Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 14, 1860, Image 2

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-LEVI L. TAT II, Editor,
Hon. John 0. Breckinridge,
Gen. Joseph Lane,
or OltKQON.
?. Wm. C. riTTKRIOI.,
3. Jos. Crockbtt.
4. J. G. Urknner,
5. G. V. Jacohv,
7. O. P. JaMKS,
P. David Pimaix.
9. J. L. Ligrtmer,
IS. 8. H. Uarbcr,
II. T. H. Walker.
IX Jesirn Lauracb.
14. Isaac RtcEiiotr,
15. Gkoror D. 'acksok,
16. 3, A. Ant,
17. 3. II. Darrir,
18. J. R. Crawfsrb,
19. 11. N. Lti,
M. J. II. lion Alt,
31. N. r. Fetterman,
2'2. Hamcei. Marshall.
S3. William Hook,
21. 0. D. Hamlir,
U. S, 8. WuicnrsTiR,
25. Gatlord Church.
Profoundly impressed with the linportanco of prompt,
vigorous and patriotic action on the part of thf Pallid
tralic State Comiitiitco, in order to tivvrt, if possible, trie
oosenienccs which must inevitably result from llio uii.
happr divlsron now elisting in the rank of the Uemoc.
racy In our State and nation, we cordially and honestly
rvcummenu iu me Democracy 01 tne Biato mat tnvy unite
with heart and voice in the support of our excellent and
competent nominee fur Governor, Henry D. Foster, and
that in all the local elections they act as one party, for
CirlOfi; and forgetting any differences thnt they may havo
entertained for the Presidency; but with a view to a per.
feet unity against the common enemy, we recommend to
the Dcmocrucy of Pennsylvania to unite their votes for
President on the electoral ticket formed at Heading on
the 1st day of March, lst.0,011 the following basis and un
derstanding, viz: That if said electoral ticket should be
elected by the people, and it should uppear, on ascertain
lug the result or the other States of the Union, that by
casting tho entire vote of Pennsylvania for Stephen A.
Douglas and llerschel V. Johuson, it would elect tliein
Presideut and Vice President aver .Messrs. Lincoln and
Hamlin, then said electors shall be under obligation so
to cast said vote; if on the other hand it should appear
that said vote would not elect Messrs. Douglas and John,
un, but would elect John O. lireckinrldge and Joseph
Lane President aid Vice President over Messrs. Lincoln
and Hamlin, then said vote shall be cast for them ; and
In case the united votu of lYnnsylvama would not elect
cither of these tickets, then tho electors may divide it
Between them according to their own judgment of what
would be the best for the country and the Democratic
firty the basis of this united action being that it is tlie
rst and highest duty of all Democrats, however they
may differ about men and minor points of principle or
policy, to unite against a common enemy, and to avert,
if possible, the greatest calamity tbat could befall the
country, the election of a l!l.ick Republican President ;
and further, the Chairman of, this Committee is hereby
authorized to correspond with the several electors in the
Ctate, and obtain from each of said electors his written
pledge, within thirty days from this date, that he will
faithfully carry out the object of this resolution.
Ouv National Flag.
Wo hav raised tho names of the tvro
Tickets, pronounced to havo teen nomina
ted by the Baltimore Democratic Conven
tion, for President and Vice President, in
order that those who feci bo inclined, may
vote for Messrs. Douqlas and Johnson,
whilst wo -shall moat cordially givo our
hearty support to tho election of Messrs.
Breckinridge and Lane. Thouamoof
Major Breckinridge, tha gallant soldier
and noble young Kentucky Statesman, is
a tower of strength with the Democracy of
Columbia, and also in tho old Koystoue
State, and coupled, as it is, with the namo
of the Patriot Soldier, Gen. Lane, of
Oregon, will carry Pennsylvania, in next
November, with an enthusiasm unequalled
and scarcoly excelled by the great contost
of 1832, when she rallied to tho tune of
fifty thousand majority for the "Hero of
New Orleans." These are, briefly, our
reasons for prcforriug tho election of
Breekinridgo and Lane.
Noble Brothers.
Col. Wright's paper, The Luxerne
Union, and Col. Forney's papor, The
(Philadelphia) Frets, arc both out in long
and abusive editorials against tho union
proposed and agreed upon by tha Demo
cratic State Committee ; and which has
been hailed with delight and satisfaction-
by every true democrat in Pennsylvania.
Can it bo possible that theso men are tho
friends of thu democratic party, or oven of
Judge Douglas ! Far from it ! They are
determined to play into the hands of the
republicans, and elect Lincoln. They
know that Douglas cannot bo elected with
out the thorough uniou of the party in this
State, and yet they refuse to uecedo to a
fair proposition for that result. The poo
plo will not bo blind to the action, nor
careless of tho manifest intention of tho
Douglas leaders they will not follow For
ney and Wright and Haldcman and Hick
man, when they attempt thus to betray
them into the hands of tho republicans.
