Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 07, 1860, Image 3

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    rX-fn'ifs-'W- fry-,-
mmm iibmoiiat.
Our Now Advortlnoinontu.
iaua OoLKtfAM. of Urairj. township, otf:r. lilraaelraa
candidal! for Vp(mlrjf of Coluiubl.county,
ButthL and UeoRdE KKla.'U.'iKR, advertise Eiecutor'a
Notice of I In ntata or J. A'sJcAner. Esq ,,
lata of Centre toevnshlp.
'J(W. WiT. Es1 , it al , advertise Ilia Heal Kilala of
4fpVa. CtnJ.iAfltaa.lateofOrauiro township, fur I'utillcBat,.
vWm. n. Koom, l idea the- public that the lllooiustiurg
Exchange HuUl, Is ready for tbo reception of tbo public.
D. IV Roaaiys, publishes Ills Card In reference to lila
saw Wine anil Lliuor !?tore.nh Main Hireet, Llloorusburg.
Bwii, Hum. an A. Tilla-stow, of llosioa.Hdvatlls, tlictr
aiw olitiou tf "Worcester', llluatratixl ausrto Dic
tionary." 'Allsii Naanlits, advertise, their "Improvm! Super
-.phosf hate of Liu)."
)U. It. fioraRT, advertises List of Letters
' " '
DaTMnj. W'iu Sloan, lim shown m n
.! Timothy stalk grown in hi.a maatW in
Blooiiibburg, inoa'urivg in hoighth, ttr
'' feet and one inch !
Bliomslur' Lxchinge IliAiil. Mnj
Wm B. Koonb, ndvertinos his cxcollcnt
IIousu in tliis Cutumbia Democrat, nnd wo
cordinlly invito pubiia attention to his
Card. Tlii s hotii-o has not only been thor
oughly rejitvinatviljiinproYod and rcnowod,
' but is established and will bo conducted
..'upon.ljtc most modorn principles of a first
, olasa Hotel. This fact is being generally
known by the travelling publio at largo.
,.. -Till! Union SAnnATit Scuooij Cbi.e-
'ratio:, hebl on thu 'JSth Juno, in Hcii
& denhot a Grove, near Hloouishnrg, was a
5igrand suoooss and presented a ino"-t impos
ing exhibition. Tlmra were Church Mem
bers nnd Sabbath School Scholars, com
prising tho representative utrsngth of
nearly nil our religious denomination, to
'the number of about '-iOOO persons, oou
gregHted together in tho consecrated Drove,
enjoying rtligiom excrcisw nnd partaking
'of a mot HiiuptuoiH repast, in the due
..roirit of CiimarrAN Union. William
Nual, ll.-q., wai Chief Marshal of tho Convention, i do not pretend to rpiostion
n l.n.t ,.,-,, il..1ivor.ii! K their motives but I cousidcr their actiou
A Child Pkvouiied by HfAna. On
Wednesday, Oth ultimo, a child, ubout )
years of ago, wai enrriod oft" and devoured
by a boar in the town of Ullcnburg, Clin
ton county, N. Y. Tho child, a boy, went
a sliort distance from his fiitlicr's house,
with a brother about eight years', to fish in
a brook. At chool-time tho oldest boy
went into the house to prepare for school,
and told his mother that his brother had
remained nt the brook, and would return
in a short time. In a little while his
mother went nfter him, but he was not to
be found. Slta then called him, and heard
him crying nt a distance. The sounds
rapidly rccccdcd, and passed beyond hear
ing. 1 lie woman lmmouiatciy alarmed
her husband, who mndo Search for the
child without success Tho neighbors
were then notified, tuid a general soaitli
took place till nightfall. Next day tho
alarm became moro extensive, nnd the
Bo.arch was renewed with increased energy.
It was continued from day to day, without
avail, till the following Monday, when a
man passing a hollow log was growled at
by a black bear. The bear was fired upon
and killed. In the log were fouud two
young hoars, tho missing child's clothes,
and a portion of one of his legs. Tho cubs
worn despatched, and in the stomach of all
thrco wore found portioiu of tho devoured
Position or Gov. Lr.rcur.n,. -Pio-cisely
as every body anticipated, Gover
nor Letcher, of Virginia, avows himself
against the secession movement of tho fire'
caters of tho South. Thesa arc his words:
"In this letter I must confine myself to
a biief statement of my opinions upon tho
poinU suggested, reserving my reasons for
some luturo occasion, it it shall uccoiuu
necefsary to assign tutin.
l"irt. I still approve tho doctiino of
Congressional noD-intervention on tho ques
tion of slavery. I consider it tho only safe
ponition for tho South.
"Second. I disapprove of the course
pursued by Alabama and other Southern
htatcj in Bcccnni" lrom the (Jtiaricston
K7-T1I0MAB IV. MATT80N, nfcclrad tbn TrlM
Modal at tho World'. I'alr In London 1631, forTEtlNKfl,
CAltPCT UAOrl, Hoots, .hoc. end (iums. Orcat induce
ineMs aro now offered to purehaiora of tbl nhovo nnl.
clca. TbHlainuclitbolarjistet'jck of lrunl.a, Carpet
I'nja, Vnllcca,A.c, In ritilnd' tplila very th"np for caali
No. 4U2 M&rdct Flrci I, ono door obovfi atli, South tide.
UNU'OnMlrV Ol' IlllCUtll-A Ntw I'iathiibiii IIS
BINL44 1 L'trry out hit cicn Saltitman I
of tho Creaont One Prlco Clotblna, Ptore. Nn.t00 Mar
kct atrcct nbovc Sltth, riilladtlpliil.
In addition tn tiavlng tbo largest, mrst varied and
fashionable etock (f ClotliinR in rbiladclpbln, niado ct.
prenniy for retail aalca, bavo constituted ivcry one bit
own talramati, by liavlajr. niarked In figures, on each
article at thn very lowest price it can be aold far ao tbey
cannot poisiUy vary all tnuit buy alike.
Tbe pooda are well pponRed and prepared, and great
palna taken with Die making ai that all can buy wllb
tbo full fisaurancu of gettins a gond artlclo nt tbe very
lowest price, AUo., a larau atock tf piece gooda on
ban 1, of tbe latest at) lo and best nualitlct. wbicb will
be made to order, in tho moat fashionable and best man.
ncr, 35 per rent., below credit prices.
Ucinembcr tbo Cnsant, in Market, nhovo Sixl'iSt.
No. t(H. JONES & CO.
Celebrated Shuttle or Lock Stitch Family Sowing Machine, ranka high in tho mar
ket cannot bo excelled. It is preferred over all other
for its simplicity, durability, Etrength and eificleney theso niachiuo3 are all war
ranted. 1'iice $50.
4ft X?
Double Thrcftd TtcM Ptitch rainily Som Inc Marlit-ni. 1 liii ftcl)ne pOsiten9i, tha three crnml rciufnitm, t.m
plicliy. lrcnetli anil fliciency. I'rica. filtj mul flit ttarraincd.
I hf utidpfPigncil t'J.T ihfi ftp win.; Machine with tho urtatfiit conflilencfl that tliey aro OcstiDftl to tuctt the
wants of the pconla. Uun't fill to oximln;tfi Hutcka and Mny Klowr Ufora -utdusing, Hi Ik, C'ottna una Lin
iu tLteaJj ulub)G foraewing Maclilnci, vn bind tod for tale by
M. 0. GIU15K,
)au-ille(MaySfi(18r0. Om, J. V. MARTIN.
Mr,f35RH. y.uvvimvAi & hoiihinh. of ntmumburic. 170iU1(V'0 t,:?Tcntfo" nd f ur? f fi
...i u i n. ii.. L UUiou frrr.i 'I h wonJcrfjl remedy a broncht
Vllimlilr JlMt-Rnh(H Uhr VaTlht r.wlno .Mfctm f..r i itio Vtcwcni rruj'i" i j - 4i.
UliocMuntyuf ColiiiiiMa. Hill l.nppy to nupply thlr who lta Uctn a frcal traveler in l'criia auutlioly
int'inip i ne ntiiuff rur ino rrnmuioiiAiion fi inuui
j Drives nntl ininlllcn. Thn folluuiri uru njnut v tliu ru
I peri'jr bdvHiitiiitvi 1 1 1 lmplvinent puiaLKfltii uvvr any
t'Vtr yit orr. r-d tothe pubhr. U
I, It iewn rroin 400 M 1 0l niMn- pr ruinutc, tliJi
j iavlni both time and labor In tho n per nil on.
i J. Itt uiitrii'tjcti ii tto plain and l.npl i, with any
1 tlitni IIkc ljr uai!c. It H tasy kept iu crdtr uiJ will
I cv'J 'iitiru iulihfd(tlun.
