"COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, AN) BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. EvI L. TATE, Editor. T0 hold and trim the touch of truth and wave it oer the darkened earth." $2 00 PER ANNUM. rpl, 14-.N0. 19. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1860. VOL. 24. ' THE Julttinhin Uciimrnit It KlLUKlD 1VSRT itlm&iT MORM.IO, IT LEVI li. TATE, at BLooMSDUna, comMMA ooukty, rA. t o i-Tib i: (A ntm Brick Untitling, 0vmift the Etthtngt, ty itttt oftht Voitrt t louse "Democratic Head iiatte-rt," TERMS MY SUIISCKII'TION. )1 00 In advance fur one nipy, for li monthi. I 75 In alraticp, for one copy, one. year, i w If not paid within the rirl three raontlu, 211 If not pai.l within th firat nix month. 8 50 If not paid w Ithin the yi or. C7 iVu'auWrijitiim taken tur leq thin six month, i uo paper dltcoiitlnucj until all arrearage hallhavtf en paid. C7 Ordinary Am frtufmist inserted, and Jon Wo ax tutcd, at tito i'bULIUIk'iI nrucK. l)oicc 3octni. b'rom the Chrnttai .idtucttie $ Journal, KINDNESS. BT At MA A. ( K AW FORD. O vpeak a word t-f kindnes, . It may heal a broken heart; , Anil to tliugt! who gr ipe in btl.iJncea, j 'lUnay new Ufo iiunatt. j ?( -lnlhl. Bail t orM if iiiirr.nv 'A.sistlhy follow.fuan ; -.Soma blixs troiii heavi-n borrow Bind up tlm wounded .plrll, The turn ami Meuduie lK.irt ; Tb3 luul tliat'i, Kinking, rhe.r 11, And blunt fJtu'd nuj o ,oJ dart, Tl, but a day vi- tarry With ttiwsa wlium CJo 1 hae given, j Then In ui try and curry , Their low vwtli ui tol.eivcn. There's many a soul in st'lifBi A kindly word might save Frouitl.uk, uVtfiairlfig inailli'-mi, Or an uutiliuly grave. Mother' Injunction on rreseuiing her bou with a IJiblc. Reuxm&cii, ut; who gave you thK Wh-n (tl) t lan Mull to mo ; When nltti who li.nl thy earli 'bt kmi, Sleep in h x lunmt h mi;. HcmainhT, 'Xa ii iiiotlirr pa vi The gift to uiic-shu'd du lunate. That motlur a-xisht a pledge of Ijvc, Tha l.olwct, f.r Ii-t fn, An J from tli uftn f tJnJ abjvc Him thohj u to. idly on , flhe cIiobo fT her b -Invert h iy. 1'hi kource of light and 111', and jo) t An I bade hi'it keep tli gift, that wtun Tin prirtni h.tar n it icn-1 Th y might h no hupu lu nwut again, In nn eternal hoi if. Blic laid, hi l'.uth in that wuul I be Sweet inctiisc to lur nioiuor). Anil plionld tho ecoirir, in tiMpridC, Laujih that t'o.itl f.iitti to ttcorn, And bid him r.'ietl th pl dijf aci I.-, 1 hat lie, from jouth had bt.rtic ; fcfhe bade him paiiD, and uk Iih brcait If Iu or blio tuJ Unad hl.i bri. A parent'! bletbitijuti h r an Got-g with llijft lndy thing: The lovu tint wuiil i ri'tain thu otto Muat to th 1 urtlur tiller. Remember.. 'In no itilet'ty, A moUur gift, rciiu'iiiU'r.boyt T II B S M 0 C IS A T I C X 0 .i I ! A T 1 0 . S . I W o annex a short biographical sketch of ih of tbo Nominees of the la'e Balti re Democratic Convention. fOHN-C WtECKINEIDOB, Or KENTUCKY. John 0, BuuiKi.vHiDai: h a nativo of, intucky, and via, boin near Lexington, J uuary 10,' 1 -21. Ho received his cdu-1 ion at Ccntru Cjllegj,enjoying tho bene-' of somo months at Princeton, and, af- J going through the requisite law studies Transylvania Institute, was admitted to ! bar at Lexington. Hoping to find a ! itful field in which to sow his knowledge, , emigrated to tho Northwest, but after j ncthing less than a couplo of years spent , Burlington, Iowa, ho returned to his ' tivo State, and took up his abodo at xington, where ho btill resides. He ,orcd immediately on tho practico of his ( ifussion, and met with a well merited . icess. j Tho trump of war, however, excited tho , itary ardor of our young Kcutuckian, 1 tbo result was creditable service as a jor of infantry during tho Mexican war. ' also distinguished himself as tho couu-' for Major Goucral Pillow in the celo ,tcd court-martial of that officer. Oa the roturn of Major Breckinridgo or Mexico, ho was elected to tho Ken ky Legislature, and created so favora- an impression as a legislator that he l elected to Congress from tho Ashland