Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 09, 1860, Image 1

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fPVI L. TATE, Editor.
$2 00 PER ANNUM.
fk - - .
VOL. 14.--NO. 14.
VOL. 24-
iCulitmliia Jemorrot
i.h.'.vi i. 'i', t
t 0 ffTo e
iii tht vtio Itrlck fiitltithg, opposite the I'.ichantrc, by siJ
tfthc Cuurt Home. "Democratic Ihad Quarters'
terms or suusontrTio.v.
01 (HI In advance, for one copy, for sit months.
1 .3 In utUftiirc, fur nno ruiy, who yt'nr.
, H on If not paid within lliu iirt three months.
1i ii Idiot paid within Iho first git month.
'Vfr - 511 U" not fiaid within the) car.
'h'M:lty Vo )iiticriptinri taken for Icm than (x months,
IHftVu no I'spcr tli-icutitjnautl until all arrearages shall havo
ij'tD" Ordinary Am-rnTiKVTa inserted, and Job Wong
jtocuicu, ui uij esiaunsneu prict.
Klines to our departed mrs.p.
Oono to the prnvt'! thy unful day
Until closed firccrl blight and thar,
Thine inline tin llko n qiii-iuhtiss ray
tfllll IhjliU our pitHuny pathway hep.
Iicarifihliort fii-nd! nml art III u lied f
ill.I no inuru thy rmnhip jirwt t
Wilt tlioii no more aJ iny lone triad,
Sit down to hold communion uvea I
1 ml-m tlico un thy diar hearth domi!
inWd thee in thine old ann'd th Mr!
Thoc hituaehot.l nnlU thvy film on
In kiU'Hcu deep, thou arl not there!
In couutltjis form c win llnc h re
WhvroVru turn our borrowing v? !
Hay, rati-t limn vii v the moumcr'b tear t
While tiiiifd thy li irp tu en Ii"r praise 1
llu-haml and children 1 y may v. ftp
Nut art lily halm ran tooth i our pam
Th- Saviour walk t!i-it"rmj p
And vvliitpi'rs ward th.t lived again.
Hh'J lives again 1 in pmVm of whiM
Without a st.ilu nftuithly ill,
li.'.i-'iiiin Love h -r tlti- f In-lit
What bL-4 of UUa liTi-i'MM till.
Sic li'M ni'alit t Ironi th r 1 finb
Th it form fdiall r a fadeless thmer,
And in hratity Idoom
Within our hoavenly i'.ith 'r bovver.
Hume Monthly,
fX littlo child whuu ikcd why .1 ucrlttiu
tircc I'lvvv orookud. replied; u Somuhody
tfjtrod upon it, 1 fuil'l'!, when it was litto."
llo wlio cin ckrf n MM with trror.
rt ) it i pl.i) an 1 t till it . S'rtip,
Not ajiiii' 1 oiniiuta n't i rr.r,
tint 11 (,'ii tnn kh'ral run.
(ivt! it play, nn t lu-vcr ftar U ;
A'tive hf.' i no d. f . t ;
tif.v t, ii-'vi-r hrejik ttt spirit ;
Curb it only to thr it.
W,l,'ht you it"P Hi iin nvi r.
Tlinikiiiu it would r'aBo tollnw f
OnwurJ it must flow forftr;
lletti'f tL-arJi it w ht-re fo g..
Liginal Storn,
ll'iltten for the Columbia JLmoerat,
Chaplcr III.
iNTEiiviiJW Hirrwix.N jiaui; and laman.
iiJHow is (t 1 What olntaclu is thcro in
ftholway of our union ? Tell, toll 1110
. all about it," giuped Litmaii, almost inuto
with :i;,toius)iiiicnt, at boln;; no suddenly
, oycr helmed with Grief.
Mark then related to him thu jtory as
wot have given it, only in fewer wordn
Bndof hid own coining. Ifu narrated the
different conversations between them. How
Carrie refused to niarry her cousin, even
fit his command, How, after pondering
upon it, she had concluded that it was her
duty to obey her parent, oven at this great
Bficrificc. How deeply and how tiuly sho
Jovcd Laman, and how (-he wished to bo
to him as a sister. And, slw, how it was
that Jacob Fraiitz came in the way of their
After Mark had concluded his narra
tion and Laman had tuflicieptly governed
liis feelings he csprc;sed a wsh to kuow
vhcro Carrie had gone.
