sssL.i.SiiiiiS j w i : ulmubia Jnuorrnt SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 14. 4 Our Now Advertisements. VY. Wmr, Esi., advertise tlio Real VMhta of rhillp liana, tato of Lutcrno county, to be ofd by Stanley Ivfoodword, Trustee. IMri. CCCum, advertise her Hook Storo at Privato F IIihat Zcrriforn, notifies the rubllc th hd It prepared lo do oil manner of watch repairing on the shortest no tiee and at most reasonable prices. ttu if. Ri-lisoy, niltrtio Agents wanted for the sale ftno National Political Chart. rfW. Wirt, Esq., advertise Auilitnr'a N'olfco of the Estate nf Henry Melt, late of Locust tow nhip. Jas.T. Marnmau, ndrcrtlsca A Card to Young Ladies tad (icntlomcn. C. S. TimrR, advertises his Xovv Btone Quarry. Tho Democrat is offered to subscribers for tho Campaign at tho following rates : Single copy, - - JO di. Ten copies, - - 83,00. s Payment in ?.U cases to bo made in ad 'iVanoo. Xei5 Our friends aro jolicitcd to get up clubs. LB VI L. TATE. COLUMBIA DRH06BAT ' ron the ' '' BSTllipe l'ruit, hasmadcitJ appsaraue? $ft in Bloomsburg, . ' 'U ,V-; l "Tho AVillianport Daily Tinio,' i ucw and very iutcri'sting Daily .lournal, ' published by Jiowr.u it I', is regularly received at this office and perused with satisfaction. tor Dr. Geo. W. Uettvs, has com 1 j mencod tho publication of a handsomely v '. printed nnd spiritedly conducted Rcpubli j cau paper, :t litniravillu, Iudiana county, entitled the " Jtairsvillc .louruci,'' Star Mus. ZuiTiNdKH, has our thanks for the presentation of a basket of fine litrgH lij-c Curiimts, which her and Mr, Z. 'have raised on their beautiful and highly cultivated "Horticultural (Jarih.ii"' in .Bloounburg. Cr Adveilisemeuts, Ac, iulendod for insoitiuii in tint t o'umbiii iJanfcruf, should always bu delivured to tho office, as early as 'Ihur tlay i.uoii, tit Lait, a wo uually go to Press, on FuiHAV jioi;MMi,to meet -tho mails of Saturday. Population of Bloomsauro. J he 'i' Con.'us Returns of lblill, show tho popu lation of Bloomsburg, proper, 2.4)0 souls. In lSfll), it was a littlu over 1,800. An lucreane of about 43 per cent, in the laet ' yuars. .?Thp population nf Light Stret t, (oxelu v "iiivn of the Gun. McDowell l'ttrnaeo and 'tenant housos, which aro locatod in Orange township,) number.'. .r),r)l inhabitant . Thu number of inhabitai,ts in Eipy is tOli. t .Me.vsr-. II. W. Cukasv &i Co., of Light Street, havo an excellent Store and continue to do a prosperous bu.iness. Wo doubt whether there is a larger trade driv en at any other Country Store in this fee tion, than by the above named firm. Tho reason of this is, that they aro worthy young gentlemen, and always give their euMomcrs tho worth of their mouey, aud it pleasant Muilcinto the baigaiu. MEsms. Ji-.nkins & Smith : ' ; Gentleman Since graduating at the "Iron City," three years bince, I hare had no difficulty in obtaining constant em ployment as a Book Keeper; and whon ' asked for evidenco of my ability, 1 havu only to refer to my Diploma. No other itentimonial is required here, as to one's ' ability as an accountant, than ariMiraneo of tho fact, that ho U a graduate of tho Iron City College, Pitt.burg, Pa. Truly Yours, E. D. HARBISON. ' "Moscow, Polk Co. Texas, May 1800. ' t3 The Deputy Marshal, iu taking tho Census of Bloom township, deems it proper to return thanks to his fellow-citizens gen erally, for tho courteous manner his official visits were received and the promptitude with which the required questions were answered. IIo only encountered ono "old foggy simpleton." And of all tho Farmers in tho township, who aro among-t tho most intelligent mcu of Columbia county, Mr, Samuel SiiAFrEK, ouo of the heaviest of the number, is deserving of much credit, for the systematic manner in which he had things arranged and tho readiness with "which all questions wcro answered. " He who Spares To day WILL HAVE SOMETIIINO To-MOtt-" now," which properly invested, will soou enable him to pay for and enjoy all tho necessaries and many of the luxuries of life, and have a balance left to deposit in the Franklin Saving b'tind, No. ItlO South Tourth street, below Chestnut, Philadel phia, whero it can bo withdrawn, on de maud, with five per cent, interest. Open daily from 0 till a, and on Wednesdays and Saturdays until 8 o'clock. ThisConu 'pany invests only in Government, States, ' and City Loans, Ground Rents, Moitga gei, Ac., pays ou demand, and never euf peodud. Farmcri, Mechanics, Clerks, and all classes of tho community, hero hare an opportunity for investing without risk. Sic advertisement in another column. fbr the Ooiumbid I)tttmt, Tho Fourth in Orango, Mn. Editor : i Tho "glorious fourth," tu n11 hilarities, mirllifulness, ginger-bread and fire-crackers, has gono entirely past our little town tho excitement has diotl awny, aud things again follow their old monoto nous course, and now, vro, thinliingit might be interesting to somo of your readers, liavo concluded to pen you a. few lines by way of letting you know how tho "spirit of tho fourth" actuated soma of the good pco pio of our town. " Yug America" in particular. Long ere the day, which, as a nation o , , we celebrate with the highe.,1 honors, dawn- i - r.i ... :..!. i known that thcro was to be something go ing on by the omnious noils of the heads of j some of tho boys j while the l'bc sure to he rcarfy" which broke from their lips in some ungarded uiomont, told plainly enough that there was something in thu wind j but what that something was, was tho mys tery. Ilut when "thejovrth" at last arrived, wo were not long in findmc out what was going to bo the order of tho day. At about ! ten o'clock, thu male portion of our rising generation, decked in all tho odd forms which fancy could plan, made their ap pearance in the form of a " PmUus'ic Com- pany.'' And such a company ! First in j order came