WLDUBIA DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY MORNINO, JUNK 30. Our Now Advortisomonts. Mln llarman, New Milllnrry Store and Cheep Fah naMo Good,. J.M.Chcmbctlin, nq., adrfltUe, rapt, rrcmli' Kcal ilat. Jacob llartli, Ell.. advcrllicf for rropoialito build a chool louic. John Wileock c Co.,S. V., ailverti, tin Ttiilan Ft 'r Charm. Hit Jonea, advertise, a Stray Mitch Cow. Jamci Boone, advertlrc, a Mitch Cow round. ar Piracbing in tlia BaptUt Church, it Sunday noxt at 2J in llie aftornoon nil in the evening. I Anowalt's Storo, in Bloomsburg, is e ilactfO( nllotlirrsin Northern I'cnnsyl ania, to get cheap and good Hats and .p9. SSyObdey'" Lady's Hook for Julyi con tins a beautiful illustration, entitled 'Sum or,' with other illmtratiom, and a cboieo iricty of reading matter. It is now 30 jars since tbo Book was coinnicnccd by Ir. Qodcy, the proprietor. tsar Mn. G. II. DeMott, of Hook Isl nd, Illinois, has kindly sent us a copy of 10 Rock Maud Weekly Argus, detailing lengthy account of the Ttrnjic To rmmo ith which that country was visited on unday evening, the !ld of Juno, a portion 'which account, will be found on the first igo of tbo Columbia Democrat. i ,i Clipicc Srs'iis. Lkwis OrfUNHKiM egar'Wbnle.'ale Merchant, of l'hiladel !iia, lias kindly presented us with a fine ox ofjSogara. 'J hey injj delightfully.' ro can, only wish Mr. Oppeiibeitn, great .cccss.in bis trade and traflio with our erchants of Columbia, believing that they ill always find him a tiue gentleman. JlLOOMsmma Academy. This Inci te, under the auspices of Itcv. I). A. rm,and romplctu, U boenuto nt receives the tho Principals throughout tho entire ,,;.., i..,.,,,.,..:.,.,, ,;.,, ,,. ,, me of study Daily Tr.ii l'res. The Sahiiatii e consecrated ho remcmner tne iautiiui words oi the :t when we gie our hearts to prayer d praise : ,' fi,tf ,iy thrr-ush anntln'r wi k. i r VsI lia. lil ti. on our way ; Uii now :i U.-3:iti;r tjit k, V$ Haitinj ii hn rt.urt-i to. I.iy, ' Pay of nil th" wei-k tlu- hi-st. Kmbli lit t'f et. mal rent." street, iladclphia, where it will draw five per t. interest without ri.h, and can ho nl never suspciulutl it in another column. sc. Near these remains were fount! n die, bridle and martingales, very much ayed. Tho paddle was tccrcted under Jlen tree. Near the skeleton was found "g""",J,ic c,"""y L'""u"""" lub, some two or three feet in length, BLOOMSHUItG MAllICKTS. many who examined it say that traces y,oat iioou aro ticstinctly fysitilc upon it. nva j i. .1 , A. . - . I . . nones oi iiiu aiccieion were tractureu, 'ever. Three of the horse's hoofs were id, two of which still retained their is. Tho manner iu which the hor.se shod, is pronounced by those that are ilioar with such things, and have cs ocd theso, to indicato that tho horfo 0 from a distance, as no such mode of ling is practiced anywhere in this vi ;y. The hoofs were also considerably 3, showing flint tho horse had traveled iderably. Tho saddle, bridle, mar! lcs, and hoofs bearing the shoes, are in tho possesion of Walter K en, who resides within a quarter of a of where tho remains were founJ. bore is a mystery in this matter that nover be fathamed. Tho horso could rhavo 6trayed thero and died, as tho osition of the saddle shows. Thero bavo been a murder perpetrated thero tho viciim tunk in tho mnri'h near by, Inch the weight of a man's body would from twenty.fivo to thirty feet, nover 1 recovered. It is a mysterious affair, it. SuVtvan County UmhikuiI Lltorary Notlco. One of the most interesting and useful publications which comes to our sanctum is tho Scientific Ameiucan, a weekly publication, devoted to popular scionco, now inventions, aud tho wholo rango of mechanic and manufacturing arts. The Scientific American has been publish ed for fifteen years, by tbo well known Patent Solicitors, Messrs. Munn & Co. 37 Park How, New York; and has year ly increased in interest and circulation, until it has attained, wo understand, near ly 30,000 subscribers, which is the best of evidence that the publication is appreciated by tbo reading public. To those of our readers who may not bo familiar with tho character of thu paper, wo will state some of the subjects of which it treats. Illustrated descriptions of all tho most important improvements in steam and agricultural machinery, will commend It to the Engineer and Farmer, while the now household inventions and shop tools which are illustrated by engravings and described in its columns, with tbo practi cal receipts contained in every number, renders tho workdcirable to housekeepers, and almost indispensable to every mechan ic or smith who has a shop for manufac turing new work, or repairing old. The Scientific Ameiucan in univer sally regarded as tho inventor's advocate and monitor ; the repository of American inventions, and the groat authority on law, and all bu-incss connected Hith Patents. The Official List of Claims, as issued weekly from the Patent Office, in Wash ington, are published regularly in its col umns) All tho most important Patents issu ed by the United States Patent Ollico are illustrated and described on its pages, thus forming an unrivalled history of American inventions. It is not only tho best, but the largest and cheapest paper devoted to Scionco, Mechanics, M tuufacturern, and tho Useful Arts published in the world. Hon. Juimt: KOKLV, A. 31., :is l'rincipal, will com- ' MAaOX, formerly Commi-..-ioiier of Patents. enc'o its next Scs-ion, on Wednesday, the , ,lot 0I1)y Cng..ged with the publihcM in rut oJ;Augut. It is a graded School, 1 their inimuiiMj Patent Agency department, ell conducted, and in charge of a worthy Jmt as .1 writer on Patent l,.ivs and Prae id competent gontlenian. Our citizens, t;CPl ;l,ii,y -ti fprcibl3 portrayed in tho ucrally, bhould eMcnd it (1 liberal pat- columns of this paper. maSo.'