Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 07, 1860, Image 1

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im L? TAl'H, Editor.
$2 00 PER ANNUM.
;?'OLa4.NO. 18.
. 1
VOL. 24.
4 of III
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Jail'tunlmt JiMimrnif
LiJEVa li. TATK,
e Tien Itritk Unitling, opposite the t-Uthangt, by tide
of the Cuurt Heme. nocratic Head Qunrtir,"
I 00 Iti advniicr, for nna ropy, Tor six months.
t 75 In ndvanrr, for one ropy, nttc jear,
4 t MHTtioX pnid within tin) trl thrt-e numths.
I i If not paid w itfim tliu lirnt six month!,
i. 1 50 If not imiil within the year.
7 Np sulMrription takrn for lest than six month?,
no paper discontinued until nil urn-fi races thnll havn
n paid.
7 Ordinary An i- R-ni Inserted, and Job Work
her wyjiteJ, at tho i-otahlished price.
nee Kf
I see Mm ut liU cajr.
With hi-i anilum, chui-r1eH facu
Worn ntxl bnmn ;
And the tpes' umc.inim; click,
B-t-ms of Uf-'a cjM tint k the t irk.
Running dowi.
Ycflrd jian nuny li.ivr il'iiwi,
And the printi r tons I've Know n,
'jtoy and man ;
Tinie w ah win n ftt p i-l.itc
MatinijiiUlifil Iiik unlQt
And Ins frtii w.u tall and slrunrht,
Wo now fcan.
Vou eo'iM ifo liimcwry ilay,
Ashu paiti'it ahn?ir
To Iim toil i
Ho,I,ili r') mi ul 1 1 iim) iii.titi,
A Ulii0' Htunt m emit,
And fimiiu inti rcHt mii-iII ,itt,iiti
; In th II.
And hop 'j was likh at first.
And th goMcn clui hu uuri-'il,
Tilt w foiin.l
That hop wan but a nl.ire
lti a cola aoil frosty air(
fAnil th ' proiiiH.', piLtnn-d fair,
: &
He ncVruitpp run'il hat,
Iiut l'v hi'i'ii liutt p'ni. rU'lit pi 4it
lt At "h-IHifil" V Ik's.
Wlulc.i Lorupoii iti'j frown
Would fprnul l;i- f t tr M'-itnl,
WJir; i r prtn-to (lid fuuml,
, ifii i -M.tM."
i.onp"y r h -'m l.ih ri'd mi,
YSTj M f i I. 1. h ir mini
n. l'rlct
l from I!'
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dculi, D ' '
lilt I I
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Hie j n'-
I. tm
. i .irn,
.' puPtliif fc'litucr!
;'itly t.v'l.t,
T.nry nslrt
' i-prt-ad
Aiidt it i .-I , n. i jiff moon
PruU u . .i -u .it ta tioun,
a If "u r''"Ui.
itVou ma) bOu liini, weak mi I frait,
Ashiawinrj Et,
ir In mutioii likt; tliu kiiiiI,
r .,Vcinliii lioint;.
Ilia form hy yi'iirsid lnMit,
'(To Iim li.ur .i tmgu id Unt
'And his tut th arc src deruypil,
. I And lii4f)rtj tliuir tritft li trajvtl
t t tJrjat liiivitcTimu li.u uiailu
With hmlay.
:Uut SO"H w ill i nnR tin1 day.
When hiit form will payatv.iy
, rroin uur M'-w,
And tin1 ppit hImII lumw noinoru
Thu bcrruwd that hu burc.
Nor tlic ditappointincnt fore
lie bid
Select Stovn.
Mr STour,
1 Kato 1 Kato Allen ! Kate, I Bay ! will
mIE' a ovcr wal,:u ul' l1(;ro aw h out of
".jath, with the news I have to tell you !
i j ir. 1 1'' 'lRV0 ruu a tM0 way tuo most
''l!!',1', dignified manner, from tho depot, only
ll wi find you in tho very placo I left yoji,
cii nn o hours ago. 'ou have not stirred since
as I live. Do wako up ! A prct
. a ... flguro you'll cut at tho tea tablo
wii'ici. ii '0 do you miess has come t"
titK.iii And Maria Merrill, throwing her para-
iti'iiHi and 8'0VUS ou a tablo, anil seizing a
oni'1' dropped into a chair by the window,
ioani' lu'h ar ' li rcrson w'10 u:is someth
r wi-w in ,1 irlrtt.n
.tii.hii ''J 1 ."..u v.
