COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT WVI Li TATE, Editor. 3oloouiri!jurg: SATURDAY MORNING, MAY S5, 1860. " in ii i i.iiiiii TOR PRESIDENT! IN 1860. John 0. Breckinridge, 01" KENTUCKY. TOR VICE PRE3IDENT! Charles 11 Buckalew, OF PENNSYLVANIA. Suljul to tkl Democratic .Xhtlonal Cvnrtnllon. IiMJOflMTIC STATU KOJ1IXATI0XS. TOR GOVERNOR: I1ENHY 1). FOSTER, OP WESTMORELAND. if. fir1!1"-'!! m1 1 'MiniicMJWAiiyviv)mtwMmjmmi Ca7 Hon. Henry M. Fuller, deliver ed a telling Speech at tho Union Ratifica tion Meeting, last week in Philadelphia which wo tbiuk of laying beforo our rea ders through tho next Columbia Demo crat. 2r The Mauch Chunk Gasttle, pub lished by Messrs. Rauch & Iliaaixs, has been renewed and materially improved. It ehiucs with a new head nnd new typo, and is indeed, a good country newspaper. Mr. K. II. Rauch, ono of tho Editors of tho Gazette, was Chief Clerk of tho late House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, and has been namcd,by his Republican friends, in Carbon, as a probablo candidate for Stato Senator. mi, T St "R TJntl "I?nnri . , ,, , Wo aro happy to announce, that the I Lackawanna nnd Bloomsburg Rail Road n t ii.-!- l?ft Rail Road I company, uau uowmuiuu uiiii luwi tlit-mml, in Vni-flmmTiprl nnd . .1 disr.inr-n of VMv from Seranlon to that noint. . : . . nn.l form! ml rr-r-f. rommiiliinfitinn from anu terming u uuect u. Uii "7 tT":, : i Col. M. W. Jackson, the General Super-1 . '. , . , ' .i Adams, aud a few other gcntlement, ran tlicir iiEgine, on Tuesday last, lrom Dan villo to Northumbe: back trip up grade in 40 minutes l . : 1., i.l r 1 ' early nest week, tho Road will bo formally. . , , ,i p i . 0 Cn j tho P31 nicu of Soutllt!;lrol"la cuW nt ' cffind MinrnATi I Geo. G. EVANS, Esq., the originator of o Gift Book business, nnd ono of tho ,.t fl l?nnk urorMi.mH in ilm tho Gift Book most successful Book Merchants in tho New World, to-day, Unites tho custom of. tho county to his Stock of Books, through ' tho "CUunMa Democrat," a channel ' throush which many advertisers have mado i fortunes. Mr. Evan's Philadelphia House, 1 . . . .... . . . is tho largest in the city, Keeps tno great est variety of Books in tho United States, and offers purchasers inducements unsur- passed in the known world. Moreover ho unifonnally gives a present with tho salo . . - I of every dollar book worth from 20cti to C100 00, and sometimes, worth much ;noro. And all who over dealt with Geo. O. Es'ans, uuito in pronouncing him a ;entleman of irreproachable character and honorablo ubovo suspicion. A Serpontlsh Symptom. At tho Republican Convention, nt Clu-' caco.whcn tho Statcswcro called for dele- gates to present their credentials and take (Iowa) l'oor ll0usc- NoUithstanding tho fl weapons at their command, or they did long Congressional career Mas devoted cn, dtilute condition oi this woman, this , not want to havo Cameron nominated tirely to tho encouragement of abolition did not answer, havinc appointed no dele- cates. To manifest their lovo of tho en- tire Union, which they to stoutly claim, and their present feeling toward theso .ytatc3, tho Convention hissed when South Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi were t-allcd. Honest men will require no other, bvideiwoto believe that tho Republican 1 nartv. notn t hstand n-' the r profess ons. s sectional, and that its object is to oven idc mid crush out tho independence of t,u Houthern States, or divide tho Union. Vcs, thoso States which stood sido by tide with New York and Massachusetts in tho l.nnr f r!nl. xvrn l,!ssml W l,n Aor. ato sons of tho North, who now claim to bo ; Republicans. Tl,- mv hn ltnnl,i;nnna -"-J J fcitr n-itnnil Inif Tint in ni-lnflnli Trim n i,. , ., . . P .1 iug his attention, or rcccivin" any of his Republicans respect tho opinions of others, . ... . and honor every sovereign Stato of our boad cd chTT Ut "l''bMh V,"am glorious Union. Let them hiss. I US 'OT"3y by a political clergyman. And as if tho moro determinedly to show their contempt aud disregard for tho South, they retire to tho extreme eastern limits of tho Union, and select one of tho most vio lent, wrong headed and contracted aboli tio-iistsin tho country for tho Vico Presi dency. Tho South degrades herself by sending a partial delegation, and tho Con vcution, instead of thanking thoso who oauio, insult them by a contumelious re ccption of tho names of thrco sister States, entirely and coDtcinptiously spurning them