Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 30, 1860, Image 1

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ffiEVI L. TATE, Editor.
VOL. 14.--NO. 17.
VOL. 24.
'Columbia Jeniorrnt
i rcflLisniD ccny Saturday mormko, by
liCi'I li. TATJE,
o fITo e
In the mm llrUk Building, erpntit Ihc Krraasjjr, b) Midi
........ if . 4i IWnfMlI, limit CJiiArf rrt."
vj ihc mar, ivutt, vw.... ... .....
tkhms or suneciiiPTio.v.
l 00 In advance, for ono copy, for all mouths.
1 75 1 n u Iv mice, for ono copy, one year.
It 01) If not paid within the lirst throe months.
!2 2.1 If iii1 p.ill within the llrst six months.
.5 50 Knot pall within the year.
H7"Ko siib-tcriptloii taken for lean than MX months,
Ind no paper discontinued until nil arrearage! aliall have
been paid. , , , . ...
f7" onlinary AnvtRTi"iiMtiralnicrtea,nnd Jobmobk
xecuted, at thii elablielie J prices.
& i,ovedonehohaecroeiitothe oilier aide i j
n.-ar llift li i-r hev ,rkoll tn H1G
!?., The clcani or lliclr sunny rones I see,
There'll ono with ringlets of sunny cold,
nut men , i,v ic is , '"v o
Andocsllio reflection of heavens own liluc i
liocross.-d tin t llljht Cray anil cold.
Audtlici'ale mitt hidlilin from mortal lew.
We saw net the angels who met him there,
Tho gates of the city we could nut see -
, Over the river, over the river,
My lirolle r stands waiting to welcome me.
Over lh river the ho, p.ite.
Carried another, th household pet i
yv!s j,.r ,rtt-n rurl moved in the gentle gale
f "& Hurling Minnie, I sec her Jet.
P1' ' f"'-1 1,11 ll(,r hotoinher dimpled hands,
And fearcs-ly enured the phantom harKj it s'i le from the silver strnnds,
, And nil our siiiitlnn-grew Strang, ly dark,
i& -ninv hM" 1)4 f,llf,i 111 ' lusher "i'1''.
N hue all th- ransomed and angt li ho
fcr On r the river, the injttie river,
.MycluUllood thiol is Wdltiuj lor m;.
ytwt Tor none r tarn from thote 'pil, t h,,r-s
H"h trots with th., hoatmtiu rl,l and pile.
W We hwirthe dip of tlie golden iwm.
And catLll n yrl am of 111,- muwj sail,
Andlol lliey have passed fr th jearniii; hearts.
Tiny criHS the ttrenni niiH are gone lor ne !
' We may not Minder the ml apart linletlroiii our utioii the gates of , lay.
, We only know tint th ir harks no nior'
M i) sail with tn o" r life's "tormy sea;
, Vet somi where I know on the mis t n shore
They wait h, and iK'tkon, and wail for me.
And I flT .111,1 tlil.ik. wll '11 the sunt.tgol.l
Is 1) ishim; river, aud lull, anil shore,
I idi ill tin,, d.iy -Mo I liy Hi l nut 'r eol 1
Ai.J lit Ui th JV f tlu hiatiiian's oar.
I thill witili for th cl.'.im t'f.i Happing tail.
I -n ill ll ,tr til li ,it as it g.iiilH th- ttr.iud,
I .h.iM pisi from -lit with th., hoit' palo
To t . h tt r i r-- ,f tlie spirit I m.l.
I it'i ill kn v th lo tl who have none liefer,
n I Jo; filly -w. . t will th he
Wli 'li over Hi rivir. the piMc, fill riier,
'I'll ati'; I of ! -,ith th ill r.irr) me.
Sciccl Stovn.
-4e.It was between tho first and second acts
ofa celebrated opera. Tho audience had than tho-e who are a cultivated as your
just ceased applauding l'atti, who had been vlvc. Let mo tell you, coz, that you lose
-called liefore tho cuitain twice : and now more than ou are awaroof. for Miss Vau-
everybody was looking round to see who ,
was in the hou-e.
