AGRICULTURAL. Par the Cotumbt, Democrat. Homodics against tho Curculio. Tho i'ollowi g remedies, from various sources nml combined with my own expe rience show, that AnimalHon is pervaded with an astonishing degree of energy, and that oven tho minutest being is endowed with a degree of prudenco and foresight beyond all comprehension. Thcrurculio, or plum weevil (Rhynchcc wis Nenuphar) u about two-tenths of an Inch in length, dark brown, has wings covered with sheaths, each pheath haung a pcllowish spot on tho hind part, where by it may bo identified. When feigning death, which it always docs when alarmed or In danger, it looks, as much as anything can look, like a dried bud. As toon as the blossoms open, we find the insect recon noitoring on the tree, and it commences tho destruction as soon as tho blojsom is weltod iA while tho trco is yet in blossom. Commonly tho weevil is not detected till the mot part of its work Is done, and un t'l the punctured plums mako their ap pearance. Kach puncture contains an egg, which foon becomes a little worm or mag got gnawing away till tho plum drops un ripe to tho grouud, where the maggot, when full grown, enters the soil, perhaps not more than an inch or two, there to undergo tho .transformation into a pupa. This pupa will, some pretend, como out transformed into a curculio again in about ovcn weeks, but wo believe it will remain till next Epring when it will find its natural f iod and lodgings for the eggs. 1. Some very succcsful planters, I have Mien it stated in tho Scientific American, place a good deal of dependence upon the I Uroductiou of flour of sulphur into tho circulation of tho trco, cither by boring a three-quarter hole towards the ojnter downwards eloping and filling it with said substanco and closing with a pino plug, or by (either on tho trunk, or on some of the nuin roots) separating the bark from the wood, laying tho remedy on, and, if on the roots, pressing with the soil the bark back t) its place. I think tho latter is tho preferable way. This means, I seo, a r.rtain writer is pleased to discredit, since s ilphur is in water not soluble. I have ,'jot the first crop of plums when I applied sulphur, and others ditto. Water and . ulphur and water in contact with the vegetable circulation are different rela tions. i , , i i c Tound tho trunk, below tbo crown, uclore I tllO time Ot blOSSOmin a tnp JlbOUt turCC .1 . . . . . ... a tnp HbOUt tlirCC c i M r it ,, t or four inches wide, forming alalnrmtu, n i . ' . . , i ir the ascending insect, lias, indifferent i t ililp li 1'iin.M lui-ii luiiuiiuu tu uv vi very nvvu (V , m , , ... , , effect. Jar, fish oil, and the like, would , . , , , ho at least equally good, as long as such A . , tii i tilings do not become dry, or loose their . if i . . " , 6 i fii ' ing tho young wood of the pre- 3, Pruning l,i iil'l i .uua yum , uuuut unu-iuiiu uj LUOimm pf the length, according to circumstances,! r.hmifc the time when tho tree is in fnll Woasom, or perhaps a little later, causes a vory general confusion among tho cwl-, c 3trs : mcy icci aiarmca. anu moviu about cancaily be discovered and killed j li.-l. it. -i fuim; ai iua , iiLnmu u.u ywv uiibuiu nml 1,nv,. nml th ro,f. hornm nmr, " - Ies3 intimidated bv so maiiv losinrr their " matca just when they needed them most ; besides, the pruning causes a new impetus in tho vegetable machine, whereby the young pluma arc accelerated in their growth, and thus moro of them will have a i i - ii... , .e ' .-uaucu ia capu uu .sung m inu.r unc.iiy. , Jitwi pruning uo uono auom two wccks nbundautly i.rovidcd vi itU vc-gctable life, after Mouoiulns, i'onr.f.nhs, if not more, that n plant onco cronteil , cannot b- ok 0f the little plums may, at tLo sauio time, ' tcrminatcil any motUy ov,n , . tll0 ni0bt ie. lie thinnta out with yet more advantage- TOro a(,ci(kllt, Bnt, lrirclIul,tlllKej, to ,,1,1,1, ,f cour.0 plumsaud all, to be secured and 1)lallUj cither in thcir (wilJ) ttatU) )Urllt- 1 or in a cultivated condition, aro subjected. 1. Turning over the ground about eight un(U-r tliu n.ojt udvers.- circuiu.-tancM, af fect around, or a sufficient arcr about tho ter the hcaicst amputations, oltcn us a tree as early as the state of the ground r,urfci.t CI.;J)piU) rUulured to cither by cat will allow in spring, raking it even and tlc .lcciaL.,lt3 or tho hand of an inhuman pounding it smooth, is, I dare bay, with tho J H.nj, pianti not unlrcqucntly will try most practical planters, tho most natural ; nnd SUC(.cud t0 rroauco perfect teed, at preventive. If (he ground is turned per. 1 lcasl ,omo. ami aru sufficient to m lectiy ai me ngut ume, anu tins repcateu at the fruit-gathering, the wholo crop of woevih, liictainorphosctl into pupajs or larvtcs, must tliis way become forever burieil, anil tho tree can only bo visited by strangers from other places, anil by a vory few from unnoticed crevices. It is, how ever, only a reasonable opinion that three females can destroy the tame ncason a largo treo lull of fruit. 5. It teems that tho ituect tribe in gen eral is possessed of an exceedingly sensi tive smell. Any Wong odor disagreeable to their oiljactniy nerves will usually com pel them to give up and surrender, espe cially, when cohabitation, reproduction and transformation cause them to bo moro sensitive than otherwiso, out of regard for thcir descendants ! Hydrosulphito of j ammonia, hydrosulphurio acid, and hydro sulphito of lime are, besides a great many more, of this charater. They are usually placed or hanged on tho tree, or among the branches, in bottles or other open vessels ; or, if cheap enough, as, for instance, the Jiydrosulphitc of lime, which 13 obtained by dissolving ono part of flour of sulphur, two parts of caustic fresh) limo in about fifty or sixty parts of boiling water, in a covered barrel, ten or moro days before it is to bo used a syringo or garden en gine may be used. Some substance?, as u.'.''3.V."J'.'iyi,il,'I-'r. i 0. Trees no planted as (o hang with their branches over water, arc generally exempt , from tho attacks of tho curculio. 'Among ono mid flftv trees thus nlnntfil ' 1 ' Saj'S Dr. Underbill, ' I haVO not found OlUl ,J ,, ' , Elllclo CUrcullO. llO tenches tho ClircullO . beforehand that Ills VOUng OlICS WOUlu . .... , ,, , , perish 111 that Situation? raVCll trCCS !., . .i . , ,. p r likewise aro said to be unusually free from ,. . . . . . .1 . i t , i t tllC llHeCt, but UllleSS thCV UO platltCU 111 artlllCially prepared SOIlt WOUlll SCem . that tllCV COUld llOl remain productive iOl- , .. . . . . . .. a long timo j but, however, they may do better than expected. j 7. Some have succeeded by sprinkling their trees, (mornings when wet with dew, and evenings after sundown, when in blossom and afterwards) with wood ashes, ' soot, plaster, unslaked lime, Ac., and it h , ,, , 1 "11 1 , jl 1 ueiiuiiiiiy ijuuu uiiu tun iiusuu luuiis.iiiu.i of insects to wash tho trunk of tho tree several times during the season with a strong piercing wash witlt sulphur, it can be dissolved as stated in No. 5, and then added to the re.