.1 t"iJ I raised ir.y.sclf from the lounge, where
lad been dozing away a sultry afternoon,
d Bald
" A pretty girl you arc, to come in just
) moment when I was carrying ou a des
rato flirtation with that handsome Mon
uur L wo met last winter ; aud ho
is just on tho point
ll li'udgo on your dreams ! I am for re-
.tics. And you will havo flirtation cnouch
do, now. Rut aro you going to sleep
aial" as I drotmed back ou tho soft nil -
its. i '.'Why don t you appear interested ?
(Kov w uu jviu lujuu uaiuu uu iuu iiiivmvuil
. 1.n .1 ,1...... nA. .1... rtl'AH..MM..
un from tho city ?"
" I don't know ; do pray tell mo. That
iflll rrid Smith, perhaps, and his old maid
tor. i nearu uim say tuey were com-
No' said she, taking off her hat, hoi-
(ling it before her fuce, and just showing
her eyes over the top j "it is no
personage than Harry Gordon."
" Harry Gordon up in this dull place 1
What could have sent him !" said I, hitting
up and fairly awaks at tho news. Aro
you certain 1 How did you Cud it out 1
Have you seen him I"
" Seen him T of course I have, and his
cousin, Osuioro l'icrec, who is with him.
They have come to fish in tho lake. There,
I thought that would rouso you ; bo up
and mako yourself as fastinating as pos-
I obeyed ; and when brushing my hair,
said to my friend, "I do not understand
at nil, your being in such a flurry at this
new arrival for I verily believe you would
shut yourtelf up in a nunnery, rather than
flirt the lca bit."
She did not reply, bst turned away to
hide her blushing face.
" Can it bo poi-iblo," tsaid i to myself,
"that she loves Harry Gordon?"
I had flirted with Harry Gordon, all
last winter. Pcojilo said that wo were
lightly matched, for ho wou hearts, only
to east them from him. and I was called,
and unjiutby, a corpictto.
I met Mr. Gordon and his friend. They
had come for a week, he said; but the
lime passed away, his friend was gone, but
still lie lingered. He was ever by my
tide. We walked and rode together ; long
dreary rides on tliu shores of the beautiful
lake, although 1 think 1 cared more for
tho f-tately form at my tide, with the
proud hwul, with its wealth of raven hair,
bent low and tenderly to catch my faintest
accent, than for the beauties of nature
.-pread out so bountifully before us. Ma
ria Mjiui'tiiiius accompanied us in these
walks and drives, but lovers are usually
too happy in their own society to care for
tlte presence of a third party.
And so the hours sped on, and we were
engaged. 1 loved Harry Gordon as 1
never loved another ; and I believe my
love was returned. One nijrlit Harry was
away on busiue.-.s, and I, feeling rather
lonely, had wondered away, some distance
from the house, to tho orchard meadow.
I sat on the ground, at the foot of a tree
that grew on tho tidu of a hill a huge roek,
that by sonic ni-cMunt of nature, had been
left in this position, la) under tho treo, so
that approaching it irom above, it formed
a delightful natural seat. Maria and I,
when wo wWied to bo alone, often brought
our books or work to this place
1 had approached it from the lower side
and seated myself under tho rock, and tho
drooping branches concealed me entirely
from view. Tho sound of voices hearaldcd
thu approach of some one. I did not feel
in a talking mood, and so kept (juict
They came forward, and seated themselves
on the rock above me. I recoguized tho
voices of Harry and Maria. lie had re
turned, then earlier than ho expected.
felt a little jealous that ho should bo in so
much hafte to walk with Maria, axd
little anxious to know if he would trifle
with her. He went a little farther than I
had anticipated
" I thought wo should find Kate hero,"
said Maria-, as they seated themselves. I
bent my head to catch tho answer. It was
in a slightly impatient tone.