-''l'or particulars heo advcrtit-cnicnt. J The SniKsnnr Am kiu ian is publish. " cd once a week, (every Saturday,) each fiST The ron-on why the number of milnI)Ur t.0,lt.,illin 1(i Q- IlCtt(.r. udents attending tbo Iron ( ity Cdlcge ,lro,H) ., from . tQ ,3 of, inal y so much larger thin in other schools, grnvillg4 uf Xcw lnwlltI0i, cou,i,ting of fir work isho completu in Myle end t10 mo.t imlll.ove,, TooS) j, , Ml, lAi'ttndtbnrfUceeinbu-inesssoun- a,,..:,.,.,......., m,,,.!,!,,,,, ,! ir.,,l,l,1 aeh stu- i;t,,,ih makiiiL' iili numhers in a v.i.-ir. lirect per.-oual attention : .,- . 1 paper, ill a form cxpiv.-sly for binding. nnd all for ier annum. As we draw near to . v.... v 1.... ... .1 . . e consecrated hours of the Sahbath, let r ii 1 1 , , .., , ' ot .Inly, and hotio a larec number ot our towu.nien will avail themselves of the prevnt opportunity to Mib-eiibe. llj 10 milling p-J by mail to the publi,hcrs. Mi;. Co. !17 P.irk How, New-York, they will Heud you their paper one year, at the end of which time you will have a volume which you would not part with for treble its cost. The publishers express their It IS instlin TO nril.n TWO rniM- willingness to mail a .single copy of the Y8, than to kekp oK in riT.i,," and paper to such as may wUh to see it with- dso is easier to make two fortnnes, than out charge. keep one nt your command unless you 'gg?1'!!"1 """"Li J u. rain from inventing it in hazardous .11 A It 16 I K I . culations with the expectation of "reat ni'iiHirB, " iim m.i.. hy nv. J. r. iiimm, , , , 15 ,, -Mr. JiKEMiAiiConi-iR, in Miha JUrv linniK.all nf ilu ni. rrnuklins motto "make unall ""'vu vuu.: in nnil t1inr..W iihjj ..rnnf lnj.oa" niwl n n "'h mt.. at th remlpiiri! of tlw hri.lc' null US anu inereoy liusa great ios?es and n, lr, m i,ki nr..,.t, i,y n. nev, j. m. Haiiimn, vr. w re portion of the eommu'.i'y are so do- K"-"''"1--;" "-'. mh urinai.,i.. - , , , ' On lliu ai.t 111.M1J, liy tliu ltuv. ii. I.. II0VM11111, Mr. (sinco the panic of .;7) by depositing yil'J,'I.1j;':K' "! ,"r"r.--k, anj n ..Mtu liu,, of '.he Franklin Saving Fund, No. 13H liy ihi-inp, nn tiw sut r Juni-.Mr.iliR.x iii-Tm- III Wn.,rtl. str..M l,..l. f!KMinl 'f?";. fl'""lrrciK. M .Ml,, M.RY A. tow, nf i) 1 1: j . UUraWtl ith0Ut notice. This Saving in ..i'Im'iI1 . ' n t,,cl,tU- ,nfct'- wife of w n.i.,1,,., U(;t .inuuLt-i jt ar,, See atlvClti.-O- n l,ue tuwnslnp, on llifl Jlhtiuat.. John ntvii.i,aged nuoui -o j fiirs. In Greenwood, on the lh of .Ma v. Gloroc McMi. , 1 iiit.b, in thermii )er of his ace. Mysterious. Mr. Henry Ouei-.n, of n '''7i'T TV irry township, informs in, that on aiHIIlhltO S Jai'tinCIlt dncsday oflus-t week, an liU brother r cssnrt?TniC.iiii.ATVii"norain laBmall boy vrcro Bcarchiiif in the for v"Wc nt"c"' "'" bs ''"" s" cac"' iMaMc '" ixlnaltly la ajrantc. iua for somo lo-t cattle, that about ono - dred rods from tho main road, ona1 COUNTY COMMISSIONS. , .,i TOIIN DOAK, Ksi , of llriarrri'i-k tovin.liin, nr ore rOaU, lCaUlllg into a IargO Svramp, they J nuth-nauil to .a. Mill liu n t'nmlidata fur C.iniiiii. .1 . ... e aloiK'r of Columbia lumity, till, fall, hulijcct tu thu luaC' io upon Iho remains or skeleton, of a faofiiiaiiiiiiocr.iticCoiiiiiyCi.imntion. ASSEMBLY. EDWARD STOUT, of Mailiaon toun.lnp, Columbia county, wo un' nutliurizi'il tn niinuiinii', will l,u a canduldlu lor tlie 1.1'Pi.l.itur. i.iibjt'Ct tn the u.agc nf the 23 Shoulder.... 7f I l.uttor ' I Kggs ....111 ...11 ...ia ...la ...10 ..371 .1 Cum Oats Whito Deans.. Utiekwheat . . Hams 17 lallow ,1 (II) . .50 .. I! Lard Potatoes Dried Apples 7..'' J Deeds ! ! Deeds ! ! ! .1 surrjuun lot of thr HANDSOMEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST IN COLUMRIA COUNTY. ron mlf. .ir Tin: tit net: uf tiu: Columbia Democrat. NAIIONAI, SKY1.IUHT. DAGUERREOTYPE AND AMiiitorypR (jallkrv. a tA fdaffamrry Buildmff$, A'arlA Panrtlle, ONK of the ino.l cniivcuient 1111J exten.itc v.tabliah iiieiit. in tlie Htate . cliurKe, .utliciently hi;li to en able Hi. vork tu tu u.irranlLil. 7 .None hit the he.t inatennl, are tiaeil lmllliil,andil,'c'dp. r.on, taken at their rcidcnre a. - t t , ...... 1 Invlruitinn, L'lti'ii 111 Uagticrrcot) pc unit Ambrot)pe prori'H, ,111 reu.un.ildit term.. Moiitgomery buihlinga upon th, third floor All lilt.d up iiic.ly, above M, C Crier'. Drue Btere Arrive at nur room,, I'll remove every doubt, Vol tho picture, we'll make ),i m ith boldna,, Btan out. J It. COX Dcctmlici 17 IS) SPECIAL NOTICES. K7-THOMAS W. MATTflOtf, Received the Trlta MrJal at tho World' Fair In London 131, frrTRUNKS, CAIU'RT DAnti, Itoott, shoei and (Iunh. Great induce- ments nre now nflVrcdtu purchaser of the nlfuve arti cle!. TJili It tnuclt the largest utock cf trunk. Carpet Hagi, Vallccfl.&c.. In Philadelphia very cheap for cash No. 403 Market Ptreet, one door nborc 4th, Snth title. ESee Hanford'n Liter Jwcoratpr and Cathartic ILL, in another column. UNirORMITV OP I'MUKSI-A Ntw FiiTt-HK in llo sikem ; 1U try one hit turn Satttnon t JONKS CO., of tho CreBcnt One Trice Clothing Htore, No, COO Mnr- kit ct ret t above fllith, Thiladefphia, In nddillon to havlnfr the largest, moat varied oml faihionaUc clock f Clothing In rhiradclphli, made ct preiily for retail B3lc, liao conttutcd every one hl own R&tCRtnan, hy hating marked In figures, on each article at the very lowest price It tan be sold for bo they cannot ponnlMy vary all iritiet buy alike. The poodi nre well uponged and prepared, and grent palnB taken with the making to that nTI can buy with the full ntfMiranrc of getting a good Arficle at tbe very owct price, Alun,, a largo ctock of piece goods on hand, of the latent Ft) le and bcxt UAtiticj. which wrll Im made to order, in tho moit fashionable and limn hit, 25 tft cent., below credit tiricvx. Rcmcmb'.