-t. If u glassing lie wi-died it it produced by two liandsful uf salt to a pailufl of thin whitewash, and it norms to keep off the injects for a whole year. S. All tho uiuip'1 plum dropped or thin ned should bo carefully collected and dp stroyed ; for the solo business of tho female, during the first part of summer, consist in producing and depositing eggs, in company with her mate, and two hundred of them is a very moderate estimate ; than half of these females would next year multiply to 20,000, and tho nextjear tojutt twenty millions I Ah I is it not wortli while to look to our trees ? 9. J arring the tree with a mallet, cover ed so as not to bruise tho bark, is likewise frequently recommended and generally practised. It will certainly bring down many affected plums, and, if done early in the morning, the curculio himself ; both are gathered on u sheet placed on the ground, carefully scraped together and burnt. Xot all the varieties of plums are in the same degree subject to tho destructive at tack of tho weevil. The Julian Prune or Fdknbrrg and the Imperial Gagf, and perhaps many other varieties, aro unusual ly free. The moans mentioned in No. 'i have been ridiculed on account of tho curculio having wings. Iuscctswith s'ical. ed tcingt, like tho curculio, fly not often, not ordinarily, only alarmed or in danger. In tho spring, when tho plum tree is in bloom, the curculio is just changing his from from a pupa into a luiff, ;iml it is rcrhaTi.", not iinjirojicr to fctipposc Iiim ta- f . 1 . t .. .ivlll - Ji'ililllILIULlllLUllllULlllIlltlKi;. MIIL'C . . a , , , , . . , , , lie travel at uiclit. Hi roara to tuc . . e c. above mentioned remedies, perhaps every ! . . 11 . 1 J u"u ,B Ui J buw " JLa i'1 uuu i ,-mL Uil i ... . , , , icdies winch arc calculated to dislodge, to . ... , .. , . intimidate, to drive away, arc not so od . ; ,. , ., lor the public as for the individual, while . 1 . , . ' , .Ftich as are recommended in os, li, 4, 6 au'l arc au'l;c beneficial for the public , ' , 1 "v lKJi nmmviiKu. Ji, j. JJluomsburg. Pa,, 1800. For ttfl Colvmhia. Democrat Pruning & Trainiug.-Genoral thi: Kditok : This operation is for Planters &o important, that, without a certain degree j - i - ' " 0f aCfluailltance with thcnrilicinle fcUCCCS . acfIalUCe Willi l"C l1UllC1P1CS) fcUCCCtfi l6 lliiXt to nnpo-ible. JJoth terms too aro 1 , , . . . , iOitcn coniouuucu witti cacli ot ter and "liruning" should he used to deMgiute that kind of tiimmiug which is to iiutrovc the crop, MhiUt "training" mi-hthc juvferrcd in lvterciicc to hape and iiuro of jilauti, ami to tuo fcituation o: liraiiclica and vines, Nat universal ii.otl.2r. IS 10 j euro tbo ruaiitancc of tlio species jicrliajij frii tliniwtnitl ,r,.n,.i-..itlmw. nn.l ,.nil,l v - o ; r lor over, ilut tUU U all v.hut kind Naiuio has to do; if we wish more, it will be our own look out. A civilized Stata without Laws; a Pal ace without a fouudation ; animal life with- i out a frame 0f bones, a skeleton would bo about as practicable as a plaut without a libroiH system; anil this sbtcnt must bu in a vigorous state, if we wish crops, good in ipiantity and quality. Jleuco it is im proper if wo complain of our trees growing well enough but bearing no fruit. Tliu bearin" condition depends on tho maturitv i .1. . . . oi iuu species aim on u curiam ago anu wo must not expect much fruit, as general, l,r.l'n,. U.,,1 A.,,1 l,r,.r. .. ..... l .. busy is Nature, and night, until tho vege table structure bo completed that reproduc tion may commence 1 Pruning then, until this period arrives, need not ba nraetised to nnv ,rrrnr ,.vir,,,i . , . j but "training" may commence to soon as tho plants show limbs, Tho extraordinary and astonishing effect ' of Nature, to build up the structure of plants so spediley and so uniuteruptedly 1 but more as this tho action of Omnipotent through tho vegetable organisni,tIius dem onstrated, must fill our heart with tho deep est dovotipu. II, 55. l0()( oll t j (l0o,) ,h .o it ALL! H'IIB neirrfalllnir MRU. VAMIOIIV, I tli. t. Tlio JL suocpi-iIs when nil Mh.'r. haic failed. All ulioaril In trouble all kIiii hal l' Irem unfurl ilnnti!, all hn,o Iniiil lli'l"-. hvi! litil ilisnpiiointp.t rrn.lii'il and Ma.tril ; 'y rala prnini.e. mid ilcet-it nil u Iid havi bcrn ilcci'lv. t',1 niiiltrirt.,! with," nil tly to Iter nilvlec nml fttl- fartion, - nll Khiinre In diinbu nf tho ntr.-rtlnn. of t ln0 ihoy Im r. con.iilt hat ti; relieve nn,l .nil.f tli.'lr mind.. .V.07; .m.fKS Srtf Jt,lf ' Is!' hl.lho aicrcttifttiiilihilMlie niroctlon. nf llipop. , mi-nu it I. tnl. fact hicl. ln,mee illiterate pre-! teiiileratotrytiiliiiiiaiiilier.nniltori'iiy lur niliirtlae. , nieiiK rMto ln plinw. nii the Ilr abwut frl.-H't. Mi-' ml luth alnjle tun happy ninr ' .i.i.i. nun ttiiiK' a lliu Hiiiriii i ii.ii'i'ii Mce liaali'en anlirlfil InlnntllinrnMi) lliatanica. unci lliu I hiatal i rm. Hint I In, srl.hil jj.yi u.i v i' r jLmuL-wL.i fli3 In tlur fur a (turu (li'pyinlrncp. Mif lias ti n tNc ni'-niii ur l.riiitritm many hutnlrctl licnrM tuhl IjmkIa to FLtlier. Thciidntiils nf liroken lu-nrtf Ikivc bci-ti lial. d mi '1 innitv tiiijipy by li r. It in wrll known to tin.' puliHent Urge i-li1 wti tlio tirpt Mint tlif If ihJ Kiily vrrsnji wlm e.m ulinwtli' hkcn.'KB In rcnlltj. Hint wtoum plo t ntin Hittlpr.icti'in n nil tli cmircrim ( f tif n wlitch mil I"1 1 tcil nn-l iimv- ftjX'SSvwt l!""',t ' N. i:i liimitiarii oireri. j-minur ipiini , rtll 111! T. If,, l rti iv"J I . , , . ..A . . it ;?; K.v.v.vvi-7.. imuii i.ica I IVtl It lOlMVI'iJ nre uitlnil lllJ r 'Hill I'fllll. Klie ia til.' HlhiK w leror tlirt rnlil!tit.'iinil n?e j nllulm i-iai- anll h-'r tiro nstenMr'l at th.. trntlifuliiesa nl In-r lilt ir liialtiin an 1 preilictinna. Al.l. tluia w im tin I hail link r mnilt i h' r. their hail I ft Hi 'in. nn.l tli J are tioiv tor tiliiat , mil, einlii'iit nml ll ippy. 'I'" M.I, in Im.lmaa her niUiee ia iniatrl iM '. Sti" fan f r I -I with till en at 1 at c 'It linty. Ill" r alllt i I all rniiiliiLrelal Uli! htialileaa Irnnanilintia. Ifvu-i f illim h 'r Hi lee. yi'ii Bill iMPmn'i. 1'ivit (.w'ww.wt.s and B'lff.-' il in nil vnur tiii'lert.tMiilXH. 'llioaj ivlin have hern f.irtii"nl titl'l'illia leei-a.lill III III-, nml in Imaill- pa - lliaa1 :i - hail' iiniK'.l lnnl aii'l -trnyel'il iiualnit nilvr-lti nn.l iii.f"t.liiJ ll ur nter pa-l ,.r 111 .r llv and f.imi I Hie inure tli i-l.'l l" s I t.irunnl In tli' witI.J, III innre tlllii"a lltinaa unit Jillll.t them All rn'a hut.' .n-Kiill -il li t..r llu lat tn -nt v )' nra. Al th. 'ae nil', wia-ll f.jltiill eil iter lull li nr.' limv 11KII 11.11 VY .1X1) tilKVfwm. ill nil ir lui'lert.Lkiiica: uhll." tli a. hiliiite.l by p'rju ilie. nml i-norane le gleet Ml her allie-, are atill li h'lriiiu aiain.t ii'li..rait ni.l pmertr Ifynil lalne m h ipiin-a., nn w III coll. lilt ll-r yonraelf, mill be auecepa fjl nn-l h.ip'py al-n. All iiitnl.'ii- are atrKtl) privnt ami cimfi b'titlat. dime one ! all ! tn N 13IJ6 I.OMHAUP STIlKliT, b -tw 'en Juniper an-l Ilr. at, niilii'lelptn.i. .March li, 1-.VJ-1V. KVANS& .VATSUN . -.t' ti i,.MAiii:ti s.n;s. nr.