the "Rand Wagon,'' formed and trimmed after the wildett fashion , ' with whoeco lu nc were amon ! the mot awful. Then followed in order j the " uin trin 11s ," representing nearly ev-1 ory elites of mail, from the CUlltlillg and llielCllCSS savage, lionll to tllO "JtlrW. , r . .. Even tho godess of crinoline was repro- SCI it CHI. v i .i . . . . vt,,,,u " v,.uhii. i.iiii ins .... . . gQMl Old (tatllC tlttW .I.S cl05C to Ilim as ii "lean tick to a nigr' Mti;" wliile on . . i i , i lite III tin pari OI llll wagon wIUCH, l)y lllU way, was a grand thing generally, iiiL - lu - J ' " t . dlllg the horsn which dtew it) tat the old linisiii frrinrli'r. lnnkinrr fur all llin enrlil c 1 o liku a live baboon. Next Came " Old Aii4,'' nith his lager, who of hiiiticlf was , a ",!, lo say nothing of tltu appear- a lice of his moving "-i'f sl ." Bat I - ... .. , L, , ,, , am forgetting to notiw '-Mm Mick,' thr riding clown and In- fait lady. Conceive, .... T- ,. it you can.ot all the odd nnd funny things you have cvor ?ecii. htewed up in a "mm, ' and the whole zeasoned with as much awk- , ,, , , . ward new as was over delayed by a coun. try Loor, and you will then have ii better . ., . . r 1 "I'I"-""""-1- """i" J""' itund s eye, than 1 can give you with my pen. Lii-t, but not Ica-t, tho captain with his f-toe jiipu shaped hat a'nd gandy uniform, figitriK conspicuously iu the motley crew. T am growing tedious. Sufliee it to say, that i'ter parading through thu town several time--, t!n-y proceeded to the grove, where, judging fiom their mirthfuliiess, .1 l.-.l , .1 n.. iinj ii.iu ,i gwiil iiiiiu geuei.lll. Night at length put a stop to their fun, . . . , , anil the company ili.pjr.-ud tully tired, and wo hope, well .satisfied with their sports of ,1 , . . 1 1 it rp i i , .i i lha '-joyous Jou, ti." Thanks to the bojs for their enterprise. They ,-ervrd to aiuu-o us antl drive "dullearu away" lor one day . . . at least. l!ut 1 lllll'-t clo'C. Should anything llCW nv lnlnr...tin o..,,e ooi"; r,,,,. vo... tion , you may txpect to hear from us. Yours truly, INIC LINE. OrangrviVc, .luly nth, 1H00. The action ol thu Altoona Convention has been ratified and confirmed by the Democracy of this State and nation. 1'iess, Whenr Whero? So far from tho De mocracy of Pennsylvania ratifying and confirming the action of tlie Altoona Con vention, there is n jl a genuine Democrat iu the Suite who does not despise tho con I spirator.s who assembled at Altooni, os- j ten.Mbly as Democrats, but leally to do-, vise mea-ures for the defeat of tho Demo cratic Statu ticket. Tho only body of men ! who have ratified and coiiliinud tho A1-' toona Convention is the. lttHmliHcmt Hottsii1 of Representatives. They have express ed their admiration for tho consistency and devotion of thu illu-trious chairman, by giving him a fat office, worth a hand some saUry, and as much moro as the tal ented incumbent can maku out of it. I'aUiut ij Union. Tiik " Coloubi)" Rei'uiilicam Par ty. Wo find iu tho Now York dveniag 'est tho followiii'' item of political intelli gence. It will bo teen that the term Black Reliublieall " as am.linrl In tlio! inll'ineu - I lir.l in.ile use of the Ohufnviih Hit juaen., as anpniu W Hii.itmK,el,,H(1j,.aMK, n.,ung .uir.-red : supporters Ot Lincoln and Hamlin, IS torlnenty jinrs from a fonu of llyspep.!,!, which wu .Inonl-irli- -murnnrto'o attended with licit ou. headache, on mi nverUe'e of nut MllgUluny appropna.U . I ,, M ,!,,, , jay llla u,, I was indued by the un- rl'nr flnr nnt-'li Mi'v' 1? crirtoiTiro- l,r' 1 ndlutf rt-cuiuuieinUlioii of Dr. tireeli, -to try one ., U,. V , 1 . -''"VP'CATlO.N. Ulloandifiw benilil wa. received lo ill.continuo the T IB f n nvoil lot, a 1 ,.nu i ean f'1.,1. r.P. .. King's county will rawo a truu and banner .... ' .. in favor of Lincoln ami Hamlin, ai their head quarters, corner of Itroadway and Eleventh street, E. D., on Thursday af ternoon at ti o'clock, tho -btll illStaUt, Oil . . , . ,, . i mi wvu.un .i.w luiiui.iiig ajianeie iii ha present : Ilcv. Dr. Pennington, Rov. W. HoilgM, Ur. Y. U. Ellis, Rev. S. Whito, David A. Morse, Esq., J. 0. Mor rcll, &o. Thero will bo a brass hand in attendance ou the occasion. The publiu are' invited to attend. Ge.v. Hemit D. Fostku. This gen-1 tleiiiau the standard bearer of tho Penn sylvania Democracy iu the prckcut cam paigu win in Philadelphia tho beginning of last week, uud spoku encouragingly of our prospects west of the inouutaius. Wo never saw tho General iu bitter health and r-pirits. Dming his brief stay in thu City he was culled upon by multitudes of his friends, all of whom expressed their ful lest confidenco in his triumphant election, Mr. F. is a model candidate in every re pect, and will make a Governor of whom every FcmnylvanUn may feel proud. n a it it 1 1? i . On Tuesday, 9Ctli ult.. by tttv. J. l'a'rson, Mr. Eah- bvs uo.t, 01 r isningerrcK twp., (Columbia county, and Miii Minr Coder, of Montour.tllle, Lycoming co. In nernlck, on tlie th of July, liy rioT. J. M. Solomon, Mr. Montoomprv KLtn, of nrnnErvlllo this county, to Miss KuiABttn riRDOn, of rhlladclrhln. I. . . ii i u i an . In 1'alrmount ton nship, Luzerne county, on Bunday, tho 8lh Inst, Mr. How-toy Davis, aged about 74 )ears. Candidate's Department. ID" A hvou nci a lit or CAitntiUTfcs, for nomination for public offices, will to chargmi $i, iach. payabla fn variably fn adeantt. PROTHONOTARY. TVW rnnniiv . r n. ....... . . ...ii.i. i A' !VV! vr.9raW w? "Hi"0'1". tfl n,ft.r. i tt -. . -i i. - ii r . t i'i i . . i . , &ZBSSa.?S!, Tuition, aiinouncv, will UJ I amiiuaie lor I no nines HI rro- COUNTY COMMISSIONER. lOIIV 1)').K, E1.