COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY liORNIXO, AI'IUI. 14, 1800. Introductory. Tho worthy otHtor of tho "Demosiiat ha ficou lit to plaoo the supervision of tbo local department of this paper under my charge. If rightly conducted, the local column is tho most interesting mid reada ble part of a newspaper, and it is my de sign to collect nil the information I can, not only in this neighborhood, but in ad joining Countica; and therefore request in formation from the readers of tho Demo crat, on all th incidents and accidents that may happen in their various localities. I am aware that to please rttVis impossible, oI will please myself in making criticism., etc., hoping that the majority will coincide with 'me. I may btate, in this connection, that the editor of this paper is not respon ribl for my opinions, and that I hall treat all subject pcrtaiuiug to this column La a free and impartial manner. 0. B. BItOCKWAY. Bloomsburg, April 14, 18G0. 5T Tbe number of fruit trees lately imported into eur town, we consider as good vTidence of common sense among the ' ovners of property in this neighborhood. They not only beautify and adorn tho lots sad dwellings, but even in a ptmiiary wince they art) of great ralue, and the time Is not far distant when enough fruit will be raided here to supply tho home want, bo- fidcd exporting large (mantitici to localities lees favored by soil and tituation. Con. niderable care should bo exercised so as to plant them at proper distances and in regular rows, as it tuhaueas their value, and be careful also not to put them in pla nes where our growing town may want a otroct, or wheru jou may desire to build. Trus Peach Chop. There it a fair prospect throughout the paaeh growing dis tricts of an abundant crop of this delicious fruit, the coming bummer, and the present tokens of an early spring are making the hearts of tbe growers aa lightsome ami joy ous as though they were in the poisesniou already of tho anticipated plenty. It is truoaorue croaking newspapers have their stereotyped spring "local,'' lamenting the probable "failure of the peach crop," but, til's yar, at least, their permature and un feuudtd prediction will prom its own fulji MARRIED. On Monday, thj 31 Inst" by J. F. Fowler, Esl., Mi. Otortni F. WuimiM. of Franklin twp., Lunrno county, U Milt KtBtcci Wrix. of Fins tnp., Columbia county. 11KI. At Mi ristJebte, neat Orange vill., Columbia count, or. thd , ,tb lost., Mr. Jacob UvkRJArtr, iu lb) OTlti year tifhisagj. On tli 01th -.t t isivi if lit v. .7 vt (.w, iikui Haiti t tilt;, WUIUIUWI county, Morr: K. M.n.nm, Infant Soq of James and niuuiua .1 million, agud 11 uiontus ana U days. (Uitreuw wera tba brief luir.rlusi of poor Mute Mor Us Djt goon a convoy of Angels conveyed. Ms ransomed plrit to thj minis of endless fruition nt CJod'i rlirht hand, and tie exchanged a larT.ring crajlo for a crown of f lory. Of aucti Id tlu Kingdom of Heaven. CBr I'lllliDllilir. Centra rn.. nn tli llil. nil t.uoa WitM. Infant jn of Uiiiiill D, nud L. Anu .Slum alter, aged (J mouth uud 10 du) . " LaU'ly laumlijil a tumbling stranger, Un ttu1 world'i wild, boisterous flooJ, r.ercjd witb sarrow, toss-td with danger, Gladly I return to Hod." Mrs. Ruth At. en. uifj of Wilson Astr. rf Rnhratviri?. Columbia count), died, .Murch 2i2.iJ, hwl, ufc'ud 41 ycuis, 0 month and SO da, She dud happy, r.jolclng In her Saviour, and Is missed h a family of live tbildr.'U und a large circlti of relatives and friends. STANZAS. DV JOCrilA AOCR. Hon Lint Is our .Moth or, bereft Of nit tliul could burden her mini, lloweus) tho uul that lu Ka This wearisome body behind, On earth the li afflict .'J no mor, With sUkrusi, or ihakjn with pais, Tin Wur In her member id oVr, Andnever khall tx her again. No anger hence frruard or shitne, Mutt redden this Innocent clay Extinct li the animal flame, And passion i unUhed away. Tho languishing heud la at r-'it, ltd thinkings und achingi art o'er. Her quiet, luiuioablj brcait, Id heaved by affliction no.uiorc. Thi e)i Hhi? bo Rililom could cloic, by dorrow furbiddi-n to utetp: Now rtnljd in tin ir mortul repone. Have str-uigjy lbrsotton to veep; Thu founiatii can ic I J no supplied, The from water are Ore Tlit tJars aw ull wiped from h?r yea. And evil th imwr ahull Itolimbiirj. April 1JU). I Columbia tOcmocrat, The following are the receipts to tho office of tho Columma Democrat, durinir. iuu uiouiu ui nurciii louu; rncnl. r-iatt, 32 Oii.John V. Ilc.i, r.t, Eitatjofllcn' II. W.St W.N. Crcaiy.lj a uuel Kltncr. Et.t n 5ti oiomon Hlerncr. OcorKKrtUr. Coluuibta County, J. K Ulrton, (Farmer) S.'tliB, llanco, M.U., A.K. amltll, U. A. i. d. Uiioiio. JacKionTaoiua.. H. 7i 0l TREASURER'S SALE UNSEATED LANDS. AGREEABLY to tho provisions of nn Act of A mo mbl v, rntlttcd n Ait dlretltmr ih in out ofaJIing Unscatrid Land for taxes, and for nthtr purposes, paused the J3lh day of March, 1815, and the LewliSchu)lsd, Edfj., 3 UU 8 UU 4 W 0 50; Gir-ird 3 73 i 0 W 1 721 1 5J 1 uvri I'atrick Casev, Hobert Robbini, U. N. Naglj, Willijin iiemley, Elian Uribjlbis, lluidon Ow.'ii, Esq., Jackunn At Woodiu, 8a.uul I'ouit, Judj(y Koonn, Evan U. JoUtis, tit Joiijs, Hiram IKs. Oodfr.'y Hay, Ilob.rt II. Arthur, a.Cotner, M, U., Williaio'llarbi-r, Jolm Wiutcratecn, Jacob uyer. AGREEABLY to the provisions of tho Aft of Aiflombly, entitled an Act to reduco tbe Ktatfl debt, 4ic pasaedth Si'lh day of April, 1-4 . tin Treasurer nf tho county nf Columbia, hereby plvet notice to all prrsons concerned then In, that unless thi County, Hood, Hchnol, I'ourand Slate Tax. &c, due on the follow, lug Rrnl Eitate, Pituate in lha paid county of Coluui bla, are paid before the day of sale, the whole nr such nan or each as Wi ll Dav tlie chnrires nml rout r hrpp uv, u.rt. luv uuu...; , ..vt.iuuvi, anu tjwvo laui uuu on . .. i.t l , i " .,, .r," 1 50 thj follovting tracts or Uiisealod Laiuls, situato In Co. 1 TV. 4 00 luiubia county, an paid bifore the day of sate, the whol 1 11 .0.Vn.IBI?ur Lewis David. IUv. Crus titone. 13 00 further supplTucnts thereto, passt d ttu Jth day of EH. of Catharine Lulx, II SO March, I1J, ftitb day of March, 1121, mid Vtli day of Estate of I'tter Lutx. 7nn March. 1447. the IrcasurJof the rountv uf t.'ntnr,...:. .iiii ins. uo. 0 UU nrrtuy cives noiire w an persons couccrueu tliern, lUat a Uj unirss mo v.ouni), iionu, nciiuoi, biiu euu l axva duo on TREASURER'S SALE -or Real Estate Seated Land. JHat) (fiourL I'ROOLAMATION. WliniSCAS, tho Hoi. Waurm J. Woonw., TrcH lint cf tho Court or Oyor and Termini', and Ocn tralJ.II Dcliiery, Court of tluartcr Bo.flom of tho 1'caet and Court of Common Tlca. anil Orphan. Court. in the xijin Jiiilicirtl unmet, coinpn.cil 01 mo counuc. of Columbia, Sullhnn anil Wyoming, and the Hon. Jiroa I'vah. anil I'tita Kim. A.ioclatc Jailac. of Columbia county, lnvu limiud their tircwpt, btaruig date the ninth Joh.i I. Jon lor. K (., 1 iJ; Tuma. M. Ilubbcll, E.q UO by ailjourmncnt, frm da L.tati oflt. Ilat'. iibuch.l 7."' Jolm Kramtr, 13 due hI,I county, and tho Jonc. Wtb.ttr, E.')., 5 CO DalU Veajer, 3 UU .peetlvelr. Klfclioii at Trruton, N. J. Trk.nton, April 10. At tho mnnicinal thereon, will bo .old at tbo COURT HOUtU in I day of Fib , In tho year of our Lord one thomand eight I , ,. i i j . V a Xt:tl. in.burs. county of CiJuinbll.on thj llllidayof June, hinlrd r.ud sixty, and lo ino dlr.tted for holding a C1CCU0D OCia ncro jeflcrn.lj, r. b. Willi, 11 U) or .ach pnrtn a. ill p.y tbotaxe.and ttM. w '.T !eo.',d "ondav, and to be continue by court or oyer and T.r.lilner anu i.enera Jai ouii r, r). wn.1 filpftfirl Mavnr liv friir 1nitrv1 3 ?3 chartjenblii thereon, nill be .old at tho COLKT 11(11. HI-' i ""jouriuiieiii iromuay in nay lor arrearaee. ol t,i' . Uua wucrai uuarif-r Baiin m iiioiiaci-. .oiuiiium rini j j 3U0 In liloomiburt, county if Columbia, on the lllh day of Mla C0UU'J'. "in aceruea ou each rcipcclltely, ' anu urpnair. court, in uioom.ojrg. in m ttaioritV. A ma britv of tllO Ikmocritio 00 June, itwj.belnl! inj .econa .Holiday, and tobocontlnued IlliAVEB TOW.NSIIir. iV..' .," ouuoj. . ii"- I - ' ' .";"' rearaKccr tae ' """' Mra. UtU.Ctf. '"I'1,"V. h-.,i i ih. ,!nn.,. the Jn.tlea. of was also CieOWO. kubi iiciuiu uii caio tract re 1 IKK John I.. Hiirkt. 1 3UJ l'.K. Ilerbclu, V.t., .. ,1 jo""' ..UHirr, '1 30 3 73,' 1 4 (Kl 1 3d 1 Ui 1 UU 1 Jjl 'et.'r ti. Ilchviif. Oco. 11. lla)hurat,M.D.! JJ.IIIIUI UIIIUolJ, Tcler Ziglcr, John Urualer, UiubMi Kiiittle, E.l., rsaiiiuel i'tr.iiiK, iiev. ljw, . urray, Anlr wLauMch. Esi, I 53' Enoch lluBell, jiiiiii Lii.'iLriiii, t.q., l 73i John Hill, Aiur.w icLnrtii.'y, Jr.l 7i! W.u. ShjlT r, tfjiii.ul Loreuun, 3 ou! Adam Hell, r, 1 .0 rum l Hwitihcr, S UU 11 r. Julia Leaioek. i Lvan C. Jou.., 1 00 1 73 M UU 2 UU I 73 1 75 1 75 1 "5 75 S 01) 2 UU 3 M I 75 1 5U BENTO.V TOWNSHIP n'.rrait!.. or Ountrf. K.hiiikI Mcllinry, John J, K.rn., John l Eli Voung, Ueurgc H. He.., KcbcccA Vandcr.llce, BEAVER. Colombia Coal & Iron Co. do do do do Ami, Volt, Ot. eref. Volt. Cti. do do Andrew Clark liaac Davia, do do Robert Dec), benjamin 1'. Trick, do do 75 , William Herring, iiuu.K . nu.iuin, William lloivell. Tlu.nii. E. Holf.nan. Uiwl. Kttfr, E. 1 Ud! rauiTu a iiuinhjr of oun.ii.t.ini .uh.ih v Hoalz It Bhuiuar wo lately ..'in bill, liava promptly remitted b the mail, I IMor Vi'.he, Uicctaed, to nil of whom no have transmitted receipt, by letter, j Ccorge Noier, with our .inj.-re thank.. .Many other, have not va re.. m.Vm ponded to our rcniest, but wc tru.t they uill do so .oon. I Our eipinso. nr. very heaiy.and e hope there will bo WiWani Ah. , a commendable willingne,. evinced, on the part of our J.S'uw,?,anf rrienjs in arrears, to promptly psr their jusl indebted ness tn the PniHTCR. BRIARIEEEK, sNctuQl)ucrliscmcnt NOTIOR. VOni'E Is hereby given, that the annual meeting of ,,, ,'a''1'" nt lni! floomsbiirg Iron t onipiny will ba held at Inmdjl;, Columbia county, on 'Jhitrs lav. the UWt di.v nf Ainu mi-i for the purpose of fleeting Directors, and for the traniac iiun wi .nuer uusincss. April H. JOSEPH rAXTO.V, f'rrs'l. BLOOMSDURO MAltKETS, APRIL 14, J050. 'hoat Rve Otirn Oats White lle;iin. Buck wheat. . (iillllB an Sliiiulilcr ,76 Butter . . (id Eggs .. 37 .1 UU . . no . I2J Tallow Is.trd . . Potatoes. 10 18 10 . .... 1 0 ,....12 ADMlNIdTKATOR'rt iNO I IUIC. I EsVilc of John Aweson, divms'il. TV OTICE is hereby given, that Letter, i.f Admlnlstra. 1 tiiui on the Estate of John Anderson, litu of Jicult t iwiisblp, in the county of Columbia, di rena ..I. have lueu grant d 1 1 riauiucl II. Anderson, uho In n siding iu Espy, town, in the said county, to whom all persons iudiLtod tn said Estate ure to make p.i)ment. nnd to whom nil h.iving ilaim. are u pres.-nt th.'in properly iiuthenticattd, for s.ttleini'nt. . ,. , HA.MUEL II. ANDEItSO.V. n.ll H larn-W. Wdmlin.lratsr. 37 SPECIAL IS0T1CES. iy'ticn rtaii(iirl u Lilh IwiiioriIur nml ('itiiautic, in nnmiii-r culunin. XtZr We Lave m-n Kntral tlmoiug ;jetHcW this wtok, which indic.tto (hut U are uot, m vet, boused for the coming jear. We agreu with linrn-j, that ''fickle iuAn ij a)i Iu row, and it h remarkable that be baa chu-wjn tho most tickle pan of the jcar to do it iu, ah this time of yvar in guvrally chdractrrizt d by suddeu chanri u' weutbor. Thw rc'BtlfH.v.ifa.t, and cuii titant denro to cbaugu locality, ia a pecu liaritj ku-jwu ouly to Auicrieans, and hcucu they arc found everywhere and hcldciuatay lou tbou'b at one pUoc to become iduuti itfU with it. w TilUMAb V M.Vi"lriU.V, lU-cived tlu Prize Mednl hi the Uurl.l'n fair in London lttl. for TUL'NKS, CAKl'l'l' UA(j'ri tluuu..lioi. and Guuh, Gnat induce iiient nrv now nifjrcd tu i-urchaiurn of the nlw nrti tl . Thii Is imich th 1 irtiuht tnck t-f trnnkn. Carjn t i.ajiB. V'jllcj-i, A-r in I'liiUdolphij very ch -up fir uihIi No. 40 J Market Strt'i-t, niic dmir nhnvp Jth. touth ttdi. Piir Ons gnnd defect under which the toftu uf Bloomhhurg laborh, h the want of ctreit'Jampd. Tbe stored generally close tit bi P. MM and atwr that time deep dark uiAA SL-ttlfH over the town, to a? to render traveling dangerous to eitizena, as well aa trtraugera. Socral UAtance have come tQ our knowledge lately, of ladies and geu tJemeu returning from iuocting, fallingiuto ike creek ou Third btreet, tbe bridge of which has uot cen a railing.aml if a per kod wuhci to have "hid fewliugs jarred' let biia walk along Main or Market street afWr uihL w" 'I'll- I1h s:ici ei'tl un the i-vinjui; t AUfc'uiit 27, lij the liitt sji"iiilid Alirura lion.Mlin ti-r "ven in tlit rcntur). v c r tn adored lights flitr-h-cd iirroit ilic nli, nnd tl. chniiyes wvtv heauiilul In thu tnirr.-if. ,t oitt? tiniti a rajtt birer rtinarkeil, that h. ftnriid h conU vo the sKirkin llffht lurm th in f Ivc-o i'ltn th f. Ww wnr.i ; "C.(i .ill jour e-irmtntn-a! the lirmvn Htjiu t'lclliiiij: I dill of Uuikhiu. A- Wiucm. Non. tu3 Hii.I Ou) 'hjtiuit t-trjLt, uIkhc Hixth. I'lnlatia." ! A VHW KJUM AMI HUr'INi: lTu 'KV i'llIWril'Lii.J. -U'mu ljALt.t'101 AiMi I.Ati. tin.r nf rutut'i an.l .Mark I lrc-'tn. i!dlh m 1 It n in tin I utsh tiurk : re n.itinfic i that th "n way to l.itild up un j k"t.p ft l,irpc h )ain-a U tn s.'W (funds th ip an I io HtUf.irti n tn c.ittt m.orfc. I'tilvncu will imi mmwrr. i.l h i mli ie 3r h id itH d.i, mi'l ni1 tnti'n-l tn b II tiur t'dfidji fivo jut c-nt. n-Iv aR"u iij-oii cibt, (no mttrt an i nu It nit,' nn I n i v m.ttieti tn nnrked ulch. TIhh cvhti'in (.ill H'istjin i: If without putting. UV th ill bu an! edl " fur iunh. Ojr j.B.ifrt.Qtnt fir uun awl h 'j in tlu larg' nt in l'hiladtlna and our prico .utirti Jcwr tha .in)- uhT. -t nnce and gee for ytumelf, al the ; WUITi: HAU.Cl.OTHISfl UA7.A AH. j H. V. coriiiT ( o-irth and Maiktt its. 1'lula. F:bruirv 2S. HfO. -12in i ; Coinnioa rmut rult-H th of thi p'fpli, httcv 1 er th.- mlsiniiuJ nnd mlciuthrnpc philonoph -rii may .ny to tm ctiittrary. ihow them a g e I thing: let its nr-Titu lb tl. &rly Ut'iii'mptrate 1, and th-y will nit hnt.iU tu 1 e it th-ir uiijst ccr-lial pitriniif. Themjn' Lav alf JaJy r.iti.1 Jd tut. jud? 'in nt of a, concern i i:i8 tn virut-M.I JIOnTlin'KIl i HirrRllS, as ma) tie 'n in th.a tin.ii.ut," luantitl k of this modicm that ur annaii) noi l in ti'rjJn ttion of tjuland. It it now r.'io(in i ..! as (iratiy mip ri-r all ullur rouuilKs U tie i -ttf.J fur di9k.acit ut tlu dit;t--.ti v c r raiii. mthaB dlantutsi, iiyntntcry. d) npi'pi.i. and for the firi"ui f. vera nrirfi from ill rJHfii'iuciit cf lliom partioim of th ' fjn-'iii. r'd name rajii ,ly b:cm..ni3 a liuus hid 1 v,t'fl.l. frfii Maine to Tti.i, lroiu tlu fhori b of thj Atlantic t the 1'acifiic. Try the article na uatifi.'d. r-ol.t by all t!ru;i;it9 in thi ncrld. H""S.j i n ivcrllfciiit-nt in annth r column. Mill fVolice. 1 TO CU.STOMEhS JIXD Till: PUBLIC aiEHJILLV, I HAVn rirnnviJ In tlm Montour Mill., and intend I Kci'i'ini a supply of (lour and on hand, anj for a'llc ai cheap as thr cheapest for ciieh. I would furtlur SIV to all thns knoulnn il.n,.,., 1.1 1 ' 1. Drird Apples. 1 60 ""'uet .Vi. thai they would confjr a arcnt favor to f 1083 the old nooks. So rail and sre us, friends, and your custom nnd cash Mill be thankfully received. Montour Mills, April It, leCO. B,:mK aIASOMnY," liltiniC LAYING fe I'LAdTERINO. fpllC umlerrlzned rispectfnllv Inform, the citizens of J niooinslmrir. nnd the public Rtuerally, that lie lias located in lllooinsliir2, and is prepared to rzecute all kinds of Mason Work, iu .hurt order und on reasonable ti mis, .j" Itesideiuc ill Mr. Ilrower's house, on Iron turret, nevt doir to Itronrr's Irtorr hrf all orders In Ins line of liunii.'.s ill be thankfully reciived and nrompily at-ti-ndt.l to. l!OUnti:V 11AV. lilopiiihtnirg, April 14. :iin. Tub Weatiieh. April, tlius far, Las been as coquettish and whimsical as a epoilod beauty in her tecua one hour all tiuiileii and tjunbhinc, the next all frowDs uad tearB. One day it is warm and pleas ant enough to dispense with flials and overcoats, and tho next both are in demand. However, fickle April id rapidly passing way, and we nhall tioon welcome tho ad Teut of youthful, blushing, blooming May "In light and airy dress arrayed, 'estoooed with buds and ttouers." ' For Boveral days past, there baa been considerable rain and its effects up on vegetation has been almost magical. Wc would adviso tho ladies though, to be careful of their plants, and not presume too far on the absence of frost. Before setting ut delicate plants you had better wait un til the weather becomes more settled. tST Wo arc requested to announce that the Itev. J. R. Shanaclt, will preach in the Baptist church this evouing, which will probably be tho commencement of a series of meetings, l'reachiug also to-morrow, at half past two, 1'. M., and evening. t6J"Tbt Free Banking Law has received thu signature of thu Governor and ofcourso has become a law. Wo think our Stato Legislature has bcconio too experimental on matters so deeply uffectiug tho intor ets of our state. Ihcak in the Canal. Tho McClure's Run culvert, at the cast cud of Williams port, gave way ou Sunday night, cauiing a suspension of navigation in the West Branch canal. The damage will be re paired with all possiblo Bpced. KHW MII.LlNUltY (JlM)lJfj. ' V 1 X G A A I) is U MM H U rrili: unj. i.un.'d respectfully liilnii the ladies of I lllo ini.b.iri:. nnd ueimty .Iu has just Plumed Trow tlietJMcru cm u nil .1 splendid li.sorti.iiilof new MII.HSKltY t.i'OUS, roiopri.nii! I'tir) limit roi.imouly found in ulirsttlais Mlllin. ry r-hop. I'irslileol' i..mniU, lannot be sur pas 'd iu this n rliou 1,1' roiintrj . and In r work mil id lur iblj loioparj nun any done this side of the 1 itirs, ri 1.1. on hand a , t 01 ,1 .nt and handsome bonu.n. I1.1I1 and capi, fr lilllj Misses H all kij s.inj one's. : M!V IIMtKI.EV. Illo.'iesburtf. April 14. Ht.n rt Ji I.I N Us A K imTl)K6. IJ. Will lit 10, Xvilh ZSuoivt ! cel. l'mi.Aiii'.i.i'iii.t, Is tha 1110.1 eitui.lvt ma.iwfsclurer of i AND i WINDOW MlADI-.S. I y TUL L.1LOLAT ,W rWJTJ A.s'.itui.ut in t!i , Ctiy, at tlu ll.OWEA'J U.1SH I'RICES, hl'-ro HIndc tnailf and l.tttiied. , April H. in. I J A N & Gr,3il , UUW LUST. lu,V UKSI'OHKD. J Just Published. 1 1 a Sealtd Enxttont, . si OH I III: .NATLKK. THU Vl.JIJVT AMI f J$ It.iUh ALCUKCOF Hl't:UlATOKl(HU. -1 f I-A, or -HvmiuiuI VWdkiH-nj, Xxudl K-bili iti-.-bii'r t), . rvojimfin ana Involuntarily Ihniit- w. J. T. Ul-jin. Ut-v, Oliver KJje. J uiilb Evann, 1'hilip i'jc&t, ijhii t'tvan" Cttats. Gillwrt Kowler, Artdrjv. Frvas. John K-jkhnur, Jsiiiivt Lviuon. Augustus U. I'earce, do do Henry Traujh, John Vost. ChrlHtopbur Dcntler, Levsii Bunder, CONYNOIIAM. Ebmcz"t Dranh&m, Jairon Trciu, do do Piumon A ) do 11 V .Martin's hod. d L) Mar) Daiiukon, Tliymai Humes, lii'iijainiu L'Oouibt, John Voutie. Joshua I team, Lewis Walk ir, Nutli.miil itrown, t of t'ailmi, kliuc & SUarf Ins, John Huston. IMer J fa us liner, litorge Aaliton, 1'tl.T L)ollai'n, Josvpb Juroan, VilU,u.i MUU-r, WiIIimiu I'urtvr, UanUl HffUL, IVu-r Sinilti, Hichard Tunis, J Oil 11 WtMtllldU, J.dui Warner, Johu Voting, Kobcrl Juruaa, Andrew i'orter, 1 nomas Huston, Mary Kiuton, Lvmis UulHvr, JuUnstun Ueailcy, tioorgc LliClihdin, Thorn 11 IlilUhtmtr, Hubert lliHihiiuor, ill mm buannon, Autos WicWurnluui, FttANKLiy. Jtrtuuah'iuchtr, Uijiih K.'ji.olas & Cm,, nani.NacREEK. Juhn Allcg-ir, WiLliaui luckal, Fr;as Iloiluiau, Udiil-l FoUr. Ihuuutt llutihison. J. ,N, i It. is. J..ns, Muhiel ltinon, Ulu J Mtlluiry, Ktiujrd .MtHuiiy, i'urt-f, Ja-iu-s l'nrks, V iMiatit Uvbbint, Allium uiiiig. M.mruc .MU'ltf, GRF.E.VWOOD. J, m Cojnhonn's Lslite, ,tidre jUriiy, luvi.l A. Kliut', rtiiuiu-1 ('. lcihore, J.rtiaiuh Wlni. uii, IIEMLOKCK. Nathaniel ram.Ull, jam tin .tut tt. J.'tcoh lU'tiudn, Deiinis riKtl. Ljvi Wiht. John Clulai1. dliUtl uren, (jetrs-lhlls. Abrah.un ludler, Samuel NOh4, lit.noiuin.y at.d Mu.tal uud lby,iuil UMFUUsMll's OF FKlChfi! A Sk FfiillRiviN lv Funis i Cvtry one At eica Salesman t JONXS CO., of th-i Crchcnt One I'tiu: Clnthing Htore. No. 200 Mar kt urt-i-i abovp Bixth. Fhiladelphia. In nildiiion to haug the largest, most varied ind fabhionablc ttock tf Clothing in l'hiladili-hin, made vt-1 prt bly for relinl talcs, hau constituted tvery one Ins 1 owu s.ilisiiun, by haiug marked in figures, nn each artnlc at the viry lowtf t juice it enn be sold for so they cannot possibly varyalt inuat buy alike, Tim poods arc ucll sponged und prepared, and grent pains taken uith the making so that nil ran buy uith thu full insurance nf gittlng a good article at thu cry low i 4 prirc, Alxo., a lirge block of piece goods on band, of thti Utet-t t,t)le and bett junlitien, which will be Diadc to nrdt r in the most fahhionablu und best man ner. 'i3 per cent., below- credit prices. U 'inemier tbe Crescent, in Market, above PuthSt., No. CII4. JONES L. CO. Humphreys Specific Homcopathio Remed,ick. Hat e now bjen b-furj the public five years, and lmvo cery wh.'rewon golJeu opinions from the manythou anils who hove used them. Biinplu, Jr;e from intricacy, teihnicality, or danger, th y have become the KUdy rokourcu and aid uf the pa r'nt, traveller, nunc, or invalid, and have become th family pbvsicuu and kmedual adviser of thousands of families. Xo where have they b.en tried without hav ing been approved, and their highest appreciation is among those, who have know u them longest and most intimat'ly. X. li. A full set of Hcmpurlys' Homeopathic Brccmcs, with Uook of Directions, and twenty ditlvrcnt Remedies. in large v lain, morocco cue, $3 ; ditto, iu plain case, $4 ; ( case if filiTen bwxes, and Uook, Hiugle bmes, 25 j cents uud 5'J ctnts, ' The bs Kenadies, b) th) single box or case, ure sent by . male or oprcts, free nf charge, to any addrcte. va re- j ceipt of the price. Address, ir r hlmi'iiki:v l co. No. id Uroadivay, New York Hoi I by E. P LUTl. Agpnt. Illooinsburg. Fa. biom, iiidudin, lULUIiJiltV. U noil. J. CL'lA'LinVXLL, M IJ., .lutfiurof 'i'hs dicra hot,k,' Tlu wml.i-r uutl;Ui, ni tins uu.ujrablf Lecture, tl-urly pruv l,ii own opcriviae that thju.vful cutis qi octfcol s ll-dlaB)iiid ne ttletually remove l Vtiiluut Mv-.iiti.n uuu without uaiigeruui, Surgical uptra, bodgks, lustrututslits, lings or turuiiU; pmntKi" out n mudj of tur-'iit uiice ttruiu und cliettudl, by which every tuilVrir, no nutter wlut hi condition imiy U,m.iy eure hiiits.lf cheaply, yrhattly and Uatluaila.- Tins Lett ire will prove d buuu to thuuhduds a id iluus- UU.I4. rf-iil under bile to uny addrtbs,t,s(aii,oii the receipt of two postage bLimp, by udureniig s. I J . j (j KL1NK, Al. JJ.. 4'U Virbt Avenue, S. V., Fust Hoi J5i April H. L-otl JJ.ii. JAHK90N. L0CV8T. Mar Myers. Daiiul Hese, M.iry Kiuton, narl"- Ku"n Ji.h.i ltiy nolJ. Willi mi Sitr. John Uvtrlnrd, WiUhl Hughes, J t H. Hh s. Wiiluiu MilLri Thmuas Kutn, Wnaht LawsoD Hughes. MAD1BOV. Fraitub ilundvrshot St Co.. MONTOUR. Mithael J. Groves, MAINE. Andrew Crrveling, llcnty 6l Jacob Hauman, li. F. Frick, Daniel Fuhcr, Ji'r.-iu'ah Fiucher, Jacb llossler, (ioign KHchner, George Lonifuberger, l-hiliu AnlUr, Jysliua Webb, 2d., Hamuet Uoone, William li.ers, Hamutl MtlUck, John Mtllick, Jacob Ljer, MT, FLU Ad ANT. Public Notice lor Jjiceiises. I Thomas Aten. Tlioilias Aten, Sffn , T OTICE is hereby given that the lbl- u'jnui iiaruci. IV luuitijf persons in lolaoiuia county, have riled Marshall li. Kinney, llieir p.tlllous Hi tlu -ourt of Uuarter S.-s.ioiis. of thi Aliram i.osuu said county, lor lavernund blow Liu.nsc l,i Uuir re spective tonnsliips, wlnih rai Ip.lilions will ba prescn ted to til J said Loorl on ,Jou,la, tho 5th day ol May, A. ) IfoU, of tthiih all persons'steumll lake notice, nn i ih. I.irensjs lor III rountv ,l I'.il i. n . . granted ou WcdnesJa), the Uth day of .11 ay next, al 3 Jo.hua Zimmtriiiau, o ciocs, i . .... Hen , IVler Mill.T William .lensinjer, Georje Nunsesser, Jacob Mchwtppiiiib.'iser, 1'iUr Volu's Estate, New CE.NTa. During tbo last month ''e-arly ono million and a half of new cents wcm Usatd from, the PbiUdlplii.i Mint. .MOn-'AI'H Ul'i: I'lIXS. TUeUlgh aud cut ted cil-, ebrlly nhicli this pre-eminent medicine lias aciuired for i its invariable clhcacy in all diseases which it professes to cure, has rendered tho u.ual pracliLO of osteulatious i purlins nut only unnecessary but unworthy of them. I They are known by their fruits, their gooj works testi' , fy tor tli.m, and thej.ltirivv iiol by llw faith of the irud- ! ulous. In all cases uf cosliveue.s, dyspepsia, bullous ' and liver atf.'ctiuns, piles, rheumatism, fever. & agues, j obstinate head utiles, and all general derangements of lualtu, llu'si 1'itls haw invariably provtn a certain and ' apcedy remedy. A silils trial will place llio Life .'ills' beyond the rt.cli of competition in the crtimatiu of tvery patient llr Moffat', rbocnia lilttors, will be found equally if fican us iu all cases of nervous ikbilily dyspepsia, head aibe, the .icknts. incident to feuialt. in dilicato health, aud every aiud of weakness of the digestive organs, Vol sale by V. II. Moffat, M3 Uroadway, New Vorii, and by- medicine dealer, and drug. 1st generally through' out the country i Pbrtury 10. t&6C-lu-om. ADVlXt&Hti, James .lllller, Alxaudtr Hughes, Uto. W. Iloofui.u, 1'. K WolfrolU. Jaetb Hood, Johnson Linden, Wlllard U. Grerne, Juo, I . I'l t.Ticb, rjamuel .viclleury, Isaac Vitlcr, Kenfer A. S.nith, Villiam II. Koons. W. A. Kline. llagenbuch, l'anl.1 Uverhart, I'et.r iSchag. Kuoth llancll. Jo.hua Womer. Oliver A. Jucoby. rjamuel Kaustaabauder. Juliu l.eacock, George U. Jaioby, lliraio B.iolh.r.. John L. Mursl, Isaac Tahringer, William Kline, llcuben Wa.ser, rranklin Khuuian, John rin)dtr Isaat Illiodes, Kdward Carey. Jolm K. Jones, Jatob Kistler Hainuel Everett. Ilaiuel Helnbold, John Grover. Truderick Nicely. William Long, Jwhn J. utiles. Washington Ve.ger, Jacob wager. Itirliard riuiutr. 1. H. llrobtl, A. J. Lvnns, Wilson Ager, Daniel T. McKitrnan, Tavern, ia do do eu do do do do do do do do da do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do da do do do do do da da more, da da do do do do TWnsAlyis, Madison, orange. I l.lnngcreek. -"oiiyngbain. Orange. Uriarcrcek. Hcott. Mt.rica.ant ilenlou, Maine. Madison, llloom. Grsenwood. Itlooiu. Hcott. do do Locust. Ulooiu. t'attanisrk Ulooin. lierwick. do Locust, do Flshingrreek Locust, llcavtr. lloanngcreek Locust. Centre. Coiiyngham. I'.ttawiasa. Orange. Cattaw'i.ia. .Maine. Uerwick. Hcott. D-nlon. Locu.t. do llloom. faltawissa. Clooni. do Cnuynghaill. JACOB EVMll.V. Otr. riNC. FYter Antdesate. Applemau's laud, Tho. Ui'iidtield, do do Thomas ll-ivls' Estate, J line. Lockard, Vallershamp's Estate, KOAniNSCnECK. I'eter Itaughncr, Jacob Triei. Ihoiuas llarnes, Jr.. Ilea & Ecsrl, Isaac Lindville, George Delves, Ilaultl Lsvau, ri.n., ML'OARLOAF. James DucValew, llciijainili Cole's heirs, Goss' Estate, Conrad liess' estate, Aaron Lewis, Lemuel Uobelts, Marah Jane Roberts, Junes Kholtz, Abraham Vuung, William Gearhard, Anthony Gearhard, Hubert Gray, l.ral Cope, Alary Custard, JOHN .' Tncsst-RLa's Orrici, I Bloomsburg, April II, 1800. 20 W 30 3 U too too wo ni a is too loo s ISO 100 100 200 1(10 200 ia to 10 tl Sid 33 21 13 SO VO IS. Ill SO 6 ti leO 277 til 100 100 3 120 OS s 30 tOj Ail s too 1JI Hi loo 3.0 J'Jl 331 370 3'Jd 3ei) 310 1UJ t 372 3J7 M2 377 'i'S IJU' J--.U 30t 3M 100 3et 3al 3J SISO to to 2S ItJ VJoO iso to is 2S0 17 tl SO 3 3t 11J IS SS St SO luo 30 SO so IS li U SO s V1G Ji!0 WO 2IS Jill itt! 30 5rj ISJ luO 77 to 123 50 17 II II 33 SO t :ii 111 SI 10 It 45 VII to 69 28 16 i5 10 SO SO 10 173 20J to 17 SO 100 171 300 li 50 SO CO 100 10S 330 137 2 54 !M 0 Ml 1 to vl 3b aillnurlinieiit Irani day to dsv fur arrrnrsit. HEAVER TOWNSHIP . Columbia, mi thu first .VI onday, (being ino tin aay; 01 utenrrs tr litpHlti ctenrr. T. VI. Hul'Me. George A. Frlck, Isaac K. Davis, llRIARCRCKk'. John Linden, dcedssed, SO Earnard Hcybcrt, deceased, 37 Danitl Se)bert, 33 3W1 too 110 23 07 3ll 110 1 10 1 33 Auguatu. II. fearce, riS!IINGCREEK. 11 m 37 00 1 William L. Tark. 33 7S oiepiicn 11. rara.. mi 13 John Kline, 1 od Luther A, German, 1 53 Kandalpu German, 37 CO ( , 4 ;a Dougherty', estate, 3 ay Joseph Mcltenry, 7 03 William I'arks. 7 03 7 OJ William Fauscy, U to 4 7,i Henry C. Hess, 0 40 Audrcw,Kile, Jr., CI William, llcbbins, 1 10 Mary Iteynold.. 3 a pdfrey Klino'. c.tate, 3 et Joseph li. Morris, 2 30 . HA Isaac Tvler. 3 3J William Lhcmbcrlln, 1 00 Cox's :lnr.. lbl ClicinberIiu&.r3orjs. 1 H Lzekiel Crosslcy, 2 7t J0I111 Applegate. 30 William cox, 0 H0I0111011 Derk, C John Johnson, 50 Lott i'urker, 1 00 John II, l'arkir, 1 43 Jackson 'Jhoiiia,, , Kenjaimii 1'ialfs Estate. ".'S?. r -r SCOTT. V SO 57 S? "'"omsbjrg. April 14, lst,0 2 2d 2 CO G11EENWO0D. HEMLOCK. JACKSON. MirFLI.V. OHANGE. TINE. II 10 bj 10 10 1 lot 23 100 47 31 Hot 10 b3 SCO 100 7a 100 50 BJ 50 ISO to 50 33 I lot tJO .Mav next, and to rnntlnui. on. vveck Notlco is h"rtby given, to tho Coroner, the Justices of the I'eacu and Constable, of the said county of Columbia that thty be Hi -n and there in their proper persons at lOn'dock in the forenoon if said day, with their records, inmlsitlons and oth. r r-'incinbrancu to do those thing. . 1 which to their otliees stinertaiu to bo dono. And those 3 q , that nra bound by recognizance, to prosecute against the ' Columbia to be then and there to prosecut. tli.'in ns Hllt.ll biljust. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their at tendance, .zreeably to their notices. Dated at iJlooiiis. burg, the 'Xth day of March, in the year of our Lord one th'iii.nti'l eight hundred and sitty, and iu thi tflth yeur of the Independence of the United States of America. (God save the Cnm.nonwenltli.l JOHN SNVDEIl, Slcri. Marrh 31, 1W.0. 13 IS 03 1 10 1 10 1 10 51 2 03 2 CO 17 3 27 21 23 1 3 1J I 1 13 1 01 1 bd (0 1 70 ill 50 35 1 10 2 53 Trial List fur May Terra, I860. 1, llcnjftiuln AlfreJ tole t, William Himoni. '2. lYti-r Sillier ti. tho 1;. W. it. Urlo Kailroai Co. H. Haiiniel l.uinon, ri. A. W. t'reamor, 4, John Mti'allavj, llvnr Mans, 5. 1 nnr 1 Ih Itupert et al, . WabinstoQ Lee, Jr. C. H1111011 Fttt.'rmiin ti. 'rl?ht Mufhce. 7, John M. KhfMon tt. NVnl Mc''oy, it al, V. HI hard Trbyts. Tlnlip Urss. Ii, tti-nry Krfasy, is. Jonrph Kirkeniall, 10. Js-'ob Hrhuykr ts. Wilson Ager. 11. Jivtjb Sanibrs vt, William Mitt. 1.'. ('harits IKMinisf n t I.adwig Uiehl, tim't, IX Townsind W. Kahler r. Uanl ! .Ncylurd. 14, John MrMulIigan, ft al tt. Samuel Khooe. 15. John K. Girt'm rs. EJgnr tlarton, tt al, Hi. William 8 ncyrr ts. John UulTnncle, 17. John Ma hin et al, vt, , C. Wilsnn'a eieutor's. It. J. 1. Jarkion et al ,.Kno li Hous-11. l'l. John K. Merrill etat., rt, Mran. 11. Fress, tt al, 2-). Stepheu II. Miller ts. Dani'l F. d -yb rl. 21. Stimuli Bealo. 9:n., Ex., tt, William Mcarr. 22. John E. Anton ij. Ilenjamin Uaytlnn. S3. K'luard Lyon vt. Hi'hirJ U. Mtnah. SI. William Garrion, et at., rt. L. Se, li. RalltMd, 25. Hank of Danville at. UcnJ. F. Cole, adin'r. 1 lot John a. iju.aTov, I Treasurer. 1 75 Grand Jurors, for May Terir. ricnton Moses Vocum. Uriarcreik-ChatUs Whltmire, Ctiitra-Ilcnry Dalon;. an. A. litmus. I Conyneham llsub'n Wn.a.'r. IVbnierrjeK-Eli llobbius. Grctnivood -James Vauhorn. Hemlock llcub-'n Guilds. John Neviu,, Samuel Obt. Jackson John F. IKrr. Locust -ti.ini.i iieavtr. Chas. liillir, Wru. Coodman. DISiJOLlJTlON. ti ii. 'THE late firm of II. W. tt W. X. Creay, .1' 2 3. ill thu Mercantile Hut lues, nt l.leht us. i,,.. JO 21 Solved UPOII the hrblllnv nrAllrll. 1.1. Itt the (leeel,.., nf, l.r.,1, 11..,,..'. M Ji JV- N' Lt"',l'' m" ot membirs of the said firm. The M e - Wm. Hitler. John Krlchnu. jo 00 booss, accounts, ttc, of the l.ttj llriu are In the hands of I .Madison -IlenJ. 1'. l'rult, llemer U. Mill., !. father Tltt . theundtr.igued. at l.i(ht dtrw t. lor settlement and col- 1 mm la 10 J"1'- Persons in Itbted will please call with' , .Moiuour-jnnu Delftr. , . j . """. ',.,fcu. .uu u.i uer.oiui uavuiK claims or uransre nf linn, will also prt.. 'nt lu.iii 1.0 04 deniaml. nn.m.i tr.n ,.l.l I ,.. 113 00 to thj sub.crlber duly authenticated for settlement. JIJ OU ii V I'HF V 207 SO Oranire-tiaiimcl Hti.lleman, John Ufrriaf. Elooiu.burg, .March 31, 6oO. II. W. CItE3V 1 52 uSntMtreet, April3. lew 'u.n. KI3W I I St II. 131 rilHK undcra ..lied. II. W. Craasv .t n. !r.....X , -j m o - , "J " '"" I-JrtVtiu (It'lTIIIKl'r, JIJ -jL A. Creasy, hahig furmud a co-partorrflnp. in the in Light Street. Columbia county, l'a , uuth-r the name and Ktylvof H W CV-nsy At IV. bey lcati' to liifuriiithi'ir Irtvnds nud thu public, that thty vail continuu the busi lies a of In all its various branches, at the will known Store stand 211 S3 of Creasy At Uroth.'r, w here the) w ill at ull times be hap 211 &d lv i aiieuu to me tans uillieir irienusanu customers. 110 50 70 3d 78 02 II 01 34 00 ci 40 70 54 30 fO 70 51 Traverse Jurors, for May Term. I bloom -New ton Doon, John Purscl, Jaco'j K. Groul, uuu'.-v iiiiieari, aiepn:n Itnorr. Samuel risher. i, Vincent UlcharJ, Bamuel 1 72, 2 04 I I 42! 2 43 I 3 33 2 10 1 01 I.kht Street, April 3. lT0-3in. II. W. CUEASV it CO. STATE CouslituUoiial t'uiou Conveutloii. DF.0LA.UATION OK PRINCIPLES. . I IVON'-INTEIIEERENCT. with the tv .0 I i M,iver, as not beins n subject ft I I.eniil.iliou. hole question of for Cungres.l'ma! llrinrcrJek.Muses Dav m- enner. Ctnt-r Joshua Kuwler, Sai.iut-1 llagenbuch. Emanuel Hill. Allen rihellliammcr. Cattawias.-Mithael Urob-l. John Krifsr. Conyiieham-llaiii ! T. .McKicrmaii. I(lsliinujreek- William Ikltr. (Ireenwood John c I.emon. HemlocK Isaac Tursel. Jackson Tliomas W. Vouns, John McIIsnry. Lotust - Lucas Eahnugtr, Aiuzl Faut. .Muiitour-Wm. Uoberls, riamuel Lazarus. .Madison-Henry Eyer. .Mimin-Mamuel Creasy. Mount l'leasanl-Johii While. Oraiige-Jolin Vance, David E. Dayman, Jieob Pojdtr, Abraham Keifer. I'nie -l.'nlvui t;h inbrrlin. Scott-Daniel 8nvder. tlloomsl'ur;, March 31, 160. From WaBhlngton. Tli. KAMA. UttLTOr.cUttOtrTO-DST. Washington, April o. The bill for the admi'sion of Kansas into tho Union U to he called up to-morrow in the Hon, anil tho calculation is that it will pis by 20 majority. Its success in the Senate ij doubtful, at least with the boundaries pro pawsd by the WynudoUo Constitution. Municipal Election at Hartford Connecticut. TUB DEMOCRATIC TICKET ELECTED. IlARTFonD, April 0. At the municipal oleotioa held in this city to day, Henry C. Dcming, the Democratic candidate for Mayor, was elected by 1 10 majority. The whole Democratic city ticket was chosen. The Board of Alderman and City Council are equally divided between tho Democrat ic and Republican parties. Delogates to Chicago. iN'oitniSTow.v, April 0. Tho Diatrlct Convention of the Opposition party in b Fifth Congrcs.-ional district met here to day and elected James Hoover and Dr. C. M. Jackson delegates to Chicago, and Dr. J. W. Hoyer and Frank Crosby alter nates. The tlelgates will vote upon tli first ballot with tho Pennsylvania delega tion for Simon Camerou for the Prciidcncy. Mr. Hoover favors the nomination of Mr. Seward ; tho others are for IlattM. 1 4'i 3 t'3 t 43 23 i'l 10 ii 1 04 2 21 3 00 2 21 3 .4 1 24 3 21 3 3d 3 :w 1 5'J 10 :!.' 2 44 a 'a 20 -0 10 70 20 ell '.II eu 2J ro 3 l 21 4J 5 00 3 So 2 tit 11 32 0 bO 1 14 CS 4 31 4 31 7 70 C S4 1 00 3 liT 17 0 U3 tt 14 1 73 1 74 1 74 IS eJ 3 02 4 41 4 33 1 13 00 i 20 ' TUI 1 10 20 34 1 1.0 ' 2 e2 C 20 j 1 20 ' 3 70. IS CO I 30 01 lrl 3 Ou 17 rt 2 7G ' s ;u i 3 Id a 5 4 27 it 74 5 CO ' ii- iii.iuut.-i. nice oi inv uiisiii.iinun,ai cxpounuou uy . ltv tho tfuiiromo Court ol thu I'mini State, anj thu t-iifuKc l im.tit ui" all Iiwh en at ltd by Cuiiltuhs. rruU'itioii to tht- iiiiluctrial intcrcotii of the whola country, ani! iirufiic:.ocnnouij and punt) in thi! minim iatr.iiion of public nil urn I'ltUt ni ol IVrinsylvania, who arw nppobfd to political factiuin Hint fct-ctioiifd i"Ut's, uhu nrti lfiirous nf mm i"K tin causes whirh lnca cndangcreil tlu t'niuii uf th-' h, nml rcstDrm harmony umongi-t I lie petinl.', by fi-riitinji a truly Vatmn.ii I'art), b-med upon the bnc pihuiirlih, uro ru'iut'it.'iJ tn ,ii dt-l.taivs tn u htntc ;uuv.i)tioti to fm Jinblo nt LnticnHt.'r. m tha ''5th uf April 1-t.tJ, nt li M.. fgr lilt! purpoij of clcctin)i dtk--t'uU's to tlu NntH'iuii t'tjnvi'iitlnn, to bj conven d ut I'nl timi rc, un tlm th uf .M,i, 1-CO. to iiuminnU' candidatvi ft-r tla Tr-'uiJuncy nml Vicu Tn-Bidtfiicy uf tho United fctat.-s. Uy order of thu Kxrcut i ve Committee. I'HAKl.Uri L..VCAan,U, Chairman. E.C. I'K"IU IS cruarv April 7, leCQ-3tt. 1'lnUili luhi.n. Light Street Store. fiRKASV & UO'S llUr.LBI'IN. LL styles of Guilt Mouliline Tor Tictiiri Framra ty CHBASV di t'O. ALL Kinds et Luiub;r for sate by CItEASV ii CO. ALL kinds of Curp't Tor sale by CBRASV &. CO. JUHT received all Kinds of Ladies' Dress llnnd.. by CUIIASV tL'O. MANTILLAS, of the latest fashion., I'm sule by CUUABV Si CO. jnox, Nail, anil St!tl, for sale by , ARHOX Oil, for sale by gTONU Coal, for sals by JUMDER, of all kinds, fur sale by NU kinds of Good Goods, by Light Htr'et, April 7, 1'fO. ,VEW TALL AND WINTEB. GOOD? C IT EAP, -a 4r SaS- tar -3 i -353 , J(S I i "dm i ! -5J say j US- itzr Day iim SIIMT U1U11I UillUlill CKEASVJtCO. CUEASV St CO. CUEASV ii CO. CREASY ii CO. CUEASV it CO. M.y 11, H43. a- SHIT LSj -s 1 I -C3J Agtnt. kk H H i i httl h'll f-ffn fitl- E V r KG 1 E KN T U K lis AM S 1 1 It U US AriN'C lot of nil Irrtdin; kinds, uf all iizjk, from G to 10 f.'ft, nnd at ull pncci, fir salj nt tliti Kvitnno Xurjtry. Ilarnbiirz. Amonj thcin ar Austrian I'uiu, Ann rtcun WhitJ Uoublt; iSprucu Fir. American Norway I'ir. Silver Kir- Kentish IV- .Austrian Tint;, Ited Cedar, t.nclieh und Jribh Viw, Tree liux, tVc., &tc. Apnl 7, liu). H. A. .MISII. ORNAMhNTAI. SIIKUHS t.TIIKAS ilnuhle nr einule. nf r)ifTirnt rnlnrc. Afnif. - t noliaa, Mahmiia, Vliit or I'lmplc Ermgs or .Mit 1 H Trc tirisa, I'rivi't, l'jrus Japonica, Hop Tree, ic, s i-c. Kcyktunc Nur ry, il. A. MJ8I1. , llarrubari', April 7. l.-f.n. , SAVuMi Fii;OS. i-n.VMvi.lA SAVING FCND-.Vo. 130 South I r.uiili Klreit, b t,.reii Clic.tnut and uvoHS I'hllaJtll hi... ) , nil delts ., dtiJ"l " a""" iii.iiitysecurid by Government Statel in i t ity Loans Gii.und Bent,, .Mo,tSoSfs, c Tills LOIIIUailV llL'.'llls ...flu I, ...... .u. . ,irtnis. ci.n..,u.-ntly i!l rL 0 ,K v,in d ' tors' iiion.y bat h... c it at all time, r.-ady t tl',Urn S in nil 3 , t, t.iit. int.rt.i t,. uu onntr, a. tbev have t-iulwa). Uinif Ihis tiunpaiiy never siiBinnilid o . t s, inaril-u i,r suisle, and .lliuors, can de. l.i im n riehl, and such deposits can be - VMllh.ralln only by tlulr constlit. (. liai tUT UeiittUIII. ...I .i...c... C . I'eiiiitilniiiia. milt anih ,r,tf .7, t llroiii trustees and Executors. 3 '-"ut. At u -WULL 4 VMS RECEIVED. ' I Ollice open daily from a to 3 o'tlotk, and on IVed- n ! I. liONDS AMI UUISNSES, SCHOOL OKllCUS, A .1) CUXK l)V.VA)i, -WITH- BLAVKS of all kinds, of the best quality and at low prices, for sate at the olhtc of the Columbia Dtmo crat. ALSO, IIov er's sup-rior Ulack In. , in bottles of v anous sizes rortmonais, lliaries, Ketcipt Hooks and .Morocco Not.' llooks vt nil htationery yeutrall). iiiesday t-i tiling until o o'clock. Jacob II. Shannon, cvrus Cadnalladcr John hiudler. .vialachi v. Moan, Lewi. Kruiobliarr. Nicholas Ktttt-nhousr Jos. II. tiutherthivaite, Georee ltus...l. Eduanl T. lljatt, llfniy Dilany, Nathan Hnieuley, lnhriain lo-. h ...t -.-i',i t,i,incoii, JACUII II. bllA.VNOV. I'r.ident CVUUH CADlVAI.I.ADEll, TleaVurer. March IJ, ISSJ-lJui. "A Dollarsavt-d is ttvico earned." 1M :ui 230 hi 73 17 23 SO 47 200 us 203 30 75 . njNHTOV, 'I'rtasurtr, RKMOVAIi. DIl, J. C. UUTTKK, has rKiiioved huoiTifi. to Marvel btrett, neit dotir tolhuiu'w LutlKTdii Cliurcli.w Irr'1 he will always be happy to altvnd to the wanti of his euomer. Itlooim-burg, March Dl, lt'fl. NOTIOK. 51 1VT OTICE is hereby givtn that the Taxes on the Vn--n is seated Lauds are due nml will be udvrrtisid lor sale according to l.iv, on the second wttk of April nelt, unless they art' paid. JOHN A. FU.SSTOV, 7V(orrr. Treasurer's Olfice, I llloonisburt'. Match Ifl'O. I 0 7 SO 2 00 01) til 1 2 20 ' 2 31!' 3 08 ' 3 00 2 28 3 00 01 1 5u mtUlGK NOTIOK. THI. I'ri'i'idt nt nnd Managi rsnf ih Catuwisfa Itritlc Cumpuny. h.ivi this day dtcluri-tl a dnidt-iid of three per ct nt, ("5 cents per nhiiri'.i mi the tapiUl bIock v( this Cuuipany, fur Umlaut u inmilhn, i aLlc to thu KtocMioldi-rs or ttn-ir local ri-prcBentutnii.uii ur a fur th 10th, uf April, ut the ultit-i ol thu Trt'aurt'r, iu t'attais ba. Uy urdvr vt thu Uuard. JNO. HIIARI'LUBH, 7ra. CalUMissa, March 31. lU iAOTICIl. HUIDGL1 WLKOTION. AN rl-cliun for onu IVMaViit, sit Manngcrs. vnti TrjaitUrfr. one tifcrotarv otiiwr for tho CattaMh 'liHUuridcrfisned resp'Ctfiilly informs the citizens of ta Uridj-c (r tlu nisunii; jcar. wilt bu htld 1 Utooiuhbur;', and thj Publr in general, that he has at thu liuuo of JlCi)U UYV.H. iu C"uti.twufca on Muu uay ww i in oi .iuy m-'svii unniTii uri nuur i mm r. M3V STORE. Wholesale and Retail HAT CAP STORE, NOTlUK PAUTITION. ICstatc of John Pricey tUcenstd. COLU.MU1A COL'NTV, S3. The I'ommonwcalth uf IVnmylvania, to Jcey Wicc, Samuvl I'ricc. Jona I'rict?, Uanifl Uinstl. Jr. Cuardianuf tlue.t.iti ofJckKC K. liuiHl, Amci 1). Ueuml, John ' J Uiiifll. Man Gfimil. A.t.n., n.n..i 1 Sarah William York, Uuardian uf lt.irhrn n...,. i-il, children f lUbctu Gtunl. lute ittbt'ici i'ricc. dc ccastid. IVlt r K. lU-rbt iu, Guardian nf the persons nnd I t itau-s f llarrianti Prim Hannah t'rice aud Win. 1'ncc, thildnn uf Khjah l'nct, dtciant-it, David K mbold, (tiurdian, to rt'ifitu notic.1 fr Jaikmni Trice, Cathanuu I i I'riM and Da id I'ricc. ihildrt'U of Jtdin Price diecaid. 1 Juhn 1'ritu, loiug in C'uiuu county, Jortmiah I'ricc! lluabvth 1'riic. Hamml fricc und .Mary Jam Prict chitdriiiof Hamuli Trice, deceanod. Vou und cath of' )ou me liULby couimanded to bu and apptur at our I Orphans Court, to be Inddiii at JJIoniburg, iu and fur! uanl count) of Columbia, on thu not .Monday of Sa ' next, then and tho re to accept, or refuse to tukc the real j Kbtalc of John I'ricc lntu of CatlaiMsia tounshiit de- c-ued, at the taluutiou put upun it, by uu Iii'iucwt nuanled b this llouorubU Court, or .show cause why th- ha i in: sli'iuld nt be n.ld Wilnc tbe lionurable Warren J. Wood,, ard. Khi., I'n bidcut of ur iaid court at lllooiiiabure, the nuithdu) ut I'tbruary, A. D., civhtet-u hundred and ivtj. JACOB KVERLV, Clerk 0. C. Mirth 17, l'j10THOSOTAR'tl OfflCE, IJtoouitburg, April 14, ltwi. LIST OF LKTTKHS REMAINING in tbe Post Office at Cloorasbure, Pa., Manh JJst, ItfGU. Halnr Uauiol ufin i.ura Usulo James 2(dbip) t.'rcamer A. W. Ktan W U Try Adolphvj riiucktf Pctvr Grop Abrui ti. Ham tUmuil Jones Hamuc) (maria) May Macs 2 MrWiun Juhn Mathews S. Montgomery RcAt. M Maniny Jacob tM ckt-r Harriet Opu.'Dhimer Louis I'iUVt Charles (iuiuu Willi am Ilobvrtd Clark PersOQS LAlllnv Tit lha ahovi! Ipttira. uill nltttx. ui tfnty ure advertised. . L- & &UPKRT. P. M opened a NEW HAT STOKE, In tho uhiiij Frame Htora Hou8, on Main Htretl, nnr ly oppu-ite the Uxthuiitwiluildings, where hu has just rc c ivcda tplcudidaskurtnient of UITV HATS ANU GV3 Hi reft from the Manufuctorivs, of aJI kinds, dtylfs, sorts und nit, latcbt Tiuhions, which he oiTers, whole sale and rrtail, at my low pri ts. Alio, SIKWV GOUDti, in liidmit all'ho modern nylt. and fj.hions. Zj These Goods, mil bu .old at very low pnets, for Heady Pay. 8. II. ANUWAI.T. Bloomsburg, April It. 10U d.N'O. r'llAUl'lXl'!', Cattaw isa Tridf e OlTice, Jlarth 31. lrtU A.c'y. THIS WAV CIIKAl' BUVBllS. HLDOMHUIIKO cheap cash Btora. seam irplenished wiib a Iresh'.stock of yvntixa f.ouus-we ant now prepared to offer to the public a vry handsoiac lot of rpnng and Hummer GoivJ, at usual low piics.for HUADY PAY ONLY, Com iloeg with yvnr rush and produce. ui.i:t:Tioiv FOR COUN'TY SUI'EUINTENDENT. To the School District of Columbia Oonntyi GtnTLtMiti -In pursuance of the lid section of the Act of cth May Irtl, ou are hnby ntitiiled to meet iu Cosivcntiun, ut the Court llouic, iu Uuoinsburi;. nu the first Monday in May, A ! 1n(, b ins th "111 day of th month, at J o'clock in thi uuirnonii, and Kit rirnft-e. hyannjurity of thu whole numb r of Dt rector proacut. one per nun of literary nnd scientific acquirements, and of skill and eiperWiw in tho bit of teaching, as County up?r)ulendut, fur the thru- mc ceodmg years i diterumio tho amount of cnuip.-n-ittiou for tht same, and c rtify thj res tit to tho Plat Hupcr intt-udeitt, at llarnsburj, as rvqnrcd by thj.-th uud -tflth ectioQs of bald A a, WM.KUnGUtiS. Ceunttf &tdierinten4(nt cf VolumbtaOunty, Millvitle, April 7th, ltfio M. in.OOMbUUlU; AOADKMY. THU Hprmi! an 1 Hummer tk'ssion of the Lloomibur? Aiadfiii, will bi'tiu Wednesday, April lllh, iMiO. PuiiiIk instructed in Hui;luh, Classics, Md(rn Iinpua gi'i, Matlu-matiis, .Natural riti uces nud Vnal Muic TIk coursu of Mathematics a id Classics is intended to prepare the student tor admission intu u IJmvmity or ColU'Cf. or to qu.tllify for bani.'si, A llailv ILfiiister ol'th? att- uuaiirc. rnndtirt nn,i arslup of each stmlent is kfpt, which ts opm at nit tunc I for b, euarduim ur otlnrs ppeciai aiiriiiion is fniu to uioe who Uisign ritlin(f HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLE SAT, The nnderslrntl havlnc oif4 Preffnor ni'MPITRETE BrECiriO UOMCKOPATIUQ RRMKniW In nr fimlllts with the most tturactory remits, and IiatIur full canfl dence In their Rnulneneiti, purity, and efficacy, cheerfully recommend them to all persons who wUti to h&Te itf, re liable, and efficacious remedies at hand for prlrate or do mestic use. The Iter. Wm. Ilw-nr, editor of "The Northern Inde pendent," Auburn. N. V.; ths ReT. K H. Orewey, D.D , Hector ftf St. Peter s Church, Auburn, N. Y. ; the Rer. H. L Ires, Chaplain of the Auburn Plate Prison; the Kit. Ppencer M. Rice, Rector, New.Redford, Max ; the Hct. Allen Steele, New. York Conference ; the Rer. StTnuel Nlcholf, Kaat-flenei'e Cnnterence, N. T. ; the Rer. P. S. Pratt, Dorset, Vt. ; the Rer. John E. Rohle, RutTalo; A. a Hart, Vi. CMca, N. Y. ; the Hon. Neal Dow, PortUnd, Me. ; the lion. Schuyler Colfnx, 3 luth-Denrt, Ind. ; th Hon. Oeortre Hampltreri, N, Y. ; Henry D. Cook, tsi , IMltnr of Hie Ohio Journal, Cdumbus, Ohio; the Hon. K. IL drahatn, Mullne, III. t the Hon. Thotnm J, Chue, MnU cello, Fla.; the Hon Jeph Rcnedlct, CUca, M. Y.J Weo. UrUtol, Esq , Utlca, N. Y ; A. 8. Pond, Esq , Cllca, K. T. J James Pluokelt, Kii , Nashrllle, Tenn. LI9T OP EPKC1PIC REMBDIES. V N'o 1. Per Verer, ConfesMon, an! Inflsmtnatlon. No. 2. For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Wrttlnu the Bd. No. 8. For Colic, Crying, Teething, sail Wakefulness cf lufintft. No. 4 For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantnoi, and fkmmv ComplKlnts. No. 5 For Colic, Orlplnjrs, Djuentery, or Bteody PlttX No. 6. For Cholera, Chilera Morbiii, Vom'tlae. No. T. For Couzho, Ocl Is, Influerus, and gore Throat, No. 8. For Tooth-ache, F-:e-ache, mid NVumltft No. 9. Per Headaobe, Terilso, Heat and rolloeM uf Ue Heaa. No. 10, Dtptimu riuji For Weak and Doriaft Stomach, Constipation, and liter Complklul. No. 11. Imb FkmaLs lKRi3truiutlEt Scanty, Pxlaful, or SapprrMed Periods. No. 19 For Leueorrhea, ProAve Mens, aud Bearing Down of Fetnalrj. No. IS For Croup, Hoarse Cough, Had l!rU.tns. No. 11. Salt Rheitm rux-Fir Erycii-tl, fTiptlim, Pl-nples on the Face, No. 35. RmrviTlC Iiuj Ptr Pain, LtnH-oe, or frire ncas In the Chest, BU, Ilns, or I.l-nb A. For Fever and Ague, ClilU Few, Ihuat Aua, Old M!soianaKel Affuei. P. For Piles, H'lnd or Rleodinr;, Internal tr Krtmkl 0 For Bore, Weak, or Inflxmed Eye ao1 tyiddt; yv tn. Weak, or Blurred S'eht -. ror Catarrht of lor g standing cr recent, dther wtU olvinicUon or trofuie diecharre. W, C For Whooping Cough, abating Iu rlolcoce and Shortening its course. In all acute disease, such as Peters, IrJSamnaUena, Diarrhea, Iysenter, Croup, Rhrutnatism, and such erup tlredtieaais as tJt-arlet Ferer, Messles, and Erysipelas, Ui adrantsge of siring the proper remedies promptly is oh rtom, and In all such cue tbe speclQca act lite a charm. The entire disease Is often arrested at one, and hi all catea the rlolence of the attack La moderated, de dltW short ened, and rendeied less dangerous. Coughs and Colds, nbith are of such freprt ecniiTeneci, and ftt.ich so often lay the foundation cf d infixed lungv, bronchlus and eonsuuiftUwu, may all be at once cured by tbe Fevtr and Coush Pills. Iu all chronic dUtanes.such as Dvipea, Wenkltocaach, Constlpatiou, Lhtr CompUlntJi, l'llt. I'nnnle Debility, arid IrrcKUlaritles, old l!eUches, Pore or Vttak Eyw, Catarrh, Sctlt Rheum, and other old erupllou, t)te cse has specific whose proptr applicntlon will afford a cure In auiitt ertry ItsUnt-e. Often the cure of a augle chroidc dlfliculty, such n DjspepKla, IMes cr CnUiTh, Hesdache or rwnsle Weak, has rat re than paid for the cue Uu Uimh orer, PIUCF. t Cae f-f 20 vials complete, In morocco, and BvMk . . ,f3 Caetr or iiO vials, und Uc&k, pUIn ,. . 4 Case uf IS numbered bo its, and llok a Case of 0 boxts, numbered, aud Hovk 1 iuugle nunibsred boies, with directions 2ft ronu, SluKle lettei, nlth dirvctioiiv 50 cents). Litt ittt vf 1 tt. ials, for planUn and MSO SPFCIFlCi Irk A a Tin i CR PliTUialC Oppretwed, HlJBrtJt, Labored Prrntlilng, attended wiih tcujjh ul CipevtoraUon. Pilot, 50 cents per ).. Foh ta Imnn Wtcharpw from tha Kar, the reult of ticarlet Fever, Me tales, or Mercurials. Pur Noise In the llrsd, Uardnns of Heurlnn, and IUoglcjj In the and Kar-acLe, l'ric. tA irnU pr bus. Fun Scnorct.. Enlarged (llsnds, Pnlsrgel and Indurat ed Tonsils, fUtllhifs and Old Ulcers, Pirvfulous Cacheiy of CliUdren. Prtce, &0 cn.te per b x. For fluiKmi. DkiiiiTl Phvuical or Nsrroai Weakoe. klther the renult of fSlckL.u, ificeMiw Medication, or Ka haustlnif a rpfi. Pile, !0 rants per box. Fur ItTnr Fluid Accumulatloini.l'umld SacJUni, srtlb Bcanty etlons. I'riie, 10 cU prr box. For a Sirk,K. Pwiiil,!) yicUeni, Vertigo, Nauieta, Yumltliig. Bis;ki,eNi from rldluii or mvtloD. Price, l0 Lenu per bok. For CmshT PinauBiF.-r Gravel, Renal Calculi, PuS cult, Painful L'rUiatlon, Ulttasesof the Kidneys, like, CO otuu per box. (or SewijfAf. Kuwions Inrnluittary Iischargi and Ctmieiuciit Prostration and HeblUty, Had Resulu of KrU Ilsblla. The moitt suPCtsiful and efficient remedy know, and may be relied upon as a cure. Price, ulth full dlreo tlont, f 1 pr-r hot. Prisons ulio Ish to plare tl.froiehf under the proff sUujkl crc, or to trek advice of Prof. HfMrpaiT, ran rlo so, At h'.s itnce Ml Uroadway, dally from 6 A.M. to b P.U. or by le'.ler. OUR REMKDIE3 BT MAIL. Look ever Uie hst, make up a ease of what kind yog choose, and Inclose the amount In a current note or staiar by iu Ml U our address, at No ttl broailn ay, New-Vora, and the medlcluo lll be duly returned by mall or eipra, free of ehame. AGKNT3 WAMTFD Wedes'.re an acllre.erBflent Agent for the Ble of nur Rem e-lies Ineierytonn or community In the Culled fiates. AddrMs lr. F Ht'MPHRr'YU 1 Co, No Wl Rant)wif, Nkw.Iobk. SoM hy E. P. LUT2,Acent, Eloomsbur" Pa April 7, IWO. ' tin.' in hi Ives tor tt'aclunir. TERMS: Common Ennlisli. per Quarter. iiiu r nnyiuu anu i.iasics nissoLrmN ov pahtnkk'siup. rv u l let; is nctiv l ivpi! taat ttio liarttiristilp hritlis I V,i"'''iHii!fc"tcc'ii, r.lisha 11 and Thon.a. . r. roviU'r, trailing umlr the flrm nf l'urs.l .t r,ttrr 1 islhisiliiytli.solvcilby nmtiial cons.nt Al persons in. Jt 00 1 "Jtbltil to Hi. I firm, VMll plrase m.lkc srlll.nullt Ultlmut c .u. i dtlav. Th txi.infsk .if nA u,.lli.. ll... N'o Utiluition will lip made tin account of non atti nljnco ' l,''i,t"t Washing Mai bine, will bu cnniinueil as uu or ornitliilianal bt'l'ore Unj closo of thu icision, unless i ' ""J ''"''I' in cis of nrotractt'il siiknuss. liooil liriai,liii! cau be procured in private fauulc. at reasonable rates. Ketcrt'iici's Tntroiis of the school. Ii A UKt'KI.KV ll. rnnciial anj Tcatber of Classics att 1 Modem Uaiiifii-itres, .t A llll.'.i;, Ti'aclur oi .Mathtluatlct. M'Sini.biiril, .Marrh 17 Irui Tspv Mar.h 11, lftKO. E. ft. l'lIRSEI.. TIIOS. C l'0VI.nit. ti I VU ciiiilling Umlers, vaad uo lIumbiiK,; for silo 1- bv IIAUTVIAS H ALL L. o if you do not believe at I1ART.',IAN'S, mutes' NOTIOK. WllERHAB, t tran.ftrred a certain 'rtomii.rr no,, of $IHi U), dated the lillu of March 13.!, ."j itn-d by Jn.fph Coli man, lo'one IJanJ frritr. pivlSI. mo year after date, I b.reby forbid the said ('..Ionian payinj said note to the pn-.ent holder, and all oth-r t' . . . nave ioi T ceived valui therefor ,ot any part of it, anil imdturmiD.4 JsJ" lt Jibe. kODvejuujf.. . so--t.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers