'4 WLDHBIA DHMOCRAT. o. d. nnooKWAV, local editor. SATURDAY MORNING, MAY i!8. gagr Qiyto a largo number of rafts nro floating down tho river at present. Tlio lumbar trado seems to bo brisk. tSyQov. Packeii baa signed tho death warrant of Henry I'ritta, recently found guilty of murder, in Somerset county. Ho ij to bo executed on the 22d of Juno. m rri .n.t r ii. Afii...,i:,.i T Tho members of the Methodist I Episcopal Church at this place, have placed . n.,,l .in.n.tinntl i.nii it. ! etnonln ' . . ... . of their Church. They have now one of hi finest buildincs in Northern Pcnnsyl . . vania, and havo been to considerable ex- pence in furnisliitif it JO Almost every exchange that reach es us, states that tlio District Attorney's fees on each bill tried, havo been raUcd from S3 50, to Si 00. The act applies only to tho city of Philadelphia ; and fees in other parts or tho State remain as hero tofore, at Sfl 00. Those editors who havo published the "bull" aforesaid, had better recall it. i Worco"ter gives thiiticn dillcrent ways of spelling the word mosquito. Tlio literal translation of tho word is Utile fly, from tho Spanish mosra, jlij, and the di ,, , I Thoo who I minutive, no Unifying Utile. writ it muiqitito, u-u the Latin noun mutca, and tlio Spnuijh adjective t'M, and it is clear that if tho termination bo Span ish the noun should bo in tho same lang uage, thus making it mosquito. SSy Not long since, an Irishman was naarly killed on the L. k 15. 11. It., near Ueach Qrorc, in the southern part of Lu zerne co. Tlio overseers of the poor gave the man's wife an order nn a store, but it seems she preferred whiskey to tho neces saries of life. Tho consequence was that she went home in a state of intoxication, turned her children out, of doors, and then took an ax and was proceeding to kill her husband, when tho neighbors, a roused by tho cries of tho children, broko in the door just in time to prevent the exe cution of the deed. Her excuse was that aha "wished to put the poor oull man out of his misery." Btti" Tho trees give promi.-e of an abun dance of fi nt t the coming season. Many fears were entertained that tlio recent ht-avy frosts had entirely destroyed the in tipitnt crops, but the baokwaidne.s.s of tho seaon has hitherto prevented any undue development of the trf.es, .so that thoy wero nit injured. The present delightful weath er has caused them to put on their holiday attire, while; flowers aro springing up uit every bide, birds are sinking, and all Nature seems to rejoice in the sweet breath of spring. In recent jounn'yiiigs through this county as well as Luzerne and Moil t wr, wc had occasion to remark, also, tlio tine nppearanco of the grain crops, so tliat tho farmer has every reason to ipjoice in the promise of a plentiful harvest. S A remarkable ease of de-titution occurred in the vicinity of lienvick, which we are (surprised to observo the lt(azitte'' has not noticed. 1 ho circumstances, briefly stated, are ns follows : A woman, from near .leamville, having in an evil moment strayed from the path of virtue, left her homo to hido the fiuits of her dishonor. Sho arrived at lierwiek in a deplorable condition, and all her appli cations for assistance, with one or two ex ceptions, were sternly repul.-.cd. Por some days sho thus wandered, and was finally found in an exhausted state hy some per sons who happened to bo out walking. Sho was lying on the banks of Xcscopcck creek, and with what intentions we leave others to surmise. She was taken to a neighboring house, and at the last accounts was slowly recovering. Sho boro a good character, it is said, at her former i evidence. Stabhino An'RAY. Lat Monday, while in Daiivillo, wo attended the Corou er's inquest on the body of Thomas Shave land, who was murdered on Sunday eve ning by Andrew McGcntcy. From the evidence of tho witnesses wo gained tho following information Shaveland's houso is situated iu what is called tho flat, and on Centre Street.1 McGentey was living iu another part of the same houso. On Sunday evening, ho en tered Shaveland's house, evidently in an intoxicated stato, whereupon tho latter or dcrcd him out. No left, after muttering thrcnts of vengeance, but, however, soon returned, armed witli a butcher-knife, which ho thrust into tho abdomen of tho deceased, inflicting a wound about an inch above the groin, and threo inches long and about thrcc-and a half deep. Tho right iliac artery was bovcred, which caused death in about threo minutes. There were threo men in tho room at the time, and tho man's wife. After committing tho fatal deed, McGentey fled, closely pursued by two of tho men, the other sustaining Shavo land. Tho murderer was caught aud lodg ed in jail. There was conflicting testimo ny on a few points, and especially as to whether the wife interfered or not. The poor woman was in tho office, and appear ed tho picture of distress. It is rumored that the oapee of McGontey's enmity was jwtyisy. Wobstor's Dictionary. The extraordinary amount of copies sold, is tho best proof of tho appreciation) in which tho public holds Webster's Dic tionary. Hating examined it carefully wo aro frco to say, that it contains moro information than any book wo have ever had in our hand". Tho extonsivo erudi tion, profound scholarship and largo read ing of Dr. Webster, aro matters of aston ishment. You do not get only tho deriva- tion and definition of a word, but you find ' al-o extracts from the best writers, show! 112 , ., , 1. . 1 1 the Ullfcrcnt Senses 1U Which it has been U30U. usou - Tlio illustrations aro on a grand scale, clear, distinct, and hnud.tome i verv exact 1111 1 .! t. i . n- highly instructive. In fact almost I indispens bio for a proper undor.-tandiug . niiiir j of many terms. Tlio table of synonyms is H itself, to a student, worth tho price of TI ,1 .,na ,.., ' I . ' . . . . ' . ' ,tlio disposition in the beginning and tho tables, names of authors, &c, scripture I 1 . 1 and geographical names, words ami phra-t 'ana tran1ntnil frnm rlond mill living Inn. , . , , , , , , 0 .1 CUIgCS, abbreViatlOlH, Sign", Weights and j ' I meitsnrni ! nin1;t it tlio most nnimilnln lmnl: 1 I 1 ', . ' ,, , .. 