Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 19, 1860, Image 4

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BT miKClt r. ItVCKT,
Within Ilia ffongy fallow ground
1 iow the yellow coin,
And uitixiy a hill tho leed hatli fuunil,
lire sounds tho dinner horn,
Out In meadow ' dewy rnlm
I swing the ringing scythe (
Tho comcrako knows full well tho elect
That (pare her brood alive.
Tho paiflve steers ngninit tho )oke
Bend their stout necks in twain ;
And clumsy wheels with muddy minkos,
Hear up the laden wain.
Swung by my hands, the heavy flail,
I'itlU on the unahucked grain t
And through Hip ham the gentle gale
Hears off t no chuff like ruin.
Aakanl thoy Baize, the brindlo cows.
And chuw lltur cud a In pwicej
Tim hands tint guide tho stubborn plows
Hie fragrant streams release.
Tlio fitting sun the hill top lights,
Hut bIi atlows AH the plain ;
And homeward coino the birds in flights,
And fowls, their ro"fl to gam.
She tprcadfl the evening bojrd with white,
My quiet wlfti for me;
And acts the t hildnii nil in sight,
Their father's fate to eo.
The night comes on, and darkness hides,
The children's faces wnmll !
To me they are my earthly guides,
To them I'm all In till.
The house Is stilt -tha crickets chirp,
A it.l frgs iiug In the rscds ;
Hut underneath the tros, so dark,
I've sown immortal seed.
This is to us a novelty, autl it has every
nppeavaiico of being valuable. During the
Winter Mr. E. 13. OooJ, of York Co.,l'a.,
f.cut U3 an account of it, we desired him
to forward somo specimens of the entire
ttall:, including roots and brush, which ho
did, stating that the samples were of about
tho average size, but not bo fine as ho could
have furnished, had wo applied earlier.
Wo were bo well pleased with them, that
wo suggested his advertising the seed, if
enough could be got to make it worth while,
and he has done-so.
Tho specimens before us liavo about two
feet of stalk and two feet of brush, the lat
ter being of very excellent quality. As
this is not half the height of tiic common
variety, it may bo grown much thicker on
tho ground. Tho upper leafsheath em
braces tho lower part of the brush, which, J
with its low growth, saves all necessity of
breaking down the brush while ripening.
As far ns wo can gather from the state
ments repeived, and from tho specimen?,
wo think it likely this may be decidedly
ltiovior to tho kind generally cultivated.
j certainly worthy ti trial, and for this
purpose only wo offer it for limited distri
bution. We shall test it the coming Sum
mer, and wo requett reports from those
who may rcceivo tho seed. Mr. G. states
that it should bo grown thickly in the rows,
to securo the best development of brush.
Mm. Agriculturist.
Haisb Fine Fruit. A contemporary
very truly says : " Fruits aro an impor
tant part of tho living of a family. Wo
wish every farmer would lay his plans iu
Bcasou, and take timo by tho forelock, for
improvint; in this branch of industry. If
ho lives near a market, it is tho most
profitable ; and wherever lie may b
tbero is a refining in fruit culture which
should not bo overlooked. There is an
innocent luxury in it. When the children
ars far nway, and liavo built them other
homes, they will remember thu old home
stead ; but no placo in it (except the placj
by tho fireside, where a loving mother used
to sit and mend their clothes, and darn
their stockings, and bear patiently with
their childish pranks, and teach tho young
ideas,) will be remembered with more
longings to return, than where their child
hood's lips smacked tho fruit of a favorite
trco. Apples, early and late, for cummer,
autumn, winter mid spring; pears, grapes,
peaches, quinces, plum, cherries, apricots,
gooseberries, currants and ftrawberrics
should bo the delight of every farm, unless
peculiarity of climate would exclude feom
of these, and many others thould be in
troduced if soil and climate favor."
Results:. While in former years tho
early potatoes planted from the same kind
of sctd have invariably rotted before tho
time for digging, this year there has been
tho most productive crop of the largest aud
best quality. The sweet corn averages
nine feet in the ttalk, tiic leave) of a clear
green, and tho ears perfectly filled, and so
with all the other vegetables in the garden.
Wo believe coal ashes have been rejected
without a fair test. Tho great hue and
cry mado about their dcitructiveness to the
trees on our Common, instead of leading
to careful investigation, resulted iu a sum
mary condemnation. The tame result
might havo followed, if lime, plaster, or
oven wood nshes had been used as tli6 coal
ashes were to tho depth of two feet or
more, unmixed with loam, or sand, We
hope tho experiment will bo fairly tested,
us everything which helps to build up tho
farmer's mauuro heap is beneficial not only
to him, but to those who depend on their
vegetables. Moore's Jltiral JYw Yoiker.
Yellow Wabii. As the timo for
whitewashing draws near, I would recom
mend the following for rooms that aro not
intended to bo papered, viz. :
Preparo whitewash in tho usual way as
for whitewashing, then take horse-radish
leaves, as soon ns they arc grown enough,
boil them as if for grccus, pour tho juice
into tho whitewash, nnd you have a beauti
ful bright yollow. A. Wilson, Marccllus,
N. Y., 1SU0. Itural Kciv.Yorker,
,11111 Notice.
to cvsroMrjis Tin: public oKAVw..r. '
f HAVIl rrmnvpil In I ho .M tint our Mills, nud Intend
1 keeping n supply 'f flour "ml feed on hand, nnd for
OS yL.,JT?,.".
to ctoso thu old 1 took s, Ho call nnd sec us, friends, und
your custom und tnsh will be thankfully rpreived.
Montour Mills, April II, 13C0.
..h . . . .. .!Ih.
Mitt iindcr-lirncd rcspcilfully Inform- the ritl7.-ns of
lllnom.lmrff. mi.l ti n nuMlc cuirrnllv. that ho has
klml, ur.Ma,(,n Wk. i, rt Uc, and
QJ-' llcr-IJclico In .Mr. Ilnmcr'a lloiiao, cm Iron f Ircct,
-.TT .1 .. u. ... n ....I...- i.. i... it...;
taaht... !.. he thankfully
Uit'ilc of Jnlui Awlason. deceased.
A OTIL'nia hen by eltcn.tlnt Lcttcra c.f Ailniliilntrn-
1 tlonnii tho i:l.ite nr John AnJeraon, late of ftntt
township, Intherinmtv i r I'i'liiiiihi.i, ilecon mI. Imveliccn
Rrnnud tn f.uniii I II. Anilemon, who i retlilniR in lpy
town, In the mid ronnty. to who II (irranna Imlel.tud
to aal.l i:lnli) nre In niako pnj merit, und In whom nil
p. riling lialuir ciaiuin lire in pii'tiii. invi.i .iw.vtij
milhi'tilirnteit. for m ttlemi lit.
April H, l-(alr,t,
A Itntri'trator.
S MAUI AY & 00.,
Vtirtr rff and Gnrtlin at Iti'ine Fun tlfiatrr, Phils..
sroiii:, V. ;i MAKKIST M itiuir,
Pt-TUFFN t?F LM It AMI r.Ilallllt, SoLIII flf.k,
A Villi Y l.irc ati.l cteiiBhc slock of Hlndc, Orn.i
ntoiitdl niul Truit Tree , Uvr rpri'fin, Itntro, llaiiii,
Vino- S!f....!- JLr i r il 1 1 1 fit ,m! i.iiiI l.i, ciio U'linln.iU
ami II. tail, at reduced prircs. .Ml ordm prumpily nt- i ndvcmty nn I iiiif.irtnm- lh- urt-nttT part ii tin ir Iuvh
tended to. Cnla1(Wiin had on npplfcutiuii. lle.iltr nnd . nnd r.nin I Hi" man iliuy Hlwl to (U't lorwnrd in th'Tswmilddt. wtlltoKiva tu a cull, l'hmtg, Trees, nwrld, the moro tlilnps thlnstn wuit ncititt tliPinl Al
tr.. tmrKcil to rnrry any list.iiirn, iaits havn nmulti-il her f'r tho last twenty jtars. A
The llldhip Siin nuirlh and Jliclillt Kts. r.isscngcr
Cars pies th .Vursery c cry few iiuiiiitcs. ,
Jiytll 1, l"trU.
l-LOOMSIll'liO cheap eauh Store, apain replenished
with a ffsh itmk of SPiFAXJ r7tom-wo are
now prepared looir.rtnthc public n wry handsome lot
of Spring and Hiimiiur nt usii:il low prices, lor
Coi no falons with our cash nnd produce.
II. O. & 1. W. 1IAUT.MAX.
March 31, 0.
MOritT. i hen hy given, tint the p n rlnerhlp In ro
IN fore i'lstlng between; Chha 11. i'lirt-tl nnd Tlminn
(M'owh'r, trading nihU'r linn of lirmlAt Towler,
is thi day dissolved by mutual convent. All rersotiN in
ikbtcd to taid firm, will plr,ic mak1 s.-ttlcno nt without
delay. The business uf innntilacturinr nnd n'llin? Iluf
fu'r'a Patent Ynthing .Machine, will be tout) mud us usu
al by thu said 1'nrat.l.
u. i:. n'Rttr.f.
Espy, March 13, lt?cn.
UA1M10A0S Vc, for weighing hay, coil, ore' ti
and inert handise penf-rally. I'tinhascrs run no riK-0
evi-ry scalo is tiuaranteed correct, and if, nfit-r trial, not
fuu nd satUfjctory, can be ri-turiicd without rharpc
tiy Factory nt the old stand, established for mure than
thirty-five jcars.
Aiinorr &. CO.,
Cornt r of ninth and MlIou Streits, l'mLAOELrHU.
.Marshal, l;(U-alm.
Main Nnd above the Forks Hotel
THU undersigned, havinc removed fiom Fsnjtown to
lltoomiburg, respectfully informs his fn-nds and
rutoiuf rs, that lie ha Gptncd a now shoo, on Main
tml. llloomabarg, aboc the Forks Hotel, wh?ro 1m
will conduit the
In nU its tirious departments, nnd on a more extensive
scakMli.iti heretofore,
Itusiiies, spring Wagons, Sulkies, Light Wagons, nnd
nil kinds of ehiclcs, made to order, on tdiorl notice und
fair terms. Also lioprER and Farm Wheel I! ah rows,
made to or Ur.