A gentleman, who appeared compara
tivcly a stranger, leaned over to speak to a
lady before Lint.
11 I have been so long abroad," he said,
"that I hardly know anybody. Yet I
never, in any opera house, saw so many
pretty faces AVho is that beautiful crea
ture opposite ? I mean tho -one in pink,
on'thc second seat of tho balcony, playing
her fan with tho graco of a lady."
" Oh ! that girl 1" was tho contemptuous
reply. " That's Marian Vaughan, tho
daughter of a retired pork merchant, or
tailor, or something of that sort. She's
not in our set, however, and I know very
littlo about her."
" I was going, coz, to ask you to iutro
iluoa mo,1' said Harry Berkley, who had
been tho first speaker. " But I see that
won't do."
"Dear mo 1" cried tho lady. "Tho
girl isn't in society, at all I tell you."
" Tho truth ii, Harry," interposed
Charley Thome, tho last speaker's broth
er, "the girls are all jealous of Miss Vaugh
an: Sho is beautiful, as you see, and wit
ty and accomplished also. Then, too, sho's
full of character. Quite independent, I
assure you, doing exactly what sho likes,
though she uever docs angthing unlady
like. Her father is enormously rich, aud
so she is able to gratify all her tastes. All
'our set,' eh 1 Amelia ! vow the is extrava
gant, and try to frighten us poor fellows
from marrying her, I'm very glad," he
added, satirically, "that some of 'our first
families' have tho reputatiousof our grand
fathers aud great-grandfathers to live upon,
for, 'pon my soul, they've neither money
nor brains in goncral."
Miss Thorno turned her white shoulder
contemptuously on her brother, eyed Miss
Vaughan askance, and commenced piaking
her fan to pieces, in which delightful oc
cupatiou sho was most assiduously assisted
by.'a female friend "in our set," who had
aeoompanicd her to tho opera.
Harry Berkley was the match of the
reason. Inheriting a vast estate, while yet
in Lis minority, ho had gono abroad, as
soon as ito had completed his studies, and
had remained there, principally in Paris,
until his twenty-fifth year. His return to
America, unmarried, had put all the mar
riageable young ladies in the city into n
flutter. His claim?, to be "in society,"
nobody could deny, for his great-grandfather
had been a colonial governor, his
grandfather a general in the revolution,
and his futhcr a Senator of the United
Statetj while his mother and grand-mother
had each been favorite toasts in their
day, and fashionable leaders in the most
select circle of their native town. Hence,
no young bachelor was more courted.
But Amelia Thome, his second cousin, had
sccretely appropriated him to herself.
One so gentecly bom, she thought, should
marry nobody less genteel ; and who was
there, she added proudly to herself, with
an equal quantity of tho "blue blood ' of
America as herself.
Tho nest opera night, howere, Harry
did not invito her, as she had expected,
and she was forced to press her father into
her service as a cavalier. Imagine her
chnrgin, on taking her scat, to observe her
cousin talking to Miss Vaughan, the latter
looking more beautiful than ever.
"(Jood heavens ! pa," the cried, "do
you see Harry J He is actually with that
Vaughan girl."
" And 1 hear," replied her father, un
conscious of his daughter's plans, ''that
she is very fascinating. I shouldn't won
der if Harry was to marry her."
Miss Thome colored with anger, and
bit the end of her fan. The opera, that
might, gave her but little pleasure, for
she was watching Miss Vaughan, and was
mad with jealousy.
The next morning her truant cousin pre
sented him-u'lf. .She welcomed him with
M)inethiiig of a sneer.
' So you got introduced to Miss Vaugh-
! an V were her words. I suppose, next,
1 you'll want to know our cook."
j " My dear eo:i-in," said Harry, grace
. fully taking his sat beido her, "you don t
know how yuu girls the girls ot 'utir set
i 1 mean, a-tonisli me. 1 liae just come
j from Europe, wlicr- I have been preach
ing up republican in-tiltitions, and yet, the
1 very tir.-t thing 1 hear, at home, is that
aeeomp UhineiiH and original worth are
i nothing, and being in 'society' everything.'
