Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 07, 1860, Image 2

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LEVI L. TATE, Editor.
Hon. John C. Jiicckinvidge,
Gen. Joseph Lane,
tor rnnsiDENT:
Lincoln's Political Ilocord.
3d, Whether that spot is or ia not with
5n tlio territory which was wrested from
Spain by tlio revolutionary govennent of
!!d. Whether that spot is or is not with
Hnrvost Tlino.
This warm, dry weather 'ia unusually
favorable to bily making, fays the Patriot
ij- Union. Mitt tho farmers havo availed
ency, his friends aro 'n " settlement of people, which settlement themselves of iu advantages, to cut and
him out the greatest 1 1,33 M mr 'inee mg ww tlio acxa. hou,c aI1 UUU3UaHy abu
abundaut hay crop.
Since Abraham Lincoln has been nomi
nated for tho I'rcsid
a -- 1 1 ... -1. - - -. , I ... 1 ..w.
irviuc mini w uia&e uim out uiu irruaiesi-i . ,. , ... . , ,,, . ,
" , ri'-vniiinnn . nnn nun ii mini mr htit linn . . . ... n
man in America. Hut unfortunately hi. Worc tL ' roaoh of U UnUc( Sut03 .th... tho past week a largo quantity 01
ill .... I. .1 1 1 . f.,1 .. .in.,.,1 nn,u.. ii IKrt
msiurjr wu iioi sustain such a cnaracier, army. ; mlj 111,3 ueuu muuij ciuncu h; i".
What has Lincoln ever done that he bhouldj Thus Abraham Lincoln, instead of try- .largo barn3 which aro n charactcriitic fea
bo called great, or worthy of tho Prcsi- ing to produce mca-mrcs to bring the war ,turu in a Pennsylvania landscape, bctoke
dency of a great nation 7 Absolutely noth. to an honorable termination, was wrung- niug a well-tilled and productive soil.
ing! He has been a member of the State ling about ho"purticutarspol'' upon which (Much is now in tho process of cutting and
Legislature of Illinois two or thrco times, I tho first blood was (died. Hut "Old Abo" lnal!ing, ft"d if this fine weather continues
and for one session a member of Congress never found tho "spot." And there is a longer, it will all bt! secured.
and that completct his political career up' another "spot" that ho will never rest Then comes tho wheat harvest, an event to
to this time. While in Congress ho was upon, viz : the "paiticular spot" on which I winch tho laboi-3 of tho farmer during the
celebrated for only ono thing, viz . vppo. the White House stands.
sition to the Mexican War : and that, too,
after tho war had been in successful op- j Tho Nows.
oration for nearly tieo years I Ho took' Mr. Fitipatriek, who was placed in nomi
J The Grass crops in Columbia coun
ty, have been chiefly gathered, and are at
least 20 per cent, heavier than heretofore,
TIONS, in tho North anJ in tho South,
that Breckinridge and Lane will bo gen
crally supported by the National Democ,
racy. Tho Boston Post, the leading Dem.
ocratic journal in Now England, has do
clared for them ; Gov. Jf'ise , of Virginia
is openly for them; nnd " Tho Constitu
tion," tho national organ of tho Democra
cy, is out for them iu a long article.
Hon. Humpheuy Marshall, the-lcad-ing
Whig or Oppositionist in Kentucky,
has publiqjy expressed the opinion that
Breckinridge will certainly carry Ken.
tucky, and that ho (Marshall) will take
tho stump in his behalf.
Tho Norrutoicn Register, tho Juniata
Rcgista, says tho Sclins Grove Times
and several other of our exchanges, have
raised tho name of Breckinridoe and
Lane, as tho standard bearers of the
Democratic party in the coming content.
jeQSt- Professor Bond, of tho Cam
bridge Observatory, announces that the
expeoted comet ia approaching the earth,
though, owing to tho strong moonlight, its
low position, and its increasing distance
from tho sun, it is doubtful whether it will
becotno Tory conspicuous to the naked
eye. Through the largo telescope it
presents an appearance curiously like that
of the great comet of 1859 on a reduced
scale. Tho tail branches off iu two
streams from tho nucleus, and will offered
a briliant Directory, for all persons who
may wish to find their way to Bettle's
CnEAr Store, at Light Street ,where they
can always purchase Goods, at 25 per
cent. " cheaper than tho cheapest."
his scat in Congress in December, 1847, 1 nation for Vice President ou the Douglas
the battle of Bucna Vesta having been ticket, is announced as a speaker at tho
fought in the February previous. Did ratification meeting of tha friends of Beck
Lincoln while a Congressman, endeavor to'iuridgo and Lane, in Philadelphia.
