,1 Ml i ,j4 IS AGRICULTURAL. THE TKUTII HIQIITLY SPOKEN. Mr. Jolm Johnston, tho celebrated Oenova farmer of Western New York, in a recent letter addressed to tho Seum- tary of the New York Stato Agricultural c . . i . .i .1," r . bocicty, lays down tlicso tclhng facts, which wo prcsumo no farmer will deny, ' and wo l.opo all will apply whose short comings bring them within the pale of tho implti d reproof : I notieo that tlioso farmers who havo' mo-t difficulty to mako ends meet, always! , , 11 . . , X plow inot, and keep most stock, low il. !. .l. i 1,, . I,.,.. .1 viiuu m II tunv luu II uc jiiu iv auvu infill solves always poor, becauso their crops and stock aro always poor and bring lit tle. It is a good profit to raise 300 bushels of wlioi't from ten acres; but when it ta kes thirty acres to raise that amount, it is raided at a loss ; so it is with cattle and .sheen ; you will see tho thinking fanner making four year old steers worth from SdU lo 880 each, and his neighbors at the Eamc ago, not worth over 25 to -'10. Now this ought not to bo, in a country where all men aro born free and equal ; if the farm is rich, then labor intelligently employed will soon mako tho owner in easy circumstances ; if tho land is cxhaiu tad, (and a great many farms aro,) then he should plow no more than he can thoroughly manure. Seed with clover and grass, and let it rest for even two years, uud that field will not only pay well for tillage, but will furnish manuro (if right ly managed) to mako another field of the same size, rich also; it is bad policy, when a field is once highly manured, to eoii tiuuo cropping it with grain until tho ma nure is ucd up. ThOjIatter end of that laud hill be worse than tho first; but let that land lay in clover, even ouo year, but two is better, after it is manured, and 1 ihcii it will stand perhaps six good crops before it requires manuring; if a day subsoil I know it will." To Kr.Ei' Tiiies on Wheels. A) correspondent of tho Southern Planter, says: "I ironed a wagon somo years ago, for my own use, and beforo puttiug on the tires I filled tho felloes with linseed i . i i! i . i on ; auu iuo iircs uaro worn out; .tint were never loose I ironed a buggy for my own use seven years ago, and the tires arc now ns tight as when put on. My method of filling tho felloes with oil U 1 1 T 1 1 t 1 as ioiiovrs : x vsa a louir cast, iruu uu heater, inado for tho purposo; the oil is brought to a boiliDg heat, tho wheel is placed on a stick, 60 as to hang in the oil, each felloo an hour, for a common sized fdloe. The timber should bo dry, as green timber will not take oil. Care ohoulu be taken that the oil bo not made hotter than a boiling heat, in order that the tiuiber bo not burnt. Timber filled with oil is not susceptible to water, and the timber is much nioro durable. I was aimiatiu .loinc lime aco when 1 tola ago blacksmith how to keen tires ticht on wheels, by his telling mo it was a profita ble business to tighten tires, and the wag on maker will say it is profitable to him to mako and repair wheels but what will ., .., ir1, cr,,. Ik. ilw..;,.l, I..W ......w, ,1 UUJJjlV. M IMW ItUVVl'IgUt uud smith say V A NevMetiiod of Grafting. A corrpcmlent describes a method of trraft- U .VUMVtfVW hUMW .....J Worth kuowiug in Other localities, and which he t.ays is uot described in any fruit limit U ...,1 Tt !. .l..,.!!, n.M.I Iowa : A long smooth shoot or limL h selected, ( cut i'roiu tho tree, and a sharp iron wedge ilrivim tlirnimli ihn l!ni)i iiwfv funs or o- I "" five inched. Upon withdrawing tho wedire, ,, ,, . D , , , the trait IS inserted, allowing tho fchaved , . ,. , . CllU to OXlend and inch or SO thr0U"h, 60 . , , , , . ?, . that when a gratt had been inserted in . ..,!! j;n,t, lil. !.,. btick, with tho grafts extending from it 1 at right angles, a shoot of-four feet having ! about twelve grafts. This stick or limb was then buried in the ground, tho tops of tho grafts only being allowed to come abo e tho surface. During tho past year j tho grafts took root, and grow from twelve to tliirty-six inches. Tho nest fall the limb was taken up and sawed apart, be teen the grafts and tho trees grew and throve well. It is certainly a very cheap and economical stock for grafting. Taku Care of your Plum tiieks. Ve copy from tho Utioa Telegraph, tho following receipt by Win. Archer, for tho preservation ot pium trees iroin tno rav iges of an insect that sometimes does great damage : Take a tin pail, punch hnh ; through the bottom, adjust it to a pole that will reach above tho top of tho tree. Fill tho pail with air-slacked limo, and hold ahovo . i i . t. : t .. r 1 1 ,i luu ireu, iu iiiu juufuxug ueiutu uiu uuw is olt, fctriKo lightly on tho polo, sprinkling tho limo oyer tho tree. Ilepeat this opor ation, say about tnrco times, and your iilum crop is safe. Curculio will not work where lime is. DttOP UlSOUlT. Ono quart of fciftcd flour, ono tea-spoonful of falt, ono beaten ua:, ouo small tea-spoonful of soda, dis solved in a little hot water, one cupful of cream, two cupsful of sour milk, or butter' milk, and a spoonful or two of whito eu gar. Stir thoroughly to a thick batter, jp.irfaajBoon on buttered to. Bako, , Mercantile Appraisement. .CV GOODS, WAKES AND MEtt- r r.UANt)Ifr &e.. nnd of til.tlllrr.. Ilrrwrm, Hat. .ing House Keepers, within Ida Countv nf ('nlumhlii, re lurnril unit tlniue,l In accordance with Ihe .ivernl Am MidSti1 Wast. II II Lieentett. 7 ) 1.; (hi ,'ici mi :iu tj 1 (III 7 (HI ? (HI 7 m 7 () 7 IHI 7 Oil 1.' 11 7 (ID 7 (10 7 (1) 7 liu 7 en 7 (O 111 (HI 7 m 1 on T. Sharpies. II. I'. Sc . l . Itarininn, McKi-Ivy, Nenl St lilooiii.l'UTg iron 10.. K. 1'. Lull, J 11. IMoyit, 14 II II II 14 14 II li 14 14 II II 14 II 1.1 It 14 13 14 14 11 14 11 II 14 ir.. I'ntoiine fiatk, M. Ilaguibuili, s. u. Aucwait, ' l'.llui Menilciiliull, I'rert l'anT. riiiiiji s. .Hour, o. a, Jatcb), J. W. ricndcr.hott. I John Wllllnight, A. M. Unpen, Stoves, a u.',siiive,' ' .'" Jimrux. i i. aCIt FU11 k t.oouiii, ; ,i Foundry-stoves, i- i.vnns, How 111 III Si Ort I'll. I! II. Xic I), A. Villi r, do lit. Prill Store, A. T. Lvans, 5. DoUsou. Apt. BlIlJIUCHCF.'