- v'v 7 moviiii t :ini rirtut stmt, jS? tjfu'wl'iirit Vhilit'lilphta, on - v 'i Im" I f l-irsu iir-'Nj.ii,iit cif l'ir; i Mi IS tf'A-V' F." Tin -f iliitiinmlpr Hjf-s. 3tv;T' .VjJVi.' -lr- irmi dmirx, fur and " (t'jf-cKir n irt'ii fcliutt t irnri hui-Ii, nil .Mf4!t j.TVfj; luak-s of Ijtks eiu il u any m.i.Io in thn rniCd f-tnd'S Virc -Siffj in vnr Jtrj. rftt came flut right ; nth cot On in ioeit m-ii'dii, T!i" fiHl.iii.iiuli'r HnfJti nf Miilatlflphiii njainst (Iip world. HVANS & WAT" ON', h up lind t!i? ruroft dnintnititiii in t'l f.i'lmfnc rr titi cat a that th-'ir iiiauufjrtnro 't nl.iiniiii.ti'r S.if d li in nl leiistli lully wnrniiiU'd tli rfiirutoiitniiitiiq U'u li Ii.ul1 hfcn inn )t t f th mh ri'ii'ltTing an iiii.luuliti'd h 'entity apaiuit thi! U'infic c-loui-.tiu'lulil.i Aprlll-2. InW. F.mns f- Watson: li'Mitl-'im-nIt nH'iirtlB u tho hmliMt a.itisfiiction to state 1u yon. iiuing io the vpiv prt't.'itivr 'in.ihtl.'B nf tut if th- Hilnnmiiilcr, P.if-s n hi' li we iiurrhaw -d nf ou mmm five mnnih ini we a(Ml n Hrat port ton .f Jlvvi Iry. and .ill tmr lunik. &c, I'xptwU to th ml ri' in It. instead jdatt u tli innrntii? of th" 1 1th in -t.. VliftM rctlTt flint th. -it fi;if'i wt re IflriiPrt hi 111 f m i" tli nfory of tli luiil llnir up ncciiji d tiixl that tit -j f I) ulH"(iifntlv Ititu.i litup rf Iiuriiins ruins, ulirru tliu aot ronrentrntioii of llir h nt rim ted tin- liriii tilatc to in It. f Minna but resnrdtlf pn-Hi rvatuni nf tin-ir :il mild' rontfuM n ni"nt nun incin; prunf nf the (Treat m' cunty ntr.irdi'.l hy jour cap. V flmll tnkc urt-at id-'iwtin' in rt? rtmtiinlni thcnt to ni'-n uf li,iiii 'i im u nun1 reldiiipj' tisaiuM fire. CJIXHtdi: W. riUniONri lilta. Jncrllcrf. l TIiv p miicc pnri lia hI fix larjip Snfm. Anffiist 1-.V. I AVE 1NSHI! vNOK. THE GlIMHt) l.lFt: .VbtViVC:. .V.X77'l .J.W) niusr co.vt'.ixy of piiii..iifj.i,ii.i. U Fll F. Ml. -J0- c 111- 8T.M r H I f ti r, (.'AI'l'J'AL (pni'l up.) ft U (Rto. Ciiarttr Iyntttuul. r ONTINTr. to mnke INM KACI ON LIVIW on I v th' inott r iMun'.ll(. t nut. i Tli cajiit il h 'ins I'.ilil up mid iliWPtPd, tntrother nitli II I" li f I "l lllllt IM mi" I II nil! l. Th-pnMintmiis must I)1 p.ud jeartj Tii pnMiittmiis must Lv p.ud jeartj Ii.ilf j early, or pmrterii. tiw cumpanj nddn i;orspprioihr.-iiiy t the ,iIKiS rancrs of Me. Th nitsr iiovl's iipiirnpnateii m n.-. cemii-r. tii ri:coNji ikint.- in pJiemher. i.-p, i nuin liiiAL J? in li c inn r. ir.4. iCTliecc nddiiiniM nr 1 Iiniile u ithiiut "liiirin an) inrr 'af in w- r imuii : If piid t'Mhc U1I1JI tut 'Ihd follouini! nr it t u exjinpr (ruin the ItfL-t.T. Aitinuntiif I'nln i .inl Sum lnt tired" i r aililiium 3.V 3't l.'.tKl liuiiti In K' inrr -as"!! l'oliry " m " I'M an U tiiluri ndiiitiout. a '.?. chi ti,.tti) no Ac. Painpi-lets roi.tantin lal.l h t.f rat- f and explanation, fornii of nppliriititiii, mil forth r inf.rmatiiii can he funml at tli oitu-'j. TiioMArf i:ii)(;i:uav. rwtjrnt, Jmk 1 Jahf, Actuary, l.Y.W I.. TATi:. Agent V. f. HARtn-fos, y.mmn.tnr 'Av-ifian. Uctui:rJ0. If .T ly. SA ING KUM) . S. Trus(Conipany Cnmrr of Taint ami Cfics'?int S s.. Phil . T Altr.llanl VmM 8-...m r-mw-il and pa.d ,atk on i J d.-maod u illit.i.t iiotiee. uith Viv nn rr Mu- V ; 'om "''' i',1 ,1"i,;l"t 'i.;y '-f fti. inai. ..,7ltt r'" ,J '"L"1 o;H.k ewry .iaj, a . t" .,lll it?' 1 JI!,I' " 'f- I'r i-i I. iit-MT.i'llt'.X It. Cli.WVl'UKII, Ir .miir. r-1 i.iNV I ikk TlII. r Jam Ji. Hunter. liUKOTORS. W.llfwf''; jfliui. I It. 1 Ihnian, ,i,rtnk nrai iVr T-l" JUII hill (AI . r 1 H.itl, M. !., ilti 1111 M. Co 111. II. I rallllll Jaclfku'l, l'h.i)' 1'ta.. rir1"3 '';7",,lt- 1 liom h V. i n, -'i-'i.1' Manii 'J', 1-.VI-K- DAGU V.ll R SCOT Y I'E AND amhrotvi'p: cALiann . ti thr Miitlgot.iery Jtmldutga. .Yurlli Iteiiii'lc. NI? oflll Intiut cnlll i-liii tit till't rxtiniu l.'lbll,l. t llflltn III III M II lIl.ifLVH illlUlLlltl) lnjjli to 111- nl)!-' Hi uorK In h mr.-iiih tl. i 'Stmt: lr:t tli b -hi rrili cr moil. In Wit l N .iii'l iti r ! p 'ruMiis tutn'il ut tli ir rrtnlr ncrp. Iiistruttmiw pi .-ii in liijimxr'uijp1-' il" I Aiubrut)po pror At. on r Hmiii.ilil tt-rius. .MiititLrunKij li'iiliitii njKtii llit tlnr.l finer Alt ll U 'il up me ly. nltuVP.M.' tirur'n Hrne Stort Arrivt nt ur rui.iiB, I'll r -mme every (!o-ilt, l'or Hi'H wt- ll inkc ou with lolilucss ('it. J. n. cox. DtpihIit IT, ls51. XHU' U.UUiTA iii K ST AlHTlS llTlhNT ix nw(Msitvna. In tke .Wjf Erttk Ttrer Afur i'nrrmgr Fattorij, on ,Vlit wait rnurKr dull r 'itii'Tlli . ' V'rP'.'r'. "UM rr".".1 ' '"""""cc Io tl. j puiim . tlmt li ia I'uiiuiiiJHi.'il th" PA WIM ai:k & I f&S ; WAfiOV MAKlXf! ItU- i in q11 its various Lnucli'K. Ik- u iir uan'A tn xituu1 nil orJt'ri nml lias mi li m I ra prt'e-nt mi nssortiiii-nt nf iniit-ii'M orh. iwuui puriiuau iu nn.l it to tli-ir ail .liitjgu to cull uml uxniunii-. Hij'.mtixn. Will bu doiu- in tli most prompt and c n rt f ai minucr nnd upon tfrum vvliuJi rsuuiot tail to :ivo satlflnctinn. ! MP It WVl'.lilllCr. A. Vll.Hl) Jiloomsljurs. April UNITKD STATUS V:sh 1'aint ami CoBor, MAriU7AC7:uRXfiG cor, More owl OJicr, N It7, corner of Fuuith i)- Race klietts, rituudrfplii'i. Vita. Halt-rail & Co., lVoprietors lJlJIUI Whilp I.p:id PrPiieli nml Amrricaii .hip I'.imtf I Window filj... I'mtv, Clirouip. tirppii, St. L'lliunip VpIIjw i-.iifman iiiup, Varm.hp.. Drylnc Jjpinu, imppd Oil.'l'iiriii-iitlne Urn. lip. .mil u-.'r vlliiut pur tainniirtoino PAINT iiuri.-i;oB, in unnirceuciiiciii I I'.' !'. ' '. '"' ' . " WAHIIINn Itl.Ur. lor IliuunzL-lutlir. lull un in .mall ton-, fur llpiail .tic. r'pliiiiarylW, IPH) lim. .TSSi atOMi. No. Mt North 'id St. hauctn Arch & Jlnce I'hiladeplii'i TM.1.'P.llTI''RnrTiiy. Imcy llaiktu, I'lp.n, Snuu" and x, llnininoca die & KHPAII.. Manufarluicr rif l'lnci t Alpliabtl blockl. rplirnnrv V3 I. Ml '.'in. JAMKS V. I.AMIJUUT, ITII CLOTHS, OAS IM K l ICS, VESTINGS linporiemonil llpiilpr. In AND UOOna ftnifTKD Tn MJJN AND JJOi'.Y WEAR, No 303 Market Kt Lower side, abovo Third, PHILADELPHIA. Oelobpr 8, IR59-CIH JIAIrniOHU LOOK HOSPITAL, i I) It. JOHNSTON, rplir.founilernf till. tAklirnteil Inttllittloii, olT,r. tlic JL inoel certain. .peed), mill i-nty ftlpitu-il remedy in lug Morlil furclTorlilnr JU'tt, Slriitiir.'i.. Heiuliuil i,nk' mm, I'nln. In Die l.nlin, l'imtitullt.ial nihility, liuiin- . .. ,f..L.....rr ll.n II. .L nn.l ... Alt.'! I MIL ,lf Um j!,nr., ' or Ihn llrnrt, lllHpi-p.lii, Net- ,(m, Irrltnhilll), lliecn.e nf tho llcnd, Thrail. iNwu iir , ,,,,,,, ,! ,U ,trluu, m nnianchiily lllinlcr ,i.i.,ff rr... it.,. .l.-.trinHvi- Ii.ilnlnof Vonlii, wlilili ill- flr,,t.tli ,,y and mind. Tlicm hum nml .ulllnry ,, - ,irc,, te ,nru fatal tn their i litlm. linn Hie amis i.f lie rijren.lothe intiriiii'r. l:ly.e. clitln Mi Ir mm! i.ritiliint lioi.vii utlit uiitieijsitlolia, ruliilcring lii.irringu &lc, K """.fi! L;'1"""1""" 1 ' .MAIlt'.IAm:. Mnrrieil npr.un., or Vmiiii! .Men rontemphtlur. mar ij,",ur.rr.7ltlc-a, &e.' rii'iuld' I) iwiault Dr. .lollllMIi'll Mill t " ri'.H'n II ,i' peuei 1 11, ium. .. .... . . . . ti... I Ilr ,iv n-llaluiulv in lliu Imnor im ti ct iitKuiell, mid c in'liikntl) Kly itl'im lilt fk ill at n plociiian. , (jiianiiwi;akwi.:h iiiniH'dinU I) rured nml loll luor reMored. Thin ili'HCiMi- in the p.