( of llrlarrrrrh tntvnrulp, we to tl niitliorircl to .ny, will li.l ft Cnniliilntc lor Cuminis alon'r of I'oliiinlmi county, till, fnll, sul.jcct to tin' in of tllu lK'innrratlc County Contention. ASSEMBLY. I IJMIWAnn STOl'T. of Maillton lonniliip, t'olumhla l count), we urj nulliorizi1,! to announce, uill lia a rtiMiliiltito for tlio Lccmlftturi', subject tu tlw u.ageii of the I'ftierritio County Convention. BLOOMSHURCt MARKETS, I Wheat.. , 1 S3 ..76 ,. CO ,. 33 .1 00 . .50 .. 12 """uldur " lUUCr 11 llm... . to Ryu (nrn Oats White Iteans-.. Buckwheat . . (lams Tallow Lard Potatoes Dried Apples, ..ll! ..10 . 50 1 no SPECIAL NOTICES. I'lLlW! I'lLEfiil FILES l!! tnm ii itt tlax Cured t Thou.aada of prr.on. havo l'ile .Mfcr for year, w itll tin diacasQ-yct f.w know w hat it I, or how Ilia nlr.'d. I'.vprv ,. nf 1'il.j. yh. lh,.r nooiil',,.,...! I tl.., for.u nrrtfrnal tumor., freiple .t blenlmg., it ill io- i "nl tllln aw Irtitanou, uepioiua c.eiilially upon t congestion of thj nhdommal venou. cirrulati-n. Taia pr0llUM, , tusc,nc,t, Jllatinn of ,,,, ,,,. 1 'nation of tumors, h.'inorrlm;c, ;uU and u1f ring ; and ' tlie ilu.'nsj can wnly be lnu J juiint.illy curd by jucrl i cineawhHh. taken intcniillT. r.-tn-v.. th. v(......-r1,. " Kenlim. Iltfiicd oiiitinutt), w.islurt, aiidtenlnJectious, ' M uur1- ,. M . , MMikn HovtoeiTKiel,iLi:lrFui.c. a nr.plo ug.r , pill, taken tnoor tlirtc tinwa per da, curea thi di.ra.j ' "'I""1U "P" ".'"h ''" d'P'nJ. HanHred" hate been eiir.-d l,y it.evjn of the moat oli.ti- nateca.-.. Altillbo pr-ruptlj heuelll.dbyit. 1'rlca 41 MM. a lm. v. ! A full .rtnf lii-M.i,.kT- MoM.op.rtnr Snnnn illi Hook of Dir-ctl-m, a., I tncnty dilhrent Ilemcdi '" ni'.""""croca... dmo, m pia,. ca.e. sn ra.iiif fitte,. hu.'., aid llouk, 9i. Kiniile b.tie., cc ,t ;u cent.. ''"' U-'nieJf . by the .mgl-b.-t nr ra.e.iir-..nt ly ni.ili or i"ipr fr-' if charge, to any nddren, o., re C(!lpl ff UlJ .iru,, UUUt i iu F- "l-mhirkt c No-5 l-ro.iilw,i . New York. j j h- n.p. i.uta Agei.t. Hoombur?, ra. , ' a.;-TUt)ii.n"w." matoon. nec;ivd tba'priw i Mfl,hl nt vVi.rUFairm London f;rTKi'NKr, CAHi'MT HAUrf. Jlootit, shi rf and Cium. 3 rat mducn- tuPWt, nro mm ,lir,n,d t( mrflV(Kr- of lho ab(nsartl. I -1 'Mu nmcinheiirBrHt Hmck of tmnkt. c'arpit I'.ng. viiiic.'s. ,ve.. in rnnaoi ipma very ruenpt'Tca.u I No. 111.' M irket htr. t. nil tlnur nlmvo -1th. South siJc. I'MKUItMITV or 1'K1CKH!-A St.w I'tAiuaE M Lo !fiM-4n ; Lntrif one Mis vun &ulcman I JOM.S .fc CO. of the Cn'Piit Oop 1'iir.i 4'toilu -Storn. . ?00 Mar I K.t htrrtt ahovr Hnih. Philadtlphia. iln oHditt'Ui tii hnvine tlw luerxt. umut amd and fmliioiiiiM, htork f ('iotlutu in I'hiUiirlptii.i, n.inl i vx pn'!tly lor ril:iil aii, liari' i itiutituti'd cvtry si Inn own, li hariuz mnrked in Aijurfi, -ou enrh aiticlM at lh cry limu'M piuo it cn ho t,i-ld fr tluy cannot possibly ary all tiu-.t buy i.1ikv, , The coo m arc wrll fpnuzed and prepared, end prnt I pal ms taken willi lif tiinkiuj; h- that all ran buy with I Ilia foil ar.urance of gittiiiL' u gul nrticl nt the vary 1 P"- Mya- l,l,,,k "f l,,,'cc 'm,u " ) hand, of the l.ilesl .tvle anil be-t 'lualttie., which will u ,.,, , r,lor, , ,, , mmM, mii Uoi, ,au. i"'r ',,lli l"'1""" trtJ" rf'"- ueni Muiur tne t.rj.c.iil, in ainraet. nnovo Mtinm. .... jonxs 4. co. r. A s,in.-Fn.M ANI) uc.-iskss i.tov ni:v 1 i'Kl.ciP!.r.r.-Vuiit.HALi.CuiAioHA7iR,coriigrpf I Fourth and .Market alrett.. do, a not f.dlow in the bjaten track. Wo are .jti.fleil thu tlu only nay to build up and keep n largo b to .ell good, cheap au.lcive ' natlafjtlion to cu.tomeri. I'retonto mil nut answer. and liuiiibug haa had It. day, and we intend to aill our good, five per rent, ndtnnee upon co.t. (no more nnJ no lees.l and no variation iu marked price.. Tin. ayi.t"iu will au.t.iiu it. -If without pulfing. We .hall buy un I .ft eiclo.ivcly for ca.h. Our iis.ortuunt fur lion and koj . is the largest iu l'lnladelpliia, and our price, much lower than uuy other. Coll at oucu und see for yourself, at the WHITE IIAI.LCI.OTIIIVO IIAZAAfi, H. W. rornir 1'ourtli and .Market St.. rtlita. lYbrii try e5. HI 0 l.m. Cy' The lli-nvi'lis wire liluioiiiated on tow ekluii fc August J7, leSI, by the iuoi.1 splendid Aurora Hor'uli. u,er e.'cn iiith-i century. llasof tri-colorsdliglitsaa. li ed across the sk, uud the changes were beautiful iu the Atone tun. a rapt ob.nrer remarked, that lie tan Jed lie louI.I see the eparkling llgiits form tilt In seltes into tin following word.: "Iluyall Jourgariuent. at the ftroo n Moon CI -thing Hall of UoesiiiLL&- VVic.o., I Nos. so.l and u3 Clielnut t-lreit, above rlitlli, riulada." The Oxygenated, Eaters. Jjtjtprptti, Inihgtstion, Tl.ttrl Burt, Wattr Rrash, Sjur .SemacA, ,aeedlre, Haiulrntt Gemral Dtlillty, Ac, llud u ready reliel and speedy lure in tin. great remedy. Till: OXYUBNATKII llinKltrt Are lieu"! eu u uuio nnuiuoe ueeu curein-i ui,-uuil- , , ,,. .,,.. ,a ,. ,,i.i, n. ,,, 1 ; . ' . " , , , inrdicn iill.irds fir lli'-ir iuf.illlble euro. II is not all a1 toiiolic prtp.iratlou, hirh, while guilt; a stliin.Il.. r.-duce.lhe.).teiniutlie same ratio , but on.- liaiiuitaud dill' 'rent from any medical pr'paratioit '.er ) toiiuojuuded.and wbuh will, in most aae, extract tlu dlaeasr'9 by lliu roots und restore tlie patient to pristine health, fu proof of which testimony of the ver) huhel and unexceptionable rh irdcter is pret.elited. RlILlAIII.i: TI'-STIMONY. Yf call the ntlintion of th-s render toth- follow mjj letter Ipiai freaidcut 'tiTii, of Woi-Iej an I'mv erit) : , i n.i,. snu w. i o'u'lkTcu.1.- .MiuDLkiuwN, Conn., IVh. 1".VJ. i 'I'I, of Lin. t.nill.- u.mriiiil.d n fu rther 1 rial, to the etti'iit of souie thre,- or lour, withacirttul observance of the uicuiouaii, iuu dir.itious. 'l'he result was on almost entire relof Irom the usual lU.iiiptic syiiiptoui. and tluir depres.liitf, painful colic'UiiCiS. 1 b, tlleso Hilt -r. prodoii-d an t-ntlro rhaiisu iu the ot lay sjsteiiiuud upon the active i-noruies ol the iliseslltu or- , ' ' deeininj. li as ileiupt from Ulrpep.ia us loosl to-rsoiis. 