only tbat portion roforrine Is- tho Commit tco on Orcdcntialrt, llio claims of ill tho delegates Applying, for wats in tho Con von tion. Applnni! and criaa of agreed, sgrccdj Tho 'resident Thu Ohslr would inform tho pcntluman from Now York that tho call for the previous question having been seconded, tho notion ho desires can only bo reached liy tho Convention refusing to order the previous qucstiou. or by unani mous consent to suspend tho rules by which tho Convention is acting. MrvJChurch Then I ask tho unanimous consent of the Convention. Cries of gran ted, granted. Tho President Tho Chair will under stand tho consent to bo given to modify tho resolution as proposed. Mr. Oilmorc In pursuance of this n grccmcnt, then I now withdraw my umondiucnt. Mr. Church And l withdraw the latter portion Ul 111 jiruj.uaniuil, 1UU UIILT HH UI1 amendment in iis placo the following : Resolved That llio C'redcn'ials of all poreons claiming seats in this Convention, inado vacant by tho secession of delegates at Charleston, bo rcferrod to tho Commit' too on Credentials, nud said Committco aro hereby instructed as soon as practica ble to examine the samo and report tho names of persons enti led to seats. Tho following changes wcro then niado in this Committee, viz : Mr. liculoy, of Delaware, in placo of Stout; Mr. Mm roll, of Kentucky, in place of Wood ; D. S. Gregory, of California, in placo of Dudley. Mr. Phillips then renewed his motion for a recess till 5 o clock P. M. Mr. McCook, of Ohio, demsuded a vote by States, and tlio Convention by a voto ot'180 to CO, agreed to adjourn till 5 o'clock. ' F.VKNISIl SESSION. Tho President called tho Convention to order. at 5 o clock P. M. The President road a letter from tho Chairman of the t'ommittec on Credentials, etating that the Committee would not be ready to report to-night, nud begging tho Convention to continue its session duriug tho evening. Loud laughter. The ProMilent explained that tho inten tion "of the writer wa.1 evidently to ask that the Cunmnttec might oontinue its session during the evening. There were loud cries for Mr. l'ishcr, during which the President put the question-on nilimirninuit, and it was carried. Tho Convention then adjourned till 10 , o'cl ck ti-morro v morni ij. j QlJARTr. -MASTtlt GcNERAT.. Col. CiiAliiiES Thomas to ho Qit arter-Ma-ter General. We cannot but congratulate the President upon an appointment so ju- dicious. t ol. T. has always In-eti a st.iuncli nnd coiuistent Democrat, ,iml in the line of promotion, we believi, is now at the hcad'of llio Qunrler-Mas er'n Department, nnd wu know of nou- more able or better quilifi.'d to mut d the brave and lamen; tod'Ocii..JKLi. Col. Thomas iia l'enn flylva'nian, an I lin boon, we believe, more thin forty y -nrs in ae ivu orvice, and never, in all thu variotn du'ics a.-sigued himi has he been fou id wauling. Ho was distinguished as a br.ivo and vigilant officer under (loo. S "ott during the Ca nadian troalU's, and under Gens. Scott nud.T.vYi.oii i i M.-xico; and for the sat isfactory in.inuer in which he performed his du ies in Mer.ic., hi gaiucd his com mission of Lieu euaut-Coloiiel by brevet. " Al'TEtt A HAD CHIP Y01I IMMEDIATELY ncoiN to sow," and after a I033 you should immediately begin to save, and the be-t way to accomplish it, is to do as Kr-uMiu advised, which was, " Make Mini' ain. and thereby niNs great los.-es. ' and, in "J doing, you should de posit all yo ir money not immediately need ed, in th.' rrankjjn S.iung Fun I, No. iaO South Fourth .street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia, whore it will draw five per ojnt interest, without risk, and can bo withdrawn at any timo, on demand. This old and reliable Company never suspen ded. See udvcrttauicnt in another col umn. Prophetic' Vkhsks. The sybillino leaves from which tlio priestes-es of Hc publicaniitn aro accustomed to chant pro phecies, contain the following ominous 1 words : I "As I walked out by tho light of the moon, So merrily singing this old tune, I came across that same old i oon A sitlin' nn a rail. A-scttin' on arail,mc sleeping very sound." This indicates that the unlucky Lincoln will go to his last sleep early in November next, "a-settin' on a rail." tf&- Hon. John Gamiuaitii, formerly a lteprc-.cnt.uivo in Congress from the Eric District, and for f-evcral years President Judge of tho Courts of Erlo, Crawford and Warren counties, died very suddenly yes tcrday at his residence in Krio. Ho Serv ed in Cougres from 183'J to 1837,and again from 18.')U to 1811, and occupied a high position as an intelligent and sagacious representative. As a learned, upright and impartial juriot, few men ever enjoyed a larger share of public confidence. U. S. AtHlICULTURAIi Society. The United States Agricultural Society has nearly perfected tho arrangements for holding its fifth annual exhibition at Cin cinnati, in September. The premium list will bo larger than at any similar cxhibi tiou in the, world. Adjoluinment of Conqkess. The IIouso of Representatives on Saturday, concurred in tho resolution of tho Senate extending tho session until Monday, tho 25th' inst. SOP Gen, Jesse Lazkab, has Veen nominated for Congress in tho Washington, l'ayetto and Green (Pa.) District, at pres ent represented by lion. Wm. Montgomery. BEiivEn him iiioiiT. A gemuno. " b'ack republican" has recently put tho theory of equality of races into practico in tho town of Madison, Ohio. Tho individ ual, a full-blooded negro, ai black ns tho aco of upadca, has eloped with a white woman, tho wife of one of tho wealthiest farmers in Lake county. The husband, a republican of the ultra Lincoln dvn. tnnlt ,. i f. .,,.. . """"J -J" luiiiiB ui,y tiling It. Nasal Injections and Inhalations arc nf perfect equality, and tho relationship has painful nnd elpcnslvo as they ate generally worthless. ended as above. WAsniNOTON, June 20. Hon. John Sehwarn, a Kcprcientativo from Penn sylvania, is dangerously ill. Thcro is lit tlo or no prospect of his recovery. .iiAiueiEj). i n t ..... . ...... ...... in iMoumauur?. nri jiu junr. ni E.Ariiiiiii; iioieg, bj- the Rev. I. J. Walter, Mr. Josirit 8. Kuv, to Miss 1 r.a ilnit.Mn. nf Ihe Inte illlin enflnrann nil I of Urecnwood. Columbia co. In Illnntnsbure. on the 11th Inst, bv ltcv. J. n. n.mtw Mr. RiLiiAnt. thaeii, of