tllBIA DGMOORAT. Cl II. MtOCKWAY, LOCAL EDITOK. SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 28. JST We are happy to announce that tlio man who was under tlie tceathtr, Las Leon extricated. Oar A vim rope ferry lias been made acroHs tho SiHt-uehiuina at this place, nearly opponite McKelvy' furnace. Tliii will have the cfl'uct of bringing con-iiiiM-a. lie trade to liloomaburg from the other side of tho river, which heretofore has gone to Ciittaui-tia, and other wllugt-s near it. CST The Rev. J. Q. A. Huiiuer passed through our town on .Monday last. He will start for Japan in a short time ai a Missionary from the Baptist Society. Hu 'haa kindly promised to let the readers of 'he Democrat hear from him occasionally, .ui. doubtlum his letters will contain much information relative t J that singular people Homy Clay cm Slavory in tho xurriiorie3. It is tho custom, says tho Delaware Go,, ztlte, of tho Abolition Press in thu border States to invoke tho name of the Sngu of Ashland to sustain them in advocating tho doctrine of tho Republican party. To show how unfounded arc tho assertion? of tho Opposition papers that Henry Oluy j in entertained the opinions on this lubject ,,' THE CAMPAIGN Columbia Snunrrnf DEtVTFJ) 7 TltKntVCACr OF TIM FJ.F.CTfOX OF TUR ATATK AXVmJMTiOA1L AV.VI.VF.HS. Tnc coming Oubcrnatorial and rreBldcntla. Llectlon, will tin llm ninal Imnnrtnnt Of Oil Olir flCClloill. 1 tithe .1.M..1. ).n T.runr niTic 1" t ntv. I riirt In It nt.l IniitliunrkfiiiJ to In tirwnlhlgh duty, pUnt itself tm nrlrnrlplcM, which arc eucntlal to n maliitonnnco of thu IVi-i-.TitiiTio'i nml thu prefrvation of tin L'moh. It JPEGIAL N W1CE& 07TIIOMAH V. MATPSOV, Rcc-lvcd th- Prlte Medal at tho Wt.rld'a Fair In London 1"31, forTllU.NKS, UAItrr.T I1AU!), Boc,t.,.lio.. an J Hum., (irent Induce went, art' now nffrruri to purrhLcra of tlic above- aril clo. Thi. It much tho larsct ilock of trunk., Carpet llaj, Vallccl, ftc, In Philadelphia very cheap for ea.h No. 401 .Market Hlreet, one dour nl.,,..! 4th, .sutk aid.. By 'I'lu lleuvtnfl ..ere illiiitilutit,.',! on tin e.cllitig ol Auguit 27, 140'J, by the limit ipicn.lld Aurora llnr"i.ll. nt'i'ii In the century. Iln) r trl-colorol lltsliln t1ati NEW AND Elegant Spring Stock ! A. J. SLOAN, HAS Jmt received, direct from Philadelphia and New Vork, a very clioiro fi-iortincnl of SPUING & SUMM - It GOODS. almost every new fabric which hai been manufactured T1112ASIJKIJK'H SALI3 UNSEATED LANDS. A GKKEABLY to the provisions of on X Aft of Amenibly, tntlllcd nn Act tlitrctlnit th i inntlf of ullintt Lnscaltl Lands forta?, and for other purposes, pam'd (he 13th day of March, l-l.i, and thi ' niriii'r mipp.fMni:ni-i nunm, poiacu me utn nay or r7r-Rirnnnr'nni7f.iii nl, ? .un . inT' h M"rcl1- l17 -"',h 'V of '"' Wi. and t)th .lay nf u. : ........... . - " -u Mar. n. jn... me ...' oi .no county or to uinb a. i. .. ....,., BuB kul, vi nereriy atvea nonce man iieraon coiiceriicnincrcin. that lpurchaed elnev, here. I ull)CJi ftw ,,,,., Komi, Hchool, and State Tain due nn Cliarlcslon Convention. Wo co to Press, Friday without hear. . . nniiiyiiiiirw uno vrmin u low price, uui , r or IJnsentel l.amla. ritu.ite In Co. tntf tho 11011 rm of llin r.liTlnn f 'fla-h- ,a8eeralrule,thcyareJuitalowl.iniiality. Uut to , ,1i,,., rulll... , ald before the dav of .ale. ihn hnl. InS 1110 nomir.CC3 01 1110 OUarloaton lOH that the ltepublicau party advances, wu ' "III have t encounter Know-nnthlneUni, I'.lnek Itepub. J f rleit )ia rnulil Hie a,i.tfllni lui... r...... ihn.... have only to read Mr. Clay's own words ' "f"n!,m'""'1 "ll!""r n,'"?"'i" "'"lr TH '"I'""1 , ivt, i..t..u. rtoulnn ,j.. ..,uyii ,ou,ar,ent.. Thev Drove him to havn n,.,, .1 . I" ' ,"""r""' r"""' ,h '" :mm h.ii ,.fc IV,, 1111 prove 111m to liac OCCUtucu the pre- every veaponi,fpolit!calarfarc!.byiiilireprci.iitnlnn,l .v,.c(ad nirkwrnn. .1...... ... n,.i..... ,. else LTOUIld Which tho DtmocrutlC V.irlll I "''''"od, and plauialdo aeitional appeal. Pueh a..aulu . . ; '. b, , , : ' y I mut bo repelled :.-.nd one of the inot,uceefulni. an. ''' Lisi-.i. or Jakic call the HHU inci eiore every mall WIlO Was tnflothl., I.bytho grent In.tnmentalilyof the .rt ! """n ourreaucr tu the adierticmcnt in our col ail Old Line N'lli" H clcallv COIiai-tutlt ;.," Me circulation or Democratic Journal,. In order j l'fUl1' Wl" ''MUhed reimd) llrou',j:enco ,,:.!. '.I .1 1", ' Itoeontrlbuteln ,ucli a work. . pronow to ,,,,. tlw 1 "f Jl,11"lll,',,l,c, ' "''"''""I "ly by H ' "'8 1" present CAMPAKIV (.ol.f.MillA llliMllUnAT. at .0 iJ"'"nT..i aim tne.u.ul Hreeta, etTortS tomisttliu tho Constitution and th ' prlieaa ill brlnt It nithinthe reach of ev.ry IK'inii- Union edacroitheky.aiidthethaiiBnerebei,ullful In the jet a (iood article .nt o u ty loiv prlee I. ro.mlliin! rare, or aurl. part, of tucli trail ai lll pay thulaie.and to,t. vention. If WC COt tho news, bofor our Atone lime a rapt ob.erxr remarked, that ntl opportunity, hocver,ll oBuci to any who char,c,i ib.reon, lll be lold at tho COURT IIUUSi:, ,. . . b . ' F T - . . . .. .. . ... 1 IliaV Wallt !l Oln. ... rnitn.u ..r .'ntxniMn. nn (Iia it,.. ..... . r n.lU.An ,rt" . n .!1l .1 it. . tl A the corner i-f 1 ifih and Che. tout htreeta. It la at all time, bi-netlcittt, but'at thi. aea.on, when alfvction. of tin-.toinirh and bonrl., uud 0. the Summer Mir hoods. tMumi'MC oi.iss ir.inn. S.H.T. if.. Jr. K7" Call and see. .j COUSTBV I'KIJUL'L'K W Dlooinibnri. itil. ICO. ORocr.nirjs '." l!l";,,'!l"M'''onlC?,wb,i;?.,.l,0.ll,l, ','iv f cJ'l'on ' off, wo will stop tho Prew and QUE,K,yiH'Alit'. i in. nil! on r ti (in' tit. frnrn v In Hut', ftir ft rtcnmvin r.f tn 1 1.' r (Iia nnKnimifli.iAhl . I iiuu lil comiti'. a 11 J thu cost accrued on uatli trjLt re. LNTF.D. .1. WfilCnSKLUAUM, ntoM rmr.AnELPniA, p EHrKtTFl'LI.Y Inform, tho dtlleniof llloom.burit. v " It would be a dereliction of courtesy were wt: to pa'i.J, without nclcuowlutlgmviit, tha many cotiitiliiiK-iit iv- notices wu have received from our eoUmporarioH, einee our acco'fion tQ tho lo.'iil -l itorIiip. Wo nru deeply grateful for the ceoniums bestowed upon u, though it H our opinion that they tire mo-it to iUrp in tlioe ca. where we arc a itranwr to their autiioi. , . ..... 