Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 02, 1860, Image 4

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rpi 1 ,
i. Mara uocs not seem to bo nny liarlicu-
1 , i ii . .
1 tr HCIISOU lor planting potatoes. They
iii ty bj iilnnfcil nt any tlmo from tlio first
ol' March until tlio first of August, ami
line m iiions with equal success, anil in
K'cil Iliavo known them to do very well
1 ,
y planting lato in tho fall aficr corn
Juiking5 (freezing docs not injure thou
I Il'Jl (llSlurUCU.) liXi It tllO experience
O 1.1 it VC,tr Would Itave allT Weiillt UtlOn
, . i . t i i i i i .
i ' Kuiijwii a wouiu iiigniy recoiunicnu
fiirly planting not later than April. (
The lollowingis my last years experienca :
Crop No. 1. About tho middle of April
I planted livo bushels, cut two 03 c.! to I
I'.ich potatoe, planted under clover sod, '
iiiiiimru in tho furrow before plowiug
(loHiii p.irt of which I took out of tho
gi ouirl a short timo beforo tho heavy rain
in tho fall (which seemed to have caused
thu rot in a great measure) yield prolific,
i-izo, and quality very good, and all sound.
Tho remainder was taken up with crop
No, -. after tho heavy rain, yield, size
and quality as the first.
Crop No. 2. was plauted ono mouth la
tor fivu bushels the fame kind of potatoes,
quality and size, equally as good and
planted beside the others and in the same
way. Taken up after tho heavy rain
yield one third less and not so large, ap
peared sound when taken out of the grouud.
They were put into a dry cellar. In the
cjurse of a few weeks I discovered a
ripecky mould appearing on them ; when
cut open were black and hard, and after
sorting them three times (about a month
elapsed between each sorting) thoy di
niiniihed one-third more, leaving just one
t'.iirtl of a crop, allowing No. 1, to be a
fill crop. After investigating the matter,
I.di-covercd that not only in my own but
in nearly every instance where the potatoe
ome to perfection and the tops died, be
fore the rain, they wcro not effected with
tho rot. But with those that were not
done growing and tho tops being green
thty woro mori or less effected with the
dioease, which goes to prove that early
planting, and the potatoes that requirothe
rhortcst season to come to maturity was
tlu most profitable last jcar. This holds
good for the last year only, iiko causes
may produeo like effect, liudl tho raiu fell
a month sooner or a month later all might
luve bean effected, or escaped. It would
p.-rhaps be advisable to plant at three or
four different times. Village Utcanl.
A few years since, I destroyed cut worms
fioui a field of corn, after a method some
what similar to the ono mentioned in the
I I t Agriculturist. I hitched a horse to
tiiu torward wheels of a light wagon, then
took two rake handles, cut them juat four
inches longer than tho diameter of the
v. heels, and tied them across tho wheels,
no that when I drove over the field, there
would bo a smooth track made by the im
pres"ion of tho wheel for tho worms to
travel in, and a succession of little pits for
them to fall into, made by the projecting
r ike handles. The next morning, on go
ing over tho ground, I found I had eaiwht
thousands in tho pits. They all died in
the sun beforo noon. If it had rained,
the eaith would have fallen upon them,
and they would have lived. I think five
toiijht iuches too deep ; one and a half or
two inches is tho proper depth, Cor.
A im rican Agriculluritt.
The weather has been ho dry and favor
alio for iield work, that most persons had
ample time to put in all desirable crops
Tho indications are that the season will be
more favorablo for corn, than for gnus and
oats, which can not bear the heat and
drouth so well. It may thereforo not
come amis, to get in an extra acre or two
of corn, and tins can be done well in the
ll.t WtteV nf .Tim,. Wn
- - tiniv vtu uiuiiy
ago.dcropoftLi grain plantc.l a3 lato
b. Juiid Ctb to 10th. AVlieu tlio beo.1 i,
Mlt into a warm soil, it start nntnklw nn.l
. - t -1 j
i;rois raoidlv. anil not uiifrcnncnHv m
tikite that i)lanted a month curlier. Tim I jicct ahead now appears favorablo for
' gooJ times ' again.
Let every ono help
on tlio country, anil himself, by planting
" onu acre'' more this month. Cor. Ame
utcut Apicullurict.
Tho first man that ventured to wear an
Ulllbrella, Was hooted thrOUcll tho StrCCt3
of liondou. and those who introduced tho
. .
use of hay caps, encountered almost as
much ndiculo. But they have continued
to in their way each season; thoso who
, ,
have tried them, assure us of their irrcat
Lcnent. J uo uainago prevented during a
nn"Ie storm has in many instances moro
.t -i ,i .
tinn repaid tllO IirSt COSt. .Notr IS tllOtlUie
to provide them, beforo the hurry of hav-
ing and harvest, leaves no leUuro for any
business away from tho farm. Cor, Ame
j ican Agriculturist.
Propeh Vessels for Boilino Sap.
Sup may bo kept of alight color when
l...:Ll IV, -.e .. 1. .1.1 " '.'
cleaned frequently, and no leaves or dirt
are allowed in tholiquid. Alargosballow
pan of galvanized iron IS best, llrassor
copper vessels wo do not like for boiling
anything to bo taken into the Uomach.
Sap. ClUCr. anil indeed almost all fruits
.mil vnirfltnh rs. rnntntn mnm nr lean rf
vcgetablo acids, which unite with tho con
.11. 1 -1 !. ,.1 .1
....novand frrtr'.noisu-gsa;ii,riiiiiilij'lii..f
jhyogwf, . Jlr...l
Mill Notice.
tu cifsivMf.ns a.vii nit: I'Uiu.ic arjcr.iwu.r
1IIAVI. removed to lh.i Montour M Ills ami Intend
keeping n supply nf tlmir mid f el nil hand, ntid for
ale ns cheap ns the cheapest f r rnsh. t woiil I furlhir
any tuiill Ihose kiiuwiint th'iusi Lea Indthtcd tu mo til
my ti nil those kuowiint th'iusi I.e. Indthted
1,10 Jtwrnnt ."'(, tint they confer n sre
by cnlllntt and aidilinit up. as I inn icry necdi' n
t" close Hid old Hooka. Ho mil nnd see n, frlc!
ffrcnl faUT
and w itti
rit'iid, ntid
vour custom aiiilcjiih wilt ho thankfully received,
w.m. iii:i:its.
Montour Mllln, Arril II, 1SC0.
' 'Mil Ullllt.1 MlflVll 1 1" II) l"H"llii mv "i"n i'
- iiioomsburg, and the public seneratiy, that he has
fpilll unttcriiUnctl rep pert fully
Informs the rltixen nf
ki.oUorMa.on Votk, i., .horior,krnn,ioi. reasonable
0 A UeriJenec In .Mr. Ilrowcrs House, on trim rtreir,
ne,. ,l,r .,, ttr.,u-r', Ktore. u here-all order. In hi, lie
of lmlui-s will hs tliankfully rutlted and pniiiiplly at.
tc'ided to. UOm iiliY IIAV.
innoinsiiurg, .ipni it, i?
S MAUI' A & CO.,
Xnr$tritn and Garden at liislntr Snn fVlapt. rhllu..
aroiti:, no.ioo i.iiKi.r siitnErr.
Bltwein tiiwjiTli ami r.iiiiini, Houru Sins.
AVl'.IlY lame nn.l rjtcnslti' stock of Shade, Orna
mental nml Fruit Trees, l.icritrecns, Honrs, Plants,
Vines, H.'eds, dir., militated anil for sale, Whnlcsal.1
uud ll, tall, at r"dtlrcd prices. All orders promptly nl
t uded to. Catnlouili's hail on tii)ilicatloil. Il.-nlors ami
nth-rs would do welltuiilio us n cull. I'l.ints, Trues,
Ate. packed to earry any dLtancc.
Tliii Itlsin? Sun fourth mill Uiuhlh fts. rnsscligcr
Curs pars Ill's Nursery every feu minutes.
April 81. IWiU.
THIS WAV 1'IIt.AP blJVf.ltS.
nl.OOMSllt'lUl cheap cash Hter, ncaln repleulsliri
wilh n fn'sll stock or M'ltl.Vtl (IOOI)! y,n am
now iri'iareil to olt' r to the public n lery haiiilsonm lot
of Spring ami Siiniioi r (ioods at usual low prices, fur
ti Vj iWX I' AX XttiUX,
Conic uloug itti )our cah and produri'.
II, 1. 0t I. 1. II.1IU 'lil'
March 31, 1CI0.
511,000 CVrlKS Al.HK.1DY SOLD.
OK Tit K Hlll.ADH,lMiU BR.
! 7Wj lVu Ihm todruw up rARixkRuiiif l'Ai'Fm anl
civi-n genornl fi-riim for AcmiMKsrs of ull
kllHU, of ALlf, l,EA? St I'k-Tl HON.
E Tclti Yon lUft to draw up HniiM ami Mortoaoh,
sArriitvviTS. Powm nf ArroKSkY, Norts
and Uilu tif i;x(IImif Ueimhib and Ul
( Tdl$ Yoa TUa Lawb fur tlu Cm i.ttTint of DtnTs,
Uitll tllO O I'ATUTEI Ol IjIMll'ATinl, Ullil II-
in im nt ami kiiiil of property CtbMpr frum
KtKLTios in every situta
It Veils You Ifow to iiKiku 1111 AnsinHMir property,
Willi ftirui fr t oMPiHinos uitli t nn.
Ton, uiul tin 1neoi.nt I.kwa of every
t 7Vi You TlieU'ntilr''latinii8eTi8tmgl)utveeiif;tjR'
niAv utid W arii, MAf im u 1 id -AiTiusntt,
mid I.Aii.LiiRDiinilTtwNr.
( Tel la Yon What couetilutea 1'iBt-i, niul tiLAMDfrR, nn.l
the i.nw ns tu jHarriaok Duwir, tiiu
Wirk'i HltlHT It 1'KOFt.RTV, U.VOKcIf tltltl
( 7Vi Yvh Th: J.uw for Mkiumch' I.ik inevt-ry
t-tiits, and the Naiirau.iihi J. auk of
tin a country, und how tu comply w itli the
It Tells You Tlu Law Concern. njr l,flio(s nml Iiovv it
, obtaiti one, mid tho l'lit'llm-noN Lkm tu
I'luliu Land-.
( Ttlls You Ttu l:iw fr I'atlsth, with mod u of pro
ti'ilurJ in ohtniiilii one, with iMtRrtR
imh, Aiiu.NMLsii und Table ok I'ti-j.
It Tells You Huw to mako your Will, and how toAi
MlMdrR ON AN HnTATfc, With UtO l.tW Qlld
tlu re'iireno'iita thdreof in every State.