itrict, and, being re-elected, held bis tfrora 1801 to 1655. Db.3 prominence thus derived, other cir istanccs helped to sustain, .'ntroducing (ou tho tho 30th of June, 52) tho, resolutions of respect to the mory of Henry Clay, who had died tha ' provious, Mr. Brcckinridgo laid the less of his young heart on the gravo of great-Kcntuckiau, in whom "intellect, son, eloquence, and courage unite to ra a character St to command," Stan- ding by that gravo and with tlio memories candidates, they quickly, ono by one, of tlio great dead about him, "tho inoro changed their votes, tbo several delegates legerdemain of politics" appeared contcmp- making neat and appropriate speeches in tible to him. What a reproach was Clay's announcing thu change. Tho names of life on tlio false policy which would trifle ' other candidates were withdrawn, and the with a great and upright people ! " If I wholo poll went for John C. Breckinridge, were to writo his epitaph," said Brcckin- at which tho Convention rose, and with ridge, "I would inscribe, as the highest waving of handkerchiefs and tho loudest eulogy, on the stono which shall mark his ' vocal demonstrations, directed its attcn-resting-place, 'Hero lies a man who in tho tion upon tlio tall and graceful delegate public sorvici for fifty years, and never ( from Kentucky, who had been so uucx attempted to deceive las countrymen.' '' prctedly nominated for so exalted a post. Iu thu Thirty-second Congrcsi, Sir. ' It was long before tho demonstrations sub Breckinridge was instrumental iu securing -ided i'o as to allow a word to bo heard. an appropriation for thu completion of tlio ' At last, tho commanding figure of Mr. cemetery near tho city of Mexico, in Vilucli ; iJreckiundgo stood fronting the mighty , He gae an historical outline of the ex-' examination, be obtained a liceiif o from tho remains of tho officer.? and saldiers who i triumph. It certainly was a time to try a igielicios to which Congress was put in its thu Judges of the Supremo Court, and iu fell iu battle or otherwise in or near tho ! young man. llo ipoko briefly and becom-! early duy holding its Missions, as the March, 1801, opened an office and corn city of Mexico should be interred Ho ii'gly. The result just announced and uu- chances of war required, at Philadelphia, ' menccd practice in the higher Courts, also favored an appropriation for a weekly jexpcct3d, and his profound gratitude was Baltimore, Lancaster Annapolis, and One year after his admission, while not mail with the Pacific, and advocated pat- j without words. He gave the Convention Vorktown, and, during the period between j yet twenty two years old, and not over ting these couti acts out to tho lowest bid j tho simple thanks of a true heart ; and ex , the conclusion of peace and thv establish- eighteen months a resident of IIliiioi.s,tbc dcr. pressing his. appreciation of their first went of the preent Guverninent, at Legislature elected him Attorney General Though Mr. Breckinridge did not seek 1 choice, aud linking his humble name with Princeton, Annapolis, Trenton and Xew of tho State. Iu December, 1835, he rc- to bo constantly beforo tho House, ho took a very distinguished portion, and some times in debate was .-harp and effective. Mr. Giddings, in the course of a speech (IGth of March, 1S.VJ) on the Compromise Measures and Fugitivo Slave Law, denied that the Federal Government had power to pass laws by which -to compel our officers and people to siue and carry back fugitiva hlaves." Mr. Brcckinridgo briefly puiied him into an enunciation of his most extremc doctrines, and then said, "against the impotent ravings of bis bafilud faiiati- ' the people. ; branches of the Lcgulatuie were returned i more ballots rejected by the canvassers in cism I place the plain words of tho Const!