No, they will remaiu in tho regular or
ganization in Pennsylvania, members of
tho party that nominated Foster, of tho
party that choso tho electoral ticket, of the
party that proposes to carry out tho will of
tho democracy, as expressed by tho State
Committee, of tho party that prefers Doug
las to Lincoln ; although their first choice
is John C. Breekinridgo of Kentucky,
ter " The Daily Times," published in
(ho City of Reading, by Col. II. A, Lanti,
u a living institution. P. A. Lantz, Esq.,
has recently bocome an Associate Editor.
Its daily visits are heartily welcomed at
t'hj office of the Columbia Drmocrat."
Our Candidates.
'Wo have to-day placod at tho mast head
of our paper, the names of John C.
BnicKlNBlDoi, for President, and Jo
seph Lane, for Vioo President. In doing
this, wo express our own preference, and
what we believe to be tho preference of the
Democracy of this county, as well as of
the Stato of Pennsylvania. Wo havo no
time or spaeo this week to givo any of tho
reasons which havo induced our action.
Wo shall take occasion to do this hereaf
ter. At the same timo that wo thus do
fine our position in relation to tho two
Democratio Presidential tickets wo must
fully and unreservedly concur iu tlto re
commendations of the Stato Central Com
mittee, contained in tlto resolution adopted
at tho meeting of that body on last Mon
day, which will bo found in another col
umn. Wo believe that iv union of the De
mocracy of tho State upon one electoral
ticket, is tho only course by which we can
possibly defeat Republicanism in this
State, and wo know of no plan more fair
and honorable aud less liablo to objection
than the ono proposed by tho Stato Com
mittco, and wo sincerely hope that it may
bo adopted and acted upon.
Wo 6co, however, that Col. Forney,
has issued his mandate to the Douglas
wing, forbidding any such alliance. This
is just what we bad rsason to oxpect. We
never believed that Forney intended to
voto for any Democratic nominee, His
professions of regard for Douglas, and his
promises to support his nomination were
made at a time when ho believed it impos
sible for Douglas to rcceivo tho nomina
tion under any circumstances, Now that
ho has received a nomination, Forney is
caught, unless he can keep tho two sec
tions of the Democracy divided. lie
"owes labor and scrvieo'' to his present
employers, tho Republicans, and this re
quires him to aid in tho election of Lin
coln. They caro not how this is dona,
nor does he' If ho can do it as effectually
by keep ing the Democratio party divided
upon two candidates, aud thus givo the
Republicans aii easy victory, this course
willafisfy both. It is tho cud t bo at
tained tho defeat of the Democratic par
ty that interests them ; thu means by
which that object is to bo effected, are of
little consequence. It remains now to be
seen whether any portion of tho Democra
cy of tin s State will permit themselves to
be made use of by Forney as tools to ac
complish his selfish and vindictive purpo
ses, at the expense of a defeat of the Dem
ocratic party, and tho triumph of sec
tionalism, or whether all will u.iite to de
feat oue common enemy, and make tho
election of a Democratio President a cer
tainty. Dauvil c Inteliient-cr.
Forney's Press which assumes the
leadership of tho Douglas Democrats, ad
vises them to make common causo with the
Black Republicans, in order to defeat tho
Ureckiuridge movement, the object of which
it assures them, is tho disruption of tho
Union. Tho advice, monstious as it is.
does not surprise us in tho leant, coming
from tho hireling Clerk of tho Republi
can House, but what surprises us is that,
after so many palpable evidences of the
treasonable designs of this political Swiss,
tiiore should still be found people to utter
ly blinded, and so easily imposscd upon,
as to be influenced in their political opin
ions by tho Press.
Wo wonder what tho friends of Mr.
Douglas, and that statesman himself, will
havo to say to this beautiful combination
iticketof Lincoln and Douglas lPent-
A number cf individuals have been
arrested in Philadelphia, and bound over
to answer for fraudulent voting at tho elec
tiou in May. They all voted tho "Peo
ple's Party" ticket, and by their means
Hufty was declared elected Comptroller
over Downing, tho Democratic nominee.
It is supposed that sufficient frauds will be
shown to oust Hufty. Tho Opposition
presses devote so much space to tho Covode
Investigations, which havo pioved nothing
that they have no room for these frauds
elcited under oatk and in a Court of Just
ice. State Military Encampment. Ad.
jutant General Wilson has issued an or
der for a State Military Egcampment for
instruction, drill and discipline, to be call
cd "Camp Patterson' aiid to be held at
York, commencing on Monday, tho 3d of
Depteir.Dcr next, and ending on Saturday,
the 8th. All volunteer companies who
can conveniontly do so, are urgad to
attend. Maj. General William II. Keim,
of Berks county, is appointed the Com-
manding Ulhccr.
ZSSrGcn. Geo, W. Bowman. i,a mir,!
from tho "Washington Constitution
William M. Browne, Esq., long timo
me Assistant Jvditor of that paper, has bo
como its solo Editor and Proprietor. Tho
Constitution will continue, as it has ever
been, tho faithful organ of tho National
Democracy and ablo exponent of Consti-
tutional Liberty and Equality.