3. I Jo ii Mi'-1 It ivail Mtlilnci,arenlwai iIJiTiCulttoinan-
tRU, find wry unlnnjy in thrvatiliiif, bat tlili Marhluo li
tit iii. r thri'a'lr'! tlmn iven mmmuu jueill.
Is in .ntallnitM and tho coaipsilui-n t iu nie.l.anUm! rt,ttl",eK-,,?hite.!l7tL0lltP nd "V
IV. ltgrfatlyeconomi2.8 l!w tl.retl, and ytt. produce ) "J "oj "v,ehiM uf?n.,- nl'I r. .? ts ,f
auauiffeumiLutlyhtrvbcfar any norkfJt HhMi IV it ij natlvci In thd tuiracnloui hcaltnj pon.ri cf thur
rtlueJ, a qualification net kumn tu othtr Ma- ngSSihlt tvUtn ttfAmerica. it h b,en tried will nt
7. No human hand it camM ft taurine a aeam ao ifttt by aeveral Ladies and tJentU-men ct
n'unlnr t.r..i HwiAinctti r cnHfttciGri who naveffiveii u ma mogi unquairnaa piai
c. Among iiii nrray orrateni Sming vafhines, tuf
ari nui;u t i hoap and durable at Raymond' IAikNt,but
no viachina it awapuJtu all Und f work n experUuti
Tlio Persian Fever Charm.
While froing dnwn tho ricr lluphratea, hr expiirienc,J
A ttetre attack it tvur and Acne, On diicuv- ring bi
romittlun.oiKi iftlte llrmtmcn took from hit porna
jlmuttt, tiy in?, - n'tttr thit ot no -tvtrtciU tint A fo
Althousli liicreilnloJina to lit virtue ; liocorrplLd, and
(ipirlfncL'd Innnudiata relief, and baa lnci always
l'tind It an effectual prcttctlun ftomatl tnalarfoua cui
On further Invcatftation ho found that Ihet'Oitman at'
tributcd it to mtratutous poWffi, and iaU tint It culu
only be obtained from tho frieata of the Bun. HjinUla.
afittwarda, thft pcntlernan In convening uitlia Prtit
Columbia tJcmocrat,
l'nliVCII'LES. WniTB Hall Cwtaixo nizAAR, comer
PnnHl, nn I M.tlrAl .t.nnta. tinea not r.illnw 1 tha l.ns.A.
track. We arc aatlsnoil tbat tlio only way t.l oii,J up TljO following arc tllO rccciptl to the ofijCO
and keep a larco bugn?si la to sell good th?np and cive
batiaftictinn to ciutoinom. Pretence will not answer,
and luiinbug ha had It day. an I wt intend to tU our
good five per cent, advance upon coot, (no more nnd no
Ics,) and no variation in tuarkud price. ThU tyitcin
will sustain lts;lf without pulTini. Vc shall buy and
sell txcludtvtly for cash, Our assortment for men and
UoT I tho laricc'Hl In Philadelphia, and our Drfoc I'crt'r .Miller.
lowur than any uher. Call at once and ace for youraelf, t, , i 1 1 .
... oiln. Ilou'dknocb,
at til 9 John Ittller
H. W corner I'ourtb and Market ats. Phlli. 'P. II. (Juitta.
Fhnnrv Ul. I-bO.-Hm. fJ,ut"
of iivi CofitiMiiiA. Demochat, duriug
tho month ot June, 1SCU :
Functm &Trsman,$M CO (fl. II. Answalt, lienj. Ilannan, 10 50,Thoa W. Edgar,
. iratiisr,
OjiijI Vocunu
J. .11. Ilar.nan,
$13 00
'I ha oyer iter ran ibaoo Ula osiatri. tint I. a nlt-aies.
vraren, Itfuve nnd iloncra. tic, ran hi rcrrita.iAjd or
JU. It I partiotilarly adaptod to oil kinda of ttltrhlng
m h a gentleuieu'i liirts. bosoi,i. rutband, cullra,
etc. and all Hud of i.aul-i' tQwiiif, Ituludlni; ilk.
lawn. tlclaiuQs, ca!i oe, ftc.i(:iieptiai)tfor tueu'a hoavy
wear, thia Mabift't la rath.-r too liht of - listrut-tion.
ii. uuiau i rid jotfgnnin aavanujius, inougn ruai in
Thl remedy having been a tpucifc In Persia for hv-
red ot car. tot me prevention hi. a cure or tevcr a
Auo and Uillous Fetr 1 now offered to the Aoj'rt
can people.
u win uo Beni uy loan, pfpaia, wimiuii uireiiiiiB i"t
ugii. oil rrcejpt of one dollar.
uenotant MHtiutactcrv.
nond, Va. ltranch OiEco, liank of ComaiCrc Duil
1 SO Wm UKooori. 3 W
li 00 F. Iirhrr. 1 75
ljt i.e Iku !-, a 'ji iM.i.i. a at nn
- 1....VI tti iivsinnuti, t i.iijim n, i i.mvi, w
C.V 'lhu UunveiiH were lllumtnatud mi tU evening of unn Doak. Kai., 1 W a. 'i V.danfird..V. Il.b 03
.Vugu.t W. by ih. .n., ,p.ndU Aurora Hwe.ll. KKi jVT ' ! Thom'a, W 5,.,." IT
over acen In tha century. Itaya of tri-colored light Hash Samuel Jacoby, AO Kst. of Bam'l llarman, 73
ed aero the sky, and tho changis ucrc beautiful In tbo HobertWillltiu, i UO John Krfaler, tt W
extreme. At ono timo u rapt observer rciwrked, that W- 1-0 Oeo. Paler. 5 W
tic fancied ho could btv tho sparkling lights futm them
clvr Into ttii fulloniiig words; "Buy oil y0ur garment
rpllld Intlitotinnwaa founded by the present Frincfpal
J and has alnaya )nd a liberal ahari; of Die patronage
of the community. The object aimed at In nil the cxer.
clues tf tlm lntnut i to cecuro In p'ipil a proper df.
velopmcnt of tho mental power, and thu qualify tli"iu
for aelf-iuHtructlon, special attention Ik Ina; frivan to the
formation of cornet and timatle hahiti.
The field of ttudy cmbracrs Luiiili Lileraturo, tho
oclcnccii. lhu Matlinumtird the ri.-iatl.i. iirt 1 , n
8 in) Abram Darton, (west) 5 00 , Lauituasc. liy ehiim hi undivided alM.tion to the
t '.fl (Inn l!,irchAiii lit, I l I .111 Irl.u.i t i .a . .
i m v :a.Diia,T i 55 . Lr;...' :..: i"vr.;v.u," " vic .n"" iwri.a u..i slr. .n noli,,.,, in.tvj; :,;,.
i". A!ln;,:J1"?,' ! S I lrtllactiili to Wapalr.ii. TheoejiTinii w til opra ' iliuuF-.'
! it ffiSSS;.. rox, ! S Mm,,,,, August mth, 1800. I a,,,,!,.
IW findlrey Hay, S 00 1 iU" 1 rincipai wiu ncfive pupil rrom a dihtancc, as
1 i5 John Snydvr. tShtnf, 1 75 hoarders, and will civo them every attention ncciasary
t itu iIpc. s. Haiidt-m. fa to their couifort, For narlicuhra ant1 w to
Danville. Jufta23, lHoO?m.
Principal Depot and MHUufactcr.
Ntw York, Addrtis
tliPinselvuri, dliiJId liitiiiiisizinncuuLe.iieucaiftnardd i VjAntA of Solunmn Tlpckmun. at&tifrr1
T. , . 1 " of l Ah r KTTER8 Tostam-mary rti the F.stata uf town
fiilt, anJ Is tnaUod to l.orfvrm bla .vork, orcuf.) Ill j alia- M,l0rt, mvu been prariw.l by tli Rtslster of roUuMn
U'if , , ownty.m thaumlcrslgnoj, milling in Lime III me, a.i
-C "a.alr tin unjor.tjne,!, at lh-lr rospoitlvu .,, h.vlnc clalma airaiiisttlio K.tatP of IllJ o
rcsuenica, 1,1 niaomtnurf, Lo will put tlia inachintt In 5enl tr(! rc.qUlsiea to present them to Um Elctutuf.
rhillinut 'Ifiay, and all persons indebted to mak4 pay
tnani loriawiui.
Juno S3, l!C0-Ct. KzKfUr
at the Druwti Stone Clntlilng Hall of Hocaiuu. St. Wilron.
N'os. I,U3 anil tte Chestnut ktrect, above Sixlb, rhilada.'