-! " The whole power," said be, "of the ! favorable to the election of the Vice Prcsi- j consequence of tho mis-spelling of Mr. tution. To his coarse and offensive lan- Democratic organization is pledged to the dent to the United States Senate, as sue- ' Douglas' name than would have changed guago I have no reply." ' following propositions: That Congress ccssor to the Hon. J. . I. Crittenden, whose tho result. With tho debate on the Nebraska Bill, hhall not interpose upon this subject in the term expires in I80J. (Mr. Breckinridge j Mr. Douglas now devoted himself exclu iu March, IsSt, Thirty-third CongiesS, States, in the Territories, or iu the Dis has since been elected Senator by twenty- ' shely to bis profession, and distinguished Mr. Brickiuridgc's name is intimately triet of Columbia ; that the people of each 'nine majority, on the joint ballot of tho ! himself especially in a case touching the wo.'cn. It was during this ducus.iou that Teriitory thall determine thu question for Kentucky Legislature), j rights of foreign bom voters. In 1840,ho ho declared himself iu faor of perfect non- themselves, aud be admitted into the Uni- After such a record, it is needless to entered upon tho Presidential contest in intervention, and said that he would not on upon a footing of perfect equality with dwell ou the popularity or merits of the , favor of Van Burcn and Democracy with vote for tho bill if it proposed to legislate the original States, without di-eriiuiualion ', man, or to commend the approeiatiun which great ardor In December of this year, slavery into Nebraska and Kansas. "Tho right to establish,'" taid he, "involves tho eorielativo right to prol.ib t ; and, deny ing both, I would la for neither. 1 go further, and express the opinion that a laase legislating slavery into those Terri tories would i.ot cjtnuiaud one Southern vote iu this House." Alluding to tho re- try abroad, he had been a legislator in stiictiou of la-U, and its i eon-isleney with his State and iu thu National Legislature, the Comprouii-e of 1800,1)0 said tho effect had been tendered the representation of of the repeal of the forn.or was "neither the Republic in Karope, and elevated to to establish nor to exclude, but to leave the sccoud office in tlie gift of the people, tho future condition of tho Territories do- Truly might the lines ot thu poet be ap peudcut wholly upon thu action of the in- ' plied to him : habitants, subject onlv to such limitations , "He unlimi.i jnk as the Federal Constitution may impose." " Sir,'' he said, iu continuation, "I caru nothing about refined distinctions or tha subtleties of vcibal criticism. I repeat thu broail auU plain proposition, that il Con- gress may intervene on this subject it may intervene on any other ; and having thus surrendered the principle, aud broken away irom con-tuution.il limitations, you are driven into the very lap of arbitrary power. By thiddoctrine jou may erect a despotism under tho American system, Thu whole theory is a libel on our iustitutious. It carries us back to tho abhorrent principle of British colonial authority, against which we matlo the issuo of Independence. 1 have never acquiesced in this odious claim, and will not believe that it can abide the test of public scrutiuy." In recognition of Mr. Breckiuridge's identification with the iows of the Admin- istration, President Pierce tendered to him the mission to Spain ; but tho honor was ' respectfully declined, family matters com- , polling Mr. Breckinridge to this course. Ho was a delegatu to the Cincinnati Con vention iu Juue, 1850. After the nomina tion of Buchanan for the Presidency, bev oral names were offered for the second office, among others that of John C. Breck-' iuridgo, proposed by the Louisiana delcga. I tion, through General J, L. Lavvis. Ac I kuowlcdging the flattorng manifcUation of good will, Mr. Breckinridge begged that his uauie would bo withdrawn. On tho first ballot, however, tho Vermont delega tion, through Mr. Smalley, believing that no Democrat has a right to rcfasu his ser vices when his country calls, cast its live votes for Breckinridge. Many other States followed, and of tbo total be received fifty. ono votes, second on the list, and only eight under tho