1 over laid upon our table, bee advertise- mcnt. lie illi of Lawrence Johnson, Kstj L.vviti:xci: Johnson', Esq., tho well known typo founder and sterootypor, of Philadelphia, died of paralysis at two o'clock Thurdsay luorning, at his rooidenco , . . . T , in that city. oir. .Jonnson appoaroa in his usuil health on Tuesday morning, and in the afternoon was takon ill while attend- in; a inciting of the Ibard of Directors of the (trecii and Coalo) Streets Hail a ay Company, Ho was taken homo, anl died tho next morning. Mr. Tohu-on was about sixty years old at tho time of his death. IIeknmn and.Savuus. Tho disgrace ful exhibition between these two brut Mrs tojk placa on tho 17th ult. Tho light lasted two hours and eight minutes, iu which time foarty two minds werj foaght. l!)tli wore pretty well battorod, but S lyers (tho Knli-ih bully) got the worst, of it, an 1 I Toenail is generally considorel tin victoi' although no decision was made bv tho referee. It is rumored that they wid try it over again at some future day. t&r Ti'ie Sealptl, edited by Dr. Dixon, publishel at Xo. 1, Vcsy Street, Xow Vork, (luarterly at St Ui) a yr.r, is tho best publication for popular rcTlin; ou modioli and hjiricnic .subjects, that wo know of. Wo slioul 1 bo glatl to give tlio "tobacco" article of tin l ist but cui not hparotha room. Woail.i-ijtn'cr'botly to semi for tlio &t?pc!. Tii'ii numbjr ItoitH .i ui'W vol um f. We nl.v.iy rcul ovcrv article in i(. k rum; 'ast is iiurTF.it than Hauo Wouk," for it removes thu ncc,ej-ity, iu such are invariably inrutrioiu, trual aii-1 io, always tltpoMtini their inoiity in the J'rjinkliu Saving FtimL No, IJlti fcfoutl IHlltll Koiirtll fctrec-t, bolov,- (!!lMtllut, I'liiladoli.liia, whnre it will work lor Uhmii, . ,. . . y (lrawin-T hve por cut, intercut, flu, : .. i. l .. i i i I 1 is.ivmg 1' iind lij.s on demand in gold, Mtvor, or mtc-i, :n doiirod, and )ff .v s -Ifi'h.l. fjio atlvcrtisomsut in auotliir column. ?f It is a wry b-t I sign to see a man with his hat oiT, mar midnight, explaining tho theory and principle of the Democrat' ic party to a Ptroet )j-t. The thiuy; was actually done tho other niqht. Cutumi t Conrhj Rr publican. Ami it U aln) tMjually a amcan Hgn," Br, John to hear a man caught in baTl co'iipany and in a certain predicament, turn ta'ct rv deuce. Great Musical Concert. Tiik Ovs.i Vamilv, will entertain our citizens in Bbomiburg, on next Monday evening, by a tiratid Concert (if Vooil and Instrumental Mumc, The are said to b2 excellent performer. The Xow Song, uWu all wear ( oiAi," is a piece of sur pa??ing interest. iCaT We invito attention to the Card of Mr. Fritz, at Orangoville, whwaliis cuto - ' , mors can get tllO best of NflV nor ofltit. t'nlmnnnr flmn nwr " fnr Tndt- 11 1 J pay or Produce. Gaudkn- SEnns. Wc :ire largely in - debtee! to Frioilll Juilll, Of tllO Ameiir.nn ..sricut-irisl, for a parcel of choice finr- ' tlcil Seeds. ' - .t. rln ATn,.,U,.l.,Qt Pmi!,l,.,,l Hn1,..n v" '"' 'J - au was 07 year.? of ago, anJ Jutlgj Douj lhs '17 years old. A LOAD OK WOOD, Wanted immediately at tlii) Office. jUf.' Ji Mi i x Deeds!! Deeds!!! .1 SUFERWlt LOT OF THE HANDSOMEST, BEST. AND CHEAPEST IV COLUMBIA COUNTY, ran s.ile at the office of tiw Columbia Democrul. n A It fit I laOiineevllla.it the Geiraan K-formed rsrsonise. bythjllsv. W. Goiulrich, on tajSMinf Apul. Mr l'uiup II. Stasis, of Mount I'le.anl.ta .Miss Inn .Us Wiuek, of Moatiiur county. i)lU. On Saturday evening, th) 2;t!i of April. i 10 o'clock, KuztBKTH, wife of George W.J'rdu. aged 31 yarii IU months and 10 days. In PanviHe, on 111? C3lhult..Mti. Miit. wf of Vni C. riama,-d?i!ycari. '21 Qfampaifju Jpapct, THE CAMPAIGN Citlitmlmt Ucntnrmt nF.forr.n to Tin:jiiivc.icr of tiif. r.r.r.crox of mi: ir.in: axii x.iiioxjil xo.mixels. Tup .nmln. DhIui Ul .n.l l.tl.l f win ba tho won important of nil our otcc.tlc.ns. in tiic stmfsie, tin, Di.moi.katio party, trim to iti oM landmarks and tn Its present hlgli iluty, planti Itself on principle., wlilcu am essential to a ninlntrnanci! of the oxstitctioi nnu 1110 prcservai on oi 1110 uhon, 11 wn. ,,..,, ...,,,. m.,rk ,,,,,. iicani.in.and ml tiuir niiim, In tiu-lr mt dcipcrnte '' nicy m "-mil tin Democratic can,.. Mill every ttroponofpolltlcnlwarfareiliytnlsrc-pri'scntntlon, f.,i,ri,ood,nn.iiausnM0.ecti.nHnpp,ni. such .-maun, "'"' I" repelled! undone ortho iut successful means to do this. In hy the crcat Instrumentality of tho press ,heWc ,,,, f Democratic journal,, m order tn contribute in such n ork, wo propose to Lane the OAMi'AKIS COLUMIIIA IIUMO-llAT, at so low n price ns will bring it ultlilntlie rcarli of every Demo- cratic nter. And m ra.pictfuiiy sunotto tiio.o who 'i;"i" ''" f"'"-"- . " eorr,a. tlon with 111 in jili tup this sheet an extensive circulation Tlio Nntionn and mate Nominee,, shall receivo our rm and ardent support for llieir triumphant election, Wc shall also cordially sintaln, to tho utmost of our Immblo abilities, tho candidate of Oolumbii county, and '' rcipeitlvc nominees of tho District, at tho (lineral l'.lcitlon. In short, tho paper will go for "He tAion, the )itl,,t,n( ndthcCon,i,(Mim." Dt mot racy and the Constitution Tllr "UAMl'AtUN llLMOiRAl" Ujll lit! inillislicil isvpn Motillu ul 0U' Dollar, fur Uio scries, hi n tin pic sub n criber. 11 will bj BUit Ui tlubj, lomposml of not Ips than ten prions, to I hi; aditreus of mu imtiv idual, at ten rwr cent ilUccmtit from this rico ; turluLncf Ueiit),at twi'iily-lhi per rciit ilincouiit. Tin llrst number U is Hiicd to-itny, Kinl vWU bo conllnuctl, on mrh Haturil.iy, until th-) rtniO nfthe rrcstdcntlnl Citation. lk'inocratii will grrully aiJ Una iimlctuking by far n anting to us promptly, as tn.ni) nanu s as tlicy can At t tlC CAMPitOH DmotiuT, In all casts ordVrs must ha accompanied by th CA-.II, . U1V1 L.TATE. r-luomslmre, April 21, lfr-0. SPECIAL NOTICES. l7Sre S-infor.l'a I.heb. Isuuoraior anJ CATtTAtiTip ' riLi.a, in nnotlinr rolnmn. I ! I'. ItROW)'! H.