-n.iltj imt tre-piuitly pnid hj tliosn who Ime h'ct'ine the U Uin ot hnpti-i"" r tiiuulnen rie. oiinn percii lire ton npt t" rtiiiiniit t xh-m trom not h luff nuure if the bnmltil loiiM-'pit me Hint inn) t llflie. .im, who that innitri'timiW tlia fiilijeit will pre t -nd to dm lint th 1 pu.r of procreation t vV mh.imt by Uwtt: fiiliina Into improper (mints than hy the pnuh-nt. liecMeo h-lilB depm.-dfl th pi awirv of healthy nil fprlnjn, th ni(Kt fo-rioifijiini iiotriutUe fjnipioiiMio Lull i bmly nml tnlnd rie. 1 he Mlmii hermmK il rns ed; th' pliyclfnl and in-nial poueri" vm ak.-in'il. nerxoiM ( di Inhtu d)"pi- iia. palpitation M the h-art, lumji Moni. i rxun-hna t the , VuufU, n.plonin i f (.oiiminp tmn, tr. 1 y Ullte o T oti tl Pi I'KU ii Hi BT. B.en iloor frum It.illinmre ctrei t. It fi le, tip th M -p. He par titular In elm-nlna tlK'.lii mid Mj.MoLK nr m will ii.itnKt til 1 lac . Ji Cure llurrcittttt. or "ft Vhorgr Mo-lr, in from One to 'Ftrn Jrtv. 1 NO iniK'LKY Oil A.H'hfoH H UIU'llS UfKl). I)U. .(iA'AV.V. Mt inher of llie Cnlk'tre ot mpeon. nt London - (Iradtiate Irom uiie 1 1 tin i t emlafiit Coll -gt'f i ill L mtcd Wall , and lit lirenKT pait f V hose III'- Ihm li ".il (ip. ul in tlh fir-t llohpit ilt ol hfiidi n I'an- rim.i- ( di loin i mid t lt uli 'f, Ii.ih i H''ct'-1 eome f III.' iiunt a hniifliin riireMlut weruexer Knoun; man) tronll I with rmsnni in tli li'-mi ninl ears ulo-n nlei p tie nuiint"Sfl. ai nl iniicd ai iiiUU u umiHU ami hntdi fulness w ii li frenoent lilnhinir. ctt mi U d him timet w ith di ranireliant d ntiild U'-n1 cured nnm-diatd) Afi;i(lAIN JHSI. VHK. When Hi.- iiii-ciUi'd and hupruili nt ottiry of pl ns'ire liniU h Ii.ih iinhiie'il lll. si eili of thti p lilitnl Uii- , it too Mien h ippi im 111 't 'tn ill tinii'tl h'-im" of j-Ii uti. or head if ilium en, Oi t th Iuiu Irom ttpplj in;- In tho. h j from I'difation nml r.'t-pertaWlit) t tin alone b frt'n I Iiim, il liiv mu lill Hi" riiii-tiliilK'ii.n j inploio o thi ' Imrri I dlii'itfe niakt-b th -irapp iiinnre smli a- ulcerated wire throit. ill-iaed no-", umtiiret', pains in tli- In a I and HtntH, ililnnett of ciuht, tli ittm ts ihhIim oil the tkin horn t. mid tiring, Motel it,? on tlir Ilea I, I ic- an.l Air mi - I lief., prof retina Willi rapiait) , till nl Ul tli pilate of the immth and lunettof the mite (all In and Ho v it Inn of thii deseae lieeomei a Imrri.l ohji cl 1 1 i oioinih. ration t till tli nth put 9 u perio 1 to hit ilrennfiit utiUVrna'-. by m-ii- , itni him to In m rue trom uhviue no trivtll r ri tnrnit," 'J'o putli, theref'iri . Ir. Jiilm-l'm ple'lft(t Imn 1 h If to pre., i ve tli11 tou't i uwonlde e rt ry . and tiom hr tMencne pratliia in the Jirt-t lltKpiuhni lirpi and Ameriia. li-' tail C'lill'ldith rni'linui ml eat ainl-p-Kt ( i nre. toth 1 iinlirt'iint i tlm fd iiim Imnlo iiui a' t TAM. V Ull'lt L' I.Alt MM'ICi:. ! Dr. J.a'!tlr(.)t s all fio-e who hie iij uci ilicai- In u ' hj private mid imprnpi-r itninlj-'.-nttt 'lh cc are poiiu- ef llu hiid and iiiflant Ik.I;. rlT'ctpm dnced hy earh lialotP uf tnilh, i end inns ot the i Itatk anil l.iinbH, J'am In the II 'ml, Iiimtj. ol Mi.lit. I J.ost. td Mtitcnlar 1'ouer, I'.ilpitalnni t tli' Hunt jni pi'pei i, Ni. nutii iriaiahihij . iijraiifiiii-iii ol Hi Jnec live I'limliiins, (ieneral IMnlil), njiiiptunis id LuiiHiiinp- tlOIl, ifwl, .MIl.VJ'Al.I.Y.-Th' f.nifiil eilVrtt upon the mind urc iuiilIi to ha ilreatleil. J.dmioi .Mtiiiury-i oniiiaiim ot Idea 1) pres-ioil of tin' spirits. V. il rurliotltni!!'. Aer-lnn nfc?ul t,'liiinl iVr. .tre miiu'i of tin il' piutlu iil 'J'lMiUjfiiiidK uf pen-oil of all a3- win now jmpre wlut it!l dii'i til til 'i r tUilmlnz h n It II. I diwiiic tin i r v isor. It -rconin w r;ik. pale nn.l emat d IfH ia j mn pnlar app -nraiir nhuiit tin-1 e. ioiiIi and iiiplniiM oi rniiAiiiiiiitiiii. in:. juu.Hiow ivit;tATic rcmkhv roit UKC MC WIIA liM'.S. llv the creat ft ml iinportnnt remedy, weakness nf the inrLMii- nre hpeedil mretl, ami loll Vliror rectured. i lmiMiiids nt tlie niO'l ii'rviiii ana ueinmniea, wim had ItM till Impt , h ii h' en iunm diati If nlmn-d. All iinpeiliineiilx In Marriage, l'h-nal nnd .Mental l)i-n iali iicuiimi, erotH lrrataliihi.'l renihlin.-imil U aknenn nr eliaii-1iition ot th - nmt tarlal kind, upL-i'dilj itirnl hy Dottor Jlin-lon. vorvo .mi:n'. Who hdi-i-ijnrod itnii-i Ive- hy a reitam jir.i tie Indulged in u li n aluiiw'-nltabit Iil"Oi'H .am -it eil toiiipaiii-jiis, or at mIkmiI - the ell'eru uf ulm h are nightly li It, cen wht'ii asleep and it not a red remlerH inarriae itiipof-ilil find deftri'j h butli no ml nnd bn.ij . tli'i'ild nppl) iiiini.-iliali lj. Wit it a pill Hint jijimn man. the Impe of Iiik rntmtr) . and the dailni it hit parjnt-t, flirndd lu Moilrhed tium all proopettf and enjinim nt uf hi'.'. Iij tlu eooiu'jiieit. re i f diM.ttinir from the path ol nature, and iiidiilnnm in a ttertaio MtM liabit. Hut It pTMiiis h-lurc tun lemplatini;. -iAKi:iAcr. hhoitld rifli'it tint n f-nitnd iiiiml aixl body nre th" mo-d in.ceiar ri'-piivilien In pronmt iiaiiinlnal hapt ni"t indeed, without thi'-e th 'jioirn j tliroiiy li Itlj h uiim-M a e,tr pilLMiinai"'. the prn"p((t Inairli daiki-n tn the lew; III liiind b'i omen shadow i d unit di rpair i Idled with I he imlamlhd.t rel)-i limi (In- li ippi.ii-. of a in th r h tn mw ,iiiht'd with iiur o u, (tmn: ml; siith rui:ii:iiirKti'..iiiiw.w Al.l. EU IKJIfVt. ll'i:KA'lltlH I'l.lit'OltMI.II N. II.- Let on lale imidity pn nt ji.u, but nj pli iiuim-diati h eiili, r piTMiiiall orli l.- Uir n iiHil .-ivhi'i:i:ihia i i iikd. Tli bJi.I.Xil H 1 li many lloi'iaioU Hired nt tin lntit itio'i within tin-liii-t 1 i je.tri-, ami tin' tinineru'i'' inipiirlaiil tftri.,11 Uvrjitir.iM pt iti.ruo'il h , Ur Jnlio-lnti, vMtii"iSL'ii b th report th nftlie papi r ninl in io i-lli r person, mi lict-i id ulm Ii liau np,t. nred n.tia aiiu atiuti l ill puldie, h' -i ii h t.imll'i ai a v'-mtl man of i h uiiiU i an1 r.-fpon-ihiliiv it a twin i -nt trmiraeffloth -allln l -d. i am; mj'i u : N". I. 'I'll -re nre mi uuin uimraiit and wi.rthl k Unniktt adi Ft nous lli.-iii-n lu I'lncn uih rintiuu die heallh of th already nltlot d. th it I)r .lihnon d mn it liei f.iry tn mi. eiip. t ia to tlmt- un.u ).ii!it .1 with hi I-p-iuti'iii. ins iVerknti.d 4 nnd Mplonu alwav Iiau in hiii oini-i , : Thh Nuiiir. -All h tt.Tit inil lie pnt pai I, nnd (oiitiiin a puAtaju tiauip lor th r-ph , ur no an ir will 0j ' ol. .Manh IT. Ht,n LA.1It'.! I.I.I'S!! lA.lli'M!! ISead Q,iiarlcrs. ANOTIIKU h'HKSIl AUUIVA1. 0 V io.F.i .y ixritiimt r.irr.vr "o.i. Ull. HUH.VI .-. .V ;..'Mf' nut BUn WING, rdr, Kr.i:o-i:i:, on imiirov ni!. " AKIMt tliu Wftnml ilcipi i-t IU'itt nou hihm', unit 1 1 riltl f'r L'liuriln-1-, Mnn ., nr l.inuly uw, im tlauur fri'in i:pl 'Himi an l (tin hilt ili-ipr linn any ctligr lifht, ii'iw tirtfJ nn.l KlJUAIi TO UA-S 'Ihi .i'.uvc l.iiup-i v itii or ntlimit, liluli 'i or . r ill Im h ul at tli ' iN'I'W AND U1U:AI' J)KU(i STOItlO, l.'rli,Hi;;p iiuililiiig, IIIniniishiiK I'n., Wll -r III - ittiil ri.i.'11'.il iin'il 1 II p 'i It illy itilimn. Iiih rnotiilp un. I llu piililu- in In li.m jitrtt r i'i'ii I from t'l ' i iti f .i 1 ir'.. nn I vill s.iIl',1 .1 Unrk oi Cloi,.U, ill I'm ki'iil i o'liFlltii: tf I'm'.