" Do let Kate rest for a moment, it is
always so, I can never sec you alone.'
" Rut I thought you liked her company
better," was tho low reply,
" No indeed, I do not, but I am always
obliged to tako up with it ; you aro always
engaged, or if I find you alone you aro as
now in search of Kato. Rut my fair Ma
ria," said ho changing Lis voico to tho.-o
low, rich soul-thrilling tones I knew so
well, "I must speak. I lovo you, be my
wifo Maria, I will be to thee faithful and
Tho answer was too low for ino to'hcar
but I learned what I had thought before
1 1 fi Mjirin mill Innr. ililrrv (Inriion
, o j
Long they talked of their mutual happiness
. aud future prospects. bile X lay
the damp grass, with my hands clasped on
my bosom, suffering what one only knows,
I had loved Harry Gordon with all tho
depth and sincerity of my passionato na
Tho coquette was punished. If I hai
caused tears to flow or hearts to acho for
mv triflinir, they wcro all avenged. Tho
lovers left at last. I waited awhile, then
1 took a different path to tho house. I know
Harry did not lovo Maria Merrill, but
. rtn nimiin.
' HUD liauitm iuuv i.u bmvuw vv
ishcd, and formed my plans accordingly
! Aa I wended my way under tho shadow
of tho spreading troas, I met Harry Gor-
uon, no nau accompamcu xuaria io uic
. house and catno back to walk in tho cool
evening air. As soon as ho saw rue lie
sprang forward, with, "My dear Knte,"
and drew mc closely to hi;) side. " Rut
wlicro have you been, child, your dress is
damp with the dew," and he bent over me
until his dark hair touched tho damp tress
es which hung around uiy face.
I think I was very pale, for ho seemed
startled, and I trembled violently as I
clung to him, aud nestled closely to his
heart as a we&ry child might rest on its
mother's bosom, aud it was for the last
time. Tho thought was well nigh anguish,
but tho words of love ho had but a few
moments before spoken to another, rung in
my cars, and as he soothed mo with loving
words, and ngaiu asked mo whoro I had
been and what so affected mc. I drew
myself away from his embrace, aud
replied :
" I have been sitting for tho past hour
under tho great roek in tho orchard mead
ow." He started it was now his turn to
turn pale. I went on, "1 hoard by acci
dent your conversation with Maria, aud it
is well I met you here, we can now say
good-bye, for I leave for homo to-morrow."
Hescemed very much affected as betook
my band and drew 1110 again toward him.
knew he loved me, but ho could not over
come his old habit of llirtim:. He spoke
at last. ' did not mean a word I said, I
love you and only you. I do not lovo
Maria, and never could lovo her, and I
cannot marry her."
" Rut you must marry her," I replied.
' She loves you, and she is so guilelss and
innocent it would kill her if you should
ilesert her uow J her health was always
delicate, and after what has parsed I can
never bo your wifo, we will bo friends but
not lovers. Ob, Harry! why did wo not
learn that our hearts aro dangerous play
things." I turned to go, but ho held mo
Oh, Kato ! this is hard, but it is alto
u-t. iou will give mc a iarcwcH kis.
1 raised my face to his, ho pressed my i
ips for tho last time with his own, and I
ft him alone.
Harry and Maiia wore married. Per
haps some ouo may ask, are they happy 1
The world calls them so, and Maria I
think is, tho thinks she possesses her hus
band s whole heart, aud he has never by
word or deed mven her occasion to think
otheiwisc. Maria often wonders at my
never visiting her, but I met lur last sum
mer with her husband at Newport, and I
knew by the sudden pallor of his face and
the light of his eye, as he took my hand,
that tho old love had not died out.
I visit tho town of G , vxry. sum
mer, and tit in my old seat in tii orchard
meadow. In my writing-desk is a littlo
casket, containing a miniature of a hand
some aud much loved face, a crisp curl of
raven hair, a plain gold riug, and a pack
ago of letters. Is it wrong for me to keep
these tokens l I cannot tell, but there is
a sad, sad pleasure in it. I have never
nmnied. If I have lured others on to
bitter woo, and blighted their manhood
with sorrow, I havo had my punishment.
Who shall judge mo?