77ie fire burning. -Tho Editor of the
liermck Gazette, in a stronirlv written
artkbj last week, unfurled tho Flag of
Breokinhidqe and Lane. Mr. Tate
says it is in awordanco both with his own
predilectwus and tniblio sentiment. W
believo this is tho general sentiment of tha '
Democracy of Pennsylvania. . I
Tho Pennsylvania Democracy
The State Central Committee Opposed to
Douglas Proposed Compromise ontht
Presidential Question.
Philadelphia, July 2, 1800.
The Democratio Stato Exccutivo Com
mitteo met this afternoon at the Mer
chants Hotel. Tho proceedings wcro
conducted with closed doors. A motion
to admit substitutes was negatived ; also a
motion for reassembling of tho Stato Con
vention to tako action.
Robert E. Managhan, of tho Sixtli dis
trict, a prominent administration man and
an opponent of Mr. Hickman in tho last
Congressional campaign, mado a warm
speech, saying that whilo ha preferred
Mr. Breckinridge ho was obliged to regard
Mr. Douglas as tho regular demooratio
candidate. Ho then offered resolutions of
.About twenty-four out otho sixty mem
bers of tho committee presjnt wore Doug
lasites, fifteen of whom bitterly opposed
any conciliation, aud were warmly sus
tained by outside pressure.
Thcro wcio hot discussions between tho
leaders ofbotli factious duriug tho entire
meeting, and various propositions were
voted down.
At length Thomas C. McDowell, of
Dauphin county, offered resolutions which
Were adopted by a voto of -10 against 15,
as follows :
First, Calling on tho democracy to unite
iu support of General Foster for Governor,
to bury all differences on the Presidential
question in tho local elections.
Second, Recommending the democratic
party of the State to unite on the electoral
ticket formed at Reading on the following
basis : If it should appear, on ascertain
ing tho result in other States of the Union,
that by casting the entire vote of Penn
sylvania for Douglas it would elect him,
said electors shall bo under obligations to
cast said voto in that way ; if the said
voto would not elect Douglas, but elect
Breekinridgo, then shall it bo cast for
Breckinridge. If the said voto will elect
neither Douglas or Breekinridgo, then tho
electors may divide according to their own
judgement the basis of this united action
being that it is the first aud highest duty
of all good democrats, however differing
about men and minor points of principles,
to unito firmly against the common euemy.
The Chairman of tho committee was
authorized to communicate with the elec
tors, and obtain their pledge within thirty
days to aet under this obligation.
The committco then adjournod to- moct
at tho All of tho Chairman.
Prior to tho adoption of the compromise
resolutions many propositions woro made,
among others ono declaring Douglas tho
nominee of tho democratic party for Pres
ident, which was voted down by ayes 10,
nays 43.
Action of the State Committoo.
Victory is now within the grasp of tho
Democracy of Pennsylvania. Tho Stato
Executive Committee, at their meeting on
the Ud inst., as will bo seen by the official
proceedings, passed a resolution, by the
strong voto of three to one, obligating the
Electors chosen by the Reading Conven
tion, in the event of their election, to vote
as a unit for Jlusirs. Douglas and Juhn-
Hon, if tho electoral voto of Pennsylvania
will elect them. If it will not elect theso
gentlemen, but will avail to elect Messrs
BnECKlNUiDan and Lane, it is to bo cast
for the latter. In case it will elect uoi
thcr, by being cast as a unit, then tho
Electors aro left free to vote as their own
judgments may dictate.
lhe proposition is so manifestly fair and
proper, and must commend itself so strong
ly to the approbation of every Democrat
in thc State who is sincerely desirous for
tho defeat of the Black Republicans, that
wo cannot refrain from congratulatiu"
our friends upon this auspicious opening of
the 1'rcsidcutial campaign. Wo told our
readers last week that all is not lost that
is in danger. Out of the ncttla danger
tho Democracy of tho old Keystone Sta te
can pluck tho (lower safety, if thoy will
only unito as ono man iu support of the
fair and honorable proposition bucKestcd
by the hxecutive Committee. Tho Di
mocracy of tho Stato are now, or, at least.
should be, a unit against tho Republicans,
and those who trample under foot so cx
Cillcnt a plan for harmonizing differences
of poiuion in our ranks, and resort to dis
organization, only demonstrate their hos
tility to the Democratio party, and their
desire to aid in the election of Lincoln.
Let our friends all stand shoulder to
shoulder m this conflict, in defence of tho
Constitution and tho Union ; by so doiii"
wc shall deleat the plans of the Republi
cans, and secure tho vote of tho Stato for a
Democratio President, whether the choice
fall upon Douglas or Bueckinuidge.