-1 1 ami ri.'iim: nuuii.-. .HI.IIICIM.S U I 11 l:Mi(,. i.s. uitui'M) u'iihi.i. .-I'lrns TAINT nil f. VAilMfllllS uvn SJ'I'IT WlSlltllV UliAMH, ill" Al.l. tfl.t .- I' A lT, A. I UOTII As tslllVlM! IlKUslllM TOntlXnH: I'lCAII-t, OFHir. m:s, iiiiand.-;: I'l Kr'UHI'ltV, FAN L' V tn.M'. inij!si:s & biioi'i.iii:i! u. r". rum: vinst ur,Aini: itm ur.inriN'.M, ivu. iii.Afi? rt "n lNfi. uui:'ii)ouiiuii. ti 1 1. 1', .nhii'i.ii im: ron a i:i:i:a i' VAIlll.I V nl CAIIHON .. I,)lhl AMI Pll MH'H I'M III I ATUI'lir.NUSAI'l.TV ri.UIII l.MI'SiSII,Mll..- -All the most I'.H lit M.-i1ipiii,,ii of 111." sorlitioiiH.iinl I ntiilv in iIii-iik-i. i .ir mlly xit nr .V li. UK' Ili'lll.!! prol ttfelOtl 14 Fllll rniiiiiiu.1!! nun i Ql.tir.lM'll lllllllll' ' f?i lul for pan palronajri., Ik jiipi-ot llu-im.-. lv. im: iii itikiui IlOlll K d 11111111111.1111. Q. M. IIACEMimt. llliiointinr Jan 1.13 y. C HAS) r Bu:r4?c, No. 118 Korllt Futit tli Strut, ultivr An It, I'liii.MiKi.rni.i s, Wlmlclli- At Ilil.ul .Miiiiul.irliirpr of yvj I'OIlr SIOVN'AIIW. I'OI-KI' llOOKS.S! i-iiiAi! i;asi:m. nioiipy Rtlls, Salclicls, I'nst'i, iili,is, i Hunlars' Casts, Dressing Cos's, Writing I JCil.-s, I'orl Fallios, Hill Jlooks, Sir. . 4r . 4.P. jonmxn riuuirrLY jirrFltr.n to, riiiiiui) -ij. isiiti aw. 11 Tl U rr, "1 'I f'i - 1 ' Oi J J J j Ji J ro, as Plllilll I Ullfill Bl.. I 11 1 1 a ill' I II II 1 ,1 MAMJrAt.-iriii.i.snr all kimh or .OoklllS Gani, Pirtruil, I'lotoanillll tllld iirrviMini.' i.'iiii.-q I'll 1 L 1 1.1'. 1' lAl'tD, RRRIHN fill.T SIOWI.IilMlS rinln, rAept.1 a nil in I is, nr Itmiip lklllti. lui l rami I ISll'OIlTKIl or 1 COLORCII A Nil l-LAIN i:lir.AVINOS, pan an in hatikuu run roliclinniania. Ilrpcinn nnd OiiPi.tnl roinlincr. ,D a pliae, ur Iiiii'atjnii Ktaitipd uij.a, . r I. la MulpriiiN. &c miOLr.HOLr. jjavj nuTjtit. nctoniu e. ie.vj-i;m. IH.OOMSllUHO lIAHIiKH SilUl. "PIIH underpiaiK'd ref pTifnl I v Inlorins ih" chizfim nf X fltoonibiirir,and tin imld c j.'fio'r.illj' UmI ho lint akfnt HeHAItliKU KlIOlMloratiil opnofitvil Hiot'om iioiine tt. nt'ii noor to ine toiutnnn iiPinocrJii in ine whitLFrnint flmld e, oppomle tlir Uxchanife Ulocki ' "SerYi." lomeri to ftitirp aljff.iction SlfAVJNG .j- HAIR DRESSING, Will hipxeeiiti'ii whh rnr and nctuein and in tho niont fHliioivitlf stv If and on virv mndernte tero1, 1 EJ'SHASiroOINfj, done up in Cilyidiylc. lit so . liciia Increased public patroii.ipe and plfd,(e hu leit j entleavori tu give every iciionaMf ratufiction. a pi a nrunu HOSTETTER'S It Is a fact that, at eoino pcrinil, every rnem bcr of tho human family Is sulijcct to dlncnsa or disturbance of tho bodily functions; but, with the aid of a good'tmtio and tho cxcrclso of plain common p ense, nicy may lie awo bo io rcrrulato tho pyslcm as to Isccuro permanent , (i Tn order to itccomrllsh this dcilrcd ,n",, . . 1 . i. .,!,,i,. object, tho Into courso to i.umio Is certainly tlmt which will product) a natural flnto ol tilings at the least hn;ard of vital strength and lite, lor tins purpose, ur. Jiosicticr una in- troiluccd to this country n pvctiaralion licaring I Ma iinmr. wlilpli 1. not n new lncil ciuo. nut Clle" I that Inn been tricil for years, givliig tnllsfnc tion to all who liavo ucil It. 'I'he llllleis I opcrnlo powerfully upon llioilomncli, bowels, nml liver, rcitoriiiR tJiem (o n liefttlliy and i vigorous notion, anil I1ih., by llio fcimrlo l'fo cess of strengthening nature, cnablo the kjs tcm to triuninh over 1'or tlio euro of l)ygicsin, Indigestion, Nan- , fen, rinlulency,l.ossol' Afpetlte.ornuylllHous , Comnlnints, nvi.lng frnm a morbid Inaction ' of tho Stoinacli or l!oels, uroilucliig Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Jloibus, e., tlie ' Hitters linvo no equal. , Dinnlinca, dyfcnl cry or flux, to generally con- tracted by now pcttlcis, awl caused principally liy tbo clmngo of w nter and diet, will lie fpecdlly regulated l,y a brief use of this picparalion. Dyspepsia, a illca.o vldili Is probaMy moro prevalent, In nil its niious form", than nny other, nml llio cau.o ur which may rlwnys , bo nttribuloil to derangi'inents of Ibc illgrslUo organi, enn bo cureil williotit fail by ning I 1I0.STETTKK'S STOMACH 11ITTKHS, as per , dircelious on tho bottle, l'or this dbcnpc every physician will 1 ecomniend lliitcis of tome hind ; then why not uso an niticlo hnowu to be infal lible? All nations hae their l!ittcrs,n a pre ventivo of disraso and fti cnglhcncr of the Eys (em in and among them nil thcro is not Io be found a lao.c healthy peoplo than tlio Oernnns, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon scientific oipciimcnts which havo tended to i'i-ovo tlio value of this great preparation in tho scale of medical science. Fever axii Aorc. This I t ying nnd provok ing disease which fiscs lis relentless grafp on the body of man, reducing him tn a mere sha llow in a short time, nnd rendering him phy sically anil mentally useless, can bo d.iven from the body by the uso of llOSTETTllll'S ltn.N'OWXUl) Ht'fTKllS. Further, none of tho above-stated dNe.ises can bo contracted, even in exposed situations, if tho Hitters aro used as per directions. And as they neither create nausea nor offend tho palate, nnd render un neccF.iry any change of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote fcound sleep j nnu neau.iy ingestion, uic coiiipiiuni is ru- iiiu,i.ii us sjivv'iiij .1. n , uiiffiniiit ,i,i ui duction of a thorough and permanent cure. For Person's in Advanced l'cnrt, who nre Eiiffering from nn enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Hitters arc invaluable as a restorative of strength and gor, and need only bo tried to bo appreciated. .nd to a mother while nursing these Hitlers nro indis pensable, especially wheic the mother's nour ishment is inadequate to tlio demands of tho child, consequently her strength mut yield, nnd hero it is whore n good tonic, such ns Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, is needed to impart temporary strength nnd vigor to the system. Ladies should by all nieauss try this remedy for all cases of debility, nnd, before so doing, should ask their physician, who, if ho is acquainled with tho virtue of the Hitters, will recommend their uso In nil cases of weakness. CAUTION. Wo caution tho public against using nny cf tho many imitation or counterfeits, bat ask fur lIostntrEn's CcLr.naATrD Stomach Hitters, and ecu that each bolllo bos the words "Dr. J. Iloftcttcr's Stomnoh Hitters" blown on tho sido of tho botllo, nnd flumped on tho metallic cup covering tlio cork, and obscrvo that our autogrnpb signature is on tho laSel. A3- Prepared nnd sold by IIOBTETTEIt & SMITH, Pittsburgh, I'n, nnd sold by all druggists, grocers, and doalers conerally tbrouRhout tho Unitod Statos, Canada, Couth America, and German. .nl. i Iij J. I!. Muiir t.. 1' l.utr Elooin.liiirz ; A. Mil- I. a i ii. ii'Tiiim: n r ititinnrJ. i;iiiuiii; ii t (,'riPr J.w. I.i i i, A. I Haul,. A. r... P.umlk' 111 Inl, t 1. 