It Tells You The ineatiiiifr of Law Tlrm in i'-neml
ua; ntid t'ilain toyoti tll'J,
DxkivnvK .hid Judhial I'oWkKSlif both
tlu (Jenerul and Statt liovfcRNMtKTtf.
It Tells You Howm KMpnuT or, by Bhowinjrliow
to do your htts-inta legutly, thu savins a
vntainmiiu of property, und vexatious
liliijiitlnri, Ly its timely consultation.
Hingl' cnpicn will bj Heat by mail, poi-tage paid, to
IIVI-RY I'AHMtR, KvtRY Ml-UllMe, KvUlY tlANOf ltmiNMH,
ninl Lvery BODY in JIviry HtaIK, Ull rcCtiipt of SI IM, or
in 1 tw Bt In of U1111II113 at St
$1000 A YEAR"
ran ij uinuu
inn men lv
crj wliefe, in grllin? the above work, as our inducements
tu nil m ch are vi ry li!" r il.
For Dingle copun of t'ii Hook, rr fur terms to agent,
with olhtrintorinaticn, nIM'y or uddrepa
JOHN k l'OTTiilt. I'lildih- r,
No. 017 H.uitfom Street, riiiladelidii-i, V.i.
JUy Ifl, l-fO-t in.
Urnnges, imou, rrunes, It.iMnt of nil Mudi, figs,
lutes, iiiM, aim Lontectnm.iry,
o. IGl Aorlirililiil M., I'lilludeliiliia.
Country Merchants nru iuv it"d to pivc us a mil.
IL" Drdurs promptly utleiulrd to. ..fl
March 1(1, lJl-t.iii
I Hid celebrated Washing Sono. is now hi market for i
i more man a year, nun uiui u nas
year, and that it lias iriven uuiversul
satiMJcimn, n eviueiit irout me i.icr, mat me iViituutar
turer' of it in order to nip ply thu dtmamt, have been
obliged to increase their c.ip.uity to maku emial to One
Hundred Thousand J'onnds per It'tek. It is decidedly the
best and cheapest Snap ewr made in this Country; One
I'onnd i'f U will go as far, for nny vae ai TA-ee of the
Common Soap tu general vte. It is made upoti a new
principle, of the materials, am! known only to Vvn 1
lUAOts & McKeomt. I does away entirely with tin
WJifhbojirJ raves the ni'cssrHv of boiling the clothos. it
does not shrink Flannels, IIHMOVHS CKKASIZ, INK
tilt I'AINT Sl'Ol'S perfeitly ami from the mm dtliuito I
fabric, naves fullv one-half tho tlm nnd labor usually,
spent to th i washing. h warranted free from SALMi
IK1, or othrr injuries alkalies, and t'liaraiileid not to rot
or injure the t lot lies.
latilinaffm & MrKone's.
Superior oritntnl Toilet Cheiiurnl Olive rnl, Hxtrn '
1'atn nnd Hrown Soapa. as well as IKvid Tiuin & Co.
Adamantine Candles tit lowert market prices.
Tor Sale by nil respectable lirorers, nnd Wholesale by '
No. yjnud J1 South Wharves, ruit.iuki.wiiA,
There being several innlatioii brands rf D-'t'Telvt1
Soap in iimrkLt, the public nru that none nre
genuine scipt Van II a AotN tt MiKmb is BUinped
upon each liar of the Sonp, as well us the Uoxes,
r'ebriinry ii.1!. 11 il-Wni. .
' f. ur.rV.v.H? Jl .HUcovi u? i f the
tialM,t:l.l liiilui Vriliciliei. llitll full ilire, tioni
cinei, with full i'i
, fflV:,',hf M'K
lurjli'ieilaifi cure ul Cuimiiiiiiiliun, U:ou(lMli.,Co;lik
Kvrri.. lira,. i',sc,i.e,Drrii
.Ivrr ii'niniildliii. (irnvel iintl .
Deposit., tVtliKlf Cniiiluinl0, IUIIUU-,I I
Si''.!!' ceMtCc-- t "i ri.uvi...
. w, tr i.xriix.u in rr-uintf uj many Minrrni inntw
I " l'""io nnm prenuiure .inuii, it will bu
imri. iicath
(ll 7 l!ntf itivnv i.ui nrk I'ltu I
HoldlfyR.M. Ilippnimrii, Ithi'imrbiirc; N I.. Rank
i i.Co UiiiviIIh: Jucou l.uuult. Uatnuaunua : A. Miller
tiVtm-,,,. ,
Skylight riclnic Uallei j.
T'lli: nml, rii'nc,l inrnrmi Ihu ritizclu of llloom. nn.l I
1 In ixhliorliouil, thai h lim takfli tin. largo room in
the KvchaiiKu lllock, eui mlin? ovtr Miti" Htonirfc
.MtlKh'a KaKl TV. Olid Mr. L'lurka lli,nkliri utifr,. tu.
Uus mil iii n lurgo fkliitlit. it i only by Hkvhjfht tlut
L'miif nirliir,.. fan l, liitcw,, .., ir.llu . j i . ..... i.
'".'.'"I1 ra" lw jn.t a, win m. pjruic,
.. . . . . ,kM 1,1. c.
llullll"",ntlflr,tclai,oiio, undlw III. nTn aulmta it
ii I'mruniiKC in uiiauiw 11
,ue "iwiaro iinprovrmeni ofiho act.
D-" Country proJuce laktn In lllrh.mpo for picturea.
U0 lturs, Nov. m "
"tf U P P I NG E U' S E ST A H L I sTl M En
I'ricrN IC iluml Xo
nP'!c ,l"ticult aiLii ami joui try n-pairins; im
X oin Uono lincc Uiooiii.uiiru la lllooin.buri,',
J u-t ztniM, ami ihousi. h. waa often
r""y Msii, hi. pricoa now nru emtif rednnj, ami hi,
tuitomera uiay ruat a.lriil thai ho Ilia Ilia p.ulau
'nauriala anil mrana for thu ripnir
111 fill kill ilrf tiC l.fnlr-l.,ia luiil.ilri. Aaa,..,I.,..i ...I .
U,"M iwniied in at a uvular watch maki r'a
Urilvra or Honda taken for pay.
Hlnnnnliiir. Marrh 10. Iflfl.
Main i-treet above the J'orlcs Hotel
rr1't'UI"le,i''jneJ, haiinB removed from i:p town to
1 'i'0'"'.b'''Si reapeclfully informa hia fmnda and
wKnUr0'5' b ,,ou1' 1llt'u
lavariou, departmcnta, and on more uiemltro
SKf!.. bi... u,h, w.,..ftnj
made to order.
. "...V.:" r"?' V'tiuoinj neavy vragona,
llloomaluirc, April SI, 181,0 Gin.
VBWTIKIWM-HI. JnU.Jot IHiai jij.J to. ,,l.
Limit 01-I I ..00n il,!b 1'Ou At, I, !
niir. mct miimt .miw. vamioiw is tht., ,t. vi
11 . tt .. 1... 1...., . 1. r . ..11 1 .
f -1,,,,,,,- i,n.P ,Pt, dUnniHiliit mI irnflud' nnd IdiifttMl
by fnl't irmni and iliTit.-nll who have heiu il"ci tv
i d mid trllli'd with, nil tly to h r f irailvlm and nalis
fiirtion, nil w h i nn in ditohtu f tin nir rtinnit of tin sj
111 y love, ronsnlt Iter to n ll'v' and untisfj tli ir inhnlit,
IX IAHT. JH-'MtHS sllf. .Yt.y hH K1IIAI
Phe has thn m'cri t of wluiiluir th - HllVitl'iii of tlu op.
KoninffRox. It la thi fact which tmluris illiterato pre
tendrrs to try to Imltut her, nnd to copy her ndvi nine
ini'iitji. rii fn" pnowii vim um
j;;;;,',;;; ,KVnJli''," l.'li.'n.rnu'n',
py mar
mid n.l
n doln Iteil In iniiniiK nilite Inntiinct i. an. I tlu
hvnlt Uif at it an ht' n tlu inrann of (! riiiir
Sl' V.' IMfft fltvmnMititS
rhi Uth r fore n uttri d pLnd'-nce. flu his heen tlu
ini'Hiie of hrlii'tliiti many Inindred luarts and lintnlu In.
tzt'tticr. Thousands of hridii n iMirtB li.ive lieiu In-aled
nnd ntatle happy by h-r.
It is well known to tie putdicat larirc that tu was
the flrct and slu i tlu only per mm who ran show th;
likenwss in realllj, nnd who can yie entiri iaisfartion
on all the enncerns of life, which canh teti'd tin I prov
1 cd h thoiiminds, hoth married and tough', wlu dally
nnd ratcrly visit h T nt
No. i:t;m Lmuhnril Slrcrt, IMiiliidtflpliin,
AH interview e art! rtriitlv pritat'1 and rouH leutial,
AMI II An'IM'.Hri are within tlu rem h if nil. Hhu i
tin- livimr wond'-r of th. enhsrliti-iud nice ; all vvho eou
suit h-r are nitinifihed nt thi truthftilii'jsn of Ii-t tut' r -mation
nml predict Inim. Al.l, thos 1 who Im I h.ul liuk
tmisnlt'd hr, tlv-ir h.ul h ft Hum, and tli-y lire now f..r
titnnti, rich, emim'iit and happy. To Al.l In lmin. it
h-r aiUicc is Invnliialdi. flu inn f-r- t.l wlthtlic(int'
est ci'ttaintv , tlei n-ioilt of all i omuu n nnd busliii ss
tratisactfouii. If vmi f dlow h r a Ivic, you will
and Burn-eel In nil your uiidt'rt.ikinzi". Th'isi who have
Ikcii fortuuati1 nml uusucussful In lit ), and in busim ts
tlinsi who li.ive worked h.ird and ftruiruli'd nitniinit
I adversity and mifori me Hi jtrenter part of tlulr liven"
and found tlu uure tln-y tried to t forwnrd In tin-
1 world, tlu more tlilnjrs t Jnria went niihist tluint All
ensm have coiisulti'd her f-T tlu Iflft tw- nty yeurs, Al
tin's i who wK'ly foll'iwcd hi r ndvin art now
In nil her undertakings; while those blinded by prejn-
I iticen and isimrance, li jtli-ftrd lier ndviee, tTJ ft ill ln
. boriuir ajrnfiist adverfit' and povi rty. If vou vnlu oti
h-ippin "H w ill consult h r yours lf, and l j sutu-hS'
fill and happy Mko.
All liit.'rvi.'ws are strirtly prival-j and
('ome on J ! Lome nil I to
NO, 1336 I.OMliAIII) STKKliT,
IjMwccii Jnnl,LT nihl Itrnal, rhil.ulolililn.
Mnrcli li I-.VI ly.