and their wishes, and at last equal right I.) defeat. Perhaps uo man has licked tho dust so disgustingly ns Cassius M. Clay, to ingrati ate himself with tho Republicans, and moro fully deserved tho Vico Presidency than he, und yet able, and gallant, and fearless as bo is, ho is thrust nsido for Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine. Sectional ism, hatred and contempt for tho South in A Word of Encouragomont. It must bo peculiarly gratifying to tho majority of tho Pennsylvania Delegation, in tlio De'mocratio National Conrcntiou, to eco tlio staid ami reliable papers in our old combionwcalth cordially sustaining their courbo. Thoso papers which for tbrco years have battled tlio combined for ces of Douglas and tlio black republicans, aro now as then clear and explicit in their opposition to this now abolitiouizing pro cess. Thoy havo not forgotten that in 1858 every republican in tho land, proclaimed himself a Douglas democrat, and aband oning tho congressional prerogative, asser ted tho territorial. If a National Convention had assembled about that time whilo his apostacy was recent, and tho republicans loud in their praises of him, how many votes would ho have received as a democratic candidate? 1 Not ono I In what particular has Mr. Douglas changed since then ? What her esy has ho disavowed ? llo is tho same man with the sanu sentiments as when ho led tho black republican cohorts in tho Senate, as when ho assailed tho positions i of tho Supremo Court, as when ho pro claimed that a territorial legislature had more power than congross itself. Why thon shall Douglas bo nominated? Shall John W. Forney avow that ho will tupport no democratic candidato but Doug las, ami for what reason 1 Is it becauso Douglas is a better democrat than any oth er man, or because John W. Forney is a worse ono ? No person who has watched the late course of tlio two men, can fail in a correct answer to that question. Tho solid, substantial, reliable portion; of tho democratic party is with tho ma jority of that delegation. Here and thcro is a paper following Forney ones ia a1 while a man of easy virtue, in position by sum - ranui. - , puiimu uia luuiumuiu vuuujr I fn nvrrrnmo. Ms indfiiiont. nrl hr tr.ivs In- 1 j o ; j . .. .. tVnU in tins connection we should IiKo to ;!. r Pnl. 1Wi,.l,t a delegate from 1 ...... . . . . t th.s d.s net, how ho can square Ins com.uct - , tat Charleston, witti tlio spirit ana tone ot I. t, l j t th Dmoerats of 1'hil addPLitt on i8' ot winch reads as follows. Ilia demo-, cratic creed is broad enough to embrace the wholo Union, and tho democratic plat- fQrm 0j- p( 'cnusylvana should be so framed d mado th;,as to meet tho views alike of the party men inulcs Th;3of3IaS3acllusoU3ani1 South Carolina." It apletcd, and undorstoa ,CL WriSU 1 ' assisted so to narrow llio idnlform. that assisted so to narrow llio idnlform. Hint But where arc tho men and tho papers, t0 whoso 6uiuanCB i" sunshino and iu ' torm tho party ha. for years looked to, trusted and followed f As ono man against buw.v.w... thU hVCf " " ? , ' W "ot, " aa 1Ilcku,!l and I'r,.cy,aro f"3 .T;lth tto on enemy ; while en- r (inviiritirt tr teizt utinti wib n-tir H.r Im ' f ... A " 1 J , . , , 1 b rev rnv in i inrr v. ni i t in iv,Mn inni-mi I out. Lovejoy's Inhumanity. ThoBurcau n t-. . 1 1. . i . . county jjcmocrai, puuiisucu at rnuectou, tho residence of Owen Lovojoy, says that! during his boisterous and abu-.ivo speech tno other day, lio rcterrcd to the killing of his brother at Alton, a few years ago, and declared ho would, bo avenged. But, adds the Democrat, ho was very careful not to mention now no ueirauueu the ditconso- lato widow of his brother out of tho small ; estate lelt her by her husbaiul, loaving her 'dependent upon tho cold charities of the worla- Tho sister of the unfortunate wid - ow is also nn imnato ofthu IjCe count' "oisieious iijpoemu is constantly prating v that 1,0 taccs iu avA Prctccis aIul cxult- "'S'y proclaims that the hungry shall m ver bo turuwl luva' "P'y from tl10 ll"la"t"ropio doors of his homo. This rJ" Herons and Christian man is too Sat to fmilo or look upon the poor objects .a1 ....! I.!... 1... 1 i 1 1 i ?i ii . . " "3 ' euiiaaiiguim. 0 ,P t"om m,Sut uliICIt ""S1'1 s"''!"