Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 21, 1860, Image 1

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"flEVI L.TATE, Editor.
S2 00 PER AIsN
VOL. U.-NO. 20.
(El)oicc Poctni.
f(;WK publish tho following by permission
of tliu gentleman to whom tho letter was
addressed. Many of our readers lira fa
miliar with tho writor, and may have soen
othor productions of her pen.
TO 0-
BT F. J. MORRld,
No, dcir friend, I cm not turn you of despond incy.
X tin not h-lp that you hve found out the heartleMness
ffjifj. Oh I liuwinich I regret that thorn hav fallen
r(n yoi'i- pathway ; f.ilu woald t bide thrrn with ilnwura
f rllKMt lmi; hut, though I wrep, whilj you suiter in
tha ftru of a Iver-uty, t r'joici', that when tha flamu t
pirai, you will coiuij forih crow nod with a Imtrn uioru
radiant th.ui the itars; a iniitd yeverely triad, yet vie
toriou, a mm, fit lu livu and fit tu du. Pcriuvitre, uud
you mut conquer.
I-Your tiiucuin in your kttT ou ih hollutvnnm of
worltlly llilni-t, aaireswd tliu following liiwj. fVot ap
propriate, p:rlia(ifi,fur J. MUr, ct tiur long acjuaintaucd
.Will purdoit trifle."
'f J" tiny; why art thou tUiriilltt? there, boy,
. Willi thai in luiriii,! I oik t
'" ljr,t'lt dew-drop tf nmrninj,
( Yet glancing from thy bjok f
Itfycudiht year thou art thoughtful,
ri.i IncM i in thitiu vc ;
CiUrtt thou not ti 11 mo, dark-yod boy,
Caul thou uol tell iuj why i
Ah I Inea; til ar.iled are l-tllm,,
Thou rt not bli i.laJ I ti :
Thy days will oftbj tthado ved nut,
rttUuun'd uillbt thymus. tliat thu diJdt I fir it m noun
Thu ruuiifrfuw 'f lift) I
Al Hi tli it tliu l d ii -it ttjti ho yuiij
Tlid iruiu ul wuitJly ulrift! 1
Hi not uUuy4 'yolj that glitters
l!.nt III t h.wi'ilm frinn tUv hrnw t
time j tliuu n.iit tear itfd tluir uurlhlo4n;i.
limy uru ad 1101111115 now.
Yjh, liraak th i there. Ffien lihiu fill it ;
H-hul II a lullov Kc.-u.
c 11 th Linv, tint "di'ithlja tiling"
Sow in iJi att urt by meii.
An 1 licaiitt'ou-t lopn d I lime tXitt,
Ye too may ki the dnt :
t V r while w j sn.'i upon tUV bnm,
Sp f-Ah. biym trcin I Oi piitujmli worJ 1
Vo UJ uru bjt j 11.IUW.
k'lrt'ii - I fain wnul t Ii'il.lldvtf li.t,
. no. th.ju art not Mini; x
Witti ihy iitrii t'lnit h.-iat miiuuii,
tu, .j.n;r aiijuulura.
gT.i tp, all aro ii'iti., rri'in'i.hip'. hrijla rsil.'.
Jl'nln" Whip nr.') faU" llaiiiiictf.,
.111 lOrtLTlLrtdt tliy I'.tt.
'tyi5Nrtv (Tcntlf Hi'nwntiike in) .jul,
, I wnuH not loni;er live ;
JjtLtf Inlli no n-Jo)u for
( All.1 L llll HIV CJII fll..'-
'.ik Unite woril. ileum my by.
Thou inM lis ti.iHt tliv (Jntl;
, 'sTtta ni'Mtitthat ui'-n fhoiild hunihl) bw,
. AiU 'l.i-a tho chai'iiim rod."
' Oinl ou tliu armor of Hm bran-,
' t ttfZ ThydtMiiny fulfill;
J Thou I i i Ft n uublfi work tu do
Thylonoun .Masitr't will.
'Ifnllrmr pnth wtro docked with rtuwtri
"(.Tli" holy Joy that rtuitUK abov-,
1 "Cit Our fcouU tuiulit mver Utl.
.jNow paza uon thy fallen crown,
nThtn iu thu cloinlli'dt uky ;
'And nay 'tis not all of I if j to live,
r or J" lt 'I-''!!! to die."
D E 31 0 0 ! : A T 1 0 K 0 M I X A T 1 0 X S .