first, General Quitman. On tho sccoud ballot, Maine, New Hamp shire and Vermont led off for Breckin ridgo i Massachusetts followed with eleven out of thirteen votes j llhodo Island fol lowed with bcr four ; then tho Now York "Softs" gave him eighteen. Delaware, Maryland and Virginia voting in tbo saiuo way, it bocamo quito obvious that ho was the choico of tho body ; and though several of the remaining States voted for othc1' that of tho tried statesman of Peunsvlva- nia, cordially endorsed tho platform, aud choice of the present locality, the founda ' the Legislature by the Democrats of Mor sat down amid tho booiuiug of cannon and j tiou ef tho city, the building of the Capitol I gan county. Ia bo was appointed the vociferous applauso of the multitude : and thu onward career of our legislature, I Register of the Land f Jffioo at Springfield outside breaking in upon and almost over- uith suggestive memorials of tho great men ! Illinois, by President VanBureu,and held powering the loud cheers within the hall, j who had made the place they were luav Three days after this exciting and gr.iti i"g immortal. It was a chaste and suita fying scone, his neighbors gathered to con ! bio farewell to the old chamber, aud will igratulate him at Lexington, and ho then, iu an address to them, reiterated the view of his Nebraska Kansas speech, and the platform upon which he was placed before on account of the allowance uf prohibition slavery.'' lie was elected Vice President, having necived 173 Klectoral votes, being ."!) over William L. Dayton, the Republican candi date for the .-jiiie office. Thus, at tie ao of thirtv live, be had served bis coun- lltMicath til ' uvvM ot' tniatri .inJ uiric.'. Not lucrUy olf.r'd. but luiporiud uvuii liiiu." As President of the United States Sen- ate, he took thu chair of that ciuiueiit bodv early in the first session of tho Thirty- fifth Congress, December, 1657, and, with 0mo intermission, caused by the illne.-.s of bis family, presided during that ttonnv BL3,ioii. . At Florence, Kentucky, on the 24th of July, 1858, tho Vico President, then h ing iu rustic.itiou iu his own Statu, atten ded, by invitation, a meeting of his follow citizens, anil addressed them iu an do- iii-iit peeoh on the topics of the day. Ho (Wended tho Adimni.trntiou against tbo ! :harge ot extravagance, showing that the ' Aiue-ricaus" and ' Bepublicaus," who clamored so much about extravagance, ' w.ro tbo ery par us that attempted iu the previous session to ndd several mil. liom to the budget ; th: t the extravagant and objectionable appropriations were made by a " ltepubliean" House, aud that tho only resistance made against them was by Democrats. Ho reviewed the Slavery question up to 1820, when intervention agaiust Slave States commenced, followed with a lehearsil of tho Wilmot Proviso movement, and the reaction that followed, expressing the belief that tho people of Kentucky had not appreciated tho scope aud force of the Anti-Slavery movement, which was wideuiug and deepening at tho North. Ho showed them how the Slavery question had killed tbo old Whig party an organization that was bold, open, gal lant, full of pluck and fire j bow tho Ame rican party had died, partly of the same issue, and partly of an iuhcront weakness in its constitution, aud thought that tho gentlemen who caused tho death of the last party left afloat iu Kentucky would and should becomo Democrats, to enable tho Stato to copo with tho Republicans. It was impossible to remain neutral. Tho Dcmocralio party was not a destructive but a conservative party, based upon tho Constitution, and tbo rights of citizens and States. It alone have survived the agita tion, and was now vital, untamable and uucouquerable. The speech gavo great satisfaction. In the great struggle in Illinois between Senator Douglas and tlio Republicans and seccders from the Democracy, tlio Vice President sympathized with tho former. Though ho did not endorse tho course of Senator Douglas in the session of Congress then recently closed on tho Leeomptou question, he sympathised with him, and de sired his success, " being tho leader of tho Democracy of Illinois in their present fight against Black Republicanism. " On the removal of the Senate from tbo old and time honored chamber, which had been tho scene of so many great events of American history, to thw now one. the ' Vice I're.