the abovo place, to Mrs. Kuril MCUOMil.D, oi loiumDia, i a. In N'eseofrck, on the 7tll Inst., by tlev. J. R. Phonnfelt, Mr. llio. IIest, to Miss IIoan TowLrn, both of Nesropock. On the 10th Inst., bv Itev. J. W. He hw nrtl. Mr. Jniw P. C. Unni.ciuB, to Miss Julia A. TlinAsu, both of llailc. ton, Luzvrno co. On the Hlh Inst., by the Rev. Albert names, Ms. J. ItaavKY IUriov, of Chicago, III., tn Miss. IIahaii U. daughter of I'll i li p M. 1'ncc, Bit-, of riilladelphla. At his resilience, near Kspy, on tin lClh Inst., Mr. Solomon IIfirmin, in t lo 4th year of his age, On the (til Inst.Jn Tentre tnwn.hln. this rnnntv. l!m Kilciiifr, Ei aged 13 year", 11 months and 0 days. On tin 10th Inst., lu Vfllkej-Birre, Mrs. An, wifr of O. Collins, Es'i aged about tnyars. Candidate's Department ZJ" Aot,cEMk.T or Cakdiiuth, for notiiniativn j (t puWic nil. Lea, iU Ul ch irgid $i, uacli, pitnble inA xariahty in alliance. COUNTY COMMISSIONKtt. lOUN IK)AK( 1'a.t nf Hi jarcreck nm nltip, wc arc I Aiittmnx'tl to nay. rill bit a Caiutjitntw fur Coimnis ttioiicr of Cultiinbiii (.uuuty, tltU fall, nuUjoct to the uang ' V9 tf the DtMiiotratlc County Convention. I ASSEMBLY. EDH'AKD 9 "OCT, of MaJiaon township, Coliiml.ia county, wu iiro autlmrizod tn nniinuiirv. u ilt la a canJidatu for the Lcgirlature, subject to tlio usau i,f tltc Dt'inucrutic Ooutity CulivciHioii. JJL003ISBURO MARKETS. Wheat Ityu Corn Oats , WliitoltoHhs.. Hui'kwlicnt. . . Inns I 3.') Shoulder. , ..7.1) I Butter... . . 00 I K'-us ,.10 .11 ,.12 ..12 ..10 , "10 i no Ttillow 1 (111 . . SO .. 12 Tiinl Potatoes Dried Applet. j,f . jLi j?J! j4i U Deeds ! ! Deeds ! ! ! ji svpr.moH lot of tub HANDSOMEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST IN C'OI.t.'Mr.lA COUNTY, yon s.ii.r. jit rut: office of run Columbia Democrat. SPECIAL INO'IICES. tty THOMAS V .M.VITriOV. Itecnv.-d the 1'rizc .M -dal at tin Worlil'tt Fair In J.omlon torTKU.SKn, CAltl'KT HAfiH, Moots, cIiuoh and Juiu. (In-at induce. infNts nru iidw' ollVTcd Id imrcliaherri of lliu aboto nrti- rlcn. This i much the l.iri!L-t Ktotk of iron kti. Car net! ILi;, ValicL'F. iVc, in I'lnl.uh Iplu.t cry rhoap for casli Nn. -102 Markft trrrt, om door alune -Itli. uth side. C"7"flci; SanforJ's l.nia lMii.oRAl.mauJ l'athahtiu ills, in nnntlii-r Sale- of Dr. McLane's Vormiiuge. CV Among the humlreds of inters, nrtiheates and orders ri-ceiveil by the proprietors, Deming Ur'is. ff l'lttubnrah. I'a.. of thn medicine, the follow int.' ari sc- U-rtiti tohhow iLh rharacUT. and the cfftt of its use in a distant part of tin WVnt . U0tAt.lDN, 1'iioue to i,t.. nay iu, ir.iu, Mlssri. I'LkMtNii IIkos. (ientlemtn I wril-jlo junto telle it an ngt-nc) for tin im alii.ible Vermifuge J mi pre!. Home lime Mini', 1 puuhi-ed one ilom i.ils if mt. t'. Kdy. and pr scribed it hi my pradue ; mid it pro. -en (oiir.'Ctiial in the cipulston oj no other preparation uilt Matufy the rineas of this iillaue and ti ciHif;, I'ltMse scud 1 1 if one cross of the (.rmilugu im uieuiatt'ly. Vours, &.c., HAMUI.I. ItOHfl, Nm- I'RoiiDtscK, Trfiin.. July 1, 151. Mrsini. I'lemisu liKoH.-1'hlisu and send tin Vermi fuge for tis as souii its possible, as we are nearly out, and the dtmandfar it 1 verygrutt. He beticee it to be the bett I'trmifuge tier tnerntett. roKTUK & HVCL'ti. (L"rurchassr. w ill be rar.'ful to ask for Dr. MXakl's Crmnrri VFRMiruufc, mauufarur'd by I'limiso llttos. f Pittsburgh, I'a, All other Vrmif.iB..s in comparison with ours art! worthless. Dr. M'Lauo's genuine Wrnii fuge, also his celebrated l.iur I'iIIh. can now be had at all r-rsp-'CtabU drug stores. .Ve genuine ictihout the siemture 0 FU'MlNIi IUIO?. UNIFOItMlTV OF I'HK.'Krtl A Ntw FtATiBK is Uu BlNLSS ; livery one Ais eirii Aalctmant JONKS & CO. of tlioCrescnt One Trice Clothing -Hun. No, COO Mar ket t-trect above tuth, I'liilaililphia. In adit 1 1 Ion to ha.ins tin largest, niopt Tianed and f.ishi'Hialile htock of Clothing in rhiladt-Iplti.t. nude ex pres-ly for rtlitil hales, Udc ionittuted tery onu Ins own t,ah-ntnau, by Ining marked in figures, 011 each article at the very loweht price it can be sold for so they cannot possibly wiry all mu-t buy alike. The goods are will sponged and prepared, and great painn taken with tho making so that all can buy with the full assurance of getting a good article at the very lowest price. Also., a large ttoik if piece goods on hand, of the l.itet-1 t-tjle und bet-t mialuies, w liirli will be made to order, In tho most f-ishiotialle and best man ner, & pir cent.. h low credit prices. Ilemeinber the CrefCfnt, iu Mark.t, nboc Sixth No. 1101. JOS HS k CO. Physicians urogeu. rail) lotll to speak. nurd iu praise cf nhat nre called "patent iii.-dl.incs." Indeed, It is nn nrticl in the code of iinlicil ethics, that a ph) siiian ulio sanctions the use of such remedies cannot be cun- sldered a member of tlio .Varieiiu Association, Hut there are exceptions to tho most string-nt mien, and many of Ih disciples of l'sculapius have actually betu compelled, by the force of facts, to ri commend the uo of Da, J. Mostettlh's Hioiuh ItmtK--, for ihoso di-cases which are prevalent durine the summer and fall. The) have ascertained that llu-ru are no remedus in the pharmuco pia which can comp.ire ith this wonderful compound for derangement of the t)item. Thousands of families residing along the low grounds of th W extern and tiouili vxn riven, are now convinced that th. y have found a median peculiarly adapted for their ailments, whit in other portions of the country, during the summer months, the demand foi the article la equally larjf. gold by all druggists in tho world. v'4fie advertisement in another column, E7" A NEW HRM AM) UL'rilN'K UION NEW ritlNCiri-EH. Wiin Ell all Uujtaiho IUziah, corner of Fourth and Market itreeti, does not follow in the beaten track. We are satiitied that the only way to buiM up ' and keep a large business is to sell goods cheap and fha satisfaction to customers, rrttt-ixu wit not answer, and humbug has had its day, and we mu-nd to lull our good a five per rent, advance upon cost, (no more and no less,) and no variation iu marked prices. Tins system will sustain itself without puffing. We shall buy and sell exclusively for cash. Our assortment for men and boys is thy largtet Iu I'hiladelphia, and our prices much lower than