Wo also render certain tho triumphant
election oi our excellent candidato for
Governor, Gen. Henkv D. Foster, (who,
wo Happen to kuow, is gratiGod with tho
action of tho Committee,) a majority of
ijongresiinon and JiOgislators, as well as
tho local officers m the Democratic coun
tics of tho Commonwealth. Any other
course would bo tho defeat of them all.
from Governor down, and givo tho State
hopelessly over to tho commou enemy of
our party and its principles Lancaster
Visit of tho Prince of Wales.
NewYoiik, July 7.
Privato letters from ofiieial sources sintn
that the Princo of Walos, during his visit
to America, will go eat as far as Porl
lnd, and west as far as Cincinnati.
Plans of Hit) Ilistiniuaiats.
Tho programmo of tho disunionists In
Pennsylvania is foreshadowod in tho Phil
adelphia Press edited by tha Black Re
publican Clerk of tho Houso of Represen
tatives, who is laboring to deserve tho dm
ly pay ho receives from tho worst enemies
of tho Democratio party. That paper an
nounces, by authority, that Richard J.
Haldcman, Esq,, tho member of tho Dou
glas National Committoo from Pennsylva
nia, will addrcs letters to tho different
electors appointed by tho Reading Con-
v:ntion, demnnding of thorn au explicit
answer whether they are in favor of the tho D'ocratie candidal for Governor,
nominations of Douglas and Johnson for j npi'vca of tho action of the State Central
President aud Vica President. If thoy ! Committco, and threatens him with tho
shall refuse to answer, or answer adverse-, los3 of fiftJ voters at tho Octo-
ly, or question tho authority of tho Na-,bcr election! This kind of talk might
tioual Committee to interrogate them.then P:lss curre,lt if h C!mo froni a ')"""r
the aforesaid R. J. Halde.nau, Esq., will 1 paper ; but when it is fulminated through
proceed to strike their names from tho Hit thc columns of a journal which has been
of electors. After this process of purilica-1 engaged in tho lawable enterprise of
tion U fully accomplished, it is intended distracting tho Democratic party and op
to call a Stato Convention-whether a poking its regular nominees (and thereby
delegate or mass convention hereafter to aidim- mi netting the Black Republican
bo determined -which body will proceed Pty) for the last two years or more, and
to fill any and all vacancies iu the clecto ( "hose editor is now holding a high and
ral ticket. i lllcra''Vc offico obtained from the Black
This U tho plan by which Fornev and Republican House of Representatives, it
his handful of followers exnect to divide iconics insufferably insolent as well as
thc Democratio vote of Peunsylvauia,throw
thc electoral vote of the Stato for Lincoln
aud Hamlin, and earn renewed grutitude
and compensation from the Black Rcpub
lloan pary. j
Tho elector appointed by the Reading
Convention will treat thia attemntcd
pation of authority with tho contempt it
deserves. They will regard the in.olout
interrogatories of Forney, or any one act-
ing under his direction, with just about
tho same amount of consideration as if the
Republican Stato Committee should address
them, demnmlins to know their individual
preferences concerning Presidential can- thu J51ilck Hopublicm mill, and ensure
diuates. They will say, in reply to tho t only tlu election of Linuuln, but also
questions of Haldcman '-Wo wore ap-1"10 "lection, of Curti.v, and tho R.'publi
"pointed by the regular Democratio Con- KMl candidates for Congress, LegWatur-,
"volition ot Fcnii.ylvania, which convened &t"-i throughout the State. That this is
"at Reading. We owe allegiance to ths what the is driving atmu,tboap-
"Dcmocracy of Pennsylvania, aud to no l,al01,t io uvuO' cusible man, and we
"foreign power. Tho universal and im-, "'."V"1 t,,at anv "'ocrat could be fou'id
"memorial in.i-m nf tlm Deniocratin n.irtv . willing to follow its load any longer.
"of this State has been for the State Com
- o rj
"inittco to addrcts us aud obtain plpdge
"as to our course, in the event of an cloc
"tion by tlto people, and wo recognize no
"other authority least of all will we obey
"the summons of a Republican office hol
' dor, or answer tho interrogatories of one
"who has been invested with no authority
"from the Democracy of Pennsylvania.''
jSnch, wc imagine, will be the tenor of tha
(replies received by Mr. Haldonmi. iu ro -
rpon--c to hi-, demands, from thosu who
condescend to amwer at all. The majori
ty will, iu all probability, treat the interrogatories-
with that silent neglect duo to
offeious intermeddling.
We have fallen upon stranco times in
deed if the Democracy of Pennsylvania
arc not competent to settle their own do
mestic concerns, without tho a-ahtauco of
a committee outside of the State. This
a'tempt nt interference comes with marked
'inconsistency from those who vaunt their
devotion to the principle of popular sov
ereignty, and tho right of every commu
nity to determine its own affairs as it
thinks best. Tho province of a national
Committoo is not to regulate Stato organ
izations. If it were so, we might as well
hold np Stato Conventions, appoint no
State Committees, and resign tho entire
control of tho party to a junta of individ
uals at Washington, with Mr. Miles Tay
lor, of Louisiana, at their head, and Johu
W. Fornoy under Republican pay
counselling and directiug for tho Domoc
raoy of Pennsylvania. This would bo
popular sovereignty with a vengeance, and
the shortest way of consummating thecon
tract that Forney has made with the Re
publicans, to deliver the Democratic party
bound hand and foot, to its worst enemies.