-ideiit made a feelinz address, York. He followed with a history of the : bo treasured among tho arehieves recount- iug its dear old memories. I In the recent (August) election in Ken- tucky, a majority of tlio members of both has thus carried out the recommendation in favor of an infusion into our political ' life of .-omu joung blood and intellect. fli Id-imtli il I'adua; a Draul.1 ; l,y Tliotnaa & Dun. l,lU, VVd,lllll?lOtt. I), f , ISliU, STEPHEN P. DOUGLAS or im.i.nois. ' i Rtei-iikn Aunoui'dolVilas, was born' at Brandon. Rutland coi.ntv. Vnrmnnt. .. . thu 23,1 of Anril, 1313. His father a na-! tive of New York, and a iihvsician of nrominence. died sudden v uf " anonlexv i- . -- -i i j when his son Stephen was littlu more than two months old. The widow, Mrs. Doug las, took her infant aud a daughter some eighteen months older to a farm which she had inherited eoujo'ntlv with her unmnr- I Jied brother. Stephen received such an j education as a common school bestows.and 1 airiving at the ago of fifteen, looked aux lously toward a college course. His faini- 1 r were unable to afford the requisite ex- dciisc: in which event he, thinkiuL' it time to caru his owu living left the farm and apprenticed himself to a cabinet maker, at which trade ho worked partly at Midde - bury aud partly at Brandon for eighteen months. The .severity of eighteen mouths' application at the cabinet-maker's bench to impaired his lualth that ho abandoned , the occupation, though not without torn o ' ret ; for ho has oftencd since said that the happiest days of his life were spent in the workshop. Entering tho academy at Brandon, he smdied for a year, when he removed to Canandaigua with his moth er and entered the academy at that place Here be remained until 1833, studying law with the Messrs. Hubbell. Young and with the instincts which lal tcr power creates, he dceired a fresh field aud so in the spring of 1833 he started West iu search of an cligiblo place in which to woo and wiufoitunoas a law yor. Young Douglas was prostrated by a sovero illness, and had to remain the whole summer at Cleveland. After his recovery bo continued bis search for an "eligible place." visiting Cincinnati, Louisville, and St. Louis, iu vaiu. At Jacksonville Illinois, be was no better pleased, though tbo state of bis funds now reduced t tbirty-soven aud a half cents offered some reason ho might not proceed. If his pock ets wero empty, however, his heart was full and gave him strength and applying this strength to tho best uso bo walked to Winchester, a little town sixteen miles distant, where ho hoped to obtain employ ment as a school teacher. At Winchester, a largo crowd bad col lected around tho slock of a deceased tra der, which was to bo sold by auction. In stinctively, young Douglas was boouiu tho front rank of tho crowd to seo what was going on. Tho auctioneer was at a stand still. He wanted a clerk to keep tho sale accounts. Douglas, lookipg like a man who could read and write, was invited to tbo clerkship, Hnd promptly accepted it. For his three day's service in this position ho received six dollars with which capital he immediately opened a school and ob tained forty scholars, whom ho taught for tb rco months at three dollars each. Spend' ing hU days iu teaching the youth of Win chester. Ins night were devoted to Iris own instruction. Borrowing some law books in Jacksonville, he mastered their contents, and on Saturday afternoons dis played his book learning with great effect while practising in petty cases before tho justice of the peace of the town. After an signed this office, bavin-' been clocted to the office until 283!), when ho resigned, In