. IS. II. Keesholti!, Lull koU, m:ivx, Saluui 1 Itiatock, 1'an li! Master., 14 11 11 14 II. franklin Sliumnn, c.rrr.wibs.1. Fharpto-s tc Krcigli, 13 d. li. juinli-ira, (Joorrto llnt.li U II. Ki'iliii)ilcr J. rl. Ilrolxt, t;. it.iim u Co., Jo-tpli (It'ariiart, li. rH'ilmi-r tc Co., J. 1'. rinclii-r, V. W. SI.Kcliy it Co.. K. W. y. l.m: Jacoli r(ion-l.r. C. il, Ikus & Co., Cilbcrt II, IVmlcr, U. K, rtloail, II, ;. liarton, Agent, COXy.VOU.1M Jonathan II. llualuml, yisiiixaau:i:jc. Daniel Mcllenry. licm.irl Ainiiieriiian, llui.'tll St. rcniiiiif'loil, Henry Traugh. U. Uiiauirst & l'.rolhcr, riii.VKUX. l'arr & 'unain.uher. tlliEKXIIVOn. Jiilin Lcngot, (ji'iiritu nlaeteis i Son, A. Walker, Jacob Si lull ler, James llamptun, WiIaoii Aaer, 11FJ1LOCK. 1 ti-ob Harris, ,11. il. Sc W. 11. Slio.'in.ikcr. t mi 7 OU 7 (10 7 (H) 7 U0 7 l 7 im 7 (10 7 no 7 (W 7 (,0 7 DO 7 (jO 10 00 7 DO 7 00 7 00 7 (10 7 00 10 IK) 7 00 11 II 11 14 II II IJ II It II 14 II 1J II 1.1 II 11 II 14 11 II II II i:j i: 11 13 41 14 14 It 1J Ch.irles Ne)hdrt, LOCUlT. & II. lJieincr, A. Itice, 1), 1. l.t;nn, ilv tin Murk Williams. Washi'iiiton Vua'cr, Jacob Yojgcr, J.irob Jamison, 10 (HI 10 00 7 00 7 01 7 to 7 00 7 00 MJIIXt:. Win. T. rthiiiiidii, Nml M'Cav. JI1.11I1SOX. 10 (10 lo m 7 oo 10 oo 7 00 7 OJ 7 00 7 on 10 oo ruuston AtTjcrman Krcmier Si Urutlier, .VIITUX. Croay fit llrow n, J. K. Schurppenliciser, Ml..l,.. iv-,. I, stciiien ii..tjnnk, V0VT0Un Washim-iou iiuciibeniiu, .'IT. VLVJH.1XT. J.T. Deillrich, UR.1XUE. l.nxjtiH Si l'iht.r, Win. I'm. A. II. Stewart, A, Cultrtnali, 1! 11 14 11 III 00 7 00 7 00 j,im,.j Maficr, KOJIIllmCKEKK. Judah Ciirriintton 7 00 tiioi.i h w. lMgar, 4 1 '.aA:'',Sl:lta,,,r,' JUVirl'tv" 'S.V.",t""r' niem!''' ft' jj"r'; Vui,uW'-s' i'"""'- 11 II 14 14 1.1 14 14 li 10 1! 11 11 II II II II 14 II 11 II 11 7 00 7 IK) 7 on 10 00 , 7 00 7 00 I U 50 1 iiU (III 11 .V) 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 no 7 00 7 IHI 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Mll.UXF.riS. Mary llurklry, lllooiu, K. J. U'llson, do S. J. Cavenoo&. lvtLnuan. lllooin, l:nia,t'reii-y,..MItIlio, Mrs. A. J. llrasi, lierwictf, Mrs. Jane llerkliaril, do Aaius liart, do ihhc Creaky, lllooni, M. Mm k, Scott. Mit Shdlllr fiw llird, llloom, MTlXd HOUSES. Mrs. Caroline Clark, uiooiu, li. Stolnisr, dt , J. W. llcnder.hott, do I Jaiob Lusll, do A, Ltvirl, do 11. IS. Jicoby. iiu 11. llvtrett it Co , Montour. Mlllip M. Stetly, CunjniJliain, II ,UJ14.J.it3. Jf'""Ilaon,.Itlpom, W 1:1 1:1 1:1 11 li 11 li 11 11 II li 11 IJ in 11 11 11 ii 11 II 11 II lo no 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 'JO 00 7 00 7 no 7 00 1 1 III. iti'l'r S, tlU lVter M. Traiif It, linartrctk. lieniKMi .uiiur, uj Jeremiah Jacoby, tlo JuUti Try, He.iVL-r, Will, Cult, Uci-toil, U. II. Frem, C'.uta i r-'ni ft jirouii, uo 111. I'TOW 1, tnilll, wSey Umutan, Oranpo, ! ru,.), i tvcCci.g'.'io lu,'"bcr' ""? .'' h II. M. fuller. ,l J 11 Jail t'hcriiigton, Koarintrrrrek, I rcas Sl eiinin r. Centre, Tims. I-aiiilerbath, rMuiiscreck, J. V. lM-iulucli, riuzarloaf, s;3 oo jj no 13 no 15 no 13 OJ uonr . ciienry, lleiilou, Iteulien Miller, Urlarcreek . Jiuim-r.n. 1 ,ar"b -''. Wopm. n is oo Persons who may feel a?sriocd by the nhoveclas- flotation can luvo an iiiurlumiv of noi, ulinn hy rail- V's" ""'h-rsijued ut his rcsidencj In Asoury, n.li- iacreek touushni, any lime on or m-foro. tho lilli day J"'' and ou the 13th and llth days of July, ut u cuunuioioaers' omre, in the Court iioue, m "'i.rmcii time no wp. ill lie lieard, M. A. AMJIIIRHAN. -May il, l-oo Mcrcanltle Appraiser. iVMiJ Ul'MVOKU FItO;,l 81 SO TO 1 Uj I'KIt dai: States Simon li)otcl7 000 & (i09 MAltKRT STIIEET AUOV1J rJIXTIl, l'UIUIDF.LPllt.l. 3. W. POWER, PnfrUter. Tkomi SI 23 oer day. Mav 13. lffl l.'ui. pnlCAilUM VKNKTIA.N IJLIND.S. X a. iiimxx si- co., JlaiiufjctnriT. WhuU-salu auJ Ut tail Dealers, Ko. 4t North Htcosu Btbeet, ubovu liirki Htrt-ct, , , , nilUlDKLrillA, 'Jlio lnrgct.t, rheani'st and lu st lusortuKht of 1'l.tiu imj I'uncy IlI.tN'DaiKt tSliaJu bfjuiiy establifitucjit in th - Uiutfd Kiat-8. w tftoru iind Jluft"H!uJcs made to vtAtt and put u. We study to pit-use. .Mj JJ, 1-00 -3m. HOW I. AM) ii TOUIASON, lvirortri:iis or BHANIMGS, H'liVliS. GLVS.&c. SOI.B n?ents In the United Ht.itea for th iinrivnlle.l "lllel'llaiit" hrand ofsii'liiedaui (iiiisUHr imllic Cu. loin House, houdeil Wurtliou.es goods tntitled to do lieuture. ut their More. iro a33 Chestnut street, Thilcuklphiu, To v. Iikh address all orders eut, .lull he promptly and tan fullv attvndud tu. Jamury t, lgpo i'm UI.INDS AND SHADES. aillillllS) 10, North Secoiul Street, No. i-IIII.AIIliLl'llIA, Is the mofct ultenslvu iiiaiiufatturer of WINDOW SHADES. try tuf. umaFsr axo mw Assortment in thu City, at thu LOWE S 'I OA SIl TRICES, i7" Store fihades made and Lettered. April 14, IttoO. A T T O It N K Y A T LAW, HLOOMSBUHII. PA Offlco in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles R. ltuckaluw. ur t KUUINOAM & SELLERS, WIIOLIMAU: CONFECTIONERIES , AftP F H D I T U H K U S , Oranges, Lemon, Prunes, llnlslns of all kinds,. I'lgs. ii.iiuk, tius, vn'i lonn'cuumuy. Ko m Aorlli Tlitnl St., IMill tlflphla. I Country Merrhan . ni-e invited In give us a call. u writers iruiuniiy aucnucil March 10, lt-l in! y.UlM'INrjHll'S ESTAHLISITMEN V IViceu Rilii cud. Acc. Tllll difficult ttatrli nml JpMflry rrpalrlnit Ii.ih jca Ih-cii ilono Flnco liloouii.tiiiri! I. llliiniinimrir, V-;. oy IIeshv ZtcrnoFR. ami tlioncli h'j wn urti-n Z from tbt Jlnliiro of tlr ra-.'. i.ljlicr.l to d.ariro JJljSS pritty hlitli, il- ircf. now rtri' prrniln rtliirnt. nnl li ciuromiTi tuny n l n'nrf,l that lic"litt llin f.ii.t,i llialinntlfiii nml inati rial- an.l incnns for tin rt'l'alr of all kin I. of U'ntclie-, Jcwclrt. Arronln n, anil rttry IhinR ti-ually ntlrnil il In at n t. pnlar nlrli innki r'n tlioi. Horn -ly anil ftilUifulliicM Mill alnajsoo III. first prior I pla ami aim. Lr Orders or tlonil. taken for pay. iii.niiv '.ui'riStir.n. nioonii.hiirrf, llarrli 10. Iaf0. t J il. tui'leri-ieni'il is also i ttenrively rncajreil in the i-iiutrinhitiir fiKin,'... anil Ki'i'ii. rniiBiitiiif rm iitni nml for sale at hts Wareroonis, larec assortment if FINISHED COFFINS, M tthir h lie is emlil 'il tu till or.l.Ts on iresentation. ALso-lvrei's a poini llorsn ami Hearse, ami uill at ull limes he remly 10 alf. ml I'mienls. ,,, , , SIMON C. BIIIVU. Illoiniisliiirg. Janiiar) 21, ITO), nn lull cur. Ait.MsTUtiMi.ei 1.0. DHY (VOODS MFUCIIANTS, 80 6i! Chambers St . iX. Y. Won't iiotlly the Traile that llipy rv ooinli.s Weekly in new lieaiitirul ii.itleni., tin WAMSU'JTTA Pit XTfi. ai.fo tin: AMOiSKEAG, A Now 1'riiit, wlilrli txcel. every 1 rim in the Country lor nerlci lion nf election ami ilesign 111 full ipvliler Colors, Uur 1'riuuait rlraroi ILan any in market, ( ., ,,-.-iiii; mm ejiieiHive sale Orilirs ii'oniill) nifmleil to. 1 elitnaiy 4, leoo y. ItSiil rVolici. iv cyin.vi:ii!s .ix rm: vvuuo ar.vF..vj.r. 1II.UI. remoieil In tho .Montour .Mills, nml iiilcml koe,init a sni'jily of Hour ami feeil on haiul, anil for ml.' ns 1 heap as (he Lhetijiest fur eash. 1 u ouM fiirtlier say toalltliosii knouimr lli-insi'les inihliK-il to me at tliu Jl'ititduct .Vis, that they would confer a ftreiit raviir oy callin; nml setlliiii; up. ns I urn ery necilv nml wish lo (.lose the ol.i UmAs. pt.j tall anil see us, I'm mts, ami ur tustoin ami cah ill he thankfully reciluil. ., . . w.M. uiiwts. .Montojr .M.lls, Ajitil II, luflt M APE-! "NITltOGENlaiiD" SUPER I'UOSI'UA 'IT. OF LIME Bo W. il L tL E JO 0 Hth, Ud.iware Atemie, nill.AlinM'IIIA. Solo a?eiit for reiiiHjivaina, 1) law are and New Jerm-y, I Wt Hjh .Mapen (Xilronriiv.al) will etptal In c tic 1 1 and XyJif l.iidhiir pimi r, 1n1 Hit Xtt I'ermian Guano. d It 1 packed in ttronjf i i"S uf l(t) 11m each, and In sold at $() im per ton. or 4 per oiniflu h.ip. It li is tli" cienenrv'nf Tea Ycort, nnd Is afcly rtc ommeiid it an Hi bnt feriili.