"Sho has gone out on her accustomed
after-noon rido," answered Mark.
" At what time do you think she will
" Probably by five o'clock, not sooner."
Laman now took his leave, promising to
return again in the evening.
V What a fine fellow Laman. has gof to
be. I really think that Carrie had mado
a wiso choice, in picking Laman for her
futuro husband. How jnupb, rather would
I that sho should marry him than Jacob,"
said Mark after Laman hai taken leave of
him. " Rut then it's impossible," in tliis
way ho attempted, and at times succeeded,
in quieting his conscience, )y making hiui.
self boliovo that it was really necessary
thatTjacob aud his daughter should bo
uniteti, as tho only means ofpayingqjTtho
debt ho owed to him.
Diit.witli Carrie. How differently did
sho look upoji it. How gladly would sho
have acceptul poverty, aud making her
owjj, living, to wealth, case, ami the lux-
urics of life, if with them ehc must accept
her cousin to live with all her life I Her
cousin whom sho knew to bo a monster iu
human form I Oh, what horror was there
iu tho thought!
Vi'o say how gladly would she have ac
cepted poverty and making her own living
to wealth, at the sacrifice of her happiness
iu all her future, had her father only pro
posed theso terms.
Carrie was a true hearted and noble
minded girl, aud she determined not to
wound her fathers feelings, by herself pro
posing them.
After Laman had taken his leave of
Mark, ho rode down the street iu order
that ho might the toouer reach his homo
aud oueo more bo clasped iu tho arms of
his mother.
Scarcely had he gained half tho dis
tance to his mothers, till he was met by
Azariali Flick.
" Well, and when; arc you going, Az. I"
said Laman.
"Oh, Laman! Xow for God's sake
you hurry homo," Azariah answered, al
most breathless with anxiety.
" Why, Az., what can be tho matter at
homo, that you seem so much excited V
" It is this, that troubles inc," answered
Azariah, ''Carrie is at our houso,tho faiek
est ptfi-uu I ever seed in my life afore."
"My God! C:in it be possible? Go
for the doctor, ipiick, quick, aud on your
way back, stop at Mark's, and tell bim to
come, be off, bo off, lose not one moment,"
said Laman, iu a (juiek, hurried manner,
showing by his tones and by tho anxiety
which was plainly to be seen, the depth of
, (lie love ho bore for her.
I Azariah's fleet horse dashed off with
him "as swiftly as thu bounding wind," lie
tied down tho street and soon disappeared.
I Laman now put spurs-to his horse, aud
scarcely ten minutes had ehquod until he
stood beaiilo tho bed whereon Carrie lay.
He found her in a state somewhat resem
bling death. Death may be beautiful, but
it is a honld beauty. Oh how Laman's
heart fluttered when he saw that dear faco
had assumed l'"-' ghastly huo of death.
" Is she dead, mother?" he asked, burst
ing into tears, for not a breath did sho
draw to testify that her spirit had not gone
to its maker.
" Oh no, Laman,"said his mother, "her
pulse sh)l beats faintly. I do not think
that she is in any immediate danger; calm
your fears, my boy."
I " What do you think is tho matter with
I " It is the result of over excitement. 1
think that iu two or three weeks sho may
be well again," said Mrs. Morris.
" Then I suppose I need not givu my
self much uneasiness,'' observed Laman.
" Xot at present, at least," rejoined his
, " Was sho siek when sho came here?"
' " Sho complained a little, but when Aza
riah li'dck came and said that you wtro at
their houso, sho was thrown into tills ter
rible paroxysm."
" Had sho been speaking of mc before
Az. came in?" iiiipiiivd Laman with earn
estness. I " Yes, yes, she had been speaking of
you," answered she, hesitatingly.
" All, Mother, you need not be so re
served," said Lamau, " Mark has told uie
"Alas' alas! that fate has reserved for
you two j two who would have been so well
suited together ; so hard a lot," exclaimed
Mrs. Morris.
j " Let us speak of this at some future
time, at present let us tend with assiduous
pare to dear Oarr W said Laman, still en
tertainiug some fears as to the nature of
I her illness. " Is there anything that can
bo done for her?"
