Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 28, 1860, Image 2

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LEVI t. TATE, Editor.
ron raEstDENT in ism.
Jolm C. Breckinridge,
Obarles R. Buck-dew,
f tht fitmotratit Actional Conrtntion,
Wntod immcefntcly at thii Office.
f.r Tho Exohango, and Forks ITotels,
nrtl iu Bloonisburg, arc among tlio boot
"inducted Hotels in Nortliorn Pennsylvania
OSy Mr. II. ZurriNoBR, of Blooms
burg, has two well-written and instructive
Horticultural Communications, in thii Co
luiuliia Democrat.
Ki?" Our paper this week, again, con
tains more original productions, of various
UqJj, than all tho combinod papers in
Columbia county.
05 John Doak, Esq., recently elected
Juniee of tho l'eaco for tho Borough of
Jlnvick, lifted bis commission aud was
t worn iu office, on last Saturday.
vir William Fritz, Esq., of Orango-
illc, in now iu the City,laying in his Stock
( .Now Goods, of which duo notico will bo
given in tho next Columbix Democrat.
Porflonal Detraction.
Mr. Curtiti has promised to conduct this
campaign without personalities, in a man
tier becoming a Pennsylvania gentleman,
aud Mr. Foster has nsertcd bis determina
tion to conllno the contest entirely to tho
political issues between tho two parties.
Those declarations of tho respective can
didates for Governor have been received
with pleasuro by all decent men, as prom
ising exemption during the campaign from
that system of personal detraction and
vituperation which has too often embittered
and disgraced our political struggles. It
is, however, worthy of remark that Mr.
Curtin's political friends have been the first
to violate this covenant of decency, and to
throw dirt at our candidate for Governor.
If thcro is a man iu tho State whose per
soual character should have protected him
from calumny, that man is Henry D.
Foster but it appears that no eharocter
is no exalted as to afford a protection from
tho poisoned arrows of detraction uud
Mr. Foster must incur all the personal
abuse that small minds can inflict upon a
great one.
A late number of a paper called the
State Journal, published iu Philadelphia,
contained a letter from Greensburg, West
moreland county, written by some itiner
ant vagabond, which accused General
Foster of being a "gambler " and having
lost largo Hints of money at tho gaming
table. This correspondent found him
" lounging lazily at a tavern door, un
shaven, without cravat, and in dirty linen,"
and represent) him generally as an indo
lent, good-foruothing idlor, totally in
capacitated for tho position to which the
Democrats of Pennsylvania intend to ele
vate him. Where Mr. Foster is known
an attack so false and baso as this nseds
no reply we allude particularly to the
charge of immoral habits. The author of
the calumny is not a citizen of Westmore
Sunbury & Erio Bill
It is well known that n despcrnto and
Coinmlttco of Vigilance Tho Kansas Dill Passed.
The following is tho list of tho Demo- Tho bill for tho admission of Kansas in
corrupt effort has been made with tho lato cratio Committeo of Vigilanco, appointed to the Union, with the Wyandotte Const!-
Legislature, in favor of tho completion for tho coming campaign, m Columbia tution, passed tho House of Bcprcscnta.
of the Sunbury and Erio swindle ; by which county : tiros finally on Wednesday, aftur much
tho sums they honestly own the Stato should JJl'iom Peter Billmcycr, Andrew Sol- less debate than had been anticipated, and
be released, donated or so postponed ns to' 'c,ri John J. Barkloy. by tho decisive vole of 1S1 yeas to 73 nays.
bo useless at present, and lost to the State ' r .
eventually. .o arc glad to know that JUruick Uorough Hudson Owen, John vl l,aM lho Scn!lic a'90 at a" uarli' (,aJ'
tliia Tnmt inimiitniia nrim-ntliii wna .,r,cn,l I nAn1. Mini....,, I,'-....... -.-, llmf li itm .till ssf .Tut.' u-n ulinll
...... ...v v ., u.vwt." vi'votuwi. ....a ujrjru-vit A'Uitlk, jiJlWIlili;! JL'I.Ull.. ru .imi. uj in" in. v. hii.j
throughout by tho great body of the demo-1 t Jiriaractk William Lamond, Samul bly have another star to add to the Nation-,
crats in tho House, and carried through ' ru'lc'''", Henry Doak. nl Flag, and Kansas, once a word prog-1
under the pressure of the previous question, j Bodintfj mni of inh'rnn tewh atld fll'rcc political
Urntrr ni row Knu. . ni TT-iirnn. nnumiri!!, mil uu itiiiuiuu luina 110111
bueh, Henry D. Knorr.
Coilyugittmb Ji. Wohlfarlh, Jienja.
THE CHA11LESTON CONVENTION. 1 ono half the Stales of tho Union again.t
; the other half j those who, impelled by
A rERMANEnr organization effected. h10 stupid and half insano spirit of faction
1 .. .1 l..l!..! ...1.1 I I .
nun lanaucisiii, nuum uurry our land oa
The "Unlnilructod" to Veto Indcrcndtntlf.
to revolution and to civil war! These th
banded enemies of tho Constitution, it i
the p.irt tho liigh and lioblo part of tlt
Democratic party of the Union to with
stand to utriko down and courtlier 1
Tho general impression is, that tho bill ,5vf1r i,fb;ltc i,rm jca Haul Ayul That is our part, and we will d,
mi e i t .1 1 j . ...... . , : i..
tlall and ltirlrinlsmi, of Illinois
nox aiLKB cvsm.srrs
by a largo republican vote
We shall not slop to enter into a discus'
sion of this bill or of its special provisions,
but wo think wo can giro to our renders ! luill J'';Iermoot, Daniel T. JlcKicriian.
partisan disputations.