bring tne war to an Honorable termination, j A Suto Convention had been called to
or was no engaged in tho discussion ot mect t Syracuse, N. Y., on the ltd of
measures intentcd to embarrass our Gov- jniy) to nominate- an electoral ticket for
ernmcnt, and encourago the Mexicans in now york) to 8Upp0rt Breckinridgo nnd
muir ucia ui uusum-jr i XiCb uis re com Lane,
o i nnL i tx i Several ratification meetings has Leon
, , . . ' held in New lork. by both the friends of
...... .... .r., .1UU13, u- iD ia3 nml Urcckinridge.
troduoed tho followiog resolutions rela-1 ,, , , , , ,
tive to tho war I Governor i iso has declared for Brock
Rsolve'L That tho existiiw war with inrid' and Lauo-
Mexico was just and necessary on our part, I A movement has been started in Mis-
-i i . .. ..... -.1 . -
ana uas uccn prosecuteu witiunc sole pur- Uouri to centre tho Democratic party on
pose of vindicating our national rights and 1
honor, and of securing an honorable peace.
Resolved, That tho rejection of our re- j
peatcu overtures ot peace loaves tins Uov-
one electoral ticket.
The friends of Saui. Houston for Prcsi
dent, iu New York, havo sailed a State
ernmcnt no altcruativo but tho most vigor- Convention to meet at Schenectady, on
U8 prrocuuon o u e war, u uca man-!tbo 18lh of Ju, to nomiuate au elcotoral
nr. nnnsisfpnf with the. lnwa nf nntinno na '
will make the enemy feci all its calamities i k-
and burdens, and until Mexico shall agree David Piker, Esq., a sterling democrat
ton just ana Honorable peace, providing from 0ld Berks, was one of the Scctrota-
satisfactory indemnity in money or terri
tory for past injuries, including tho cxpen
ses of tho war.
Pesolvcrl, That tho amount of theindem
nity mu't necessarily depend upon tho ob
stinaeyofthc enemy and tho duration of
tne war. Vide ton. Ulobe, 1847,.00.
Mr. Lincoln voted against these resolu
tions, as ho said in his speech in tho House
on tho 12th of January, l84S,from which
the following will explain his position.
Mr. Lincoln said :
" But in addition to this, one of his col
leagues (Mr. Jtichardsou) came into this
House with a resolution in terms expressly
endorsing tho justice of tho President's
conduct iu the beginning of the war. So
that he found himself here, if he was in
clined to give the President his supplies.
and say nothing about the original justice 1 En, Prudent Juil".
of the war-if he was inclined to go with j Wlirri, (1Uricti ;
' -, luwa nuuuu, ..Ml. iiu. uaiili III il
ries of the National Democratic Convention,
which nominated John C. Breckinridge for
Our cotcmporarics of tho Pittsburg
rost, and Ilirrisburg 'fcU graph, noti
we trust, give themselves further trouble
in refereueo to tho ticket of Breckin
ridge and Buckaxew, which has floated,
for tho past twelve months, at tho head of
tho Columbia Democrat. Wo aro free to
say, that that identical ticket, would have
been the best and strongest nomination tho
National Convention could have made,both
for Pennsylvania and the Nation, and now
as it is, we shall only amend oar first
choice for Vice Presideut,by substituting the
name of General Lank, for that of Min
ister Buckalcw. And by tho way, we
would here enquire of ocr neighbor of tho
Wegraph, who appears to wcild an "op
tie keen," how it is that ho has never dis
covered or. at least, had the rnanliuossto
acknowledge-that we, a few weeks bince
pinned upon him a falsehood, by the rec
ord, in regard lollamlin's Frtc Tradeism.
Fourth of July.
This memorable day, celcbrat cd in tho
history of our political and religions Free
dom tho Eighty Fifth Anniversary of
American Independence was observed in
a quiet and peaceful mannor by the citi
zens of Bloomsburg. Wo had no special
public demonstration. Tho advent was
ushered in by ringing of the Church Bells
and the Firing of Cannon, and tho Day
was filled out wilh tho shooting of crack
ers and discharging sky-rockets. "Young
America" paraded our street iu the after
noon, accompanied by tho FJe and Drum
keeping step to the "music of tho Union."
We learn that tho citizens of Espytown,
joined by many of tho peoplo of Blooms-
burg, had a largo nnd pleasaut Sabbath
School Cilebration, iu Mr. John Itobison's
position that he could not do so. He should
feel compelled to vote on this resolution in
the negative.''
Does not this show clearly, that Lincoln
not only opposed tho justice of the war,
but would even have voted agaiut 11 the
Presidents supplies," if that question had
couio up byit.elf? Itiehardson'.s rcsolu .
tious were for tho honorable prosecution of
the war, but Lincoln opposed them, and
thereby placed himself on the record in
favor of a dishonorable termination of the
same. Iu short, ho was in favor of with
drawing our troops, and telling Mexico
and the world that we had been engaged in
an unjust war of aggression.
When resolutions of thanks to Gen. Tay
lor wero introduced in tho House, January
3d, 16 19, Mr. Gcorgo Ashmun. the Preti-
dent of tho late Chicago Convention, moved j
to add as an amendment, the following :
"i a tear unnecessarily and unconstitu
tionaly begun by the President of the
United Slates." Lincoln voted for this
amendment. (See Con. Globe, 1848,).