What Democrat is prepared to submit to
such dictation? We must display tho
banner of State sovereignty, aud repudi-
.... .Uc u.gna ut traitors a.m itcpuuucan
mercenaries to control tho domestic policy
of tho Democracy of Pennsylvania.
The compromiso adopted by the Stato
Committee is accepted with rejoicings by
all tho staunch Democratic papers in tho
Stato. The Chairman of tho Stato Com
mittee has already addressed a letter to
each of tho electors appointed at Reading,
to obtain their assent thereto, in accord
ance with Damocratiu usages. We do not
question that most of tha electors will re
turn a .satisfactory answer, and that tho
vast nullity ot tuo democracy ot tho
. : . r .... 1 1
State will vote for them, a tho only hope
of preventing tho success of Lincoln. Wo
kuow that tho sincere friends of Mr. Done-
la, are ent rely satis ed with U.o arrange- ta G 1
ment, and that they deplore and denounce 'county, and unoriginal Douglas man -ho
movement of Lorney-aeting under Besides those there aro doubtless other ac
Republic,.! pay-o . .vide the party, M tivo rlwii of ,M . 0
inml iugto thcr fidelity and their under- with whose position wo am ft, f 1 Z "
Lot Mr. Fornev carrv ! M.
of disorganization
dtiorrfnlzaHnn-l-Zw . - 1 "
let him ,t,ii,n :,.... .1.-
Hat of ulectord appointed at Itcadin" Uj
...... sa-ituM 4I tUD
. ,. ,
who ref3e to comply with his demand,- ,y iT t "'" th Stat x
let him convoke Stt,n ...... P1 throuSu the Union of tbo Democratio
at the Cap,tal in April of ,850-let them
concoct a spurious electoral ticket-lot tho
issue bo made up between this bogus con-
trivancc-overy vote for which would bo a
rLinr,&IIam,iu-an theregular
" l0n-,r f 3tLiDC0laand
Hamlin, and we will ,ce bpw many Dsmo-
orats can bo induced to lend their assist
ance to tho disorganizing schomos of tha
Rcpublioan Clerk. Tbo truo Democracy
of tho Stato scorn to follow tho lead of it
purchased traitor, who flaunla tbo prico of
his treason in their very faces, and cannot
bo seduced from maintaining tho causo of
it united Domocraoy against Republicanism
and all its mercenary allies. Patrtct if
Union. '
Modest Very !
Tho Philadelphia Press, of tho -1th inst.,
is very indiguant because Gen. Foster,
supremely ridiculous 1 Denunciations from
that quarter will havo no terrors for Gen.
Foster, nor will it excite any other feel
ing than that of di.-gust in thc mind of any
true hearted Democrat.
The I'riss is evidently playing a deep
Sama 10 sccurc Section ot J.Inc.ln.
With all its profe.MOiis of friendship for
JuilSu UotJOIAs. 'l "says to defeat the
vorv l)lau b' wl,ich tl,u voto of '""jl-
va"m eim ,J0 "lsurud for tll!,t gentleman,
Tlls divUio" of tI,J "'ocratic party of
I'dylvaiii-A, which the P.e.v, advocates
"trenuouly, would send a good grid to
,, , . ...... , . . .,
Speaking on this subject, the Harris-
burg Patriot very truthfully remarks :
" No sincere friend of Mr. Douglas uan
follow such a leader. They know to what
end all his endeavors tend. They know
that division is the defeat of tho Demo
cratic party, and the deleal of the party
is the defeat of Douglas. Forney Knows
this and wishes it, while he is trying to
i upon tno-o who no not wish the
I defeat of Douglas, but who are blind o-
nmii'li In in l.lw !ii.4 li.nil Tf" m- nt' !n,
j supporters of Mr. Douglas aro so blind
and stupid as to believe that his election
can be promoted by adopting the roniisi-ls
of the Republican Clerk of tin House of
Representatives, let them do o but, at
the same time, they mu-t assume tho re
sponibility of Mr Douglas' defeat, and
stop their mouihs aaiiiit the Democratic
1 organization ol reninylvania, which is la-
iiuiiuI tu suuuiu iliu UltULUrul VOLU ul till
atate lor .ur. Juglas it, by auy poisi
bility, it can accompli ih his idcetion,
L u.cusler llitelUyenCrr.
Voto of the Stato Committoo.