Dickey was poor Katy had a rich
mother Dickey loved Katy and vico vre
6a wanted to marry Katy's mother was
ilown on that measure Dickey was for
bid tho premises notes wore cschauged
through tho high board fence which en
closed the yard. One day the old lady
went out "calling," and Dickey was duly
informed of tho fact called ou Katy, .re
mained a little to long old lady was close
at baud no chance of escape without de
tection. At the in?tauco of Katy, Dickey
poped into the closet old lady saw that
Katy looked confused guessed that Dick
ey had been about supposed of course
that ho had made good his escape thought
that perhaps tho young people had agreed
to clopo together determined to bo too
smart for them chut Katy up iu tho
same closet where Dickey was concealed,
and, giving her a pair of quilts aud a pil
low, locked her up for tho night didn't
sec Diekey next morning went to let Ka
ty out.
"Oh!" a fccrcam couldn't get breath
for a moment finally :
"Ahem, Dickey is that you?"
"res, ma'am."
"Dickey, you must stay to breakfast."
"Couldn't ma'am,"
"Oh, but you must."
Dickey concluded to stay.
Rreakfast table "Dickey, I've been
thinking about youa great deal lately."
"So 1 suppose, ma am, very lately."
"rou aro industrious audhoncst,I hear'
"I never brag.''
"Well, now, upon tho whole, I think
you and Katy ha I better get married,"
It 1 many jcara since I ftll in love
With Jane Juruiha Skvggi,
Tho buxbineat country girl hy far,
That ccr went on legs.
11 meadow, creek, and wood and dell,
fo often we did walk,
And the moonlight stniU'd on her meeting tips
And the night-winds learned our talk,
Jane Jerunha w as all to mc,
For my heart won young and true,
And loved with n double and twisted love,
And a love that was 1 oicel, too.
I roamed all over the neighbor's farms,
I rolled the wild-wood bowtrst
And lore my trowaeri an I bcratthod my hands.
In search of chouest tljvvcra.
In my boih love I brought all thes;,
To my Jcruaha Jane j
Dut I wouldn't he po foolhh notv
If I were n boy again 1
A city chap then came along,
All dressed up in store-clothes,
With a shiny hat and fhiny vest,
And moustache under hi nose I
He talked to her of singing-school,
(I'or her father owned a farm,)
And Fheleft mc, lie country Une,
Aud took the new chip's armt
And all that night I never slept,
N'or conU I cat net day,
Tor I loved that girl with affrventlovc,
That naught could drive away.
I fctrovo to win her bick to me,
Hut it warf till in nin
Tho city chap with Hi j hairy lip,
Married Juiitln Jane.
And my poor heart was tick and eoje,
Until tin- tliniiL'ht struck me,
Tint just us good lUh still remained
As ever was caught in the a.'u.
So I went 1 1 McthnilUt chutrh one night,
Aud saw a dark brown curt
Te pine- un !t,r a jiipsy hat
And 1 married that try girlt
And many year Imo passed and gone,
And I think my lot my gnin,
Ami I often Mi? aid that hairy chnp
Th H t-tf.k Jtru,h t J.ine.
Should tho following record interest our
readers as it has us, it will fully repay tho
Sp;,co it occupies in our colunms :
Madder camu from tho East.
Celery originated in Germany.
The chestnut came from Italy.
Thu onion originated in Egypt.
Tobacco is a native of Virginia.
The nettle is a native of Europe.
The citron is a native of Greece.
Th'i pine is a native of America.
Thi) poppy originated in the East.
Oats originated in North America.
Rye came originally from Sibeiia.
Parsley was first known in Sardinia.
Tho pear and apple arc from Europe.
Spinach was first cultivated in Arabia.
The sunflower was brought from Peru.
Tho mulberry tree originated in Persia.
The gourd is probably an eastern plant.
Tho walnut and peach came from Persia
Tho horso ehe-timt is u native of Thibet
The cucumber came from tho East ln-
1 nf niiinpr. pfiinf. frnm 1 tin IslHlltl or IJrc-
The radish is a nativo of China aud Ja
Peas aro supposed to bo of Egyptian
Tho garden beans came from tho East
The garden cress is from Egypt and tho
Tho horseradish camo from tho South of
Tho Zealand flax shows its origin by its
The coriander grows wild near tho Med
iterranean. Tho Dyer's weed is peculiar to South
ern Germany.