05.) Hence it appears that Lincoln de
sired to thank Gen. Taylor for "obtaining
a victory over tho enemy (at Bucna Vista)
which, for its signal and brilliant charac
ter, is unsurpassed in the military annals
of the world," but "in a war unnecessarily
and unconstitutionally begun." That is
the kind of thanks that Lincoln desired to
give Gen. Taylor, "and tho oScers and
soldiers of the regular army, and of the
volunteers under his command." In a
nother place in Lincoln's peech on the war,
ho thus spoke of the President: "The
blood of this war, like tho blood of Abel,
was crying from the ground against him."
Thus it will be seemthat Lincoln regarded
the blood that our soldiers shod in Mexico,
as crying from tho ground against them,
like tho blood of tho murdered Abel.
Wcrq our officers and soldiers in Mexico
murderers ? Lincoln answers, in effect,
that they ucie! For this speech see Con.
gressional Globe, 1818, pago 155.
Bufthe most noted, as well as tho most
ridiculous act of Lincoln's Congressional
career, was the introduction into the House,
on the 22d of December, 1847, of his 'spot'
resolutions. This was after tho war had
been going on for about twenty months,
Wo hav o it from' good authority that
Mr. Dawson is displeased wilh the report
of his speech in the Convention after the
nomination of Mr. Douglas. 'Tho reporter
attributing to him what ho did not say.
Hon. Benjamin Fitzpatrick, placed on
tho ticket with Mr. Douglas, for the Vice
Pieaident, refused to accept, and finco the
adjournment of tho convention, Hcrschal
V. Johiijon, of Georgia, was placed on the
ticket in his stead.
Hon. Kassel.w Brown, of Warren
county, has been appointed by Gov. Pack-
a of tlio Erie and
place ot tlio lion. .John
Galhraith, deceased. The appointment
is only for a short period, as an election to
fill the vacancy will take place in Octo
ber. Tho Democratic State Execu
tive Committee.
The proceedings of this body, of which
wo publif-h a report elsewhere, will, no
doubt, meet with the hearty approval of
all good Democrats. Tho resolutions adopt
ed aro conceived iu a patriotic spirit.
They commend conciliation and compro
mise as the only means to save t!n coun
try from the rulo of Black Ilcpublicaniin,
and with reference to the two Democratic
candidates for the Pro-idency, they are
characterized by fairne-- and justice.
Both wings of the jiaity are unjoinstl to
unite with heart aud voiee iu the support
of the Democratic nominee for Governor,
HeSrv D. FosTim, and to contiuuo to net
in all local elections as ono paity, forgiv
ing and forgetting tho difference existing
between them in other respect. In regard
to tho Presidency, it is proposed that if it
should appear, from tho result of the elec
tions in the other States of the Um'on,that
by casting the entire vote of Pennsylvania
whole jear aro directed This year it pro
miscs great result. The wheat fields al
ready begin to a'suuic tho yoldeii hue of
harvest time. We havo heard no cjiii
plaiuts of a failure of crops no anticipa
tions of a poor harvest. Farmers are not
generally tho mo-t sanguine of human be
ings, and upon tlio appearance of the fly
or the weevil, are very apt to predict a to
tal destruction of tho wheat ; but this year
the old wheat enemies seem to have rested
from their labors, nnd allowed tho grain
to dcvelope without molestation, for tho
prophets of a short harvest have, not been
guilty of the u'ual amount of croaking.
Tho wheat crop promises to bo unusually
full, and, if tho weather should prove fa
vorablo for gathering it, the country will
once more be blessed with abundance.-
The comparative exemption that the wheat
has experienced from itrf usual enemies, is
probably duo, in a great measure, to the
cold aud wet weather this spring, which
caused every person to grumble at tho ap
parent perversity of tho season.
Accounts from all portions of the count
ry indicate au abundant harvest. The
aggregate productions of tho country will
unquestionably exceed those of auy former
year. Tho current crop will do much to
wards relieving tho country from tho stag
nation consequent upon tho cxplosiou of
1857. It will put nionoy in the pockets ol
tlio farmers all o-ver tho land, aud thu
strengthen tho substratum of business and
society. It will givo increased employ
ment and profit to the railroad and trans
portation intercut in all its ramifications,
and iu influenco aud benefits will speedily
be felt iu every departmentof industry and
trade. The addition of so many, million.
to the wealth of tho country iu a sin.'le
year will soon produce visible aigm o!
vigorous life and energy in the various
phases of human ovcuputiou. There seems
no good reason to distrust the future.
