COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. S2 00 PER, ANNUM". lEEYI L. TATE, Editor. "TO HOLD AND TRIM TIIK TORCH OF TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER TIIK DARKENED EARTH.'' to- BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, SATURDAY, JUNE 16, I860. VOL. 24. 4 THE " I knew ' you would. you And how 1 knew truly can 1 sny, would, Carrie, Oft It It III 1 1 IT Jl iMUflTrn I l "blced be they that are made happy by '- I .l.nti. i1.tlilr.iii " eotil ATnfl H Anil nnn. tllVl. l..lli.v, .auto. ..v.., Carrie, you and Lanian can set any day 19 KM lnD HSIT (UTUROiT MORMXO , BY JLEV1 li. TATM, IN BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. , n Jtr a Arlrft Hultilinp, opponitt the I'aehmg f, fry tide " ilAi (inr( Iiote. "Democratic Hi itl tyuartfrt," TKRMS OK BiniSCIlIPTIOV. 4 CI tPi In advance, for now copy, for 1t mmith. 1 7.1 In ft'lvniire, for mi' ropv. one rar. 'i 0i If not .ti i within tlto tir-t thruti innnttn. ' U If not (int'I whhin the llrnt U month. 0 If nt pi Id within the year. 1C7" N i'ibrrijitln!i tnK-Mi for Iom than li montln, Jytnti no p.ipr tliscontinued until nil nrrrtirnijea rIiII bnve rftteen paid. iA4JiJm Ordinary Anvrarm MKn (tiff rti'd, tind Jon W oai; tfdkecuttfd, nt thu (ftibllshcd prici-H. THE ORANGE GIRL. Another real-life romance story is told in the Cincinnati Gazette of a recent date: The citizens of Columbus, and visitors at the Capitol, will recollect a beautiful young girl, apparently "sweet sixteen," who daily carried about tho legislative political. NOT LOST, RUT GUNK RE FORE. llonn In tlip loiitly valley whtfri Tb ipnrrow Iniitiin h t ntmt, A notli r l.i i I her only onj IKr darling rliild to t d. 'Ttva cnlil iin 1 drmrj winter tlun, '1'tif Bii'iwit lay t.n tin irmund, U'lh'u we burU'd httl) Mining Itotuntli Iti.1 icy mound. Rut colrirr and more Hcinlsf, Than nil tlu Ii.-alti af ir. Wan pimr wt-ar) li-'iirt nuh-iut Tli IiIUj tii.liii Kl'ir. And t!irlc-r crw tin.' tdiinlimv tlir", And dfp r rmiinl tin h-iri. F r Hi liltlf ,mri' vtuii hil-nl, All liuKlK-d iutl; fil mirth. Lmif mntlrr, l(A tn Ilcm'U ntw, 14-iiii1 tnv a!- ; H", ram n-'ii itmia m hr-uKmj, AuJ )un 4 n tjiiiu-riiii; ta. An 1 tliTf vt t Mitini 1ich gni. ,N'ft Ibet 'nit KOif; ti lor t Tli Icmtiiiiiii rarri-'d 1i r l"ri t tf lu tf P1IHIIJ' kIht '. Above Hi hut! vnlt -y win r 'I'd rpirriAv bull it" n To.- brit'lit-tt mvfd U l r.r lhnr fluri. U.-uif tn tatli'-r i I" tit JiKACTIKLMi STANZA. 1,. nt'li; I aftli'.' M-:i fall lit. hy ii n p tli ! ri i r 1 1 iti i O'l 1 I.) rjll-. ImuIIi ff til, jii.imt l-.utiH.-n fa -J h id ill : ; lint tli r'J t blouiii njrtln ; Ami t!if t-pruij: i" i-'i"li an In tn i! April mm Ani tlu liiiin r win atnl dev. i.i limr uf tit" pml'ntii H'li Mi Hit K.riii!Ji' l it f fd A 1 1 Hi- P' i i 111 M iu, Dr j lik- iuji.kii M.m mi 1 p-il-; IV rii-tll ti m fuiiif Iicpi- tint ii. l.iU -n ! -nt jjiu ap.irt. Ill Mi ii fnr fp'in rar.lis fv -n In tlf ffrl'-iJ oi tlu litdit. S nu mwi t hop" t cH'ln t VM-d. I svill M'HiiR ifp it'i n'J nr., W'U ti pn ft w itt r li.tr1 ft d. ilivi'i? pU: to r-iiM m 1 'J1 Hiii- f'-t t li'- tr nili -i i f rin;. Through tli- w.';ir. w.'.-uy H i i-triti l.l'ini"!iiin':, In tlie itpiriT gl'-rioii. fli ni. (Duiginal Stonu Urt.'frn fpr tht (wm('ll 'nn t rat. CARRIE CAR LET UN. Speech of Hon. B. F. Dutlor. At a Democratic Mass Mccting,at Low- for your marriage, for I have sounded the j0Ug gi apparently "sweet sixteen," ci (Mas.) on tho lfith ult., the Hon. 1$, depth of Laman's love." who daily carried about tho legislative F. Rutler, Delegate to the Charleston Con- " I thank thee. O Lord, for thv kind-I l,nll .,,,,1 s.. ,nr,.u 1.. volition, wai introduced. After a brief ncs in delivering mo from this great mis- i wrought basket, containing tho plumpest in1"-0111":''0") returning thanks to tho cill ery of all my future life," was the silent I and sweetest oranges. Oh, yes 1 every- oiw of Charleston for their hospitalities, prayer that went up from tho bottom of body remembers Ettic, the beautiful Or- 1 aml m'Sn,y fulogizing Mr. Cushing, the Carrie's freed and joyful heart. ! ango girl, and have wondered in what nook ! lreil'c,lt ( tll Convention, Mr. Rutlcr i le had hid.lrn for the pai-t two months . 