-'5) but 't would not carry him to Con- SrCM wliero ho can preach the most offen- "ve abolitionism, and boast of his nigger '"-'""'S upuiiuum uu.ier me pica oi nu - aild loVO tO the IMCC. llissolfl aim bcinS offico ho l wi.IliB2 to rido any hobby "" " aequuu , uuu m5 poor Sister- J i, ,,-. ... , ,, . "'" '") " milium iiiiraei- l.i., ..:..! .n- TitUE. Wo do not pretend to say that thcro is much poitry in tho following, but that thoro is truth in it all will agrco : Tim itvectcvt flowrri that on t-ariliJotb bcar, Tuile, wither and dcctiy ; E'en though they're wutrhej wilh tenJtr care. And watered cwry da,-. Tho highlit Joyi that carlh dah ih To man fcince Adam fill, Are tho0i alai, which bborteit lite. And with u seldom dncll. For all of which an articlo is foind and valuo received, by thoso who exchango their monoy aud produoo, and get Cheop Goods at Bcttle's Now Store in Light Street, " 20 per cent, cheaper than tho cheapest." Hannibal Hamlin. The Black Re publican nominee for tho Vico Presidency, Mr. Hamlin, is a regular Frea Trader. What do the Tariff men of Pennsylvania think of this I Is that the feast to which they were invited wo mean thoso of them who havo heretofore bcon acting with tho j The rcnitsylvanln Delegation at ( liicago Tho delegates from Pennsylvania to tho Republican Convention at Chicago wcro instructed tovoto for Oou. Simon Cameron and urgo his nomination as tho best cal culated to carry Pennsylvania. Indeed, tho Stato Convention that assembled in this place last February, announced in their address to tho peoplo of Pennsylvania that Gen. Cameron was tho only man of all thoso mentioned for tlio Presidency wh could unite tho entire body of people oppo scd to tlio present Administration. It was announced from tiino to, time that tho vote of Pennsylvania would bo cast as a unit for Cameron, and that Pennsylvania was sincere and determined in demanding his nomination. Any intimation that the leaders of the Opposition were only play ing a selfish part to promote their inter- cits, and that tho namo of (Ion. Cameron was used as a cover for ulterior operations and dosigm, was always repelled with in diguation. To all appearances tho news papers that talked Cameron meant Cainc- rou, and a majority of tiie delegates from tho Stato weru sincerely wedded to his in terests. It is unnecessary to say that a very largo proportion of the Opposition of the Stato wcro persuaded that Gen. Cameron's chances of a nomination were as good as those of any other candidate except Sew ard ; and that as Pennsylvania was a doubtful State, tho necessity of satisfying and conciliating her, would ba a powerful argument in favor of the man she put for ward. Arguing in this way, tho sincere fiiends of Gen. Cameron regarded his prospects as highly encouraging. Hut with all tho arguments of position and availability in favor of their candidate, tho conduct of the Pennsylvania delegation at Chicago was mo-t curious, and iucx- pucauio upon any omcr nypouicsH tuau tl.of l,oor..t t..nni . T... . i r mi. I. il.U .i.,?icu VIUUIIUJ V. .LHStUiUI Ul . , --"..".-.- r0n aud make his name tho point of con- centration aftnr dianruinn- ni" tiiurnnl. t.lmir i o ' , first aim seem, to have been to put him out of the wa v. and all their e ui UK. way, .iiiu .ill iiiur t. exertions direct ed towards securing the nomination of some other candidate, When at ouj time tho delegates wcro bu-y to- ascertain who was tno strongest man alter acward, wo uo not soo that tho Pennsylvania demanded the noraiaati0 0f Cau.eron-thcy let the op- 'potoeu.ent c!thcr throuli stu- p;a;ty or design, und informed the Mas- , sachusetts delegation, In answer to an in-, n.,. ,.. 4i.: n.,. i , .,,..,, ,.. 4 . .. 'iu"-'T 1 """"8" first choice, they had a second and a third ! ATM T ! 1.. rpt.: . UUU1L-U ill 'i XiL'UU UllU JJLI1UU111. XI1IS lllUL vUUlkU 111 ItllU 1 lli-1 have convinced delegates from other States , that Pennsylvania did not want Cameron ; ' for men who aro ean.ct in desiring tho nomination of a candidate do not have a second aud a third choice. Had they said, "Cameron is our first, our second and our third choice, and wo will stick to him to ....... . . . taa l!Ut tll delegates would nave regar- .... . n . ... ded him as a real camiwate, supported by real friends, and his ultimate nomination would have baou not only possible, but ..i- r : i.. 1"-"" Appearances indicate that the Pomi - sylvania delegation became parties to tho Lincoln combination bcloro a ballot was had, and that tho withdrawal of Cameron after the first vote was intended to con- ' summato the arrangement. Whether this early capitulation was competed by tho er,.n r.e ,n.,M,i,i, ,.: not, it