" Net till tho doctor comes," the ans
wered. " Are you sure that she is not danger
ously ill?" still inquired Laman.
" I do not think that thtro is any dang
er, unless sho should suddenly changq for
iho worse, which in her present state there
is no liklihood of," answered Mrs. Morris.
" Wlcn Az. camo in and annouueed
that I were at her fatlier's, houo did you
say it was that Mio was instantly thrown
!nto her prpsent state ?"
1' Yes."
" In what terms did she speak of mo ?"
" Sho seemed perfectly overcome with
grcif at being obliged to bo separated from
you In life. SJio ppoko of you as the qnly
pcsou sho could lovo ou earth, and seemed
to desiro that you should bo to onoanothcr
as a brother and lister) and said that though
fclic loved you, yet sho would not disobey
her father, for, said she, " not for worlds
would I briug sorrow upon him, now iu
his declining days.''
Further couvcrsatiou was prevented by
tho entrance of Doctor Hangs.
" Ah ! good morning, Mrs. Morris,"
said tho medical man, with excessive po
liteness. " Good morning, bir."
" Hem 1 your son, I presume ?'' said tho
" Yes bir."
After shaking hands witli Laman, tho
doctor walked to the bedside, examined
Carrie's pul?o, inquired what thu symptoms
were, made up a prescription and depart
ed, telling them that by careful nursing
she would be well iu a week or two.
Chapter V,
Four weeks have passed by, and Carrie
has again gained her wanted strength.
t Agaiu out taking her aftcr-noou ride,
she is overtaken by Laman, and the two
ride together.
" Carrie," said Laman, " do not be in
such poor spii its. Let iu still entertain
" Xo, no, Laman, to hope for our union
were vain. Wo are doomed, doomed, ir
revocably doomed," said she.
Do not think so. It might be other
wise, "perhaps it is, let us hope so. Rut
if it cannot be so, let us console ourselves
with the thought that we cau at last be to
one another as a brother and sister."
" It is with this thought that I domo.tly
console myself," she answered, witli one of
these dismal forced smiles so indicative! of
an almost broken heait.
"Your father would not bo willing to give
to Jacob his money, and leave you and I
to struggle up in tho world. We could
supply him with every comfort of life."
" Xo, no, he would not consent to such
an arrangement. IIi;i disposition is ava
ricious Knowing it to be such, I would
not wound his feelings by proposing it, if
by so doinj; I could train worlds. Ah ! '
Lamau, let us, iii.'tead of hoping, learn to
be reconciled to our lot. Yes, let us rec
oncile oui selves, for there aro barriers, in
surmountable barriers between us."
" Harriers, where are barriew that love
cannot surmount ? There aro none. Yes,
Carrie, wo still have room for hope," said
Laman, almost wildly.
"It is really cruel iu you to try to inspire
me with hope, when in a short time it mu'-t
be crushed, You, who ought to encourage
mo in thepath of right that I have chosen.''
Hanging his head and musing for a mo
ment, he looked up with a blush aud said :
" You are right, Carrie, I stand cor
Xow turning their horses, tho twain rode
homo in silence, each one busied with their
own reflections.
After gaining her home and changing
her toilet, sho entered the sitting room, and
who should first meet her sight but Jacob-
" How do you do Carrio,"snld ho rising.
" I'm pretty woll, ( thank you," said
she, giving him her hand, (for sho had re
solved to treat him with becoming civility,)
wliinll ho tqok with a warmer and tighter
grasp than it would seem pleased the sen
sitive maiden, from the remark which sho
" Why cousin, "said sho, "do uotsquceze
my hand off."
" Why Carrie, that not tho calkilation,"
said ho, with aloud "haw! haw!"
'How aro Unelo and Aunt?'' asked
" J'urty well, I thank you," answered
Jacob, attempting to bo polite a little be
yond his knowledge of the "polite arts,"
Then fallowed n short silenco, for Car
rie's position was an embarassing ono.