C7 Hepaibiso, of fill kinds, Including Heavy Wagons,
promptly aud ilwaply executed.
111 001 11 stm ric, April l?CO-Um.
Oranges, Lemons, Prunes, Italsins of all kinds, Figs,
Dates, Nuts, nnd (Jonicctionary.
Nn. IGl Aortlt Tliirtl St., Pliil;ilelliliia.
Couiitrj. Morrhanta are invited to pive u. .1 cull.
f tir.lers promptly ultciidtd to. .t'-n
Starch 111. IN.O-1011.
Rnlsins, tPninps, Pca Xut. iDried Apples,
Almond", ,1'cacan Nuta, Peaches
i.iiff. wainuij.uraiiReB, pwect Oil,
FllliertJ. T-einunq. Svnm.
Cream Nuts, Pina Apple. tCrackcr,
No. 2V1 North Third Street, South Ibt corner Vine
Mnnh 10. li?ro-P.'in.
'PIU8 celebrated Washing Soap, ii now in market for
iii'irn thau a vear. nnd that it tins ei'ii univcrR:il
niiiifij" nun, is rviiifit 1 r Jin in i let iii.ti lit"
oblined to increase their cipariiytimak.) to Onn
Hundred t housand Pounda per lift. Ui dtciJedl) llu r AUllll an-l small buiih r-c-tve.l and 1 batk on
bmt and cheapen Sc:p cer mado in thj Couatry; One Xu dema-id withoul no'ire, with I'm uh usr Isiut
Pcvnd if it mil go at far, for any vsc ad Thcc if the t ir from the ,'uy of di-plt lo tln-ilay of w ithdrawal.
Cummcn Heap in general te. It is made npof. u new Oimc lloctiJ-From 'J until 5 u'clmk inn ctai.und
principl", cf tho inateriaU, nnd known only In Van I on Slnxow F.vlmmi Iroui 7 until ) ochick
IUAiUpn & McKfosk. I doen away tnim-ly wnh llu. lident-Kn.nitiS it. CUAWFOUU
wallboard av.n thrt necus-ity ofboihiiatlM rlothes, it '1 r 'aijurr--l'uv Fun. '
iloemirt ritnnk Flmm It, ltj;uiiVIi OKIJASlk INK
ii i i.uiii ri in pi-ii.-ciiy uu 1 iruiu in iiium uencaiu i
.1.,,.. e..i.. . t.itti. . .1.... ...i ii n 11.. 1
client to llm wn.liin . It ti varr.iatcl fiw frnm K-IFKIu
lut, oroincr injuries ai witcs, una guaiantcpd not to rot
ur injure the clothes
Superior oriental Toilet Chemical Olive-Pnlc, V.xlra
FjU nn 1 lirovMi Soaps, na well an Hawd Ttm U. Co.
Adamantine Candles nt lowest market prirei.
For Sale by all respectable Urocers, and Wlitlcs'il by
TIIAIN & mckf.oni:.
No. ManJ 21 South Wharves, PtitLApLmiu.
ThTe hemt; several imitation hrniida of Detersive
Soap in maikei, the public are notified that iinn.i nn
penulne cxri-pt Van ilAJcnri c MtKtrise h Btumptd
upon each f if llu Soap, ai Well as tlu lloxea.
F.dirnary 05, l-iO-P3i.
O U,l) UIAlil b JSUUK iCT: durovc n td the Ja-W
ptueuii(.l;in ludm Met'inutK, with fiill 1 ir' lions
mr thefnl.nti fiireuiC'unfcuiiiiUiiiii, I..-0111 hum, Couphh
Co'iU. C.ilaiih. .uil.ui 1. IVver, Hi i'i Iim; ii1!'. r1 cm-
I f 1I4, C.utrer, livtipxpia, l.ivc r (Jutnitlaiut liravel and
iUrinarv iK-jimiiu! KeiiMte Cuuiplaints , tc. liluHratcd
' .iih hundreds m ieriificaten t und , m(t.ivi.t:.
Mnl...., P.nlb, ...,., ,, ,.,,,.,.
mi r. .inv ; u
1 flohl l.y G. M. Ihgpnliiicli, i;i(.-.iii.litirff ; N L. lUnk
JLCu., Dinvilli Jjcou J.uvs all, Catasauiiua j A. Miller
& Co , it. rvtirl; h. I'I-12mi.
111.00 1IH15UKG
Skylight Picture -Jallery.
rrMlll uudcrsienedinroruia tlic rftizena or Jlluuui, and
J. neietiboruooj, lio lia taken tlio larno room in .
the Uxihaueo J.lock, .'Xtendiug over Messrs. Honer
Mencli'a Jtaki'ry, and .lira. I'iarka Hookstore, wli-re lie I
baa put in a large Mk) light. It la only ly hkylil.t that '
Komi imturea can bu taken rape, tally croups, vli ra eath ,
ji Tson can be taken just aa well a. a '.arate,
lie liaa Kone to considerable expeii to make lua ca
txblisliiiient a firat ilasa one, und lie tli 'rehire aolicit a
lib .'ral patronajta to enable, him, tn constantly introduce
all Ilia mod. rn iaiprowutent or tlie act. .
trv" Cuuntry produco taken in llxciianftc ror picture. '
llloouiaburg, Nov SO, 1?5'J. 1
I'litfS ICi'duceil. tVc.
TIIR dillicult watch nnd Jewelry repairing ha
been done since. Jlluoui.burjr Itlooiii.luirir.
pretty l.igli, Ins pricea now nro crcatl) njucij. and hi
customer may rest assured thai he hat the reouiste
qualifications, and material mid meant ror tlio ropuir
i .. atcnes, jewelry, Accordions, and ev ery
tiling usually attended to at a rigular watch maker'
tlioi. Honesty and raillifullucsa will olwaiabe In first
priiiciple and aiui.
Ik Urdcri or Uondi taken for tmv.
llloomfibt'rg. .Mardi 10. lhCO. '
Omce in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charle, R,
Dloomsburg, Dee. 4, liCU.
mm mi l-1 i:nnu xv.w i.'ihi ii.i. t
rP,li: """fl-i1"' ?' vANiioiiN. I, ti,c bet. vi,c
faction. nil who arc In duohta of tlio of thou
l"cy love, consult her
ij b.umi MI. .W U1 i 1
Khf lina tlic n;cn I ff fnnlna thn nlTocllori of the np- ,
.n.i.n Ci. it la una met which huiucn mitemto pre. 1 In in- t ItmtfllO llPf. Hill) to I'llllV lll'f fill 1 1 ft IHI
tcnd. rs in try to inutntc her, nd to copy her ndwrttau.
i'entP. HI..- she show nil ilho
" h , .Bffi ,
i li.ia t"on anlkltcd In Inliumcrnlilo InataiicL-a. nml tin)
rmiilt m tiltrniiii been the tiieniia iifafTiirlnir
nf aiTiirlnir
Hh, 'lliifi tlie
mill inniln hnnv hv lirr.
It N will known to tho imtilicnt Inrao thai t-lio wns
the llrt nu. I she i the only person who cut show the
likmcaa in rinllty, nii.l hnuin he i ntiru Fnlltrnuiun
I'll nil the cuiiririin oflife, H Mi li call he tefteil nml prnv.
ul li) thrainni',i, holh marrlcil und flugle, who dally
nnd cuserlv If it her at
JJti, liliid Ljll 111 tin I'd Slrccl, I'lillllUclnlilil,
w M fw( nro t(il,,v ,,rltal,, ,, tnll.leiitial.
AND MaMMMNXdnif within tlio r'li of nil. Hha ji
the Ih in? wonder il tin nll-'ht''iiul imp ; all who rii
huU her arc nstmiielicd at tht trutlifuliii-nt h-r infi.r
itiatlen ami preiIMIis. AM. tlio! v. Im had 1j.hI lutk
cinsnlt.'d her, tluir had left Uhmii, nnd tln-y nro now lor rirh, cmii)"i.t nnd ln)iy. Tu ALL In lmim nn
her adicc Is iiualuald.'. Hie tan f'tret.'l with the ureat
ct ri'rt.tint) , th n nlt of nil roiunu rn..t and Ntn-nunu
traiisaitions. If 'ii f.dlmv In r ndlci, )nii will
iMPitort: rocn ciitcUMyj'.iAVj:a
nnd sure 'eil in nil onr imdrrinkhnfit. TJiosj who have
been fortnnatr an 1 nnurci'tiftil In it nnd in lmshi-is
Ulan' who Irivc wurkcii inrii .ind (irntfait-ii njani'i
tiior wnn wt iy i..hhwimi iktiimwcc an- now
ItlVII JUPP .lA'O kLVUKb&yyh 1
in nil her undi'rtnKinns: while ttiow hilndi-d by prejn
ihri; nncl iL'iiurancf. iiculocti'il lnr nd ire. are ptill 1 1-
lutriiis asainsl iidvcrnltv and povt-rtj. if jou nluc ymi
tiippiii'-ts. .ton will consult li'T juur-ulf, and bo siiccs
fill lui.l happy "I"-
All lot- ri lew, art- ptrhtly prUnte nnd confidential.
I'oni" out-1 coiii'' all ! tu
Ixtwi'i-ii Jumper an I Ilrun I, I'liil.uklplii.i.
M.inli U ly.
KVWrf X: ifATSll-
f'SSiVlfiffSS; HI.AMANIli:il HAFIIH, 11 IJ.
Z&&iJI!ft? hnL.a.r'li.rl.j r. Il.i n.i. I..
t.-.,ir "V. J "I IVH.. 1(1111. W UMJ IXUIKl
il) the United Hat ps.
Firr ifn ia ir j'.rl. Jilt en me out right; irtfA con
tent in roff eoiithtion.
Tin1 tiiil.imauder ufjs tf I'liiladclphia ajaiiut the
lme hi.l the Eiiret dfinostration in the following cer
tillr.ite that tluir inauufattiiro orHalaiuautli-r H11 has
tit length fnllv warrautt-d th. rc 10111 wlmh hne
bi'f n madp of tln'm as reiubriii nu undoubted seiurity
n?aiii9t III terrific cU'im-nt.
riiilniMpliiti April 12. VStt.