Omnu'a Ei!iicocf Jamaica Cinttr. la an Inval- 1 1 Irs cl s I ai V?BRI'33irEa?j-t I ,,
uablo family ineilicine at this season of the year, a a " "' 5'1 a,CI' " llarl" iIlJUarj.
prevemlreaud cure for illarrliuu, dysentery, and u,ny fa eri ctJ"lIrlic.
intcnia diseases. It ia peculiarly ilficacluua in suuiuier ttti.U'u .Win IVtrdi aid DcanKtons.
cuuinlalnts ofchllJrcn, audls kuonn and pcrstnbod hy 1,109 attMsal ArtUUt an Sjaenvnti
tbe tledicul t'uculty. rat'O adtertlsvuvint.
you want
Elegant fSpring Stock i
A. J. Sf. OA N,
U.M Just rectlre.l, dlrict frooi PhllidalpbU and .Vtvr
VutK, a very choice asiortuieot of
Co to
.VfJ. I 11EUR1NU,
1 0 you want
., .r ... . lit,,', vi.iiMi .null in uhu;i;i, iii,i:iiil u.
rl.rt Ar,.j.T MrMir. Wil.r.rn. nrni .... . . 1 . . a
bt.u " ' ) Kin itnnmi rnti h:iv, Tin ntnpr r.Hpnt. m mi
.n .. . ft . '. '..u .1... -V. ..1 . . . .... ... 1 J
ijrOOPt.K'H, a:u;r wiin-n urj uuiinwu kii
diericj rotiroJ in g."i;at liitnujnjr to tlti.ii
'""retjiectivo lionn.".
jmlgmcnt, than lo divide nntl distract tho
South .itiil further, unci rentier our tlcfunt
in tlio Pre. uleiitial eontoat curtain. '
j? ' LiTKitARjr Intkllioentr. Th'1 rptir
Jjpo Dictionary of Dr. Worcrrfor h.n re
K ocitttl a corditl welcomo from thi' philo
WEgi t.- of Jlnglaua. Thivonoralii! rfcarl
kllichardson, nor in !ii cightyfixth yrar,
.Vtito author of lliclianl-vn't Dictionary,
'rfha wiilluti to Dr. Worthier n ongratu
rt latury lettur upon tho.uccei of liii" work.
fyK U. Smart, tho author of a Practical
"Oraininar ot Kngllsh Pronunciation, wiio
''has uVtoU'il ii loti,
ft?.a.,.l,.w nnrl vlia nronoituciiiif flic
".umiinu'i ...... .- t a
-'jtiomry n tUutltiril authority, al-o pi
:tcs warn; pra..-e to ;i J tval work float thil
-."do" of tlio Atlantic Th" Rev. It. 0.
'Trench, alo well It-own for hit pliilolo-igic-il
re.. arches, ami Mr. il. rbort Oolo
riuVe, thj Ikcr-tary of tb. I'hi o'.ogical
"Socii ty of Lomloii, hiv- both fspro.'fed
tlu'iu-ehtn in higii U.rtt. of c.itiiB.cnilntion
'of Di-. W ucLtt-T a lsh.irr. li-iirln thtno,
" the Jt-t nfc-.n. h-J s.uti;jr of tho Dictionary
oftUu Anl.) oixoii i;i.(;uao, tho Kcv.
Dr. Dosworth, of Christ church, Osford,
Co). A. AVkllinhton' Uaht, has puc
renhvl Messrs. Davis ij- D'ifrcr, in tho
ptihlication of tho "Scranton Horald.'
Col. Hart, alo published the " ly
Scranion News.' 'j'hoy aro both demo
cratic papers, mako a rc.-pcctablo appear
ance and evince ability in their Editorial
i?LA fi::iii'.-.
On tho In Inatt.. in th Ctryrh r.f tin Mvi-th. by
IHO IO pnnoiogii,.ii ih-m-c illJoiiiViiirg.atil AHWuilUh.hith nfPhiliii.
On thi Si'th nit., by R-v. R. K 'My, Mr. IKxili. (i. Kw,
of Light iir-'it. to iia. Kits .nncn, of OrniR III
In Pm inwnihip, on i!i Mth Lit., !y I'tulijt Yniinj.
I'c'l , .ir. Thomas MrALtiioLiit, and .hiti, IUi; n- V-.--
Ncuj QDucrUscments.
riIIE u idf riignt'd, hiiiis opntod a iw Stnro, on
1. Mailt Atrial, :i t.w iUw H-Jutli of Iron tit rut,
l.lutMiuiiurg. and stuckud ituiili thu beat lir.n.d. nt .til
kin. Is vt Jmyvrttd Liquor, will tiu happy to supply tli
trudu un tlm m"t in.coiiiiiiudat.11 t-ruii and ut uuaaally
ItlW JilltLH.
tv 1'iiliic Co at om i ri'Bpucifully invltiri.
II. W. RUUUI.Vfcf.
Il0fit.ih irn, July 7. 1 -iriO. JlgtnU
KbtfU rf Gtwf Kfliltmr. fecKiscrf.
IlVrn.ilrt tL'tann'iitary, on tlw nuat f fJtinuc
j KfcLiiiNtn, Utu ot Ct'iitr' tonslnp, t'diiunbi.i oon
iy, dfccAiid. h uiuhoiii irr.uiivd by Hi ' llt-gmur of H.iid
cuimty. t, .S.i miii. 1 K. itlinvr. vlm lomjcs iu Uri.m rn,k
tortiit-lit). nuii Ucorj It. Kt-lLhimr. v.h'inideH iu Crniro
ttmiithiii. h"th in mil coji.'v. nulic" i t!u nTr her. by
Kini t .ill pcr-onn m h Mj.i tu tho ll-t.itj uf h.ii I tic
cjd.'iil, tii piyui'iit j.jrtlns itli, itnd nil ruuiH
Ui 1114 rl lints ur ui-Maicu aai.idt mi 4 Citat., to (.t4-;t
t'K.ltO UiJ tllCCUti! fr b-ttlc'ttlOllt.
utix 11. ki:x. :ii,m-.k.
July 7. lCJ-tU. i.'cnittfr.
''ptIJ! i'r )prntor tl'tliti M! knniand centrally loea
! L led (Ions., thj LMirvNOr. Hum, sim.-t nu .iin
Sir tt, in iliimslmn;, n-uiicdi ik-lj ppttiit" thu Colum
I hi 1 L'-iiHitv 'Jonri il-iajt', r " ut illy niionm las Iritn li
1 an I th pjidi, n cm -i al 1h.1i his lhu!- is nurt in or-
dr tu ' rc pti..'i tii-it-tatrinunniit of trnclcr wh.
I fwl i poa.ti tr l.ivor it wlllt til ir cilsl.i'ii. He Iu:
j par-' 1 ii.i x. ii-'t 1.1 j rcpariuy U'd llxnusoi:, fur ihi
tt 11. tl iiiiui-i 01 uii i;i'uai9. untn r nii.tu uhtc uv hiij-
t't.rij tu iniiiUtt r tu ttuir
ii iuuj tu 1 titji'j'd a. 1 i-xc li -nt
Candidates Di'partm.iii'.
, ru.idnl. lilt ii'l
It 1-1 n s I '(iiti'in.
I J" o .iiiiium s rJn it all timsi between th llictnnsi
I IT til u . t f vim jus K ul Uwad Dfpot. Uy ulihh
i uit h. 1 1 iiKMitly ci n yed tu rtri 1 f ruin the r?
! ft.icti.'w i3l.tti.nn 111 jul Uiuj 1J IJiSit th'.' Car.
tt.M. fl. KOO.NU
! HI- i.sVir. J.ilv7. POO
AKsriuticJMfcwTi. or Candiuatm, fur iininiiibtion j
inr pijnii oiuc,H, Kin uj rnarg?n g;, imcii. p.iyaii.j in-1
1 F.89B COLH-M V, f Orangn, wa uru nutlionzu'd to
annninirv, will bo m C.indiiiat! tor th" otticti of 1'ru-
thonolary, at th npprrtarhine Kl cit .11 nity-a
tu thu ducikion uf thu Crduniliu t'uiinty Djuincrftlic Cun
JOHN DOAK, Ki of Ilriarin-ck tuwiiflnp, wu art)
jiutfionrt'd to cay, ill be n Cnndidntu fur Comiuis
- ur -
VAlMMi!.:; i:i.M AND
and Professor of Anglo-o.iion, iu that1
'TT.1l,.,.tJt,- ,i'..Jttf,ii rrTr!rfil lottnr In tJ authnnrvil to nay. mil bi n Ci
. . .11 sinner of Ciiluiiiltidcounly. tills full, snliject to tlw una:-
Dr. tVoioecter, in wuteii uj pratsea uotu is onne iitiuntratiei.uiiii'y iJnneniiini.
itho matter and thu manner of tho book. A SSEMBLY.
' jNtw York Tribune.