SAl.AMAMinit SAFIlrf, nr.-
CArfitiivt Street,
nave on
lit id I'iro
ler Haf. s.
Imuk nod
r -a rvTvT;, Pl " ,r 11 "'"iH'Ts iron s isu, an
'-WJSXS ludkes of lucks to uuy tnado
in lh Cnited Ftntn?.
Ftrr Snjm in one fri. All rame out right; vtk eow
tenti in yowl rontlitiou.
Th" Salaniaiider Kafs of riul.uh Iphl.i aaiiiht the
tnvi' had the siircft dciiioBtniti'Mi in the fellow imr cit
tifirale that t!i!r m.'iuuf.utiire of .if. s has
nt leuih fully wnrranted tho repr -s ntaiiim whit h have
1) 'en ma le i f ih ui ns rendering un undoubted uinty
nL'alust tie t 'rnllc clement.
i'hilad'lphia April li l?5U.
Acssrs, firm V Oetilleui-n- It nil rds us
tie.' hi?h"st s.ltihfaction to nt.ite to you, that owing to
th" very on! -ttive qualiti. s i f two if tlu H.ilauiaudcr,
Haf whiih we pun Ins 'd i f you some five mouth mure
we saved a large portion of Jewelry, and nil our books
&r cvpo-ted to th eal iitiiuoiis, fire in Kaustead pl.u-u on
th morning of III J Uth init..
When we rt fleet t it tlis" s-if.-f were located in tin
fourth s'ory of tli huil.hna we orcupi-d nnd that tiny
f. 11 snbs"ptentl luton lie;ip of htirmuz rnhn, wliere tin'
v nst con cent rat ion of tli i h-'tit cuiMed th. brass ld.iti s to
nieli, we rnnuot hut regard tluiin servatiou of tiuir vnl
llfild-.' cnut -nt 3 .14 un st toiM hiring pro' f of the greiit se
runty utTorded by )mir nf 's.
We sh til titk (i rent pl.-uuure in recommending th tu to
iikm of biiMie us a sure r--linnc- usiunst tire.
CUUIUii; W. l.MMOXH&l(KO...rrrr.
D! Th'- have since pun hased hit large Aito.
Angu&t1), Ic'.i'.'.
Chartered by the State of eitivj lvanla,
1. Money 4 rrceived every day, and in nny amount
large or small.
. I'lVi: t'KII CrA'T intre.t I paid for money from
tie' dn it is put in.
:i. Tlu monev isnlwnvs bnrk in COM), whenev
er it Is railed for, and without noiiiv.
4. Money U rec -ived from HrrrutvrA, .lihahihtratnr.
Guardian and Mlurs wlio desire to have it in ii til.n, t
oerfert utif.-tv. tin.t h.-re inler,Kl nit 1... ..i.i .1,, ..i r.v
i ne money reniveu trmu ucpoPitnrs invented In
Ural Estate. JMort mures (i round Unit, nnd kind ml),
( fir.-t rl hs secuntii's n tlu Charter dir. it n.
1 (t. Office Hon nt livery day from H till . o'clod. nml
nn """'- "''"'A.'.'.'
lion. lirAftV I.. IinNNUlt. v'rtndrut'
ItOliritT SEI,nill)(Ji:, '.re VroUcnt.
Wm. J. Held, bnrttary.
Hon. Henry L. fteuinr, Tram is Iu,
IVIwnrd L. Cartf r. I. Curroll llrewter,
HobTt S Ifridge, Joseph IS. Harry,
S4iuiiil K. Ai-hton, Jos 'di Vrks,
C, Muiuis Hmry Diiieiiicrfit:f-
Wtitnat strut, South ll'tst Corner of Third Streit.
April HI. lsn. I Aug. n. '.- . fvi,. 1,
U. 8. TiustCompany,
i.'nrnrroj Tiinl ami Uhcs'nut S s . Phil
I AlUinaud smalt sums r-cej
I nml n.iid hnik 011
1-i ih-maiid without notice, with I
M-i from the day ot deposit to the d i of wilhdr.iwal.
Oiviit Hoiks Trout J uulil .1 o'doik ev. ry day, und
on Mommy HvFMtn, from " uulil h orlork,
rr.-t-i b ut -sTi;rm:' it. ciiAwroitii.
Tr 'iisun r Vuv I'i-k.
Tell r -James Jt, Hunter,
M' 1'li. n n. rr.iMf.jnl.
;ll.uiii II, MluiiinH,
ll, rA' Jul. I in,
'Al,'x rr. Hurt, .11, 1).,
i William M, l!o In in,
'II. I'Mllklm Jjckbu'li
rimy Flak.
Ilciijaiuiit V. 'l.ii;l,'y,
l'.xil II. Uoivlnn!, .M. II.
r.ilrick Itnuly,
Jumca I),.vit'(iux,
llloiuii. T. I.fu,
.M.11U1 JJ, 1M'.I-Iy.
L.IMI'S! I.1.1US! Lt.lir-!! !
Head Quarters.
juaks $ .viu.kii iMrnciVED i'jiTFA-r co.ii.
oil uukxnt. jf L.i. 11 n yon
rni, on carrdv im..
, AKlNli Hi" I. anil rliapi t Uvhi M,i in un-, mu
ll I i, 1,1 l,,r L'li,lriliu, flurrt, or r,uniy u.,., nn ilauj,.,
Ifimi l.vpl.iMiin nml wie lulf tli.'aiicr than any utlur
lilil, nu.v ui-tl nml
Thu ulinvu I.iiiik, with ,r nitlinut, (liolicn or jrlutlcs,
t'Jtll 1,11 ll.lal fit tin,
'vHinfrn lr,ill,lt..
i ,-Ari1'1' K5 11111(1111?. IJIOniUSIMIff, Tn..
Wll'Tt; tlio llllih rtizilfd urmtd ltkn,i I fill U hr..r... 1.1 j
Frlriul mid tlm imUlic in Ji'io ral, that ho li.m juci'n
oi tiooiU, in in. kiii cun.utimr of
flll.i-ll AMI I'UIERi: liltlli:!.
.7. . . ' " l,iT3K 11,1,1 "tu -ii'cttit vtork
UKulIM) ft. Wllill.l: sl'ii'r-q
Al.l. SI7.IM. I'AINT, 4.TOO-IH
ToBra;ot,:10.vuS.B,mVING v"-iif-iiii:
unsi' int ANtist
rLltl-'U.MKIlV.l'AxcV POATS.
Titussca t mioui.iinu iia r.s.
rum: win i:m a rniANDir nm
noNirro 011111:11, tjiii' iMoumi
INfl I'.llt A (1 U li A 1"
V.lllr.TV OfC'AllllO.N
Ull. I, Mill's AND fellAlir.rl
!' I.t Ml. I. A It nn I' vi a ('..i'i.
FLUID LAMPS &P!IAlli:S. t.a .
i Auu-j
Ail tJw mo. I popular Patent M.'.li.lnr. f n,
pryacnplionaaml family mciliriiua caralullr put up.
It. Tim IWiiinl ,,...r u.l.... 1. ...11 ' '
rolitilluuil anil Tclli inai-rtfii. in t!,n m,.., S&fZ- iiiaiuu'r.
1 1
UClill2 thuilkful for mist n.itr,umc,. l.
impi.- u cuiuiiibuucu 01 1 no same,
llloom.uurj, Jan. 1P.VJ y.
' lMoiSftlS;t',rj!ior:,p0,j;
lZi'l Z.t'ti '0,
where lie 1. nl all li.'ra aily to wail upoii lili cua.
' s'llA WNgTuaIR MlESSIXr
"Ju t'? .tIi
lll,e,lvlo ami on very uioderalo lerira
' ,, " ..r f.ii.. 110 ...
lirila'ilicreaaeil public P'lromice anil pld(ea hi, heal
emtcivora to give every rtiaoiialleatifactinn
lllnnmri.uri. Jan. It, WA
.AJiHlnllln. Ullur. fiil no lgmhu;.Uor nle
a it ;t jut fT-EtSK?
a;w;.?f? muvi:h to :iiw
JiV3aaB4torUi!iJ? aiioett third rinialeipl,a,
tfUr- Myji, haml a larire nssortm-ii
4fl&05?8 W&,8f PrThi fnro.rHal.imau.
SaUAidV mzStR I Also, iron doors, for
gg Company.
I 1)11. J 0 II N M O N ,
rplir. founder nf this Ci It l.nitc.l IiikI itulii'li. dt.-rs tho
JL h.u.l r-tlMln, sp 'C'ty. nml only tlV-c in
l t! unrl.t for , I7rts for lilei ts. tlr
i tii, Whiter, ii, (.emiiiiu w na
lies, l'jihn In Hi.1 ldiis. (lonsiituiiomil IMillitV. Imno-
ti'iiry Wmknessof tlu Hack and I.liubs, Alhitious of
tlu Kidneys, 1'nlpitntioii ol tlu Heart, Disprpsla, Nir
oiis lrrilnlnlit, HisL-agii ol Ih.' Head, 'lhront, Nos i or
Hkin, nnd nil those serious ami imlamln-lj Ilinorderi
arising trom tlu ihstrurtive h;ibits of outh,whlih tie
ttn) htth hoay nnd ndiid. 'J hese s,iri t and solitary
praiilei s, nr.' more fatal to th ir v lit Ims than tlu sougi f
tlu Hvren to tin niariiirrs tlsses, bUnhliag Ih Ir mo-t
brilliant hopes mid unllcipations, rendering iunrring Atc
Marrl-'d prrsnti. or Voting .Mi n contemplating mnr ing nwnruof physluil weakness, organic iienbill
ly, diformities, A.r should iinnuitiatt ly consult Irr., nml b reftoreil to perfect lieiihb.
He who plan's liiuisi If unoer tlu Hire i f Dr. Jnhuston,
may nllioiuly toull le In his li"imr ns a jiuitlciiieti, and
(outi letitly rt ly upon his skill as n physh tan.
iiiiint-illnti ty cured and lull v Igor rertoreil.
'Ihis drsenseis tlu penally umst Ire'i'inilly paid by
those who have become the victim ol iniprop. r iuuulgeii
l les. Voting persons lire too tipt to roimiilt excess trom
li"t b liigawnreif the ilrailut tnusemieiiLO that imiy
ensue, Now, who Hint un lerlanls th stilijeit w ill prL
Und to ill ny that llu power ol rocreittlon i i Miom.r
b) those tailing Into improper h.ilnts th in by th pnok nt,
ItesiJes h Ing deprived 1 1 th pleasure id health) Uf
spri'igs, th - lim-t sriousaul u structlvo s)iuptouisto
hlh body nml mind urle. 'Ih" sjlem becoun s ileniug
ed; th ph)sical and mental powers weakened, umoiiB
dibilitv, dysp-'psta, palpitation of the In art, indiieidion,
nviiirting ol the lidiui.-,Luugh, r in turns if Cuusump
Hon, fcv.