.Vfjr T.ran Walton: (ientleiucn It utfonls us
the highest alif icti"ii to ftate to )uu. that ovting to
th- very protective )ualilies of two of llu Hahiuander,
af'a wlmh wi purchased 1 f you sonic llu1 month since
wp savi-d 11 lirap portion of jewclr). nnd all our honk,
&c., i spoted to ih rnl.i iiiinoim, tiru in Kaiiatcad place on
lli'i iiioriiiu (I the 11th ln-t..
Wlnui we reih ct rh it Hi s safes were located iu th"
fourth sory of th.-Imlhllng wv oecupid and that th -y
fi-'II subrietjiipntly intuit heap of biiniinc ruhis, wheru tho
at conrciitratjoii cf lh. h at rautrd ih" bras d,itei to
in-11. iiimiui uui ivfiiwn iir pre si rt 111 1011 (i incir vni
liable cont nts uh most rumiiicmg proof of thti great ec
turuy iiiMniR'u oy your inii'F.
c snau ti:k great picaioira in recommfmiinj tiiein to
men of bunlnc?- ha a fur' rrliaiuc uzainst lire.
UF.O1IUI; W. Hni.MOrt& UltO., Jnrcllrrs.
UZ'ThtM have since prrchased ei large Shafts.
Mm a
lllllil Company.
.Chartered by the Stato of Tcnnsylvanta.
1. Money received cery day, and in any amount
tarce or cinall.
i.'. riVH PKIl rUXT interest U paid fur inunsy from
3. 'I he money isahvnyn paid luck in GOLD, whciiev
er it iii etilleit lor. nnd ullmut iiclire.
4. Jluney m ri'ceic'd from F.zrcutortt, Jldumristrators.
Uuanhans and othcia who dmire to hae it in a place cf
perfect nafrtv. mnl when: ititi re.t inn li.i nlitnln...! n
5. The iinu'ify reaped from ileporutorrt invested in j
...m .otmK.wrixrn, wrumm unim, iill.l bUCIl Oilier
firet rlattn i-eeuritied the Charter dire eta.
il. Ollice llmirrt -Fvery day from !) till .5 oMorl?, nnd
on .Mumlajs an.) Thurpilai till nVlurk in tlm evt mn?.
Jinn. IIKMtV L. linWFIt, Pnsideut.
HOIII'itP ttCLFUIUUIa, lid Preudeul.
H. J. I'ELD, Ucrt'arit.
lion. Henry I.. Ucunir,
I'rancis Lee.
r.uwaru ja. i;aricr,
Hubert S irridee,
Siimiicl K. At-htun.
F. Carroll lirew etcr,
Joseph I!, r,
JiHfph Veikc,
C. tiiidrith .Miiuiis
uenry uiiioniieruer-
Walnut slrtcl, imA ll'c.r Cumrr ( Third Strict.
April in, K',l, Aiu. II, '.ii.i
IVh. 1.
U. S. TrustCompaiiy.
. LoniCf of I ftWI "d UliC&t Uttt V .v.. Pit U
I 'ft I It -Uamc Ji. JIunUr,
StePlieil It. Cr.lW ford,
,'Hanicl IleiillemaH,
,,tuJ iin-;i-),
tOeortfe JuuMu.
(Al. Vr C. Hart. M, Ik,
, William M, Codwi.i,
'Ik Franklin Jacktoii,
Fliny Vn,
Paul It. J, M. U.
Tnirick tir.idy,
James D.-vc-r aux,
Thonui T. I..a,
.March 1"5J ly.
I Ificad intrtcrs.
ilo.xi.s $ a. iMHicn.11 lwhw cojil
. cor, Ki.Kor.vt:. l Atinux ou.a.
I AKIMi Ih ht nnd ih ip Ft !,i!hi im in uhp, uit-
i iu 1 mi' ciiurcu Rture, nr utully une, 1
f.oni Lplosion nii.l on j luU' ch -ainr than n:i uthtr
11-111. l.ll'.SIIIII Ullll
livhl, now uied and
1 hUUAIi lit (iAS.
'ph. nbou lauiiw, with or without, Glohju or Shades.
I hi. h.ul at thu
I vpu AMI IMIP A l hlMtr1 ynni)P
U AiN U (jUPjAI UUUli .S i OWh,
, 1; CluHtffti HlliI(lillLr, Bl()()l!bl)i;r I'a..
' "d"M.T.i;r,yr
v.'.::?": "W": .c.m.''i1'" "r
I'ltllKll AND TL'I: 111: llttLlin.
.M UIHt 1XI.M i ullll.Mil.Al.M,
UltullKII & WIl)l,l;tfTICi:is
UTUrr, WIMIUW il.Arta, Of
Al.l. Hy.i:s. TAI.N'T, aVTUUTil
Ur-Tllll HUsT IUtANUil
iitUfifliiei & !iioi'i.i)i;it iia:t.s.
TUiti: n'lXBM a. i;uAMiu- nii
i)oxi'.'ioo,iiii:ii.(jii,T moui.ii
IMI roll A (1 ll 11 A T
VA III LTV lll l'AlinON
OIL l.t.Mly AMJr-IIAlir.S.
ri.UID I.A.MPSiigllADIlU.
Also-AII tho most popular Talent Medicine or the
nay, prescription mm lauiiiy inctuiiuea cjrctully tmt un
V ll.Tlu, r..rnKUi.. i ...i. '
cnntlilued and Tcilh inserted, in tlio most
approved manner. I
IVeliiig tliankt'ul for past patronage, lie
nope a roitiiniiaiicL' 01 uie samp.
lllooinsburs, Jan. ISa'J y.
T""E undersiiine.l refpertfully Inli.rma the rilizeiit or
' J- Uloomsburs.anl ll.f publ c generally, that ho hat
akent lie UAIliitllt HUOT. located opnosnoJ IhoL'oua.
House t lietl ilnor la Ilia Uoluinbij Demorrji, in the
v.hilel'rauiii lluilJitg, nppo.ito the l;telnu-e lllocki
where lio is ol all limes ready lo wait udoii ibu cut
toinera lo entire aotisfaction
Will Impipcute-i with rar and no, liiriv and fa tho
most fiihiorwUe style and on cry 1110 Icr&ip tiru's.
I rj'HIM.Ml'OOINt;. ttnneupin CilyHi)Ie, Il to.
Ilciu increased public patronage ami pldiu
. tndcavori to clve every ieionaLlefcaii(faction
U. A B'l'ANl'OItU,
I lUofHiiribiirf. Jan. 14. lPfift
I. IVEKhillinz (Jailers. (and no llumbticA for sale
X" bv 11 ART MAN'S
luirrciiiia nii'-ii ti nuit in ii.ivuuuix.-ii. ni .in niu l,.icV, UcllKni'HH Of tile I HICK UIWI XiUIIHB, slIIC'CUUIlS i " " , ' ,, , . , ' , '
lntrmlif an wiio nave been iuii.iriun.n nu wimso u,0 Ki.infvn t'nl nitntfon uf the llrnrt, ifprp',lal Tivt- UCr 01 mo numan inraiiy is budjcci to uiscnio
fund hope hnve lHeii ilisappolntcd criiBlnM and blasit-d mg irritnbilUy, UIako of tho Html. Thnmi, Noso .r 0r dlsturbntico of tho bodily functions t but,
bA I:1r.!;n;',?"',J,l'V; ...i v' .ii n. p! with tho aid of a eood tonic and the cxcrclso
r". H'.-Jf. TT-K-il Z3 All IV 1 .1 1 III illl I't,rtnt Ulr.rt
ti'imc third Phtludttphta, have on
B.w't'Vi I1a11.lnl.1r3. iisortn;nt of Fire
Viiiri'iiSi fr Thi.-f pro. fKilamanth-r t?.if. s.
7)1 itKH(!& i5fiS ANo. iron dr, f,r bmk and
rplinfoun.lcrof IhL Celebrated Institution, tiflcra the
X most certain, speedy, ami only remedy n
i. ...... i,.....n... t. ...... '
world fori Heels ror t.lnta, errici
r;,i,,; t ,i, i.i,, co,iitiiiio.,.ii
nty i,utli body and mind. These sorrel ami lolitary
priutlcos, nre mum fatal in Unlr t liilmn than tlio unit vt
the Syrens lu tho mnrincra LMyasos, ulisniliiB tni ir most
i.fHIiaiit hopca and aiillilpnlluiia, fi-lidirllij; HMtflaEo be.
i r-lnglj to n h.ii..y nmr. JK'.iVfon," iim, fcc.. Iioul.l Iniin.', ly tgn.ult lir. lift. For this purpose, Dr. Hostctlcr 1ms In
ipv. IKr nl.l iin.l nil. i jin!tn , nn,i u.j rr.tnn-ii tu jierfeit healili. troJuccil to this country a preparation bearing
I., ui.n ni.iii..' iiiuli'r tlit, i nre f Dr. Johnston.
iniiy ri I iirloil)- toiillJu in liin honor ui n pi'iitlvinoi, und
coiillduitly nly iiiimi hlnnklll n n i linlilan.
linmciliatily ciiriil nn.l lull llgor rtfton il.