, V Mrt i. d' an ' r : r ' f til o-ph urn t'-iuri '1 ffllun-
hill C ' liii) 111 .l!HMlr lln.'S f Julltl lUWIlllOlMIt,
lit ot olJj.hM cu....ty. c ant . will jjt.isu 1 1 1'ahlic
tial; 0.1
viz :
at 1 ui luck, A. M.s upon tlio pr tttiioft. in ih inw 1
o! Oralis In said cuuiity, tho lidlov mj It al Li:it'',
sitnatp In huid touii.liin. iliiliiciliatt Iv .iriiacrnt tn lhr
t'i,vii(-f Uriinctt illr, l,uiiiiil-tl mi th - port!) Iiy of
u.'o. . 1.01, iinu uiiit'i a . mi in, iiiki oy 1.111114 in ucnr)
Wnlf. M,i . nn Hit! 1011U1 liv laluls of Hen) irtuian an,l
tothirs, an.l on tin w tat by lanes of IKIlas anj
pTrtVARD WTOUT. "f Maillson tnw ni.iip, Columbia 1', coiitaiiung
""""' . -sura J!l
a s , jk. v si .ts
randjilatc for the LopMlatiln-. subject to ttlu tii-agc of the
' PCDiocratia County Convention.
"' "ir. . . .. . r w t. v t? ft Tt.
OAl.t. Ut iilJ. J. I. IV Hi. .
Cattawisaa, Williamsport and Brio lUil-1 DLOOMSliUlta MAKKKTS.
lload was sold, on Monday noon July i!d. wl0at i
at tho Philadelphia Exchange, unlcr a Hyo
decree of the bupremo Court, mado on jorn
May 10, 16G0.
r- 3o.,l V Mnrriflr UatS
t.un.u. .. nn.:.-II-
, ' acting as attorney for tho bondholderSjWas Unck.i,,.,
nho purchaser, thcro being no other bid- rr.nn-i
,1a,.. Tl,,. r.,tlnn.'ilifrTr'm t hii nronel t V lll-l- '
posed of, and tho price obtained : Sixty
four miles of railroad, extending from a
point eight miles north of Tauiarrua to .Mil
ton, iu Northumberland county, also (ho
Quakako Branch, twelve miles in length,
'Ci I Shoulder 10
.7ft I Butter It
(HI Eggs is!
117 j Tallow V-!
00 Lird 10
.SO Potatoos 37
, 12 Dried Apples. 1 r0
IMLCS! ril.CS !! I'll.KSI!!
ll'Aot u 11 Cured I
Thousanils of persons hau I'llcs suirr for y'ars
... . ir . l... !..:! .iu.i
conuectius with tuo iseavor .ueanow nau- curcJ
Lu tha same moro or loss on which nrc erected a
IUhn, and nppurtcn&nt uut bmldini, and of which about
SO Acre s aru ib-nrcd. Tin-' l.trni u in fair condition, and
a tv oppiirttimty in ailurib'd tor tlio investment of a
b iii.i II, the Farm helti2contiguou to the
iii'rotigniar. auu marKtix ii cuuuij.
eonuistinpof a largo Three Fiory Fraino
ith tbe .ittr puwtr nppurti'iiant thereto. Ihii Mill
iM erectt-il nn abuut tv.u .ur' d land, which it humidud
un th' north by uthT In ml f J. Cuvanhuvan, deceased,
and lets jf Darn el Killer und m!iiT( , on thj tit Ly
landt uf Haiti t;oaiih an. nnd a public road, nnd on tho
north and weft by lamu lale liclojijini? tot.'. i Kukitw,
di-coatcd. nnd u tnu; f thu h ! loiiitt'd nulU in the
iimiiirv. rcnuitiiii; iiuthiiiif in Hit- w.ty nf r'.'
pjir. The wattr ptivti-r u LXct'lU-nt, and tho .v.ill is
now in
Late tlio llntatu uf Juhu Ovauhuvuii, dcccii't'd.
coxviTio.ya of ml:
Pronouncing Voctbutury of Nairn s
Eminent Attn,
TUi great wcrk winrh hai barn In prepartfon (or
mm), and on wrmh liibni hua cxpvnae have
been LbsIuvciI, i now Issued lu tho vuri.jua t-t)lmuf
hiiMiltig. In jiiijurl'iriiy in every imiiortint rrpect,
imt all (jtti'.-r duttuiiari.'n uf tliu higlieh language, will
Ut Apparent to an) one, und thu mure it ii vxtuuiiittd nnd
cjnsulttf I, the nioro it n ill bo adiuirsd and cOtiuuended.
Tlio luliuwiiig hruf -AirJitH will show in what itini.i
lion th j booh n licit! by aom-j cf thj most eiuiueut ucliol
n; It ii tin tno.t cuiiipKte and practici), tlii very best m
wellujthj elKupt.t Knlialt DiLtronary that I Knrow.
iJoi. iJuiwunrii, i). I)., rroU'3Mt.f uf AugU-ri.uon, Urn
wtiliy ut Dtf-.rd,
. 'I'tU lUiiil.ud Dictionirv (four langitnao. C'.C. )'.l
, tln J.I.. U . i'r- fi-ient til thu Harvard Coll pc.
.duch tiupcnor tu any oth r pem-ral UKtloi.hry, Clin,
V. tiAK-tii, l.i4. U., Autiiur ot lstclurct (iu tUu KiisjIuU
Tit uobUt iHinnmentyet reared to our mother tongue.
lUiii. U'.ii. U. itita. ot Virginia.
TliM lat t-iliit ot jo irn, n-'uina tn hmo left notlnitj;
nmrj tu uuMro. 1. 1 regard tu u Itniioiiary of t!u Knglieli
( i. iu,i layc. ijujku "ci.kan, oi U'liu,
' it nrk apu iru 1 1 me tu u ; .itiunLih r niiurpa-f;d.
t.iiiNUtii iidpt 1,1.. li. 1'r fiid-'tlt tf Htn.Uoni
I cuiisUer )uur Utctiurar, In .ilii.ohLf(.r Ti t n
j uitlii i;ra)ti', proiiui.i iUon, una ULli'iiuom - iin u r lur
1 1 iii i.t Ut pr.i.t.(.aMtrit. Damll U, Coudv., I), 1).,
IIM'H ill JI i II. liii It
a 1 t litilur in ad'oru t.-bi your Dictionary.
N. J-jtty.i). U fr. -lluin t Dattmuuth I'ulliKU.
1 tuiu it ia'K Hi tn "iual to in) tvp.Ttatiuns. Vur
foriaer Uit'tituuirui have loim boon standards of
pc'hita un t pruaanti tlrni, an 1 1 hiwill teit;ilny cum
i.icnu ttm uiut itruijly to our fatiiuiiitsi. iTol. B. ii.
ttO AN. A, M , Ul IMlt. l-Jlltll Cf'tl-'SO.
A i..ld- r Miiiiiiiufiit ot r-funuti i'-arnin?, patient toil,
n.i i iiituul cistniiai.i itiua tii tiid urn u.iu powir of i ii' t .ip paired. L . Cut UM, I), li., 1'rjiid.nt tf
lilMU3Dll I Oll.'l,. .
tvuy library tdiuisM lnvu it. nnd evirv enlihMicd
t" lu r. v. ill. ot Coiirnt', pn Ci'T' it. tlion. tl.L.tlic
hi .it. ft .pi. ut rihuuU uf 1 . n in-) a it i a.
A proa i i ion umi'.t ot .uuir;it in in lariihip. Mrk
Uuiml. H. Ii.. 1 ul Hi.iuiaa oll.(;e.
.iip(iit'rt) any lin.iio.ury vi u,n Imuat'. M. P..
,, Jil. 1 1 . fr.-sitia-ni ( f L'nni'rit) i i Ko'imfifr.
1 m.i'w ifilt (.w'orit-ttt i rt Di'tiuiiai) ) in) i-tjnilard in
oittiuri'ph' , an 1 priaiuii.'ibtiuJi. II. ri.un, D. )., l'.'eitt-
uylll ul ..rui i.mtKlij ,
It v. -lib m B .i a i.t wihivraphy un 1 pmnoriciaJiun,
it.J wi lilt mi tt; 1 L) l'if iU neit h'lA airy,
tat . U.tiJiUiuUi. CI i, It. U., 1,1. i , 1'ttsi lent
1 uf th (Jni tjaii Li-nt'Mii).
oar Intiii i ii i-i tr.ily ,i Th innu of tho Hnh h
ifijj tint (.ut k.h lull iiitla! tu I) i.i'.ireu in titui Ji i .
J. l". a-iMi'-i, li. U., I'ruj d-iil ol WaUrulb: tolltjo.
1 i 'i 'Vst it ti) Io .i mere r lidbK' ajllionty than nny
u'.lur nrth urt.i t aphy a iu urihuj,i 1 1 our la:it n.'c ,
v.jiii. it in i ! iior lj uu 1,1 lit j,it log tin Ut uv ritiuii nnd
di ti.illio.i L.iltN.i .tii i A.n.rua.i wor.v llhi- iu)
iiii'jaaiilKd .t,.-r -I-hi ii JIM rtcoNim-n-iatturi. ilo-
wtLL I'Altft, U ll , 1 r fl li lil I llauae l oili'j; .
lh-ru ! i.u ut.pstit ii ut itliiM tii prtA luti! of a Die IlUt Jl.ts tibtili li It tin pert .'it. so.ltv I'. I'tA
tiuuv. il. li., 1, liti.r ul th.' Nurili Am iuii ltelt:w.
ik'il bt r'rt li lariu Dutiuiiary is tit rtta i lard
Wnk if r.'ter.iiro in iIih oiIiLr, u'ui ttu t)t.i.i uf
tti .;r.tphy un r.'i i r pr-s -nteu is that a .optfU in ih.