1 Focec,1c(1 : r.r..:.r t,.,!.. lor no liior.. her sopf f.uu nil ..ii-lUti The firft most iuiiiortatit duty after its Hoon after ,1,1, Laman aiid Carrie were ' - " 0-1. -d interesting ZSM married. And thv minister, in conitrntu- clerki'' wmi " Srei,t !l,'mlr,""" lor tl"', " i member of the committee to construct Mich lating them said tuntla, arc obliged to torego glimpse" of the platform 1 felt that I had but oue course ueim'si paiterru nooi irilMtniI' UU Hie mar- , wuipsuu, nun x nuiu ua iiiiiiavei lilp tir 1 ii' tenacity of purpose. Jt was to oUain i. .i .... a. . it . Hie affirmance vl tlt'isc Democratic jiiina i. very uuhy a iuui lue ciaic noil--e au- T , i . . . . . rs I id down at ( mcumatl, mti uhich mired httic, but it was with a respectable uc talt outrode the storm of sectionalism admiration, and if a gruff Icgila(nr was j t 1850 utt'lir tlitit uc lteii a tempted to jest with the girl, or make licht i clnevid victory. If avytrouUis have come 1 tnitta our tuiriv " I congratulate you both upon your choice of partner. I am glad to sea you married nt la.t. May your livos bo long and happy." And Low well was tho mini.-tcr's wirdi fulfilled, for both of them lived a long life of tignal uefulncssand nearly perfect mar ried bliss, and at last, both went down to the grave in peaco. Having done with Laman and his beau tiful bride, wo will bestow a few words upon the other members of our story. Mark Curleton lived with Laman till dtath took him "home" to his God, and ho lavi-hed many blessing! upon them, and gave to them his whole fortune, which en abled them to live in erne and comfort. Jacob was several times married, soon ran through with thirty-four thousand do, lars, and died at an early age, a miserable outciut from sociity. And Azaiiah it w.t from him that we heard the dory no have written above, and bclmv e give his own adven'ure, in his own words ' " Ami neow," s iid he, ,ll comes to the ondin part that s me."' 11 Wall, yonu see. aluut a jour artrr Liman ami Curiie war married, 1 kindtr espei iu.-liid a hankeiiii alter Sal .lones, ! received and adopted in tho minority r- her !)0 votes, were cast for him on every port, almost in tho words fu which it was ballot. In Ohio 0 votes,in Indiana 0 votes presented as pasted in the caucus, aud is in Minnesota 'J votes opposed to him, yet as lOltOWS vy inai ruic u;tst lor nun, ao niat mu ma- Kciolvtd, That all questions in regard jonty was more apparent than real, llio :s or oouincrn oiaies generally, aciing wnuoui to tho ri'dits of iiroperty in States ritones. arising umlcr tlie Uonstitution oi tho United States, are judicial in their character ; and tho Democratic party is pledged to abide by and faithfully carry out such determination of these questions as has been or may be made by the Su preme Couit of the United States. This resolution was insisted upon bj the Committee, as then constituted, because it would give aid and ground to t-tand upon nt home to thu Southern friends of Judge Douglas not advocated on principle not claimed for tlie North, but a concession for the South, which, as the sequel shows, tho South neither desired, would adopt or accept. A piece of expediency which your delegate would neither "adhcie to, abide liy or carry out." ritn:irk4. ln iriu ru.l lv h.. ttiml.... i '""V '.ic, demeanor and pure soul look appealing . Il)t clrnjillj, nill oJ hat docllincs, Tley trom her heavenly blue rye-'. ! accord to every beetion of the Union their Ettic always brought a full baket and , omi-titutioual rights. They discountenance went home with an empty oue, and "octionai agiiauon upon topics wiu which siceiions oi me courirj- uavo uoiiuui; 10 lhey torm a common creed ot a na i.n. .......i,,. ,.;n itn.i ,:i Alone I made a report recommending the adoption of the (Jinonmuti platlorm. lioth the majority and minority reports it is litcavs" n; a . were recommitted : and again 1 presented the same plattorui to a minority ot ttio committee, and again all but oue ot the free States minority agreed to sign and re port the Cincinnati platform, pure and sim ple ; and again, acting under au outride pressure to yield something to the South, com. fchewastho sole dependence of a 1 . t t t .i : i . je,ocrat in I olution nled.dnL- the Democracy to the widowed palsied mother, and her noblu 1 the country has been solemnly pledged. I guidance of the Supreme Court. Unco efforts to keep anj want were known, and ' Under them we have prospered. Under , more I felt bound to disagree with tlie tmirln llw IVil 1 1 from linr l.rnK.1 i.i, ;. 