the meantime, although ineligible ou tho score of age Mr. Douglas received the Democratic nomination for Congress, in November, 1837. Over 30,001) votes were cast, aud tho Whig candidate was declared elected by a majority o! Jive there being Mr. Douglas was appointed Secretary of Stato for Illinois ; and in February foli lowing ho was elected by thu Legislature a Judgo of tho Supremo Court. In 1843 ho resigned his seat ou the bench to accept tho Democratic nomination for Congress. IIu wtu cnoien UJ" a Majority of four hu"Jred- 1,1 1844 lmwas 'eeclcU by a '"jrty of nineteen hundred, and again '" lti'10' hi' nearl' thrco tll0US!llc' ''J-' Hu did not take his seat under tho ! 1,lit clL'ctio11' havin. been in the meantiino ; """'atcu to ttie unitou states benato tor i ix JuaM from JI:UU'' 4 lt l7 " iu w,li(: ! hiKh l'M'tio11 '' Iias continued ever since. In tho House of Kepresentativcs Mr. Douglas took s prominent position on the 1 Oregon controversy with England main- ' tabling our title to the whole of Oregon UP to 54 deg. and 40 and declaring that ( ho never would yield one inch of Oregon, ! cither to Great Brittaili or any other Gov- 1 eminent. He was in favor of the resolu j tion giving uotieo to terminate tho joint ou- ' cupation, and advocated with great fervor ' tho establishment of a Territorial Govern-J i meut over Oregon, under thu sufficient' mility force and tho immcdiato preparation of the couutry, so thut in tho event of a war growing out of what he deemed the assertion of our rights, we might "drive Great Britain, and the last vestige of roy- al authority, from tho contiaent of North ' greatest speech ot his life." America, and make the United State an' After the passage of the Nebraska bill, ocean-bound republic.'' J Mr. Douglas was fiercely and savagely de- llo was an early advocate to tho annex- uounced for advocating the principle that atiou of Texas. As Chairman of the Com ; the people of a Territory might havu slavo mitto on Territories, iu 1H40, he reported ry if they wanted, and bhould not be com the joint resolution declaring Texas one of pelled to have it if they did not want it, tho United States ; and he abh sustained He was burned and hung in effigy iu every Polk's Administration in its war measures 1 town ullage and hamlet iu tho United toward Mexico. Yet he opposed the treaty 1 States wh re an Abolitioni t could be fouud. of peaeo which closed the Mexican war,on When be arrived in Chicago, he was met tho ground that tbo boundaries wore 'uu-, by another mob, more numerous than the natural aud inconvenient,' and the provis-' ono which greeted him in 1850, when ho ious in regard to tho Indians, "could nov-' made his great speech in defcuco of tbo ur be executed." Our Government has ' Compromise measures. Mr. Douglas gavo since given ten millions of dollars to Mex- j notico that ho would address the people in ico to alter tho boundaries and relinquish the open square in front of North Market the Indian stipulations. In like manner, Hall, iu defence of the principle involved he strenuously opposed the ratification of in the Kansas-Nebraska bill, tho Clayton Bulwer Treaty, upon the On tho day of the meeting, tbo flags of ground that it pledged tho faith of the tho shippiug in the harbor were hung at United States iu all timo, never to annex, half mast, in pursuanco of a previous ar colonise, or occupy any portion of Central , raugemcut by tho Abbolitiouists in their America. I Know-Nothing lodges, and thu church Senator Douglas has dcchrcel himself in bells were rung as a signal for thu mob to favor of tho acquisition of Cuba, when that island can bo obtained in a manner consist ent with tho laws of nations and tho honor of tho United States. As Chairman of tho Committco ouTcr- ritorics, first in tho Houso and afterwards in the Senato, ho reported and carried through tho bills organised tho Territories of Minnesota. Oregon, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, Kansas Nebraska.and alo tbo bills for the admission, int the