'lluse liilb-rs liae ulsobeeu id .erviie to other innnb rs ot in) lamily. Very resp.ctfally )oors, AUtiUSlL'si W. HMITII. Prepared by hln'll W. I'OWI.i: 4 I CI., ll.ii.loii, and for sale by Ii. .M. lUgeiibucli and J. It. .Mo) cr, tlloouis burg, l'.l. June III, liM.l Jl. uurmj ta aumnier mat nai justpassju uway, inuus ands of tulfcrrrs from d) senlery and diarrhtcahavc been relieved by the usa of JloaTivntR's Uiitihs, a medicine which is evidently declined tu inatntaii a permanent piaconiiiiepuuiicestnmiiiou. mii.o... innrriniM la onu of tlioac dicaaes which baillts the bkillof the phyvictan. The inodiciue they aduunUter to act upon thu bwls fc.1(.mii ... r-j.,1, .I.,. k(llirri. r,f ti .v.i riie .1,11. nvtrt.eemst.rcacli the i-ource or the evil, ihedifli- culty is togt a remedy that will rtach all the digestive organs, aHd givelhcni slmultangoiisly a rush of vigor, to d,he,u..lve.of.,.l.dl.ea.e. This problem is sol, id by the Fitters, whirii ncter fail, lo couqiter the inott It is only fair lu say. that durtnjlho .eu.on ju.t closed, Ilil. r.icdiciue lias achieved more cures tbjn auy ollur cur presented lo the public, and during the fall, which that leniblc .ruuice, Uu fever ,.,c,.t.i,th Ikmurtl tain fic.h fame Hold by alt drugsti in tha world tSst advtrtissnEBt la atihtr column SEWING-MACHINE DEPOT. MONTGOMERY BUILDINGS, DANVILLE, PA, EUREKA ! ! EUREKA ! ! EUREKA!!! Celebrated Shuttle or Lock Stitch Family Sewing Klacniuc, ranks liieh in tho mar ket cannot bo excelled. It is preferred SHUTTLE OR for its simplicity, durability, strength and efficiency these machines aro all war ranted. I'lico $50. MAY WJLMtif uiip i nrmu J kiii ii ten r uniiij wwihj ,iifiirii. j oi- .Maiuioe pusiess is wie tnicc grana rumisi, hi Kliriiy.stronctli and f-ulriencv. Prico. 615 find M warranted. Tim iir-dpr,..,-...-..! MT, r ,l.t. ftwin MnrMnr. With the "1B uniier ms lien niif r Mies') npwuiu ii acumen tm ZZ?&J$3&tSii!lS iZTXnl Danville, May UK, 1800. Om. Nctn QVbucrtieemcnts NEW STONE QUARRY. ffMlii umlerciitnril lus npcut'd u itom (lu:irry near inn I rceirienrc, nbout half a mile i-nst nf Itlooinnlitirc. and U pri-parid to furnl-lt Ihono dt-i-iflfit; Ii UIL jJ.VO STCl.Vh'.. annrliclj ufthd ninst dciiirnhlu nuiititV. aild ' on Ailr tcrmii. July II. lTiD- U. S. riHIIKK. rt UK undersigned. Auditor, appointed I ,,y tilrt OrtilKin'. Court of Columbia county, to tJi.- triliute'ts in tlio hmul. of lion. I'etwr Kllue. nHinin i,iiii,uii ,!-u-iu.u ii in-urf ..iiiz. iui"oi i.ihiih, H". ii- .hip, Coluniliia county, ilrccn.cil, itmong lh crt'ilitort, of bih dcrcilent, accor:lina lo the rutPs unit proportion. c hy law, ulll nttinil M tin' dull,', of Mi up. polntmeiit on rilVKSIMY 7VK2W IHiruF.IUOUVI', t'll'U, Atll) o'i lock, a. M., at lu. nuVi. in Itlonm.liuri;, wlin nntl when' all per-on. ing rlnliu. nuniiist tlie ..ilil rt'ttf1, .I1.1II lirc.uut the n.itne li.More cald Auilltor. or ho deliarred from coming in for n .hirn of tniil n-Hi.1.. W. WIUT. Auditor. r.looM-hnrff. July II. l"l'fl -4t. BOOK STORH rPIIE undersigned, ti-liini to retire from I the Itll. inc. a. On. r. to .ell. nt 1'lltnltf H:ite. tin, eu. tiri atocK ol JJo lcs. St-'tflOtiaril. IVtitl.nlpcr. nm flniire MnnflHelatK tlUnw;. Fir' First door nhoPthi' I.xrlianee Motel. CJ' Tor p.trticulttrafaii(Uira at ."lore. ...... ........ ........ C. CLARK. jiiniMllvourg, juij i, mwi - Henry Zuppingrl'S Eslablislimrilt. (nneai Ihry Aid dtad and tvrird iomt It,.. I,i,l irt.lrr.) I y you Uiint a good, a ,ery good new nalrli 7 X-r imjoii viani a riH-ap w uicn i Ilnve nu a diinrtilt job f iu)uu want kcj m, 1 athi'r Kird, A.r. I Or a uatih uUi will tttu iu ; A 1 1 u ill in Glusit, i'nt'iit, Ueneva, or conititnn. or ivi ill, or Urgi f Did jn ir n:ttdi xr t n fdll ' A kiioik, ,i jt-rk or ti hit i If it in or in'i'i in Kpliiitfri, Who would cic it .1 b ttr fit" f , ('ylindiTlirnki' rtfi1 or n pitidt I i A Ji-. I, a whu I. or a tpriii(,' ( Heard a iiois,-, a rrack or a limmning. .n a Ii w ilh .i i ornus wing ' Mai. i r-priirj brok nur- 1 tr a pin. 1 ' Ihiun itli nil t!i hi I w ill Ii s " ' To iiiak-j llioni in wits a u!" Pino . li lr, lolv It. WO -or- BV iituLof tin OrdiTof tlu Orphan'1 Court nf Col 11 in 1 i.i c 1UI1U". Stunlev W'MirlwiirJ. tri-te, antiomti'i i l the Orphan Lourt of l,u.r.iu lohiiI) , w HI uinac te hjic, 011 iiiu pr 'iniSit,, 0.1 lutein?, the Zit of Aitnti, A. A, IH00, at o'llork. T. M.. Ill f'dlowiiii;' Ken I Katate. tu wit A Tit ACT OP LAND, s mint') in tin towiuhipof I'm., in Columbia cruntj. n-niaimttj; u"in ONE HUNDRED AC1IHS, a fair proporliun ol nhitli 1 cl-iir .d. and nti which art a 1.0 a no u an, ttU and mil r ot htiiiiiinifri Thi irtel adjoins i.uuia 01 inoiiiait lii. 1111 i.i ou ine norill, .iiiu 1 in l-.ti a. (1. U t'lli. vr. aiiil t-ih.n on Hi tftet koiiHi. am) whl. I, at tllf l.t.iti- of I'iiillp II.11111, 1 Ite 1 f l.u.cnitl couiii, 10 iJ,iar.. JAl.'O't l.Vnil.V. Clerk. VOXDltlOXS OF MA I". Ou.t totirlh ot Hie pun lius" moiie) , (J- m t -ii per rent t b paid on th coiifirin;iti"ii ot tu .ie. ten pr rent, ol t Ii - one I oitth t 1 h- p.iul nt tlR r-trikiic down ul iIk- proper!). The b.l.iutf ofth piireli...! moo' y in on j -ur tro.u th j louiirui.ition ot ml., witii nittreat tor .u 1 ono enr. srANLUV woomvAiw. ItloiMiHburi', July 11, lofA). 'iruttft, AlrENTS WANTED. inn non will h-s.ll. Now na ly, th- Ntinal lUU.VMMI I'olitnal t hart, and Map of Urn Ciiit.d Mhich, rtiut.iiiiiiiif atnirat- 1 ortraiu, irom hf. id' lae Candid itt h ot fiirli Party for 1'rctiileiit and iu lrei dent, with tin u h ttert ol an 'plan re, Plat for inn of tin ir rue put live l'arli-itt with a ainouni utHt.tti-tirit ter. Itciultri ot III ' rrt'fi.h (ill ll IMoriioui u tlitt L ll it id Mateo Irom li.'U to Jp,'.!! , iiani't.of thu riptakrit l tbe Jtoiiao 1 f Itcpr'xi'iitnti.t--, irom lo'.l to lMfci. 'Jin .M-tp i Ii autll'ully rohnvd. and printed on h.'aty ral.ioler t npcr. t-iz; .ii bj -Hi, t-how mi; tlie ul.Mt rii-H t f uli tli .'