any other. Call at once and see for your si If, at the WIirrE HALL CLOTHING BAZAAR, H. W. corner r'ourlli and Market its. Hula, February 25, 1&0 -l'-Jm Oatanhl Oatarrh! Iftot ft ft; )hm Curat Thousands of' persona suffer all sorts of annoynnco from Catarrh. Most people know what Its Inconvenience and results are, yit but few know how It can bo cured, ttis simply a chronic Irritation, and often enlargement of follicles anl consequent thickening of tlio mucous ineinbrnncn, lining tho nasal cn Ittcs, frontal sinuses, and sometimes extending Into tho throat and lungs. From this result tightness and often vertigo ofthto head, obstructed nose, or it profuse flow of mucus, loss of smell, nasal w.lce, and often Impaired hearing and taste, Tho nld-scliool remedies. nave neter been able to do iiuirniiiTS laiakkh orfciini', a si.uiu OKjfar iiu, taken two or three times per day, promptly cures the milder cases ; cures at once alt colds in the head, and radlcall) cures, by persevering usc.thi most obstiuato casus, as Is proved by the uxperlcncc of hundreds, I'rice, uilh full directions. nnr ewers rr.irnox. N. II. A full setof lli-Mrilal.vs' Ilosror-ATHIC SrEClras, s ltd llouk of Directions, nnd twenty ilitl'.rci.l Uemcdies In large lals, morocco case, $3 ; ditto, lu plain case, $4 ; ense of fifteen botes, and Hook, Single botes, A3 cents and AO cents. ues3 ueineiues. nv trio stnaie not or ease, lire sent or "ill0 or otprJra, free nf ih.irgc, to any address, on re- ...1... ,.t .1... ...I... ... lm. I. HUMTUKKV & co No.S'ii Uroartway, Nvr Yorh Hotd by K. P. I.UTZ, Ajtcnt, lilommbiirg, I'a. Tho Oxygenated Hitters. Dyipepiia, Indigrtlion, HmI ltrn, Hater llraifi. Sow ttomachtJaundicrt Ftalultntif, Gtntrai Debility, &f IViid a rtad) rtllff and peuJy cure- tn this great rgineOy, Till: OXVCiUNATKI) U1TTKUH I An btlictd b many wtmliavw been cured of the abovi complaints tub.) n unly ini'dicinu wlurli the mcrtrria mctlita allurda for their Infallible cure. It liiotan at cuhulic preparation, hluli, whilti piling a momentary luiiulufl, ruduci's th'i n)Mtont ii the usim1 ratio ; but onu distinct nnd ditfm'iit from any Mtcdwal priparatloiicfr conipoundt-it, nud nill.iu uioat can, txtrasttlii 1 diseases by tlii roots and restore tlm patiunt to pristine iM-alth. In proof of which tctnuon.y of thu very highest uud unexcfptionablcchirnctcr ii prvsmtcd, j KLMAItLti Tr.STlM(N'V. Wo call the attktntiou of thu rcadi-r to Mm folrrwjjijt letter from I'reiidLUt Hmuu, of VesU.)iI.'nierly 1 MinuiRTowH, Coiwt Feb. '2i, lc5i. .Messrs. Beth H. Fowl. Si, Co (iLMitltfiiiyu : I firnt iim'lc um' of tlw Otvttufvun Hit thh soma s-'Vi'ii or ciht years since. Ilav hi if (.nn'cri'd fi.rtwenty )ttars from nforin of U)pp-ii, wlntli n 'tttt.'iided w ilh uorvou U'adaclu1, u" tut in cram of not I Km til in n !! da) iiiuweiki. 1 waslnducud b) tli nn 1 prLttudiui rccoiiitui nd.iOoii of Ur tircetir 'to try on a hot Ik and if no benefit wni rtcelid to isicoutHiuu tlwi I iw." I 'J h' uxu nf oiKi bottle warrant"', n further trial, tn the I eUi-ntot Honieltirie orfuur. with .lean tal uhservaute of tli.' l4Ccntopu)iiiii)iriTtions. 1 Iv; vusiilt watli alnuitt mtifJ reli.f tfoiu tlie Ujitpcptk: a) inptoin-' nod tli ir ilcprrit, painful cofU'.-'iU'-uci-t, 1 b.'ii. e thosi! iint rt protiuiud uti untirf eliatiiiii in thu habitt ot my (tj sti'tn nn I upon tin atllvo rncruies ttfUv limeciivi' r inuM. I now ddum iuj'lfas ixempt trom Uysp.-pnii u uiHKt p( rtoiis. 'Hi s1 Itittirs have aUalh-uii kI tn-mcu to ollu-r ui.'uib'trs nt'iny fmnl) . Very r.tu.ttfall) youis, Al'til'riTUH W. 1M1TII, rreparjdby SKTII UM'OWLU t CO., Huston, hiiJ for sale by U. M. llaipjiib jch and J, 11. Moyir. burg. fa. Juno 1G, ltC0-3t. Uluoms- r M-i rt ii ...... tiii.,,tl.t ..I m. tl.n pwnnli.i." C ..... August 7. tho mobt sph'iidnl Aurora llorcalh ovtr 8Pn intlu ccultiry. Kaysoftri colorru lnjlitsilash ed across the rky, ;md the thangcH were beautiful in the cxtr-'me. At one timo a rapt oh-icrrcr rt'in.irkcl, that he laucied he couhl mc the sp-irKlin lights form Hum silt fa into the following words "Ilu all jour Rariutnts at thu Itrown Stoiio (Jlrthilig Hall of HocKiiiLLi. Wilson, Nos. CD'I .ind t-lij L'liot-tnnt htrcit, alto.e Hixth, I'hil.ida' Jr. WlWW IN INiUNCK OK UlSltR AND (.'UOLbKA. MtTtlU". cannot do tlvs public a pri-alktr ner.ite at this r;is on than to c.ill tin ir attention to tlw abme valuable-rinie' dies, whuli hhoiild b in the h unit of eery fnniily.whik no pcrsou alt mi to tr.ivt-1 should L'ue the cit without them, l'or iiiiumt-r cuupl nut in children, now so pre'iit, Ih-j J'is-nte if iiiuff r Is safe, couvuinwltt and c tlicstiious. S ii1 adei tis''iii"iit. Ncuj &Ducrtiscmcnts. LOOK OUT, l'AHMKUS ! KKVUl.VlMi IIUItr'K IlAKia, lr sale at i:.p . I.y K. II. l'L'll.ii:!,. Juni- CI. I 111. Town I. tils Fur Snlc. SKVCItAI. .li-siralil.-LniMiiii! Int. in Cor i-ak'. I'or h.irticnlars in-iniri if w wnir. ltlooinslmr?. Juni- M3, H10 IT. DKDIOATIOX. BV ili im p.rutis-iion th" lre-.lti,rriau and I'rofrtnnt Mcth'i.Ii-t nioftiug Iioiisi. nt Shirkuhinny. will h li'Mlicat'd to tin worship "of Aliiiichly hd. on th- Iir-i day r Julv, at 10 o'llok. A fnll.-ition will be t .ken iip to oVfray tho itpotises of s.ud hoUh.'. v MinMtering Hretlier mi are initt-d to nituu I. A. C. NHT.I.V 1-Miieki.hinny, Jane H, l-'t.O ADMlNlSTIt ATOirS XOTICK. Estate of Solomon D'hui'm, tttcrusnt. I r.nT.Hr A InuiiMtrali'in nn tin Estate of 101 omo 1 I a IIli kmai. Into 1 f So It twn.. Id II ti km a, I file ceased. Im a li.-rn ennted by th It.'Ristt-r of Cvt'i'iibU , t) rsi.114 having rliinx asaiutt the Kitatc nf tin tUv lent ar- rr-Ti'-htud t pr S'-nt them to tin .dmiiiitr..tor, without dlav and all persons mdi it-d to mnk p.i in 'tit torthwitli m:uv t nu.r.v. June 13, 11 u ft. .misi'r:r7 Mtiur jiihI Tciii OclEv.Teii! CIItiM'Hll THAN THK (MIKAPKST l UK uiidersigni'd h.ismtih; nrranpeui' nts th.'it mil i t nahle him to Heliwr Hour and I'et d, 1 Ott CASH, about ten per rent. 1 hejp r than any body 1 Ise in town. IIih prici'H are as tollow a Hour, f?T -M I Corn t Ityu Chop, $1 G.1 Corn .v.(i,iu ( hop. I AS Hun, 1 l'i i r'sp 'iiiuiiy koiiru a 1 1 ine puniu- pnirn te. MOrKti KAl.FMAN. Itloubutr. Juii'i -1. I ''11 - tf. Col. I.. L.Taik Mr -Tin citizens of Jerseytnw ii and itinn being prompt l with nspirilof em rgy and patuotjsm, on Lift f atnr.l.iy riuime assembh'tl tor the purpo-j oi making muiu urrinL'L-meutti to r It brute th: 4TII OF JULY. Tli" mer-ling railed to order- mid A. K. Smith, was appoints! I'r.