'them we can again triumph. If they are, minority, and to rcpoitin conjunction with , unaltered no section can claim that any Minnisota, Indiana and New Jcr.-ey, the I , oilier section lias obtained any Advantage platform of ltiuu. Attr a display ot rar- lien the great Lniou meeting of tho 0vcr another, or ninde any concession to liamentary tactics more or less blundering Tciuu'Krcc, Kentucky, and Ohio Legisla- I another section. The eternal cry of the on the part of tho friends of the minority tuics was held in Ohios capital, the beau Ripublieans, that weof the North yield too report, only the first proposition was adop til-ill orange girl wan tripping about, dis- ' ,mlul' t0 Jlio ili-iiinnd of the South, must ted, which was in words tho resolution ; . . . . ceasu or bo disregarded, it we stand solely your delegate had at first proposed, with posing ot her to the ".oils ot the jy tue principle "of lliat platform. They the resolutions in favor of the I'aeific Rail South," and receiving the homage and ad- I mo alike opposed to the rampant abolition-1 load, Cuba, and the enforcement of the miring glances from all. ! i-mi of the North, and tho lire eating dii- 1 Fugitive Slave law, which were all in fact At the end of one of these hnlls icuiii" unionism ol tlie south. 1 lioy are tlie link's m the Uiueinuati platlorm. llius, by theno'de row of residences on oI.e golden cl, .in tliat lund tlie yemocra ,, . , ' cv together. I hey are therelore, the J bird ftreit, stood alone a youthful mem- ,;. ofj.tei,j ,. f ,,,,,,, thu StilW o th(, ber of the Tciiiics-lv LegiMniurc, when ho I'u'kui in the bonds of a common brother- Hn startled by a sil wry uiei' asking : 'hood. With the-n views I proposed in ' Jiuy an onini-e sir!" Committee the tallowing resolutions : " How do you sell tbeni '.' said t'm that was Laman's hired maid. Wall, Granger, looking into her eyes. yeou see, she felt a good bit the same way. 1 could see it by tlm kinder eoaxin' of her eyes, every time she looked nt me. I'd got tn lovin Sal like all sixty, and one eveniu' as we were settiu' in the kitchen, eonvei.-in' on matters and things in gen eral, Sal handed me a secret p.iper with the follerin' verse on it : 1 vote of '-i'M to 40, that platform pure aud Minnie, wits adopted. Your principles and mine, fellow (.itUons, were accepted as tlie cardinal points of the party, and tho good old Democratic thin was headed on her eourso for another tour years of successful l.'ifiiveil. That we, the Democracy of voyage. Was not this a triumph of right thu Union in Convention assembled, here- ', and principle! Was not this worth con 1 bv die-hire our affirmance of the Democrat- tciidin' tor. even at the risk of denuueia- Five cents each," said the maiden, ic r solutions unanimously adopted, and tion bv thwarted politicians, who had seen declared ns a Hattonu ot l'nuciplcs at their small expedients fail, and their want Cincinnati in the yearWiO, without addi-1 of devotion to the party and principles tui tion or alternation ; believing tint Demo-, rewarded by the success of their measures! ei ntic principles are unchangeable in their , What say you, fellow citizens! are the I nature when applied to the same subject acts ot your delegate in obtaining the itn . holding a large one towards him. j " Cheap." " Indeed, they arc." J This introduction opened the way for a "Wh -nt'i ft vour pre H-jnt. it dn-i ! Hie imtinn, yy li'Mrl Httts). get. in n creat utpitatmn." prolon'cd and serious conversation, in m.ilt.T. which the i'ii-1 iirtlesslv revealed to the I After a long and animated di-cuVion str.ini-er the poverty of her home, and the wu "i-A by a vote of 17 States right or wrmi, cinnati phitlbiiusueh as you will commend? Hao I your approving voice I Did I do right or wrong.' Your approval, then, 1a 111 i-noii. flr.if.nll (rl.Mllrr itft P!lttll.. ' nj.iiti liw. .1. o f fliA firdt vi.ilt ftl lilt' IMN' necessity of her supporting her sick moth- vofe ' ".if tIl(. fiineiimati Flatform, to . si'on to obtain'a recognition of our princi- ttf II.. u"ic e,i vtt-i.-illi tli, iifl'u t i 1 .1 1 ..1. 