'1 hi. ik-aiMx! la llm iHimlly niiM trciiKinly ml.l liy
.1 I... I. ... 1.... ...... 1 1... . 1. 1 1 .. i ..I I minimi r iiilnli'oti.
ri,... Vii.iuir in rnu. nrn tiHi ant to roiiniilt I'xrrR iroui
not h.-liiK nunriM.f llu tlriiiulol iiin-uqiiuicn inay
tliain'. Now, innlcrsl.iihlii tin- uhjccl will ire
lou.l to iiniy that tim iioutr nf iiMiroaiii.ii n lost auomr ,
hj ihono l.illin? Into lniiroirr'tn than hy thi' pnnh nt.
lii'iiilca h'lue ilfprlioilof tho iiliii.uro of healthy oir-
ril; tho ih).loil ami luenfil nmpra unakineil, lurtuun
,lrinliiy,.i)-iM.i.i, imii'iiaiii.n .i Uiu htart, luiligt.tioii, ,
xXT,? '" ' fcJ'""""ms 1 r Lo'""""''-1
'.- oillri', No. ; Hoi tu rn.Mttrx Hi met, iiuvoii iloora 1
from nirci t, , l.if, "p tlio t',l'f. "
wiiln'ill'.ikl.'Vi" !'."' ' "" 'sliA1"LU'"r JO" ,
ji Cure irurrcHttU. lo-'no viimgc from Ore la
.,r,r" ,,.,. i
Mraifunv oil NAWuutoiiLos uscu. ,
Monihcri.f tlio nojni toll 'sonf Burscona, it l.omlon. i
(,. n mil ouo of iho must inilntiit colli ro i r tho i
lliiloii I'l.iti". ami III' (iri'Mer I'arl ot wlu'lif' liar
born .pout in thi' tlr-l llo-pital. of l.on.U.n. lMrU I lulu. I
il. Inhiann.l tl.ivMnro, lua nf. tto.i aomu if thoino-t n,.
tnliUllilia euro that wiro ovi r know ll ; liianv trouokil ,
i1. J.I'.'.VJ? inVir J1 S::?.! Cr.?
f.ililCff, withliviiicin blu-liina. ntli'iiilriUouii'Uitic Willi
ik-rangeiiieiit ol iniii.l, wTt run l nuin 'ii it-'ly
A I JiKl .ll.N UIPIiAMj.
Whr-n the iiilt'Siiiilfd and impiutli nt oinry of ph-asure 1
fiiiiU I iu has iiuliilH'tl the ixeedtt of tlm paiulul disva? , it
too oft ii li tjtpuis Hi it an ill timed fitn ofchaiiK' nr
ilrnol of (!i(ovi'ry, ilctt?rt lu.u Irom nppl urr lo ilum
who from filat ulioii and renprri-dnlily ran uh u h fiii-inl
him, ilclaj itijx till the rontttnii marj yniptonis of Him
horri 1 ill ! ram injik.'i thi'irupi.'niinici, mich a-t uicei.ili d
tor', illt int'.l uo-ic', iiocturci', paiiib iu the h ml
and IiuiIh, iliiiuiL'HHofMulit, ih afnpRK, noilc-, fii tlic t-Kiu
hoiuM, mnl ariiH, llli h -s on to 1 In ;ul. face and c.lri'iu
lit h, proitrvsfin; w ith r.tpi:it, till at l.iit thii p.. la to f
tli" moutiiaml lion- of th" iw-v fill tu. ini'l lli' it ti.n i'
lliin tlfHne In cuiii'-s u li irrid ihj' t of i ouiiuiMr.itiuii i
till ikath puttt n p' riml to Iim (Iri'iiiiial sull rinn b . n-
niiiliiiii lu "that liourii" i'n m whiiiLt- no lr.ii;IIti -lurtin."
To nn It. th.Ti't in, Dr. Jidi.i ttm pk.fLv hi.n- 1
(L'lo prcLrvi th. ino-t 'u iold'J tecrtc.i , ami uum Iim
cMlik-ivi' prnctici-in tli lirt-t lloi.jiii.il4 ,l t.ur- y auu
.iui-riia, Iu i tin I'onil utl) rtc'i'iiiK ii'i 'a! - nut! -petuj
cure to llu uiit'utuiiiitt- uilm 1 tin 4 horriJ ui-d-atu. ,
lir.J..i,Mro.'all'tho.oi.niiiioi,ji,o"niio.iib Ivcj
am; I'.umui i.ail ndi k i:.
In rri tttaj liiitl I'uiirom'r imlul'Tiiifs.
' are noni" il the cul und int-lamholy effect1 pro-
duci-.l Itj carl hahits ofjinith, M Wi-aUnesd nf tho
Hack mnl MiuIh, rain l.i the Head, lfimneifi of Muht. 1
Lobh uf .Mu-cular Power. I'.ilmt.ltluu ot th" Heart. D.h- .
ptiifi.i, Nervous Irnitahiliiy, Urausemeut iX thn Dig.-h.
tii FillicliuiiJii (j' Debility ij uiptumn of Loiibunip
lion. Vr.
MUN'r.VMaY. The fitful t fleet upon tho mind nro
milch to bedrended, liiiit .Mi nii)r,CtuifiHiuU of Ideas
ll.'pretriiuii of tlu spirits, V. i Forthtiilinirx, Aermoii
ol'focivt), Tnmlj. iVr., are fcoiuu oftlid cmIi prndiufd, .
'1 hotiiamln of pcrHoiit of all ai;es can now Judge what
it the latise nf th.-ir dt dnnn? health. Looin tluir
ifor. bic ouiin weak, p.ilo tin 1 em.ui, 1miui tin
tralar nppi-aiane about Uio e)e, unif-'li aud mptuuis of
Ilv 1 1 j -4 ureal aa 1 remed, weakness nf the
contain arc speedily inred, and lull mor restored.
I ThoucauiN ol tlif hio-t uerour, ant ikbihtatut, ho
had lout all hope haelieu iuimediati 1 lelicved. All
impediments tu M.irrl.ize, l'li en al aud .Menial lm;
luaiion, eroiid irr.ii.iijim . i remonuaa ami c.imu
or eli-iit.itlun uf the i.iuti tV.irial kin J, specui!) dircd
uv fuiiur joinieiun.
YOl'Nd .M F.N.
Who have inlured tiiuii'-hes bv a certain nr.utice,
indulged iu wh u aloiu'-a h.ilnt frcpn-utly laru il Iroui
i il cuiiina.iiuii, or at kcIiooI -Hie ftlViti uf w Inch are
infill) Kit, een when ahep, and il nut cured nudum
iu:irri.t((c iniim-ible, anil dettrojti both iniml and butt),
ell. ml. I .ipplv luuiiedl.iM.
What u pitt that uuny man. the hope ufhiii (nunlrj,
tuitl I lie il.iiluiii ijf lust parents, h(luM lc tii.ilthed tnun
till proyp'-Uit and eujoj meiitit ol life, by the ciiupl-pd-U'
lea ui deW.illui! fruui thi path of nature, and luilulpiui
iu a t-ett.uu tfecrct lutbit, Stuli p ruuua bv-lurii ion-U-inpUtiitg.
th ould reflect that it Found mind and arc th; mott
lltcesary re'iuuiea to promote (unuiibiat ijppiueiH
Inilu.'il, without tlii'xe th 'journey through hf b i-m.-f
u weary i'i!?riin.iKv, the prtifpeit lumtlv dark nt,i
tlmiew; thu muni In rouien hadowcd w Uh ih-ppuirAu
tilled w ith thu nul.iin hoi) ri thi linn that tlu h.ipj iiitiii
nf another bet inii"d bliiilitoil with our own,
UFFICi: NO. 7 MH'Tll Fill.DliKlUK HP. Jlaltmore Xd
ALL tfl KljlLAI.OPllUATlU.NSI'iUtFOilMl.lK
N. Ik lui lalitj iuodei-1) prevent nii, but a'pl)
iiumcdiati'H ithr person ill)' or 1 1.. tt-r.
ski. uitfi;Ai:ri M'luuiu.v cfki;i.
TU bTIViXahlib.
Th" many thoUiauil!i cured at Ihiit Im-tiliilioii within
llu' J5 jL.irc, ami ttu numeioiii, important
Operations pcrliin.i -d b Dr. Joluit-ton, uituesheu b
th ; rcport'Ti ol th p.ip.-rt and lu.Hi) otlur perMHis, no
tices of whu li li iu appi a red again an.) .1,1111 hef.ire tlio
I'liblic, h 'hides Iim btauiliit4 u u gentleman of li iract r
audreepoiuihilit),!.! tulh iut L'iiar,iuteclcilhuulllictcd.
N. Ik There are eo many i.'Uurnut and worthl'
Uiuili rulv t. riUnt ihenni lei I'lijmaiiti, r.iiiiiny ill
health of the alre.ul) aillut -d. th il Ur. Juhitoii deeim
it liecettxarv tu uv. dlieciall, to those uiiuciuainLed
with IiU repuiatiou, lua credeuliald und diploma
nlwn)ti lutuz iu lit oihcc.
Ly Takk Noirk. All litter luilht he pnt pal I, und
contain it j uhtagu btump fur tlu repl), 01 nu aiia.ur will
ll! M'Ut.
March 17. I"!-).
iiitoii: n imi-wi: of j.i.uia oixumi.
II K ,11 1 S T A X I) !) Ii V G G J S T ,
.Yitrth-Hiast Cvrncr vf Chestnut and hiftfi kinds,
rim,Ai)i;i.i'iM., inaiiuf icturi r of tlronu'a J.sscnce of J iinaira
(ina't-r. . huh u rerutruized und preieiibed bv tlie
Medical Faculty, and h.i-bcohn) ilu tUndard luuuly
.M. iltLitie 1 1 I he United tate.
Thin Jisi. nt c i a prepaiatiun of unusual c.r Ikuir-1.
Iu oiilinar) di.irtha-.i, im ipiciii iliolei.i, in hul, ini.ll
.is o( piutratiuii ul tli j (tige-me tuiiLlioii , it ! of
iiiLttuiMLile alue. I Mi rin,' the pr'nl 'lie ) c c-pkl. mio
rhulera nu.l iuiumer (umjd.nutii f, it is pecu
liaily ciliuiciuus j no fimil), individual, or tra.tler
bhuulit bj w ithuut it.
To prevent v.iluablj ilnienco fiom liJnci ci-utit r '
felted, tc new hleel c.uir.i ins, nt n reat (ObI I
will bj found on tlu oalaitk of ihr wrapiicr, in onUr to I
guard Uiu purchaser ticiiiut i.npued upon by j
woilhleh imitati of
Fr. pared only by FKi:iu:iUCK I5110WN, and for t-ale
at hU Drug nnd Cluiuieal torr, !v. ll. luru.rcf 1'itlh
and L'lfhtiuii Street., FhiUdclphi 1.
AUo for bale by all urpnUiblu Drugiil in tlie Uiu
ted Stales.
Match IU, l;U)-n.n.
Light ! Light! Lights
I A K A (i O N
coal, i;i:i:o.-ii:i:. tut imui:o;oii.-!.