Tho Jerusalem artichoke is a brazilian
Hemp is a nativo of Persia and tho East
Tho crauberry is a native of Europo and
The parsnip is supposed to bo a nativo
of Arabia.
Tho potato is a well known nativo of
Peru aud 3Icxio.
Tho currant and gooseberry came from
Southern Europe.
Rapo seed and oabbago grow wild in
Sicily and Naples,
Ruekwhcat cams originally from Siberia
and Tartary.
Parley was found in tho mountains of
Millet was first known iu India and Ab
ysinia. Writers of undcniablo respectability state
that tho cereals aud others of these cdiblo
productions grow spontaneously in that
portiou of Tartary cast of tho Rolar Tagh
and nortn of tho Himalaya mountains.
jfSyA Kcntuckian being asked how
much corn ho raised, answered ;
"About ten barrels of whiskey besides
what wo wasted for bread "
A young lady, beautiful in'pcrson and
attractivoin manner, who resided in the im
mediate vicinity of Rostou, was sought in
marriage, somo years ago, by two men.
Ono of these was poor and a mechanic ;
tho other was rich aud no mechanic. Tho
woman loved tho former tho family of
tho woman liked the latter. As is tho
case in such affairs, tho woman married to
please her friends. Having thus sold her
self, sho ought to havo been miserable, but
sho was not. Her husband's unaffected
lovo subdued her heart, and his gold
smoothed the rough places iu tho human
path. Fortune, seeing that this couplo
wcro too happy, frowned, aud tho man s
fortune took wings and flow away. There
upon tho husband wound up his business,
put his wife and children, of whom there
were two, at a comfortable boarding house
aud then departed for California iu search
of money. Somo letters and somo remit
tance arrived from him at first, then noth
ing came aud there was a blank of several
years. Tho wifo thought herself deserted.
Tho family, whoso good opinion of the
husbuud had begun to fail, told her that
it was clearly a case for a divorce. When
she had become well accustomed to the
souud of this unpleasant word, tho discon
solate was thrown into tho society of her
old mechanic lover, now prosperous, aud
still unmarried. Tho memory of her early
real love camo upon her, and sho believed
with a secret joy that ho had remained
single for her sake. This thought nour
ished her affection, aud at last she obtain
ed a divorce from her husbaud, who had
deserted her, and remained absent beyond
tho time allowed by the statute. This ac
complished, there was no barrier between
her aud tho mechanic of her youth. She
informed him that sho was his forever,
when ho should choose to claim her hand,
Her feelings could not have been pleasant
to learn that, sinco his rejection by her
aud her marriage to another, unromantic
bower of wood had drowned his passion
for her in tho waves of time, and that at
the time of her handsome offer ho no lou
gor palpitated for her. In fact, 'Barkis
was not willin. As if all this was not
embarrassing enough, who should turn up
but tho husbind, who uiado hisappearance
in tho form of a letter, annouueiug that he
had accumulated a dazzling pile of wealth
that ho was ou his way homo aud that she
was to meet him in New 1'ork. Tho let
ter also chid her for neglect in not writing
to him for years, aud it was clear that he
had scut assurances of love aud also mon
cy at intervals during his absence ; where
these had gone, no ouo know. Hero, then
was trouble. No husband, no lover.
The ono sho had divorced ; tho other had
refused her. Taking counsel with herself.
v i.-.i l i I. i
I '
liiiiuiuuu was uuvAiiiiuuuiUj nuu iaiuv
to the metropolis, bho met the coining
man on his arrival, and told him tho whole
'story as correctly as she, naturally proju-
diced iu favor of tho defendant, could toll
it. Tho husband scowled, growlcd,look
Jed at the charming faco and becoming toil
I ct remembered California and its loneli
ness, and took her to his heart. A cler-
gyiuau was summoned, a marriage was
performed and a new volume of their life's
history was opened.