1 t t . tl .1 " Jiminy splinters, how my heart did i . 7 " ' i! J "I 'ZrZT" , . - - - fllfL-.. Ilin ll .Mill, rl.rl.t trntl.t .. in .,. i ' ' .... 1 .'. . . resolved to wsit ber home aim become j-neiu Let us now advance to the second duty wnieliit;yas propo.-cu should i wi.ich devolved unou tho Convention to ke inn. throat." ' .....! .i..t.i ir ,i:,i t tt t! 1 I. . , . ii i i, ,,, uiuii: iuuiiiii.i;i (i. 'ii .iv 'ii' fui "Sal,' said I, " how would you like to , r ., , , . ,, . , .., i and after successive vi-its. won the conli- take an evenin walk with me? ' I, , , , .. , ,, .. , , ,, , , . ,. dincc and love of the maiden ; and the " Me," says she, "mil, I don t care.' . . ... . , .. . mothers consent to the marriage; and Accordingly J nltervri her my arm. o nominate a candidate to stand upou the platform. 1 have said that tho whole dis- Km ICAUItlK (l O.NTIXI'l'.H.) Chapter V. RKt.r.Ascn uor nr.u MENT WITH JAf OI'. ilJeing aroused from his stupor by this puddeu and unexpected treatment ; he f talk- M.nrt 'tVrtin llia linnp ill MhnTiifi filul ill-irrrn'p. tfl'rt. cnitin limn fiffiir liw .ivll.lintll iMnrk t'WU.W v...., - I whi-n hn went back to his Southern home I walke.l along till we cum clear out ot town, WM , h R n)..c , iu u fort. unil urn ifAlii" 1111 i 1 1 1 Iti.t 1il -,r It fc 1 " ' nwht ur Ins briilc. Mo phuu, ami now , along the si lcs ot the road was some bu-h- , m.(lv Sollt,.rlI nllH the , c-i. .t last Mimplhing poped into my brad I to say. 1 Sal,' said 1, 'was you e ileula. tin' on gittin' married ?' i 4 Me, Mr. Flick, why law me, how you ! 1 . I I. II t II1L' illl'IIU 1IUIU nill Y .1 lliir ri'M I, HIM I a I, says I, I mean jest what I say, I m fictifjno)r,.r, great"ibd..eements lor all ' and I I io-rt that if you was agon, to get f , w yWUmls M s married, Id be in fur the furst pick for j,; w,iat nn imm,nti ,Q b(J ; ou. way, .'iiss oaiiy, win you nave orange girl are man and taken her the fairest of ; Southern home, to dwell with him I aged mother, in optilenco and that is as follows : Htso'ftl, That it is tho duty of the Uni ted States to extend its protection alike, cust,;on ofthc plutform led mo to the be- over all it citizens whether native ornat- ;uf tlilt tu, djUorenec was about men, not uralued nrineinles : and the unfortunate and un- This was to meet the case of the contra-. justifiable secession of eight of the Southern dietorv interpretation of the rights of for- States by their delegates, in whole or in i .... eign boru citizen when abroad, made by part, justifies tho statement. When they beau the State Department. To this, you will ' went out of the Convention, wo hod adop 1 to has r,,i,nVilir. I had nlmlrrert mvself when the nn nriiu'inlnM Imt those to which evel v and her me ,v'and Carrie were silent. After tho elapse of a mitiuto or two Mark said : "Noble daughlor! how magnanimous "ilve )") but B0 leant, is thy heart I" i " .list at this moment a good-sized shoat r Explain yourself, father, you speak in cum squeaking out from behind the bush- parodies, the depth of which I eanuot fath-' cs. Snlly give one of tho darndest yells ' as ever 1 heereil, and she fell right Mat in About a year ago I mo arms. intended to wrong ' Why Sally, its only a pie,' said I. ' Oh, is it !' says she. " And how was that, father !'' '.' Well, you know that we are consider- wile. the fair, to his casu arose. It is but jn-t to add, however seceding State, and many of the seceding that to this resolution no opposition was delegates themselves, had been pledged made. All agreed upon this. Its justice only a low years since. There was in this, was acknowledged by all. Upon this ( therefore, no cause for disruption no Mainu answered to Oregon and Minneso- aisis beUx no justification for so serious a ta responded to Texas. The propositions strp as the dismemberment of the Demo the committee divided, Hi freo States one , era tie party and eudaugciing the harmo way, aud l.i slave States, with California ' ny and safety of thu Union. What then, and Oregon tho other, and the difference was feared bv the seceding States ! Evi- dircct instructions by a cunningly devised resolution ot the (Joiiimittcc on Organiza tion were for tho most part voting sepa rately, so that all of Judge Douglas' strength in the Southern delegations