1 ..... I. l ,( A,,,. in r,,,i,T.ri.lll' slieecl In ll,n,llli.. ,11111 IU lilLM'Iil IDC l JOVerllllielir. ' .......... .. ....... .. . Lo.nnlalllt Urj ROeiilllllln.1. iiilILI.Iil.,l,,rr..miL .),..... f l Rll.l ,1. it.l.l I,,, h.,4 nnt-Of-ri A rnnn, tt .1, I't ... , ... .iiipauiize Willi uie oniy iArinxw. i-.nTY, a run 'era i . ' . w ' ' i.V.. . ..' . . .. r . .. . . filllillj; into the hand, of the recklcs f.mnl. ' .Ion with u. in elUnir Ihi. .heel neen.Heclrruh,l I bj As cunpanluii .for,. u long ' '" ' ics that are driv.W by fake rcasouin-I 4 " ' l--'- y " '"" f"u"" .Sl-. uuu iuv auwju.iu oi HUpractlCiUjIO tlli0- I UVbhall hlin cordially Ptahi. to tin utmoM r.f nur 1 ntlMil'UIrt.-Wimt ui ClorAiM. IUaah. mriur i.f rtt'd, the rountryto iho very crti of luin ,m,I,,,,f0l'11,,ll'-,ht,in,,'lilat,',orJ M.irirn tr.- u, (toimt f.-n-m hi the beaten ... , . - iKT'fpPciuc iiumiHcc m wv ni-iriii ni niiM.i-trui trntk. H tf nr.- mtihtlfd that the .j- Wny to bull I up All u ftk Id tllllt 0cry mail who loved I-lcrtlon. In khrt. th PI-r will Ci f.r tVto.lA. ho,p a ar)!l. bun. mHM mllv Ii!i 'tip 1.11,1 gin Ir, (Jiuv .'UUI ndmirt'il im iinfrintUin n.l i ." .:ttj-i.utioii i, lU.t'Mint IVitmu uilt mmu ( ( ' I Jll' ' t AMI'tlllN 1IFMOCKVI Mill IiIh talont- rtli;tll read and Mudv for him. ! Month at Oik Uou.k i-r the m fPlt, ami Hot In led atrav bv the fuUiu . , ' .. .. i " Ii.ihiiI no.v.triatl.m lit market prio-N. Thin hjUdm It'arranttt tr Ovum, Hamua McUcnry, John J. Karn. John & KH Voung, tlUVlK It. Itt f, Ittb.'cca Vandcrilic. BEAVER. Cola nib I a Coat & Iron Co. ilo (1m do do ilu do do do Andrew Clark, lunar lint it do rtn Rbhort Dt'tl, Ilcnjninkn I Tti't, Williuin llerrioc .Miuiti ec Jtoal, fcr. Celt. Cts. ( SPKCTAOLES!!sSviSSi nF l.rF.iir r.iuir.rr, sr.t. A iilw imfiittftii i.f HouLtailt ! pul.liBli.vl MV.ii n h.imhuyh.iiha.nti .I.i, 1,11,1 nu iiiu-ndfi h.II iur ",u' P''1'1- ;''vr. f tif tu a .intf -nli- i . hhvhu i , Irani, h, ftlifl h fi'w eirJ ttnprovi'tl n Mn.ti r mluni.c upon nrnt (no rniiv nn.l no ml nn.t pimtwU ?ruim.i Hint Gla than ten pfrMinn, to tin: athtri-v tf i-ric Iii.IHMii .1, at Un till) UOi'- PL'r tJ,lt dlEtuiiiii from tin pri : tu clnli r.f t unity, nt tut ntvfif it Ili oiiia. Hi; ilrft iiintihir i lit u I t... Irii mi. I ) lutti urn h-adcr.-i ;vhn do not liold out .-t'liiiiinjiit until tiu iiu of the rrfuhh-iitiai urtimi. ill (JJlllIUOn with tli-t.M of Wourv Cl-.v ' H crcatly M thii ui..l.-rtaki.,R h) f.r !mo l-i ol th ini'ii hIio du-crtcd triii'iH of tin; WU party hi follow mi. - .,r 1,114 Ht IM t)-um)Uii .i uiuiij inn -i hi. i,irj Hill lir ino uru nt own .sound on the irnui'tivo th,i dhmociht. I I'Ltt'r Voht, deconno, OF lA'F.UY tMIlir.rr. sr.F. ..V QUALITY. t Ctnrae Nunr, A n lw hnnitifni (-t HtK-LtaiUi, lor dintmit t,r rhwi I CutliarniH Nnycr. IHKOrtUll-Ilt I if DL-riro- MtlAnWlULri, Gtasi'H of lila oun mutin fat turn. Ik would partlf uinrly nll k atu-ntion of tha !u.llntaiu il,.lf .Mthou, , We .h.,U l,uy an,l ! ? ?' V I oSoi:' o l! v.l'i.U.I) lor cull. (Jur (...ottiuent for i.t.-ii i tho e).'. an.l to In. new ktn.l of (Jla.Hea an I Con. rv.r. I in be. i i;i,il ...ol atnrj Gla-.e.. tl.'-ir .Inp. exa't .en- 111 1'1 ' ar to he round in a hiuh tUcreo in M. cla.v,.. Will n: IIAI.M;1.0TIIIM! It.VZ I Hmhly import ml ' The cry h.'.l llrutihan I'.bhle. 1 ' .ill ev.l' 1) for e.nh. (Jur unoitment for men nn.l i tho e)e. an.l to hi. ne kind of ' , !'). I. the lire. t in I'li.hd.lphl.i, an lour prices nmcl. i "r"' ' "flu hen r!l. raturiM), , .. ,...,, ,i ..., Hood til.H sea may bi k.iuvvu hy than ki other. ( all at ouce naj ,ec for yourself, ( tr .. ,,, ,! tlllllr ,,ii,e,i i William Alh. Joseph P.lank, Bin , Je,.j lluiv.nan, W. J. T. Ueu. itev. Olltir KJe, J.uoe. Uane, I'hitip I'r.'a.. John Fraa' n.talo, ; i i h. ii Fowler, .vuilr..v rrat. tfefir ''Thu and Elniira Kail road was sold at Auetion in l'lnl.iu'clpliia, on Wo.lneadny. It wis knocked down foi 3100,1)1)'.!." Mutiny Lumiiinry. We qu jle the above rcninrkable notice for the benefit of our rrailorn. The luini- i polmy to winch Clay win kj htrongly dovo- i t.'d. Tlic K(.publicain nf th" New Kn' Slatjj are to day truii,i;tir udvoc.ite' of the present tai ill' than the northern lem oordt'. Thy rearon for this ii plain' Liiouh. Theru in a duty on cloth, and the uianulai-tuve.-. are fearful that if a 'change i.i attempted the fanners may a.k 'an iiier...-..-on loivin wonl.nv llmr Iioj.v. nous Jwmiti-iry do not Mate whether iy uKn of Jnty un hm there won, any of the " fWy" at the eirtaj, tIlc,ir ,lividcll(l3 n collSl. 'knoek-.h.wii' or'-Tho Kailnmd .V Klinira 110u ri;u, ; , ot- rlli) , iUilroad.'' IV, . . , , . , , . . other material so limen in deninnil in the ooiislruetion of; wiiih- tlie northern Democracy are ino-tly tlio poor working men who are not iutcrot-d in Atijess. -I!ut to rtturn to the MU.ji.ct. .Ir. (Jiuy, in Iii -j Keport asUiiai.'iiun of the in.'iiiora. ble (Ni niuiltce o; Thirt .vn.iti IcJOtl, toiteh- .i 'j. si tvery in th Ter ritories in thu follow 'nn ttr.iu: "'Iho bill for e u';'!i.-hi:i ' the two Tir, it wiu I), ou i.i. i, omit., the il L In all cas. s oriiir. luu.t 1.3 areoinpinied l,j thn rl. W. eorn.'r fourth n.iJ .Markit it.. 1'hlia. . l.rujr 1-n..