" 'I'd bo sure. A real lady owes it to
herself nut to as-oei.ite with cveryboJy "
' lly which you mean that you, and a
doen or two others, pretend to be better
ghan, and others liko her, who rest their
social claims on their accomplishments, aro
as Charley says, far more agreeable ac
quaintances than 'our set' generally. You
are only laughed at, and this, not merely
by tho-o you think you put down, but by
all sensible people."
Mi-ss Amelia was purple with rage. Sho
had never been talked to so plainly before,
and she was not di-poscd to submit to it,
even for the best match of tho sca-ou, much
less from a cousin.
" Laughed at, am I ?" .she cried, rising.
, "Sir, you forget who you are speaking to.
Hut when people consort with tailor's
daughters, their maimers leave them."
"As 1 shall leave you, fair coz," an
swered Harry, determined not to quarrel,
"for I see you are not looking quite as
lovely, at this moment, as usual, and I
try never to see a lady except in her best
looksj so that I may always remember her
Half an hour afterward, Miss Amelia
could have bitten her touguu off, in anger
at herself. What if sho had also driven
him to Miss Vaughan l
Tho suspicion, alas, proved ' eorrctt.;
Harry's engagement has just been announ
ced. And those who used to sneer at Miss
Vaughan, as "not in our set," are already
making interest for cards for the wedding,
which is to bo ''the affair of tho season,"
and is to come off early in the summer.
Take my advice, Charley," said Harry,
tho other morning, "and marry a wife who
rests her claims on personal amiability, in
telligence and accomplishment; for she'll
make you a thousand times happier than
any of the haughty girls, too proud to
learn anything, and too selfish to earo foi
anybody but themselves, who chiefly make
up what they call 'oun set.'"
tr An editor wanting a line to fill up
the column, gave
Shoot folly as sho flies. Pope.
In setting up the above, ths devil had
it thus ;
" Shoot Polly aa sho flics, Popl"
Violent Storms Crops Destroy-
uu" l.oss oi L.UO in lowa ana
Illinois Shocking Scraps
The unu.mally cool weather which wo
aro now, alinott in tho middlo of Juno,ox
pcrioncing, U accounted for by tho fre
quent occurrence of violent and destruct
ive storms of rain aud hail, and wind, in
almost every section of tho country. Tho
express train from Ualtimoro for Wheeling
was attacked by the heaviest kind of hail
storm whilst passing Cranberry Summit
on Thursday evening. The hail it is sta
ted, rattled down upon the car top? liko a
never ending charge of grap'e shot, and in
iuimeu5o quantities as to nearly obscure
the tract.
There was also a heavy hail storm on
Thursday on tho National road, west of
heeling, aud it was with difficulty that
horses caught upon tho road were kept
from running away, Tho hordes attached
to tho omnibus coming cat became fright
ened aud tried to run away, tho windows
of thu vehicle were broken) llio passenger--
jumped out to bo pelted, and tho greatest
alarm was occasioned.
On Friday afternoon last a destruct
ive tornado passed over thoj'iciuity of
Norfolk, Va. There was not much rain,
but the Vtiud blow with great violence, ac
companied by hail. The Norfolk Day
lio'c, after stating that the fctorm wa?
preceded by a heavy, dark cloud, which
suddenly d'mded, Fays :
The cloud that passed off in tho direc
iiou of Tanner's Creek gathered strength
as it went and when it reached Mr. Win.
Jones' farm, on Little Creek, had become
almost a whilwiud. In its course it took
up treci, pioitrattd fences, and almo-t de
stroyed vegetation. In Mr. Jones' field
the tomato vines were uprooted aud .sent
sailing thioiigh tho air, while bushes and
limbs of trees rode upon th? wind like
things of life.