Oilice, No. T Sount rnri.RUK fciKtr, seven doors
from It.tltiuiore trei t, l'.nt si le, up tie cteps, lie pur
liiulRr in ob.-nlii? tlu.NAMK and M'Mi.HIt, or jott
will mi-tak.ith place.
A tVre HiirnsfiJ, or no Charge .Vade,in from One to
'Ttro Ha ii.
NO MKUCt'UV Oil AAL'riiiiM r? DKCCrt USUI).
Jtli. JUilXiVO.
Member of the ltojnl i'i II go id riargeons, nt London. -(iriuluiit.'
Irimioin i f tlu most eminent C lieges of the
United Suites, and tlu gntifr t.irt of whose life has
been spent in theiirft Hospitals t-fhoudon. I'aiis, llula
lUlphianild i lewhere, it is i ft, tted some i f tlu timrt us-tnni-liiiig
tores that wvrecvr known; many troubled
with liiiglug tu tlu head and cars vvh-n aleep, great
n tvoiiik'S", Is 1 at iruied at sudden sounds, mid bush
liduess, w itli trepieut IduMiing, alt. udeil sunn timet! w ith
derangt-itient of mind, were tureil immeeiaMy.
Ai'i:itTAi.N ihhiuhi:.
When tlii ini'gnl b'O und linprudi nt v ot.iry of pl nsure
riniU he Im liiilnb it the seeili of Hit Uuinlui ins ns . it
ton olt ii h ippens that nn ill timed sense ofiauu or
dread of itistov erj . Utters hi u from npplvttij to those
who from eduiallt'iiaiid r.spet tabilit) iiiinili n b Iriend
biui, iklaj lug till the roiistitutioiiary symplonisot Ihis
Imrri I disease makes th Ir appearance, sui li us ulcernt d, itis. aed nose, iioiiuriv, (liins in the lead
ami limbs, ilimm-ss of sltiht, ilentuess, nodes on tlu kiu
Imues, und turns, bloith -s on the heuit, lace nml evtrntn-ti-,
pronresoiuawith rnph.ity. till nt lat the pt late of
the month and bones if the imsj fall in, Uiol tlu Ictim of
tliis iles.Msj beiuiiietu Imrri I obj. 1 1 ol i ouioijsiTiilou
till dmih puts n period to his iireui.fil sail ri ny h, by sen
ding lino to "tint bourne from whence no tr.ivtlhr n
turns." To sulIi, th.-r fure, Dr. i htiflmi pledges hhie
si 11 to preserv e th t inoxi i nv ImI)1 i si-in i J ami leoiu l.js
extensive praithe in tlu lirr-t liospiUls ol Kurope and
Aim-riia, lie i un confidently recommend sale ami speeuy
i lire to Dei utitortuuate vittim o this le-rri.i 11I4, ue.
I):, J. at'dres-4 1 nil tlio-e who 1, J no 1 1 he him hts
U private and improper imlulji nr s.
'lluse are simu of th 1 sad and un lam holy HlWu pro
dmed by tarl habils uf youth, vi.: WeaklKts id tlu
Ilaikuiid, 1'aiti iu th; llenii, Hiuniess of Sinbl,
l,oss ol Muiul ir Tower, l'al it.itimi 1 1 tiu II. art, ins
pepsii. Nervous I ri atalnlil) , H raiigeiueiit of Hit Jher
Uvu i' ' lKmlit), symptoms ol Consump
tion Ace. ,
.l i:rALLV.-Tlu f eifxts upon the mlml are
IliUih tu Ik-dreaded, Loss of .Mi mor , LoiiiUfioil id lib us I
H'preshioii of tin Spirit. Hvit I'or. Iioi.hms, Ateri-m
ol Soil t) , rliuiil). ttv., an some of tlu 1 iU pioduted,
1 houoauds of persons ot all ages 1.1.1 now judge what
istht tniisu ol th. Ir dulming h alth. l.oor-hig tlu ir
v igor, b -i imdtig w enk, pale un t emaLi.U -it, li.iv nig r-itl-guhir
appeiinuic about Unejis Lieili an 1 iiiptoiut of
c'oiisUiiiptioti. J
UlttlANH' Wl,AlvJ,SS.
My this great an t i.iipurl,int r.mdi. wt nkuess of the
organs nre MM-nilj cared, and (ill vigor retorei. '
Thou-.imls ol th - nnot m-rvtei-t nnd u'ii, who
hud lo-t nil hope, have b en iiuiie-uial ly r ll. ved. All
iiiipeiiiui, uis tu Man! me, lli)natl una M Hi -"pinlc
fhutimi, Nervous Irriii.ilulitj.Tr mblnigs.iu 1 W nkn. ss
or ehautntion ot the nnt f nrlul kind, p;il cured
by DoLtur Johiton.
VlH'Nti mi:v.
Who hive injured l s b a certain prat lieu, I
ImluK'ed in wh -ii alon 1 11 habit Iremi 111 1 j 1 urn ! fiom
1 vtl i-ump.iuions, or nt si huol tin ill its ol w Im h are .
id'ihtly tilt, LVeu uli -11 iuU-i p, in I it in 1 1 ur-d r-u.l rs
uiariiage iuipoipiblj, anil ilvttmjs b.ith u i ,ia nnd bouy,
slOMild upph 1. I u pitt) that )oiiti!j man. the h-ipe of his coiiutrv,
un 1 tli ilaillug it his parents, tdioul I l snatih u liuui
all prospeits und tlijoyuO'lits ol 111.', i III-' roineueu-i'.-s
1 I'm vi ding J rrmi th - path of m tore, an I iiuhtljiiu
in a s.-rtain seir.t lubii, rmli p riuu b or. ion
t -mplatl'ig.
MAKItl (H'.
should r ileit th it u sunn 1 mum mid ho I) nre tin mo-t
utvsar) re-piiMM s to prmin't happiti Ps
Indeed, without these Hi -jouru tlirmifli lit - It 0,111 s
a wetiry pilgrimage, the propeit hoinlt daik'into
th- v i w ; th itiiu.i li.-i 0111 '4 lla lmed 1M1 i!i in r v
till ! vilh ih m 1, 1 mil, 1 r ll 1 1 imli tint Ih - Imp; 1.1
of .moth -r b 1010 sldi.'ht-d 1 itli on. nun,
on'H t: Nn. 7 Sll Tu I Hi;iM,ith K Si'. JWtiwrr .Mil
ALL St lifil. Al, lli i:itAi'ln.,s riliii'uli
N. II. I, t no lalse mo 11 flf pi v Itl 11.l tilt tlpl
imiii-iiat Iv 1 ilh r pt'iMio.illj 01 i 1. tt r.
smn iMsi. sisi 1:1.111 t,v 1 1 i:i:d.
i riuixtti i.
Tli -111 my Ihoiwin .s 1 .iiei, nt tlii iiiT-tituiion uillili
He-at I'i ars, aa 1 III - u im.-rn.iH i-npoituil Snunal
Op.r.ilh.inp if.irm-il bj Dr. Jhiltou, witil'M.-n b,.
th - report rs id th papers un 1 m m otlur p-Tmhh mi
ll, s t.f whiih h ive upp- nr. i I ng.d 1 nn.l ajiun b fire the
public b-i iff. in i 11 us 11 m.iii of 1 h inn t r
au.i r.poiifilulit, isa 11 ill 1 i.t giuuaut ttll aiilKt .
TAM1 Mil H ll.
X. It, Th -re nre m man, i.'uorant und worth! s
i wu.h-rs nnveriuiii!: 111 -in
Ives I'll v Mt 1. Ms. ruini'it: th
Itt'iillh t III ' it 1 1 ad ) n 111 nt d. tliat llr. J'lrMn I .1.
it n t':lr to ia. i (i-ii.ill lt Huh - tm.n.juiiiut -il
Willi in r-ot ni t in th it liiii ir. a-nti.ili uud triiinni.i
nluaj x lia.i in Im iitlc -. '
' TvKI. .illlil'. All I It M liulrt In- not ni I, .Hid
i niittuu a iitau r-taiuji lor th r (!, or no iumuit w ill
li' s nt.
M.irth 17- J H Hi I.
t ii i: ji i t a ,v i) ii ii u i; i; i s t ,
Xurth-rat Comer of Vtftnut a tit fifth Erects,
w tll.U niunufiituri-r id' Urt.wn'it lmni" nf J.uu.iii n
iiiir. whith in r.-toirni. -d uud pr.-M-nli I Un i'multy. and Ilip li.-inni. tli ctaii.iuril family
M.-tiHiih- ul 111 1'nit -tl Htiitrc,
Thu V.tM iiri iii ii nri i:irnimu i f iimi-uul i-vr II -nn.
lu oruimiry iliarih'L'.i, im ii -ut iIioLt.i, in tlcnt in all
tn-rn of iirtictriiiioii id th iliv-nv tniutiuu- it m if
iu.tiiuald, Villi U1. Dm ing Hi in villi nci- of I'pnli inic
i llol.TU mid MiiuunT louqdiiiiitu i f u (i, i u
lnrl i-tlicarioiu; no lauiily, imliv idual, or travekr
riliould Ii w Itlinut it.
To iri-vcnt tliiti vnlu.iblu ll-Miir" frnni h'ing rountpr
f it "d. ii iK'W ft -t I ciiiinu iujf. i v-( uti'd nt u i;rc;it cnl
will touud on thu nuiilc i f th wiiijiih r, in order to
L'Uard tlu pun Iiiimth ajaiiict ti.iny liupocd iijioii by
worllih-cri nuita1ii)ii of r$M,
rnuiri'd only l. rill.m.KH'K UltOW.V, nnd for
;n hip Drii nnd t'lii'inn nl Hiort-, . I., torn, rid I'lllh
uud CliLiiiut tnit.. riiiltidilidtiit.
Almi for b) ull riiuit.iblu i)ntirjiU in th'j I'ni
tid Miiti'i.
Alarth 1, IM'ii-i'jn,
Light ! Light ! Light !
P A 11 A (. 0 N
l.'OAL. KClt(ISl:Ni:. till IMRRON OILS.