-r now In uc. HauiplcH, Circulars uiiil Painphlcti Loiitaiujiip recoin iiieud-iiloiu Irom farmers, tuiit uratls to all whuru'iueift hem, August 90, 1J.V. I JOHN C. YEAGEFl, MANXTACTUItlllt - WIUI.lISAl.l: DilAl.llIt l.V HATS, cm. TI5AW COOBS, Bonnets aisil Arlillcial Flmiirs, xo at- .nohtii riiiitiirtrituin', riiii.AmiLriiiA. .March II), IMiO-l Jui. ll'ATIIl! JKU I'Litl i. MM 1.1'. il A!(i:. Cfteajitr than uuj utlnr llout m tUr VniUd S ates, t eery article i,vl,l oitlff, jur icUat n rtuhj t, and trarraiUrJ to he a4 rtprcneiUfd. II JIl l.lsKiAN, No. 411. North S coin! f liei t, all ivo Willow. WVst Side, I'illl. :LI.VU1A. aMi;or.rtiti.r .ill km i-1 r i.iuk. ,rhai i,rht i llulrin, and M.iuiil.iitur. r ol J w , 1 1 v . .. eierj ilea- I t'ouutry, Store Ker. ts, Aui-lioneers IVdlars & deal ers ceiarally, are assured Hint tliey Mill tin, I ut tins rs- t.iMisliioi.ut tho litrsen imirt inner an I i'a-hionalila nssoitim-itt 1 1 in tu VhiuJ Sta't.. iimi at prices, t M u 'c. ut lower iluiianj oth.-r llotu In tin- Country. rito, K.i ju rs ami olio rs, i lioiaunol ru.iii totli-eity, ran on Mln ir t'ooos I Mat!, nml iiaie tlom sontliv i.rct. oaii)j.urttt tlio L'ouulty, as theai nil-1 nell sidict-d if tliey tame to the L'ltj mid selected them in person 1 vm-iuher th-' t.lace, II. ML 1,1,1(1 AX'S, ;tu. 411, Noi f.'conj St., aboi u Willovt, HV.t side, rilll.AllUM'lllA. EstatllEhei for Over rourteen Years. Slarch M, l.-oo 1 ,'m. TOIi" "(76 isTsKGAK HI All SHALL IIUU UKS. wnii EC JL 5 K H h 'it O 3s , U'lKIIXKAI.C DCAI.r.US IN Mannfacmred & Kc.il" Tobacco, II A V A NAG Kit M A N AN 1 ) DOMESTIC, SEGARS, &C, K. E. Corner of Front and Arch Streets, ARUIl'lt it lots, j '"'";. novo. I I'UII.AUULrillA. Marcli 10, letsl-l.'ju, IRON RAILING, OUNAMllNTAI, IIIOX W'OIIKS, Xo. 222 Gillov.l!ill St., bflow Third. , VlllLAUF.l.rillJi. Iron Kailuig for l'arks, Cenuleries, Verandas, Steps, ic, March 10, 1-to-atui. . 1IAMHUUQEH, WIIOLI1HAI.U MILLINERY STORE, Slr;nv ami Fancy aillliucry. 110 N011T1I SIICONTI STItr.r.'I', Ahoic Arcll, U'c.t side. nntr flir ntira tty Lady Jlillintra supi lied uu tlie most rcasonaiilc May IJ, lico-rim. J. V. 11 U HER, (riiici-mtior to J. fc. on tR.) It' no, r.s.u. v. .( i i-i t m 'WlJJlCCO, sXUWAJSl) CIGARS Al , riiihAD iiLniiA. Also, Maiiufacturt-r und IinprU-r or FOREIGN & DOMES J 10 SKUAUS. May ii, lPtU-Uin. IIAHTHAN'S 01IEAP GOHNEU. NEW CHEAP GOODS. HiHC suhrriliers Iwib just r-iurned from tho city itlt X a large and entensiin stock of NEW BI'HING it SUMMER GOODS, uhicli lliey otfer at tho lery Ion est Azures for Ukavi I'.y. Tliaukful for ia.l laiors they solicit a share of public patronuge, leeling rolilldent that they can satisfy ull llllu lli.il tu buy ilaali. II. U. ii I. W. UAltTMAN. llltKim.bure. o, t. sn, lj'i-if. I'lllSUtlllTll IIKOTIII'IIS. 'J'K;iCl It ti A Hi U 11 S IV0.1U3,NOUTII TIIIIID STltlSKT five doeretieluwltace, rilli.UA I.rillA. January IO.IB33 . BRICK LAYIMj & PLASTEIUNG, rjUlU underi2iicd rcfpectfully informs the citizens of X lUooniiburtf, and tho public generally, that lie lias located in llluouisbur?, ami ii prt pared to execute ull kinds of .Ma sua Work, iu .hurt order and 011 reutiunublo terms, j Kestdcnco In Mr Kroner's houie, on Iron Htreet, nest door tu llrovvcr's trture, where all orders in his line of bukiiicia will be thankfully received uud promptly at tended to. UOM'llliV UAY moouibburg, April 11, im- liUUl'iSii. Muklin 3-4 wide for Ui per 'yard for val O by HiVKTMAN'tj. Xtv . is ttSM 1,00 01 ! ! (.000 XisW ft TOR ILfi ! rpMRncvpr fallinp MKH. VANIlOUV.ls tli tiot. Sfha X n.rr.'rdu wh. n Mimln r haw fnli'Ml, All hoare In Iroiihlf nil wlio tinvtJ b-'t-n unfortunate, nil whono fond ImpcR Imvo lii'fii thappoiiitt!il crufh-il tnul tilaslcd by fatso proiiilct ami dix it, -nil whu JnJ born iIitcIv eil nntl trllli-il with, nil lly In her forudviru nnd nitis ruction, -nil who lire In du'.titi cif tho ntr.'ctimis nf tlx 'lliey lnv cnngtilt Irr to r llvo mid nt.tlfy tli Ir miiuls. .v wry, ivr.iin$ sin: mmm mils? islie lias tlio ftccrr l of ulnnltijr tli! n taction si if the op. iumii( snx. it h ini i.ici wimn iiniuc' iiiiK-rait; prt tcmkrn to try to lmtt.it li r. nnd td copy hut uthurtisc IiicTitA, Khc sli" sho b J on til uh'iumj:ss ny vovn buruiu: trm: on nv&iMxn, . Or iilM.'nt frti ii'l, t It jrtiidfn thi simjlu to a happy iti.tr li.nris and iii.ikei tin iimrrkd luiinv. Mlt aid a-ul nd lc Iiuh t ((. n w it d lii tiiiiuiucriildo iiiftanrcs. ni)l the result h.n altr-aa iwvn tu m'tma tl sfcutlnir Jl &VVAA1Y .1X1) IMI'l'V M.nUtUaV.: Iu It thcr.-f'tri' a mxn ilopLiiiU'iio1. Hha lint tern tlio int nm nflirliiirliiL' many linn Irt'd henrts iui.1 hands to ptithrr. Thuiis-ui in nf brokijii liviuu luu bet a tii-ated nml inn ilc lintiv lit li -r. I It i well known tit th" public at larpe lint t-hs wan I nrfi aim niir it in umy pursnn , no ran ninwiiiu likeness In reality, niut utio can plve nttiro mitisfiction on all tho conrcnifi cf lit'.1, u Inch lan bs totfil and prov cd by tliO'M.uiiln, Imtli married uud fdn'lf, whu dally , nnd Laficrly t iml In, r tit Wo. liiao ijtnabi.ni atroct, riinaticlpliia, ill 1 ill-TV lew h lire firiciiv pii van- nun ruiui'ii riii.it, n'Mt.TJf rVMLVJlVF.t tlUUU LUCK AM lIAl'l'IM'sSrf arc within the reach nf all. Phe It tiV liviniMumil-r h i n . I'liiijntiMieii npo i ail who con milt li r nn nstonhli d nt tlif triitlifiilnest nf her In for- m.itioii an 1 pre.lit tio.is. MA. tliut'i who had b.id lui k coimiili"d h r. tlu-ir b.id K-ll th' in, and tli v nru now ftir tun.it-t rlrli, cininent nnd liappj. To ALU lit b-ifiness lirr u (vice is ina1u.ihk'. tli' tan font I lththc(rri'nt est cnt.ihity, tli" rt'tiilt nf nil emmnf rcial and business translation, u you ioiiow ncr auiire, ou win iMviiow: your cmcuMyju.wns And (Miccef I in all your niidertakini-. Tho a a who liavn b(.'tti lortiin.itc and miiuc rent fill in life, nnd in I-ubIiii-m tln-iti ulio li.m uotked hard and ttrnjicltMl against alerty an.l iniffoftiint' tb" (-renter part nf ttudr lie iiii't munu in i liiori; iny inru iu pvi lorwnrn in ItiU world, tin' uiort' lliiiicn tlihigH went nginst tlieml All tnsrs haw consulted her for the lat tut nty jcars. A iiiustj nuu iiniiiui'u in r ii'iiiix iirr rniw lUClI ilAVPYJIXD bUCCKSSFULl In all hrr itnJcrtakinfra; while thusy bilmlcd by pri-jii lite and k'unram-e, npylecteit her adiL, are ftill la tiorini: nc-iiiKt mhersitv nnd poi-rty. lfon nlueynti )Mppin'fi, juii will consult her yourself, and be success ful and happy nNo. All inteniew" arc strictly private and confidential. Come one ! tumenlll to NO. 1336 i.OJIHAHD STKKliT, hctween Jimiier ami llroail, rtiiiailclnhia. .Mann li, lAVi-lv. "0TWS. S. S'TILW. JIANUrACTUIillll or MXUIES, FIE ( OM'ECTIOXUUY, AVD 110MIAL8 DK l LR IS FOREIGN &DOMKSTIU KKIJ1TS. K.itatiM, ,1'nmcfi. rra N'utft, iDrlcd Aimli' Ciirrai.tf, tAluinmN, Citron, Una, Wat nut i Furs, KilliprI-. t'cacmi N'utB. " Pi'inlii-n Or.insfP, t Oil, ifinoa, 1 1 rn r Pi no Apples, ICrackurtf, JJ.iiou, .Cream N"iit., FIHIi JiVRKi, ffC. iiC Xo. 2113 North Third Strret, youth Hnot corner Vine PHILADELPHIA. Vnrth 111. Iritfl-K'ui. Chartered by the. State of Pennsylvania. RULES. I. Money J received everv il.iv. nnd in liv n mount laruo or smiill. tt. FIVE IM.ll CI'ATliiterpft i pnhl fur mmioy frmn th; iliv it in nut in. J. Ihe !iniitL v ifiihvnvtt until lj.uk in (iOI.I). wlmnnv. er it fit c.ill',ilt tut, ntul wit limit notice. 