Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 26, 1860, Image 4

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Eds. Genesee Faumeii : It is quite
customary to Imry vrholo bones in grapo
Jjordcrs, anil the effect, I believe, is gener
ally beneficial. I have seen the fibrous
roots cling to tlio bones, and penetrate into
the pores as though thero was something
in tbo bones tboy wcro very fond of. Now,
I fcupposo that' it is the phosphate of liino
oftho bones that constitutes their chief
value. Would it not seem probable, there
fore, that supcrphosphato of limo (which
contains sohiUc phospfiato of lime) would
boa very powerful manuro for grape vines ?
I should be glad of your opinion on this
rnihfat. Philadelphia, Pa. li, II, ,
The effect which our cbtecincd corres
pondent describes, wo have witnessed our-
m.1vcs. Tbo chiof valuo of burnt bones is
,,,,,ln,,l,(n,ll :. tn (l,n nl,l i f !.
unUOUUtCUly OWing to tlio pllCsphatO Of llllio
wliinli nnntoin . Inl f,.l, I., .il
WUlOll they Contain; but IS fresh LoneStllO
rrolntinr. !a nf nl lone r,r,ol nl., it
gelatine IS Ot at least equal valuo to tho
uliosnhates Gelatine is vrrv similor In
linos'il linen, uciatino IS very Similar in
composition to the flub of animal, ; and it
U well known that dead animals bnricJ
w ider grapo vines produco, oftentimes, n
very beneficial effect. Ono of tho most
productive, vinoyards in this State had a
largo number of tho carcases of animals
(uuiciKintnc vicinitv bv an accident on tho
i .llroad) buried beneath the vines before
tucy wero planted.. Now,this animalmat-!
bt, uccaying la tlic soil, would furnish
ammonia to tho plants rather than phos
phato of lime. And it is moro than pro
bable that tho effect of wholo bones placed
l.'Ueath grape vines is to bo ascribed to tho
muuionia formed by tho decay of the gcla
tino of tho bones rather than to thoir
The boncsof a bear and of a btag, which
Lad been long buried in tho soil, wero
unulyzcd by Marciiaud, and they wero
found to have lost very littlo phosphate of
lime, whilo the animal matter, or gelatine,
had greatly diminished, especially in ono
of tho bones, which had been buried moro
.-hallow than tho rest.
It follow frm tliis, that the phosphate
if these whole bones, which remain unde
composod and insoluble in tho soil, can have
very effect on tho plants. Tlio fact, there
Mro, that wholo bones buried beueath
..rupo vines increase their growth and
productiveness, is no proof that tho soluble
phojphato of lime in superphosphate would
prove beneficial. Wo do not say that it
ill not, in fact wo think it is quite likely
that superphosphato may bo an excellent
manuro for grapes; but the facts mentioned
by our correspondent do not prove it.
" Hut doesn't the fact," wo hear our cor
espondent ask, "that tho effect of bones
lasts for a great many years, prove that it
u duo to the phosphate of lime, and not to
i no gclatino I Tho latter decomposes more
r.'udily than tho former, and would soon
iic consumed, whiloa tho phosphato would
iast for a long period. If tho bones are
beneficial after all the gelatine is decom
posed and absorbed by the plants, it must
be owing to the phosphate of limo still left
in tho bones." This would bo true, if the
gilntiuo was all consumed, hut in the case
of whole bones it would take many years
1 1 produce such a result. While the bones
..ulyzcd by Mahchaud, which had laid
!i the ground for an unknown period, had
st a largo proportion of their gelatine,
uiey still contaiued a considerable quanti
ty that of the bear, which was buried
Lt 10 tier cent thit hnriml whillnw J
tp, iu per LCUl. , luat DUneU PliailOW, 4 J
u r uent and that nf tlir .tiff 7 nfv nnf 1
p r tint., anu mat 01 lUC fetag 7 pCl CCDt.
it id btatea that the soil or a ihftnct in
Sweden, " which, from time immemorial,
Ind grown excellent wheat, without ma
niru," wag analyzed by Bkhzklius, and
i mud to contain minute fragments of bone,
tMpable, upon boiling with water, of
utldiug a weak solution of gelatine. It
v ai concluded, therefore, that the tpot
had been an ancient battle-field, and that
it prolonged fertility was duo to the bones
o tho old soldiers and their war-hores
huriod iait, and still, to some extent, un
ooconiposed. Eds, Ge?t Far,
TIiU ia to ua a novelty, and it has every
fljipeuranco of being valuaWc. During tbe
U'iuter Mr. Good, ofYork Co., Pa.,
Mjut us on account of it, and wo
lilili In ln1Trnril cmnn cnn!m..n.
re desired
lire muik, lUCJUUinsroOU anil urusu. Wllieu
l. l-l . .. . , ,WUlt"
.i, " , aug, .Ua. 10 6aD,Pie3 wero 0t -- -KfTfiafS,-"" Exclianse Building. Woomsbi.jr. l'a,
(.bout tho averagO BIZO, but UOt SO UllO IIS ... .. .. I7 llror dway Stw YurkCity. ' Win ic tho unilemcneil ould ltispectfully inform, hi.
. ,. r ! i , , ,. , . S,01'1 .y C,,'V- ?l"'buch, Dlnoni.bursi N. 1.. Rank lrlen.1. una the public in giucrnl, that he ha lu.t re
lic OOUlU uavo lurni8llCU. had WO apillled &Co.,I)anville; Jacob I,aalt, Cila.auciiiai A, Miller celt cd from the citir., a large ami mil .ilectcil stock
iTT . ,
taraer. Wo wero so well pleased with!
them, that wo suggested bis advertising
tbo need, if enough could bo got to make it
..... f, , , .
ortll While, and hO has done SO. (W e
i.tlVO recently procured a UloderatO fiuantl.
tv of flm Kpprl Tehir.1i will 1,a r.lT.i..l
iv oi 1110 seeu, wniCU mix DO Olleroil as
i-ciuiunis only. See ono of the closimr
' P.1- vivoiuj,
j lljCS 01 tUlS paper.
i'lio specimens before us havo about two
i et of btalk and tWO feet of brush, tho lat- I
tr being of very excellent quality. As
this is not half tho bight of tho common1
jnety, it may be crown much thioker on 1
tllO ground. Tho upper lcafshcath am-
I.raccs the lower part of the brush, whieh.
fcith its low growth, saves all necessity of
Iroakingdown the brush while ripening.
U WU1,! n B""er lr,0,n restate.
Mailt received, aud from the Specimens,
v.0 think it likel7 this may bo decidedly
upenor 10 mo ninu generally cultivateu,
It is certainly worthy a trial, and for this
purposo only wo offer it for limited distri-
ljutfon. Wo shall test it the coming Sum-
mer. and wo reauest rennrts from .lm
Lo may receive tho seel Mr. G. fetatea
i uut hbuoiuu uo grown laicKiy in tue rowa,
Til.. 1!,.. rn t - . '
Mill Notice.
to cmmvKJM jtxi) thk public okxfmu.v
IIIAVH removed tn the .Montour Mill and Intend
keeping a luwdy of flour and feed on tinml, nml for
uur custom and cash will be thankfully rrcr-ived.
Montour Mills, April 11, 1P0O,
IT. iinder.lgnril re.nrttfiillv Inform, tho citizen, of
X llloom.liilrlt, nnd tho public generally, that he ha.
located In llloouisbilrt. and I. prepared to execute all
kind, of Jla.on Work, In .hort order nnd on reasonable
ID" Rcihtenco In Mr. llrowcr'i home, on Iron Ptrect,
lieit door to llroncr'. Store, hcre all order. In III. lino
of bu.lne.. Hill ho thankrully received and promptly at.
tended to. GUUFllUV HAY.
Wooni.hurgj, April 14. IgliO 3m.
S. MAUI' AY k 00.,
Xutitriri and Oantrn at UUltt Sm miner,
llCTUtrN tiMXNtll A5D lUoilTM. HoUTII MlDk.
AVl:ilV large nnd exten.lvo stock of Khadc, Oma.
mental and l'riilt Tre... Evererem.. nnso,. Plant..
I Vines, Heed., &c., cultivated and for .ale, Whole.ato ,
and llelail, at reduced price.. All order, promptly at-1
tendedto. Catalogue, had on application. Healer, nnd
I other, would do welltogHe u. acall. riant., Tree.,
' X.-P . In nnrru nnu
1 1'i.lng Sun rourth and Eighth Bt. ra.aengcr
Car. pa., the Nursery every few minute..
April 21, 1800.
.,.ro . .... t,.,....m
1 IUo WAX (-.llkAl IJUYbllS.
RWOJwriUnO cheap ca.h Ftore. again replenl.hed
"lln '"cl "f futi oooja-wo aro
nmv prepared to otlVr to tho public a very hnml.omo lot
, H' 'il VP v v' ?! mi 'v "
',.,. , " :.L.V.Vi X '
March 31, lm.
l'Ulll.ISIlr.D IIY I). AITLBTON it CO.
3 10 and 348 Uroaitwav, New York,
The following work, are .cut to 8iib.crlber. In nnv 1
a n c lean as t ho elwanost for rnili. 1 woul, furl her I Will III! I I I. II lit Mil I' II. I ,1 I.I. I J- """ reiinin, iui o,.
iiiy lo nil those knowlnf th;nmlvc. Ind.btcd to mo at m,ii.n..rr.(klUii Alii VvMtilllV l il.l..i ih. l"a f '"!' ''I"'". V 1 1
Hi. Aanr.1.,1 .v..lh.tllH would roofer . n. r.ivnr A.N1R"i! ". " 111... IH nil III tlw l.l.lnn. riinrtlllltlonill IKIol ly, llllm.