-fi u-iit. atter whuli, arious remarks wwre m.ide, concerning the manner in whnh to procei d. On motion of fi, XV. Il.irbr. the following Cnminittue was appiutite.l to make ueiessar) arraugemt nts fi-r a l'JC NIC 1'AKTV. Sam'L JmiNkinv, I Jo, 1'RUlT, FutrH .MiCov. I .Mark Caihv, Jno, llKAILV, j JAh. C. MIIH, jALOUUk,LLIFR, j H. U., IVlLiOl V. HHITII. MU Hiiiiiincr mid fall .Session of the Jiloomshiirg J. Acadeiny will Ufm W'tthiF&Uutty Avnuti 1a. 16C0. T'lpils iiistruited iu Knijlish, L'lavtirs, Modtrn 1 guat-t s. .Matli-.'tuntiCfi. JnifHC.'s and Vocal Muir. The of Matheiualics and CUasics is ioti litle.l to i prepdre tho tudetit for alnnsion into a L'ni. ernty it L'ldKpe. or to 'piahfj fi r husiues. , A luily K iterof t!u attendance, conduct an I srhol-1 arlup t-t eatli student i kept, which Is open at all linius ! for ex.iiuitiaiioii by parents, RU.irut.ins t "tlx rs. 5pe i il utt.ntiuii is giun totho.uwho design lilting' thtiiiM-l i g tur tJUChliiL'. TERMS' , i Cuiniuon Unzlish i iz Orthuraphy, Reading, Writing i and Arithmetic, p. r (luarter. SI 11 u in b . nljde fr French r c, . j -0 i,-,iu,uou mil be made on mount ul iir.ii-att.-i..laiirc I or nilidrunul befori the do.e a thu sessl unless in case ot protratfil sUKitt-n. (tood bo. rding Ii is b.en procured in private lamiue during thfi pritic, ani Suiumur Session for $1 50 pjr w eu K. lUf.'rences I'atrons of the school, II. A. lilX'KI.EV, A. H.t Vrwctpat. IHooiiinbur.f. June 11, I'-tO-tf. It AX V I li . 12 1 XMTIT UTI2. fplllH Institution was fouudi d by the present 1'rincipal, A and has alwuys hud a liberal h-ire of the p.itroiiue of the community. The objett aimed at in all the eiuT rises i f the luMitute, is to r-ecure in pupils a proper de velopment olbe nu-ntal powers, and tlius qualify them for self iui-truciiou. special attention being given to the formation t correct nnd n) Hematic habits. Tlie ll-iu ot siiii eiituran-s i.iicumi j.iirraiure, mo Fciences, tho Malliematu s, the Clasrics and .Mudun l.utiguagei. It) giiim!)! undivided attention tu tho interests of the Institutmu. and securing tliero-op-v atn n of well fpiahQed tuslrui tors, the 1'rhicipal hopes t n rii . dcr so; 1 I action to his patrons. The neit Ti rui w ill open lUawluijs Anoint ltt lbliO, The rrinrlial will receive pupils from a dlttance, as boarders, and will eive them every atteutiou necessary to tlKir lomfort. For particulars apply to I J.M. KUIbO, Pmcipnl. DanviUp, June 3.1, lrfU-3m. C0UX1UI STONR LYING. a Mil! t'orner rjlniie of the lien' Herman lUfe-rmc.l . thurrh, of tins place, will be laidon ' Thitntltiy, tlx 28th intt., ut lOn'cbxk, A. M. uy dcer.l Clergyuieil nil! be present nn throe cation. Vf. UUODKltir, i'ujrur. Uloouisbure, June 111, Ii0tl, C PAL DING'S Colebratctl Prepared O Glur. for sale at L..T tharplci.' cheap rash Store. on Main Street May If. law. SEWING-MACHINE DEPOT. jl OX TG 0111 EH Y UVILDIXGS, DAXV1LLB, PA. EUREKA!! EUREKA ! ! EUREKA!!! Celebrated' Shuttle or Lock Stitrh Family Sewing Machine, ranks high m tho mar ket cannot bo excelled. It is preferred over all other SHUTTLE OR LOCK-STITCH for its simplicity, durability, strength nnd efficiency theso machines are all war ranted. Price $80, m.& wimxrm, rMittnTlire,tT,al,t l-Aitlv U.uli,. tr.-t.:,.A Tl.I.. f.-,.!n. ...1....1 . , .. The unilersl8iiedofl--rine,,.ei,,g. Machine, with thy are destined to meet tho an s oftho people. Iion't f.ill t.i utmniue the Kuroka nnd .May Flower b. forj lmrclwitiig. filk Cotton ami tin. inrcads suiVible rorgenDig Matllrtiea.on Iraudaud for iMnvMlc, liny CtV, 18CO-0m. NKW IAlUiKU SHOl. Shaving, Shampooing and llaxr culling, ANEW liarbr? Kh'p, liai boon oprneil In the Brlfk fcniMiiig, (up tairi.j ntcupibd by .Mr. Lercrt. nn Mnm Street, bloom bui-V, by the uitdersiRin-d n w hitu tfnn, and an etprienri'il I'arTjT, iStu of . York Hlitruli will bi thankful for public custom amd guar ATrtecs tught general satlsfaition. FKANCH MARVIV. Hhjoiiuburj;, June 10, IdO FIUKVOUK. IlRKWOUBl' FHU.WOKKjU J. A.Tir.UNAN. mtor.Es.iui dkium a vrrtEnviact, Unman Cnmllcti, Skv Ilocts, Srroit WliHtU, Triinghn, tJrasxhopprrs, Flower Pott, blue Lights, Ht-nsolia Light', 1'ircmcn's Torrlias, Torpedoes, rullinjr CrarkiTif. Iire Cracktri, Cracker Ti-tols, 1'iirtk, Mines of Ktars ami .Serpent, liallooncs, Lc, ft?. At mniu'ac'Jurer'' priiun. D.pot, No. ? ttrawri'rry stn-ct, Onr door from .Market sirett, Juni lG. KO-lin. riiilath-lphia, CiiANUK OF I I i ) SUMMER AURA SO EME$'f Delaware, Lackawanna and Vcstern Rail Road. I"'"! ta fSS n nni" att,,fv Mmnla-y, May &2SSwlewacL3nr trains win run as follows , KXl'liESd l'ASKNOKll TUAINS, 1 MOI'IAtl SOUTH Tlw Acrrtmm'sl.ltlnii T rain ti'iuiici tastori V. V. Sc l'riv nrnvus nt (irent ltcnd at ii.3c and thoCiiuio nsti Kxpreis nt l,t)1 a. m. and conuuiN uitli tn i I.Tprcstt Train whirlt leues Uruat UuihI fr New Voikami I'lnla dilphl.i.iit T.HU.M. Hue at Bcrunton, a m liXl'Urf PASSKNOKU TlUiNrf, Muvixn xotan. PnenET" from New Vnrfc. leave Vtrt ,i. 2, North llier, at 7,30 a m. l'fom PMiidilphit, leao Walimt t. Wharf at 0,00 " Du1 iitcr.ut'.oii, I HI " Duciiteriilon, 7,i.i " 1 Tlu Aceoin.noilatron Trm dorj not Jenvecr'anton un til alter thoatmnl of tht Morntn? Tram un thu U. A. II. Uinlntad, tlwH L'tvinc o.i''nccri from th- Voinnrif Viil- I Wy n illU'Lt conn riKn lor tlw West by tho .Morning l Train. or th ncemnmnilalion of way travel on the Southern I,i''lo1. a pa s si'iint-r I'.'ir will l.t- atla(.he.t to the Kxpr.-ss r rem it I raiiiH. imvihe neranlon. at 4. A. M. Retunwnir. will h'nve June turn at 3.IH a, M. Duo at Scriinton. 'JoO a. m. rassfiiiii'ri to and Ipuii Now Yoih, clnnse cars at June tMit tu aul from l'ltiUdclpli.L . la 11. 1). J. It., lea. e or take tho cars at Hope Fnr Tittr-ton, Kititou and Wtlkevbarre, t.iko I., &. 11. U. H. ears at Hcraniirii Yt J'iKSiip, Anhb.ilJ and', tA Stages at Hi Miiton. Tickets s bl and .ml'imco rh ckd throuch. JOHN HUlrilMN,.UjiV Wm. N Jinks, Vtvn. Tn kvt Agent. Juni 1(3, l-(U. IIIK HUNTtMiTON Af AIIjKV nifiirtf. FIliK INS1 !MM i; (OMP.VaY. rncurpomttd hy the I.rgiittirre vf I'enn'n Charter Perpetual, on nt. if Tin. nuitoT'iiu ur m.w oitMr-i, itvutNt- ro vi. 