is certain that tho delegates from this Stato displayed su-pieious alaciity in ' Imuling down their colors. They weto i unequal to the effective use of thu power- nnd tho character and antecedents of somo of the leading members of tho delegation ful imprecations ugaiiist tho South, rival suggest tho latter conclusion as the truo ling iu ferocity those of Gariisou and one. Phillips he has repeatedly declared with- What part Mr. Cm tin had in bringing about tho result of the Convention, tirao will show. As tho candidato for Gover - nor, in a btato which will decide ,111 U k3lUlU IUeJl Mill UeCllie IUU Presidential contest, his wishos wcro cer- tainly entitled to great weight. Wo loam that ho was vociferous in deprecating tho nomination of Seward, but do net learu that he exhibited very great anxiety for ' the success of Gen. Cameron. If he did, it is certain that his wishes wcro much less respected in the Pennsylvania delegation, and in tho Convention, than his position .... - entitled them to. ....... laking all appearances into conidera tion, wo cannot avoid tho conclusion that Gen. Cameron has been deceived and betrayed by tho Pennsylvania delegation, at thu Chicago Convention. 8 The coolest picco of impudence wo have seen for somo time, is John W. For ney's assumption of tho office of Censor over Democratic delegates from Massachu setts to tho Charleston Convention. A man whoholds one of tho most lucrative and influential offices iu tho gift of tho Black Republicans as a reward for bis services in their behalf, to impugn tho po litical integrity of any Democrat, must be as brazen as treacherous. Boston Post, J Gen. A. L. Roumfoiit has resign ed tho Supcrintendency of tho Eastern Division of tho Pennsylvania Railroad, which he has held ever tinco tho road was opened, and tho duties of which lie has discharged with raro energy and fidelity. Tho Company will not easily mpply his Procoodinga of tlio Columbia County Agricultural, Horti cultural and Mechanical As sociation. Pursuant to publio notice tho Associa tion met in tho Court House, at Blooms burg, on Saturday, May 10th, 1800. Tho President, Dr. John Ramsay,statcd tho object of thu meeting to bo tho election of officers to servo during the ensuing year; to propose amendments to tho Constitution, and to hoar tho report of tho Secretary as to tho financial condition of tho Associa tion. The secretary being called upon, read proceedings of last meeting, and alo a full and complete report of tho receipts and expenditures of tho Association for the past year: which exhibited tho fact that Fve Iltiivlrnl and 'Jiglity Dollars had been paid for fencing tho grounds of tlio Asso ciation, erecting sheds, pumps, &c, kc, which were now tho property of the Asso ciation, leaving a nitt balaneo in the hands of tho Treasurer, of 'Jivo llundiel and Tidily one Doltitrs ami JZishty Four cents. Tho meeting considered tho financial condition of the Association, was very flat tering to it-J success, and thought tho Exe cutive Committe would therefore) bo war ranted in offering much higher rates of Premium! for tlio next annual exhibition to be held in October. After some discussion, on motion of Col, L. L. Tate, tho Third Articlo of tho Con stitutiou was s-o amended as to read One Dollar in-tcad of Vifty CVis, for Admi3 sion to membership. On motion of Wm. Xcaltho Association proceeded to tho election of President. Caleb D.u ton jr. nominated Dr J. Ram say. Wm Xcal nominated Caleb Darton, jr. Alter fonie discussion the name of Mr. ton was withdrawn and Dr. J. Ram say was unanimously sleeted President. On motion of Dr. P. John tho Associa tion proceeded to elect four Vice Pros! dents. The following persons were nomi nated, and there being no oppo-ition, were unanimously elected : Johnson Ikclcr, Greenwood ; Elias Dieterich, Montour j Gilbert II. Fowler, Centro ; Reiij. F. Foit nor, Franklin. On motion, Elias Mcndcnball was clect- ed Treasurer ; A. J. Sloan, Secretary j I, v irnrhn,i -,ri, . ,1 f',1-1. u-.. ton, jr., J. W. lIendcr.,hot, and Willi Neal, additional members of the Executiv, Committee 0u mow of Wm. Noul it Wft4 ull;iui ' mou-dy Jtesolccd, That the Secretary li allowed Fifty Dollars, annually, for his eh ce services. On motion of Col. L. L. Tate. lletovcd, That the thanks of the Asso- iation be tendered to to thu Board of 0 Hi cers for the faithful, aud satM'aetory, per formance of their ouorou-, and responsible duties, and that they are eminjntly enti tled to the respect aud confidence of said Association. On motini, tho proceedings of this meet in ' he published in all tho papers of the couuty. JOHN RAMSAY, Pra t. A. J. Sloan, heo y. " Mr. Qurtin afllliatins with Gid- , dings at Chicago, ' The character of a man is ju.