Til l; bt?t, lnu.l iirilliaut, iiii'l cil -uii. t 1'iirtulilo liglit
iiiiv," r.i lie.. Nn iltnvcr nt ixjiluiun uu.i ili..ijiL'r
tluti lliiiil, I ml. 11.I1 ml ur (Uiiijili.-uv,
Without tlu f tji. Hue of c:.i8 iti-i.H. The uboe I.'unpii
Ith nil l.i.Mr 1 Hue in inn. ni! a 1 i.t'i li ki i 11 mill l.i.iM.lit
nt tli' d.I ehtab ihed Uru and ihmn..l t-tore if llu
under. piied. who llttt' r liniistirtliat liotn In lonex -
lu'il iir - in tho Ilnu tn. le, he know s Low . In.rj lo
TlLVVirVVrTirrl'u'',i'n"'''J' ',"".''''f'-''i! Un.'"
lilooiusbarft, .irs.irruiin lin;t .ou.itry. ..'all and see in.
I.eW lltl.1 WHl b.KUe.l htoLk Ol
uiiuii.-t. Mi:in..ixi.n r mi I'll umic i.s . TAixira
VAIlMmilM, i I.M'Ll l'.-i OILS (li.ASS
1'KU.M 7x11 to vHx-ln. C..riXTItJSA
i'Acv 'jou i:t. Alt-
TIULL3 1 Ull
;",J ';""' Jle"i-" f t, .nr.,.) , use
I.nnom. (iiirt' for iin.'Uiniidl u hu only. 1 luU. t iiiupliviii!
(arljon Oil Tiirpuitn..- nnd Alu-hol 'i ru,.-, r-huuUl r
l.race niul Ali4iiiniii.i MinportiT. hurtfical niul Don-
tal litruini'Utg. bj.ii tuil una Ilrutlit a, l ri'1. Hum-
pliri)" llinim?Mtliic Ki'ineiUea, (iur.lcii, Canary, Itape
und llc-inp kct-ilri. 'llicrinuuK't.'rt, proi)'.pljB Aloroccu
Ji'tither und blKKi 1 jniiin'., i.c, ic, tociln'r uiih tlio
UrgL'tt untl inu&t Miri-d iiiiiiortsni'iit of (Ji.rnian Tuj und
ever brought t tins place, all cf wlncii pkasu call nnd
nut- UIMI j UU 1I1UL Ulli;
TuuiiiSarwed by wufejiK'ri.nco that "lone credua
win iiuc Kcin 1 in ii,; nimiiij,', 1 na.o iieierininca iu
tocanlibitr-, t make 11 nn uLijcct u Hi. 'in u t as
the null Jr. tu dual un tliucuah principle, either mony ur
rundy trade.
Hitting served a regular iipprenticfiihip nt thu Drug
nna Apniti'jcnry ij.isiiieiB, uonJi' lutviiijf carrl'J it tm
(ur tlm la, 1 1 igliUi ii )cora. cm iny umi honk, I Hjitt-r 1 aiu ittdv' to ilo liiniu; tu utl cmilir 11m si
111.11. iiiiimiuiiuiiio .uuu ivt iirtu iinuii, 1 ,uuw
nt-k n trial imtha new pruiciplo, and will t'u.irmitee to
viiu iu nu) uaii linn uu) ui etuuecu niis,
1'llVStOIANd l'HKS' lttl'TIONS
carefully compounded, anj all order corrcrtly answered.
All medicines ttunraulecd as reoniiuiciided, rtore lluoui
on Mam tllreet, near .Market, next door tu tho Tost Uf.
tic', lllouuisburi,', Columbia county, Ta,
Dv'cembcr 10, lttf'J-y.
No, North 'id St Leiiieen Arch
Race Philadelphia
J.MTOUTEIl ofToya.lancy Datklla, I'lp-a, Sniirr .ind
louacco uuxra, rjejtar t.a.ea,uanpa, a.
Manofacturcr of Floitak Alphabet blockv
P,..l,.L o. ism "Im '
t- i- K ,.. it,, i . !.t
of plain common suso, llicy may bo fiblo so to
rcEitlnto (ho system ns to secure, permanent
l,iii. jn rilr In nrcnmnilsh tt ile.lrml
, , OT"Cr 10 . ? .," VJ ..fMiU
object, tho truo courso to pursue Is ccrlnlnly
that whiclt Mill jiroduco a lmiurm ttnto ot
Ms name, which Is not a new medicine, hut one
that has been tried for years, giving batlsruc
tion to all Ttho liavo used it, Tho Hitters
operato powerfully upon the stomach, horcls,
anil liver, restoring them to a healthy anil
vlrroroud action, nnd thus, bv the Bitnnlo lirO'
ccs3 of BVcnEllicnlng nature, cnablo tho eys-
, ii,,,,Vi, ,,..ri(..
'cm to triumph over tliscnsc.
For tlio euro of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Iau-
Eca Flatulency, Loss of Arpctllo,ornnyl)iliou3
Complaints, arisinR from a morbid inaction
of tlio Storaach or Dowels, producing Cramps,
Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, i:c., thesa
Bitters liavo no equal.
Diarrhoon, dysentery or flux, eo generally con-
tractcd by now settlers, niul caused principally
by tl.oclmnGo of water and diet, will bo speedily
regulated by n brief tiso of thlj preparation.
Dyspepsia, n discaso which is probably moro
rrValcnt,'ln nU lls val.ioll3 fovms, lUin nny
other, nnd tho causo of which may always
bo attributed to ilcranRcmcnt8 of tho iligcstivo
,..,., !, rrr., v-itlmiiL full 1iv iisini
?H9iCJ!i!Vi "I!?,, , , ,10 io-m,,,, US1"S
illrpntionq nnllm lint tin. Pni tilts ilkpn.m nvprv
t"-' ut u aruuiu lutuwn iu vv
liblo? All nations liavo their aprc- ;
ventivo of iliscaso anJ Btrcngthener of the tys- .
tern in Rciieril ; niul ninone them nil thero is 1
not to bo found a moro healthy pcoplo than j
tlio Germans, from whom this preparation etna
natcil, bascil upon tcicnlific experiments which '
have tended to provo tho value of this great j
preparation in tho ncalo of medical Ecicnec. I
j-'kveh asd AntiE This trying nnd provok- ,
ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on j
the body of man, 1 educing him to a mere fch.v I
(low in n fchort timo, and rendering hlra phy-
eically nnd mentally useless, can bo driven ;
from tho body by tlio uso of HOSTETTEll'S i
REXOWN'llD MTTEUS. I'urther, nonoof tho
nbove-statod diseases can lie contracted, even '
in exposed situations, if tho Hitters ate used
n3 per directions. And ns they neither creato
nnusca nor offend tlio pnlntc, nnd render un
necessary any change ol' diet or interruption
of ordinary imr&uily, bttt promoto sound sleep
and healthy digestion, Iho complaint is re
moved as speedily ns is con&islcnt v itli the pro
duction of a thorough and permanent cure.
For Persons tn Advanced Yean, who nro
Buffering from an enfeebled constitution and
infirm body, these lHttera aro invaluable as a
restorative of strength and vigor, and need
only bo tried to bo appreciated. And to a
mother whtlo nursing these Hitters aro indis
pensable, especially where tho mother's nour
ishment is inadequate to tlio demnnds of tho
child, consequently her strength must yield,
and hero it is where n good tonic, such as
Ilostettor's Stomach Hitters, is needed to impart
temporary btrcnath and vicor to the system.
Ladies bhould by all means try this remedy
for all cates of debilitv. nnd. before so dointr.
for nU ca&es of debility, niul, before so doing,
should ask their physician, who, if lie is
iittil 1 -(1 1 vii fun nf it n lllltnra will
recommend their uso iu nU cases of weakness.
CAUTION. AVo caution tho public against using
any of tho many imitations or counterfeits, but ask
and pco that each bottlo has tho words "Dr. J.
Hosteller's Stomach I.ittcrt." blown on tho sido
of tho bottle, and (damped on tho metallic cup
covering tho cork, nnd obscrvo that our autograph
signature ii on tho label.
Prepared nnd sold by U.OSTETTEH 6
SMITH, rittaburEh, Pa-, end sold by all
druggists, grocers, and dealers generally
throughout tho United States, Canada, South
America, and Germany.
tvd.i hj J. II Mn r. I. P, I.ui2 1 InnmOmrB : A. Mil
ler .('(. Wrict; U.K. Knulnrl. r.-plnn , M. V.
Cn r. .Ins I.ei A. H. i;.in. & Co.. li.uuiUe.
(Muh r I,'ui.
TOH -t'O c: S' G US
ft; A G 2 N & B O Y IS ,
vii')i.r.HAi.i: iiEii,i:n i'
ManiiiiU'iiiri il .V Leaf Tuli.trro,
C Corner of Tront and Arch Strcili.
ARIIiLa 1M ..FV. I
J.Ml'a M. IIOYD. f
M.irch 10. 1-ul-Um.
m c fac 1 1 it 1 11 nr
American Violins.
In Crt mona niyfe, vtth patent trtlpiuet,
I .T 15 NT DUN U HUT I N H S ,
MILITARY DRUMS of all r.lzes on a new rlan,
i:jI.v.iui:.i, r.t.vnoiti.vfx
PAKUiniCNT, VUl.l.U.M, CAM1, AMI e-li i:i:i VII!U
Sliiiii, Oijdis, lilfohvui t.y .lnbiud
X.i. (..111 No. 1.5 .1 ..rth S conil irlrcU,
l llll.iliKI fJII.1.
All kimU l' XI -t l It ill I lao . (jiilaull) tin
,u n l .lil-i. ... ilKliltli.LllHtU.U'l t.1111 rt 11.11 lull.
V'.'.h lu. 1-t.l t,m.
OllNAMCNTAlj 1KOX WOllIW, ) w (1 I'"':':1 fJl1, Y1",'"- J-'1m"s. ic J)rj-
. ..... . . ..... . lir'W; laiut. .nnh iin-I Calhi.iuiiitf liiithli-b. tnucih-
MK 222 i a.illli lilli M.. IHIHW 1 Ilirtl. ' '''fthnioini.M.'tn.soitinpnt.l tirfttl,t i;oui.h m.
PUII..1IH I.Pfll.l. I I'ratvil in the Druan-t Piiini Ihuuicbs.
