it i an u.i ii a in me. . It KreUtly tCOIlOlllliU-l ItlJ llirei. I .ml ml urn nil . a neum, rjdUitKiitly fctrua. for any Work Ur win h it I dLktmed, u ((uuuatdtiuii nut known to oth r a. win.' .Ma tin ne I. . No human hand ti lajiiiblo in producin-" u a jam kO regular and H)teintili-. t f. AmoiiB the array of Titent Swing Mar limes, th.-r- i ura none nut ti-i and durablo an Ua-imomi'-i i'Aii.M.but i no Maihiue In uuaptcd to all titid of won ein;ritiue ban rev en. i y. The operator ran i-hane Un ain, Jut a h pleut-ux, ' wave, Itiuven and liowtrs. ttt tun bj r?pro!ntJd or I liiutati'd. it). It U particularly adapted lo all kinds of mit-lnni llll 11 . I.ll.tllll-ll'j hfllrld It. Mima ,l.ll.n,..l . )..? tlt ami all kind if L.!,nV xcwitiv. imludius mlk lawim, dctaineir.iali'Oe-i, -Vcti fptiiijifuriuii'f-heavy wtur, thin .Ma hm U rathtr too ltlu of oi,niruiti.n. 11. Ibitali th" f-ju going auvaiitaRen, tliuuah ntl in lll-lllJti'lVO. dwilidl-l ililOtltsiillilkailCl.-. Wli tid.ltinnr.d w ii'i the pretervatioii o li.-altii, b. ihh faavint- n b th i.ig, an 1 i enabled to petluna lut wurk, ociupyiiifa na tural ponition, iG" Xi r alo by th- un lersign-jd, ut th'ir repciive remJeii tn, in Mifmulinr, who will put thu uu ln.ia in operatiu.i und sure ell anae,ary hutru Hurt. HEMtV ZLITINCJtK, DAM LI. W. nOblll.NS. B..'n-I)ur. May l, lff-0. DAGUBKKKOTYPE AND AMIUtOT Vi'K sALM5llV.. 7i tAe JfoHtgomtty liuildmgt, Xvrlk tiami'le, fWYi uftha must convenient and oxtt'ns.ive mt3blinh 9 menu in tlu ttatj. tlurj a mlficuntiy hih to tu I able llio work to n w 11 muled. ! f N'unu b.u Hit bht umieri tl are used. I lnwiU th and ikVu p roii tdk -11 at th-ir rii.leuc a. ' liHtructiond piven i.i li.i?n. rr-'olypj aud Au.broiypj proc ht. on r'nuon.ible li ru a. MouiiEomeiy buiUmk m on tha third floor I All litt.'d up iiic.l), abuve M. '. (n r'a UruR Btt-r. I Arrivo ut our rooms, 1 11 r -uioPe firry I'Oubt. 1'or lhi pictures we'll make y.u wuli bjldtiois tan out. J. II. COX. lcemb-r 17, l.-W. 18G0. Notions. 1SG0." JOHN M. SHELDON, ol Jer.e To.l,Coluiiilia Co. wmi joHaaS-tauMswcijifi .Vo !)), iarlk 'Ih.rd isl. rUiUuMphia, ivroiiTuta it. jouukiis, or Hosiery, GtoOts, EllnCIJ Guotfs, 4c, W"1' " 'all'" mirt Cf.llll ll ll-ll-..,HI,l ul , P,.,. 'V'". nUM "'""'" ll - l-'irbrurry 'J-. HUH Iim lor iii, i.vsr.i.-rtiu.ii:F, ii rEKJMXiivr cum: of thi. i,.. tri'.iitia ioiiiilailil u.u rSIIDT'b ll HOXC III.W. 0 Ui A ll lOTTKti, Mait by C II. HUV.Mouit &. CO, 107 N.n.iu nRttl,. v rncu, 91 n-r boij .etit lr.-c by im.t. you mu: .tr' .11.1. ituuunibvi,. .May u, Irui-lini, -j-IIK laritct un.i mo,t com) l.te aiiorluiciil I l Atnculliiral and llniliciiliuiul Imiila- fTlJii. iiiciit. nn otl'.n'il in riiiUilrlpliij, (mbra. ifjf ling man) ni'ii liii.iiiniiit,, not tub. .iund 0WuT il.mji re uiajo ol' tha b.-.t niatirijl. and JL uorkaiaii.lilji, , lor my own sal... Vra. 1'aruiir, aru iui iwd tu lull and i-iuuiinn the sorlnient, , , I'ASLIIALI. .MOUUIS. Imrlemenl ami Scd Wantioma Ith audMarkil .trail, rtnlad.lnhta. .Manh IJ. UK. P KADY-MADK 0LOTII1XG cnu bo JLV bought cheap at Hi, cliaap taib tlare cf U T, 9iiarplc. May 19, 1600 AS IIIMA : Till OKI! AT STANDARD or tiiu UKCLlilH LANGUAGE. WORI.'ESiCRS Illdslratfti ( iclluiury. I,cMI Legal Quarto lafti 1. 0 u sar II.Jl-L'.i lluilra'la'i. Ut.l.O lUiil and UjhUia.