1- Lijsht ! L i'AKdi OX coai, on. nn:M.i:s A.Nii i,.um's rorr JIUllMAG rnAi., ki:iihii:m: m: i amiihv on s. pplli: liM. iti'l liullt.Liit, an.l ih .'(i f purliiM. Iiclit L ii" in IH.-. Nn il.msT if iili.siu .ma rlii.'i;i.r llui.l. ril lt!i ml ,,r r.n,i li u. . lArir hyii-vi. to li "t,ya .tlt ml tli fi'!is. i.f ;as fntiiri. Tli aln.vp r.-u-itip imllinlltli ir t.uiri trt ihiiiiiijh i rim Ii m-imi an I ln.ii'ilil at 111 i I 1 i hi. Mull ,1 Jtriic nut , ll -iiii.-nl Hlnn i f tli nu ll tmiii 'il. Mini llatl rr liim-,ll'tlril Ir Im l.nicn- ijii nr.-i'i tlin llritc trn.L. Ii knons Imn nu.lwh nil li ly. nn.l U ih I. mm. il n,i i.ili, uttiif-rn ..i.i In im t,n in ll.iiiiiit, irM'. i r iiirniii.liiii' n. uiilrv. fall .ni.l ki-u Iiih n-'w nn.l mil h I Tt .,1 i,ti k i-l ii Ml. HI. hts ,i l lll.MHj i i. I'AIVW VAIIMMIIl-. UVI.HI I I K.i nils ill.Ar-s rilOM 7ll H. i,. l uM'i.t loA nun rr.nri mi.iiy .-.mi I'AM Y 'Kill i:i' All Jiri.r.-, rm; I. MIIIW. K. IlLNI'J. ro ii a r o Asn cm ins. pit'.l lirmilp, I'.il M.'.li-i'ipq cf.-v.-iv v.iri'ty tn u. Li'iu'im. ( ui.-.IIr-tn ,) u.. ri.l . Mji i, i'iiuuI, ... t.itlicn nil. Tiirin-lltllin ami .Up..)i. I. Trii-r . Hhnul nT llraci-p uti.l Mi '. n.liml s-.ii,.rl,.tB rluruiPdl a-i.l li n li.l lit-t. iiih, .it8.,Siii!l .iiilI tnitili lirtili,p I'r. t Hum. .lilc)'ii ll.'m.i'i' I'hi. li ni ill p. l..irilin, ranary. I.'atij mil lli)ili it i-ilH. I'll -nn. .i.i t.'r. iiuo.2lase Alor.irni .ntli.-r an.l i-li . I nvr , ., 4,... t,,.,ii riMllitlm;it anil imml luri. il tM, oft, uuui Tnie an j "I AiN'K' K iNuTlO.Nh, Piprlirntiglii to tin- i Hp . nil f uiiirli .!:app mil an,! bjc tiii.l )uu iimsi I, -li i. Il.iin'l atn.'il li mi.I i-ii-i-n -iipp that "long cfn'itii mil lint h i i lliin; mi'lms," 1 li.uo i.cttri'1111 'it 1 1 . .. iiiiiiiiUDii iiJ'SiiS,, i i" riii im) vri i" niiih" it nil iilyi 1 1 to ill -111 ,n well an 1 till 'llf r. Iii il. .il mi Hi "i J, i,n, 1 , . ..1. . ri.. ly ir,;u-. 1 ? "r nppn mircilup at the Oris ml Apotli'iaryUutiii.-tihji'Mi.'s imms mrri'il no," fur tli lan ijlitu n .M-ars, on inv nun lior.k, I lUtt-r iiijfili lh il 1 .1111 jiI.I to do juMiu: tu nil emus mt a Irul. 'lliiiikhil toilio pnlihc f-ir p.ui 1iom, l wnuu akn trial on lliu iifu prnuipli. ami will murniitci in i .ui. iii.u ii uiu ni-iKo long in iiitr, mid pa bi?i hi th 1 uidl to pny rash nn.l lm at riiiliic-'il 1 I'lnSidlANo Vti IMITIONS nrt'iny fomponnd.-J mi nil Mrnrnrth nnenrp'il All iii'auiiK'rt).ii,ir.iiitt-'il ih nToiimi -a loi!,t?t.iri itoim on .M.nii lr-.-t. n.-ar Mark, i wxt .Innr to Hi. I'Oft Of tic hl'iiui)ur. iVtaiiitiia couniv, Pi. l).'im!i"r J-j-j j. m;v I rIN ,"rai:i:r, nn-i ..-iti; tiii: r.xni.xfi , 'IMI . iiiuli-rneii,.i ri.p.uf.,llj int.irm. In- i,i. Ti, I 1 J" ' l''iii-i"-riill, lli.ii li lias pun h.i.. dt'ii- - ml. .ind i.ur, l..iu...f ,i... . Miiikul ll. I'. Mill ir I unj ...uii.-il A MHV'l'IX. .VtSl waiik ami sui:i:r umv j:m- ii;,iriiiii;T Sfi III tin- I, III-Inn- lurini-rli ... ni. i.tii. ., .'. 'TX In llu' I, iildins luriui'il, crni i.-.i lr t,.n iiiiriiosu ' .' , , ...i..i" .ii r.-in ih iiri- iliiil Hip Ii'ihiii .. in nil a, irnui. lim,,, i . , ..I. r..ii.i .,ir. iiiiii.iru n r.- It. m nri'i.areil lo mil liniuir.. nn.l Hun... .puiiiiiiu kind, male to rr- ' di i mi linn imiii'-iiiid ot iiKiil.'rut" puii.ii Alrii HTUVr.rf, of inriuiu Mil".. rnn.t.mtly for late , Ki'pairiti ilimi- to unlrr tn 'imck tinif. ' 'rnuntrj pm lure uken in full uiic for i,rk r, , ,' K. MlJYhi:. r.Io.iiii,l,iiig I', bruary 14. Jp J I. TIN WAHH k STOVK SHOP. TIM', ilinl. rusnpil n- pi rif.illy liifnriiiii hi. idd frliii.l. I""1 ti"'1 r. that ho li.l,'ii hi. brmhi-ra ml' ri-.l in tin- uluiyi! . .t ililili, ami the rnnrcril III h'.rfalli.r Im cmiilurti-il li) liuiurll , "'- Im" J"i kp ii pit and uir.'n i ir wl... Hi lam fpl uml iimut pt..nyn ii.n.rt I if I r AMIi'lDV Lri ii-r iiitrmlilccd lulu Ibl. lluirki 1. III. .tuck C"ll.-U iif n rnmpl, ti. ii.miMui, nt nf Hip 1,'i.t I ik, kiiij nml i,ji, .1,,,,.. mu, ,,. , i,,,., .I,. irwithMiili' 1 atnrt. id i-icry (k'.rrintiuu. Ilvi-n and 'l"5,?' l.aliat.r, floi..., I'a.t Imn , liiiln i"v.. raiiiiuii htuii',, 4,-., ,c, ciuv.-pip. 1 iunrL. cuiutantly mi Imml un I iiiiiiiiir,irliiii. tu i Mr. nnd All kind nl rrp.iiNiin iii up, nn u.ual. nn .imn nuticc. "I'Iip (ialriiuui;i- nf t. I iriond. and ni'u pii-t ri pprtfiilly .ohiiti'd. a. m. lu i'imr llluiiin-liiiiti, Januarys, if. TltO MtM JJtUiNKSlT rrW largest, hbt IminUnni L vtl nnd rhvnpi'Ht nxrorl. mm mcnt of rolu lMilor col id Kivien i r.ui lint; TrurikN. lA'ltes' Boantt if hrt4$ Trunk i.nnurcii n i;u.iciit-d, fropi.-i iitm i it.' ni nt' r ii ri li Tacking 'I'miik &r. TlimiAP U 31ATTtOe. rlbrnled London Prize .Icdal, Improved hoet iprins Mid Hold leather Trunk iiianufuttory No. mi Market tUftt, Hoiiili went rornur Fourth and Market Pluhid'a. Augiut r. 1p37 If. FJAiN(JLS 0 HAKUKSON.'l.D."" TTfOULD rvpuctfully inform the nilicna of lUoomt V burg, and iruut that he roniinucithe practircuf And toliciti a tharo of public patrmiac. OrntE. un Main Street (lxi houin btlnw the Onurt tiouBu uinomipurf csJCimililivcn-s IBS HEAR WHAT TI1E TEOMiE SAY. The irvlcrnW 1 haalnir ne. 1'rnf.wnr IICMl'linr.VS' PPKCIHO 1 llMr.or-A Til It" lll.MI'.IHI.S In on" 'a'"1"" ivlth the tna.t aatl.lielery re.nlt., atel havlnir full enntl ilenec In tin Ir jreiitilii""''.., parity, nn.l etlioney, cln f rrully ihi,, 1 cmciul ui rmnwliM m Imml for rrlvme or J. rrenmnieTi'i incin in an imt-ihi. ,," ... mwlle ti... ii... ... n.istni- nt t Tim Nnrliiern inile npnd.-i)t." Aidmrn, N. V ; the llor H. M Cr-Me, 1U , ll 1r nf HI IMf-rV rimreli, Auharn, N. Y. ; the HrV. I. lve, Chnptitn nt the AtiHuni ?t e I'rlwn; ttift lie v. it'iiVfr M Ul i, Il-i'liir, Nes-nedf.ird, Mi t the Iter. Vlleil S'e'dt Ne.i Vlh ' eifirctie t Ihe lie. Piomiel is' !...', l.'Ml lie C -n'feiect N. V. i Hi Kir. I. P. IViM ll-Mfl VI , tl K'V J'doi V IMiIe, 11 ifTiln i A. II nl.' KM. L'th.1, N Y . Un 11" Neil IJoiv, 1'r.ltKnd, Mf, ; Ihe lliei. HOttnler 0lf ix, S mMi Itrnd, litd. i Hit llnn. (l-nnre II imi.'ni'jt. N Y. : lle iry I), l . VMtoT rf I'he tliii.i iile J eiroot, t'.d 'inliin, OhM; Hi" 11"". n H UrVnim M dit.e, II! ; II.-- II rii-niM .1. Chae, Mntl r.ll... Kin ; He Mm. J.wpii l!nedlrl, I'tl-'1, N V 1 1 Wm. Hrlt..1 M i I'th-i, N V : P-nd,, ttlcn, N. . , J ime Plnnki-U, ll . NiMille, Tenn. Mr ov fi'i cntc m:Mi:ruF3. V , 1 r r-'vrr, ( n-'i'ttion, tn 1 InCienm'!""'.. i K ir ttori i '"r, W.inn Cnllc. WHIlm- tlt fled. N... H -Km t die, Trjln ;, T'( thl i, fin I Wfirtrulm m of llV',',4F.f' Mirt1"!. CiiMeru Infdiititm, and Famirer C nTVI. V r C dl. flrlpinir, I)i"iitcn, or n'ooly Flux, f K r ("itleiN, riiilern M irtvw Vniiit'.ar. Nil 7 K r 0 in -li-, t'il la'lttv'ijt i, nod fir I'hrel. v., vr,r T.i itlt-t.-he, rue i 'lie i-u eiiT.ri. N n r!U'ftl.u-Tie, Vf-ll., U 1 1 KiiiiocM tt the Km i ; " . ".'-"frm Ti'i - r yimnieli, C nite'jdtien, n III' ' N . U V.m KfMU.x In ti-o i .(-. .; gup!n'ed I '1 1'. 12 Kei- l.-ieerri.M, lVurnr Mi Djwh ol IV ii'iten. . s, ii',.rr--'Hi. Hitir. rinrl' X ,t i f ; i.t kiiM r.i.t- t r i 1 d. 1 t I f i . - . I' i- - . i. A -Y M i V -i'n O -I- . r-, 1 1 C For Catsrrli, cf lonj tUndlnp or rDt, either wits otxtructlou or profuse dlscharpc. W. t Ffr Whnopiiig Couph, nbiitlng Its rloUncc ana iihorteidng io courre. In nil acute dlienc". nuch m Fetcn. InHftramftllons, Piarila, ltrncnten, Crnup, RlicumHttsm, mul nch crap- live HUvr.m ai Pcaikt Jmr, Mefi'Un, ami Fryslpclaf, the ft'lraiil.iei' of pHIns the proprr rcmcilifS promptly Is ob- vioii, ninl in nil men cii?cfl me rpcrincs uci ne a uimui. 'tlie entire ill-'en'e W often nrrriterl at ence, nnd In all cum llu-viitli-ncf of tlif HttacV U mi'ilornted, the tlieeiwe ihort tneil, atul rendered Ifvilnnptrou. 0"iilii an.l CoM,lilrli nrfof pucIi frefucnt occurrence, nn-l whl h ro often lay the fiuntlation of dinfascd lunfrt, lirn Jilt 1 nml cuiHiiiiiptloTi, may all he nt mice curM by lli Vvwr nnl Cnnsh I'iII. In nllriinnilc ilifae,uch ns Pypc'sli, WeaV Slimach, C.nitlpnliii, I.lvi'r Om i plaint, ril", Kfinalc Ucblllty, and trriul.iniii, ni.l Hi-n-lii'-liw, ior or Weak KyeP, Catarrh, ilt Iil,fiim, uniUillier old iruptinn, the cnie Imi Bpeclflca ttliumj prcp-r nppliCHlluii will ttlTortl u cure In almost every tiivtiniiH'. (iftcii tliv rurc (I a single chronic dtfllculty, inch in lj-ifpIn, lMf or Catarrh, Headache or Female eak no,' li ii moro than paid f.r Hie chc ten time ovir. I'ltlCT C.e f 2i) hlf compute. In rnorficco, and nook. Cri-e of '.'il UU, and It.iok, phln. Vnfv nf l.'i tuiiiiherel hoi c, and Hook r.ire of 0 lniM'f, iHitnbf rcii, nnd H'ot Mitt'l' injiiilwred lmt, nith direction. KliiL-l.. I.ttt'ivd hnxv. nltli illrectliiiifl I,ir0'e rase uf li ui. ill, for and phjfklann. aio Fpi.nrir.'j. l'im Athv nn l'mninii' Opprmseil, DlfllcuK, Lfthorcd Urciitlihii., lUMi.Ud with Cirtitrh and Ktpeft.rathm. 1'rlce, fi. -r hn. For Kak Hiynuu'.f akd HKtticii li"cliar(rrn from the Kir, llu- rr-ult of Srarlit Feicr, .Meh-P, or Mrrcurlals. For No--i In tl t II. ad, Ihrilnma of lltailnp, and lUnjrlng In the l"nr, and Kur-acl . 1'ih'i-, U eent per ht. l-iitt tVi.uKl Knlnivd 111 uiN, Knlar'ed and linlurat e 1 T.niHilt, eilhiH nnd )Id L'lct-r?, fr'cn fiJous Cachexy of Chi! Ireti. Trh-c, f. nmU per liox. For Oi-hkhiii. Dniu itv l'lnvlcul or Ntvoh Weaknc'i. Fithcr llu ri- lit of i-i'-kiii"-", KttiiUe M'-dlcHtlon, or Kx liT"i"thnr IH-thnrf.iH. liU', ofntu per hn. For Uuoi -r. Huld Aei-ii!im!ill"ii,l uinld HwrlHnfB, ft Ith Ponnty cretlnn''. Prhc. f."l fint per hut. For i-n SirKMi'' lteatl.h Si.-Wm,n, Vcrtlpo, NauFca, Vnmliii', McliiteM frnir ullnjf or molWn. I'rh'e, AO eenta per bn, Fuit rmaT lnKASRy For firing, Kenal Calculi, Piffl full. I'.ihiful Crltietlun, )! )ii-' i f Ihe Kidneys. Trice, W Cl'Iil pi'P bnX. Fon SiMifcAt. Fwiion Tnvolnntarr tHrliar(i'i and Cii"iifnt I'lolruthin and teKillt, Hml UpmiUh of Fvit lliililli. Ihomi'ft RiKTeiKfiil and eflh-h'i t rimed knimn, and tniv he rtlld upon a a cure, 1'rh'e, with full illrec tln. tl per lm. Pi'M'itu liu hIIi to phoe tbonnrtw) under the profes (ihni.ll r.iro. nr t . i"tk advh-e of Pir.f. McirnRr(i. ran do En, at hl. i.Huf nri'!uiy,il.iilj from S A.M. to & l.M. or In letter. orit nKMEiiir-i nv mail. I I,ooV evrr ttie li"t; make up cne of nhat kind yon Cnimre. aiil iticinr me ihihuiih hi n riiruiu noi or Mnnipn hy mall to our t.ddri", nt N Ml Ilroidn ay, New-York, and the medicine IU he duly rfturned hy instil rr exprni, free of him AOF.MS WNTFD Wedolrc an actire, emch-nt Apent f tr the t-ule vt uiir Kciiie.liw Iniiier.v tf.n or enmnninity 'n the Cnl'ed Sm. Mrr Dr. V. III'MI'III'I YS A Co. fl'.i Ilftoil'W ir. .Nvw-Yoai. SpH byB. F. LXJTZ, A.'iit, U.ui.ii.jduiv .i. April T. T lK I'iILOKI,l';nA. Cash Ifni', Viint nti Whs iorr, r. V.r..r roiirili .nil ('al)uuliill Mmu ritit.AiT.i i-i 1 1 , ?.y Urimm-t. I tiImiii-, I'arni. r-, nnd III p ihlic ev trjtth t . 1 nlil f U .it tt tli- and j I i.i m tliu Hptnia '1 ra.h of -i !i -nw fto( It ,( ln,t yt tluliHk. Cli ji.if'tl-, i-t'.A-i'.. iW.tuhi iti.t. if ( Win i n (;itf,t.'i.rt -dp 17. JL oii.iliti ii.UJil I'.miiiU 1 1 l'uU. WiU l-ljrk. A. c . In hull: T ll iOiIhu. i',tOj (.all .n'-vd Oil Hjilrita 'Jtrp-itim' I'.iti. phiii" Aln li"l, . c. '.'ii Tnm f Fur lui 1,1-ai in 1 . i l.hU . lii 50. St ami pJi In K-'L' ?,Ci Tin in i.i lV;.rl t'itii U mil- Li-ad in IIMh.. I P.l f 10 1 .. J.inn.1 Ml Hi, K'j.'. 4'J Tom .f ,tv i rk Vhit- Li-ad in IHjIh., i. ItbN UK), ..J aid -2i lh. 1.. ;H 1J Ton i f Amt rua efn.iw Vi,t!' I'inc. tu hh.p 1 M Is , J m. in, JFi nnd Hi. K Stl To-.s-l Ui leh Aiin-ihaliJ.-i, T.lAe . Il),Ji J.'-l. jy - .11. 1 1 1 r.. t Ci Tens if inc 1 ,n ti n , jj. r nt crlr.ra. Llilf , I Tdds., Jon. fill Vj i . .,j 1. i fc 30 Tt.tH f .tjiii ; it iVu.iH, -.1 ui.-rnt rolorc. tlt rr pron I-, it. ih ID.CW I'oiiiola t.t 1'nro I'renrh lirt'cn. ('roi'i", f.f'.Ti, Vi ll-.v., i.i u hhrkamlitli?r ia Dil. 1.000 t'mitit'i 1 1 ,t-aait'.rtjd Mu , HI urt, K-.-d, wr.-tu, mi 1 th r ci ior 10-J Parks ot tiidd I'M (ihnbr D'am-tii Ii fJIasicra' fiitiy, liack Kinv- . Atr. On.Ofll (lali.Mia l.oih-d Oil. arninli r. Jjpnim 7inr Dry- r. .r Faint, nniUh an I t'alaonn n j-rusii'.1. t"-'tiii u n'l i coinpl i i fi in in-iind" i;.i ud. oriit-d in Ui Hrtian 1 J'aitii iiiiMUBs A i HO, J 000 Hide. Unman fcni-'iii Run ihlal. ana Jlyl.nulir fVinriit JVhI t'ah'in-d, l.aii'i.u iitmtrj . Costing Flasttr. Ly Allof which 1 will nt WlIOLrlSALC or Ur', 1A1U nttrui.i JOtoSip rent. 1 satliaiudlunr-uhlini- IIiOMii HCN'RV O. I) I1NIN. , , , , Froprp hr ot ths rhiladctphi.i Conh Drue, l'dinl and (.libs Piorf, P.Mith'ri,i coni'T ot 1'mirtli and rnUuulnll r'ip , Fliila Alairh 17. lMII -ilm. uAl'K Ml UUiji-.MiHir i SUi'iil! PUOHi'UA'in OF LIME III il . inn ,. ,v. hlo JJ IKv i. IbL'j i5 Ti f. Hill. Ilcliware Avpniic. IIIII..Ar)PI.I'lll Pol agent lur I'eiintvlvarla, IlPlanarc and N,-iv Jtrny, I 111 I .".'I" ' i..'rn-ji:pi win piu.1I in ur-rt nnd ..t.tiiii, .... .-ri.. ,ni, r,ri truriita lU.IIIP. 1,1 P-K."! "' Urt-lii! llo;i I.f ICO lh pacll, and li ol I i nt i""' "r S1 "" i"'r """'lt- 1 ll ha. lliu i'itipri,'iiri'r.f 7ra JVor. n 11 it I. unfulv rpp. niniiu'iid it as III) hel rtilizt-r lion in iinr. rtaiiiplcn, I'irriilarti and Pamphlets mntainlne rprnm nu'nd.itions from Farnn.ri, ttont grdtiii to all who rc iuer-1 horn. AnilFt 20. 1W, Che i iel ! ! ! I.a rpi st ! ! 0,' ! Pay. fur T'lllliill in Hindu lllilry llrirk'Krrpin;. V. Anlnin, up ami l.ictnlp.. Howl 8 uc.s S-'JO, Altttionun 7, Tth il'wn S:i,r), t mire cjtprnscs SIM. Uu il mm' from Ii in 1.1 pi.k. LVprj Ftidi'u'.,nii'in rrniliiatii K.i. fill irnlpf.l ri.mprti nl In liniiac. Ihp Imok. pfany liil.iiii'.., nnd inaliliPd to rani a lalaiy ul frum $.1(10 ro$ioiio. Plmlpnls nl.r nt any tin o Nn v.iratinn Crvlcwat plp-imrP iiriirii i.iiipi. IVrlllnn fnr IsSI, tprnipil at CnnbulK, I'liilulilplih mul O'llnStaln he,n'a.,A,!,,:r;.., ,"nr"," nt" " "' " .,ttrMlni.l,,.Hnn. rrrrlvPila, hill p,irr nr i i ru-nii fp rliuuni uml Cniliplllihpil v.piv t.r tie Ui Ili'ije, Inclu.p IIvp hllpr flamn. In i ,, ,,,r JLNKIVrl. I'llt.liii.dl.ra. T.inuury H lpf,0. (Hull JI n,vi.) TiKW HIiAOKSMITll SlIO!'. T'! f''"',''":"''l rPirr'fiilly mfurni. hi. friend, and 1 i ldrii.tnimraihatholia. i.ppiied a ilion nn iUi, kirn, lre he .i.i,i.Von,,,,Um7,,hi'OK'' ,n ",oon" SMI i DING IIUSIXKSS, In all Hi varioui Wanrhp., at Inw pure., and nn an en lar2.d icalc, and .nlicit, ihe publir patronapp, ll-rmduce, Grain, itc, tenmlly tab, n for wnrk. , aill.c.11 i. AUBDTT LIVE INVIUORATOR, NBvnn nnmuTATM. TT 13 COMPOUNIIIJI) ENTIIlt'.l.V I'HOM OUM8,nil J ha i become nn eatabli.licn lin. n cininmra aifillnca, and npnrovcil hy nil ilinl li.tveufeil Iti nnd in riuw tfjoficii ut wiiii conn ct foi which It In rrcom- tl Il ls cm r til thau- tivojrnr whit hail fiv n lliu niiniiToiu mi! my pnnnpnninn fltow Tlic itop inMiH Iip n niftit t!f FUflt nilantllip nn tnnrl I,pI t Ii o (Mcl.itPi nt vrtu ti I In iii' of Ilm noncp in an iiiu dlirai. Inifnilcil. itiiiitii within the hiit m iiinll tmpps ot Mipf, jsoilcltcil cerl.tlc.ilpa in ilnpli'il tn iIip tPmpi.i. tnkltiff It. ft n tl ii;iil fn tCi'tilly mi llio HoiipIi. lyour JinljfmPiit tMtt 1 1 . 1 V UR IN'VIROIIA. lAttr Ctmpfotnltt, Jtilh IChravlt lharrhara Ircv lrp i)i. Amir iii. CoHc (.Mitt, Clclrrt ttum Hallthtt,JattKn,t. mnv iip naril fluccperftil. IMtclnt. II will rot. iit)ii'nnitff e.ln Ipptlfv,) (p lirfg TtfpeoHfttU np inl'tit'tiPk linf lltfir tPNiitiiniiy in TO II, inn! it will cnH im v1ttnrtiiit l)$tprpt. tiiff Complaints l)ytn' Bfh Habitual CottirrtitMS, i Morhns. Chrlita tnfan-' I'ematti Uraktnffri. ninl I v n (in Ordinary Famifv Htl'K lli:AtAUIir..(n in ttrtnty mlnvtti tftao taken nt roiiitniirrnipnt jfll who u$e it are giv iM l-ivnr MIX WAT nil IV TIM Mllfl II WITH THI1 IK. V10ORATOK. AMISWAI.I.O" WITH TOGRTIIER, umM FILLS, riiMi'ottNnr.n trom rnrt f'g ttoltf flttrart tmi ?vt vp i Otati Cut$,jttr Jth't nml will hrtp tn my Fmtiy .THARTK' MM I. . prnll'' I"'! ntiv (V pttdnr li.m .im'.i in In ni iwntiv jrars Tii fonntant y in-, t!inf hn Imp Innp fatl'f.irlliMi wlllrli all thi'ir ii. Iiih uidiirril In th rrnMi ofnll. 1 'I I irolrFlnn vll tlnrilci .irt nn dlfTWi nt Thin rMlliV C'A willi itn fr(rrnpp ln f.tfl. Iii'pfi ronipnun'lf'il Mir-(ti Vi-gMtiMt' 'A 1 i'Vry i.Trl if In tiii-j .onn nml , v in n'l rn lii'i'drrl, it c h nn lit rtAtii S'crri'ftr- I'aii1 I l4lllil4. Pill At wiiiiit unt-Y, fniiiinil U IT M-filiMii'il,, il In l.nM cf Arr-inr. , Cfi.n nvrtt iiik nrtuy ACIP IT fll.ltr IN 111V. (14rAltC4l VV OR HI III ' 'ilnftir vlildi tli- inn. orfilrn moro thnn inlnt ieni.iinl from itj-nl Hip PIM,! onrt Ur ci if f in ri pnrrt to ' dip in plpre tliPin w iili. Int.v nml difTcrpnl Ca pnrlioiiB nf (Iip low elu Til A It III" DM. h.m. th In wHl rMnlij'hr, n inrtly nf tli irnci w hirh tn t ;ilik on rmial, Anrl nfp npf n lit-rn Cm ha t if if KAftOMIthT fftlic Hln (tlliK Ha f K AND (.nthH. tnriFpi nvfR iiif nn r i'ii, w hicli trrqur n. n li.tijr miirpnT Kxtrit, I'ftrCI'lMI ffVATIOK of (IlKOlrfHm, H r a p ,11 AD, (HI If rt-AMMATOHy I mtpr.N nr AiirtTf. unErMAiir-M, in w nr i:io n m-ny in-nn- in hnli flpnh lf hHr.trm ntimt-r liHEfMAIIr-M, ) e t a 1 1 Mi 1 t'l III 'll 1 1 (1 'I I II I ill " IMIV lllFriiirin linrit 1 u ,1, pkii'i: :m tjr.N'iH Tnr I.ttrr IvTniRniK avu I'amii v Cathartic Tim nre rptjnlr-il liy l)r'iLit cnirrnliv. nml mid wliotw Pile by tliu Ti.IiIp in :ill Itrirp i n. H. I W SANI'niM). M D 1-triiif iciitn r nnH Prnprjpinr. 3. 15 llRnrwv, Nnv York Jimp 4. IKiO ltir SAVING FUD. National Company. Chartered ty tl.c State cf Pennsylvania 0 U I. E Sa I Mnnej rfCdivi'd ecry daj. nnd in any ninniuit I iri,'i ur ptiuall. -'. F1VK I'lIK cnTint"rtct h paid for money from tin' iliiv it m put in. ?.. 'Ih iii'in,.) 4 a I way paiJ hark in COM), nJiBn rr it i" railed (nr. nnd without notirtf. A. Mmi-y I- rerehed f.oni Fjrrutvrs. Mmmutraton (hi.iriliart nnd others who d mrc tu h.ivt it in n plare of prf rt nafity, and when intvrvet run hi-1 htnuid f.,r ii ... 'I he inoriy rmivnl frum fit-pouton ini.tvd in Uml fjtatr, .Mortfrnxt, Ground Htntt and nidi other hr-l ( I ii MTimtii'd a- th (harti-r ilin rtt. (i. Oiriro Hours Kery dav from ! till 3 oMnrk and ou Mnndnja and Tliur.dir nil f in the i v mm ilnn IJHMIY I, HKN'NT.R, I'ruit Koiinir ai;i,nii(ii:, tne i-ruit, U.M. J ItCKp, isetrvtnry. IMKF.C fOKH. I Jon. Henry I,. Itcnticr, Fraud" I.e. i.'iw nrn j,. i nn r, Itf h rt .S Hridfv 1 K Af-htm, I . I.:itidr-th Muiiim o I r t'arroll Iliwfr. J"plj H. !rr. Jojicph crkK, llrnr) ijirn lerfr-r I' Walnut ttrtet. .Wl iv,nt r,rnfr j rs,lr,i rff, inn. iii.irin. April 11. INH t uj! , '.; jrb , , KUKKHU NOT. 1 )Tf "W l'WWllLCO. No n K,h ulrprl p f, L'"'b: 1 1 r;"'"nit" I" r"iinll..l im all illH.-aM i. ,.l a I'rirmei.i iMim,1c nil.,!,- -r, , onc p',',''m I,', ' 1";' l","rl""' "P'TlPlirp rf l,ltni,t...l ril.-nl ilm I, ihp fmliticntirn ,f p,p.,.U up tli. inif iiliiinl' ,ni r,,ui..tliatliav nirpr filku . rulj I'l- nuin alaimuic ct,,, ,.f l;on,.iilur nnil Mi tilnl Ii, Ilcii..llt ,i, ir ntii,r,,t nil the Im, rum pf Vinpral an lniimr,. :o.,.l. r-rr. lul.i nr. ,, d ,,.,r, , liitliiiutini, ,.f llu- ,lvi. rand h,.i',.,, Ab,,.,,., m. m liishliiUriilliiii:,, anilth lne train nf hnrriMp im.t..m. nil r ,u5il. ,i, ,.f ,., , , 1 coin- ,? harinl. ih. i ,n, l,.,l , , ,.rrirM!," M..1IN.1. in, KSh. Iir, i, vi i,,.dpot urnfh uf tliftr atl-ntiun to th trpatnu tu ,.f ihpi r t liya ntc-tai.l.ulitnv t,,,i, ,,,, ,., ,"e bn.,r iTnd iinfiltinB th- i,l..,t,,e individual f.'r miic. ..r purii tv. H..inrpf , .n.Jiiil,.lanff,V, ). .rndup.l h. tli,.,- laijy .an, rf ,, ,,f,", '"il" 1 ninl itir.n i.f ihp If.-,, rt In. 'lia. N.,i.fnPM, pf th.. ,l,e''v, (', li lymplomnf i ,n(.ini.ti..n clr lr r",i i un. un in- tiiiti.i pre .Hurl, I,, i. . i ,i fr """"'i' f-r...nlOf.ri,.ty Prlfdi.lrumiiS I ly pip IIP ail" Uf 111, . VI, ,r.-.-lctr!. Marl! p, ,., ,!( " tPlu,.l.,ll? mn,,,,, ihuiill ,,,,,1,', ,,,, J f 1SZ','. nc'-",-U- "'I'.n'l io r.m, an" i iu't'.';' r'rjn rnr.ii njimuixrm :hiirCra.0"l,I"'8"""!,,''"e'X0 IJ f',uh Mrcp' I b'Ucinh-r II. 151 .;. Z. A, W R Fy II ' J3 . AGKICULTl'ltAIj WAltKIIOrJSK. Ao. 21 L'.'l, ,S0,rh bull, ttiot, near I Uiv Stcttr li se l, I'HILAnELI'IIIA ru.N. TFfN ',f "' ri""' l"H'n. . tPrl.rl p,prp..ll .1 fur tUcprypin.ti.r-. trade or- .tnicd wnh r,..,l. . I implemi iii. rf mtcrc.t to am Vard m-m HiiTy ) ma. l.,TtliIln.The ub."ri l,Vm I'ciip m rH .tbc atlpntiun. or tvery cm int"P,t"d , ftrmii I llarpanlU f,'rp ttrj, arr,. 0rf M I ThP Jin..!,,1' ,1 "", rtlMl JM,, I Thr Acri'Ultnral Impltmrnt. . Id ,y i,V nip mrIlir lnanura,tu,pdti.ur,t.ani..,k.. l', ' llannf fined iip nurctatiluhmtnt,'.-, ,,.., , nura?,, n. c arc lion aicnarprf to o..i. . . - "" ""! irropni. UrEP.tl6taHi.l.ini.nt..f,,id li,!0 "Mn'1 " "" , v LAMHilnil M fov rrfuttattte. JniUy J, JplJ)j. AGi1rULTU"i'; wa'kkhoi'sb. ine iinrKi I, nt rrdurrd pnres for raVh Von 4 i lM IIALI. MOBRIf". Firm. I'hiladi Iphia .-larrji I. p'.i. NEW GOODS. T"h iii'ibhr T,'ilhy"M,'y ""m' fti"" NUv nnnns '" " Pltnt new Slnre Hnitir, in nnhr.bnrp rolnmbu , Kew.hAHV!W? ' " "V, "V" OUftlMlSK OUUUH, rl aJdl i, p,i . i ''" vl,"?y. I"1 'C in ant vfbft in ? !"PI,""I "'in tlulr ru.tnm. refl, i,p.1;,1"Mn '""L1:'1 "'"' "'"" rare and wlli rer.inretotlie Mailt, cf hi. roniinunilv-.nrl -,il,rrul I ffiiV.H ' ''?S kL" ' '" r"n hcri T, h.i " '"Uo, fl"-"per tban ihe cheanVn." "I'nuntrv Tirndnr- s-.-i- . . wilbon Aara Knhr.biire. Marrh in. TCA ,M cent.. prlft7Trf,Wj .-i?,' QUMMJSK SHAWI.8, (Hound k Bqunr KJ UordPf.) cf the lif,t ,j, ,, i,, n.. .... UilTMAW. -w.V.t. Xffe. in.