1. Mnnvy is r n ivcit from ttcrtitorii, Jiiltolitistrafors. Gutinhniin and hUits who tlosiru to li pi-rfi'i t enft ty, ami lien- jiifcrcf t run I.u nliMim-il tor it. j. The inoiu-y rtcrncil I'tvin itepuniifirt iuvci.ti.-il in iff it Folate, M'rftritxr)it Ground linttn, (iii.I mth otlit-r lirit tlanu in?turitiu- in tin niarkT dirrct-i. i (.. Oit.-4 11'Kiri -i:vir ilay frmn i till o 'clrk. nnJ oti Moinlajd und Tlmrntlav till nMork hi tlio i wuniff. imii. in, ni I.. i i,i;it, rresttiint, UOIiTiU' KLFKlJMiU. rue J'rcitdait. W.M. J. IEllo, & Cretan, Iimi. Hrnry I. Ci'imor, 1'ruiirji Ijpo, 1'. Tarroll Itrewsttr, JiHfph li. It.irry, Jit,pli Wrku, r.imuni 1 4. L.iiur, l(ulKrt Sflfridjre. K.uniK-1 K. A"hton. C, Landrttli Mtmti-4 juiiry uiiKinK-nitir 0 F F 1 U E H'eliiiit sfrcrf, Souti It'e.t Corner of Tltiri Street, l'llll.AIIEKl-IIIA. April 10, lSX Aug. a 'j.'. Ijh. 1,'53J " LAMI'S! UAH'S!! LliHIlTf Head Quarters. ANOTHER FRESH AURIVAIi OF CU.1L JOXFJ 3,-JIULI.F.lt S. IMI'KOry.l) PATF.VI' Ull. nunjl.dta. if i.tjl'i tuli BURNING, vo, KCKUKVi:. die CAiirtnv nir.-a j AKIXU tlij bit and rlnptbt l,i(.lu imu in uM., fU1t. 11 1 alilu fur t'tmrchuit, Moren, nr Unuly uctr, no daiiffr troiu IsAplimioii and one half Oicapcr tli.ni any oilier I if lit. nuu lined and EQUAL TO C.ASS. abuie laiiiis, uith or iiithout, Uloh..'s ur Wiades, Th a ran oeiiad at tile NEW AND 0UEA1' DRUCJ STORE, Kxcliitiigv Iliiililhig, Uloomsbiig, I'a., llo re tlie umlersisni'iliioulil ltesp"ctfiillvitiforin,iiis neii'ls and the ntililir. iu .'em r.il. tli'it h Iu.m lu.t r. reived iruiu the nib's, a large and nell selected stock ol (jooils, in ins kind itiiislstliii; of tKI.SII AMI 1'Uiiltii DKUd'tf. .MUUiL'INIX ti Llll.'MX.'AI.M, (lltuUNI) at WIIOLKfl'iCF.S. i'.VINTrl OII.B. VAttNIMIItf nVIJ sTUFr. wiNiimv uLAcs, or AU. tflXa. I'AI NT. i. TOOTH Ji tSIIAVINO intLsuns. TOBACCO t. I.'IDARH, OI'l 111; UUM' CKANDSt ri.ltl'UM KltV, 1'AMJV BOAl'S, iiiUMscs t siioui.nr.ii ha :m, 1'UItlJ WINUSfc IIRAMIir.-l FOR XUDIOINAU U8I1. (it. Are CUTTING. DONIITO OlIUKIl. (1II.T MOULD JMi I'illl IKA.IIEH.t AUKUAT VAltlLTV oroAURON Oil. l,.MI'd AMI SIIADK9. ri.tllll.CA 1 Pit P.WP. HA I'l'TI' ri.UIl) I.AMl'S kPIIAUia. Also All the most popular Talent Medicines of the tiny, prescriptions ami l.iuuiy ineoiciues rarelully put up, N. II. Tlie Dental profession is still in-.. rnntinued and Teitii inserted, in the most uimroved iiiauiier. Ki'liiig thankful for past patronage, lie iiojm 0 a, cuiiiuiuaucu 01 tue name. U. .-VI. UAUUNUUUII, lllouiiuburtf, Jan. If'ao y. M Aj H M O Q f 1I0Y L08T, HOW KESTORED. Jutt PuhViihctl. in a tflct F.nreloue. ON Till: XATUUU. THIIATMII.N'T AND Hitr KA, or Heiuinal Wtakiiens, Sexual l) bill- wBttiMSUW tv. l'TnlUIIUt. Illld Illinlinit-inlir Vim... kiuiix, including Iiupotunry and Mental and i'lijbical Ilv ROM. J, ClJIAI.ItVi:LL, M D., Author of "VAc Green ZouJt." e. The vvortd rtnow lied author, in thi admirable J.fcture, clearly prove from hi own ejpi-ricnce that the nwlul toiireueiicen of b(-lf-abunn may be tlfertiully removed Hiwiuui .mvuiimic mm niuioui uangerom nuriiicai opera tioiifl, boiiL'iei, iiibtruiuentii, riiiKt wr cordiaU; pointing uut a mode of tureat unco certain and titetlual, by whiih every aulK-rer, nu mutter what hi condition may be, 111 a cure liiuidLlf cheajdjf, privately and Jtaitunlly. 'VIA Lecture will prove a boon tu thousands and Jhouii uiitU. rent under wale to any uiMrosti.jiiwt nwJ.on tho receipt of two postage btamps, by addre8ini! Dr. Ull. J. U. KIANi:, M. I)., 1-u 1'ubt Avenue, iV. V., IW Uo 1511. April 11, 1 too -Km. HEVEIlIi HOUSE, (roKVOHLY KIOLB IlortL.) NO. 37 NOr.TU TitlHU HTHKUT, I'JIII.AnKM'IIIA. rivlli4huiu irt ituatctUn the unut butmt-M part ot Ihe X nty, ha one hundred and thirty rooms ; larfe 1'ar tors uud every room id newly furnuhed and it cmuidered ono of tho linet HottU of it cUrjd in t'Jiiladclphiii j it ha creeled 11 ljrge observatory whero pcruoim can have u line view of the City, lHlawuro river, &c. &.c ; it ii aim supplied with hut and cold watir liathe, which will be free of rturge for the guvtW of the Ilotie ; City Car will tuko )uu tu the Hevere lluue, Our chary) I mod crate, 1 -i5 per day; pernonn visiting the city will plCaiU come and try Ihe Hettre JIvue, und we pledge ourselves that wo will eiidtuvor to usu our bent i-HurU to make it appear like home, t'uiHti. J. t'aiDKB, of Heading, will Imvu tlmrtte of tho nfliM. (J. V. IIINKl.i:. formerly of the Hlatei Union Hotel, nud latttrly of the United Mates lloiel, Atlantic City, N. J., lR0fRi.T0B. May u, l&M-litu. WILLIAM J. BKIULE.UAN, Sabbk auD harness ItloomburCi A us ut 13, WANTED. 1 jTVa ff( Ktiinsles in exchange for Good, J UU.UUll ftrt cif all kinds of Lumber iu vxrlianc for Goods at Kreamer'a New titore, in Jere)t0wii. Hour and Fttd, Gram, Lc, kept 011 Iiaud, und fur nale al Kreaincr's New iitore. C U V KHUAMKH Jex8e)iown. May 13, lift). SAVmO FUIMD. iPfstr Monal pg Company. I DAI.TIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. R. JOHNSTON, rrtllll founder of thl. CelehrntcJ Institution, offers the ' JL muht certain, speedy, nnd only rllectnal retncly In tha ivmld for irTeCtsfttr tjletts, rttrlt lures. Hemlnnl li eak Hess, l'alns in the Loins, I'olislilulli'lial llihilily, lmpi I Ifncy. Weakness of the Hark und Limbs, AlftttloiM of llic tldiiejs, I'lilpltatlon of Ilia Heart, llmpepsla, Net ion. Irillalnllly, Disease 01" tho Head, Throat, Nose or. I Hkln, and till those serious and nu lamlioly lli.orders nrislnn from tlie ilestrurtlvo llalills of Voulli, lllilch de. ' I s'troi s both body and mind. These seen t ami solitary practices, arc moru fatal lo their i Minis than the song of Die Hyrens to the mariners Ulysses, blislitinil tin ir must lilllll.mt hopes und anticipations, rendering luariiugc &.C., "" MABniAnn. Married pi-rsmm, or Vonng Men rontcmpl.itini inar ri.ujciVhijr auurrof ptijiskal Wfaktirin, urganic tl aluli ty, difuriiiitf ), fcc., flumlJ im Haly tonsult Dr. Joliiutiui, uud I'J rchtond In p' tti'it In idlli. Hi u h'i pt.ics liiniKilf nuve the earn of Pr. Juliititton, may nlijil"U-1v rnutlik In his huuor nt n vt'iitlc-iiuii, and coiillilcntly nly upon hU i-kill uu a phyeician. UllUANU; WI.AK.Msrfrf ImHicdhtily cured nnd lull M;or rrt-tnrcil. 