-tat a an. I TerntoricH. txtciiutn lliroush I'i the Phnlic 1'rit.e, only -J. Cents. Hent, post pai I. on reci ipt of tin price. A r-ire chunLtj is otlercu uncut-!. I'or trma add nai m;A.i: nui.isox. July H . l.-ti(i. I'lul oh I ph ih A CA fit I TO YOUNG JiAUIKrf A GKXTLKMKX. rpur. aubatriber will auiid trre of thargt) all who jl u 'i-ire 11. in.- lU'cip' -inn 1 net iiuiu lor m.ikiiij,' a sim- 11 lu t'lirctable Balm, w ill, iu Iroin two tu t'luht uai ru mi ne 1'iiiiplea. Idott ii-'n, V'ua, ticcUtt, Hallow 11 aa. and I all impuntu-H uud roij-hnjaa of the fskiu, tesinif; I he ' nan id aa X.itnre intended it nhould bi-sojt. ttear, smooth, and btuuttfut. Tho-e dtairHU th Keclpe, Willi full iiutruitioua, iiir't tioua. und adt kc, w ill pi aae C..II on or addrjiit w ilh return piMtajre.) 1 J . lij. 1 . .ll.lllll.HU, i'llACIILtl. ClUMlitT. No. :i2 Cit lluildiatia, X. York. July II. VCM -3m. KXKUUTOK8 NOTLCH. ( E&tat rj (Jtortre Kclchntr decraseth I r r.Tl'I.US ' lotaiiK titary. on tint I.Gtati) of C lor a a ' LJ 1 IV. ileres.ed. nil: Ii ion granted by the II -gi.ti rot sud naiooci n.. icooer. no resiue. in ori.ircri.eK i town.hip. ami tjiorgu II. Ki Irliner, ho resides in Centre townihiu, both iu said count), nolue i llier, fore lurtby . KiVcn t-. all .t rrfuna indebted to the L.late of said dc- ' ce4-ut, lo unke p.i)inent foilhnith, nnd nil prison, liauu.-claims or deiiiaudsagaiu.l said K.t.iU.lo ....... ,w ,Hb . ...... ....... S.V.MLi:!- KEI.CIIi:il, Ci;u. II. Kl.LCIlNV.:- Juy7, JKiO-fta, f.tecufri. "pit "o Fo'sals 1 WILL he received hy tit Hoard ff Hrhool Director" of Hemlock twp., Columbia county, at th - More of the under i'i? ned, in ttio village of rtutk Horn, h'lweru the hours ol 5 uud 5 n'rlotk, P.M.. on KiVUHMY, thi Hth day of July. IttJJ. fur the erection ot a 1UUCK SCHOOL 1IOCSV, aili'nniiiir the Sihool House in said illaae. tn be '.'.'vJOftj t nnd fiuiaheii m subklautial and modern M)le. I'lau and specifications will bj tilubited on upplicu tion, as abuvv. JACOK MARK!:. June 3..H4..a. art. vi.Mtr MTttrvonv Wi . i'. o . on iiii i r i iiii ii. rJHIIMin IUtiMMi. hav nip succeeded Jis I' i'antatt. in the MiHinrry liusiiicss. in Itloi'in--hum, will toiitiiitie the tr.-le at her well known stand in tlu llrick Mora House, ru Mam Ktn'et. a f-iw doors nlmvo the Cubango Iiuildings in nil its depirt m.'iits nud in the nioit modern ftvle of Purhionabla Millinery. Thny have just recetvcl from th. JJat.-rn Cities, u select assortment of NEW MILLINERY GOODS, (.'oinnrlnns evrrv vanctv of Hnrinc and tiuinnifr wear, which w HI b? made to order, w ith nuutness and accuracy, and on very moderate ttrma. Ladies of lllooinshur'.', an. I others, art Int ited q call ' and examine their Mink nf Goods, t lU'miiinburit, June UU, lnl) THE 8XJ5BMfi!8 Wmi rr-IWr.-tor of ll.i-.(l.kHow n and rrntrall v Inc.-.. ted Hon a thu F.uiuioh llortL, siiuau on Maia Htru't, in li loom a burp, immediately opposite thu Colmn- L t'nunty Court House, ri'ppi'rifully infornn his friends ani) u. in general, that hia House is now in or dvr for the reception audcntuUinmuit ol iravvlrrs who mny feel diapoatd to lavoril with their tuatom. He has PKr tliinjr wanting (ou his part, to uiint.tir to their personal lomfort III. hou.e i. .pacious and enjoy, an excellent omnihuJ". ruuat all time. l teen th. E.clianse Hotel anil the tarious lUil Uoa.l Depots, by which trav clci will no pleasantly conveyed lo and from the tc. .rtie mation, In due l!me to mseuhj Can, Bloomsburg. July t. lPCO. lJHXTrNG, Muslin 4-4 nid. for 131 t'jrvif0?'''! L- over all other L0GK-ST3TCH MAGHSNJES, ih Ermir conniience mm iny nro u'uneu n men ia ST.!U" M f'm' M"k' ,;o,,"n "nJ u- at n fiiiiun ffreiiteit rnnfldflitM Itiflt lhiv urn .U.t.n-il In trwr tho M. C. OltlER. .7. V. MARTIN. OAK VI Ii Ii 13 I KST1T UTI3. 'PUIS Institution was futinded hy the nreivnt rrincipal a mid lias n!wus liad a hrral hhnre of the patronage ui in ruiiiiimmiy. i hu tufjaci onima ai in uu tn excr- C.NV4 l)f lllil Itmtlttttfi. fa lit Tirn in ixintU u hrnnnr 1I0, .'li)piunit of the invntul powers, snd thus U;ilify tlicm for fieir-iimtriictinn, special attention licing givtn to tho tcriuation nf curruit nnd t) ntcmatlc hihitn. incnciu or study vmiinicrf bullish Litenture, the Sriencfn, thi Mathuiuatic4, th Clasici nnd M era Lanirunu'es. Ity eivins hH umtl.ld.-d aifnti'm It tho intercuts f tli-j InBtitiition, nnd socuriiiicihcco ope, ntion t well i.'dillod instrurtors.tlu Triticipal htf t n ren. dor satUinction tu Ui patrons. Theui'xt Ttrui will open Alnnittiy, August 2?, ItiUO. Thu I'rfnripal w ill rvrcirH pHpils fnmi a diitancc, an hoarders, and wilt eii ttiem vwry attention nccfimry tu tlu-lr cuiiifiirl. tor pariisulats afpl) to J iU hlll.HO, rrlntipaj. illr, June li lW.0-.lin. you want .NO. 1 NACKUUT.!., you want no. l ncnr.iNu, DO you wan HITI.LY C want CLOTH .'OR I.AIUKS IlllrtlT.RS. (io tu BlUnVKR S. 11ARTMAN rf CORNER. THE second arrival of New (Joods, thii fining, at HAKTMAN'S. SUMMER Cisseincrrs, nnd Costings of liic lalist stjlo, ut riAllTUAN'sl. YyOOL, Cot'on, Hemp, and Rag Car IT p--t. for .ale dua.s.'at UUUTMAN'SJ. WALL Paper, Wall Paper, in great 1'iantitiea, cheap for sale, at lliMr.TMAN'3. HOOPS, Hoops, Hoops and Hroni, fer .lie. at liART.MA.VU. pEMENT by tho Barrel, for sale at J HAUTDANV. PUBLIC SALE or Valuable Ileal Estate. IX purMia.ii-j of an or.Ur of t tic Orphan a' Court of Coliinilua totun), on Sattt '-',', the '-ibih day nf Jafyy next, at III o'tlnrk iu 1h forenoon. John M t'hiMubirllii, AH winiMr itor l Noah tf. i'lrnin, laic of llhiuiu tuwinlnp, infill county d'-cuam.