,o,caUli,,nn,i.nn,M1;Iamvcr,noe,lynndi,h , , - !.? , I ' ' , 1' V"k" A -V,'.0. ..It. '.' "'
io tiose mo on ixhiks. mean nnu reeus. iricnai, anu rA i. .u. .! "- ii "r" "."" ; '
1,7. H: 11 ' ' ' ' ""I"".?1!' nappy mso.
arSiJSiMX? Xa.
and Mieruture. Thi. w-ork 1. being published in ubout
IS largo octavo volume., each coiitain;ng?50 two column
pag.. Vol.. one to nine, inclusive, are now
ready, each containing near U.-IIHI, original nrliclc.. An
additional volume will bo published once til abuut three
l'rice, In Cloth, S3; hccp, S3 SO; Half Mor., SI;, SI .'.Ocaili.
Tho?,cvv Amerlcnn Cyc!opa-dia is popular without
.eing .111 erncial, learned but not pedantic, rouiprchcn.
bive but lutllcicntl) ditailcd, treu from personal piiue
nnd party prejudice, fresh and yet accurate. It I. a
compute statement of all that 1. known upon every im
portant topic with tho scope of human intelligence.
Every Important article in it ha. been specially w ritten
for il. page, by men who nru authoritii. upon the topiia
on which they apeak. They are required to Iriiig the
subject up to the present moment to state Ju&l how it
stand, near. All the statistical information i. from the
latrtt report. ; the geographical account, keep pace with
iuei.iu.1 explorations ; msiomai luauer. lliciunc the
freshet Just view.; the biograplm-ul notice, not only
Bpenn ni me ueau, oui also oi tile living, it i. a nurary
of Itself.
Adridoemest or the Debitf or Covore.i: Ilelna a
Political History of the United States, from the organi
zation oftho Aral federal C'oiigrc.a lu lTe'J to lri. Ed
lied and compiled by lion. Tiioma. II. IIiWton from the
ORlcial Hecord. of Congress.
'Iho work will be completed In 15 rovnl octavo vol
ume, of 750 page, eaih 11 of which are now ready. An
additional v oluiuc vv ill bo published once in three months.
Cloth, $3; Law hccp, fJ10 Half illor., 1; Half
Calf SI jl) each;
rorm a club of four, and remit tho price of four book..
nud livu copies will he .om'.it the remitter', expense lor
carriage, or for ten subscriber., eleven copies will bo
sent at our expense for carriage.
Xo other work, will so liberally reward the exer
tions nf Agents. All AOLNT WANIfcU is Tin. Colmv.
lerui. made know n on application lo the Publishers.
Apnl 2, le5'J.
Main direct above the Forks Hotel
THE undersigned, having removed from E.pj tow n to
llloom.burg, respectfully informs his Irielida and
rimtomcrs. that he ha. opened u new shop, on .llnin
Street. lUoomsliarg, above the Fork. Hotel, where he
win coniiuci me
Iii nil its various tlt)firtmcnt, and on a more exttnsivi?
bcalo th.iti hurL'toforu.
ltvii:i!ittt. enrini Wazons, Pvilrvif, lAcUt i neons, ami
nil kinttj of whirls, made to onlir, on yhurt nctiro und
fair terms. ANo llori-ER ami 1'abm WntEL-llAitRowa,
made tn orilt-r.
xrr UrrAiRi.HO. of nil kind, itirludiii" Heat v uzonv.
promptly und clu-njily I'lccutcd.
Elooiiisljurp, April iii, l&H) tim.
Orangea, Lemon ji, l'runcs, Rnlcins of all kinds, Tigi,
llnlni. n.t.l l....r..tlr.n,...l
u. 161 Ion'li Third St., iMillailclphia.
Country.Morfhant3 arc invited to give in a call,
iiv" Ordtrj promptly uttemled to.
March 10. lr6o-im.
Tlllrf celebrated Wasliinif Soan. in now fn market for
i'irc than a year, and that it lias given
patisfaction, ii c ident from Ihe fact, that the .Mannfac-
frtrs i-f it in order to supply the lUmand, havo bci
uiievti to increase their cap.icity to make e-iual to O
Hundred Thoutand Pounds uer I'tcA. It 11 decidedlv tho
beat and cheapest Stnp tir made in this Country; One
rovndefit vtll go a far, for any use aa Three of the
Common Soap in general vsc. It is mule upot, a new
principle. 01' the material, and known only to Van
HAAi.kf ob .ui,irOr. t uui-h uuy eiuireiy llll llie
wadihiurd fcaves the mcossity of hoilniR tho cloth erf, it
doexnot thriiik Flannels, ltKMOVLS (iltUAHi;, INK
OJl TAINT POTS perfectly and from thu most delicate
fabric. unvcB fully one-half the tiimi and labor iioiiully
npuiit to the unnhinp. ( ta warranted free from AW,4o-
D.1, or other injuries atknltet, nnd guaranteed not to rot
or ...jure the cloth.-..
li. li O l
VanliaaRcn & BIcKf one's.
rale nml Hroun Sap.. a. ucll a. Uavid Thais AtC'u.
Ailainantitic- Canities at lowest market pricr-..
I'or Sale Uy all rcjieclable llron r., ami Wholesale ly
THAW k. McKl:ONi:.
caution. bcinir .evoral imitation braml. of Delr-rrtve
Boan lu imirkit, the public nre notiflnl that none ura
Biliuiuo estrpt V 'U40h t M.Kiokc 1. .lamped
upontathllarortheKoap.a.u.ll a. the lloic..
l'lirury 81. lxi.O-1'Jm.
OliU UU. Hb.ATH'8 BOOK ttx I
ui i r.vfi, nuu creal discoveries or lie Ja.virf
..... r..,. ....... r...i .'....,....
Urinary Hfpoaits, Fenmle Complainti , &c. lllmiratcd
I Klthhuutlrc.l. olccrlllicatc.ol cure, nml cnjiBviiics.
1 "r 'l"'rpo ui rescuinsna many eunerine lellow.
"'"! "Mi.iMe from premature will be
w- v . urrt. r.
Octobers, iwj-igm.
! ,,lIi5!lis'ht . Picture Wallci-y.
I rnllF. undersigned infurin. the citizens uf illoom, and
"'il'borhoid, that he ha. taken tlio larse room in
the l.mhaiiiie lllock, uicnding over .Me.r, rJlonor it
Menclr. llakery, and Air.. Clark. Uook.tore, where he
lu. Put iu o Urite rik)light, It 1. ouly by Sk)lijht tlut
P7t''H,nJrt1fn -eparate,
lie ha. fone to lon.iderablei'ipeu.o to make hi. i'..
tablishineut a llr.t rla.s one, mid he therefore xdicit. a
!,'i,c,'hi ErnlnoSili'o,', TMf "",oUuc8
t'uu""' Produco taken in lltchanco for picture..
niooin.bure, Nov. so. mo. 'WSUr "03KX,i''(x-,K'
I..;.-..c .c.
TIin dilllcult watch and Jewelry repa'lrimt ha.
, ilT''L"1"" l"??l:b"'Vi!. .'"r""!'!I'if.'
f'mthe nature of ihe rate, iiulited tu charge (E
"lh"t ""'"Hy aiianilnl t ut a regular wu'rli 'makcr'i
p.i'c.p'ir, ai.vuy.uc iri.Br.i
or uuuu. rancn '?r r?y- ,
nioomtiun. March 10, ibm. znn'i.vccn.
w ,rm f t n
a T r? n n w P v v t a X tr
A 1 1 U "il i. "Ai
omM la Cou by cu,ie. n.
woom.bur,. d.c. 4. iui.
" . i
s Kr,Rra'riW '
iaciHnl--nu w in nrc in uuuoin m mu mivriiiuii, ui iiiubu
Iticy Ic.vp, consult licrto nti-'vo nnd satisfy ih-r minds.
.v .or: affaius sm: f.hlsi
Blie has the secret of i inning the nlliclinn. of the op.
ntmiiB: .ex. 11 1. mi. mil nun limine, iiuicrnie pre-
tender, to try to hnlliito her, and to copy her oilurll.c-
menu. r"lie .he .how. you I hp
Or aluont friend. Slie gulile. the .Ingle to a happy
rlinre. and iinike. the married happy. Her aid and ad.
Ice ha. hecn .nllclted In limiiinrnii.ll In.tnnre., und Iho
rc.ult ha. nirn. hem the iin ali. or.eriirliiit
, A SI'IMir .1.VJ) lUVPY;
t?lm I. therefore a sure dependence, Mie ha. heen the
mean, of hrliiains many hundred heart, and hand. to.
nether. Thousand, of broken heart, have hecn healed
and made happy by her.
It it well knoun to tho public at tarce that .ho Ma.
the first and .he 1. the only person who can .how the
likene.. In reality, and who can !he entire .all. faction
on all the concern, of life, n lihh i-au he tested and prov,
cd by thousands, lioth married and .Ingle, uliu dally
v 1 j-tit I V,! nr.l lrrot lliil-,,i
No. MM IjlinilmNl blrCCt, 1 llllnilflpllla,
All Interview, arc strictly piUati and confidential,
IYKJII.TII r.U,W.Yl-VF.. 11001) I.VCK
ANn HAri'lMlrirl are w itliin the r nch of all. Phc ti
the living womh r nf tho enlightened age ; all who con-
.lt n.n fl.tiiUtiil ill IIm trillllflltllrs. of her llifitr.
mation und prediction.. Al.I. tlio.o who nail bad luck
ron.iilted her, their had l. n them, nnd they ro now for-
lunate, rich, eminent and happy. To AM. in Imsiut..