sub stantially appeared. iNow, with the aouth opposed ot Judge Douglas even to a disruption of the party, with every Democratic free State voting against him, with two-thirds of the delega tion of tho great State of Pennsylvania firmly against him, with one half, nearly, of New York hostile, New Jersey divided, and the only State in New England whore the Democracy can have much hope, Con necticut, nearly equally balanced, what was it the part of wisdom for your dele gate to do! Should he, coming from a State where there was no hope of a Dctn ocratic vote, persistently endeavor to force upon tho Democratic States a candidate distasteful to them as shown by their voics, in so much so that they ware ready to sun der all political ties rather than submit to his nomination I Were his preferences and yours for a given man to be insisted on at all hazards ! He thought not, then he thinks so still. I am quite aware that I am addressing n constituency whose first choice was Judge Uouglas. iiut why was he your choice! Because you be lieved he of.all men could most successful ly bear the flag and advance the cause of the Democracy in the coming struggle with our enemies. Relieving him to be a Dem ount, you love him for his Democracy. lou are devoted to him becauc ot his principles but you are more devoted to principles than to any man j you revere tho Democratic party more than all men ; to your political judgment, men are nothing unless they carry out your principles ; you love your party because you love your country. Thcis any man, however gifted, however wise, however able, must give way iu our hearts when ho hinders the suoces? of those principles on which we believe the future well being of our coun try depends. It is not that we " love Ciesar less, but we love Rome more." I jicld to no man in appreciation of the ability, untiring energy, parliamentary and exocutive capacity of Judge Doug las I have no word of reproach to utter against him I propose to join ip no cry to follow no crusade, if such there bo, agaiust him. Not even thu hasty and ill tempered denunciations and abu-e of his near sighted and ill-judging friends Eltall tempt me to do him an injustice, here or elsewhere. We must accept facts as we tind theiu a truth is a truth however un palatable. No man can act wisely who disregards facts and truths iu shaping his course, whothcr in political or other ac tion. 1 would most always wait upou I ought, for the reasons before ktnted, I iouiid Judge Douglas' nomination nn im possibility without a disruption of the par ty and throwing away all chance of suc cess. You may say this is a great misfor tune. Rc it so. It is a fact upon which ou and I fellow Democrats, must judge and act. I found a very large majority of tae Democratic btates unalterably opposed to Iniu. " lis true, tis pity, pity tis 'tis true." I found him iu a bitter l'cud with a Democratic administration, and without earing to inquiro which is to blame for it, such conflict is not a help to Democratic votes iu a closely contested election, espe cially wheu the Democracy desire to carry tho State of Pennsylvania, when to say the least that administration has both prestige and power. I found also that Judge Douglas was in oppoitiou to almost the entire United States. No matter who is and stupidly continue voting for Douglas. If you lovo him more than Domoerntic principles, then I did misrepresent you. If you arc Douglas men and not Demo crats, then I have offended. If you prefer thu man to his party, his defeat and your political ruin, rather than success under soma conservative national I)emocrat,thon have I offended. Rut if you cherish your principles first, your party next, and men last if you love your country, and are, as patriots, ready to lay your personal preferences on the altar as peace offerings to the genius of American Democracy a sacrifice for the prosperity aud glory of tho Union then you have boen most truly aud firmly, consistently and fully represented by your delcato in the Charleston Convention. Ycu will ask me what is to be done at Baltimore ! To that I answer We are to assemble there. The seceding States will conio back and act with U9 by their present delegates or a now ic-t. The Democracy will gre together aud upon the Cincinnati