The cloud that passed off in the direc-
tion of Craiiy I-land cut across the country
in tlie tear ol J.'ui tsmoiitli, anil, swept ev
erything before it j what the wind did not
pull up the hail cut down and its breath is
said to have been as devastating as the
much dreaded simoon of Egypt. Cabba
ges were destroyed, tomato vines torn up,
fences scattered, trees prostrated, and iu
one or two instances hnues unroofed.
At Weldoii, N. C, on Friday evening,
tlicrii was a violent tornado. A letter to
the Petersburg Puns says: Tlie whole of
Col. N. -M. Long's gioning crop of corn
and cotton is swept clean, and not a soli
tary stalk left standing on the plantation.
Every plantation is seriously injured. The
roof of Happcr'.-, Hotel was blown off, and
a large number of trees uprooted in the
town and vicinity. Col, J. B. Zollicofi'cr
has but one chimney left to his house, and
a tree Inn fallen three feet through the
We continue to receive the mo-t painful
accounts of the terrible tornado in West
ern Illinois and Eastern Iowa, on the
yd iust. No similar calamity over has be
gun to equal this one iu actual destruction
of life property, and iu all the attendant
frightful circumstances. Sovcro as the
storm was, and groat as was the damage
on tho Illiiiois side of the Mississippi river,
the storm visited with far greater violence
the section of Iowa lying between Cedar
Bapids and tho river. An extra of tho
Mount Vt nion A'cwt, Linn county, Iowa,
contains thrilling accounts of tho tornado
and its disastrous effects iu that quarter.
We quote tho following :
Tho whirlwind, when first seen, proba.
bly sis or seven miles away, had tho ap
pearance of a largo black shaft or column,
shaped liko an upright hour-glass, extend
ing from a tremendous, threatening cloud,
which for some time had been hannin"
over tho wcit to the ground Hundreds
watched it as it swept on its courso, seem
ingly bearing directly towards Mount Ver
non. It was attended with a heavy roar
as of a huudrcd trains of cars. Branches
of trees could be sccu iu tho air, while its
changing form and the flakes of clouds
thrown from its sides showed its whirling
motion. When within two miles of us,
whilo peoplo wero seeking safety in cellars
or as in somo eases, running wildly about
iu tho streets, it veered on its course, aud
swept by iu full sight sublime but fearful.
Hardly had it passed ere a half dressed
man, bleeding from wounds upon his head
and reeling upon his horse, rodo furiously
iulo town calling for help. Talking inco
herently, ho reported persons killed and
others injured at a littlo villago or hamlet
ono aud a half miles west, known as St
Mary's. In a few miuutes huudieds were
on their way there. The wild scene of
desolation they found beggars description
Wo had imagined the horiorn of a battle
but never had pictured anything so awful
as the sight of those poor victims, disabled
dying and dead.
Tho power. and force of this "demon of
the elements" must have been immense.
AVo reached tho path of its fury loss than
an hour after it went howling on. AVe
found a hundred men slandiug around
muto aud aghast the sufferers had been
home away but there were other eviden
ces of its fearful mission. Houses gone,
utterly goie, and nothing but blackened
aud smeared foundations told whoro they
had been ; trees, one and two feet in diam
eter, and even larger uprooted aud hurled
many rods, robbed of branches and foli
age j carcasses of horses, cattle and swine
Strewed tho farmers' barnv.ird.
And yet the track of the whirling demon !
was not more thau twenty rods in width- j
wo speak of the central force which work-
cd the destruction j outside of that there
was a mighty wind, but no such traces of .
power were left.
As heretofore stated, tho town of Ca
maneho, Illinois, was entirely destroyed.
The editor of the Chicago V(sj,w1io sub
sequcntly vNitod tho place, says :
While there, the sight that met tho eye
was perfectly horrible to look upon, aud no
pen is adequate to tho task of conveying
the mo it faint idea of the disastrous effects
of the tornado as it passed over that place.