.lierudvlcol.imnluable. blmianforelelHiththegreat.
' est certainty, the result of all commercial and huslnc.i
traiuactionJ. If oul rollow her :'
, uirnutK iouk ciiicumsi;,
and .ucceed In all your undertakings. I ho.o w ho have
I X imn. lu
1 'frA'l tt"Y:W'!'W'Ji)Vl
and found the more lliey tried to get tornnrd in the
world, the more tilings lnnig. weni ngiu.i iiicmi an
cases have consulted her for the last twenty )eara. Al
those who wiai ly lollowed her aiUlee are now
In all her undertakings: while those blinded bv nreiu
I dice, and ignorance, neglected her ndvire, arc .till l..
boring against adver.ily and poverty. If you value jou
' " ?"SL " .. , ... . : ir n',.Tl.
All inters i'-w nrc utrictly prtvatu nnd
i;oiiii on 1 conic an 1 10
between Juniper and llroad, riiiladelphia.
.March 1-2. l'.vj-lv.
. - --v. -i, EVANS & WATSON-
'l T'tuPZ!Ti HAI.AMANlir.rt SAFES, HH
'Ji.'ir,rihr'S'fIr.f,;MOVi:il to .101 Chestnut Html,
S'Vi;2ii"VJsoa''i'''''l','l PUhdelpHt, have on
X'A- ti-.-jSS hand n hirffe assortment of I'lre
f Thief proof Salamander Safe..
Also, iron door., for banks and
1 si""., iron siiuio'is nun sasu. an
VPrvsSfSvioK make, of locks final to any made
lu the United Ftate..
Frrr Safn in one JirJ, All tame out right; with ten
trnti in noail fowrfifnis.
Tho Salamander tiafes of riiiladciphla against the
vv orld.
hive liad the turcfrt demoatratinn in tin' follow in tr rrr
tlilrntp that their iiimnr.irtiirc of B.ilatn.ui.icr H.if
nt loncth fully uarrniitcilthc rcpri'duiitations wliith Iiau
bei-n mailt nf t.Yvtn ns ri-nduTing an undoubted Bi'curity
a train at the Urnfic i-K'tnent.
riiila.l)lii.l April 12.
Jltrsnra r,ean Watton fientlcmcti It nllonln ub
tlio ItighoRt oatififnction to Htntc to yon, lint owing to
llif very pn-tfiiive 'inalitii-H of tii uf Hie !?al.niininlcr,
.iffK wlncli e iiirclrifli.'l of you ii')iiii livn luontli giltco
c caVLMl a porilnn of Jewelry, und all mir lioukii.
ten expo-cl tn th cnl.uiiiiioiiH.firt, in 11 a n. toad pluco on
tli-' inoriiui? of the 11th lint,,
Wlu'ii wo rpffi'it liiit tlicpti siifi's vttp locntfd in the
ftnirth Rfory of tht? bmldinz uo ocrupii'd und that they
till nuMi'-intMitly into a licup of buruiiiL' mini, win-re the
vnt rnnrt'utrutinii of tho In-at cauxed tit v lirasn jiljiia to
iiu'lt. we cannot but rcpnril tliitpruHenatiim of tlu-ir vnl
tmblo contriiti us most convincing proof of the gnat m
cunty affonU'd by our safen.
We shall tekc (.Teat pleasure in rrconuuendiii,,' than tn
mt' n of btoiurfi4 fin a ure rrlianro nsaint fire
t;i.oiii: u. sniM(nrikitito.,.cirffM.
tl7Th.' Innv Bincv pnrchaeed -i large yafin.
Angubt 1W, lco
Chartered by the State of enmy lvanla,
I, Money is received ecry tt.iy, and iu any amount
large or mnnll.
y. riVi; l'i:il crT intcrebt in paid fur money from
the thy it fn put in.
:i. The money iiahvayt paid hack in COLD, whenev
er it in e.dled for, and without noiiee.
I. .Money is received from tereutart .Hdmtnitt raters.
Guardtnna and others who desire to h.iw it iu a plnce of
ptrlVrl Haftty, and where intorct can lo obUincd for it.
.1. The money received from depositors iiuet-tfd in
licat Ftate, .Mortgagr. Orouml lienta, ami fuiIi other
iirtt ilans fecuritiux a thd Charter ilireetf.
(1. Oihre Hinrn Ilverv day from U till 5 o'clock, and
on .Mondays and Thnrmlay till tj o'clock in the rwiiiu-;.
lion. IlKNKY I,. HIJWKIl, president.
KOllI'UT IXntlDRlS, Vice President.
UM. J. Kk.Fr, kctretary.
Hon. Henry L. Renner, rranci,
IMward I., t'.irtcr, 1 Carroll llrewnter,
Robrt Srlfridtfe, Joseph It. Harry,
Haiimel K, Ahhtoii, Joim1i Verk.
U, Landreth Munns 1 Henry liitftndirircr-
li'olnvt atrrtt, tenth lle't Cornrr rf Third istrtct,
Arm io. ijl . :''. ih. i, '."..i
U. S. TruslGompanv.
I W-r nf Ttrirtt nnt fV.rttrmt ?? Thil t
LW"1' p7 -l ftlrit ana UICSfnUl o5., J. lilt ,
i T AHGHaiKl small sunn received and pahl hack on
mniniiw niuium iiuua-, huh i ivk I'Hl Lr IMblt
I -ht from tho day of ih pobit to tho iIhj ot uithlriial.
1 Oitice IIocrj l'rom P until 5 o'doik evtry daj.itnd
01 Monday Kvfmmj. trom 7 until P orlnrk.
' I'rtfMdiMitHTKl'llllX It. CKAWTOlilJ,
1 Treimurer I'lisy I'isk.
Ttlltr James It, Hunter.
Fuplirn II. Cru fonl,
I ?;!"
Jajuv. rievcri-rius
ITIioiuh. T Ij-n '
. !,,. i iJv..
I - 1S''J-1)'-
;l)nniel Iti-iilleninn,
rtl.'ure Junt.iii,
.l. Vrl'. Hart. M, 11.,
(William M, tluiw in,
ill. rr.iukliu Jackson.
'I'liuy I'i.k.
LAllII'S! Uflll'S ! ! LtiWPS!!!
1 Head Qiinrtorc
loxpStVILiyn-S nn.r
lOAES) .VILU.nS J'0'''-? COAL
iL'ivi.ih.i.... ..i
l i . . ' . r. ui... .ii.tii,i J.llll U IIIU.r.FUlt-
"A'V'iAT Tn
' ftKiUfLU IK) lAM3.
I Tho aboe lamps, with or h Ithout, (Ilolie. or ShaJes,
... can oe nau at me
01 .toons, in in. muii consisting ot
1 fhkmii and i-uuru iikuuh.
.iicuii;inu3 &t;iii;.iiti;AI.H,
1'AiNTd nii.a. VAitNiMiKs.nvi;
& BIIAV1NU UllUtfllUd.
op Tin: iicsr miANnst
rtiiniM nitv.rANuY nonrs.
'lltUiSrlLS brillOUMIUIl I ItA'.T.rt.
rum: wivustURANnnw tor
MEUlL'lNAI. USU, LAttL'll'rrlKa.
iftu run r iiA.iur3,c A fiR CAT
Oil. LAMPS ANDSIIAllCS.,A,D,i!s,.D'CA,,',',,:N'K3M,CTV
Awo All the most popular Talent Medicinei of the
uu,ircai.(iiiMuiiiuiiu lauuiy ineiiinnci rareiuiiy put un
N. II. Tho Dental profemion id fctill .a.
coiitmuea and Teeth iimrted, in the iuot
approteu inuiiiier. 1
Feeling thankful for pant patronage, he
nvwm u vuiiiiuuaiu u ui mu lame.
lllooui.burf, Jan. 165a y,
IIR undcrnicnl rfspprtfully ininriu thq clMzens of I hehat
Led oino.iled thet'oiia.
nrg.unu 1 ni' punnc g
llOUie kneil ihiOr tO the CCtluinliia llfinnrril. in ilia
white IVamn lluil.lii g, oppovite the tixctmnce Hlocki
where he is at all llinri ready to wail upon hit cut
toinen lo entire naiisfacilan.
Will b.Finruleu with rnr and and in the
mo. 1 iu.iiioii.ivii! siyig aniinn very numerate term.
t&ZftfSi. JSrVWi.!!'.
endeavor, to give every reisonable.aiislacilon .
,mvrt.r.), 14. JF1
rpilBlminrtrrtif tlili Cilihrnlcd Institution, otTcr. Ihe
att,.a aw
?.' " !'.?.,:.,,l..,. !?.'L,:r ",u : " .. . r Z
PIM1) D Html IfUII V tlllll iiiiiiiii invrii e' in i'" j
proitlco.iirc loon' fatal to their viclliii.than the .ongof
the fj rem to the mariner. l'l)s.c, l.lighllng their inort
.u!!!fl!,or" U"J "-fl""'""-"'-"" c.
' ' M AIEItfAnl,..
Married person., or Vonng Men conteniplatlng mnr-
ige, being nv nre of Phv drill vv i aknes., organic deabill.
riage, being nvnrc
IV. ileforlilille.. I
&c.. .Iiould immediately consult Dr.
Johnston, and be restored to perfect henlth.
lie who places hliiisrlf under the rare ofllr. Joliniton, 1
may rtliglou. , enh, ,; In I, . honor a. a pen.ienie,,, anu
conlldenuy rely upon in srui us n pny.n-iii
ti uiamu wi:akvi:ss
Iniii e llntely cured ami lull v gor re.tortd. ...