Ml the indications are that the nu.t ten
years will prove a peiiod of proipirity and
of rapid and subftantial advauctiuuiit in
bujiucrs and wealth. Let us hope that the
leo-on-i of the past few years will not be
speedily -forgotten, and that returning
bus'imss activity may bo tempered and rc-j
strained within a safe rate of lU'Oi'ross, by I
a wholesome recollection of past impru-1
CttrMr. T. U. Web!) writes from Phila
delphia to know if we are sure that Mr i
Lincoln's name ii Abraham or Abmw.
We answer, that tho Chicago J'r-s u has stated as much on Mr. Lin
coln' express authoiity; and now wi
ll ivu the 1 linoxs thite Juu "id, publish ed
at Springfield, which fays that tlu h.-uik
Ab i.iit does not belong tj Mi. Lincoln.
i ' it.
Mooting Of tho Democratic How Conoress Elects tiii: Presi
Stato CommtttOO. dent ami Vice President. It may bo
A meeting of tho Dcmooratio Stato usoful just about this timo, to roproduco
Committee waa hold on Monday last, tho isttcinont which tho approach of a
at the Merchants' Hotel at 'A o'clock P. 1 Presidential election makc3 opportuno ov
M. when tho following named gentlemen 1 cry four years.
answered the cull, viz : The FIoiuc of Representatives has noth-
Stephen D. Anderson, J Honry Askin, whatever to do with tho election of a
Vincent ii. JJnultord, uugn uarr, v. ii. vv .,
1,! M'MI! H Il, 1! !!-.. 1 11
resident, nor the Senate with tho
Qreat Work. Abnut a year iit
after an examination of tho above iav.
tion, wo gavo In our columns a faon
notice of it, sinco which amnio limn i
been afforded to test ila real merit?, U
wc learn has been successfully dona i "
most ovcry flection of tho Union, At
beautifully and handsomely improved
idenco erected immediately upon tli
by Wr. 0. ailcH,E3q.,(0f,boljl
rows, Giles & Co., 101) Cliin.1,13
. . mi .
11. n n.Jtn (? ,..i.,n. v ' clccttou ot a rrcsmcni. mo powers oi
J. Woods Drown, II. B. Buiuham, Charlc each body are distinct and entirely indo- of old I'ort Independence, South Yoi,'M
W. C.irricau, A. C. Oetii, Juhn 11. Chid- nendent of tho otht.-. near Kingsbridgo, built, owned arj
wick, MwraU. Uury, dames U OiUK, rf ,,.., ,, olloscl. b- ,ll0 j,;lco. cupicd
John Yv. (Jiar:, .loun uummuiM, oouu ... ... ; .. 1 f And
ii t ...!. nf Inn the House, of Honrcseutativoa may 01 "na
JLMY11, Jiuuiv xj. jiuuviiuauii, vy. , . c .1 i,
' J .. ' ..... . .. -r. ..... , . - i strnnf.1 nnn nf thpsrt nmima l.-i a
novaii, Usury lJunwp, WUii.mi 11. JJck- loliooic tnc rrcsmcnt, tueir cuoico ncing - . t
cla, Peter Eut, A. II. ;-tan.l Ulatz, Joseph : restricted to tho persons having tho high operation. It is id in a roscnoir ,
tiicmi, I.. J'.. uiuisumer, u. A. uur-ru.ey C!)t numbers, not exocoding three on tho pnou by two momoraoio springs, witli,,
tll.O v. 'lUIlgO'l
By invitation on Saturday last, in Mt
Irwin, Kobert L. Ilohnson, J. Monroe
Krciber. Isaac L:mIi, If. H. Lindcrmin,
Ui.orgu Link. V .liiam Morgau,F. P. Ma
eo, Ctiur.iu D. M.iu'.y, ltobert McCiy,
i'liotuiu C. M.i)j. 'li, .1 hn P. McFad
den., lMcr ""cintyr-, 1. 1". Meyers, 0.
if. Mayors How.iriL Miit.-r, Williim II
Mtuer, E. i'. Much;.;, R-i'.'.-ri E Mom, H. If. Muh. i .iu- r,;. duiuel P.irkcr,
.Joseph W. PaiKy, li. B.-ujo Petrikiu,
Frederick S. Pyier, Bjrnar.i lleiluy,
iel iSolomou, J. li Saunom, Henry J.
Stable, Joseph M. Thompioii, William C
Ward, Nelson Weivjr, John H. Ziogltr,
William II. Welsh.
After considerable disscussiou, the fol
lowing resolution was adopted by a vote
of 15 to 15, viz :
Profoundly Impressed with tho import
ance of prompt, rigorous and patriotic ac
tion on tho p.ut of the Democrjtic Stato
Committee, in order to avert, if possible,
tho coibequ-iiecs which must inevitably re
sult from tho unhappy division now exist
ing iu tho raaks of the Democracy in our
Stato and nation, we cordially and honest
ly recommend to the Democracy of the
Stato thn( they unite with heart and voieo
iu tlio support of our excellent and com
petent nominee for Governor, Henry D.
