Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 21, 1860, Image 3

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    Cttlnmbia fieiiuirrnt'
- - - - -
ITSl W 'V'jf'VWV
3dt X)i, M
' ' " '
The Democrat is offered to subscriber r n.!., i., .
or Iho Campaign at tho following rates :
Sidelo copy - - 'Id ots.
Tell copies, - - Pil.OO. ' 1
Payment!! all eases to bo made in ad- ,
'anca f ,
1S&- Our' friends arc solicited to get up '
dubs. JS.
- - - -
jfSrRev. W. Ooomuoit, will preach
n tho Coutt House, on next Sabbath
uorning, nt ten o'clock.
, , . , , I
JgyGo Ioy, for August 13 on our lame.
It is superbly neat, elegantly executed and ,
adorned with tho bcaullcs of the Fashion.
The model Lad.o a Magazine of
tar A Camp meeting nndcr tho super-
Vision of the Methodist Kpi.-copal Church,
Will bo held near Duck Horn, this county,
commencing on Eriday tho 17th day of
Worcester's Diotioxauv. The new
dictionary of Dr. Worcc-tor receives nu-
roil Tim
merous and cnthu-ialic encouiums from tion, taking our stand by the way side, as
tompcteut critics, as will be toon by our the procc.-Mou parsed, 1 was struck with
advertising columns. , tho beauty and tasto of the lianners that
proceeded each school ; specially was our
Excursion Ticket.-Wo arorequos- attoutioii attracted to tho liauners of Om
tod'to announce that Kmumoii Tickets to bra an,i Kaivlll,.imt Schools, on which tho
New York, over the D. L. Si W. 11. 15. Ulgcr ,.,....,, of t!l0 ,-.lir MS won) vWb)y
will bo issued on the following days: d is-jila jetl. Arriving on the ground, which
Thursday July 10th, Vcdnc,d,.y, July was uc.uly lirq,.ir(,, by tho ,K.0,,Io ot
J5th and.Wednosday, August 1st, good iJ01It0M, the audience was ably addressed
to return at any timo within four days. Ly .,,, r j, u , Xom.n, followed by a few
'l'rico 85 00. 1 fltiv quarks from Dev. M I'ortkk, who
. ,,, , , .. f wa- followed by 1). L., Ki., in
,1,. .-.Homoa ntirl linrm, ir I le Itl ITfililtllliin
, , , 7,1.
county, as below enumerated :
J5!oomsburg, 2,180 I Light Street, MI
llir. of Berwick, fiiltl l'tiytown, 100
The of deaths during the year
ending thi first of Juno 190(1, aro as fol-
lows : Bloom,burg,:ir,; Light Street, 7 ;
Klpytown, l ; and llcrwiek, 3.
II. A. Fonda, Esq., the excellent Su- but was overtaken by lho .-bower ; then a
peririteudant of tho UatUwia-a, WilHaim- s-cenu occurred difficult to deciibc. 'J'ho
pbrt,;aud.Erio Kail, h.w rei'yned ttreet having been very du-ty, now pre
his position, to take effect on the lir.-t of sentud a fceno for their jailers and white
Augu.-t. Mr. Fonda, as a man and an drees. 1 never was bo vividly impressed
officer, seems to enjoy universal resp.ct before with the saying, that "it ii tho
n'ougi'tho line of tho, and general re- feathers that makes tho bird. Hut up m
fret is , e.xprensed at his proposed with- the whole, tlio a.r.iiige.ueiits were good
ilrawallfrou. its nianngenient. And wo mid rcllecUd honor upon the citizens of
very much doubt, if tho 0. k I'. II. II. li-nton.
Co., or sny other Company, ever had or
:ver will have, another Superintend ut '
upially ns competent and, us was
(i-cn. Fonda. ,
Worestes's UirTio.v.Mtv. Kdwar'.
Everett has been his lecture on
"Franklin," iu Itiltlmd, Vt and the
Herald of that villugo thus speaks of lho
man and bis : ''His enuneia
tion is very clear and loiriblu, his diction
upro, his modulation and accent stately
without labor or parade. His pronuticia-
tion was punctiliously conformed tu tho
. .... . i . i
isystem of oieeter. and not a single !eii-
J , , '
tenco spoken that w.n not eonfof-nicd to
the syptcm of Worcc.-ter, and not a single
sentence spoken that was not moulded into
tho mot gracefull period ; not a iui.-ha-
pen accent, not u depaiturc I'.oiu a finlo
law of syntax. ' Huston 1 or'.
A few days ago, says the li imclc
f, both tho candidates for (lover-
nor of this State wcro in Pliiladcliihia,
stoppiug at Die Giraid House, and both
a,,,!,,,, -uoU .1,1 ,on fl,n i.o.o Cn.
o I
fa, indulging in mo i-t friendly conversation.
They were not tocn exactly to kbs, but wo J
bavo not thc least doubt they took a drink
out thc same bottlo I !oth gentlemen re-1
. , ...
ec.vcd numerous vw.tors tbe.r stay
and no one unacquainted with their re-
tpectivo position; would ii.pposo them lo
tin onnosinrr einditl.itcs for tbu same ofliee
It b a high compliment to both gentlemen
, , . ., , , .,
when wasay that throughout tho canvass
.neither will uttor or ascnt to a dhrro-
spcctful word concerning tho other. This
i.i as it should be, and shows that the po-
liticalmillcn minis approaching. i
" The queatkst learmso is to nc
, .. '
for example, licujanun branklm, tho groat
philosopher, rtatcemnn and economibt, he
.was proQcient in every undertaking, andj
avcry station ho fillctl was jioiformoil with
honor lo himself, his family ami his coun
try. Ho also bequeathed to jtoiterity
many useful precepts whereby he lived and
acted, such as "Take cine of the pence
ihe pounds tu ili like cure of themselves ;"
, 1 a penny iboj is it gioat ei yeur ;" "
'iltle andnflen Jiilh the purse " " if youth
bnew what eigc would cutw; it would but It
get and snvtt," " tliete i no companion
like thielotlar ;" " u dollar saved is repeal
to two earned " Ac that gits doth much,
but he that keeps doth more,'' and they
.whojicpoMt their money nt 5 per cunt, in
IciCBt, in the Franklin Saving l'lind, No.
130 South Fomth ..licct, below Chettnut,
l'hiladclpliii, aro tuiii tii prosper.
This Saving Fund P'tyi c deuuud and
novtr euspenJed So adrcitincmcnt in
another column
For Ihe Columbia Dcmotrat.
Cool, Decidedly.
Oi o would think, in reading soino of tlio
paragraphs in l)r. John's papor, that lio ii
tho soul of honor and the pink of gentility.
In Ilia last issue, in a leading editorial,
hcadod, "A word to Democratic editors,"
ho sayt) i " Come ccntlcmon. let us bo
open, fair, and manly. Let our discussions
bo of tl, cli6nific- and honorahlo kind."
Can it ho bclicTcd that after this, iu the
s?'" l"1'1"' !" . two sl,0,t, 'm" II0
K.vcs 10 uiuorciii persons, me lie mine, no
. '
ss ln"nJ"y ' tines! If to prato in one
part of the paper of manliness, dignity,
al honor, and in another to indulge in
tho vilest epithets known to tho cnglisli
lanatiagf, is not Stealing tho livery of
heaven to serve tho Devil in,' wo do not
understand the poetry of tlio quotation.
it Thou hypocrito, lirtt cast out the beam
out 0f thine own eye, and then shall thou
sco cicariy to cat out tho mote out df thy
brother's eye."
;n Sabbath School I'fll'bratiotl.
(hc mtor nf thc Dcmncmt:
attended a Sunday School celebration at
teuton, Columbia co., Pa., a word or two
relation tp it, may not be ami-. It was
composed of the Schools of Cambra, Pair,
mount, Still Water, Jackson and Denton,
being arranged in pi-ocosion by the Mar
shals of the day, they proceeded to a beau
tiful sugar grovo, near tho village of llcn-
apjiropri.ite and excellent singing, by tho
"(Jlee Club of Slill Water,'' alter which
ret'ieshnieiits were served, in which all
iC.e",L'a ,0 Lj j"t'ed and p.,rtiei,.,ted
" "' 'luout l"" l""0' ,""'0
looimii- tip ... tho W'esto.n Horizon
juiuu;iLiuu ui a Miowt r. l lie Jiroct'.-ion
bein;; re-formed, started lor tlio ill:."o,
So .note it be.
Oanibr.i, Ja'y 13, IsOU.
Tlii' Visil of Hit. Prince of Hults.
Tin: lU'i'K'iAi, coiuu:si'0M)j:.v
VamiimiT.'N, July 1 I. The following
ia the coriwpoinli'iieo bitweei. the I'icm
dent mid (Jiieen Vielnria relative to tho
visit ol the 1'iiuee of Wales :
u h l r tlij,.ii (J.ucn Vtclmii ; I
have leained li.;m tiie public
thupiliiceot ale.i is about iu i-it Vur
.' v ,, . . , . .
ilajity a .Noiili Ameiiean dominions.
Sllolllll it bu , illU.lltlim ot- UlA nyA
lligline.-s to extend bin to the United
Slate.-, I need not i-ay how happy I xhouhl
be to give him a coi dial woleo.uo to Wash-
" Vou may be well aured that every
here in tlii.-, country bo will be greiteil
ny Hie Ainericau people ... Mien a iiiaimer
u,IIIOl j, t ,,rovo gr,ltiiyin-' to your
Majesty. In Ibis they will maiiiitt tin ir
deep t-enso of vour dome.-tio siitm sas
well a their convictions of our merits as
!l. W1NS '" COIIStilutio.ial bOVCr-
'1'our MnjotV most objilicut --erant,
"WasiiIsutox, Juno -I, ItUO."
,,,, . , ,
"liucKl.sniiAM i:, June 22, 1S0O.
,lUy iqH ft(f L h.n.u mmU
gratilied at the feelings which prompted
you to wiile to me, inviting the Princj ol
Wales to come to Washington. He ill-
Vi'"' ' !vUlr" fl0,"! 0;1''i" thl& tl
Uniteil Jbtate.", ami it will give bun great
JlleaMro t0 huvo 0,,lllWt;ility ot testily-
ing to you iu peroii tint these feelings aio
fully reciprocated by bin., lie will thus
he able ai the aino time to mark the ro
i-pett wl.iel. ho entertains lor the (H.ief
.'lagt-trato ol a great and lrienilly Stale
''""''fd nation.
. "'.J'llU 1'ril,1eo 'lr0l' a" "Ut ,"
leaving inv tloiiunioiis a'.il travel muUr
ie -of Ji0r(l llllIlww hu ll!ls tl,m..
when traveling on tlieeontiii.'iit oi Kuropn.
"The Pr.ncu Consoit wishes to bo kiu l
ly remembered to you.
"I remain ever, your good friend,
"Viui'uni.v, it."
Now Books.
Tuaciuxio or Patriots asi, States
MEN, the I'limiiltr of the UipoUhc
.on Slaveiy. I!y IV.iia 1!. Oiiask, Kh
Philadelphia, Published by J. V. llratl
ley, Mill.
That Mr. lir.ulloy has done liil duty
can bo seen nt aj-lauec. The book ii well
got up. The author or compiler has cho
hcii a mo-t useful and interesting mibjcct
at this timo, and has had tho oppo.tuuity
lo do himself great ciedit and honor by
impartially lecorthiig in ii convenient form
tho opiuiom and teaching of tho pituol
of thc Revolution. How he has dono it
wo h.ivo not yet had time to learn Wo
thall aain notice the work j
I'rmu tho Yfrk (inrMio,
Tho report of tho proceedings of tho
Democrat.o State Committee in tho Phil-
adelph.a 'cof lucsday last, requires l.ttlc at our hands. Iu tho
commencement, of the arl.clo wo Dnd the
following sentence :
' Manyfr-om tho country Kent substi-
tutes, lieing themselves uunblo to attend,
but tho lirst action of tho Committee
(Philadelphia having twenty-two Teprescn-
tativcs, when only entitled to eight) was to
relue admission to these substitutes."
There were but four applieatfons of this
nature ...ado to tho Committee- fro...
Harrisburt!, otic from Schuvlkill. and one
i , ... ,
Horn Jia.ic.istor. It is not necessary, at
.1 . ,1 ,. . .. .
this time, to discuss tho propriety oi tho
action of lho Committee in reicetiiiR thrfeo
substitules, as tho country members, cel.-
' ' o
erally, were as much averse to their ad-
...:JJU.. tlJ C. it... 1..
ing over the proeoediug of the State Com- i
mittce in 1630, when John W.Forney
was Clinirmnii, wo discover the iulluwhi"
. i i ... .
pOUltcd Ui'CIMOU UpOll tllW UCStlOU i
14 Mr. Jones uresentcd liimclt n-t -l vtiK. 1
ni. UUNL.S proLiuiu iiniiSCII.H.l fcUb
MltUtu loi" iHr. -.Murray. Ill tllC 10th dis-
!, l i-i l
tnct. Alter fconie diseuion, on motion of
Mr. Kline, the Uoimutttco refused to taka I
any action on the matter of substitutes, '
anil Mr. .tones withdrew.
Tho allegation that l'hiladelphi i was
cnlit ed to but eight member of the (Jom
niittee is, aho, incorrect. The resolution
adopted at Heading, raiting the Commit
tee, authorized the l'rcsident ol the Con
vention lo appoint wltlitional. members iu
l'biladelpliia, and other cities. Under
I that resolution, l'hiladelphia, with four
Senators, rcceiud fouiirtn additional
members, and Dauphin and Lebanon, with
j bat one Senator, received eight additional
j members, oil mitrnts oj Jlurrhlurg,
I That Mich bus been the usage of the party
in tho construction of t!so Committee is
l" a fixed fact," ns iu lsM l'hiladelphia
f had Jijccn nieiubers, and Harri.-burg
ii glil. The propo-ition to velo by
triets, allowing each Senatorial Dh-trict lo
ca-t I ten votes, although but i' ine.uber
wa., was o contrary to rule and
precedent in every dcliburativc body, that
it did not require much rellection on the
pa.t of the Chairman to decide agaiiut it,
when a point of order was raised upon the
Tnnl inn
Uno word moro and we havu done,!
" Miller, of Dauphin county,"
did not offer " a resolution that the D.'in
oeratic papers of lho Slate i-hould bo re
eoniiiiondeil to hoi-t the I) miKiiiii r. Jl ig."
After the compromise resolution h id been
adopted by a vote of lit yeas lo 1" nays
twenty- igu members out.-ido of the I'liil
adelphi.i delegation voting for it (ien.
Miller moved that " the ticket
bo headed with the names of Douglas and
Johnson." 1'lii. objected lo by an
almost uii.iniiiioii i v- ico imply bee.iuse
it was deemed b'.-t and proper lo submit
this matter to the di.-cretiou of each Dem
ocratic editor in tho Coiniinuwealth, who
w.i. responsible for his eoui'.sj to his pa
trons only; and, al.-o, becauo such a
lesolution, directing the manner in which
the form of tho newspaper should be made
up, was no moro binding than would be
one regulating tha color of tho ink, or the
sie nf the sheet upon which t'.ie paper was
Mr. U iMiV I.iller.
M'c lay before our readers with the
Iiialie.-t'laclion. Ihe able nalriolie.
i , . , , .
ami htter ot the chairman ot
the Democratic Mule Kxieu'.ivo IJoiiniiil-
It 'i ..I' !, ! . 1 . !' 1
u. . ,., uii in. 1111,' ui ii.-. i.iiu .it-
lion ; and wo a-k every man to ponder it ''
:.. t l, : . i'r i . .... i
n ii m-.wi,. n n ,i irmtiipiiaiit. anil eio-
ipiont viiidiealion, and has Hie ling of the
true metal. Kead mark and imder.-taiid. A l-'JSh TJiAUh l'Oli JlOlitir.S,
m m j Am wi'M .11 ,.- nllii r .nut, in- nr.) ni ir tu Ih-
' ..'iiili'tt uuil H. ili I, l,"lli i'l" lliliil'ituiti ainl Hi AihiimU
Mr. liltll 'KlxnilxiH, our eandidalo for i mm Anni'- iii"j i-iiu intt. iho mn-i imii, t
. ... , iirriniuiiiii-iilii liao lii't-ii with llu ilili ri nt
1 reditu lit, is the present ico 1 rcMtlent ot ..i 4 i,ini"i,i"r ih-traui',"it.iti"ii ui Auini.iU .in.i
., . , , , . , Ailul,-.H IllU-tlllt'll ll'l , lIlllllllOII
the United ijtatos, and is tho grand on of j f ,,(. ;v4.
honest John Dreekiuriilgo, Secretary of v.-ii'.r-n.iiii ''imuIiiiihii mil wi.i hum .imi'i- .ir,-"tn-
c . , ,, ., ... . tiiorfiilj.ii.s. ,il imi'i,'-ITU - -J'lii' '111 r'-nl K.iilrii'i'l
otateuniler 1 nomas .Irllcmin. Jle is tlio uhhiimih, a mil imu. vukix rn'hi-.Tx ,uiiiir,,
t, ,' i- , i . . . tr.nn- will li inn ii,"ii tli' mil r in rii'i'' .luini lli-i
S 311 Ot 0110 Ol Kentucky WOrtlUCr-t SOUS, u,,,,. i tl., l,l'illi,n. lualluw u-lt"H nil .''i,jllililll)-
who was honored with many po.-ts, and "' X'ly.vTov'W'wvvo-. (ill. .w;.v. ci...
who discharged hi duties with patii.tisai lr;,,?rl,'11;,!!, '" v'ux,:v '' 'vomvi "
and credit. Ho was left an orphan wily 'J;':!
in life, and was educated by bis relatives !!:B1M
mil rapidly rose to position ami honor,
Wht'ii tlio Mi'.xicuii Avar ooimtionccil, al-
thouli a Democrat, tin) hi govornor
r.iisL'il in llint Sl.'tlP. leavimr thu L-liii:ili-v
, , , . f. . , ,
Ot tllllt UOUlO UallllllOI.Weultl. to tlu ll.ltllt!
. , . , , i,t
in tiiL-ir r:tin.-. tt.itii uu umiiu L'liv-j., nu
was elected to the Legislature from a Whi!
county. And throughout his evchlml c:i-
reer he Ii.h always thown inanliood and
.... i' .1 t t . i it
patnotuiii ol tlio highest order, and he everywhere reeogniiied as 11 brave,
vali ami honorable man.
t-3The tiin.iporo Free Pros? men
tions tin astounding fait, tint since Jan
uary,!), 1000 Chinese have been car
ried oir by tigers in .fohorc, thc end of tho
Malacca pcniiHiili. Thin U much
i.., ;,. sj;, ,...,,.., 'i'i,,,,;,,,,,.., ti,,.. ,,,,..,
The til'OI-sl hliow lnoro
I " "w
than their u-inl cunning, and regularly
' a J
feed on human lleidi. They lurk close to
Ihe narrow jungle paths, and hpring out
J n 1 1 1 r
from behind on tho unfortunate passer bv.
I lie Uluucae Jiavo imuiigratcil into the
lieninsula in largo numbers, ami have en-
tii cly monopolized thu cultivation of gain-
birr and black pepper. The tofuso leaxe.s
of tho gambier (terra japonica) aro u-cd
as ma.iu.e lor the pepper plant. It is
now tlillicult to induce coolies to work i 11
s , . , . . .1
ilnhoir, i;o great is tlio tlauger At (he
nu -cut uito of deatlu Ihe. eullivat.oii 11111 ,t
decline The quantity of gambier impor
ted into annually, chiefly fn dy
mg pmpoiCi, is GOUO tons
Preffbrf.nces of Distinguished
Men. Hon, Daniel ti. Dickinson and
IIoral!o Seymour, of New York j Kx-
VtoMenl9 .icrc0 ,, ryET; 0ov Wis0,
0f Virginia; Hon. Isaac Touccy, of Con-
ncctlcut. 1Iotli 1Iunip,lroy Marshall, of
Kentueky aml Oov. 1'itzpatrick, who was
on lho j, ,M gT yko VtwiAml
llavo aU dcclarcd for l)rcokinridgo and
T b
i" Ul tu Jf.
in nr tck. on'ifn- mui mi., i.y nic Rev. I. n.iiii Mr
iTM M,M tm.
1 "'"'"'"J t.
l Notri.'ck, l.u.. counly, nu tin- l.'lli lnl I.) lho
11 HI.. 1)1 II IITi'm I.Ur.. CH,
,,. , ,, .,., j, ,,, ,. , ,.,.
T&m'',, t V, T?. ri "ed""' ,,J"k' "" .
On thu I3iii iut., iiv tiir- in, Mr. Wiit-r. ii
MU ...- , Lin. ff. nil ,.f ll.-i,,l.ii l tint ,.. ii i"..t.......i .
n. fti. !
IhSfflM IXX:
i" i)inominira. on Hu v,u in-t.. jMr MiiiHti.,
tnlant boii of Kuih MrlKmald, (imw Mrs. lilrthl uinl
hvr firmer 1tulkind, lattly ikruad.
. l,"Ilcil,,a1(1' t p., Iji to i ih-5ih lust.. Amu
1.him.. ad4 yearn, St th and'.'.' dy; en thonh
lltiLV jA.agfdti yrari.H monllis and II dayn;
"d n the Huh liihi., Amims. aed uarH,y iiiunihsaiid
t.da, fi.mShuni urjuim iinrt. l,,B,JI" '''
111 iwp.. wt rn., nu tha fth in-t.. Aurr,
itajT i..,,..,.,..,,.,.,,.....
In Ilrinrrrcik twp . Ilti county, at the residence uf his
fun, Mr. Wji. ,MuAfft. in th'j P!Jcarnrhl nije.
At riiudrMlle, hi (Vlunilitaiitutilv mi the 10th in-t.,
Mr. Mtiu Tiumm, if if Henry Trnucli, V.t- . .wd
nlxxit 5.1 )i,nr,
At his ri'r-ldeiife, near M i 111 I ll i 1 1 - tiliiinhl i ronnlv.
mt the iiinninitf of July ; tli, Mr. Ai.khum mijii, agetl
1 1 jvntH t'ui. ami !." ilij-s.
In lltiiitinatun. l.ti.'-rne mnntv, nl the ri'-idi-nri! of
h. r ir.uiilf.iihi r (Iiminr Warm r.) on P.itnrd.iv mom
Ins Jul) th, Ass ttauchl.r and only tlnl.l of Hark and
AtlHide K nnn ac-d ahout lU inniillH,
Cimdidato's Depai'lmoiit. 1
I As JIOUNCFMtNTrt OF l" 4 S M It H if , lor liollllliatiolt
for pulilic oilier, will htj cluigi'd failt. I'.ijrabtc tit
ittnably fit advance. i
i:?SI! Cdl.llM.W. nf'j ', lire niilli,iri.T. M
.-iiitiointrH, will li-t it C.iinliil.iii, Tnr Hi" lli t- nl l'r-
t!lipl iry, at tin iitr'ailitns I'll i lin. iuhi 1
In th i liui.iim uflli.' CkIuiiiIm.l L'utiuly Ik-iinH ralic Con
C U I j .N T V C( ) M M 1 SS 10 X K 1 i .
TIIIIX .HI K, r,-... f llilarrn-t I; tiiiii-ltip, vi- an
.1 lllltlliirl.i'll lit hnl. Hill If il t'.llllllil.lti' lot I.'OIIIIIIM
siiiinr nf I'nluiiilil 1 1 1 1 1.1 . till- I ill, ,-llliju I In ttiu ui.i;
i.tiflli'll iniHr.ilii Ciutiti iVint iilinti.
llVi:n STOI T. nf Midnr.n ti.wtifhi ColiimLii
Ii rn.niU nr. ,nitliot,. d in iiilii'Hiiii will In. .t
r.Mthlnli iir tin .miyt tt to (Ik u-.ih t llu
I) Miunr ttir fount y t'oii . nt ion.
...I ar.
Slioiibler II.
7o I Duller II
lid Hgas la
Coin.. . .
:i!l ! Tallow PJ
While Heaiw...l Oil
Hiii'kwbeat ."ill
Hams ix!
Lird PJ
Potatoes nu
lliii.l Apples. 1 f.O
HI 1M Hiidn it ciittni;'i ot vi rt' "Op1 n"' t itrl tmul
tr nt.i.iu h'.l .it tit v Un'' grnitf and v-tinnm ,
tr il 'Oin pi.-f r I 'I--.! tr-. Auopincr. w Uli a I w
x o.i-. liiiiit- ir pnIoiI tin" jr tty or rtr How. r( or
a i 'tit i u-'juiui ')nui it ul I. ml. lit. -hall h.uu our
It -it III llik'.
Mill, T. Ilur'iun,tit h linn h .i'i l r lii'ir.- jho not
-.trll -r tii i'i nil r ih ; hittnlia or Hi Laiwi m, til i'ur
tt.ioin t In i v 4 , i v 1 1 rji tli-li. i it w t "It and
Ii i .it'i) n'nAi -Ion .ill- l I hn'th i 'irr ml tf in
I, nk- ;iiul pr t hi Hi li .tiiil ti'ii p m It. ia .c ,
ir ,il-o iv oo.l.
II1AKY Xl'l'lMilU;
llloom luir, -l I-1') "t
Pcnuayivania State Ayricultural
t no
U onrii'4 ll.ililc (inmiiil,"
NUAU Uli.KLrt liAKKi: l.r'XKMi COL XIV. t'A.
rplluriniitintti'i' 1 1" rrnu im-nti. I.ilti' rlin-nri ittiin
J HI .111 HUl.Ttl i Willi II Ill' m l III'1
llM'tnliv i ot illi'i III .irr uiyi'iii, nu Inr ImMiii Hi,'
u i m.iii' I .or i'ii i ill, . i n n i i, ii i i i.
. I! llH ML Will," l,..irr", hoc h -i, ii,.xi. n. .
J .ii, I will I, , ".n li t'-il ni llir tim'- .i'i"'inti il Tli-' i
, luiniinii mil ,i' u fii Tuci.!y, .ni't win lontiiuic iu'u
' brri'iuvni.u '.'."i, imA, i.iu. -ma.
'I It" umiliulH wliuli iiri' lii'trl l''-.iiititull lixat"il, .UK.
i ,,, ,IK,.t u , nkjlily mil ,i,l.i'l, il lu lliu pm
i ,i III ' I'XIIII'lllull.
iiii.v luvni.v v '. ivti .m-i:i:.s.
'I'll l'illl'llii(;i. fUi.'ililiiij:. I't Hi.. Kr. ,nv. li, t nl null'
,,,, ,,, , , lk.,M, v,..t ,,u,l .i,li .i.l i.
I li!.t?!'JlJn "'" "' ""' '"'
Aft r lliiUt'111-' th ' rt,,'r lary inltt will ! jt tint i(j- ,
lull, l.iUlfil- KI'MJl).
, ,.n iii.ixna.n rr.-t.iry.
! M'0 M OM'. OIJAMii.
''1 1111 iiitili-t-iyiiL-il lijk uj.i-iieit .i i-lniii' lu ur li''.ir Iim
1 r, Ml.-mu. il,',nl lull .null.' i .i.-l , I'lli.'oiiisl.ui-'. .in I
is ,r,,.ir -,l lu lurmsli tliuc ,1,'airUM It II t LIU . l
&I..VV.. 'inaniiij iiiik-i
lilmt iIl.-,imIIu ii.ilit. .ul'l
nil flit I rll.H
Jul, I I. I-MI II.
I'. H. ri-illl'.K.
rI 111! uiider.-igned. Auditor, appointed
1 li) tin t)ri li.iir. t'lmrt i'l ri'liiintii i r.iimir, ti Ji-.-
tnimt.' ,i."i m tu,' iinui.i'i u i'ur kim, . .,.i.., i'r ni mi- ,-finii. ,11 imir .it i A l.ll ,l l.iti n.l li'.l II
tlnp. C'.'liiuil,! 1 I'MIII1 ll.'C Usi i .iiiiuiis III' ii
MM .1. 1 1 il,-nl iii i nriliii!: tnlliu rati n.l ir.'"ili,iiis ,
l.ihli.lti'il b I iu will alt' ii'l I.i tli iIiiiii'h nl Iiii up-
nniitiii''iit mi . vvc-iu n.iYuh'.ivni
.'Ml. al M ii.litiK, v. "t . al In .iltii-i' in 111'i'iiii.liiti.r.
li'-ii nn 1 win ri- all " r,'iirt I, ivlnj ilauiirf iijaiii.t lliu
' 1 rta!', tliall ,i i,l-iii Ilin,' l iru h.'ilil lii'litnr.
ir le il. li.irrcil rmm rimiiiij,' 1.1 lur .1 l,.ir' nl .ai'l u.i.' u.
IV. U I UT, AilJllnr.
him I'tir?' Jul v 1 1 )i,i - It '
I'ilult ff tlioie Juiuti r, iticeused.
I ETI'iatr! ti-.tiui, mart-, nn llio IMali' nf (Si mint
IJ UiiaiiNkU, lalu I'l 1'iiilri liiwnslili.. ('.'Imiiliia ntnii
''''","'' "a '; -n.) 'i'; 1:. u.-t. roi .u;i
,iniiy, tn Kiniii, I Ksl, l,nt-r. uliu ri 111 1-11.111 ili I.
"M'-J'i.. u".i i.-..r!iu 11. Kti i,mr. t... r.-ai.ii- ,n i,tr
ti.wil.llli, li'.lll Ml m.-I'I tiiiinly. iiulitu Is tlii-l .loia In 1, liy
!ii; i;iii " t' .1 i' n-iit ..t ...i.i
r,'4i iit. In make iiyin,iit furllinilli, .111. 1 all i,'ibun,
ii , ,a ij,, r !, ,n.i,i.u .in.,Mit i:uilmu i'ri',iu
tiiciiitu Hits lif.ui,'i., inr . iiI"h 1
July 7. H,n -ci-,.
H IMl'lll, KKI.fllNia:.
unu. II.
Life vlr.
Jtnte of Sohmion Ui'knfin. iitcraud.
I i:i"i'i:i;a Tjitam. mary i tiic n.uio uf ri.,mn
""""' '! 1 '.'"'',- ""'i y I '"' iti'in;. n
"l'.'li lialii4 1. 111111, a-ilili-l Hi') Cblil ,-f tlio .I.i.,'
uvni am t"iu, .ini m n,s. m Hnni m ma Kmum
k.'X. "' V",u' '''" "' u""w l'y
Ill, ilt lulttiw-ilh
HbNKV 1 r.ll.CY
J- itfutr
lune il, ltl.0 tt
1 lUXflSG, Mu.lin 3 I widu lot 1 i pf 1 a 1 . 1 f . r 'a,
Celebrated Shuttle or Look Stitel. Family
I;ct cannot bo excelled. It h preferred
for its simplicity, durability, strcnth and
ranted, l'rico $00.
ttuulilcThrpndTieht Shhli rinHy ywlnj! Machine. Thin .Machine posscsea the three fraud rci'iMfc. tlm
purity, (tlrcnclh and ethrii-nty. I'tire, ftli and J I uatrintrd,
'l ho inidericni-d itli-r tln'fo rVeu Ind Mailiiiiett nilh Hie f!M,trst confidence tin y nre defined I t inert llu
want 4 of the people. Ilnn'l f.iil to examine! the lltirekn and May Mower In fom purtlu-in.;. t'tlk. Cotton and l.fn
en tli read 4 ptntnldfj lor Hwing .Marlntifs, on hand and for Hal a by
Danille, Mny 1800.-(im.
rlMIK mulei-Mncil, Miiu to retire from
I til" lm-iiu s. oil ri to fi II, at l'lUalu Sale lli en
tire tic k oi
Ih k JSl'tttrnwrift W"ll'p'iprr
.tit I fittnfih lonsio? to tlii rtaldfhni tit. t'irtdoor
ulii the ltvihinco Ih'lfl.
t 1 or partirularst'ii'iuirt.' at Hton1
t.lui'.hiirz. July II. I -ni.
. ri.uu;
Ilcnry uppi;ii,s IM;i!ilislniinif.
I hot thetj'ltnd tUad unit burml war tfitc ti-t rinlir)
nO )oit want a fioo'l. tt fty lino I
Mo joii want a i li'.ii watt h f
iu w al h f
II no jou a ilillo nit ji'li f
p. i m Wiliil ki Vi. h-athT C lid. A.L
rr a waUli ulaxn th it w ill t:u in '
A Uimliii- Cl.iis i'.it-nl, i;,"i mi
Or i omnioii, oi rnt.ill. or l.trgu '
Ihd )oiir watt II Ct l ii nil) f
A knoi k. ii I rk or ti hit f
It' it 1 or Inn l in fiiliitTH,
ho wonlii pur it a hi'lti-r "lil" ?
C) I Midi r hjoko ' MTUi- T .1 pllldt I J
A ji w I. ,i wh -i 1, or a "prina f
ll .trd a ti'djt-'. a rai k, or u liuinnilii,
A n 1) 'i wnh a ipi'iinis w i n it f
.M.nii fpihiii lmki, iinr ' or i pin.
Down wkili all th hi I with h -f "
"To m.ik'' Hi -in U woiki' than a in'"
Cl.Hiimlniri:. Jntv II I-mi
puittiic tiAi.i:
-ir -
BY irtniM filti Old r ol Ih (m1mii h Couit i rclnm
hi i i tiinty Ht.inlit, lin t c .iMioinid
liy tin- Oi ii'ijm a Court f laufino iotint , will jc In
n.ili' on tlii pr'ntHt'i- on
'Imsibuj, (, XUl nf Aniisty A. , I WOO,
.it - u i lurk, 1'. M lit Ii ll-iw uif. It. 11,1 ir tu w it .
nil it. i to tn th' ti nv'up ol "iiu m CcaiiiLi.i iuhhI),
Luntuinini'. ,r.'"iit
a I ur projioittoii oi wliuli itil.,i t and o.i wlinhiic
tKili 1 a i
js o a n o if.s i,
A l;K" Jtllil olio r oil I lilllMlll-Js 'VUts tf.irt .1rjriii
I.imU ol' II 1 villi Id on Dm n tlii. aitil ' lnnna.1 ,
, V4. t!. lltvir. and olio m on lit- i ,i-, onh, nnd I
i i,.il-lh 1 lnhp Il.tnn, 1 tlu ot .n.itm;
t rainilV d.'H ad 'il,
, JACOI1 i;V 1 KI.V. ClirK
I w.'l)inoXs or - tr.r no mnmi ot ih. p,.,, i,,is '
! liti-m-V, (I s I II i t it III Mil p I I'l on llir I onlM iil '
ot ill - .il' t -ti p. r I - nt ni th- otic f miUi to lv p ii I hi
tlii tiiKinj iloun ol th" piop-ilj The litlim tho
p'inliifW inoiii-y in Mm- iai lton th . i onioni tton o
Mil', W llll till r-at lot 0,l I out) ' at,
Idnom ,'mr ', July II I -o, tiuhr
WWliWi wiM ! a II Now ti 1 1, I In' N ill iint
lUtl.WWW i Inn .m.i M,m ot Ui- t.nii.l
Mai- i it'll ii,mii,4 atmr-M' I'otll.Ml iroiu III , M toe1
I .in. Ii. I it 'i I'.nh I'.iih tin l'li.), ut ,mi in' iv-i
d'-itl, w il :i tin ir Kit. in ol .nu pi inn' '.ii,..o- i I lu ir
I I io,n.( iiw I'aih . w Hit .i atii'iiihl
t r I; K ilix nl ih ' I'li oli il i:i-ili"iM oi Ho I on d
Wati (. Ii"iii I o 'l to I i'i , n.iiii' i f t'n- ! mUi . 1 1 lln.
Hun-.- i-i II 1 1'-' ni.iiiv. s iio.ii ttrt to Ji n
Hi M.ip i ii '.iiHilnlh ( lir d. nnd pniit'-d on h'.iy'
ta1 ti.lcr '.ip r, -i.f .ti lil. .Imu iij Hi inl l'"ini.l i
iu hi I nil h M.itin.iitil 1'i.riitoii ri, iUn ni tliouh
to ih I'.o
l: I nl Pro
o-iiv il fi'tin H'-nt. pot I p ii I. on ri-rt ipt
A rrurltitut: li ollt-rM at'til-'. I'oi Uj.114
nUi bi
am: i:t'i.iisi,
riiitiii-iphtt i'j
A 4M E& it !
'Ptli; .nliHitih'r wtll Htnl(r ol ilt ,t-il to all who
I in -tr il th K' !. .iii'l ilin ii n ur in iUiii a -mi
pi 'uiln'ih liuhn. Hi i w III, in Ii i.t I a " l.t .1 lit il ni, (
i' 'it. I"nndi it td'-lih -.ran.f n '.ti Hallow ii s,anl'
.11 Ki-t-iiini ,iti) i.Mflm -t ot ih- Ht'ii, I iia th - i
-am- a. Njlitto tut ioI.-. u 1 I. titi,
ulit.'i ,i,i,l h,, fat, 'ii ib'tiin; Ui- U-.I in . w I'll ,
lull inMni' lions tim i It'i'iH -nid alv n ill id aiu lall
iiiii .ji, l wnh rjliun i'ii inz
J !i I'. M MISII l,l
I'll ,1 1 1, M I II, Mi-l
u. fit, iiuii'iitis-" .n. 1 ik
.liilv II. am.
I tli: Mi tt, II km limn:- -I'd I Mia
V-ftf-t 111 tli-- Milltn rv Itio-lti' mi i:i.i ni
hnrj w ill 1 onliioi, Iran,- a I lit. 1 will know
iw n
r.t.111 1 111 lit Crii k Mud- llmito, 1 11 l,un Sift t. a fjw
iloot-t .ih vi llu i;ilJtii-i) H'til lin in .ill ll- dpirt
lll'lllH .lint Ml III'' IIKlft Itlod-TII hlii d r,vii,it(
Mtllnorv 'I'll hu- jnl ri 1 -ivtd Irani the lliil'-in
t'Hii it. 11 h'-Ii (t atxi'ttmi'iit ol
rr,.r.ti V- ry ...i, ty o, z I N.matcr woar.
who Ii will b m nti' lo onli r. Willi to aim nj.rjd .iiiiihii v
ami on verv modiTal'' li rum.
It.ido'-iot Hlo'im-.hiir. an I olb 'IB, fire in lit 'd tj call
nnd i tammc Hn-ir Shi k of Oooda.
!(ioii)biir:. June 'M Im II
rpilU I'ri't'rl'lnr ..I' lliu till ku-tu 11 .111.. nir ill v ln'-.t
I 1 it Ili'llf.' . tin llMII.M'l II. , ILI.. -till it ' mi '.,lri
i'lr'-. I. nt I II in, iii. Im r l, iiiiiin'ri i ly i-ihhi ui" tin- I ', .lit in
In.i , 'minry I'oiirl IIxii.i', r.-. . I hilly I Ihiiih In. In, iiI .
1. 1 llu ,'il,ln- in j;i'ii'' tliiilu , t hi-- i. ii" hi ni
,li-i ur 111,- r'-. ' 't inn in I. 'lit' r I iiiniti'iil i'l I r.i, ,-l-..s u It i
III. I', I i I ltls,ll-Jl', tu fn ,,i ii u II II llH'll l II t'HIl lll'l'l.
B,.ir'''l tin . t H-.' in 'r''.'iii'ia 111- r.n,M'i- I'irll,'
i'iit iliiiiitniit nl Iiii. u.ii'ili, ii'ilii'r nliilllli"! I,.' any
111111!: n.inliii.: ("ii til. C'lil) l i t.ii'ii h'i I'. Ili ir .h"i,'.il
,,n,itnrl Ills luni l l" sji'li i 'U .iii'l . nj" . .tn i II nl
l l-lll' -S l,JII".
, - i hint Mm 1 n run iit nil 1 1 ni'1 . 1, Hit', mil r,i!iun,
ll.'t' I .mil Hi'- i.hi'iim K.iil K,i.i'l Il-.., liy wliuli li.i.
lU-is uiM I. ' I'lf.iMiilly i-,itl) x l hi ami Imoii ltu il'-p-'i
ll.i: M.ltl"ll i III tluu tllll tu iiim t tilt'
II. II. KiHJSA,ii.iil,nrg. Jntv 7 I '.tl.
I. Itl'' li'lt "Il n lill. III pin
1 swim; irn v.. u-, s.,mi
1 roniltiMriil b i 1-1 n i Ii tttut .111 I Uahiuil
1 111U li IplJia p Ox nil li'pi-Mi 11 ili'in nid
11, -ui-ioii iii"ii, j -.i run ,1 iij ii iiiiiii in mal.
in 1 1 My 1 .01111 -i, (iround K. ol-. ..ili..i.. . it..
'I'll If. I 'Mill' Ml ll' 1 III . Il' l Ii II I III IU I II 2U ..
pioll, oi-n titlllh ill Hill lio llk ttllll dlpol i
'loia' nioiii y tiiii hii 11 .11 .ill iiiiii'i-ii-.ij lo uiarn m
- ' Mb .1 -r n uu nit' ! 1 to ih'- o in r. .ik ttn' Imvv.'S
t iiiiiic 'l in i loiup tuv in ii r biu..-u.i i, L
l I'niai' a in 11 11 11 01 Kiti'i'', aini nimr, t .in ilr-
iiil ill tin ir own liilil and mo II ili n-iiU lali bu -
tt Hit Ir.iwii on!) b lb n nniiit. u
rb.iri t pi in tu-il. Im otpot.iti'd by HicStiii m
I l'i im It am 1. uilll anlboiity tn -h-ihj luunty
1.11.111: .i.vij S.WHJ. ti'.us 111xr.1rr.1t
tlilir ' 'ii daily I. '.. t'. a i.'i l".., alia ml Wei!
lUs.lay ivc'iiiiii; iinlil'i 111 t-'ik.
J.inJ, It t-'liatilinil. I'yriM ('.I'ltta'lailu.
Jnllll Sill ail I'M, tii'iTJ,' KillM-ll,
Mall. Ill IV.rl'.all, lllwar.lT. II. Ilt,
1.1-w 1- Kruiiilili in. 11,111, li'laii),
Ni, Iii'l 1 Kllli'llll',11",', N.ilh itl iiii'II, v.
Jn. II. riilllKltllw.llt' , 111, 111 laai 1 lain ll.ll J,
Jill 'lit l.lljllll,-l'll
J It tlll II. fll NliV. I'l.nU-iil,
l lll'riL'MIW M.I. Mil. Il Tna.urci.
MntlilJ 1 "."., - l.'ni.
' II ill ir lavi ,1 t - tw i, " ,' irni'il "
'plIIH luktitutiim w.i. t'niiildi d li l In- pr-'ofiil I'rtrn
J and, .il tt ay j li td a I llu ial, ol Hi,- p ilron.ic
of lliu i niniiiuiiity. 'I'litt ohj, rl .Hun il iit in all lliu t Xi r
i tc o ihi lu-lilijl is to . uru in pupiU a pri'pt r dt
vi li.piui nl ot tli,- ui ("iu r-i. Ami lliu. ijii.ihlv ttti in
f r -a If iuiiut liou. hp i ial iitM'uioni In 1114 fciv-n lu lliv
luriii'ittou ot rorrcii and i 'in.itii litltitn.
Itu'll'.ld ) Mud) cinlii in h aulili IjiM r itun1, tltt
Sii'inrx, tli M Uli-in llii-i t lie l'l,i-iri mi) l t ni
l-.iii)!u.i4i,r ly tniiij Iim nnrliuiKd aiti-uiiini t i tin
I uli liMti of th-1 ln.tiluiiiUi and s 1 iiimo; Ih-co opu. .iii.m
ut rl 'pialui d iiii-trui loin, tlu t'rimip,il Iioim 1 on n
dt'i e.ilibl,n luni to hi a paltHit '(In m 11 'l'i rm ill opt u
Alt,mfoff August 'tfthy lfiO.
'Ui- 11 1 itt j pat uill rt'Ciivt pupil fnnn .t ili-i.mti ,i,
lo.H(i4 att'l will iiu llnin vi ty .ttM niion n.
la tin Ir fointutt F01 paiticuWr ap'V t
J .M hkl0 rrtmtp:,
Pan villc Jwn K) ,1m
,0 ou want
1 .m.u i;i:i;i.i
Sewing Machine, ranks high in lho mar-
over all oilier
LOfiK-STHCH WIAC13JWES, these machines arc
ji. (iiiiBit,
II ll'I'M IVl! ftrillv'DM
run,, , .
'PIIK . econd arriMil of New (JooiIk, (bin
VJ u.u.ii.'.ji. ua-seineie?, anil Coatings of
1.7 lln ljl.lly.-, nl IIAUTll.W fl.
0OL, Cotton, Hemp, and Hag (Jar
I I I' ll lr i! iln.p lit IHIKTIIA.Vi.
Abb Paper, Wall Paper, in gnat
tl -i-i iMt ii i 3 i h -.,- ri n.ii.-, .a ii.r. t'UAN-.s.
UOOPS, lloojis, lloopi and H'opi,
I' l at I.AKT.M AN ri.
iK.MUNT by the Diirel, for saluat
M.iy l'i 1-Nl.
Valuable Ucul Rs(i(c.
I pnr-n nt. pi .mi . r.U r id the Orphuii Cuuii of
t'oLnui.i.i lotinit on
Xtf;i -fff, ( thtf of Jdfijy
at ID o'l. v W in III' I'-i'ti'i'ii JMm M Mi-ml"HHi.
mini lrilrif S.,ili I'r nlti Int.' o ft huh lotnhii.
In r it 1 1 o'ltily, di i ai,l will i ..w, tu -iik U ruMir
Vnoin npMii the i, inisi' , a Hunt
i-OT or GROUNO,,
Htul n Ili'pkhtiull - i:l .outsln' m iIk , ..uniy
.Hi r nid, lioitinnil . nut di -ri ill ! iHlnMovt-4 It "hiniiif
al a i.iV,.'on lit . iiiiliu -t k( i i i ,iin ti t oi pnldic
ro ol I. .oliio limn I-I 1-Imiil I II. rut. K mi i hu ufa
In! now ortii-ii i, r-ntioiii -luv , iik-iii .ilouj! ,a,t
Mi.' t -oinih ltd) t Ii r ih lm .ihi ai lioi I . i tH ihrt
loniiT ot lot o h tli'Min ,,iilh iwi nly tu'i n lUti-'t'rt
wixl. ni' lifin.ti 4 .ml i,i'nl I. hi liil to ,m 1 1 v
111 'ii"- I .ti I Ml, ii .i Hi nit) ihi. i d l'i ' , mi; I -a iu
Iw il It III ol imoii ' Mnvi'. at''t '-.ii t th iiio
li Hi,- .inte ti.Mth Units i- . ti il. u Mi-ai-l i ic hinlti'd
aid i tj ijlit (' I lo I h fl i..'.. fcsiiiHH a '1 h n- i
( l i'i ti-d i ii III' t mi - ,i in o t ij
!Fstt AJU 3 io SiULJj D H rj tjjjs6
a vni i'l ti nif. th-p n kid h it .in.l .i liw
Willi iv'l ill nut 'i nu llu 'i iui-h
I al Ih. I'. Lit ' nl s.u t i. i, ,,.i .1 . ih, ,t , i
i luy, 'I I'l'Kiin .lint , , nun tili'i,
j m i i'i r. i:i;i. ,
I iv, II
'i,frf,rr, ft nil Ii'ihIIi ,. I,i .
J (I i i ll'll I'l I I ' III J (' U li ,.,
'HIM HI ill HI
ol Ih'-ih1. I- n i"'i - nl itlh iiiii l.niiilil
l pn I l
I'" 1
tli- -In kins down 1 1 Hi pii-p M Tli . il
plllill-l-' Ml' J Ml OIK )M! lit. Ill lOillliiO.Kuitl t'f J M t:ui.iM:i:i.i
I Itiiit' I -if .h.i.h r
wijmw awi uciuoay.
wuoLtiXAi ; ..yv hi-.tau..
'Mill; unlet iuit-il. Iihiiij op. 11 d a , n Mmi-.on
I M.nn Hlt.'t a t w ilon. -hiIi a u,u
I, t,i"in',l.itiL an I nO'i t,i'd l Willi III. U :,i I 1 ,n 1 , ( all
kiili i't Imiwttrd .iMiojt. v ill li- llt'p I.i iiipl tin
I I. ol- on li , in ut .itbiiimu nl,ihii l tmaiid ui au'i (ally
l, I'llldlt t'llslolM M n .pi 1 1 1 itl t v Mint
l IV KlHlMX "
I I hnir Jntv . l-t ntl
V it X 7!t ml I N G S' X O Ei K a
' nio.i nt" 1 1 iiv tli-' iiii- it v iu inr nu tin- l a-iictf
1 an-l lii'iiil 'ini'ii ol i tnj'i itl . .111 I him 1 i'ii 11 iiii
roiinh v . Hi it h" h u i'p ii ,1 a I'w ln. tonn I'kim
MIMIMttlth, III Ol.tlll v ttl . U li in '1, I., -. on h uij,
ilti I la on i tuily 1 1 it it m" a ., , s,,)il,n. iii 1 1
Staple iV r;nu Ui (ioiiiU,
TiMiiintiij. II indKr l In I' II, a iv, tJlni . 1, m 1 and
in plum .ill htndft tntni-liini co.h-u i.h r.,it i.hli-t
and lii'iiil 111 11. II1-1 80.11U .it h-ii:hi .11 V.-it' ,nn
I'liil 1 1 l,-ln 1 li.ilh . Ii iht...i, Iin in .ul . ., i -Hi
pi o i" "('It -v i- I" m- hi Inr 1 a Ii. who h 1 n.'ld , Jhiii lu
ri II ,il low 1 1 rat x th 111 ,iuv i-tli 1 in tltt' 1 fin, m
IU- 1. -(i -H, illy -'It, it-..i kIhm' nt in.. 1. m, (.101111-1114
r. 11 I 1 -o nl -ih Inti'-n rii- tall .itul wMiitmc
h I ! pnn h -in Im-wIi-'i.-
P.. 1 inintrj Pio.liii ' I i-ii ti in iih.inB t,irjivod'
l.t-lf w 1. Inns rd,-i ., fain- 'Tolhr p'lt in-t.wilt hi
I'imiii li dniluwith tlm Uu I lily Mvl, c 011 .iinilna
iN.m.jL't ill.-, Janj icmi.
PUIJI.K! V 1-2X1)1) Il
i v trim oi an or U t ol itt ''K t'ntt I t'l-tuni
l'ia i-oiinly. th. ilniniinir iiots ( John t ow nli-ivan,
if.iii Kiiiimna i ouin . ti- t-a .i'ii, w ill v.t ij, io Puliln
ti ih 1 11
I Xtluith.ijy flu Uft th t, Aiu"ty IUO,
nt m o'. t", t .
upon the pi mi. i -ti tilt; l"M n hip
ouuij the Initio, nu U.'.il
of t'iann
n i
BUnil-t iit t.ud tow n-tup himiiilMlih .illirint lo tha
1 V' Mir'Sih
ZlSz 7 ''","a
i o ,, .in i .'tii' m, on tint t.11,1 to iii.u ,,i iitnrv
o Item U iiii'i ui nnd
b.IIjh mid
i ss A : se r. ti,
hu tli.; h.iHi-1 nicr or li nn. on wlittli nit-tint,-1 n
It hn, and appuil- 11 uu mi t ltl Iim., .nol rf , , .idom
il 1i1w tr. 1 1 ,11 -.1 Tim 1 mm 1 . in 1, ir 1 n.nti . ,m.
a ff" op'.oi tinniv Maiii.rli'l i 1 1I0 im -t u nt ol n
uin.ill .iHioittti n 1 Hi Km n li in - 1 on 1 1 no -t , to llu
lli"'HnKL)lari.t- and inaikti . . I Uu toimiv .VI
A At 1 L A ' li () I lilt T
1 nicr It'tH "I a I iro I litco tloi Kr mm
fi.01JR.Wu M LL,
uitll Hi-' -r P"ivt t uppuil unit IIkiiIo '( In , M
t-4 in 1 d 011 ,-ilmiit o I 1 nd. win. h 1 , Itr nidi - j
on ill hoi Hi li 11 lo r I in 1 o t I'm, in' 1, . mi ,1, , .tjn.l,
.nidlolx o Dun 1 Ki 1 1 in 11 1 1, ok tin tut by
of t nd ( ovauio ,ni aiol .1 puliti r-:i ' md on til 1
m.'MIi 1111 1 Wi-M Uv I mi'U l.ili. Ii (.mi-jmi tot' '-, ;j. k.lla
tl i .t l. ,m,( i-i ori tli t -l ( it il nulla in ihe
loiititry fpntiii 1101I11114 in 111 ii.ii ! tlll t.nili t f
pur-i. 'Jliiw.ittr paiM-i 1. im i tlcnt, an I tlu .mil u
now in
noon i.un.mnc ciiMirnn.v.
I.fltJ tin UtiLil.-o Jolm Coi.iiih'n. in il f .1-.. ,
J.M Dtt t'.S i:i:i. ftt,'.
t'.7-7"A ( Oh' HiLl. 1 mm: fan 1 iu 1 1 tlir j in In u
t'l-Min (l t -k it nl t In Ii p.ii t on in, 1 onto in limn
oltli'nil' ii'H (uri'til 1 f tin uiim lointii lo Ii mint
111' triklKS tlou II I'l III itt ll 111,' lill.lill .) f4
pun Ii ui Kiniu-y tu oin- j. it tioni I tt e ronlliii.i(u of
mIj. CVIil : W WV.W 1 1
IH.lVCIi. CUV WlhlV.lX. Urn',
inv T. l-l-)
1 hi;
iiiniiM 1 .111 1 Tall h 1-1011 tl tlu M iuiidui.j
ii'lli) t. ill II -im 1
1 Ai..
1'upil.t 111 -I til' Ini in r.fuhftti,, Moth t n l.i.n :
Jiu-ii!' a M.illi'iiiniii - Nilnr-ilMi hu h ami 01.1I Miitir I
l li lonrHf ol M.ith' maitf-i and l la .i' i. mih mii-, tn
lri iii - Hi r-tu 1 ni ti alun-.ioii mio ,1 1 tun 1 ny t-r
1 ol. : or to -in.tlii) t-1 tiij-,Mn -. 1
Hail lo'ut roiiu ,111 ii' it.! i-i 1 a i-l m li 1-1
irr hip 1 I 1 .11 li .tidi-nl 1- k, l w tin h 1 . oi 11 t .itl nuv I
ir 1 vaiiiiii,iiiii li pn nl fitai .1 ot , 01 oih
rp 1 id, itt niiou 11 cin'ii to 1110,4 vJ. tliMu iiitiuj 1
tin mm lit b l"i 1 a hi nl',
TI.K Mr. j
Uomiii'ni li'iulidli, 1. t'titi't.ipliy, Uvadni, Willing!
und nihnif in . pi r lu.iitir, S1,M!
I lulu r i:n;li-lj aiol I,ihh, mo
No ' lr 1 1 h ir-:" mil Ii tu 1 ! for I'm ikIi 01 tl imtti -dodniltou
ill li made nil .01 01111I ol nou uttoii.tntM 0
01 uil'.t li fori 111 ito-c I'l'tliu bt-ciuii, iinU- 111
l -'I- ' ol Mol.Kti'd Klikll -n
lion 1 tuMplm i It ii I 1, U'-nio.l in I'tinitoii
diirnu Ui. tipnitg and s,num r Hr. v n tr $1 Jd pr
U ilk
1I( f- rum i't l'alrou ol tin- , li-- d
ll lid MXV, A. II, , rnncttxt!.
rditoiili.liiir!!. Jlltli' -I, l"Hl II
i'lour jiikI rn-il IKlivcic 1:
IKK nud'iHi:n-d' uirjn' iu 11U tint u ill
m.ildt !ij in 10 d. I ii' 1 r I'lour and IVi u I o: ( rtll,
a'loiit t -n p 'i tit 1 li- r tluu any body tlu j 11 town,
Ihi pi n 1 a arc u lid low tt
Htvn. SI ii I Pom !l i;o'h"p, gt Al!
t'-'iu .vUiiU (Imp, I ailrnn. 1 ID
I r pi 1 Hull) .ol i' it a thari. ol I iu pul-Ijr patrnuii-u.
I!'n--..iire .lunr'Jl. I-M tf
T.iun I.ols Tor S.U:..
l lA'l.KAI. di tiiib! I'liildni" lot tu Ulnoni tin. for
I'oi pdttit,uia.
V wn.r
I,l- -,ivtr: Jam
ou want
Innlilntton. ofTcfii thc
iiki r.'rtain. tnerrir. nrnt on(r eUVttiul remcdv in
Ilia worM for effect for (licet, fitrittnrrf, Ht-mlnnt rt. k
dun, ruins ttt tlio loint, Conitilutionnl l. Iiiiitj, linjr.-s
(i ncy, Wtaktipm of tho llatk ami linilil. Atlittiorm nf
ilio KIdnpyp, ralpltutin of lho Heart, lii)etftji, Nti
wm lrrltahltltr. I)lncae of lha Ileiid. 'Ihrwt. Noii' nt
fklii, und all llibo ftioui mi.l inUnnt Iiaty Punrdfr
'y'ffii!irS flllMSsJ'wMr
priruccs, are mora mini iu mrir icinu iitaii mo on .i
tlx Hyrciu lu tho niAtlncra L'l)eHtn, iiirhttn (heir nm. t
lirtlhnnllwt- flitdantlclpationn, fntlLfiin; mnni(f li .
M.irrlnd persons, or Young roiitemphhn
ri.igt'i im'iii) iwnrB vi pnj sicai n (.aKiirns, trsdiuc uronin
1 1), ilfftiniiltltK, &c. blioulti iiiuiitdijlt'ly Ut
Johnslnn, a tut bo rpulorptl to r(rftct livnlih
He wliu places hliimclf iindr the euro tf Or. Johnotou
I may r llnioimly couftrlo in h huiinr n n Rriiikinvn, m-1
I'tMilltlcntly rely unmi hfi nkill an u iihiitician.
luiiwdiattly cuitdaint full igor ittturcd
This dcpi'ae Is tho ppnalty moot frequently pafdfcir
i tli use u hu ha o btrume the ititni o inipn'pt r iniui
i ie. Young persons arc ltu apt to romniit firrit f u i
ii tt betnjr awaiu of tlio drcHdtitl f t'tidi'H"im' (list n
I ciioik. Now, who Unit nndi rot.mdfi thc tuljcit ill pi'
. tend lo ilfiiy that tho power vl prtcriation t lol n it r
1 try Ihoao falling Into Iiuproptr h.itnts than by thi prut ni
licfidca being deprivutul the pUusxiru of Ih'u!Uj (
uprliiRs, the tnofit ('rioii and iiLfettuitiU' xymptoHi i
1 boiii lunly and mind atlta. The e) U-m bi-cnun-n ii-1
i ni . thtf iiiivctral and mental txivt.-r wealrvnau. nei - .
ili bilny. l) pp'I'.H. lialilluli. n ul Ihil lloriit, IniHi- 1,
nm t tim iramccimii, is miuuun i,r tui.oi,
iruin Il.ilUniore ntrert. ltst tidt-. mi tin' tiepd. Ih In ohi'rUnK tim .NA.ML und MIMlX!., ur , t
will mlftnkf the placo.
Vurc U'arrcnted, or vo Charge .1drff, fit from (
'i'ltfi tMit. . .
Mi'ttihcr of ihe Kojul .'ju i-t at(d-om, nt Lf iulo.j
(JradiiJto froinuitoof llu itm-t I'lintiviit UoIU-j-i n ,ti
t'liitctl Mntt-0. nii'l tho (tti-iitrr pjft ot wlmitvlti
ht-t n (tpent, in tho firil lloi-pilalu 1 1 1 am don, Pa fits I im,.
itt I phi a nnd Inuwlicrn, li. ill -ituil noun' ot' the nu i
tonieliMii rurcKthat w.'ii-tiir known ; miny tnnit
with ringing in tin' In -nt and iar wlu'ii ahU-cp 1 1
nemmsnenn, he in 5 nlartm-d at midden mjiiioN, nn,i ti 1 11
1 iini-tM, w 1 111 irp'inuiniiiu-niu. uiuniunoiiivith., i ,t
ilcrniisciitcnl id mind, wt-r rnn-il i inino-Jiittly
a (i:ur.iN;.
When tlif mi'pnidi'd nmi impnnk'tit oiary or ()! mi'
find a Im hai imlnhcd tla cfulu d tin, ptunlul ilir. "
Ion oilcn h ippt'iM nn ill tlinif mmc uf t-ltaut ,
diiMd f dimovcry, ! t'r linulroni iippli'n to t.t -who
I rout 1 rlili.-ilion nnd i 1 l.ilntitj 1 Jti t)Iiii.' h t
luni; till tin1 cui-lihilii'iiury nj nituiiiH oi i,
lioriid diiprirc tnakt 1 tin ir upp'-aratiL". (mill a.4 til-1 r , .1
t-uri' tliruul, tlltJtJIsuil note iiOLtaiti', 'HMi Ml tin, li 1
ami imh, dlmucfs of - I -1 1 1 . di-aOti 'i. nnd1- on tin- 1. .
hoiti'i, and aruii, Lloldi- on tin. tiojit. atol etti
tK'i, promoitii!i5 w uli r.ipoiii . till at lasi tim pjlm -t
tim month and lionen of tin noef till in, .uid llm it tun ot
tliH ik'Kimn hi'ionii'H u h rrid f,j, itt rioniiiii(.i. .1
till h putJ .1 peiind t- InsdiiMtltitl (tiliorlnt'ii, hj n
iiniK ti 1 in lo "that hour tit fioni wliLiite no iratt-H' r
iiims." To eitili, thcril-n l)r JwhnMon plcdpt-n In
ii'lt topiesurvethe mit . nvi-uihl hi'iiitj and iron ( 1
Mi'iimc praitlcu in lh (n-t I1im'i1hIi uf liiuop. ju
A.iii-tua, ho 1 an tontith ntl r ioiinn'iia Ml' mot . 1 . v
tiliu to the unluitntt.tlc Ml tin ol Hm hoi 1 id dlsiasi
TAUni'AUru 1 ' 1. u Nonci:.
Ur. J addrt'Hu-n all th,i-c who h ic it jtlicd lh-m 1 1. 1 1
h (il ivate and iniptop-'f t'll! '"
'I In1!?!! arr not nc id llo' -ad and niil.tio liolv efl'. i in ptu
dtiu'd hy i arly liutnN ul tontli, i. Wtdkncn. ut il.
il.nk and latnha, Pain 111 Ih, lli.ul. Ifiinticsi of hili
fains uf 3Iiiculir 1'nwcr. i'.ilpit.itioii 1 1 the llcait. It
k pstfi, en oils liiatahilil) 1)l-i.iiikcihciiI ol th,- Iht,,
iivl' l'uiiiiioii9,(i.iaiil lMiIit, )inptmnacf I'uiist-j, ji
tKill, rVl',
MIlNTAhlA. Thc r niliil HliiU upon Ih" tctnd .im
tn 11 l h to h dreaded, l.oiioi .Mi nnii . Uonl'iuion nt lK.t
P' pifisioli ol the spirit- llvil I-'o-IjoiIuiiji, Afisti :i
ul SorM-l , Tiliuty, Ac .nu -.onn; ol thu tit-Mi prodnc. u
ThoVHandi uf prison ol all ugva 1 in now Jndi(i w Lat
l.tthc tunic ofth-ir dulinififj lo-jllh Looiiiii thi-ir
uor, b toniiut we ik pah- .in ennui ited, hiMio; no
uular appcnianc aSoul tin cje toit(ihand B)mjtuiii 1
1 'onr-ntni'ttoii
lliu jre.itand iiniortati Ktiod, ucokties ot tn
otgaiM aru ent'edily igrvd, aiid lull iur r. flnrot
riiuiis.nnU ot ilie iiiosi ti'ruU4 and di-lnlitau-d. wim
had lo"t all Impu, have been tmmediairiv rtlavi d Ail
intpi diuifiiii tu M.irruu, l'h)(-Hal and Mental lit, ptju
tH.tlnin, Nvivoua IrraUIilit '1 uiiiMnujj.Uil UVti-kiii .j
or t-h iii-tatinn ot Hi" ino-l Kaiful I.111J spctthl) 1 at 1
! Du tor Johnston.
vocm; m.s
Wh.i nv injured thntdilvi pv a h-'iIjmi j-iu-ti,
in hilji'd 111 hIkii alone nhal'tt licintntl) Iciiiik (I ti . ,
v 1 1 ioni-inioii4, ur at school - thj t iKtt. ot who h ,1
101 hi l Mil t eu win ti .isle p. and il Not mied tuu J n
in in I ic' unpuiMble, and dt-Hoj a htith nund mm Ltd
liu,il, applj inniK'ilultlj a pit l) tint Jounc iu 111, the hope of I110 r ,.not ,
jii.I (In datlins 1 1 In-t wri'iit h.nil U cn-ttilit-J 1 . ,
.ill proipertd an I imiji im ft ollih.liy Hit tuii-.i-i.
r'-. cfdi.' lilting fioni thu palh ot n.tture ,ind iinlurnit. -tn
a bcrlani setrcl dibit. Hiuh poisuiis boturii .m
t- mplatiii
hotild u(lo( t th il a -Juiiiiil ii.iud and bud are tit uiot
n icjirjry ic'iiiM-Hirs to proin'.ti lonuiihiJl hipjom-si.
Indi'cd, without tht'-e ttn. junrii, v lliroiijjli lile u . ,tie
,1 wcaiy pilurnuai!'. lift; piopt'i t hmirlt daikt-n-i to
Hi- iuw , tho im nil hiHotno t-haduULd with tktp.ur
ttll'-d Willi the nu latuhoiv rctK'ttimi Hut tli luppin d
ol anolliLr ln.ioini'iiblii'lited with our own.
UKl'llT. NO. 7 SOU 1 1) 1 Jii;ilLltR'K!'J linlUfnort Md
AlA, iSUlUJICAl.Oli.ltATlOXr VUll OlMVA)
N. I! .ti 110 laUu iifdfft prtent )uu, bnt Jply
imni(.(lialil iilhiT pt'ittoiially ur by Letter.
to bii.i.fiUiS,
The lininy tliouiandit curtd nl l In-t intitu(iou w ill' n
llu' 1". cnii-, and tin; tinmen, n iiniurtuiil S11r1r11.1l
'pi'rations pcrforuii d by Dr .lolutstoii. wi(to;-iir. by
nu- ii 'iiu ivis 01 1 111; I'jouis ,oiu in.Liiy inner vtt ond, 110
Iti ot lut Ii hau app arcd ri.mi and ajraut be for u tho
public, bi'Pidi'ti lit J itaniliii a n t-nlK'maii of ilntm-l
and rcipoiiKihility.H.t tiittli out siiiiianieelothenirlii t
TAKi: MJI li'J-J.
. H. 'limn iir so many i.-noiuut ami uoithl t
itn.nka ,uiirliin thi-nt eU.-n rinMii.iug, rmiiiii th
In-atlh of tlii- already alHnl'-d llnllli Jilun-toii dec-mi
il m i t'-Jwary tu nay, wpi-i tally lo tlmat: iiiiji piariit 1
Willi ho rtputaiiun, thai hit hi d nti.tU and uiilini.i
ahayn in Ins oiltu .
' f " ThB oii(F All Ii Hern not l bi-poet p.M 1 ti
i oiii.iMt a poslago klauip tor llu n ply, or no aiiao i .
hi' -in.
M.Hill 17. 1-Ml.
IMniOVllll lTAMMIill
SUPEn-l'llUSL'llA l li ul'
'Ihe old ebtibliikcd uiiiclc, tn foiii.iut nc by
lliuNb.tud'i ut rurno'ru tud J'l.intciB for
a f yent.. pist.
I'lkc CIS per -lUDlj Ws. -j ienU pirl'-)
(JUAN (57
I'Cr.UVl.W. Koioiitd tliiftt fi 0111 ihj Gov. mm nt
Ktnr.n. Warranted penaiitr
ICIIAriUiJ. ThU u I Lie old Uilijuin.'.l Fcatlcr Ouov
iniorted diitct
rAUIFlU Ot'KAN UUAVO. A sin ill -innniity . I tliu
fll known urtnlt1. hi incc onlii, Jry and ni
Allen tV IVredlrs9 Xvw rrriilier
'lin- low pncf nnd nuponor fpuihtt, ol tliti tttiii t
ih l-tf l'rni;n il into tuf.
f'-uc&H) per '20(10 tin. (Ij c,,t , A )
lit INK DU!?T. Button nidKtM fine y,Vfc Dust X Ci'.ui.J
li.WI) rLASTCK. U'.nrailtMl '.urn. la l'.i.r 1.
A I1I111.1I diduttmii made to Iilaih.4 on all i .ihi.t
art it It'n
N II. Ue have u luce namh r rf Iin.i 1
Prelum im audulcd Iy tliu ijiioimi .IgruUlurn "or-t
ttti, vtkith jou atu itjuttfil to tall ,iiil 1 .. t.
W.J.A A AV. . .
ii Son ill U'hancs :in,t tl ftoutli Vl r '
t'lnl hiorx. flActf L'hftnul,)
J ily 7. VJCO -'Jin.
"nuv and
Elcgaut Spring Sluclv !
A, J . .Vv O A X,
UAH jnat rccdivcd. ditt-ct from rinMdulphid ainl
Vtuk, ft ti ly ttiuKw Jibsotlinbiii o
ai'KINC A; 8UMMKlt (iO(MiS.
almoii fvc i) new latnc vtliuli ha bum tmnuldti ir-.'l
rr .Stnins ainl Humimr, uu vi II a 1)10 ou ,(
of Wl'JlJLU UOODaof bupmior 'laihitco t.ili I
111 ti.iut.iy, and al piu-us Ui lotv m kinnlar nu c 01 ii
III 1 1 il.iC,l llnvttllVl L.
Il 1-1 an i-ai inaticr ti lliol goods ut a U pm '
ai ,1 Ki'ticral ink, lht-y ato Jm-I alt'tv iiiunlta I, it o.
u-t u to to, l ailalc at ,1 try U pm a 1 nono Uu"t "
Mitli aii opoiluMily. iiowtvif, a oiljud In Hay 11
ntrfy v .Hit
ujtnniuinr., ULioH.ihK
UUihJitK. HSU,
ZJ" Cull itud ive. n
rouM'itv puoducu wA.srnn
IdoonisbMifi, A pill 33, iHii
ft I! uiidontiuvil, nn fill fir pil pnlronai: i y '
9 Inlly niiuiiut liir-LiistuuuiH and iln!puhltri,tnftii
l"i il In Ini j'Ut 11 it iud froin Hi fidtciuu tiltid
LiiLtkl and imiril at kit iiot k t-
Thai hn y.l hit n ojirticd in Pdot'inrhurtt to trii. n
iu IKK Uli all litloii hu fin? lid , and n.mri, tt. n
tluttluy are oit, nd for naif ,11 inat lui.m in
eftuck (oniptM.1 a larsa a-ioiuiif nl of
Ooiigiitini; of rAiltlONrit l)Ktfj l oa r. nt dim
rriptioiii ranu. WU, hliulB, l.iuvati frli'rki.. ttttm
Uiiiolkt -hit'L Hl'it, hiiRpt uderv, A,r
(JOlAl WA'JL'HUrt AM) JJ-WXLra ,
Of every ileirnption. finu and dun p.
N, 11. Ui'intniUr " Lottenbt rg't Lift up Knferit
rait and m. No dtarCw for fcxamiuz IioihU
Cloomeburs, Marrh 31, 1CC0. Juw 1 - 1
Dlt. J. O. Kl'lTlU!, lias remninl lii.olll.B. I . M.11 I
birutl, next d.KT tnlhemw Lutlurmi I'lmitli wh. 1
In. will alua). bo liapy la alien 10 tlio waul t ln-(Ustuiui-r..
r.l'iiiiu.liuts, Manli 31. lf0.
" " LOOK OUT, PAKMl'lltN
1 1UVO..V1M3 110B8U RAKEH, f..f .a.a ni
U by C U . '
Jans S3. ...0.
oa want
STLLI.A tLOtll 1011 LAIIIU'S I r-l'l.
lio 10 nu ' 1.1,