-r the Crerevnt, In Market, nboTc HitthSt i Na Wl. JOM'.rt A. CO. I ID A NKW nilr7vNirilLI.Si:Sd LTO.V NKW J I'llINCll'LUS. Wiiiib IUuCtTAt-.i lUfAin, corner nf Fourth and Market 8tret. dorn not folloJlri tin; beaten . . .. . ..... a... a ! UdCK. M-nrBBmuH ui iv uiu ay wnu. and keep a largo tiusmcgg t to ui gooitcneapnnigiw natiafaction to customem. Trttunce will not answer, I and humbug Ins had iU d'iy, and we Intend to Ml our goods fio per cent, advance upon cost, (no mora nnd no let.) and no vartition in marked price. Thla kj stem I will nustaln its Mf without pulling. Wo Khali l.uyanl rii.ll -'xclunivi ly for cash. (Jur assortment for mm nnd 1 Vos is th-i larcist In l'hilid. lphia, nnd our prices much ' ' , ' lower than nny other. Call ut oucc and sec for )our-K'lf, nt tha t WlllTi:ilALLCLOTIIlN(J nAZAAIt, H. W. corner Fourth and Market sin. 1'hiln. i Hiimrj rw.-i.iii, , jj" ivi Mem en h were iHuinin.iieu on tlio vn-iiing 01 . AuaiiitBT, l-5'l, by the must Mpl.-ndid Aurora lh.r'nli' ... . . cur Been innw century. i-i)u in co.nr-o ii?i.imiji.i. . , .1... l,r,,,c.'c,.'l1,CoUldK;.,.io .parknnB.iK.rorm;...,,'; hcIits Into the following wurdx . "Ituy all )our (.-arnifiitu UlUli'( concerning the m.intiT in which to proceed, (hi at tho llrovvntJtono Utithiuc IIjII of KniKiiiLLJt Vimo, v, r.iinn,i ULirwinut.. t, v i, i-i,.i ZTTt ,Tr 7, t n mm 1 n ut uiiuin iim noi.kH . .mim.jik. Wo canu'it do th! public n greater wrtlce nt thit wn- in than to mil their Htlt'iilniii to Km nlr.vo ntualili- r iim- illc, hirh .hiiulil l.e in tlm liaml. of cviry family." !ul mi P'Tikiii lilwut to travel ahiiulil f avi' lliu city uithoilt ', ,. ......irc.....o,. ... l'nlrT! ,,,, ol Call fW.iun of tin liloul,i.rg t'lTicuioti. ri.'L' ailvcitmuiuriit. NciDVDucrtiscmcnts. xi:v jni.LixKur stuku. rill. Mini IIahmasi, liriMJie ncceeded Mia hr Van cmt. in the .Millimrvtluineii'-. In Hli'jiii burg, will Litntinne the tradi at her well-known maud in tin llrirk t-Uor llou. ( n .Mam Htreit. a few -Ioor al.-no the J.trn.nnjo llu.ld.njfi, in all it depart nn.l Arithni. tie', per auailer. ' 41 M m-nti and in the m.-st modern tyle ot I Hliinnatilf rticrir if uirl ih and t'laaxir-, WJ .Milliner). Th have jut receiiea trom the iia-l ru 1 v,.t,nre!nri!e will b,i nude f,.r Vr-tirh or (lerm.in. titien. h n.-lectaHsorlment uf , Vtl A,uu,xt, uilllu lo.i.Ie oiimroniitoiiioM-att iidatKf NEW MILLINERY GOODS, Comprizing ev ry varl"t of Hpriiignnd .Sumimr wear, whi h will Id to. I'le to or-ier, with neatiu-H an I m curacy, ami mi ery mo.l-r.ile t nut. LiilieN oi llluoniHSiirj. and oth ti, are intifd to call aud ex inline th'-tr StiKrk of (Jnoiis liloom-h ire, Jon. ,1o, 1p(.h. iO.STKAVKD, iIloM th preniH -f nf the nulmrnVT. in.- J. ttlooiiisinirs, n or about the 17tli uit 'il'fi J)AJIK lili liSDLli COW. SS about ti or U year ol I, with awhile p.t on h-r risht hip, and w hit on Ii r lett hind tl.iok. and tiU i u hilti'nii h r uu ier p.irtp A liberal r.'wjr 1 w ill b paid for h -r r torn t th" mi d'Tfijiiieil, or iniorm.iiion oi h r wluri atmiu. 1.1.1 JiiW.'t. Ill ooo i "b i rii. J'loe 30. IsM. ""s'imiay "cinv CAM II to the pr.'iiiHei i.i in- niibn-rib-T. in Cgtcf Mt 11 a-tiit tw p.. near Light itre, i. on iriS-l nhmit the -l til of June. IkWIim j DA UK 1! HINDU! COW, I with hoiii, whtt.-on h -r underp.irio. abtnt I0).hmoII I TtiL o ner it r-"pietL'd to prove pr-'iirty.p.iv ch ira . j Hud t.ike h'-r avin), r ho will b: uiiii'i'd f v crai.i in i in. j mj;s lAJUiii. I'H 0 1MKSA IjS ILL h rereiied hy Hi - Itotrd ol Hihool Dirertor-- f Uemlork 111 O.. Coin llilil t nitllill . .it I he Mont (' the un I. r-nitiifd, in tli Mil we of lijrk Horn, b trt.-ni ththonr-iof . andS o'rlock, 1'. M., on .v-f UHtJ.ir. th lUh day of Jtilij, W)t)t for tho erection of a MUCK SCHOOL JOl'SK, adjoin i n; the (luck Horn Ch-irch, in naid iilltte, to ! 'Jitioicit, tintl lilt i ill d in pohif iiui.il ,iii1 mo.lerii te. l'lan and upcciticalioiif will b- f-ilubited mi applua Hon, .ij ahoie. JACOH HAltHlrt. June ni). K'0-Lltn .Vr'y or Valuable Real Estate. I.V purfinnce an order of the Orphan-i' Couit of Cohuuhia county, on Saturday y the 2tli day of Jahj ticjt, at H n'i lock in the forenoon. John ,M t'hemh tIiu, Al iniuii-trator f Niuh ri. I'rentH, late if Illootu to.tihip. in raid count, dere.i-.ed, will i'Tmhl' to alu by Publir Vendue, upon the premised, n certain tox or okoosb, itil.it'- m Uopkiiifiiille, llbtoiu tow mthip, in lhrrriuity afor'-hind, bounded and iletrriheil nu follow n Itej-iinuiii,' at antakeou the mthivtat side nf Main Urea nr public mad leauing KOIll IJlOOlllMilirg IO litTW I' K, 'il a line nfn lot now nwiiKil hv Hllnnn l Hlliw. thence nliiui; mul flrr, t .nulh filly lliree ilirt'tM I'lmt .il tiu f.-i t In (lie corner of lot Nn. P. thi'iin- tniith tivt'lily.evf:i (leureca wcsi. one iiiintiren ami niut iy-i iKni nil id an all.) thciK y unid Allo moth fil'iy-thri.'cdi'cricjj j-it nxty iho imm in-' ioi oi miiioii i'. rtinvi nior.'fiani. iih-iicu. liy tli.- baiiio north thirtyrvi'it awrvvmaft i.in'hiithlr',d an. I lino ty (iht nt lo'thn pla"oof hcgtunii g Tli- ru in crurti'il on the iir'im-rs a to-stiry a 6in.il I frame Shop, a ktuhcn, and a Inrpo I IEA.lIi; STAISffil. Ulth n ut'll nf wnti'r nn the pri'lnuea. Late tlie INtatu ol tail itereaueil, Eitnate iu th low ,itC .nil or i.iuoui. and county nrori.aiJ. JACDII I'.VKItl.V. Cirri. money (leu, ten per cent.) in be ,.iiil on the loiliriiiiillim . oi iiie-.iie. u n i,'r rem. ol llio one Inurlli tn lie 1.111,1 III ..., , ,,,,,,,,, ,j. , ,,,,, lt , , ,, , ' ' .V.V..;;. , lllnoill.bliri!. June nil. llill. '' .i.m' r. INPKOT'rX K, I e r s f i 11 V i! v i' t Char in Tlio FOR the ire)cntlnu ami cure nf J'rrrr arrl jttrne and Ullloui h'tvrrs. Till, w onileiful relu.'ily a, hrmiylit tn the kiimvle.lce of the nre.cnl propri. tor, hy n fri'nil 1 lm lias hein 11 great tr.iieler ill 1'cr.i 1 ,111.1 tlie Holy l.aiiil. While nnin; ilnunthe river Kuphrate. Ii esperience,! n nccrre att.irk ot t'e.er nntl Anne. On ili.ro) 1 rule lli, cniiilitlon.nue of the ltn.itui',11 l.H.k fruin hi, pir.onau Amvlrt, ,.i)iiij;. JlUr lAl, and no Fcnr mtl tvttth nan." Although iiirre.liilnil8.il. Iu II. utile, i he inuiplied, find experienced iiiuu.'ill.lte rillif. nil.l ha, finrn ulviii), luiintt itan vtl rin.il prou-rlion f.oiniill luahinnii, coin plaiiit,. On further inve.ti'ialinn lie l'niin.1 that the tinntinan at trihuteil It In mtracuhu pimcra.auil ..11.I tli.it It mul.l only he ol.taineil Imm the Trieat, of the Hull, rt iiiniiiiiu alur). aril,, the ireiillein.in iu rntitcrsint: uitlia I'rleat ntnaineil Irnui linn the a.'rr. t of 11, prep iratiuii, uml a cirlamrd Mlieru the medic 1 lirh. Mire found, of Mluchit Ma, cninpniiinled. The Mouderful )lrlue,nf tin, article haxe liiduied .1 full belief in the mind, of thelutDe, 111 the luiMCilluii iKitlliii' piiMer, ot their I'rie.t,. riiuce 111, return tn America, it lia, b. cn tried w ith tha happienl elf'ct hy uoeral Ladle, and Ceiitleiuen o high rharaclcr. Mhn h.ie (ii.en it the mo,t i!ii'ualllitd prai.e. Thu remedy lui nn; been 11 ,pecilic in I'er.ia for timid red, of)ear,. lor the pretention mid cure of Tutor and Afcue und lllliuu, l'e)er, I, now oiT.