Foster, and that in all tho local elections
they act .-w one party, forgiving and for
getting any differences that they may have
entertained for the Pre-ideucy; but with
a view to a perfect unity again-t tho com
mon enemy, we recommend to the Dlmuoc
nicy ot I'euiisU.Miiia t.j unite their votes
fur Pivs-idciit oni tl.o tle.-toial ticket form
ed at Heading on the 1st day of March.
IbUll, on the; g li.i.i.i an! uu-hr-standiim',
viz : That if said electoral tick
et should be elected by th people, and it
diould, on n.-coitaiuing tho result
iu tli3 oilier .States of tha liabii, that bv
carting the en iro vote of IVnriiy!varii"i
!.i. t at r-.i. .
en tha Vice President, whether elected . " " ' - " J . M
tho Electors or by Uie Sonalo, shall actl "u i""ie witt ,f j
President. " 1DS ,ho "Pation of pump. , J
,, , , .. , 'present, Mr. l.tiney nnu iur. Uilcs c,
Tho rule or mannor of votina under ' . ..' .. . ; .
If the House faih to elect a Prosidcnt
beforo tho 4th of March next following,
Ullll UUUU ...... i. .. t
mnH flin riiln,ifin trmn tlm anTiti
which tho Sonato chooses a Vico Prcwlont , ... , , . 1 . f 5
tr hous), which was found to bo eight hn,
n cxae y the rovcrse of that of tho IIou'o. ', . , c
. , .J ., , , , . red and sixty-two feel and tho perpecj
in chnositic a President oach being tho , . . ' , , , ',
, , . . , , . lar elevation was one huwlied awl i
reverse o-. me general priucnpiu or uasis ;
upon which the respective bodies aro or
ganized. Tho Houso representing the
people, and ordinarily voting per eapita,
vote for President by tho States, tho rep
resentation from each State having ono voto
aud a majority of all tho States being
nocc.vary to a choice. The Senate rep
resenting the States in theory, at least,
and the manner of electing Senators hciug
entitled to a vote, and a majorityof all tho
Senators being necessary to a ch'otcc.
How Lincoln 5IapeS2O0. Last win
ter Mr. Lincoln lectured before tbo young
men's republican club at New York and
other cities at the East, receiving in every
instance pay for his lectures. For bis lec
ture.i at Now York, he demanded of the
club 200. Tho amount was paid, but'
the president of the club was justly indig
nant at tlio chnrgo, and at a meeting held
the evening toik occasion to volunteer
l.:.. ... i T I., t -r i
ins I'l'iiiiuu ni L'ir. uiiiuifiii. ircu ui unarm .... . .. , . ....
' ' c aim its simplicity, nuraijiiitv, riiev
in words an follows. , , r r
' an 1 adoption lit forcing watir i.p t
"He thought that for a prominent polil ' wo,t any hc-igth. g.vcs it a uccvLd a
II.-1 .iin.i, ..iju i. ItllJltlHtllv lUi IIIU 1 il,Sl- ,
eight feet. They then put tho pm,
operation and through a threc-quarten.'
pipe, (which was very much agaii;i
pump, being too small,) forced ovrr :
gallons of water a minuto tho above t
ance and hcigth bj two mcn,or by onot
and Mr. Educy worked tho pump (
with ono hand. Mr. Edney has such,.
i fidenco in tho pump, that ho will guj-
teo that two men will elevate water :
hundred and fifty feet aud carry it),
zontally ono thousand or moro feet. '
Giles has tried other methods of pit
tho water from tho spring to tin L-.
which have proved to bo flow, unca jjjj
and expensivo. Nothing has giun .i-jjk
i ip,i ...f i-. i. i ,."' j'-Jy
uan me siiusiaeuuii ui uju vmcriean 1
and with this ha appears much dcli'i,
We have no hesitation in prououutu
ono of iho most ingenious inventions is
way of hydraulics ever constructed.
It can in all ordinary depths, be
ed with the greatest case by a snail
d.noy, in some part, of the country, ng '''S over the uuj ,ntj
of other iuw
t r Stephen A. DjmrIis m-, 1 ILv-el: V. ;lr- V",coln wa5 .t0 cll:,rfc"3. 8auu ur ad- i . i'". 1 01 lu
l'ilili-o:i, it wo.di fluut tb-mi PrraiiUnt ,,r' "-'"x 'l Jkepuuiicaii meeting was sname-1 iqiiiuaraiicu, ni power n iiio't won
. I , 1 ... Tj I . . i
nml t ice t'r:sulcut v.t :Io.i.-rs. Liiwo'n I' '' V-M'r1,1"-; n no were io receive a
md riamjiii, then , ..'i-aorj -it.tli b.'v'u"' '' 'r tlta ProsnJci.ey. and l!..s
U.idcr iiblist ilivin s. to ct.-t said ote ; ifon ! lCt uro known among the gi'tierom peo-,
tho other ban 1 it shoul 1 .ii.ii.-ar tint r.a.d P'-!,!o of ow" SlMu, how many votes ,
vote would not el ;et Ale ;,rs. Dju-Is a id wouiti tin get ( Uu did not hclicve that
Johnson, but wjuld el.'cc Jolin C Brrok- Prolul"et cn who had won their way to
imid-'o and Jo-cnli Line. Pr. ri.lciit n:id : i?u ""'- "i' " devotion to tlio Itcpubli-
Vice Pre-ideiit over Mes-rs. Lincoln in-l I Ci" l,ar'3'i 11 they were invited to speak
1T.1...1.'.. .1.... M ...... .!.!! 1 . . . . r f lli'iiiril tlllil roininllh..,. n-nnld plini-r. nil-.