'i hiit dim-as-i in tlw ptu.ilty most lYu-ja.-iitty ynUMy thoe who Imvu hecmiii? lite ilini vi iiuprnpi r itiJult;'!. rlii. Vouiifc prtthi art. too apt tn commit lucfc 1 rum lint hv hie anart' of ttn drcailful (OtKctpK-nLy Hint may cii-iii-. Sow, whu tint uud or ft audi tho fuhjftt will pru tend to df-nv th.it llic power ol pnicrtiilioii it lout pot-iicr , by thutfu lulling nun Lnpropur m.iiiih man ny ui: pniuiiu. liisldi-d being depriwd nt tin- i loatirti of hcallhy oil fpriiisn, tlu must nerious nml dortriHtite ninpti'ini to lioth hody and mliid atlv, Tim ) eti'iu Iktouk n drraiig ed; tli.' dittcal and in nt.il pttwcrtt wrakened, ntriui dtuiliiy, depepnt.i, p.ilptialion of the I it art, IndieFlifin, a waiting ot the frame, Uoii(:li, tfyi upturn of Cuiuuutp tloli, Kc. uy-oiiice, No. 7 SncTiirntimitK SrarsT, seven doors from MaUiiHoru rtntt, Iift ilde, up thu ftopn. He par tkrular in il)'-riim' thuNAMI! and NUMUUK, or )oit will mlstuke tin place. A Cure It'tirrctttfl, or no Chnrpc ,Wadc, in from One to Tirti l)aytt ko Miiuamv on nauhhoi's imt:orf lhi:i. l)H. JOIIXSI'OX, Member of the Itont t'titlepe of aar(teo)i, nt London, (Jrtidnile from one of the inot etnineiit Collides f llic United ?taiec, and the grenter part of wimm-lifii Im I been pent in the Hrot Hospital ot London, riirln, I'liila-, dflidii.iniid lUeulierc, eifetted ttome of thu tiul a--1 toimlilm.' t'lirm that rreeer known; ni.iii) troiilded with rinsimr in the head nnd earn wlcn nplecp, crent licrioilMiirtifi, In1 inn alarmed at eiiddeii hOiuolft, nnd li.ii. lulnen', with treil litblUrvuiii.',atlendeilKoiMetiineil with ( derangement of mind, ueru cured Immeili.ttety. a ci:utain inyi;.tc. Wlifii thLmiL'iiiiled and ImprntUni totnry of pUnioire fiiulf! he had Imbibed thu feeds of this palnlul ditneae, it too often lt.ippeiiiitli.it an 111 limed seiicu ofrh.inii! or dread of iii-tuTery, detent Iiini from nppljttiir to thoe uhti from education nnd rerpu lability cimiileiie b frit ml liiiu. ih hi) inn till tho t-oiMitutionary fjiuploiim of thin horrid iliLii-e make- their appeaniiue, mli as itltertited nor throitt, diinasril none, noitiirce, p;iimt In the head ami limb, dlmnenHof fig lit. deiifiiuc, nodes on tho okin boi i t'H, mid arm?, blotdieK on tho head, f.ice and itreiiK" tit'i, pro(!reiiin(rwith rnpidily, till at l:ut tho palate of the mouth and bunesof tin- noe fall in, and the ittim of tlii di'Miitse btioinesti horrid object of romni-eratiini till dfitli puti a period to III. dreadful mileriinr. I tvn tliiiKlniii to 'tli,it htmrne from wlicnco nu traveller re turiiH." Tu toich, thoriforu, Ur. Johiiiloii pledges liiuc fcelf tti premrvi' tho iniwt tin ioablu irtcy. and (rmu liir txteiiine prarihe in the lln-t Hopit.iNof llumpc and America, ho tan coulidenily moniiuem! c.il'e and rpeeil) iiiretutlie ii 1 1 fort nn He tidimof I lux lmrri-1 disiase, TAKIi l'AliTH;i'J,tt nutici:. Dr. J, address- all Uio"0 who hue ii J ttc l ilieuiieleii b prii.tto aiicl improper iudulgiiuvB. Tlii'-ii are nonii? of liu fad and imlandiolv ellWt'Iirii- diittd by i aily halnis of jouth, i. Wt.akiieH.4 ui the 1I.K.K HUtl i.lltiU-', IMlll III 111,' liemi, lllllllltKd fil Mifllt, LtiriH ot'.MiHtular Tower, Talpitaliuii of the Heart. iieiii.i. erou Irrnlabilltv. Deramieiueut of Hid liiiu k Hu I'uiiLliuiid.ttciicral Uttulitj, pjuipiuniBof Coiiaiiiup tiuii, &r. I Al.hV. Tlio fearful cirecls upon tho mind are nun Ii to be dreaded, l.oijx of .Mt inorj , I'untiMim of Jde.is llepriMtiuii nf the Hpirtt", IImI 1'un l.oiliujrs, Avercioli of Hmii ty, Timitj . are nouin of I ho v 11- pruduced, Tlmusaudti of perpon-t ol all a'eti can iiuw judj;e wh.it ii the i. line of tlo'lr dcihium; lieallh. Koofiu' tluir ijor. bf'itnniii!! weak, p.ile ami emati.tted, liaviutf fiti CUl.ir (U)HfiirMHC about Ihe een. toiiah and f lui'tuius of t'otisiuiijitiou. jik. Juu.sluc i ii.ui,.Ti.t; iu;j;iiv run UtltiAMC U lIAKMIri.-. Ily thin great and iuipiut.iut n iued. weakm-nt of the J,nrLMiis are fni'fiiily cured, and lull vigor redureil. iiioit-Tinis ol tlie m u-t iierviiiirt ami iii-iniii.iieii, vhn had I ort all hope, have b en linnu timli 1 n liet ed. All liii.i-iliineiiti to .Marriage, I'hjoual mid Mi-utal li-pi;ili that inn. fruiis Irriitabiiity.TreuihlimTFiiiud Wi'iikiun or ehuiit;iiiou of the iiiohI f.-,uful kind, opeedil) cured by lui lor JoliiHton, vorxii mi:n. Who Ifftve injured tbui(Ues U u ceriniii praiiire, lift.'uled iu wlun alone :i tmliit Irt-pit-titly learuod from evil Li)ii..iitious or at hi lirifil - 111: t II. ttH of whitb ar- iiilith felt, iveu whin al -ep, and if nut tun-d rmdet iii.irn.ii' iuipiKMldo. and tU btt o both loi'ut and bod), t-lmiild apph im-n.-tliiLli I). vv ii u a piu in it join i .r man tlie Nope, ol in ri-nntr) i ' th ilmImil' (I U I'.ireiitn. clioul.l bo Miati hod troui nil pr.i-p ( it. a ihI t ujot no oi lil , b Hi- LoiiM'ipiLii- t- -rt OI it. V Mll.lU )(-iilll III p.llll ol lUilur.', .111 1 iUtluljMIL' in it " rtaitt tst-trct li..lut. luti p ri-oiia b I-Hu tun UiiiplaliiiL'. maimiiai;i: xh'iiild rt (b it thai .i foiiu I niiud ami hod) nie III. fuu-t ii Ti-fi-.il) ii"iti-iii n in prumiiii' ioiiuiiiM.il nippi'oi'-Imli-'tl. vMlh-iiit tli ti tli jolm llirou'h lit'- hctoin. ti ury ii.miii.it ' tli pro-put loniilj darkm-iu llo' vi -m ; i!i 1'iiit It i(uiii- f,,i.in.'il wiih tit -.air& tbl ( V. ill) th I iiii-li-il.. nil .liuiilll.it 111 h.ippii,ei. oi aiiolh r li ml - hi), hi i. uilh nut uiu, tjll'l. t. i. t i'.i 1 Ki.llCilli'KKl' litltimore Ma MA. M lit. I' ,i (l ntATlnSr 1 J.Ki OK Vll.j. N. .. i.et t.fi 1 1 .i.ii it l.. v ..l . ii but aj.pl itiiiiiLt.ut 1, Hi, t ;i t oi.,,!.. in ii- ; a j HM i'l -L uCliit ' i i'i:U J AJ.'r!' Til ui.t'. i . a i'i - . o iln- i,. 'i Ih l.i-tJi.,.", it h n ..i i . i .i.tnu U,i-r.ili 'i ,t i .1, i), lh J a., ion, vil.. - . tli - !;' r i-olUi p.ip t :tiin. u .i! -i j - in- u.. li.t'i- id' wlikli li iV. app .In a.ii.i ii, fi'i-t bl-i, Hi ptibhi ti,ie4 hi. ctdh-i . ,i all .i.no. '.i...,tit U'tui. -p'iiii!ijlit,i-a -iii'i.i iiijjaai.itil t ui .nuul . T.vui. :.on i:. H. Th' re art m i.i iu liimraiu .i v. Hi,. (iil.u k.- .niLiti-iui.' tlui i-h.-i i'iirn i.i-i , ut I, ii'.;; Ui health oi ih aln a i) iiUlutotl. tiii.t 1)r. HiixtMi ,. i.t it li. ri'iarj lo .ly, fp n.illv f i'k u.iji'iuaii.l j with Iih r pniaii'iii, tint Ins nidt.iiials .1,1.1 .npifiu. ahvaj - li'iiiii im hi- oiln . T .No 1 hi: All 1-It-T-t in'i't b" pot paid, and con tarn .i po.t.i,;L' .laiiip lor lh ft pi) , or no aiinvcr v.ill Ik' tt m .Man li 17, lr.0. MAUI UV B. J. HMIt.VKIt .V FKK1). NAltSHALL HF LtiMKtS, UNifUUrAPSUll 1'Olt TniU AN' UUIMIUMTV. haviOR received the appr hatio of Ihe Iloyal Toljtf clinic lhiitmr orLoudon. l'llICtrl AT UulAlL I-BOS $1 (HI 111 !H)U TIlll T"Alii: SUIi'LIKI) ON l.lltBIl W, 'I BR MB IMaitiouds and Fine Jfivdry cuueiantly on hunil at Whuletalf. W. EVEIt'I'SON SMITH. .VU. 13 M.1IDF.X l.XF. July gJ.IH.'.CI y. ;v VdllK TITV. Light ! Light ! Light COAL OIL BUKMil'ls'tM) LAMI'S FOH 11URN1NG UOAI KCItOSIINi:. on imuiion oils, Till! bu.t, most brilliant, ami chi'tipi-st porlablu liiilit now in use. Mo ilanptr of i'.ploiiii una rlivinK-r tii.ui tbiiil, l.irii oil, Jir.1, oil or ,-.iiii!iuiil', Kw-EQUAL TO GAS, -a Without tho cvpi'iiso of cas futures. The ubovo Laiujis (Willi ull tin ir Uiicy Iriiuiiiin;,) can Im sm'li nml bouphl at thy .'lit establish,'!! llrni; uixi (lii'iiufni Sloro of thu utiih rsicni'il, who il.itti'rs liiui.i lf that from Ins lonjfi'v (ttTitncii iu thu Ilnnj trudi;, im knows liow ami wIiitu to liny, ami is iltt'-riiuiK-il nut to be iiriilurisolil by any one in Itloniiisburir, or siirrouiiiliiiK country, fall uml sei- ins new uml well stlttlutl stotk of UUUt.'S, MUDICINUS A NU CM EMIUAI.S, TAINTS VAIINISIIUS, IH LKrlll'I's. OILS CLASS 1'ltOM 7.9 lo'.'tv'JO, UllSFUOTIONA MVA. I'llKI'UMIiltV MJ I'ANUV 'lOILIiT. Alt. TICI.KS I'Oll 1.A11IIH.& CCNTS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Asst'tl lirniiils, Talent Mi-iti,ines ofnery uriityiu use I. Minors, (pun') fur im iliiiiial usu only, I'luiil, Cainphenu larboii Oil, Turielillni uud Alcohol Trusses, Miuuliler llraies and Abiloiinual Mipiimrs. SuriMrul and llin lal liilruiiicnts, S.ishjiail uud luolh llru.hes, 1'rof. Hum. phrey's lloina'palhir lteuieilies, (iardi ii, Culuiry, Ilapu uud lleuip si'fds, 'i'lieriiioiiKU'rs, jiroofuiass .Morurco Leather uud Shoo l'linlliiss, &e &c, tot'clher with llic largest nml mo.t laried nssortiiieut of Ciriiiau Tois and YANRf.K NOTlOiNS, i vcrbrouslit to tins place, all of winch please cull and see uml nii miut bi lle.e. Iln. I11L' I,-aril,,, I l,V .llwx.n.n ,li.( ..In.,. l.. Wlll not keen (lungs moving," 1 uae utteiimm.d to tocashliii)ers, to m.iku ii an objeit to them tit well us tin) siller, to deul uu the cash principle, tnher money or reaily trade. ' ll'ivini! served u regular npprenlicesliiii tit tho Drug uud Apodicrur) liuvlitess, be. tiles lia.iug turned it nu lor the lail (lijliteiu jears. nn my own lunik, t (latter lii)scirthat 1 am able to do jusliiu to all (mini! luu a lnal. Thankful to the public fur pat tavors, 1 would 'U.kiiln.ilon thi..iiew principle, and will euuranlcu lo nil, that it will make long frunds, und pay be.t in the end lo pay ,asli ami buy ul reduied pries. IMIVSIUIANS l'UKot JUl'TIONS carefully com pounded, und all orders corrcilly answered. All uiediiincs ituariinteed as recommended, filoru llooin oil .Main Siren, near Market, licit door lo the I'o.t Of lite, liluoni.burg, Coluuibia county, I'd. n i , LTIlltAI.M 1'. J.UTZ. tlecember 10, leo9 y. IIM niMSUUKO BARIJKlt SHOl'. 'PUB iiinlersisiird respetifully inlnrms lh ciliter.s of X lllnoin. burc, and the public geHeraily, ih.,1 huhal knit tlo UAItnElt Hlioi', located onnoiiled Hie Cons. House . nen door to the Columbia llemi.crJt, in the w iiieltam.. Iluibij . opposite lUe Kucliause IIIocRi where Im is at all limes ready lo wail upon his cus. lomers lo entire sausfarlion. SIlAVliSG HAIR DRESSING, Will beexeruieu with iar and neatness and i.i the lilusl r.isliion.iUe style and nu very moderate terms trSllAMroOINd, iliiue up in IJilySljie. Huso lints increased public patronage ami ilil;e. In, best endeavor, to give every ll'ltonsldesalisfaction 11. A STANFORD QUMMKH SHAWL8.(nontitl&6iuari lrde.) of the late.t stylo for aloli ly3I.ICW. IIAKTMANS. HOSTETTER'S STOMAGHBITTEIIS. Ir Is a fact that, nt somo period, cTcry num ber of tho human family U subject to illseaeo or Ulsturbanco of tho bodily functions j but, pith tho aid of a good tonio unci the exercise of plain common senso, thty mny bo nblo so lo rcgttlalo tho pytlcm ns to secure permanent health. In order to accomplish this desired object, tho truo courso to purstio la certainly that -which will produco n natural state of things nt tho least haiardof Tltal strength nnd life. For this purpose, Dr. Houtcttcr has in troduced to this country a preparation bearing his name, which is not a new medicine, but ono that has been tried for years, glrinp; satisfac tion to all -who hnro used it. The Hitlers opcrato powerfully upon tho stomach, bowels, and Ihcr, restoring them to a healthy nnd Tlgorous action, nnd thus, by tho slnipla pro cess of strengthening nature, enablo tho sys tem to triumph orsr disease. For tho euro of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau pen, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or nny Bilious Complaints, nrising from a morbid inaction of the Stomach or Vowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c, thesa Hitters liavo no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con tracted by new settlers, nnd caused principally by tho chango of wntcr nnd diet, will bo speedily regulated by a brief uso of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably moro prcTalcnt, in nil IfB Torious forms, than nny other, nnd tho causo of which may always bo attributed (o derangements of th6 digcsllvo organs, can lie cured without fail by using IIOSTKTTEIl'a STOMACH DITTEllS, ns per directions on tho bottle For this disense every physician will recommend Hitters of somo kind j then why not use an article known to be infal lible ? All nations baro their Bitters, ns n pre ventive of discoso nnd strengthens of tho sys tem in general ; nnd among them nil there is not to bo found n moro healthy pcoplo than tho Germans, from whom tills preparation ema nated, baaod upon scientific experiments which havo tended to poTO the value of this great preparation In tho ecolo of medical science. FsvKn akd Aooe. This trying nnd provok ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on tho body of man, roducitg him to a mere sha dow in a short time, nnd rendering him phy sically and mentally useless, can bo driven from tho body by the uso of HOSTETTER'S RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of tho above-stated diseases can tie contracted, even in exposed situations, If tho Bitters nro used ns per directions. And as they neither crcato nausea nor offend tho palate, and render un necessary nny chango of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is re moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro duction of a thorough nnd permanent enrc. For Persona in Advanced Years, who aro suffering from nn enfeebled constitution nnd infirm body, theso Bitters nro invaluable ns a rcstorativo of strength nnd vigor, nnd need only bo tried to bo appreciated. And to a mother whilo nursing theso Bitters nro indis pensable, cepacinlly whero tho mother's nour ishment is inadequate to tho demands of tho child, consequently her strength must yield, nnd hero it is whero a good tonic, such ns llostctlcr's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to tho system. Ladies should by nil means try this remedy for all cases of debility, and, before so doing, should nsk their physician, who, if ho is acquainted with tho virtue of tlie Bitters, will recommend their uso in ull cases of weakness. CAUTION. Tfe caution tbo fullio against rising nny of tho many imitations or counterfeits, but a."k fur ItosTETTEn's Celebrated Stomach Dimits, and sco that each bottlo has tho words "Dr. J. Uostcttcr's Stomach Bitters" blown on tbo sido of tho bottle, and stamped on tbo mctallio cap covcriog tho cork, and obcrvo that our autograph signature is on tho lalel. 