We find in the York (iaftti- the votj
of tho members of tin Stato Committoo at
their recent meeting upon adopting the
plan of Union. It is as follows :
Ykas Messrs. Anderson., Askim, Barr
(Philadelphia,) Blair, Bratton, Brown,
(Berks) Brewster, Burnhain, Cetti, Chad
wick, Cleary, Clark (Lanea-ter,) Cum
tilings, Diffenbaeh, Donovan, Dunlap, Ent
Glatz, Gleim, Guernsey, Hamilton, llo
bart, Hunter, Hutchinson, Irwin, (Phila
delphia,) Liudcruiau,Mageo,Maiily,M'Cay
MacDowcll, M'Fadden, M Intyic, Mycr.s,
(Northampton,) Miller, (Berks,) Mona
ghan, Muhlenberg, Parker, (Mifflin) Pet-
riken, Pyfer, Riley, Salamoii, Saiisoin,
Cl,,,i it' : i iir.i .i. v.. ;
winiuj t.ciui .inn tii-isu Lrt'rrri'ii iti
Nays Mcs.r.s, Bradfrod, Boas, Brown
(Northumberland,) Davis Eeklcs, Grci.-u-mcr,
Kreiter, Link, Morgan, Myers, (Bed
ford) Miller, (Dauphin,) Parker, (Lan.,)
Thompson, Wr.rd and Zeigler 15.
Tha analysis f this vote is only neces
sary to disprove the accusation that tho
resolutions of the Committee woro forced
upon the friends of Douglas by tha friends
of RrCckiurid2o, and that thev woro a
trick intended to work exclusively to tho
advantage of tho latter. Among tho yeas
wo fiud Bratton, of Cumberland, editor of
the Carlisle Volunteer, which displays the
names of Douglas and Johnson; Diefien
bach, of the Clinton Democrat, u staunch
and bold editor, also for Douglas ; Dono
van, of Philadelphia, a friend of Douglas;
Uleim,oriibanon, also for Douglas; Mo
naghau, of Chester, who declared himself,
iu Committee,
tor lLiglas; Muhlenberg,
1 0r i,,.!., . ,,! t.3 , ,, ,
for j, ,M . SaU30uli Fu, '
eftll3 Oemocmt .which has hoi. ed tha
't,,,,.!,, fl, . iwj ' , , .,
t " -mm.
I ,UB" really wa8Ma t0 a' "m cauio
'ni. ii . . . . .
"""S". " "ey voted lor the roso-
f S'". l they vot,
aI i
1 .1
luuou oocauo iiioy i
loysaw that ho had no
On tho ntW ,m. r., ., . .
nimB r'Z
i, ,W nt v r. J mD
er BZSSi
0f tl,B l.i .. ,
ftsar9 sufficients disprove tb XI Z
brought by some of tho insane dTu
, that the resolution was carried by
Breekinridgo men. ItJwaS adopted,
withoui reforenco to candidates, for tho
good of tho party and adopted by "tho
friends and supporters of Douglas, as off-
cring tho only reasonable projpect of sa-
curing the voto ol tho atato lor him.
Patriot ij- Union
Lottor from tho Hon. John.
Washington, luly. Tho letter of ac
ceptance from Hon. John C. Breekinridgo
of thc nomination for President, has just
been made public. It is in answer to the
following letter from Hon, Caleb Cushing:
DiMotlUTlc National t'otvEiTlov )
IIaitimouk, .Mil., June i!J, it 00.
Sm: I am directed by a voto of tho
Democratio National Convention to inform
you that you havo been this day unani
mously nominated by it as the candidato
of the Democratic party for the office of
President of tho United States, and in
their behalf to request you to accept the
I beg leave, at the same time, to rnolosa
to you a copy of tho resolutions adopted
by tho Convention as the political platform
on which the party stands.
I have thc honor to be,
Very respectfully,
C. CUSHING, Preside.
Hon. J, C. BttKCKiNuiDOi:.
Washington City, June 20, 1800.
Dr.AK Sill : I have your letter of the
U3d inst., by which I am officially inform
cd of my nomination for the office of Pros
ident of tho United States by the Demo
cratic National Convention, lately assem-
bled at Baltimore.
I Tho circunift.i net's of thij noniiiutiou
I will justify me referring to its prrsonal as
I poet.
1 have not sought nor dt-siiid to be
placed before the country for thi clKeo of
President. Wh-n my name as present
Cil to the Convention at CharWnli, it was
i withdrawn by a friend in obedience to my
expressed wishe. My views had not cliang
I cd when the Convention reassembled at Bal
jtimore; and when I heard of the differ
'ence which occmred there, my imli.poi
tiou to be conneitcd prominently with thc
canvass was continued, and cxpres-cd to
many menus.
ithout discussing the occurieiices which
preceded the nominations, and which are
or soon will bo well understood by the
country, I have orily to say tlut 1 approve
asju't, and necessary to tha preservation
of the national organization, aud the sa
cred right of representation, the action of
the Convention over which you continued
to preside; and thus approving it, and
having resolved to ustaiu it, I teel that it
I docs not becomu mo to sel.ct the position I
, shall occupy, nor to .shrink fiom the re-Ispon.-ibilities
of tho po-tto which I have
, been assigned. Accordingly,! accept tho
nomination from a souse of public duty;
'mid, as 1 think, uulluunivd in any degree
, by tha allurements ut ambition.