-ri:u the Aiiierl- can people, It Mill be ami by null, pre pal 1, Mithfull direction, fur on ri ceipt ot one dollar. 1'riiiripa! Depot and Xlauufactory, 1H Main 11 , null mond. Va. llMitrli Oihce. Itank of t'uiniui'rce II111I.I1111'. Neiv York. Adtlre.a JOHN WII.COCK k CO. June ail. IM - liin, EXKOUTOK'S XOTICK. Estate, of Solomon llickmua, ileceasul, LI.TT1.I13 Tctami-ntary on tha ll.tate of Soiom s lUcaM.v, Utc if rnoit tMi.. Ci Iniubi.i ruiinty, d. caeed, have been era nted by the Rcituterof t'olumbia inuilty,ln the lllliler.illed, roding in I.lme Ki.lge. all r,on, ii-ttiiig rlaim, ngainaltliu t:,tjte it the dec I,nt arc rc'iuerled to preint lliem id tha litrciitor. without delav and nil ner.on. iiiilelile.l tr in.ike 11.1, inent foilliMith. IIEXltY T HII.KY June 03, I'GO-rt, .'r((i,liir, LOOK OUT, FAIIMKUS! ItKVOLVINR HORSB RAKF.S.fm nalo at K.py IV hy r. it iti;mi;i, June CI. IrKI SEWING-MACHINE DEPOT. MONTGOMERY 11U1LDINGS, DANVLLLE, rA. EUREKA ! ! EUREKA ! ! EUREKA!!! Celebrated Slmttlo or Lock Stitch Family Sewing Machine, ranks high in tho mar ket cannot bo excelled. It is preferred over all other SHUTTLE OR LOGK-STJTCH MASy.NES. for its simplicity, durability, strength and efficiency these machines are ull war ranted. Price $00. Doublo Thread Tilth! Ftitcfi Tamlly Beufnj; Machine. Thl Machine pos-MiM th? three grand rcpibifi, 1m purity. Mreneth nnd llirlrniy. Price, rtt and $.H warranted, Tlio undun-imn'd oftVr tliuii rfewlng Machined w ill. the created confidence ih.it ihty nre drtnrd in meet th-j want nf the n-oiile. Don't fail to examine th Lureka nnd May I'lom-r lu'l.ifj p-trthat-iMg. filk, Cotton mid l.in cri thread i uitnlde for rt;t In.? Machine, on hand bdJ for tnte by m. o. auiEit, Danville, May 30, 1800. fim, J. V. MARTIN. Town Lots Tor Hair. C LVKKAL d-'sir.il'bi building Into In Itlooiiifiburg for Haie. a or parncuinr in-piif oi V. WIRT Hb'oiiwburg, June 2.1. lgtiO-tf. DKDIOATION. , rV ditincprmioflhyii.tlio t'teibli,rri.in and rmtertant I J Mfthothitt muvipng liiue, lit HlucKflnnny. wilt he I J Mftho.li.tt iiieeimg hou-te, at HlucKtlMmiy. wilt he llilipntttd In ttf! WOfdhTIt of .1 inia it v Ood, im tho firFi or .MinijiMty uoii, o.i ino nri-i ;y -;;f-J(. ft ,)Jllf ( , u.(,olk A ri,L.cti(M, ttM i, . taKen up to tit fry tlw fipunf(i nf said house, "lL Minifterlng t-re the ten or iutitrd tonttPiid, phrkllllnnV( j11(- p. ' ' ' " ' "" " - . HllliT alHl I'tfil iK'UVt'lca I CllKAVKK THAN THK 0I1KAPKST. 'II 1 undersigned Imh ioadi urrauc-'iuciit-i th.it r. ill aWe .-Ivi-r Hour and IVed, 1011 CAHII, ntiout ten per cent, chenpci th.ui any Imily else in town, it,- ,,rir,.4 ,,, -tollow d 1 Inur. 7 25 1 Com It Hre Chon. si C& MVrn&OiU Hion. I M lif.m, 1 lo f fupwttully solicit n ritm ot jlJj-'yux nionnnhurir. Juno n. ifdo-tr tjULl itt i,,Taib . iir-Tlii riti7."n of Jcrtpjtmi n nnd icinity Kainp ttrortiot'-d will UKinntoi tin my and 11.1trt11tl.Mi. i;,,i Saturday i-ttmii ai-mM.Ml l..r tho purpuM! ! b 4T1I OF JULY. noilMHt of S. V . ILirU-T. follow i lift Lmnimttvu ttm ippoiitte.l t make iicct-iMfy urMiin.-nta fur a HU , MC r.KTV. riiM'i. Jt-Hiirre. 1 Jno. I'nt'tT, FiWll K Mi CiNt ! J no. ItKitv, I J ini Wtt-tllEB, .Mark L'aikt, Ji. t MUP, H. V. I1RQLP, Wiwos W, Smith. I If Ju,(fJ!J Jj Ij3J TitS liYH jI)RYU J Ari'teini w ill t-'irm Wtdnrvtaij) August 1a, I'upiU initnictfd In ljiclih, riAtiir, MHi'Tn Lnn gu iirert, Matlf-m.itiri, Viturtl Sci -hci1 and Vnnl ,Miik 't'lie course nf M.itliuni.illia nnd Cla-iic-i n mt'iid'-d to prcpjre th ftudi'tit for inlmiininn Into a tniierity or Collfi;c, nr to pmlify tor l)uitii'Hr, A Daily Itcci'ter of tlw atl.-o.l.iiire, coti !urt nil I Bchot nr-dup nt i-rh Htudent n k pt. whi-)i in open at all tiiii'-n for i-x innnatioii b p-irent'i, f;oaTiii.in r otli. u. pcri.il attention is pnen to lliune U j ileyln ftttrn? thciieti t4 lor to. .chini'. i p n imi i i-.,..ii..k I.L. i?n..i.n-- w,.tn or wit.Ur.iw.il In-fore th rliMC 1 Ito seiou, unle-" in rat-eol protracted fit Kiie. . ' ..... t ... ... .-..i..l ilorimt thr hprina .md dmuin-r lr .?! SI p r week. Hi f r.nr-'at- -r..tmn-i of 'he "rljoril II. A ltlK'KLKV, A f'nnfrrtt IUooirKblrg,June J, lt.0-tt. " KlltKSVOltKSr F' muwuvs' niti:vtmK! 1. A.TIIIIINAN, iriuii.rjt.iu: ul.ii.ku i.v nnr.it onhii. Ilniinn r.iiillu., Hky It', k. t. H. n.il V h"i I., fn inl, a. lr.i.hpjii'r. I'lnw. r enlii. I In l.mlit.. Il iunh i l.iflht-i. I'ir 'in -ir. T- rc'i''., Tiup' iIih-h. i'linm i'r.ul..r. i'ir rr.i'krr'. i r.f k r l'l-tnl- IMu't. Mm nf t.ir, .in I Serp nl., Ji.illnoii A.-.. A.r At i.i mal ii tun r pi n 1) pi.f, N, '.' r'frtuli Try t r.'i t, u:ii ilnor lr .u Vl.irkl Hlreit. Jut in lnl 1 ru. I'litlui'lplni I Uf. IIIINTIAOTUS VALJirt ." MUti'M. ruti. i'riMX i: compahv. j tnrori'vratcd i- thr 'tfnufnrc i Vcua'n, Charter 1 trpitual. Orri F IV THK lloHOt Oil Ol M 11 IOI.I Ml-l l, U lltM". tO. T. I'HIH t nop.iu n iitiw fall nriMK d an I in t.oer. tnl operation, and pr p ired to r- r.-it u .tpplii ationi, ' nnl i it in c Pol ii lee ot li'-t ir.iuc" t'lranisi l --.i' or da.n r.'e bf lire. ui all kiud-i nl i.iil.ni;rt m -rrh.indi-e, no I all other pr p -rty :a de-nn-tt -d in tir-t rliMioftln- peienih i necl ion ot th act pru id.