-il, w ill t xpcmi! lo satu by VMk W 11 ilu i upon th prcmiHCrf, a ci rtam iosr or iKottfisj, m tint iu Hi)pkris ill. riyiiin tow luhui. in lb. muntv afor nal I, bouiidetl and il-'t-cnluil an f.dlow h II iiriuiiiiii' at a btake on tlio noiithw uel side uf .Main t.tu I or public mad I "nil nig ttoui nioom,l.urn lo Itcrvx 1. k. u .1 lint- f .1 lot now owii.n1 hy imo.i ('. Hhnc, th.ius nloiiir miJ street goutli lift) thrf" ticyr h ritct lt two f'tt loth cortifr 'f h't No. f, llionrc buiitli twfiit) stvni dfgrjfs writ, oii' huiiilri'd mil nitu ty-eisbt ltt to an Ml, th nrr (y ti 11 1 Alley north lift) three- di jfrviii, wct nty two furtto tin lot of Mnioii (', rinvy. n fun run I, th-'ine Ii) the -..inn' north thirty sv eu deirr-'ca i'.il one liundre and iiuivl)Mji!ht tet-tto Hi Wctif I u;i.iuii,g Them n crwrtid ou tlu 1 re 111 1 j. a a two-j-twy a an ill llano! Wimp, a kitthcti. .not a large ECA.IIIIE .s'l'AliSLU, Willi n well of w -ilt-r oil tin- premiea. the Kstatu of .iil d-Mci 'd, iu Wa tow 11 fchl.- of Idoiim, and coil HI) nlortva.tld. JACOll KVKRI.Y- CVcr. r T" Vuittlt'ton rf S'tle. Uncfourlli of th puithaa inonty vl i.'ii per runt. 1 to he pji on th. coiiiiriualion ol the aale, ten per rent ot I lie oiu'fniirtli to be pUl t at the atiikuig itown of the proper!). Th b.ilanr of the pun h.tie luonty 111 one J-ar Irom the roiifirninliiiii tf snie. J. ai. (;iir.Mui:ui.i, Hloomlmrc. Jnny). Iffl. .Hd-m r. WINK AND LIQUORS. WMULbSAl J: MiL) tih'PAJL, ryt uiiili laipm-d. Inu'iE ip. nod a ew hi re, on lUooiiinltur)!, aiol i-loi k d it with the biai fraud ot all kind, til imparled Liquors will I), hippy tn i-uppl) tit trade 011 th. on) at aicuiuinodating tTuuanJ at uiid lull) tow prict a. Jv" i'ubhc Cualnin in n-apectfuMy unite.'. I. IV. ROllrilVH. Itloouieburg, July T, l:f.J. Jgtnt i itK at Exnii'EMKNr MESH AliliJVAL tu' i i MILLER'S STORE. R iubncrihcr hai jiint rtlurnetl fioit Uu city 111. Hi r Urge aiif. a J ct aortnJul of SIMUNfi .t SUMMER GOODS, pnrclinRPtlln rhiladflplua at tli.lnwcft fi?ur. aai wklch ' j)0 u dtterinined to well 011 an moderate frms an can b procured t'Uwh;r la bluo.uvbar. Ilia k touaiatd ' LADIKs' I) I ESS GOODS, ' Choi cot nylcs ?u 1 1 ate -,t fu-hmti. Dry Gitoits, (irormeA, llardirme. tiueent ware. Cr Jar H'ara JMloio Hare, Iron, ,'atl. Hoot and -Met, ' t.ati ami L'apj, J(-r., .c. la short u cr) thing 11-iullv kept ia country Floraa tu which he iiHif th public t'eiieiull). I l f The Highettt frice .X for country tiroduro 1 nTKr-lir.X 11. Mll.LUR. Illonniburg, April CI, KV.i. . 1 FANCY DRY GOOD AND 'J li 1 J.VS iVl. I Jl li a '.V J X. a e. t , 'rllll suli.i riber lake, the liberty to inform tho I .adies anil t.'entleiiien ol tiraiigi-vine. ami surrounuinii cmntr) that lie has opened ,1 "I'inu I1r Ui.m ,t '1'kim mimu Hioiu." iu Orangit lite. Where he keeps ou hand and is lou.uutly rec iuug a gcnelal iis.i.rtioeul of , .v senrv m-v s.rinii , u......i ........ ...j ......, Trimming, llandkerrhi f. 1 1 ! r) , (ih.ves. Milts nud in bhort, all kinds nt furnilniiK K".,da tor hath Ladi -s nnd geiiil-meii. His goods ur- iMiight at Nw York and botli; hr th.-r I re lin tlw t.t) les of b-th place. TIk-v ar! bought for rah. which fiiabl-s him to 111 nt lnu.r rata Ih in anv ft her ill lllf cnumrv. He respectfully -.illicit a share of p (tr'naSi,primiitiR to render !ood mi tin) i tiui. Plcaaa cull uud wauiinu Ik tore punliafintT i Uewiifre. N i. -i ouutrv t'roiiuce laxen in exciiangu tor pootin. I ..I...- 1.1.,,. Ml ...i.. r'nti.i r.-..,ll.i.p i jtorhj tt ,11 I. . i fumiahtid gratis with the UtJt cny ftJ.n1ou applic.i - I iii I. NUWTON KLIN'R. , Orancv illr, Juno U, Lfn, " 1 CHEAP HOOT AND SHOE ' Ss T H F? ?. . j j t, ii 11 s ri'iili hni"criiKr inviten nuenu-u n iiish'w storKni 1 llooU and r-liu's, just received from Philadelphia, and compriaini- J-Uli GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, llontai, Gnit-rs, Oiftird Tie, r-rhottikh Tien, Navy l.ait era, Hlippera, Uc. I 'OR LADIES Wi;U, Waiters with and without heefs, Hhppers ditto, Parkin, Kreuih Morrotcii llooties Willi and without huels, .Ve. Also, Musis' ami CjllLDlus'a ir.mrr.iir'w. .vi.Mrrt t.yTi'rvw:-' 0 of erory dexcriptinii. at prices much Ik low the cd stan ,jr.l. -in. I Ii Hie aiune nuahtv of Goods can be I bousbt lor at any other ftoru iu town, Work of all kiuda made to order of the best material, in the neatest manner and on reuoii,ih1e term", warranted topipialuuy my work and much bvlovv niy prices, I keep Mono but the b"-i wurkmeii. nn I have better hiatc rial than was ever before brought tu this-iu fart, the very best to be had fn the nty markit. n, wnB.MN!Eiw. A.'V B'M"' . rPIIE imucrMgnctl, II. W. Creasy & JJ. X A.Cr.'asy, having formed a cn partnerabip, in tne MERCANTILE UDSIMOSS, in Light Street Cohtmhia county. Pa under the namt and style of 11 W Creasy '-, b.g leavu to inform Hour trirnd and th; public, tlktt Ih. y will continue tSe huai ucbh of in all its various brandies, at thu well known Mot staod ..r Cwcav A. Una her. u hrn tht-V Ulll at all li tries hat han nytoatundtothr,eiUofthetrfrittndt,-indeutriiri. Vilnius VBNDUl! -or- VALUABLE FARM AM) MILL HV lrtuc f an order of the Orphan's Coutt nf Cofum bla courtv. Hid Admlnlstratori nf John CtivL-nhnvun. Inte of Columbia county, deceased, will excise to 1'ubUc Sale, on Saturday y tht 4th dty rf 'Angus 18C0, 1 10 nVlock, A. M., upon tho premtsrs. in the township f Orang, In said couuty, tlm lullowing Ileal Iatat, vit ituatu In said town.hip, Immediately nrij.cnnt to the townof Orangellle, hounded on lh liortfi hy land, of Woif, s'en'., on the .outi.'hy laudi or iieiij. wirtm.n n'i wthrr., and on tho Hc.tty land, of ' in.r., containing US AOK 13 N , bj thi si Hii ntoro or less, on which aro erselitt i MANSION HOUSE, run, and appurtenant nut hnildinga, and f w hlth about SO Acre. ar cleared. Thi. farm I. in talr condition, and fi.a ni,..Fl.,liilv la nO,... ,l ly.p tlin It, ........ ,.C . mall amount ofcaillal, llw I'imi Welng contlguoe. lo th. , tburouihfire. and market, oftlie count,. Al.o. A MILL V 11 0 1' E H TY, e.m.i.tingof a hrgoTlirce Htory 1'rauio FLOUBG JV1 1L, I KVMY ii bi.'