Til. ilesense I. the penalty most Ire, urntly paid by
i ,.. -n 1. u, Inn.i
lit'.. V Oil IIU per."', " l,,e "" .U'l ' 1' r"
not helna aw are of Iho llreaillul cuino'llii lice that may '
ensue. Now, who that understands the subjelt will pre-
tend to .leny the power of procreation I. lost .ooner
cdt the idiyniful mid mental powtrn weakened, mrvou,
.tMfhiv.'.iv-m.oiil.i. tmtnitatlon of Hie heart, indiircftioii. I
n wavtiinj of the frame, Uoujzh, t mptoma of Coiisuinp-1
lloit. ttv.
Houth 1'iiFiiRit k HrHKET, pcven doors '
Oillce, No.
from lialiimore itv u tut tide, up Hi- r-tcpi. He par
l!Vn';.:i!iU.!!!?..!''l,NA-MC lNtMuLlt'or uu ,
a u:,.r,t, ,1 ',',,n rhnrvr Ma Jr. in from One to
Tiro iiuyi. .
NO Ml'.ucuilV oil nuuoUH IiRL'Grf USED.
Member of tho ltoyal College ol Wurirei nt London.
Crnduate Ironionooi the most eminent Uollepes 01 the
Lulled ritatos. and the greater part of whose life lias
been spent in the first Hospital, of London. I'arls, I'hil...
ddphiuanil ilsewhere, has invited some of the most us-
tonishiiiir cures that wercevtr knowni many troubled
with riming In the head and ears when nv,.ep. anal
nervousness, being alarmed at suildui sounds, and bash-
lulness, with rre.pientbhlshiuil, attended soiiietlmes null
deruniteiiietit of mind, were cured iiuiiiediatcly
.1 1 Uil.u.v uisi..vru.
When Ihe misauided and Itiiiirudi lit votary of ideasuro
llnds he has imbibed the seeds of this pnlnlul ili"ense, it
too 0111-11 happviis that an ill limed stuse of shame or
dread of discovery, deters him iron, nppiving to those
w ho from eduent uu and respe(t tbililyrautilolic b. frltiid
him, dtlaj lug till the cnnstduilouary .j mptoms of this
liorrid disease makes their appearance, bikIi as oleerated
sore throat, disi ased no.e, uoitiiree, pains In the head
llir: ,:fJ: :." VlZi .':i.t i:
ti.-s priisrrivinitwiih r.ipnht, nil at lact the pal, it.- of ing disease, which fixes Us relentless grasp on
tin- mouth and Iuiiu t.f tin- ikhuIiiII in, and the it tlm of tj Q y of man rcducinc him to a mero sha
th Vdt-- hciomua a horrid oh crtof .o.nmi, rnt.on . . J 4mA nnA nflrt-Inrr Mm t!iv.
till dtath putH a poriod tuhh dreadful smrtring, b vuif
(llllli mill IO "lllill ouuriH" limn ik-iii;u iiu iimrmi iv
turna." To iirIi, thcrtfort', Dr. Johurtmi pk'ilgi'i linn
to II topri'svn tho mo-t fiiio,ilde HOcri'L.aiid from hm
tteiiiio practice in tho llret Hospitals of j;uropu and
America, he tan confide nlly ri-conumMiil tuft and fpccily
cure to tin; iiiifortiin.iti! iitim ot thi- horrid Jhcum'.
Dr. .1. atldri-BiK a all tlioe wliohnc injured thcinsolvi's
hy prnate and impropt-r iiidula''iiu'n.
l iii'ki' aru tioino 01 inc iiin una nu i.uhiiiu,. rnuiinjirn-
irct ir Mii-nil ir I'nwi'f. r.iloitalion of the lit art. I)a
pepaia, .Vtoii Irratalnlit, ber.ingt'iiK'iit of tlo Ihgt-s
tnw riinctloiid.Uciicral liclihty, K)uiiitoinmf Consuntp.
lion. Sic.
.MKM'AI.IiY. rii-j foaiful cfiVcta upon tho mind are
much to h.'ilivniltid, Isossai' Mnnory.toiitii-'iuii of lilo.ii
Jii'prcffion of thu Spirits, l.wl rorelniJ jua-, Arrfion
of Socitt), Tiinit). JLc, uro miihc oftho produced.
TlimH.uidri tf pi'riontt of all afjea i.ui iiuw Jmlo what
ithi! i n 1 1 -i! of tin ir ilfLlininjr li tilth. Looning th -ir
120r. hftoniiiiii Wfiik, pnlc an I i-.n'il, li.niut; fiit
Hitlar appi-aranc ithotit thu e)t t. cougii and (yuiptouiH of
olUJA.Ml' VCAlvUSrt.
lly thi great and ri-intdy. weakiies of tin
) organs -ui speedily eared, and lull Mjor rertored. -
I Tlniusnnds of the iiiu-t nerious and dituliiaied, w ho
licat ion. .mous Irratatniity.Tri-mulingit and Weukueos
or cxliniihtation of the must fuirful kind, vpeertil) lured
hy Diiitur Johiii-toii.
Who hate inlured thnifeleK liv a certain oraitice.
indulged in when alone a lialut fre'pieiitl lear I Iroui
e il (uinpaiiioiitf, or ut hchool - the i llccls of w huh aro
niuhtl) li'lt, eten when asleep, and if in t inred renders
m.irriiie inipuHMlih', mid destrtijc huth iniu.l and hodj ,
tdiould apply iui'iiediatelj. u put) juiini; man. Ihe hope of Inn ( oil n try,
ami the dailuy uI'Iim parents, htmuld he match. d from
all pmp-rt3 and iiijouirnti ot lif.a, hy the toiisemien
ees i f de i.itnig iroin th path of n.iture, and nidi'ling
in a mi lam s'tr.t li.ibii. fmli p.Toiis hetore ion
ti'inpl.Ltiu. ,M.miiii.
fhotild ri fi.ct that a smiini iiiiml and holv are the iiiu-l
netespary rMpiiBities to pnunoli h'ipiiiHs
Indeed, wfthuiit Ihese tlu-joiinn j through lilc h con if
a wearv i lUriiuaee. tlio iirot-.'it hoililt d.irkeitx to
the lieu ; the lunul li.-i inure diailowed with ih tp.iirtV
tilled witli ilin in I. hhIm'I) r il 'i turn iho h.ipj-inciii
ot anoth T luioiiM s tdi(it l w.lh our own
OlTiCI. Mi. 7 Hl '111 nU.l)l.l(ICKHT.. nultlmorr JM
ALL fl lMiH AL OPLUATIDN.S I'r.itl'DKMnil.
N. It.-Li t mt I'.iNr iuo.(ehl pniiit iii hot apptj
iliiiiiedntilv i it h i piMfini.ill io li; Letter
!-KlN Hiri; riPr.l'.DILV (Tl(i:i.
The many thousatidn ( nri-d nt this intitiitioii wiilnti
the jt 13 )(,ars, and th mnn.TtiiM Impuit.iol
operation peiforuieil hy Dr. Joluiiton, uino-fce-l h
the repori'-rs ot 1)1 papi-rs and m.iii) uther prous, im.
lu-i-N of winch appeared osam and aam li -i.ire the
public, )?t-iili's Id" htuuilin a .1 ventl man of ih ir.uU-r
ami respoujiiinlit) ,ioi cullii lent jMirunteo to the aillirted.
taki; .Noncii.
N. R. Th'T" are m m.iii) tenorant ami wortIilM
Uu.m ks ailvtrhfin themselves l'hviii.iiis, (iiinnig i!n
lie.tlth of the alreatlj allhit.-d, that Dr. JohuMnii deen.t
it neeeoi-ary to c,t, ettpeoully to thnso uu.iepiaiutetl
with his ri'pnt.'.tl'm, 1h.1t hif ired'-nliala and
aluajn ham.' 111 his oilu-e.
, TKt Noriit. All lettt r niut be post paid, and
com iii 11 a po&tage ttdiup tor the n pl, or 110 ansver will
do sent.
MarLh 17, l-uU
uitonxs FMtixCK oyj.iM.iiai oixaEi:.
Xorth-F.easl Corner of Chtotuut and Fifth Xtrcrtt.
bOIil, loaimf.Kturer (' llrown'K 4(nie of Jamaica
tiiimer, which nrnpnizetl ami pricnliotl 1 the
Medieul i'aeulty, nml hit-hetomtj the ttaiol.ini family
.Meiliiiue of ihe I'mteil Si, it"-.
TliM l.ip)enc(l in it prep.iratini) of unusual iMvllenrc
In onlin.iry tliarrha'a. intipieiit rholcru, in hort, in all
case of tiroFtriitioti of tin' ligeeihe. fuuetiuiis, it i nf
Hiestiiii:ii)ln alue. During the prevalence of epiiUnuc
cholera ami bummer complaintu of t liihlren, it is pecu
li.irly eHiuuiouf; no l.imily, inUiudual, or travilcr
ohoiild lie without it.
To prevent tliii valuahlo luico from hoi tic coutitrr-
ff ituil, a new ttefl ciiriiviiis, ("teiuteil at a rot
will he IhuikI on thu ootxiile of the w rapper, in order to
puanl the urt li.i-crti uuaht buiu-f iuipuaed upon hy
nuiion'M. iniiiiiiioiiM "i j"or.
1'rM-areil only l.y I'ltKUriMCK liUOW'.V. nml fur Mile
nt hi Druir aii-l Cli.'iniLitl (Store N. K. uru.rf Kit Hi
ami ClietniU Mreil;, I'hilailelphi.i.
nr t.aie oy an rcpecuoie uruggtrf in tue Uni
ted St.ltl'K.