I avail my.-elf of this ocea-ion to say that
the confidence iu my personal and public
character implied by the action oi the
Convention, ti ill always be gratefully re
1 liieiubercd ; and it is but'just, also to my
own leelin , to rxprvs my gratification
at the a nociatiou ot'iuy nanus with that of
my friend General Lane, a p.niot and :i
soldier, who-e great eriee.s in the field
and in council entitle him to the gratitude
' and confidence of hit countrymen,
j The rcsnltitions adopted by the Conven
tion havo my cordial approval. They are
j just to all parts of the Union to all our
I citizens, native and naturalized and they
I form a nobli policy for any Adniinistra
I tion.
i The question touching the rights of per
, sou aud property, which have of late been
much discus-ed, find iu these resolutions a
i constitutional solution. Our Union is a
confederacy of equal sovereign Statis, for
the purposes enumerated iu the Federal
Constitution. Whatever the commou Gov
ernment holds in trust lor all tho States,
inut bo enjoyed equally by each. It
controls tho Territories iu trust for all the
States. Nothing less than sovereignty can
destroy or impair the rights of persons or
property. The Territorial Governments
arc subordinate and temporary and not
sovereign; hence they cannot destroy or
impair me rignts ot persons or property.
Wliilo they continue t) bo Tcrri ories they
.are under the control ot Congress, but the
Constitution nowhere confers on any branch
of the Felcral Government the power to dis-
criminate agaiu.t tho rights of tha St.-. ten,
or tho property of their citizens in iho Ter
1 ritoriea. It follows that the citizens of all
I the States may enter thu Territories of the
j Union with their property of whatever
kind, and enjoy it during tho territorial
j condition, without ltt or hindranco, cither
by Congress or by the subordinate Terri
torial Governments.
These principles flow direct'y from the
absence of sovereignty iu tho Territorial
I Governments, and from the equality of the
I States. Indeed they are essential to that
equality which is, and ever has been, the
vital principle of our constitutional Uniou.
They have been settled legislatively, settled
judicially, and are sustained by right rea
son. They rest on the rock of the Consti
tution. They will preserve tho Constitu
tion they will preserve the Union.
iiisiuio to attempt to smother the.e
great issues, or to misrepresent them by
tho use of partisan phrases, which aro mis
leading and delusive. Tho people will
look beneath such cxprcsons as "inter
vention,' "Congressional slave codo," and
the like, and will penetrate to the real
questions involved. Tho friends of consti
tutional equality do not, and never did,
demand a "Congressional slave codo," nor
any other code in regard to property in
the Territories. They hold the doctrine
ui iiuuin inr.'f ntiftn hi ... 1
Territorial l.r.!.it,.i .!.?' 7. ?
or prohibit slavery , bnt they asso t fir.
tifiol bv tho hi.-liest Jmii,.!.! i
tho Uuion) tho plain dntv nf tl . '
Government, in nil it .i . '
cure.wbr.n.,su . ;. .-: ""
the States, the enjoyment of their property
in tho common territnri ... ,. ' '
else within iUitirisdir-tlAn' mi... 'J. ,
ical nn:,rr I. !.: , ,' f i o"
clam sovereign power for the Territories
or to deny that tho Constitution 2
zos property in the services of netrro shif ,
ortodonythatsuchprorKirU can i'r
T.... vi. i ... -xisi.
u. aU40 iegic,wmcu works its rteady
1 way through clouds and passijiTg:;
t" country to moot the issue. 'JV!.!
u,..o.. ........ b.uu,.u, "lieailV II.
multiply ot ajanatical and grov,jn;,V?M '
which demos that,tider tho Coim
0r by any other
exist; and ultimately tho strui-.ri.'
Ipntlln tiftfu-oOM tlna nnrtt. n.i.l ,1.. -
Democracy, sustained by nil tho otUJ,t''
servativo elements in tho Union
I think it will bo nnposciblo for .
did mind to discover hostility to tiei '
or a taint of sectionalism, in tho reo'
ndoptod, by tho Convention. Tho" '
Btitution and tho Union repose oh r. '
quality of tho States, which l!o. i' '
broad foundation underneath our I V
political structure. As I couttruo i' "
tho resolutions simply assert thiicq. ' '
They demand nothing for any state J. ;
tion that is not cheerfully coneprl.j . ' ' 1
the rest. It is well to remember tlj
chief disorders which have nfflictn
country havo grown out of the viola'
Stato equality, and that, as long a
great principle has been ropectct
havo been blcscd with harnioiij
peace. Nor will it be easy to p;.