Horses and cattle aro lying in every di
rection, killed from the effects of the storm.
The buildings look as though they had all
been torn iu small fragments, scattered
over the whole country, and feathers from
tho bed clothes line the ground, and then
all had been ovcrswrpt with rushing wa
ters. Wo went into one building where fifteen
bodies, some mangled in the mot fright
ful manner, and only wrapp'd up in a
sheet, and put into a lough box, ready for
burial. Jr Howell informs us that, from
buiiday cven'niL' to Monday noon, he had I .
visited wouudcd,and jet twenty
three broken liniln.-' W
dead bmlics, an I there
that requited strict medical attendance,
and ai many that are more or le.-s hurt,
yet arc able to be around. In addition to
thi number twenty-eight wero swept from
a rufi iu the river that was passing at the
time, and ten arc yet lnis-ing from the
town, that are supposed to be buried in the
ruins, or are blown into the river and
With tho exception of half a dozen
houses on tho north side of tho town, (Virij
single building is cither toin down, un
roofed, or otherwise damaged. A werso
sight no human eye ever beheld, aud tho
heart grows sick at seeing such a destrue
tion of life and property. Tho town is en
tirely ruined, and we do not see how it
can ever bo re-built There are whole
blocks of lots that aro vacant, entirely,
with nothing hut the cellar to indieato that
a houso ever stood there. Out of the con
tents of threo dry goods stores not one
cent's worth of the goods have ever been
Tho tornado struck the town a little
past seven'' o'clock, and in less than ten
minutes the whole was iu ruins. After it
had passed, the town was all afloat with
water; all that could, began to run from
place to place screaming at the top of their
voices, calling for friends aud children.
In every pile of rubbish, and from every
demolished house, tho groans of tho dying
aud wouuded were heard, and as the sound
came from every part of the town, no ono
knew whore to go first. Tho darkness oc
casioned by the black cloud", tho air beiug
filled with rubbish of every conceivable
character, and the near approach of night
rendered the scene still more appalling,
and such a wail of lamentation, sorrow
aud woe never went up from any place in
tho history of tornadoes, as did from tho
ruins and de.stroyul city. Nothiug could
be found to bind up the wounds of the suf
fering, no mcdiciucs wero to bo got, and
the wails of tho mother over her dead
children, the anguish of a wifo over tho
lifeless remains of a husband, the father
over tho slaughtered children, limiting in
vaiu for his wifo all these are scenes that
cannot possibly bo descsibed.
Iu ono family all that was left were three
littlo girls, tho father and mother aud two
children having been instantly killed.
We saw where a fence board had been
forced clear through the side of a house,
end ways, and hundreds of shingles had
forced themselves clear through tho clap
boards of a house. Wo visited the grave
yaul and saw twenty-eight graves, side by
side, all dug, waiting to reeuivo the rough
boxes eoutaining the remains of tho slaugh
tered ncoplo.T,io wholo atmosphere
is prevailing tho whole path of tho storm
that is almost impossible to endure.
In this vicinity near Sterling, tho woun
ded arc dying almost ovcry day, and every
farm house is a hospital for the dyiug and
Every one may not bo scientific ; but
every ono may at least boa close observer
of nature animate and nature inanimate.
If plain people, with good eyes and open
hearts, would, but keep a note-book for
their original observations, and jotdown
in a few words, tho simple facts of life
among God's lower creatures, tho great
men of the day would always have a good
'story or fine mateiials to deal with. The
Ilitophor would stand at case on the
gwnd platform of truth, and build with
bt,"US rC;ldily t0 UmA iu5tCCd
f havluS to scnd hu thoughts wide over
""-' "" "" ul "" w.ieruw.iu w
illilJvU fJllUa lUi LIIU UL Ilia WlUUUlj
or perhaps to gather oziers for tlie wad
died wigwam of a nomadic theory.