platform. We shall nominate some ono ot tho doz ens of eminent meu in thu Democratic par ty who are fit to bo President who will take no part or lot in the personal diffi culties that now agitate us who will re cognise tho claims of every body's friends, if they are true Democrats, and with him the Democracy will again triumph. In I B-l'l Martin Van Burcu was set aside for Polk, although Van IJurcn had an actual majority of nil tho votes on the first ballot. The Democracy then harmonized, and New York patriotically gave her vote to the Democracy. Can it bo that Illinois is lcs patriotic now than New York was then ! I will not so believe. I eee no dark and impenetrable clouds in the fu ture. I sec the success of tho Democracy, because I believe iu the future destiny of our country. Let not our Republican bV.s take courage from our dissensions. Our little family squabbles among ourselves only serve to sharpen our appetites for tin great contest to come off with them With harmony, unity of feeling and devo tion to our principles wc have the nnti 'i in our hands now, henceforth and forevei ii-i-mit.1it in n nli.llmrip vuliiiii.i of rinnfinee ! Mo have you, why Az., ycou know i.i. ... i . r , jom .iiimh iei) ruHii,nrtisUI.i.,u.. , . ..,..,. of tha Npw y0rk of the committee, I saw, or thought I saw, 1 wh0 had "iven an internretation to that MY CHILD'S STORY. Tell me a story, please a Rib story," cried my little girl to me this morn iug ; and as I looked in the c igerface, and smoothed the shining curls, I thought that for once I would not speak of tho holy child Jesus, the little Samuel, or the son of the lonely widow. So I told my listen ing Nellie of the Apostle Paul j how, after God hud taught him by a wonderful mira cle to love and serve his Saviour, he led r. life of trial, and trouble, and hardship; how ho fasted often in the wilderness, w r shipwrecked on the sea, was persecuted bv wicked men for the sake of his dear Lord ; and how he suffered all gladly, rejoicing that he was found worthy to enduro "for Christ's sake I ' And then, while my darling's eyes gr" sad with her sweet child's sympathy, and the lips were pressed together, that thfi quivering might not betray holt the little hsart was moved, I added : " And wbnl do you think this noble good man said t his dear friends during such a life of pain, and trouble, and toil for our Saviour s sake !" I should think," said my Nellio simply and earnestly, "I should think he would pray to God to let him die ; he was so good ho mu't have been fit for it." " No, my child, ho did not pray to di' ; he knew that in God's own time he would right or who is wrong, it it not a pleasant take him to himself, and in the mean while .. .,...i:,i... i .1... n ,,,. .ii,. w loillll l ill a ineiuui ii. vuiuinu ui i uiiiiine. . " .. . - i , i i".i .... r . . .1 . iiusuiuu iui u i..u'iiuam ui 1115 w.uiwwui The so,-rvplnl hi-torv of Cinderella is .was WpS irreconcilable. ithout . dcntly that the i majonty ot ho Convention I found Win opposed by a very w ! nV r-1''" ' ' ,.V m,uclU ' impugning, however, tho motives, or too composed ot Northern delegates, would ar i m!ljority of thc Democratic member fj not a eircuin-taliee ta it. here aro all closely criticising tho acts ot any member force the nomination of Judge Douglas, ol-llu iou,0 ot- Keprescntativos. It is OlOj 'II will do so. learned how Jacob you Ledger ! STAR IN A LITTLE DAUGHTERS CROWN. The Rev. Daniel Raker, of Texas, re lates the following : ed'pretty rich. Well, so wo are. As I ' Yes,' bays I, 'tbats what it is.' ' Wall, Mr., it warcut long afore Sally got over her fright.' 1 Aud ncow, Sally,' says I, 'will you before stated, I heard that Jacob intended toVrong you. This plan was to capture have me! I kin assure you that I don't you, with his facinating powers j and you like Retsy Brown, its ouly ycou what tho disagreement was rather about men platform to which the Southern Domocra- than principles. It se'cmed tome that ey would not, aud as their delegates claim- gentlemen of the extreme South were j c-d, could not agree, and be able to defeat he must do his Master's work. He must pray and strive to be kept from temptation. Representatives. It is mut be lowly and meek, cucouraging oth- ... 11 .i ..i;.t...l.lV . ' , ..... . 