Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 28, 1860, Image 1
, i w n i in 11 ii ibb 1 01 1 b IMl Ijn! f jr y jr i MI LEYI Jj. TATE, Editor. SVOL. 14.--NO. 8. THE ICnluiitliiii lentnrrnt LEVI L. TATE, IN ELOOMSBUIIO, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, nv'wic n nl n Bnck nuiUUnt. cppo$itt the Etthttnft, ly tiit $ IKKMrf 01' SUBSCRIPTION, $1 0() In ail. one.', fur onu copy, for tlx mouths. I "4 InHdvatiLtf for one ropy, one year. II Oil If not pal J within the lir,t three month. i M If not pat.1 uitliiii the ti r fit ill moutll. 'i W) If nut mid within the yenr. S3" No BMlnrrljitioB lakt-ii fur lean thin Bit mor.tliF, find no paper Jiicontluiied until nit arrearajHPlm1lliats l.nan t.m.t Ufilinnry Aiakrtiskmehts irmortcd.onil Job Work i iw-utfJ, nt the cKMMnhctl price. ONLY WAITING. FA very need man in an Alma house. I was asked what he was doing now ? He W ..It 1 I.-l. ?it ttl lejun'U, -mjiiiv waning, j Onl mutm tiH tti- "tiiiiluvifl Mi a littlt' !mii(f r iinmii. i uly waiting 1111 the i;lhniii r of Ihi! il.iy'n lift K-iiii i:i ( ; '1'iU the iiU'ht of cnrtti 14 I'aiU-il J'rin tli' h'-iirt mire lull vf Jay ; Till tin1 tint t( li'-.ntn ari br itku.J '1 lirn-i-h tl.u twilight Put: ami pi. . Onl) wait in till tlis r-'apfr1" ll.nrth ir l.wt hht nf p.uticrcd lionif. J or tti-' tiiuiit r t nn j ip f.iilt-d, Ami th' tiiittimn wind romv, Umckly, fap'T! patll.T UniiMy I'll! Ian rip'1 huuri of my lunrt, l'nr th Mimiii nf lifl Ii with ri'.l, AnJ 1 hasten tu .l.(i;.rt. twittinc till th iiiij.-I Op -ii wltlo Hi - iii)' Kiit Aluh'Mct "'t I h ie Im? r;d. UViiry. ( cm r ami dc 1 itf. 'tn lion I Ii -nr thu fuotxtci A tnl their t I'tiri far uw.iy , If th.y r.ill rrti' I U-il Uiutto,'. 0;il iMllti'ig tunhc). (tn'y u ait i till th Khaduw" An1 i litllt-1 tif:-r frrou u. Only wiiitiiu'tiU tli (.liim.if r ! th d.i'n l.i li'Mtn i tl-nn. Tli'-n Irutu out the ritli'rinz dark in jt Holy. di-:tthl-. t.t -hull nn. Itj uhu-c liLht nt Mini pl.l'll 'I f'-i'l itf p uli ay ti th ki". tfllthtl fy l.STILMCS thr Vutumhtt Hunt rat. Ul' I'AXAMA. Tin: IIV C II. IIIHII'K W VY. ' I" i i c l-lhmus of I'.inam.i, nr, as it i sometimo" called, Darien, connects Xorth ind .South Amiuiea, and i the groat tbnr oiighfare for the trade and trawl between the Pacific and Atlantic oeeaiH. Steam ship lines coiilor hero from all portions of the world, and almo t nil the produce of California, tho we-li'in rout of South America, and the ea-tern eoa-t of Asia, crosses at this point instead of taking tho teiKoiis voyag,' round Cape Horn. Tin. principal cities to which foreigner.-, have jii'cess, arc Panama and Aspinwall. The former pine is situated at the head of the Uy of tho same name, and tens a place of come sue and niaguilicenee, but it is now evident! v on the decline. Its former situa tion was farther d"wu the Hay, but being racked by a Scotch pirat', it was removed to its present position and strongly fortified. Holivar stormed the city a few years ago, and took it, though at t'io time it waj con sidered impregnable against assaults by iand. Tim walls are very thick and strong, .ml towards evening, when the soa-brceze i 'ts in, fo':ni a delightful promenade. Though nearly 300 years have rolled round since they wero built, their solidity and preservation to this time attest how well the work was executed by the Spaniards. A few dilapidated cannon, and an immense number of shells and balls are yet visible. Tho most of their guns were sold to the United States by the XowOranadiau Gov ernment, and when they wero remoulded, enough silver was obtained from them to pay for their co-t and transportation. Tho walls, iu places, aro deeply indented with marks made uy cannon halls iu various sieges. Ha-tions, or towers, are placed at regular distances from each other, and command a full view of the Hay, which, from thcin, has a beautiful appearance, being dotted hero and there with beautiful Ulets, which iu this tropical country, are always green. Just, inside the walls aro the barracks and foit, which are almost surrounded by a deep fo.