'pillrf Company h m.w fully org.iuiz. ,l and in sui. J ful npenition. nnd prepared to rri ie applicathiiix. and -.sue 1'oln n- of hnur.nire aeant let( - or it imiifi- by ltr-, on .ill kinds of bull Ims. m ti h.imliie. and .ill other prop-riv as di"iini,itil i.i hrst 1 1 i-sol'tlt.- :irvinth s -Ltion ut the ait prU l"tl l-ir the int. rporatum 1 1 in siir.inte fiuiii) linen of l.Vi. ui'on lit mutii il iiriuciol t. Tli uiih-iTi ot tli roiiipiny, alU'iih uit limited to any parlvul it part i-i tin , i.i 11 I inten I in vi nd their operatiMiis b.joinl ttliT1 sim ot tlw Ihrettiirs liae -4oiiu know ledge f th pr fTf to li liitiired, and design inurir,g i"l such property us tlwy il n m uf such notice. iMwrinm. H. H. U'.inier. J.J. MrHetiry. Klwar.l llnuhes, -. C. I.djou, J"Hte Harrison, Juliu Kooin, J lines TuIiIh. Il, I.. Cliapin, Itfiili -ii Aruni I, V.inrv Ink S 'ptimoH li.iron, rph. Vnil-wortl), Oelioru Dods'in. I. K. Krirkbium. JOHN' liOYlN'S. I'resi'kMit SlU' i nil ri IIACON. V. i'r-tident. I'.mrv Imi, H Tret.iry. Kei-ruKts V AiHwiiKin, Trefiiijjr. New Coluuili'ii Juno!), l'-ui Xl'.W AXI) Sl'liKXDID ASSOUTMKXT ur .17' TIIF. CO.'.VKH OF M.i'm aistl Iron streets, !B I O O 1V ' a V R P. , J? A,, Ho j n,i nam Mil.:;--, f oo to nRmvr.n'H 11,1 j.,u ant I. Vi'.I.I. I I'LOTIl ' Coin HUIJUKIl .. ii.. un i ii m.i.i m:i. mx hi i iioioi!i:invi:i; - ll. .,ii M.iu.TAlll.I. I OVI.ttSt (l.i t.i IIROtYKItV il.iyi.uwantl I.OTII III H'lllltrtl (lo lo llROWKItV. Do ..u f Klll.lll'ON nUIRTri 1 (iu to IIIIOUT.R . Do). in unit lilt. CL'TTI.K'el isKIRTSfiTKMU'.IW ' llo ji.ii want ML'f LINr1 1 llo).m nnntl'AI.II.'lir.AI liny. ni iiantI.A'S'S t li,. ).,u nut t llo )..u mint Uli 11K(iHS I llo),.n unlit IIO-'lllRY! nu ),.u ii'unt di.ovr.H i ii,. ).m M.f.,1 iiANiiKl'.itrim:r ' (lut.i IIKOWKIfS. do to IIHOWIIU'K lin to llUOWl'.ifd. tin tu mtowr.iiy. (ioto IIKDtVltK't!. , (iu t.i MtuW'lIlt'ij. iioMlimiWiiits (J,. tn'rt. I (iu lo IlltlUVKIt ri llo) oil want I'Altl'Kl'HATi W.I.HI (in to llltOtVEIl'rf. llo ).m nam K'l'Kl.l.A rillAWLS t (io to HltOtVKIt'r. MOII Mil .Ml TI'St (io to I:lt( IWEIfrt. Il,i) u.iiitlII.K lilnnl.K!? liotoHROWl'.lt'H. I llo you nant riAl'.N ri.ETS I (in to IlKOlVEU'r. llo) mi want CltorcilET llltAUIS' (io to llll()Vi:i!'.-. ll,i),.il n.inlTlllY COITUS' I tin to IlltinVKIt'H (ioto MtOU'lIK'!'. (io to IIKIUVI'.R'-J. (ioto ItllOWI.Il'!. I Co to lllHUVLIl'r-. I (Ioto llIt(llVi:ll'.S ' (io tn llltOtVi:R'!S' (io to iiitiH'- i:it'.i. i (in to IIKim'I.U'M. I (iu to i;i.nvi:it'H. i (iu to llltolVLU'fl. ! (in to IIKDU'EK'tl' ' (ioto IIKOWERU I (io to IIKOWKK'H liotillKOWKIt'.-'. 1 (ioto UltllWKK'is llo joil nam f.M.Mir Nt1! llo) o.l n.iutr'l'N' SIMIIIM ' , llo ton "..nt l.'Mlllli:i.l..tS( I Do joil want lUS.-q.MI'ltKrl! j llo),w nam l'i:i:ilA l'l.AIIU 1 l.j),iu nam LINTS' ( lir.( hrtt I llo you nam I'KRC M.I.-i I ! Iloyim nam JI'ANH! llo) mi want N'ANKr.l.NiO 1 n.inllilS'lill IM-if llo )i,u nant IH'CAM 1 I)o)ou nant CI'UTAtV Ml'SMN'l llo juii want COI.'I) CAMnUHH I iio )iui nam wtirrr. cuoiih f Iloil nam lli:.SMlrr llo )ou nam Sli.t'.Sl r ,.), l nant HKII.I.tS'liH I lio to IIKllWEH'H ! Oo to UROWI'.R'H llo j tin niiul TICKIXliS ( I llo ),ui nant ( IIKl 'KS t Do )ou mint I. Mill's' SHIII'.rV llo yuil nam i.Mlll'.a- tlAI'l'HKh'l llo you nant I'HKS'I niltli.'r.liir.ri llo ) oil nant (UT.I.'.HV.Mtr. I llo )i,ii nant CU.AHS V.M( 1. 1 llo )ou nant IIAItmVAiti. t II,. lull llllUli,- 1 lis you ut I'l'Itl: rtl'll.'Krt' ll.j.m naiitl'llllAl' (lOUHMt HI n.burg. .Muy ID, UtiO. notoiiittnvi:ii'.-. fin tn'r!, r.olollHDWKIl'S. tioto lu'owi-irs. tioto iiitownii.i. Goto llltOWKIfr-. (lo to KItuWKIt'M. ASi'HJiil: Tor til l I.YtT.iXT H F.LI KF nud PKIIM.1XF.YT VL'RF. of Hat dis tressius complaint us TEUDT'S lUtONCIIlAL UIG All 12TTI2S, Made by I'. II. HKY.MOL'R & CO. 1117 Nw stKiiT.l.t. rrlrn. $1 per bo, ; t.-lit tree bv p.l't FOR SJtl.F. ,1T ALL II RVtl el I STS . May li. Ihsi fun, NA i I0NAL SKYl.lulir. " DAGUF.RREOTYI'E AND AMIIHOTYI'E GALLKRi . n (Al Jihvtgotntry Jtuildingt, ,rtk Daneilh, ONK of the most rmivenient ami riteiiiivo tstahhsh iiients in ihe Mate rhrirt t sulhcieutly high to en able thu work to lm uarranted. d7Noiie hit tlhi thi materials are used. Invalids and dee'd pL-rsions tHken ut tin-ir rrtidenrcii. lustructious Riven in D ifiu.rreotypo and Ambrotpe prucess ou r asniiuble terms. Muntcoiiiery bui-hiiiips upon tha ihirl floor. l hitd up mcely, abovu M, V. ('rier's Prog Pterft. Arrive at our rooms, I'll remove t very doubt, For the pictures we'll make )u with boldnsts st&n out. J. II. COX. JL'm" U'JSl: C IIKKrlNU. Murltn (JU'EriN'ti, Murlin 5 I wide for Ui pfr vard.for sale sale by M. C. Q1UKU, J. V. JIAHTIK. want NO. 1 MAOKBMX, On f nsinrKity. want NO. t IIKURINO, imowt'.R'q. I 0 you want XJ HI'1'.l.l.A Ul.OTIt Foil A!)UV8 DL'HTKRB, ititOVVKICH. Oo ti HAimiAXS COltNKU. rp 111 J .-econd arrival of Now 0 ootln, tlil.1 ' J. Bring. at IIAHT.MAN'B. i UliMMKR Oiiscmprci, and Coatinra of O tin latest .tyle, at HAltT.MANS. V OUL, Ooiion, ir..inp, ami HaRC'ar. 11 i.ts fur sib rhrsii, at HIIKTMAVa. Y 1 Mpr, all Paper, 111 great , , " v . muj, U. (I ,11V I ...... D, HOUl'S, Iloopa, Hoopi ami Hoops f. r sale, at IIAIIT.MAN'S. MiMi.-nni.T rr i . AUK LULL, Herring, anil wo expect a lot of tin I, lur sale nt A.N'd. C1KM KNT by the li.irrel, for sale at ! ' HAIITMAXS. M.i If. 1-.I0 IAtt.GAli' i JI.'liGAhsY. NEW GOODS WOULD reirtfullv Inform the rtf'Teni (f Isyrr Jstrt-tt and viciimy thnt tlry 1m vu Jut rtceived u ru-vr and t ltfiisivf u-sjrtmont i f DRY HOODS AND GUOCKUIKS, whKh th wll soil cftnip fi.r ra.0i Thy have a larijfl ninH't'iiertl Jari t ; nil that ii ioi.jiio'n! found in a Country rMur. . ami art d-'tt-Tminod to sell cheap. Toths pt'lvilton if tliir ptHMli th hie pal I htrirt alt'-ntion ; lh''r.f,Jri,l tlicir iiitTfinndio .'ill u ar rucommcnilction jiti'i w til prut o to li nt tn.' lirst iiiif. Tho nronrii tori roriliaUr Mdicit .1 librril sh.ira of oat- roiiff. LVtoiiiors would do .ill to call aUil tiamiae their giMUTal variety bffore purchasing eHuwheru, i."onir protinct iin.-n in ricnaiijc ior gooas at im highest inarkti price I.icht Htn-i t. October WW. UUF.Al' liOO'f AND bllOK STO RE. rplin Bubxcnt'cr invllri attention to his new stock rf JL Hoots and tfliuus, just received from l'lulatlelphla, and rompmiog l-Ull GKXTLEVKX'S WEAR, ll.its. Iluit. rs, mf,ir.l ii.,j, Schottitli Tios, N'aiy Uait- vrs, riii'iK-rs, Ac. .vr. i I-Oil liVUIKS WE, Outers with and w ithmit heils. Flippers ditto, r.uskins, ' I'rfiiLli rjorroiee li'ioti. s with and without I'etts.c. J Als't, Mints' Aftll i;itU.tiKPrf I of tiTiry il'-scriiition, .it pric in'lcli lulniv the uli stun- I .l.inl. 1111,1 li-ss than tli h hi,.' quiilit) uf (.mills can t Tit.uclit l.r fit .-lii i,tln-r r-torti in inun. V.rk ul all hinds in.i.ii-t.i nriler ff the ln-st insterhl. in i tlie 11 -nt'-sl lii.iiiiu r niiil 1.11 runsi.ii.ilik- tirms, vv.irranti'd . to 4111.1 1 nn illy w.rkmi.l iniicli I. lm city l.riccs. 1 kt'i-ji mint, l,ut tli h,--t urkin,-n, nml Im e b- tu-r liutte rial tliau .H rv.T li.f.r.- l.r.Miulil lu thirl-in fact, ' ir) l."it t. lj h i-i in tli city mark t. , (Jl'OKCli H. SANUUItf. Iliiiiilli-, M.n -.'.1, l-rn.-y. I 'J'lIK liKKAT VYAV.V, HUUT HAS roMi: OKI'. ;i;;k.v.j.v ;v tiu: uit.i.vnox of tut. horldiii ,vmi .so ia 'mart !l3 IS tjlil.LINl, HATS, CAPS, .) Mil A IV GOODS, T th white 1'rHioii rnldinas otut'-site the UxcIwhl'"1 l llio k, IHtn.iu-.lmit.'. win re Iw stlls Hals, Cups, and .-(raw (iiHidsat mU ttrHto asttiuihthe multiiutle. te.- A rn'at null for th hits failed Zouave, Wrde Awakw, ConUiiuit.ilf-, 1'lanttrs, &.r. YUUXO GKXTS HATS, lln)s, Yrsitli. and ('ft ldr-Mis Hats of all sizes ami st)k's. I.AIIlEr)' AMI MlHSia BLOOM r.ns. Ft.rix. SIMKKM. 11001)3, c. s,e. All kinth of Strata Hats anil Vavi, Fiii'ired, 1'lav.l unit Fancy. Suft and Hard Hats, from SO c.-nts to t ..). tli i-iy b.-t .iiialtty. Hilk auttohl men's liats nf nil kin.N nludl are ...Id v. ry clu-ap. , uy' Tliu altuve coods nill bo sold fur JIHADV l'AY, an I liaiiin; iiile Arr.iiigi'iiifnt-j with lit Shrrrll MiITit, at ttt -Oiil Amide." t take thu pr-'tlm e ot th- I'a nut fs, ,in I civ Hum iiT(Uf to c t th ir Hats of me tit tli.- uit-li priie whl'h is from 20 to 30 p r rent. leu. than any oth r Huus in tuw o i .in st II them, bo i oiik- alonj, both Cri'.it and sm ill, and tmu? our produce fat cash and gtt a hat lor tlx- season. j. n. AMiwAir lllooiii-hurc. Ma) l-0. i UUKAT KXOITKMKNT at tiii: ra FItESIl AJtiUVAL or m v imumi w MILLER'S STOUE. 'Iillll nilccnh-'r btHjui-t n Hinted fnmi the eiy with X -r larije iiitil itckU (Sscrtio'iit of SI'HINO SU.MJIKIt iit)0D3, purrliaccdin I'lul.nlelphiaat th'-Jowit-t tiuro, and which he is dflwrnilucit to s.-ll on at ioilerato l huh us can ho procured elsewhere in Iltmtiiiihuiy. I Us t-tock consists I.ADIKs DUKSS CJOODS, Ch'tireht sHlisautl latest f.ifliion. lln (lumh. Onrrrt't. Kariirzrt, (Jiirrniirsrs, Crjdr liar ' llM, .Veils. l(,-l. onj 4jnr. Hotline War., run, .Veil, lluer. and Sheet, Uatt an.t Capt. ie.. .e. Iu nhort eiervthin umi.illv kept iu countr) Stores to nhicn ii.-lllvil s til - public lieu, i.tlly. l 'Hie tli.'h.-it I'ru i paid for protlure tiTKl'IIKN II.MII.I.KR. lUooni.b'irir. A'lil JI. 1-Tii. ). r KHKAMKifS NKW STOltK. sv,v rum. nkw sroui., If you do ui! to our lne, come an I examine our (Jooiis and s.' our llt f prnes. Wf fh.-ill take plawur- in showini' our uoml, at all turns to every pTniMi ii li or por who will favor us withurall Now ii 111 r time top t tphu Ii I I1.1r5.1nif, for We, vv ill lo't he r.Mli.Hill.ll hv unv estibluliim nl nil Ik- rouiitr). rmnlt profits aud 'iui ki.iltb,"is our motto. We be lieve In tli" o 1 in,iviui. that, ' the niioblii mx peine is hetti r thin tti I w -hitlm!,' theri'toif w will ex-! th.uipe our or Kt a.l Pav.anl pa) th" lulnt-t nurktl pri' e t.T all ot Produce, I.umhi r. Shi nub's, , &,t . ttrr per tent. 011 the Hollar iledmter. for nihil, email sum "l -'iiu di.llar and upwards, hi 1111 ept!il tu 10 percent pi r milium, l'uir dealing, and 110 lies told fvr Hip siki of t'lliig fft.oiU ;if this Hotis-'. 1 C. flt. W. KKKAMIUI. Jt-rsewtown, M.i I .', 1-t i. " KANVV I)HV (iOOl) AMI JS ' I WS: MIHG js T 0 SL E. o 'I'lli; suhtcriht r takes the lihert) to inform tho I .ad it-a i nud Ceiillemen of (r,uir'ev lilt, and surroundini cnunlr .tint lu has epentd a "l'vsiY I lav (ioonA. Tium MiMi Siohk" iu iir.iNtMlle. Whi're he Keep on hand, and is con ci mil) rt'ceivm 11 eue ral assorlnitnt ut Slaplo A: Fancy Iry (iouds, Triinmiiif:, llaiidkrrdii' f-, Hosier), Cloves. Mitts, and 111 short, all kinds ot turn Mi in; coods for both l.a.u. b and gent I 'im 11. His goods are bought at Svw Vork and I'liil ipelphitl Imlh, hthrefire h.u th1 sUb-n of huth '1 1 ar bouL'lU Air caU, whuh enabl'-s him to u -11 at lower ratt s ih-ui uu oiii-r in the 1 ouiitr). lie rcsp-ctfully solicits a nhare uf patroiuue.promlstng to render no -.I atntiicliou rienso rail iiud vxauiine before purrlMsing ilsewhen1 X 11. -i ou u try 1'roduco taken in exihanjo for cnods Ladies wi. hlmj Hi-eve, Capo orther paterns, will bu fumUhid gratis with the latest city ftjles, nn applica tion. I NEWTON KLIN11. Oraapovillf. June 9, lftiO. I ONKY Pyrup Mollassts, at 46 cti., per sallon or II n. ns per I'-iirr at IIAKT.MAV d Vi'gli'iUi VV III M M 151 llliUI to DU Jt i .irwor i jifii.,, i ' i ,' 1.7 itis i 1 1 vi. TT I I. hive lo-t reie,nd troll! Till .lilell) il.l. a .ifL'U .Old M ITJT.I V M W" I . A V H' I T Irk TVflC (in to IlKOWElt-H. V V -pl.ndid anxortment uf F.iX F DM M and .S'W- .P i." i, ui ' )B' . V ! i;otoiiituwi:i;. i,l,fc,,1,"t , ' 1 1 b1 , . ' lw -m-miity f ami. tc. , IsOUU oar nni LuiilC Otf! i ,Vit. oui Irumls and the uubhe uonerallv. to erre I HAYMOND'S PA'I KNT S Ji AV I IV S JTIACHIlVKt pniou tlO EACH, MlScriS. ZUlTINdlilt tt. ItolllllXS.of nioonisburg, hating purrhased thn ttlu.ize right of the abovo , valuable IiMi arnti l.'ntAP I'atpht H.vikii .Mhiiik. for the county nf Columbia, M III bo happy to supply their rrfends with tho nrtkle ftir the neroiumndatlon of them selves and rimlllea, Thb follow Ing aro some of the su 1 perlor advantages this implement possesses over any ever jet offl-red to the rubhv. Via . 1. It sews from 4w to bvu stitclies per minute, thus saving both time and labbr in tho operatron. ) 'j. Its construction Is so plain nnd simple, with any fs easy kept in ordir andHill t give entiro satistaetlou. ) 3, I)oublc-threa,l Mnchlrics.aro always difllculttoman, ego, and very liulrandy In threading, bat this Mutlilne is easier threaded than t-veu n common needle. 4. Una of tlio most taluable features of this Marhine, la the sinallness and thocumpnitutss of its lucrhanlsm, I S. It can bo atit bed to a bunrd, tablu or stands in op erating order, and dctatlK'd in less than hall's minute. b. 11 greauy economjres thu tbreaU. and Vet. nroducea a seam, suiriclently Mrong r,ir any work for whiih itls destined, a qualilliatluM not known to otaer sewing.Ma- . .o Human nanu is canabl in nrndvc rw a aenrn so 'TAmmi'i inli'I'r'?!-lVr....n. q is..., ., ... J !!" r y. .r r ?7 Sa.Ml" Machines, Ibcra lt.,h,V.. ., ,r ,! , lV""'l"'"l'u' 1 - u un rums U XrVIh U V UVI lUC9 ' bn proven. y. Tlw operator" ran ihape hit sean. just ns ho plpasfn, , wavus, loaves and (lowers, etc., can Lu renrestntbd or ( imitated, I 10. U I particularly adapted to nil kinds of stitrhioff sum ns evnuemeirs hliirts, bosmnn, ntb.iMJs, tollars, ett.,-and all kinds of Ladies' mm tug, Imludliiff nilhs. Ian ns, ih lalni's, cal lines, 4tc., eiuiptinj for men's heay wtar. this .Mahin. is rather too light of oiitructioii. 11. Put all tho foreeoiin adiantaRes, thounh real In' themswUos, dviuuu Into maUtiiilcauci, when compared with tha preservation of health, being a saving ot bnlh labor and cyaifrhl, and leaves thj operator without stoop ln, and Is unaLlcU to pet form ni work, occupying a ns- Oj- Vt I .Io by tho n,lo,.l.n..l wsljcn. , in oi.;.u..bnr. ho ill put ih. ,Lluu. l opuratlun uud olvu all nccestarv instru.timi. , , ijaniki. nVilmS. - 'it'Q'"j'urgijlay lg, left). NMW AND 14' I .,.,. , 1 . . M'SaUl' Opnilg StOOK a r V T. 0 A AT, 1.TA3 Jnst rccoWcd, dm-ct from riitaJalj.-iio rmj .Vow - ..a.,,.t..v..l U. I .MMttNl .K: cirtnuo j - ----- - V, , 1 1,, j ; J , ' , j n.,.vn ir . uBt-.i innuiiiacmruu lur "l,r,nK a11", as m,ii a, llio usual ttssortiN-ut ut stable oooDSuf su.crior .aiitu-. wm I, rUund variety, nn J at prices as low as similar sooJs can 1.1 it Is an easy iiMlt:'r to fmJ gools at a low price hut s ajenerdl rulj,lli.-y arojust aslow Innuality. But to H i a ..ouu amcic aia ery n-w ,ric. I, ,,, thine rare. U-JCll an oypwliunty, lwi.vor, is oll.-ruj to ally nlio may n itit ' UM' ','IV''-,, .. (IROCKRIM. Ol.ISS U-AHH. Fiji, ' 1LT. Sfc. He. 'f Ci.ll anil su,i. r7. ountk v ritonui i: Vantku. JlkKuisli.rg. . pniy". into -f V? $ iii m l-'KKSH l'KOM THK CITY, .AlOilii iliW GOODS! nvEiir aorr. SIZE, AND STYLE. JL'sr rc(;civki at SETTLE'S CHEAP STORE IX LIGHT STHEBT, AND AUK UClNIi SOLO FOIt KUjUY TAV, "Cheaper tfwii the Chenxst!" vj- rM:Asr. call kikly. Agent, Light Struct, April ii. teGO NEW CLOTHING. 7IIH tindersipncd, grateful fr past patronnire, respect fully liiftirnis hUctistuiners uud tliepulilict''uerally, that he has just rereied from tho Laiterne cities, the largest an I iuo,t select stock of SI'UIXG SUMMER OLO THING, That has jet been opened in Islonmsh'rjr, to which he iu ites thu nttentiou of his friends, nnd assures them that they are otlVred for sale at great bargains. Ills Moik comprises- n lanre ;itorlui-iit of OlI.N'I LUMIlN-d U lIAKlXti AI'l'ARi:!,, (nnsi-tlllL of FAhllluSARLK llRLSS ('llATrl, of fTery (ICS- tnption; I'ants, Vem. rihirls. Cravat Stocks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, tiUnes, Huspeiulvrs, fee. iOl.Il W.VTCHHS AMI JtiWKLKY, . Ofcery description, lino nud cheap. N. It. Iteuiendier ' Lovenbe rg'n Cheap Emporium" call uud si.u. No charge for t xaminz Ioods. UAVIU i.UWKMIXKO. Bloonialiurg, March 31, 100. (Juo !,.) IBloomsbtirg Head Quurtcrs! IS' THK FIKI.U WITH AN IM.TtKASKI) HL'ITI.Y ,SPRLG&HlMSRQOOE U7 R wnuM announco to the public an I our friends Thit wo have just returned from tin Lity with a very la rue assortment of sexy cm:p goods, (.ir slork of IiltV HH)rj3rrnrprisPS thu largest, cbenp. est, and hfindsomrst no;e o.Tvred in this town 1 YV nre uetermiireu zn coinpe: wrtii iw C.C r.iii o . . itj aid all thoso nlsli np tobuy cheap, can ia.o inoney by BU-l.15 ii. a call. U e have nil k nils oi and IVarc-s to supply th-) .tsot the Alareel.tof Licidics7 Diess bofjus, OK EVKKY Dli.SOlUI'lOX irnrn-: goods of all kixds, Sleeves. Collars, Hpei.cers, Il.itidk-rcbi.fs, I'loiinelnKs, llai.ii. and 'I riiiiiniTiita, LnC.-i uud KilKing, llonnvt Ribboiis iu iariu Vel vet Ribbons anil braids. Kid, Cotleii t 1,1. K- 'I'liT.-iil i (iloves Mohair ' .Mils. ! TT KIVD fl'' Mil A Wl R ItHfH'HV . 1' 'S-1 - I '3 VI M l I A I .M. II l( UU M h. lll.rk-i.ilk, I'ft.hinere, Koilroid.-ed. Mella. fee Visual lartrt asitorimu-l of ohitiis, Ldssiun.r, .iiinets, Vtktiiij's, Tueeds, J'eius. Iteaver t'lotiis, ('tieitniji, Vehtt fi.c HOOTS & MIUKS UK iA, KINDS and Kie-i, for Men, Witmerrni-l rh.ldren Xfo hieu lurgj ;isonui' nt of tlatH and Caps.ot latoitfsh ions We Ime also. Hardware. tlmns a are, t'edarrtare, e ty t'ht-up Carp, t. Car pt I Itajs, I'loor, Tihle .niM Cnrri ift. Oil Cloths. Mat-i, I'm;-. l4kct, KQ a tall hi fore .urrli.i.i. elsewhere. Holinwl.oueM our ttoods at the Loivett I'atii Trices, and Mill not be undersold by an.vlmey, or too rettoriualiklnd. .MiKHI.VV. CO. Ulouuisburi, May 11. lui GliEAT ARUIVAL NEW GOODS, at tiii: Light Slreei Store. Creasy, Jirothmy all hands on active duty K Would iufoim our iriends and TT riiftomers, that we have ju.t received arran. usually lart'ti ui.nriiuent of Sl'lUNG ft SUMMER GOODS, Which we otfi.r at lower ratrs. for rradv nav. th-iit anv iver hetor. opened li-re and w ill hu sold "thcaper than tlie t heiiiii rt, We sh.ill not attempt to eruutierate the uriout articles - the are imiuenst- aul (lieu teci.m- ns our spa cious More Koi.jii-4, i ii 1 1 u.t I ii if tin 1' nud tiarr-1. are tilled to overll twinp There an to li found tin linekt fahruks, in tho (ouiitr) ut u-loiiihiiig low fliru res La dies' wewtr iu ir-'.it vanities, at -i per ctnt. lower than ever helore oilered. ri.uniH, ml HLixf. nuoci:uir.3, hat-?, caps. tfonts, Shoes, etc., at Uu sime rate. In short, alium-t ever) thing in the inereniiiile Irie from a needlu to an tux her y Our friends will do wttl to call ha re they make their solution. IL W. ClU'ASV, t CO. Light Street. April 0a, le-GO. UUl'EHIGH GoUeu Syrup Molaiees, IO lust received an.l for sale at iu cunt, per .lien, l tha theaj- rath tlere of I. 'I', g.i.rf los. .---1.'--- ' " IS I. . Sll Baltiraoro Convention. Vfo goi to Press, on Friday morning, without being" able to announce tho nomi nations. Domocratic Nominations. jr.!roitD, Juno 10. The Democratic rnm - prilinn in oaieiii inJ,. ,t.i "tCon in fOSSlOU to-day, nominated for (. ongrcss, m. P Schcll j for Pro- th0U0tar7, S. H. TatO, and for Sheriff, , "'") " 1 ,ur JOIin .1. L-CSStia. WILLIAM J. BEIDLEUAN, Sn&Dlc autr flatness MAMIFACTDKlin. Hloimstmrg, August 15, 1857. W AN T J3D. 1 HA tlff Milnlcln etclaiw tor Goods. JlWUKKl fetnt nf nil L I s..l ,.f 9 lllCXlhanffitfrir tlonAmi f.'.'Bn.. "7 ' " I. .".' i'","'. .'. w" m' ' " " ttW rnffiir hKNttV ADOJjPIPS CARflAEST WAKEKOO.IIS. No.:tfi NORTH SECOND STHEKT, abo b market, (inn ljwir abovo Christ Church. Oen-rat Am .rtmcutof COTVAOK VURMTUnK. jn cluJinir C1.tP .WufJ.. Lt. ' PIIILADELPIIJA. May U, liC0-i:m. Light Street Store. t'lttiASY & CO'S. BUIsLETIiJ. Ar.Lityk-s rf Uuilt Moulding for Tictitre Frames by , CUHASViCO iiit MTiot m l.uinaer lor saic Dj 1.1. kinds of Carpet for sale by CREASY & CO. rni? a si i. rvi JCST rcceiM.,1 nil kirtdi of Latlips' Dress (ioods, l.v , , . CllCAHY & CO. M...-. i il.1. tn inn latest, tasnions. tor sale by CREASY CREASY Ic CO. JRON, N.ils ond Stool, for sals by ARIIU.N Oil, fvr sals ty CREASY. 4; CO. CREASY Si CO. CREASY Ic CO. CREASY 4 CO. CREASY & Ca CTONB dial, for silo by Jl!.MDl:lt. uf all kinds, for sale, by kinds of Hood Goods, ty Light Str.v t, April' . laco. litll,', Inn oftfn tills the purse. SAVING FUNDS. -TMtANKUV OAVINa FVXD'-So. m ,uth, I I ouiui Ktrttt, haw ten Chestnut and Walnut I'hrUdi "Thm, ptyi all deposits on demand. I It 'posuori' inoiiey secured by Government State-! and I It) I,.fiiis, tJround Itcnts, iMortgages, fit. I 'J his t oinpaiiy deems safety better than larpc pront tonepuntly will run no risk with dcnon S tor luoiie, , Lut liavo it nt alt timen re.tde tn n.ti.rn d I ,w lilt j per tent, interest to tire owner, as they iiavo 3 iw;t)-s none, inn lompaiiy never suspttided, w ( ieina-i nnrried or single, nnd .Minors, can uc- nt their own rliiht, and such deposits ran bot-j Hiiiitiiiimi "in) uj lilt: ii tuiittt'iu. i Clurter pwpUuat. Incorporated ty thpStatl of rcnm)Uanii, with authority to receive luomy from trustei i and l'xc-ciltorg. T MhUK .i.VI) &.MAU. SUMS RECEIVED. Otttev open daily from U to 3 o'clock, athl on Wed o lu-sda) n iniTig until o'clock. DIRF.CTORS. J-icub n Shannon, Cyrus Cadnallader, Jnlm Mini,,ir, George Russell, Malail.i W. Moan, KdnardT. lljatt. l.-nl-i Kriiuibli.trr, llcnr)llclany, Sitlinl-a. Itilttnliouse. N'atbjn tiinc.iley, Jo. II Sutliertlnvaite, ITplirinni Ulancliard. 1 jusei.o ..lunincuil. I JAt'on II. MIAN'NOV, Trsldent. ! CYItl'S C.MIWALLADER, Treasurer. I MjfLli IJ I"j'l Uni. " llullar Bayed is mice earned." tMIBAl' STOHR GOODS I HF.rtrAL I.Y onAXOKVILLEll 1MIK unjersiitued would respectfully inform Ins liters niu tlio ,uldic in nenerul, that lie lias ju.t re ceil i .1 bis stucK uf select nud fasbionable NKW ISI'KING & SUMMEK OOOOF, at bi old .mid in Oranjci ille, Cdumbia co., nliero ll-i mil always be to see bis friends an, I cililunier uud nccnniii.udat'. their n ants iu the line of Merchandize LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of every ariciy, style and i.ateru imsiirpasseil for beauty and cbeapnuss a.-, tu ho tnuii.l liere in iireat nbmidauce. o.'.-v..w:.-i IICIK, OROCr.RtES. 11J1TS airs. hoots Jt.VD SHOES. C. If Our ifock itTof the most approved kinds, nnd us th. y nen purrhased on fair ter they nlll be sold uta lovv llgtire for tnsh, or ready pay. r. t Our old friends and nen customers are invited r-j call and iximutc for tliciiisclves. Country produce taken at the highest market prim wm. i mi. Oranc't ill-. May 5, 1"C0 3m. LXOt i EMENT DOWN i OWN AT L. T. Sharplcss' Stoic. fresiTariuval i OP JiflSlSO AND SU.MMEU GOODS r III. undersigned, having taken charpo nf the rvr 1 (torefi.irim.rly kept by Joseph Sharp leas, he tnk.-rf this niLth'til of inforiumj; Ins nuinerons cui-iomcrs thnt he lusjiitt returned from the ciry with a lirgy sssnn "U"h'lIUNG & SUMMER GOODS, Hhicl. ho ulfers fur sale at his Clieap tL'asii .store, on .Main riireet, illoomtburs, at (ho verv lo'on livitrt ,,.. Hi, stock has been selected nitli a f reaV drm ,f .ar ,, laiem.aXl aj , comJ uCitMy ,. ti,. PH-i, n in fcuirur) v IT UtUllglll VU (111 piUte, i-'ouiiiry produce taken in exthange for poods at ihi rrnrk't prices. He has on hand evervtlung comuioiilr kept in a country store. Give Jinn u call before hurt Ins ing elsewhere. L T. FHARrLFS? niooiiKlurg, April O3, ItCO. NEW GOODS ! M2Y GOODS ! ! RI EN DEN HALL'S STOL' ' IIH undersigned hm Just rtaivcd from the cm -vn .L ttfi rftilt aksorlmeiit of hlMilXO & SUMMER GOODS, comorl.iniitli! n-ual i truly of MVll.r.Y V.1UCOES, DKFJiS ClOOnS. 71CKIM1S. .1IM1,-1)RY eiOOHS. IlltOCFMIFX. luihl) trARF., 'iUF.FY!,iV.1RF VUlTlUXU, ClV.'il.lH WILLOW n.lRF., H.1TS .i.Yll dl'S. 1RO.Y JI.Y1) .VJ1LS, flHI, HALT, 3,c, .ye. " - I keep at all limes, on iiainl, rt larpe rf PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBTJI., nil of nhiclr 1 nilt sell dwap for Keady I'a). iither C'ah r 1'ro lute, C. MEXIIUNIIAI.I. llloomtburg, May 5, 3ni. fTtlrl- mulr-ronm-il. TT r Hi-oo-n- C- 1 V . .. o J .v Jt. A (, tiavtiig lormod a co-partnership, in t MERCANTILE BUSINESS, in l.i gilt Mreet. Columbia county, Ta., unJir the nam And -.i.vle of II. W. Creasy & LV, beg If avo to inform ijir frit nds and the public, that they will continue tlio luii IUS (rf tn all Its , anous brandies, at the r. 11 tnon u btore stai I of i ' k llrother. ulu-rc they u ill at all tunes bo hu ))' to utteud to the cults of tliiirtncndsaud cu.toliitrs ll.W.C'KUASV 4.LO. lojllt Hlrcet. April 3. ISoO 3m. NEW bTORE. Wholesale and Retail HAT . CAP STORE. fTITtl utidcrsipned respertfully informs tho crti nsn X (lloniuaburif, und the ruLlic m scutral, that lu has opunetl-a NEW HAT STOKE, In the white Frame Sloro House, on Main Streit, near I) oppoHttJ the Kichaupe Nuitdiugs, w here lie liasjiitt r Ct ivedu pleu'lldasortlueiit of CITY HATS AND GAPS, Hirert from tho Manufactories, ff alt kinds, itvlrs sorts and sizes, lateti l'ahions, which he oitirs, vvhob is lie and mail, at very low prices. Also, bTll.WV GUODd, inrludiuf; allth-i modern at les and fuhinns r 7 TlH'so Goods, will bo sold ut very low prices i-r Healy l'ay d. B. ANHWALT Moomsburg, AyriX 14. 1?C0. 13 EADT-JIADE CLOTHING can lo AV boujht thcs) at tbe thcap tah .tore of L. rnarple,s, May 13, lttl)