...ii.iiii, uji-ii -alii i'ju- siiua in- east ur . . . . v .....- , . , ,
them i and in case tho united vote of Ponn I t'"" their service in such a case ! ", " .io wis,, ion
ylvatiia would not elect (ithcr of tho U Aual d ue was willing to pay (icn. , eomtiuing oi a suosianuai nature,
ti-ki Is, then the electors may divide it be- i v-""f" I01' dancinj, or .lrs. .John ood trifling expense, easily worked t.v In:
tivivn them according to their own judflt- :o1' lmS at ,hu ".mtor Garden, or I'or .' 10Wcr, will find in the American 1
iiienr ni w It'll Woiiiii lie tllii hfst tsr the, .iiija-ii-uiiuung uiu uiiiiruuiA-ra ui i
country and the 1). mocratiu nan-. th.. 1 ispearo ; hut he was not willing to,
)asi- of thi-i united action beinir that it i- !
(.ippl.iiiic.) If he were to receive a A man cm put it on hi. shoulder i.ui
ry it almost any distance. Tip; .
havo only to witners the operation c.
liump to be convinced that toa murlii
not be said in commendation of it. T
who havo experienced a difficulty ii .
ting water up into high buildings .,-
all they need combined, for it di-c'i
piy men toi addresMiig Hepuhlican meet- 111 ani ""'"uer oi given points, and th
ings. It was wrong, it was mean ; and ho water by hoe from thirty to forty U'
meant what he said." (Applause.) j band, with great rnso and regularity.
'- - Edney, keeps sample? at his oflicc, ai
A Bad TtOCOrd. I well working pump at seventy feet, m
Abrsm Lincoln, tho Republican nomi-1 fa,'0'7. 13- Toinh street. Full ! ,i-
llciiublican PieMilciit: nnd further, tho i ncn for President, was in f!nnrrrvw ilnrinr. ; all(' prices will bo sent free by addr -
Clnirmau of this Conmitt.-e is hereby au- ! tu Mexican War. We learn that he bit-' Jnmc8 M- H'lncy, M7 Chamber
to lorn'-ponn wun til rcvera' I . ... , . . ,
Sl-.t.-, and obti-n from l'"."l'I'l" a voiea against
i;:ll giving luu acres of land to our
tho (irt aud highest duty of all Dam icrst
however tlipy may iIiiT.t about men nnd
minor points of principle or policy, to u
nito a.iin-t a common i-nemy, and to avert
if possible, thi gruatct oibimi'v th-.t emll
bifalthe country, the election "oi a Black
name ol tbur ca didata have li.-cn really
distressing to witm.s3. Xot a day luu
passed sineo the uomiirttijii of tlio upai nil
able Lincoln, without the .occurruiei. of
some unhappy complication connected with
his christian name. So long as our Re
publican neighbors have stuck to "old
Abo" thoy have got along well enough ;
but once forsaking that plain appellation
they have instantly become entangled in a
for Mr. Douglas it would elect him over "JJanTau"labyrintu. -'Itisiaw," shout-
Mr. Lincoln, tho electors shall be under !cdouo- 11 u '""" has responded a
the obligation of so casting tho vote; and DOt,lcr- llic 'hams" have grown heated,
that, if it should appear that the voto of aml ''ralns" have been rampant, until a
the State would elect Mr. Bkecicin- ! P,tcIlul1 a"l between the "rams" and tho
ridge, it should be cast for tho latter. If, "lla" 1 appeared unavoidable. By
hli'ctov.i in t
ct'eh of -it Eli-curs hii writt-'-n ' -is;"
with - i! rt 'n.. from this dot , th..t he
til lit -iJ.v ... ;v out ti-.i, i,'. r--. ,,? t:-; i
j'he tioublesof the liopuhlieaiu' owr the it ohiti in.
On mm . o: "'r K.r. iVr ot I) ia;i'cin,
lo-olut oi, i -i ''.i.t ! (,'-: t'.' :ii;
bor oi tiio C ''.itoltlce acii cjn.fituto r.
WM H ELSII, Chairaac.
C. W. Cakuioa:;, )
H. B. BmtNiiAM. VSeer.tiriM
: i'.'art volunteers. He stood side by side
Xow lork. iY Y. Express.