-tly ostima- ted by tho company ho keeps. After tho nomination of Lincoln at Chicago, Mr. Cuitin, of Pennsylvania, appeared on tho same Platform witli Joshua, R. Giddings, ol Ohio, to endorse the nomination. Gid dings is well known as one of tho mot violent and uncompromising Abolitionists in the country, who has douu as much to create and promote this anti-slavery agita- tion as any other man in tho land his fanaticism ho has uttered tho most fear ' the past year that he and his followers lu 'ho cstern Rc.-crvo would not support . auJr ",;ln 110t kuown to bo a sound and i . ""4'1, uitti.lllLLU uu II1UII orateor conservative views. The notnina tion ot Lincoln, a man of tho s.iniocxtromo stump, proved entirely satisfactory to Gid- 1Ie appeared on the platform and I endorsed Lincoln without tho slightest ! Hesitation ami ho was followed by Mr. Cuitm, tho " Peoplo s Party ' candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania Mr. Cur tin who has hesitated to avow himself a Republican tho same Mr. Curtin who could not support Fremont in l8ofi, and who professes to bo opposed to tho radi calism of tho Republican party. This as sociation with tho most bloody and vin dictive Abolitionist in tho West is a beau tiful commentary upon Mr. Curliu's pro fessions of moderation. Uo seems to havo forgotten tho part ho was to play in his joy at tho success of tho plots ho went to Chicago to promote, aud in tho first flu-h of excitcmout following successful trcach- cry,he embraced old Giddings and shouted congraulations from tho samo platform at tho nomination of a candidate who has surpassed even Seward in anti-slavery fanaticism. Since Mr. Curtin has recog nized Giddings as a friend and fellow worker m the samo cause, we hopo that ho will not coma back to Pennsylvania, and labor to play tho tole of moderation any longer. It will bo tho worso for him if ho docs, for after his performances at Chicago, that man must bo blind and deaf who docs not know that ho Is a Republican and nothing elso-a Republican of the Giddings Lincoln " irrepressible conflict" school Log Floating A. Man Drownod. I Wo aro again cnllcd upon to record another painful accident, which occurred about four miles from this plaeo, in tho Loyalsock, on Friday of last week. Tho heavy rains which fell during tho week, swelled tho waters of tho o reck to a groat extent, and on Friday a gang of hands wcro sent to the stream for tho purposo of plunging in and floating a largo quantity ( oflogs,wh'ohliadbconpreviouslyticdtotlto shore. Tho work was under the suporvis- ion of Col. James Df.eha and Edward t. c . ... , . . . , j. otevksso.n, who, wiiu a uoai iioateu uunu uiu uiuuiw. iuu Biiuaiu una itij high, rapid and rough, ami many dangers were encountered by tho whole party. At ono point, known as the "hay stacks," (where tho bed of tho stream is full of pro- jeeting rocks,) a "jam" occurred, and a largo number of logs lodged. While at- tempting to pry them oft", tho whole mass started, and ono man, Mahtin MokiumJV was carried over tho falls and down the stream full three quaitcrs of a milcjicforo he could roach the shore. Ho clung -to a largo root which chanced to bo near him at the time ho started, which undoubtedly saved his life. It was indeed a miracle that ho gained the shore alive. About an hour after this occurrence Stkvknson and MoiuussY attempted to cross the creek in a boat, and before they had got ten feet from tho thoro, the boat overturned precipitating both irto tho wa- tor. Tho boat loged for a moment on a jiaswell projecting rock. Mouuissv clung to a( -V iXmtliumUilind County. log that was also lodged near by.and uh-1 j McCormick, Perry Geaihaif, ami o-l Stkvk.vsov by the hand. A man jr ,; J-Hliott . named Wilson, who chanced to bo near sciZod Monu.ssv l.y the hand, and thus' a! Klay. May It, 1H0O. tho three stiuggled for a lew seconds,! xiio Committee acting for 1-1 Iward Bates when tho water whirled the boat, which h avu issued an addruis to-day giving va caused MoniUS-sv to relinqui-h his grasp, rious reasons why that gentleman sh.mld i m- Un....., .:i i i ,. bo nominated for President. Thoy sa and iir. oti: enson wac.uiicd down by . , ,, . ., . . ,. ', , Judge