Dllainl riiorus an I uucjui-miU of IIil 1.ii1jo if Ilrpri-s.-.itauvt.
of tiu Unit mi bUiWi 3. W. I'uiim), i I rK.
ltt'V'-n tut; piiiihurc t.j tau it tWurcratjr'n hie
tioaar) ) u thj hidiidaru aaili irit lor th j public printing.
John lit aiu, bupt, of l'ulilm i'rintiif f United
K.trlyin the history of thin Instution, the mibjoct'd
ortlioyraphy win r-'tVrr;d tour. 1 "f Hid u.ou :cu:upljlv
ed w ritjr of tina Lunitrv. and isi atcorddiiLc wiilihii
rtTu.miictidation, Wuic at I't Dictionary was u lopted as
bem ii'-ureat the fuiierul utai;ei of Etlifliill ncJioluri.
t.JoEi'ii UtK, HJtritary Sinilliboiiian liialitutiun.
'11(4 standard work of rtff.'rence in thii oibcJ. Philip
F. TiiOMAd, CuinniHrJioiier ut I'a tenia.
i'neo, $7.50.
aliuosl every new fabric nhich lias msoufactureil rlprin; an.l Huiihikt, as wvll aa tha usual asslttinent
i.f Sl'AtliU GOODi.f sup.rlor qualities "ill b. found
In pallet), anil nt prices as low ss similar go.iJs can he
iurchiseil il.,'iln.r.
It I. an cn.y lEmttr tit ttn J goods at a low prlco, but
as u Kem-rAl rul.-, they are Just as tow in quality. Uut to
ti . ...t.,. , 8i a "oo.i ariicio ata yery low pries Is sMuethinu rare.
HAHlMAJs S COllNKU. "I'l'ortunlty, olTjrv'il to any vho
THE fecoud arrival of "ew Gooda, tltii 1uaVoo(js. oroci-mes
8l'rinS. at IIAHTMAN'A I ILUWIMin. qtIUiAVniHU.
UMMKll Cnsscutcrcs, and Coating of ' """"
uic laust sl)lo. at ItAUT.tlA.N'S. r.7 tail an,l see.
WOOL, Cotton, Hemp, and IiarrUar- I ,1 WiOTLB'
t? pit. for sale tliiup.-ut IIIIRTHAN'.). --
HOOPS, Hoops, Hoops and Hoopi,'
fe, .atf, at IIAKT.MAN-d. FllKSII FH03I THE CITY,
MAtjlvf.lll'.lj, llerring, anu we oxpci
lot of Mud, fr .ala at ASM.
C1KMENT b the liarrel, for patent
.May 111. 1C0
l , EVOLVING I10B3C RAKE3. for said at,
1 1 by E B. IXtMZ.
iua. S3, ItJtX).
Totfu Lois For Sale.
SnVCRAL dosirabla buildinj lots la Cloomstur; f-r
al. For particulara ioiaira of
vr triET
Uloomsburg. Jun. S3. ISCO-tf.
Flour and Feed Delivered I
undcrstgncd has made arrangement, thu nil!
enable him to deliver Flour and Feed, Foil t.AHll,
about ten pvr cent, cheaper than any body elsu it, 1'iwn
Ills prick, arc asfollowsi
Flour, J7 2j I Corn 4. nChop, $1 iJ
Corn Si Oats Chop, 1 So Ilran, I !0
I respsstfully aolldt a sliaro of the public patronaru.
nioon-burri. JuuoSI. 18C0-tr.
WOULD t re p.'ct fully Inform the citizt'im of Lipli
Street and icinuy that they luu Jui n-cuiicd a i
new- anu cicnunu a8urimeni of
wliirh they ml ncll rhoap for c.i.h. Th h.ivo nlarp
mul C' titril vnritty; nil that ii Lnnmionly found in a
l.'nuiilry Hi'tru, and tir dotcrniiuud to hi II rlu'jp. Tolho
t;lwL-t tun uf ih-eir K""d)they lnu paid t-lrict attunlioii ;
tlit;r.f)rp. tlu'ir inirdrjiidiz tiII rt'coiisintiidftlion
an a w ill rnti to Uu oi tlu tirt rlui-h.
'1 lu propri.'torn cordially hi licit a lih rnl h:iro rif pat
ron ate. Ouflomcrs wuuhl do Wrll t' call und cx.naind
tli'itr n.;rnl nriulj h furu purcha-.lnc clsunhi'rc
Cuuiury prod tit, takiti in for coodH at tu
iuliuit market prit,.
martz a- ii:.t.
I.iRht Strnt, Octobvr 15i'.
uvnar so:n
jusr RixjntvuD AT
I "Cheaper tlv,n the ( h'tij.Cit I"
! J7- ri.u.u1!: cam. v. ei.y. cz
'HE BiimiiUT und Tall Ecsilon cf thu Ulwuuishur(
L Academy will begin
Wednesday ) August 1st, 16G0.
Piroil Instructed in Enclinh. CIa".-"ca, Modern hnn
guaRta, Malhcinatici, Natural Scit npls and Vucal .tlusiu
Thu course uf MaiKeimttiri nnd lla&iici is intunod iu
prepdn the student for adintsion iutj a Uniter iijr tr
uouoijp, or o quniiiy lor ousiiitri.
A Daily Kcgistcrcf tho attendance, conduct nnd r hul
arship of nwh Student 13 kept, which is tpii nt nil iuv
far examination by parent, guardians vr oth era.
special attention is given lomoiewuo design rjitiuj
theuiiclvta for teaching.
Coiaaion Eiit'llsh, vix: OrthOKrapliy, Heading, Wnunt
and Arithmetic, per Quarter, f J
Hiher ilnglih and Clajsics, ta jo
So cxlrnchariiQ will hti made for French or German.
No dududioti will hu made on aicount of non-attr.aaoc
or withdrawal before tlw cloiaofth? sesaion, unlet lu
cacc ot protracted sickness.
Good hoarding lias been procured tn private fa:atli"
during the Spring and Summer Session fur SI JO pr
References rntrorfs of the fchool.
V. A. UKCKLEV, A. It., Pnntipat
RlnnniatiurtT. Juno "1. iml tr
Un fourth ul lhu punhdiie
f. ..... .. H,A, .. ... fl...r t.ijiiir.ui.1, in tlm I I IHUICV W k ' " tni u uiuiiuia
A ,.ont rtf Utirl In lltiJi townsliilt 'or in of ntcrrul tumors, frcautnt hlecdinga, or in wo- ...-.'l.,.- down of the uruiijity. Thu halaiin- of thu
' ' , , . . 1 Unt itching and irritation, depend essentially upon purchase Mion;y in oii ear lrom the coiifirmittiou of
r.. .r, ii... vrniiii. rirrn l:it ion. rlil S.llC.
- " . , ' I Ol.lVEll CUVA.MiUV
proilucui thf cng-nEKiiieni, unauon 01 me cni, iorma
ST (3 R E . I
'fMin Hdhscriln'r inlti,f nttrnti'Mi ft In. new tttock of
liotA nnd rliui.. just rc-ive-i fimu riuladciphia,
an J cnmprliini; 1
ll'iot. tJjitem, (Jtfnnl 'Vim, Srhi'ttish Tl-'a, Xaty (iiui
nt, Hlpp.'rH, A.C . itr.
rou Lvmi:s WEAK,
(iaiten vvilh and witli'tit h-'tt, ?lipprr ditto. Itiifkinj,
I'rcnrli tlorrucco Uooti-; with and vslllnut lu'cld, itc
Alit't l IS-L am( tt.i uui s'd
ff ftrry d-j.-.i:ri'liiiii. at priceg much bi.ow the old sfin
dard, iiiid U'i th in thu itame 'piality ('f (iou.U can hi
bu'irlit lor at any otliur Htrro in town.
Workofall kind niad-M order ot the h "ft mntTia!, in
th-' n -aVt maiiiu'r and on rfttronubU' t- n.i. i.artaiitt.t
locipial any ciy work and mucli Wlow rity priti.s. I
ki up none but lhu ! - t w. tkm n. nnd iuiv b lur n.alt
ritl thin writ t-v r b for.- hroujht lotlii-ii lart, Iho
try heel tu be lud in Uk tit) iuark t.
fll.OlKir. rt BAN'llCRH.