Ir-riii llailhig fnr Parks t mi urKh, Vtran.'a.-'.r'ltpi'. -to. I .)ilin AI.Mi,
n Hi: SI T. M S UV MUX, at i:py, I'ulumln lomni),
I will bd in o.' lation ti.i.i llu tlr I or mi.! tlio
proprietor r '.id) tirulo orders, to rut Lumber tor
liu.ista, l.rl llfi'-.. cC.
TlllW. V. i:DO.It.
li'V. Maiih 17, l-'l'i
rplinn .1. isi.ii'.J i.' nilorin. Iiis 1'iKiid and
t til.' pillilie ul lame ninl Ih' ri-bl . t luaiikiiid, that Im
liaa it si l-Midld ussorti.ieut . r
,.. -. i
, county, IM"' w li.-re Ik' lias a lariw and illoirf a.s'oitnu'iit i
SlMilNU AND l!OUl)s.
l-iiiinf i'i ruler mio 11 tiiniuti' imiit
'f Hi
KimU licri-Kx imiliuijr in ufiirins! liis IriMidk U1..1 , 1
i'r)tliuiiti-ii.ill hi'iiiii 'ii ut M"rcH. r.iu hore had
n "litilo 1 li.'upt r than tin. tlic.iix!t."
, uk, t xtiu'uie f.'r t'oojs. """
yi crrt
Uohrmtinr. Mnrrh 10. ls'O. " l'"
- . ,.
I. 11. JUiduin
. 11. I.lntKM4H,
p. iiManMi.s
misiiu iiV, i.i,M)j:iwia &, o..
IS 1
' IlOSlli V. (ilOVCS, K.lllOMS, Tri H) !U IliJCS A.C.
m:cn, r.N(ii.i.n & i.i:uman hmam, wakr.
Ao. 313 Mar fa l btrut, PlulaiUipltta,
Tcbruary 2a, J-.W-Um.
r 110 nr , ,, ...
1 1 " JOnh vuUitk Mrtltt ubtVC Ardl
I'll II. A 1111 imi l - '
noiesaie & 1cpt.u1 .iinii'iiaciiirer o f iRy'
iA . 1 r 1
1 ,l0fJ tjs. halthHs, l'lirsis. (.'alias,
JltiUuers CtlSCS, DfCisiil" Casts, Writill"
Uedcst Port Foiiios, mil Hooks,
J0DB1AO PflOJlthlY JiTr.M)F.D TO,
1 1 hni try 'Jj. IijO Uiu
KiiisiimtiTii tfiiiiioTiiriih,
tobacco ii i: , i, e: u s
IX V. 105, NORTH Til Mil) STHKET
Five door ibeluw Hare,
' . ... ... PIIII.UA Ll'IIIA
Jou uary I o.J 83S.
' A XOoL'l.K.V. Iletnn t Cotten cVrVeuTrnrtYl. " "'
at 1IAUT.M AN G,
t 1 1 1 til li I J IM it-i iili neu in ll nil mm i. i . .i (ti in- ii i nm KfU 111 Klriiiio in. (,r u .j,uPi .,n. a n.l . . ,. it .ma. ,
iliico iilliitleii-l in liij innii, in W.uil .f.M.-i t.l gJ UU km imi, or i no i..t mii -I.- Im" A li ''.P"M'' 'V TiunK y,- - ?vY
rlniidu-.taoM'iidliimtli irtiWimi. It iu-i Hi.-. pori. mV ! h a eara mill U tafcly rtc . ' V ,;., '''"I" fW-fj-iw W
Il.tklu.U-cn mli.t-d u.Ui n.ncl. car0 vuth I n.tlm bvi t Mt.l.r mm in.i.c. V.-V' r , , 1,1 1 ',f',;, ''''
rct'iri-nrr lotlic naiiu U his orammiity-nm uin1(,-it i r mud. ... .mil ir- ..n.i i- .1. 1- . ..m,.. r. .,,,.,. imiiks A.i . Uc tu t7t&SiiJ
n. ...ial..-.l l.nvl. u-cl lrnfp-r IltlSII'llKrYfl'
SI'KCIFIC 1I(MK0F VTIUO KKMKDIL tn our ftnitllen
nlih the nio-t inl-rictorjr reJulU, and hivtnjr full confl- .
denee In their pen'i1nene, purity, and fillcaey, clieprfully 1
reennimciid them to nil pet mm nbo ttlth tn have Hare, re
Hub!, nnd elllcaeh.ui reinvdles at han 1 for prlrnle or rlo
nn'Hllc ie, . ,
The llfv. Wm. Il.wner, of "The Northern Indc
pendent," Auburn. N. V.; the Ucv. K II. Creaky, IM' .
Hector of Ft. IVHru Cbureb, Auburn, N. V. ( the Hev, M. I,
Ivcm. Clnpliln of (Tip Auburn Stale PrWftii; the llfV.
Piwneer M. Itlee, It-rinr, New-Iii'drnrd, Mum.j the U-v.
Alb-n Slc-cltf, New-Vork Cmfereiice j the Itev. Snmmd
Nl.dioH, Knsl (li'iteieo r'inrcrence, N. V.; the Hev. 1. I4.
Piatt, lHim t, Vt.; the Il'-V. John K. Untile, lluITnliti A. 0.
Ilirt, Ki'i, Ulh'l, N. Y.; tho linn. Neat 1) m Porlht.d.
Me. t the Hon. Sibujter tJdri,f'int1i-Henit, Ind, t Ibw Hon.
tfeoriie lliimphifH, N. Y. ; Henry 1. Conic, 1 , tMltr or (
The Ohio SI lie Jourml, Colmnh'H, (Hili; t'ic I Inn. 11. tl.
(Iralntn, Mdhie, 111,; the llm. Tbumw .. Clm, M-mll
cell-., riu.i tlie II in. J wepli ltene.Hct, Film, N. Y.i Win, i
IiiM il, Ki'i , Utl. a, N. V. A S. I'.md, , L'lleii, N. Y, ;
J.iiu-H I'limctl, Ft' , N Mlivllle, Teun.
ti.y, 1 Vor Fever, F uixe-'tloii, mid lull inimntl-in.
N. a K.r Worm IVvr, Wnrm Cdle, Witting ISc Ped.
Nu. A. For Cidle, Urjhi,-, Tec tidily, tin I Yuliofiihii-u of
lufinK .
N, 4, Fur Dlinlie.i, Chotern Infintuni, anl Pununer
C I'llplllllM.
N. ft v,r C die, Urli-tum, I)-intcry, nr ; Flux.
;.), fi, I'ur Cleilera, Clmlera Mm Inn, Vniiiltliijr.
f,o. ". Fr C.mli 0dJ, Inline mi, ant Pm-e Thnut.
No. S. For Tonlli-nelie, F.iec iche, nnd NVur ilIn.
jf0, 5, For Ilea I iche, Veitlrfo, licit nit't FulInciS td Ihe
No." UK t)vPH"n Put.- Fnr Weik mil l).rin?(.
Pt nn irb, C Wapiti m, and 1.1 ver Cotnpl ilnt.
No. tl. Foa Fntcth liiiin.c,i.4KiiiK', tfe:utt., Painful, or
Suppreed Pvilmli.
No. 12 l,einorr!iei, Profaie Meoei, and
Dtnvn of Fein ile.
No. 1 1. -For Crtinp, Hmr-e F..'i';h. Hid t!i itldi'-
No. 1 1. 1 r t IttftM Pntjt l.r-iM-l i, i:r.iill"ii,
F'unple mi t'.e K.te
i ,p'( i: Mrif Put F -r Pihi, l.niienet, nr ue-m-iHln
the CI.M, Hi I. iu. r l.lmb.
A F-r F.-e-i- mil u,l' illl Fever, Airue, Old
M!..Hiii''l Vn -
p K'trPd.i I! I or II !.. I't( rn il r tiT'int
o -y,-i ... n 11...M
C For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, cither wlta
obstruction or profuse discharge.
V. C For AWiooi'lng Coiifih. abating Its violence and,
Bht.rtci.lnir lis cour6e. ,
In all acute dlai.nn, Buch aa Fevers, Inflammations,
Dlanhca, Dysentery, Croup. Hluumatihin, and such crup-
live illscntea U3 tfonrkt Icier, Mcasiw, iinj Krynlptla., the
advantage of (ihlnji the pi oper remedies promptly Is ob
vious, an.i in an buui cases uie epeciucs hci hrb umnu.
The entire disease Is often arrested at once, and In all cases
the violence of Hie attack U mmUrated, the disease short
ened, and ictidered Icusilaiiiaruu;,
Cmif-'ki and Cold', w Idch are of such fretjucnt occurrence,
and nhUh so ofteu Uy the foundation of diseased lunt,9,
tunncldtU and consuaiptlwii, may all be at once cured by
the Kcr und Couifli Pills.
In all i liri-r.lccllienscs.euch as nyspepfla, WenkPtoninch,
CuiiHtlpntlmi, Ucr Cuuiplitlnt, Files, 1-cmale Debility, and
Iriefrulaiilii", d i Headaches, Sore ur Weak F)es, Cnlarrh,
K. it Itlicuui, ntid btlur old eruptions, the case 1ms specifies
whose, piopcr application will niTuril h cure In almost every Often tlie eure of ti slnRle chronic difficulty, euch
tit H.ispepftl.1, Pitts or C'ntnrrh, Headache or Female Weak
ne?i,' has uvre than paid fur the cae ten time. over.
Cae of SO l.ili complete. In morocco, and Look $5
Cme uf '.'i vials and liook, plain 4
Case of 15 nuiulnreil boe, and Hook 2
Unit? of C hoei. numbered, and Hook 1
Mnle numbered boxes, ntth tllrectlous 25 cents.
Pintle kttcied boxea, with directions CO ccnK'e case of 2 oi. Iab, for planters and phslclaus....fl5
Pen A.i iim oh PiiTtmia 0ipu"ed, Difficull, Labored
It real hi ajr, nt tended with Cough and Kpc!ctoratlou. Price,
CO cents per box.
Foil Fin Iii&iitrtutfi inuDkafses Discharges from the
1 ur, tlie result ui yeurlet reier, Jlensles, or jjercunau.