-i'tkSCC OK JVMUI'A ClSOKB. TllH IllClll- , rniii pnjojn n uiile-prt'dtl ami woll nuritPd popularity ; J for in won lorf.illy fir-ctie pjalitics. It nsaiiU iliircB tlon, ctir.i ili.irro-a, mill 1 rtrelli'iit lrth melt Ftmn nh, nitil ii liknuina nn rxri-Il Mit nn-4 itu ip'Tatiug toi'ic. ! i family fh.ml.1 lf witlnJt it. I j LIT" THOMAS V. .MATI'SOV. Kiciieil the I'rif . I Mi'ilat at Hi j Wnrl.lV 1'airin I.011J011 1-51, f.r 'J CAUrilT HA(JS, lliiiittj, t-li'-es ami fitiiiii. Creat niilncu- mnnts ;ir-i now mr-ri'il to purchasers if tliu abovu nrti- ru-P. iiiiiiuiiiiuniiiciiticinncK ii i runivis, i..iriu-i liv;. iiiict'9, Ace. in rmidijf'ipma very cii.'ap rr can N". HI y irk l Htn-i t. mm tluoi abow Itli, South ititlt. !,y' I'll- llia.'i.i wt-ru illiimln.ited on thu tvriiing ot Auiritt -7. by Hi uml tplcutlid Aurora Uorali- ever Hern in tin century. ltayfif tn-coloredInhtHil,inh. fd arrotti tli sky, and the chumcti were beautiful in the rxtromc. Atom' time n rapt cdwerver rmnrked, that he f.uicid Ii could hit tlio parklni! light it form them i.'lvt'H into ttio folliwlng wonl' "Hay nil yourijarinentd. ut the Urown Stone Clothing Hull of Uoc.kuii.lAc WiL-my, No. Oo.l and ML Chi4tiiiit ttrei-t, uhoc ijtuh. t'hiUda." .-- v vr.iv niiM ivn iirii vi'4( npitv vr.vv ' ritix(Miiuy.-uuT:iivu,(iivuiiUiiAiu iorueruf l'ourtli aud Market street, do' not follow in th? bentrn trailw UV are titii!iL'il lh.it lli only w.iy to ImiM up an I k.'t p a Ijrui' bnt.iu"M4 i to . II ioods (heap aud (i-itinf iction to (iintmn.-ri. Vrt ii-nco will imt answer, and Iitindiiii h m h id iti day, nit 1 httend to our poods liu per rent, ndv.uirc upm ( mt, (no oire and no li'tM.) .i.nl no ari.ili m id iuarld pric. Thi njjt'm will mtstaiii itu II without pntiinfr. We t-h.ill buy mi I nnIl evri ifiuly f'i ims i. l ir u hKirimrut for nu an 1 h j s is Hi- I irj," j.t in 1'hilid' I phi i n.it our prir-f h nnn h luwer th.ni any lli m. i .ill .it outc and tve lVir )uurj If, dt WIllTi: II LL CLDI'lIIVii liA Alt, S. V. corii.-r 1 onrlh and Market -t. l'hil.i iVij, n-ir i"i lf - Urn. x'erijnl nlllnt i.l Willi th i 1',-vcr and .Viiu sliuuld nnl hpirjcil'i r li.Ti', trouliU or i'p mh3. tn nrnrnro lilt. H.nriir.ii ULLcnatrt.i ll.Tr.ni. uliosi I.MU'li:.'nt ir "u "' " l!" " VT "V bjl'!' '""! ''' ' ,' ilns whJ Imvj h -en trit'ieii dunniti a fhnrt npic "I tl . , tllM dr.lit.tl c nhoi, ll.eMnr(.tta.l.l.u ' m -airn. a 1 1 w ho.i iii?litn ari sb-'pl in .in 1 r-Ml-as, J'id wli m i cy.-ii are dial and huh ''d, w itli de.iih hi irm thr-m in ttu fjcj.th.d couijt ) nt 1 niiM pr'tve a hl.-siui; ; kimUm iiii th -in a it w.'ri fro.ii tli 1 ery tii'tath of tlu grave. N'ou 1 1 in kumv iti tr H win-' until th-y hav.i t -t J it. W.i 'ii ail ol'i r ht f liled, llusi Hnt'ra hive r.-stnrvl th Hutr-r tMMT'ttiH'liMllli Th'tr popilirity in nil th W Morn an I .-j Mth ru p trii -liquid iu'.ro tuc ihcm to all f until -it. rt-dd by alt ilrJCzi"! in thJ w irl I. .'Sji adv-Ttii'ei.i mt in .in 'th t rotimii. rMi-'oitMi'jvor rKicr.s i a nlw r-a-u iu in m- him.i ; F.rtry one til) or it Salrsviai f JOVKri k CO., .f thuCri't-ent One I'ric I'loihnu Stne. o.S( Mar ket t-tn-tt oImo f'iMJi, rtiiladilphia. In addition to Imviii! the larcer-t. munt v.ined nnd f.ixhioualde htock i.f ('lotliin? ill l'hiladdpin l, made t- ' preHy (or rtt-ul h.ic i ou-tituted iviry oiii hid invu salciimaii, bj h.iio? m.irkd m figim-H. on r.u Ii urtnle nt th.' ery low eM prit c il ran lit sold for to they ' cannot pos-iM ar all niiii-t Inn ahki. TIw v'hh an- will t ponged mid prcparoil, and great I paiiiH tiikcu with the uidl.iii'4 pu that nil cnu buy with tha lull abtuirauee of gtttiiiK a pcul artnle at the wry lowei.1 pricf, AUo., n lire ttoik i.f pR-re ponds on ' hand, f Ihe latent i-t)le and l'tt mi.ilitie, wlutli will be nnd- lo order, in tlu most faohioititlde and In ft man- ' ner, 'J. pir cent., beltw credit pric1". Keiuciulier the Creic-nt, iu Mai kit, aluu Pixtlit.. j Xo. i;ol jomis &c co. ( Mori'AT.S LU'i; rilXS.-TJie hyh nnd enuwd tel- ciinty wlnili tli id pre-i'miiH-nt nuMlicino h.n .tcmnred for , it invnriiblj ( ulcui) in nil di-tease which it profseij , 10 T' T kr"'1 ',r:,c"Ml';r 1 putling not only unnecessary hut unworthy of t hem. Tlwy arc known by th"ir fruits, tlnir 8 wid woikrt tet-ti- f for tlu-iii. and ilu thrive not by w faith of tho.t red- ulous. In nil cnie (jf coitivuiiekit. d)spepsi.l. hillious and licr airjcimint, pile?, ili.-nui.iUiiu, fewr U agtien, ohRtiuatc head ui hen. and nil gem-ral deruiijteiiit utd nf ! . ,,,. lii-j'.md the rracli nf cwnpilillon In tin' intimation cf t'',,y '';"'.c"., , , , , .... . llr. Moflat s riioonis llitmrs, will br foiinil cjnatly cf j ficarl ns in all rasi'sof ni'rimu il, hiluy, dy.pi'p.ta, hf,id aclu', llio girknexs imiilvnt to fcnules in iklicata lieallh, ' "'1 hni'l of enknoss nf tlu ihnome urea-u.- , For ,. , . .. ... ., Mniral. XI3 llriuiilnar. New York. and Iry nietticini; di-alt-rs and liriiseut gmerally Ihrougli out Hie country February 10, If 1.0 1 Jiu-f.m. Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia ! nta is if Dyspop.la ! How Curtd 7 Dyspepcla ! Iyspepi,t i4 our Nmotial liu -as oak btomach, fee his dijeation, distresn alV r eatni?. costive lubit. bilnmu condition. How many futfer with it and iti all it taut ymptoirn of low tpirittj had taste, coated tongue, nhnM pit'ud head, anJ attacks of headacli')1 Vtt how f.:v I knew to cur it) Oenerally, b"cuun3 tlu ho we) are conatipaui, rjfrt i had to ratharlic or laxatives. H 1 1 ich u conJitiuu wa npver cured hy cathartics, whos? only otficu i to weuki-u Ih di.'eiiiioii, and impair the in teg rity of th i entire assimilative nystciu, Uat llU.,,iIll.V, HOUKOPATIIIC nVSPiil'SIA PILlj3-a rimpU nudicated sugar pill have cured hun dreds of tho worst and uioi-t obitinata cases. This u done simply ly improving the tune, and retflnriug the m tegrity of tin digebllv-e organs, from which result, good app.'tite, regular habits, a clear head, nud buoyant spir its. Such a medicine is a jjciu, and only requires tu bo known to b; appreciated, l'nco, 32 cuits ner bux, wilh directions. H.x boxes, 51. N. n. -A full setof HiTpmitys' Uotoi-ATmc Brtcii'ics, with lioiik of Directions, aud iwentydiUereiil Iteuicdis, in large viaU, morocco case, $3 ; ditto, In plain case, $ 1 , case of fifteen boxes, and Uook, Single luice, -JS cents and 50 cents. 