And Jacob was considerably puzzled for
the want of something to say.
f'My business is hard to perform,"
thought he, "for, to deprive so beautiful a
girl and que so gcutlo as she is, of her
liQino and fortune, is hard to do."
Hard hearted wretch though he was,
still "his conscience some misgivings felt."
" Jf only I oould get her angry at uie,
and myself at her, I could do it with a
good grace," ho continued
"Who was that gcntlcutaii you were
riding with?" eajd ho aloud,
" Monis, is his name,'' thu answered.
" Well now, Carrie, hqw do yqu think I
f-honld act in Mich a ease, to kco yqu with
my own eyes, riding with another young
man ? You, my own betrothed."
" Come, couio, .lacob, dq not begin to
show your tyrauy too soon," said Carrio,
with ijoiuo energy.
" Dahl" said ho, "1 consider you vir
tually my bride, though wo nro not yet
married. Wo arc engaged, which is nearly
as good, and n great deal bcttcr,for it can
not bo broken off yet," ho added mentally.
" Xot quite as good, Jacob. An en
gagement may bo honorably broken off,
while a marriage ceremony can never bo
undone. Xeithcrcan man and wife sepa
rate with honor to both parties."
" Talk of breaking your engagement
with me, do you?" asked Jacob, angrily.
" It is not as yet too lato to do so," bho
answered firmly.
" Xot too late, read that and sec !" ho
hissed, his whole tono at once bespeaking
tho diabolicality of bis disposition, and the
mcancss of the act ho was about to com
mit. Taking tho paper, she read in a clear
firm voice, tho following :
" I, Thomas Carleton, being iu sound
uiiud, now while upon my death bed, do
hereby acknowledge tho deed of wrong
dono by me, upon my ward, William
Frantz, in 178'J. I abstracted from his,
(my ward's) amount of moucy, the sum of
15,000 dollars. I leave this paper in the
hands of my lawyer, requesting that he
may give it to William Frantz, after I am
dead aud gone. (signed)
Thomas Caiileton."
" There, Cariie, seeing that I have that
instrument, which is as good as any note,
for the sum of fifteen thousand dollars,
which sum, after adding the interest, will
more than cover tho whole of your father's
fortune. So you see that I cau, at my
will, turn you om jour home, and pen
niless at that. Say now that you can at
your will, break off tho engagement be
tween us." said Jacob, iu so terrifie a
manner, that any lady but one possessed
of Carrie's firmness, would necessarily havo
been frightened into timidity.
" For myself, I defy you,"' said she en
ergetically. " Rut for my old father, 1
hope you will have some feeling."
'Defy my worst, do you?" said ho,
almost wild with anger.
At this moment Mark entered tho room
iu a great rage.
" Xo more of your threats to my daugh
ter, sir," said ho, with a firmness that al
most mado Jacob tremble with fear.
" Turn my daughter penuiless from her
homo ! there, sir, is thirty-four thousand
dollars in specie, tho exact amount of tho
debt I owe you, interest and all. There
take it, and leave the house, aud lot mo
never again see you inside of it, dishonest
wretcli that you are !"
" Jacob took the money, but his wrath
aud mollification was so great that he did
not move an inch fVom tho spot whereon he
stood, for a minute or two.
" Why don't you go? you impudent
Still not a move. Mark Availed for at
least ten seconds, aud not a move did he
At, last, in the intensity of his excite
ment, ho exclaimed with great anger j
" Go! instantly !'' aud the too of (he
old gentleman's boot came iu contact, and
none too lightly at that, with the extremity
of Jacob's coat-tail.
concluded next week.
It was night, Jerusalom slept as qui
etly amid her hills as a child upon tho
breast of its mother. Tho noisless senti
nel stood like a statue at his post, aud tho
philosopher's lamp burned dimly iu the
recess of the chamber.
Rut a darker night was abroad upon tho
earth. A moral darkness involved.the na
tions in its uiilighlcd shadows. Reason
shed a faint glimmering over the mind of
men, like the cold aud insufficient shining
of a distant star. Tho immortality of
man's spiritual nature was uuknown, his
relations tq heaven undiscovered, and his
future destiny obscured in a cloud of mys
tery. It was at this period that two forms of
an mrial mold hovered about tho land of
God's chosen people. They boomed liko
sister angels, scut to earth on some cmbas.
siy of love.