Bates. thoii!:h both a theoretical line! the current. He was scon to rise to tho j)ralticai emancipationist, is a n itivo ami surface twice, but all attempts to rescue life-long resident of a slaveholdiug section him were in vain, lie floated about a of our country, lli-i nomination, there quarter of a mile down the creek aud lodg-1 would bo a signal and final refuta- 1 . . . t i. i tiou of the charge ot sectionalism so uu ed on tho point of an Island among some - . , . . n ,r .. , , . , , 1 . , fairly, and jet so effectively ur ed against logs. He was an excellent siumer, but thu HipuMienU paity, and would rendet being dressed iu a heavy overcoat, Was tin- tho lire-eating threats of disunion iu ta i able to reach the shoro. Search was im- of a Republican tiiumph, palpable, futile mediately made, but to uo nurpo o. On ridiculous. ui... i... . .- . -.i . Ho i-the favouto candidate of the ertin Saturday a largo portion ol thu town peo- 0 itiol ol- Mirtulr. nllJ wiU ,JU M jdo turned out to make search for tho bdy. j 110rtl,a ,y tlum) llot lla,ruly itIl t,(m.i. During the night thu water fell .-.bout a-m, but with a coufidencu of suect-s.. four fea, and ho was found as above state 1. We firmly believe Judge Bates' nomiiia SheriirCeusol, with a jury, held an in. t'wn would nearly dksylvo tho orgahizu ,. i . ,,,-. I .,i.i tiou which has presented to the nation the 1 ',; ; '. iiij,),!,. r,.sl,uetablu names of John Hell and verdict m accordance with thu above laets. i j.;(hVard Kvcntt, and induce niuu-tcnlh-The body was interred at this place on ! of these hitherto known as Americain, Old Monday. Stuvkkson was a young man, of about years of ago, aud much respected by all who knew him. Anotiiut. Wo understand that a lad some 11 or 13 years old,naiiiud Williams was knocked off a r.ilt, between Forksille and llillsgrove, on the same day, and was ill owned. Wu did not learn the p.ii titu 1 a r.s . Sulliva n Dent ocral. Popl'lah sovkiickixtt. This cxpres sion is very common among politicians ju-t now, but we doubt if its origin and its meaning are well understood, It is ued in reft rence to slavery iu tho Territories of tho United States, about the govern incut of which there is so much diversity of opinion. The Republicans as-ert the doctrine that Congress has entire power over the subject, and may legislate slavery into or out of any Territory. The Soinh cm men and some Xoithern Democrats as sert tliat Congress has no such power, that a Teriilorial Legislature, established by Congress, cannot havo any higher power than Congress, and that consequently thci o is no power to affect shuery within a Ter litory until a Statu Government is being formed. Senator Douglas and his friends agree with neither of those notions. Thoy say that Congress has no such power, but that a Territorial Legislature has the pow er and right to do so, and this they call Popular Sovereignty, while by its oppo nents it is nicknamed Squatter Sovereign ty. In tho Dred Seott case, Chii f Justice Taney, in delivering the opinion of tho Court, did decide that slavery was in the Tcnitories by virtue of tho Constitution, that Congress had no right to legi-late about it, and added: " and if Confess cannot do this if it is heirud the poire s, co'tl'rrrcd on the. Valerul Government U will he admitted, we presume, that it could not authorize a 'Ctrritnri'd Government to excicUc them." The opponents of this doctrine insist that, as that was not tho point expressly decided, they aro not bound by tho icws of the Court, and that a po litical platform need not ho controlled In judicial decisions. This is tho brief, yet full statement of tho question of Popular Sovereignty. rhila. .edgrr. C.iAUACTEuiSTic.-David Wilmot, tho thorofthn Wilmnt Trnvk. . wMl.i. author of tho Wilmot Proviso, which was tho commencement of the dissensions, not only of tho Democratic party, but of our wholo country, was tho temporary Chair man of tho Black Republican Convention at Chicago. Fit rcprcscntativo is he of tho party. Discord, disunion and ruin was his object and tho effect of his labors in Congress. He is a fit leader and rep rcscntativo of a party whoso object, end and aim is now, ever has been, and ever will bo discord, disunion and ruin. New Postmaster at N. Y. Umi. John A. Dij, has been appointed Post master at New York City, in room of Mr. Fowler, removed, Assistant United Slates Marshals. tcnsiis of ISOO-Qucstlons to Answer. Hon. James G. OAMi'nr.i.L, U. S. Mar- On