Union of tho States of Iowa, Wisconsin, California Minnesota and Oregon. Ho early took ground touching the slavery question as involved in tho organization of and the admission of now States. Ho held that Congress should not intercfero ono way or tbo other With this view ho op posed the "Wilmot Proviso" in I847,when it passed the House as an amondment to tho 83,000,000 bill for tbo peaco treaty Mexico, and afterwards in the Senate, when introduced as an amendment to the Oregon, bill extending the Missouri Com promise lino 30 deg. and 30' westward to the Pacific Ocean, in the sciso in which it was adopted in 1820 and extended through Texas in 1 845. Tho amendment passed tho Senate, having the support of all the Southern and soveral Northern Senators. Iu tho House it was .dofeatod by an almost sectional vote. In tho mouth of January of the session of 1819-50, Mr. Clay offered his colebra ted resolutions, which became tho basis of tho subsequent legislation of that sesson, known as tho Compromise measure. Ou tho 25 of March, Mr. Douglas ,'Jrom the Committee ou Territory, reported to tho Senato two bills one for the admission of California as a State, tbo other for the establishment of Territorial Governments in Utah and Now Mexico, and for the ad justment of the Texas boundary. On the 10th of April, on motion of General Footc of Mississippi, a conimittco of thirteen was appointed, of which Mr. Clay was made ahairman, and to which was referred all tho subjects pertaining to the question of Slavery. On tho Ctb of May, Mr. Clay, from tho Committee of Thirteen, mada an elaborate repoit, accompanied by a bill generally known as the"Oniuibus bill." By reference to the original bill, as report ed by Mr. Clay, and as it now appears on tho files of tbo Senate, it will be seen that, instead of preparing a new bill, the Com mittee of Thirteen took the bills reported by Mr, Douglas, on tho 25th of March, aud converted them into one by putting wafers betweeu them. No sooner bad this report been made by Mr. Clay than it was fiercely assailed. Tho discussion proceeded at great length upon the question whether the Territorial Legislature should havotho same authori ty over tho Slavery question as on all oth er matters affecting the internal policy of tbo Territory, when on tbo 31st of July, Mr. Morris of New Hampshire, renewed the motion of Mr. Douglas, which was carried by a vote of 33 to 10; thus estab lishing, as tho fundamental principle of tho Compromise measures of 1850, the doctrine that thu Territorial Legislature was to have the same power over tho quos tiou of Slavery that it possessed on all j other matters ot domestic policy Mr. Douglas, in 1851, introduced tho Kansas-Nebraska Bill declaring as its fun damental principle, that "it was thu true j intent and meaning of tho Act not to leg islato slavery into any State or Territory, nor to exclude it therefrom, but to leave the people thereof perfectly free to form and regulate their domestic institutions in their own way, subject only to the Oousti- lution of tho United States." His speech in the Senate iu support of tbo bill aud ajainst its adversaries, was regarded as"tho assemble. They did assemble, ten tbous aud strong armed witn clubs, brick-bats, - bowio knives and pistols, aud organized into companies, with their leaders, ready for violence or tumult at tho given signal, i - . . . . - When Mr. Douglas appeared upon tho stand, ho was greeted with the most uu- ' earthly howls; when bo commenced to speak, they throw eggs, stoucs anu ciuus, couiession to ins Jatner yesterday after and firod pvoto'h, to orealo a tumult and I noon, His remains will be iutcrrevl nn break up the '''SHnainUutedWB t jk. position for four hours sometimes ap pealing to them then ridiculing then denouncing their cowardice in combining to put down with forco and violence a siu. gle man, who used uo other weapons than truth and reason. His efforts were futile. Tbo mob grow supreme; and having bold them at bay from eight o'clock in tho ovo