The bill n passed declares the Stato of
Kansas admitted into the Union under tho
about as correct a view of it, by cowing. "C"rj Wyandotte Con,titution, on an e(1ual loot
Chaiu.kston, April 21, The Convcn
t'on rea.-si'iubled at 10 o clock.
Tne Committee on organization report- '"m giiiy uou.
ed the Hon. Calob Cutting for PreMileiit, . A',1?" ll,a,11 V.
and one Vice Present and Secretary ,hf " ' r,'"
lit, In tho name of our dear country, nitfi
I the help of God, we will do i 1 1 Lou,
'cheers. Aye, wo will do it 1 For, gn,
tlenieu, we will not di.tru-t ourndus
We will not dcipnir of the genius of on:
country. We will coiitintin to repott '
undoubtilig faith in the good providence f
Vlunglity UoU. Lliduii aj.plajiM-'.J
an hour was spent in ntinj
.:.i,iu i..
Secretary J r' . " "fa'"fj.
.' vi Inii. -mil til t-iii!trnif lnr n fntmnlAnJ
t: crt 'Ft.,.,.. 4..... V v.-.-!: ltliUiOi auu inrimuiic
iiuin I'ui'ii uiait a iiu.- iiuui iu'n xuiiv , - v
,it. 'i..i Al hm - - , , . . . u, ...n ..v ,,(J U1 v vuivnt ui tiiv I'tti uiiiiM-ii nrT
out of tbo Ltgixtalive Record n portion of , Fntnfdal Jlcubcn Knittle, William ing with the oiighial Statw, in nil respects i0WR. ' ruhf in the iuturf I'roc-oodirys of the Gon.
the debate on tho final passairo of the hill. Mutmch. riumm'.l I.nlirniim. hat"oecr. The boundaries hoL'in at that vw bi.'..f..B n:,, .ri .t volition.
U II 1 o til," l 4JluriMl VI 111 11 llil (ft
fl-t lir nutnriiwf i'ii(a n rritioil nn minntUi. ' ( rfCllU'OO -lirl rnu .1. Allirrlsfin. tfilllll nnitir fAli tht itficfnrti ltnmifli rv M'tlm Altj. li,! i-il P.-vl- I
of iu montroiitios. j Lcggott, Nicholas Kindt. touri where tho ath narallel of north lat- PiMinsylrania Thomas Cunnlncham and nSaln c?lle,rt t0 or.,'e,rV
At twelve o'clock M., the Convention tras
It will bo observed that the Democrat 1
Ihmtock Titos. J. Vander.'licc, Frank
Moliride, Win. H. Shoemaker.
itiide crosses thu fame: thenco west, on
F. V.niandt.
put their objections to tho bill upon high j Jackson John F. Dorr, .lolm Mcllen- tho s-aid parallel to the U.jHi meridian of ,
Maryland W. D. Bowio and B. F.
constitutional grounds, and they are well 'ry, dr., David Kemley
Mr. .lackson, of Georgia, roo tn e i:u-
lion of priwleg, relative to hi rotate Mj-
county, for no man iu that region
JSF-ThoP.M.jat Mainvillo,would have
bitter discharsod his duty to the Editor,
in, informing him of tho removal of a pay
ug subscriber, by saying where ho bad
moved to, and thereby saved us a good
"The Democratic Creed.'' Ourwoolley
ii 'ighbor of the Jicpullican, has an article
iu his last issuo, under tho abovo caption
a matter about which he is totally ignorant,
- -in which ho attempts to prove that tho
Democratic Party, is "not based upon a
tingle idea." For onco tho simpleton is
right. Unlike his party, it is "not based
upon" tho "everlasting Nigger."
SrThe public oye has been almost
would daro to incur tho odium of all par
ties at Mr. Foster's homo by publishing
such a wholesale libel. Tho fellow
did tho business was employed for tho pur
pose by his masters in Philadelphia. As
to tho very grave chargo against General
Foiter, that ha was detected in " dirty
linen,'' it may pass for what it is worth
among thoe who think that the apparel
makes the man.
Not only was this communication ad
mitted into tho Slate Journal, but tho last
stated by Mr. Beardsleo j and wo call spe
cial attention to tho remarks of the rcpub
lican mombers who opposed tho bill, not by
any means forgetting what Mr. Collius
says. Dr. Seltzer is so well known that
nothing need bo said in illustration of his
impudent remark ; and Mr. Hofius it will
bo seen glories in that the republican par
ty is about to pats the bill. Theirs bu the
honor, theirs also the execrations of tho
honest tax-payers of tho commonwealth,
who next fall will hurl thoso reokless and
unprincipled scoundrels from place and
Mr. WILSON, Ren. I nay that this is
a gift to the contractors and nothing else,
because it is impossible for thu Common
wealth to claim her rights on her mort
gage utiles') she gives six hundred thousand
Hollars to tue contractors, aim the poor
laboring niau cannot wait till the 1st of
May, ls(il,for his wages. The proceed')
of tho sale of tho canals should havo gone
into the sinking fund, whereas SU00,UU0 is
now preferred as a gift to tho contractors.
I am entirely opposed to the bill.
Mr. BEAK DSLI'I", Dent. .Mr. Si)eak-
erI would not now give my reasons for
longitude, west of Washington ; thenco A despatch from Washington was shown ' A motion to adjourn till I n'elork wnj
Lncitst Wiliiiiin It. Gnndman. John iinrlli nn ilmt iintrMinii tn 1m Jiltli nm itll n.,....l II..I1 ft..,. ,n.l,n ,.f 1. lost.
Veager, Jr., Bonbon Fahringer. of latitude: thenco east on the said m.ra- Cabinet, declaring the report of dissensions ' ,. 1 ho question was then e.illed on tht mi-
iiuij "mill in .t. tin. . .it,..,., .'j .tun. mil
the now rule reported by the Committee
relative to tho right ot the iminibcrsof rach
Veagor, Jr., Beubcn Fahringer. of latitude: thenco east on the said para- Cabinet, declaring the report of dissensions '
A?0,,S-A. Schoolley Allen, Jacob lc, fc in the Cabinet growing out of Mr. Walk-
Dcmott, John I' nut. ... or s testimony, to be entirely destitute of
ilW-Michael Grover, John Har- thence south, with the western boundary toumiatioll) that the Cabinet was ncv ,
j of that State, to the place of beginning,
Provision is made,that the Indian rights
under existing treaties, shall not bo im
paired, nor shall their territory be iiiclu
ded with tho Stato until the Indians tthall
Mgnify their assent thereto. Until the next
mony, William T. Sliuman,
Montour Evan Wfllivor, John G.
Quick, Joseph Mouser.
MiJJlm Charles II. Hess, Jacob Yohc,
Jr., Stephen H. Swank.
Mount J'lcasnnt William Howcll.Jobn
Mordan, William J. Ikclcr.
Oraiif-e Alfred Howell, William Fritz, 1 general apportionment, the Stato of Kan
Aimer vtclsli.
1'ine Albert Hunter, Benjamin Win
terteen, John F. Fowler.
Jlnaringerck Michael FederofT, Daniel
Gearhart, David Hower.
Scott Joseph Lilly, Philip T. Hart
man, H. W. Creasy.
iShugarloaf Josiah K. Fritz, Alinas
Colo, William B. Peterman.
By order of the Committee.
XYXVIlh Congress First Session.
U. S. Cavitol, Washinoto.v, AprilHi.
SENATE. Mr. Wilson, of .Maw,v
voting against this bill, had not its friends ohusetts, introduced a bill for tho more
prevented me and others from discussing effectual suppression of tho slave trade.
its merits uy calling tlie previous question.
I confino my objections briefly to threo
points, viz :
J'irsl, 1 consider that the amendment
just reported by the Conference Committee,
proposing to give tho claims (,f contractors
not cxcceuiiic six Imiidreil thousand dol
The bill contains nine .sections. It prou
des for the construction of five steam screw
sloops-of-w ar, adapted to tho African eoist ;
increases thu bounty from &.'') to SI U0;
offers a reward of SUM) for the delivery
to tlw United States marshals of auv .slave
or more harmonious. , delegation to vote as tney tuitiK proper,
Tho report of the Committee on Organi- unless insti ucteil t.j the t onvunliod thst
zatiou presents an additional rule, that iu appointed them.
anv State which has not provided or di- """"S 'j"' r!l11 of thf " m"''h "t-
reeled by its State Convention how in vote
mavbo given, the Convontion will reeog- , lenne-MC, Indiana and irgitiia
nise the right of each delegate to east his delegates, protested ngninvt th deci,tor.
individual voto. 01 1 ",:l,"s friviiijr tho votM ot the severnl
sas shall be entitled to one member of the A warm debate arose on this rule, in :l n) "S""'- "lu , '"'opuou t (ha
House of Iterre-ent'itives Tho r.m.iin which Messrs. Biehardsoii, Cook, Cessna Ten ol the tft.; ve rciin..s.-.. d,.,..
il r If tl 1 ill 1, t it 1L,V of Ponnsvlvania, Barrv of Missi.sippi, gates were opposed to th manner in which
dor of the bill eo uaius the u-ual land pro- Jlal, Uandall, and others took part. the vote of th, Stat, had been recorded,
visions and conditions. Several of the Southern delegates op- TV vote was finally announced. Thcr
The following is a list of the yeas and posed it. "irc. 11,1 '" l'a'.or "'"Wiifout the rule, t
nars on tlin Uual passauo of tho Kansas Mr. Uandall also oppoied it, (Uel.iring I 1!,a '", wu' u( , retaining it. So the rule
that certain refraetorv members iu the n"ipiuu im uk mjoniv oi a
g.itiou cnuiiot cuinpi'l the iiiiuoritv to vlc
with them as a unit, unh w iustiiii-tvd hi
the Convention that appointed tbuin.
IThis vote on the rulo aaiiut uuit
bill. The rntii in its I'uvnr un im.l, 1..
, .,t, . .. . t Peniisvlvania delegation proposes to vio-
irer than was expected : , , . , r 1
c . r late ami misrepresent their c inHltttieiis i
.ll1V'ffi?'',rs,;V am!,'ofMalH-i A,,r;,iu voting for .Mr. Douirla-, whole nomination
Alilneh, Allen, Ashley, B.ibbitt, Burr, in his opinion, would h ad to certain defeat,
lurrett, Beale, 1 ingham, Jiliiir, Blake, He went into a review of the preceding
lirayton, Ilriggs, Bulliiigton, Burch, Bur- action of Democratic Convention, nn this
iiiigume, iiurnnam, jiutterlieltl, tjampbell, subject.
Carey, Carter, Case, Clarke of New York Mr. Rich
till'', is ret'aiilid m a leM.I
Tlie vnto to lay tire rule Mi tht- tbl?
was as follows :
lars a prelcreuco to tbo bonds ot the Com-1 landed in the eouutrv : makes tho filtiiiL'-
number of that paper defends and justifies " a ,0,lalKm of !hci; r'th out or ownership of'vessols engaged in the
?. . it i . . . , Ot artle o !lt I fit llin iTirwtiliitinn nli ..1. I
uitreny snowing tlie deliljerate inteu- ,ia , ' trade piraev, and minishes with imprison-
tion to violate the implied uuderstMiidinc' u .1:. r.i. r- i.i. i..n I m -iit for lit
Tho guautkt must bo taken up, and then
we would fcco who is the most vulnerable.
universally turned to Charleston, the past 1 warn them in time of tho
week, for the latest movement upon the po
litical Chess-Board, but we learn by Tele
gram, that tho excitement there was not so
great, as it is reported to bo in Light
Street, by tho rush of anxious customers
at Settle's Store for a sharo of his New
Spring Goods.
rends f'nllmv i
instead ol tlie death penaltv.
that personalities shall not bu dragged ' not in any manner or event bo pledged or ! it makes it erimiu-il for a vessel not r.-gis-into
this campaign, aud to continue tho ! loaned to any individual, compmy, corpo- toivd to di-play the Amoiio.iu flag a-a
same disgraceful kind of assaults. We "''?" or Jas?1cia,im", ' qi.lge of nitioualilv ; m tk m it th dutv of
had hoped that it would bo otherwise.1 : ' !" of eon-1 thtf o0i.., ofa ship, before going to" tho
1 he campaign promises to he warm cnou-di mouwealth si lmndr...! t'mo.n,,,! ,iniinnf
without this addition ; Lut if tho Ucpubli- least, and I contend that this hill, whieh
cans are determined that it niu-t be h, we S'vcs this pleferauco to the benefit of the
xii.jKi.ii r... l.,...i,U. n,..l bl-
' 1! I'.w.l.. 1..I... ..!.. Mi.- ... .. . .. I '.')"
r.' . .. ; ' . y"l"'""e, vonax, on ,vir. Jiandnll who made him an ex
uoiiKiing, hooper, Lorwin, L'ovode, Cove, pounder of Denioeiati
Curtis, Liawes, lJelatio,UuelI, Dunn, Ed
gerton, Edwards, Elliot, Ely, Etheridge,
Fainsvvorth, Feiiton, Ferry Florence, Fos
ter, Foulke, Frank, French, Gooeh, Grow
Gurley, Hale, Hall, Haskiii, llelmick,
Hiekman, Hoard, Holiiiau Howard Hum
phrey, lltitchins. Irvine, Junltiii. Kcllog-:,
of Michigan, Kellogg of Illinois, Kenyou,
Kilgor.-, Killinger, Larrabee, J,eaeh of, Leo, Logan, L uiguecker, Lo i
mi-, Lovejoy, Mar-ton, Martin of Uhio,
MMIIernand, McKcau, McKnight, Me-I'lu'i-son.
Montgomery .Muorhead,' Morrill,
Morris of PiMitisylvati'u. Mori is of Ulinoii
.Morse, Niblae, Nixon, Olin, Palmer. Pen
'lli'ton. Perry, Pittitt, Port.r. J'otiir. ,
v irgima,
eompanv, is lending it tho cicitit of the
otiito to that amount.
Thud, That the third i-cetiori in tlw bill
contemplates an alliance with other rail-,
roads in this State, with a view of ridin-''
African coast, to report to the United
States attorn for examiu ition. and pro
vides that American ve-sis, whi-u sold
:il ro-id. nIi'iII i-i turn to tli. I'liii.-il .t:it,.
. ir I ii ... . .
for a new regi-fr going to tl, ast ; .. ."ru 7, . V
...... n c i lUniou, .i.-liliurlic, ot M.nne, Webster,
' Mn"- .. . ! Wells, Wil-on, Win bm,, Wool, Woo.lrulf
.nr. .ui.-ou, rl Virginia, ir0s.itod thu 1:11.
. ... , , ' ... .-ii .. ..i-i .. nil.-.- i!-ini.t.-jii wit: l.ihiu. ly
', ,'. ,''' '";' .K".' '?'0"' of U'"J'' b- reproved bv the reertin of vv.terdav.
I.laiid,ob.u!oi..ot Illinois,llovee,Sehwart Mr. Wiight.of Penn-vlva.iia. made a
seranton. S.-dgiMek, Spanieling, Spinner, strong am.-al for harmonv in the i.rr.eee
bt.uiton' Stevens Steward of Peiih.syha- diimsf lfa sidrit of haru.onv did not
.p ',. ,,! 'ri,:l". 'haver, prevail here, the noniinatloiis to be undo
lonikiiH, ham. irimbie, all.indigh.uu, ,ld not b- wotth the mm,. t on . hieh
andeever, rriee. W.ildroii. il. .. .r ..,.i...i .i. .. i... i..i.
the people, He w.i, in favor of t li rule.
Creaiy .y lirother'i Keie Goo-Is, We
direct attention to tho notico of Creasy (c
Co., at their Store, in Light Street, iu an
other column. Thoy aro estimable ecu-! tecs are conino -ed of ni-tivr. ..miml fl.n,in. . .
v l , i.,w- sf I ii
uui.-ji-i.iiuit- 10 oiour uiucs, vviiu a more reiurii oi iniieu st'ite- .uarsii.u .lohiisou, i .nei.srs. .iiams, AuUrrsou of
decided hand than this Sunbury eompany ' (, t,e warrant to arnt John Brown. Jr., ' Mi'-0'"-'. A"d thu of Kei.tuekv,A,hmore,
has done at this sessiou. I must therefore '..., . , , , Averr. Ii.irksdale, linuek, Bjiiham, Bit
voto ag.iimtitnow,as 1 voted before it was"" ' ' 1,JU rc,n 1 "a, " tl,!lt " """ i Bo.vee, Baabson, UvmuU Ur"w,
ue,s an JJarnett, Cbrke of .Mis-ouri, Cloptou.Cohb
' Craig of Mi.souri, (.'raii; of North Caroli-
tlemon and deserve well tho publio confi
denco. Wo loom that tho Messrs. Creasy,
havo an unusually largo and excellent as
tortmcnt of choice Spring and Summer
Woods at low prices.