Martli 10, HiO-15iii.
Light ! Light ! Light !
P A 11 a O 0 N
Tim best, most brilliant, and cheapest portable luht
now in use. No dancer of cldo.ioii and chcip.r
than lluid, lard oil, iish oil or cauipliene,
tVsif EQUAL TO OAS, "a
Without the expense of L'a, lUturc.. The nbovn Lamns
(with alt their tliiry triiiiuiiuirs) can be seen and bought
ut the. old established DruK and .hciuical Store of the
unuemeueil, who ll.ilter. himsi II thai hum his lumr e-
iieru me in llie limit lru,le, he know, how and where tn
buy, mid is ih ternniied not to be under.uld by any one in
lUouiubtirir, or siirrouudiiiL' country. Cull and see lu.
new und wU sileitcd stock ot
unuos. Mi:i)ii;ii:s .mi uiii:.miuai.s. pai.vt-s
PllO.M 7l! to 51.311. CllNPIlUTIONA
pamjv 'ion i;t. ar.
Tlt'l.K-! 1'OR
Amit'd Draiicts, Patent .Medirines of every varitty In uie
Janitor, Ci-iirei fur iifilirinal me only, 1 luid.Cainolieiiu
Carbon til. TurpLiitin ami Aleohol, Tnifiiei', tihouhhT
Ilr.lfl.u fill. I Mtil.1,1. 111.1.1 Si tr,e klHrrri.i.l
tol ln-tniiiLii.iii.Suli n.ut und tuatlllrulietf, I'rof. limn-
pureyn uoma-patiiiu itemed i en, Harden, ('unary, llupo
mid Hemp xeeiU, ThermniiRtern, proof glui AIon4co
leather and rh'-c Fimluiir, iic, tLc. together with tho
larijeot und nint .urled uvbortmeiit of German Tui aud
VANlvhK N0T108,
ever hroupht to thiri ilare, ull of hlch plcuifp call and
iee nnd jkii inut hi I let c.
llavinz learned by tud experience that "lonjt credits
..III not keep Ihiujf umiii)f" 1 have iletcriuiued to
,, mumtt ipuifl&asaf,
tocni.hljii)er, to make it an object to them m c as
Ihe tell en to deal on the ca!i principle, either money or
ready trade.
Havnij; served a regular apprenticeiliip at thu Drug
uuu .iiumLi,i my iuiiiesa, ui-jmcn im.niy carri-u noil
lorthelaadglUO'iiycaiit, on my own hook, I tlatttr
lti)selflh,il 1 umulile to do iurticu lo all clllliir me
trial. Thdllklul lo the liubllc for nu.t favors. 1 uouin
ask a trial Millie new iirn,ci,l8, ami Hill Biiaranlee lo
ull. thai it m ill uiuko lunr IHMida, and pay bet in Ihe
c-iin 10 ,uy ru.,1 uiiii ouy ui reuueeu lirtu'..
pii YsmiANs phksi niirT(i'K
carrfully coi.ij,ouiidid,and allordcr. corrcrtlyun.ncrcl.
j All iiicilirinv. uaruutcril us recoiiiineluled, rlore llooin
on Main Slreit, near .Market, next door to the I'o.t Of-
nee, itioom.tiurir, Columbia county, l a.
December 10, lM'J-y.
No. 141 North 2d St. tietuetn Arch J
Race Philadelphia
TSlrOltTEIt of Toy., lancy llaikeu, l'ine., BoulT and
a. j oo.cco uoxe.t oejar ua.ei.uane., xiominocihe
It Is a fact that, at Bomo pcrioil, every mcra
hcr nf tho humnn family is subject (o disease.
.1!nt...t.n f fl.A V.nr1lttf flinoltrn! 1llt.
w. m .r a E0(A rd the , i..
rVf ilalr, cmmon n80. thevmnybo able to to
v . r w w
tCRlllato the eystcm BS to SccurO rmnncnl
J..J1U, j orJcr ( acCOtorlUll this desired
"jVcouo ,o pJwi. 13 certainly toI,!!, urlll nroiliien n natural fitato of
.1,-, nt tlio least lmiard of vital Strength anil
r,. rr.,ii. tr,.
llfo. For this rmrnoKC. Dr. Hosteller has in'
frlner.,! in flil. rmintvv n rronnratlon benrinc
j , . -fcl.. I. nol a riow medicine, but one I
;,.'. ... fnr 6ntsrttC. I
. . . t , ! ...t.rnn I
that has been tried for years, giving snUsrac-
tlon 10 all Who havo used it. Tho Hitters
opcrnto powerfully upon Hie stomach, bowels, It
ry t ,.'.,,, , l,,ltllV nnd 1 pl
and liver, restoring them to ft Jicaltny nu M
-.lUn nn,l llmd l.W 41, rt CltnTlIn Tim ' VI
VlliUl Ulia UVllUll. UUU t,nnf ... t... .- 1. w
? e i.,l.t- trr; tlm m.
? !
tcm to triumph OVCr disease. .,,.. I
Coxiplrslnt,, rising fro morbid Inaction .
of the Stomach or Uowcls, producing Crampa, .
nit ri,rtl0ri Arnrliiis- !ft.. llipso
B(tcrs no CqUftl,
Diarrhoea, dyBentcry or flux, bo generally con-
tractcd by now settlers, antl caused principally
bythoclmngoof waleranddict.willimspccaily
roffulatcd bv B. brief tiso of this Drctiaratlon.
Dyspepsia, a u seaso wlilclt is prouarjiy moro
p,,,.,, all il9 variou3 f0i,8, limn any
other, antl tho cause 01 ttntcii may always ,
h0 attributed to dernngcmonts of tlio dlgcstivo
.rn- . hn rnroil without fail bv Uslne
SriVq ToM t r II BITTEIiS OS i)cr
IIUSTI.1 Ii,U a blU-MAvH uiiiLiio, ns per
directions on tlio bottle. For this discaso every I
physician Tf ill recommend Hitters of some kind;
i'v"- .. v,.v.uu-v . . ir..v 1
tllCUWIiy not, tiso an nrucio kuoyiii iu us lumv
liblo ? All nations havo their llitttrs, as a pre- '
ventlvo of disease and etrcngthener of the sys- ,
lent in general j and among Ibem all there is
not to ho found a moro healthy people than i
tho Germans, from whom this preparation craa-
vivwu,,,., . ,a wi,ru I
natcd, baBcd upon scicntlfio experiments Tvliich
have tended to prove tlio valllO of this great
prCparation in the SCalo of medical science. I
r Fever and AoceTIiIs trying and provoU-
dow in a short timo, and rendering him phy
sically and menially useless, can bo driven
from tho body by tho uso of IIOSTKTTEU'S
HENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of tho
abovc-slatcl diseases can bo contracted, even
in exposed situation?, if tho Hitlers aro used
09 per directions. And as they neither crcato
nausea nor offend tlio palate, and render un-
iinan.eaMi nni Mionrvn nf flint A1 I Tl tfirrimt 1 OTl
1 of ordinary pursuit but promoto sound sleep
ana ncnuny uigesiion, tnc coniiuumL is ro
moved as speedily ns is consistent with tho pro-
duction of a thoroucli and permanent cure.
For Persons in Advanred Years, who aro
Buffering from an enfeebled constitution and
infirm body, tlieso Bitters nro invaluablo ns a
rcslorativo of strength and Nigor, nnd need
only bo tried to bo appreciated. And to a
mother -tvhila nursing these Hitters aro indis
pensable, especially Tvhcro tho mother's nour
ishment is inadequato to tho demands of tho
child, consequently her (strength mutt yield,
1 and hero it is where ft good tonic, such ns
I lIostetter's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart
temporary s rerigtl. anu vigor to tho system,
Ladiea ehouM by nil means try this rcraeily
for till cases of debility, and, before so doing,
ebould ask their physician, who, if he is
acquainted with tho virtue of the Uitterf, will
recommend their ueo in all cases of weakness.
CAUTION, Wo caution tho jmllio against using
tiny of tho many imitations or counterfeits, but ask
for IIosTETTtn's Celebrated Stomacu Eittehs,
and 8co that each bottlo has tho words "Dr. J.
Hostcttcr'a Stoinaoh Bittera" blown on tho fldo '
of tho bottle, and stamped on tho metallic cap
covering tho cork, and observe that .r mitogmph
tignuturo ia on tho label.
3- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEU &
SMITH. Pittsburgh, To,, and Bold by all
druggists, grocers, and dealers Generally
throughout tho United States, Canada, South
America, and derm any.
Mil. 1 hy J. It. Sin) it. i:. I' ltits t'looiuhtir? . A. Mil
hr. it I'o. H. rwick; II. I Iteinh.ird. K)toun, .M. t
t.ri-r. Jon, I. ,. S &i CV. Danville.
tHtohrr 1. IH.VI-U111.
U'UDI.KfHI.i: llKVM'.nS IS
Ma;iur.itiiirttl ic Scaf Toliacro,
W. E. Corner of Tront and Arch Streets.
AtmiLH Hk?.IS. 1
HMUH.1.JU1, j rilll.ADKI.I'MIA.
M.ircli IU, 1-wl-lJin.
MttfAtTLItl-R or
American Vioiins.
In Cremona style, irtth patent tailptreen,
P AjT K N T 0.0 N 0 E It T 1 N O S ,
MILITARY DRUMS of all size, on a new plan,
ii.ix.mns. r.iMioitixr.!S
Sitings, Ui gum, Mcloicons .y .Minimi
No, ajf, (old No. i.'ui) North Second r-lrrit,
Alt kind, of Musical MiTLhandtbe cnustau11, on hind.