Iianville Miy 'J'i. ltiio .
mi r?
7 t v Tr m 4 J
A vert t,
Light atri-ut, Aprils, 1 Vi
S 31
131 Wusliiuetuu ci.,
7. IfiM-3in.
Sf-lnivlkill oountv. coutmnin lour liuuU
rod imroij a uierHiigo and tract of land in
Turbut townsltip Xorthumborhnd county ;
npioco of land,oiglit acres in Williaunport,
and a tract of laud of 1 -17-100 acres at
Rupert brought $100,000. This property
was covered by it mortgage of ouo million
dollars anot her for a half million.
Tho chattels nnd rolling t4ock was put
up in separate lots under different mort
gages. Tho first lot consisted of twelve
locomotives and tandei ninu passengers
oars three liagago oars, and one hund
red nnd forty thrco freight ears. Theso
Bold for 830,000. The second lot was
compromised of eight locomotives and ten
dors, thirty-six platform cars, ono homo
car and ono pa&cngcr car. Tho prico
obtained was 10,000. The nest lot,
eighteen coal cars and thrco mail cars,
bro't 81500. Eight platform cars wcro
next put up ;'" knofkod down'1 at SOO.
Another lot composed of a locomotive,
fifty coal cars, one pusjonger and bag-
-r.arr ear. brousiht 87,;i00. Tho terras of
tho halo wcro lor tho firtt property, S5000
' 'o'ash and the balaneo in twenty days, and
for each lot of tho rolling btock, SoOO
oash and tho balance in ton days, tho
bonds of the company to ho received in
- payment at tho valiw each would bo enti
tled to under tbo decree, as it proportion
of the pasceeda of tho sal).
luatlon of tumors, hemorrhages, Min anj sJir.rlus ! ami
the disease ran mil)' lit- fundamentally cilri'il Iiy medi
cines whirh. taken internally, reluvo this annus con
gestion. Ileticu oiuliiuuts, washes, an-UveliinJcCtloiis,
art so ineUict'ial.
llCMPiiacvs' ll-,Mtor.THtr. Tax SrLtlnc. ti simiilu sugar
pill, tivoor thric times per tlay, cures thi iliscu.e
hy rurme thu rourlition upon which the illsense depends.
Hiindrtils have, been cured by it, t .-a of the innsl oh.ti
uat cases. All will b promptly bciuAtcl by it. rued
N. II. Afull sutof Hi-Mriiai.v.'lloMtopATiuc bi-Kcince,
Mlb. look of Dirt'ition, and twenty dun-rent r.tnuedua
In large vials, morocco case, $, ditto, in plain case. St ,
caso f fifleen boxts, and Uook, -rnigla b'nes, v'o
cects and Ml cents.
Thoue Kmedies, by the single box or case, are sent by
male or esprcss, free of charge, to any address, on re
csipt of Ih. price. Address,
Da. T. IIUMrllltUV A- C(l
Xu. UroaHu, New York.
R)J by D. P. I.tJTZ..Vscut. I'.looinsliurs, I'a-
During the Summer that has Justpassed away, tlious
an la of .ulferersfrom dysentery and diarrhiu.-i h ie b-en
relieved by the use of Ilon.rUR' llntiKs, a medicine
which is evidently destined tu maiiitaui a permanent
Place lu the public estimation, llillious di irrha'a Is one
of those diseases vrlnrli battles the skill of the physician.
The inaiJicine they aJiniuislcr In net upon the bowels
never seems to reach the source of tlio cwl. The dim
culty is to get a rrni'-itj w ill reach ull tho digestive
organs, and glv til, ru siiuull inen' a lush of ift'i'r,to
rid theinsthes of this disease rl'nis prob..-m is soled
by the UnTtas. w hicll m-vcr fails to couiju-r llu mo.t
stubborn cases. It is only fair to say, that ilunng the
season jui closed, this uieilimo has achieved more
cures than any ollur ever presented to the public. :iu,i
during Hie fall, which that terrible scoiirgs. ill - fev r
aud ague is so prevalent, the llirTsns will gain fresh
Hold by all druggists in thi world.
078.8 advcrtiseaieut ia anollur cotuimi,
r7-Soc Ssnford's Uvsa I.mooRj.Toa and C.THsaTI--
fiLL-i. in another cetuinn -
Vi:riI.i:V Willi',
July 7. l-HM.
The oH estalilisked article, in constant use by
thousands i.t farmers and I'Unters lor
a number of years past,
Price S 15 per -000 lbs. (-.'i cents per lb.)
G U A N 6T
rKKUVIAN. Keceiwil dircrt from tho Govcrnm-'nt
rttores. li'ai'rantra' r-mine.
lCIIAr.UC. Tills is, tha old f ishioncd Fcntkiry Ouani,
imported direr!
PAL'IKIO (it'KAN (.L'ANO. A small quantity of this
well known urlitlj, in nice urdei. Jry and ury
.tronn. .
Allen A: iVrdlts' fw Fcnillzer.
Th low pncf and auiu-rior 'juality cf thu I'-jrliluir
U fal tiringins " miu guiurai uv
liONi; DL'Hi'. -Uution inaki-raiic Hone Vutt a: Ground
Honu. , ...
LAND l'LASri'U. arrnnted pure. In barri'l.
A liberal deduiticm ma Jo lu Ucxtra un all tlm above
a,"v It. XV c have a larga immber of I)idoinui fwr
l'r miuniH uwiirdcd ly th aritiu rtauturai tout
ttu. which you ate requcnlcd t" rati and fxaniinu.
ii ti"utu Wh.irvri and -il ooutli Wuur M.
Fir tt tor abme Chtitnut,)
Jjly 7, 130J-3m.
r P.MAINIVQ i lh4 IW tmc at IHoomnburg, Pa.,
lv JyiL jM;i, ldi.0.
HK Ua IIarmavs, hdvinij BucPfcdfil Miss f fS
I Panenst, jn the Millim-ry liusmcn, In lilnyin
bnrg, will inntiiino the trade at her w ell-know n-
stand in th llriik Mnrc Ilonn rn Main Mn'it. 1 few
diiurd ahnve Hrj Ihch.iniro liuildinju. In all iu dtpirt
menu and in the mmi inodtm tylu of r.mliionablu
Millinery. They have jt received from tho Kaateru
('Hies, u SL'Iktl a-('rtiiK'iil of
Cnmnrums ,-vl ty Mtn-ty of ripring and Hummer wear,
which will h-mnde to order, with mjaUKi and accuracy,
and on wry ininler.ittf term.
I, ad K' ul liltHunshur. and othi-ri, arc imitcd to call
and ci amine tin ir hUnk of Gouds,
UIuiMii.biirp, June So, l?i U,
ft 4'
CiUcAl" EXOU KMl'.Ni'
AT Till!
EllEs'll AIlltl'AL
is ii n Mummi i nf
$ fullv informs hitn.uutLmierii rtud tn i.uMl.reliotwlU .
that Iw in . j i-t roc iv.dfr:u ttii JelsriVtj citlfj, lite
I irijent end iiiJt ot
ltltjM .V jJUMviKll CI.O'UIvG,
That Irn a b . i op-Tied In KltRjinbhri;. to v. Inch Ih
m it the alltiiilion t'f litd Iri'-Mitlrt, nnd rusurct them
Unit they ii' e ".V red f'.r ..!" nt Rriai bar;ai8. Ilia
rtock CHiitjirHi s .1 la re- uimurliin'iit uf
C,L l l.l.MF.N S U K.AIlINfi AIfA'tEL.
Conhitinv i'f r-iifs x.ill lULst C'iri. ci t-ury den
criiilion; I'll nt V-i- Sturt-. t,rtvatt .Sl'.'.Ka, Cottoa
llanakeitlii -f- Ltnv".. H t'pcn'h is, t c.
Clil.U W.VI'i lll.S AMI JVVUUlV,
Of ncry ii.'&Liiiiti'iii. nuti nnd ch ap.
.V. II Keiiit ' lotttUrrg t Chtop LnnkiH, '
call and h-i. Nu git fir i-wminn t)ods.
ii.vviu ur.vr.NHKr.o.
A littlf . but nltpn fill th" Tturf.