.nt'd' sjk.: Ttixnti:,' a- sjv.'s.vVr , land, of said CoTouhovan, and u public road, and on tb. L north and west by lands Into belonging tot,', U, lljck.tts, 1 deceased, and is one of the best locntcd uiill. in tha country, ri-Tiirlng nothing in the way of .nWantUl re- pairs. The water power is eitclleul, ami tba Mill I. UOOD RUNNING CONDITION. Lot) thi Kslats) of Jobu CoTauhuvan. d.r.a.ed. JACUU KYk'KLV, Clerk. COXDtrtOS OF fourth of tbe tnirchas lann tr (I.P4 tfu ner cut.l tu bu paid on the couQnuatiou of the kale, ten per cent, of tlit on fourth to bj pdld at tliti striking down of tin property. Thu bjlanm of tb puin.-iMi Kioney iu oui yt-ur irom in toniirniauon 01 S3I0. UI UUil It. ,M (I f.. K 1 1 i UMVt'Jl COVANUuVAN. .UiT, WLdlXV Wild', July irru. IMrKOVKIi rir.VMJAItU SUPJffl.l'IIUbl'llA'tti Ul' UATE, Tlu old ptal1ihi:d urticle, lit conttaut 1140 by thiMvnud of 1'arniTn xud ManUrs for it nuiubir ttf past. Price Sirj per i!U00 lbs. (Vj tentt per lb.) GUANOT rnilL'VIAN. llrcvhuJ dir'ct frout tha UovcrnracnC Sturuii. Harraittr4 gtAuint, ICllAuOC. ThU in thj oil fanliio'iud truth try (J(a, imported direct PACIFHJ OCDA.N GUANO. A mult qjantity of tbls vl known urtlcW, lu like ordur, Urj oud very itrong All rn k NccilltV iVcw Frrtilizrr. Tha low prict and superior quality of this frrtiliiar in laat briii)iii it iito umu, Piur 8:1(1 Vrr (,UlJ lb. (Ij cmt per lb.) HONK UL'HT. Uuttoii-iiak-rs.inB Uont Dutl at (iround I.ANI rUASt'l'lt. Wnrruited pure. li bnrrU. A liberal oeJuliun uiddu lo lit ai nn oil ull thu above article. V H. Wk have a hrgn number if Iprnuas foT iT'iminni invurut'ii ny tin v&rioiH .1 grit ult ural tone tin, wUich juu utj re'pu-ftkid t tu! and fxa.'.ui.e. i y.nitli Wharris and 41 a iut Vut. r St. Ftrtt tvrc aliete t'A( I 'itf , 1 niileVUkU'lII 1. July 7, jsuo NEW AND Elegant Spring Stocl A . J. S T. O A X , 1 HAM Just received, dirnl from Philadelphia anl Nan Voik, a t.ry choice as.oilirteiit of ( M'UINO SIIMMMS (.'()() IIS afloat evrry ikw fa'inc which ha Ujuu iiianufartuHl for hpnim nnd H r a wi II ttt tlu uaiinl aMt-irtmunt nf Si'Al'LI. UOODli of cu;. It i0r 'u&lltn-i will bi found in van.-ty, and nt pricoa aa Ijw uu umlUr good can be i-urrlus-'d 1 Utjwluri. . It ia an iiicy niAttcr to ilnd (food Nt a low price, but u n gen nil , th -y aru Jt us low in UAlitt'. Ittit to xn a Cuod artii le at a wry low prim U Uiiii-f rare, Hurli an opjioitiuity, huwvtr, i uif r jd any who niav want HHY tiOUDS. attOCV.MLb, rtjT Call and w. z roiINl'KV l'il()lllJi-'K w'an rr.n. DIJniflbnr, .pitli. lei). l-RKSIl FROM THE CITY", AI 0KB NBff (I00DS! IIVEIIY tiOH'P, am-: ANU STYLE. 1 JUflf HKCKI V!;jJ AT TLE'S CEAV STORE IN LIGHT STRKET, ami auh itKisii soi.ii roil i-av, "Cheaper tinn the ( ludfCil .'" pl.lHSB r.u.i, IIAKl.V. jlj ti J " Ii j Asetlt. I.lCht ?trjrt. Afrit WW. I H i y i i i H NEW CLOTHING. 9 III. unilerni2iied, Krattful for pnt patronnRe, rrpect 3 full) iiifiirnii' hirutiimcra nnd th. publ'cfreiicrally, lliat lit lit Jn t rtrt'led fiom ihrt Kktt rnj citiea, thd iarii't and nunt aek-tl ntotk o" SI'ltING it SUMMER CLO'HING, Th it ha yl been opened iu Hlonir.t'durz. to which he ! iu it.'b tliti attention of liii frieuda, and Txurea them , that they are ort Tvd fur n.-.I- at if r eat b.irtauii. His I ftock coiiinrinea a Inrsa a. -nor tin 'lit f lillNTI.RMr.VrJ WKAKINU Al'lMRHL, ConHftlitiK of I'amc.usamv IIki-hs CntTj, ('I t'Vcr? des rriplioii, I'jota. Vt-ttn, tSln rtM, Crmatu Ftorkg, Cotton llandkerrhtrfi. l.ln ea, Hu-pcndiTn, ttv I t.OI.Ii WATi IllJ.-r AMI Ji:V.I.RY Of every desciipium, niiM and che-ip, N. U. - leiiitu.h'r J.oicrnbrrg'M Cheap b.mptriuti ' , cnarg.t mr t- 1:vvnv.,in .. . -n 1 luu, u,l':h Blnoimburif. March 31, I -CO (Juu JH5J.) I - ' r up a t A II if TV , f UlllJ.iJ AlUUlU j VT 07t "7 x I A j f OF GOODS at Tin: 1 I lO'Mf ?if mrfk aii, 1 a t- aV V-. Kj wtui V Crea,u, Brother H-allh.Ul'han active duty WE Would inform our mentis Olid customers, that we bnto Ju.l received on un- Hsoally larpc assnrtmti.t ot SI'JUM SUMMER GOODS, Whirh vrr off rat low rr rates, for ready pay. than any ver lielt.rt: opeiifU 1, r and w ill ho t.old "cheaper than th. rh'uprst." We shall not attempt to (numerate tlm various articles the) aru luim-'iu.B unl ilieir iiamo la L'pion aaour spa rmiM More Rooma, mcVudHiu Hte Cellar uud Garret. ar filled toov rllowiug. Phere are to u found the tlusst rabrirkti, in the countr) at atiuithntp Ww tureis La dies' weir in j rent ttrietic. at pi r cent, low tr than v fr before oirT.-d. CLOI He, ML'Hl.lNH. (IR(KT.Rld. HATS, CAPH, Jioots, Shoes, etc., nt thi snnw rate. In short, almost GTcr'thig in thu mercantile line from a needle tu nn anchor, tT" tur Irienda will do wrll to rail before they wake tknr el.ctions. r , II. W. CREASY, it CO. , Light Htrect, April i', 1PC9. - I L1ST ov I.KTTEKS pF.MAlMS'O m tha Post OiRce at Bloomsiurt, Ta n,rr, J..M. ILord.John ii,ritrsir(Mifi.Maiindi it irk, joBt. intruint, . . clmne'r Thoma. Gordon, Mar) Ourdon Mary Llln Hurts, Mi" nary Ih rb' in A A Kiktli'r Benjamin K'a'c Mills 11. ti. ! May Moas MagLl, Profeis p, ) Xeigl-t, Miss Emma I Prior James I Paliuen, Mrs. A. IK beat-Ii, Mlas W U Kfhwnrli, Jos. Hluard, John Smith, lleimon Y. WHiubark, Go. retsnas filing for (he above litters, will Ut hay Prom Washington. WAsniNOTo.t, July 7. A Board of Medical officers will t.i- tJl.:,. it unit t t. l"" at iJaltimoro on tltO JOtU of SCptombor, lor th examination of Assistant Surgeons, tor tho promotion of such canaidataa for appointment on tho Medical Staff of the army, as may ho invited to present them- selves. There aro now throo vacancies in U10 trrado of Assistant Sllrirpnna. " Q-.Uw. TllO I'rOsi Jdlt has rCCOffllizod O W o '". v. n lllennings, as Viou Consul of Hanover, at , New Y'orb. Mr. Edmund French, late Assutant Superintendent of tho