HEIx'.l, mott lirilliant, ami cheaint porlalile Imht
now in Um', No ilattL'vr of I'iiiiiii au.l ilRinnr
lliau lluid, larJ oil, hah oil or cumphciie,
teii-KQUAl. 'tu Gas, -a
Witliout the .'peim,! . f gn iHlurca. The nbuve Liiiupa
(Willi all t tl.-i r laury triiuiiiinil .an l,u M-en nml boiiiiht
ut the old ibWulioheii Drutf timi .iieiniral Htoru of lh.'
liuikTriUfil. who llattera from hia Inna; fH
pelu'itia in Um limn trade, he know a how and where In
bii) , ami i, tli teriiiiiii'd nut In ha uuduranld Ii) any one in
HIiHiiu.biirj;, or aitrroiinding roiiulry. fall and aeo Ilia
new and wi II ai Inleil tok 01
uitutis, Mt:iiii;m;s .mj ciicmiuals. I'Aivrs
rUOM 7'.l l,i'.'l:u,. CllNPlXTIDNA-
i.n:s. i'i:nrusiciiv m
t'ANOV -ion nr. AR.
Tit.'i.c-j run
Aufct'd llrnmU, i'ati nt Mrdiriuefi oft wry van ty in ufo
l.i'iuori, (miri') fur uii-iiiritial use only, 1 luid.Cainnln n.
Curboti oil, Turpi-nttiiu und Akulnil. Truums, HnmM, r
Ilract'g nml Alnloiuiuul StinjinrttTfj, Stirt'icJil nnd I)i-n
tal liutrmiientrj.riaih nml uud tootli ilrtulug, I'ruf. Hum
nlirry' llonia'imthic lU-iiifdici, (i.irden, Canary, itapu
and ilemp i'i'iU, i'i'nnonii tern, proof.; la a iMnrorro
Jti'UthiT uud Hioo tiiidniSK, 4tc Ate, tOc'ctlior w ith thu
large ft und mort varied uurt incut vi (ivrmaii Tog and
t-vrr brought to tbli plnw, nil of whiih please cdl und
s -ii nnd j-u mint bclh-vf,
lluvius It ariiT-d by aad uvpr-ri 'iiru that "Ion? crcilita
will not ketp thing moving," 1 havu determined to
tocnhbujer. to maku u mi objett to ih-m us well nn
the mlkr, toduuluii thuiuli principle, cither money or
rt'iiily trndf,
llavinn M'rved a n-tfular apprt'iiticeihip ut tho Drug
uud apoihecary bUfiucii, beide having c:irrlL'd it on
tor tlu luat iiliteui i-tir, on my o,vn hook, 1 Halter
i4ivlf that 1 uin ablj to do Jtntiui to ull givin? inu u
trial, Thaiiktul tothu publm, for put lavor, 1 would
axk it trial un the new pnuiipW, u,nl will gu a run ten lo
ull, tliat it will mnkti long trnihii, uud pay beet in tho
end to pay cash uud buy ut reduced price.
enn fully roinpouudf d, nnd nil order corn-rtly niuw trcd.
All intfdiiiif guaruntifd us ricoinuD-udud, Htoru Itooui
o'i .Main tftruit, near .Market, next door tu thu l'ot Ut
fic, Uluoiinhnrg, Columbia county, 1'u.
December 10, IK59 y.
No. Ml North U
St. betuetn Arch A-
Jlnce Philadelphia
IMI'O Ullilt ofTiiya.l.llicy llaskllf, l'ip-s, Hnliir anil
'i'ubneco Uoies, rjegar Cjsca.Cauea, lluininocsflVc.
Maiiufariuier of t'laia li Alphabet block t.
It Is a fact that, nt eomo iicrlod, every mem
ber of the. human fnmlly Is Eittijcct lo ilisenso
or illsturbatico of llio bodily functional but,
ivltli tlio nltl of a good totilo and tlio excrclso
of plain common sense, Ilicy may bo nblo to lo
rcgulato tlio system as to sccuro rcrmaiicnt
health. In order to accomplish Oils ilcslrcil
object, tho true courso to jiursuo U certainly
Dial which win prouueo u muunik m-v
things nt tho least liasaid of Tltal Btrcngth nnd
life. For this purpose, Dr. Hostttler lini In- ,
troduced to this country a prcparallon bearing
his name, which Is not a new medicine, but one i
that has been tried for years, giiing satisfac
tion to all who havo used It. Tlio llillera ,
opcrnto powerfully upon tho stomach, bowels, I
nnd liver, restoring them to a healthy and
vigorous action, and thm, by tho simple pro
cess of strengthening naturo, enable tho sys
tem to triumph over disease. . '
For tho cmo of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, au-
in, Pln.nlnnnV III A rmot it o. or nnv llilioilS
romnl-ilnls. nrisln!f from n morbid Inaction I
of the Stomach or llowcls, producing Cramps,
Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, i:c., thesu
Bitters lmvo no equal. .
Diarrlicoa, ilyscnt ery or flux, so generally con- I
traded by now settlers, nnd cautcd principally
by thochnngo of water ntid diet, will bo speedily
regulated by n brief of this preparation. ,
Dyspepsia, n, dlscaso whlcli is probably moro
prevalent, In nil its various forms, than nny
other, nnd tlio causo of which may always
be attributed to derangements of tho digestive j
organs, can bo cured witliout fail by using
directions on tho bottle. For lids disease every
physician will recommend Dilters of somo kind j
then why not uso nn nrtlclo known to bo Infal
lible? All nations havo their Hitters, ns n pre
ventive of diseaso and strcngthencr of tlio sys
tem In general! nnd nmong them nil thcro is
not to bo found a moro healthy peoplo than
tho Germans, from whom this preparation etna- 1
natcJ, based upon scientific cspcriinents which
havo tended to ffovo the value of this great
preparation in tlio scalo of medical science. ,
Fever ani AauB. This trying nnd provok
ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on
tho body of man, reducing him to n mere sha
dow in a short timo, nnd rendering him phy
sically nnd mentally useless, can bo driven
from tho body by tlio uso of HOSTtTTHR'S
RENOWNED MTTEllS. Further, none of tho
abovc-stntcd diseases can be contracted, oven
in exposed situations, if the Hitlers aro used
ns per directions. And ns they neither crcato
nausea nor offend tlio palate, nnd vender un
necessary nny change of diet or interruption
of ordinary pursuits, but promoto sound sleep
nnd healthy digestion, tho complaint is re
moved as speedily ns is consistent with the pro
duction of a thorough and pcimancnt cure.
For l'cnont in Advanced Ycari, who nro
suffering from nn enfeebled constitution nnd
infirm body, theso Hitters nro invnluablo ns n,
restorative of strength nnd vigor, nud need
only bo tried lo bo appreciated. And to a
mother whib nursing these-Hitters nro indis- ,
pcnsablc, especially wliero tho mother's nour
ishment is inadequate to tho demands of tho
child, consequently her ttrcngth must yield,
nnd hero it is whoro n good tonic, such ns
Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart
temporary btrcngth and vigor to tho system.
Ladies should by nil means try this remedy
for nil cases of debility, nnd, before so doing,
Bhould nsk their physician, who, if ho is
acquainted with tho virtue of tho Bitters, will
recommend their uso in nil cases of weakness.
CAUTION. Wo caution tho public ngninst UElnj;
any of tho many imitations or counterfeits, but ak
and sco Hut inch bottlo has tlio words "Dr. J.
llostctlcr'a Stomach Hitters" blown on tho ,'ido
of tho bottle, and stamped on tho metallic cop
covering tho cork, and observe that our autograph
Eiguaturo is on tho label.
S- Prepared and sold by HOBTETTEH ti
SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., nnd Bold by nil
druggists, grocers, nnd dealers Goncrally
throughout the United Btatos, Canada, South
America, and Germany.
.,,1 l j. i.. Hi, r I.. . . i.ul. I liin'mlniri' : A. Mil
I r. &.',,. Iiir'.le : It.r It . 1 r . Hm.imuiii ai. r.
l.rl r. le-i i, A. S. Itiini. & I .. ll.nn ill .
lc toll r I. I.V- 1-Jiii.
" iri"iiTi u ijTTTltT i
M A 1! S ll A L L 11 U (1 11 U .V ,
K A 0 " II i: BOYD,
wiinixrt.w.r. iii:ii.i:r i
Mntitit'initinil & i.i- f i it i.trri),
N. E. Corner of Trvnt and Arch MrecH.
.mm k il.ui-f. ,
jimk i. lenn. I'llll.ADI-.l.rillA.
M.ircli 111, l-lll- l.'iu.
C. .M. 'A M MH It MAN ,
MM I it ll'HUl Oi'
Amci'itiuii Violins.
In Crrmuua ftyle, with patent tuitpierc.
V -T K N T DON (! Kit I N ' S,
MILITARY DBUMS cf all rlzca on a new plan,
I'Altt.ll.Mf.ST, VKl.l.l .11, I AI.I-. AMI Mint'.l' Willi:
ibi,i4, Utgtuti, Ahto iiuiti .- .Mmuut
Chin i x
Nn. -JW, (1,1,1 N't,. 15 .) Nurlli rl. i-nnil "t rr. t,
All klii'la i,f Mn, linl Vlen h.iuiliiii; niii.tuiitl) nn Inn,!.
Allkllnla nf Mil. it ill IlLtrlllilllili-tnneil nml reliaiinl.
,Minli III l-lll -I in.
No. 222 CalltnilnII m,. In-low Third,
lrn Itnllniii f r 1'url.a, LViiiUL-ri.-N, Viriin.'.is.Htcpa. kc
.M.irili III. I-U) I'lm.
lslIMIil-;.. 11V (JO NTH ACT.
I lir. HI'i:M HAW-MI l.l nl I'.-l.y. -., I,i i i-min.y,
I will Ik- ill u.ii tli.' tint i, April niiltlu
proprietor r, inly t'. ri-tcivc ,r.l,-ra, to cut J.uuilK-r tor
lions, a, Uridrri, &.C.
Tllllrl. W. UllliAK,
i:py. M.inli 17, wn.
rr Ml'ii dornlitnr-d ri'upritfully intornm his frind nti'l
1 ih- public nt Ijrirc nml tho r- t id'niaiikinii, li
hn-t a cpluiiilid u-t)ttnient i'f
in tin flcpaut new rlorc lIoii)L, in Kulifhurp, Coliimluu
i (.i'i) ni) . i mii -ii- il w ii. in il l irjsr ill in I iiuilu tinunnii, in i-i
1 L'llUlVlt 4 V I L II .1 ll I.MI III. ,lia
which In- ii ilftrrimiu'd tn ft II mi t-mli leriim an will in
din it all at Irani in Iim i init , w Im aru in w nut i
Lh.uidi7.f. to fit .in) hi iii their iiiftoui.
lli rtii k Imn h 'Mi mi' I rt tod with mudi ran and woii
rd ti'iicm to tic w'niitt of hi iiimiiniiiity mtd without
-.-"'- ,..,.,L.-J,-,.u,,..-..,., ... ,e mnoii,
km, Is-heri. ks iiotliiiignt nssuriiiK his friends that cr
i-llhinit ii.uiilly kept In I'ounlry Mores, cutl here be li nl
.1 ' little ihenn.-r than the cheaiie.t."