tho first of Juno, tho work of taking ehal for tho Western District of Pcnnsyl- "'0 census commences. It isdesirabl0 vnnia, has announced tho appointment of t'13' taken with groat accuracy, ami tho following Assistant; Marshals, for to enable- tlio assistant marsiiail wiio will tho purposo of taking tho eighth Census, bo engaged in tho pcrformanCo of this d. duties to commence upon the first day of tyi to 'mvo lll(-'ir work well dono, it ha, Juno, viz ! been suggested that tho publication of tho i-ir Cvlumbu County. questions necessary ior an iioaus ot lami. Levi L. Tati:, of Uloomshurg, for the lie to answer, would bo of great benefit. townships of Uloom, Scott, l$riarcrcck,and WH'1 this view, wo publish the following ho Horouch of Horn-ink. on tho West side Oftho Susnuehaiina Hiver. and for tho .. . .. ' . .. , . uown ino namo 01 townshq 9 ot Uattawissa, i' ranklin, ijocust, JUal placo of abode, on tlio llrt dav of KoanngorcoK, Vyonynguam, .uain, .uiinin, juno, ioou, was in ani ltuaVcr, (all) on tho East side of the e!li(i Susquehanna. And i iSAAC Dfi Witt, of Rohrsburg, for thu halanco of tlio townships of Columbia conn- tV) on th0 West side of tho Susquehanna RiVCr, viz : Gecemvood, Ucnton, Sugar- ios(t Fishingcrcck, Orange, Madison, Pine, Jnekaon, Centre, Mouutplcasant, Hemlock ,Mn Jlontour. ; br Montour County. d,., y, Caldwell, of Washingtomillc. .'gr Lutim? County. 1 yy jon Sturdevant, Wilkes-Barro ; J)r. a! Davi, Hcranton ; Edwnrd Dolph, Pittston; Edward Mahon, Duniiiore; I'o tul. Wabli, Art-hhald ; AVilliam Shirley, Oonviham : William S. .Monroe, Muh- icnmn.jj. II. Davenport, Lake. for Lwomina County. j Co)lbau"li, Jolin Piatt, and R. Linn Whi.s, Union men, e , to '-oopeint heartily with us iu risnimg the country from the hands into which shu has been permitted to fall. We Let evu now by a united Oppo.itiun Pennsylvania and New-Jersey will be kept unit d, aud by the nom n i ion of E I ward Bates. Indiana 11 inuU and Oregon will he i-anied and a triumph iu N-nvni-her thus d-iced heyoud eo.itro,-. r -y. p eouelu-ioii we siy, we eiitrci.t you U pre sent the name of 11 Iw.ird liites as the ol ive branch lo the variou-i paities which earnc tly de-ire to overthrow tho fillibu? tering Slavory-extemliu 'ham Democracy as a proffer of fraternisation and kindU regard, Do this iu a generous, magnani mous spirit, and you will have indicated our eau-e from the in just but damaging imputation of sectionalism. The address was signed by F. J'. Blair, Horace Greeley John J). Defrees, John 0. Vogel, Jame B. Eads, Dr. A. Waiumer, Committee. Such is a dispatch to thu Xcw Vork Tn'nme, and tlio result of it all is before our readers. In another article iu this paper, wo speak of the sectionalism of the Republicans, the nJJc ranee of which Mr. Grtoly ibvired to avoid, hut did not do so, as tho rejection of Cassius M. Clay, of Kentucky and nomination of Hannibal Hamlin of Maine proves. And to prevent ail pos-ibility of doubt on the subject of tho inmational spirit and determination of Iiepiiblicau, Judge Jussoi1 iu thu conven tion desired to amend "a eibal mistake in the name of tho party." It was printed iu the resolutions "National" Republican ii-ivt- ITn tt'l.l,.,! .tH... ..i .1 . l "National" as that ,e,n not ,he nm iu I '-" T " by wide!, the panyurrnmrly 1 "'f'101 l"1"' IIU ftt0ck U f "" Tlio correction v,-as accordingly niadu, and I VT?'bf ""a Wrk' . "" , the word "National" expunged. In less w,,,b1,.Lo 1,w l'01lal Mipcriuknd than twelve months, tho broken pa, ty will ' " for ''ncssand mod reform" under a new name, in which tJ"- ?"r, c,ll",w ''"'S- word "National" will ho most continuous , luu' " "". w Cft P -,Jr- and most false. Biography of Hon Vontor. A BioiiiiAi'incAL sketch Henry D. Foster, thu Demooratio candidate In Chamberburg, heretofore stroiHy 0 for Governor of Pennsylvania, has been position, tho entire Democrats ticket w printed at this ollicu and is now ready for elected by about fifty majority. delivery. It is very well written and gives i a concise and wry accurate account of tho Ar,r' Foil IIau.monv. An address i publie history of tho geiitlcmaii who is des- 1,10 "tional Democracy, urging tin's' tincd to occupy the Gubernatorial chair of CU,1-'M to return to tho Baltimore Conut :l3 ilicf linnn nul.l! l.A.l I iLa V . i r v ! , T , " 0 t0 n f " ;-, 1 , , i Co't.oii which placed hint in noiuiua- ,nSt CoiLtitiition, with approbator tion. Intcrsncrscd here and Hierntlivn,,,),. remarks by that journal. It is simicd 1' Interspersed here and there thi-umdi. out this sketch aro appropriate comments ci6utccn Congressm en. upon ,o public acts of General hVtor.and Don. Geo. Uli of (!., li 7Z i J Cvn.t,"Uf10n'',-? P1Iuy r 0Ur thank h neatly bound vol,.." that cl.vides tho political parties, of tho President's Message, aud acco.a,, tho wholo terming an interesting and very ny iug documents, readablo pamphlet. It contains forty-cight '-". ;r'?