-'c or ravine. In a few place- the foitilieations have been undcrminded by the action of tho water, and are in a ruinous condition; but the wonder ceases when we remember that the tide sometimes ri-e- to a height of W feet. The huge breakers, though they break on the reefs half a mile from the city, yet come rolliug on with an almost deafening sound, and shake the foundations of tho city as they da.-h against it, and cover tho whole beach with spray. When the sea is somewhat calm, it is delightful to walk along tho shore and gather somo of tho beautiful shells of which there is a lavish profusion. What we would prize hero as curiosities of Xatuic, aro 'used there to pave the erects, and the .people laughed at mc for eathcring Ihcm. gathering Ihcm. I ThoOityof Panama is regularly laid; out, hut the streets arc very narrow, a u founders did not anticipate the ue of wheeled vehicles A large and important part of the city, called Ctonogo, h situated ouUide of the walk and near the railroad deiot, the inhabitants of which arc prinei- pally Jamaica negroes. Since the rail-road has been built across the Isthmus, tho city has gradually lot its importance, and il slowly declining. The inhabitants spcal: with regret of the times when thousands of people were encamped in and around the city for srvcral day- at a timo, waiting tho arrival of a steamer; for then they grow rich on exorbitant charges, whereas now the pacngors go from the cars immcdi- ately into the htcamcr, it the tido permits, I without even passing through the- cit.. The hotel keeper informed mo that for mi-rly tlio crowds wore- to groat, mat noi only the room-, and tables were all occit- pied, blithe oubged to chalk out places on the floor fur the gold seekers to lie down. The churches, convent', and nion- a-tcries, which formerly mu-t li'ivo been lmigiiiliejiit, :irj now mo-tly in ruins the cfl'ecls of earthquakes airl-tinn-. The one at my left has been turned into a distillery and cigar shop, while nothing remains of the grand cathedral in the center of the 1 city but the bare walls, which arc covered uth a tropical bramble so luxuriant a to j almost prevent exploration, alone out two or three acres I he rums deea-ion- ally .i muttcuiig priot i seen on the stmts in and w-turo, but he ap- i Panama, an immense quantity was found ' l,om l'lace. Then with a palpitating pears only as a relic nf the pa-t, as he has I in hicinis, or graves of extinct tubes of In- heart, he ascended alone tho bare mount for.'ottcii the duties of his otlice and instead dian-. The gold was of the finest qualitv, top. (J'i reaching the summit the long do of being a sample of virtue and self-denial, ludug already moulded, and was in the sired pi o-pei't bur-t upon hi-view. It was hi- di-tiugiii.-hiiig traits arc seu-mlity and shapes of alligators,, birds, .Vc. I saw ns if :i new world were uufnlded to him, omiption. Thaush celibacy is ei.j nied i men eomu in with live and sit; pounds nf it ( separated from all hithi rto known, by Ibis up. m him h the c-in ms of the ehuri h, yet 1 at a time in their hate and handkerchiefs. ' mighty bariier nf mountain.-. lWow him children follow after him calling him t -III- j It is universally conceded that Panama 'extended ,i vast chaos of rock and forest, without unending him, and dignified . U one of tho hotte-t places on the face of ' and -reeii tavauua- and ivandetingslreams women aro proud to be considered lus uus- j tiv-sos. Xo more do the nuns of the con- vent ontho son hore gaze li-tlesdy tlirougli iron bars on the blue expanse beyond and liriitht heaven above, and t"'ror gly j implore tlio pvsing traveler to release them from an unendurable thraldom, as time has now spoiled the fair proportion- of Iho-e temples dedicated to (mil, lint u-ed for the worst ot purpo-e-, and tlio captives are now nuoiauci, nu. miij follow a life of infamy in the streets. Tin- marriage relation is nlmo't entirely ubnl-i-h-d; and it is a mortifying fact that men. claiming to be American eiti.ens, not only couiitenanca this looseness, but themselves aro participators in it. A prominent man there laughingly told mc tbatthere was not si virtuoii-woman in the city. Sunday i tho principal fea-t & market day & the time w hen the horse-races, cock-fights and bull fight.