I'onutry produce, iiiclailins Gruin', I.unil,, r, Ate .
taken in exchange for good-,,
110111.1,1111!, March in. l?i,n.
1 1. i, ii ir i ' , tL i x in; it jii a mo,
Hosiery, (ilovcs, IIiiltons.TrituiuIiis &c.
nti-ACii, i:xni,isii t okuman hmallavahi-.s
No, 313 Mark't Strut, Phdattephiu,
Ttbruary i3, li 0-3ui.
No. 118 North Fourth Strut, Anh
t'llll.Alllll.l'lllA '
Wholesale At l.etail Manularturer of .tjTXX
rour iiovNAics, rocur books. jsTf
i'Icar CA8i;i), iHawsaciif:
Money Btlls, Sulchrls, l'tirsis, Cabas,
Hunkers' Casts, Dresiing Cas's, Writiw
Uehks, Port Bdlios, Hill Hooks, 3
Ate . Ar , &r.
Fdwiry Id'-O Um
Fmsiijiiui'ii a. ii iiuTiiritb
T tIAC O O II I? A 1, V. It s
Five doorsbtjluw Kara,
. January I0.IB.1S..
XiTSoULSUtiufZ CuuVn c7miVs7fo"r7a"re"
- - - alllAltTJ.AN'S.
ii.ilcr.lmrl liivlne u.r.l rrn'ra-mr lU'.Ml'llnKVS'
I II llio ,,,.. a-,lWtr.v rMuil., niel hnvlnj (all on mn-
.len.-r In Ir Keiiulnen,-.., fnrllv, elllcnoy, iCl,rerTul y
r,i,n,,0'i I ll.oni In nil l-ewn-l l.- l;h to have nit, re.
II il.le, nn I eiUonoloiu rcmnllra at li nut fr l'rlrnlc or no-
"' Tl'r 'liv. IV-ii. llwnrr, .'ilr of "Tl.r Xnrllirrn In-lc
lei.t," AiiMm, S. V t tl f- It- l'rary, 1
Kcetor ot ,l. I'eler'a I'liiireli, liilnirn, N. V. the Iter. . I.
Ve! CniJiln of 11.' Anlwrn W ite frlaonl tl.r
Jmi eer ll llt-r, n" f'L--ll.-.lrorI, ! .1 tin .
Allen'. Ne.Y.,rl (iniferrnM Ilia Iter. Pani.i.l
S'leliol. Ki-t lien,-.,-,-O.n'ereiieo, N.-.i tl.e Itev. 1. P.
I'ral V. I .'-.-1. M. ! Ilw I . Join, H..W.-. t1.ilTr.Ui A. C.
I,rl K... I'll 'l S. V.i tl.e 11 . Krai H"v, l',
Mr. 1 11..- il -.. rl-nl!.trr '(.Ifa-l, ?.,nlh-llei..l, 1 ""
lle..ree II l....'ire.s 1 1 1
Tne ll,t -I.te .l.i.irn llf t
.. . . .... . ...... t.l . tl..,
i1-V,?rl' nSolte Vl m'n'Vl' I
i" j a,, e, ii ,i i ,
cell i. Ki'i. i the ll
I, ,IHI.ll Hellenic, i inn, ... -;
llrM'.l. I'.i I . I'll' . N ' ; A. S. fon.i, r.l , Lirea,
J ,.,- I', mkell, Ki , N i.lnllle, Twin.
N t.-
."'.r Kever. I'Hi'A'.lloii, an.l liilH'iit,mll..n.
t-u-..... l'..eee. lV.,rt.. Cnlle. IVeltln? tl.e tle.l.
N 'i.V ,r tti'.lc, Crjlni, Tu'lhtng, nn.l WiiVcf.ilnes of
'"n,1.1!'. K..r It', irrlie.i, Clmlern lnfiintmi., nn.l Summer
C'sT'.;!-K..r r". .1!, l)rlorv, or rim,
N" rt' K..r rioOem, rie.lera Slnrbu., Vi.nilllnir.
-' -r t'.iutli., 11..U., Il.lluenilti, nit'l Sore Tliront.
i,,' 4 l'.r, l'j.-i-,iil.r, mil XeiinMa.
No. J. For llei.liiclie, Vcrltg.1, licit nn.l ru'ltwal of tl.e
"'x.i'' til. !)" r-l l l'ill--Kar Weak nn.l Derniipcl
Floin'u-!,, t',nlll"ll..n, nn.l Liver Com.lil"l.
X,. , h',i Kiiiur. Innil'l.lina, S.'nnli, riilnfnl, or
'i'lris. i'it U-'l'corrlic-l, rrof,ie Mene, nn.l Henrlnit
! S ."ll l-'Vormp. lloftMe Contfli. 11 .'I 11-eiHilnc.
No! II Uiikl'M I'll !. I'or Kral.eli,,Krui,tl.,na,
1'innile. 'in tl.r K.l -C. .
No l.-ll lib-MiTlu 1'iliA K.r I a i-i. lanneiiw, or sue
ne 11 ll.e riienl, 11 u-k, I. .In, or Minha,
l, K..r I'-.-r an I Ajne. Clilll fever, Dnmli Asm-, 01,1
M'.-'il-l.l-l-'rl .'U... ,
py,r rile.. Illlu.l ,r ll'e-II. .-. Intern ll or I.Mernnl.
II -K ,r l , W.i ik ..r lu'l Hie I Kl i an I I") il . I ill-
' C For Catarrh, of long itandlogor rcctnt, cither trill
obatructlon or profuse discharge. ... ,
W. C For Whooping Cough, abating Its violence anil
shortening Its couise. ,
in nil acute diseases, such nj Fevers, Inflnmmallons,
Dlnrrhc-i, lljset.tery, Croup, Kheumatlsm, anj such erup
tive iihenwi as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Kryslrelas, the
rolvniitnge of phlng the proper remedies promptly la od
vlous, nn.l In all such cases the specifics act like a charm.
1 he entire disease Is often arrested at once, and la alt coses
Hie violence of the attack Is moderated, the disease short
ened, and rendered less dangerous,
Couul.s nn.l Colds, hlch are of such frequent occurrence,
nn.l which so often lay the foundation of diseased tunes,
bronrlilll. nml consumption, may all be at once cured by
the Fevir and C0113I1 Tills.
In nil chronic diseases, such as Pyspcpsla, enk Stomach,
Constipation, l.lvir Complaints, Vlles, Femnla Debility, and
IrremiUrities, old llondnches, Sore or Weak Eyes, Catarrh,
Salt Kheuin, nml other old eruptions, the case has specifics
uho-e proper application ..111 ntlord n cure In almost every
Instance, orten tl.e cure of a sinRle chronic difficulty, such
m Dvspepshi, I'des or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weak
ness, has more than paid for the case tea times 01 er.
Cue of 2i vials complete, In morocco, and Book ...15
Case of W tiol-, uud Hook, plain
Cn.e of 1.', numbered boxes, and Hook 2
C,ise of 6 bni numbered, and Hook 1
Slnjile numbered boxes, ttlth directions 25 cents.
yltilde lettoied hous, wilh directions ...50 cents.
Large c.-tse of '2 ok. 1 Inls, for planters and physicians... .15
Yon .miH n Phthisic Owrcsse.1, Difficult, Lfibored
llreiilltliiK', iitlrtvleel ftltli Uouyli fttiJ KxpcctorRtlon. Price,
&(t Ofllt per bi.x.
t'tm Kh liwiMi'ai'iASDDKArKtsa Plschfirpes from the
Far, tin- rmiilt r Scnrk-i Fecr, MensltB, or Mercurials.
For Noll's In lite Iktvl, Harilticsi of llenrinjr, nntl Hinging
In tlte K.irt. timi Price, W cents per lox.
For h'w.Ki.. KnlnrKt'il (llaniis, Kularpwl nrnl Indumt.
v I ToihIN, lHiHiiips ami Olit fleers, Scrofulous Cacliexy or
UliUilrtn. PiU'i', M cents per Ijox.
Fmi (Ii-shiu. UmiUTY. Pli bleat nr Nervous Weakness.
HtlKTilienniltitf SkkiKM, Kxcwslv5 Mediation, or Fx-li-intillnn
Diitlmrret. Fi Ite, Ml cents per box.
Foil Iihhhv. KluM Arcunml-ltlons, TumU Swellings, with
Scaniv tcrtilmifi. Pilce, M ctnts perl)ox.
Jon k SitkM.-v. Iatlily PlckneM. Vertlfin, Knuseii,
Vomtiliv. ticUnvss from rlillng or mot Ion. Pike, M) cents
IHT 1)0 .
For Fmimhy Ohkapfo FopOrael, Renal Calculi, Diffi
cult, Painful rilnatloii, IHsuiiM'sof tlie.mdDcys. Price, 50
cenlH per Imx.
For kmixm, Kmimions. Involuntary Discharges and
C'iiir('iiint I'mnlratlun an.l Debility, Had Kcsulta of Kvll
llnl. Its. TlitMiioHt tmcceBsful and efllcicnt remedy Vnowa,
and nnv be relied Uoii ns a cure. Price, ulth fulldlrec
lli.nn, jn-r box.
PiTcihs wtui lh tn jthce themselves under the profes
i1..ii il oirf, nr to fiik aiMce of Prof. HcMprmim, can do
tn, nt btti oll'ice M2 Uroadway, dally from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M.
or by letter.
Litolc over thu list; make up a cava of what kind you
elione, and Imdw the amount In a current note or stumps
by iiihII to our addrem, at No. t02 Broadway, New-York,
and the miM.Miie ulll hi duly riturncd by mall er express,
free nf ihare.
AflENTri WANTED. Wedeslre an active, efficient Agent
for the sill of cur Kemedivs In every town or community
in the United ftatts. Address Dr. F. 1IUMFIIUEYS & Co.
No SG2DiiOiDWAT.Nicvr.YoBK.
Ro'd by V. . LUTZ.Aaent, adiuiuiiu.; ia.
.ril 7, l-tit.
;isli liiif, Vin ai.d Sinrr,
v. i
IViirlli and follow lull Hti
J-1 Uruiririft- id n Ii.tnts Furnu'ri', and th'' public i -
(nuh ' Iwlil nt'll at w lii-lt t il-. nud r ih it, in tlij
lriuj'l r.H- of fin, jiIr.ivj ntJikof UruSii, AK-ilitnn'.
' h illicit. Kr tit
'.'i.ilM Id k ( Wi'Klow 4:hi,urirt-dbi.') & U.ilitL-i.
1 villi Poijih.u i'f Putty, Wilo lll.iik, It !. fa., in bulk r
'.UlhHI t; tl ton Liiifnl (hi, HpirilH Tiirp'-ntiup, ('.nn
phlii . Almli.d, fltr.
i I Tuim . f Pur - hiti! L-ul, in DIjU., UltU, UK), .1(1.
1 - I l.'i 111. Ki-L'il
I'll Thi- f IViirl Mow Whitu LmiI. in p.bts., J Phln., I'm, (
oo. Mi .nil i-ii in , fif,
V Ton- nf . w Vi.ik Wlntv in I'.hln.. ' I'M,, Jim,
.'( ii ii nl lb Kipn.
I I Tom f Am rit'.i ruow White 'Ame, in dbU.. I lUU
lot. .it). St uud 1 Ji lb. Kin.
ill Ton a" .tt ,i in-rii Aiin-rii tnrinc, IIIjIh., J J.hU.. HH),
it and l.'i lb. Ki-irri.
I '-'." Tonsil im- i',!itV-reiit i-olorn, lihln., KM.,
UM. .-,(1. 'aiul I.' lb. KcfiH.
HOToiiiDt Mineral PaiulB, nf ilillruut cdnm, dry or
l liroinul i:i Oil
HM1IH) pt'inoid i (' pure I'rcmh f!ncii, ('nunc, firnoi,
I Vi'II-mv. )lin, Mark and nth 'r ndr. dry or in Oil.
I .Hi)' I Poim.1h t Hiiialtaj'uborti'dliliK'.llhitk, U' d, (JroiN.
and I'tln-r colors.
I1J0 P,ikinf (ltd I Uaf, (il.i.H-r4' Di iiuotiiif), (;i,iziL'i!'
t Pultv, k Kmvfa. Atr
t 'Jtl.lMKi fJ.ilLiiid lloil-d Oil, Vaniit.h"n, J,ip.ius, 'inc Dry
I rr. Ati . t'liiiit. Vnrnisli and t,aUiiiniur iiruwh.'u. i.n-i th.
er with a (.uiid t.i iitiittiu nt lirct ilaut ilihn.s em-1
ur.ii-1-H in in - jiriiano rami lmsiness.
V.tHWi Koiii.ui tVinent.
.t IMHI Koa.oiiliilij iiiid llvilrnnlir rpoicnt.
i.wsl " Cihnir.l. I.aiid,liintii'try,(.'iiiitiu!f Pl.uicr.'V I
11 f which I will BtU ut WllOLIIHALi: or KC. ,
I AIL. ,u in un iu to iip. r iviit. K'ili.tu i.tlurtktdMuh-1
I , ., , Proprutur of thu
1 hil.nh lidna Cash UruiT, P.iint and CI.ib.i Htorp, I
bouth wt t i.tnor of Fourth and fallow lull Kts., Fluid.
mi ii. riu .un,
SUP lill
'lilt PllOSl'UA'U: OF LIME
.... ... . i J tlj J JJ 9
III. II llUllrn A , a. ti.ti. I'll 1 1 III' I Oil I
e,,- 0S.-IH tor reniiolmiiiii, lltlawurc un.l New Jcr., )-,
111(1 '" )'ll"-'"(Aitj(Cl:ri)wlll I-.pial ill cllWt Ull.1
J lll la, tin? pow, rs, lc lbs ),,( IVrariaa Cluano.
,1 Ills p.nke.l in .iron: llap,, ur lui lbs each, and is vol I
jt ii p..r ton. or si on per nusle i,.is.
" ' I ' ipi-rnuc-eol 7r,i Ycun, ami Is safely rec-
I'lliiu.-liil It as 111.- be. I fel tlluc r liuu iu use.
faiuples, I'in-iilara und l'.u,.l,l, i. .out,,,,,!,,.,
.,..,.,,..oi iioiu inriners, sent Brum ton w w le.pie.t
i lien).
' August l.Vl.
, -
John c. yeager.
S' niiw GOODS.
Romipis nml Artificial Flowirs,
No. j.i7 xoinn Tiituii s-nti:i:r, I'mi.Anni.rniA.
.Vatch 10, INO-I.'m.
, 'A'ltAJIli, 1800.
.r,.,?.'". m ,"V "l"r"""'llo UU,dSlat,s,y
aJ r!frTJ,u,li'J" m,H "'rranted I,",
II. llllr.T.lf3AW
So. Ill, iVorii, (lecon.l strei I, above Willow, Wilt
PlUl.AlJlil.PUlA m"s"c
cii .iUm ' ,"mCM"" ' Jew'lry. of e,y u",'
. note iter pera. Auctioneers, red ara k ileal,
I'MBeutMlly , are ns.'urcil that they w il Zl at this
lablishiiieul thij lunresl t ariei! nu.t r'a.l ioinbb.
ussortinenl id fiHl, in llio United statu, uii.l u iirlc,..
... i i r, i. er mail any oilier llou.e iu luis L'uuuiry.
K,.r,ai.,loil,er..wlioca,inotco.u;to he r y,
r tlmir roods be .M nil l,.
can or.
..spies. ., any part of tlw Counlry, us cheat, nud well
sibilcd aifllleyiaiiielothuCltyuudsilctcd lieiu in
person. 1 u.ui.bcr tho place, "' "'
It Mir. I in .....a
Second St., abovo Willow. West .l.'le.
11 US. AM.llNHe, lel.,.,,,.,1 II III, ......n .
IU VSVi.OIIALSA.Mtr .ai. v """"
liloointbutg, Fib. 1. 1860.
S' A M jf O Jt 3ffi l S
I U) 1 1 11(1
jjiviiiti iivviuimi
Nnvnn tir.mi.ii'ATnri
it is coiruuNiti;i i:ni iuuIjY fkom -)iiM.ftril(
j lisu littnuif tin tilHflictl I.ul n Hlnn.lnr.l ,M. . "
nml up tfiirptl liy nil lint
tia Vr ut ! it. ami in f,x
M'nrli'fl lo tvltli cnnfl
11 fa w hlcfi il In rtrnin.
tt tlalfl Cllrtlf Ill"MI-
twiijfflM who lintl plv-
fl tilt IIIJliMTf Ml I'll
Ml V (1B 11 'HI nhow
Tlie iloe ni'ini n
nx'iit nf tli'1 in.iivtiiiinl
mrli 'nijutillrfi nn timet
imiilfi within tltn ),.
1 ti ir p tt II Imprn nf r, t
o Hi nl cert flcjte4 ln
ilnptf(lto I lie IrniinjM.
iiiikhm li, ttiMi ii-if. i
Ijtcntly mi the llowrln
Lit lint .llcl.itcf. nf
r ,yimr jm'jfi iiimh ei (
W I'I V i; It iNVhioiM
! J.iter CrtPplamtM i.j
ynit n tint tiff1 nf the
TOIl nml It will ciir
out JHtachs, Djnpeptla
mtr CotnptaintB, Dystn
ach Habitual Costireneta,
Motbu Ch tde ra tfa n -Ftmale
IVcakentttts. nm
V nnn tirdtaary Fa m tig
rK'K Itr.ADAtlli:. (n
(ft twenty mlnntes tjtiro
taken ni t ninriiriifi'infiit
All trho me it are giv
Chroitte btarthoia Htn
ttry, ovrttom
Chotie Lholeta Cholera
turn HatvhhtttJeuntlUt
iiinv in' iipi it mtrn .. i '
McUitine, ll ulll r,,'
i'i inilti rnii ifr-ilft
or tkree 7 earpoonfuU are
laf I 111 1 r tl-Mllnnny
llu i.ivnr
Vli:uit vron and swallow liril ii rocin m.
rare Vegetable F.ttratts, xudput vpin Glass Cat$t.f
light, aad trill Kttp in any Knuly
I'tie If' A M I LY CA- .TIIAUriU PIM,
ptnllc Itut .utivo Cn r iluiflic willed iM. pta,
liiiftorlini iiied In hm lurnfilco more that
iweiiiy yrata J
Tiiu ciuisUiity In- irffiiiiig (lem.nnd (rni'iy
tlion who In vn In ni; iii-e-l the MLI ami lry
cii tr sift tvenr.i
t tu-i r use, li.ii iiulurcil
(im; to place Ihem wlu
kimw that tllflcrrriten
iinriiniin nt ()P hnu.i.
In the rtMcli ntiill.
Tl ft jiroit'f Ion well
tliirilrj .trt nti iliir-Tt-nt
w itli din rcfTuiirp to
f.iri. Iil'pii coiiiiuiititicti
niiri'8' VDi'i.ililn Lx-
thin wi II M.tnMhhf i
fniii n ifirlfiy nf '
trnctswliirhuiiiihki. a'ft
fvrry (inn i in- nn
onon find nArp In u'l ca- m'ft w h'-ffn Cnt'lmiiir 1j
in iii.iry cnnnt.ninl nf
iii'i'th'it, f 11 r Ii ns Ok
math i-'i.n-riM-sn. 'AINU
' ro1IVrMF!H, ASOl
wiioi k bopy, from ninl
lly If m-gli-iii-iL n il iiil
Lnci nr ArmitK.
U(U,n iivkr i iik nooY
Afit nr wTimtr iviiie.
Dhi-A(4, V R hi in ,
IVlHUliAlK AND f.OlXi.
Irto nuhrrn ovir im
(h n coin, w hich Irenm-ft.
" ah'iiir curnpof FntH,
5 H AD. all Urt.AM.MT0HT
Ciiii,rnM or Amih,
CJ Pi niristi f the l:i.n
lIllKl'MllI-M, tl (t r I'll tl
ami m tn y to w ho h fh'-li ih heir, too minor
ntn to ini-iiiioii i ii tlil mlv riixi'inpiit )oit. (i ;(,
pitni: :m ;i:is
am rt'tsiilfil by Dpicjji'ts liciti-rally, nnd told whgle-i
s lie by the Ttadc in all I.i run inwii.
S. I W l3 ANFOltD, M. D..
.M iritifdriiiri'r nnd Froprlclor,
n 3 .' M roadway, N k v York.
Jun" 4. te.'.n -I Cm.
lloVKu's INi'KliMHLK INK.
WO KINIM Onu Willi the mordant, und the other
9 w ith th Ink hi pri' iu-ntirr ly fih intffi thu
ui.' of thu ain To (..itiufy nil who li.ivu h.-cn iIimcIvimI
in nifrii.iiii!r, h.'it prood noon trijl to U ut tr r ly
w tot ill . tli f illnw niji -.troii i' oi Prfrioor
II H'th, of th- Franklin Iti-titnd1 f F.i., tin whuu rrpu
tali ui I co-i Mi-nmi: w ith Uk- tlih,d world, is pre-
rhUatlelphia, Dee. 13, It3 12.