4 Thoai Piumfrfip. htf l tin ainpla hnx Or riae. its ent bv maU or express, free of charce, to any address, oh re eeipt of the rtiee Adutcis. r iimfpitnrv i. rn : , Ko SOSDioidway, Kwik MU b)-n.r J.UTZ.Ajeot, Plwmtburt, l'a Columbia jDemocratJ Tlio following aro tlio receipts to tho office of tho Coi.UMiit.v Dkmochat, during the month of April, 1800 : Michael neniley. ttl-l mi OAimWa County, SH Jl noKtetier ft Minim, r ihm icoiisrt v. .inner, lM.of llavld llerrliiirJr." HO John Doik, 1D0F) i "o r.llns Hon pit, f. II llaugh Hons, 4(10 William llurgess, (XI Jacob II. Ilihllnl, 1 Id William neers, II 7.1 I'.st. of John Anderson, 1 7.5 Mlrhltl Pteck, M. t, A (XI n-tatnnfTho'sltobblnsl S.1 l'lilllp .Miller, (Center) '.' CI. Jeremljli Mngenbuch, 1 T.i 'I'ho's I'halfant. Ks'l . a Oil Abram White. Jacob 1 iris in In Her. 1 ? Don. Jno. Mrlleynolds M. (1. Shoemaker, William Ohl, filil (Itrtou, J'-tm .M. Wilson, T.S1., 2 0) I .VI '1 ui) '2 IN) 1 ?.". Joseph It. 1'ntton. t!si,l t Joint Itoik. Ls'i . I Ml Wlllimn McMiclia-l, Mrs. N. Ilornbach. 2 I'l t in! 1 H tleorie Appleiunn, nulliau llomboy 2 1 Wllllaul II ddson, ' Itev. Jno. It. Shinifclt, 1 ml 1 i.'i Aaron llemler-hot, '1 in t.'nl. Co. Mil'ical Coll., 4 IK) Abram Arnwln-, :i lit) John l.eneock, II. II. Iloitart, Jillge Koiitts, 11 i r 1. Chapin, I'si., John A. tannin, (l.-ort'O WhitesiJo, 1'liJnll Yoeunl, William llllborn, i Dili Win. WnkenVid, M II., 5 ml 1 .'.a, lir. 1'. It. Woifnrih, 'J ill I! IK) Chirles r. IIII1, 1 no 1 3i Henry Hoik. tt 1J 1 JO Wesley II. Kreas. 3 IS 1 'V I'.slnto of Win. SIlulIK, 1 Sl 1 JO! (leo. W. Trimble, .j no 3 Jii Win. I'rllr.. i:'.. 1 M NcroSV Ducvliscmcnts, NKW GOODS I M3V GOODS I t M E Ar D Ii A' AL I. ' S STO A A'. 'I'llll iiihlfntgiift h.i- Just rucived Trnin llio flty, ail X utli'rt'iill n-H irtiiK'iil ir SI'lUN'tf tillvlMKlt GOODS, comprising tlu u-u.ll an.-lyi.f mum.vs, ducoi:s. j)iir.ss nnors, 7cav.tjs, .tiAo,DHV iwtn. nunci:iiii:.i. 11.111 D w.miu iiin.rMir.mi:. nr.10Y-M.11n: L7.U7.T., vr.it.in & IWJ.UH 11:11a:. iijiv.i.vu airs, utu.v .ixi .v.iils, ;, &.', He ,c. It I lippp at nil tlinos, im dan I, n Hrz- snniily of HUE AND HEMLOOK LUMaEU, nil of I1I1 U 1 ulll null i-h;;i for Kcily I'uy, 1 llli t Cn-li il rro'Iurij. C. MUNlin.N'IIAI.l.. r.lmiiKbur;. M.iy .". t'lio-nm. vAiwi arouK (iooiisi rv.vival tx on.ixtt Krit.t.r. 't 'IMIB un.ttT!iiTii"-l miti1 1 ri'fpectdilly Inform hit rnto JL mjran.I tlu public in g'n.T.il, Hut liu li a ju-t rc rt'ivi-u uia hiock ui s i.-ii .111,1 i.itiiiiouauiu NKW Sl'IUNti & SUMMtCU CiOOHS, 1 at In 9 11M staml in Ora'ig 'ill ', Columbii co.. wh?ri h. v IU .ilrtaya Iu Imppy in au hid frkMitli nmt nHtoincra ami acromilioilate tiu-lr auti in the liuu of AU'icli.imll.. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, vf every varktv, ktylo ( and pjtjrn uu irpa?tl for Ifauty ami cJieupnvris are to h tDiitiil Ii.-r-' in (:rnt abuiulauui.'. 1 f;rv7.:.w;A,A mu, I Mrs. U.1PS, hoots JittOLS, (.irftork i nf Hi niftit npiir.fl klnl. and as ttu-y wt-re ptiri'Ii.uiil on I'nr turnm, tli will ! ot.l at a low Hi nro fir ra-h. or ro.i.n n-i. ti t ir 'l I tn mW ami iww cuttJiiU'ti ar-j n tat to j ciiHaa i I'Viminc for thL'initulv't. j Co.mtiy pruJiid' t.ikiMi at tit" highrt inarktt pritr. ' W.W. Villi., I Omtirox ill M.1J 3. l--C0-3m. UKOO MSliUUG WIKK ItOPK PKHUY. j ui. IV Ol'ICi: id h-r-'hy ci'en that tin Itoici Fcrrvarrotn riv.-r oppomi uii in 'o.u-ii'jr!; t urnactt, i now , PXrt.,Ilt Hrx order, nn.l the rat f ir ira!isorla- ti.iii oi'lVrsoiij. lliirN't, U'a'.'oui .md t,'iirru!;cn itu auie ai or.liuar hri.ti; till. Th ro.id Icailiiiji tri I.nn ill , C.itt:iwiiitj.iiiu 1 Afhlmid. is iu i'u'd trmthtij eoiKiitiou, ami ot c.iny pr.ifo. JOHN I). (U'lCK. Ftrryman. llliioiiKltiiri, M.'i , l-'iAJ 3m. UKP THE HK.iT. lViblcrs Uniibritod lictioun'. AT.it' riaroitt.il. F.nmox. 1500 I'lOTOitlAL ILLUSTRATIONS. I Uo'X) to lll.U'M NTAV Vo:;il.S in thu Vorah il.iry. Tilde ol rtVNOVVMS, hy I'rot. litXJDKICH With other u w I Mtur.-t. Tnit.iii'r wiin all 111 m.itl id pr'' i ih euiti.iiic. In ou oiiimeof , X750 pii.'n, l'Nco$t5 50. Hill U all ilnokneller. tL K C. MiailU AM, Hprimttuld, M:ti. U" "Tha t'iihty.pi!;.'! ot lliutdrntioiii, comparible in tiju'ii 'Hft t tlt.tsf ut I) ink uot-'ti arj world thii price of i the Imok "-OA. llrr.tid. "Uct the ltrt." (irl the iindouiety Gut tht Chtapest. (tr.r irtiti&MH. ! f-i 'i i ii 'i pi.oplilL'l ot tlu new f.:itur - s'nl ly mill no .ippli .ilioii. Itecom.ncnddtioni from Presliont? of Colleges, Within th l.it-t f 'W w m k-t tl ulili-lii-rs li.u v 1 M ilt Tin t itlmoni il l' tle uicr itj ot ln t'H ir.i.u u mi I) Tillltr l'r -fid.-iiu ol a m in ol (In-lei . i i' i oil i t th ' I ml ''I Milk's. Ajikhii; ih mii tire i I. .mi ji.lt'n. li liityli im ii nt Kitu. rn V.i!kTi't II. ir.ar.i ilopMUt .1 Wiitiini'., SMinit tl Win i-t. ( Dili. in i- ! Mil'dtown Suit t it 1 1 ui, utii'iot 1'rnM l-'in J.i kn'ti ol lli'btrl 'uii1s Irouuic., 1 1 r i if it.it :-in all, v -,'' i' (tuiini.to-i imlon . i tVius. liiliMd ;.ilvill , l i.'onpi il lol (rout. M trpli ol ! lun,'l-iii. ii'i.ir.-e id .Mi .ll -tuir.., Yn.ir.jwit of .i,ni l 1 1, 1 iWvr id ll.imilto'i, lien l ol i-hurtli'l Miirte; aul ol lllimo:, IC-jyiiidil-i id' lllni"n, CoIujm i t WilkiiMon, An il r-ttii nt K it Ii l-r, VY.ul i i ot .Mini ito.ah, Curtis if, kiiov fcf. In th iu are fpr 'Atioiu iik th. I d'owiui; t An li-m r to Am TlL.ri nc , l it au I rt uiciuu," , ' i i-ti luring .il i ait I a il.inl' ." ver ltttri i .my ( .nrl w lu h kii uiiilorml o.iti-iu l mv in airm." "ll.is t'M-riin -n ii ui) C'-m l mt i o iip.iuiH i to my piactlue 1 u l't Ktr ; 1 1 hr 111 ' la t Itv.' i .ttit upon tli i -nch. t I Im. i- r I ' i'ld it .1 h.tl (oaiis -lior. .i.i I .in iti.nop iiiii Id Ii Ip in th pr p irat i ui ami d.'i Hi.tn t.l ai "l'ir tU Nitu ul m io mtr an i tli Lnjli-h I iiiiiiy I re Julie i i iu wmia'ttiit taijj J.ird cw'-lleiii , us wdl u , 1 c di hri ty, diir ih(tiiu.ir h i- ultitiiud. It it aw.nK I f -r th pr. j -nt and for nil rimini1! time." "M.unlt iiu . i.tnin.ililj pre.'iniii ol." "lii'-r- iceiiH er proi- I I p i.l tU it il suit Uj th ' nt.uv I ir.l I. ink lor tluti cnimtr) , at I l -.ifl. ii not for I'.ii"! tu I. 1 am euiileut it alitmtJ h ,.).' rnt-tr.ii j.t -at H.i Hi ill jul worli." "A (Oinplt ti- pir.ll IC HIT .ill pli;ii) t til r u Ui, mm irinLii,ii,, I iiiiluli .Hid Amtriiaii lit r.tt'ir' It u iiiitii-uit to cm r n i f tut tin ui th it toil l h added Li lilltlorlh n I eiidi." V titl trtaary of knuwU-tly , tlie whole id : wiin It H needed hy ierj one who ui 4 lh, LmkIi-U , langu.tv, tith-r h u win -r, a hp!.nKfr, t-r tt rt.i.ier." I Ought in he a pait ot tti fuiiuturv of eery Aim-rhMii I Ii.iiiu.' "We Ling a-.'o accept I WrlMer a4tlu' tandird l.l our colli-j.