Democratic i'tmituitleea of Vigilance.
David Lowk.niieiui, Esq., Chairman
o.uie cmoe.auo v,oii.iiiiticeotijolumbia, 'aoam-rudl,(i ' , pos-ible to ai iv,t Mr. Brown, uni
witli tho advice aud consent of his colleag-1 Mr. COLLINS, Rep. I have alwavs , armed force is u-ed for that purpj,e
ues, annouiiccsthe Committees of igilauec, believed that the Democratic party was Mr. Mason also presented the return to I im, Crawford, Curry, Davison, Davi,
tor each township in Columbia county, in eorr"Pti bt is a llou-e two-thirds of ,, warrant issued for the arrest of Mr Mryl:ii,d.Kdmu,idson, English, Garnett,
this ( otumhic Demoirut. Thoso commit-1 wIl,ch I9, composed of Republicans, Ameri , iSa..,,orn .,..,,,,.. ,,, r.,; " (iartrull, (iilmer, Hamilton, Hardeman,
cms aim me l-eopios party, wining to P-iid , ' , , , , i Harris, ol Virginia. Uatlon Hawkins, Hill
esto men lromthe Uominonwciiltli -n, nereioiore, .inn aims uiai no arrosi lllhdiiian, Houston, Hu-hes. Ja'k-on
(1 Alabama,
I I , Loiii-iuiia,'
lj Mis-iisMppi,
1IJ Texas,
, Arkansas,
7 Missouri,
(J I Californik,
10 J Oregon,
a ;
Total imuibi-r of vans.
The balance of the Stiles voted tiny, u
i uu iiuc- v.j: .inoj.ifi oy acrianiHltotl.
The resoltttijii oflcied ei-turdav foi the.
.ipioiutmnt ofu Comi'iilte.' on "Resolu
tions and Platform vwis then e.illed ni
, . . . , 1 '
-it niiiiiioiiuiil was ulti-iuil, tlmt
billoling sh ill he allowed for President
ice Prcsidunt until the t 'omtitil t, m I
the can in. to reported, aiW the report adopted.
A vote was first taken on the !.pp,.inl
meiitofthe Committee, anil the oriinu!
resolution wi:a ndoptedand the Cuuruiittu
appointed. the Coiiiini'.tis, oa the Platform
wis annoiuicud, tLn atii-iidiui-al n e.h
side led.
A motion t lav the riHolutioti mi il.e
Every deb-gate .should be permitted tocist 111 w-" rij.etid, veas H'.'j, (mvs 2711$,
his vot" in aeeordaiie; with his einvicltoiis A vote was ihun t.ikn onth. r-silutiwa.
.ihiI those of his constituents. Peuusvlv.i- "id it was adorted by ni-cl.'iin.iiiou.
a ha-l n-ver votud aj a unit eKC.'pt when So a ballot tor the nindidaN e earmnt
. .. . . . i. ...i ..i .i i ... . .
pounder of Deinoeiatie principles and pro
cedent. Jlow long h.-n the geiillenriii
1i..nn in ll.o ri.,,nnr.,li ,.i.I-g '
Uncs of order, and much excitement. ortli Carolina,
Several delegates ro'o to poiuts of order CRroliua,
The Chairman decided that .Mr. Rub-' Georgia,
jirdson was entilli-d to the floor, -iiiil tnon Honda,
changed his decision, denying his right.
Mr. Richardson (standing on a chair in
the cent re of the hall, with his slervis loll
ed up.and seeming determined to bo heard)
was finally allowed to go n. Ho again
attacked Mr. Randall, as having recently
come into the fold. IIi political antece
dents entitled his opinions on Democracy
10 imi lime ooiiMOcrauon. ileum not ile
sue, after a life's service ill
li u
ill rii i until .1. . m...i- i t
........ i . . 1 1 1 in: jit.siiurm uhs tMf n ailop-
tid. '
IJiyd Sharplsss' Store. Mr. Llotd
T. SiiAltPLJiSd, it will ha teen on reference
to our advertising oolumns, has taken his
Father's Store in Bloonisburg, and has
openod a superior stock of New and Fash
ionablo Goods. Mr. Shurplcss is a young
gentleman of high character and cxoellont
linincfis qualifications, and as such, wo
tike plasuro in commending him to pub
lio favor and general confidence. Ladies
nod gentlsmon, give him a call and get
crats men who woik for tho good of tho
party whoso duty it is, to call meetings,
aud attend tho same, in their respective
JJestriets during the (reu nl Campaign, aud
SGlll),U(JU and to place it in the hands of a can bo made, owing to the judicial pro- Jenkins, Jones, Keitt,
Lamar, L.ach of
iih-u-M-oiiiiient was unanimous, iieciuj
rd by d -mmdin ' th.- nroioin oiuniia.