ToJo-rph V Ilov-.-r. -It.NirHir! Ha inp i-xniuiiic
Ih i-oiiipn.itinu 1 1 jnnr Iik). Ihldi Ink. and i-mplij d it
In iu I miily I (.in -p-.ik with MuifLhoiru ot ilx unu
mi, 1 1 i'. II. mo- in i oiiiparixuii u ith othi'rn of n
mill' lti "I nh -i imii-ti nn an mlnptu it nptally
w II ir an li.i l.ibnci, and w h ii ih fnllrh,.u
(f Id l k Is . i-l iftl, il in net ult -ifd hy w.'i-liiu or .it
I L !.',' It'.
Hop 'rtfullv nuri.
J MF.H". IMiu'ni, An.ililir ClKnu-t.
f)r'h-rn n hlrrtui 1 tw th-1 M otnf-uturv No. Ilh li.itr
t.bnv Cuii'ih ol I 'g, U, i'IiiI i.ti 1'idii.i, wilt rtttn,
pIOlllt ,itt -ir i 1 'j)
Jurfl.PIl i:. lht VAX, Manof art v nr.
M.inh 10, JCO.
T ! ARM MtS NI; ti UI)KKltS
IIF. it i'tTih''rtoil''r fir i'-ii nii p.irnl- of por
inii.t. I.y tli. l,oi,i M m i .i i Lrtis,i ("V. iii l.ts t., suit I'.mli.i., it. Tills mtirl.i I. in ti,.
t. -nti -III ).-nr ol' it liilr.lMili,iu into t li a - rniihlry. nn.l ntllt, ,1 r rlili..-ra r nth.-r .I.-., ription. t.,r
III- lollow luir ri'ii.i'i.s .
Ut. lli. llr nisht soil i.r tli, I'm-1 f
Vitrk. I,j Hi-1,. M. t',,., ii, h.iw-a inint.t l -tlilOfXHr
i ,i t.-,i hi Hi.. Mi'liii-aa, Hlmli is nt ri-k nlmuM tl,..)
nml. a l,,i I iirtiri,-.
Ml. I'or (Vnl an! V.-art.-il.l it if th- rli,'.ip.l. nun.
i-.t ii.i-l lian-lii'st in irf III Hi Moit.l ; 1, pl.niil
l.i ..Ir, 1 1 L.inl.iit with Hi - n-,-,1. r-jn-a mid rip,-iu Mirc
t.iti .11 luo Ks i-arli -r, ,r,-inii. tin rut unrin, douldtt
III- entt, an, I I. irillwuf thirrcrii'ile ,,,r. Thr.-,- iI,
i.oitli nrtwo is nil Hiirttti -lit to manure .in ittr.
1. 1 i rn in tli lull
rpi. k -I l.l.l. $1 '.'1,1.1.. SI .Vl.-.-i I.I.I.. . an.l nirr
01,1,1.. SI jil p r I, irr. I. ,1, li,.r rrn-ol'iiiii.ii!,-, to vi r
a I. or i.ilnu.l in N'mv Virkritt.
A pnmiilil t ...,-iiiiiiis i-.r-ry ii,ririitati,.il, nn-l i, itifi.
.-it " l.i.iii t.irni M . nil mvi'MIi' I'liitci tHiili'., ulm li.-ivc
u ,1 it trom IHti ,r, iiuvii j,.nr, will In, clil Ircc to
liny one :ippl)iL tor m- s.iin,'
i.'itirrivi! iikotiii-.iih k m.
Xortll Itiver .U' Wnr.hoii.i-,
illt'onrtlnn.l jsirri-t Xni V"ik.
Or. I VI So Hit II, li.Min Ai, nn.', rilll.AllEl.l'lll , I'.,
M.irrli In, l-i.ll- .'in.
-vl MA -I MNt.INKS AND HOW. Mlt.
'I III! ulwrnl.'r is now pn-pnri'.l unli ii..- .ll.irliiii. i,
I I to buil t ht iijiu a, from 5 to 1110 li. r- p.,i
rriipoii th- l.ilf.t mipri.iuil plana, unit will hmlil t.
' or I, r ,1,. ,il.l.' or .iiietu pnrti.1,1,. i-iipini-a fiom III t I
li, im povur. IIIS2.-.I nimii tiirriiiL-ta uitll lloili-r "i-niiii-in.
I rumps all lonipl io nn.l r,-n,ly for iittion Al.o .
, j , ,,., ,i unu rs tail iron conl lirmk,
,Jt nt, ,1 In I'll ., for tlir.-sl.inr; smih nml rra, kniL' tor,,
mi l iion iu.t,!,. nn a lari;- seal for l,n aking coal. Ilr.iv
n, mill!! run, p. uii, nrJ inSiM,.a riffi'il i onipl,'t,i uim
. ii,ll,l.i luting loriuiz ptiuips, nil kiiitl, nf mill ir-nnii"
n, h mai' u-Iiiir iiuilii In nrili'r. I.ino hiartins mil.
any .lcair,-,l of pull -la slipil nilli hmigrfra, -
Iron I'lanmir,., ,,y o ,.a ,i;l J,,,,,,, t0
i l iri.ins !i my pros nml other urcwB t.irn;il itli nny
,l.'j,irr-,l pitch oi tin-.-.ut.
in i, iftngli trim tliri'sliin-; Machines, thu c,r
mai,- I, f. r tin; piihiir, inst Iron nn.l uooilrn innrhini's
in i.l. In ir i;r. i. rMur. chain or tri-nd luinn ma, r
, rl- a lat 'M , it lit iiraiu mill, (,u) ir-r.-,l l,y lli,.
rat, i.t . rr its eannl. It will grin.l in B"oJ tiiu' in-.-il
-.1 1, isll Is in on,' hour. Also bolts nn.l i l -inl, ra all in
' .'l.'!"'slc!'' ''''tuitl.low.'r. mnniiracliirol I.y i:.
II. Harris & Co., th, tno.t puwcrfal lllomr now in u-.-with
th., ic-.n-t nimmiit of power, niiu of which will l,
pal in iis i at Hie roimilry for I'Xliil.itli.n. All of th
uli.iv.' will li - wnrrant,',l to I. w th.-y nro soi.l rr.
Auo 1 uk! nr,l. ra for S.tfa I'at.'nt llliicksiuilli Mil
k.T, noil rifhta to iisu Ih :m in Hi counties ur U Jumbia,
Montour, Norlhiiinbirlaii.l, I.ji-oiinn-!, rlulliiun ami
t llilton, one ol wluili can bu seen at my .hop.
,., , ,. IXlVIrt 11. JIAI'rt
lilonin.biiiir, Columbi i ro Marill -J-.', Ii-M
... ...... a or.i.'ra ii.riuol.ll.n.iiiz in.u hin,-r
t .. pi it
I . I'lllt I'l-l'-I f l If '
Ctll.llatiiiits in tlii irniteil Btatea for the inirivallel
O "Klel'lianl" hruiij i, Schii-,l.un III, I a. II from Hi.- Cils
loin House,,1 Wnrihousca booiIb enlitlcl to de
pentirc, at their btorc,
No. 333 Chestnut sheet, Philadelphia.
To w hich mlilresa all oplcra kcnl, .lull be promptly an I fully iitu-nilcil to. 1 1 '
J.uinnry I. Waj I in
' i Mii-i: ni:i nni i: i: - i ; v our aini-.d. roit-j he
PROhES&Oll 1IF.XHV x n-ovma ....
rnorKssyn a. tjiyloii. m .
It lilt, lea llniv to iillcml upon Hie ,ick, nml how to
rook lor them, how to prepare llrinks.
Inullices, i.c nnd how tn asaiu.t
,, n. .. V;f''rli" f'ni Contagious lliseuses.
11 Itlli lea Ol the Mnioii, disius.-a of Cliililren, ami
lines the b.'.t .ind Miuiile.l I1111.I.! of
incut iliirinj Tci tliiuj, L-iniviilstoiii, Voi
.. ""alio", Whoo,iu.coush, Jlca.lea, it.
it ixiu itm lhi-ByiniloinsofL-roup,ClioluruIiifaiitiiiii,
l;i'lir, Uiarrlnrii, Worms, Sialled lliail,
l.lnsworni, Chicken-pox, tc and Givrs
i, ; .!!" Lc'1 rt' ir tiuir rure.
It 1M4 lea lira sjiuploiim of lcr lind Acne, anil
liilioua, iellow, Tj pints, ricarlet and otlur
l-tiira.and giica jou thn best uud ninp JSftrt-iiiiilica for their cure.
( lellj leu lhsyiii,loiinnflntliieiu,-i,ronsii'iiptin,,
sM'sIl, A.thiu.i, Ilropsey, liuul, itliiu
liialisiu, t.uuibaijo, Krj.lp. las, ic, and
( 7'ta I'M
r ' rciueiiiea lor their cure
llu aymptoiiia t,ri;iieni .Morbus, Malis
nam. liolera,,Dyaeulery, Cramp,
lliseaa-si.ftlwllladdir, Kldiieysand Mi
'. and the b l reiueilies lor their cure.
Ill" )ii..Iu.iij if I'leuruy, .Mumps, NiU
ralsia, Apojilety. rural) sis, tlio innoas
liiseuses ol the Throal, 'I'ectli, t:ar ami, nud the best remediea lor their cure
llio symplotus of Upilepsy, Jjunilu'
Jiles, ituptiiro, llisenses of Ihu Heart,
llemorrhnge, V. uereul llisenses, ami II)
ilrophobia, uud elves Ihu best reiueiln.
It TilU You
,, Tllu
'"' lo"
. It 7W 1'oa
.- tore,
Tiiu b3sl un. I simplest treatment fr
oiiiiils, llrokcn llnues uud lliblocation,
fpruma, Lockjaw, 1'ever Sores. Wlm
ovMiungs, utcera, Whitlows, Hulls, ecu
it nn. i- ii' yr"" oifuiuta.
' ' Io" r, V',U, ?,"riu".' '""'' "f Women.
' Llnlsl birth, uiij of Mtliailruatian i Wli.l
' Harrc-iino.,, Uc, .r., nnd eivea the b
und siiupi, si remedies for their cure.
SnedlcVimu. .oi'l1''1!''' B" free f ,
" Lulvai Itilua, au us lo boiasilv uud.r.ioo, . uh , l
i.r ilia t.S.i f. x f . . ?v '"" '"any tiiuea the en
I, s.rMe f - i U 1"1",e'1 '" a clear and open Ijpe,
, !!aul;J 'l,rllnm engraiiugs, and will tel.
in real ,i tVitisI"-'"' "iU"-' ,mntl U"J I,0"u'6tf I'"1'
$1000 A li EAfi:
l-ryw lu re, in selling the ubovo w ork, as cur iiiduuiiiiui
, loall aucliurenry liberal
1 l or sinale copies of the
' '!"'" 'PPW "f
llooli, or for terms la uginl
, ma" """" on. apply In or uddreas.
May 1!, I'wJl'!;" B""l,' '""""l"' r