-, auu in ip.'rii-ucL oi er) lerm bireitLli tiu. inir nnnutioii d tli w i-diiiMf our LhiU-t-." s.i lone an )qu cuii tin U" to incorporate all th impruv euu'iiln whulinn tk eloped in the htleiicu of leMtoyraphj ," .M.li. ." -IK) I.XUllKMKM' ouWN l OWN AT L. T. Sharpless' Store. FRESH APJIW. or 11! I B 1 U T 11 W iiriiler-U'iied. (i.i lug t.ikt-li ch irce of the New ttoh' f 'rm rly kt nt hy Joipph Miarr!"H. In t.ik. s Him nn thi. ot nif iriiuna Jus iiunu'roii" LUt.tuiers Hrit li.- lunjiiit n turned lioin the cil) with a lar'c assort int. nt tf .l'HIXa SlIMMKIl GOODS, whiih Ir oir.-r for cile .it his on M.im Ir-'t. lil.tiniinlmrg, at th' irv lowest In ins ptic -if 111') i-tot k h le lieen ei'lvrled with u gri'ttt ileul ol ture tin J ju lament, and will (omparc t.ivoruhly with any stunk of goods t-T hri'iight to this place. Country produce Liken in c&chnni'e for cotnts nt the ni.irkit prici-x. lie lias on hand cer tlnns nuiiiiuuilj kr-pt in it rountry store, (live him ,-i call before piirclmn mi; Llsevvli re. I..T BIIAKI'iXSS. Wooinburs. April ii, l-'CO OHExVT AUHIVAI- OK NEW GOODS, AT TIIK Light Street Store. Grrast, Brother all hands on active duty. iu Would infoun our ineiul-j and customers, th it v U.ic iuM rercived an un- usually larfe u'Mortui'-ut d' HI'lUNG .V SUMMER GOODS, Wliuhuf off.-rjit lower rati, for ready py, than any ever befnr-' opeiK'd h-Tit and w ill bt t-'dd "iheaper lliau tin ihciipi'ti." Wf d).ill not ntli'iupt tn t'liuun-raio tin v.irioiis nrtirlcs th it tl iiuiiieiino mill tlndr iiaiuuifi li-ciou -nnoiir npa ci iuh rtoru ItiMiuiK. uitludius the Cellar and llarrvt. are fill d to (Mfrllotwnif There arc to Im fuimd tli.1 Inn t.1 fihrii kx, in th roiintr) ut atouishiuj low inures l.n (IIlih' wear in i?retit aridiCK, at 'Jj per cent, loner than ver lii'lore idl'L-red. t horHrf. .ML'HMXS, (illOCUlUUd, HATS, CAPS, boots, Shoes, etc., at the same rate, lit slinrt, almost everjthing in th uo'renulile Inn) from u needle to nn author. j' Our lrieiid. ill do well tu mil beioru they make their i lections U. W. CREASV, & CO. Light Str-el April wn. NOTICE. V OTH'i; u hereby givi n, that thu annual ineetine of the Muck liolili'rs of tlio llltiniiulmrc Iron l.oii.tiauy mil tiu held ut Ironilale. Coluinbiu cotinly, on 'J hurt lay, tlie lOfi tiny of May neat, for th? purposu of clcctins Directors, anil for thu transae tion of other lu.iuvss, josr.ru i'Axtov, Auril 11. J?Co. Pm't. i OKN'AMENTAI. SHRUBS. A U 1IEAH. iloubl or suiflo, cf diir. rout colors, Mag. l nolias. .Malmnu, White or rimplo Krings or Mi.t I Tree. Hyriusa, 1'rlvet, l'jrus Jspoulea. Hop Tree, a-c, kc Ke) stone Nurs'iy. II A M1BH llsriisburs, April 7. IfW. NKW AND Elegant iS)riug Stock A. ,T. SLOAN, I TT At Just received, direct from l'lill.idelplila ami Serf XX t otk, u verj ciiuicu BB-orimeni ui PltlNO & SUMMKK noons, almost every new fabrie. whltli tins been manufactured lor Mtrllic miM t-'imuit'r, n. m n as iii i usnai iisnniiiieut of STAPLE aOODSofsupetlor nuiilitl 's ulll ho found in variety, and nt prices ns low ns similar goods ran tu purchased clseiihcre. It is nn rny matter to rtnd goods nt n low price, but ns a general ruli. Ihey are Jut a low in quality. Hut In get a (Jood nrtirlo at a irry low price is something rare. Such nn opportunity, however, is ollV-red to any who may want Ditr noons. nnnct:iut:s, iiAunif.inr.. qvh:E.WAnr ouissninr., urn, x.ir.r, $t ifr. CT7 Call nnrt ee. rri COUNTKY I'llOIIUCI! vrtNTP.I). I'.loomsburg. 'prll i.lW J. WKLOIkSKIiliAUM, 1 riioi PHILADELPHIA, RESI'GCTKUI.I.V Informs Hi- flmoiurf lllnnro-butj, nntl vli imty. Hint Ii tins np.'tiuil n rnom nt tlio Wx. fiiango iioii. uucru no oners mr sniii SPECTACLES! of Ei'F.nr tmitnrw sir.r. avw Qaiurr. A ntw In volition t Hp tailm, for distant or tUno rcadiujr, uitli nM, tiUr. ntcil, and torloi"iHi'll fraiiiox. nnl a imw and itnprnvrd aortinrnt cf pcrifii r.il and pnrntiula ground ft j tit (MniKoii nf hiit own iii.imi l.icturs. He uould parlif uliirly rail tli nttctili'm nfili' putilir in hli S'pcitni li'f f.r nunr nialitfil pcrtoin, nnd lor pfMoiift ulio h-uo hctton'Tiitt'd upnn Tor the int.irait cf Ili-i cu. nnd to )u new kind nf fJlainc and Conscrvi'ri tit the rliclit, iimdti of the lifpt Hint and atiro ('ln.se. !(mI (Jlaion may lu Known liy tlnir sh.ipe, ct.ttt rcn Ir", clinrp mid h iff lily polihud surtjeo. ' Ueu tualitici arc to Ii ' found iu a Inirh dcpri-e In hi clai-d. Ilichly tmpnrtiml 1 Thd viry li if t rr:i7ili in IVIdtlug and .Hnmitaiu t,'rKtiI. ho universally prt.t(i tn ho lar tmpcrinr to any mhur itl.iu'. A1jH(1. JUteronropfa, i?t$ andtyuiziing (Jtamra cf crery the nmt qutltfy, VtleBCopes. Jt.tjnifyinir nnd Opern (itast a, with ihtl'crt-'iit power, tnj-i tiier with vwry ari 'ly of , iirtflHit In th- Optfal lino tn-t mchtioiicd. 1 aj" (Jpli'Hl and other Iiitlrumi.'nt and (ilascx cure fully repairs! o'i mi-Hrt nothe, li can nlwjyn wdtirt 1 (iljim'H tn nmt the ition nftlu! P'tnoii. nn ln nmn th?ni, 1 upon the first trial, lie will remain in thii pl,iip during i,iy Court, and thou'1 in want m the iibme nrtlrU's will 1 pK-at pi v i' linn a 1 all. ! sj ' II' will, if rmiiri'd, co tunny r:fpcct;iWo hoipc. 1 BU'rc mix h.tw'c" nt.iv n wantPil. 1 1 n vt-ry htfj-t I'Vi: vati;i I'.H and Uu bwu Hunt 1111.' uiawcffl nm.i)t lor aaiv, April i4. H". DISSOLUTIOxV NOTICE. TUT. .'.irtni-rs'llp hrrrtnforo otiKtinc iB'twern til" nn. lUr-iilii'vl. enaaj..d in ., rciiiitil.i IrLlnrss nt llsuy, under Ille lir.u nf J lines Ketrr & (V,.. hj. been ,li...,lv. cd by mutual uinseiit. Tin bonks Mill bi left in tht bands of I'miler & rrpvrlni( lio i ronlnuw tlie illume, in iiu ui.i si in il . JAMIM KIWTKU. fll.Art U. rtjlVI.U!, Ai.ritcii(.'iii:vi:i.i.i.vr;. r.py. r.i Apni ii, ir,o-at. A I) M I M S T It A TO U'S N OT 10 H . Est itc ot Wtllinm Shnltz, ihccascd. I l.l 1 l.l.rf of Atlniiui.tr.ilion nn tlio Infill of Wu.luM . . ,-ni.i.r., Lite nf I'lslilllL', m k loun.hio. l'.,l.i,i.l,in ' ;illll"I7:i iumv, to tiu ....d.-M.-n.-d t'lu- I '"rrrur"r:" Pnut ii.uinjtcuunx aicaiit th" I.t Itf ot th.' rioi Lilcilt tin; r.-nocsti'il in t.nil ilimn in th! AdnnniPtrator. with.mtdtd.iv. and nil p.rsun in dtlited to make pament lorthwiili. . A. V. U'inVLIl. April 21, L-LO. Jidmimttrntor. j FKKSH I'ltOM TIIK CITY, ,.110 RE- NEW GOODS! EVERY .SO."', SIZE, AND STVJ.E. Jl'HT mxT.i vi:r at BE7TLF3 fi 3-3 EA STORE LV LIGHT STKL'KT, mi Ala; iii:io mji.ii run hi'.ady rY. 'Cietipcr limn the Cheapest .'" r," nxam; i'ai.i. i:p.i,y. .-j Agiiil. I.lshl Strorl. April ?. 1500. EW MIM.INKRY CiOODS. I & U A G A A I) S U MM JJR -Mtr. iind'rsiaiied r-nnt-t tfnll iiifrmi Ih. la-lift of 1 :l.ii.iiiJMir2. mid viiluiiy. that clt has lust KMrm'd from the caxteru cm -s with a fpUndid atiurtiK,ulid'nw Mll.LINhHY (OK i OS, couipriMiiii ('vcrjihitiff roiuinniilv luiinl in n first clias AI ill iur .-Imp. IUr t) le (f lionni-lfi. r.innot be sur pa"( d ri Ihis tn-itioti of cuiintry, and In'r rk will fa oi.ibIy compnre vvitliniiy ihio tha nie of theu(k. Ii.ih mi hand a l(t td'uciit ind hamUuuii lion nc t lints and rat", tor little .MimeK id' all hll.- mid priti tt. A ItV liAKKI.r.V. Iilooni8biirApril U, 1 "4. FOR COUNTY SUIM'JHINTUNDENT. To the School District of Columbia County: (itMii-tstrs -In pursunifH ol the 41d eif(ti' of the Art of Mh .May. l.il. jou an li-n-b notitletl to 11 it-, t in rmtwntH'ii. at th' i:onrt Moiiht', iu I'lounihliurir. until tlrpt Mmidiiy in May, .. Ii . l-dii. h iii th 7th day.fth' intuitli, at lo'ilmk in th" uileruoon, and I -tt nra ror 1) a iiiajtirity of th'1 w liol iiuiiilnr of I'i rutors pr 'xenl, one p-'rou t lit rur nnd nieiililii acpur -nn ids. and of nkill and cpciiiiiii' in the ait id' Inn lung, n-i t,(i'Mil JiipiTiiit 'nth nt, for tin' lime hilt tet'tlliis e;irn: dctL-riuino the mtuiuiit (d cmiip 'iiMition for thi faint , .'Hid rt rlilj th 1 refill to thf M it Super iiipudeut. at ILirnniri. us riinrcd l the 3 il, and 4oth He(.tioin oi h.ud Ait. WM. UltURRW, ' Count i Siinicrtnttndfnt of Columbia L'vauty. Millill :, April '.th. IH.il -.'I. Public Nolm lor Licenses. VTOTIGK i- licrohy pvon that tlie fol-i 1N low in; per'nis in TnlaMlna rouniy. hive lil-.d I ihr-ir p.tiiions ni th- Court of Uuarler .eoitioiis of the I ttaid itiiinll. f"r Tavirn and Mwr1 l.u-ense m iheirrc-1 bii'i t i tAin.lnp. whiih c-i Ip-'titioiis will be prcseu- tetl in th.' nd ('"ri .Moiiua , the "tli dar of .Ma), A. 1) Itljti. ul whith all pernoiM iuli'r'tttetl w ill lake unlicv, I iiid tlu' ltifi'iise lor tlu rount) wf t'oluttilta, will be I eranl-d mi Wt-dnesdft), tnagui uay ot .ua) next, at . ocioik. I'. Jl .llipncani' Jam.-, tlillir. A.and Hus'l ' llto. W. Ilootiiijn. Ii.imel lilluiry. f. II. Woirri'tn, Jurnh lloo,l. J.iltii.oo l.lii Ion. tVlllarJi'. tirnnu', Jno r Hi t''rirh. S.iiiiioI airlKury, Isair Y'tl'T. K. nf.T A. rimitli. W'llll.l'll I'- knolls, W. A Klliw, llt.l.-rt lliisi-nourh. I'juul I'.vorhart, IM, r th hue Knoill lloiM'H. Jo.liu.1 Wouiir. Olm r A. Jaroh. jiaiiiiifl Kan.l.inl'aiilcr, Ji.llil larock, llMSf U. Jacol"). ,1 truu. tiimtli.-r., Joktl 1,. tllir.t. Isaac I'uhmutr, IVilhaiii Kline. lU'iibeu Wnsscr, rruukliii bliniiian. John r1!!) iler, Isaac Itlioiles, I'.ilv.nra t-'uroy. John It. Jones, Jai oh Ki.iler. S.unuil I'.veritt, llauiel lli iiiliolil, John f.rnier, lolm Kt'llir, 1'reilenck Nicely, William I.on;, J..liii J. .iiilea, Washington V'eajer. Jacob Ycager, Hicha,, I'luiucr. J. r). 1 ob.t, A J. livans, l Wilson Ager, r 7'miciijAii.. M.iJi.on. Orulll,'.1. ritdllite,rrilk. do l'ou nullum. OrallC'i. Hmrir ik. rJenlt. .Mt.riea.ant. Itentull, Maine. Madison, Itloom. (ireeiiwoo,!. Ill, ..mi. Hfott. do do I.ncilhl. 1,,,. (Jattau issa. Ktnolll. llermck, do Locust. do L'onynchatn. do Iloai cr. Koariuijcreek Locust, Centre, t'oiiy uLrlinni. .'.ittais.a. Orange. Caltai, issa. Maine. Mllllm. Hern ick. Stout. llsnton, Jirukt. do Illnom. Cattai.i.ia. Illooni. Tjmtii. do ilo do do ll do do do do do do do Iu do do do do llo do do do do do do lS do do do do do do Wore, do do no do do uaniei i. Hcmcrnau, do Cotiyngham, JACOB rvi:ki.v. Cirri raoTlionPTSRV Orflti, Rlecmsburg. April It, lbO. " A little, hut often fills th purse. SAVING FUNDS. TnANKI.IN BAVINO FUND-No, 1.18 Boulh rourtll Street, In tweell Cbestnut nnd Walnut Philadelphia, pays all deposits on demand, 1 Depositors' money secured by fiovernnicnt Slat?! and City honnt, Oround llcnts, .Mortgages, tit. f. Ibis Company ileims stuf ty b. tier thin larger profits, consequently will run no risk Willi dtpoi. c tors' money, but Invu It nt all times ready to rtturn n Mb 3 per rent. Interest to tin' nw iter, as they hal 5 alwas done. This company never suspended, Females, luarrl'd or singlf. nnd .Minor-, can de- & pn-itinlh rr ov.it rlelit. mid sticlf deiiosits can be withdrawn only by th Ir coitsentt t.'hart.T pepettnl. Incorporated by theHtate of v I'enn-ylvnnlii, with authority to rcccito nionoyg from trustees nnd Kteculors. , a nthee onen riailv from II to 'i o'clock, and on Wed i ncsoay evening until p ocioik. MllF.CWflS, JacoN n. Phannon, fyrtif Cadwallaflcr, John tr'hindlor, ilvotpc UiiskcII, Mnl.nlil W. Ktnnn, IMwardT, II) alt, I.fwii Krtimlihnrr. Ilrnry JMnny, MclioliiH Kiitfiihounr, NHtllin HmrdluVt Jus. II. HiitlKithwaitc, Kphri.ini HUniliard, Joseph Idppinroft. JACOII II. rHANNOV, Trsidnt, CVIIITR tAnWAI.IjADIlit.Trvasnrcr. March 12, W t-l Jm. "A Dollar laved i tw Uk arned." Light Strket Store. Cltl'.ASY CO. HUI.LKTIN. 1 l.T. styles of flullt MoutfUng for I'lclur'. l'rsnif s by 1 UUK.lSl AC LU. ALL. kinds r f IiUinliT for sale y ClWAHVisCO. AM. klmls of Cnrptt for sale by t'HK.SV.:0. Jt'Hl' rcceilcd all Minis of Lnilis' Ilrrss Coods. by ClillASV 4. CO. a T ANT1I.I.AH, of tho latest fasliions, fur s.ilo liy 11 1 CHIIASY icCO. JRON, Nails nnd Bteil, for silc by , AUROV Oil, for sals ly tTONi; Coal, for ssle by J U.MIIF.!'.. of all kinds, for sale by NH kiids ofC.nod Coods, b 'l.lsht Wrt. April 7, 1 TO. CREASY CO. CRIIASV It CO. CIIIIASV It CO. CRKASY It CO. CKtlASY ft CO. J, UND3 AND a II AUKS. St. .5. iViilinms, Ko. 10, North Snon't S' cet, riin.AHKr.pniA. Is ttic mn.t uxtpiisiiu nmiiurjcltirer or 0 AND WINDOW SHADES. zy tiik i.mar.sT jxd fi.yf.st j Assirlmcnt in the City, al lb J eowe-s u v.'Jsjj piacns. T Mlorc rilndi;. made au.l Lettered. Asiil 14, lfWI. . SKVi .STO III'. Wholesale and Retail HAT if- CAI' STOKE J'rir.undcriirn9d i -hp itfully Inform tha ntircnsof 1 iiiortiiiMHtrx, nun uuruuir in s m-rai. inai uu nai op? ned a NKW HAT STORK, In the whit" Franw ttorJ IlouncoriMdin htrcct. ocaf. ty opposite tht' L li.ini;e .Vnlilitv,", w here he ha-ijust re c i ed a Fpleadid udiurtuieiii of Ull V liAT.S ND CAPS, Ih rnrt from the MaiHtfactorics, "f all kinds, Btles, K"riu Hud ij', latest Fa-linnm, which it otV- it, whole naU and rrtail, at try I'iw pri en. tUo, itrliidinir nil the mo tern eulej nnd fiultion-i. - Th-e tJoods. will he nold nt cr low price?, for KuaJy 1'ay. S. 11. ANUWALT. Ulomuplmrg. April 1 1, l"f.O. UK 1)1 Li 10 NOTI0K. rplll! I'mmlcnt .mil y anagi'rs of I lio C'ntt.nw issi llriilpi ,L L'oinn mv, liaic tliisil.iv ilcil.iri'd a ilivldciul nf llirte n'r cciil. (75 ti'iit. p 'r hluru,) nn tli? cni.it.il sine of nils uwiiipiny. uir in. lasi t.ix iiiniuns, pnyuDiu iu tuc titncklinl'icrs r 111 'Ir local r.-pres 'ntatucs.i.i nr ufirr tli sa. ily nrJi'r nf thu 11'iarJ. JNO. SIIARI'LBKS, rnrsn Catlaulssa, Marrta 31, lfta DETERSIVE SOAP fplllr ci'lebratcd Wn-diing rtonp, in now in market for X morethauuycar.audth.it it tins sheii mmrntnl jt-itistaction. i- i'int irnin the Cut, limit thu .Mnnufic turer f it in order tn fupply the demand, have been oblici'd to nicriUMP th. ir t np.uitv to tnuke u.pjal in One Hundred i Itvugand Founds ver ncth ll is (leu ICdIV til' bat and rhcajiM Soap ecr inide in tin t'ouutr) , One Pound cf it trill go as far. for any me aj Th ee vf the Wmhih lit general use, it is inane upun a new piinciple, rd tin1 inati'rinls, nnd kuown only tn Van tUtnt!. i, McKtovL. I dui'i awav entirely with tlu waOiboard unve- th it'csfwity of boilinj liu tlotbcs. it doeiiit k lrink auii . KCMUVKS (iKC Si' K )'t i'.I.T Si'DTri perf -etly an 1 frmn the mM dtliuatj lahriL. id en fjlly onediairthe time nnd rtbor uu;illy snjut to Ih wuilnns. Hu icarra ilrd tree from VJA.SO I i.'l. or other tniurm alkalies, auu gu.iraineeu uot io rot or injure the Jollies. ALSO Hupcrior oriental Toih t Chemical OHe 1'ale, Extra li. and Hr mn S'lnpt. an well us IHvto Tuain At Co. Adititittuiuii Cjndlut at low ot market prices. Tor J?al hy all reFpectablf flroccrs, mid Wholcsali; b) Nn. 2i and 31 South Wharves, I'iuudllmiu. oaTtTon. Tier' hems pevrrnl imitation Itrundt of I-ti,r,'H( Suap in market, th- public are nnt ift.-il Hint none arc Scntiinc fxcfpt Vas llAAdtx A: Miliinvt ifi ptainped upon earn uar oi in ronp, as we m tne uohs. rVhruary U5. HiiO-Um. WILLIAM J. MilUIiK.VIAN, lU'NURWiniRliK. Illoniiiflrirc. Ausut 1.1, lf57. j Mi:iMf; ki:cli:am:o clovi.ii 8i:eii. trtc X Irom nnTio'M weci'it. alto, 1 iinolli) . Orch ard, Herd (ir.iM. lMlt"ii mid Liij;IJf!i perennial l"V irp. KtMiinrky IMuc fraf. VtMfCITer 1 llll" mixed I.lWf) Ufn n'l'il &c , ill wWnlPfliil' ami 1 retail. PAeCIIAM MOItKI?. ! Imploiiif ht" nvd J-'cct! Warthout-c, "ill oud Marke ?lri-'tn. rhiiadPfpMa. i Manh 12, lr?;li -I2m. 15LOO ihBURG kyliht riclure Wallers. TMIK undc'rbigued informs the ridzfnrf of Illnom. and J. iitiL'hborhond, that he has tak n the lare room in j lhn lAriiaiije lilock, ett nding over .MeeHrs, tvuer & iMt'iiih'n HaKt'ry, nnd Mrs Clarks Itookbtor", wht-re ho I h it p-it iu u lare tfk) light. It is on by Hk) Iniht that ' pood pictup's can betaken Cfpcoally croups, whera eatb p rtton can be taken junt nit well a tcparal i Me has gone to considerabli vip-'iia' to niak" his es I tabliithiiieiit u first (lacs one. vml hi ilier'fort solicits n i liberal patronage to enable him, tn constantly introduce I all the uiodtrii improvement ofth?act. U tuuntry proauce tJKen in xciiaiipc mr ptciurjs HL.iie uiMPVurMi'k' HBMtV KUSKNSl'Ot K. ltlooiusburg, Nov 20, la3J. "'ZUPJM NO Ell's KSTAIUslSII MEN V, Viicc Reduced, &c. rilllj diificult watch aud Jewelry rep-tiring his jop X bfpn done mice IIlooniburjr is liloonisburp, 'jrffy i HnKV y.HTHi-iK. and Uiouph It was ollen jV frwu the iiiitur' of Hie runt', oblige'! to rhurpe pri'tt IhkIi. hid price imw are grra'ly reduced, andhn tUttoiuer limy reft aiirid that Ii. has the reiuisis iiunliiliations, and matt-rialx nnd niennn for the repair of nil kinds of WuW lift. Jewelry. Accordions, and ery thini; usuall) attetid-d to ut a teunbir wntrh maker's .hop. Ilouvkty aud faitlifallness will aluuyvbj his Iirt principle uud aim, i r Onli-fM or tionJs takm for rnv lllnoint-bnrg. March 10 lfCA C. C. SADLER. &, Cu., Cttmmisiion Merchants anil dealers in l'MSH, OIII'.KSK & I'HOVISIONS. No. 103 Arch St., and door above Front. Auu.t 11. K-.8-). riiii.Anr.i.rniA, NKtV HOOKS. Tlinftillowingnew Hooks, have Just teen rocciteil mid are for sal 1 W.b.ters new llhi.tr.itcd Dictionary price Sti .10 Also, Life of Capi. John llrowil, rice SI at the Hook more of CI.AHK. lilooiusbiirg. r.bruary 4. 1SC0. ll A IK H 13 S'nJu AT IV B "ilUi. AI.I.r.N'rlcelelirats.l II Allt IlKSTORATIVE and 111 .V LOUAl.aAMU.il, for sale by llloniiiBlmrg. I'b. 4. lfiO. A. U. WKIIU. llAUTMAN'.S CUBA1' 0OKNKR. NEW CHEAP GOODS. 'Tlin eubcnberi have just returned from the city with v u targe nuu i&ieiisit i? tiocn oi NEW SI'UINO & SUMMKU GOODS which they ofTer nt the very lowet fiaurfa l'r Ktnv Pv. Thankful for pul favors they solicit u thare of public patronage, Oiling confident thai Ihey ran satisfy all w hu w iih to buy cheap. II C At I W HAKTM.W llloomsburj, Oct 20, lBSy-tf, Charleston Convention. Tho Democratie National Convenliou at Charleston yesterday spent tho day in un successful ballo ing for a candidolo for President. Jlr. Douor.As, on the fifty fiflh, had 101J votes, llio balanco being scattering ujion various candidates, Guth rie being ho highest. A proposition f before tho Convention lo adjourn to meet iu Baltimore on tbo S.rth of Juno next, iXkxv vimi. rpiIE undersigned, II. W. Creasy fi J, , I A. Creusy, liaiitig formed a co-pnrtnersbin, in tlis MKilCANTIIiU 11 USIN liSS, in Light Ft reel, Columbia county, I'a., under the nm and Mle of H. W. Creasy fc Ci., beg leave to inform tbf if friends and ihy public, that liny will continue the bua WtB of in all its arlous branches, at then ell known Eturc stand of Cr'ii-j' & Brrrthtfr, TbrMlH'y will at all timi bo hap py to attend to thecal It rf their Iricndi and cuatomer. II. W.CKEASVtt'O. Mght Ptff ct. A prll 3. m02m, DISSOLUTION. 