A vote was then taken on that put of, A h'U d.ibat then ensued on propo
tlu report of the i-o nmitteo reUting to tho t,t''JU 10 l'"''t hi menib. rs iron eptnikimj
pre i ling officers, an 1 it was adopted , r,i''"' lan "" on the same eubju-t. Fi
unanimously. ! nally its further consideration was poet-
Mr. Flourney, tho late chairman, their poned until to morrow,
returned thinks, and eoun-eled modcrition 1 A rceolution was adopted instructing the
and harmony in the proceedings of the President to invito tho miuistvra ut tho
Convent! m." We are all marching under Gospel, of tho city, to open the Convention
ono flag tho Democratic party ha.s but prayer.
flag, tlu flag of our country. He do-! Judge Meek
pnseiited tH. Alabama
to use their best efforts to prosecute tho
contest with vigor and effect, aud we havo
no doubt, they will faithfully aud efficient
ly dischargo their whole duty. Brother
Democrats, go to work at once, work lato
soleless corporation. It the People a paity ' ccodinsr, in the Stato of M.-isnc1.,ntu . North Carolina, Leake. Love x it nr-ut, iisi-b jio ni-niLT man i.,i ... ,. , .iiaviiarti. -sicuiiei'ii. .iiiMin... .viiiiw vi;;i i r , . ,-.r. t. . .
this, 1 cease; to act with such a i.artv. T ,olu "ananu aml rmuriH were re.errei. ; eciionaii,,, a.ii, nope., there wa, re.,-rrH to th. Commit
. ' ,, .. i r'., :.i ii. T...1!..: ..:.i. .' r - - iau,uuii , vvouiu oe no more a iisions mm in . , ic oi i-jattoru
vote "nay
Mr. CUSTER, I vote 'nay' for
tho same reasons as given by the gentle
man from Wayne. (.Mr. Bk.vuPslkk.)
Mr. HOFIUS, Rep. I joined tho Re
publicans because 1 thought thoy composed
r, u1,nl,..i.,l.l I I .u.i .1. ...
ii ,1 . , . . ,n.-oumvn ii.ii i,, , .inn ,-i-i:iii mm mev
and carlv: call nu-n,liir. mini e-... . . . . .. J
' ' " f "v...4jo mil. coiiiorni 10 niv men l voto "aye, '
have them well attended, meet tho enemy Mr. JACK'S ON, Dem. 1 voto "nay,"
fairly and fully in tho face make them localise in so doing I believe that 1 am
face the music discuss freely tho is-ues of l"'otcc,'"S the interests of tho Common
the day, and wo will give them an over, Ijili-i- "Vi,"
instructions to inquire
further proceed
-0 on tho Judiciary, with VeKoi, V 1 i7 P n ,nnro
. 1 "o''i tjuarles, Reagan, I div isioiis.
nquire, and repot t, it any Ruffm, Seoft, Sickles, Simms, Singleton, Hon. Caleb Cus
iiigs aro necessary to vin-' Smith of Virginia, Smith of North Caroli- to tins Chair, aud i
dieato tho authority of the Senate, and to ! n" ntalworth, Stevcn.-oii Stokes, Thorn
effect the arrest of the witnesses. ! as'.la" L""' " 1,,t,,0J' "nw Woodson
.ri.i. .1.... ....... ....
i.utiuiiiig uctuai, uiiKiiown since tho days
of Waterloo 1 Remember, tho "Phice or
Falsehoods Reitorated!
Our neighbor of the R'pubUcan, true
to his political mission, as usual, is reitur-
uting whole-sole falsehoods. Ho publishes ! on tho obedience due by tho Stato judicia
the slanders against Ucn. Hknuy D. Fos- ry to tho decrcss of tho Supremo Court of
The Result i.v Wisconsin. Thcro is
a marked significance in the result of the
recent election in Wi-coiuin for Judgw of
the Supreme Lourt. Iho question turned
Mr. Sumner, of Massachusetts, moved
to refer tho memorial of Mr. Sanborn, American Agriculturist,
which ho had previously presented, to tho e have the May number, of this great
same committee. j Farm Journal and Horticultural work.
Mr. Ma.-on, of Virginia, hoped that tho I i" the Chri.-tain Advocate and Jour-
resenting tho almost unanimous opinion of Motion of t''e Senator bo rejected. "!" ot March U2d, the Editor offers the
my constituents. Mr. Sumner felt it to be his duty to pro- ""lowing complimentary reference to tho
-Mr. KENEAGV. Ren. I VOtO ".1V0." I teat, nif-iin-t uneli .1 ,ii.rirnlinn II ,10 j ' Aur ictlllurisl. wlileli ij 1 1 11,,. 1,1. .1.1 ..
...:u 1 w , "e r)--..w... , - ...wii. uii;mi
uini win gnu iii- reasons wnen 1 go Uoine rolatod
The Committisi on .,,..
iiing w as then lo-corted , CI!tl that it would not be nb!e to repert b
addresjed the Conveu- fTe to-morrow morning.
The Convention then ad ionrni.rl till 111
o'clock to-morrow nmrrJng.
ion as follows :
Gentlemen j the Convention : 1 re
spectfully tender to you the most earnept
expression of profound gratitude for the
honor wdiich you havo this day done nie in
appointing me to pre-ide over your delibe
rations, it is however, a responsible du
iy niipo.en, niuen more th
nr eoTifio-r.-il Tn ll.n .11.
... m... i4ivii,wi;i: oi mat 1 .i ,. . '.
..uij, in iiiuiurecuonoi uusiuess and oldc-i : "as 0 ieiy imagj.
bato, and in tho prosecution of order, it I Il!1,10"i anl there is a force in her writings
TH15 IlAl-XTEII HoMKbTt-AH. This
book is by Mrs. K. I). S. Sou thvrorth,t)i
gifted authorcs... and i, written in a plain
hut winnimr etvl.v :.i-
itupo:cd, much more than a high hon-1 Soutli wnrtl. n i i i. V '
conferred. In tho di,ehargcof that I , ,. """P'-'li'd by any female an
... : .1. . .1- ... .. ... . e ... thor now lum,. ci... l
:......:....:. r i n.iuJ :. -..i . i i..n v. . . . .. ""'
.A..-.I..T . " jmaicu in uiiuiiuii , ui onu oi me iiiul'cs "......,., ,la it uu uuuruij uncxuscicuiv- .-u.ii uu uiv cousiaui endeavor. Il I I r conn ICU Willi nhl ...,.- e i . .
nuer me ucxi hession. ... . J ,t : u . . , ' i . r oi uefceriotioti
oj inn, mat. jiu jmuuijuu iirsi aim iiearu ..".t ruin.n..niuu or smrgesuou oti ; . i ,"v '"""" utii- as your mat wins the admiration of tl i
Mr. KINNKYjllcp. I voto 'nay' be
cause my own judgment cannot be adverse
ly influenced.
Sf tll.I f,1T., 1. T .
or. acij j.i-ti, ju'p. i vote "ave.
minister and to reflect
rKB, alleged to havo appeared iu the Clin
im Democrat , which ho knows are untrue,
and which Mr. Dikitenijach, the Editor
ff tha Democrat, has denounced as "FOR
GERIES." Dr. John, also says "that
Lottery schemes arc published in the pas
per over tho way," meaning this journal.
This is also, a malicious misrepresentation.
Oh ! Lordy, bow this world is given to
r Haupeii & BiioiHEiis, Franklin
Square, New York, aro now issuing one of
tho most neat and beautiful Library Edi
tions of Bulwcr's Novels, crr printed in
this country. Tho great reputation of tho
Author, aud the correct tasto of thu Pub-
lishcrs, assures tho buyer that his money niseences of his own career in Congress
the United States. Tho candidates were
Judge Dixo.v, who had decided that State
Courts must respect the decisions of the
Federal Court, and Mr. Sloan, who main
tains a different opinion. Judge Dixo.v
was sustained by tho Democrats and
Whigs, as woll as the moro conservative
Republicans, aud is elected by about
majority, although the State has heretofore
gone largely Republican.
Mr. Buciiasax an Author The
Washington correspondent of tho New Or
leans Picayune gays : "The President of
the United States in tho courso of a con
versation with himself, a few days ago, ex
pressed an intention of writing some rem!-
afterward, and the Senator from Virginia the part of the publisher.!
seems to have taken that courso as a pre 1 " Antional Seed Sower." The
cedent. proprietor of tlie A m'rican A jr vulturhl strength resides.
.Mr. Mason, of Virginia, baid the Sena- 'airly deserves the houorable title of" N
vour will. Inn I'm i . . -
great deliberative body, especially like this ' - . r MU:lM f
it is not the presiding oilicer in whom tho I """"i :,H ti' uthorcs says, "are foun-
because it is nobody else's bu-iness.
M- I'lll.'SJi.w il.... ti.:.. :.
. ... -'. '.-"' , J.I.I', X Ills IS Ullll- ' , , , , , . , , , . , ,
sual le.risl-,iinii If um n,,mn,i... siiiii . i tor had Used language iu luaknic opposi- tional Seed Sow
000 to the Sunbury and Erie eompanv. ' tion t0 suggestion which, so far as his and vegetable a
why should wo not do the same for tho ! intercourse with gentlemen went, lis had a liberal hand b
ded on facts, stranger tluu fiction."
Conncllsville, the Heinpficld, the Alleghe
ny Valley and the North Western rail
roads ! Because they are all of importance
to the State. Believing too, that no man
representing tho feelings ot a majority of
tue people 01 Allegheny can, under any
circumstances, voto for the passago of such
a bill, I vote "nay."
is juuiciousiy cxpenueu. Jiulwcr is per
haps tho greatest living Novelist, and a
correct and tasteful edition of his works
was much, needed. That want is now be
ing supplied by tho Harpers.
" Tho Oaxtotis" complete in ono beauti
ful volume, muslin, SI 00, is just out,
Tho volumes can bo had as it.sued. Send
six cents iu postage etamps and get a pri
cod catalogue, and by all mans wcuru thin
edition of Bulwcr
and abroad. Mr. Buchanan is desirous of' thereof.
leaving on record some notes of the promi
nent public men, with whom at different
periods of his life, ho has been associated."
Ax Assiunment. The commissioners
; of Allegheny county, Pa., have assigned
to Samuel M'Kelvy, Thomas A. Rowley,
John Barton, Win. Ward, John R. Large,
and Hody Patterson, all the interest of
Allegheny county in tho stock of various
railroads each batch of stock to bo held
in trust for tho benefit pro rata of the
holders of county bonds issued inpayment
never used outside ot tho Senate. He 'i"iriuutiug ireo
could not take it as personally offensive, a years past moro packets, and of far
but tho Senato was the best judge of what greater value, than tho United Slates
II W lull 1,1 Ln,,..ll
I ... .. . ... n
ui" .0"r" your intelligence vour .sense . principal one i, "The Ham,i...l lf..... j i
er." Treo, fruit, flower. I ""lor your instinct of self respect. ! Tho others uti... i. .., .
eeds he has scattered u-lil ' 1 rcl' confidently upon you, not w,,e,. r ' . lhe
, . iijiuu juy.-cn, ior tne prompt and par a- m .. ,. c "towiiii. '
roadea-t over the eouutrv i i..i,i.,i... .1- i. , 1 I .. . ' T. B. Petnrsn.. .1- i! i ... . ,. .
. ,. , ., , .-'i,, J. u,'r"ll-ii oi me uuMuess oi this , " "'""ivre, pummimrs, IIOO
to Ins subscribers duni)'' ' Convention. : Chestnut street. Plilln,1t-i.:. i. .
i,i ., , . i ....i.ii, un. j nco o i .iki
i iientieiueu. vou hsve eomn
was duo to it? decorum.
Without disposing of tho matter tho spo
cial order came up, being Mr. Brown's
Territorial resolutions.
tF Atlantic Monthly for May is filled
with very oxcellent articles. Among them
, you have come here from the
green hills of the eastern States, from the! "Youth is tup R".J
rich States of the Imperial centre, from 1 pnn ., , Season 1011 Im-
thcn lighted plains of the South, from i , ,K:,T' M1(I l"'ranklin said, "If
the fertile States of tho mi.-htv Im.;,, nf 'youth knew whatajrc would
added to his the Mis-issippi, fr0m thegoldeu shores of, bo fit and save," and th Franklin H.
ds, the New- the distant Uregou aud Cabfornia. Lou-1 ving Fund, No. 13(J South Fourtl, .'
elieious fruit, ou have come hither in the 1 below Chestnut Pl,il 1 i , Urth,8tmt)
tho Amc.ilh'V '"- ''.iKt functions ofa free ' ed ?P ll I ' "a'wasrtor-
can ALricultu,ist itself is after ,.11 .l, - I""? 0 Par"eipate, to rid in the elec-: . 1 enDJlvania, for
Uovcrmncnt through its Patent Office
machinery has ever done. Not wearying
in thii good work, ho has just added to his
already large list offree.seeib
Rochello Blackberry, a most delicious fruit
tl. I.... .....:... i i ....
uvn i.iuvij iMiumi, jui tue Jimcn
all tli
best seed he
F.aulv CiiAitniEs. It is believed that
the magistrate who officiated on tho occa
sion reported below made tho usual de-
Sr A Viisconcin paper, speaking of tho ductiou of " children half prieos" Mar
chances of Hon. Simon Cameron for (he ried, in Campbclltown, Fla., iu tho store
Presidency, bays " Simon may bo struck , of AVilliam DauieJ, Jr., on tho SUt of
by lightning, but Simon will never bo .March, by .Tamci Hall, Esq., Master,
i resiuent." i lie same may bo sua of any I Robert Cherry (aged sixteen years) to
other Chicago nominee,
is "My own Story " by Mrs. Stoddaid, practical, reliable, and comprehe;
llnrv Sninervi b" In-li.a l'rnc.nlt l-l!. . ... ' 1
. . ' -v...- .v, ... ,,...-, , 1,..,, I,:l,
I.I L' .J ., I 4-I - ...... J Vice- ..
" i 1 1 tin nr Tint iiifiifii mi ii. i y it ' iiiu i nil ihimo nriTii-iii;.-..-j
has ,o distribute ; always You doVu a 1, ' Zt ' nlac o a u Z " '
icn-ivc and J Bomoeratie I-rty-of that great paity of, aud savin,, allowing five per eon".
ha di Roma" l,v V V Stnev ,.,,,1 i,Y.. . ' " " '"" u0 . "t.-",. V.YUU . ""MHUU " w '0 . ou all sums, both l.-iv..,. ,in,l .
, lr , ' ' ';, , ' " . v . " t0'" wt ''"t'l't be expected from a man ; "'"" " pumic- liberties, to reconcile , on ,,nn , "f """ pay
J , :. n- -"s noted for active
'"'"""" iair review Cmreh uMn0!.,
of tho comparative merits of the great die- ;,., . i , ., ,
-.Vn I...U uaiuruays until 8 P. M
no moro useful and entertaining marine !L,0, Ooiwtltution Cri.s of "tbats tho llavertt Hhother column.
than tho African Apncultunst. fpub- ""I T d C-' Wn gentlemen, I T - -
,- ui,.inw., . v v , 1 , ' ,u, motl0 tasoiibed on that scroll in tho "c lS''AN'siJ Mis.siom. Tho Hon
lished a S!M ater st., New lork. 81a hands of the tnonumetal sia.uo of the groat W'.UM Piictsos, Minister tl Y
year Vol. XIX, IbOO.j . statesman of South Carolina ' Truth Ju returned bv thn A i, i ? SpMD
lice, and tho Cos,i,,inn . ri '.r " .'.Ju: ' f r" ' tll A-la ani1 ' now in Wash.
tionanesof cbstcr and Worcester. Tick
nor and Fields, Boston, Mass. - $'J 00 per
Christain charity ,! I " r!'':'1 bo desi,,,, ' T'J
!.. i ,i . 1 ,. , "".I... mm Usui veil rights '-ating l lllllt Iiev.'r on
, Farmers and the, r ot the sovereign States , Loud and fo,! ponded. Open daily fromO toO nn I
i have no safer friend , eontiuuod applauses to stand, in a word Wednesdays and si, 'i . ., ' ""d 0n
tST Tho trial of John B. Brownlow,
son of tho ccccnttio "parson Brownlow" for
tho killing of Jamos W. ltecso, at Emory
Miss Jorephiuo Gregory (aged IS years.) 'riding. He was acquitted
A rreo Bank with a oapitil of 530,00ui Opposjd to us are tho wl, ii. '. .1 11 18 announced that ho has no.
College, on the 22d of February, was last under tho provitious of tho now law, is to overthrow tho Constitution, under the g"a tcd a treatj-ivith tho Queen's Govern
week concluded bofore tho Circuit Court bo established at Clearfield, Tho books ::'UB,und insidious pretence of supporting wcut' wnoraoy all tha questions hitherta
is it1., i if T t ii ,, , . . lt--inosf! Vhn aro niiu;H i i in ias,,n V. i , .
oi nmngion, aM uungo fauerBon pn wro opeuoU on Friday last and the whole this emintrv iot proaucc m ui-iwcen iuo two Nations aw od-
.mount of .tockw taken during the day 321, Utioni