All kinds of .Musical lu.lruuiciitstuncd und reparled.
M'lnh 111. 1-1,0 -Uu.
(i. 222 CallOMliill M., bcluw Third,
1' 1III..1 DF.LPU1.1.
Iron Railing for Parks, Ccuiiuric., Verandas, Step., lie.
Murrli 10, ln.l) -'.'Im
TIM'. WHAM .-W-.M1I,I., ntUspy. cnimty,
will b iu operation upon tlu first of April, and the
proprietor riady to ri-ueive-urdcrs, t cut Lumber for
llou.t ,, Uridges. &.c.
T1103. W. IIDOAR,
I'M"'. March IT, lJill.
rpllllu il.Tt.ned ren eilfull) infonrnt his fuemin nnd
l in.'
lh.' public ut Una nml ihu r,-et if ninnKnui. that lie
ii siilumlhl nssnrtiiu'iit of
khw coons.
in llil flrpant IKW rlrf Hus. in I'.nlirslmrp, Olttiulim Hill, IM.mari1 .iiiiic. rilll.Alllll.rillA.
county, I'.i.. w hvre lie lu, a larpi: ami ilioiccus.ortiiii-utof l?"lc npi'l.t for IYliiisltaiiiti, IRIaiMire uuil New J.-rsty,
Si' KINO AM) SU M.MICH UOUD-, 10( n'ini'omf
V.,icl. ho is dctorimiicl .o ...I on suci, l,rr,. a, ,11 in- ,f 'iWZi 5,' A ' oau.andU.olJ
ililio all al lea.l in Ills iriiiny, hu art ill uaut of.MiT- ut tin luir to r SI .iiicI,' Ii io
rlnnill70.tocxt,;nill,i,,,i. It lus lliu i,,rwi,?.Mif . Ii.m. and I. talilriur-lli..l,clil,.-i.ljwii
selfiti-rt Willi miirli enro nnl null 'am il it a. I , l,.,i f..,lili7.ii n.,w ni i.o 1
riliT,- nro in uu want. OI 111, cow,,,., illy -ana ,,it
coiiik lo otitiT illM il lliinulu I'liililieratlon of tun iftrjullu
kilul. -lie risk, nothing in assuring Ills rriemfs ,r
c-rytliin uiilally kopl in Country Hlorc, ran liera bo haj
u 'litlle ctivuii.T than the 1110,1'. l,"
By"" l.'onnlry proJuco, iiiiliuliui,' flraiu, Lumber, itc..
taken in exchauae for good,
rvn.nov ABBR
1 llolirBlMirc Mnrrh 10, 1S(0.
1 i . i --
I,A1I", UMikHMi-r, n p. lln ut, km ah
IttMlfVlK, MMrKltiUAN cV (0
Hosiery. Gloves, Cuiions, Trimmings &r.
I ntr.vcii, r.xrii.isii u huioian hjiall wahes
I No. 31!) Market Street, Philadelphia,
, FtbruiryS!, lM)-3iu.
tit- .-a ,i p . . . . - .
i AO, 11a lorl I'Oltrtlt MrfcL UVQVB Arrt.
a1 rilll.AlJIlLl'IIIA.
Whr.lrB.ili. k rtri.,il Mniiii,
rollT itovKHn I'nrKI' nnnirii
10 1 noAifuAslVr! "00K8"
, m, . .... ... . T.
flloiiei I'tlis, Salcliels. I'nrses. t'alias
' Hankers' Casts, Dressing CilSrS, Writill
J)esks I'nrt T'hlint Hill llnnl-c
toKiWui od: at, nits
Tive door .below Haco,
Jriua.y 1 o,jl 8SS . .
Tbe under.lgned Invhig nwl VrofcMor Ul'Ml'imFYrV
SPEOIHO IIOMlUOrtllllO IIKMrulM In our families
Willi the melt .ntNrietnry reanlt., and baring full lonfl.
drnca In their penuho-neK, purity, ami cfllcaey, rlierrfully
reeonimeotl nieni 10 an ,er'nus n
liable, nnd elllcavlous remedies nt ban I for private or do-
: me. , t-
Tlie KeV. Win. Ilesmrr, fil tor nr - ine .-veruiero io'il-
K;!,t, Aui,,irn, s. v.t the ller. r. II. Cr.y, li.n.,
iKit otst. Piter'. Omreh, Aulmru, N. V. t ll.e liev. II. 1.
Ue, UinPl.OU 01 Hie rtiioiirn ,-uoi,
AIW11 Ptpi'l, Nrw-Vortc Cimffrciu'e the K. Pumuel KHtOcnew Omferencp, N. Y. Ibe lift. I'. P.
.eiicer M. ni'-e, ifvoir, r.i."..... n . , ...v ..v..
,11. ici.., . - - . - - - .
Pralt. Inriet. M. 1 Ilie Rer. Jalui h. Itoble. IlntTal.! A. O.
I''j . Ullen, N. V.) the lion .v-ai I w.v, roruann,
Me I lli lion. Selinjler Clfax, Sol, h llei. I, Ind. i lit ll.m.
Hrlt..l. K.j , tl. N.. Ll,cl,t 'N '
M.T UV Sl'Ki
v- 1 tf V.vr. P.ini.'L"t1 Ion. nnd lull Itnmillnn.
j' Wiirm Ftver, Worm Vte, tl" Hid.
iA't .ynf OnIK", CrIn,, Twlldns, ud WnkrCutiieiia of
'"n ".'l Fur nitrihra. Cludcra Iti-Wiim, and Summfr
Cn2'1S1 Jrtr Coll.-, flrt1iips, Dvwnlcr.r, or riut.
in 0 For Cltnlern, CtmlPra iMnrbns. Vomit In.
Xa, T. For rniivtliK, CoU, Inniienr.M, nn-l Sore fliroat.
Sty' ft' For Kre-i-he. and Ni'iirnli.
Xo.S.ForltpaJftcli-, Wrtln.t, llfit and IulInfiof
"no" 10 DTr Pun F-r UVnk and DrrnnM
gl.'itiiAchC'inhutlnii, mid Urrr Cmpl.ilrl.
jjfj. 11. Kna FtMitklnRr-GcumTin, Scautj, rulofiil, or
8nppr"ted IVrMii.
No. 12. For tucorrhfi, Profnue Mi-hkh, and Ittiilrn;
" nII. "Vt'ri.iip, llrfir' Ooiiirli. Uti ntldne.
HikiM Ki j atll Kntplluiis,
Pimply no tl-o F.-o.
It. li'fr ' MUIV I III' f"i 1 ..... -1 ' -
niMlii lli t,'h"t. Vu-V. I, olc
A. K.t V f nl H'. Chill K-t,t, p imh Hut, Old
MWiirmu'i't '
p I'JiHf. ll.i- t ! ll'.-r lit..-. I'll 1 nil -r KtiTnil.
(t -P -r y re, W- ' t ' ' - Fill.
"c. For Catarrh, of lonp standtrigor rccen, either wlta
c For W hooping Cough, abatinff Iw Tlolfnct ani
Bhortcnlnft Its course.
In all acute diseases, euch as Fevers, IotiftmmauoM,
DUrrhva, Vj sealery, Croup, Khcumntlsni, and such erup
tive dleuies as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Kryslpelas, the
advartage of giving the proper remedies promptly Is ob
vious, and In all such caics the ppcclflcs act like a charm.
The entire disease Is often arrested at once, and In all cases
the Monce of the attack U moderated, the disease ehott
ened, nnd rendered less dangerous.
Coughs and Colds, whkti are of euch frequent occurrence,
, and which so oUea lay the foundation of diseased luiiff,
I bronchitis and consumption, may all be at once cured by
the Fever and Cough Tills.
In all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, WenkSloraach,
i Constipation, Mver Complaints, Tiles, Female Debility, and
, Irregularities, old Headaches, Sore or Weak Eyes, Catarrh,
PhII Kheuni, and othei old eruptions, the case has specifics
I tthi.H.' prupir application 1II afford n cure in almost every
Instance. Oftt n the cure of a single chronic difficulty, such
as ! spepsl.i, Tiles or Catarrh, Ilendache or Female W eak
j tieM, has more than paid for the case ten times oter.
' fne f f 2n vials complete. In moroceo, and Euk
Cane of 2'Mlals, and Hook, plttln
i Cae of 15 numbered boxes, and llook
Case of 6 boxes, numbered, and lioe-k 1
i Pintle nuinbired boxes, lth directions 25 cents.
Single Uttered boxts, with directions W cents.
l.urgi! case of 2 os. lals, for planters and pbjBlclan9....15
Fob Astiim oa ToTiifio. Opprt-sard, Pimcult, i.fthorca
: Ureatlilng, attended with Cough and Expectoration. Trice,
I 60 eenls per bow
1 Foil Ear iJiacnARfihSAKnDrimM Discharges from the
Far, the result or Fcnrlet, Meashs, or Mercurials.
For NuiL9 In the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Ringing
In the Ears, and Ear-ache. Trice, 50 cent per box.
1 Fok tcnoKi.A. Enlarged Glantls, Eularged and Indurat
ed Tonsils, Stulllngi and Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Onchexj of
; Children. Tilce, 60 rents per box.
roR (ipNraii. Dmui irv. Thjslcal or Nerrous Weakness.
Either the ro.uU of fUMies-., Excessive MedUatlon, or Kx
I haunting Discharges. Trice, 60 cents per box.
1 Fok Dkomt. luld Accumulations, Tumid Swellings, with
1 Scanty Secretions. Trice, M cents pr liox.
1 For tEi SiCKSKfs loathly Pickuew, Vertigo, Kausca,
I Vomiting. Sickness from riding or motion. Trice, 60 cjU
! per box.