-d f r III' incorporation of in- , miranre i ompaoi-i 1 f l-.'i tipo.i th iiiiitu il prim ipK 'I lie idheeri ot th' rioopinv, althoiish li t limited to I an p iriirular put i f th - Mat do ii-t mt'iiito eit-nd j their 'p-raiioui h jniol wli r i-oi.i ot th Ihrertor-t lut ii Honii knowle ice ot t'i prop Tty to hf nihiired. anil ' ije-ucn niMiuug oul) riiitJi prop -it) iih tin y d wui . f sulIi I n.ttlte, i:iiiciok-i. S. II. Warner, J. J. Mrllenry. IHnard IIUEhe", H. (. )dnu, J Hie llirrinoti, John Kooin, i Jim t-Tit'iln. 1. L. ''lupin. It oh -n Arnol I, Kmry Ink, ptuniii 1) iron, l.ph WadHtvorih, Osliotn Iiodam, I K. Krirkli nun JiilIN' KoitVH, I'reM.ient. f HIIl'l lMI H IIACOS. rr i lent. J INitv Isk, rerri tary. lli'Pi'iin At l Aoinonrir. Tri'tMiri r NeWt'uluilibUh, June jt, lAj , XKW AXD S 1'IiKN D 1 1) ASSOUTM K NT .ii nil: rei:xt:n or .llain :iiitl Iron Ms-eels, 'B L O O JVX' S K D K C. , 3? , l,i)ou wantfll.K? I fintn llllim'KK' Dn nil wnnt l,AVi:i.l. CI.OTIII Coin IIIIIIH'CK'H ll,i),iil u.ititl'IIAI.I.I Iir.I.AlN'KHI (.ntn IlllinVl.li'S lo ou wnm TAlilX COVi:ilHI l.'i, in MKOWKR , i)u)i.u.int('i,oi'ii nomow Un tn IlKOWnit'H. I)nou ui'iit CK:I.1:T() fUlllTrt t fin In llRUVI'.lt'r. Ilnjoil Mailt lilt. C1T I'lllfrt Hi;utTsiiiii,r.Mii:its ( ii" tn wimvnii' llntuii want MI'eMMa' tn llliOWCK'S Dn i nn want CALICUlMf (in tn uiti)vi:i:ri I llo )iui wjiit I. WVN- I 1:,, m iniiiwniM . , t,nta MtOHLIl (i.i tn l.lt)Vr,R'. Cn tn llltOtVl.lt'rt tin tn lutdwi.ii rt ('.it Ul'iiW r'it'i I).. '..i u.mt ii.iii.i;i:rf f llo )oil .anl lili r.i.i, r. -ll.i )oil uant IIOHir.ltV I n'' 11 ';nr tin )ni .llil 11.1.. iiRi.ut 11 1 1.1 c 1 111 ..'.n 1.11 j,, , 1 .hi i-M ii. 11 1 ; .... 1.1 miuii r.it .1 11,1 toil nam STIII.I.X WIIAV) LSI Cn tn IlllOW '.It'.S. l)j 1 oil ant MDII A lit MIT I'rt I (In tu lll!()U i:it S Do you Mailt HII.K alltt1l.l:-'f lli, you w.uit nAl'NTI.BTfl ' I imyini nam t-.iu.t .. ...,.....,,,....- n V)ant TIDY Cliri'OV I ,. 1, v.. Dn you w ant I M.Mit ' unio iikid) iAi-x ; Cn tn IlUOWIllt'r 1 . I Dn)i.ii Ham HCN HII IIIDS I until mtownifn. Dn )..n Hunt lmiiiii:i.i, nt lkiymi Mam CAS?,IMl;ltr.ri I Dn yon m nut IT.Its--! N l'I,A III ! 1i1y1.11 uant i.im:n CIIDCKSI Dujou Main I'lMtl.'AI.i: t D 1 you want JIIANS I Dn Jim Maul NAVKI'.CN'rll D.i you MiinllilVCIIAMi- f Dn )nil Mailt DI'CAI.S 1 Dn joil Mailt 1TKTAIV MrHI.IWf Co tn I'HO.VKK'rt Co to IlKUWLK'i. liotn IIKDWLK'rt. CntnllK(lVi:KM Cn to imovvi:it'4 tin to IlKOWCItV. fin in iiiiovi:iiv. (in tn mtlUVr.ll'rt Co 10 llllOWLU'ri Cn In ritOWr.P"!" Cn tn IlltinVIM'.'M com i:iiowi:it!. fin to lllUUVIilt H' llo tn liROWKR'H. Cn to HKOWIUfH (into llllDtVini'.-t liotn DltOWCIl'F). (iu tn UltlltVCIl'.". Co tu IIKOWKH H. Dn )n. want tOI, D I AMllltlu. 1 llo )nu want WIUTr. CODIld f Do you uant DI.NIMrif Do you Manlfll.i:!!.) I llo )oil Mant DUII.I.I.N'IIH I Doou nanlTIUKINflrtl 11.1 you vara 1 HI'.rKH ' Do yon Mant I, MUKS' Xllnns' D.iyoil want LADIES' ti AlTUUhif 1,0 "" nilH'l Cltl)i:i!lr.fi ' Colo lllKHVI'.Ii'M. Doynu want arKllVSWAHIII Coin l:lt(lYi:i!'H II 1 you nant OI, ftdVAi:i: f DoyoUMaulllAUDWAltlK I),)) oil want IlltlJCS I I1.1 you want 1'L'ltl. SI'ICI'..- ' Dojou Mant CHUM COdDS f Illoom.biirg, M.i) 1'. Irlll. Cn to ui:ovi:it s. Cotn IlltOWIilt'M. Co to IIKOWLR'ti. cotn imownifrt. lio tn IIIIUWIill'M. AS riltiA : S .W.l.V'if.V.f.Tan.l (wm.vwt cciir.vt ti.ii lin ing complaint U,J TENDT'S UROXOIIIAL OlOAUHTTUS, liyC ll.tt:Y.Molii&t;o.lil7NAinmTiukT.! ) Mad lint. 1 p. r linx .tut Irer hy pnvt ron K11.H .u'si.t. Dttuanixrs May I'J, lifl -inn SPA LI) IX O S Celebrated Prepared tMiif for al at I. T fharplf sb rhap wxh wtp cn Main fir-- t Ma) r.i Jm-u AI VI LLK I IVSTITtJTI,. frillK Institution w.ns fill tided by the pn'-fnt rrinrlnat, J and alwa)i h id a lili ml harc cif thi patronage of tho rnintmiiiilr Th-i ohji-ct aimed nt in all the user riHt'SM UK" inniitutf, ti to n.'niru in pupili u pinper de 1 elopnient of tin: m.-ntal pottrrs. nnd tliui qualify tWm for wlf Instruction, ipectal attviitfon huing given to thj formation of ci-rrect and riti'matic Irabit-i. inenem of Pturty emir.tcc liieljih Literature, tho HriiMici'H, 111 Mallfcmallf-i, the Cl.isr.lr-i nnd M dt,rn L-iniMiftse. HyRlvlnaltH undivided attention to tho liltcrexis of tin Institution nnd (riirlne the co-op", atin 01 well qualified iiKtrurtorx, th-j l'rincipal hupei t o rt-n-dtr siUsfartion to hia p-r-iit. Ihenvxl 'Irm will open iionuuys jutgitst I Bull. The Prlnrinril n't It Hiviic mini! fmm n ,iia-mrn boirdera, an'l will ev, them i-it-ry attention necesiify -"iii-n. 1 or iMiuciiiari upimv 10 J. 31. K1JLSO. . rrintipnt. innvuir, jnni 31, iiii am. you want .NO. I MACKIUUX, en 1 1 you want no. i nr.niiixn, 1 0 you want XJ HIT.I.I.A ci,crn roit i.Aiiiiirt iiunir.U"", llKIMVIIK'. HAIITJIAX-S COltNKH. rPIlK second arrival of New Ooodn, this JL fprlnj. at IIAICI'.MANS. (JUMMhll Cafscincrc.Jl and Contini-'i of Ill" Lilrat Rt nt IIAIiTMAVfl y001., Cotton, Hemp, and lla:Car- TT pil I'm ,ilo il. .ip.'jt Hlllll'VlAN'S. WrALL Paper, Wall Paper, in great IT 'piautitiia, cli.'.ip for.aW. at IIAKTMAN"!. HOOPS, Hoops, Hoops and Hoop.!, f.-r Ml', nt IIAKT.MA.Vrl. MAflKKItKL, Herring, and we expect iil'tofrliil.fi.r.aljnt ' 1IAIIT MAN'S. flEMKST by the Pun-el, for suloat J IIAltrviAN'.s. .viny r.', 1111 II A it GAhX.S I 1UI ti (JA Mr6' .' . NEW GOODS WtH.'LIt ri-p"rtt'nlly inform tin cliieiu of Liish Hire, t nn. I lcinny that th' y lue jn-t received a new and xti-a-i. o a-s irtmrtit of ' " .,, ,V , . W ' wht. 1( lh--v wMl -ell f f ap for ra-h. Th -y have a laree lllii i'-llin .tl-t.' nl t lira IJ i-iinit.iiii.li. I I.. . M "imtry rt.in. nod are i t-rmMied to sell clieup. To the Iwitioii nf their cnodt thel hive D.itil htnrl attention , ther fine, their iin-rch.inilii' till h-ar recouirm ndation aud will f rove to 1 of the lirft clas-t. i T!f! propria tors cordially soluit a litcr.il lurn f pat roinue, i'n-toiiier-i would do ivi II to call and exaniinu ' ll"',r iUrW'''1' v,,ri1 'J' ' ,l,n' purcliaiiiis i litetcheru, j CouTitJ? produce i ikt-n in evch inu for gouda ut tha tiijln-ht fim k-i t price I MAUTZ &. LNT. 1 l.iitht Htret t. (Vfoln-r 2. MV j OUKAl' IU)OT AND SHOK ST OR E. fpllJ mti'-frih riniltet ntrnnlon to hn m-w utock of I L Il.