ning of Saturday till past twelve, in tho midst of their imprecations and violence, ha retired, pursued by tho mob, to bis ho tel. Immediately issuing notices making ap pointments throughout tho State, he ap pealed to tbo people to rally in defouce of the groat principle that every community should govern itself in respect to its local and domestic affairs. He did not appeal in vain. Tho pcoplo of Illinois did rally, and, in the Presidential election of 1857, gavo Mr. Buchanan a Democratic majori ty upon that distinct issue. On tho " naturalixation question" Mr. Douglas has not been less bold and con sistent. His cutiro career has been mark" cd by his defence and vindication of tho rights of naturalized citizens and men of foreign birth who havu made their homos in this country. 1852, tho name of Stephen A. Douglas was brought before tho Baltimore Con vention for tho Presidency, and again at the Cincinnati Convention, where, on tho 10th ballot, ho received 122 votes. After this he withdrew, by telegraph from Wash ington, his name iu favor of Mr. Buch anan. (continued i.w our next.) EXECUTION OF HAUDEN. Bklvidkhk, N. J., July 0. Jacob S, Harden was executed this afternoon, at tweuty-five minutes of two o'clock, in the jail yard, in Bclvidcro, for tho murder of his wife, Hannah Harden, on tho 7th of March, 1850, in tho village of Anderson, township of Mantficld, Warren county, N. J., by administering poison. During tho forenoon, one continued stream of people. residing far and near, arrived atBelvidcro, anu Diocicea up the street in front of tho jail. Tho outbuildings near tho jail yard was crowded with human beings, tho most of whom bad m partial view of the gallows. During the forenoon they attempted to get on the wall of thu prison, but wero driven off by the military, who preserved good order during tbo day. At uinu o'clock Harden expressed a desire to visit the scaffold, which was grauted. He stood for nearly five miuutos upon thu trap door, perfectly calm and composed, nnd made a close examination of the gallows. After which, he was con ducted back to his cell. About icn o'clock, his spiritual advisers, tho Bev. Messrs Day and Kirk, visited bis cell, where they remained for an hour, during which time they ciigaged in prayer aud tinging. Ho was then visited by his counsel, Messrs. Shipman aud Depuo, who bid him good bye. To the medical gentle men ho gavo his autograph, remarking at the time ' 1 havo suffered enough of late and will soon be out of misery." As tho hour arrived for tho last act in the drama to tako place tho crowd was so large that it was with great difficulty they were kept uacje. At 12 o clock tho prison door was thrown open, aud those who had passes were allowed to enter. Tho hour of 1 o'clock having arrived, Sheriff Sweeney proceeded to tho cell of the condemned and informed him that the timo had ar rived, and that ho must now prepare him self for the execution of the sentence. In tho meantime about fifty persons had con vened in tbo Jail Yard, aud about an equal number in the court-room, over looking tho scaffold. At tweutv-threo minutes past 1 o'clock ho was led forth, accompanied by tbo Sheriff and his spirit ual advisers, and ascended the platform. Harden then knelt down and offered up a prayer, and appeared to bo deeply affec ted ; he then shook bauds and kissed the Sheriff and clergymen, and stepped upou the trap. The cap was drawn over his eyes, tho noose was attached to the main pully, and at twenty-five minutes to two o'clock he was launched iuto eternity. Tho fall, which was four feet, did not break his neck. After hanging one minute, a par tial contortion of the muscles was percep tible, aud at twenty minutes of two there was u slight pu'3;.t:on. At fifteen miuutes , of two o clock be was pronounced dead by ,' Drs. Tattison aud Clark. The body was i I. i , . ..." -jowercu uown anu placed m a black wal- nut coffin, aud delivered over to Mr. F. lloso, who conveyed tho Banio to Ilareleii's parcuts. Harden, it ia said, madu a full