I " Do animals tindcrstatid wlmt. dnntli
is? Do they recognize its coming signs?"
asks the uninitiated. " No," says a gifted
philosopher of our acquaintance, " you
never see animals apprehoudiug the meatin
iog of death." Very well, then, here is a
fact :
Tho writer onco strayed into a mena
gerie in the North of England, which had
camped for a day or two iu a little mouu
tiin metropolis. A large, elderly lion was
making an involuntary tour of the coun
try, iu company with his wifo, and a fine
family of youug people. What an insult
to put tho desert monarch into such a vul
gar elap trap traveling carriage as this!
But what is the matter with the grand
old lion? Hois in pain ; surely he is in
pain. His breathing is short, and is
drawn with effort ; his nostrils are spread
Willi- lltW (llMMVtl t,V ntw ll.nt
, --- 0 ,
iaggy chest heaves uneasily. He is suf-
furiuz from bronchitis, for ho evidently
iwtvvontyeiglitjt.,llmot boar the keen air of the North.
fu is couchanti but now he lifts his head
high, and looks round aud round the show
into the huudrcd faces of that unfeeling
crowd, as it searching for sympathy.
But no ; they cannot read his eye of
mute appeal ; he is, nothing to them but a
great, tawny lion, with a shaggy mane,
and tutted tail. Suddenly ho rears him
self up to his full stature, throws back his
grand head, utters a tremendous desert
roar, and falls down heavily on his side
dead. Dead ; but with an imperial ges
ture, such as Cresar's, when ho fell.
Look at the widow! She has been ta
king short and stately turns up and down
tho den a very Juno in her gait, and in
her temper, too. But she stops, looks
inquiringly at the prostrate figure, draws
nearer, bends her head with an anxious,
bewildered look, and then, as if at last
receiving the great ide.i, she throws her
self down upon tin dead monarch with
great abandonment. Presently up comes
the heir ; crown prince he was ho is the
young king now. Ho stops short, in a
fierce, brusque attitude, spreads his nos
tiils, flashes his eyes, aud snorts aloud
That was a long and searching gaze, tru
ly. But at last ho, too, (lings himself
down with a great sounding Jlop upon tho
dead body of the old lion. Up comes the
coarse looking keeper, aud dogs away tho
widow and the sou. But they watch their
opportunity, and stalk forward again, aud
throw themselves down in tho same atti
tudo of grief. Again the hateful whip,
and again they spring to the other end of
the room, with a short, impatient roar.
Three times did this take place, and threo
times did they return to the samo posi
tion, abandoning themselves to the same
eloquent symbols of grief. Not many can
say that they have been present at the
death-bed of a lion ; and never can the
scene, so touching, aud yet so grand, be
tgy A New York paper, in announcing
tho wreck of a vessel near tho Narrows,
says :
" The only passengers wero T, B.
Nathan, who owned threo fourths of tho
cargo and tho captain's wife.
In another paper wo find tho following
advertisement .
Fok Sale. An excellent young ho rso ;
would suit any timid lady or geutlcman ' gustus II, King of Poland, could roll up a
with a long silver tail. 1 silver plate liko a sheet of paper, and twist
We heard a good Methodist preacher the strongest horse-shoo assuuder. A lion
go on iu this way : 1 ;s paid to havo left tho impression of his
" As I was riding along on ono of those teeth upon a piece of solid iron, The
beautiful Western prairies, with my dear most prodigious power of muscle is exhibi
old wifo, who has since gono to heaven in ted by tho fish. Tho whale moves with a
a buggy." . velocity, through a dense medium, water,
Elopement cxtraordiuary Mr. Jonc's that would carry him around tho world in
dog clopca with Mr Smith'-s dinner less than a fortnight. A sword fish has
"I was escorting homo tho lovely Char
lotte D , to whom I was, ab iho lime
quite devoted ; we got into one of tho
crowded Avonuo cars. Charlotte could
scarcely find room to spread her criudline
aud arrange her voluminous flounces ; I
stood up near her, there being no vacant
After a few minutes came iu a poor wo
man who deposited a basket of clothesou
the platform, and held in her arms a small
child whilo a little girl hung td hdr dress.