Joseph Lane, tho second son of John
Lanoand Elizabtth Street, was born in
North' Carolina, on tho 1 1th of December,
180l Iu 1801, the father emigrated lo
Kentucky, and settled iu Henderson coun
ty. IIu had thu benefit of having sprung
from Revolutionary ftoek, and, if he learn
d little else, imbibed many tiring lessons
of patriotism and glotious results from the
iclders'tv'ho surrounded tho hearthstone of
.his boyhood. At an early ago hu shifted
for himself, and entered tho employ of Na
thaniel Hart, Clerk of tho County Court.
In 1810, ho went into Warwick county,
'- Indiana, became a clerk in a mercantile
lious'oinarricd, in 1320, a young girl of
French aud Irish extraction, and settled
on tho banks of tho Ohio, in Vanderburg
louug Lane soon became Ihe man of
tho pcoplo among whom he had ca,t his
lot. In 182S, then barely eligible, he
was elected to the Indiana Legislature,
and took his scat to the astonishment of
many older woithius.
On tho Ohio, Lano became extremely
popular as a good neighbor and a man of
uularged hospitality. Near his dwelling
tho river has a bar, which never fails at
low tvatcr to detain a small fleet of boats,
Lane's fariu-houso had ever its doors
Mr, Laue was a fearless legislator, al
ways acting from a conscientious bcliof iu
' thf truth of hi. viovvs,aud following them up
with ipirit and undeviating vigilance.
He is, however, a man of
Oeoils rather than words though ho doss
not lack tho power to express hid views
clearly and forcibly.
Never jn favor of expediency, ho was
always for what seemed right to him.
When it was thought that Indiana, over -
burdened with debt, would ho compelled
to r.'pudiatu, the prospect of the disgrace
which would thereby result to tho State,
aroused all his indignant energies. He
j would not hear of moh a thiug. He felt
it would be a disgrace to him, as a work
j ing man with the will and tho strength to
! labor, to repudiate, a debt. What was it,
then, to a Stato of which ho was one of the
I representatives ! He toiled untiringly to
'avert it, and had tho satisfaction of seeing
his efforts successful.
Iu politics General Lane has always
beau of the JelTersou and Jackson school.
Posicssing a strong intellect and a memory
retentive of facts and ipuick to use them,
ho has become thoroughly acquainted with
tha history and polities of tho country.
Mr. Yuloo well observes, " He has written
with his plough and sword, and spoken by
his deeds; and, though unused to tho or
namuitsof rhetoric and literature, ltd is,
nevertheless, ponerful iu delete, ami es
pecially will qualified iu political and conflicts o'i tho stump to over
whelm the opponents of Democracy.'' He
suppoited .lacL'sou i.i and 'Hi.',
gave Ins voicti and tiiiurgnis lor an Uureii
j iu ly(i aud ' t(J, l,aj long as tho latter
I followed 'iu tint loot, teps of his illustrious
J predecessors,' '' and went for Polk iu I ti-1 1.
j His activity aud earnestness were conta
Igioin, aud could not but infus.) into those
, about liiui, aud into the public men of the
State generally, tliu spirit which had led
, him to so honorable a prominence.
In the spring of IS It), th; war commeiio
led between tho United States and Mexico,
and a call was made upon Indiana for vol Line, then a member of the Statu
Seuatu, immediately resigned, and entered
Captain Walker's company ae a private.
When the regiment met at tlu lendezous,
New Albany, Jocph Lane was taken
from tho ranks by tho unanimous oiee of
.the men, nml pi iced at tliu liead us Colo-
hei; ana in a very lew uajs .itt,rwar, he which was gradually sinking under the Tlaseala, and on iho 10th of November
! cwvc.l-.i..,..ugl,t and umxpect.-d by Inn, j loss of blood from five distinct wounds.- 01ICoUUtjrwi (1M,0raU Ilea aud Torrejou
,-a c..,uuoa from Prestd,-..t Polk as j A sight iudeol w. tl6: at tU(J ,,. ,ac0 ,, nmvtllteA train 0f
L.ig.vlier-Gu.,eral. On the tth of July Mi.jor-Uw.cral Wool, wining to Lane, , thiity-six laden wagon, bcluiigiua U
j he wioie le.U-r ot acceptance, at..', entu- . May M, regrets that he is aboutto lo-.ofiis' cwllti j,, plKbla and Mexico. In thanks
jvd on the .iminiand of thu .hree valuable s-rviees, and testiC. to his read- iur Uli, hWvitf0i ,1,, merchants jireseuled a
forming his bn.ade. 'I wo week, tut.-r , incs i to do honor to his his coun- j splendid sword to General Lauo. On the
I Ohl. ot July.) he was at the Uraxo. with t j, and i.imsdf. Again, Jly 7, Wool-! o;j, taking with him Colonel Hays, Capt.