Fob I'MXA-iv IiinfioM For 0 ravel, Renal Calculi, Dim
, cult, PuhifHl L'llnatlon, Discuses or the.Kldues. Tllcc, tO
cents per box.
For fiMixt. Em I shios. Involuntary Discharges and
CoMii'iuent Trostrathm and Debility, Had Results of Evil
Habits. Ihemoirt 6uecenful and efllulent remedy know a,
and may be relied upon as a cure. Trice, with full dlrec
! thMis, 1 per but.
I Tenons who wish to place themselves under the prole
, care, or to itek advice of Prof. HpurriRrT.?, can do
bo, at his otbee ICl Broadway, dally from 8 A.M. to 6 T.M.
or by letter.
Isonk over the Hit; make up a case of what kind you
choose, and Intlnse the amount In a current niite or stamps
by mall to our address, at No. hC3 Droadnay, Kew-York,
aud the medicine nlll bi duly returned by mail or express,
free of chart;?.
AGENTS WANTED. We desire an active, efflclent Agent
f-ir the sale of our Remedies In every town or community
In tha United States. Addrrei Dr. F. HUMTIIRF.Y8 k Co.
So'J byE. V. LUTZ,Aout, js.ut-tubuu, a.
April 7. lft'iO.
I C.isli l.mi'i Taittt ami Gln .Siorc,
j 8. V. rur. Kointji .Mid fallow hill Hlrft K
1 P"1 liruggii-u. MerrhaiitH, runners, ami ih pnhhc
irjwh r. I will m-ll at wln-lipjilu and Mail, to the
prin' Trade nf lNn,nhcu ntck ofHruiii'. Medicine.
I'll 'iiiicaN, A-r , A. p.. ie
C.l.llvXI lloii k o Window (il.iiut, acorlfd sle At pi.flilK.H.
MOIII Toimdn if Poll). Wilu Tlark. It.-d, .. lu hulk or
l.hddi .
. JOtiiMialloii Linseed Oil, Hpints Turueiitm.', Cam-
plum-, Aludiol.
SO Ton nf Pure U lute Lead, in Mils.. J IlhU., l)it, ."iU,
1 ','" nml Ui Hi. K"gn.
:l Tons f Teiirl Hm.w Whilu Lead in ULlt.. i HbU 1'Ki,
j :m, iiaiid Ut Ih . Kikh.
40 Ton t f New York Whit- Lend, in llhls.. i Hols., IlfJ,
1 oil. -J-'.. nnd UI Ih. Krtra.
l'i luiiDoi iiu rica piihw White .iuc, hi DhU., 1 Ihl,
100, oil. I't mid l .'i Ih. KegK.
i!0 Tons of .ehi2h Auicric.iniiic, Ubla., ; Ulils.. 100, oil.
ij and p.'t lb, K'gt.
i.5 Tons of inc Taints, of dilfereiit colors, llhlit.. 1 liltU ,
1IHI, 50. S3 nml Wl Ih. Kcg-t.
.hi Tmn of Mineral Taints, of iliflVretit cdors, dry or
cnmiid iu Oil
KHKH PoiniiU t.f Pure French firi en. ('r.-uie, CIreen,
Yi How , I Hue, hlark and idler ndnrs, drj nr iu Oil,
I."- To Is-d'ui ills iiaorted lllue, lllack. Red, (Ireen,
and other miImd).
100 TackHol' f.old .m. ChmierM" Diamomls, ilUzma'
Tint), I lat k KiiiWtt i.c.
0,01) (iallons Hoilcd Oil. Vnrnishr s, Japans. Viiip Pry
er. ice I'aiut, Varnish und alsuunne Hrusiies titgith
IT With a complete llKSOMiiienl nf lirt-t rlas Gois em
braced iu ihe Drug ami Taint Itusiness.
sru x n Al.SU,
s 00) Bids. Roman fcnii'i.t,
3 IKK) Roatndale and llydraulic Omeut.
Um " Calcined, .and, Dentistry. Tuning Tlaster. Ac
1- All of win. li I will , at Vil()IXEU.U nr UK.
1 All., fttimni 10 to '.M per emit, less than oth.r establish
int, ni.
Priinri. Inr nf Hm
Thiladctphia fash Drue;, Taint and (.laes Hiorn,
asn iiruir, r.nnt nun llluss floro.
rof fourlli anil falluuhill Hi , rinla
riiiii-Mjl eornri
.March I,, IrtO
l A I'D "NllliOliliMZKl)"
r., ..... , ,, . ,iui
yj . A IL a, h ,
aiiiilcs. firculnrs jml I'liuinlilil. uditalmnir rrr
iiii'ii.iaiioiis trom l arinrr.. scm gntit to ull Mho re,ucst
.luwl XI. 1AVI,
Nur.M-i I' i. wiioM.i.n huam-.r in
Koimrls mill Arlilicial Flown s,
o. s:i7 NonniTiiiiiDsniKirr, I'riu.ADKi.riiiA,
March IU, lrul -IJin.
SPIUi TBtAiJU. i860.
H'.VTt in:s ji:ui:miv a sii.vkii iimbij.
Cheaitr than ami othtr r.iu....... rro... ....... .
arlttl. Ad onlo.jor icaai u rtclu . anj uarrantt'IZ 7.
at renratntti. --.,..,
.no. in. Noh ,.r,. J. .?"!.r.JJo!(i . ,
3iroilTCR of all kind, of Fjtflhh. Frtnth and Sr, 1
cil niioii. " """"" J,:"'y. r every le.
Louniry, store Keei, Auctioneer,, vdia & ,eai.
erseenerally nro insured that ll.ey ill 1J at Una e.
lalili, inieiil Iho lartest ino.l ,ari.-.! ami 1V.1 louabk
ii.sortinuit of eooj. in Ihu IWrd ila(, ami it ,,,i,
-U ni cent lv,., oU. ui, cintri.'
bto, Mciier. and others, w ho cannot come lo the i ilv
canor. 1 1 he r boo, s l.v ..; n
SUfi "W.l"1""' ihoa,, and nil
i J, ,y "1 "'" L'"' "'vend them in
, , . ...v, lv IIJtc,
no. Ill, No, (Second KI., obove Wiiloi. Ivt.V.Tde.
M.rcnE,V..ole1J, rouri;'1.'" 'A
& AH ?: O 3t J
'i:vr.rt nnml.lTATr.s.
IT ISCOMP0UNIli:l r.NTIIlCbYIT.OM nt;ji9,,rt
J ha. bncnino an I'.talilishcd lact. a Blnmlard Medlcm,
und nprirored by all I In I
haeurd U.nn.n,
deiire In all tlju UiarajT
nn mini.
nnd within the
tn upallhoprs n tttut
rrsotiru 10 wmii conn
e foi which M ii recoin.
, It lt.11 currd tlioiM
Iwnj'ftiM nliu had glv-;
'a tlm iiumeroiii nn-
111V posspgsion phow
The doe mutt be n
nirnt of tlif liioividiial
such nuriiititirfl as to act
' limn . iicait's in
dnptedln Hi- Icnipefa.
laklim it.nml hh
gently on (he lloweln.
I,d tho dicuites of
your June inrni ci-i-
Liter Cmnplaintt, itt
CArottic Jharthott
tfry, Dropty, Stem.
Chslte. Choltra, CAolna
turn, ftatvUHtt.Javnditi
mav ni1 tispo nurrrgprul '
Medicine. It ml) eure
you n tin' ute of the
t TU, and It v cun
out Jjltacki, Dvtptttsla,
mtr Compialntt, f)yttn
aefi Habitual Lostttrncti
Jfotbus, ChoUra Infan
Ft mate H'cnktntitt. and
ty nnn Ordinary Family
bicK iinAnAuiu:, (a
fn t went j minute a tftieo
taken at cniutiicnrcmenl
jilt who use it ere f le
1 run ifll,ry,
ertkrte Teaspoerifule art
in their teiiltnoity jn
nt lavor
in: mouth with thk
i'ltlCK aVK 1)01.11 11 FFMI107TLB.
t ooMroiiNimnrROM
rrt lettable Eitratti, vUpytvpin (Itaii Cin,jtir
lignr, ana mil setp in anv r.imny
Gfiitle l)'it nctlvp Ca
ry. iinanic wnirii iir i0.
w oraciicc more than
i"V!!,r ..'K".1"1 frnri
iJ Uiifid the I' I, .Hmirl .1.-
piieior Utm iist'd in lilt
iwfniy jean
Tim riwistant y In-
uioi' no 11.1 vi 101111
fiiiKI'icliin which fllll . 'cxiipm In rrcar.i 1
their imc. Ii.m inducod inn ! i..,liir-n,l " . ..
Iii th; runrli nfall.
'I'l a I.. ....II,
.v .....! null.
know Hint iltfiVr r
tlnriira .11 1 on dilTrrnil 1
porlloiM ol the ISowef-,
Tl( AHTIt? HU, hi.
wlih dii" rchrenco in, w
f.icl. hufti rniiiiinnndril I M
tn m wtn t-mnhlMifd
.irmii a vnrli-ty of Hi
pnrcfii Vi-aftahl'' llx-j r Uracil which 01 1 ahkon
I'vry iturt of he nil I Iinuilarv ranal.nn.i
oono and pack in a'lra", 5 wh' ft Cniliaitin
iifi'dcil. n 11 r li ns Dk
m t 11 r:iii'iMi4, PwshI
i OrttlVMrl-t. Vi ami!
iHiiiK Haik r !,ni,,
d ii cnlii, wl ich Irr.p,, ,
ii l nsr murM'Mi I'ktrR,
1'nnriMi l-t-Aiiot nr
-llvKr.f. k t.