- p.'m, ami ('r).til. ... uulvirally proied to ho far John Kelchner, I.UVI I..TATU. I..,nm0inr?. April 91, I 'HI. The Mail Service. WAsnivrcin.N, April -M. The awards for mail M-nice in the mid dle M-ction was aniiounoi'd to dav in the ...n' nor to am .th. rein.. ALSO, .Microscvpct. Nyy ayitl tiuir.litff Qlaisti e ere Common ,. ro... ,h, ,f the p .ple ,ut. I ! .'7.T.V,5 S' , it th iuHii urn tl ati.l uiiMtMliripi pliilovopti- r ma) it ty 1 urlirKM In th Dpti ul luie not iuuiitl,n-d. tu th runtrorv. Mi-u lUi-ui ft cii() i thins; kt iu iii-Tili .. ' nl,,M"' nUii !",lfl 'r I'lJ-tramMiH nml Cha-ra tare- " .M...U-J..,.., tn.y .... he.a, ... ffi!rir;;!.'Vhtrf,"if;-. ren,n.?,,r Tn: Ki it thoir KHit-t n rdial p.itr"i ice 'I ha iilipics h.m ni,n tht; firnl trnl. lit will rciuuin in thu dI'c durum , ..a Lo.irt, ami llmt' iu wmit t f tlM al)0c urli'l'-d will . pii-ani; put- in nt a t rtii ; . , II' will, ifrv'4'iirtd. po ta any r.-tp'jrtibl'! h'-uso, J.iiiii s J -win on, Aupmtji It I'cftreo, do uu llciir Trough, Jltllll I'St, Christiihir lUtnUr, Jtttb Trrtii, oo.w.vonAM. l&y Y -ire rfqm.'-st'jd to nnnounco that next Sabbath at half piM olio, I. M., thu ordinance of bnpttiiu hn adnitiiKtered t etNcral randitlnt' nt the unial place in Fialitngi.Tpek, lijr" KMorJ. H. SiiAVAKKM. At ball' r'hst two tlio re will be mvachiiiir iatho Hapti-t Church, on Third Street, tlie (lu'1. afir vihieh hOTor:l perdoiid will be admit d a4 lutimbori, and tm sacraiuont of the Iiird'K Supper will be obsorved. I'reacli iug alti'j at "7 A in thu evening. ; uir';i iy Miiucii in- jujymiKiit i a pH)strl in. i one rn- , iiiu -ii. .in..- f iiw.ii i.i i i.n n I'll I l.h!", .19 Ili'lJ ti(! . II,. if nn l nt.v r...r.rtKl.. '. )l sun A 1 j -iti in tlic iiiiiiii'iu 1 ni.tutiln'ii oftln iiH-diciuL that it- , wlu'r hu a rvi-tn nui lu ' , Uu U Martia'i UtJ, auiiinllj imM iti nrvjd iu.u f lli.-hn.l. It H trnw Tiu-vi ry b-ift K il W'ATIitt and tia Let llynt-. , . ... . iue ilan-4i'i ulwiijB lor sale. Mary r ft i Km', d tirtJiiy mip-iM-r ii nu tiu-r temcdi s I ( April i. I3t0. lhoi,ui Uarriei. (Jl'Vlrii'll lur tll4LJLt fit till 1U.. i.rtf.iiid. . I. n ! . 1( , .... n I'oolUb. prcM'lll'C of a large number of t'Olltl'actnr'i, illirrliitd. lstntiry, (li.p-pM.i.aiil l,r th. nriuiV. DlfebULU HON NOTICE. ' -j""! ouiuj, and the oners wm locr than TrtT "Mlll to the tact tllllt tllP iropo"ilIrt Wen: l.ou. I.ol.l .HJ, Irom Minn.-t..'IVa, frub. tlic.hure. e.l l mutu..l i.t t,j Ml in the for ",tar hid.-," that l, the twrlonnancc of "' " ' '""'-'" '""i"- the article ana he ,'Z ufj tuT'""e the service- without regard to tho particu- h , ,it,,.,ulr i ,h.. ori.. 1 mi.ah c. niivi.kii. lar mode of conveyance. ..tvru...iu m .mother e.,inmn ! Htpy A , al, HcoJ?il'.''''":U t-'1":v':L'-lv0- Tho talk ahout 1 ii vi 1 1 s ui opitu i,n'-A m rr.ixRt.s sr sis... : .trey phi Am cwii e...nun : Tlio ( niibtititliriii : a dimension in the OnUnct is entirely and ali-iiirdly false Tho president and h'n ff the V . t . . .... ... f. 1 4 fr ,,1 M n ... tt .1 Tv" ni..,e .-Mill. 1 Oil KUipiin u..uur.b v..u ...... ..... u u.,.vu.. ... .v....- lmJJiti.n, ... h.iinj! the .irg",-t, m.'.t .ane.1 anil as policy.'1 Pat of County Sitkkini'kndaxts. The I.pgislatnro of Pennsylvania adopted mi amendment which creates a material i of ra.ton, KI.uh &. Dhirpte., John llu.loii, I'. t r luughner, (ieoicc A.hlou, IM.r Utll.v.o, Jo..'ll. Ji.rJan, l.'i.Ul. Luv. nilL., V. illn... .Ml, '.jr. WjIi.i.i t' mt, lli.ilil te i. t !.,l.llh. 1 I'. :il. Jo.i.t lV),il.ja:.. Jul... Artio..r, AD.MI MSTUATOK'iJ N01 It'K JoM'rs i. i ii., , Slut:, Uiceris il. Credent 0:n- rnee c.,iini Store. No SCO Mar- ' 1 F'""111 .'f .l.nln I lrnt ion on th, I'.ljtt cfV.ii.iM l 'i, ,i , .-"-' i. aie or i i. rung. re. k lo.luIl.p, I'olun.l.ia eo.i.ii. o.-ee.tH.O, l.a.u bv.ierHiit .1 l.v tl... 11,.,,..,... ..e larrreet, m.'.t .ane.1 anil ' "ln...l,ia to the uiij, r.ito-il. re.i.i.i.e ... fnl.i ...all.- tn.k .r in 1 luli.l. Ipl,n, ll";1"' t"i'ship,all per.un. Ii.i.Iiib tlaiiiu agam.i the Au-lrei. t'ort.r. .relj- lor r. tj.l eale.. In-... eml.tilnleil n. ry an- hu iS'. '".1, .'!".' .'""I"!1'?1'"' '! I"''"'"l then, to ri.on.a. Ilu.ton own ...l.-ei....... l,j i.txr in f.cnre.. on each Me.l to tuake payment lutlhuilh. ' ' " " a.licl,- .it ih er lowrnl price it can l- solU for o they . A. W. WUAVCU. ennn.,1 p.iil,l Mir nil mu.l buy alike. .ipru.i, Mmmutrutr. Tin. eooiiH are . II .ponii d anj pr pare.l, and creat pain, taken with the inakniL' ao that all can hoy with R !?) fj) u, B ft R SJ i? tt J?. mot Provi-io, on thu one hand, and, on tin change- in the modu of painp; tho salaries ""' n'"'-'"" ' t sitiiiig a po..,i urun.- at ihe ery il-TTT5?0!'? other, make, no jloihIoih for the intro- 0f the County Snpcrintendants of Common Xl:,! FItKSII PROM TUP CITY duct.onol .-lavrry imc, any ..ut ot tlio . . l.t.l of t!l.. ,irus-iit swtom of "u """1'J l" "r''-r- tl- ".".t r...!,ie-n..i.l, a,..i , ,an-1 u.t uu. till, .New leintoiies. That J'rovi.-o hai heeli Fl ' . , '"-.I"1-" m "i fctu" 01 n.-r.iip.r ,., kl.w..,i ,,.,. 1? ft 1) I 111 IJ IJ i l A (1 I tlio finitfiti source of d -.traction and anitu. peimUlmg Hie selioul Directors ot the- sev- u,.,,..i.r n,u fr-.e.nt, .i Mark.t, ai,olk a.xihsi.l j II , 111 'i IV (l SI 1 1 X ' ti.iu. IfitM.-l.- n.. ,.,l.l on.l .,,.i:,.,l ,.r.-.l nniit.lir-s In liv tlio mini ip- tl.oir No-bol JOSIIS A. CO. i "J V l 11 11 11 " U U U 1) &Sf Mr. A. .V- liosi; declines hecomiiig a Cindidtlo for the port of County Super ink'ndcunv. while Mr. S. Kmiiiii. desires to U- l.liPL-d anioaa (he li-t of eoiniietitors. "".v ' 1 l n,oy , it woulil ccaio to Imm; any .superiuteiidant-i, the salaries of these olli ..1. I. o 1. 'I' . Tl -, . . ..i:,. .,... f. .1 . .r..rt n ...... I'.'...,..-",, no i ,.i .-oun ,-uL-ii iciTiiorv " "I'l"' 1 "" T.crj adiuittcd as a .State int.. lit cers aie now rcuulnteil bv the nunihcr of l.-liee, Win. Ilargf-.s, l.owis A.plcman, Theic wa, never any tor it, to -tli.nli in their tli-.tii.-ts, as follows: I.J. lirower, el.-y vi irt, an.t rv Jvuorr, accoinplih tlio irotesv.-d object with which eery seliooi in tne uisiriei, rscivtini" all nf whom are urOiitud bv the laudabl' l.;?ij.;n, e presume, of serin tho eauo of ?duotinii ; as in snob cases the very thought of "filthy luer.. ' ii tingnunimoutly cast itriide. l-'or one It was o.i . lialiy olfered. Thi- has been hundred, the Mini of -3" ; for everv school clearly Jl - ..eii.-tiato l by the current of the number is over one hiuidrcd.and cveiiis. i .uiioi nia, oi alt tin- recent I er etSf- Tlie weather is a n- rr-failing top- ot aim c-pfi-iallv to neel '-Inrals; tint Mntn.n. that we help rrfcring to it. ritorial aciniiritions from Mexico, was that in which, it auyw hero within them, the'tiou ot slavery wiia most likely to takepiaee; and the Cnnstitiitinii nf ri 1 i - loruia, iiy the tumultuous ote ..f her C'uii- ias eiiievlv llltcnliete.l it. not cxi-eedinc: to hundred, the sum off-'l; for every sclmol when the number U over two bundled, and nut tx.'eedin;' three hundred, tho sum of 51. ol1. for Home days part it li.ialjinn f. caprieiou", 1 heroin the highest degree ot probability a,-v '.Stat SrJIAKlNll of Oen. Lewis Ca-s, .ciere- !.. Sun lit i Alliis sin: Not- that Utah and New leiico will when thv a jt, .,', linrI1 in j.,,,,.,.. N-,,w Han.p- vithstandin. the remonstrant of the peo - - thl lltll (1:,y f October, 17!, ple,oobl woathcr Htill contiimcs; and wis n-ioiw in romiuoii, n imrc abMraction. a,'t- tluTefoivnow iti thu movent v-eih I h nmstaay,thatinthpwholoofourlontlo(?) Whr Miould it lie any loiiiror iiiM.-tutl on? vcar of U It U aul that (iont'ral 'ttpi'rn'ncv. wo never caw .urii a haoKwara spring. On Wcducsday laht it pnuwoil no t nil day, and tho inountaiua opposite juuburgj wt?rr actually white. It would V't-i-:.. tUAt "ttjn rttorai-KuiL' had (ietcrmm Eton d bo hen bid ui i .-In'd : nml tmt A,- nnnvnntnrt liimrc m.vir vrt n:n.s rd his lips; ami notitIttiindinij hi-own lfr.-i n, m h 1,-titrc Hue public fuc vjrb. an l hue t 1 oCi) , fty nh'TJ uun iu...iiopiiiiiiiM irmn tli many tlmud- V7Ji, ii'I-. whii haw u-t'il thi'jii. ri.iipl, tr" irm intrienr), t.-tlimcality. or ilnnt r. tli-j ( T"iiir tli r- r'-'niri t .iti J nnl nt llup.i r nt. Iran IK-r ihmc, ir inwtli I. nu i' Utmih tho t'uiiilv li i I. in iin.1 a.Uis. r if tli'i'tsan Ji t ttutilio. N wli. r - Jtat i lh' Ifiii trift MitlH'itt Int ih It- ii uir ic.l. fm. I Hi it lutli- ft iifiH'-tiaiiuii x aiuuiti! tliim lji li.iii' kiutMi ik in l.ii"Vt.t mid moat 1 . . It -A t .ill t 1 t-t'lli ii'iiui' IIami ni'fi nn mi it-im. Mtli lim.K i 1 )j r ttin. .1(1.1 lut-iit) ilt If r i't K'.m.'iii.'K, lit lai' lunr r.i-.', i , tlitto, iii plain im1, 4 , ra-ttftt (Hi 'Hi UhiJ lli'tili, .Jtn(;l ti-x.', i C'Uli .11(1 oi Cl'Ilt, I Ii' 6- It niftlfK, Ii) Hi" ftinl 1 lt.iv t r rtn.', Lr i nt ! ,ir t'xprjn. Inv nt liarct-, ti any .uli'r u r ci t A tlio pri . AilWn r. , Ih V. MfMI'IIIir.V A. CO. Nn. jO'J t-'m.iilwii), N. York Nt.ll.t i;.P. IJ 'TY., Apt' nt IW.HMi-l.tirs. Pa. AXD STYLE. JfST liECKIVEI) AT CHEAP STORE IX LIGHT STltKKT, mi Aiir. miiwi mii.u run ri:auy tav, 'Cheaper Ihnn the (h'apest'' iV- rl.KAHK CAI.U KABI.Y. CZ Agent. .M.JI T.M'H I.I fK I'll.lX -'I'll.-hull rmiiJ ... I.ikIU fired. April V. 15W. j oi,i i iy .iciiiui". asu iT oi any iirac.ica- I'-is. inu-.-i lriu -m overeott unon his back "'i'1.. ..i. . tin. pr imii.-nt' i.n. ur-imr.'.! f,,r I Me import it has, in vertheles-.. had the , .- , .1 . . , i- ."ar. ii.i .n.c.u u. ..ii di..u..-. i...i. u .r.,r-.-. ja 1 ..v. ' . ... -' . but once in his lite, an iii.t-uu" that oe- .,.,. ,.ail rLllill,r, ..,,...,.,,,... r .,. , ii ji iiiiiii.ii-i nieei in i-A.-iie .-enoiH, 11 not , . , . . . - ----- . abtimiiiL-, eon-eouences. 1th hi-di time curred two winter apo, during a moment ,....!... ..-.i .miy ....... ceSfcy- i.ut rti,, i tiu... - . , f ,. , . 1 ."-ii ii.i. .p. r- . Tliu i.n kiiuw 11 l. llh-ir fruit., tli -ir tf.j'.,l . ilk" tt-fll that the woumla wt. -h it has inflicted of naitial bodily prctrati-ui. llie.lir-t fl. rr lh, ,lmi ,i,.,,..i. (9 k I 4 i & i l not. to prorogue hi.-t court and in con- to avoid in all tut .vcjuenee, lii-.aatcllite.i were eacroaching on "hieh inti-t be p the prer2iiiv.,.t of Spriug. 0l'i,",l'.m !h Mutes, and 1 .n-, nc a citations by the conflict of . v nuestion, exi-tilip NEW .MIl.l.INKHY fJOODS. 2 It I X G A i U S U M M j: R .! noes 111 ot tho It U not likely tint a YauW ever I "'?' """ 1 , !,s " " 1,1 oln,;r" taricd to .'.rath; ami ro .are almo-t in- , ,..,, . ., . ....... .-.. '..., ab'tiiicnee, he still re'p"cts those who, like Timn'Jiy. tal;e .1 little f)r tho stomach's sake."' tap '-III', ...hi, .-.I.I1I..I tl'iill. inln. Ill- Inlu'. 01 RxiT The Xatehc Free 'Irmltr nf the ill .11--. Ill iill Cl..-. .'1' to-tlluii.-.i, '! J -."I'fc. I. lull 1.IH r,i. I l.v er jtf-.-cti.iii., ul..., rl.i..i.i...ti.iu l.-..r. iij,'.ic. 1 II.-..IUI. in -i rill. I....U ...v..ri.i..i iirmiii i. c.-rtaui and l III ...iinlirs. nml I, I..1I) -Ii Ii... nist r liiruirt s,-rily r--iiit.fl. A -mi:!., tr.'.l.u ill .U..- tl,.-'- .'ill-, fim ilu . a-l. ru , .1., . ill. 1. ii-l.,l .tssorlM.-lilol iil-h I.-J..U . tlu riMtli .t t-i.iii.i un.-n 111 Hi.- ctluuti'm jf M I Jj Ij I N l-lt lilHJDS . n-ry . it. I f..iiipri.iii-....rlliiiii; c.nuui.,nl f..uiij nt a Dr.-.t-clH.. Ilr. Moir.f. I'h.n-nlx Dm. n. mil b,-'f.iun.l i-i.i,.IIy if ' !..ii n. r nk H.,1.11. t. i-.ii.iiot lis ..r- . ,, p, , , ij'-,-,l 10 1)1.3 T.,iiul .-miiitn , an.l It, r w.