Go it strong iu your praise of the ab
sent. Some of it will be euro to get a
round. Go it strong when you make lovo to a
pretty girl. More people havo erred by
too little than too much in this particu
lar. Go it strong when taking up contribu
tions for a charitable purpose. It will
Go it strong when you mako a speech.
Nine people out of ten never tako auy al
ulsion unless it cuts like a short-haudled
whip or rhinoceros cowhido.
Go it strong when you advertiso Busi
ness is like architecture its best suppor
ters aro full columns.
Go it strong and pay tho printer. Nev
er grudge him his price. Recollect it is
ho who brings customers to your very
door, who otherwise wo'd never discover
your whereabouts.
Z3F An old lady who was not much ac1
customed to tend church, finally went one
Sunday. During prayer time, -while sho
was on her knees, her old eat who had
followed her unnoticed, camo purring a
round her, when sho broko out, "Why
poosy what you como tcr mcetin' tu 1
hy-co ! I spoke out in mcetin' ! Wky-eC'
co ! I Bpoko agin. Why-ce-oo loddy-god
dy ' I keep a Fpokm all the time
A Smaut TnAVKI.En, Tho electric
telegraph is bound to remain a mystery to
tho million and ludicrous conceptions of its
modus optian'li which somo of tho most
ignorant people havo formed, aro as mirth
provoking as anything out of Rabclias or
Smollett. Tho last illustration of this that
has fallen under our eyes, is tho following
story from tho Pittsburg Journal :
Not long since, an old lady entered O'
Reilly's inthis city, and said sho had a
messago to send to Wheeling. In a few
minutes her note dispositcd in dumb wnitcr
and ascended iu a mysterious manner
through the ceiling.
"Is thatgoing straight to Wheeling ?"
inquired tho old lay, with her eyes bent
upon tho ceiling.
"res ma'am,'' answered tho clerk.
"I never was there" continued sho, but
it hardly seems that their town lies iu that
direction. When will I get an answer,
Mr. Telegraph ?
"I cau scarcely tell ma'am, it may bo
two or three hours."
Tho old lady went away, aud returned
in exactly two hours. Just as sho entered
tho door tho dumb waiter camo down
through tho ceiling.
"There is your answer ma'am said the
The old lady took the neat yellow en
velope in her bauds' with a smilo of min
gled gratification and astonishment.
"Now, that beats all," exclaimed she,
"bless my heart. All the way from
Wheeling and tho wafer still wet. That
is an awkward looking bos, but it can
travel like pizen."
Sts?" A traveler, fatigued with tho mon
otony of a long rido through a scarcely
settled section of country, rode up to a
small lad who was engaged in trimming
and dressing out a sickly-looking field of
com, aud relieved himself thus :
" My young friend, it seems to mo that
your corn is rather small."
" l'cs, daddy planted the small kind."
" Ah, but it appears to look rather
yellowish, too."
" res, fir, daddy planted the yellow
"From appearances, my lad, you won't
get more than half a crop."
" Just half, stranger daddy planted it
on halts."
Tho horseman gave up in despair and
proceeded on his journoy.
MiSRit.uiLE People. roung ladies
with now bonnets on rainy Sundays, and
dresses playing dip, dip, dip, at every
A witucss in a bribery case.
A city sportsman at the finish of one
day's shooting.
A printer who publishes a paper for
nothing and finds himself.
A smoking nephew on a visit to an anti
smoking aunt.
A young doctor who has cured his first
patient, and has no prospect for another.
A star actres with her namo in small
letters on the bills.
Au editor with nothing but cold pota
toes for his Christmas dinner.
SriuiiUAri Facts. That whiskey is
tho key by which many gain an entrance
into our prisons aud almshouses.
That brandy brands tho noses of all
those who cannot govern their appetites.
That puuch is the cause of many un
friendly puuehes.
That alo causes many nilings; while
beer brings to their bio-,
That wine causes many to tako a wind
ing way homo.
That champaigUe is tho source ot many
real pains.
That gin sliugs have "tlowod" moro
than slings of old.
S3T,rou must not play with that lit-
tlo girl my dear," said a judicious parent.
"But ina, I like her ; bho is a good 1'ttle
irl, and I am euro sho dresses as prettily
as ever I do, and she has lots of toys."