Papers in Pennsylvania copyiu?
above ono timo in their reading col.
hCorwin, in his denunciations of tho , aml wuding a mailod copy to tho
however, tho united voto should prove of
no avail to cither Democratic candidate, it
's to be divided by tho electors according
to their best judgment, as circumstances
may dictate.
Wo fully npprovo of this advice, and
trust that earnest efforts will bo mado on
Loth si ies to bring about au arrangement
of this nature, which, in view of tho dan
gers threatening tho Union of theso States
from a powerful revolutionary and intense
ly sectional organization, i3 a considera
tion of the highest moment. Morning
Among other whereases and resolves, tho
following aro tho pith of tho 'spot' mani
festo :
And Whereas, This Houso is desirous
Tiobbiu's Wiuo Store.
Wc aro not in the habit of eulogizing
hard-waro houses, and believe wo will be
excused, if wo say that Mr. D. XV. Hob-
! bins, at his Wine & Liquor Store next
door to Browcr s Store is tho best of the
kind in tho North. Mr. It. has a largo
and select lot of all assortments, and sells
very cheap. We especially commend, as
to obtain a full knowledge of the facts an excellent beverage, his delicious Raws-
isliliill irn tn aim .
t f i w
I w.ih shed, was or wirn not ni Hmt. ilmn ! bco Lard lu another column
Grove. A patriotic address was delivered own soil ; tneretore, Th(J Vanaa antI Gardener, has
by the Itev. F. Gearjjaut, after which ' ffS ' - thcpamphlct instead of the quar
tho Declaration of Independence was read j ho rcEpcotfuHy reoucsted to iuform this ' t0 forlu anJ Co1- Spanglcr, tho Agricul-
bv tho Hon. XV. J. WOODWARD. Thov'ITniii .tnrnl Killtnr. Iim mmiumiI ll,. ...i fruu,u'
had a lino time ofitiu tho grove, and the 1st. Whether tho spot on which tho AI'ii.t.tam S.ursiirns. irnw!,tf,i , "ors ot 113 rpiumg Editors.
largo audience in attendanco appeared M"1 ot our citizens was shed, as in his KdUori prico ou gl ammWi T, .
pleased and .blighted with the exercises Agricultural work in Pennsyl-
of the day and the manner m which it was ,rcaty of isio, until the Mexioan rovo- 'vania, and it is worthy of liberal patro-
the above official announcement to which
in charity we givo publicity it appears
that the question is now decided and that
tho "rams" aro overthrown. But although
tho Republicans may buccccd in preserving
their candidate's "ham," thoy will find it
a difficult matter to "save his bacon. '
Arrival or the Great Eastekv.
This steamship, about which so much has
been said and written, arrived at Now
York on the 26th, with twenty-eight pas
scngcrs. Tho voyago was full of interest,
and demonstrated her superiority as a
sea going vessel, and the reliance and ex
cellence of her machinery. The highost
speed attained was fourteen and a half
knots. Tho ship's bottom is very foul,
and an allowanco of at least two knots
should bo mado on this account. The dis
tance usually steamed from Southampton
to Sandy Hook is 3100 miles, but the
went further south than the usual route to
avoid any danger from encountering ice.
A New Daily Paper, entitled the
"Daily 'limes," has just isiued from
Williamsport, under tho auspices of Bow
er iY. 1'iTzoEitALH. It is neatly printed,
spiritedly Edited, and ably conducted.
Wo wish tho little inland Daily, permanent
success and a fair remuneration to the la-
F. M. Hutciiinfon,
of the United States. Yet tho Rc-
as ask tho people of this Union to
v him to the Presidential chair. A
dift-atawaitrt him, than that which
r-c: : .o eneuiien of this country in tho glo-rsu-i
rtrugglo with Mexioo.
3. uator KETcnuM, of Luzerno, on Tuca-
Tlie KreiMuridgo T eke. Vi.UrVi jdiy evening of last week, addressed a Re-
IH'JUiieralfc Commit C . publican meeting in tho Court nouso, at
Washi.sgtnn, Juno 27. The following j Bloomsburg. Tho speech if such it might
named gentlemen have been appointed thel3 designated, was pxceedinclv insinid.far
V-.iT I It "i ... .
-..iiionai democratic uominittcc, autliui i- 'below- the standard
zed by the Convention at JJiltiii.ora wlneli
noiniuatcd Mr Breckinridge:
Isaac J. Stevens, Esq., of Oregon.
Hon. Gcorgo W. Hughes of Maryland.
Hon. John W. Stcveuson, of Kentucky.
Win. Flinn, Esq., of Washington City.
Walter Lenox, Esq., " "
George W. Riggs, Esq., " "
lion. James G. Berrct, "
Hon. Jefferson Davis, of Mi-sissippi.
lion. Thomas B. Florcnco of Penua.
Hon. J R. Thompson, of New Jersey.