- take place. I cou-ideied that I was trav eling for the purpose of observing the man ners and cu-toiiH of tho people, which is my excuse for attending such place. All classes of people, from dignitaries of iov e.rnment to Jamaica nigroes, wore present, and betting ran high, especially among the prie.-t. There wore about 1000 negroes present, who originated the Panama liots, in which ho many iuoffeu-ivo American men, women, and children, were ruthloss ly massacred. To tell the excesses which they committed, (and under the sanction ofthe Government of Panama,) as related to mo by pye-witnesscs, would bo a hor rible and sickening recital. The United States Government aie obliged to keep men-of-war vessels at Panama and Aspin wall continually, in order to keep them in subjection, and preserve tho lives and prop erty of American citizens. Tho negroes regard the abolition of slavery in the lirit ih West Indies as their curse; and since the completion of the Panama rail-road have no employment, and so are obliged to resort to thieving and murdering to gain a livlihood. Three men were murdered by them while I was there, but the affair did not affect the public mind in the lca-t. I met an intelligent negro, who had been Gen. Walker's, body servant, (and ho shnwid me that gentleman's note as Presi- dent of Nicaragua for 8iMO,) and ho drew a doleful picture of his mhoiics since- tin emancipation, stating that befure ho bad a family, a homo and a kind master, but now his family was wandering over the faco of tho earth, and ho him-elf was al most reduced to beggary. Kvcry one I questioned on tho subject, gavo, iu sub stance, the same answers. And this has been tho effect of English emancipation j to reduce the negro to a lower condition than before ; and in spite of their precautions to stop the slave-trade, it is now as vigorous as ever, and the effect of their interference has becu to increase AND BLOOMSBURCt GENERAL ADVERTISER. "TO HOLD AND TRIM THE HLOQMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FA., SATURDAY, Mho mortality from M to 2.i per c I if r0,(H)() nogroos aro wanted in cent, and it .10,0110 negroes aro wanted in Brazil, 80,000 mut ho ghlpped, thus making an nllowanee of 30,000 for death through British interfcrcnc. And tlio Fame par- liamcnt that voted X 10,000 forjeducation, appropriated XSO,0l)0 topair the Queen' tables, or, twice as much for the horses a as for the subjects. They plunder their poor laboring classes of 5,000,000 an-1 mially to pay the interest on money Mjuan - dcrcd on the negro, and allow only 100,- 000 annually for the education of the pco- pie; or, in other words, they rob the la- borer of fifty cents to elevate tho negro, and allowed him owe cent to elevate him- r7j It is estimated that (heat Britain has expended 000,000,000 10 put down the slave trade ; and the moH of this mon- oy comes from her poor, over-burdened ' l.tborers, who, themselvo, are iu a f.nnish- 1 nig condition, and some of whom are in-j carcvrateil in her mini's, so a never to see tho light of day. l'aini.-hiiig Ireland can I tell how those- taxes were wrung from tho bnes ami sinews of her murdered sons, while the objects of this expenditure were basking in a tropical sun, and enjoying all the IUvoin of a gonial climato. In llreat llritain there are H,(llM,(IOil human beings unable to read, ami lit her (ir. t practice charity at home before she meddles with Mavery chew-here, as she has done iu the pat Hut I digress. Considerable gold exi.-t-'on the Isthmus but as tho Oovornmont affords no protee I tion from renegade negroes, it is almo-t impoisiblo to secure it. Xot from tho globe, and hence my sojourn there was not of a very character on that account, a.