all his ui. .., ami concluded the rcpo.t an-1 wriiMj n !iaVe seen ou in all situations- IjCwij) ilml Lieut mant Field, with one
I iiouneing his arrnal to General Taylor in j .-it the head of utir brigadier in the diill, mlldred and City horse aud one gun,
, these words The brigade I have the , and in the great Initio of tlu -J'Jd and -J.) ' Lallc ,luru.d tl, turpliatf Mataiuoras.wliere
.honor to contmaud i, gmerally in good of February ; and in the course of my ex- ' VCre eolltctul a large amount ofMixiean
I health and fine spinU, anxioua to engage perieueo I have seen few, verj few, who supplies, and ono thousand men strongly
I ,lutKu avtv,Vtt- ' " thu 0lh "f Augu-t, , behaved with more zeal, ability, and gal- p0:iud in a fort mounted with artillery.
j he wrote to Major-General IJatler, claim- hutry i.i thu hour of danger." And , Forming secretly, he gives the word ; the
, ing attito serwee. General Taylor, iu his renort. sav,. ! limnnt.Ml mim nr.. iU.. l.n,., f i!.,,
Lane had au idea that the Indiana men,
wore raised to do some fighting, and hu i
was impatient of delay. The second day j
after hu letter to IJatler, ho wrote again
j to Genera: Taylor, complaining of the ad -
vanee of mops out of their order of pre-
jcodenee. Without being uisre.-poettul, ho
I (lemauded for his command a share in the
danger., and honors of the active service,
He requested that, if tho whole tuitinteer
corps was not needed oil the scene of ae-
tion, a p ut of each State's troop, be se-
looted. Despite his anxiety to go on, ho
had to remain several mouths, in a most men, two of volunteer infantry, and two
irksome mood, on the swampy banks of pieces of artillery. At this timo Colonel
the Rio Grande, where his troops, sufl'ei ing C'hilds, ot the regular army, was besieged
, under tho sweltering sun, were deelmatd in Puebla by a largo frree under Santa
, by the di-ca.-o of the climate. Anna. Child, knowing tho i.nportance
' He was almost tho only man of tho brigade of the post, nobly held out ; and his ofli
' who wa not prostrated at some time. j cers aud soldiers, animated by a like spir
I At length he was ordered to Saltillo,and it, exhibited the most heroic fortitude uk-
w as mado civil and military commandant
of that post by Major General Uutler.
Hero ho established a vigilant, pro-
tecting life and propoity, and built a stone
fortification to provide against thu threat-
ened decent by Sauta Anna. It was Failing iu this, he cautiously withdrew tho
t owing to tho watchful caro of his, eoulideii-1 main body of his troops toward Huamaut
' tial scouts and spies secured by liberal pay 1, intending to attack General Lutein
1 A,,t rA 1.; ntr n,l... !.., I... ... j .,,ml.l..,l .1... - 1 1.1-1 , .1 . . .
" ""i , uio juai mien tie uaa passcti mat point,
to communicate, the first intelligence of thu j while another force would assault him from
capture of Major Gaine's command. ; the direction of Puebla. LanoV scouts,
While in contmaud at Saltillo, General however, were neither deaf nor blind.
Lauo personally visited each picket guard Ho divined tho Mexican s plan, and frus
nightly, thus presenting to his men a fruit- trated it.
fill example of vigilance. After the bat- Leaving his train at San Aiitouia Tit
tle of Monterey, Lano was ordered to join maris with a suitably defence, Lano march
Geu oral Taylor. ed against Jluuiautla with over two thous-
The famous battlu of IJuona. Vista was and men. On tho morning of the Oth of
fought on tho d aud 23d of February,
1817. Gcnuial Lane was third iu com
mand, aud served ou the left wing. From
thu begiuuiug to tho cud ho was iu tho
hottest ot th unlit. Un tlio morning ot ,
the 23d, Lauo had tho honor of opening
the continuation of the battlo, on the. plain
where he was attacked by a foroe of from
four to five ihoinatid iufautry, artillery,
and lancers, undur General Ampudia.
j At this crisis, Laue s forco was mduccd to
four hundred men j and with this phalanx
he received the Mixiean onset. "Nothiug,"
1 writes an eye- witnees, "could exceed tho
' imposing ami fearful appoaranco of tho
torrent of a.-sailauts which atthii moment
swept along toward tho little baud of Laue.