$. I.IUO iuc.lcat AHitUt l hgnnymtt. . l'toiiuui-ctitg Vbvubttlaiy of JSaiiut 'if Eminent Alu.. THE TWENTIETH THOUSAND NOW READY. Tills tnnt wxrli llh ha. birn In prrparallon for nu.iy years, nl n.i nlnili t a.iabor and .ji.cii.j liave I, en b'.uneii, Is imw iisuej iii thi various .t) lea of b.n.iii. Ita up.'tloriiy In evry imiioriaut re.pic, nv-r all th r cMMuiirl a or thi l.ug1lli 1.iuiiikc, win b f apmr--iil to Miiy oiu, un.i tlu umrj it in ixaniiiU'd and Cniii nttj I, tflu mu re it will tu aduilN'tl and roniiu-,n )''. Tlu I 'liowini bil f cilMLtt. will h.'W in whut intiiii.i tlon tlu book ii li.-ld by ioiiu U tlu nioit uiiiiiicut achul ItUtli woat compM3 and theory bent as w.iiantiM ihcap.nlinmi.h Dictionary that i know, vruy Tlu utaiutr I Diet I' nary of our laug-iagi. C,C. ttt l.Ii. U.i Vr iid.'i.t id th Hun urj Cii p j1l1CH lupt-rior to any idh' r ten rl Dictionary. tflE". 1', lUKitu, LiU J)., Author tf Lccttirtir) on tlu LliliiU 'I ii. uoUl. ft in mum -ntjet r arcd to our iuitln.T tongue. Moii U m.O. m li, if irciniri. iiiir l.i it t if ift uf voiHi", si'eins to bnvj Lfi nctlium iniru to ueir . i.i r. ff.irl to aHi tionary of th. 11 igiii.i UiIlflM?.1. JUi-gil CLtvS, ui Otll i. 'l ne i rk .tpiuari t uu to br altuvtlur u iiirpiim t'. Ij osako W'o.iiirt it.. of ,ii . ...I pt I ujr Dtctl n r In uliiot fvcry r p t hi otth '('hy, piirini.ivl ilioti, Uiia doti.iilioiiii - ui eUji-.-nor U Uilf tit" ltd p T 'li'L't ir. iiOOUtV.h, JJ. 11 riLtl.ii.Mit of 1 ri.iiiy t,Vi! uii. No fiht'lcir (.an mr.irJ thj without inir liirlioiinry. N, l.oao. U. II., i'rt'iUvLt t f liatt.uoitt.i I'oili'Kt'. I h ui It more than epul to i.iy xp.'itjtionp. our foriu-'r llatiuuarui hive lng bk'e'i our of Vi Hi. iR tiAj j.-nii, no i 1 ccttnl.ily rorn uitiid tali moat Ktroosl) to our itud(.iiti. frtil. H. U. 1kom. A. Al , of faiiiiouttt i oll'ire. A hubljr uiiinui'ieot it pr f ttt.t l-'iiriiinff, patknt ti.t. a ii 4 crliirul (ilicriiuiuaiioii in thdUit ami powir f won n. in t dppLarji.. t'. Coll.n), I), U.i frw-tidcnt of UltkllU'UI t'l llJ. . Lvt;i htirmy ahutiU It, an! wiry cnli.liten-d tifnili r. v.ill oi (oiiiB. prttfure it lion. u.i'. Hit. ht'Cil, b ipt. of tUttOll Of IMl Jr.) Ivui.ia. Apr mi tuo'iiui nt . hohrolup. Mark Iloe.-iKt., 1). 1). I r pi ifi.t of U niiau. i4 nupctiorto ti.iy liiuttoiiury of our 1.mikh;i. M. I!. Anmlukoh, i.l. U.. in ii Ji.t of Um v i miiy 1 1 ilom iter. 1 in ike tlu iir(vtjr Dictionary. i m Mun,i.rl m oittivcr H by. uu proiiuiiiidtiou. ' O'AKpj, U. U., 1 Kbi Uent oi rown l.'iiiv.rMi. It will ! ni (jui If in orthonrapby an J pron'iiKiation, and u i.J oltfiu bo tu lull u be m nr it utul .mo uttii ratti u, rl.iitifina. k. 'I hommoi U. D., j,L u., l-r-.Kiui.itt ol the Uhlo ,.!.) ail Ll i.cfr-itj , our tiiiiioitr) i truly a 'I liLsaurni of the IinrHi.h laojiti ijjt', aiU I u ti-it hill.-to . u bii 0 in ih it Iiu .. J. i. tiijwiv li. u., I'rinitKiit of Wait r.lllti .n:i a". 1 b h -vt it to b" a ni'uu r.-Ii-tf-l 1 authf r'ly Ih.tu a;y nth. r I ,r II, uriliojiru- un i t rihu'.M nr l.niguaf- , whiU it in i.if rior to no u m (.n nt.tii'i iu riv.tttnti n I (Jul iiti hi ( 1 JrliijiliMi anj Auieruau worcic it ha; u.y uiif.iahti it . appruta-iljoii ami r-c n i.iliou. Knti Wli . r .nr., I) i) i Ir-nt i f K.n in.' Colli (-j. 'lt r. i-j if tu-pitft in-i.t wiuiiu Uij put, ii.-, of nlii,. lioiury tn.ii inn b -.ui ft i.uptrf t MtHuv.' ('. 1 u . iioiiY. i. IK, editor m' tlu Nurt.i Ai.iefiirtu U. i w Won. t i'd t.A (i k.iHj uiai iii:ti U 111' Wtai.urd Wirt il ('1't.r in in ll.n i.Iul , uiui th rtt'iii i.f t.i thtvruphy Uur-i.i r pru.t.t o u uuttju i.i t . oUicnii nnJ ,ot j.nfiiit of t.i.