the country that resolutions arc ac
which command the pupport of a mi
of the States, and are approved li
bone and body of the old Democrat! '
by a vast mass of conservative opiniL
ory whero, without regard topaitv,
It has been necsssary more than
in our butory to pause and
sort tho true character of this Gov;ri
A memorable instance occurred u
struggle hich ended in the civil r
tion of 18U0. The Republican, ot
day, liko the Democracy of tliii
stigmatized as disuuionUts, but they t
conducted the cont-st under the Com
tion and taved our political'w
a like constitutional htriigclo it is iut
now to asscri sum csinniisit ine cjna'
tho States as the only of union
peace. When this obje:t, so natium,
constitutional, so just, shtll b-i nw
ed, the last cloud will di-'app.-sif li
Ani.ricau s.y, and with i-oinin n !
aud lm.irU thu States nitd the puopU
unitu to develop the rosouices of th
country, to bind it together with thu
of intercourse and brotherhood, anl;
pel it onward in its great career ',
Constitution ami the equality of thf. '.
Thi'sP are symbols ofevcrla titg uu
Let these be the rallying cries nf tin
1 trust that this canvass willbc ( ii
cd without rancor, and that tempi iv,
gunient will t ike the place of h t
and passionate accusations. Ahni-
. i. , . r .,
v- ntiire humbly to hupc that Divine 1
idtni'c, to wIiomi we owe our oii.'i'i -'growth,
and all our prosperity, wih
tinue to protect our beloved counti v jj.
all danger, foreign and doniestie.
I am, wiili arcut respsct, vour In
Hon 0. Cusiiivi, President of thc 1
oeratio National Convention.
Moro Exproi.sions in Pavoj ji
tiii: oice or thi: HEMo r..e M
Ths iteadiiig (Sastlir hoists tie: 1.
inridge and Lane ticket and tay: ,''!
The lea. oils that have guided our 'Isi
are ahiiudant and ttion, and v.t:-vf
they will be siiti-fielory to iitbi-!'. Jfy
fourths of the l).-iiioeratie voters ut,
county. 'c! take tin caily
uity to make them kiinwn, explicit:; r&
in detail. Meau.vhile, we deun i
right to drdaru our willingness to hi i( -
iu any prats.icablu itrrangiinent tin-
be honorably devised by the Statp '-;
tive Cumiiiittcc (who are t3 meet un .
day) by which the unity of our -'!'
Democratio organization may lie r.
ed; and the whole .ole of the mr ' r
cured to the single electoral Ticket i (,,.
tho field, no less than to our cauili'l:
Governor, tho Hon. Henry 1). 1'
whoso unanimous and cuthusi'tstie n
tion by the Reading Convention, lis
ratified and coufirined by the l'enn-;'
Democracy, as with ono voice, regi:
of their differing sentiments in rcfeK
a Presidential candidate; and who-t
tion is within our power, if we vL
giMJ lrim tho united Democratic mjU
1'rom tlu ulinsgruvu Tllll-8
Wc therefore ought to be a unit i
that the electoral ticket mado at thel
ina Convention ouuht to be voted 1
the friends of Brcckinriclire and DjuW-'v
aud whoioever has tho large.t uuiuM'
electors in the United Slates, sli.illr.f-'
tho rote of. the clectois of thc Sa1
We think this is a fair projo- '
Should Douglas receive the largest i. '
ral vote, thc State of Pennsylvauiv.
east her voto for him, and to thc cw ,
should Breckinridge receive the 1. '
electoral vote, then Pennsylvania vu '
her vote for lain. If this plau be ad
there can bo no doubt but that tlic
mocracy of tho old Keystone will gai
glorious battles to ba fought in 0c
and November next, and show t
world that it is still holding to the1
stitutiou and the laws of the land.
from tho I'utuwllo HtnnJnrJ.
Our hopo is in the action of the R
cratio Stato Central Committee, Wr.
deliberation depends the success o! '
Democratio pai ty. Its conteniplatid
tion alone has prevented us from he-
what wo believe to be tho Diiin"'
nominees this week,
It will bo wors-e than nomrnto fur-
run two electoral ticiufa. We lw
the strength in Pennsylvania to be
ded up into fragments. Wo have a'
ernor to elect, Members of CongreiV
Legislature to secure, and tho clect'c
County Oliiccrs. Ve repeat theu
much depends upon tho ncfijii of thct
Central Committco ; if it will harm:
tho contending elements, all wilt M'
The watchword should bo " cverjt!
for the cause, nothing for men,''
Tho members of tho Altoona IV
I ory ono of them lifclon;.'!
-H'cro was not an oihce-Iui
1111 olVco m)ter amam; them : anJ
nlu a" of them active Democrats to
rhihuUlvhia I'.est.
U,! AUy wa,ncliair,l!an f '? in":
1,tl? Altoona Convention, and in com
""on of Imh hfiJo,,ii Democracy
Republican ITniKrt nf !.,. rot, .i.iu'ivli
fTt"1 -m" W,th tLo laeraUyo offi"
'"e may not huvo been
(;hoWer at Altoona, but there was
tMnly U? I'unter. Mr. Vott
memorv u ,. . .ir..i:. ini,ii
Union "t--.