'it ah all lMLAMMKitr
nt-...r -.r.1-. V f. n.
lly if n j.tiltf.l, i- d in'
I. oh" or Ari'Kllii.
Ui'LD mm iu uiiOY '
Mil. ir WFIOItr tJi IHK,
Murwi. W no m . i
ItHI-UMiTlfM. a 2IP.ll, O
i niLinii n tir Ann In.
lIViuntK - f the Uu,,.,,
ami m mi y iato lo w hn Ii lleh it. heir loo niinor
(tn j ft m en ii o ii i ii i ii i " iiuv riif'inr in uiittk u n,
n:l''i: :nt ci via
TIUlI.IIEH UviHi'R tTiR I Ml 1'a.MILY 141 II Alii ir Til I S
are tctjiil.'d hy DroguMs jm i" rallv. nml ft,!d iv hole
site ly I hit Tiade m all'i tnwns.
ti I V SANI flit 11. M D
Ma tnrer and Pmprietor.
3 1 -i Ilitn ipwu, Skw York
J mi I ' 'i -'b 1.M JC M P.
thk i.ifi; ixMrn.ixci. jxxtrrrr jxn
TJtvyrco.up.ixr ( pinunn.i.niu.
(iiMOi mi. r i list j i nut n I
CATII Al. (p.iid up.i Hi Mill.
Charter Ptrptlunt
I nVflVi ntn make l.WI KA.Nf'll.S ON' MVF.H on
' th nioHt r '.iFnii.iI-lf t. r.ns
Th rapital h l'i; p li I up an I liietit d. tnpi tht r nnh
a Inri and i nnshi' ll iuci .ikinj retried fund, oif-rs
a p -rf.-i t . ruriiv to th itmir -d.
Th pr.'miiiiiiiit mu-! Ik pnj yearly half earlj or
'I h t'mnpam add a HOMV p'Tindirally lo th in-i
ram of life '1 h l'lKST l.tlTS itprp-pnated in i
r.nhr I'll. Ih- H'.MJM) IHIM'rt iu It n mher IM'i
th" Till II I) H'MJ in D-teinhir 1H and th-- KOI Km
1.0M Sin II e nib r. J-.i.
. , Th 'Hi ii I litinii1 tire oink witlmut rt"piiriui; nay
no r imv in Ih' preiiiiums ti h p-itd tu thu Cioiipffm
Tin lojl.iwiii;' are a feu t x.imples Inon th' Resistor
i I Atimunlnf I'fJnj kd4
rtillil Huiut nr lii-li.lH t he uirrennt'd
itiiiry iiiiirei aaniun
No. f'l 0-ViO" '"7 0
u.' :iinKi no
rn pin) juii on
" 3ii aim iv:.i on
" A.P. A.e. Ar.
h) luture aflditioH s.
5 i.:i7 .in
1,1 .0 (KI
1 lUt I 00
b 00
Tainp'ktri. fiit.iiiiiii? tihl" f rats ami t tplanathoi.
furmn uf npiiliratiiiii. and ftitth' r n.furmation ran U
found at th" oihre.
THOMAH RlDtiKW VY, Freiltnt
Jno. I . Jami-s, .Ictuary.
. . . , i.kvi i,. Tvn;, .ittnt
l. f. IIRP.l-nv, F.rumxntng Phiuiaan.
October in, l-5T -ly.
f tvn KlVIW-ijiicwnh the mordant aud the othr
1 with Hi Ink i prepared Ih ilitrniireU ol. latet II11
Hr. n Ih.- '-im.'. 't MUir-fj all who Ira.- b tii ilcrrut,!
in piiiiha inf. what prHw.l tiptm Irial to h. ut ly
wuiihl t. th flliMx mi: ipniflraio m Trofrgr
Il.nlh oi ih? rninkliu lu-tiinte of Tn. aiii w livfe n nu
latlni i- -ntixo wuli n. rUihz'd n wrh! h nrc-
bCHti'd, 1
In Jo-cpli I, lint (r K..irSir Hiuhl' i utuin,
h uiifit .,i -i jour Imb-lliMv Ink aiH emph.ved it
in im fi.nih. I c.i'i -p.k w nh -mnilen.ei.f itH iimi
ml.. II. ur 1 in i hi i pn r i wn w ith olli.-rs nf n tmnUr
lulu.-. It MKliniiMimM ncr nx naapM u ?iuaMy
w I lur i ni--. and tin. tahri.. an-l wh -ii it. mil llia'a
1 1 l.l.i. K m -I v l..p-d, u i-ui nit red m wahin,:ornt
iu'-ph rn ,c ut-.
lp ttfiillv w.ur.
JAMHSf I.Ooni VnahlirrinMiiivt
iltovc I'lmrtli uU Nj, Hi riiiladil' u.ti 'r..,,!r
prompt ait.'utK.u bv
Mnrrh 10. rfiO.
1 Iin F.R ,V.iiufariurti
1 l!ti.V.,te,'''1,,,1;'r,,'rj'il',l(, "irrU nf For
' ' ('""-.' i UU I, OKI UHtMflllllNO t'ni
i, :. ',' JiV::L' " """l"r lm" "i"
n?0n!"!,,'i;:? " ",ur '
l-l. It I. i.i,i- I'rotu iho ini.1,1 .fl,i ,,r . .... . .....
,,:i'i';''l'.'',!--L'"-Kh" lh,v" "t i'
mKi-AS """"" " "-k """'"
' 'n'" I, , I ,rr li, Hi. u,, il ,''. J,,,,
. Iimii in ,i i, ks , ,,ltr, ,,, 011t lh , , ;
" J!!.""W ,r. Thr.c dollari
of roin ii i . !?. i ls " aN ""hcioiit l inaniiri ni kii
rKI.K-l I, III. i; 'Mil,!..
1 1 ,rl,;r',''.,l',.,'-'',,ifnriari.ii!., tc.
' ITK fit)'
rnirJ'S 'i' '"".""'"i! . inforii.Mioii, nnil r. rlifl
Z Mil , ,11 S'i ," "V''r I"' l"
v'iL'mr,N'u '""J,nir.Rri i. co..
:wtri I.Htr .Isruulliiral Warrhoii.r
I su I ".f'tirully nifiinii, 1,,. i
I- nil J rilrtitlMtTs. i. , ....
ilil I'ri.ii'
III. lirMlirr,
niall 'r 1, riMiilui toil l,j liim-ur ,-rcl
.iv J'lrl n-mii'il an, oin.r for ,1,1. :
rl8wi'.. .'L, l, " ls,i" nsiniiiKiii i f 1 , M
iPSSH1. ' Vh". vrr i,ilr,l,.ct,i into uu. ,.,.,
!!"" 'vt'iisu,! tihsniiniciii i f run
HI uill, Sim. I .t .'in.,, i, u'i.ii
I ... ,: i,: -- " o, i ii'ry il-isrrii,tion, J
""'"Mors, f -s Wou, Cn-l lion Ail
1:, !.'".'.' "?,"on ".'. -e. tc aHo.foinf.n
ill l.n.ia .c . ' " """iiiiuciiirt'il in nror
.ncVll..lll .Hf f n'"1 "",V C'lslOlilviS tl
IIIooui.Iiuib, Janiiarv I-.-.4 tf ' la,EI,T
TULNKS! 'J ltbNIiH! !
I 'ir!:, si, Im.i linmlfom
.t tin,! rli'-iiK.t a., ort.
iwnt of rt,o .,.ii,cr ,o!i,
. V . , ' ' m,K 1 luims.
Mir. fiMiirl .( 11, ,ia Trnnl
t-hil,lrcir (.'.Mil,,., n,,,.,, 1
Irrs leather nnj Caip. i.,,
I ncklng Trunk. t.c. &r ,,t
.ol,"l J."l Ti ''Vr1"" llal, I.,.l sprui
soll.l ., ,1,1 Ijialher Trunk injiiiilailory No. u.' Mark
; r',"!."1. ' "u" l'MU ami Jlarkrt rinl.ol a.
.iiigu.i e, iNu ii
J " n,d H't l oinpltt.' assortment larwi
J of Aiinci tiirnl ami llortii ultuial Imil. iST
mi nis uer ollereil in l'lnl.,,1, l,,i.,i . .AL. t5ii
.. -.v,. . i ii i i.oii iiina, imnri' -'
r ill! iinny nrty InioUineiils, not in I,., toul tnM
i w
iiorkinan.hiii, eiiireasli forinv irnii al...
I nrmiT. are nu itnl te call und naininu the o i'r
in,,i.iiH in anil HocdWanhouse ilh aud Markuilr.'
Mjrrli 1-.' lrSl,
f ZS I'ilillt fill.l jltV.
.... J
j. i. U 1 A T IT li T M r. CU.
I torc ""'! Jfc'. & ' "nxn of Four
y..".CC r'lil"litn".
Hill. U.lllT.lll .V I'n I'lnr!
plJlli: Whim l.rad rrncli and American Zinc I'n
t ivinumv (.lis.. ruilv.Ulnouie (irirn.ii III"
?r " i A','.".'.!""""lll!' V.rni.he., Ilryinj Jsr'
i.i.i. rsu Oil, liirprniine llriishe. and eiervlliini! t
'"""'"iiiiu llUSlNKSsl, al unnric.u"
low luires (or r.,ii.
WASIiiNc iiuje ia, Ulatin. LMethc mt no in
I'rbruiiry'Jl. Irtll 'lm
IiniKlrtPrautlil lloiiliira In
mo (ioods inirriD if
iiu. w mantel nt., liower side, apj'
""er e. 1653- m