- 1 wa., compelled to go almo-t in a state of nuditv. Tho children here under six years ol age go entirely naked, nid from that on till they are twelve wars old, their only garni'iit u a shirt, which i- never washed except by the showers of Xa- i turc, and m-u r changed until worn out. I 'j'he young.-tor.- present every variety of color lrom lilaek to white, as amalgamation , i r t.-ticcd to the fulle-t extent. The women go flipping around with their toes in pairs nf old slippers, and huge eig.irsiu c-e5sary for mo to speak ofthe effect-of that " allgcl"- their mouths. The waist of the dress is di-covery on the world- i ' Never let them perceive that they put on only on grand occasion, at other j After cro-Mng a lidgo of exceedingly can vex you, or make you lose jour self times hanging down. Honncts and hoopi high and rugged mountains, we camo to , eommand. aro equally u.iUnowii. J he ladies of ton, the level swamps which extend to the Ca-' . . n tucy guc way to peiuianco aim when walking, take the center of the street ribbcau,and from which ari-es that dread- temper, wait till they are calm, and then so as to be seen fiom the balconies. They ful malaria which causes the I-thmus fe- yclltlj" ruaf,ou with tllcm 011 tIlu ""'propric seem to have an aversion to water which ver. The water has a deep, black color, (.v ot t'leir C0liaui t- produces dark consequences. As the ' and is covered with a thick, green scum. 1 ri-ltemomber that a little present pun sharks were too numerous in the Hay to Tho inteimiiiable jungles are the resort of iihment, when the oocsision arises, is much admit of bathing there, I resolved to take 'enormous serpents, monkeys, parrots, spc-' moro '-'"''"al than tho threatening of a a wa-h iu natiw style, (fur they do snmr . cies of tigers, ctoes,. "'J'he latter, bet- greater punishment should the fault be re Hill's batho,) and therefore went to a dark, tor known asyi-rw-orl; their way impcr-1 "owed. dingy, dirty hou-e, in tho outskirts of tho ceptibly into the flesh, where they depo-it' . Never give your children anything city, kept by mulattos, who admitted me their egg-, and then commence growing, I because they cry for it. to tho b-ivoi upon my paying twenty five the first evidence of their exi-lence being 10. On no account allow them to do at cent. I found there rather a mi-ecllane-' an itching sensa-ion. Extreme care has to 0,10 time what you have forbidden, under ous collection of people of all colors, each be exercised in removing them, not only to i the like circumstances, at another, standing on tho ground in a state of na- 'remove all partsot the animal, but the lar-i U. Teach them that tlio only sure and turn, and with a calabash shell pouring rain watltcr upon their heads, from an earthen jar. There was no manipulation, and the water ran from their greasy hides like "water from a duck's back," to use an expressive simile. I managed to get on n stone so as to be out of the mud, and also out of the reach of lizards and laud-crabs, which aro there very numerous. Panama is supplied with water from tho outside of tho city, and is carried on mule- or don keys, each carrying four kegs, which are placed iu an iron frame, while the driver sit- on thu top, between tho kegs. I paid S-!5 for a ticket across the rail road a diit'iuco of -17 miles and ten cents for every pound of luggago over .10 pound'. As my trunk was pretty well filled w ith shells, curiosities, iVc, it amount ed to quite a sum in the aggregate. Tho cars wero pretty well filled with pa-sen-gors, there being a number of soldiera to prevent iu.urriclion-, among the free no groes. Capt. J , who has seen most of the world, was my companion, lie was despoiled of hi- property in China chain ed in a dungeon in Peru, from which he escaped by bribery worked in a chain gang iu Lima for meddling iu political af fairs, was made prisoner in the Sandwich Islands for filibu-tering, and was released at tho desire of tho American Consul was severely wounded in Nicaragua while iu tho Kcrvico of Gen. Walker chased out of California by a Committee of Vigilanco for shooting a couple of men, and was TOUCH OP T1UJTII AND WAVE IT now leauti" Panntna for having killed a! man in n duel, and was nrocecdinc to Washington to place beioro tho Secretary of State drafts of the castlo Callao which ho had made while within itd walls. Ano. tWgemicman (?) whose acquaintance I had'iormed in Panama, had been mate on a whaler, and their vo.