V COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY MORNING, MAKC11 31, 1800. Enoh ond nil tlio Editors in Blooms- biirg, with a lnrgo proportion of other cits Izem, movo thi Spring. sS-New SrniNQ Goods just received a. Hartman's Sto'ro. These gentlemen aro j very energetic and always first in Market Ladies, gWo them an early call. Enata. William Linden, who was l tr.n.,--. injurca BOmO IWO WCCKS ugu, I 0..r'.r.n7. ta l.mnv in Innm i'a nnl Slatig ibach, wo aro Happy to learn, is not dead, as was then announced in tho Col. Uiibii , Den ocrat. Look Out. Summer is coming, and th e discascladen dog-days aro not so far oft as not to admonish us of the necessity tof preserving our premises in a clean and hoalthy condit ion. 10 The Boatiug business has fairly commenced, and wc should infer, from cv- .... . .. v . Cry Visible indication, prOiniSCS tO DC a season of brisk activity and increased op erations on tho Canals. lintel Channel. Wm. B. Koons, takes , , . . t...!.i II1U iJlUUlllfUUl WAVlluti , bold,takoH Dyer's IIotcl,Cattavissa ; Aaron Andreas, tho lower Muinville Hotel, and Isaac Fahringer, the Now Media Hotel. "What is Gen. Foster!' Columbia co. LepuMiran. Wo will enlighten you, Doctor. He is a National Democrat. And a word more in your ear : he will be elected Governor of Pennsylvania, next October, by not less than J0,uuu majority. 1 nrm.- n i ii v o- new iofk, im, ,s .u., ciL'ht to ft thirty-two pngo paper. The change may bo an improvement. It has some advantages and some disadvantages, Its general course and contents will be tlio same. SOT Geo. G. Evans, tho popular gift book Heller, has purchased tho btorc Hoom, . t i ii -i l... l.n l.n Ill J Uliaucipiiia, wiiuiu nu nan uwn uuiujj business j and paid for it, 850.000. He alio publiihos a very haudsome newspaper, the "Illustrated Times," at Mcts. a year. His efltablishment excels anything in the ranntrr. or in Kurope ' i unve very properly uuemeu vj iuiu .iw;iy Bloomshurg Clothing Emporium. -Our tho oia Court ,Ioual; allJ ,,u!U1 on(i entirely friend LowKNliKna, lias just received his ucw- So hr as ,TC ll!UC ,,ccn Ma to ns block of new hiring Goods. The Kmpo- certain, forty-niiie out of every fifty citi riuni is completely filled with New and zclls aPl'r0VU of thc ucw resolution. We f'linnn floods, of tho Left stvlcs and latest see 1,0 llh ol.jection that can be ur- fashions. where the people can always Cet great Uargains. Moreover, Mr. Lowcn berg is a fair dealer and finished gentle man. Sec his Card. BSf Ilorso Bills, Hand-bill" of Public 1 Saio, and every kind of Job Printing, done at short notice and on reasonable terms, at tho Columbia Democrat office. Our office being furniihcd with a large f nn,l a wfl .M npn. pared to execute Horse Hills, Hand-bills, Pamphlets, Uy-Lws, IHanksClicfiucs and every species of Printing, with neatness d... 1 promptitude. Bloomsbin g attd Cambra Mail Route. Mr. William Remi.ev, as will bo Keen by his Card in this journal, has become tllO Proprietor Of thO above .Hail llOlllC. llr. rims it . Tri.wnoMv. with imnd Coaches . 4I11U U1II1IU3 ia-?i;iiui.-) uuinui iiiu limine named cheaply and pleasantly. Mr. Rem . ley is d very accomodating young man, and having shown a disposition to accomodate tho traveling publio, phould bo liberally patronized. WaHNINO TO IIOUHKKRKrKRS. The Montour American, reljtc3 how thc fami ly of Mr. Hunt, rchiding in Danville, wcro j Iron City College, of Pittsburgh, Pa., are Huddcnly and mysteriously taken ill from constantly filled with btudents from oVcry catiug. It ttatcs that tho cause was ascjr-! portion of the Union, .taincd to be in a jar of pickles tho gla- " ting of tho jar having become incorporated Appoititmtnt.-Qoy. Packer has ap ith tho acid to a considerable degree. PonitC(l Chaiilks 11. IIineline, K.q., Housekeepers have been warned of these j e(litor of tho IIaburg Stale Sentinel, Anr,r,ra ftn t.nt nf v. 1 Superintendent of Public TrintinK. Mr. .changes bear witness that tho warnings aro too often disregarded. I A!tr J. There arc no two letters in thc manuscript alphabet of the English language which occasion so much miscon struction as the two letters I and J, as many persons inadvertently write them. The rulo for writing them properly, and which should be universally adopted, is to extend tho J below tho lino, while I should bo written above tho line. This difficulty never occurs with the Clerks in Bcttlo's Cheap Store, nt Light Stroet, among their throng of customers, where they buy Goods at 20 per cent, below cost,or cash, and avoid tho necessity of keeping accounts. "Hesist a Temptation till tou Con qur it," particularly if tho temptation is to Kpend your inouoy as fast as recei ved, and by doing as Franklin recommen ded you will conquer it, for ho baid "Mod crate your appetite and your pleasures so that with little you my be content," for "if youth knew what age would crave it would both get and save," and deposit such ta vings in Tho Franklin Saving Fuud, No. I'M South Fourth btrcet, below Chestnut, Philadelphia. This old uud reliable Sa ving Fund never isuspcuded, but pays on demand with 6 per cent, interest. Sec ad- Tttrtifi'ment in mother column, Democratic Stato Committee I Wo publish below tlio Dcniocratio Stato Executive Committee, appointed by the President of tho lato Democratic Stato Convention : CHAIRMAN. WM. It. WELSH, (by Resolution of tlio Convention.) Pint Distrtct-Cttv of rhllaMphi-loin llnmilton, Jr.. Vincent I.. Itra.lfold, 1. Henry Askln. I)ciijmin II, I'.l-.WKtpr. Witllnm Mnr.nn. II. It. l.lmlCrllMII. CliarlCS V. Carrljan, Robert .M'Uny, llilwaril U. CUry, Hush lldtt, Oeo. W, Irwin, Jolin 1'. McKnilclcn, A. U. Celll, &,.?XiSlAiS T.lnlr. 1 f! Mllrliftll. flnlllpl Hlllmnntl. Second District Charlci H.Manly, Robert II. Monnglian. Third District-Georpc Lnucr, J. II. Ilubbiril. Fourtk District Motet I Roberts, John Dal Is. J'VlAVArlrtft-O. II. Meyers, Nelson Weiscr. 4irl District llr. Charles II. Ilutter. Ilownril I.. Miller, Dr. II. II. Mulrnbcrg. J. Laurence ucts, ur. ti. n. Urel.mer. Reuben F. ilrown. n,i,a-Va,m,i Rcly, Samuel II. Shannon. EtirJltk District II. II. IlUmhalll, Jnckson Woodward. j,,, M,lrjt(Jo K, Means, wiitiam c. ward. WZST, Ticrlftk Msrrirl-llenry L. Dlcirenbnch, W. II. Blair. Thirtttnth Jnlrirl-I'etcr Ent. J. Wood, Brown, John Cuinnilnits, Reuben Keller. JWftraM Mrlrirl -John U. HrnUon, Joseph W. rarker. Fifteenth District A. I.. Rouuifort, Tnonna C. MrDow. ell. Win. II. Miller. I'hlllp Doucherty. J. Monroe, Kreltor, Wllliatu Rous, Ueorge V. Uownian, Joaeih f!i.i,. iVm. II. Kekles. John II. Zleclcr. .SiikrniA Miirtri Frederick S. l'jftr, Dr. Samuel Tar &;Jw,i'iti - i'eter'Mc'iiit)rc, a, niestand oiatz. rApnieema tnsincc neniy . caun-. p. i. ciiisiiiu. fiineteentk District II. V. Mcyeri, R. Ilrura 1'itriken. Twentieth District-Kutwrt 1.. Johnson, Israel Teat. Trenty-frst District-. Alciander Fulton, Joaelih M. I'liompHon. 7Vrnly-C(enrf District Jamca C. Clark, Thos. II. 8ca riffht. Twcntg-tkiril District Georffo W. Miller, A. A. Ttlrman. 7Vcniri Biainei Geonso w. miller, A. A. rurman 7Wlort Wulrlfl-Anilrew Uurkc, John M, Irwin John McClnurv. U'ra. II. McGec. lliriiui II. tit. Clair. Kdwnril Caiupbcll, Jr., F. M. Hutchinson, Jainel 1'. Unrr. 7Witly Jifth District Thoa..Ciinnin?)iain, John Graham. H-eMry.lrfAMrnr i jinmpHonuranaui, jaK. )t . iterr. 7'irrnly.rrcnla Wrtrict Wilson Laird, Ja. E. McFar 7V"'f 7Vcnty - clcht District William T. Alexander, Jo. 8, jijue, Uy order of the Convention, WILLIAM II. WELSH, President. Plain Talk. The Village Record makes tho following allusion, by no means of a complimentary nature, to tho recent election of Printer by the Mack Itcpubli can majority of tho House of ltoprcsi'iita' tires ut Washington. If " the scraniblo" was so disgraceful as to call forth the con demnation of tho presses of tho very party tjiat cngaged in it, it must have been bad indeed zarJg) ,arg0 and smallj havc been llovcr. arouna Washintrton for some weeks for tho purpose of gormandising on the spoils, resulting Irom tlio election ot J'nn tjr. After a huril contest the lot has tall- en on Kx-Oovcrnor Ford, of Ohio. All accounts mrrco in reprcsentinj' the tcarin- bic, which nas iieeii, uio-a uinsracciui. Tim ,n!i w wnrtli n lmmlrOfl lirtiwinil flnl. j clear .ofit DoMu ic03 aro id i .t. t. .i i i i ii . ii . ' me people ruuucu, unit mo uoveriuiieiit corrupted. How long shall these tilings he tolerated r A Xgw CoURT irnlJSK.Tho, county n.lt,inr5ljM tIl0 Lwjamine Gazttu. 't ... "i""' Tho Mucy Luminary says of tho eliango from cobbling the old 0110 to building a new : " This is un doubtedly the very best thing that could I have been done, and with nroner inanutre- ment need not cot tho county a great deal more than the contract for tho repairs and ,.i,i.,vir,.iii,.i,t nf Mm old luiildivw " 1 lie County IJUlCCS nave licen rcmovetl to Uoeblcr's Hall, until tho completion of 1 , Mm. lleach, tho wealthy llridgeport widow who married G. W. Francis, a black ! c 1 1 . man, gave as one reason for her conduct, COIlllllUUicatlons from her husband in tho spiritworld. Themarriagoceremonywas pertormed m the evening, vuien the lauy waH uigui-icn uy lnzzling' ucr nair,ivc, pranc4 ouco r-aineil SOnlO notoriety as tlio -c,...i.. .i t- ,1-uppojeu iiepnow 01 oouioutjuo, mc r.iupe- i nr nf I " Gut tub Uest' is TnK Motto of Kvrnv Successful Business Man. " tlicy liavo sons to cducato ,tor business the wltolo Union is canvassed for tho Com mcreial Soliool affording tho best advan tages for acquiring a practical business , oducatiou ; hence it is that thc Halls of tho IIl.sELlNE'is a practical printer, and will make a good officer. The New U. S. District Attorney. Tito President has appointed the Hon. Geo. M. Wharton, of Philadelphia, United States Attorney for the Kastcrn District of Pennsylvania, vice James 0. i Vandyke. ear Mr. Lewis Oppenheimeii, Cigar Merchant of Philadelphia, occasionally travels through llloomsburg, Cattawisso, nnd other great towns in Columbia county, and always deals in tho best article of Ha vauna Cigars. f Col. II. C. Kyer, of Selinsgrovo has been elected one of the directors of tho Shainokin Bank. Tho Colonel has long been a director in the Banks of Northum berland and Danville. The Democrats havo carried tho mutiici pal election in Bordeutown N. J., by about :)5U majority. In Camden, Thomas B. Atkiuson, Democrat, has been elected May. or by 14 majority. t&P IllO bill to lUCrcaso tUC Capital Ol , , i Ti i umii- . e West JJranch Bank at Wilhamtport. is lost in the House Yeas ilG, sXaya 40. the was BS A Man in Urooklyn has recovered 8160 75dahiages from iho owncradng,' which bit him in thc hand, 1 JTuVRRIi: l. n ristiinirrrr-ck township. Columbia to, nn Thurs lav. .March lAlh. lm.fl. bv r.li u r Joint tiutton. Mr. r.Liia M'llEMRt. Rint .Miss EsTiirR A. Kline, all of thla county, At Ortorrnra l'nrsonnffe. In Chester roiimv. nn Ihe 2-iil of March, by Iter. A. Hi'i,l, Mr. T, M. 1'otts, recently of Millvllle Columbia county, lu Miss Mary Miller, of Cheater county 1'n. 1 1 E l In 1)1 com lu rtf. nn BritimtnV 1at. Mary Klixibxtu. miclitcr cf R-imiifl nnJ Kllcn titcari, aired 4 yeart, U mrm-ilis and 'Jti ilnyi. In Illnnm twn.. nn Thuridav morning last, Mfg. MART Catharine wifo ofKli Hat ton, ngfd 37 ycati, 11 monilii . and 11 (Jayn. lit IlIooinFburff, on Wedncmlay. Mnrch 2I?t leCO, Ming Anna ltrnKLrA. d&uclucr of Dennis C. and Dorothea U. rurm-I. nged 10 years, 3 inontbi and Id days. In Hcott town in. Columiila counlv on Mondav last. Mr. (Ieokok ZiuLLR, t3r. affud about ?d yean. i In Sucnrlo.if township. Columbia co.. on TridaT of last week, Mrs. Ueouca Urink, wifo of Jotahua I1rtnk ORud bikiui jcurs. In Ituntlnirton. on the Pth In it., of Inflamation nf ilw luncn and dropsy, Mins DKiDAMoitAC. Wadsvorth, aged 03 yenrs 2 inontlis and ID days. Our departed sister was more than fifty years a zeal oui and faithful member of the M. C Church, Though her friend tuo-urn her loss, they have no doubt it is her Infinite and eternal gala. Com. On Tuesdav nlclit. March "Otli. nt the residence tf Mr. M CtiUough, Sixili street. 1'ittiburg, A. Hkalmo.ht( Jr., )., (tjon of the lato Hun. A. Ueauraont, of Luzerne,) ngu years. Ills remains were taken to Wilkcibarrc, for inter m ant. n. In Hui'hrsville.T.vrnmlnff ro . on Thtirsdav thn 1.1th in., Mrs. Catharine, Hill, wifo of John Hilt, and mother of Rev. K, Hill, of tho 1'irst KnfEllsh l.utlK rcan Church, of 1'lttsburg. aged bti yt-ars, 7 mouths and Id nay 9. In Cnttaniflsi, ott the SCtli iOEt.. do. Y. HAnncR. aged about 40 years. Ill Rolirtihiirir. nn tlio tnnt.. Mm. RiiTit. wlf. nf Wilson Ager, aged about 33 years. DLOOMSDURO MARKETS, MAROII 31, 1860. Wheat 1 25 Shoulder 10 llyo ..75 . G8 ,. 37 ,1 00 Buttor 18 Uorn , Oats Eggs 10 Tallow 10 Lard 12 Potatoes 37 Whitolloans.. Buckwheat. . ..50 Hams, I2 Dried Apples. 1 50 CEolumbtrt jBcmocrat, Tho following aro tho receipts to tlio office of tho Columiiia Democrat, during, tlio month ot reimiary, ibbu John A. Oman. S3 SO. Wesley Wirt, 81 00 Ceorgo Oman, Ii HUl N'a tioiul Haf.'ly t'uml.io 00 Allen &. Neudh's, 3 IS) I Wyoming unn-i! CO. A. C. Mi-useh, Itobert llagenbucb. !! oo; li on! M l oo i so I). Landrcl h It Bmu 10 00 Johu Doll, 11 (HI IMrs.H. Vorinan, Willuiin Kunyan, Adam l it. Thomas nlngcc, U (Kl Joseph 1'.. Hover, I.. S 00 Col. C. Cnriuuli) , N. 11.7 SO C. M. Jackson, M. 1). li 00 H. W. Kirk, 1 mi Jesso llullingshend, 3 SO I so Jacob Shrulcr. M. P., 3 l Mr. Barah J. Miller, 3 00 Mnthi.li. II. Miller, John H. Ilhonds, l so 3 110 Farmer's .Mot. 10. s (Kl 1 SO 11 US 8 no (J oo 12 no Andrew J. lklcr, William Kyer, Ih'tij. Hag nbiirh, Andrew Cruw ford, Jsse Hicks, V.s., ilev. Ceo. Hunter, Est. of Il.itid Iao, Curtis C Staltoll. joim ssinith, 1 il")! 1 Ml ?Z"l "'"uf' 'Henry Dieterick, 1 1 WJ J on 2 oo ii.,rci I'aimcr.'sr. 1 Joseph C. Slllllll, l so 30 1,S- w:wt, Win U. Neman, flsi., 5 Oo 3 ( 1 'j 'l'hoinas O.terhuut, 00 Ihnerv Ink. Thomas W. Matlson, Junes & Cuinmi.ig, V.. V. Ituiiuili. :i oo (;iuini,in County, ' Sfiffi,: j jacksm, m h cr, I Sffi' u' ) SO S 00 3 on S On) II. Mulligan, I'.sq., S IXC. Rev. J. II. Ililiim, 2.1 (SI l ou S IK) 1 Sl Jucob DytT, Lsq , Heu.iy 1 ink, John .Mutlly, '.o (HI S 00 1 IHli 3 00 li (HI 1 SO 1 00 i 00 'J S Isuac Moru Ueuiott, s no! ciius Hue. nt. l'eter wiiite, 1 TS Henry Lear, Sr., 1 .5 llenrv Lear. Sr., John M. ClicniT.erlin, 15 (It) Col. Andrew Uavis, iiou. Geo. 1). Jarkson, 5 00j Amzi rumuiuuker, Him. Uimlitii Ki Hit. II (Hi! Icev. Jos.lt. Morris. 1 (HI Col. Wells Covetly, 3 Sol MalltUs M. Apiileman,4 I'l A. llluionu Be Co. J un; Jolilijdirlon, llanlocf.) 'i ou tl. G. Rinus, 50 (Hl Moses frliliiher, J. Uft.10 00 E. II. I.ltlle, ljllll! 8. T. Kelchller, 3 00 jdmtt a numberof our linunt subscribers, to wliom we lately sent bills, have prompt!) remitted by the mail, to nil of whom we hnio transmitted teeeipts by Utter, ourMnrere l' ponded to our reiietl, but wo trust they mil do so soon. Our eiKiises are very hcny, and we hope there will be a commendable willingness evinced, on tho part of our friends in ai-r-firr.gtu promptly I'ay their J11..I indibted ness to the I'riiilr. ! - SPECIAL OllCES. 1 l'. nnows's nivrcoi. Jvmuca Gioi.it.-Thi9 is truly ., f,.,.:i ...n.l..nn .1 ,1,1. I,.,n n1l..pll.,nu nfllto btMach ami hocls aro so common, no family, Individ- '"i. or trav.-i,-r should ho without it. it is pi-cuiiariiy .ilhcnrioiis in summer rnmiilainls of iliil,lri-n, anil is tity nd- ! tctt,al,iWi,t. fr- THOMAS W. MATTSOX. Ucc-ivcd tho Prim Mr-iiai at the Worid'nTjirin Lomiou ies, lorTiiUNKs, L'Mll'irr I1AGH. Hoots -shoos nnd l.iiins. llreat iiiduco- now oir.rci to ,,,rri,ascrs of ,ho ahovo nr.i- clcs. This is murh tho Ingest stock of trunks, Caroil KStSLTZT 1 n li-nf i-inl AVIl IMTIVI'!4 111'OV VI'AV ntiNcii'i,i'.s.-vmTi:iui.i.CLoTiiNuiujB,corncrof Fourth and Market streets, does not follow in thu heaten i track. Wo are satisfied that thu only uay to huil.l un ,,,,.,, a ,arp(. iM,6iness is to aillnoodaih-iii and fie ifttisr.ict.on to cueiomcrn. rreiencc win nui nnswer. nnd hurnhug hid had its day, and wc intend to sdl our cooda five per cent, advance upon cost, (no more and no , K-ssO aifl no variation in marki-it prices. This system I will sustain itsi-lf without pulling. We shall buy ami ' sell etelusively fnr cash. Our assortment fur nlcn anil I ho) s is the largi-st in I'liiladeliiliia, anil our price, much lower than any other. Call ut once anu sec Tor yourself, at the WHITE HAM, CI.OTHINO BAZAAR, g. W. corner Fourth anil Market sts. I'hila. Tebruary i!5, lbou. Win. UNIFORMITY OF rillCKSI A New KEiTl-m in Uc-si-iebs ; f.'trry ent his pirn Snltlman I . JONES Sc. L'O., of the Crcscnt One Trice Clothing Ptorp. No. COO Mar ket strctt above Eixth, l'hilatlilphia. In addition to hat ing the largest, most varied and fashionable stock of Clothing in Philadelphia, luadcex pre.sly for retail sales, bate constituted tttry one his own salesman, by having marked in figures, on eacli Qiticli? at thc very lowest price it can be sold for so they cannot possibly vary all must buy alike. j Thc guo.ls are well sponged uud pnpared, and ercat pains taken wi'Ji the making so that all can buy with the full nssurancv' of getting a good article at the very lowest price, Also., ft large stock of piece goods on hand, of the latLsl .lyle and best qualities, which will be made to order, in the most fashionable and best man ner, 23 per cent., ticlow credit prices. KcmeiiiWr the Crcvcent, in Market, above BixlliSl, No. GUI. JONES MOFFAT'S LIFE ni.IA Tluthlgh and envied eel ibrily which this prc-einiiil-nt medicine has aciuired for its invariable efficacy in all diseases which it professes to cure, has rendered the uini.il practice of ostentatious puffing not only unnecessary but unworthy of them. They oro known by their fruits, their good woiks testi fy for lliem, nnd they thrive not by the faith of thu cred ulous. In nil lascs of costiveiiean, dyspepsia, billious and liver aflecliims. piles, rheunintKni, feteri fc agues, obstinate head nclics, and all general derangements of health, these Fills have Intariably proven a certaiu and speedy remedy. A single trial will place the Life s'llls beyond the reach of competition in the estimation of every patient. Dr. Moffat'. IMiocnu'Ilittcrs, will be found equally ef ficacious in ail case, of nerv ous debility, dyspepsia, head ache, thc sickness incident to females in delicate health, and every kind of weakness of the discsmc organs. For sale by W. H- Moffat, 333 Ilroadvvay, New York, and by medicine dealers and druggist generally through out the country February 10, l?00-lim-Ciii. AUIHIOIVS NOTICE. Estate of TVlman Fox. deceased. fpIinmJprktigii'ii, Auditnr apin'iiitt!I by the Oriih.m'i JL. Ciiiirt in UoiiiniLtta ruuuiy, ua cxci'piMMiit iu mu ur i-oiiiii nf Kilna IL Fow Icr. cuartlian of Tillman I'm, tu- ...r.s....l i til mi n ml to th.-1 1 u tie ii of hi iiiilioiMlliciit. at M oihri!, in iiUMHiitliurn, falurday. the tlt Any tf Arj( , p.lrt.iit Hiu'rli-rk in ihtjfirciiouii, whcn.in.l ' whertt all iuthoiib inurcclvj fray atti-inl if they think ituwi , nioouit.biirg,.MLTcii 10, iwa iw. Au&tor. MASON WANTED. AHTONIJ MASON', to conMrurl n tVUai Wall, 1(1 x 51 frit. And) immpdiatey atthcoffire rfthvCwlunihiB liinocrat, nioomrbur';, Match W, IHO iNcwjQVDucrtiGcmcnt 0. 