-rk ..illl'i- fi.a.l Usui ..llr..n..fli.-rMi'i..liIi.lil..l)....i..ia. Ii.-i.l i r..l.l i..i, .Hi nli ,,,..i tin. id,- i, th m !-. tlx 1,1. knt-, . inci U-nt t. ft'inul,-. 111 il. licit.- li.-nlih, r. I1-1. .... i....,b .1 iui .,1 ..,-;.i ,...,1 1. n.,u,.in.- I.utb I....I . .1 iuki..-,..f tlio .lii..,l.n urL-an..- ,.ii'i t ...-. I.'r l.tll ,.Iij..-.. "1 all al I. o ... I I'rlc. I'-.i -al b V. II. Mollat, llriuth. a , Xt-. Vtk, ' nl.,..l,,iri;, j.r.l 1 1, lsl'0 .111 1 i m.-Hirit.t .l.-a.-r. an.l ..-rilKili.l 11. n.'rull) tlin.iili ...It tl.'- rniilitr. rct,r.l,ii lit, H'O-liB.-l'iii.. to df ath ; and nnu-i r.j ngree iiu iuc iri-iiiii.ui, mai "11 lonia t ,01; . tnm uli 1 r 1 1 cli ti.uly 111- -tx t rar.. ''1P arj.cst Hale over a.Ne Kn3landerwa. eaH upon r. dolate ?"'' ,,,. .4 to rhhiain riwJi" am. , . V' wa. " ro.,ltmlKltca, ho would ,0 around next mornin, Xwn "ln" -'"day. !).!. Wither, Fo,d out hi, .ellln, n,.p to tho ,, habit. ,,,- "ruM ro UM or Idaee, iithe loHer part of this e0u,,ty, otlons ago, while 111 a city GiVElt.MB.NT-.i,,.iif it l the p,. pU j acn-i of land with improvements of this State, no went with a friend in .wi l 'iiriilmy, what 'a liuvi: utliUnnt and 51 S slaves,) to Jno. K. Klgoe,of I.ou- rpuost ot 11 niiific Raclier, tor ttie purpose ot " h kiiviiuoh iiuuii ttai'fs ti.ciii in ait learning to play upon tho ilutc. After &'c, " 'fci-iv urhniisttv s ,. , ,- , j n "it 'Kfi'tO'i nf the all .fiwr-i- or nrnhibtl on Ihreatlirwr i. nr h reeti and nll.-v-i. 7 ' . . , , ,-, 1 ':l '"mt'Vic yf iv,'i. 'Hie Committee be- " -. - j- cj 1 1 , C2, wt enmo to tho hoii'u which was situated licve that thev e.pre- the aimoun de-ire Kngli-h Authorities ; and it is said that Li. I . O Hill jllLhb OlOlC.h'-J m the taiburbfl, and were usbcrcil into a ot an iiiimeii-e majority of the people of his fi.'ht with Saver., tho ICli'di-h Cham- r,,,,o,l . .---1. ...1 . . f - I '! . ...1 .1 1-....- .1.-. . 0 ... . ' ' at iiJi a I JltifJ I Ait AIAIIY IIAUM.KV. VQll COL'M' hUl'KtiLNTn.N'DE.Vl' M...V kil.toll. I, . i. U'alkir. J..I1I..I..II Iki.Ur, Umriiu llitkhiu, 'llioKta. Mtltrliimor, II. , lien, Willian. rhailii..i., Am... Mick, r. haul, Ji-r.-.tiiah Kinctivr, Kill... Ui-.lii-Us k C. , I'lilllNOCBEEK. Join. All. t;ar, Will...... l.uckalew. Frui. A. llnlTinan, liatn.l l'uwl.r. 'I'll, una. Uulclu.en, J. .. Jw It. IL Jan.". Mi.l.ail 1.CI...-U, Kliai J. .Mclliiiry. KuuiirJ Mcllcur)-, ti..rv Muck, Ja...... 1'a.k.. William K.'Ul'.n., Abia... V.'Ut.x, Mui.ruc .M.r.le, OKEESWOOP. John Oo.aiiliu. ao'i U.ul., Alidr..;lira., li.i.l.l A. Kill.-.', t rl......iul C l,....i;ih.rc, I J.rci.i.Mh Whtl.un, I l!F..ML,0!tCK. I Nall.annl Campbell, Jam.:. Siiinnm. Jac.l., li.-iiiil. l', Lni Wnshl. J,.hi. fluid., Vaiiuh Kce., JACKiON. Ovorjv Hill.. Vhratiau. Il.'llur, iiimil No) hard. Mary Myr. ., t.l.r. M..r Ku.tun, Clurl'Htf Itu.l.o. J..I... K..itold. Willni.i, J.1I11. I.virliard, Wrisl.l Hugh. J. t It. Ilufl. ., William Miller, 'I'l.ot.i..., WrlKtitA- l,aBin Hushra, ,UAIIIONi Urartu. llitiJtr.h'A A. t'-,. . MONTOUR. M.rh... I J. Grovel. MA INK Alulrew Cr.Vf llllir. Ik't.r. Jac.'t. llaumao, I II. I' i'rick. 11.1111. 1 Ji'l'iteall I ii.chc-r, Jac.'l. II....Ur. l,L',itg.i K.lelKH-r. Ii. nrct- I'lulii. Mill-r. : J.,.hu.i Wtlib. il. MT. PIXB1.VT. S ...lili'l U.-ntic. William U'.'tr.. r,.ii-iiil Mellich, John MlIIic, Jacut. lJ)i-r, LOCUST. 03 !(0 V 100 3W0 3:i IS is x 100 'J 1W 100 m SO-.) 10U ao 14 ft il) 11 ! 33 31 10 5-1 VI ISJ 111 .10 Ja U 4a uo ;t Mi W) 1U0 J Ul I 30 Kil fli Ul a 400 130 Hi luo 30.) 3.. I 3J1 a;o 3-3J Mi) ill. 37 ii iJ7 IM 3cO :wi 3tfl ItIO :in aV:l 410 41 HI in V.I0 to a co 17 41 i'J 3 31 113 US MS a M 100 l 30 30 a I IS S ii It SO till ZXI 130 V13 'J10 ITa-i 30 i 15J UU 77 CO 1S 33 10 .fl 17 II II 33 SO I .TJ 1IJ $1 10 11 45 -al iinna. for the sum of ,0(11 ,tl.Wl 3f Ilivnan has been arrested bv th! 'NaC Ducvliscmcnts. rowx KXGl I KMKN'T DUWX AT room which was 0 foot wide and II feet 'he I nited Mates, whr.u thev deelaro that r,,)n, vill be prove long. It contained .1 large, (which " H hh time that goad feelings, harino. yfv wc itidgod to be of home msuufacturo,) a ' ' - ;'. l , V! : V ' o ' L'aill an.l that tlie (invei-nine it rented. To the School Ctstiict of CoIumbU County : lilMI...M.S lit iir.ii.iiir.' .0 1I1-' I'll ..'itiou 1 ..f l!.i- Ut .'l 'tl. M-i. l-.l. ,.ii .r.- Ii r. ! .i..tili.-.l .i mo I it. Cuttv, titioti, at til I'mirl IIlii-l', 11. ri", .... Uk I'.r.t M.. .lay ... ,M .', A. 1)., l-l.ll. h. inn tit, Till U .ftl. i.K-.itl. ..I Io.'IolK I. Ilia alLcr.i.j.i ,tu I . I lei . l.u ru. , . Ii .. ... tjunty t th ' v. Ii.'l-.' uu.Dli.r 1,1 II. r.'i l..r. IT. ..'..I. ..... ..'rbuu of lit, rar an 1 .ii'iititic .(uin'm.i.l.. and cl .kill uud .-.p.-n.-uc. in tlu art ol I.IIIJ. ,1. ...... II... .-.(, .-..!.-.. ..I'..,, ..I,' II..," HI. Una i.'ar. : (I.t rmiiu' Uk , f o.i....i-ali.i l.,r tl.L ram.' . an, I c. fitly til ' r. . ill to liu stal b ct.'r- ' ii.t-'ii'lcit, in liarmburi:, .. rk-itirJ l tliaj. tli ai.,1 MirrLi.v. loin ,'tlon CLOOMSBtJfiC MARKETS, APRIL 26, 1850. Wheat.. trunk, three chairn, n small boat stove, and hlull,i )0 a,Q 01leiJ Ill0i.0 (o iroc(.Ci ; u i " , '.' .' stable. We throw our overeoats on the i grc-it opcrati .n. to pro.notc the happinci-. y ,,,"' floor and our lial in the corner, tho walls ' !"'d pio.psiity of t .e cjitntry undicturhed 0a,s " ' " being so covered with sheits of mu-ic, that, " ,u" oi-:tcuncau wo could not hang them up. The "lady j Itcv. Ilon.trF. Ham" Ukid, formoriy of the houso" was nursing a diminutive ! Hector of th.- Upisop il Ch-iroh at -Mill-haby, which measured ju-t about half tho burn, X. .1., d.