F i'oijith ftrL-ct. httwuL.t Clietitnut nnd Wlun
fhilddelphu, pays all deposit on iltinand. i
j D-pii-ilwri' inoiivy sjcured by Ooverrmicnt Ktatc'
Ian 1 1 ty Leant, Ground lUnu, 31urtir,uus, A.c '
! Thu Cumpatiy dev'ma mfjty httur tlinn 'trse!,
pritfit, toiistf.pjcntly will run uu nk witlitl yuki a
tori', but lao it at alt tuncaraJy t r t rn h
o ,w tih o ver cent. Inter'ht to tho owner, OA t.M I Lv
t hlwai a uone. ThU tompany never EiiipeiisiLU O
1 enisih h, tnlriied or iinglc, and Minor. . ;
'itos-.t tn ih' ir nwn ristit, and eucli deposit
Iwithdrawn only hy their consent. t
)Z Chart,r popctual. Incorporated h? thaState of
ll'tiLifjlvanu, with authority tJ ruccno i.jtvr.y
0:!ic ont-ii uailv lrom i to S o'cloci, and o i
nssduy evening ir.uld o'clock. j
Jacob U. Shannon, Cyrus Cad.alla.'cr
iuhn bhiiulcr, Geiorge Rustill(
Mlattu XV. loan, Edward T. Hjatt, Kruinbharr. lictirDuIauy.
Nicholj HiitJiil.nuse, Xathan tfmeulty.
Jvi. II. Satherthv.aite, Ephriam Uanchard. Liiipmcut.
I JAOJli 11. i-HANN'OX, PriiioM,
CYltfS CADWALIstAUUR, Treasurtr.
Mari.h U. IriJ -Uui,
A D-dlar f av-d H twlci f arnerl."
jU -I r j
AliU & SUA11U1S.I
TtHB subscriber 1-as just ratnrred from the city with
X unotlier large and select assortment of
... , .. , I ,r,n' u.hiuch
J3 (Jt)lllS JU!'U" ILl'ilU UlUU'tOI "t his eld stand m OranseMlle. Columbia co.,ivh-r
XflUUlllOUlli 0 mt.u UUl itjli.l lumaj.uai.jppy ,0 800 hlJ frlonaa aj Cll,.r,,,
.lldiEt.U', X EM, .'v CO.,
. . 1 P i.f.ntri nitiir.on.... In III., r.tiMI nn t o,,r
oiiIIISI! SITI MMIt (IIIOTj4. Vv llut we li.nol i-t returnau fro.u the City with a
purcha-edui I'hiladcl,hnat tlie.lovvel lijnri.. and which very laree en. rluieni ..f
lu is 0,'terniined to on ns moderate t mis as enn Iw j Vrr tIt-M, fifllins!
nrotured elsewhere in Uloouisburs. Ills sleek consists 1 llr'-u "uul"'
rc l Our stock iTIlllY fiunns ,-oinnrues the largrst. rh'ap.
1 inri-V Tlll.'q firtftltS . est. and handsome.! now olf, red in Mils lowul VVy are
I.AUU'as IsUUHD, deteruiineiltoe.iiiipet-. withth.'
Choicest styles and latest i.isiiion a ,. . .... i
ry OeoJs, fjrecencs, llard'tan, ejuenalfurc, CVior Hers , vv nl iiJ J n '
JIollou llVlrf, iron, .iliis. Vents and Mors. I t
;;ala mid Cops. 4.-C. 4c. 1 and all tho.e wislnne ui liny cheap, can sari, nmiey by ,
tn hnri eeere thi mr n.n.illy ki-ot In country Sloies to , eiving us ii call We have all km Mot rir,o,ianu. Wares ,
which he invites the public neiicrally 1 to supply the wants cf tin ,o;,ls. A lar;a lot of
iy-Tliel ishe.t frice paid Mr.uunirv piouoce
riTKHUlN : II. MIe.t.1 Tv
lllooiiislinri! pnl2l, li-.'A y.
nurtt'jiL .v on.ixacm.LE
'I'llK undersisned would respectfully inform his -
i mers ana tne puniic tn general, mai nana,
carved his atocti of select and fashionable
ill .ilieav s be luDov to sec nia trlenda and cust'.n.fra
i and nciotiiniodate tlielrw-auts illthelinecf Mcrclidnbis,
! LADIES' DBESS GOODS, of every ranetj st. .
anil jatern unsurpassed lor beauty and chjapnc sro
lo ba found here in sreat abundance.
OtAT..VL'A-A lli.51.
Our stock is ofthe most approved kinds, ano a. ti, j
vrere purchased on fjtr tcrina. they will be solu at a lo
figure for cash, or rHady pay.
.r Our old Iri.nds and n 'v customers areineitedti
clll and examine for tlieins-lves.
Country Lroddci taken at the highest market price
W.M. I ftllZ
Oranppvllls. May.1. lCO-S'ii.
iV'this 1 . lr ;s
l'lioros a ii s
WII.I. he recieed by the Hoard of elchool Directors
of lleiulock tup., Columbia county, al the Htore of
the underpinned, in tile illae of Huek Horn, h.-tween
I tic ho-irs of and 3 o'clock, t'. M., on Il1IVHIJ.1V, tas
Htn day of July, leod. fertile erection of a
111UGK school nous:,
adjoining tlw Hihool 1 1 nunc in nuid Mllape, to bu
U-J30fei.t, aud fin tilled in nuhbtantial and modem title.
run and ptiticalioii will be exhibited on applica
tion, ai above,
Jtinft ao, &tc'jf.
NKW Flli.M, Ni:w niDitt;,
m wj 0- s & &
K hueiu-it reifjvid Irnm l'hilidi Iplua.a Urge and
V splendid amirlmeiit f F.1.XVI' UHUA d ST.i
PLIZ (luUIitt unliable for tin itiurtv t, which we intend
to -ill at thu loi't in us price.
" Lome out; and Come ally
If ymt do not wiih to purfhinc. fnnn and cxmnne nar
tloodi nnd see our lint uf pruea. XV hall trte yruat
plen-nirLi in fchnwing our pood i, at all times, to ntry
p rioii-ri-h or poor -win s. f.nw wuhnrall.
Now it ill' time toittt ph lidid b.iruauii for vtv will nut
I. I MlLUtHol.b by any tutablmhuiuit in the lountry.
"rfnull profits and qui' k mileu." m our moito. We !
Iie in lhu uld inaxnii. tint, "Ih.' niiiddo nitp.Mi.o u
better thin the Mow bulling ," th rdi-rc Y will
cIunith unr Cond for I'ai.anl pay the lu;liLt
market prut! for all kindt of I'rn lur., I.uuib.T, HbnuM,
tc. Fit t per lent, un the dedmti'd for taali,
muall huiiw i'f one and iipw.irds, hein? e',ual to Id
per t cut. p t aiiniitii. fair deal i up. and no lien told for
the Hake uf mi I nit! good at thu Ilou -.
Jro.'t'iun, MaV 12. llflj
i Ladies' Dress Goods, l. T. Slmrplcss' Store.
' OF KYi'ItY DKi-'CKU'lO.V. I -
truiTE goods of a u. kinds,
Bleevei, Vidian, apeiinrt, Unndk-rchii U, t'louscingi ,
IttnJioud 'in nii.iiigs, l.ic& and lUxiuj.
Dun net It i hiit niu in large an. tv, Vol
til U.bbjiio nnd brai li. Kid,
Ciitten iSc l.ulu '1 nreaa
Glwvts .M.duir
alIj kinds or miawks. nwociiE,
filack rjilli, Cashmere, Kmbroiderid, Sella, &c Alio a
Urge nnrtuielituf t luiai, Castimeri iiimeU,
VcHing. '1 weeds, Jtaii tteat cr Clolh.
Couling, Vflv.t &c.
aud Sired, for Men. Wemen lird Cliildrpn. We haru a
i&rxe ai'scrttiieut id lnU and Cap, of Utoi fih
ion - Wt. ala i, HardAdfi', iuci-ii-ware,
i eijnv.iri'. it. V rv Uh ap
Carpet, Carp -t, I'loor,
T-ibli aiiH tVrriau oil
L'Mh, MaU, lluga,
Uakett, .c
MUSLINS. I'l-AiNNKlsS, TinKI.r5.
Dinp. r. Tft Untts, I)rillitiL', etc.. tn al-un-Jaiice Aro.
a Inryu tirtiiieiit uf iron. Nail t'lie. n
l..Si tuantity of faiii'
Wd in ite our f-iLin.-t niiet th iii1..l ei'iitfrullv in ii) e
in a call l fore piirdn.xiiiL' utew li . r.,. W hew bouiih!
AM j our gnud at the l.nut ul Cinh rrn-fii, and na bu
SJirMWtHO S'S6?ia! undersold by abojy. r 'J;;;L''J; b co
'1 I1U suliscr.lnr takes the liberly to inform t'te Ladies I
i and lientlei.ieii i.t i)rinisviil una surrouiwius
VnliinhlR FsState.