' ForNoUrthiti.e Head, lMrdnessof lleailn?, afd Hinging
I m t,,t; ,l"d hr-:iche. Pllce, CO cents Jier box.
FnH .oiioh I Ki.liiruv.l (iiiimi.. l:nlari;i'il nnil Intlurat
l ', SHrlllii;. nixt 01.1 nci'in.&cruruluu. Cailitxy ol
Clill'lrrn I'i loe, Till ctnla i-r bn.
r.m (Hs'Hui Dnui itv. l'lij slcnl or Nervous Weakness.
Klthcr Hie result of Sickness, r.xcessh c .Meillcutlon, or Ex
l.iiuslliiK Dl.eliiire,. Trice, f.fl itnla per lio.
lh Oiiuivy. 1 lulil Accninuliitloiis, TumlJ Swellings, with
gc.iiity l?ecrtllo.i'.. 1'iUe, &u cenl, pir htx.
r.m tK. SirkMM si.kiiepi, Verlljio, Nausea,
Vomiting, yickiics. from ikllu or mullou. l'ricc, If) ccnta
per lxi.
'iut t'Kiv.HV Dih. ask.. l'nr (1 ravel, Kennl Calculi, DlffJ.
cult, r.ilnfi.1 Ui In.itloii, Diseases of tlic.KI.lnc.. Trice, tO
cents per Lot.
Foa J.hMiv.1. Kulinsi Involunlarv Dischftrfica anil
Coneiueiit Trostratlnu nn.l l)elilllt , Hail Ilesults of Evil
M.iUls. The must successful nml efficient remedy knonn,
nn,t may lie r.lieil uwon as a cure. Trice, Witt, full direc
lions, 1 1 tr lox.
Tcisoiis lio .lsh to place themselves under the profca
.huial cure, or to seek mhice of Tiof. IIlJirilHhTa, can do
so, nt his clUcc 112 liroadnay, daily from 8 A.M. to 8 l'.M.
or h.v letter.
I.nok over the list ; make up a case of what kind you
clinnse, and llu lose the amount In a current note or stamps
by mall to our addres., at No. t,Ci llroadway, NenYork,
nnd the medicine nill be duly returned by mail er express,
free of charpe.
A0KNT8 WANTFD. We desire an active, efficient ARent
for the stie of our Keme.l(S In every town or community
tn tlio United States. Address Dr. F. IIUMl'lir.KVS Si Co.
No IG2 JJao.bwAT, N&vr.VOJtc
EoM by E. P., U.oi.mLUri- rd.
Apnl7, 1-bO.
(ilSli l llIL-, (a.' rflMT,
r5. W. ror. I'uit rtl. and Callow lull StreLts.
'." llnmi-'i-ls, M .rili.inls. r.uiu r, aud tli" ptihlt. m
. r x. I. re. 1 will .oil ut wlmh silo unit r t.ul, to tho
?piliii! 'I'r.tile of IMitl, ,iitju liiik..rilr.iys, M 'dultn-a.
Cli 'iiiicals, e..1., tct:,
,M,tS)il lloxi-a id' Win low (ila,i..;ih.rte.lbir.'j .X. .iitnlitl
lii.uiKi I'ouuds nf Tint), U'ltu lilaili, It-il. ir.. i.. hulk nr
.M.UDO .i.illons l.iu.eed (Jil, ripints Turpentine, t'liui-
pliin. All I'lint, ie,
M Tuns i.lTure Wlntj Lead, in I'.ld... J This., 1J), .VI,
5 nu. I li'. Hi. Kelts
:IU Tons ( I' Tuarl h low Wlntu Lead, in r.hls., I lllils.. Mil,
.VI i'i und 1-JJ Ih., Keg..
Id Ti.n . ( X. w x ork Wlule Lead, in Mil., i 1'bl.. ln.1,
,'.J. -a. ami 1-1 Ih li.
1 1 Tons ot Aiiieric.i rimw Wlute '.Inc. iu Hhls., I Kids..
IIM, oxl. -ii Illl I I.'i III. K.'i'
Stl of l.ehi?li Alii, ni .in X.n.c, I'Jil., l:Ua .".0,
!.5 'ions of Zinr Taint., oi .lill'.rei.l .olora, IMils., i llhls.,
UH). .Hi. 43 uu.i i lb. K.-iis
t an., i.j iu. u. -pa.
yil't'iUMff Mineral Paints, ui' niT-ront tblurti, drv nr
Crtmini in oil
lU.ium pounds i.t Puro I'rjiich (.run, frmia', lUaii,
Vi Ihm, lilnc. black an Inth r i ol-Mri. dry nr m l)il.
l.mtO PmindKi'l Knrills'at-jiUili;pu,IUcU, Uj.I, Ckui,
tin. I ot in r tuliirs.
! UH) facKdol (loll -r (JhiLkra' lHjtnon.U, (JlaicrH
i Vans, Hark luiiu-ti.
I, mil
l.lhltl t.'.iliiiifd, I.aud, ll'uti.try.r.ii.tiii' Tl.isler.Ac.
tfv uu.i it,- ti un Hj .mimic i t-uirin
u' .mil wiiiiii 1 will mi at wllill.l'.MAI.U or T.ll
I All., ultroin lutJ'.HJpcr rein. I.-, than olli i tstahluli.
IIIIMIY t). 11. I1.KS.
Tropu t ir ol th
I liil.nlilpliri f:ili Drin;, .in. I lil.i.i Hor.i,
yoiilli.vM.t lorner of Touilli audi alluw lull tls i'
M.inli 17. I -l 11 -:in.
.MAI'Kx "Nl'inOi.l.Nl.KU"
VJ f'. iAlLfLISWe,
I llh, II. Iduurr Avenue, TIIII.ADlll.TIIIA.
f fol'-' agent 1 1 .r l'.'iiu.)li.iiii.i, Delaware and New Jer
' fc.Si-ffi-lVi
rurian Guano.
"cn laiiuiid iiii.n l'.irmtrs, tuni yrtn tu all uh 1 rL-iicrt
Aiicu-i Jl.
John c. yeager,
MAM KAt Tl lim A. Wlliil,l.IX l)i:.M.l.H IX
llaiincis niul FIomiie,
N'o. '.'J7 Mill I'll Tlllitll STItnUT. TrULAIILLTllI A
Match It). l-iiO-i-jin.
H'ATl HUs Ji.WUKV A; SILViill ll Alli;.
rAra,irr(aaioc!arr;.riiilc l7,iit,rf4oir..-rrtr
u MUl.l.lliAN,
No. til, North S.cond Slrtit. nboxt Willow, Wc.t Side
VlULjihEU'lUA. ,
SMroitTURor all kinds or .'fis, f'rnirA oai Ariaa
'rij IqC ' au 1 Muuulacturcr oi Jcwtlry, or ixcrydi.
I ountry. Htoro Keepers. Aucliouetrs. Pedlar, k deal-
lahlishuieni th- largest most x at lot. and 1'ashionahla
, , , '""). ate assure. i mat tucy w ill unit at thu eb
...w...., buv, omiw ..wn.aiiu ai i.tices.
i ct in Lner than any other House in this Country.
,o, Keepers nnd other, who cannot come to the ntv
on r their foods hy .Mnl. ami have them anit bv
cani.ri rineir toons ny mm. ami have them aunt bv
bsptt-s. .-o,,) p...ii. nu , oninry, as clltap and ttell
selected if they lame to the City and siltited tlnin In
)..... u... i u.tu.uv. ...a piat..,
Sio. 411, No. HccondrJl. above Willow, West side,
E.tablishea for Over Fourteen Ycart.
March HI, Will Win.
A ft 0 31 30! S
I has fit-coinr nn cstahllilicd (net, n Blandnrd AlVdil 1
and n n roved by nil that! Jme usnl It.niMi""1
and approved hy nil that
rcsorii'il iu with conft
cv foi which it ft recom.
It li .1 cured lhoii
twoypiiM w lnt had plv
ii tlx nuinerous int
in v iiontpsnioii show
I rho dniie must he n
ment nf tin iinitvidual
such qtiJtitlllrs ut tfiiiri
deuce in nil the ,ii.M
mended. IIH,iii.
nnds within t b i
Lnlciicd tert ficnte,"
Irlnptedtn thr
tiikliiu It, omi ,,;'"
cr-ntiy .,ii in, no,;;', 'a
I Let thn diet ilis of
yon n tin ue of thp
TOU nnd ft w( cur"
out ,1ttatKt, Dyspepsia,
titer Complaint s Dy$tn
ech Habitual Cotttrenng,
Jltorbui Cholera tnfan
Ptmals tt'tnkncigcs,m
lv a1 nn Ordinary Family
t-'ICK iicaiiauiii:, it
in tvtnty mlnnttt tfttco
taken at loininenrcuirut
Jill who use it are glv-
hr Iter? njw, ,
I"1 n MW.a,AV,'3r
CS iJIMMae. It nil,'!"1'
M Mr ?'J ;;.
K nl iit'nck. 1 ""
M llinr lf(i,y 1(
iis uivor
mix WATnit in Tin: fltiui n with tup
VllJOIt A TOR. AUU fWAI.I.OW IIO'I II 'l()G! I nl-n
Mick o.vk rut uottlk .
s aTfoud'8
rATHAirrii pins,
rnrt Vrgrtuhh lUtratlt, udjmlvpln Qtast Cuts,
' I hi r.i.iitiii Vrt-.
full 1'iit a, ti . t'a
pll.'tnr li l, ;i-uil In ijisl
iwrnty )r:ir
Tim ri'll.laill y ifi-l
lliniti uiu, li.m limif
antisfacliiiii wiiicli all
tlii'ir imr li;iH imliiccil.
in tlm n-.nli nlall ,
'I I n irfii.iiiii i'lli
lli.irln..tit nn dill'iTi nt
Till. I'NMItiV CA-I
w iili ilu ril ri'iirc 10
i.lCi. Ill-oil riiiililllllilr'il
purrai V"gi't.tlili! V.-
.wry imrl ..f ln .ill
.iniii, ami .afp in ii'l cn
Im-i-iIi.i. a ii r li aa lit- j
HUH t-lbll'IM.H
I iiniviMa-. I'iin and
'"'' liUl. Ill'
,111.111110 mri.
i n.nj (Ionian,! r,.
ii-elllii!l'ILI.-ior,,i'", In rij.,,,,";'
nm tu
kni.iv that iliirtr,.,,,,.,
Iiiirlioin ill ih,, , ''
tiiaicik; i'ii.i if
till, will .m.,i,I,.';,j
fr. in n viiiiuv
Itnctauliidi in t. -nil,,.. ,
, '.' ""H, i ml
!.. uh. rrn Ciiilmn.r,,
lUMiiMiara .rij.r fi-.,
1SHIK IU.K nt ),,
rj.. ., ,,R .
il.n cilii.ul.irliir. i.,.
a I. mr n.iir.por Pi
1 1 KLHV. S,1..1IN ,
I.I lll-M.. 1 . , lk
II III. 1.11 IklMK-,,,,
i i li itin r Aii i
tl'i an. in i r th,. ,..