"Cannot help that my dear," responded
tho foolish anti-American "her father is a
"But I don't play with her father ; I
play with her ; sho aiu't a shoemaker."
- .
I-' Mother don't you wish you had tho
treo of evil in our garden 2"
"Why Son what do you mean?"
"As money's tho root of all evil, if wo
had tho tree, couldn't wo get all tho prc
cious stufl ?"
"You're getting too smart; that's what
becomes of sendiug boys to tho macado
iSf Saycs to dream of aoap, betokens a
combat, in which you may expect to get
Talher of mercies, in thy word.
What rntlU'flS glory nhinen;
Forever be thy name adored,
For these celestial linen.
Men m.iy the wretched sons of want
tEtlnuft1cEB riches find;
niches above w hat earth can grant,
Aud lasting 04 tho mind.
O, may these heavenly pages be
My tver dear dcHglili
And still new beauties nay 1 see,
And still increasing light.
Uivinn instructor, gracious Lord,
He thou forever near.
Teach ine to loe thy sacred word,
And view my Salour there.
A few months since the substaneo of tho
following dialoguo might havo been heard :
'' Do you attend church, sir ?"
" No sir."
" Yet I hope you think about religious
things ?"
" Well, I did, years ago : they called
mo a preacher, I was a member of the
church and thought I ought to talk to
people as you are doing now ; but I gave
it all up. I don't believe tho Biblo now."
Aro you afraid to dio ?"
" No, sir."
" Have you ever boon apparently near
death V
" Yes, sir."
" Was it when you bolievod tho Bible
and belonged to the church?"
" Yes, sir,"
" Wcro j-ou afraid of death then?"
" No, sir. I thought if I died I should
go to heaven and bo happy."
" Supposo you should dio now ?"
" I should be just aa well off."
" Havo you any children?''
" I have one little girl."
" Would you profcr that she bo trained
under the influence of your old or new
" Oh, I leave her to her mother. Sho
may teach her what sho pleases."
" Then your wifo is a Christian wo
man ?"
'' Yes; she holds on."
" Now, sir, I wish to ask you one ques
tion more. Supposo that child of yours
should cotno to you and say, " Father,
which shall I believe, you or mother?" I
insist upon a reply."
"Well, I suppose I would say, " Go to
mother.'' Christian Press.
An Awful Wo heard yes
terday from an entirely reliable and rc
spectablo source, the particulars of au oc
currence which can only bo looked upou as
an instance of Divine rebuke for taking
tho name of the Almighty in justification
of a falsehood. Wc refrain from men
tioning names through consideration of the
parties, who aro respectable persons, resi
ding iu the southwestern section of tho
city. It appears that a few days since tho
aunt of a young girl, eighteen years old,
accused her of having been guilty of somo
misconduct, which sho positively denied,
and on being again accused, sho called
upon God to strike her blind if she was not
telling the truth. In a moment after, ac
cording to her own statement, a film seem
ed to pass before her eyes, aud in tho
course of five minutes she was totally blind,
and has continued sightless ever biucc.
Tho afflicted victim of her own impiety con
fessed that sho had called upon her Maker
to justify her in what was a falsehood.
May not this bo considered as a terrible
iustanco of Divine wrath, and may not tho
thoughtless take warning ? Baltimore
txS A Chinese merchant in San Frau-
cisco, tersely gavo his American friend his
ideas ou tho Japaneso Embassy's recep
tion iu this couutry, as follows : " Japanese
great men now Americans want more
treaty by'n by treaty bo signed, Ja
paueso like anybody just liko Chinese
just liko dam nigger.
BfSy A dun was somewhat taken back
tho other day, by tho coolness with whioh
tho debtor said : " Call on next Thurs
day my dear sir, exactly at ten o'clock
and I'll tell you wheu to call agaiu. '
"Remember, fcir" said a tavern keep
er to a gentleman who was leaving his
house without paying his bill, "remember,
sir, that if you lose your purse you didn't
pull it out here."
"Didu't you guarantee, sir, that this
horso wouldn't shy before tho firo of an en
"No moro bo won't it's afther tho firo
that ho shicB."
S5y A wife's fatwell to her husbaud ev
ery morning buy buy