-ot-i iin-1 r'li.t t jut n-d from I'lnl id-lplna, I and roifipri-int! hili UENTLKUr.X'S U'KAli, l liort-t. ('..nt re ( ixfoid T'Ofi, i-littl'. Tie, N'avy Glut ' trs, Hlipp ri, A.C.. : run ii.iDitcfl yf.w, , (i.ut r.s u il 'mud w itlimtt li (-! Shpperi ditto, Ihl'kiiH, IPrenctl thofitcro llontie-i Willi and without lei h, ic. Also, l i!--' ami I'll. LDULN nt'orprv tli.-.r-rititidTi. nl nrlfi.u mucli Iii-Imm- !liii nl.l gI-iii 0-trd aodl-tn tl.in tlu- t-aniL onalily of Gonls can be h i-tht lor at alii tin rKtoru m town. Work oi all It ind m ide t order A tlu Ist material, in ttnnt 'oiet in iiiiK'r nnd on re.i&ouuble i.rni4, w.irranud toe'pirlauy uty work and mmh lh low ntj prirun. I ket p uoru but t'h-b"-t wurkmi it. ,ind hue l iter mate rial th.ui lias e(r li-t-tre hroolrt to I Iih -hi lait, tic t i-r bent 1 1 ht' had in tin ny marKi t t.Loiuiii v pan unit Dauuile, fuv W. l-'Mi- (JllKAT HXUIfUMKNT - at Tin; ' Sj 8t IB, n & Saw FliESll ARIUYAL mm & sulvuMiiR goods MILLER'S STORE. Iir nih-rnli'T hi- Jiict ntntiiiil lioni th an tin r I irgt' and - h'rt .ihMirtiitfilt uf city ith SI'IMNi; SUMMKKOOODS, purrh Hr.fi n riiil.i'lolphi.i.it th'lowuht tiguw, and whirh h- 14 iIi't'Tiiinif'1 l'i if H on ai luoiluiati' IitjiH an ran Iu jirucureil cliifw heri m ltl-'ini-tnir(;. Jlis .--tt-rfv LiuisUtu I.ADIHS' J)Hj;.SS GOODS. I 'Irur -nl l.-i an I Lit t f.i-ii'n fiiii'it'. (irorcrtt- llnrtirtirc, tjucriisirftrc. Cedar ft'are I follow Hurt, Irun, Hoots and Shoes, i Jlnti ltd Cant, . r. In hort cverttnii UMially kept in cmntry i: tiros to Vi llr( In' HIV Itt H til ' public Jlt'tllT.lllj . " Th llijli' r-t Tru- tui.1 tor ntniitr) pni.liin .n:riii: u HM.i;it. ITIooin-h'irtf. April til, 1W.T. KIIKA.MKII S -KV STOltH. MltV 1 ll!M, M.W rtruKi:, rl 1 .ir jr.mKYimr.v cow.wiu car.vrr. r.i. l ' J""1 ' " "oi" I'lul.i.li li'lii.i, .1 law nn.l V .iileinli.i iiMi.rlnielit of F.1.VJV W(..s .mil ir.l I'LF. lirtH)), .ihi.i!.Il f r tin.. 111 rK. t. which Hi luleinl I 10 Hat lli..l.m ,t lumit l'rl-ei. Come ono awl Lome all! ! "'I '' 11,11 10 l,nri'llla'!' ci'ine ami examine nur ,; ,u , ;,f w ,M ,,lkt. pi ,,iiire in .liowms our poml. lit all Iiiu, a. tn eu-iy p r.011 -nui nr lionr-H Im ill 1.11'nr ih Willi 11 cm. I ,n.im id th time tniii t ppl. mil I h,i renin, for mo m ill n.t lie I'MII'.ltSlll.l) I.v .in. 1 .t.il.l i.Ii iiil ill 111 llie , nnl.lrv Cn to IHttJWint'.S. , Hpi ill prolit, nil. I .pu- k -ales." la our lli.dto. W'e he Cn to IlllOWr.irr' I lie)-' 111 th olJ uiu.iiu, th it, "llie niiuhle .i,-penen I, , b.we,. ,lr 1,, r (, ,j I'.n.un.l pay 111" hlilh.'H nurki t price tor ail kiml. l l'ro,iii'.-, i.uuiner. m.iui, h, il'' 'n'c l"'r ci nl on lh Dollar deducted lor i.i.li. tnualt .mn. of one dnll-ir ull. I iinwnril,, ileum i'.iii.tl In In ii. -r ii'tit. O'T .iniiuio. l air ih'aiinv. and no lies told for tlio 8 lk: 1 1 rtilL totidn at tli'n IliOitt '. r. a w. kri:ami:i:. Ji'rfHtnuii. Mav 2 lfO, paxuy Dity CiOOI) AND t ?. i m ivi 1 n g a t o :n a c 'rlli; fUh-mhtr lakoii th'1 Iih rty to inform thu Iido'i J and tiintlt'iucii of Dranu'i'Mll-', hioI tuirrouiulini contr . lh it hi; h.itf ojii ni'd a 'I'amv Out Guon&. Tiuh mino Mnio," tn Ornii:i.V!ll'. WIotl- Itu kti'm on hand, .iu il is ronsiantly rt'ccu log a g.'iii-ral nsHorinieiit uf Staple & Fancy Dry Howls, Truniiniiii ll.uidki rrhi f". Ilosn ry, Cloven. Mills and in tdiort. nil rtiiul of tuinif liiu' gt-odti for huth l.adi's ami t't'iitli'incn. Him gundit .ir' linuglit at N'i'w Vork and l'luliu-lphia hot It. h th'Ti forv Im-i ili fctlcs ol hoili lacL. Th-y ar1 honcht for i-u-h. uhn.li finldca him to bi'll at hwt r rat nthmaii) utln-r m tli-rotuur. lh- ri'it'ctf ill) riluitt4 j share ot Mtr'-.iL'i-.iiromlnng tu ri'iidir iffmil i-att,irti-ii l'la- call and tvuntnu b. I nn- njn haiiiz I'Ucwhcrc. N II. Country l'rotliru tahrii in rchanc forcnrhln. Ladn-K lhnm ltvc t'aiio druilvr (tafrnt, u ill lr tiinmhed t'ratii ith tho UtiM ciiy DtjU.on aili(j 1 lun. 1. MAVTON KUNIi Drmicvillc, June It, JcU). 0. M. XI MM Kit MANN, MUTACTtBER or American Violins. tn Vrtrtona 9lyU, vtth ;afif taifpirrr, P T H N 'I' 0 O N 0 K n T I N 0 S , MILITARY DRUMS of all alze. on a new plan, H.1XIUI. T.IMIItlHlXFS I'WIIMfiVT VK.U.l'M C M.I-. AND SIIKEP Willi: Slimus, Urgum, Melo'lcims ,y Ali'iuiil Ciuirs o S3? old No 13ip orlh Herond Street riiiLitn-.i.riii.-i All kind, ol Vu, leal Mi trliaudUc con.tantly mi hind Mlkind, oflu deal In Irum untuned and tcp,n,d larrh in lilt,) Imi RAYMOND'S PATKNT SKWI IV ii Sit AC UIIVK! rmon $10 each. MIWM. ZUri'lNOLU & noilINf.of nloomsbuf?, hailng purchased the rxrltiiisn right rf the above valuable linntnvrD 1iifp fATtsr Kiwino ,Utniie, for the riitinty of Coiumbia, will bo happy to upplythtir friend Willi tha article for tho uctumiiHidatlon of them fflves and fauilllDS. Tho follow in? are Home of tho u perlor udvntitasei this implement posni-f ifs uxtr any ever yet ofiered to the public Vit -- 1. It news If on 1 -tuo to m) (tin hen per minute, thu naitiiif both time nnd lubor In the operation, 1. It roiistriictlori l no plain &ul ilmpl with any thins like fair uiage, it H tasy kipt In order and uil vivo entire 11,1 1 10 tioii. 3. Double thread Mafhinei,areattTyi tliincnlt to mm. ece, nnd very unhandy in threading, L'ut thm Maihlue it taticr threaded than Lt-eli h coinmoii neeole. i. One nf the most valuabio features cf this Ma.hine, iVEW c'.lXc1 !SWy& a aeiim, .uffifi.miy .iruug lot ny work ru, wi.ii u i, il'itiii'.). a iii.-ilin. utiun not hnuwn M mlicr "uwinj .Ma ''ii""' , , 7. .Nu human hand I, canali e In iirnitu. ni . .pain .11 f. AllU'lll! thu atr.1V l.ri'nlntlt Nnnlnir M.li.n. tl.,.i am niiiio auilmnu auj durallc at Kv.v)iu' 1'Aii.si.bul no Marlunu I, nuai'toilliull timl, uf Murk ihlmhii. iho , lia. provi'ti. u. 'I hi; npiTnlor ran thaps lii, .cam, Jim n, lie plcaae,, nave, Ifuic. iiinl llowpi,, riccanlm ri'iiri'.aitgU ur iiintatnl. 10. II i, vatliculatl) n.l(.toJ to all kln.l. of inrlilni- ' - .mil a, iii'iillomin', ,liltu, Ikjuuhi,. risll mil,, uill.ita, iti.,- anil nil kiliil. nf l.rtilia' k, imiic, liMhidlii nnil nil Mn.i.i.r i,a.iK,' n.niiiii, in,ijine ,iik,, ', " " '''""-. r..i.i'piiii"iuriiioiriitaiy "".it una .na' inn. i, rauijf loii llglll of i ijii .tru.lion. II. Hut all tin: foriienhnr ii.H niit.ii. ilim.-i. ...ul in Ililiiaalva,,ilnlii.lld liit.ihislitiilllcalii.il, wh.'niuuipaiJl i.i.ur n.iahT iu, an I i, vnuUuil to p9irrm lit, work, uicup'tua. a n. ap.tJ.,,,,Jsl,a.inct.ar,ii,,u,u iiii'oinahur-. May w. ioo. ,,ANIKl' w- "u'1"- Elc-iuit Spring Stock j ; A . J. SL OA ,V, UAH just rorrlvcil, ilin-it from fhih Jcliihl.i an,! New I oik, u v.-ry clioicc assortment of I &PKINC A; SUMMKM (.'001)8, ! .nmn.t every tii'W uiitie vviiirh In. harn inmiifirturi'il for Hprina auJ .Siiiinur u ivi-ll u, tlu i,.noi B.tiiKUt of STAPLE GOODS of .up .,, qu.illtlo, will no fo'mj in jrl, v.. ,il,l nt prima u. Iu aa Fiimlar eoihI, cjii lio purch ivJ i-Ufvvhuri. It I, an in- iniilt r tn liinl -im.l, n( ,t 'nw prlr-. lint it . ii. riu run', in.-) nro ju-t n. Ion in ..uiilily. Hut l,. L'i-t :i iou amcio at a very low p,CJ ,m,.i,iii1! tnru. Hu.li nn iiii,irlniilly hoi -VLT. i, oiijru.1 to any wlii iii.iv want Ill.y UUUII1. ii.niDir.ini:. ol.m ir.mi:. S1LV. He y ;iii an,i - nnoa:itii:a. lVM.vnir.mi.. Hsu. lllu,JulaJiari. -vinil. iu.r FKKSH I'llOM THK CITY, II ORB 1 1 W GOODS I I HYERY SO JIT, 1 SIZE, AND STYLE. JOHr mxT,ivi:n at SETTLE'S S3-3EAP STORE IX LIGHT STItKKT, ash aisi: ni:tc tsui.u top. nr.Auv i-.vv 'Cheapir linn the ( liraj,csl !" ' BT-PLUASE f.M.i. i:m.v Agent. l.islit ftrret, April 1 NEW CLOTHING. 7Iin ifnderi'frned. prat'ful f.tr pat pationa?", recpert fully liiforiiH 1 HrUrtum-rs rfnd the public p-tierally, tint ho In just n reived fioi.i tp. K.iierne titles, thu I.i i i!ei t and mot-t ttek-it Etoik of SI'RING tv SL'MMKU CLO I HINT. 'I hat hm yet hem optned in Itli lom-i burs, to which he luviti-x tlio titti'iilioii nf hn frl ruin, ami tumr,- th th it they ar- a -red ft,r lc ct srvut burftlim Jiu fti'tl roinprioct a l.irtr- at-rlni' nt ir (ii.N n.i-niKN n k i:ixu .riMiiKL. Clillclstilll.' of TA-JlhONAHL UlttftSt'O'.ri., of vwiy ikn criftioti, l'.uiiH Vi-vti, Marti, Cravats Sutrkii. Cotton lluiulkurt'hii t. (jlofii, Su-putili r. Ate CUMI H'AIVIIKS AM) jr.WKI.UV, Of yery ile,rnp1 run, Jim and i h- p N. II. - Ki-iiuiiil r LHrtnhcrg,n Chritp J'minnuti ' call and nee No cUttis tor t'.imtnc OoniU Jl.WIll LOWKNHf:i!t3. Hloonjhiirg. Mirrh 31, tJui- 1-.VI ) JBlooiusbui'g Head Quu i-Ilts! .llrKr.UY, SKU.& 10.. in Tim nni.D with an iti;r.Asr.i) ulitly we&siHEiiiiooi WIJ would mmniKire to thi puMir and our f.icnde that i' h.ivi' jutt r.tumtd trom tlw ty viih wry liik'v (iit-ouiiiLitt of xkw cirr.AP noons, Our (itnrk of DRV (JOOI)H rinniin-fd Ui' lire l rhesp i and haiidr-ioiiet now oil irtd in $ JUn ' Wo nr. dt't riniiit'd tn coniOL'to u iih tho and nil thoio uhtng in huy rhenp, can saw mom y hy (Tivnij! nn n rail Vi lii v. all kimU t i;on.in ,m,i ,lt,. to r upply tho uant ol the pi-npl A I.i r ft' I t of Ladies' Dress Goods, OK K VICKY DKsOIttPION. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS. rllceic. Collar,, npenrer,. Ilanilkrrcliii f- -l'i, union;., ItandH.iti.l 'rriiiimliii;. I. , nud Cdeiu. Itounet Itibhoii'. in l.uae taii.ty, Vtl ).t Klblion and br.it.l,, Kid, t'ott. u it 1,11.' Tiirind Cbivej .l..li.ur Allt, K Al.r. KINDS OF SIJAU'I.S. IIKOL'IlE.i Wa. kfilk, Cashmere. Il.nbroidercd, H, II... .r. Al.o n 1 lame aorliiKiili.f Clulli., L'a.tliii. r, Haliiut,, v',,,,s,JSlWhVt:r",,,,,,,H ' HOOTS k MIOKS OK AM. KI VI13 ! nud ru .. for Men, Women and Children. We have n , large .-isorlmi nt of Hat, and t'.ip. of lute, t la.h. loll, U e hae til,,,, Hurdwure. (.ueen. ware Ce.l.irware. Aci Vi ry Cheap I -irpit. I'arpit llali., rinr, Table .ma I 'arn-iee Oil t I i-lli n. Mr.ts, Hue. la-kLU. (Sir. MUSLINS, FI.AAMSLS, TICKINGS, Ilrilliii,. &c abundance. Al.n! I iiliflr.ni..ail,l'liee,e,.i rSX in ei.e innprr. i iwnia. uri a lurjit- ndttortior larir Uciiuitit our triiMidrt and tin roilihc ti.iier.ilU' to civ u a i all Ii -foro pun hiniiiir vUcwhcrf. We have huueht our giHHld at the himi-.i C.uh I'm-i-H, uu.l will rn-t hu undfrKold hy aii)iody, or tho rt'tf mankind. l-lo'itio-burg. May 11. l$iW). ORE AT A It id V A I. NEW GOODS, AT THK Lteht Street Stoic. j Creasy, tfrotherty all hands on active ilul; ' Wr1- Would inform our Iricnils ami TT cilstoini ra. that we liuvu Ju.t reccoed cn ull ! llillllly large .lasertlllt-llt of SPUING t SUMMER GOODS. Whirh Wi'OilVr at lower rule, fnr p...i,lv i.-,. ihan ly ia, than tiny Id "cheaiier than , f'rl.ciir'itjiM'd Iuti' and will 1- nj 1 thi' rhtapft " , Wi- th.ill nntattnnpt tociim.-rato tin? varonu anirlcu tli aru iioiiH'iHi' mid iheir uanmis h'ttioii- an our si.i j c .i-i Mon Kooum, nirlndiiit! thu t'tll.ir and tiarnt, are tilled tiHivertUmnii: Tlo re aro to Im fomnl llm m...i f.ilirtik-, 111 tho nmmrt m atoiii-hiiiir low Aiiini . di.'-' w.ar 111 irrwit vaio at i m iit. luuu than cloths, mlijv. rroci:iui:h, 11 ta tvt liJonts, Shoes, etc., nl tlie .nine rate Inalmrt. nliiioi.t c.irttliing in ih. iiierraiitili' line Irom n n He to nu allelic r -Uurl'rl. n.l will do will 10 cull liel, re Ihcy mako tllilr btfletlioiir II W t III.ASV t. to l.iclit ftre t ptii 1 -n. SliLltlOlt Golden Syrup Mola.cw, lu-i imiiii am in, .n.. ,tai.r nt r ' "lion .i Mi, h. r I' "i nfl T .,P., (onl'issluii of tlic Uev. lllr. Hnnlcii Thrnton, Juih' 'Jr. Holi.tMc information had been reSivi'rl illfl ITnrrpn l,,, mirln 1 rrmflnii ff Unv. tMai -'l-uen UM maac a COTlielQil VI lfrt - !,, -nlarmnil liU viiCn slimvitir iti tin felinV ,M6 pOISOUCU Ills nliO) fiUOWlug wlio.i tMUiaction a degreo ol guilt Fcklom P.,Unl. cd' Oot. Oldon has respited the wwUi 0f lardeu for one week and a day, M) thai J it will take placo on Friday, the mxHi d.iy 1 of July. I.dllurlal Fracas at l.jiiclibiirg. V. LYNcnnuRo, Jun Mcsts. Joseph aud Kobcrt l'.'ill m. editors of tho Virginian, were (hoi in fie , , ., ,... t ,,. :iy rill.i.1 I'j-iinvj uv luu u.uiiilia nuiunuRi .. . . .... ... CilltOM nnil proprietors Ot tllC llCpllblle.lll Otic of the Buttons U said lo be n.oitallv nnil the. other seriously wounded. 1 JiATM-Kobort Button, editor of the , Virginian, is dead. The offices f loth j nowppiipcrs will bo closed for the pro-cut. UHNRV AlJOLPil'S VASl XK'K WXltVAlUitMH, .No 'M NORTH SIXONll HniKlri". (ABOVB MAnKLT.l Ona Door above cltrit church A Ci'in r il An.nrllncnt of COTrAtlf, hVKXlri'Kt in iiuiimn u-f.t;' ik.c. i'imi,ai)i:i.iiiia. Mi)- U HfiO-ISm. Licirr Street Sroiti:. rUKASY & CO'S. UUI.Ll.IIN i.i. at)ica;ot uuiil .loiiidlng lur l'irtiir.i rrinu C'llKAl i l.ij I.I, kinil, An.iimber for .ale by v 1,1. kind, ofCarnct for sale hv CHBABV I"' rt CP.n.SVA.ft) JUS I' r?relvcil all kind, of LnilioV Ilrpna i!no,lc l,y CIIUASV iiCO .1 i ii,(,.vs, oi tnc iaf.1 laRilinn,, lor yule i . JUOV, Kails and Steel, for aala liy Anno.VOil, for aalo by CT"NI3 Coal, for sale by CHCAai &i;ii CRCAdVAKl CRHASV it CO. CrtEASV t CD U.MI!i:it, of all kinds, for sale by cituAsri. nt Ml kind9 of Good Goods, by CItr.ArtY.tCIl Light Street, April 7, 1800. A littl". but ofti'n fill, tli" pur'', SAVING FUNDS. ,pKANKLIIV SAVING FUNU-N'a 120 rmii I 1'ourth ttrett, between Chebtnut and Wnloui, rhiladilphia. payg nil depo)ti on ilernnitd, l liepositoru money secured by Government Ft.ite' and City Loaiii, Ground Kcuti, .Mortgage., fee. '1 his Company deems eaft-ty h-tter than Uree' ,pr titJ, consequently will run no rihk wlihdepo,i S tor- money, but haie it at all times read) lu rttu.u m I m ith !i per cent, interest to tho owner, as they h tic t alw.ij 4 done, 'I his company nrver supetidtd. w j emaieff, marrieu or single, anu .ill nor., can de ? ; iiiLiiiii,in umi iiBiii.aim fucn utptait un b - .withdraw n only by their c6neiit. " t'li.irter pepetual Incorporated by theHtatu of epintislvanid, with authority to receive money 4 ilrom trustees and Uxecutors. , ! l11tOK AV) SMALL SUMS HECEIVKU. ijiiice open nauy iroin t to ,t o clock, and on erj 1 nenujy t uiung uuiii a o uock, -IJaro'n Fl'annon, Crus Cadtvalladir r , Jt'Iin r-inndltir, George Rufpell, : UUiathi U". Hain, EdwardT. Il)att. Lewi Kmrnbharr. llenrI)claiiy, 'NicIojIjd lUttcnhotise, dth.ii Huicdlev, Ji II rfutherlhwaile, Ephrlam Hlonclrard, 1 Joseph Ltppiiii-utt. JACOlt 11. SHANNON", rrsijint, CYUCS CADWALLAULIt, Treasurer. March U, li5'J lgm "A Hollar paved ii twice earned." OIIKAP STORK GOODS! iwrir.il. t.v oHjixa EriLLr.t 'rill; iindersiencd Mould re.pectfully inform hi, ru.lo I in, r.and the public In seiicr.il. that he lia, ju.t r c ue.l in, stock ot m lect and fashionable NriW SPRING & SSUMMKR GOOI'S, at In, old Ftand in Orangoville, Culumbia co wh r h Mill always be happy to sec hla friend, and cuntom.r, ana an outinodatc tlieir want, in the line tf Mercli,iu. , LADIES' DRESS GOODS, uf nery variety, ,,,, and patern unaurpa.aed for beauty aud ctnapn,-., ur, tn u. found here in crent abundance iiL.vriKME.vs Htnit. anuL'Lictr..i. U.1 rs. u.ir.i. BOOTS .1X1) WOKS. a. f a " Our 'lock I, of the most 'approved kind,, and a, th y w.re purchaaed on fair lerma, they Kill be sold al low of nrt for ca.li, or ready pay. i. Our old friends and ntw customer, arc int itcil i , cill an 1 examine for tliemrelvci,. Country produce taken at the higher! market price Or.mcevillc, May5. 1600 3tn. M. IKIl LXUllKMKiNT uuWN iUU.n AT L. T. Sharpless' Store. FRESlHTll 111 VA L OF PPRIXG AXD SUMMER GOOP.-' ri'HK iindersiencd, havin taken rharce of ih, w X Htore torliKlly kept by Jo,i.h fcharpless, he l,,k , Ihl. Im thod ot inlnrliiine Lid tiiti,,.. j ..... In' h n, iu,t retarneit from the city withn l.-ir , i. HI of &PRING & SUMMER GOODS, rli he offers for sale nl Ins i wlllrl Ulicai .Store, on Unn Streit, llli)in,l,iirS, at th )crv lower! Iiiin- I" Ilia Mock Iu, been -eh. ml Hiihacre.n dr.il .1 i.Te .md judgment, and will compare fivor.ibl) wnh any .tuck ot cood, e.er hrouelil (,. j, plJce. '"; try frodiico laktn in erliane for cooda at tin m.nkit price,. He has on hand , v, mlim coii.li i k. .l in a country nore. (iivehiin .i call belorc pur.li., nij il.iewhi.rc. 1 ,., , . , ' T. HIIARrLLr'x III loniOiutg. April 2?, lrCO " NEW GOODS T n KV 7;00DS : ! iI7 END E N HAL I. ' S S TO 7. ' 'IMIi: underm-ncl lia, Jun receue.i from the cm J. oilier lull as.ottmciil of . M-'lUNtt & SUMMER (JOODS, SlSffi'&riffiw' aoom tickivh, .tlM.-lJlir itn ms nr rnr'l i.i v' ,7l?.ixr"' H.1MU HIJKF.Vilt.1ltl.:. HKAll,.M.mr. CLOTiuxa, ci:i.ih v mr.Luir irjtitK, u.iis M.vil cvij-a. IkOX .i.Vl X.1U.S, tiai, 4.W.7; Ste.. 4 c. I keep at all time i hand, a large snnnlv of PTtJTl ANT) wrMrner t r....' 11 ""!'.' "l"ch 1 W1" t" cl,lJl' "eaily i'jy. uther Ca.h orlrnducs. i n.l!,M. 5. IMl-atn. J- S"'"IMLI. rpiIE undersigned, II. W. Creasy & V. JL A. ("rea.y, liavms formed u co partner.lnp. in i , .MERCANTILE HUSINKSS, in Light Street. Columbia counly, Pa., under Hk nam. and . t) lunf II. W .Creais fc Co., b- I,.,-,,-. t ,fur, ,, lr Iriend. and Ilia ublic. that they will lontinue llie bu,i III n, Ol iyrERfiHAWDJZIWS, in all it, variuu, brauche,. al tlie well know n Morn ,tand r.f 1 r. a.y t Brother, where Ihey will at all time, he h. P) to attend to the call, of their Iriends and cii.toin. r I ight Street. April 3. lnoo-m." U -L'"t'A'-" iSEW BTUUB. Wholesale and Retail HAT CAP STORE. rpnniindrr.iRned re.necliully inform, t.Vrltiren.n .. .'iieiia'" '' '"''-"11"" mitral, that lie ha, "'""P'a NEW II AT STORK. InthenhitcrrameHMrti llou.e on Mam Street, iv .i.T. . ... ..T'i:.. . . " ,MU" M.rpft. near mt ...Voir "Ja rfnr Tm , "r'' w,,Lr j-l ' ... ...V l.t,l.4.,,U .111,14 Hlcudida,,ortin.iit L CITY UATm AND CAPS. Direct from tho Manufactories. ,f n i,ni, . . K'jt, and , lafcrt ra.luuiii,, lc, i,e ,lrt; ",,,; ,ah and ritml. at wry low pru t, a. UTIUW OOO Do." iii'l i lnii all tho modern ,iylcs nnd I'a.hin'i, 1-u'a iy ?ahy l1 U",J"' '" '") ""J 01 "',y luw I1"" f1' i: .).,... a..,,, ,,, s ANLWMT 1 EADY M DH TI m'mvf K ,i, V' 1 "OlG can In 't ,lu ' r" hs hr v " " I I ti H) VI 1, 0