UUUI.U Itmiv. Iroui aml-
v u m
or AipaiiiK. a
'Oin mm mh nunv I
wumir tt inn.
lh-i okmj hi i
Hun M c l t-M, a r .i tl
nu.l in tiy i.fii.i-. In lnrlt ll.'li I. Iit-ir lim un,,,,
him l nn-dtioil in till - tidv rtetnent Uimk. I li -1
i'i:t-u :m ci.N'ia
'i'lIK FR IsriimU T"ll AMt CaMILV ('jllllJimii p,ti,
are rei.iitcd hy Dr.ijrui-tf seiifrniiv. aim
b lie by the Ti Jdu in all I. rce ton u
f. 1 w M (i:ii. m. I
.M.iuiifjrturrr mid rruprn tor
3 :t .1 I.Rn 1 uw v , V i w Y o a k
I'tlf 1 a t ,
1. n t; knm tc .M.r..
77: Oil .?(! .IFF .Nf7U.vV?, .l.M'Wn'J.Vi
'At'A' tv.v'..vr ( phtu-mv.i.viii.i.
nl Hi . Ml. -I )' t HI HIM T 81 HI IT,
CAPITA I, ip.ud tip, I s:Ui) OcU
Lln.rter Perptivat,
t M:nMTaln n.ak. INtl UA.VClid OX I M
v ih nMtHi r niinatilf t rue.
Th 1 apit il h ma p.11 l up und (livened, tn-ri tin r nu ,
ii I iri ! ' "tttautlv i-ici amiig res. rved luud, ojhr
up rf 1 1 k urii Im th iiniired.
i'h pr n.iuiiiut must b paid ) early half vuarh
ipiart .1).
PI 1 ' uiipau) add a IK iVL'S p 'riodiraMy to 1. nu
rim -tid'lif-' 'Ih1 I'lltSP HOVt'ri nppf pri it d in li
1 inh r Ml th. M.CONU p.(iLri in 11 letnl.rr. j-4
th-T.I Hill II in ll iviiib. r, J:3t,andth ; m
U1M Sin Kv tub -r,
III m id.'fll'UH nr nit'e uilhniit r 'piiiiti" nnf
I'll lulhiwiiij; arc a t' v 1
mil l.a Iron. Ill l:.ei.t, ,
Aiiioiiut.if Ti luj imi
Ihuill. oi
S ? .". I
hl'i.l til
Hi.l in
I-;.', tu
tioiiTi. io no in. r ns. i
hy l'jliiri'.-iil,lilioti
SU-; ,-ni
1,0311 (id
l.ttltl is)
I. ri . is)
No. '1
" I 11
I ...
:t n i.
I 'I ts. ronlaliiiiii; tahl. s of rates and
f-ruis if itpplii'.itl.jii, und r nil, riiialiou ..m (
Ijjud at th uiIil.'.
l-IKlMAb IllllOUH-AV, 'rc.M
J.u. I . Jawi.s, Actuary,
,. . l.KVI I.. TAIT, .7,.
I . . . Ilsaaisiix, l.inituiirjr I'hi.iciaA.
Oit.ib r Id, Ip37 I).
Vn-O KlXIW-Ono with tli- ii.tir.lmit and tlio ..Ih. .
i iili III Ink i pr.'i;iMI Hunt. th.
iKorrihjM.ii. T.i -.mor) all win Inve been .l.reii. ,
iu i.urili.i.ii.i!, w hut pr.n. d upon tml to b. int. .Ir
wnrtlil Ill Ml .iii4 .tr.i.i,' .erll.'i,.,t,. of Tn I i
lloolb ..I tli 1 r.inklm In-titnt.. or T.i n mi
t.iM.ui i, ro-. xt i.Mvo with the tiuhi'd it.l, i i r
S Ultl'll. '
i.AiniATor.v ix tiii: old mint
. , , ,. ,, , I'liM'tpm. Ilrr. IS, I-."
l.i Jiwph I. Il..v.r. II 1- je-lr: IIuuiib . x.uiiin.
"' !"-iti"ii;l jour Iml. Ilihl. Ink mid ,.,M,l,.),-,,t
in in) liinily. I . in sp'i.k with ...iitiieiirci.f itsiinu
.I II i tw leu..' In loi.ip.irisnii wit), ..Hi -rsa til n .imilur
intiire. It i o such ,ii..ii.l,tmre.i.ilapts it ..iii.illr
w -ll eoi.rso an I tt a rthnrs, an I win n its mil -In, a
. I l.l.i. k i. .1... .n.,, H u , ni.f, j Wil,h,a , ,
iiio-pluiL as nt..
K-sp.'cirnlly jours,
r, . ., JV",SI-' "" Ami) He flo'iui-l
flr.lers a'.lrcss.'il I., the Aliiiiul.i, tor) . ,o.ll. l!,ir. P.
vlZllT I,? ret".
Mli lo, mo"""''" "'"V-"-"'""
I 'AIOI K KS N D (i It I) K .N K US
'I ".'..r".'".-','.'-""''"".'1 "i"-'" f,,"r fSa,! '""' I'arrel. of Till
' '" i", '""'; : l" l.-ui MAMrA.ll.IIIV, lo,
v.i.'k !,V.'i,'.";"''x.r'.";" "'H'" '"' f "'" ) or c
. "I k. i.) th 1 1,. IM. C... w Im hiira of huiish
:.;:ke'!,a!i!:r;& ..T.'i'.av.'v
i..llr,ctr,,t,riv.ill,tl,.. ,ri .,' f,, ca ! I "-
the crop, ., n.l i. ,(,, iluanrmhh c,Ur. Threo d.,11 ...
u ;'7,r,,"r,,'r.,".'u " "' """" '
mui v i hhi. si-a m,ij,
0 hhi- SI M p-r'barr'tl. .Ifnred Vie.i cartaee'io?' '
b.I. or Mlro.1,1 in Vurk .'in to w
.X liuiuii I t e.inl.nii in. ... . r.. . ,e
.North I.ner A,;ri.iiltiit.,l Warolui.ur.
Or llii i.-,.,i, .... u; ""'llaii'l Htroet New Vnrk
MunM'n1;::' A" '-"-'-"1.1'illA. ''
m.,PTI?,rt'A",J V1'"VK Sl'-
lufr im He ,'l 'f l,',M I""''""--! I'" I""!!, i.
i; rX; bVc,,!ra
rt. . .' ht"lM fwtlvcil and oilers Tor ale,
'HI sT.","i'- I'.'s!"1 ' .' . r r n i v
ffTi ri 1 (I ,r, ever introdilctd into lh. ,,,,,1,.
Ills Mink r I. , ... .
11..' best Cook,,,, and parlor stoles ,,t,. ,
. r with Mot,- Tixtui
n,x i.;r. '" .-.y "i. tiptioii. uvcii hhi
V'.)lM ,,.e ''I '""". -ll"'lar Sl.nea, Cihi Iron An
Kill .tuies, Holes, &.r , fic Mmr.M .ml
Tinware . mi..!. n, il. i,., , I.1'1
... ricry il. .. tiptioii, Oven a..1
ki ..I ... ,.,,'V "" '" 1 '" '''"oill.ircd l or...
'X Ii i.itri)n.ii.'(! ii r ni.
I trii'iid- and new customer i
fia'cll ilk soli! ti.'il
a. m. m n:u i
nniiil)urg. Jnniurj 5 -
'I-IIL lanitst, best liundsoill
est aud cheap it a-.or.
lo.'nt ..r Mle l,.allitr solid
'I'll.iU I J . .........
i.i,,ioillIo!li':il I'','!"l'".,..,,"5- ,l''llJl' 1 '"' i"'
solid sold lallier Trunk iiialnil.i.lor). No Jui Xl'itl
.lt''uTt"t ' 10?' i("K' l'mnb Markit Tliilao.
rill: l.irp-1 and most cnmpl to asanriturm rjfxj,.
ot Aprirulturul and Itutt.i uitural IniiK. gjrrvrt
ment.iier oiler..,! in ThilaiM.ii.i, iinbra
rina nnny new Implement., ..t to I... loiin.l W
tls.'wlrre iiiade t.r the best ni.iteri.ila and tL
workmanship, expressly lor in) own sales. C2By
rarin'r are inut...! tu call aud examine the " III"1 a
1 , , TAr.fllAI.1, Mtiltlllrt
liupleninit and Seed IVanliou... tli aud.Malkct atrt' '
1 Inla 1. Iphia.
Marth I.', W.
JlSlI B'nillt .'111(1 C'oIOT,
More untl OJjice, N V. turner of Fourth
ii- Race Slietts. Vhilntltllii,i.
Win. llalirall i:n.. I'lnni-ininrs
lJlillL' Lead rr.nch and American Zinc I'ainta
1 tXinduw Clas. fully, Chrome fireeu.oi Cliltrie
lln,.nl( I n 1 ,..lrs, l.ty.llb ."I "
l.llltped fJil.'Tiirnelitlnn Mru.liB. ..,..1 t.h.n., If-
'a"'i'i? to llie TAINT lIUHIMiria, at unpitcetlciite I
I . lv AtolUNtj ULUBIor Ulueins Clolhra put up in snial
,.l'f Ca' ''"ail sales,
c.'l.iiiiiry -a, lui r.m
v& to i IB i3 M &
... '"'P' llersaud Dealer. In
IkD nuririB miuTii. a
No. 'W'-i Market 8t Lower eido. abuvf