'PHU late firm of II. W. k W. X. Crcaj, J In the Men antlle liURinen at Light Street, w at dm i-olved upon the llrttdny of April, ltni, hy the dccefle of W. N. Creay. one of the inemu. rp of the ald firm. The buoka, accounts, etc.cif the late firm are In the liandi of the undri?ned. nt Light Hirurt, lor uttlleinentand col lection, wh'-rs all persons indtlited nill please call with out further notice. And all persons hating claims or dcuwndtt nsaiiKlllio kaid late firm, will alno prevent thm totliesubMrihtrduIyautltenticated for settlement. II.W.rKtjASl, For IL ' U . N. L'HKASV. LiglitStr"ct, Aprils, 100-ji.ii. GllK AT KX0ITBMENT AT TllH FllESli ARRIVAL or MILLER'S STORE. pplin iubicribcr lias juiit returned from the city with anotner large auu sticci msorimcni oi SI'HINCS & SUMMER GOOD3, purchnscdln rniladclphlaat thejowcit figure, and which he It (kteriiilin d to fell on ns moderate terms ai can b procured dlnutvl.pre in lUoouifcburg, ilin ttoch consists LADIES' DKKSS GOOHS, Choicest Ptylcs and lilehlfafhiom Dry unftH, liroeenet, itorawarc, iiuecnticare.vedar Hurt MOtime irarc, jrmi, sraut, noais ana onoti. Hats and Cap$ See. See, In tdmrt cvrrvtliuic Uiiiallv ktnt in country Stores tt w lilch he ini itcs the public (tenerally. IX- "i tie iiicnest rrite paiu tor country proauce HITl'HK.S 11, MILLER Bloom nlmrg. April SI, 1M9. y. MAMJfiOOJ, HOW LOST, !lOV RliSl'ORBD. Jut Published, in a Staled Envelope, TtKt ON TIIU NATUItE, TKKATMEXT AND Jt.Lf& UADIUALCUKBOF Hl'tUMATORRHO- KA, or Seininal Weakness, Sexual DebilL ty, Nervougrtest and lnvourrtarily Kmis- .dons, iiifluding lmpotciic aud .Mental and lljysicsl i csuaciir. Hr ROn.J.CrLVEnWELL, M I)., JJutior cf "7Ae Green book," S(t, Tbi wnrld-rtnoH ned author, in thtsadmirabl I.irttitc. cleurly proves from hi own cipetience that the awful coii8e(ueiiC(s of self abuse may be ellectuully reuiored without .Medicine and without dangerous Hurgical opera tions, bituRiee, instruiueniB, rings vr cordials; pointing out n modi of cure at once certain and cifectual, by nlmh every sulfrer, no matter what lus condition may br-, may cure himself cheaply, privately and Radically, Tins Lecture nill prwu a boon lo thousands and thou ands. Suit under sale to any address, pott pmd, on the receipt of two postagi stamps, by addressing Vx. UH. J. U. KLINL, .M. 1)., 4-u First Avenue, N. Y Posl Uox 15(3. April 14, leixt-l'Jm. EVr.iUiKliBN t'KKKS A.NUSilHUHS. AF1NX lot of all Icodlng kinds, of all sizes, from 0 to Id fett, nnd at all prices, for sala at the Kejstonn Nurn r. ilnrri'burtf. Among them are Austrian Fine, American Whit UoaUe Hprucu Fir. American Norway r'ir silver l'ir. J-cuiiiih Fir, Austrian Pine, lied Cedar, tiiRluli and lrnh Vew.Trec llox, &.c., -te. April ?. IBM). H. A. MISH LIST UK LETTERS IIEMAIMNG in the 1'o.t Olhce at Bloom.burij. Ta , l v .iiitrcu ami, i"w. Ha) lor Ldiiiel May Mooes 3 McKinn John Mathews H. lontfonicry Hobt. M. IManing Jacob NoeckerJUrrict Uppenhiiner Louis Tcifer Charles Uuinn William Kobcrls Clark F bran urn Uartlo J mien 2 (Shipi Creamer A. W. Kvana V. K. Fry Adolpnus FaucKs Petvr Crop Abrm a. Harp tmuvl Jnnes Ham ml (inantiv) Tersons culling for the above letters, will plea bo tiy they ars advertised. L. II RUrERT, T M 1'tnnmgburg, April 7, lCiiO. lihOOMlitK(I AO A. DEM V. 'pHE Hpriui, and riuinmcr Heasion cf the Uloomsburf X. Acddeui), will begin Wednesday, April lUi, 1600. Pupils inMruited in I3tislili, Classics, Modern Langus g-8, .tlfithematic. .Niiturnl Sciences and Vocal .Music Tlie touran ot Mathfiuntics and Classics is intended ti prepare the ttudeiit for ndiiimsion into a University or College, or lo qnallify fur btiiinens A iJailr Jtc(!i8ter of the attendance, conduct ami srhol arslnp ol each htudent is Kjit, which in open ntull times for examination by parents, truardians or others. Hpeii il attt'iition is given to those whi design fitting themselves for U'jUuu?. TJiRMS- Coni in on Knirljili, per Quarter, 81 (X) IIiuh'T Kngliiti and Classics 55 00 Nn deduction will b-s made on account of non-atlendancs or of withdrawal before the close of the session, unless in rnno of jiroirjtted picknem. ;ood lioarding can be procured la private fannies at reason able rates. Keiereuces 1'atrons of the school, I). A. HKlKU'V. A. II., rnncipul and Teacher of Clasficn and Modern Languages, A. A, KUrU', Teacher ol .Mathematics. lijoomburg, Manh 17, lct0. HKMOYAL, DR. . C. RUTTElt, has removed hinofflcf, tn Market htrect, no.l door tothenew huthcraii Church.wheri M will nlwas be happy to attend to the wonts of lus c'Moiner. Ulnoiiifburs, .March 31, lcf-0. NOTICE. imiDGK ELK0TIOV. AN election for on Tresldent, six Managers, rm Treasu'r, one berr-'tary oihcers for the Cattawl. sa Undue Company for the ensuing ear, wilt bi h-Id at tht- hou&e ol J.ICOlt iJlTi, in Lattawltsa on ion day th TtU of .May next, belt; ten tlie hours 1 and 6 r, M JNU. (ill.Mtl'LESL, Cattawista Urirtgu Oillce. March 31, lft0. sec y. VALUAJitsJj rKUl'Mil V FOR SALE! f pIlU subscribtr otTers tt sell at Trivatd Sale, tU L ST22AM SAtt-MlLL al Upy. Ta., tituate in n good locality for business, with a go'itl run of custom AU of the Lumber, Hlabs, Ac can be fold Jtl the Mill. It ran he managed by two men aud one boy Is in pyccIKmiI running order Also A TRACT OF LAND, ami n.iiLn i u r.ti. w iin ,t thereon, situate in tlu township of Greenwood, Colura uia unit my- i a. This i n rare chance for nnv one u ihin to m Ifiin good business, nlnady established. A mere desirable propi-ri) ior ii fiiiHii iitvcstnifiit is rarely otiered. The property u well km wn far and near, as a good paying Loucern. The subscriber havine a larce I'Iaiiiiiip Mill, nrtd cthar bu-mesa to attend to, dot's not feci able tjgive the above meutionf d Mills tho attention due them, therefore offers thfiii for palf on tenm to unit pun .infers. Apply at once, rariicH winning iu purcnuse, cau nave access to the Hooka of the Mills, which will satit-fy them as to its paying. 1 IIUAlAD n bllUAU Espy, March 10, lgr0. NAIIONAL SKYLIGHT. DAGUERREOTYPE AND AM HROTYTR GALLERY, In tht Montgomery Builittngi, Xortk DanrtUt, ON 11 of tlie mofci convenient nnd extensive establish mem in the Stato i hargea ttuihciently high tu n able the work lo be warranted. tty"None hui the lnst material are Used Invalids nud dee'd iiereuua l&kt u al their resident. Instructions given In hajtuirreotjpo and AiuW&tji process im reasonable term. Mnntgitinrry buildings upon tlu third loot. All fitt J up nicelyf above -M, i Giiei's 1iuk 8tor, Arrive at our rnoius, I'll remove eveiy doubt, Vvt the pictures we'll makf with bolduen iUh, nut f tirrcmoer i .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers