LOWLT, SHINING HEAD. What exquhito stanzas are these of Wrj. JiOiuastcrs, co:H rcrso : Mi it i. f ark the first hnca or lowly, ihinlngbaAd, Vber we lay thoa doira TV.lt tt lem If dead. Droop thy golden crown, M:tXly, ma: bio patrai. ToU actress tha breast I Sculptured In white cdmi O'UDbreakto rent oftly. itarry eye. Veil your dnr'icned tphtrt, ReTermoro to riic. In i amine ithlrw of teirt Clm.y, crcnej lipi, VtH your doy rote. To tbo wan eclipse Of tMa pale repose 1 Elarab-r, cwrM rhelli t No more tlyln eren Through your piral cell). Weave th gflo efteavto. :111y, itondcr foct, licit from roy rbym, XTltb tbe ringing tirect Of her allrcr clitruo. Holy mile ef God,' Spread thy lory mild, Vndcrncath the not, On this littlo cbildl LADIES FEET. If your foot Is pretty ihow it. No miner trro cr nrrcn; Let alt fair maiden know It. Tli a foot take all tho men. Tbe face no fair and lovely, Slay charm the gazer's eye Da! tf your foot U homely, Uj'11 quickly pa i you by. If your foot U pretty rhew it. When you trip along tha street, For it will catch the eager eye ofevtry man you meet. Don't toa your glossy ringlets, Nor pout your Hps to sweet. But gently lift your petticoats " And show your pretty feet. If your foot is pretty show it, If you would catch the beaux ; No longer hide th2 tell-tale charm Beneath so many clothes. Tho figure may ho deceiving, All hooped and padded o'er; Let us survey the dainty foot, And we'll ask to see no more. KINDNESS NEVER LOST. Travelling often gives a sharp insight into character. Tho petty annoyances to which one is subjected, and the meeting with unpleasant companions, arc certain to develop whatever of kindness or unaniia bility may bo latent in tho heart. The following incident has its lessons : On the wholo, pleasant traits and inci dents arc not coinmom in the car?, I think This opinion I ospressed to my friend Homers, tho other day. In reply to my remark, ha related alittle adventuro, which, as it is apropos, and, moreover, involves a littlo love and Bontiinent, I give it, without apology, in his own words- It appears that in tho most unlikely places lovo and fentiment may bo discovered : " I wa3 escorting homo tho lovely Char lotto D ,to whom I was, at tho time, quite devoted ; wo got into ono of tho crowded Avenue cars. Charlotte could icarccly find room to spread her crinoline, and arrange her voluminous flounces ; I stood up near her, there being no vacant ecat. " After a few minutes came in a poor woman, who deposited a basket of clothes on the platform, and held in her arms a small child, while a little girl hung to her dress. She looked tired and weary, but thero was no vacant seat; to bo scrj, Charlotte might havo condensed her flounc es, but she did not. Reside her, however, sat a vary lovely and elegant young wo man, who seemed trying by moving down closer to other a, to inako room enough for the stranger between herself and Miss D . At last she succeeded , and with tho sweetest blush I ever saw, she invited the poor, burdonod fcnialo to be seated. Charlotte D drew her drapery around her, and blushed too, but it was not a pretty blush at all, and sho looked nnnrtt.nil nf tlio nrnrimittf rtf Tnn .lt.ee. inm . 1 J, , , . i or, who was, however, clean, and decent ! ly though thinly clad . , , . , . , " Tho unknown lady drew tho littlo girl upon her lap, and wrapped her velvet mantle around tho small, half-clad from, j and nut her. muff over the half-frozen littlo i bine hands. . " So groat was tho crowd that I alone ecemcd to observe. The child shivered- keen wind from the door blow upon her unprotected neck. I saw tho young lady quietly take off her bhawl, which bho solt- ly put on tho shoulders of tho little ono, tho mother lookins on with confined won- dcr. After a short time, sho rose to leave the car. and would havo removed tho Bhawl, but the Unknown gClltly whispered, 'No; keep it on, keep it for her.' The woinau Uitl not answer, tho conductor hurried her out, but her eyes swam in tjars, which no one saw but inc. I noti-, ced her as sho descended to abasement, nd I hastily marked the home. " Soon after my unknown also aroso.to depart. I was in despair, for I wanted to follow nnd discover her residence, but could not lcavo Miss D . II TTntr rrlml. then, was I to soe lirr bow. iDg as sho passed out, to a mutual ae- quaintanco, who stood in tho doorway. From him, ere many minutes, I had learn- cd her name and address. " To shorten the story as much as pos- Bible, that lady is now my wife. In the email incident which introduced her to me, the showed her real character. A few days after our marriage, I showed her tho blessed crimson ehawl, which Iliad ro- , , , a. deemed from its owner, and shall always keerxas a memento. There are somclimes cleasant tHin-s lo bo found even in un- pleasant tiling ..,T , . , SCrS;W,yH,l J5?, M i9ifi WHITE SPOKS IN BUTTER. A lady COrrCfponUOllt Ol tllO CrCXCiC r.w ,n,K,i a., it i rarmtr suggests a remedy for this ugly Refect iu tlio" white luxury.' UI havo iY,v,,l .1.n J,.i,..- . ,.hi vuuu, j iui, mm "ututui uvuuui tncy iove, consult lur to relievo nnil sntlsry their minds. f .!, i... Mm. jim.ii. ,,. it,. ,:it. ly lofe ajtaihs she .yj.vfji faiui Ot air lias COmO ClirCCtly UpOU thO milk, 6he ha. the secret of winning the affection, nf tho op. that tho cream would become hardened in M.. email specks on the surface, which tho S'i'KE inn: on jwsba.yd, nrooMS of chnrninp trnnlil tint Vironlr unci Or absent fil.-nd, f H J guides tho single to a happy mar. process 01 cnumtng WOUltl not DrcnK, ana ig., , mkc. tho married happy. Her aid nd ad. thev would become inonrnnrotfirl in itm vice has been solicited in Innumerable instances, and the iuty kouiu utxume incorporaieu in tlio K1iti,ai,,tbeciithoinMnofKciiriii butter. In Windv Wcatlior llloin rnriicloa .1 SPKKOrJ.YV IMirr.V.lllHMOEi uuutr. iu Hiuuj mcainer meso particles a,,, , tlrtfore a uro dependence, fhe has been the are the mot nuicklv formed iit'nnaoftirlntlnt many hundred hearla and hamla to. niu mi. iuu-hjuh, joruieu, (tether. Thouan of broken heatta huie noen healed " My remedy for thi3 defect is not tOj'Vtia'veUk'nortnotho pnMlcnt law that he a ,i. J-.1, J!. . . .1 ' tlio drat and aha l the only peron ho can nhonr tho 8U0W a arailgllt 01 air direct Upon tUO lkenea In reality, and whornnalvo entire r-ntlf,irtion v.llt. n11.w l . .tlt. . oa alltho coneerna of lif.'. whtih canbe terti'd and prov. milk, nor tO allow tlie milK to Stand SO e,l by thouiand, both married and tlnale, hu dally l wuoi me atmoipucre miiiN;. i;l:,0 lj0miiaril Street. Philadelphia uaruuu iuu uruuiii , uut, 10 siiim n as soon a. sour. and. if nossible. before the mill: ... . . . ., . , . ... i UlCkens. A tablespoontul Ot salt 11 thrown .. . 111.. 1 . t into a jar WlUCh IS Kept IU a COOl place , . . . . . . , , . Into Which thO cream IS put and briskly 1 1 ... .,, I stirred, whenever cream is put in, with a Stick JvCpt m the jar for tho Use, until diaUm. l. ...... l.i.l 1- 1 SUthCientlS accumulated for churning. Tl.., !. i :i, .1.. .1 r. ., Tlw n-esm is ml lni lt, .t.. f. itie cream IS put into thO Churn, after It has been well soaked in warm or cold wa ter, as tho weather admits adding to tho cream a quart or two of now or sweet milk, which, in cold weather, is heated suffi ciently to warm tho cream. This obviates tho necessity of standing tho churn in a warm corner until tho cream is at a proper temperature for churning, ond tho addition of tho milk thins tho cream, so that when tho butter forms it will be perfectly clear. Sometimes, when tho buttermilk begins to separato, water in thrown in, a littlo at a tiuio, hut rover when sufficient sweet milk has been added before chi mi ig. Tho churning is always dono in a short time. Butter that is put down for mar ket shonld have as littlo water used about it as possible. " When I observe these rules, I always have solid, golden-colored butter, free from white specks, which, when properly packed, with all tho bttermilk worked out, will keep sweet as long as you my desire, and bo fit for tho daintiest palate." CULTIVATION OF CORN. As tho farmers will soon ho called upon to preparo for corn planting and cultiva tion, a word or two on tho subject, based upon practical experience, may provo in teresting to some of our readers. My plan is as follows : I plow the ground in tho fall to the depth of sis or ight inches, then preparo a rich compost of hog manure and good loam. In the 1 spring I turn my compost heap thoroughly, so as to havo it well incorporated. I harrow tho ground onco with a heavy pike harrow, and afterwards harrow or pulverize with a largo four horse cultiva tor, working it both ways. The uso of tho spiko harrow is then continued until tho ground is perfectly mellow. Tho ground is marked out four feet each way, and a shovel full of the compost already referred to, divided between three hills, or I apply about four table spoons lull ot ilaugh's llawbono Phosphate to each hill. From the to eight grains are plantid in a hill. When the plants have .,,,,.,.,, e . . T , attained tho height of four inches, I weed out to tour stalks in a lull, and keep the ground mellow with tho cultivator. By this simple method, I have increased ed my corn crop from fifty to seventy bushels to tho acre. This increase I nt trihuto to two causes. First, the deep plowing and thorough pulverization ; and second, to tho application of tho fertilizer. Tho young plants start at onco and vigorously. Having something to feed upon, and a well prepared soil for tho t00 o penetrate, , .r , .. , .' tho wire worm is head- uu on, ;um mo bivi birds aro not so likely to disturb the grains as when the germination i.s slow. Farmer and Gardener, HUNGARIAN GRASSS INJURI- I 0US T0 HORSES. An Illinois cor- respondent of tha American Agmullttiisl , statC3 tliat tll last winter several horses ( became seriously afflicted with stiffness of f tIl j!nt3- 'They had been kept in good condition on Hungarian grass, and from the fact of other horses that had been fed .on hay, being exempt from tho disease, tho general belief is, eating Hungarian grass was the causo of it not perhaps the hay ihelf, but tbo teea. Ho tbinki it OUght tO , b cut whilejn Ml bloom. j ---- . A lUnE Spectacle. From twelve to turco o'clock on 'Wednesday morning, tho wholo northern sky was hung with crim-. , bon- An aurora as beautiful was probably never before visible in this latitude, A yow or saffron colored light is no novel - ty- This, however, was a gorgeom crim - that eddied upward in gigantic rip - Pies. If tho splendors of a nolar skv aro anything inoro remarkable than tho sky of, cuncmlay morning, wo aro at a loss to frm au of '''cir phosphorcseneo. j 1T0W MUCH MILK FOR A POUND OF IiUTTKR. As tho result of two ex. pcrimeuts made this winter, at intervals of about ten days, wo found by actual niea- suro and weighing, that the cream of 101 quarts of milk produced ono pound of . m butter. The cows worn foil nn rut doll-a and straw, and two quarts of provender ner day. The nrovender wa3 made h . ,. , ' UriSiWLP'! nd "Tim lor.pthFr in fnu.l LOOKOUT! 200l NUUS FOIt ALM J purccedan!icnalluUiprih6 faHoil' All u hoars in trouble nil im have bocti unryrtunnto, nil uniwe remi hopw im iin iiinpointei fnwhed andbiaited fond hopes have been disappointed rrusht'ri nnd blasted by Tntic promise, and deceit,-- nil who havo bjen decelv eu anil tittlsd with, all fly to licr for ndvico nnil .atis- faction, nil who are in duubt. of tho ntf.-rllont of thn.e All Interviews are strictly private) and confidential, IVMLTIl K.VMIX&AVH, noof) ifW AND HAlTINUSSnre within the reach of all, She is the lllng wonder of tin- enlightened nje j nil uho ron- au!t her are .mnnl.lioJ at the trutlifuliieo of her Infor. tuntion and predictions. those nho bait bad lurk consulted her, their ba.l lift them, and they are now lor tunate. rich, einln.'nt nnd bnppy. To AM. In bn.lness her ndvlec Is InvnlunWe. She can f.irctel uillithocrent. est certainty, the result of all commercial ond binlnets transactions, ifyou follow her oiii ice, vo-mmii nnd ancwed In nil your undertaking. Tho.o nhnliare been fortunate and unsuccessful in lif.', and in business -thosanholme worked Hard ami tru8led against adversity and misfortune the creator part of their lite. adversity and inlsfoituiie the creator part of their I! and found the more they tried to get fornard In IlK world, the more thines thinits went nninst them' All cases have consulted her for the latt twenl )ears. Al tlioad who wisely followed her advice are now rich urpv.i.vo sctxr.i'SFt'ir in all her iindertaklnc; while those blinded by preju. dices and lenorance, neclertcd her niHic, are still l.i. boiiiin arainst adversity and poverty. If you value you happiness, joti will consult hi.r yourself, and be sucass ful and happy also. All inten lens are strictly private and confidential. (7onisi one 1 come all I to NO. 133G I.OMBAHD STHEliT, between Juniper and llrcad, rhiladclplila. .March 1.'. le5D- ly. KVANS& WATSUN- r : -- . fT" finrL-B, inn muu tp iron nai -AVW y1"?; maki'M of icLkB ciunlto any made In the ITnitad Plnta. Fire -Mft in one fr. Jill ctMt out right; vith ton ttntn in cwtt rondtthn, Tho Salamander (Safes of Philadelphia ii?rilut the wot lit EVANS & WATSON, hart had the nil re ft demosiration in the followinc cer tifirtUe that tit-Mr itiamifartiire cf Halimandcr fif-s hat at hnetli fully warranted the rep res ntati'ns which li.ivt; brn ina.le tX ih 'in an remlcrin; an undoubted tucurity against the terrific dement. Philadelphia April U JTrttrs r.cnm U'atton: (Ji-ntl men-It ulijr.l us th-s highest satisfattion to state to ymi, th.it oin; to the wry nrf tectivc i(ialiii'i of tnn of the Salamander, Haf n which we imrclnfl'd rfyo.t tiouiu iivu month xinre c savfil a lano portion nf Jewi Iry, and nil our bo.ks, tec, txpnaed tn the cat iniiiimis, lire in Kanslcad place on the morniiig nf thif 11th dut When uc rcfl-ct flint tht'ne safjn were located in tin fourth iory of tin liuil liini we occupied and that tlny fdl siibe'iucntly into a heap of burnintr ruins, where the vat concentration nf the heat caused the brass pluti-x t" tn-'tt, we cannr-t but resard tho preservation of their val uable contents as mngt coin incing pru'f uf the great be curity affiirded by yrmr t-afjit. Wo fhall uko great pleasure in recommending them to men of but-in-st ns n !uri' rillancu caint Are. GLOItRU W SIMMON'S & liKO., JnctUtr$, OTTThev time since purchased tix large Pufen. Angust Si. If.l'i. LIFU INSURANCE. the aiRJinn life i.vsun.i.WK. ji.v.yuitt .i.yd THUiT COMP.1XY ) P1IIL.1D1J.PJJU. OFFit E. Ml. ill- I IIKilTNL'T 1TRELT, CAl'ITAI. (paid up.) S'iOU 1)00. Charter Prrpetuet. pON'TINUi: to make INSHUANCES ON LIVES on V Xtis most reasonable terms. Tils camtal b.inu paid mi and invested, toireilwr ..in, a lame anj coiisl.intly incrensinir reserved fund, od'.'rs a perlcct security to the insured. Tin premluiuiis must be p.iid yearly half jearly, or quartily. Tlu Company add a HOVUS p3riOilicatly to the insii, ranees of hie. Thi I'llisr UOli3 appropriated in lie. ceuih.r, 1H44. the HO.'ON'D IIUVL'tf iu lltcciiiber, leJ.i tho Tlllltl) llll.VUS in December, li-SI. ITv"Tli.'se additions are made without requiring anj inrr.'asi! in tlio prjmiuiiis to bj pjld to tlu Compiuiy. The following art! a few claiuples Ironi th- lleiiitter. Amount of I'olicj ni.d Sum Iloiius or bonus to be increased Policy Insured addition by future nddilions. No. n:t s-'joo s-12 m s:t,:tig 311 1.11 sum :r,s ;i,i,;.-, on M 10J HHHJ 3i'i 50 l.:iii 00 ' 3.1J 50UU liuo ij,.juO 00 " &c. &c, tc. i.r, l'ampelcts, containing tables of rates and explanation, forms of uppllratioll, and further ilifermatiuii can be found at tho oliice. TIIOJIAS niDacWAY, VruUnt. Jho. r. James, Actuary. . . I.r.VI I,. TATE, AS"t- F. C. IlARnisox, Fjavititinjr J'huttctan. October 10, lc57- ly. SAVING FUND fj. S. Tl'imt CnmnillV ,7 ft . , 0Pa" Corner of Tltird and ChcslMit Sis., Phil-, r AnuUand small sums received and paid back on I J demand without notice, with Pii-k i.n i.td. est from the day of di posit to tho day of withdrawal Oihce lloins-rrom I) until 3 o'llock cwry day, and on .Monday Lifkino. from 7 until 11 oclock, rresident-STO'llli.N' II. CHAWFORU, Tr usurer l'usv I'isk, Teller ,iImim (. Jlvnter. DIltliCTOnS. Stephen II. Criw ford, ill.mic! Ileidleinan, lleiijnmiu IV, Tineley, rC'eurgc JiiiiMn, I'aul It. (jooJard, SI. 1). (Ales'er r. Hart, M, I) , I'atnclc llMdy, JU'illiaiu W, Oolwin, Janus Ilevereaul, ill. I ranklin Jackson, I ilomis T. l.ea, 1'liny FisK. March i!li, lrja-ly. NAIIONAL SKYLIGHT. DAGUERREOTYPE AND AMHHOTTPE GALLKUY. In the Montgomtty Building, Xorth VantVlc, ONE of tha most convenient and eitensivc establish, nieiils in the titate: climes sulhciently high to en able the work to b3 warranted. P"Xono hut the bst ninti-rinls nrf. iian.l IuvallJs and dee'd p-rsous taken at their residences. Instructions tin n iu l)aui rreotype and Aiobrolype .Montjromtry buildmcs upon the third floor. All lilted up nicely, ubovii M. '. (Jri'T's Urug Store. Arme ot our rooms, I'll rjniove eery doubt, r'or the pictures we ll make you with boldness stan out. J. n. cox. December 17, le59. NUW UAUUIAC5E 15STAIU.1SU.M ENT i.v Bi.aoMsntwn. In (Ae.M'W Brick Three Story Carriage Factory, on .Vatn betoio .Market. a Mill subscriber would respectfully announce to the public, that he has commenced the V 7iA liltlr e.V iven iv MAKivn hit. sixrss in all its various branches. He is prepared to execute nm-h1d o?k '!', vanui to can au. nll orders an.l has on hand at pr. se-ut mi nssortnlnlit of wnien p'lrcna.crs will nnd it to their ud 1 and cvaiuiue. UF.PjilRI.Va, ' ond'ipon ,'!,"?. .th":,in!;rf:ri;?veC.a?eUonU'': Bloomiburfi Ap, wfvimiiwvitw. i UNITED STATES rash Taiiit and Color j jg&ir rg UHEKS C'0A tore tmi qjjic W. cormr of Foioth j J- Race Slietts, rhilatltlplda, Wm. H alcrall ii t'o I'toprlrtors , Pu fvu'Ki'otS?. ';ht?iKon:rcSt;r,rrtm; ; li,!'. ST-r'ull iirri"?i ,."1.1..": 1 eT uus,Nl:!i8- 1 1 .V?.!ill)."",V"S Ulue,ns L'lolh" I"" UP '''"""'y -J- '-m-cm. .lOIJiV DO I,!., No, 141 i0ri -id Ar, Luuetn Arch .J Jlace Philadelphin, IMroRTCK ofToys, laney na.kets, I'ipes, Snuff and Tobacco l!ott, Hep.irCa.es, Canes, flauiinoctaec. WHOLKSAI.B & RU I'AII.. Manufjcturerof I'laeatt Alphabet blocks. Februarl S3 lf-0 :tm. JAMKS V. ItAMUKRT, F&V & 05 ii IB S SU f. PTn-rtrH riitua'oa.r. wuv.ll w.aJ .,i.eioi.U V Aj LI I li.UU ao coons .nimi to M lnAD, J30-'' WR: W0, T."?.,,'." 5!8.' ab oye xniru, riiiutiuiuiil-lilii, nrtober 8. IKiu-em. kiiJjf-WK..fs. BAi.AMANDKrt H.vrns, r.n fll't!Wtyr'ft, JU'Vlll) to 301 Mutant Slrctt m vJJti-tfrjl.M Y if'Tr mir rnuaauprtta, nave on lvi'ic lWi?t,'. 1"ln'1 11 '"'SO assortment of Tiro Jutl'-(5 fi';W" fTiil.'f proof Salamander af.-e. iHtMiil'V'iM Also, iron doors, for banks nnd BW UUUW. M- - , , . . . DALTIMOltfc! LOCK HOSPITAL, I DR. JOHNSTON, TlinfonnJerof this Celebrated Institution, offers tho most certain, speedy, and unll eflcdiul rcincJy in , world for edicts lor jlect,Btriclur..s, rjeiiiiii.il wink, , Til 1. I" th Loins, L'omtltutloiial Debility, I lopo. Vi vvvkness of thJ Hack nnd l.lmlis, Alleitions of tho . lo.M.at.r Ihil llllfk !;"' - l',,lilnllon of the Heart, Unpepslj, Net 1111. iviuiujs, r li.u.l.l limit. OSO nr ym, irtltabil'ty. hi.au.p or tlio Vr."i';.rt!l't;',iiiP:oT,je.V,I K'ltl'or vouli'1; iffi! stiovs Voiii i Ik, y "d 'nlJ- 'jl,J,c ,M'1 "''iarr PFt.l..fei"'ft''uVnVIl.,,id!,,lnVte Kni&ur brilliant hope. nnJ nnticlputb oipo.ie. MAnniAon. Married nersona. or Vonne .Men contemplating mar. rlsee belna aw are of pbyslcul w enkn.-s., e rjunlc ueabill. y 8uVfon,fltle"r"c. ."ould ;.'' '"'iT CW""" '"' Johnston, nnd be restore'! lo per t ' ma rellJlSu.iJVo nflde bis boil it a. n aentlell.ell, and conade tlv elv un"., m. k '. a i.l;y;icinii. lie who n aces iinnsc" ""."v 1 - : . . ciIioa.mu V-lh'. . linnieillntely rured and full t,".. Miv n.i,i bv thosewholla.ebecolllltlle''H"'f'l"l''l"''"',u'.,I';l, 'i ins ueseaso is i no I'l'ii"" ." ' " cles. Voims persons ore to" Jl'f l" V X", not beinit n.fare of the ilrcn-l"' f"'riu .' ' spring. th. ino.t Fcriouiand uisinitiive sympium iu both Imdy and mind arlm-. Tho fcU'i'i Im-ioiiiis utruiis ed 1 th" iilislcnl and mental power" ujkuioiI. ncrwrna dfliiliti.Vpepn.pilpliiitltmofthu heart, iinlUchtiou, I a wajtintf cd'the fiaiiie.fuugh, HimlH"wf toi.Buinp. tion, &.r. , tO" Oifice, No. 7 Ptn-Tii Fredrick SrntFT, seven u wrs from lldllhuorc fcintt, Vntl idf, up the utep. lie par ticular in nliHcninit thciNAMU and .Nt'MuIMl, or )ou will mlttukf tlie pl.ice. ,1 Cure lla'rcnttd, or vo Chtrpe Made, in from One to t iro iau$t i NO MnUCUUY OR AAL'SCOCS DllUGa USED. Memt,crnf the Rojni L'.livgJ uf s'lrpi-ons. at Lmdon. I n.n.t..nt.s fr,... n.s s,r ,1... ....! nntliif.it ('nllicrn ,,f ll,t Graduate from one vf the most eminent College cf tho united tfi.iics, ana tin greater pari oi Hnciciiij nas been spfiit in thJ rlrct llcmpitnU tf Loudon. I'arl, i'lnlit Uilphi.tnnJ clcuhure. has tltVit.-d nonie f the nut a tonif-hian curcfltli.it were cvir knou; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears wlmii uxlcip, criat iiertinisncvs, bi'tng nUruiCd at tuddvii Rounds, and biHi fuliiesH, itUfreUciitblnliini,r, attniilvil Homi'tiniCH w it It dcranggmeiit of tniml, were cured imiuviliattly. A t i;ilTAIN 1US1.AH:. When thctni-Rtildj I nul iinpruJtiit intary d phaiare fintls ho has Imbibed the tti-edii of tin m painlul disease, it tiK) oi 1 11 ii happens Hut un ill timed uuise ofsti.uno or dread nf UUcovi-ry, iloU-r Iiiai from applyin? to those ho frui ii t'Uucaliunand renpeitubihty tun tilouu h.frinnl him, dtla)i if till tlu constitutiuiury symptmns of Him horrid iliuir makcp thi'lruppurancc, ntuh antrerutul soretliroat, dij'.ujd nose, noittirce, puma in tliv lu'd.l and liiiib, dliiinunof iht. deufnvi, nodes un the tkm boiici, un Janus, blnttlu- on the lu'ud, fac un.l uAtrcniC' tic, prugrcMlng with rupl iil. till ut l.t t!u p.'ilutc of the uioitlhand boii(ttf thu .unm (all in, un I ilia vktimof this descasd ht'coinosa horrid ubjctttfroninusiK-nitioii till death puts a pi' nod tohU tlrtudtitl suikilius by tat Uiiifrhiui to "tlut bourne fiuiu wln-uie no truwlk-r re turns." To such, Hun fore. Dr. JihuMun plvdseb liini iM-lf to preserve th ino-t i-n mabk fc-crccy, and trom his i'ttiiie prm litu iu Ih'J lirtt ilopita)4 f J.iiropn an I Aun'rirj. Iiu inn tonlhluiil rvioitiuiuud mi au-i cn c.ly luretfJilic unfurtiiuatt- xtito 1 1 ihit horrlJ tilst m.'. TAKi; t'AR't'lCM.AR NU11CI1, Dr. J. fn:dri'S4 -ill ttiorc wlirh..e iij uc I ihe.iiM. I via by privutu nud imprupiT iiiiinlr?'iiici.c. l Jus : are soui'' ui iu. run una tut i.uirnoiv cncti pro- SM'lK.K . M" 'S.' l.usHof.Mu.Luiarl'owir, I'alpitutiou of thu Ihart. leys- t l.L-n-iin. .NtilXnui IrrutnbllltV . Ikrll2eiueiil t'f tllil Dixi-h. .,,.) is... ui.0Uli..ii '"'" "J "f'v,"m --"'"til'- lion, r. .METAI.IAr.-Ui-J f.-aiful flIVcIs upon the irin.l nrc inurh to bo dreaded, ho of Mtiiior).ioufu-iun of Mi'iis IK' pre Moit of tho spirits, I.mI l'or. b )iiiui;s, Avtrt-ion of Hocitty, Timit), &tv.. urn suuio uf the iils produced, Tliousiiuds of pi'rsouit of all nus iuii now judge what is tit cQUsi- of tli. i r tlt'tlitiinsr h-ulili. Luoshiit tli.-ir izot, ba'oiiniig weak, pulj :in I (.-iuuri.it d, Irivin tin guiar upp 'lira uc ubout ttu e cuiigii mid Biuptuius uf Cotibumption. Dit. JUii.NdrOX'3 INVHiUllATINfi UUMHUV FOU UlUlAMb WLlAlv.NLSrf. l)y this grvat hii I iinpoitiiut rcnu'd. , weakness of the organs are pVfilily curtd, and lull igur re .stored, i'limuaiuN uf thi-- mnr-t nemuis and lUbilitated, who had lott ull hope, have bocu iiiiiuvuiati lv rtlirivnt. All iiupi-uiiiiLiitit tn .Hurrieo, lJi icat tuid Mer.tiil I)i'uali tit ut ion, Nervous Irriitiil'ility.'lrt-mbliiigi. nnd Wiukuoss or fAhnuttitioii nf the mutt fturlul kind, fpetiily cur.'d by DoUur Juliiisiuii. YOUNfi .mi:v. Who lime injured HmiiimIvls by a rntain pr.utice. indulged in wluu alone- it ii.ibit fri'tpuiill K-urii.d fioin vil companions, or ut mhool tlu I'lfvCt-i of wliuliure uigli(l) t-.lt, even wlu-u Jli'p, und if not enrol render marriage iuipoasibl-', and deetruys buth mind and bud, hlioubi upplj imtM(.'di.tl I.. Wli.it u puty t'ut omu' miu, the hope ol'his lo'intry, and the duihj? f hit ptir. nt), fbudd be snuuhi-d Irom ait pript-ttH und mjOMUoiit ol lit, by tlu cnui."puu cus if uiM.itintr from tlu path uf nature, nnd inilulmu in a wit.uu nciM habit, tin di pcrnuiii bcture lull t viii pl.i tin it, MARKIAOi: should ri tl"ct that a noun.i iiund and body are the nioit nccesbur r.'Hit cities to 1 roin tj iuiiiinhi.il huppine-i ludui'i., without Hit se tlu Jouriu thruuli lif li-ioitie" a winr luUrim ig'.-, thu pronpi-ct hourly duk.ii-to HiuAiew , Hit: ijiuki b.-cuiti'-a badoweil viih despair At liik-dwitlitiiCLKU.it!!"! rctl (tioith-it tlu luppiueha ot uuoiIut lucotii' KbliuhtJd uilll our uwu, orni i: Nt.-sofTiu'ui:i)i;itUKHr.,;atfniore, .v. all rLi:iih ALuii;uATio.b i'Litt'(.iun;i). N IJ. - lt no liiUj mo iitj pn.nt ou, but npplj iiiunvdiati l villi r oertondllv or h l.i tt r skin msi. vm:h i i.i:i)ii. euuni). The many Iti'iu-aittls turuil ni tins institution within the lai-t 13 5 ears, utid Hi niiun-roUr. impoitaiil riurtu.d Operations pttforuu-d b Dr. Joliitftoii, witiu-ds.-d b th. repuru-i ol th apers and mau uih r p Thuiin. nu-tict-'n vf whtih haw uppt-nrt-d neaiu und iinin before ihu public, b -si leu Ins tuui i i,r us u K-'Utl -man of ih.iractL-r and rji-pounbilitj .iia ruth kmiI tiuarautuutotheuillictcd. 'iaki: .suriLi:. N. M. Th -re arj mi mun uiiuranl and worthless tlmuks al L-rtlliis tlu-no'i lv s riiMjuui, ruiiiins; tlu iKiilth id tlh uln-ail) utlliil-d. Hi it Dr. Ji'hilou dvcim it ia-i-i.-bary to ), t-ip.-ii.tlly to itmsj unm-'piaiiitcd with lii r. pmatioii. that his credentials and uplomas n, aj haiii: 111 his oriue. Lr TAhk. NoriiL-ll Utters inusi bt- post paid, and contain u pustule ttaiup for tlu- rplj , or no unswer will bj sent Marih 17, leCO. S!! I.A.Ul'il! ! Ltiartcrs. Head C ANOTIIKR FBKSI1 ARRIVAL OF J OAT.S J(- MILLKH S. IMPHLVF.I) PAriJTr COAL OIL BUlt.Yl US. tr LAMPS FUH BURNING, m, Krijo-siiM .on imurdv oil. J AKIXO the b-tt uud clmpist Light now in une, uit IfX able for Churclus, htorcs, or family use. no datini'r fiom KxploBioii and onu ludf cli':ap;-r than any other light, now used and KQUAL TO ASS. The above lamps, with or without. Globci or P hade 8, can be had ut the NCW AND (JHKAl DRUG STORK, Kxrliango lluilillii.', Dlooinsbiiff. l';i., Wh re tlu iindirsiiiedwo'ild llesp.-ctfully inform, his Krulidsniidthupubliciiieeiiirnl.th.it lie his Just re ti'lied trom III S eiti s, u lar,'e und Weil selected stuck nf Goo Is, iu his kind collsiitili" of l'KU.-ll AMI 1'UilltC Iml.'i;.-, aibllltl VIM a.liium,i:ai.h. tii(uui) & wiiui.i; si'iuta. I'Alvrs OILS, VAItMrllKK nVH BI'UFI' WlN'IIUtV (11, SS. (if Al.l. SIZI S I'AIVI". . TOOTH ti 811.1 VINCI URUSIlr.d TOBWO & (IinAllH, OF TIIC ens, HltANIH: riurn.Mf.itv, pamjv POM's. TltUSSIlS . SHOUl.tlUlt it A 'F.3. I'lilll! WIVIJMii IIRAMlll'.' Tort Mi:mri.i. run, tn.Arf cuitinh, DOVr: l'l)tl'ttlCK,flll.'l' MOIJLU I NO I'HIt rt.A.MI'.S.it A (1 K 11 A T VAKIL-I V OFCAIICON on. miiy adsiiadi:s n.uiu UAtiniuNtiaArcTV I'l.UIII LAMPS il-nADKe. Also-AH the m jst popaler Patent Medicines of the day, pr.'scnptlonatin I faiuiy midiein.-t cir.'lully put up. continu-'d und Teeth nisi rtcd, in the most iw-J Fcelinir tliailktul fur mist 11 itiunuce. he- nupes i. euiiuuu.liice 01 lllj tuaie. If. .1. Il.tUL.MiLXII, Dlooinsbure, Jan lW ) No, 118 North Fuwlh Mrret, ub;ve Arct PlIIHDUI.l'IIIA Wholesale k Ret ill .MaioiUi Hirer n f J&ZZZZ. ZiX PORT .MOVNAlC-t. POCK I' liOOKt?, I'lOAIt CASLrf, flf-SajBZ Money Ctlts. Saicliels, I'iijcs, O.iiiAS, IJuitlcirs' Casts, Dmiing Casts, Wiiting Ueilcs, I'orl l'ollios, IHU lloohs, Ar Kr. , BLr. JOBBrjW PROMPTLY AlTt.DED TO, fibnury 'K, leuu bm No. 38 Smilli Fmirlh fil., I'hila.lflplila ,iioi.ur,ii,iu 111.11D or Al.l. lei ni in ur i'l-ODs and , .ooaiig Ulasn, r.ntiait, 1'hvlo: I'tOTURE EKAMKS DCROIN (ill T MOUI,lll(!i. Plain aid Ornamental PAMSLl'Alt'ioiriK, or liKidn liiti .ira lor Trunin. IMlMUlTKlt HlP COLOllCD AlVII PLAIN CNiiRAVIKGS, PKAIKR IN M.TFRUU FOR rolichon.atiia, (,'reciun ami Orietitul Paintini;., D.a phae.or lini'.iiio-i flamed (lias., ..r.Itti Materials. &e, IVIIOLF.HALK AffU RETAIL Oclobej H, lAVJ-Cin. lii.uuMsmiKc: iiaiikku sum THE undersiiuld rr-spertfullv Imorms 111" ci'iiens or lllouiiibiirg,aiid the pi.bl c g. n.rully that ho hat akenl lie IIAUIIEIl BllOP.Hocau d opuo-iled llieCout House It nam door lo tbo Columbia democrat, iu the white I ramii HuiIJi g, oppotile the exchange Uloem whero he it ar all lluiet ready to evait upuu hit cut- lomers lo Fnllrn Fali.laciiou. MAVim IIA,R 'WESSLXG, Ull be exec uiou with rar and no men aud ia the most fashionable style andnn verymodernte ternt, urciiAnti'OOINa. done up in C.lysijle, Huso- lieilaincreated nublie nalronave sml nll,rej hi. I.... .WHtmflf, t, "ii'-.'y-r1. 'tSAOnsMssaiufarllon. HOSTETTER'S STOMAGHJSTTEKiSa It Is a fact that, at some period, every mem ber of tlio human family is subject to disease disturbance of tlio bodily functions; but, with tho aid of a good tonio'and tho exercise of rial" common eensc, tboy may bo nblo so lo regulate tlio system as to eccuro permanent keStth. , In oder to accompli,!. Ibis desired otiject, tno true courso to ruu0 13 ce"""j' that which will produco n, natural etato of things at tho least hazard of itnl strength nnd life. For this purpose, Dr. Hostclter has in troejuced to this country a preparation bearing namo, wntcn IS not o now mcuicne, u. e-ono that has been tried for years, gh Ing sal sfac- tlon to all who havo used it. Tho lliltcrs opcrato rowcrfully upon tha stomach, bowels, , ,. -. .1 , , in. .1 nnu llvcl restoring iiicra iu lieallhy and vigorous action, nnd thus, hy tho pimple pro cess of strengthening nature, cnablo the sys tem to triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Kau Ben, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or nny Bilious Complaints, nrising from a morbid inaction of tlio Stomach or llowds, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus. &c, these Bitters havo no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, t?o gcntrally con tracted by new settlers, rmd caused principally by tho change of water nnd diet, Trill bo speedily reculatcd bv n brief uso of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a discaso which is probably moro prevalent, m nil its various lorms, man nny other, and tho causo of which may always n 1 1 s-Mmi t ml .U.i.F.e.Amnitla nf I lin il I rrfa tl 1-rt organs, can bo cured without fail by using HOSTHTTUirS STOMACH lUTTKItS, as per directions on tho bottlo. For this diseaso every physician will recommend Bitters of somo kind; then why not uso an article known to bo infal lible ? All nations havo their Bitters, a? a pre ventive of disease ana etrcngthencr ol tho fjs- tern in general! mid nmong tlicm nil there is not lo bo found ft moro hcnlthy licoplo than tho German-., from whom this preparation cma- nated, bused upon scientific experiments which havo tcndeel to roro tho valuo of this crcat prcpiratlon in tho calo of medical science. FuvEit and AauB Thin trying nnd prorok- ing disease, which fixes its relentless gtasp on tho body of man, reducing him to a incro Mia ilow in rt short lime, nnd rendering him pliyj Bically nnd mentally tiselcs, can bo driven from tho body by llio use of IIOSTa-TTEU'S RKNOWNCD B1TTB11S. Further, none of the above-stated diseases can be contracted, even in cxposeel bilunlions, if tho liilters nro uecd as per directions. And as they neither crcato ' nausea nor offend tho palate, nnd render un necessary any cliango ot met or interruption of onlinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, tho complaint is re- mnvDil no Gnr.ni1!Wna is rrtiikictont wltli 1m nrn. duclion of ft thorough nnel permanent cure, For I'cnons in Advanced Years, who aro BulTcring from tin enfeebled constitution and infirm boely, tlicso Hitters arc Invaluablo ns a rcstointivo of strength and vigor, and need only bo' tiled lo bo appreciated, mother whili nursintr these Hitlers riensable. especially where the mother' lshmcnt is inndenuato to tho demands child, consequently her strength must yield, end hero it is whero a good tonic, such as ' Hosteller's Stomach Hitlers, is needed to impart j temporary strength nud vigor to tho system. Ladies should by nil means try this remedy for all cases of debility, nnd, before so doing:, 1 should ask their physician, who, if ho is acquainted with tho virtuo of tho liilters, will recommend their uso in nil cases of weakness. CAUTION. Wo caution tlio public against using any of tho many imitations, or counterfeits, but oslc for HosiETTnn's Cei KBnATED Stomach BiTrcns, 1 nnil sco that each bottlo has tho words "Dr. J. , Hostcttor's Stomaeh Bitters" blown on tho ihlo of tho bottle, nnd (tampeel on tlio metallic cap ' covering the cork, and observo that our autograph signature is on tlio label. 3- Prepared and sold by nOSTETTEB & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and .old by nil druggists, crocera, nnd dealers generally throughout the United States, Canada, South America, and Germany. .-ol ih) J. II. Vloy, r I., l . Lull, I loo'ii.buri; . A. Mil, I r.&Co. llerwlc't; It. 1'. li,l:hird. Ilspitoun, ,M. i (Iri r Jo. le v I. A. s. Haul.. A. Co.. ijiinile llilohT I. l-.'i'l-liiu. Liht ! LightTTj,7 I' A R li O N j COAL OIL till II lis AXii Ll.l.l'S mm' iwiixi.xa- I Lo.vi,. ki;riisi:i;. mi iMnnn oils Till! best, mott bnlliani, und th 'iipest portable Iiclit linn in use. No ilanacr if e le.eli.ii anj cheaper than tluid, lard oil, lisli i il or cumph 'lie, to-equal iu u.vs-ran Without til ' rv at; if an, flltures Til above Lamps l.wilh all th ir fniey Iri iiiiks, can h seen nn I boiiilit at tlu ol i , Bt.ibu.h'il liruj nud rheiuicul Htor, i.flh' liiiie'.llie-i,, ,, ii.lll T. IIIIIISIU lll.U re ts lolltf iietiiii'ii III the tiro, tru.l.. I,.. .,. . I ....i ,tll, ,,, lll llrll , ....!.. I... k I ... . . , . buy, and h di t.Tiiuind not to be uudeiaill by anj one in i . , .ii",. . in,., nuu ee in re io ,.,.'u.i,9,,,,,, Di,,i'i,i,iiiiijj coiiiiirj, " 1, 1 1 nud see his new and well s le'Ct.'d stoek of UltUltS, .Mtlnl, 1. He, .Mi L'llCMIU LH, PAIVTS VARMMti;-). IHf.STUIF.S OILS (51 AHd riio.M "'.i in-jitn,, :wPLcnoA I "-- PLIIII'MilltV M) 1 , ejv -lull t;r. AK. TICLKS I'OK LMIMM & ULMW, ran ah o axd cigmus, Asst'd llrnnds, Patent Mcdlriucs of every tariely in me Liljiors. (pure) for medicinal usl only. 1 liii,l,Ciunph.-n) Curbou oil lurpentinu uud Alcnh, 1, Truin's, elioulder Uraceg and Abdominal Pupporters. Hurcicul and Deli- till Instruments, Sash nail und tooth Uruth. s. Pri f limn. pnrej s llomrepathic Iteiiieilies, Harden, Canary, llano tje aii.1 eou must li. lievo. Ilavmir leurned bysai ep..rienco that "lone credits will not keep tilings iiioiin,.," 1 have elettrmiiied to i to cash buyers, t. make it an object to tii-ni ni well at tne seller, to deal on the cash principle, eitlur monav or ready trade, ' llavine served a rejular apprenticeship at the Drue , and Apoth.arv huslnets, betides haliii" carrl--d It oit 1 for thi laitelshteenj ears, ou my own hook. I (latter I li.jsilf liatluinabljtodo Julic-i to alt aivlni mo a trial, lluuktul to tlu public for pa.t favors, I would a.k ii trial on th new; principle, an I will euurautce to all, that It w ill make lone tri.iult, und nav best In .h all, that It w ill u.aku oiiS iri.iuls, unit pay best in the end to pay cash fiiul buy ., t reduced prices. PllYS.UlANd 1'HK.v HI1TI0NS carefully compouiide.t,andnllor.lerscorrecU.vaiitwcred. 1171 All Ille'UieillCtf OUarniit.,,..! na i...i ..-.... ii . . ,., i i '"ei. nei ooortj mo nee, llloouuburir, Columbia county. Pn. Uece,nberlO,l0-y. Ll'IIUAIM P. I.UTZ. NKW T1NWAH K SHOP. roni-lM 1sl'"nln1'' opiwirn Tin: cxciiavgr. T ,' u"a""S"',J respenfull) infornn hi, fuends and T i 1 V'..,1,j!c f!'1,',"",";'. bas l.un h ised tho ., tii'J ..'.'! P;.'.1, JillJrd, und opi n.,1 A NLIVTIX. flVl JVAIIL AXO SIILTT IUlV lisTAItLlr-IIMCNT. Slfl Iu 1 1 b Jil.liiiB formerly occupied for that purposoS? by III ; said Mr. J ml, where Iiu is preparjd to con, duct the business iu ull its larious brunches. i Iiuwaro aud House ipoiitinit of all kinds made to or. der on shun ooticeaiid ut moderutu prices ii .t!;,7M,T,0,V1;t!' '''' "V"3" '- eoo'tantly for tale. Kepiunii dune lo order in quick tune e Cuuiilrj produce tak.n HI eicliauge for work. , PHILIP a. .MOVKR. Illooiu.burg, February II, IrJW, TINWARE et RTOVE""SIIOI'r TIIK undersigned respectfully informs Ms old friendt and cu.tomers. that In has purchased lua brothers interest in tho aboio cst.iLllshiiii-.it niiJtlu concern will hereaner bu cuujurtej by limn, f exrlu.lveiy. Ho has lu.t rec. Ived nnd oilers for tale, the larg '.!. ".".'1 1'.""' H'i u.sortineut of FANCY A2froIO l.t) ever liitro.luct.il into tin. market. ' His slock ion. 1. 1, of a eoinplete assortment of the best Lookinx UU. liurlor stoe .... in tin. rl. a. ,K. ""'"'"WB Filftre. of every description, Oven n.l Hot Moves, ItaJiators, C)liudar Stoves, Cn.l Iron Air. l l lshl itovts, Cannon Slices, Ac., see. Stovcpip.and I jnwarc con.tanlly on hand and luaiiuraetureil lo order. ,,...,.,. n-i.aniut; uoue, at usual, on short notice. 111. pntroiiaae of old friends and new customers re tpeitfull) tolicited. A. .11, ltl!FF.UT Itlooui.burir January?, lJ3t-if TUUaNKo! '1 RUN ES ! 1 rr III! larettl, bi st haudtoin I est and cheapest assort ment of Solo Leather solid line led Traveling Trunks. ladiet' RohhcI J- JJrett Tr,,i x nil. lieu s tioucues, rroptl U'"',,,''",,,.l.or ","J .L'"'P11 "JS 'alng liuuks i.c, fcc, ut THOMAS V. MATTSOV'S Celbralcd London Trizo .Medal, Improved sheet snrint soli.1 sold Leather Trunk manufactory. No. 4U-3 .Market street, South ne.t corner Fourth and .Market Philad'. August S. 1157 tr. FRANOIeS 0 llARIUSON. M. D VJ70UI.D retpcclfully Inform ihe citizens of r.ir WOULD retpcclfully Inform Ihe citizens of Blooms, burg, and vicinity, that ha enntlnuesthe or&ctieeof MKDIC1.YE A.YD SUhOF-RY, And tolicili a share of oublic D.ironss. svOFFici.on Main Btr.el, first hou.e below ths Court unu liemil seen., llienuoui frs, nruiif.elass Mor, rn e. ,.i. o ..... . T. 1 Leather and Sh.ie Finefines, ic.. to'etb r w hi, in . I", r'"' a. rnwicrtiiio in f " i.i'iiunn, ins riocK coinprie, every variety ever brousht to this lilaee. nil F e.hl.h ni.,n.. n .... Countrv Store, ha. hi.n u,.l..r,n.i ..f.i MB Wat. GREAT EXCITEMENT AHjQa WOSDi (StDtRtDPE, and especially At Bloomsbarg ! MrKKLVY, N'Ah & i 0., IN TIIC TICLD WITH AN INL'KUASCU FOIict AT Bloomsljui'g Head Quarters! tlfl would annminco to the nubile nnd our friends VV that we have just returned from the City with a very .nrgo assortment 01 MIW TOTIiil fifllinS Our stock of DRY noons comprises tho larjest, cheap- e.t,nnd l.audsoinctt now otTered in Ibis town I Wo arc iietermined to competo w ills tho and all thoso wifthlng to buy cheap, can wive money by pivlnj ns a call. W'u have all kinds of (.nods and U'arus to supply the wants of the people. A large lot of ' 1 .1 ! rv 01 EVEKY DKSCIUPION. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, PIcvcb, Collars, Spencers, IlnnrtkcrcMefr. '."Jouncing, Hands and Trimmings, Ibices and I.dfriug, Don net Kibbons In large tarn ty. Vul lit Ribbons and braf'ls, Kid, Cotten St Lil" Thread ALL KINDS OF dHAWI.S. ni.OCHE. uiack Bilk, Cnhincrc, Kmbmiderrd, Sella, && At iiirge assoriuieuioi uioins, uasslluers, Satinets, pentle tint attive Ca Vetllligj. Tweeds, Jeuns, llencr Cloths, plietorll.lt nsed 111 hit Ooutfiitr, Velvet tec. twenty jenrs HOOTS & MIOKS Ol'' ALL KINDS I t Tn.'con.i.niy ln nnJPues, for .Men, Women nnd rinldrcn. We li.nea ir,','", j!" h.f IT.h10!1,, I.irei' nsiirlllllllt of llnta nnil r'n,, nflnln.l fft.l,. loni- We have also, llardwure, (lucent ware, t'ctlnrwnre, ate. Very Cheap Carpet, Carpet Mags, Floor, Table am Carriage Oil Cloths, .Mats, Hugs, llu.kcts, &-C "U)L.1&, 1' I. A 1 iN hhS, TIOKINOH, Diap-rs, Tow lings, Drilllncs. kc. In abundance. Also, , " '" Ta'reo min,',,': vl!:f"sI',"C,c"c 0 We Invite our rriends ami tho public generally, to give us u call before purchain!. li w in re. We hat o bought I ZtfnM by anyboii I ", tnrriUofmank.nd: ' .McKtl.VY, M1AL k CO. I JHooimburg, Xov. 19,'M. (Juuu 4, 1-Vj'J-y) ov NEW GOODS, , AT TIIK Light Street Store. CV'y. Brother H-all haivs on active duly & WonlJ inform our Iricnds nnd 1 ' cusloiuers. that wo hae Just receltc4 an un. NEW GOODS, V. hich .lender lit lower rates, fur ready pay, than any eter be tori' opened here and Hill be sold 'cli.-npcr than the cli niii-bt." We shall not attempt tneliumeratethevarlti t.l.ui'li, .MLSI.IN3, GIIOU'KRIES, HATr, CAPS, tonts, Shoes, etc at the same rate. In she rt, iinTiaiitile line from a iiee.ll, In shirt, almost rvcrtthlng in the (lur friends Hill do well to tall h. for. to nu alienor. they make th ir s.l.'ctioiis II. W. & W. IU. 'J". n. t in: av. I.islit ytrect. October I'UJS .ScUUiNi) AUltiVAL OF NEW GOODS A7 TUE Ol.U ARCADE j III! siib.cnber basju.t returned from Ih' I an. Ill r large and sehct usmrtuKlit of e'lty Willi iNhW (.tlOl.. I rchated u Philadelphia at lhe.lo,-,l f,grc, and nhich li . , . iiiiiu.'d In sill on us moderate terms ns can be procured elscn here Iu Uluoiiuburg. ill. ,(ork cn.i.in. I.ADIK-' D"KS.S (JOOI S, Choirot stiles and latest t'i'liiiin. J.ry tiooj, l,rt,,n,II.riir.rt.fiue,,mn,at,r Ifolloie Hare Iron, .Voilt. lleoti and Short, Halt and (Via., r.. Ae. i " - J'tt e ve'rj tin 113 iisuiill, kept Iu coiiuir, store, n. winch h, hull -sth,, public fen.'rally. e.'- Th.1 Iliglie.t Price paid foreotintr) proi'uce r, , r . frr.Piinx 11. mii.li'.r. Plooiiobury, Ocli h-r SW, le5'i. - , . HA tt UA1N.S 1 B.'ll, (IaTiXS ! . NEW GOODS WOU.D respTtliilly Inform tho citllens of I.ieh Mreet an I iicluily lltr.t they luio lu.t received a new andi,itoiiieat,'rtiiienii,f "eeutd a DRY GOODS AND GROCKIilKS nil lilt tit. will cll cli-jp for cni.h. They have alaree au I K'iu nl inn iy. ull U1.1t I. cuiiiiuoiily found in a Ctllnlre S nr.. i.o.l n ... . . t .. . ' Selection LfllKOr 1,(1,1, II,..., 1, ...I . their i.nrchjiimz.i will bear reconinieiidation ,,. .... ., , . 1 ' . V .irici alien no ,.,IUI ,,,,, u(-aj W III prove to be i,l the dr.. ,l;,.d Hi., propri to,, r. rdi i ly solicit a liberal share of pat- ri.uij,. Ljt ,, wi.uluilow.il to c-ill and unuino their peneral vari. lj b.foro purehasine.ljewhire. i,iUr,,il;c1,irie,e.kt,,',i"','a,'e'! " ' Llebt Street, October 23, ItSO. MAIlTZ u T' 1 i i .. 1 1 " Fowl crvi lie "StoreT iNEW OOODS. Ill', nildernt'iicd, thankful for past natronac. loll) l.ifornis Ins freiid, and customers that ..,, ,a , , II .ll'Cie Ol iVA GOODS entro town.hin env niie-uiion uruilly kept in . .oVl'al'efrw'iuic:.';! "f lilt Llotns. Cassin.i'.. r:.n.P.i. .. a. ... fiirn.'r'.lr.niTenaJe'r".''''''0' ,UJl"y ?7" 1'"",l"'', etc., taken for Goods. He solicits public custom nnd shall aim to render hit customer, complete tatiafaction. Fow lervlllc, October 50, 1?5!). D' K SL0AN'' NEW GOODS I GJ I. ., ,,,, I r, C. 1 I OllcllPlCSS tSfOrC ,u,: ', ' , J rlraVlv denfmn. u,?? ."Ji .I.T'f'.i0" '., Thl" ,tr,l,h And In a , 1,1 "r "ouie-nse ami their naiiiuis Ksimi asourspn, lerl ronts of writ r, in nil l,r,.,.,i.. -t c V nl se are indis- ft a''kL "h! ! Umr'V'leoll KrM,iS S nour- r..bri,k., in tho country at a.ti. ins low ht,,res-La. .l8 ivi. 'i' i,"'"0'".!if"l.,.'!5 ''?.!"' """"n Of tho M"."' arul.es, at IU per cent, loner than ,,,y, cnr, ei.iitain'iiii. i' ar -jbial ,'rl.. , I.I V.,1' i".0 TT :,!KrrtCt'"J iNniaialT.Jrird Oarden and F,o fPRIKfi (iOODS , Ojuil.produc. taken , tJcr good, a, tho ' JOSEPH SIIARPLESS. Cloomsburg, Sept, 17. l?5'.l, nl APE -i "NITROG KNIZKn" SUPER PUOSPHA'JE OF LIME Bio 5V. B A tl, IL E ffl e, llth. Ililawaro Avenue, PIIILADIII.PIIIA. Sole agciu for PeniiVi lionia, Ililawaro and New Jersey, Kill , ,Ial"(-V"ff':re')will e.ual in ctrect aud f la""e.Pers. lea lbs Beit Perurian Ouana. J . LU,?.JC""! "' """18 US"' of lfiu " 'i. and it sold at S50 oil per ton, or ti no per sinilc bag. It lias ths clperlenceofca Irers, and Is safely rec omiiieinl H as the belt fertilizer Ilow 111 use. Samples, Circular! and Pauiplilett containing recom. hem Farmers, sent gratis to all who remeit August W. Ir33. ClicaiicMl! Ki'it!! I.arfjesl!! ?Ui On ! Pays for Tuition in Sintle Unity llook-Kef pint. Wrl. I lilt . iTn miliar It I i t.in.noii. liiig.Coiuiiierclal Ariteuielic and Leclnres, Hoard 8 weeks $20. tilntioiiaru S7. Tn. it 1 071 S,'I5. entire rnrnr't i Usu il iluiu from II tn 10 weeks. Every Studeui.upon cra.tuallig,l. fuaintent coinpetenl lo luanag. the hooks of auy business, and ejuahfled lo earn . salary $500 TO$1000. ciuuenis onier nt any lln e-.Vo vacation-Review t irsi rremiuru. tor nctt Hatlnett Wrlilni- for ihsu. r. received at I' tltburg, Pliilad. Ipbia iiud OiloBiii. ro.nVr.r..,.. i.. 1 u" comraunity-and wiUiont Fairs. Also, at Ih. principal Va,,, of th. Union fo? liid.ih. r,.w.' n'?.S,mlT" """"""n ?f Iho i.rieu. Ib past rourjcaH. v ot in. union lor Jdt-hc risks nothing in nsturing hit friends that rr- IW Aliiinter. Hon. received at hall nrlc. HI, i wh-.l'l' i11" l Country Sl0"'i. c here be h4 NEVER DEHIUTATCS. IT tS COMPOUNDKll KNTlllKLYPROM OTT5ffl.iil 1 his h ton,, nn Mtilttished fact, a Simula rd Mt-iiicinu, and apn roved by All ihit have ufert it. and is nifr Oe icc In all the dlse&i Mifnded. anilfi within Ihe last rrsorieu nun conn cs for which tl Is ffcom 11 h.is cured Ihou Iwoypon whn had giv- a the nuinerom un in v poMmtdon shon The dnn in nut be n ment of the )i.i)vtduat inch nijiilitira astunct en up nil Impm ft reliff, o lcr.ed ceri Acnlss In Hi. pled to the tcmpem. tnkiitji it.nrid iifd In jjtenlly nn the llnnel. your JfififfffMnt entde 11 Vfell 1NVIOOKA. I.ft the dfcuitni nf I you n the tue nf the TOR, and it will cnr Z-irir Lvmpiotntt, Jiiltm CAroxit ittarthora ftvt tery Dreptf, Stur f-ton Che lit. Lholira. Ckolrra tun, h1atvltnttJoundU9t tlinv ne used siiectsdu. Medicine, It will rur OKI Jiuatnt, uytpepii. "'.r ,uui'iati'.i!'J!li 'IL''rTJii.uSL Jtotbus, CMira tnfan- ytntat$ IfVafrfniiiM.nnd I ly ann Ordinary Family 'HICK II BAD ACM i:. fMn li(iiand can it-nlfv U ttotntj minuttt iftvo taktn at conimenremenl JlU who use it are gic r three lanpoonfvU art di ni'scK. tg their testimony U ii' 'aor. MIX WATER 1 Til K MOUTH WITH THE IV. VinURATOH. AND MVAU-OW HOT M lObETUfcR, PUICR OJM DV 1,14 R PER BOTTLE. s ajTfoITd's FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, ffilff!itJ!vUaba c"M"rt I'lia K,.MII.V IM- liiAtetiu I'lLL 15 A lharlic which the pio. pracilco more thug treating demand front u?o1 tho ril.t.-'ami tha elites, in retard to me tn plate them ivlih- know that different Cai portions of the bowels. TIIAIITIO Pll.t, has. Hi la will estaMI.li.il In m n variety nf th traclswliichaclnlikrorl in. i.l.iry canal, and are e hren C'r.thai tic la RANQIMtMTS of tbe Plo lanii! IIaix inn I.mas. Sotrstsi ovr re ms den coin, wfttc'i Irequen n lonir coursenf rtvtr. factpmn Slksitiok nr ItEOUSSM.i, H I ,w. H ad.iiM InrLAMMiToar 1 iitLDar. or ylnrtTs. their use, has induced In tho rearh ofnll, I Tin prolessiun well thanics art on diflWent , Tina FAMILY CA , Willi ill. rchrence to fact, been compounded puresl Vegelablii Ex every part of 'lm uli oood unil safe In iiM ca- " i, macii fitirincss. I'aius ronvtre. rin tan needeil, an e h as lie- uiiolk soor, fromsuiL tl K ni glecien, er u in LOSS OF trrETITK, Cold over tmk eoht. ACIIF, or WIIUIIT INTlie, Hi-easfs, Worms hi, IlUECMAiitM. a erran LJ I'obififr nf the Hub and tinny .iseaset to which lleth It heir loo numer ous to mention in this ndv-rtisement hosB.lt. t I'lllCIJ 30 CfNIS Tut Livbr iNTirinn.Ton aid Family Cathartic ruis arc relmleil by llrnuei'ts seneinliy, and told whole sale by the Tindc in all l.irire towns, B. '1 V PANTOIIU. M. D ... Manufirmrrr and Troprlelor, .13.1 riRnADn'.T, ew York. June P:,Q Q,i IiM TOUT A NT NATIONAL WORKS PUIlLISIlr.II 11V II. APPLF.TOV A. CO. ' illli IIU llrori'luw, iViw York. The following worles are sent to Pubsrribcra In'anr part of the louiilry, (upon recipt of retail price,) by mail or ttpriss pr pai.1 . ' ' ' " TIIK M.W ASIKKICAN CVCt.op rut . i larIliition.it ol Ceneral Knowlulge. lldileil'by GioiTor.' iiiiii in a additional tnlumu will bo published once in about i , il mouths. Pi ice, in (.'loth, tl: Bliccp, 1 .10; Half Mor Half Ito.sia, l .lO.iirh. ' ' l Tlu .New Auieriron Cvrt,iiin,lis nn....i.. . t iiip supenlei.il, luirned but not pedantic, coniprehcn' u,,.,,,,-,,, Irt:,.. ,r01n pPri0nni n.ntl an.i pany preju,.iie, ircli and yet accurate. It It a - I-' ... ,,..,.,. in,,, is snow it iipmi etrrvlm. noil nit topic with the scope of liuinjii inti i.,eI1V. l.l i r) important nrlicl' iu It has b -a n soitmIIv . for is )..is. s by liu'ii i win, are- nullnritie, p , on wlmii I , .j sii.uk. Tli.ynro r .,nire,l to hrlna th! s'ibjMt up to the pre, ntmomint to stale li ii l. .tan a nor. All tit staliMual intorniatlon is from th, latctt report.. Iheceoeiaiiuealacciiuiil, ke. p p"tJ n 11 Ih-Ul si .xplorntionsj l,itt,j, ,, ,,,'clude lb. tr..h.t ...l liew.i th, b,Sraphin,l ,,' sneiiK oi it e uenu. nut n so 1.1 i ,. i . , . . . ' I it If. ' II is a library Anitlimi mf r of tiil I), am: ni Cot.r Pol,ll ll,.l..ry ofth-rmfd Wa -.. from Vh- n JL,,'! juition tlit first I edi r il .; ,s , Heine wort will lie coil plefed in I.-, rr,..i orlnro irt ...Toll p.,,,. ....Ill II ofwhicl.Hr,- Il.,lv7a"r5" Ar a 1 i in nil volume will b puiillslieil nre iu tli...r ,,... flolll, $! Low Mm I'alftl Ml rath. il; Half .i ii.i uf i hricimixu nn: HI ft HVI e crcwr.T.ntA on Form a dub of feiir. and r- i t'. pfP rf fllr . mil fiv rrpi . will b- s uii.,1 Hi r. u.iif., , , t.irnaee ir i.r I -n .it ,i, . , f "V .l'r f"i i in i ,.. .., ..i r..,-( i, r laruae. K) A(i h.VT.N. .ootii r work, will .o lil.tally reword Telllis il'll'li km Aj nl i!, 1 SD. " ""i. ruis lOt'.TT.-. i ii on application to Ih.. Pi bli.hera. SUEKKH NC1T. T,P.S. llOLIimilTII 4 CO.. Sn ! ih .,. , r ) burEl, P, nii'u. ,ll c,.ilm,"-,t bu cn, dte i Ii" disease, ot a l'r i. He or ili., '""""i on tl th ' sTrnfilli nti.i.. r '.. h rtiiu.dioi.iliaKin ne ver f! 11 fit, produce,, by ,h, nU. TyZKUj lies. . fthe back an, tin b, l-ln i,r, . ... ':.'"'";,'! ""'"'feineiit . f Ihe dmestivn' f. ii. . n ,ii-,i, , p ,., lllll.linil.li,,,, ., . - FFt'rn nrrirr ., All lette,'. eot., ,,T,V '"7!. if SMITH i t o . Pill.b, ,7, 1 , f en,,";." e m mcti w l'.h COI'n 1 ntt.-ntioii. n.i.l i..,l,ri,,, . e.;.. .. ,' " ""-'etwlth primirt ration, and a cure guaranteed. 7he"",cttUV- I brlal,.0','', "" f""" X S'" ".' Bopielllber 10, l-aa 13. ft A H U B. E T K i & AGRICULTURAL WAUKIIOUSE ioi. 21 23, South Sixth stictt, near lite Stnte th use. 1 r, r-v nilbADtlLPIHA, rCN.VA, I T E,s ?"' "f ""t tpecie.ui buildme, erected ein,...i. , 1 for the proprietor, trade. orJ .tored wltntd. and ! implements cf interest lo r-., , ..i ... V" ,eea' I MATV VlAR. KrAOLISIltD. The .,,h...... . 7. and eardeiiins to their well t - nii iiii ntii niK.t, ,.r i ..... siiicieet ttock cf Agrlcultu. fee Srr.l. 3.... . .. . . Am., .nil..,. I The Acriculturul Iii,,,kments sold 'by us' are mostly I manufact ired at our .team works, Prift.J l"a. """""J " ' l"am'tuuient witlgl tcc,rd ,, i.ngol tue-kind ever Landreth's wairunt-u i:r.let, e.n.i. . the public forupwiirilsof sutyjear,, tlieirw pupulallly. and the increaslngdeliialid from ve am the best ivildenre. ,.r i. been leforo lav spread -ar tovenr. . " uoeiiuril uperiurity over all r.KIf,''!!!'to, '"PPbed will, seed, in pert, or in bulk, on the most liberal terms '"' lllooin.dalo, near llri.tol, Pa., oureordeii sect m.si. sonal or post paid applicaliou ' fm ?" January 31, ldxl y, .""A'' '"'AliEHOUSE. A LAROK a.tortmcnt of the best f rtiluers in ft Hi. mark, t, at ro.luced price, for h? con" 4v&L. sitting of No. 1 Perutian andlN.iumbianCuaiin'. fr Superphotidiato of Lime from tho best wanufacJiL? March l-J. Ie5'.l. NEW GOODS. rpll E ndersigned resnerifullv mfom,. v.i. r.i..A. ... h... .nliou'oi J'.'V.l' 'I1"1 "."'fniaiikind.thst.. NEW onnns. li, LfoC !" Hloro House, in Ri hrsburf, ColuraH. coun ty, Pu., where ho has a large and choice aiVortmeut of SI'KlNG AND hll Al M Kit CMnlis d, Si ,'', del"ln'n1''1 '".ttll on sudi ternit at will lo dure all at lean in bit vie nity, Mho arc In want of Mer al chanilizo, to extend him their custom. 1 r us .iocs nas been selected with much cars and viith ing ma uiiiurtiiiiat lit. Hi ii. alh hi, in atuient. , . V"'" V, ' an I lii-ure Wood. Sen ful.i Clce'r., rj "1 ,, if, lutlan.ation 1 1 II... Illa.ler ami Ki ii v Ll "t'1",."' niors. Fr,,.h.,,Uw..,,,e.,Ud tluV":f,r,,f,,b ) niptom, a,., ,,,. ,l. c.11K lf J "are Zi, m oi llieir attention to il. t, at ,," , Jf Hk.'s ,7 '' 1 muc5 ''.v.-seer. I an itary habit'w J , ' tVVit""! elfeit. on the liiin.l are inurli .,, h j'... V. . 1 'r" ' rlm,.lor). conf.i.ion of idea, ,lep,ei, If'sn m.T.'ll f.iibodiii;. aienion to son, ty tilf ui, ' resoect I " 111 ' Produced. Kuril i-,, "i '? hTh.. '"Ptaiim! marriat!. should coS K AtlVU i