The long linus of infantry presented a con
tinued and unbroken sheet of lire. Hut
their opponents, though few in number,
were uudi.mayed, and defended their po
sition with a galantry worthy of tho high
est praise. S'eu'ral times I observed tho
Mexicau lines, galled by iho American
musketry and scattered by tho feaiful dis
charges from O liricus battery, break and
fall back; but their successive formations
beyond the lidgo enabled them to force
the men back to their positions and quick
ly replace those who wcro slain." All
juiuieu auiuormcs on tins great light, as ; lory ot tliu War with Mexico says:
well as parties who served with the gallant "Their emotions can bo more easily con
brigadier Irom Indiana, unite in extolling ' ceived than oxprc-sul, when they caught
his conduct in glowing terms. ! sight of tho glistening sabres, tho llashiug
As Laue commenced the light ou tho ' bayonets, and tho ietorious banners of
J!J, so was ho iu "at the duath." Thu General Laue, as his columns wound
Illinois .tiul Kentucky it giments, suffering j through thu now almost deserted streets;
sorely, wern falling back under a terrible "1 when his trumpets souuded tluir shrill
chargo by the collected infantry of Santa I ""tea of defiance, every man breathed free
Amu, when Lane, though wounded, came ul' !l"d dtepciytud felt prouder of hisdouu
up with tliu Indiana nun, and with the try, her honor, and her fame."
MisiL-ippi regiment, under Colonel Jeff-1 On the lUth, Lane was iu pursuit of
er.oii Davis opened a destructive lire upon Ilea, under a burning sun. At Sauta Is
tho Mexican., clacking their advance, ; abella, about thirteen miles from Puebla,
and enabled the retreating regiments to ho met the Mi-xiean advance-guards. A
foi m and return to tho cuutcst. Failing running fight was kept up for four miles
to piereu tho American centre, Sauta An-1 wheu, discovering the enemy strongly post
na retired from the field. ou ;l within a uiilo aud a half of Allix-
Iu this battle where all wer heroes, it ' Ca, a sexcru fight took place. The ilexi
is the more honorable to find Lane, with, cans wero driven into tho cown. Not
four or five others, particularly noticed. i wishing to enter a strange place at night,
Here is a picture of him ; "When thu Lauo eomui-.ndcd tho approaches and
grape and mtisket-shot flew as thick as opened a telling cannonade. Tho avuu
hail over and through the linoh of our oI- t tuiieutos canii out and begged that the
uuteera, who began to waver before the town might be spared. Lano spared it,
fiery btoiin, their brave general could be but took au I destroyed large qualities of
seen fifty yards in advance of tho line.wa- arms and munitions. On his return to
ting his sword with an arm already shut Pu.bla, he set out for Guexocings, and
ti red by a musket ball, streaming with destrsved the enemy's resources there.
blood, uud mounted on a noble charger,
"Ilrigadier General Lane (.-lightly woiiu -
ded) was aciio and Zealous throughout
the day, and displayed great coolness and
gallantry be.oro the enemy.
. Having been transferred to General
Scott's line of operations ho reached Vera
( Cruz with hu command on the Ififh of
, Sentembor, 16 IT. On tho tJOth. ho set
j out for the city of Mexico, at tho head of.
two thousand five hundred men. At Ja-
lapa this foreo was increased by Major '
Lilly's column of u;io thousond men, and '
I . ' '
' at Per o to by a eomnaiiv of mounted rifle
der numerous piivatious. Thoy now that
to gain time was to gain victory ; for Lane
was marching to iheir relief. Santa An-
na, also a ware of Lane's approach, used
every exertion to carry tho nlaco by storm.
October thu people were startled by tho
approach of the soldiers. White flags
were immediately displayed ; but no boon-
er had tho advanced guard, under Captain
Vt alter, vintercd tho town, lhau vollnv af.
ter volky assailed it,
A dsadly combat ensued. Walker gal.
lantly charged upon a body of fivo bund
red lancers and two pieces of artillery on
the plaza. Gen, Lane; advancing at tho
head of his eolumu, encountered tho heavy
reinforcement of Santa Anna, who had ar
rived with his full force. Soon tho roar of
battla rewuuded fiom street to street.
Tor a short time Mthc cxicans confronted
incir assailants with tlio energy ot despair;
I llllt tl.n ..rp!l,1., .1,,:... r (I.- A !...
..... ,..w.u,,. uravu .us . niivi ivaiu
prevailed, and their flag soon waved over
me ireauueious iohii. i larco quantity
of amuuition was captured, and somepris.
onors ono of whom was Maior Durbide.
son of the former Emperors of Mexico.
TI.!.. ,n... l...i i: l.l l.i.-i. l. ...
iu,s L" ,J" wiueu oauia .in-
na appsared in arms against tho United
States. For this victory. Lane was brev
cited Major-Goncral.
Hating rfjoincd histr.iin, General Laue
arrived ut Puebla on tho lUth of October.
Compelling Gen. Ilea to rctiio, ho raised
tho niece. Of the be.-ciued. Jenkins' His-
Ou the 'JOth ho fought tho first battle of
j in and instant they leap from tho saddle
j and spring upon the fort, lo-ing but one
man, umlutting tho Mexican, to flight,
with a loss of ei-dtty before Lauo could
' stay the havoc. Assuredly ho did surprise
' Matamoras, as well the twenty. live Amor-
j lean prisouer.s ho liberated therefrom. On
his return, (thu '2 lth,) tho eneniv.eiiibold-
' " '
died by a small number of Lanes troops,
being in tho ratio of tight to one, made a
stand at Galaxa. The American wero
faltering under tho terrible fire, when
Lano leaping from his horse, uuliiubered
a gun, turned it ou tho euemy, aud fired j About the 1st of August, In 14, General
it with a lighted cigar. Thu gun, loaded I Lauo reached Indiana. His fellow citi
with grape checked the enemy, and, being zciis were rejoiced to see him ; but he had
quickly served by Lieutenants Field and ! not timo to respond to the favors extended
McDonald, settled the affair, aud our 1 to him, for on tho 16th he without any
troops returned to Puebla iu triumph at solieitatiun ou his part was appointed
uoou o. mo louowiug uay.
Lanes campaign, from tho depait-ire
from Vera Cruz up to this point, was a so-
rtc of lmllinnf liinvi.iiif.nle ninl viottMnc
A surgeon attached to his command wrote
homo, about ihia peiiod, that no writers
only tho soldier., could toll with what in-
gonuity and bravery Lauo conducted his
handful of men. "I never, ' he adds,
'! fniv, 1.1 ,..l.,.i.....l I - .l .
v-"'" ""wm uoiy i-uHiui
were transformed into bravo men as by
Jleportitig hiniselt by order, to tho snow storms ot eight days' continuance,
commanding general on tho Itith of Do-'and when neither grass nor timber for
comber, at tho city of Mexico, General fuel wero to be had, Latiu and his guidu
Lane was received with marked emotion differed as to tho route that should be
by General Seott. It was the intention of followed. The Governor wanted to strike
lltu latter to send Lane, at the head of a ' hottth ; tho guidu insisted on keeping the
brigade, on u forward movement. Wait-, old loute. They parted ; Governor Lane
ing impatiently for four weeks, Lano ask ' undertook to pilot himself, aud his guide
cd aud obtained lcavu to tako threo hun- returned, forboding evil. Had tho Gov
dred mounted men, with Hays, Polk, and eruor followed tho guide's advico, the
Walker, and chase tho guerillas under the party would huvo met tho sauio fato as
notorious Zenobia. In this expedition he did that of Fremont. For uioro than
almost succeeded iu capturing Sauta An-, twenty days ho made southward, and final
na at Tehuacan. All ho got of him, how- ly came to tho Mexican village of Santa
over, was his swords. On the 23d of Jan-1 Cruz, In Sonora, whero he took the regu-
uary, 1B4H, as no marched into Orizaba
SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1860.
I a city of twenty thousand inhabitants
at one side tho enemy marched out at tho
' other. A large quantity of Government
property was confiscated for tho bei.cfit of
the United States. Ho next took Cordo.
va, confiscated more property and released
a number ot American prisoners. Recruit-
, ing lm men at Puebla, ho is wandering
.! I. .1 . I. i-.l
mruugii inu iiiuuiiiuius in seareu oi mo cu-
emy. On tho third day he meets and dis-
, norics tiie command ot Uolonel Ua con.aml
not fulling iu with any other detachment of
Mexicans, returns to the capital on tha
10th of February, hiving beau absent hut
v:4 cays.
A few days after his return, ho turns
out again with tho same brave and hardy war he subsisted his troops with less eo3t
comrades, to arrest and punish Jarauta, . than that of any others iu the service,
u noted robber-chief, who had been per- His treaties and " talks" with tho Indians
petrating such atrocities as not paying in Oregon were all conducted without ex
over much or very little respect to tho pense to tho Government,
person of tho courier belonging to tho The Indians of Oregon of whom thera
llritish embassy, and other more really were between fifty and sixty tribes kept
atrocious doings ngaiust Americans. tho whites in a constant state of jeopardy.
Leaving the City of .Mexico on the 17th of Tho progress and settlement of the Terri
February, he surprised 'J.'ulaneingo on the tory weru greatly impeded by their dupre
dawn of the Ul&t. General Paredes ca- datious, In Idol), a formidable outbreak
caped from his bed. Jarauta, who, Lano tok place on Rogue ltiver,in tug southern
learned, was at Tehualtaplan, was a wily part of Oregon. Governor Line took tha
rogue. Laue, desiring to throw him off field iu person, collected a force of settlers,
his guard, remained a day and a night at miuers, a few officers and men of the regu
Tulancingo, gave out that he was return- lar army, attacked the Indians at Table
ing to Mi sico, set off in that direction, but Rock, aud, after a desperalu conflict, in
about dark changed his course, and arri- which ho was severely wouuded, drove
ved at a ranch on the road to, and eigh-
teen miles distant from, Tehualtaplan in
thirty-six hours later lcating Tulaueingo.
On the 21th he was at the former. Thore
wcro one thousand lancers and gueril as
under Colonel Montano and Jarauta;
and, as the. Americans entered Tehualta-
plan at sunrise of the 2"th, tho eseopeta
balls came whiitliug
about their heads
from every house. Jenkins, iu his history, a lengthy report, which, iu Mr. School
p. 400, says : I craft a opinion, is tho only accurate ae-
" Hjaded by Goueral Lane, Colonel ! count of tho Oregon Indiana. The Leg'n
Hays, and Major Polk, the rangers and lative Assembly of the Territory of Oregon
dragoons dashed upon the enemy, fighting passed resolutions conveying tho thanks of
their way hand to hand into tho houses,
cutting down every mau who refused to
surrender. A portion of the Mexicans
rallied and formed outside the town; but
a vigorous charge, led by General Line accomplished so successful y what his kiud
and Colonel Hays, quickly put them to ncss, integrity and firmness havu done to
route. Jarauta, who was wounded in tho I secure tho bonds of a lasting peace with the
conflict, again eseaptd. One hundred of ' tribes surrounding us." The Assembly al.
the enemy wore killed, however, among expressed their belief that while Goveruoi
whom v.eio Colonel Montan, and the , he acted for the best interests of the whole
bosom fiiend of Jarauta, Padre Martinez, 'people; aud they regietted that upon the
A still greater number wero wounded, and accession of General Taylor he was super
thcro were fifty taken prisoners. General 'seded. The people however, iu testimony
Lano lost but one killed and four wouu-'i of his worth, sent him to Congress as D.-1j
... ... i
ded. Quiet was soon lestored in the
town after the lighting had cased; aud
tho Amerieatu returned to the capital,
taking with them their prisoners, and a
quantity ot recovered property that had
been plundered from different train.,.''
Thu batt'u
of Tehualtaphan was tho
I last fought in
declared ; but
1 eaco was soon
Laue who, not
inamironriatelv, was styled by his brother
' officers aud soldiers " the Marion of thu
' army'' remained some mouths direetiuR
' the movements consequent upon the return
! of our truon. On evaeuatin." the eon.
1 - q
quered land, Lino remaiked to a friend,
j" I left my plough to take the sword with
1 a thrill of pleasure ; for my couutry called
I me. I now go home to resume the plough
i with a sincere joy."
(Jovernor ot Uregou. Un the 'btli his
cotumissiou reached him, aud on tho next
day he set out for hi, pu,t. He reached
. 1,'.,,-. T..l,...,, nt, !!.. .ill, ,,,,t.,,l..ip '
'and lelt it ou the 10th, with twenty two
I men, including guides, o. This was the
J year in which Col. Fremont, who followed
1 Gov. Lane in a few weeks, lost almost his
! entire party iu tho mountains. Tho
jour- I
. . , u .... .1 ... ...
ney to uregou, a i an nines aruuous, i, oi ,
' course peculiarly so iu thu winter season, j
I i', l . ; l. . . ill.. r l.. .1 i.
-niei-maumug iuu jnu n i uuuu, iiuougit
I men deserted, who killed two of the men
' that wcro sent back after them; and,
shortly after, five others, with a coporal,
deserted, fearful of starvation if tiny pro.
j On the Sd of March, 1849, about fix
months after liis denartura from homo, ho !
arrived safely in Oregon City. This jour-1
. . . . . .. !
ney eosi ine uoverument noutin uener-1
al Lane not making any chargo for his '
exnenses : heaidn whin i. lm nirla.l In.!
in subsisting the troops, the grcatir part
of tha timo with tho product of hU
as he was both tho pilot and tho huuter
....... .
, lor the party. Iu tuis connection it may
' also be stated that durinj; the Mexican
them from their position. Follow-in- this
success up with his accustomed figor, ht
so severoly chastisjd them that they were
glad to accept any terms of peace, on sev-
oral occasions, uothiug but Governor
Lane's foreo of character and coolnes:
could have sated tho haudful of men which
accompanied him ou his Iudian cxnediti-
tions. He furnished the Denartmeut with
the people, and giving their fullest appro
bation to bis "extraordiuary energy ' as
SuDerintcnrli-nt. nf rndinnn AfTilr l.1.r
1 says ono of the resolutions, "could have
. gate, iu which position hu remained until
' tuu admission of Oregon into the Uniou,
j wue,, a, t00k set as a United States
' Senator, having been previously elected to
Uhat eminence.
As Delegate from Oregon, Geuoral Lane
was unremitting in his advocacy of the in-,
j terests of tho Territory, and uuromitt n''
in his efforts tor her iidinivi'nti iitn (,
Uuion. Tho Oregon Bill being under de
hate in the House ou tho I Oth of February,
lbuO,(jovernor Laue contended that there
was a population in the Territory sufficient '
in ,..miil I,..- ir, ..,! .!., r .i. i.ui.
w ,v iiuiMtosivii. ju uji; 1UI,
j I,,,, . .l.lUTl.llUtl iliUlU 111
rmirnJ vlu-tlirr if ll,v,rTrt lI.mI.1 !. .l
.j v.vV.i ,wu. uvj au-j
mittcd, and he, Lauo had a voice in the ,
other end of tho Capitol, would he vote to
relieve Kansas of thu effect of tho English '
Hill. i
Lauo replied that he had not come there
to make any bargaiu. He was an honest
man ; and, if he should he permitted to go
into thu Senate, ho w ottld exercise a sound
judgment prompted by a strong d:sire to
; t,,0,110,0 thc. eUl,r!ll m.0..1)aiitv anu w,fn,.n
0f tho country. Ho hoped that his official '
actim, mi ibl be the -uarantee that he would
do in all matters what he believed to be
right. Ho then proceeded to urge tho ad
mission of Oregon, briefly reviewing its
history from the time of the first settle
ments to the formation of its Constitution.
It., contended that it. was lint ;i n n nf nf Inu.
. . . . . J
ttee, ami appealed to the Housu to vote
down every amendment aud let tho voto be
. . .
taucti on the naked bill.
That day Oregon was admitted to thu
sisterhood of States, and that night the
Federal City was a ivo with festivity in
honor of the event. A baud serenaded tho
Prcsideut, Vice President, Mr. Stephens, i
ot ueorgta, Ueueral Lane, aud others. In
rcspouso to a call, Goveruor Stevens in
troduced General Lane now Senator elect
from the Stato of Oregon to tho psople.
He made a brief specth, in which ho said
that a bulwark had been raised that day
on tho shores of tho Pacific against foreign
invaders, and a fresh assurance given of
the perpetuity of tho Union.
Whilo Governor Lano was iu Orngon,
Convent'on assembled at ludiannp
revise the S ata Con--titutiorj of Inlia
Tao Democratic State Convention,
met February 24, IfM.-fortually p.
eJ his claims for tho Chief Mug H ,
pledging tha votj of thj rftato for ,t
On his arrival i:i Indiana froai On -j
had a public rcoptiou, at which '.a
courso of an aldrjsiof welcoau, Goa.
Wright that bm'ly reviewed thj ctrocr -the
guast of t'jj days
" Hj hai hjjn the artiocer of h i a u
fortutijj;, iu his pr jgr.Mi frjj
farmer oa tha b ink) of ttuOhijault
ootntninl tat of a fl it-boat to pjjts of ht.
orable distinotijn to a seat iu tha Hau
of lijpreijntitifii and in tlu Stita of .
ditui to tin eo.uannl of a brigali ui
tho fiaMi of Raein Vuitu, II aa uantU,
Atlisco to tha Gaoraorship of Orjj. .
aud thiuea to a sjat in Cmgrju Uj h
displayed thj stmj high cUafaetj.i t..
persjverauej an! energy, Tha aaaiL . -oar
omitry presaut na parallel for tj
facts. Yoa entered the army a voluatea.
iu the rauks, loakiug forward only to ta;
career of a eouimou soldisr. You left it t.
major general, clo.iug your ardaut au.
brilliant sjrvieas in that memorable e u
paign by fighting its last battle aud cpu
ring its last enemy."
Jefferson remarked that soins men wcro
by naturo so constituted at to ba tha vor
shippers of power and tho fit iustrumeut
iu tha band of tyrant! and usurpars .
.vhile others, made of stenur ctal nrj
ever found tha firm advocatas of liojrty
aul tha inaxorablo haters of tyranny auu
oppression. To the latter class tha Sjua
tor from Oregou belongs j and if the caus
of popular liberty was ever assailed, h j
would defend it from eucroachmeut ut al.
As a cousoqueuoo of the natural turn of
his iuiti.1, he is not tin man to bo led o.f
from tha piths of duty by ovory wiul of
doetrinj or by plausiblo theories iu mor.
tls, rjligian, or palitici. Far a mini so
eonstitate I tha ephoniaral expalioaii of
parties of tha day hivo no ehir.u.s; aal
hsuoj it is that he is cnphtiiaally aa! tr.t
.y a National Deuio.rat, oai'oruciug, in tha
scope of hit affjct.oaj, tha people of taa
whole Union, from tha Capas of Florida to
tjo Araajtoak, from tlia sharas of tha At
lantic to thue of t.ia Paaifio. In nj in
tauea hid ho evar swarved from tha priu
eiplej nj eloquently ununeiatod iu tha
Farewell A Idrou of tha Father of his
Country, or dwarfed his affootions or feel
ings into tha mire sectional patriot. In.
flexibly just in tha duchargjs of every so.
c'tal, moral aul political duty, happy wi.l
it ba for hi, coautry whan suoh nun uro
called upon, by tha publ'C, to fill its high
trusts 1
Iu addition to all this, tha Geueral not
withitauding his early struggles witu par
erty, is ono of the moot unselfish meu in
the world in reference to inaiuy or wealth,
lusteal of looking upo.i uto.iey as au euj
to Le aeeompli.hoJ aud attaiuod by. In
strugglas of life, he his uaver coveted it
but as a mjatu of doing good, for whi h
uo jta.-uca of pi-iuaipla or daty shoald ev.
er bj uiadj. This is well illustrated iu
his poJtiva refusal to aeeapt the double o.
coiistrati.-e mileago to which. unJer t.o
practice of the Government, he was en'i
tled as Sitiator from Oregon. Tha siu
tras a larga oua, but its acquisitison ha!
no charm, lor tha G-aneral when he re
floated upon tha iujustica of drawing it
from tha Treasury to defray his cxpati-o.)
fir tho mi cage and pr d.em of a trip
which ha had never parformcd.
Young folks should be mannerly ; but
how to be so is a question. Many goo
by and girls feel that they cannot ba.
have to suit themselves in the of
company. They aro awkward, c.owu li.
rouh. They fed timid, bashlul, a.d
self-distrustful, the moment they an. . d.
dressed by a stranger, or ajpear in tun.
pany. There is but one way to get ..ter
this feeling, and acquiro easy and gic .
ful manners, and that is, to do the net
they can all the time, at homo as well au
abroad. Good manners are not leanxi
so much as acquired by habit. Th y
grow upon us by u,e. Wo mustboccur
teous, agreeable, civil, kind gcntlem m y,
aud manly at home and then it will
como a kind of second nature everywhere.
A coarse, rough manucr at home becets a
l.-l -i , ...
uaeu oi rouguuess, which wo cannot h.y
off if we try, when wu go ainoug trail. crs
The most agreeable persons wo bave"ovcr
known iu company were thoso who up
most agrceablo at home, noma is ih
eahool for all the best things.
iay"Yhatiiiri..oL ."JJ