Tho one of niajcstio staturo and well
formed limb, which her snowy drapery
hardly coitocalcd, Iu Ijpr erect bearing and
steady oyo exhibited the highest degree of
strength and oonfidenoe, Her right arin
was extended in an imprcssivo gesture up
ward, whoro night appeared to havo placed
her darkest pavilion) while on tho left re
clined her delicate companion, in form and
iu couutcuauco tho contrast of tho other-,
for sho was drooping liko a flower wheu
moistened with refreshing dews, and her
bright but troubled eyes soanned tho air
with ardent but varying glances. Sudden
ly a, light, like tho sun, flashed out from
the- heavens, and Faith and Hope hailed
with exulting songs the ascending star of
Years rolled away, and the stranger was
seen in Jerusalem. He wasjajmcck, un
assuming man, whoso happiness seemed to
consist iu acts of bcncvolonco to tho human
race. There were deep traces of sorrow
on his countcuanco, though ko one knew
why ho grieved, for ho lived in tho prac
tico of every virtue, and was loved by all
the good and wise. By aud by it was ru-
morcd that tho stranger worked miracles ;
that the blind saw, the dumb spoke, the
dead leaped, the oceau moderated its cha
., , , i i i
fiugtide, and the very thunder articulated
ho is the Son of God. Envy assailed him
with tho charge of impiety, and the voice
of impious judges condemned him to death,
Slowly, and thickly guarded, ho ascended
.i f,i .-! i t .li ..i i i
the hill of Calvary. Rut laith leaned on
hi arm, and Hope, dipping her pinions iu
his blood, mounted to the skies.
. , .. i,.,- . .. ueueatu the uarK waters ol tlie Southern
Speech f lion. Hrnry M, Fuller. ; ocean! (Cheers.) Wo hope to save them
Fellow Citizens I am happy to meet all, and now as their loud cry of distress
you on this occasion. In obediences to 61 Is the air, our humanity is excited, we
your summons I come to mingle my voice l''nt H'cni to tho lighthouse of Constitu
with yours in behalf of the grout cause of , tional Union. (Cricsjof "that's tho ticket!")
('nnuitiiitminl 1 Intnii Mlli.n.rjV 'PI,.-, i Our litcnublican am at this Hmo
place is peculiarly appropriate for such a n Wigwam at Chicago, holding their sol
gathering as this. Penn Square, named UIUI1 Pu" wow over tho great question of
after the illustrous fouudcr ot our (Join- j availability, 'ilicy will there solemnly
monwealtli, whoso noble mission was Teaco ' determine how far it is safe to ruu the cb
is properly tho place for our assemblage ; ouylins through the troubled waters of our
for the objects wo propose to accomplish political sea. For years they have strug
are Peace, Justice, and Concord, among I fc'kd to perform that work of modern Sys
brethren. (Cheers.) This imposing mani-' irnus of rolling tho rock of African civili
festation of interest and of numbers is en- zatiou and African equality and universal
. . . ... . . . ... .... .1. - . . . ... ...
conragmg indeed. Unccred aud ammated
by his patriotic preseuce, wo shall, with
new zeal and increased firmness of purpose
move ou to tho discharge of our patriotic
duty. In the history of States and Gov
ernments there will be revolutions. I be
lieve wo aro or the eve of one now. A
great change of papular sentiment forpub
lio action U now g"iug ou within, among,
and around us. it will be wiso now to
enquire into the cause to cousider tho
present condition oj1 public affairs, and to
.ontorniJatc propable futurity. It is but a
littlo more than seventy years since our
national existence commenced under tho
present Constitution of tho United State.?.
OurniL' that lienod our nrorcss Uaf been
a marvel even to ourselves. In na
tional and intellectual advancement we
have surpassed every former age It
required four hundred and eighty-six
years for the groat Roman Umpire, by
force of arms, to subjugate Italy alone.
In the short period of seventy, we have by
tho arts of peace, subdued a continent.
Wo have , established libcity. Wo have
maintained peace. Wu have bccurod for
the American name respect, and wo havo
surrounded it with glory. We are pre
pared tliis day, if need be, to measure our
physical arm with tho proudest empire on
earth. Yea, more, on our own soil aud in
our di'fenco, wo can resist the world in
arms. (Tromciidoiu cheering prolonged.)
let in lull view ot all the past, with tin
added glories of tho present, aud tlie still
richer promise ot the luturc, there are men
at the South and in tho Xorth, who aro
willing to cast all this away : who ask,
what all this is worth .' aud who now open
ly aud hotly advocate disruption and dis
union. What ha.t produced this feeling so
pregnant with personal aud national disas
ter I Why is it that the work of separa
tion is now rapidly becoming a fart?
Why is it that tho firm knots of tho Un
ion arc becoming unloo-ed ? Why is it
that domestic insurrection lias been delib
erately pUnncd, and its murderous exe
cution attempted ?
It is because the two leading political
parties of tlie country have made the basis
of political actiou tho systematic agitation
of a single social question. Cries of that's
true!) Tho popular mind has become in
flamod, and largo communities do now
threaten revolution. They have been
made to fuel that the equality of States is
threatened, ami that their constitutional
rights havo bec put in jeopardy. It is
time this thine should end ! It is time
that tho sober American people should be.
como sober that they should uo longer
iuflaiuo each other that thcro should bo a
revival of the Spirit of Union that the
samo feeling of mutual respect aud kindly
regard which prevailed at tho time of the
formation and during the early administra
tions of tho Republio,should bo in full health
aud vigor restored ! (.Enthusiastic cheers,)
For that purpose and to that end the peo
ple mutt now come to tho rcseuo I
Wo aro now witnessing in tho political
world a phenomenon which you all have
seen in tho natural world a period of
solemn silence and hushed quietude which
foreruns a tortus wheu all uaturo is still
when no leaf rustles upon the tree, when
tho flags fall listlcsly to tlw masts, and
tho wholo world stands in anxious expect
ation. Rut soon the imprisoned winds wilt
break loose tho tompests will curtain tho
sky with its dark aud angry folds wo
bhall hear tho loud roll of that thunder
which shakes tho heavens from bide to side
aud men will shrink with dismay from tho
lurid glaro of its lightnings I On tho ra
ging flood there will rido inglorious safety
the ark of Constitutional Union. (Deaf
ening applause !) Xot with barred win
dows anil olosed doora, but with ono door
wido opened to tho south, another wido
opened to the Xorth, anothar portal wido
opened to tho Kaet, and a fourth to tho
M'fH, invitiug all, excluding none, but
earnestly urging upon nil to come in to a
place of rest, safety and Union. (Three
cheers for Fuller.) Gentlemen, there's
going to be a very heavy wet, (laughter,)
come in out of tho rain, (renewed laugh
ter.) Our Democratic friends, and I am al
ways very happy to givo thcui tho right
hand of fellowship, for my relations with
them have always becu of tho most agree-
able personal character, have Heretofore
been exceedingly adroit and skilful in tho
election of their t;mbor and tho construe-
" " "J " ur y "ve maim.
ficd to hit the temper of tho timc3,and thcrc-
&re Wn n0,t uoraUy Buoccful. Uut
it ,rould realty seem now as if thcirmastor
, workmen had goto away (laughter), and
unpractised journeymen have so botched
m!,lfi?1.una,.unS1!,tIl1c construction
tliat their fun-edifice is likely to bo rent
Jn ((Vain from ,urrct t(J foumfatioI1 stono
(A voice "that's true !") Their stately
bhip is ou the wide Sea, teiiipcst-tosscd,witu
open mutiny on board. They are .loudly
and fiercely hailed to pull down their falsd
' colors, and to throw their old log-book
overboard, or else bo forever submerged
, suurugu up me steep accnvity wuicu w 11
:it last, with crushiutr wciuht. fall back to
break aud destroy them.