-scl branding on one of the Fejeo Wands obliged the crew and officers to take a uhalo boat "and pull for , s-liore. The Island was inhabitcdjjy can. ! nibals who spared M 'a life because he j could perform certain feats of legerdemain, The chief dying, M was elevated to j that post, and was living happily with hi (seven wives, when an American trader ! topped at the Island and purchased pome ! hogs, at the same time requesting M to stay on board the vessel one night. - While ho was .slcpiiiu, the caiitaiu set sail, and when M awoke ho was out sight of land. The captain's excuse was that ho needed his services and would re- lease him at l'auama, which ho did. i M was only waiting the Usuo of tho I trial between the captain and himself for . ibdiution, to embark again and rejoin his family. .Soon after leaving tho depot, we came 1 to the mountain from the summit of which Va--eo Xiinez tie l'ilboa discovered the l'u- ci (to ocean, on the 0lli of September,! three and a halfcenturies ago ; and what then took him twenty duys to perform, v.t accomplished in three hours bv the aid of 'team. Speaking nf this di-covery W. Ir- ving says, "Xuncz commanded his follow- trt' to halt, nnd that no man should stir while, at a di.-tance, the waters of the piomi-ed ocean glilt"i d iu the morning sun. At this "lorioui iiio-iieet Va'eo Xu- noz sank upon his knees, and liourcd out thank- to Cod, for being the first Kuropc-1 j an to whom it was "iven to make that groin ! 1 ili-pm-.o-v. llo tlion called bis noonlo to ascend The people, kneeling down, joined in the 'It n'riim Iwlaiuus .with pioit eiithusia-m and tears of never did a more sincere oblation ri-e to ' the ill itv from a .sanctified altar, than from ' that wild mountain summit." It is mine. vie or eggs, I found five secreted under ' my toe nails at different times, and the' 1 pain they gave me was intense, almost pre- i , venting the u-o of my limbs. Upon open j ing the flesh a largo quantity of black mat tcr was dischargcd",accompanicd by an of - feusivesniell.and the physician informed me that mortification ensued in case tiiey were not removed before a certain time, ami amputation became necessary. About r?l'J,000,000 of dollars are invest ed iu this road, or counting in the steam- sir. wm mmm . ,l .1... r ,i.. stock i in the hands of the Americans. '' " ! I '. will. The ItogliA at first undertook the work, but failed ; when 1'anhtc enterprise com menced, and succeeded. So groat was tho mortality iu building it, that it is timaled that as many human lives were lost as tiles or sills were used ! After a certain number years it will pass to New Grenada according to treaty stipulations, it being in her territory. Though we reached Aspinwall without accident, our jouruoy about a year previous was not so propitious, as it commenced raining soon after wo started, and wo had not proceeded ten miles before the tender was thrown off the track by a heap afdiit which had been washed on the road. After half an hours labor wo got in motion again, but tho en gine soon ran into another heap of earth almost buryingitsclf. Upon inspection we found that tho slido extended a distance of fifty yards, and in placcswasten feet deep, Here we were fastened in this midst cf tho O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." flwninp, ami the question naturally arose how we were to subUt until we could ex tricate ottrsclrci? The cars were Foon MirrounJcd hy thoNative Iuilians howcv- Some days