She looked tired and weary, but there
was no vacant seat to bo sure Charlotte
might have condensed her flounces, but
sho did net.
Besido her, hoftover, aii a very elegant
and lovely young woman, who seemed try
ing by moving down closer to others, to
make room between herself and Miss D,
At last she succeeded, and with tho sweet
est blush I ever saw, she invited the poor
burdened female to bu seated. Charlotte
D , drew her drapery around her,
aud blushed too, but it was not a pretty
blush at all, and she looked annoyed at
the proximity of tho new comer, wild vra9,
however, clean and decently, though thin
ly clad.
The unknown lady drew tho litile girl
upon her lap, aiid wrapped the velvet
mantle around the small, half clad form,'
and put her muff over the half-frozen lit
tle blue hands.
So great was the crowd that I alone
seemod to observe. The child shivered"
softly put on the shoulders of the little one
the mother looking on with confused wou
det. After a short time she rose to leave
the ear, and would have removed the
shawl, but the unknown gently whispered,
"No, keep it on, keep it for her." The
woman did not answer ,thc conductor bur
ried her out, but her eyes swam iu tears,
which no one saw but inc. I noticed her
as sho descended to a basement and I has
tily marked tia house.
Soon after my uuknowii also rose to de
part. I was in despair, for I wanted to
follow and discover her residence but could
not leavu Miss 1).
To shorten the story as much as possible
that lady is now my wife. In tho small I
incident which introduced her to me, she
tne Keen wmu irom tue uoor blew upon ; me same manner now provided, by law lor
her uncrotectcd neck.' I saw the young I naMj township returns ; Provided, Tho
i ...i.. r.:.t.. t. i. i....i .i -i. . i. i provisions of this act shall not effect anv
iimj wuiuuv itiliu uii iiul auasij r.'ililu sue i
showed her real character. A few days J required that every application to tho
after our marriage showed her the bles-! Et for,ay. of incorporation,
, . , , , . , T , i , , sua" 08 preceded by a public notice or
sed crimson shawl, which I had redeemed advertisement of the same in two newsp&.
from its '.wicr aft'd shall always keep as a pcrs in tho city or county for which the
momento. There aro sometimes pleasant legislation is demanded, or in which the
things to be found in unpleasant places P"''" ayPb t,'. for it reside, if two news-
certainly I may be said to have picked FW??1 "Tl "
,, , ty, aud if there be not two newspapers
out my wile in the cars, 1 published therein, then in ono newspaper,
- - if oi)o is published therein; which said
MUSCULAIl STRENGTH. public notice or advertisement shall set
Tho muscular strength of tho human lort1' tno names of tho commissioners or
body is wonderful. A Turkish porter will fTri,to'! .t. 'Jf 1511 Prol'osl!d 1?,?j3
L ' .. . lation, and its title; and the same shall bo
trot at a rapid pace, and carry a Weight puWic'C(1 or a(Jvcrti-ed in said papers bo-
of six hundred pounds. Milo, tho cele- fore the bill or proposed , law shall be pro
brated athletic ot Cretona,in Italy, accus- seutcd to cither branch of tho legislature,
tomcd himself to carry the greatest bur- I Approved1, April 2d, A. D., 1800.
dens, and by degrees became a monitor in j - - - - - -
strength. It is said that he carried on his ' A DELIGHTFUL LEGEND,
shoulder an ox, four years old, aud I There is a charming tradition connected
weighing upwards of one thousand pounds witb the site on which the Temple of Sol
and afterwards killed him with one blow onion was erected. It is said to havo been
of his fist. JIo was seven times crowned 1 occupied in common by two brothers ono
at the Pythian games, and six at the of whom had a family ; the other none.
Olympic. Ho presented himself the scv- On this spot was sown a piece of wheat.
euth time, but no one iiad tho courage to On the evening succeeding the harvest,the
enter tho list against him. Ho was one of wheat having been gathered in separate
the disciples of Pythogoras, and to his un
common strength that preceptor and hi
pupils owed their lives. The pillar which
supported the roof of the houso suddenly
gave away, but Milo supported the build
iug, and gave tho philosopher time to es
cape. In old age he attempted to pull up
a tree by the roots aud break it. He par
tially effected it, but his strength being
gradually exhausted, the tree where cleft
re-united, aud lolt his hand pinched in tho
body of it. Ho was then alono, and uua-
bio -o disengage himself, died in that posi-
' tion.
Hallcr mentions that ho baw a man,
whoso lingers caught in a chain at the bot
tom of the mine, by keeping it forcibly
bent, supported by that means the whole
weight of his body, ouo hundred aud titty
I pounds, until he was drawn up to the sur
face, a distance of six hundred feet. Au
been known to strike his weapon through
tho thick plank of a ship ; a specimen of
such a plank, with Ike sword sticking in it
may bo seen at the British Museum.
The following acts are published for the
benefit of readers :
AN ACT relating to Township Elco.
WlIEUKAS, Tho laW of 1801, authoriz-
inn the courts of ouarter sessions to divide
any borough, ward or township into two
or more election districts, fails to provido
C 1.1!.... . il . ., ' . 1.. . .
lor uuuing logciucr ino yoies polled, in
each district at tho borough, ward or town
ship election ), therefore,
Sec. 1. Bo it enacted, &o, That the
judge, inspectors aud clerks of each elec
tion district ot any borough, w,ard or town
ship in the counties of the Commonwealth
which shall have been divided by the court
into separate election districts, under the
provisions of the act of April Oth, 1854,
suan um&e out a compicie return oi all tue
votes given at any borough, ward or town
ship election, designating the number of
votes each person received ; aud tho judge
aud inspectors shall appoint ono of their
number for return judge, to mcetthe other
return judge or judges of the said borough
ward or township iu s,a!d county, at the
oldest election place, on the third day af
ter any borough, ward or township elec
tion, and then add together the number of
votes given for each person voted for, and
make out the returns as the nature of tho
olection may require, complying in all re
spects with tho provisions of existing elee-t
tion laws; and after tho performance of
said duties, deliver tho full returns to tho
court ot quarter sessions of said county, in
existing election law relative to the city of
Philadelphia, city of Pittsburg and Erie.
Approved, April ad, A. D,, 1800,
A Supplement to an act relative to Un-
adjusted Claims against tho Common
wealth, passed the lath day of April,
Sec. 1. Beit on acted. &c. That all
' the provisions of the third section of the
act relative to unadjusted claims against
the Commonwealth, are hereby extended
aud continued in full force for and during
the period of one year from and after tho
passago of this supplement.
Approved, April 2'd, A. D., 1800.
AN ACT relating to tho Publication. of
Notice of proposed Acts of Incorporatiou
of this Commonwealth.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, Ac., That from1
and after the passage of this act, it shall
shocks, tho elder brother said to his wife,
"My younger brother is uuablo to bear the
burden aud heat of tho day ; I will arise,
take off my shocks and place them with his,
without his knowledge. Judge of their
mutual astonishment when on the follow
ing morning, they found their respective
shocks undiminished. This course of
events transpired for several nights, when
each resolved in his own mmd to stand
juard and solve the mystery. They did
so ; when on tho tollowing night tucy met
each other half way between the shocks,
with their arms full. Upon ground hal
lowed with such associations as this was
thctomplo of Solomon erected so spacious
and magnificieut, the wonder and admira
tion of tho world. Alas! in these days)
how many would sooner steal their neigh
bor's whole stock rather than add to it a
single sheaf.
1ST If we work upott marble, it will
perish ; if we work upon brass, time will
effaco it; if wo rear temples, they will
crumble into dust ; but if we work on mor
tal minds ;f we imbue them with princi
ples, with the just fear of God and our
fellow men, wo engrave on those tablets
something that will brighten through all
eternity " Daniel Wefater