Relieving as wo do that the f(redt mass
of Democrats and tho great body of Re
publican? are sincerely and honestly patri
otic in their purposes, wo hope they may
see in time the oxtreme tendencies of their
respective organizations, and that they
may yet, in itenanco ol past discipline ami
I of present clamor, join' the great army of
tIll! comUi ij, (Cheers.) It has been well
sa, tliat P.arty is "'o madness of the many
for l" Sai of the few. We hoiio that
I uovv liko tl10 I'rodigal Sou, after jears ol
1 rlol ihci' lllay come to themselves. What-
uui ouu" "crcuuer ou icii oi mese two
antagonisms, we trust thev mavbc made
to answer the same useful purpoie of equal
quantities iu algebraic fractions that is,
that they may extinguish each other.
(Cheers aud laughtjr.)
There is fellow-citizens, in thii couutry
a large conservative element which has
hitherto escaped public attention, because
it has been listless and indifferent, so far
as their right of suffrage is coucerucd.
There are iu Pennsylvania fifty thousand
voters who havo never yet attended the
polls, aud with the other States their nmn
her can bo hardly less than a million.
Absorbed in 'the occupations of business,
secure in tho protection of tho State, they
worship their household gods aloue, and
never outer tho great temple of our na
tionality. They neglect the solemn service
there. It may bo that they aro disgusted
witli tho trickery, the falsehoods and cor
ruptions of polities, and arc willing to leave
public concerns, therefore, to those whom
they suppose will make them a trade.
They have as much disregarded this con
stitutional duty of suffrage as did tho in
vited gliosis to tho marriage supper spoken
of iu the Good Rook. To tu'.li an extent
have they neglected the duty of self-government
tliat it has recently been a sub
ject of Parliamentary discussion in the
iMiglish Jlounc ot Uomuions. And in that
connection ono of our own fellow-citizens
was alluded to in terms of deserved com
mendation. Wc hone now to roach this
body of men surely, tho "form aud pres
sure of the times" must shake their nobili
ty. Wc hope to sec them awaken from
their lethargy and make gallant battle for
the security of their homes and the pro
tection of their interests, as now rep
resented iutho cause of Constitutional Un
ion. (Tremendous applause.)
There is another body of men iu this
country who sometimes go to the pollsjbut
they never yet have voted for a Whig, be
cause he was a Whig, a Democrat becauso
he was a Democrat, an American because
he was an American, or a Repulican be
causo ho was a Republican, but always for
the bebt men and the best principles, ac
cording to their judgement. Those wc
shall have, of course every man of them.
(Cheers.) Where clso could they go ? A
voico, JNowucro else.;
J-his brings mo to speak ot tho action of
the recent Baltimore Convention, whose
nominations we have assembled to ratify.
Look at their platform I Every man can
read as he runs I Tho Constitution! Tho
Union I The enforccnicns of the Laws !
What honost mau will not stand on that
platform? Who dare stand apart J The
Constitution I on that rook there is safety j
apart from it wo tread with uncertain feet
on breaking planks and shifting sands.
Our candidates ! They aro known to you
all, John Hell, of Tennessee I (three
chcow.) For thirty years ho has served
tho country his ability and fidelity havo
both been tested ; his qualifications come
up to tho hicheststandard.
ul, able, ho will mako a good President,
and his election would bring us back that
era of good feeling which prevailed duiing
tho administration of James Monroe.
Wc know him io bo a warm friend of that
favorite policy of Pennsylvania which wn l
annouuesd in tho American system of Hex.
nv Clay. (Cheers.) This is regarded
as tho wisest and best policy not only
for Pennsylvania but for the whole couu.
try. Wo ask nothing for ourselves that
wo do not fully accord to others. Rut wc
caunot, aud wc will not givo our support
to any man whom wo do not believe ami
know to bo sincerely, earnestly and lion,
cstly in favor of tho principal of protec
tiou to American industry. (Prolonged
This qustion touches every man's head
There is not a working man who is not
nearly and immediately affected by it.
Pennsylvania has great natural capacity
On tho cast sho rests upon tho sett on
the West upon tho great rivers. Sho has
a soil of wonderful fertility, but richer
than aH are the mines of coal and of iron
which Ho deep emboweled in her moun
tains. These must bo drawn forth j thj
agencies of human muscle and of steam
have to bo employed, that thoy may b.i
converted to profitable use. We desiro
that this labor should bo fairly and fully
paid for well paid labor is tho great pro
ducing cause of nation's happiness and
prosperity. (Cheers.)