-.---rrCatfy:-pages of closely printed matter and will .71 X it fit I ii It . Do luriushcd at tho following rates, viz : 10 epics $15,00 uo " a nn to :::::::::::: : Hiii- sisi copies -' ArrangemenU have been mado with V isookscllcrs throughout tho Stato for its .!'., 1 "V"" HTi.ftiiirof n-v. u. isurn, of 6 uuv .uu uwiu inr US easier cny. ans Kuv. J, Huck, firihlinliernliurs i sale. hW'l f'J yentr, ot li list : In tho first place it is necessary to write down tho namo of every person whom tho family. The ago of each, sex and color, whither white, black, or mulatto. Profession, occupation, or trade of cid, male person over 10 years of ago. Value of real estate owned. Places of birth, naming tho statu, tori i. tory, or country. iMarriuu within tlio year. Persons over twenty ycarj of nio cannot read or wiitc. Whether deaf and dumb, blind, imami. or idiot, pauper, or convitt. Namo ot owner, agent, or manager u thu farm. Number of unimproved acres. Cash valuo of farm. Value of fanning implements and ma. chincry. Live steel; on iianu dunu 1st, imo, viz . Number of horses, mules and asses, work mg oxen, milch cows, and other cattle swiuu and sheep. alue ot live fctoek. Value of animals slaughtered during the T!!''- .... rrouuee duung thu year ending dmti. 1st, lfcOO, viz: Number of bushels i wheat, rye. Indian, corn, oats, beau- peas, buckwheat, barley, Irish potatoes sweet potatoes, pounds of wool and pouiiil of tobacco. Valuo of ore-land products in dollar.-,. Gallons of wine, value of produce n m-irkct garden, pounds of cheese, tolls m hay, bushels of .-eed grass, pounds of hop--pounds of sugar, gallons of iiio1.-is-,m. pounds of hoii-jy and beeswax, valuo ol home-made manufactures. Names of corporation, company or in dividual, producing aitieles to thu vahu of f ."iilil. N.imo of business, manufacture or pro duct. Capital invested in real estate and pir sonal ost.itu iu tho business. Raw niatetials u-ied, including fuel, i quanlities, values, kinds, 0f motive power inaeliiiieiy, structure or resource. Average number of hands employed viz: malu, female, average monthly e i-tu male labor, aver.iire monthly co-t ot labor. Annual product, viz : quantities, Mm!) values. Nainu of every person who died dmiii; the year ending Juno I, 1111), v,hu umal plaeo of abndu Jwaj in tlio family the agj, sex and color, whether whit, black, or mulatto, mariied or wiiloweil place of birth, naming thu state, tcirilon or county, thu month iu which the per died, profession, occupation of trade, ,i.v i aies of death. Tho Work To Bo Dono. In order to achieve the triumph i! awaits the Democratic party in IMjl), m. ny things aro requisite, which should once engage the attention of evirytin Democrat. The.-u aro well summed up I thu Bo-ton I'o I, as follows : 1. Kindly feeling and a conciliate policy towaida tho,c who have hithul been separated from ns rather by din-rues of organization, or of pi rsonal prcfi enee than by radical aiitagoni-iu of idea and pui poses. 'J. Karly and universal organization, L States, Counties, Town-hip- and 'ilbgl or Kluctioii Di-trict.s, under the lead men of worth and work. :i. Prompt, p-iM-tent efforts by ea" orgaiuzation to impel kindred oiganir tioiis in every nciglihoiiug county ortovrie -hip, but especially in thoso where we hn hitherto been weak. j. The systematic and iinivcrnl i irfit lation and dill'u-ion of Democratic new: paicrs and documents. !i. Seasonable and effective prceai.ti-'i. agaiii-t fiauds on tho ballot box cspo-inlb in di-tiicts where our adversaries have a' ot erwheliuing prepoiulcrance. Ulikiant Boot and Siiok Sroni:. 3Ir. rr.Vu, 6'. Sunders, of Danville, km- thu largest and best Boot and Shoo llou- DnMocitATio A'iCTOitiEs. Iii Green' Hoiiry D. burg, tho homo of tho Hon HcnitY D. IV teu, tho Democracy on Monday la-1 elect of tho Hon. 'cd their eiitini lid.-,it fn l,nm,,l, nfnr. , v n 1'iit-tivjLui. lu ,Mi, ttou dtiuU, holh of ill In 'e. I -i. Ol til, l.lll ,11.1 I.W 11.. I- ...n.l.K.l it. It uicmu are Hie dead lnat ii in Ih" I