Hon. A. D. Meek, of Alabama.
Hon. Jesso D. Bright, of Indiana,
lion. Robeit John, of Arkansas.
Augustus Sehcii, Esq., of New York,
Worc sra:' Diotijn-auy. Hon. Wui.
P. Miles, member of Congress from the
wo had marked out
fur Mr. Ketclmm, and tho meeting which
was few and tho space far between the
li'fii-sp.itters,'' imparted little or no in-
toro. t. Near ono half tho meeting was
mario up ot democrats, who camo out of
curiosity, and tho other part appeared to
be actuated by tho same motive.
saving your money unless you adopt tho
maxim of Franklin ''Spend only when
necessary, and make no waste," for " tho
frugal are prosperous, but tho extravagant
come to mini" and they who aro pros
pering, deposit their money iu tho Frank
lin Savtiir- Fund. 'n inn Rn.,i.
ni.-i . o .-i . . . , ... i .-uuiu i-umiu
u. ay. ,h or-,tot, below Chestnut, Philadelphia,
ctsters Dieuouary appea.s to me to be a hvhcro it Hn 1)0 withdrawn at any time
work of great value, and one weieh every j with 5 per cent, interest. This Savin
scholar and man of letters shou.d pomes,. I Fund always pni.l on demand, and never
It is very terse and happy in de2nition, suspended. See advertisement in another
and in ipelhug ami prouunaiatiofi an near column.
ly a hue standard of tho out E:i;lish I
usago as any dictionary with winch 1 am
1 1 in - .
auurcss, will receive lreo ol chare
splendid copy of Darnel Webster AdJ
ing tho United States Senate Man!
1850 ono of the largest and finest u.
vings over published by the A inn
Press, 28x30 inches, containing one i
dred and twenty-two faces and figure
America's greatest men, accompanied
a key to tho whole. It is on fiuo j:
and just from tho pross.
Old Abe's Xeighbors Going
Him Old Abe's Neighbors Rip'
Him, The Columbia Statesman uni
formed a day day or two ago by a i
gato to the Baltimore Convention, '
called at their offico that John HanL-
man who had assisted Abo Lincoln tot
those rails about which tho RcpuWii
are making such a hubbub, has auu
cd himself opposed to the election of 1
COln. Hanks, who lin. nr... l,nn !
U71H ''''"cation UVERCOSIM ocrat, is against tho Republican au
the Greatest Din'iouLTiES;" and onej bceauee he knows Lincoln to'bo ate
of the greatest difficulties life is that of) and notIli, dj0, f jX t
Figures Won't Lie Census
to Lady of Uncertain Age "Well, I .
how old shall I put you down !'
Young Lady (complacently) ('.M
am 23 next Juno."
Census Taker (maliciously) "Ah''
Let mo sec it's just twenty two in !
6inco ahem ! you rejected my nddre
Guess you must bo fully twenty-thrco
Census taker takes his book under
arm and leU himsolf out, followed '
frown as dark as tho inner shades of
des but ho had his revenge there
"Il- I rubbincr that out !
.,..!nU c j - . . , h"--i . " " "ie o j
-v.,..u.u. uc, ..mtru-emem ior tno . suoum como up on a question whether sla- 1 -n...,. A""
opinion of many other outiuguishod Ltcr J,0,y sll0u'1 "o prohibited in a new Terri-' lu'MKKAm-Et.icc.uuK::uE. -Lcci
ary men. t lo0'i " 'ptoeol the Died ScoU decision. 1 1 a Ilian lla(l a catclcptio fit iu the street
i---Tr t. in . , would voto that it should.'1 Abraham Louisillc. Ho was walking along i;
tmr Henry Pr 11, convicted .., tha Som- Liucolu, from a speech delivered in Chi-! rcntly unconcerned as to tho things c.
erset county la) court some time ago, of , ego, on tho loth of July 1809. J woll j wben tM L
on 1 rids ?L n ' W;l3 rC.Bled 1 Th (lcclllraliot "sistanco ' At fir.t.nothing was thought.but his sir;
on lnday JUtl ult ,,, presence of quite a ' to c.vahlUhcd law. Wo ask this question : ! attitude soon drew the atteu.iouof a
number of peop e. The culprit was sixty Would Mr. Lincoln in the event of his ber of persons and fiuall a great
ii'VlT;- lhllflU el, con to the Presidency, array himself gathered. Tho individual stood uu
jKSMVm. 0 Vtrutheiis E. has' t iZ , ?l , PP " ' "' anno Court?-, for two hours r.ud a half, and was .
ciidVOiaSi UTlT ':Tht a,b0Hsh bth Con- taken to the This is a no
publication of al Carbon .ounty , foil !T tetoUoTi w2" f?; ' have-never hef
m - ----a- iwiju-iivm, uuii i-iot-utive Dran-. ucioro in mis country, ledioal
ehe 9C the government ! ' record a few such cse in France