I need say nothing iu praisoofEDWAiiu
Evehett, of Massachusetts. Ilia fame
as a scholar, as an orator, as a statesman
ajjd a patriot, now fills both hemispheres.
Xo mau in any country has a purer or a
wider reputation. His record is clean and
spotless. As Governor of Massachusetts,
as Senator in Cougre;s, as ambassador
abroad, as Cabinet Minister in the De
partment of Stato,ho has discharged every
duty with fidelity and signal ability. His
last act of unselfish patriotism, that of re
deeming tho birthplace of Washington, en
titles him to tho kindest regard and warm
est sunnort of everv nood citizen.
Gentlemen, this is tho ticket, and
must Will. 1 have heard n vm c,
objection to it, and as a candid man mu!t
state it, even though it should be fatal.
It is Btrongly and "seriously objected that
the ticket is too respectable. (Great lauh-
tcr. i-or the purpose of cooling tho nut
urul enthusiasm witli which it should b(
received, in order to hang icicles upon it
it is called the 01d Gentlemen's ticket.
Fellow citizens! this Gnvermnint far it..
nest, xour years, uas a very hard road
travel, (mat's so.; This road will be
full of deep ruts, big rocks, bogs, with
therefore, declivities, and threatening pree
ipices. We muvt, therefore, have a stroii"
limbed, well mated, even paced, Etcady
team, to lift us out of the ruts, to pass us
over the rocks aud logs, aud pass us up
tho hills without breaking tho harness, or
smashiug the wagou. (Cheers and laugh
ter.) Xow some of our friends arc adii
iug us to wait for tho actiou of bitting
aud comiug conventions. (Hero tho spcak
cr convulsed the crowd by some anecdote
appropriate to the absurdity of waiting.)
We represent tho iTeat Union mitu
. - - n 1' - -J VJ
the country, aud mvitu tlin nnrtlinl mi-iini
pation aud support of all men who prefer
their country to the success of mere party,
who aro willing to abandon organizations
and forget old controversies, and to act for
1. 1.-. -r .1 i .i. li i .
iiiu nuiaiu ui me wuoic. uur desire
to elect statesmen to public office, to
the councils of the nation wifh (rim afoiic
man with men of temperate thought and
matured wisdom, men who not only read,
but men who think, men familliar with our
past history, and who cau comprehend the
noble aims aud high destiny of tho repub
lic. If the principles of Constitutional
Union prevail and control the administra
tion of our irovcrnment. full insficn will I...
done to every section, the rights of every
citizen nroteetcd. the nnnnlii.v nf Siiii.,
maintained, aud wo will come out of this
as of every past fiery trial,without so much
as the smell of smoko on our garments.
(The speaker sat down with universal
After tho conclusion of Mr. Fullfk'x
speech, there were loud cries for "Henry!
Mr. IXGERSOLL then moso, and,
amid ireat annlanso. intrnrlnriiil in llm m..
dienco tho grandson of Patrick Henry.
S j" A young man advcitiscs his desiro
for a wife pretty and entirely iguorant of
the fact. Evidently ho wants a fool. Any
smart, pretty woman knows she's pretty
sho wouldn't be smart if she didn't.
Why do men who aro about to
fight a duel generally choose a field for
tho placo of action ? For tho purposo of
allowing tho ball to graze.
Ddr Milton wa3 asked bv a friend if ho
would instruct his dauchtcra in tho differ
ent languages. "Xo," said ho, "ono ton
gue is enough for a woman."
CSf A Western editor advises his read.
crs if they wish to get teeth inserted grat
is, to go and steal fruit where his watch
dog is on guard.
Jtgy It will afford sweeter honnincss in
tho hour of death to havo wiped ono tear
from tho chcok of sorrow than to have
ruled an empire.
Despise nothing becauso it scenn
weak. Tho flics and locusts havo dono
more hurt than ever the bears and lions
j It is stated that " Idaho" the namo
of tho now Territory of Piko's Peak,
figuifies " gera of the mountain."
Cgy Why is the woild like a piano I
jiccai'- j ,'Tr3!M.i!2-I1