. country, in it lie lias opened a "i sncy iks i.ihh, m. i ion- i
- , 7 .. t ... . Mlu tSlon," in ur.maewlle. Where he Ki. ps on hand,
TN tnirsiiaiicj of an order of the Orphans' Court of Jij c011(uul, teceiini! general assortment of
I Columbia comity, on . ... .. i
StUnnuii.itf ayi 11,10 rf Jali. next. Mapltt i: l .uiry IH) Loons,
Ml cent per lb.) at lO o'clock iu the ffirenoon. John M. Chemb-rlin, Ad. Triinniinl!. Ilandkerchiefs. Ik.i, rj , liloyes. Mitts, and j
V: - .. . .. i. ?..!.. r K....U s i',...,,,. i,.,.. ,.c ii ,,,., . I,,, . I in short, ull kiuda of lurnishini; poods tor holh l.:uli, g
In said count) "el e-ised, Hill '. spo.e u. sale b) I'ubiic ' '! elill men. Ills soods are boiieht lit Nt'ie i or iin.l ,
Vendue, upon the, n latum , rhilaielnhu holhi In llieretore ha, i t) l.. "I boili
' .w pliees. jn-.y are ii"ui:iii iur e-.i.ii
J " , w - . s w 4, r
Ltlooui.bure, A'ay 1.' lSbu
CI id'. AT AllltlYAl. ' '
Liid.t S I reel Store.
Loyd, Join
Vr irk, Joi.T.
.Mills. II, B.
Muy, Moien
Mdzil, rrofrn I.
Neilej, Viui Kiunia
I'nr. J-iUK
I'd I men, Mr. A.
Kob'itieii, Mi. W. U.
ticlmaitx. Jo,
giustrd, Jfibu
B.mth, liaruion 7.
Whltcbark. Gjo.
Teroni call in q; for tha above Ictt.'r. will plctsa ay
thtyre advertiid.
I. 0 RUPERT, r M.
RirrMl, Dr. J. M.
li r:UJt.r, n Mfttlndt
Huuiik, v.
Ik-ak-r. niiucl J.
Co tm r.Thomat
iloruon, lary
r.ordou.Mary IZUcn
llurte. Ii ary
II rti in V A.
Jmea, U. XV.
Kiftltr. lienjamin
vituat" m IlopViniiiilU. l'looni towiiHhip, in the county '
afor'fiid, b"ti tided mid dirribcd a illo: iH-trinniuy
i at a ttakeoti Uu ouiltwLit tsHe of .Main ntreit or public
I iLudin? trout Hloouuluirri to lUnvit k, on n Imu ofii
lot now owned by ts(ituii t. ehiv tlieiiLe itlong i-ai.
Mrett inuth fiit tlire deareen inttty trto fa-t to the
corner i'f tol No. r, liienu' sooth twenty t.ccn decree ,
I went, one hundred und ntm ty-eivht Icet to an Alley, .
i th'iK-o hy s.iid sley nmth iilt three dee rem wcttiiiy ,
' iwofi'tltri tti-J )t Lf Minoii ( . fl.iv, af'-i 'aid, thi me
by llu name north ihut)-eveii iUvr s ea t 'nu hundred
an I nuiLl -t-iahi feet to (he da-( 1 1 jiunii 3 TJieis U
1 ertftad on ttn preiumes a (wo-iury
1 FMAMi. li WJSiiJiilS SlflQJeSSS ,
a tmall frame Shop, nkitilu it, uud a larfe ,
with a well of water un lheprtiiii04
I atu tho Kisiii ofsnid d"--aat-d, kiunta in thstown
nh) of biouin, and comuy a for b.ud.
j i;iiii r.VEur.v cierk,
"J- VunJt'ion ef Sale. of tiu punhaic
tnoncy ltn per cent t hu paid 011 tin continuation
of Uicsild. teu per tent ct thu one fourth lo ba paid at
tha striking down cf in uroDerty, Tha balance cfthn
purchase moiuy In 00c year from tha cnntirmstion of
Lair. J M tUEMBKKLlN',
li.oomsburg, June M, IW Mr'r
i 11 nt I'hvi r ratei linn nny other
lie reBiiiTtfullv bulletin 11 share
tn render ifoo't atHfartiim, 1'leaie
before pur haini eln wher".
, li. I'oiimry l rouoce nrn 111 eciinngH 1 r pti,
Uidien wikliinj; thieve, TsipQ nrt'thtr pafrni, will lu
furnivlu-d gratia with tho latent nty tlv. 011 uppiita
Orangeville, June 9, UOu
malt aci i'p.Efi or
American Violins.
Jn Crcnetiti ttyte, vt'h pateut laifptettt,
V T B N V 0 ON UK 11 T KSOS,
MILITARY DIlUKS of all size, on a new plan,
U.l.VIOLi. V.iMUOir.YS
Smugs, Organ, Metoipjns t? .uuurut
No ta, told No. IJ) .Vorth 8econ4 Ptret,
All kinds oi M'tsieal Merchandise constantly on band,
Allktads of MusirAl Instrumt'nt. tuned and repine J
M.rfh 10, Utl-rm.
i, uineh inuiiia tm., 10 j Gieiisi, 13 f other tyall ha, ii la nn active tint)
i!rVa"S'"prr,misiiif ! M W'dhIiJ iut'oun our iriciifls nml
:ase call and sxaiuih- t? eti ,tiii. - hneo'cened sli un-
I usually laitie'ri.11,',11 ei
1 SPUlNl'r .t SL'.MMiiil 00ODJ,
Whirtiwoi' r "i l.-wer ri.1 i.firr.aly pt), t'ii.n uiv
rverl'ef i. p nnl here ana til hi ii-td "tliOal" r tiu i
I toe i hti Hi '
i XV tiiin ll out attJMpt t' enuomratot'ie ari eta artirlei
' --th yiir itn.ii"! " 'ind tn ir it.t te..a 1 11 n .taouritU'
1 1 "I-, .-tun il'tiHiin, iittlmirou 111 ( miIhi .ind tr&rrt an
till, d i.m.ei lloviti.rJ Tiur -ir. i.-Ijj f til tin flit, st
tahnckr. 111 th" i .try tt nimntinif hm tijuroa i
Un wmr 1.1 iir ..1 in .at ai v p r teiu. lower tUeti
rver h '1- ulTi r d
j CUJillft, Ml bUNS fil'iKT.tlCij, IIATj5,rI'S,
iionts. Shoes, cic.
an-- r,u tn kh
nil I) I. I 11
)ir fr nu w 01 1
1 1 ung m iUi
Al ' tt f .
ri'HE undersisned, having taken charge if ;h w
l tiior- fifintrly ki pt by Jueph hhaipl ti b a
this metli j4 i-f inforiiiing Ina nuiiieroun cutt in r- i, t
li. has Just returned Jrom thj c:iy with a larfc a a- i
Uielit of
which he oiTera for kale at his
Cheap tJnIi Store,
on Mam Street. illiKiuivburg, at tlic erv low it livum
puceu. llu Jtik ha been eleited with a pre.n i. l jf
iare and judgment, and will couipure fa'rtibi with
any ftock of jiuod ever brought to thia place
i.'ouuiry produce t.ikcii iu exihatige for poor! a .it thu
niarktt ' price p. He has on hand everitune ctu.iii.unly
kept tn a country otoru. Unu bun a tall bv-f re pi'n.ha
tug claewhere.
L.T. BlIAUI'l.l W
JUooinsburg, April 2d, ItW).
1 iMIIj underhi-jiad has Justjcciivcd lrom n n m,
X utlurtuU of
Sl'KlNU et SUMMER G0U1--,
roiuiriiiic the unal vatletyof
sivu.s, V.H.1WIA iis noons, t"j,t, s
.1IM.-ltiir tlOOI'S. (lllOCI.lilr.1 Jl.lhli
ir.jii:, nvKy.vnr.iiti: ith.iiii maih.
H Allt:, HA I o A.VIJ CAH,
V. . c.
rry I ktcii nt all times. 0.1 h uui, a larce supi. .
alt of which 1 eMU sell cheap f.r lleaoy l'jy. eith, , La-h
or I'ruduce,
Hlooni.linrg. May 5. leu3ui.
Wholesale and Retail
'pJ11.uni!f ri? 1 1 tfully inforiim u,i titu "
J. lilOM.iul.urb', .d th' I ubla 111 Eti.ital, that, (l (i 4
opened u
M-iU Ilf
In U11 whit IVnt Slord noute, on Mum tr r?
ly pposiu th l.s Uiitiuj3uildin(, wh re u. i;u ,
r ived a pti Utlid aai rtuteat of
Uirei-t from tlto Manufartorie 1. cf all tin
s-'rt. anj siz.'s. lawsl F.i- la.a.w o
S-! 'i ! irtul, ,t , r l-.v lis. Id
HeU .. I D-'.
,1 tuitina allth 1 'Teiy' s a r..i
1 11 . j ? . e . i I 1, M 1 i ,1 . .r r r
d t AJJi.iT
r ' r r ril t '1
l, UPEleiC il Uilurn S,nip Mol.irsca,
O Just ssiii 1 and for -lo ft rD c nt, p r jalrm, si
' l. r,ir,ri. n 1. 1 rilB-OI-SS.
I EADi'.JlADD CLOailSIl, can
boubt cheap at lea tte.p cth tart rf U t