-ei-ii..! at nsva, S.vitzv liugth of our flute. The mother appeared , land, on the u't liu was found by to be about lb years ol age anil had very tho porter of the ilof l do la Courouve, 1 -." Shoulder. . .7i Uutter... V.'h'.ic licaus-B.i.-'.;wl..Mi. . U -i ms .. 37 1 00 . . fill . ! Tallow Lard I'otatoe-. Dried Npplfs.l iK-autiful hair. The Teacher was the per unification of a Yankee genius being, like tho frcnerality of tho race, tall and lean. His long, black beard hung down to his brcatt, and gave him a iveird look. I'rctty soon his scholars Wgan to arrive. After in1, camo in a boy with a fiddle, then , another with au aecordeon, and lastly one with a bass-vial. Wo had been preceded hy a doctrods, (whom some of our legisla tors may remember,) and u girl, who do I bired to practieo on the piano. Tho Teach er arranged us in a circle, and then taking . a violin, "led off.'1 Such luu.-ic is not of 'ten heard. Much one strived to outdo his . neighbor, and to judge by tho noiso each one succeeded. But strange to bay amidst ', all tho clamor, the babo slept quietly on its 'bed, which was tho trunk afore mentioned Tho sheet inusio was home-made, but look tl none tho worso for that. After listeniug awhilo we left, cogitating upoii tho small amount of worldly cfl'ccts H tslcM U make cortain iDmparammU contented, whore he Mopped -nrly on tha morning of the day named lvi.i'5 cold and lifeless upon tho floor of thi i-.iver Jiall. It ap- .!.. Mr if..',,. I..,.'., .-i.,..t ri.. tiimcratic liarll w e lion.' tli it i-ur claim. f,.r thi ir . t. s 1 in till, eOMMi:XICATKI. f'ot. Tatu - I'U.i-.'.iniio.inp.'ti. til. rea l.-ra of ('Ur i-xcill.nt journal, that' tli. y urdc-iii..i.inethu m.r.u of the . ,.r. u. u L i . 1 1 nun named for 111.-..ilico of County t'om-i.ii-.ioi.jr, th.'y Imul I nul for;, t that i:.rKk .rc. nt. Il r II. the )...r3.l ol John ll.nt,. a gt'll tl.-mail wlio.c n. I -unty an.l litn. for lliw olhrc, llou win. know hiu. ..ill f'-r a niotmul iloul.t. A. our town lur. or eurouiHi I- .'.Hill .1 l.i m..- cou.i uraiiou uy i..a ... Un. trauma!: nug tue niglit and had t.tllcn over tho , A i( ,SI0 huiniiiters from tlu -ecoul story, upon tho -si.-,.; Btuiio hall floor, and been killed immcdi atcly. -Mr. Keid a ripe scholar, and a zealous clergyman, During hi. absence, ho preached two Sabbaths iu tho Episco pal Chapel iu Paris, and once in Homo be fore tho American Embassy. Ho leaves a wife and one child to mourn his sudden removal. The Stato Do- information the ol i will be ri'munbcrul. m.UWK'K. GOODS, .11 X 11 It 1 13 J9 . In IhClty of Headnic r.-r.'iitly. 04 II.'- Ki'J.lone Hotel, by the lti-i. Mr. hr.naii'-rout, -Mr M iili.m Dorm... ii. an.l Ml X. Voiiu. l.iuaht..r ol tlw lain I'll1 r Vol..'. K.-l- "i M ilta.j l.'.lh .'I llli.;..n, f.l.ulkill co.,I'a. Our h..t wi.Iil'b III. liaoy llridogroonl an.1 tho llrulf, a. tlu-ir rt'lui'iuhrutiru of tho lirintLT, I. a certain ifiiarantct ll. at tli. y .Icorvc larsly Ihe bcnerlti and blcinji. of a iiidninront I'rot idenri' The Juiiossee Case. partiut'iit has received full from Commodore Inma.n, commanding American bipiadron upon ihe Coast Africa, relative to tho outrage committed hy an armed party from tho cruiser jVuleou, against tho brig Jehosscc, and .Mr. Dallas has been instructed to lay thu case before tha British Government, and J1!3I. In CnttMvisKi, on Tucs,l.iy 1at, Mr. Haiuii JUrpes, in the efltli of htt use. A Chnxiiau .Mother in Urenl lu filkn. full r f varir and fulluf iHUKim Tlic tlec'PNfil wannmt.iii; tli- iHn i-ttk'r lu Columbia liaMiig lornti l Iticru heiiC:ttta Msa and Hhoiniiiirt't'rt;a coiiiuruliu u ildiTiiebn. film linvc a l.irgf nrrle nt" iiiouriiintf d, muli-ntu uud numerous frit'ntU ta lament her lUi'-trttirc ulitUthe hai gout! home to be fur ever with tho Lord. ANSWER GOODS. I'ilE un'lr-n;ntid, ivmc taken thirir,' vf tlio Ntw 1 Muri1 tTin- r!y k. pt l, Joo'h Mi iiloic, tiu Uktu lliiH natl'd of itifi rm iii; Ins iiuiutTmif ntnti'-r tliat I lu Ii is jnot returned iruin (liu tity uiilia lars nnori UK-Ill I't ; .SWUNG SUMMER GOODS, I winch lie i'll'-m Or ac at hi on M un S-iri'i t. lUii(iii.lnirir, at ill'- L-rv Inwti-t lini? I nu. s Hi KtH k Ii im li.'fi ct I'T tod with n Kr-iti dul nf Hire uud jiidRniujit, and will com nan fa.ratil with nuv flu) k n ptrtij- i. r bru'j(;ht t tlm placv. I t'liuntry (irudurt. t.ikti hi;n for gondii nt tlf J market jincvk. II. lia on hand t r) llitne runtniniily j k. pt In n cotintr) bloru One hint a rail before purchan I iutj tlhtMslurc. 1. BM.ll(rLirri". Illuoiiulmrp. April t1. IM, , CiUKAT AR1IIVA1. OF N E W at this Lislit Street Store. l i i " : v. " . i Ci msy, Jit other .J- all lunula on uctn eduty. . JvV.'-'r .i.jg. liilorm our Irienas nna . i.nocii '." that .it- In. o lu.l r.'rcivcd .nun- ... . , ,.,,hv. u.uull) lame .UMUtnu'iit i-r ,u,unbi J.r, SI'lUNO .ii SUMM Kit GOODS, rn TCL,S rti- far rradr .nv, thin ny , ,!J..'...,ei4.',i.iiu,l hcru U...I Hill l, ola clicainr than J" Jf, tin. i tn.ij.i'.t " - i'h. nutf r V. .lull not tn.'Uum..'.nt.. llic.nnnu. iirlirlci '"' ;' r ' " JV. ' ' tlic, ,ir. nii.ii.'iih.' 1....I llu-ir nmimt. li-ui.iii j.a- 1 , " i-n..r cioii. m.tu llimuw. iucluitnij Him 1' ...i.l Harm, aru tl'li'ilt..uv.'rlloi..! -1 iiro an-la Im found tlio flnp.t '.' uu., lain. k, iu country ut! I.w llfurc. -La fom uit.' mar in (.-ri al vanclK. at i5 p.'r cut. lower tlun , '"'' '"' John 11. Jonct, i ,r,.l, Kl.tlcr. iioots, Shoes, etc., ' , .' Join. .!r..vir, at the e.'iniQ role In ihort, almo.t piT)tbiiis lu lb. JolinK.-tl.-r, incrrjuttle line from a i.e. .Ilu tu tin anchor- Ntftly. Our tritiul. uill do well to call bif.ire they uiiike William Long, tlisir ulccl.on. J..I111J Slil.-, II. W CREASV t CO. Wa.binst.u. Uuf-J, Light xm t 2 Wft Jacob Ycamr A ntEaiIlotof(iroam.,oraUal y'nih'r'1' rt HARTMAX'B. J.-B: ?;"b!t' ... j, '1 ..ilu III W.M. Ill URi:."r1. (Yiofy ..' r.nt.ndlnt IvIumIiU Ivuntu. Mlll.llW, 111 '.th. IMiJ .It. L'.ublic Notice tor Jjieonscs. VTOTICK is hereby gh. ii that the fob 1 I. ...mi: ..-r.oii. iu 1 ,!u.lia cunty, hi..' fil.-.l tlKlr petition. 11. th-' ..'mill i'f Uu.irl, r S.-.h!..!!., .1 thJ rdi.) couulj . tr Tuvcrl. .1.1.1 Hiorc l.u.-u.o 111 their ru pt.c.liv.' lo.ulnp. ..hull i.ittfliti-.u. ..ill b. .rti-.i' t--t to th'' h .1.1 Court oil .Mon.l,'.,, Ih-i Ull .lay of Jl.i . A. II , l.ou. ot ..Inch all .vr.,iii. inl.'re.tea uill tnl... nli.., m.,1 Ilu Llct.i.L. ..i tin. cn.iuly of Cotillnbl J, .Mil bt-lt..ui.-1 1,11 Veu..v.Ja). tlK-JIll day (t .May iiext, at a o r. ..iictf.t. Jauu. ltl I. r. AI.ji..Kr lluglir.. Hi... W Dani.l Mdlu.i). I'. II. W..II roil.. J,.cb li.Ht.l. J.,hu..m Linden, Hre. nc, Jno. I'. Ilul'rirh, Kamuil cH ury. l.aac Kenf.-r A. -iuilth. William II- kuoiu. c . Klliu. Itobrl llonii.buch. Ta..'rn. do do W Would r.i.t...ii..r.. tl ever l.t-fur,- otKritl tWrilS, .ML'HI.INS, CIIOCIUUUS, MATjI, CAl'9, At III. ri'.l.lcnce, Iii the City of llarrl.burn, en ijatur l..iv!.ni KcprnifUtim, agio .7 )car, 11 c. p,r ,ulrt 0, HART.M AN 6 Cnnl T MrKi'-i M.J. I). vip LlKCll.of I'lttrlxirx, I', dad at .'no. . r" do d du dn do do d. do do da do I'. do dn do do do do do ill do do do do do do do do do do do dn do ftorc. do do da do do da Tuicmhips. Ma Ii.on. Orange. I'l.l.ingrrcek. do tc,nie,)Mia. Ordi.p-'. llriarircik. Bc.ll. .Ml. I'Uannt. Uutoii. Main.. .Madiion. l' IrteiiMuM. lllouiii. Scott. du do Locu.t. llluo.u. L'altav. 1..1. Illouui. IlcriMck. do Locu.t. do Conynshsni. do Koanuscrcck Locu.t. Centre. C'oii)ngliaui. (:atta..i..a. Urank't'. LalU.i..l. Maim. MlMin. Ikrmck. tfcotl. ll-Dl'ill, LOlU.I da Ill.oin, L'aitdvvua, rixm.a. Alcu. I'l.oui.H Atcn, !.r. , J..I... l...nJ, , D-.iiilI tlailrrl. jlarshall 0. Mnoty, Al.r.i.u .lo.Ull.r, IVt.T .Mil! J.. . Willi..... .cn.iiis.-r,, Sen , r.....r.- Nungcer, J11, 1, riihwei'i-cnhflMr. 1-. t. r Vol..'. L.Iatc, J.i-I.j.., n.vii IM. r Api'l'-'ian. 1 Arl-n..ti'. land. , Tti.'i U 11.11.. 1.1. .1.. .!- Tl. .111.1. Ii... it' K.tate, Jan..'. l,.-i-ki.r.l, Vull. ralumn. r..t.te, UOAI'.IVOCKUnK. IMi-r ItniElincr, Ja.ol. Tri.'n. TI1..1..'.. Harnc, Jr , It. ak, , l.aic Liii'l.illi-, t;c..rt:e r.'w... IKintul Li-van, don . SCOARLOAr. Jtntia Hue .aU-w. I Ik'tijtinilil '."Iv h:lr. I tio..' Ijbtat.'. Cuiiral lie..', 1 Aaron L ..I.. 1 l.t.uu.t llube.t., I Haial. Jane Hobcrt., j J line, r-holti. I Abraham Voung, I William Itcarhard, Anthony uvarhara, UolK-rt t.r,.y. I. real CM'.. .Mary t'u.tard, tf.l !M II. 1-1 an iu ITS joj SI llrl i;i Si-t it so JO 1,1 InU 110 ISO in 15S i SJU si TJ 17 -."3 5(1 -17 2D0 113 -."Ij 51 TtnlllVKnV. ni.n.rm.r. nf iKn Vrirmnnf flnl 1 cSat'on 10 Charleston, died of npoploxy on m -m Wednesday last in that City. 37 to " ' J j- ij 'i'ravorso Jurors, for May Tarm. 'id 13 litoomNcwton Deon, John, Jacob B. Orl. 1 ud llobcrt L'athcarl, Nt-plua Knorr. 1 53 Eeuloit Itcn.lrlek llanca. 37 tu Ileuvir Jacob Herring, r, famuct n.bcr. 4 73 Urinnrcck Musea Ua.l., Vinccst ni.liard, Bmu4 2 4J K.-lch.icr. 7 03 Center Jn.hua I'on-Icr. FaaiucI Ifucnbuch, CmiM 7 U3 HIU, Allan Chuniarnutrr. 7 oj Catta.vl..a-Mlcha..I, John Keifr. 0 jo Colli ltgha.nIJauUlT MrKicrmaa. 4 7. M.hinMrcek-Wllliani lkl.r. y 41) Urecn.voo-I John U, Lcm.o 1,1 I.aacjruml. - Jack.un 'lj.01.1a. W. Voone, Jnhn Mcllcnff 0 Lnetl.t-Lilia. Kalirlniit'r. Auitl Kaul. St MuillourWiQ. Itcherla, Snau.I Laleru., 3 Si Henry Kytr 1 In Mlrlllii-rt.iii.uil Creaay. 2 e4 Mount 11-n.antJolin Whlt '2 30 Or.iuila -John Vanie, DavlJ 11 UinsM. J.wA 9xtyir. Abraham Keif.-i 3 'J! Tina -Calvin i;hc.nb,-rtiB 1 00'I Snidir. 1 ul M.ion.ibun.-. .March 31. ID). S74 GraadJiirors, lor May Torm. li IVnton Mo.e. ocuin. 6 rrlarcrpck-CIntlea Whltmlr--. 5U Centra -llet.ry DelollS. Clio, A. llirmtf 1 00 Coningliam 11,'ubcn Wa.rr. 1 j Fl-lunsrrjck Lll llobbin.. GrccnwijO't Jamea Vatiliorn.' 131 lluttilockHuuben Uu.1.1., JoUn Ncvloa, Sacaac-t Obi. y 2j Jack.enJuhii r. Derr- j Locuat-UaiiKl, Cliaa. Ellllg, Wiu. Mnu. I br Jacob Harner. W to Maine -Wni. llitler. John Kttdlnrr. Ul US Ma.l11.on Uenj t . Fruit, Ueiucr.U. .Milt., iMatbcr TM. a lu.n a 1-0 Mon.ouf joon llclfcr. 41 111 Orange-Samuel llcidl-inan, John rterrlni 37 -JJ Uuarlnecreek John Levaii. 3'j 21 llloom.bnrg. March 31. ItM. 3.1 w TUEASL'llKK S BALH n u -01 B Mil Estate Seated Land. in u! A GItEEABLY to tho provisiona of the il 5u Act of Aia'i.bly, ntitl.l an Act to rcduea lb. 1.J 3J Btatn ll(-'ut- &c- Pas:ic1 11 '1tl1 al uf April, lt?44, lb IU 10 Trea.urcr of Ihe county. -f Columbia, hereby giro notiw. 13 IJ tn 1" P-T.un. concerned therein, that unlea. tha Count;, -o (, . Roa.l, School, l-oor and Slat. Tat, ate. due on the ft How V i Ii.H Real lUtate. Mluata In tb- .aid ecunly of Cotum- 13u u bin. ara paid before th-s day of .ale, the n bote or aucl. lit '.jt ran. of each a. will pay the charge, and ceil, cl.ara. lwsa able thereon, 111 b sold at the CUL'KT IIOCHG I. '.t. 3a IHctuniRhurg. coanty of Columbia, on the lltb day of June, e'bJ 1'bilD " .ccund -Monday aJid to bo contmaed by il 01 .djounimunl ftom day to day for arraraa.e of laxt. du. 34 Uu h:" 1 uutity, autl the accrued on each, e3 4u UEAVER TOWXIIII- 70 64 Oicntrl or IZrptted Wtrt. Jttrtl, Ihtl. Cra. 3b CO T. M.IIubbl.. 3ft9 O 07 70 61 (ieorsu A, I'rick, 400 30 OT 211 M laaac K, Ua.ti, 110 110 211 he BRIARCSCEK. 40 IU Lin.l.o, decdaaed, s 20 1 il L'arnard k-e)bcrl. dcceaKd, 37 42s 1 ' Daniel He.btrt. 2 U Sa 2 1,1 3J I A.lgu.t.1. D. Twarca, Mil 13 is 2 4j' FlaniNSCRESK 3 SS William L. rarka. 2 IJ 1 01 40 5 3S 1 40 3 b3 4 43 IU 60 10 27 1 01 2 21 3 OU 2 21 3 71 1 21 3 21 5 30 S 30 1 S'J 4.1 1 27 32 9 II ''' 1 22 2.) 1-0 10 7b 211 eo ai eo an 3 12 21 4J 6 HO 3 w 2 Wi cl 3J 00 I II tic I 31 4 III 7ll 0 el 1 Mil 3 c; 4; r. '..3 1. 14 1 rj CREENTVOOn HEMLOCK. JACKdOX MIPrLI.V. ORANOR 11 10 oj 10 10 Hot 2U 25 106 4t 31 1 IM 10 63 7J Ul I 10 I 10 21 li 1 10 SI M tiki 2 f 17 3 27 S4 O 1 OJ 3 12 1 li 1 It 1 01 1 II 00 1 TO 01 50 15 1 10 1 74 5 bj I 41 I 5. -I! .0 20 71. 1 10 2J 51 1 111 2 c'J (" C 20 1 2.1 :t 70 It rO 30 21 M. ph. 11 It. I'alk., Joi.t. Kline, Lutber A. ticrinan, Kandalph llcrittab, Uougherly'. e.tatc, Jo..-pti Mdleliry, illiam Park., William Fau?y. Henry C. He... Andrew.Kile, Jr . William Kobbio., Mary K.jnotda, Godfrey htline'a .ate, 1.11a. iiee.c. Ju.eph R. Morria, n.ts. I.BacTjlcr. C.10 Willian. i:hembrt... 100 Cof. Heir.. 72 l.'hrmb'.rliu &. ttowoa. 100 tzkicl Croa.ley, 50 John Applegata, to illiaiu l.'.u, 50 Solou.oii Derk, lao John JoUn.oo, 4o Lolt l'arker, fio J..lin,ll. J'arkcf, 35 Jacka'.n Tbouia., 1 lot llcnjatnlu I'lall'i EMat., 430 6COTT. I'hillp Trn.ov, iot JUHN A. rU.NHTO, TatA.rittli-. Orrias, 1 Treatrrr nitom.burt, April 1 1. ItfO I NOTICE. NOTICK i hereby givun, that the annua, metting of th. Stock hold em of the Hloomihurp Iron ( oiupaay will bo livid at lrond iK', ColauiPia count), un 'limrstay, ike UitJi duy of May firxt Tor Hit purpouc oft-lt'ctingtiirectom.anil for thu tranac Hull Vt .tlKI bUilllLr-9 JOSHPU 1'AXTO.V. April 14 I'M I'rn't. Trial List for May Term, 18G0. 1. lU'nJamm .lfrel Col r. Williain iuuonti $ IV'ttr Miller vt. the r. V. c. Erie UatlrxiJ Co 'X B.imucl Leii.ot), ri. .. W. C'roHintr 4. J i hu .Met alia r. Htnry Han-t. y Leonard It. Kupvrt el at, vs. WanhiDgtoD Lfr. Jr. fi. imon rtticriuan vs Wright Huslica 7 J.'tm .M. rrliddun t-j. McCt.y, t( . f. Ui'h.ird Tuiby vs. Philip H-, It. Henry Krcuny, r. Jostpb Uirkcndall. 10. J-.rjb cliukrrj. WiNun Ager. 11. J.irrb tfaii.ler 1. Wilhim Mttz W. rharls IH-iiiiijten m Ladnm DkIi, ndio'r 13. TovMneiid V Kahk'r vt. Ponal Ntliard. 11 Juhti, tt al., rs, f..imu..l Khunu IS, John K. (iirlun rj. Kdgar Iiattnii, ttai. 1. WilliJin SuieyLT vs. John lIutTiiaglf, 17. John Juitijfci tt ah tt. II. WiUun'n cue utcr't. In. J. 1' Jftt kbon er al ,ra Eoorti lloundi. Y). Juhn It, .Merrill it at,, rj. Hiram H. rrean, ( tt, . St. plii'ii II. Miller rs XianM K. 4-.bert. JI f tiimtl Ueald, rt.'ii.. n U'llluw .Mcr Jt-hn lu Autun i Benjamin Uaydon, t IMvird Lyuit r. ltnliard U. .Mtnab, '.'4 William 1; urn-' or., tt al v. L, 4.. I). IlaHrund jj. Hank of DhuiIIp qj. UcnJ. 1' i'oW adin'r. (JJIKAT KXOITBMKNT AT THE MESH ARRIVAL or & SI Ml IM MILLER'S STORE. 21 73 1 Si; JOHN A rT.VHTOV. TlttH .in'. Orrtt z, I VVcoaar.-. rlooiu. burg, April II. Ii60. j SSI :i ;t 1 1 I 57 1' 71 5 CO I 1 Si 70 ' . another large uud .elect a..ortiucnl of SI'UINli & SUMMER GOODS, . purcliaDt'diii rinladelphniat tlir,lowtkt fipurc, and whit he id iktt-Tinliifd tu nil un uj inoJvifttf lerma at can t - -W procured vUchcre in llloomsburj Hi ittxk cootiitw 3 tii I of J;Sl LADIES' DHESS GOODS, 3 Kb Oiuiccnt ftylfi and litebtfabion. ye. I rIIU fcubrribcr had jut returned from the city iUi 1 x iNKW STORK. Wholesale and Retail II AT . CAP STORK. Dry Goods, tiroctrttt. Hardware, Qvuntirart,Ckii4r Kr t JIUU9W Murr. iron, ..aut. nvvit unu ortfr, Jlatt and Cttpt, Jjr -In ehort tvirtliinu u-iunlly kept tn countr Ft ore i uliich he limit h thu public generally. iV The Hicbttt l'ricu paid l'orfnuntry produrc BTKniKN li MILLEfl Hlomuburg. April 21. KS'J. . NOTIOE IN PARTITION. Estate oj John rrice, deceased. .-lir.unfler.ii:tic rtppcriruity inrortna me rnizcni cl ... ,TMni . mt-vrv -i 1 llluoiii.bur;, untl the Public in general, thai he liaa COLU3IUIA cuu. 1 , aa. NEW HAT STORE, In the vhitc Tranio Stor. Hounc, on Main Street, mnt ty nppont the H change Buildings, where he hanjukt re et'icti a fukudU uikurtmt-tit of Ul'Y HA'IVs AND CAPS, Direct from the Manufactory i, ( all hind, itylca. aorti and sizui, Uttkt l'.thioni, which he oiTtr. whole aul uud rrtuil, ut ti-ry low pne. Al.o. si'iuw a onus. in'lu.t.ns all tho tnojern ai)1c. an.l faahiou.. Thu Commonncalth rr !Ynn. .Irani. to Jc.iC I'ricc, Huuiucl 1'rtce, Joua. l'ric, Uankl, Ji-.Uttardiai. of tha ratal., of Ja.. K. llciiell, Alttoa 1)., John J tlcnfll. .Mary (Kl.,il, Adam (iiu.i,. Sarah, William York., lluardiau of llarhara Oun lalo llchcr.u I'nc.-. do cui.ed. IMcr K. llfihcin. tluardian of thu pci.ou. and e.talca of Harrison I'rlcv, Hannah Price and Wtu Prica, cliilJr. it of Elijah Price, dcc.aaed, llavl.1 K.ilttold, tluardian to ncci.u noli, u fwr Jack.itu Price, ralliann Price and Ila.i.l Price, children of John Pric- lcc.', John Price, liwue in Union count)-, Jeremiah Price, Ready Pay children of claiuuel Price, decea..-.t, ou and eain of 8. n ANEWALT you, are hereby c.miuianded to be and appear al 0-lr Blnninikurt, April 11, leiul. llrphau. Uourt, to be holdcu at UlOTra.uurj, iu and .or aid county of Columbia, on lh flr.l Monday of Mar Hit U IG E NOTICE, nut, iheu and there lo accept, or rfuae to lake tho rial lltr. rrt.ldcnl and Manattr. of tho Catlamiaa Puaco K'UXe 0 John t rice, laie oi w "i... V""-".' Iht.uuw .hoilld not ba .old. Wllnt. tho llnnoi.k'l , 'Iilin rrc.ldcnt and Mana-iriofthe Catlamiaa Piudgo ' " bv an Inaueil I lt.tmn....v have th.. .lav declared a dividend of thrLO cea.ed, al the liluation put upon 11, uy au .nine. I.., 1 V.?r.,?i. . . , iiM awarded by thi. Iloiiorabl. Court, or .bow cau.a hv Woo.,.. I ilu. ('vii.tiati)' for ill, la.l m month, pai.ble tn tl,.- .'"'''" V', "Z .aid cnuti u" , mockuol, er. or their letal rci re.ctatii,o . or after tl u,"u J; " "".i" -"1-cr'" ' "f T VilJii, .(.'c!Vgi"im' I 10lu,"f April, ul the olhcu of U. li.a.ui ,ill Oat,wlV- lootn.hul-ith.Jll.ilU.llv.t lriarvVJ. .Ifblt-l , r - w 1 .1 .-1 , ' " tv iMMMaBa"aia"ai.iai aaaji to do and the necessary redrew,