COLUMBIA DBHOGRAT.t KIEV. SATUntlAY MOIININO, Al'llII. 7, 1800. t&- Messrs. Kobe & Beoklky'b Gra ded School, will open next Wednesday, for tlio Summor session. ir Frleuds, inform us promptly of your ohaiigo of location, tbat wo may, as prouipt- ly, chaugo tho address of your paper. Jtor. Mr. Siianafblt, is expected to preach in the Baptist Church, next Sab bath afternoon and evening, at tho usual hour. On tho S2d of March, nt Bnlnutl Evcrcl'a Hotel, la OriuffCVlllo. br Rev. W. (Joodrich. Mr. Wcilky Klinc. of KUbing CreeR. towmlilp, to Mill MlRUlRET Demott, of Iloliruurg, Columbia county. On tliesutb of March, In Urongcvltl., at Samuel ! ret'a Hotel. b Kcv. W. Uoodrlch. Mr. Williax Hull,. of Uanibra, Luzerne county, to Mill Catharine Ant. of Bugarloaf tup., Columbia cuunty. At tue nmu ulncu and time, by tho lame. Air. D.mrL Am, to .Mln Elizabeth Uellks, both of Cambra, On Thursday, SMd ult.. by Rev, John Tliomai, Mr JicKeoi Middle, to MlriiHcaiN, daughter of Mr. Robert McKce, all uf Antbuuy, .Montour county. In Danville, on I lie imli of March, 1PC0, by the Rev, R Jonca .Mr. Jouh T. Howe, ofCaltattia.a, and Mlia Har riet R. Kvani. of Illouiuiburff, Col. co.. 1'a. (Eolumljia jUcmocrat, Thofollowing aro the receipts to tho office of tho Columuia Democrat, during, tho month of March, I SOU : Citato of DcnJ. l'iatt, gj Oil II. W. at W. N. Crcaiy.lM; Hamuli Klincr, Ei'., 11 M Mulouion Hternir, George Kreiler. Columbia County. J. K.nirton, (Farmer) HetliB. llance.M.D., A, K, Hinllh, II. A. Ilarber. J, 8. Donne, lliq, 8 001 4 UU 0 5(1 3 (1 uu 1 sui Jackson Thoiiiu., Eii., 1 luj of .Muucy, to Mill Maria M. Mylrt, of Laporle. KB" Tho contested Special Election, for Justice of tho Peace, in Bloomaburg, be twixt Messrs. Wirt i Monnis, will bo hold next Friday. EST tlon.v Uest, Esq., of Danville, ad vertUoa Fruit Trees for sale at his Nursor- ios, to which wo invite tho attention and j patronago of Horticulturuts. Messrs. Keller, Oakes & Jack son, our members of tho Legislature, havo our thanks for many lcgMativo documents, daring tho late Session. In Rtoomiburc. n the morning of the lit Init., Frajik tw Wylik Tiiovai, Infiut ion of Samuel R.aud Emiua Thorna,' of thli place. I'litrick Ca.i-y, Robert Rolibini. II. A. Nolle, William Ucinley, I'.llai llnbelbla, Hudson Uwctl, K., JACRIOII Bi WllOUjll, I Haliuiel fount, ' JuilRe Koolirt, Evan C. Join,.. 1 uuj 1 5o( J (Kli 3 1 4 UU 1 so 1 (KH 1 (Kl John B. Hen, Esl., (MOO .civil, i'i 3S Rev. Cyrus Mtone, 11 on lt. of Uatharlno Lutf.,11 50 ltate of Peter Lutz. 7 Oi) Cilrord Lire Ilti. Co.. Hiram Hell, (lodfrey Hay, Hubert B. Arthur, H. I 'Miner, M.I)., William Barber, John Wlillerstecn, Jarnb liver. ToinniM.llubbell.Ei'i. OU John Kramer, 75 li.n id yeacr, 3 no John I.. Hunt, 73 r.K.llorbelu, 1 nil Jnihua Womtr. 1 5 l'eter H. Ilulnljl, 1 SO Ceo. It. Ha) hunt, M. D.'J Oil Udiilel llelnljold, l'eter 'iglcr. John Hruglrr, Keubin Kntttle, Ell.. nuuum . vr.liiB. B (II) 5 IU 1 to OU 2 00 3 75 3 00 S 00 DLOOMSnOTtO MARKETS, Anal. 7, ISCO, Jonei, 1 3jl,Rev.i;ilw. Murruy, lTri . t or, . iai,,iiililir 1(1 Andrew Imhach, Eai., I 75'l.uoih lluwilt, Wheat 1 aiiouitur m jotm i:., i jiljohniiiu, Uvn 7ft Butter 18 Andrew McCartney, Jr. 1 !! Win. tfh.iir.r, if i, Haniiiel Lurenuii, 3 00 Adam I U It, r, Hower's Cornet Hand, were out last Saturday evening, and Serenaded several of our citizuns, among whom were the fam ily of tho Editor of this journal, in Third Street, for which compliment thoy have our thanks. Corn Oats Whitollcnns. Buckwheat. , lams 08 .. U7 .1 00 ,..50 ,. 12 J Erks Tallow Lard Potatoes Dried Apples ..10 ..10 ..12 . 37 1 CO '.' on 1 73 1 Tj 1 73 1 73 75 3 00 2 Oil 3 50 I 73 1 50 STATE Constitutional Union Convention. DE0LAUATIONOF PRINCIPLES. NON-tNTERFEUBNCi; with tho wliulo qucullon of Slavery, at not being a int.jcct for Congrcinlonal Itosttlatlon. The tnatntenaneo of tho Oonttitutlon.&i rspounded by tho Buprcmu Court of the United Bute. onl tho enforce iimnt of all laws tonctfil hy Unngrcu. I'ntUrtloii to the tniluitriat Intcrotn of th whole country, and prtiitcncucmiuiny and purity In tho admin titratiun of public ittT.ilrs. Citlzcm of rcnnsylvanla, who are opposed to political fiction and sectional lumen, who nrc dejlroutt of ra tncnlnif tho catiiei which have endaiigoret) tho Union of the Statt, and rcitoring harmony amongit the people, hy forming a truly National Tarty, baaed upon tho abovo principles, aro rciuestfil to send delegates to a Htato Convention to Oinomlilu nt Lancaiter, on tho 25th of April. Inuj, nt 14 M., for the purpoaa of titecting dt le Rates to the National Convention, to bo convened nt Ilnl tnnore, on tht tali of May, lcij(t, to noml nato candidates ir uiu I'rvsidoncy arm vtco l'rcsiacnry or uiu united bftatvs. By order of tho Exteutiro Committee, LANCASTLIt. Chairman. K. C. rKCHIN, Hecretary. pni i, irim .m. i tii no ipnia. SPECIAL 'NOTICES. C7Bct Banford's I.ivsr Pills, in another column. HviouKATOft and Caiiurtic WillUm llouill. 1 5 I'nrvin Kulalnr. Thomas K. llotl'mcu, UU lr. Julia Leacot-k, U'wis ctti r, L j., 1 OOjr.iauC, Jonfrf, vi ,UriTw a number of our ilMaut subscribers, to whom wu Utely st'nt bitU, h.ivu promptly remitted by th'Mnnil, (0 alt of whom ue havo transmlltetl aa-ljita by letter, with our KiiiLvrt1 thanks, Mnuy others have not j-. t res ponded tu our re-put' but c trust they Mill do so roon. Our vxpume aro very heavy, and we hope there ulll he a comtuetiddblc uilliiigiiiss evinced, on tho part of our friends In arrears, tu promptly tav their Just Imkbtud nes4 to the PiimTER. M p-We havo received a letter from Milhillo, o terrible scrnth of chirography, about the death of n child, not only unin telligible , but without a responsible vouch or, and in, oj course, inadmissible to our olomns. (Q TIIUMAH W. M.V1TSUN, Rcln-d tlio I'riio MtJal ut Uiu Wuilil'i Fulr In Lomlon IM1, frTI!UNKH, CAItl'llT UACH, llouta .ili'ies anil (lum. flrt-nt Imlilce. intntioro mm cnTjrcd to puttliaarn of tin' above ortl- nniiMV ,1. . TI.I. ! ,url, III., larci'Kt stock nf trunkn. C'armt UlkJoUiill 1 1U llnui, Vullci', lu NiilauVI.hla very tin ai for enjh. rplIE late firm of II. W. & W. N. Creasy, rn .wi t,.,k... tittnnt. , ,lmir nlmip ttli. tiulh side. ' I in til,' Mcrrnntili IIiilni'iiM at I.iclit BtrL-ct. wai diM ' mlvtMl uion tin- firfl il.iy of April, lfMl, liy the ilcci'nsi' of rr?- Tliy HuavuiiH wiru lllil mi iiatuO ou the t'liliini! o v. JJ. Cra-tv. one of tliu niciiibfr of the salil firm. The a... i? iv.di l,v,l, ,,,.! .lr,nli,l Aurora Ilurcalli UooH.accouuti.itf., of lh,' late lino are In Hi" lumU of 14 . ' ' thfUil'T'lgiH-il, at Light Mrct. for ft'tlleint'lit ami col ever icon In the century. Itnyiof tri-coIori'Olifliti'llasii- .r,. uitoiii ln,l,'bt".l ill nlc.ise cill v.ith- cd acron the iky, nntl the ch.ui!rft ore benulifnt in tho out further notice. And alt iteriuni li.ivinu claim or ,. At on. tituia mot nlwrvcr reiunrkiil, that i auaiinttlirt lai.l Liti; fircu, will also ipreaent them lie fancied he could lee the iparhlini' lleliln form theni. 1 ii lvei Into the follow lac wordu "lluyull your garment! at the Urunntjlone Uothins Hull oflto.Kiiii.L& U'luon, No. MCI and Mil Lhejtnul rlre t, aboi e Sixth, l'lnlada." Ki:''r.E KUltSttllY. EVKHCUI'.KN TltKES ANDSUHUBS 1'INU lot of all trading Mm!, of ut! elr.ei, from f, to in reel, ami at all uncui, lor iflle nt tne Keystone uriery. Ilnrriibur. Anioniz them tire Auiirian l'inc. American White Double Hpruco rir, American Norway Fir, filter l'ir, Kcotiih l'ir, Auitrim Tine, Kcd IJedur, nni;liih and Iriidl Yew, Tree Dux, &c, &-c. rtpru lew. 11. a, auaii. tnlh'jMUbcrlbirdulk uutlieuticdted for lettli'liient. II. w.rmwstv, For ii. v. & w. n. i;iii:asv. I.lelitPlr"''!, irl13. Irul tlin. ' Th "Uaging Criiw1" is now in navigable order, nud boats are constantly pasning up and down. The various com mission houses along tho "ditch" present a liu sinew liko aspect , and thero is a lively Unto in all sections of the country. NEW VIICII. r. imowvi nssmit or jmic Civou.-Wc call, tu rpHE undersigned, II. W. Creasy & D. ., i reaay, naillig lormeu n co-iuriiu ruin, in me MBUOANTILK HUSINESS. hi 11 nht Htri'it. (,'iilutnhia county, l'a., under tho name una it) ie ntll. WiLreany at, u., leave in iniorm uiin frietidi nud tho public, that they will continue the Imni- In all iti vurioui braiichei. nt tile will known i frtore itand of treaiy et lirotuer, w uere inr win at an uniei ue naji ny to ntlLiid to the calli of their trieniln and cimtouieri. 1I.V.UKOSV4.CO. I.lcht ttri i t. AiirllMrtM-ain. nttLntion of our reader! to the adertuement in our cel. uuius, of that wi II citalilj.lied remedy "llrow n'l Kwnco of Jamaica (liuser," creimred only by it proprh'tor, at the corn, r of 1'ifiii and I'll . bluut itreeta. It is at all tluiei bem filial, hut at thl leason, when udictlnnn of I the stoma. Ii nil d boiviln, nnd particularly the Summer Complaint are rorommnn, no hi, 111 idiinl or family ihiiuld be without it. Ana c pauloii for travi lb n ou long journe)! and by ea. it will be found lualuahln. ELLC3TIOIV Sj a m:v rum ami iii:hinks.-i i'ton nkw ntlNt'Il'IXti. Win re lli.t.L'urilio liiuin. corner of Fourtll and .Market itreitu, iloei not follow In the beaten track. We are latiilh-d tint tlu only way to build up jfQR QOUNTV SUI'EUINTENDENT ami Keep a large uiiiiikhi ii 10 sen pooui iucui hum i:iiu ..LfLiiim in niotoiiHTM. l'fitence will not ailstlver. Tn t1,A Rrtinol Tltitrtet of oletmbla Oountv Of the Times, and a few Other bam door .ud humbug had , day. and ' ' ;' ; '" of the Ac, "( lyou are hVrlbV nmlej to papcrJ. llOt unrrOfJUCIUly COIUC tO US CltUer i i-irJ.,ad no variaium tn marked prices. Tins t.)i'.n ol, tbe flrht Monday in Ma. A. !., 13W), Uinj tho :th euiearcd over, folded under, or uupri.itcd. j m '.' ' ; " VhS?'S,'C? K it' l u .1 lit e 1 . rr n;. '" '"I""1'1) r"r ,,o,, i present, one perB,.n of literary and icieulifn VVe UOIl t tliaUK tlielll tor SUCH StUU. UIVC hilit , jrK,t ) I'lul.i lllpliia. and our prlcei inucli ucquireiuenta, uml of skill ami experience in the artol JUSJ-.Tho Democrat, Record nsa readable exchange, or none, gentle men. 1 We are In tho regular receipt of J'rof. M.U'k'h New York " Working Far mer.'' This is a standard work, read and known by all men, devoted to the interests iwonri .i''-d, and ti of Agriculture, Horticulture, Honculturo, (lardening, i:tc., and is also published at only SI 00 per annum. Farmers never loie their iutureata in the "Workiug Farmer." .--..ii .,..... .....t UJ.. f..t ...m.j. le inrblitu. an County Huoeriuti'iident, for the three suC' ceeillu; years; determine the amount ol eonipeiivation iuuudeiit. ut llarruburi;, us reiirud b the JJUi uud 101U sections or salil .ct. WM. IIUIUIIVS, Count! Siipcrintfnjcnt pf CWumlnu C'eunts, Millville, April :th. Irlid-.U. lowerth.ui any oih t the WltlTi: MALI. CI.OI'MINI! IIA7.AAK. H. W. foru, r Fount! and Malkel lie 1'hiU. l'tbrunry i3, lJi.O. 1 J.u. HOW I'AKBNTS PllOVOKE TIIEIU CrilL' "uukn to WitATli. Under this caption, we intend publishing in the next Colum bia Ikmocrtil, from the "Home Monthly," a nio-t interesting Sermon, by its Editor, Ruv. AV.M. M. Tuayek. It will strike a thrill to tho heart of every parent, by whom it is read, and better imalify them for the training of the immortal mind. Weibcpoak for it a oareful perusal in advance. Common sonso rul'-s lh i aiu-i of thf p 'opl-, n iv er the iiiiHUauieil and muaiithr"pe phibH,tph M may s.iy tolhe contrary. Show thrni a pond thing; ,-t its luerits ill not Ili'llUte to ie it lli''ir most corniai pairoo.iR,'. iii.-pi"i' ""--already rilill.-d the ju leni-nt of .1 pbjsicl.iu, com, in W the nrlu.-s of lll)--Ti;rn;ll'H III ITKIW. as may be b. en In lh iimn lis 'pi.i ,1 Hi' s of thin m -illciu" nr itiniualli h dd in ri sitioiiot Ibeland, lti now rerojui. 'd a -.'really sup n"r to all ulh. r reuo'dus et deii-ed for itO'.'H"w d lh'' di,-ime or-;.ilis, inch as di.irrlt-vt hi' nt r).ilyep pi.i, and for the various f--I yvr th.,t itris Irom d, ran,'.'"'' nt of tUo-e portions of 'the sst''iu. Ibwlell, r's name i r.ipidly b cm ms n hous'hot.l w( rid, fiooi Msine toTui.i, Ir tin' t.h..rrs 1 of tb" Alliulic to till I'jciiiic. Tr) the irtiile and be ' s.iti'S'l. rlold b all dr Jsi-t "' th " oild. "yrt.' .i U rti'lo' nt 10 auolh rroluian. McitlWj ?wii'j CiarTJic St. Joaopli, (Mo.,) WtUt in aponfciugof tlio Kansas dirorco laTf3,saya: "Wo umlcrbtand that the Kansas Legisla ture have granted one hundred ami fifty billii of 'hvorcement in Jorty days finally the legislature tjuit the retail business, and the House concluded to do a wholesale operation, aud immediately passed a bill divorcing all married poraouB in the Territory. "An Oak is not l;Ei,iKn with One BLOW'tior fortune made with ouce saving but only by tho continuance thereof. Franklin said "little and often fdls the puisc;" the contents of which fhould be deposited in porno safe and reliable Saving Fund, euch as tho Krankliu. No. 190 South Fourth street, below Chc4nut, PliUa., were it will bear f per cent, interest, and can be withdrawn at any time without no ict). Th'n Saving Fund never suspended. See advertisement iu another column. LMHtitMll'V or" ritirr.r 'A N. l-WiHdi lie mihkm ; i-'urj one his vten tudcsman t JOM.H t'O, cf llieCrcneiil One i'rire Cltlini: Htorc No. '.HO Mr K' t ulifi.f hith, l'lnlatlrl)hii. In aiMiti'Hi tu hdTiiiE ihi1 tnrt'fpt, most varied unJ fBhionohl mifk f ('hthiui; in lhil.nlclphU. nititlct-i prfatly i'"r ri-i:til hjl-'it. hao coiihiitutoil evi ry one hi a own 1m tua m.irkctl in fignrt'H, rn vnrh article ni th very hmi'ft prn it enn be aol I fur u thoy cannot iiutfthly vary all must buj alike. The tronila art1 wi'll i)fn.rf''il nnl rrrrrtl. flti-l print imiiiti takt'ii with tin inakmg b thai nil can buy with the full itftm.rancf if netting a kuihI tirtirlu ut tin very iimuitt uiu, ,lfi.. n larc notk it U'Uf rikhU on hamt, of ih.- Ittt-t't btyli' nud btt jURhtirn, mIiko will he HiaJi to urdtTi in tin vnml f.ilinnijb!o unj iuun nir, ii5 jr cnt., bchv crvilit pnc-. lU'iiic.i.bur the CrtfKifut, m .Market, almM Kixthht., Nu.tW. JDM'.S CO. Humphreys Stelae JXonioojiathie Rmcilca. Wiva uow h-in btfurtftln' pulillc fiv yrarH, and have tury wlur'J won jri.ldcii opiuitiiii Irom thj nuny thouj aiiit.i who have u-ft thou. Hiuiple, fre fruu tntrtmcy, fihulrnhty, or danger. thty luc hcc'uie lh-r. ady ri'source nud did nf the pa rent, travollir. nurei, or imalid, nud become th fa:i.ily phjficiau nud liuidiial adiir tf ihoiib.iBdi uf fttiuilictr. Nuwh r.' h:ivu tiioj Ltcn uica wnuuirn.i- (ng lioun uppn'Mid, and tli. ir higltrtt iiMr c i.ilioi u aniuug thuHd who hmu kuwwii tluni lungt-t and luubt luIiniatLly. N. II. A full M-tif PMrnKnlli)Mi.iirATinL bfti iFic-t, with Mm ik of l)ir-ttiiii, and twtuty dUU-rcnt Hi-nu'dutt, in largu ijl,m(Jrocfu cai't S"; ditto, in plain uc. 31 i CilvU (if lilti-eu bvtiun, uud llouk, J. Hlliglc bi'Hi, JJ cents and 5u ci nto. TlK'sa licmtdicij, by ihu tintfe box or can, nre binl by mak or fiprt'i1, free uf thiirgf, t any ud(Jri' un re ceipt if the prim. Add re iii. l)B r , lIU.MniKliV ol, UU, No. 5U4 Ur.idwuy, Nt.w York Bold by IS. I. MJTZ.Ag'-nt, Uluoinaiiurs, 1'a. jIght Street Store. OltUASY & COVS. HUFsLKTIN. LLftylnsIof Guilt Moutdlne f-r rirtnr Tritium by hi kinds orLumbrr for eilc by Lh kinds of Corpit for sate by Ma) Court PHOOLAMATION. WltniinAS, the Hon. Warm J, WoonwARD, 1'rcpi dnt of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gen rrnl Jail Delivery, Court of (luartcr Hussions of the Pen co and Court of Common I'leas and Urphan'i Court, In tho 3th Judicial District, composed of tho rountici of Columbia, Hulllvati find Wyominp. and the linn. Jcon KvaniI and Peter Klirk, AiBoclato Judges of Culumbln county, havo luuod their prccvpt, barlng data the ninth day of Fib., in tho year ol our lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, nnd to me directed for holding a Cuitrl of Oyir and Terminer aud lleticral Jail delivery, fimcr.'il Uuamr Hessions of the t'uace. Common 1'leas nnd Orphan's Court, In Uloomfburff, in tho county of Columbia, en thu first Monday, (being the Ctti day) of May next, and tu continue one ween. Nctticu is htreby Kiven, to the Coroner, the Justices of the IVacii (tnd Constables of the eald county of Columbia that thi-y bo then and there in thf ir proper per nun i al 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, vtiththcir records, iniuiKilions nnd other remembrance tu do ihosu things which to their oilm op porta in tu bo done. And thoac that arc bound by recognizance, to prone cute against the prisoners that are or may bu In the Jail of said county of Columbia to be then nnd there to oronccuto them as shall hcjust. Jurors are revested to ue punctual in llicirat tendance, ncreenhly to their notices Dated at r.looms uurtt, uiu -mu any oi .larcu, in inn year i wur uuru vnv Ihoucand eight hundred and sixty, nud in the B4th year of the Independence of the Urn tod States of Amcricu. JUlIN UN YD KU, frij. March 31, letfl. CKC AH V & CO. CKr.Aav&co. UBT received all kinds of Ladies' Drom Cnodit, by ANTII.LAH, of tholaUht fashions, fur ..! hy CIICASY it CO. HON, Nails anJ meu, for sale by AHIION Oil, fur sale by iTONH Coal, fur sale by, of all klndi, fur sale by i ND kladti of flood Cochin, by Light Stm t. April 7. IHU CltEASV&CO. CRIIASY & CO. CHDAaY & CO. CREASY & CO. CREASY fit CO. OKNAMKNTAIi SHRUBS A LTIIEAR. double or einelo. of different colnrit. Mat V nolias, Mnhoui t.AVhite or I'lmple I'riuqs or Miit Tree, HjrniEa, i'rlvet, l'jrus Japoinca, Hup Tree, A.u, c , Keystone nursery. ii. a. .man. Ilarruburc, April 7, lfl i). liONDS AND lilOKNSKS. SCHOOL OUUEKS, AM BLANK DKKDS, LANKtJ of all kind, of lh" best qmhty nnd ut low price, tr dale hi tne onice or me uoiuuium ik mo dal. ALSO, Hover' punerior Clack Ink , In bottle of v.irloui eizeti rurtmonais. binrk-e, Receipt Hudk aud Morocco Note tmuKs, wim eiaiionery generally. UKMUVAL, TMt. J. C. ItUTTEIl. has removed hit office, to Market LJ street, next door to the new Lutheran Church.whi're ho vill always be happy to attend to the want uf his cuKtuuur4. liloouirburp. march ji, lci.u. NOTIOK. MOTICR lit hrcbv civen that the Tnxe on tho Un L seated Land are dm, and will be advert Ut'd for nale nccnrdhiK to law. on the sicond weik or Ann! next, uniea-i mey are pmu. Treasurer's Oinc, Itlnuiiburtr, Mnrrh lnrn. ( Grand Jurors, lor May Term. llenton Mosfs Yocum, Hrlarrretk Charles Whitmlrc. Centre Henry IMong. tl"o. A. Herring, ('cnyiicham UHuln-n Vns.r. rifhinscrerk-LIl UubbliiH. rrenw ood James anhorn. Hemlock Hcubt-n Cuildi, John N'evius, Oamuil Ohl. Jackson John 1'. Dtrr. Locust Daniel lieavir, Chag. Ulllig, Wm. tioodman, Jacob Ilarncr. 3Iol ne Wm. HitUr, Juhu Kelchner. Madison-Hem;. i Fruit, Ucmer U. Mills, leather Titt- iiinn Moiinmr jonn flrlgir. OrniiKe HaiiiUi.1 Ileidleman, John Herring. Roaringcreek Jolm Lev an. luooiiihburg, .'lurcn Ji.iu. Traverse Jurors, for May Term Itlnotn Ntwton I loon, John 1'urstl, Jacob R. tiroul. iUiinTi uat icirt. HLeiuieii tvnorr. lkiiton Iltndrick Rang. iieHV r jacon nrrrineer. Bamuei r isner. Urinrrreek Moses Davm, Vinont Richard, Hainuel k Irhnir. Cintt r Joshua fowler, Hamuel llagcnhuch, Kmaouvl Mill. Allen heHhinimer. Cattawiosa Michael Itrobst, John Kelfer. Col i yng hi i ii Dauit-l T. Mchii rman. i isiiunureik- wiuia.n lKii-r. Greenwood-John C. Lemon. Hemlock Irt.itie rurm-L Jackson Thomas W. Young, John McHenry. ijOCubi-i.urni taunnger, tnizi caui. Montour Win. Roberts, ctamuil Latarus. Mudiiuti llenry Ler. Minim Samuel Creasy. Mount I'I 'annul John White. Orange John Vance, Duvid U. Hayiunn, Jueob Snyder, Abraham Keifer. i'i no -Calvin Chemburlin. IScott In;if Snyder. ttioomstiurg, Marcnaj, ifw. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of John Wise, deceased, I N tho Orphan's Court of Columbia county, In th mat' k icr oi me account oi iTier ivcrKuciscr, AumutiBiu tor of tho eptate of John Wise, deceased. TIih undersigned. Auditor appointed by thQ Orphan s Court of Columbia county, to settle and adjust the rates and proportions of the amts In tho hands tf the laid administrator, among tho creditors of tba said rotate, In the order established by law, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office, in Hlnomrburg, on Thursday, thoSuih, day of April, A. P. 1BO0, at 10 o. clock in the forenoon, when and where all persons inter cstcd may ottciid, if they think P' wmTt Dloomsburg, March JO. 18--Jt. Auditor, NOTICE. ALL persons arc hereby forblden t rneddte with ine ffillnu hiir nrrannnl tirntiprlv. viz! Ona (JrnV MafC. two head of Cattlo, nine owlnp, one Lhorse wagon and defendant's other property, which I bought In at Cnnsta Mc's Bale, on the 3d day of March. ltGu, as the property r ( Henry Irfar, Jr., an of which I havo ten in possession ni the said Henry I-ar, Jr., during my pleasure, of w hich the public will take notice. Reaver Valley, March 10. 100.- JOHN C. YEAGER, MANUFACTUItER & WIIOI.nSAI.E UEALKIl IN m HATS. A'PS, mL STRAW GOODS, " nonncls ami Artificial Flowers, No. m NORTH Tlltlill STItUBT, rftlLADKLrtllA. March 10. lttOO-liin. ItUIJINOAM fc SKLI.EIIS, WHOLESALE confectioneries, FRUITIillEUS, Oranges, Lemons, I'runva, Raisins of till kinds, Figs, Dates. Nutn. and Cun feet lunar v. Xo. 1CI .torlli Third St., Plilliidclphia. CuuntT)' .McrrJinnti arc invltud to give us a call. ITT" Orili-rs promptly altcndcJ to. M.irrh IU. 10 - Itin. TOUAUUO & SKOAltS. MARSHALL HUGHES, WITH : A 5 E S & nOTi WIIM.EHALE DEAI.EItrl IN Mnnulaclurfd ii Leaf Tobacco. 1IAVANAGKK.MAN AND DOMESTIC SEGARS, &C. N, E. Corner of Front and Arch Streets. ARTHUR. HAULM. J james m. novo, t nilLADELPUIA. March 10. Idfiu Urn. . Tho Conuocticut Elootion- A CLOSE VOTK. Hautfohd, April 3. From tlio latoH returns received, it appears that Seymour tlio Democratic camlidato for Governor, wa9 defeatedby only i!00 votes. New Haves, April 3. Tho complcto returns of the vote for Govornor, bIiow majority of571 for Uuekiugham, tho Uo publican candidate. Tho Legislature will bo eompopcu a.i follows : House 142 Republicans and 80 Democrats. Senate -13 Republicans and 7 Democrats one district being Mill doubtful. Municipal Election. BUFFALO, N. Y., April 3. At the eleo tion yesterday, tho Democrats carried tho entire muuicipal ticket. Portland, Mk., April 3,- Joseph How ard, Democrat, has been elected Mayor of jthiacity by a majority of 48 over 3Ir. Jcwett, Republican. Tho Dcmocratfi havo aleo elected four out of tho aeven Aldcrmarj and twelvo out of tho twenty-ono Couucil- mcn. Toledo, "April 3. Tlio municipal ejec tion yostcrday, resulted in nearly all tho candidates on tho Republican ticket bein elected by an avorage mojority of 170. Guowth of a nkw Finoku. The Look Haven (Pa.) Watchma7i records a very remarkable phenomenon. Some months ago Mr. John Johnston, of that Uco, had tho middle finger of his right hand amputated closo to the lower joint joining the hand. The wouud Boon hcald oVcr, nnd almost immediately a new tlngor commenced growing from tho etump of the old one, and six months from the time the finger was amputated, Mr. Johnson had a new and full-grown finger in its place, with the exception of tho nail, which is just commencing to shoot out. MUKFATH LIFi: F1LL& Tliviliigh and enwedol etirity which tins )rt'-viiiinrnt nwdicinc has uemm-d for it inturiahU cthcacy in nil di to cure, has rmdert'd lh" uual practice of oriteutatloud puiruig not only uiiiu'Ci'rfu try hut unworthy tif them. Tlu-y arc known by tluir Iruiu, thir pood wmks tehti fy for them, and thi-ylihrive iil by tliu fdilh of tin cred' uluus. Iu all case of costlvun-ss, dyspi'inm, hilliouri and liver a (Tectum a, oik's, rhcumatiriui, At ague, obstintu ht-ud uiheri, and all u'eucral dvruuifumt-nts of II EAR WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. rk.t iu,.l..r,l1t1t.t l.ivl.itf w Profi-Mnr lU'MlMlltKVS' bPliCIl'IO HOMTOFlTllIO UrMNiUUS In our f.iiulli?- ti in tlm iti'Ht H!itMuct'rv ru ul M. ami n ivinif full i mm dviic In their geniilniMit1, iurit, and i-dmiicy. eluf rfulty rcciimtiu'iiil tlifji tu all per-aw Mini wun in h iv lf, r lliMf, un I ffllcHtluuj rcineit'MM ut hand fr privulu or tl uiiFitlr u4t. The Uv. Win. lIomTt editor of " Thf Northeru Inde in teiit,' Aulmrn. N. V ; th Kov. Ii. II. Ctwv, I V. llfrtor nf Hi. l'tr's Church. Auhnru. N. V : I hi' lit v. It, 1 Iv.. Clitnljln of the Auburn rUt I'rUnn: Uic lt-v Mi.fiif.T M It(. U-itur. WJlcdford. Mum. : thf hi'V. Allen (Vide, New VoN C-iuttfrcnc-; tin- II-1 rUumcl MchiN, tflit litfiitt'tf C'Hifercufv, S. . tliv UcV. r. Prut t. !,rtt. Vt lt.i IL-v. J.ilm L. U'.l.ic. HiitTulo : A. Hurt, li , L'licn, N. Y. ; lh" lion. NcAl Ir.T, ptrtbuid, Mi'.: Uie Hon. rWnW Colf.ix, H'mllvlk'ti'L Ind. ; ttvff Hon, llertriw lluninhri'-. N. Y. : ll-nrv U. Cook. . lAMr n Thw (lldn Ptu- Jmirn-il. Cf.lunib'H. Ohn: lite lloiu It. H llrdt.nm. III.; thu iUn. TlmitVUt J. Cd.iPC Mint' rell-. ln tho H-in. M. m'dW. PUrti. N. Y. : Wm. Ilrlal'.l. I'j , Ullri, N. Y. ; A. S. I'oiH, K.v L'ticti, N, Y Jauiw t'iatikf tt , NiktlnUht, IVnn. U.T OK hl'KCIi'lC REMKDH. Nft 1 t,r Vt ut. Onn.vitlrtU. Kii'l ItiflTDiiiitlon. N... 2. F..r Worm Ki viT. W.irm CcVc. WVtllnir ti JUA, No. Ii. far Colic. Criinir, Tvrthliifr, nud Wrtktfuli. of Infinite. No. 4. For Dinrrl.ei. Cludvrn Inf.itituui, and !iimiurr Cotapl iltiti. No. ft, Kor Ciillr, nrlplnti", Ihninl9ry, or J'.l mdy Flu, No, 6. For Chih.r.1, Clinlt-n Mihu, onihln?. No, T. Fur Ci;li, Cold", In''iiru, an I ?fre Tl.runt. N S. F.r T.tnll.-Hrbf. FilCi' rf't nud N uniU i. Si). 0. Far Held u-hc, Vtrtk'o, IK-i and Fullat: cf ll HeAi. No, 10. Uyj'i'vr-'ii Fni Fr Weak and DritucM Btnmirh, ConLli.ithm, ttrxl l.hvr Comhdiil, No. 11. For. FfcUE li.Kioci-iniTli:-, Hiutity, I'ul.iful, rr Unj'prt''.J lVrio'bi. No. 12, For LeurnrrhiM, l'rofufe Mcnn, nnd Heirtif Uiwn of F. innW. No. HI For Croup, ll.'Rr-e Cnutcli, Hi I Hrr iMdnr. No, ll-iir lliiht'M IMJ4-Por KOhljicl-H, Ki a-i-i a. t'itiipliiiii thf Fhcp DCtH 111 thf C'l rt, 15 t'-k, or 1 .1.1 it ll. j A For Fcwr nut Ai'itc, Chill Fr-vcr, Putnh U'ic, Old Mi-urim,:'! mifi. p. rr PilM, Him l wr Itbf !', I'licrnl or Kt-rn il. i O Fi.rn't Weil, t IniUri.-! Kwiid FrlhU: Kll. UtfT, Wvik, r l.lorr? I J-1-' v. i-t-r Cnurr) , of loop ttnndhig or recent, either uiu 'lUxruiUon ir iitfue diclmrp. V.. C Fot Whiioph Oouh, abating tu loleoco an4 s'iuruidu' iti cuurvi1. In itll ucuic ilWtisi, sulIi ru Fcvcrd, loflammutluiui, Uiurri.ta, ! a.iitT , Croup, Kl.i uiauUnui, uiul such cnip ilre liUtiiM- .n K-arht FVir, .llcusUti, and LrjhlpClM, Uie advauUpf i-f .UIiit' the pruper rtnH'Ulwi prouiplly U ob l tm, uud in all Bach ciuu Ihv tHUm act like a charm. Tin. fiiUrc dkiki U olu-n urrt-dtol at ouct. und In all ctu ' the violence uf the attack. U niinltniUrd, the dlaoiw; ehort nied, aud rviulrrcJ lsi tlati('t roua. I CVul.a aud Culd, nldch are of iuch frv(Uent occurrtncc, i nud ftldvh to ofh'D lny the foundation uf dbiae,l lunKS, tironchliii and coimuiniilloii, imty all he ut out cured by the Ffti r and Couirh FilU. j In mII i hroidc dlat'HsU, audi an Ityspc-iela, Weak Ptomach, Cotitiluil'.it, .lvcr I'umphih.u, IMtn, Ftuiale Debility, and , irr,:niaiiut, oi, iica.inciua, nore or wvak r.yiv, wmmi, 1SUU10K NOTICE. 'plin 1'ruidi-nt and Mnnapriiof tlic CntttniHsn Uridgo X L'omp my. ha; i' thittday ih rl.ird u dit idrnd of three per ci'tit. (75 coiitn i r Khan,) on th! lapital ntoc of thin Coinp.uiy. fur th'l.iht nix numtht, payable to the Block hoi 1 1 ur i or th -ir Icual rcprL'Hoiitntiti,nn ur aft r thu liitu, oi apni. at tno oiticc ci i r'a-urer, iu uattaiic i.i. lW order oritit! lloarI. JNO. eHAnt'LEr'rt, Treat. Catuwib-u, MurchL Inn. lmiDGii Kiiiicriov. AN clertion for mi' Fri-fid'-nt, iii MauaRcre, onu Tau r. on; St cn l.irv ilnt r for th" t'ntt.iwiit ml lridfc I'umpaii). for ilu iii-miitt ), will be hld at tlu Iioihu i J.iVOli DVF.K, in I'iilUu i(tr.ii ou Mini day ihj ,IU of .May iKXt, bLtuei'ti th-; hours 1 uud 0 i; st ju. r-iiaun.i.n.'j. Cattaw i-i-.'i I'.ri Ige Oific , Munh 111, ltoU. At y. I'll ILADKM'UlA, Or kvkky iiLsritii-ntix. hi itauli: t'oiuc?. KUt.UO-MiS Alv,. tor ui-tu;i- h.iy. coal, ore h nd mi rchuiiiii-o hi in r.itl . I' r run un ri-koi i ry Hii.K- idLMiir.mti'fd ci rnTt, uud n. aft r trial, iut found catiHi'.iciori . hi r'tur.i'd without rhnriM'. . factory at (ho old etaiiil.LftablisltL'd fur mure than itiirty -live ctrd. AllllU 11 4. Ill, Cnriu r of ninth and Melon tlri-in, I'iiilavuli'iu a. Man h :il, i-i U :t.u. BI.0UM8liUH(i AOAOEMV. 'PHR Htirins and Hdmim-r Buialon of the Dloomsbur? X Acadt'iny, will begin Wednesday. April th 18G0. I'uplla liiatructud In English, Claslcti, Modern Laugua ecu. Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Vocal Music. The course of Matheniatic and elastics is intended to prepare the ttudent for adminsnui into a uimcrsityor Cotlcifi', r to quallify for hmdm-ua. A Dailv ReLiater of the attendance, conduct aud ecliot- orbliip of each btu i lent is kept, which in open atall times for examination by pan ntd, uirdians or others. Hpfcial attention is glvtn tothogy who design fitting luemdvives lor leaciim. TEltMS: Common niiLMIsh. iter (Luartcr. 84 00 lli-li.T Knsliili and Clnaitirs 85 LH) , So deduction u ill he made on account of iion-attcndancn or of withdrawal before the rlosu of tho neaiion, unless iu c ns'i of protracted ale km-en. (1'iod boardluc'can be procured Iu privato famllcB at reus unit oic ran'f. Hi'terenci't Patrons of the Bchool. 1). A. IlKCKLKV. A. Ii., Principal and Tcachor of Ui.npica and .iioiKrn j.anuaKes. A. A. KO.HU, Tencher ot Alatht-matica. i:uoiiis,,rK. Manh 17. lfi(). VALUABLE I'HOPEUTY fc FOR SALE! riHE subscriber otrem to etll at I'riratu tlalu, his I STEAM SAlV-MILLt at Efpy, Pa., situate in a pood locality forbufiness. with a Rood run of custom. All of the Lumber, Hlnbs, &c., can uu floia mine Mm. it can oe managed by two uieu an ii one uoy. js in exccucui running orticr. AUU a TUA(3T OF LAND. AN I) WATER POWER, with a SAW-MILL thereon, eitunte in the tounehip of Greenwood, Col urn bia Countv. Pa. This is a rare chance for any one wishing to co infti a good bUbiiii-HS, already ictabtished. A mors deiirnble property lor a muau inverimcni ih rarely ottered, 'ino jiroperty U well known far and near, as n good paying cwnccrn. Thu subscriber Iiaving a large Plaining Mill, and other business to attend to, does not feel able to give the ahovu mentioned .Mills the attention due them, therefore otters in cm tor sale on lenmt to nun purchasers. Apply at once, Partios wiithine to tnirchaie, can have access to the liuoks of thu Milii, which will satisfy them us tu its paying. Epv. March 10. lHtifl. TMtS WAV CIIKAF RUYKHS. I JinOMdltritC cheap eimh trn. ncain r''ph-nUhd 1 ' Willi a ir-'Mll HOLK M Sflil.Mi ttuui -wi a now prepared to oif, r tu the public it very handsome I of Spring uud t-umiiicr (Jowls al uu,il ion pruts, for UKADY Cume nloni will, your Mir.'Jl 31, 1-10. I'AY'.ONLY. ali mxl prnilurr. II. C. 4. I. W. IIART.MAN. nir.filll '1 uf No. I 2& 3 Mlrkir'1 nn.l III rrlni, fur fill, nt ll.MtT.MAVr. nii.sii lut orurui 'nui. rur .ni. at A t HAHTMANa. HOVI.V ryr'il -Mt'llnii.. atflu tr., p.-r call, n ir I ct-.'iu.irtat II Alt I'M AN'rJ. 1VK hliillnil,' Oiut, ri,(unil nu lliiiittjii?,) fur il( f by IIAItTMAN'H iro(ILI.i:N', llcmp & Cottcii Carp. t. for nil,' V r.l,UAltT.AN'U. . I.OCKH, Watehca Sir., itc. CI1F-JP. C ut IIAUTAIAN d. ALL At nee If you Uu nut'.'u ut IIAItTMAN'H. I C HKI'.TINU. Mu.lmS-1 Me for 131 p, r yanl.fur n.ilu ; kT I')' HAIIT.MAN'ri. lUuuin.burri. .March 31, KM. NEW CLOTHING. J IHI molerncnid, grateful for pa-t pnlronaye, reap -a 1 fullv iiil'oriHr hiiM HituuiLTH und th nublicireiierally, that In- hailut reteni'tl from the Euuarntt citiei, the l.trf-'ctt and moi't seleit stuik of SPUING & SUMMEU ULOI HINO, h;i il b -t n op. it. d In lllunmtdiurg, to whidi hi ill's the ult -iition of hi frieudf, and usxurca thru t If y are oil' red for ala at greut barfumu, ills ptoik coiuprist's n large nccortiii' ut oi (iKN'l'J.r.MLN'ti WKAUIVn AITAKUL, Coiirit-iniu o Fapiiion int-t DRtsi Conn, of i very des rnptioii; I'aiitu, Vett-t, SlurU, I'ravals blocks, L'ottuJi Handkerchief, (iloveii, Miptuderii, r. CtHJ) WATCIIKti AN'O JUWELUV, Of every description, due and cheap. .. II. Keiiieiuurr ' Low cube rg g Uhcap t.wporiitm" call ami ee, ,o charge fur ex.iuuug (imnH. 1JAV1U LUWKNBl'ltfJ. Hloouburg, Manh 31, I'M. (June Jr'O'J.) WATCHES (UVEN AWAY 1 ! A (!IFTnluid from two dollars to one hundred dollars gu en wun every uoos toitt nt mail prices. AT I.MST t A'i. Iff O IMIMXTKU TO Itt'ER These iiiduciiueuls are offered hy the SUFKUI.K UXOHANUE 00. 11X W.hlnntnti tl.AM Qncinn uses which it protases . nuuiu. and oihtrold vmntlous. the case ha spetlOM ( r lit; mo a extensive and the must liberal (Jlft concirn hwie itrwinr iipullcaUou will afford a cur In almost every in cxlutcucf. end for a Catalogue. Those who luMitiiiv. Of thv uire uf it diitjte chronic dlfnculty, such Jiavf patron in 4 other uiu Ilouses ure particularly rc n li i ritii lmIh. PiIiw or Catnrr h. Headache or FfUisJe wenk- . i,,.t,.,t to ncmatiit themsLlves Willi our terms. Our in anu pui an oiuers in mo Ct-ne uf yu tint com dtie, lu morocco, and Book. . C me of t'J iab, mi I ltuk, plain. Cttac of IS nuinhfred hoef, und Hook .. .... . 1. 1.. i ' tiw oi u iKii iv. iiiiiuiit'rro. miu uvuti licaltn, tlie.u l iu. nave .n.ariau.y p.u.o.. c.-, ...... a,... MibrrJj ,,,, .puvdy rt'lueily. A .ingic trial nil. place uih i.uc rni. bvyund tliu reach uf cuiuprtltlon In tlu I'ltniuliort vf vvvry patient. Ur. MoOat's l'h'ii'nix Uittvn. uill bv found equally (f- Acaciou. in all ca.e. uf ncrvuui dctility, dy.pi', livnd Urrnllilii;, i.liin,l - . . , . ... ... ' r.i.M.i. iMfam. actK, tile IICkM'.d IllrhklJl to K'Ul.llen 111 UlllCUie lliailll, - . ,. .'... - . ll....J lll.r!,ri.M frnm Ihn m, l.n. luore than pal,l fur It.u cue Un Urov. over. riticE. . 4 , i 1 rin,... l.-llrn-l, killi iUr.i' M enta. LirKi' iuie of 2 us. vialrf. for pluult-rfl and pbyBlclaiii....(lS el't'CIHCi ,',.H A:miMi oh tlnliHtc. OppruM.1.!. Dlmcult. Labored i.,le I wun Uuuli nun Kxpcciorauon. i nee, ache, the iicknenii inride and every kind uf ucakuei. ,.f tliu dittuitlve urgani. Fur iale by W. U. .Murtat, 3.15 llruadwiiy, N.w Vurk, and by medicine deaUf, and druifglit generally ttiruugti. out the cuuntry I'ebruary IU, W Wiu-ni. BUST Col. SpanoIjEH. hua Bfllt in tho ' April iiubibor of tho "Farmer uml Gat tltnir," It U a very interesting publication abounding with choieo origiual anil se lected articled and handsomely Illustrn ted. Wo shall uiako copious extracts from IU colums for our nest Yeck'fl Agricultu ral Department, and in the mean time, would again say this work should bo ox temivelyjpatrouiiod hy every Farmer and Horticulturist in Pennsylvania. Price, 81 00, per annum. Col. Upanglcr, will please send ua tho March lumbers, which w regret to say, have not bocu received. AUlUIOK'S NOTICE. Estate of Vil'lman Fox, decerned. 'I IIKniideriisned, Auditor appiilntcd by the Urphan'i I I'.mil nf i:hiin!.i:i rouiitv. uu execution, tu tho ac. count ufbilai K. fuwlcr, guardian uf 'illlnian Fox. de cea.ed, will attend to tliu dutiei of liia appiiintiurnt, at hi. ollice, 111 lllouni.tiurg, oil oamruay, ine vein uay vi April, A. I). IHiiO, at IU o'clock iu the forenoon, when and whireallperiomlntcreited may attend if they think nroper, niuouiibarg, March 10, 1K0. FKlirr TltKKS I'Oll SAL13. WESLEY WIRT. -It i, Awhlor. TUP. lubieribrr hai now on hand nt lili Nurserey. in Ilu. ii luwiiihip, Nortliuiulierlaud county, near liar.. ville. a lurgo aiaorlinent. of young and Ihrilly graned and budded fruit treea of every deicriptlou, iuch aa Al'1'l.U, UiAUII, 1'EAlt, ArnlL'OT. 1'lu.m. ciiKnnv. GRArB VINES of tho chuiceit kind, Calaba and lin bclla, all of Hindi lie will sell al reaiouable pricei. rerionii wlahlngla let out orchard!, will do well to call on tli .ubicnber al Ih, Kuricry. or al hi, rciidcnca In UaimllC' JOHN BKtfl'. I 1 March D.UM-yt. Vat. tJit- result of Scarlet Kevtr. ali'UrjIt-e. or McrcurlaU. l-'ur NuImh la Uie, lUnltiiKi of Ihnrlnp, and UUigltiK in the Kttr, and K-ir A-he ITI re, f0 cmts per box. r'i.ii rvnonu. Enlarged (lUmlji, Kularped and Indurol el Ton.lU, tfrtfllinp aud Old I'lecrs, Scrofulous Cachexy of Children, 1'iire, W ct-rit rrr hox, r'tHt lUnKHii. DhiuiiTV. rhBlctd or Nervous WeaUf. HiJ.e r the rewilt of Hckmts, Kx.n-ilte Medlcalloo, or Kx li.mthu l)uKhw.r, I'rkv, 50 cent per box. f-'oK Dwii'ST. HuM AcruniuhiUons.TuTidJ Bwclllwrs, hh j-tti.ty niloiuu Ihho, M tenia j ir hox. Von Hk i"u'k-w D.mhly Wiknesd, VirtUo. Nausea, VoiidUnjr. Pkkiiej from rldiiitf or motion. I'rlc, M cenu prr bin. lint I'KiiRt DmKtuj ror OravU, Ilvnitl Calculi, Dlffl. cult, t'liliiful L'rlmitlou, ULHtuwf of Uie.Kldueya. l'rlce, W cenu per bu i, roK HfwiXAi. fNitoNs. Involuotary DcJiarcci and Coiuemirnt I'mslrathm and IHhtllty, Had Kmilw of Kvtl lUhlts. Themort succewfuUnd elDc'ctil remedy know D, and nitty be nlled upon as a cure. Price, with full direo tloiia, 1 kt box. ptTsmis who wish to place themAelvrfl under the profe slnal nrc, or t iMltice of Prof. HmraBVYS, can do so, nt his ofliut oCi Itroitdway, daily from H A.M. to 8 P.M. or by Mter. oot nEMvima nr mail. Look owr the lltft ; mate up ft ewe of ft hit Und yea ehoose, nd Inclose the amount in a curreut note or sump hy mail to our addrrsii, at No. MSi Hro&dvay, Nrw-Vcir, and the me4Ulit l: be duly rtturoed by mail or enprew, frtvof eharce. AdKNTH WiNTFP. Wedfilre an BCtlre,rlBdcnt Ajrent for the inle of our lUmedlw luKTerytonn or cnrtiniunlty u the United btaW. Addrrn Dr. T. IIIIMriUlKVa A Co. S'n HltOirwAT, NnY0JtK. lol(l hy E. J. LUTZ, ABe DlocmirmrpLFa. car NKW FALL AND WINTER GOODS CHEAP, .IS A -a SETTLE'S ST0BE9i r Z LIGHT S1RIT, Z HVlllXti TllXUE, 18150. WATCHES JICWCLHY & SILVER WARE Cfuavcr than auv oticr Ilevitin tht United Slatct.eicru article Isold oy,r vhat it rcalg u, and warranted to bo 04 rtprtscnica. 11. IMUIiUlUAW, No. 411, North Second Street, nhou Willow, Wcslt3td, mil l,AU& L rJIJA . fiMPOKTKRof nllkiodaof KnfUiX, fVffA and Svin d naicnts, auu .ianuiaciurer oi jcweiry.oi every ues cripiiou. Country, Store Keepers, Auctioneers, Pedlars tt deal crs ceiierallv. ure HSHured Hint llmv Mill find nt this es tuhlishiuciit thu lart'est luot-t varied and Fushionahlu assoriineiii ot roous in lite unuca maui, anu at prices, per ci'in iwvver man any uincr uouse in iuis uountry, bloro Keuiiern and otherB. who cannot come to the city, can order their goods hy .Mail, and have them sunt by Lxpresn to any part of the Country, as cheap nnd well selected as if tlit-y came to the City uud telecied them iu person, iwiuciiiucr me piace, II. MULLIGAN'S. No, 441, North Second rt abovo Willow, Wem side, PillLADKLPHIA, Established for'Over Fourteen Year, March 10, ltJuO-Wm. 0AMI3UA AND ULOOMSBUltQ rllU underpinned would inform tho travelling public, that he ha become the nronritior of ihi ubora named route, und has prcparad himself with the to KIND OF HOUSES AND A NFAV THOY COACH. fW thu accommodation of the travelling public. His Cuoob win run xriMtevaty, rvjtuiag, nmnetwy, aua rvvjf, hetuccn BI.OOMSBURQ AND CAMJJUA, Leaving Caiuhra at 0 o'clock, A. M., nrrWiig ol Ploofus- mm uurg oi nan pasi ii o cioca, a. m., id tntMi MSo'1-t eonoect with the PHILADELPHIA & Er?f LACKAWANNA AND ULOOMtJBUiU ' Va th a imu at Hupert.nnd Lackawanna uud Ulooinsburg Station Last.' and West, Leaving UIoortA burg each day of tho regular trip, on the arrival pf the PhlTadelnhia Hails, and urrivu al Cum bra at hulf rtast d o'clock, same evening. lieguiar stopping places on paia ilouis d iouowhi NKW COLUMUUH, OUAN'GKVILLK AND LI (JUT aTREKT. The patronage of the community Is eollclted, am sared that it will be the uuiUton of thu ProprncU tu render KeiHtrai saiisiuciiou. rreixiit, ttaggugo ac, currieu ax mooeraia pnee. WILLIAM 11KMLHT, Cambra, March 10, lW. EXECUTOU NOTIOK. Estite of Elizabeth Yoke, d ceased. LETTKRd teetamentary on tho tstate of Emz4m.hi Yoiik, late of Locust township. Columbia county ! ceaht'd, have been granted by thu Rtgister of Columbia county, on the abovo Kslate, ta Olephcu Yohe, residing in said Locust tow uihip, Columbia county, notice is hero by Kiveu to nil persons having claims or dwuiaQds agmnst the etlatef the said decedent tu make them kuukq without delay, to the said Executor, und thusu Indebted to en id eolau, to uaku immediate paymenL March 10, 10-Cti tiuxt; huh', hut often fllU the pure. SAVING FUNDS. F HANK LIN PA VINO FPND-No. 136 South Pourth street, haweeii Chistnut nnd Walnut rhil;i(U'l'hu. pa) s all deputa on ileiuand. l).poltrit' money vc-cured by Government State and l ity Loans, OrouiKt Ittnt, Moricngcn, i.c. This Company ileuus p:ifay htler than large.1' prntitu, coiidcipieiitly will run mi ruk with deposi-a tors' mnm.y, hut h.ive it nt all times nady tu return's w ith 3 per cent, interest to tho ounur, na thev have '5 alwjiyn done. Tins Lumpany inver nuspeuded. rfimth's, mariied or single, and .Minors, can dc3 puMtiti tluir own rizht, nnd nuch deposits can he! withdraw u only hy ihrir coiibeiit. 5 InrurporatPil by the Plate of" IVnun)hauia, with authurity to receive iitonty from truntees and Exeruiors. i'i MHOtlAA'D Kt.1LLiUMii RECLirF.D. f " Oilier uim'ji duilv from il to 3 oYlock. mul on IVV.I.m uesujjr u tinug until o u cioiK, DIRECTORS. Jacih II. Phannon, CruB Cadwalltidcr, John tfhiudler, Ceorgu Kurim.11, Mul irln W. hloan, Kdwnrd T. Hyutt, LcwH Kruitililmrr, Jlt-nry Dtlany, Nicludaii KilteiihouKC, Nathan HiueUley, Jos. Jl, Suthorthwnite, Kphriam itlanchard, Josi-ph Llppiucutt. JACUII n. SHANNON, Prudent, CYllFH CAHWALLADKK, Trtasurer. .March i-, IrtjJ Uiu. A Dollar taved is twice tarniut." NOTICE IN I'AKTlTlON. Estate of John iVtca, decmsed COLUMBIA COUNTY, Ha. The Comimmwiatth of Pennsylvania, to Jcvse Price, Ham u el Price, Jouus Price, Daniel Ueiisil, Jr., Guardian of the cbtateg of J t K, Oeiisil, Amos I), ticimit, John . tiensii, Jiary uuiifii, Adam Gensil, 011ANGEV1LLE MALE & FEMALE riIIC undersigned intends to open on the 1st of May, Jl loO. at Ornnet'villf. Columbia county. Pa. a Hieh Bchool to bu called, QrangecilU Malt and Female The coursa of Instruction in this Academy embrnccH eolid and thorough Knglish Kducntion, whiUt those who desire to prr pa re lor uusiut-ss, oriur college, nave every advantage ior me ocjuieiuon oi uiv if nienis oi iumno 1 ninUca, and of the Latin. Ort tk. and Uerimtu lansuaze I Por those wlio propose to receive a regular" Collegiate iiuucanou, uiu course oi instruction contemplates a pu I riod of thn-e years, each ) ear being dnided into three . tkssions of ihirlOLn weeks facli; but thu Student is ta I ken through in a longer or shorter period, according to I ma auimui, aiiniiiintjiiis auu appncuviuu. The grades nud list of dtudm included under each, ure as tollowe: J-'irit OraJcUeading. Writing, Orthography, Defi ning uf Words, English Crnitmar,(duiith'fl,) Arithmetic, Oral and Written, (Luoiuis',) Mudirii (ieography, (Mc- INally'o,) Composition und Dcclamition. Second Orade. Ancient Ueogruphy, (Mitchi IPs,) His tory of the United States aud Ureal Hrittain.fCoodriche's Bern's,) English Gramiiinr continued, (Fowler's.) Latin uud Oreek Urammarr (Andrews &l Fisk's,) Couipostion I and Declamation. j Third Orade. A Ige bra. Geometry, itc, (Ltwinls,) Itook. keeping, (bheafi', llln.toric and Logic, (I'owlvr's.) Latin I and flrer-k Keader (Andrew s He Owtn's.J Virgil, Nepoi, j Greek Nlw 'iVstuuient, .Mental and Moral Beit nee, (Hickock's.) NHluruI Piulobophy, (Gray's) Composition huh ijcciauisiiuu, ui niiaii, .iiemisiry, aiiiiiuau s rial ural History, dec, &c, Tliroughout Hie whole course too Students nrc retired to attend to English lirammnr, and particular attpntiou in paid lo tho propt-r prouuiiciutlou of words and the use of grammatical language in eruumoii conVLrnation. Tuman, per iicion, i:i iritti. For the Firbt Grade. 61 W: Eucond Grade, 85 Ol): Third Gradu. fit. do. lltnce. Tuition per yi-ar, $Vi W, 815 00, und Sid 00. of wim ii one mum tu paid al tnc opening or t-ncli Session, and the other half al the cloe, oidens other arrange, nieutq aro entered into with the Piinrlpal, iluardhnff and H'aihinff. Hoarding can bu had at pres ent in private families per w tt k at 62 00, including fiinualied rooms, lodging, and fuel; aud wanning, ul seventy five cents to one dollar pur month. Hcltijtous Kztreueif The moral aud religious culture of the )oung being of the liiglut iiu porta uca, the Acad emy is daily to bu open id and closed with religious cx ercises. Uu Hahbalh the titudentsaru rc'piired to attend Church, and to keep the day in a becoming manner. Ducipttne. The discipline uf this Academy tdiull be, us nearly oh possible, parental It fhall bo mild in its nature, tiriu nnd decisive In its application, avoiding, howi ver improper sevi'nty, yet insisting on industry, strirt ordr, prompt obedience, and good deportment, and utlowinir no tirofane, obscene, or reproachful. Ian guage. And while a careful attention 1 be paid to uie levun oi oilmen in, ineir manntn suu morale tnau De guarded with e'jual can. jiAeturtccu tuereiste ine fimunis nra renuirtd tu at NOTIOK. WnT.REAB, I transferred a certain promissory noco of a 140 OO.dutcd the l'.Uh of March, l.i. and signed hy Joseph Coleman, to one David Hutf, payable one year after date, I hereby forbid tho vaid Cohnuui paying said note to the present hodr, knd all other ticrsons takiriir an nBBifinrneni of it. ns I hsvf not ceived value thirtfor.or any part of it, aud auiditeimUtil not iu pay ute Kaiu r titer iur uie sauie( uniubs so tuv.. piled by due course of luw. Fuhingcrcek twp., March 13, 10 3u ZUPPINGE1VS ESTABLISHMENT.' A'l ice" Reduced, &c. THE diUieuIt watch and Jewelry repairing hm been done bince Uloomsburg i liloonjiburg, by IIexrt ZurrmukR, und though ho was ofti n f rwm the nature of the caao. oblieed tu chumeU pritly high, bis prices now are greatly reduced, and his customers may rest assured thut be has tberequisi qualifications, aud materials aud nuans for thu repair of all kinds uf Wat die n, Jewelry, Accordions, nnd every thing usually utteuded tu at a rugalar watch maker's shop. Honesty and faithftilloem will always bj bis lifrt principle and uim. C7" Orders or Gonds tikn for pay. P " - HENKY UPriKOF.B. llloomchurg. March 10. &0. tiucementd arc uuriiutlud, elude. The following are some of tue Gifts to purchasers of boohS. Eugliah Lever Gold Watches, hunting caste. Patent Lever " " ' Latlics Leer " " optu face. Detached Lever Bilver Watches, hunting caste, Lepine BiUer Watches, open lace. Gold Lockets, various Ladies' and Gents' GoldChuins, tarruus stilee. Ladies' aud Gents' Gold Sleeve Jluttous und Studs, all puller tin. Gents' llosom Pins, iwv and rich styles, Gold Pancils and Pens. Ladies' and Gents' Gold Kings, Gold Watch Keys and 11 It Pius. A great vuritty of Ladies' Jewelry, Pins and Ear drops, comprising nil the st) leg now worn, such as Cameo, Mosaic, uoid clone, Uiva, ilorculine &.C., &c, ecc. Gold llrucelcln, all style, 'Die 1 1 at of Books conmritKS a great assortment of standard works iu every department of literature, inttr esluig to the young and old. Do not fail to send for a catalogue. Catalogued mailed frvu lo any addrcbi. SUtTOLlC EXCHANGE COMPANY, 110 Washington street, Boston, I C. W. Eldriuuk, Treasurer, March 31, lbb0-3t. j 0. M. IMMERMANN, MiCfACTl'dia OK American Violins. Ja CVcmotia style, Ktt patent tailpieeu. PATENT 0ON0ERTINOS, MILITARY DRUMS ef all sizes on a new plan, BANJOES, TAMDORIXUS PAUCHMENT, VELLUM, CALK, AND SHEEP WIUE Strings, Organs, MeMeons Musical Chairs, No. 233, (old No. 15C) North Second Street. pniL.9DF.LrmA. All kinds of Musical Merchandise constantly on hand, Sarah GcukiI, William Vorks, Guardiau of liar bar a Geu ni. fhiiilrnu .if ILthi-cca Gciisll. late Kebecca Price, du. ceased. Ptter K. llerluin, Guardian of the persons and t'd to regular cxcrcixes in Composition and Dcclsiua estates ot Harrison i iicc, iiauuau i rice auu vv m. rricet lion loruugnuui iuu miumu course, riiii.irot. ,.r nnuti Price, deceased. David ltilDbuldJ Mucellantous tcrrw. A merit roll, ehowlnz the Be hoi- Guardian, to receive notice for Jackson Price, Catharine art-hip, conduct, and attendance of each student, shall Price and David Price, children of Jolm Price diceasud, be faithfully kept, and a report of the same made tu tho Juhu Price. living in Uuiou county, Jeremiah Price, Htudeiits or forwarded lu the guardians and panntsat UiZabiln rnce, gamin, ricu auu iuiuy jane i rice, ine enu "i eacu nussiuu, children nf .Samu'-I Price, deceased. You und each of No Htudtnt, without special ptrmiesion, shall be nl wm. nrt! her liv commanded tu bu and annear at our ' lowed absence from the Acadtniv durintr its &'Haioiii Orphans Court, lo bu holdeii at Ploomthurg, iu aud for for such tibneuce, even fur n few daj g, would occasion a said county of Columbia, ou the lirl Monday of Muy greater injury to bis or Iter education than is commonly next, tlaii and there to accept, or rtfusu to take the real , supposed. Estate of John Price, laic of Caitanissa toniishin de- . Faeatlont. There will be three vacations earn year! CJ-aised, al thu valuation put upon it, hy an In-jucet ouo of five, and twoof four weeks. This arrangement uwarueu uy tins iiouoraoie uuuri, or mow cause wny uas ueuu iouhu mosicomiucivu ui uie neuitnoi cmuenis. thd same should not be sold. Wilms thu Houorablu J Location., Wics, etc. A high richool, such as is con Warren J. Woodward, Es(, President of our said court ' tempi at ed in the OrangevilluMaleand Female Acadcmv, at Kloouihburg.thu mulhdayof February, A.D., eighteen i has long been a ftlt want in this commuuity; there is hundred and suly. I nothing of the kind in this section of the country, al- J A CO Li EYEItLY, Clerk 0. C. j though rich in alt the materials necessary to its est&b March 17. 1H(0. , lishun'iit. Aud for such an institution Uramievilhi Khm " j peculiar adaptations, being in thu heart of un excellent A UM lm6T.UA AUU O lUiIUt. urming region, auu in uiu iihuii o. n uirivins ana in- Estate of Ramsey Iiavenbltch. deceased, essential to the prosperil of literary instituuons, ' . , ... . . and rheapness of li utg, no minor consideration for pa- LETl'Eita ot Auminutniuon on me t-siaie oi iUMbtv rents and guardians, Orangev nle Mias perhaps not its lUuksmcu, late of Beott township, Columbia county cquaUn Columbia county. decerned, have been granted by the lleglfter of Columbia county, to thu underigoed residing in Light Btreet, iu said towiiblup. all persons having claims against the r.aiaic 01 uie ucceuem are ru'iuesieu nt present uieu 10 lha Administrator, without delay, and all persons in debted to make payment forthwith. LEWia LARI8H, March 17, 1-0-Ots. Adm'r. DISSOLUTION OF PAKTNEHSIIIP, Uaw-Couo Suber-Fb0!nlialc of Lime. MANUPACTCKLD FROM UNUUKNED iJONM DY BAUGH & SONti, Wholesale Officu and Btoro.yOS. Wharves, bit Matkc l Chestnut Bit,, PIIIliADELlMIlA CaJi prlc $ i'pr"WQ ,,. eta per. Ih. IN the preparation i lins" Valuable .Manure. HO.NEfl AKIi OdLD IN THCIKUAW HPA1E ONLY. I luy ha vp nevur been coiLkD ur cauivko, 1 hey ar uu lure has made ihe'in, crushed with powerful Machinery and subjecied t a process, by which, while all ibu vi tue ul the lion) leiuined, a Ferlilitcr is pfocurnd, lurulfhiiig in a cost cHiRTeD and bouulk roM the ino iiidupeiisable ingredients lor Uie growth ot Punts ami eiKicuiug the soil, vis ; rnosriioRic acid asd aumomu. These iwoingredieiiH.liy the use of"UAUGH'B H,W UONE HUP Kit PHOSPHATE," are given tu thrtf-od in all their origiual strength and purity. Thcyassiiui at qi once with the soil, furnish ull Uiq needlul Am inoma lor Ihegrowihg crop, giving it ample luxuriance undhavethe land pirmuitently heneflitd roliuilti prerieiicecan be irce-d for years nf terwanli1. DowKinoTOwK.ChesterCouiitv. Pu . April PJth, Messrs Bavgh Sons: Gentleman I trnvc bem os ing your article of Buper Phosphate on wheat nnd cart lor several seasuns, and um well Faiiitledof Its valuti di an active and "paying', tmihz r- 1 hive applied it nu wheat at tho rate of 3(,U ooumJ.- pr acre, alongside of a heavy coal of barn yur 1 manure, kepi ury uud under csver, and thu result u thitby harvest iho wheut whfre thePtihatu was put wus much the better headed uud heavier, whllath gruss was lateen morr fitonfjly tlianou the oihtr por tion ofthcfiitd' I have alsous'dtha Phosphate by tut side of Peruvian Guann, eaci iu the tuiua qiao tity.andiii regmd lo hniii grain and grnos, the nriinu ot your preparation was njoeh the mora twif lactory. On corn, nij experience in its ute has been thai il pay n well for the money laid out, Yours, respectfully IdAACT LCWIB. Nkwton Bquarb. Dulaworo County, Pu July Cid. IB50 Meters BavghSf ixms :-ltciug anxiousto t$l soimj prepured manure oih-red for 1 was induced uv your agent to makd a ttt ot three different kinds, which I did on whent, side hy ide, in tho eaute field. I pur rhupfd Pacfic Ocean Guuno aud Buper Phosphuto of Lima, tone of the moi popular lit ue.) together with your Raxo Sons Super Vko$phute, and iisetl them at above staled. During the growing, as well as the gain eriugof the crop, the test resulted most decidedly Info vor of the latter. FLO UK AND FEEO AT TRIORS TO SUIT TllR TIMES. rAM selling flour and feed at the Auduct Mills, at very email profits for cath, my stock consists of thu vry best of flour, Kye Corn and Oats Chop, cither eep rale or mixed. Afro ground Planter which I will ex change for grain of ull kinds at market price e. N. D. Hye Com and Oats taken in exchange for flour. WILLIAM ffELUi March 5, 1&9. (May 13, ltfrj.) For un Academy the town is also sulGcientlv arccnl tie, being but ix miles fromliloomhhurg, whicti is reach- cu uy rau-roaus irom an pans oi uie country, and a iri weesiy ktago passing irom ouo place to uiu other. For the present accommodation of Students, until fur ther arrangement tan be made lo carry out the provis ions of the charier, it is proposed to fit up a lurgo room in a private house conunodiouhly situated. REV, P. 1IEUGSTKEBBER, A, M orangrviue, warcn 17. itw rnneipai. f 1 VHP of-tit-r nn ,1 OTICE is hereby given, that lha partnership hereto I N fore existing between; Elitha 0. Purse) and Thomas r T....ln. ,Fn,ll..n nn,l. .Ii.l It.m tf Pi. rail r I'nula. is ihis day dissolved by mutual consenl. All persons in-1 CANDIES, FINK CONFECTIONERY. &C. il. lited tu iiRiil firm, will nleaso make eltlem(.-nt without 1 ' at lay. -jnuousinesBoi luanmaciuring ami selling iiui ATTORNEY AT LAW, BL0OMSBVZO, r.l. Ollice Id Court Ally, formerly occupied by Chatl j Ii. imckalCH. Uloonntnti Die. 4. l.'CO; .tom:s & i&i-u, IRON RAILING, AWD OENAMEKTAL. 1KOV WORKS, tin. 222 Callowliill St., below Ttilnl, HIILA11EI.PUIA. Um RaitiDg for l'ark,, Omuerict, VcranJa,, rliep,. Ut March 10, IhC0-21i. fur'. 1'atvnt Wa.liiag Machine, mil bo cuatinuuila, um al by Iho aalil I'uutl. E. D. FUREI.. TilOH. C. FuWLKa. Ery. March 13. 1M0. MASON WANTED. ASTONF. MAHON, lo conilruft a Cellar Wall, 10 i Jl ffirt. Annli' Immflillatev atthe ortcc ft Ihc C.luntbia All alnd, of Mmlcal In.iwinifiii.tMiifH "aJCITTri'" , AND WI10L9UK PEaiCR IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS. rpa Nut., ilirlea Apple, l'cacan Nut., I EVarhca OiaHKo., ISncctOil, Lemon,, IPvrun.. ll'inc Apple, Icrackcr., FIRE HDfllfS, 4C. No. 2o3 North Third Btre.t. Pouth Eatl corner Viuo , PHJI JLOJ-MV".! tMJJ...l. RaUlDB. il'runcp. Currant,. I Almon I,. Citron, Kni, Walnut.1 Pie., Inibcru, Date,, Cmm Nut,,' LUMHKH UY CONTKACT. THE BTDAM BAW.M1I.I., at, Columbia county, 1 ill be in operation upon the flrt of April, und tlic proprietot ready to rectivo order., to cut Lumber fn llouta, Uridcs, &c. Tllus), W. EUliAK r.,)iy, March 17. loTO. WAV IILAOKSMITII SHOl. Till' undersigned respectfully informs hirffjiend-t and old riHtomcrs that h? hus i p- iu'd n h i on Mais Htn-it a few doors above ihu t'tik's Uol 1, in lUooius birgi nbere ha dsigus continuing tho SMirUING BUSINESS. In all Us various branches, nt low pncis, and on un in Urged pcaIc, and solicits the pur-lK iiairniidgv jry-rroduce;!?!!) bitjymV-,...