3- Prepared and sold by HOBTETTER & BM1TII, Pittsburgh, Fa., and sold by nil druggists, grocers, and dealers goncrally throughout the United States, Canada, South Amorica, and Germany. )' 1 I. lm r I. . I.'iu IMimiiisliiirir . - Mil lir,&Cn. ll.TMirk; il. 1' nrislunl. HspMounj Jl. C Cru r, J"'. I. . A. H. l!.ink, IX. Unit illc. Ortoli.'r 1, I-.I'i-i-Jim. pHi:udrr-in. d n-i-i rctfully mfonnH bix (rb-nd-; find I 1 th-- i-til.lit .it l.irue rnd the r.'ut uf mankind, th.il he I ti.t- a upk'ti a.l ,im rtiii'-nt f , NUW (iOODS. j mill" i Ii li. mt 1'i'H Stiirr lli.nsi', in lt,.lir,l.iirir, ( i.liniiiiii, ciiiily, Tu.. w li r- li- Ims u l.irgoaiul rliniiiMi.'urliiii nt ' St'iilNCi AiNI) HUMMKlt (IOODS wliirh he I- li ti-rmi'K d tn t. II un Midi lerini a, v 1) dun; ulliii kii-t hi hi' virinity. wliti arcju w-fuil oi 1 I dt.iu Ii7.', tu I'vfnil him iliuir custniii. i Hi--tuck Int- Ii'tn Hilrrti'd wiih much nro ami w,U I'hr.-urt to tlii vv.iuts (.f his iiuiimuiiity ,ind uiiliritii L'l-iiiH tt-nit'-r int. m miii iirjt ii- -r..t nut nf ti winou km In ri--t ii'dimigin aumtiiiL' liu trh-mUtli.it vv t i'rtlimir iimi illv kiyt in rinuitrv Mcn-i. c;in horu 1) li id 'i litth ilKMpi r Hi. in tlie rliMipvtt." r r.Hintry pniducc, iiirludiut; Cmin. Liimhi-r, &f . Mki-u iii cxcliungt; fur goods, Uohlmrir. M.irrh Hi, lj. ILWJ.V A(Ji:iI CHAS, V. HUM.?, No. 118 North Fourth Klrtet, ubnvc Areh I'llll.AIIUU'lllA -f -r- ' IVIiiilpaili ; Hi t ill Mniiiifurtiiri'ror t$JVT roltr MONNMKS, I'OCKI' HOOKS, NL2""j!? ci(;.tt casus, iorzsJKjr .Honey lltlls, Satclicls, Purses, (alias, Linkers' Casts, Dressing Cases, Writin" Deals, Pott Follios, Hill Rooks, JOltMXU PROMPTLY A'ITF.M)KD TO. 1 1 hr.l irv Im'.i i'hii ' OAHINKT .t OIIAIK MARINO. rPHH umlcraigiictl, thaukftil for past nnt- 1 roil.-mc snlirils a conlinil.l lire i,f lll() ',,, ',, nniilil ri'.ii.rtlully iiiMrm Ins ciistoimrs ami tli J b he Ri'iipmllj', lli.it lie nmtiiiui'stli,. ' amixnTAxu cimu-mikixo iwsixf.ss, Al II. IIIIM'.IULIKIII'II .Mini, ji, Willow (J.iivp nft'iv iloors In-low tlin Hail Knail. wli,-r- Im will tit Ull tlllll'S lie IlllMIV IQ. irr nu ,.!.,!. ..,1,1 ... I rll.tlllll, r . 11 II I, n ,,u a.l.. I.. .... . . ' " . miiiiir.irturc, ull ill Hindi will bo snlil nl tl" ' " CaiiM'.Hpriiig llottom I'alciit Itail Blculs niaiiuf.ic litre,! ami inn iij, to ur.li r nn stinrl iillialniil warrant, cil lo work lo sulisfaeliiin. 1 """" Tim UnDtnT.Klsii Busiksss, in connection witliilio obovoliruiirliPs.rorwiii.l, ,.r,ooC he has l,oe"ll" l IinitSli & NKW HKAKSE, ""II lie rursli.lly nttrnitrd in nn iipniliatinn ET'l'lin iiibhc areinviU'il m eivi'liun a cm llln sbilr., 1).'C. 17. im Um W- VOK'-' K KM OVAL, DK. J. C!. nun I.lt, li.n rciiKiur.l hisofflci', to Markit slr.i t, nxt rliior totlwiu w l.nlli. ran fliurcli.w l,,',o liiiwilliila)sl,0l,a.i.ytonttcn,l to the itaiits of ,U Hlmmi.biiri.', March 31, I-WI. AN OLD Dlt. II HATH 'S I500R r W0r-'r,vels and great discoveries of ihe Ja.lsV laiieseandUisi lmh? ,M, dic.nes , wilh fill ,i"itn. lor llie cerijiu curcofi;oiis,,niplioii,llroi,cl,li,,,co,n1hs l ll'Ltuncer, llvspep.i.i, i.ivrr i; Maim, (iruvcl and Un urv IJ. posit,, Female Co aim. . ie I llisl ale llll lUiidreils Olterimtale. ol cures an, , tor Ihe purpose of re-tumg ua many sullerliii, frl Iw In liig, ,,. possible from premature Vlh, I will be sent lo any pari oflhe tontinenl, by sending sir" ,T WIS. IliltTII Ottobeta. IS59 ISiii. I (roltMCltLY THU M.)I80.N IIOI3m " 1 AUuitlJ, IBJD. ALICES, I'llAVELI.INO lIAfis Wholesale a,.,., ieyiijvocuciies,;,,,. I.LI'eotit8iitly on hand, a large ami Vjlicesuml lHvelllnBa.ni.n , ,5i VJhre.a;,r,ravHur.i,a alKui'S.1 Cu--' wt , JuuMIKKi -lim. , I VI! eiullinj Ualtets , (and no Humbug.) for njilo ' " y HAUTMAN'a nj)W;jJiWAl'aI(; WSV V3 ill .untiMTiiii wu LFiO.UlJL'f; FGOf HE AH WHAT THE PEOPLK SAY. Tlie unlprikiipl linvlnn IVr-f.-nr llUMl'MUKVa' ei'KClKlO ll()M'K()lMIIIC lU.MI'IUM In our famlll with tin mot iiiiUfactor,f re'iH-i( nn I kHTlnjf full rond dfnee In tlidr ffPiuli,',i lurMr, nnd crJca-'y, thccrfnlly rtconunriii! Ilifm tn U m.tm w'"' "l"" to "Hf?, re Hllf, flu.l cnierKtous rfinellta ut liaait forrMlVMte or do- "4il'5, Win. 1! miurr, clllor of "Tli" Nnrtlurn In-le-tiendent," Auburn. N, V.t the UcV. K. It, tjwy, IM' , ltecIorcfFt. IVItr'n Clmrdi, Auburn, N. th ll-v. U. 1, He. CMt'ltln of tlif Aul-urti P'ftti- 1'r.mn; the Itv. Pi'iictr Jl. lUce, Hector, Nc Il.'.irrJ, Mhv.; the llev. Allen Steele, New. York OniYm!'' th Kev. ?itmiirl NlUmis Fwt (Ifiiwe r.mri-rriK-e, S. ,Y. t ie Ilv. J. 1. J'nitt. Urbcl, VI. t thP Jolin K. II Mo, liuiTiil A.C. lUri. Vn, ftlrrt, N. Y. t the Ifo. Nel rrtl.inl, Me i t'ie lion, uvl-r Cnlfux, Pmith-nend, Ind. j tlm lUn. (leorVe HuintAiri'Vii N. V. ; Henry R Ct'Ok, hiw , Alitor of The OM-i Mttl1 Wnnl, OdiifPhu", Ohio i tlie How. It. IL llrahnm, Mdlne. 111.; i'ie lloti. Thm.H J. Cbv M'-ntl. rell-i, rii.t the 1 1nn. J'i'h Ilim-IIct, Litcn, N. . Um. IIrlst.it. Kt'i , t lk'fl, N. V . A. H. l'.n 1, U., Ultcn, N. Y, ; Jnines nunke l , Nl-livlll-, Ttnn. usr oi frrcino ittMrniKS. ,i l r,r Ki vcr, Cntiet"-lln, ntul Iniliitninfitln. c' For Wnnn Ti-vf r, Wivrm O-llf, Wrti'njf tl e lied. So. 3. I'ur Cllf, CrjItiK, TirtJdn. nml W'.hifulneM of Nii!' for n.irilic.v, ChpliTi Infantum, nnd Stiraiu'r n"!''!! Knr Oill.', flrti.lnff. Dvtiet.Krv, f-r HI. ody Flux. No f! Tor Wirtlrrn, I'lioh-rn l.vilnir Voi.liln. No ; Kor Coujth", Cid l, iiithiPiizn, hti 1 S-re Thront. No. S, J'or TuoMi-tvclic, Kdjc-rvrhf, au I KuimVU. No. 9. For llenlache, Vcrtttfo, Ht.t.1 tr.d Fullnew of the No.' 10.-DTnrfrM rill- Pur Y' k nnd Dcrnn?eJ Stomftch, tWl'iuitlmi, and U.ir Comi-khit. Nn. U. Ftw Pnau ImtKOlLlkim-, St-utity, r.illiful, or Piipprf-weil Pt rUK .... , , tin. 12. For lucorrl.t'n, I'rofJStf Meusit nml Bearlm Dawn ttt Fi'inflle. ..... ... Ko. 13. F.ir Crwip, ll'ir Coiuth, H wl Hr- illdnp. Nn. li. 3. it KnftrM I'niJ Fur Krinl voj, I mj.tlon?, rini.lMontht'Fi.-p. No . HunnicvTirFnU''. F.r l,i.in,I.iimi.tif,orl'rt. new In the Ciirid, THe, Idrn, t f.linM. F.r Fivt-r nl A-i. CMH 1k er, iMmb Ague, OU Mi'tm.viKCjI Airnt-, , ,, , lFf.r I'lli . fill ui - r Wi-fltii, lntrnu r-r Vxtcrnnl o' Firi'i. We lit, i In!' nfl V.w nnd Fvelldni Fail !,,t?.'v-v - "ii..-r a For Catarrh, of Ions etandlng cr recent, cither wltft obatruttlon or proline dlBclmrpe, W. C For Wbooj'Un! Cough, abating IU vlolenco find shortening Its course In all ncuto Ulseaecfl, such ns Fever, InQ animations, Diarrhea, Djitntery, Croup, Khcumatlsm, and auch erup tive discuses ns Scarlet FeTcr, MeaslcJ.nnd EryBlpelM, tliiS a-lvontsge of vMng the proper rsraedlcB promptly U ob vious, and In all eucJi cascb the fpedflcs act like ft charm. The entire disease Is often urn-tried at once, and In all casta the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease short tnc-1, and rendered less danperous. Couphs and Coldj, which aro ol uch frequent occurrence, andivliidi no often lay the foundation or diseased lungs, bronchitis and consumption, may all be at once cured, by tlie Fever and Couph Tills. In all chronic diseases, such as DypperBla, Weak Stomach. Constipation, Urer Complaint, Tiles, Female Debility, and Irregularities, old Headaches, Pore or Weak Kyce, Catarrh, Suit lUietun, und other old eruptions, the case has speclflcti whose proper application will afford a cure In almoBt every lututiice, Ulten Uie cure of a plnglc chronic difficulty, such ni liiK-ift.i, 111 n or Catarrh, Headache or FtiraalB Wetk LeNt, luu more than paid for the case Un times ever. TRICE. -? riff of 21 vhli coniphte. In morocco, and Cook f 5 Cane uf '20 UU, titnl tlook, plain 4 Ctyecf 15 min.t.c.d bosttf, nnd Hook. 2 ('tuteof Ohnxtf, iiiuiihered, and Hook 1 Miile nu.nbf.rvl boxei, with directions 2-5 cenU. tilngle lettered buxes, ulth directions... W) ccntA. Large cae of 'i oz. lals, M planters and pbjTltlans....$I3 ALSO SPKCIFIC3. Fob Apthi uk TiitmMC. Opprissed, Dlfflcolt, Labored nreithlng, attended with Cough and Etpectoratlon. Price, tO cenifl per Iki. Foh Kaii Pi-cmKrira akd I) k a rsfss. Discharges from the Kar, the rtult of Prnrlrt Fever, Slcnsks, or AlercurlAls. For Noises In the Head, lUrdness ot lltaring, and Kinging In tlio Kars, nnd Kitr-ache. Trice, 60 cents ir box. Fon BcitoKL'tA. Kidarg J (ilntids, I'ularged and Indurat ed Tntislls, turnings and Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Cachexy of Children. Trice, M) cents pes bor. Fun fl K.tRitAL DBiiiTV. I'hjsleal or Nervous Weakness. Kither the result of Hcknis lAcesrtlvc Medlcutlon, or hjt liausiim; DU'bhnrge. TrU c, f0 rents per box. Foa Dim-psy. Fluid Accumulations, Tumid Bvv elllngs, vAth Scanty Secretions. Tilee, f-fl centa per box. Fur Sr yicKsws. Deathly glcknefs, Vtrtlgo, Nausea, Vomiting, Sickness from riding or motlou. Trice, CO ccnU jier bot. Foh I'm i Any Disuse? Tor Crawl, Henal Calculi. Dlffi. rult, Talnful Urination, Discuses of thc.Uldneys. Trice, 60 cenw per box. Fur frMiAL Emiuo"(.. Irrvolunlary Discharges anil Cdimequent Prostration and Debility, Tad Hesults of IM1 Hahits. Tlie mart successful and elliclent remedy known, and mav be relied upon as a cure. Trice, with fuH direc tions, (1 per box. Tersons wh'j wish to place themselves under the profes sional care, or tn Betk advice of Trof. Huhpcrfys, can da go, fit Ms cUlcc Ilroadway, dully from S A.M. to b T.M. or bylctur. OCIl KEMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over the list; make up a cabc of what kind yon chcoif, and Incloso the amount In a current note or stamps by mall to our nldrcM, at No, T62 Troadway, Ne-Yorlct and the medicine will be duly returned by mall er express, free of charge. AOE.NT3 WANTED. We desire an active, efficient Agent for the sv!e of our KomedUs Inevtrytown or community In the United States. Addrw Dr. P. HUMPHREYS Co. No tC2 TftOlDWiT. NVwr.YoiiJC. S. Id by E. P LUTZ, A-viu, ... u ra. April ?. J"'t. iiH'i 'iSWRAfflri, VK Villi iii:iiii.itati:s. IT IMl'OMroUMlilll i:N'llltKLV rilOM (ir.Mri.iui it .... ... ..,,.. r.,, ,.. . n niiuMin,, .-.j, , and approved hy all ih tt have it, nl it, uml, h n,v ilenii iii all l lie ill. , in me ii tie il illlds Wllhill Die 1,1,1 tn npull liopi's t rein f. so lcred Ctrl hiutes III ri'S'inrn in vv nn nin e fi). whir ll il j ri'rom Il li.ia cured lhnu lunyi'iir-' whu had piv i" tin inimecoiin tin iii v iio-ncnmii sh.ivv Tlit di in iifi hi- n mi iii nT th' iii.iividii.il FUtll 'IHJllllUl'S Qi tniirl I. ft tint diet ilif tr run n tin- ii nt the TOll nnd it vv cur" oua Attacks, Dyspepsia tntr Complaints, Dyitn arh lloittuai CoittrmcuM. Mo tbn Ci olt ra tufa n FaitaJe Wiaktntsses, nnd I v a an Ordinary Family iSll'K II f :a ri ai fn i t,... i .In pi il In liie Ii in,, ,n O innii, ii, nun useii m gently nn the llourl. 2 LI VKK IAVIKOI1A tlJitr Co,ti,lunt.i Hill m CAmii! lltarr wia s,l -ir jlrry ).)., four Mom -y CAehc .'oi(,o Cholera " Uvm.Flatalettee.Jnvitilict , y imny in-ii.en surci sslul Us J.MItim a win ,,, Q liii'ii.nmls tun tesiifi,) . or tltree. Teasvoonful. are of.'lt'uck. l"4T thnr tt'siiuioiiy in tn twenty mi nut a jtwo larvrn .ii ruiniiirnroiiii'iit All vho use tt are piv iu l.ivor. MIV WATVIt IV tiil. u (-iim.ii i.,.,.. . VlUOlt ATOIl. AMI SWALLOW I10TII TOCUTl'ltl K MICE OXF. DOLLAR PKK BOTTLF.. -4LSO.. SANFOKD'S fATIIARTIC Ml ,, -OMrcjlNIU:il FROM ' rim i'ahii.v ... TIAIiTIO I'ILL 1. a gentlo lull aetlve Un - manic winch Ihe pin. nraclice more limn piieinrnas liu, l in hi. iwemu ,.n, The eonstaiit y in- irahig dtmand from i.u,,: who nave long Satl.tnpMn,, ,. I,il, "" 'im i iL,i.saml tho eiiesN in ngaril to their use, has induced In the team ufall. 'Ho prole.slon well thirties art on diirerint This l'AMILV UA nilh dun relerenee lo ract, been compounded, purest Vegetable Ux every pan of the nil- nie re place llieiu wjih- kliow mat dlir.rentCu porliunsiirihe bowels. 11.11.1 iu rii.i, i,js, 111 la well cuaMi.bed Imm n variety of th tracts whithacl alikcon luinlary taiial.iinil arc ses where.'i Calhailic h RlOKMENT, t,e 1 1... ',., tiuii s.rs in n'l ca ueedril, such as I)k- Minl .Hi,.,,.,., i, OomviMss. I'aiSi .o is IIIK I.AIK AhO t.OISS. M ISliR UN K, 8 OVtB 1118 J3 llh-n coin, w hicli Irenucn. a loner rrnr.enr l'.',.n. jimiii IIaik sso I.OISS. wiioi. UODY, rroiu slid, lly. If r.eglecliieiilln Loss nr AfPtllTt. A Cold o,tR -rini notiY, .tin, or wen.nr ihiie UlheiSSJ IH n . .. . ... ('RiEHvu BkSArlu or lie.IISSSSESS. H H Ah 111 All. Ull IMLAMMAIOKY ItuctiHAii.n, a great nn.l - "' i W IIIKIMIR nrihO I 10OI S .li,,,Hyn,'.Cr.', "J"r" " lieir.too numer I'ikiiiir nf ihe lluwu '' I- u..,iiseineni. DoE. 1 to J. .,.. I'lilfi; 3u oi:ms re ,nlnVl..7l ";.'"""" .MILT CATHARTIC rilLS 8. T. tV. RANFOIIll, M. l in n. Manufaciurer and Proprietor, nn tints v&iza H. 0. IIOWER, SUIMJEON DENTIST nF.ilVF.XCK.id BrM nW,Z MoU l,ornan , Stor ok Ahln Street. llloom.hu,n 1 i.i.vollors Ins prnfis.loii al sen ices to the Indies ,,d Ciiitleiui'll of UlnouisburE and icilllly. He is nremired llentlilrv n.l i. ', 'ia" 'lu"s operations in Hcnti.tr , ami is p ro, i.leil ,, ,,, JU. ,,. , , ""Vl'.JJilll IMfiTII, alwell'ai'lhe Z",V " "lc' 4 onVaiid ""tl" "f 'IOOT11 IWVIiWt. JUWJ3- "S' (Kov 13. 53.) mil fcECONn HTntET. ABOVR AltCII. PIULADFLIWA May 1!, iSPO-Jm " " ' "M A,1Di' son,