Treasury extension , diod Loro thia morniuS' Tfr Vrptieli raa nnrlop t "lT- "tBCU WAS Under lUdlCtmOnt for embezzlement ami tile Irt.l wa cluezziemeni, anu Uli trial WaStoliavo taken place to-day. Difljr.ully at (lie I'onsliluliou OfQcr, HasUlngloii issault uu Cfiitmi llouiiiaii, by Ellis II. Scliuablr. Washixoton, July 7 The Constitution newspaper office waa tho scene of a personal conflict this morn ing between two Pennsylvania politicians, Mr. JiUis B. bchnablo and General Bow man. Mr. Schnablo entered tho office and ai- saulted the General with a stick. Mr. Bowman was sitting in a chair at tha tim. Ono of tho Clerks effectively came to the r'cscuo, when Mr. Schuablo mado a hasty retreat. Immediate measures wcra taken for his arrest. Tlio roason for tho assault was an artiolo published in tho Constitution of yesterday, reflectant upon Mr. Schnablo's conduct. EXECUTOR'SNOTICE. Estate of Solomon Ihckmim, deceased. LETTERS T.stamentary on the .Estate of Bolotoh llLctcMAi, late of acutt twp., Columbia county, d. erased, liaie been granted by tho Register nf Columbia county, to the undersigned, residing in Lime RiJgu, an person, having claims against tha Estate of the dece. dent are requested to present them to tha Kiccutnr, without delay, and all persons indebted to make par went fortliVi itli. HENRY T. RILEY. Juno 23, lECO-Ct. Ixsrhier. LOOK OUT, farmers: 1EVOLVINO UORSE RAKES, for alo ot, e. n. n-'usEi.. June S3, IcioO. Town Lots For Salt?. SKTLUAt, desirable biuUUii lota In Eloomaturc for aale. For particular.T-ure of Y WIRT. nfooniBburg, June ii, HfiO-tf. Floar and FiiM Delifrrcd! CITE APE It THAN THE CHEAPEST. 'IMIK undersigned has made arrangeincnti that will L enable him to eleliver Hour and Feed, FOlt CASH, about tun per cent, cheaper than any body else Jn towo His prices arc as follows ; flour, , 67 251 Comfit Rjo Chop, el M Corn 4c Oats Chop. 1 M Bran, j lo i reapecuuuy solicit a snare 01 rrrcpuDltc patronage MOaES KAUFMAN mnoiaslmrg. Jime 23, iect-tf. Summer and Fall Session cf tha Cloomsburc Academy will bepin Wednesday , August istt 1500. Pupils Instructed hi Enelith. Claiaira. Vmlr-m r . luaiics, Matlrematics.Xatui'al Sciences and Vocal Muirc. prepare tha student for admiaaion mto a Cnherntr or College, or to -pjalify for business. A lUily Recisterof tlw attendance, conduct and scktl arship of each student i kept, which is open at all tho-ja for examination by parents, guardians or other. I mur ii uvmi in ijivtil lUinosWHO UUIIJIl littlUl theniseUttt fur teaching. THKMS: Coumion Unglish, vit Orthography, Rtjadfnc, WrUin" and Arithmetic, per Quarter, m itTj Hmher Unglish iuid Classics, o No extra chargu will be made for Trench or fkrman No deduction will be made on nrcount of nnn-artHiidanni or withdrawal beforu the tlosuoftho uamoa, unlot. in caae of protracted sitknuba. (iood hoardiiiir has been proiured in priatn fainili during tlw during uud rjuuimer beasiou for ii W n r wetK. 1 Rftfercncea Patrons of tho school. A. B., rnncipat Dioomsburg, Juno SJ, JcbO tf. A little, hut often fill the purtn. SAViNG FUNDS. TRANK LI V SAYING TUXD-Xo 13d SdUJ I. i'oijf Hi Ktreet, between Chebtnut and Wuluut flnladt-lphia, pay a all depoaita on demand. f Denomtura' nionev aerured bv Ciiurm,,. nti.t... and City Loan St Ground Rent", .Mortgage, Vc This Company dtems satety bttter than larc orollts. coiue'iueiitlv will run no n.k with At., J torn' money, but havu it at all tunes rtudj to rtturu A with 3 per cent interest to tho owner, as thev have' always done. This company iievtr uspended ' r email's, ma men or single, ana .iimors, can de w poitm tlKir own right, und uch depr.ita runb withdrawn only by their tun gent, Charter nenelual. Incornorated bv tlmMmt .r Pennsylvania, with authority to receive moiaj j trum trustees and lUccutors. 1-MiGU Ji.YD SM.1LK SITMSi HEnr.lfPn IT . ,i 1-3 u I? Oihce open daily Irom u to :t o'cloclc, and Inesday eJemng uutir6 o'crocl DIHi:ClX)R3. Jacob R. fib an non C rus Cadwallador, John bhmdlwr, i.eorge ituufcll, J.dward T H)t:t, Henry I), lan) , Nathan in-'iit.-v. Malachi Moan. Lewis Kruiubhirr. N'lthold Uitteuhouia. jos ll. autirertiTi-uite, Kphnaiu Klanchard. Josenh I.inoincolt. JACOB II. &HAXXOV, Prsiduiit CYRUS CAHWALLAUER. Treuaurer. JVlarchl-', Ic'J-IJiu. o A llnllar f aveiTin twlr eiTfiieH iEV al'uiic Wholesale and Retail HAT CAP STORE TnUundcr.i-ned rc.l-'rlfully inform, the rilir.aso llioomsburi,', and tlicfubl, iu general, that h.b.. opened a NEW HAT STORE, In the whito Frame ."torti House, on Main girett nrar ly oppovitu the lUihaune rttiildings, whero he haaiutt rt ceiveda splendid aaaortment of CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from the Manufactories, uf all kinds, stvlea sorts and sizes, latctt Fashions, which he offer a. whulu , ana rriau, a, very row prnes. 1,1.0, Includinn nllthe modern .ijlcs and fashions frjy" These Goods, will be sold at very Ion low prtcss, f- Ready Pay. R. A NT WALT nioointhiirg, April 14. l'tQ. FIREWOltKS. ItnnWOKS! FIRCWOltKSI 1 J. A.TIP.UXAN, n'noLEs.iLn vkiu:h a FittEnvnxs, Roman Cnndlea, bky Rockets, ttcroil Wheels, Triangles. Grnabhoppers, Flower Pols, iilue Lights, Uengolia Lights, Firemen's Torches, Torpedoea, Pullfnj Crackers, l ire Crackers, Cracker Putols, Punk, Mines of F tar s and 8-rp.'nta, Halloone s, itc at it inonuiuciurtj prices Depot, No. S Btrawberry street -jjiu uour irom ,iarKei si rtei. Juno 16. 1;f0-lm Fhii.nH-lphn 0. M. XlMMUKMANiN, MAVflCWRKR Of American Violins. In Crcmaaa ttylt. vtlh p.iteat lei'jurrrj, PATENT OONOERTliN tl S MILITARY DltUMS of all in. on a new rl-n. .1.T'Oi-S. VJMUQMXF.S rARCHMENT, VELIA M, CALF, AND BllEEr WIRE Strings, Organs, Melodcons A; Mushal Chairs, No. SIH, (old No. I jl North Seeo&d gtrcat, All kind, ot Musical Mercbaadiso i n -untly on hand. All kinds of MasicallDslruni.nt. tuned and reraia-d, W.rch 111. lMtl-clm. '