fincc a very rustic and inar or, and, though tho food and water they lislic couple, residents of Kentucky, near gave in was of rather a questionable quali- tho Tennessee line, concluded marriage to ty, yot in our faiuihed condition wo could Io their destiny, and with this idea camo not do better than to shut our eyes and to the Western Athens, desirous of 6acri. cut. Wo had banannas, oranges, cocoas ficing themselves to Hymen nt the curliest nuts, cofTco, lemonade, chocolate, &c, iu opportunity, abundance. Wo wore obliged to pay ten' lu due time the pair arrived in Cincin cents a glass for rain water, five cents a-' nati, and repairing to tho Spencer House, piece for crackers, two dollars for a chick- informed clerk Andrew Ilium that they cu, and everything clo in tho saino pro- i were extremely intent onpcrpctraling mat portion. These articles were sold us by ' rimony, and that nothing could thwart half naked Indians, to whom the accident their purpose. Mr. Ilium, so far from was a harvest. The males were all armed wMiing to prevent their immolation, made with knives. When daylight came wo dis- every effort to facilitate their design, and covered a few huts built of bamboo canes I bo well did lie succeed that in less than an tuck in tho earth and withed together ' while the roof conHted of plantain leaves, j There was but one room, iu the center of which the fire was built, tho smoke making egress by means of tho door and lmht goes I in by tho same avenue. Mud and lilth ' existed iu abundance. Sot long after dauight the coal train arrived from Pana- ma, and alter wading some distance j tlirougli tlio inuJ we reached tiie cars, I which were open eo'il cars, and mi-erably .I:..... !. . t.:.... .1. ' cars nearly stopped, though two loeomo- lives were attached, but !H)t) passenger.' up a grade of over 1 0U feit to the mile formed no inconsiderable load. Atone nlaco the rain had softened the foundation so that tho road sank two feet while we were go iug over it, and tlii, too, on the very vcrga of a deep precipice. We reached Panama without any further accident than tho breaking down ofthe pas-enger car. i:n,i:s von uomk kducatiox. The following are worthy of being print ed in letter.-of gold and being placed in a con-pieit'HH po-itinn iu cwry household : 1. From your children'.- earlie.-t in fancy , inculcate the necessity of instant obedience. i!. Unite lirmncrs with gentleness. It your children always understand that you mean exactly what you say Xevcr promise them anything unless you are sure you can tsive them what you promise. i. If you tell a child to do anything, show him hew to do it, and sec that it is done. ii. Ahviys punish your children for wilfully disobeying you, but never punish easy way 10 appear goou, is to oe goon. Vi. Accu-totu them to make their little recitals the perfect truth, iy. Never allow of tale bearing. 1 1. Teach them that self-denial, not 1 self-indulgcnco, is the appointed aud sure I mctnou oi securing nappinc-. Veky Goon. Every one kuow3 what keeping a farm in order means. It does not mean merely to keep the soil in a fertile and growing coudition ; but it up dies to everything on the farm; tho build - . . . . . . ' . . I US til0 lu,lCf" ib0 "ult trees, the farm- I "'S i'pl.mcnts, partieulary the latter j for what man can do a good job with poor tools'! Aud what in more, look at the lu- bor. Every one knows that it takes nearly tuiee th,. amount of labor to nlow a field with a poor plow that it docs with a good one, and when it is plowed, it is not more than half done. If a mau has poor tool thoy are all the time getting out of order, and the time lost in rcpairiug and tho la bor lost in working will pay for good and substantial ono3. We aro willing to servo God when wc love his son : thero may be obstacles, but no unwillingness. Wo would be holy even as God is holy, and perfect even as our 1'athcr which i.- in heaven is perfect. EST " There John, that's twico you'vo come home and forgot that Lard '' " La mother it was so greasy thst it Blipped my mind." APRIL 28, I860- A PKKPLEXED BRIDEGROOM. 0BTM5IX0 A nuo w 110 AM LNrOHTVyATC OMlSrilri!. hour 'James' and ' Jcminc' were wedded aflirmly as lay in the capacity of a clergy man to bind them. The clerk, after the ceremony had been performed, believing that all new married people oupht to be as well accommodated as possible gave them a parlor and bed" room on the third floor, and bade thotn 'good evening' about ten o'clock, not ncg- lecting to wih them every possible bliss. 'J'he twain meekly followed the servant to the rooms, and were left alone there for tho iikdit ; the clerk thinking no more ot them until about two o'clock, when, sitting in an easy chair behind the counter in the office, ho was roused by a voice say ing : 'Look here, Mr. Clerk, oh, Mr. Clerk, I'd like to speak to you jist a minnit, do now.' Mr. Blum opened his cyc, and beheld his ru-tie friend, hatlcss and coatloss, with a flu-hod face and disheveled hair, and fiieh generally di--irrangcd attire as indi cated that he had been undergoing some very violent exercise. 'Well, -ir, of what benefit can I be to you V 'Why, why. I didn't like to trouble you and I don't know bow you fellers docs things in this ,ig town ; but, but, but ' 'Hut what ? my good friend,' questioned the clerk, anxious to free the ruralist from confusion, each moment on tho increase. Why, why, you know we're married Jciuinie and me.' 'Oh, yes, and I with you all manner of good fortune, my fine fellow.' 'Wal, I 'spose you do ; but confound it if I can get tho bang of things in this darned place. May be I'm green ; I guess I am sort 'o that way; but by jingoes, you do funny here. 'Explain, if youplerse, my man. What do you wish to say ?' 'Well, we don't care, Jemimc and mc, for a little while ; but to roll round on the floor all night is devclish hard, stranger, 1 11 swear it is. 'Iloll round on the floor, what do you mcau !' 'Well, I 'spo;e it is what vou call fash ! ion in a big town; but by gumbo where we come from married people allcrs go to bed.' 'Havn't you been in bed?' nskek the clerk, in great surprise. 'Why, how tho devil ws go to bod when there wercn t no bed to go to ? That's what we want the worst sort.' 'My good fellow, there's a bed in your 1 light in, and now see how a thousand nox room. Hid you not seo it in the chamber ! ious things have made this place their habi- ' iu the rear of the parlor?' 'Did you give us mor'an one room stran- gcr? By jingoes, T didn't know it. It's all I want all right, old feller, and so saying he ran up stairs, and before the clerk could ascend to the chamber the bu- collici.-t was in bed, and replied to the knock on the door : 'All light now ; I've found it-Jen,i,ne and me'., sati-fied. We don't want you ; all right, all right. God i s- you, old tidier. All right fust-rate. -t.i .-.ii..- ii ..:..i.. r... . .... , God ble.-s you; good night. . . Mr. l.lum went chuckling down to the office at the idea that the unfortunate ru- raliit hail passed tour hours in his parlor without even supposing there was a bed 'chamber attached. I Poor simpleton ; no wonder be was em- I barrassed and troubled-undcr the cir - cunistanccs. An Irishman lud been sick a long time and while in that .-tsite would occasionally breathing, and life bo apparently cs tiie t lor some time, when ho would come to, On one of thesO occasions wheu he had iu-.t awakned from his sleep, his friend ' Patrick asked him ; "And how 11 we know Jimmy, when ycr dead ? ycr after waking up cviry time. "Bring mo a glass o' whis- key. and say to mo, here's till ye. Jemmy and if I don't riso an' dhrink, then bury me tfiT The memory Bhould be a rtorchonpe not lumber refm S2 00 PER ANNUM. VOL. 24. SABBATH HEADING. TIIE POOIt. r CLARA ACQl'STA. Cod keep the boniilcpg poor, Who winder through tho Innd. Becking the ulini the rich nun (ivn Often irllh a grudging tinnd : Kcmembrr lonely heart., And .end udoun a rny Of hope and lore, the dimforetnte Of hteren'e eternal