1 uoubtjes-i an wrong tuaviuis sunuiu ue so, crs uy uis example, aim must tase up wi yet bo it is. 1 have heard that the 1 inglV) pay, gladly and faithfully the cro"- m:iKC3 lue sum est wue-- sweetest wme ble to detent ... t .. i,..i f , M uu ' !,n ul " u making demands or cxpo-itions of priuei- the opposition in their owu btates, and f, ' , . ,i. ,,.,,.:,,. , ivifi (i,,. best 1 my child 1 and this he did, and his pies which thoy did not consider vital to 1 giyo their Electoral votes to the Democra ne pressed, lest a man should be nomiiia- ey. Thoy said, you of the North have tho 1 ari;IlH ot- V0JS " j j-oull(i ted distastefuUothem, and men from the 1 platform. If you will put a man upon it ' j.or ,( omgcrat;,. candidat a sweet N'orth were willing to make concessions , that has given an interpretation hostile to and iolent opposition are not the prolific ' words were, 'I havo learned, in whatso- 1 lound worse than all ever state 1 am, therewith to bo conwnt. " candidate for the Presi- t .tnr,n(,d. for mv little irirl's eves were n j o V very wicked man, whether ho ever prayed. He did not like tho question, and in a very angry roauncr replied : know ho considers himself quite a "buck like.' " It i your mother, or Aunt bally, that 1 I . ... . - 1 ...... A 1. i I'll . 1 ! among tho girls," then after winning your I ' Wall,' says she, 'Mr. J Uclt, bein' aa , put you up 10 tu, my nine gin. n. .. .n. ;.! in X'ltllMU ... , II..I,. i,.,..,. Sural, ininn fu nf "wu v. y """"I" - , iu uu, w-" . louse, of Konroseiitatives was 01)011 V riUO ' . b, , , , I not be justified by cither Democratic prm- at home, it we would : and tho more ur- ,,.,. .,..: .1..,. ,i. influi.ntiaiV m-r longer what she had seen and heard. Sitting at ,ci ,M 0Jr tluir NJrtherll coiHtitucnc, in dent of t'he Southern men said, we would $ liSwSd either sut " O the tame me rnmuy, sue asc m-r on er to tue success 01 incir lavonio can not ,1 wc could. 1 hat there was m s icar Doula, or goward, thus making himself ad tather. who had been to etiurcn. mu was a 1 uiuntes. ouusuiiuuiit uvuuis snow iuu eur- 01 Ills nomination was mane certain uy mu .. hand he intended to turn us pcnuilcss from ycou saved my life jist neow, for I do be- our home, with tho paper ho has shown your hcrj to-day. Which paper 1 took .when I payed him his money. Upon learning this, I made calculation upon how I should act to turn tho trick upou himself. Learning at the same time of tho attachment between you and Laman, I determined to sound the depth, of your lovo vfor mo, and tho depth of the lovo between ti and Laman ; my plan you now under nd." ' Pretty well, father, and I thank you ,lor your kindness and consideration in ".refcrenco to my welfare," said Carrie, her fieart fluttering with inexpressible joy nt being once more free from her engagement with tho "wicked mon'ter," her conin, lievc Ida been skeert to death if it hadent a' boen fur you, so I gucsss I will have ycou.' ' Wall, 'twasent long artrr that till wo were married.' ' And ncow we've got two of the hand somest boys ycou over laid eyes on.' There now, Mr., of my story you have THE ENP. 63T Near Warren, Con,, is posted on a meadow fence tho following : " Notiis. Know kows iii aloud in thcae medders, eny man or women lettcn tharo kows run the rode wot gits intor my mcd dcrs aforcsed sbcl hay his tale cut orf by( me, Obadiah Rogers 11 No, papa," said tho little creature, "the preacher said that all good people pray, and those who don't pray, aiu't go ing to heaven. Pa, do you pray !" This was more than her father could stand, and in a rough way he said : " Well, you and your mother and your Aunt Sally may go your way, aud 1 will go initio." " Pa,'' said the little creaturo with sim plicity, "which way arc you going!'' Tho question pierced his heart. It flashed upon him that ho was in tho way of death. Ho started from his cbair and burst info tears. Within a few days ho was a happy convort, and I believe will appear in heaven as a star in the little daughter's crown of rejoicing. rectness of this opinion, because, after the minority aud majority of tho committee, had separated 10 to 17, and each had ro tired to make up its report, and when the 1 ti Northern btates had nothing to do savo to report the Cincinnati platform puro and simple, thou it was that three gentle men came into the room where tho minor ity of tho committee were in consultation and announced themselves as a sub-com mittee of a caucus of the friends of Judge Douglas, charged with a resolution which his friends desired to bo reported to the Convention, in order, as the chairman said, "to help tho friends of Judge Dou glas at the South.1' One member of the coinniilteo on resolutions immediately rais ce a point of order. Ho said that the eonnnitteo of tho Convention of tho whole Democracy could not act under tho dicta tion of a caucus of any body's friends that his solf-respcct would forbid that the report ofthc minority of the Committee would lose all moral power if they adopt ed such a resolution thus presented. Tho point of order of that moinber of the Com mittee who is now addressing you was overruled, and the caucus resolution was action of Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland North Carolina, and Kentucky, who ro .1 .1 1 I I. ! .1 1 ! uency, thai tuo uierK oi me ivepum.eau , ... . . . . . . concealed its quivering. mamma," she said softly-and sadly, I am so happy in this dear homo, pparently an unpleasant connecting link , ,., vct r frct and crv when anything vex- between them. With these facts before I . n .i v. nrth t.arolina and lventiiCKV. Who ro . .1 cs uie 1 j man mtt, win uuu luiuiiuiuu .onu iaroiui.i, aim ivcinuiKy, uo iu nl0 iU,d impressing upon me the conviction , ,, .., ., ,, mainedin the Convention, bu by their that th(, nomimifiol of judg0 Douglas 1 hcu I soothed ber with the recollection delegates insisted that if a resolution was cou,(, not b(J ma(Jo with , Qr 8a(bt of ilis lo0j which ia neTer failing t0 til0S(. whob t whut WM j t0 Lo Rr(j for thrfr p; nnJ Electoral College to make a nomination, (lo , , m teU what 1 did d and A ' they, too, would withdraw Iron, the 'on" am afraid it is not what 1 ought to havo ?M 1 Whn M ,! . ,. vention, and thereby the Cohventwn must . n Yipl(lin to vou. inference 1 vo- , 'contented for some little disappointment have been dissolved, as California and Or-1 tcd gevcn time for Ju(J Uo la al egon woiua naragono win. me..,, .caving thougU my judgmeut told-ule that my vo. "7.7 , TJ t . " c7 .r ' tes think of St. Paul, who, without a homo, and with trials and sorrows that wo would were worse than useles-i as they gave 1 .,CTCr know. still could say, not with tn- w t.i a loss 01 every inmuu. llim ull appearance of strength in the Con- ,,, fnr i, , ..nodness but mceklv as St The passage of tins resolution made the ventioll x,llich I felt he had not, in fict, in umidi for hi goodness, but meekly as bt. nomination ot Judge Douglas .simply mi- th(j J)l3mocratio art If ,hu wa9 H11 John: "I have learned, in whatsoever possible, and a thougli Ncw oi k cast her crror it waa ' fi,, 1 tieu looked ', state I am, therewith to bo content." she voted for Douglas useless, as it was shouid wMoad no one. around to throw my vote wheic at least it Ir An exchange has the following ; A friend of ours the other day was ac- nviitont. tn nil llmf ninrft ilinn nno. third nf .1 ....... 1. .. , 1 .. . 1 I tuo ejonvcniiou were unaiieraiiiy opposed to his nomination I bclicvu thero were a maioritv so onnocd 10 him in fact. Grant that ho received upon 0110 ballot a bare and afterwards, almost by common con majority ot tho that majority unit rule, wh I),,. Vni'llinrn Khiliw iniW ! nt i-iiufi nns mil ChnrL'cd 1)V til Iu New York there were IS votes opposed "ess with it, with misrcprcf enting my con- leaung the questioner abashed nt his own to Judgo Douglas from fii tt to last, yet ttitucnta, because I did not pt rsUtently jidiculons way of inquiring tho tim. I Through a series of fifty-seven ballot-' cted with the words : iugs the voting did uot materially change, j " Do you know the time, sir" mid afterwards, almost by common con-1 r0 wl,ieh he nulled rout his watch. . : .1. -1- . .. . - ! . of tho wholo vote. Jiut how was cm, an aujour imciu was carrieu, aim we ai)d aftcr eonsultillg it rcturned it to his onty made up ! Simply by the re to go to Baltimore on tho 18th of , Tune B, which stifled tho minorities in nest to finish our work. Now, I find I PwVct, cooly rcpU ,ng :1 om States under instructions.- m charged by those who have no busi- r, I then walked off