- Uoiihj cf K pr mMita.iViK I ttu L'nit tt it -a j. W Fokniv, t lris. it in a in.; pl.'iu iro u M it th.,. it i, iVurr ht'bIm. - tio i At) iii the (.iiu r . -Ltli.irit) lr vh.i pni, ic prii.inu'. Jo.iv llkAKT. ti apt. U fublm iriuuii) uf tlu I'luu-il Kn ly i.i th hi .ten' ifthii I i ,ti,f ion. th ' iuV'(trf urttioMiphj v..ti r f rr;d to koi. i f th -most ui'ii Ijcii mi wm rei'f thin ..n ' rt .i-1 1 rt.iit wntiltin r- coiin.ii'iiuatiD.j, VVotu i t'n likiio.ur w.m .ith pi'u an b 'I if; u arbt in , uii'' ml u a cf Li i;)ioijr . - Ljimwh .unuv o rr..iar) suiiuitoouu ii.aiitutioi '1 ll - BLuiLljr.t v ork il r.r t .n... in tlnri i.i.i, l'll.Ul i 'i'j.J'iAi. C.tuiulldaliiil Jl ol .'il.ll.d. Jf rlcr, 17 0. iCLZ) BY tiL HhUEl.Lh Wt GET 'iTnTBiaST. aiVAS. Mti.v.'i.ii it Tii.r.srow l.'i auin-;ti.n ti., L'ottn. July 7, ITO - 3m. .MALI i- 1,V B.J. UAi:.M.!S 4: r.'ti fl. .liAUSUALL, unurp hsi;ii r ou ti it: s i j. w-ii.i vv i.Hiu-j n r. ivfil ll.c ai'pr la'io ot (lie iij.ii i'oiiii clinic Swtti (' Sua 'ii. I'kili h r lUl ll mti;i in S- " I'll 'IT A I IK .tl'l'lM ! II I'M i.ltlui: ICturi SPKaassoMid-i ast5 Bizi 9rvt,-y iiii.fl.iiil' on hanJ al Wli'ili-iUlf W. K !: i so I I'll l.ill -.M IrfVI-v 'V ' " v i KMIV ADD IH'rf CAS2S A Bfi' W',t ES Kai.TSS, No. :,I4 Mill'l'll M-l'OS'l) STKIXT, L.lll.lC M.KKt! J due Iim r wlioif I'tiri.t church , O. ni ral AtMirtliit'lit nf t'J7V'.JOt t tVi.77't.'Al . in Llilumi UJ.'.17' iVO.i, ic. I'lItl.ADtCLI'llIA. 31.-V 15 1 lll-r.'m. i .J'-n-i'inrrTn -3.-1 "-.ina, i V TI,i: undernH I- al- . ..It-BM, ,r,,M in tho . ,1 ! ",,f-, 'l,V"' ' KP-ronst,uilly on hand and lor hale t iu Unrerooin, a larpe asbo.tnient of . X3Z2ZJJ 1 iy wni-ii ju ih niibi 1 to Ml urJer nn pre-iM.t.iriin. ttuie-j bj fi.uJy u uliL-iid i'murjla .u3u u-tnu k'iiii iihhi-mm iiMrw, uu 1 mu ui till ai.Mo.v t. smvi:. rioonubjri', JiTiuary 21. 1-5'1 BHOh.Vb fMCAVK VFJ.1M1lLi (llXClim. t:i)KRL' ; K DROWN, ( u i; ,11 1 1 t a : ii it 11 1; i; 1 s t , Xorth luast Comer tf CUstimt and hifth Streets, FUIl.AliLLlMlIA, S0,1 Ol.r, niunul'icturer id" Urown'-i I'l-bem-v if Jimaira (ling. r. h null is ri-copiiiziiU unit riri-ti-ribml liy tlio .Mi-dual l'auihy uiui In. Ii -ii.iuo llio .lanJarU r'jinilv- Mi-iiuniH ii mo umtiii clan.-.. !-.. ...i. i- ....:...- . .. lu orui.i.itj i lariliua. luriim lit rlml .ri, ... .hoit, v, all 1 insi- it iru.traliu.i m 111- iiisi.iiii- liiiutiiin.. it ih ini.imukljtfclu-. liinit'th.-irialiiw i.f ipiJimic 1 .lnili-ra ami .uniiiii-r tui,i.r.init f iliilor.u. It i p:tu. I liarly iliiLiicioii.jiu laiinlj, iniiiuuual, or liaxltr1 .iiouu w wiiii.nji u , . AWt-K . i i ii irt v i. in nil. niti.iui i;.m;iice Irani li-'luK cniititfr h ts.l, a .m hm ilijiraviiig. i-artulwl at 11 tint wi.lli,.aurtl"ill,c.)ut.i.kut,lii urdf r tn guarltlw jiunlu.irs a3.iin.l licmi! liiiiioit-a uiiuii by wurUili.. iiuitati.iiia rl lrjd. I'r.i.areil inly liv I'l.i:ill:l!lrK Illtllll'V. nn.l f,r al hi. llriig L'li -itiuul fclore, .V. 1-;. ciiriii-r.l i'lflli AU.U'jr .ale b, aU'i..Kitiblo lirus.l.l. In tto fill Jiar.-hlO, 1-.10- K'.a lll'i.' l'li t.'Vin iiuu i,iu ii v.,.,s.A. ll,ll I UlUll 1 AT TUT, EUESll Alt RIVAL IIILLERS STORE. ! 'pill. iubrriber ban jut n turned fioui the city witb X uuutber Urift au. nUct uriburtmvnt tf puri-haidin I'hiludelphiaat thc.biw'et-i firur. and wkirh ii.: U iletermiiud to n It ou ua mo lcrat t rum an ran bu procured cUttwhiitj in Uloyiburj;. llu utock cnimi6t I.ADIHn' D'Ulsa GOODS. i Ch&ireKt flvle-i nnd l.itffctf.mhiuu. Urj Goods, Oroetrtts, Iturdu-urr. Queens tear e,Cidzr Hart Jlvtioto Hare, truu. .Vai, Uovts and hkats, litis and Vapa 4r4t- I In bhnrt ver)tliui mu.illy kept tu country rMoies to n in ii uu i ii urn in pUDiic sent rail). L" Thu llihei-l Fncu paid fur country produca tiruruuN' U- MILLER. Uloo.iiNburj', A-rll il, 183t, . u'L..yrujt no i i.i,, Nod. 0, II, II! a ml t& Oouitlutiil ttrcqtj I liUAtm, ?i ou riiii vax. I II. llAVINCHKrlTEP.. 1 T1I0S D WlNCUliliTER 1 .VEW YORK, May I, IMi .mRmmm IT."- . HOS'-ttHTTER'S It I" a fact thnl, nt toino J crlcil, every mr in bcr of llio Iitituaii family ia oulycct lo dUciita or tlliturlianco of Uic bodily lutictloim, but, villi tho nlil of a gooJ tonlo ntid llio excrcuo of jilaln comnion senso, tlioy uiny bo ablo so lo regiiUto tlio Byslora us to eccuro rcrinancnt licalth. In order lo accomplish (his tlctiroa object, tho trtto courso lo purstto la certainly Hint which -will prodnco ft natural elalo of l.rA Hl 1.1nnef l.mnr.l nf nihil n I r1i dt ll Atlll ,.. v ., . ,.. nr HnatclteF lias in- lire. For this purpose, Dr. Jiosicitcr lias ; in troduccd to this country a preparation bearing l,8 name, which is not n now medicine, but ono that has bocn tried for years, giving satisfac tion to alt who havo used it. Tito Cillers nnorntn tinivcrfullv ininn tho Elomacll. bowels and liver, resloring Ihcm to n. hcnllhy nnd vigorous fiction, nnd tints, hy llio titnpla rr0 ' NirhoK Kylp""t Wi'TY'J; "HwV'fl ccaa of etrctigthcuJtiK nature, cnablo tho tsjs- I K i v iii ih. lliii lT1 lem to Irlitmuli over disease. For tlio euro of Hyi pepsin, Imllgcallon, Nmi ten, rinlulcncy, I.osof Appctik, crntty Hillouu CompUints tirixing front ft morbid ihactlcn of tho Ktomncli or llotfcls, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cliolcra Jlorlus, 4.O., Ibcso liUlers li.ivo no equal. Dinrrlircn, dyBenlcry or flux, bo fjencrnlly con tracted by now sclllcis, nnd ciuscd nncipally liy llio clmngu of wtilcr nnd did, vill lo epeedil regulated by a brief ttso of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a diicnio vlilch la probably rnora prcvnlcnt, in nil lu Tnriuua forms, llinn any oilier, nnd tlio cnuso of vlilch may alwnyd bo attributed to derangements of tlio digostlvo organi, cnu bo cured wnliout fnil ly using HUSTUTTI'.U'S STOMACH HlTTEr.S, nit per directions on tho bottlo Toi'lliis disense every pltyslcian will recommend Hill era of eomo kind j then why not uso nn nrtlclo known lo Lo infnl llblo? All natloni havo their Hitters, nt npro vonllvo of dieuaso nnJ slrciiglht-ncr of llio fys tern in general; mid nmong tlicrn nil thcro i.i not to bj lound a mora hcnllhy peoplo thnn llio Oerni.HH, from wliom this prcparattcin ema nated, bdiod upon sclenliHc expcrirucnls which havo tendod lo pvovo tho valtto of this great preparation in tho bchIo of medical ecienco. Tevek and Alien. This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes Its relentless grasp en tho buJy of man, reducing him lo a moio sha dow in a (.hort time, tin.l rendering him pliy-ti-jally and mentally uselcs., can 1m ill iven from tho body by llio umj of IIOSTUTTLK'S RENOWNED BITTKllS. 1', ntnoof tho iibovo-btatod diseases can be contracted, even in exposed situations, if thu CitlerH are used us per direction?. And n'l they neither cieato nnitsen nor offend tho palate, and under un necessary any change of diet or Inttrruitioii of ordinary pursuits, but prou.olo sound fclcc'i nnd hcaltliy digeslion, tho complaint is lc I.i07cd as speedily i,b U eoiisislcnt with llio pio ductiou of n thorough and permanent cui't. Tor I'ertona vi A'lvanwl Yctrs, who uro BulTeiing from nn enfeebled constitution and infirm body, theso Hitters oro ittvalunbla uj a restorative of strength and vigor, nnd r. ud only bu tried to bo appreciated. And u a mother whilo nursing those Uilters aro indis peitsiLblo, especially where thu mother's nour ishment is inadequate to the demands ol tho child, consequently her strength niuit yield, nnd liero it is whero a good tonic, such as Hostetter'u Sjtomaeh Hitters, is neeJe.1 to imparl temporary itrenglh and vigor to tho fyttem. Ladies should by all means try this temedy for all cases of debility, nnd, befuiu no doing, should ask their physiei-.n, who, if ho is Herpniiilcd with tho virttH of tho Hitters, will recommend their uso in all casenof wcklaics. CAUTIOIf. Vie cauliou tlio public tsaiu.t u.iug any of tho tunny imitations or counterMlf, but a.k fur Hosieticr's SroiiAcn EitimiS, and hco Ibat each bottlo ha, tho words "Dr. J. Iluhtttter's Stomach Ditter." blown ou tbo fiidfj of tho bottle, and stauipoil en tbo liulrlto cap covering tho cork, aud ubatne that our auUr;rali tignitiui 1, on the label. 43- Troparod and sold by HOaTETTER & SMITH, Pillsbureb, l'a., and Eold by all drUREifls, ,'rocers, end dealers Eeucrally throughout thft United States, Canada. Doutb America, aud Germany. I 1 ..vii'li'ir". I "I rl. I -pin v.nj M. . Iluit, in.. . 1- r i. Tc I'er i. ! (.li r J.m 1. .1 ' Hi-tub r I. I's i ,i r r , a t'.i, . COURT UF niOAYH." IIP. Lnigo nmi ftkn.ii I KN'lltAV IM1 'Jdiy 31 Imh c. d In lit w ' rl I r 'ii' v i d Paititiui! li UrAHU.WH J'Ui.", I ! M RKAllT, r(1 llllil, H. Iii-i-a uri-i,iiix' OHM miL i.i $.!., iiu Kibcnbcr ikioi.'-i lod.'M'jai 51. Mr. .). - Phliddrlphi ,W. I'M I h iw rc-t it ih- riirin lorlioraphi- l,ncra inp i viv pauitiui' r.fth r.i m r liemh. r-iienih t-x -nit f r jr ' . il. CoLTo. ith ire-i-nt prnprrlnr. "bv tfarmiy Mnjnr K.i.iip, il New irk and ran et rtdv that it if 1111 an u ratj mi I udiiiiruldi. n-py ot'the onjiinnl piiiinmr ItlJMMIt )T ril.M.K. TU. Oiijiiual i'anniic it w nh TwtMV-mt Tiioinso IhiLi Mull piibirnb r- will kimhI H renin t?xtn tu pH p-tft aet-. hive tuples f..r 1 1 poMasf in, 'lu oub-inli.r r f-m to the veio niliK' IUi,nnMT l.tu I l.iludi-lpln 1 ; Hun. II -LbUm i'lLi.Murii:. ImtLlo; IUkplii it IIro-.. ,Ni-w nrk : lt.. Or. I'riml. Kditur Vi w Vmk i'bi. iv- r ; It' v. Iir li mer ew Origan ; an I JiMM II Tuiou t.a i . t'hirl ton, S. T. .Mum j rati b iein fciit-'U b muil, :n 11 r n h t !i"u-ft iid fml3, rjiir a- r-tuni mm pluhm kh.iw. Uit thI t.rim- tn A -rent h i.n Ininh.i'-t'l-tiei". Two Inter M,i npn i-xlrn w ill m'tureo Itller 1 1 tiit-ury, hUlliig ;v'Cial ternm. Aditr-ai ti. a c-i.t.' 37 l-R Uuw, Slw Yoiu. 1'f'ft DilW l.ox :i3Jl. J ioe lr. u. NKW xiNWAUK HI I nl" I - . MAIN' MTllKKr, ()FlVK4iriS Till. LXCHAVOE. ' ' I HI. uuderMned renp-itl.ilU i.iior,-.n hie I. lead, , 1 iu ptiuuepi'uermi, n.-hu purch mid Hi 1 rmk r.l II. t 1. .MllUrU. un.l ..ii.-li 1 A .NMVTIV- '-VJ ii eni'irr jkov'iiMiAT.q nij l.niin-ily urt-tit-U'il I'.ir lliat iiurt'i'i''V. ' WAttr; ami I 111 ,n il III liiu I. i.ilk- ,.r,.tn.i... tuTZ l L'U"- Tinware nnd Hon- kpouiir.,; of all kind m-ide to or , der un short m.iir and nt umd iat t pnre--. , 1 It pairing done to tird.-r 111 111. k tn.i j iy -' r produte ltikui in e(hm.i" for wn.k FiliLli p, M0 III. l"lombini.'. IVbru try . - lll.ii.i.MyiJUI.'fl IIMIKIOU hiui'i'. pllK oi.rtirHirn-d n--p liulW in iirnm ci umih uf I Hi(t.iitilnirff, and th pi. bit s nr.ilt m imr-" nk-M tlu ItAlthHlt H(ui,1H,i.1i-do1.ioii um rout " " "i l..nno tho ffHiiut,!,! ll. 11 Ihc wliit-1 riimi. Hm I'll p. uppo.e Hie lUiliu.j. I.hw-Kj wImi. Im 1 1 .ill iiaifH re.idy lo wait upon hi cu, I H'Mi-r-i 10 niir fati-i'ji imhi. 1 XUAl'AG ) Ihilll )R:s;i,vg, i ,. , ' '"', ' '" "! , ; ii. wnii 1. r ami up im.. aii-l 1.1 tlia Ih.IiIh ami nil vi rv ii.i, ir.,11. i,.r . I r5 Ml I I'DtllMl. i nni-uiiiii I'm, -ivt., 11.. -n I ll'1,' "" "' 1 "r I"" a'ainl il-il.-.. In. L-.t l''-uai'i. lo se ivmy in..iin,.l.ii.M,,..-.rtii-ii , , , . , , . I.. A. ul'A.Mtil'li JHo""'"!-!!. JnJt l"tn ,,.' nrw."!, UflLAI HOOT AM) bllOK Clin n i.i - l O i l l 'Plir. aub-rrib. , invll.-. attuiiliuii tn In. an .lock ol I iuaiil tili:., ia.l i.i.ihi.1 irom 1'lnUjjl.ihij ' r.uj i'iiaJci,miJ, 1 ''"I lrtW J lt: II. . II l;A li Hm- flaitfra, OH'irJ Tic, Navy Gail-1 - ' HJll li 1)I1'S WI'Mi, i:pil.-r.Hlli..iil l-.itln'Ul Ii). I., rilif.rr dun. ru.kiu,, . I rancii ilii.r'ni'o liuoli. . null ana uitliuut l'i!,!., ic.- , MtbM.' ami UnuiaiV. i ib'fjiavf3 Am ssai'iisa, i'ff-vt-ry description t prir" n much bclnw thu old vtai durd, and b is than Hit quality of UOodii tnn bo (oil-ill t for at any i thr Httir j iu town. Work of .ill kiudu i.iiduio oider of the b;l material. In the iitfjtcfti limit ii,r an 1 mi rciknifiiblc i rm-, warranted toeipial any ciiy wirkund muib bclmv city twu 1 k 1'iHioiic but thjb.-t wirkmen nnd h iiu b -tier mala rulthan wu m-r b.-fur- brmnrht to ilm-ii fact, ih t(.rj U1 to be hud in ih-city imirki t. I . , , UUWUiC b.r5ANUCRk. I'ltOTKCTlO.N rilOM I.IGHTM.NT. 'I IIU .ub.iribr kouI I inform In. IrKnii., that be i. I linn i-rrparcd lo put up, on .bun notice, and ia a ' .ricntini- inalilitr, tlia b-.t i ri-iTIX.i I'HMTH) I.WIITXIXG HOI S, ' al 121 mil. per foot All uora uvrramed. , L. B. UIPLDMAN Wrinmiihiirg, May . Ift'CI. 'i in w aiikTTti i v k siFop, ' aMin undimi-iiril ra.aicifully nifotm. hn ou fri.nil. , . and cu.lonicr,. that lu lia. putilu.ed lu. bulb.-, interest in the above i-,tabliibinnnl,andtlie chiicciq win ! lioreafter bi cenuuuiiil by lum.ilt ixclu.tlily ua. jo, reemveu ana out-rs lor ,ald, th, lare in aatiiK.l iiuniiv. aK.oitiueut if r'A.N'UV 1 8TOVU8 ever introduced Into tins mark. I. ! Ill, btnek COll.l.l. of u rnmnl, t . ...n.u.i f I tlia bo.t Cuckin" and parlor itnve. Inlhs tuarkit, loanh. iruitliblovo tmuro, of evtry do.cription, Oven and I nniBtov,., Kadiamr,, Cylindar Btove., Can Iron Air. Tielit .loies. Caunon Stovu.. h. A.i. & Tirtwaia cou.tantly on hand and manufactuMd to order, All kind, of n palling done, a. usual, on .unit n.ilice Tb. pattonaso of old friend, ana new curtomar. re. epeafully .olicit.d. a. M. RUl'tllT jBloomurenaaiS, lNI-tf. -''-"l- ..'lVfc-Ehifltnj Citei.,-(-uii-timtuCTf'i77a-l.'- by Sl.UTMAN' -t1 1 ?Tii.-ii... a ItKKn fli' TflK PBOPtB flAt, Tie nnlefdrnti'. birloc iid l-rifMfir tvtn HPtXJtHJ IIOM'ROl'ATTUC HKMKlMK-t U wtiii tlw tri-M niiiri'lery rc-ulin. nnd . . ' den-e to t'leir vt nhlnnirrH, pnritr, qn.1 roiuj gi H hV, I utlltfiuluus rifnistlles at luuid Ur itul tnt'.tlrt n. .... Th nev. Win. Hn mr, t lllnr ..f "Tim Nnnh.,,- Anhirn. N. Y.t the K?v. t M. t-t-inf rf tlL reter s unuiui, Auu.irn. . v., n,.h' : ., ti. a u. ,..i' "inn ty-rueer M. Ill', Kir, Ne-Ucdford, An JJ TtU mhii firme, .'f'i'i vninitin-i un , n.Ht.t. Kit. I'tici, n via a Pmi.Tj,.!. Je Jin,-. i'Uilttl, KrJ.j WtSsiVll 0. T'if.. " "!! t.ur ur :.rr.cii'ic HKAit nv S, t . I. rsi '.'i -', iuiMhIp-ihi N.,. 2 X,r iVirnl'ivc- W-.rnl C'tk'. Wr N i : ior Colt , vrjun, itjunii?, uu i w 1... .. S, 4 Vr l)i irrlt.a, Cn.i!.ri liifuu.iii( fcTI , V .., u I-.. H,, n .or u-ttir-, iii inin, -, i.r-. ,i-rv ia r ! r,. Pir (li', O'mlera Mi b-i., Voji, ', ' fir,', t. K.r On iri.., Ool.l., I'iLii n.a, an 1 p -',-V . s For T.-otli n-l.c. K.'ie-c' r. an.l N.,ir,'.t, No. '.. For lloa-lactie, Vertio, licit nn.l Vu 1 1, 'M Itfi'i. -J No 13 Vywi ri-.n rtt.u I"' vvcilc ant rj . St- rt. Ooi-t'-'-ithn. .'i'l 1 lr Oi!ii,.il.t. ' vi"" ; , 1 -.p-Mll .KlItLC lllllk,l-i.Al.l1IIUI, II iitit , (i4 Sm o,wel rtf-l.vl. II fir l.-uoirliei. t'mfma 3I''i,.it, .nil U.iMfn f K'inii j. j,, nfi-Oi nf, H" i-tO.'111-h, U..I H-ni. N II aii.r ll'iii'i l,in-'-'"r i:y5i,Mi,.. ., Pi,i.t.. mi tl r i -r. i ' Ti ,aC Xi Si, l' 'lIK' llll.' P I' r. In 1 1 C'u-.t. Il.-K. I.' ,r I' - 'nr mi I -r r , i.i,.,.(w ir 1, ill.. 0 ..11 ' ,V. . . I M 1.1 1 r im I r. For CaUrrh, tt lonp itandlnjor recent, rJihir -obHtructinn cr prfune d.chrir?e. "ft C t'ne .tiocplnd Coub, abating u f IoIclc -j bborttnlnir Its course. In ml ucute (ilt'eMM, ueh as Fevers. Iritlftrcta tt; Diarrhea, Uyientcr;, Cioup, Kbtumntisni. and iq, . 1 live m Sarkt fever. Me ail at, m.d Krj.lj.,, a I vantage nt (.Ivlntf tv.e proper romedlts pronjiji, ilous ami In .i.i nu-h casw tlie spi-clflci act Ukei ,g 1 he entire db-ture U often arrested at once, ami Id i the nf the attack Is modtrated, tbtj dibebht Z ied, and reridieil Um dangerous. I Ci.upl s hint I'oliis, tthii'h are&rsiic't rrciu.Dtrcc"- - j and which m ofieii liy the foundation of d!cfiS( i b run chit is ami ecu umpilon, raay all be at ones lUkjufl the Ft-rf r nt ! Ci:ifi Ii,Js, iS In ail i-hroiaic u!ef.'.t.i, inch m V sprr-da. We aV -7 Co'i-ti;ifttimi, Liver Cuinpialnw, tiltp, Ktmnle hcl., ,4 trreubirltits, nil He-idacbeH, aire rr Weak l.ycr.t b!t fil.euu, and oil er old fcruptlors, the cfe l.e hus,tj prui ur Hjpll'ratloii will ufi-nl j. lure In aire., 33 ttisfuae. Uflfii Ife cure nf a Blri-le chroula dillliull .,Jsi ai l).ipti al. I li1 nr t'twrrh, IIe.iJacle or Fenun-" m-M hn iLore than paid for tt.e case ten tliues gvtt. g WUCE. . , fuse 'if 2D itbt pompMe, In morocco, and IJuolt. ij Cue oi W v ij-, uml Cook, plnii Cii'e uf 15 iiui.divrl b'lir", nnd llouk C .H" of ( li'txti., ntiu.bered, and Hook Single 11 1' ieit l boxen, nlth directions V 1 Single lettered h ie, w lib dlnrtloiiK U A liTt cue uf 2 us. vl.i!i, for p! a 1 iters and phjsicUM, auo ai'ClFICS. Ftm Avtimk oh Put imic. Opprt-Md I, PlOIeult, L' 4 IP? ai 1 .a, Kiten led li!i Uouh aud tCtpvctoratluii C-j 1 tr bo. Ftui Far lii-cintiiM wtl'R05t Dlhcharpwi fnr r'ai, Hie rmall uf ikiirlt Veert Meaalis, or Mi-n Fur rlM- In tl 1 (lend, IliirdiitM of Henrlnp, irn-l a., iu lh Far, in.t Kr Frlee, Hi ci.ta ptr If x 1 F-ni J-caofCt .. l.i.UrctJ filands, Fidarctd a- ! I ' fl "ituu iv, litllir.?H nnd UI 1 rievncri-lulous Cuc-u f Ci.ildrn- l-i Ii tt c itli I -r b'J. K.ih Ut-KKtut Dmn.m. Pi vhkal or N'trvom W, nier Hie r. .1 of SUnnes, 1" Xii-niive MedlcatloU,u. Iiiiiistlnsr 1)ik Inn (... PiUe, i'-D cm tn per box, , , ' .11 IlKOitfr Hul I AcutniilatltUiS, Tumid BAellluji,! S-'Hhty i-V-.H'tl.iii'. IMi I. f.l tenta pir box. tin- fcc "'nt ii"- -UcitMy bleknutH, Verlli;o, Ni. Vui Kl'ip;. fttkiiita dom il Lnt' or motion. FiKe,Sij pir bot . Fim I'kwakt liuimr-j For flravel, Itcnal Calcu'l . t r.t, I'alntiil t'ima:lju, bbt-uita cf tlie,KIdiiei. h. li r 1 per I" x Foil Smisii, Fis m Involuntary Piiclavti . runte-uriit I'romatlon anl i'ebllliy, Hud Htniiitit ll-ib"i 'I'lif luoitt Huocen-ful mid t Indent remelyL And tiiiiv be n-hVd upon as a cure. Price, ttii fullk. tionn, tl per box. I'ttiBOiii Hbo wish lo place tbemtlvcs under it nlotial care, or to it-tk advice of !-rof. llVMninKin,', h nt Ids office rC2 liroaday, dally from b A.M. tot I. or by letter, OUU Iir-MEMRa JJY MAIL. Look over tlifl lint; make up a cane ot nbat Lit chnt 10, and hlnt-7 Hie amount In a cm rent n te or hy mad tu our addreu, at No. ftCi Urnailttay, Neli aud the in'Mkine will be duly returned by mall er tap free of thare. AOKNTfl WANTFI) Wedire an ocllve, ffUcler.H' fir the nle of our KemcdVs In eery town or foirn m the United Suies. Addre Ur. F. HL'MI'liKKVfi No ttii JJlKIAUWJirt INtH-W Ef'd tirp P lTZ,Abut .Vwu,.i.u.. April K". s a tf i a a $ m mmnm NKl lilt IIUI'll.l I'ATHS. t r l.s I liMI'tilMil'.ll h'l Itlf.l.V I'l.OM r I 1 f... - ti. c.i 1 1 rt iliii.l eit nSi.imiar. y uno t.HiiiPii by .ill hut 1 bu-11' rt -'iu ,1 lo Willi coiiii , r- tit hirh 1 1 14 rcnui-1 ll li.4 ( nrf-d Ih'in- ! (1. r in 1I1 ,i 1 11 fnuf ii uiui h o i 1 ii 11 1 , I ll lip Ul' In p i t K1 III IU ICI fl I j il,.i,, I P .- ,1 , lliktnv ' : mi lift., I tli Km- H IHH- ji''( in-1 1 I I V y u in 1. 1 ' Lire? Vnptr.i' try liripfv Uwlir t i: te a ' thM iiohtttir 1 If 1 fii UM 1' r-th 1 Alanine 1 1 ii'n 1 1 ..till . tin ortkref l tetpotjijk-t nl at uck , tf ihcir li sm e 1 w n v-ir-i w h . h ui j-iv-; .'1 ll t IMIIIlf fl(- UiV tn-Ci,inii rf, v Th" iln--o uiir. Ju. (l III ll 'f 111.' 111 Hti'lll II l C ll 'J l,lMlii .( I .,K t 'Lit 1 tie nirl iti-ti ,. t.i n tin utr ni ti.i Tiiu anil it hi riir O-i .Maris i'tjtieprt mir Pi.-niJiM ,ii,H.i S5 1a A 11 VhtletQ fafuit-1 ' rttntf iloi.tNfji,j(i!t j Iv u-.iii 1 r Jut aril ramtlu im Mi'K Mr.AlMl'Hi: fiii 1.1 tuitniy mtnultt If two tifn ni riiintni'iirfiiiriit 1 Jtll ieho mt tl are gte Hi t tvar j MIX WATRII l 'llll: IH'tlll WITH i . I vibLiii'inn and ?iv " mi ii 'im. .1.. WJt'Ct.Vfc IHill.lll ri.ll hOTl.K S A Nl"' olTl) ' S - fATHiffi PILU 1 on ivkj Minn 1'Roj. r.r. yigrlitlli i:,irurt. t.-d , vt up tn Ulr. t kii VijfA'. anJ mil inp tn any fmiti in- r'A,Yli,y ,;a-. .THA11TIC TIM. If 1 1. n rue wlitih piifior ii-m .-ikfii ni Jl,. uraium inuii t i 'iluj t'em-t I II 1 Hit I'll . U ....... j.i.i- J hi ci-nrimu y in. ihi-t vv.i.i hive bin k 111. (.,! I. ...1 M iKt 11 f mi to pliicc llu ko'" uiui riVr.i- MMtnllM -I til" S i ' i 'i ii un ic I'll i W I ll I- ll. II WI . l'l"ir 11. . ua- induced HI the ii-.n I, ol all ' 'I I h itrnifi!,,!) well ( llnr Ha .Ml .. , Thin FAVU.v W till I'll lalin.lii bid, hi-fi t im imu ii "tfti ! - V'-jeli'DI.' Kx-' r -vtry (mu n hi ui-on a tul .rf ji n'l c-1 m-ed-,i, h o i h nP Pfc,. i ! Ill II l.irjf iinci w hi h m I i ni. tit ir-. c.i ' i w b r ,i Oi' in H-.MJ' MtNr r ii,! is nit: I'iik in I "iKFMri , i tl tl'll C tin. w I t'i -r , J I liif C lirm ii' ' Ktt.P( Ml SfctfAT.". ill AD I'M IhTLAMH'! I Ml tlDI n ur Al WlKit,! tronv, fn.(l, JW Ut if iiHjjiu-iirt, i-i d tul N l;m- of ArrBintt ; (.ft,u kh nit impv Afllf If li-1 1 CUT IM-riTtf "( Hi. ..., iv oim in .... .. 'r rpi - n."ii ' ,-i i nc i an. l h. .liy .iinur. io i lun n I iK.fim ff ihc i' ou. In i.H-imoii I ii Itii. Uv , , i -.1,1.-1, t U1. i, ITI'T 3'l ft 'lt Uvio..KTi ,hn rainiy C.iuarTit I an iridiiM.i by Dniuji.i, Fr,,. ,Hllv. nun toldi .no by iba Tuida in nil I ,ri!i ii.wiia B. '1 . IV KIM (II II M n l.i,iifi-iif, x uud rrfprii"' HIXfORiyS LII'KK IXfiaOHiTO'l .IAD t-L vmi.ih.rj" pills. TT 208 It It O A 11 W A V. oEsra.i, ,o m. mu bloom. ih-ko. Ceo. ll.llasjnbucli, U. I', Luti, anl Joan K. 1Io- Jiin, 1 11 Vm ' sun "aj.jes uai. It. GMIOWKR. SDItUIJO DEMIST RCSIIEXCF., !ii rlc DaK.l.f ,(. ;.rlll tn '.( lrr(, niiuin.burt Pa fP"ZK RESI'UflTf rtA ofler. his prrf ' 7VSS Vk f''iveeitotbe Inr'l.-a anil g. m "Xn Y7 'lor,'u i." n, I vicinity llu la pr r tw.i . '""'l-ndmalllha vannua u.r. tn Dontutry, Md I, prcvidJd nlth tho litut Improve- . v I'OnOhUl.N Tl'.f I ' MiW.S?,"" " toli 1,""c Mhand ,J1M"" i'li-1" TOOTil rOWDr-S. a'1 Juuai3,l7. (xov 15. CP A.L DING'S Celebrated Pi-cpai fnr ,al, al L. T tlilrple,.' chop mlH cn illln Plre.t. r j,y u, ir tio.rre llnnwhrsTS, N, V. 4 IIiirr l. Cms, ), iif7 rii" nM- vitta Jmiuil, Cdiiirtlnw, 01 lt tl.t tl i (Ii itum, tliii, HI. t1!" 't'1'. Tliiimav .1 t J , I'll i lite llml. ,t iwn'l IWic ILt. t'tlun