day I Ttse pale-faced, wenry poor I That man I. richly hlcet. Who takee mcek-heartcd Charity To be his bosom guc.t ; And to his felloua cter It-nda A pity broad and free, That gives, ns liberal as the streams Give to the hungry eea. Cod keep the friendless poor, And, rich man, let thy gold Co forth to clothe the naked ones Who tremble in the cold I And unto heaven thy deeds shall knit A strong, unfailing cord Yet "he that glveth to the poor Ilii londe th to the Lord." SPUUGKON'S GEMS. Blessed bo God,tho green pastures and the still waters, the shepherd's crook and pleasant company, aro objects which nro quite as familiar to tho believer's mind as the howling wildcrucs3 and tho brandished rod. Tun meanest lamb of tho blood-bought flock shall bo preserved Eccurcly by tho "strength of Israel" unto the day of his appearing, and shall, through every sea son of tribulation and distress, continuo to be beloved ofthe Lord. Ir I once wandered on yon mountain top, and Jesus climcd up and caught mc, and put me on lus shoulders, and carried me homo, I cannot and dare not doubt that he is my shepherd. If I had belonged to some other sheep owner he would not have sought me. And from the fact that he did seek, I learn that he must bo my shepherd. Did I think any man convinced mo of sin, or that any human power had converted mo, 1 should fear 1 was that man's sheep and ho was my shepherd. Could I trace my delivcrence to the hand of a creature, I should think that soma creature might bo my shepherd ; but since he who hits been reclaimed of God must and will confess that God alone baa dono it, and will ascribe to his free grace, and to that alone, his deliverance from sin, such a one will fed persuaded that the Lord must bo his shepherd, because he brought him, ho delivered him, he snatch ed him out of the jaw of the lion and out of tho paw of tho bear. WnE.v the light of God's grace comes into your heart, it is something like the opening of the windows of and old cellar that has been shut tip for many days. Down in that cellar, which has not been opened for many months, are all kinds of loathsome creatures, nnd a few sickly plants blanched by tho darkness. The walls are dark and damp by the trail of reptiles ; it is a horrid filthy place in which on one would willingly enter, l'ou may walk there in tho dark very securely, and except now and then for the touch of some slimy creature, you would not believe the place was so bad and tilthy, Open those shutters, clean a pane of glass, let a little tation. Sure, 'twas not the light that made j this place so horrible, but it was the light that showed how horrible it was before, ' So let God's grace just open a window nnd let the light into man's soul, and lio will stand astonished to sec at what a distance ( h is from God. i I SfITO.SE a liar says that it is not in hi . P0"Lr 10 P" iriu,i,,uai ne nrta neon a I A- 1. al. - J-.ll. J ll t n ir so lonsr. mat no cannot leavo ir. oir ; it . ,,l,lt nn ,xa,si; 101 mm suppose a man that an excuse for him ? Supposi oi - I -- 1 ,n Lis lnnr. ni n rnir l...t tt,U .ll - - jou u m u.mS gin a- """ " fa"-"v "u ua" not get rid of them, would you take that an J an excuse. Truly it is none at all. If a 'IrutiUard has become so foully a drunk- i - tliat lc Cuds it impossible to paw , public-house without stepping in, do you, thcreforo excuse him? No, becauso his in ability to reform lies in his nature, which he has no desire to restrain or conquer The thing that is done, and the thing that causes the thing that is done, being both from tho root of sin, are two evils which cannot excuse each other. What though tho Ethiopian cannot change his skin, nor the leopard his snots ? It is because you have learned to do evil that you cannot now lesrn to do well ; and instead, ther fore, of letting you sit dow to excuse your selves, let mo put a thunderbolt beneath the seal of your sloth, that you may be startled by it and aroused, Remember that to fit "till in to be damned to U eter nity '