1I0NDS AM) 1.10KNSKS, SCHOOL OUIIKS, AM) M,hti DI-ICDS, -WITII- BI.ANKFI of nil klmla, nftli" lira! inntlly an.l nl low prlcea, fur lalu at tlif oflica of tlm Coluiiibl.1 lluno crat. ALSO, llovrr's superior Mack Ink , in bottles of various sizes rortuioiiais. Diaries, Receipt Unoks and Morocro Nolo ISoottf, with Stationery generally. KtiNOVAL, DR, J. C. RUTTER, has removed hlsofflco, to Market street, next door to tho new Lutheran Cliurch.whpre ho will always bo happy to attend to tho wanti of his customers. lUoumsburc, March 31, 1P0O, NOTIOK. NOTICr: la licrcliy given Hint tlio Tate, on tlio Vn acntcil Lands oro liif. anil will bo aitvr-rti.ci for aalo according Id law, on tho iccond week of April nclt, unlcsa tticy nro paid. JOHN A. rUNSTON, Treasurer. Trensurcr'ii Oinco. I nioonuburg, March SS, 1P(M. j BKDIGE NOTICE. Tilt! President and Managers of tho Cattawissa Rridge Company, have this Jay declared a dividend of three per cent. (75 crnts pf r shire,) nn tho cnpltal stock of thi Company, for thi last six months, payable to tho Stockholders r the lr leirol represcntatiiet.on or after ths nun, oi aprii, at trie nmce ot tnu Treasurer, in uattawis sa. Dy ordir of the Uonrd. JNO. RIIAUrLESS, Trta$, CatUw iSHa, March 31, JfW). JliOTICE. BRIDGE ELECTION. AN election for ono Tresidcnt, all Managers, ono Treasurer, one Secretary : oWwra for the Cnltania sa llrldgc Company, for the ensuing year, will bo held ntlhe house of JjtCOU DYV.U, in Cnttanlssa on Mon day tho Tth of May licit, between the hours 1 and Ii r. M. JNU. pilAtll'l.Kra, Cnttawlssa Ilrlclge Office, March 31, Km. icc'y. PHILADELPHIA, PliATFOI&iTI AI,ES, fV KVEKY -DESCRIPTION. EUITAUI.r! FOR j UAii.ilu.lua &c. for welching hay, rnal i oro I nnd merchaiitliio eencrallv. rurchasera run no every itcale Isirtiaranteed eorrect, and If, after trtul, not found satisfactory, can be returned without charge. Ety factory at thuold taund. established for moru than lumy-iivu yenrs. AIIBO'IT it CO., Corner of ninth and Melon Streets, ruiLADELPiii i. THIS WAY t'.IIEAP BUTt: BLOOVsBURG cheap nsh Store, ngoin, wilh a freair.ston of,6(.Vr3 not now prepared to ofl"..r to thc public a viry 1 of bpting and Hummer Coods at usual loW W prices, 1 H12ADY PAY'OMLY. Come along wun your rusli anu produce, 11. C. ft I. W. HARTMAX. March 31, 1-1,0. A rimslllot of No. 1 8t3 Mackerel and Herring, lor sum in ii.'im .n.iiva, Al'lU'.SH lot of Groceries, for saio at IIARTMANS. il OMIT Pyrup Mollasses, at 50 els., p,-r gallon or 1 l-A cis. p,r ounri m ii.ni.iAi n. u 1VK rilnlling Gutters, (and no Humbug,) for sale JU by HAHTMAN'B WOOI.LC.V, Ileum lc Colleu Carpets, lor solo at.llAUT.VIANB. C.I.OCKrl, Watche, &c, etc. CUMV, l nt IIARTMAN U Ci ALL Sc. see if you do not beliee at IIARTMAnT'S. OIU'.lVrlNG, Muslin 5 1 wide for IJ1 per yard. for sale 1., II.O'Tll .d llloomsburg, .March 31, KfiO. NEW CLOTHING. 7 UT. undorsijMH'd, (rrnti'ful for vast patronn?e, rcBpfct Inlly inforiii( hicuitijmfr8 and th imhlicpt'iitiruliy, tli.if ho ua jut received fro;ii the Laitornu cilien, thu larKL'bt mid niOft dell btutk of Sl'KING & SUMMER CLOTHING, That has yi'l heen opt-ned in nioonifhjrp, to which he invite thu attention of hit frii-nd, ami nfurra thfia thattlu-y uru uiTcrcd for Bale at preat iKirganii. JJU r:iork roiniirUcfl a larec Uffm titu nt cf UKVl'l.i;.n'..Vrf UTAJUNU AFPARRZ. ConsUtinje of t,llIltlHAULl( I)dkit C'oatii, of ovcry den cni'ti'tn; 1'uiiU. Vittn, Ktiirtc. Cravats block u, Cotton IlaiidkiTtltitl'tJ. Uknea, tjiin11! T &c. UUI.U WATCHES ANU JUWEMIV, Of every dt'Hi-nidiou, due and rhcaji. N, li, -Itcun'iuhi'r ' LoietHbcra't Cheap Kwioriuw." call hud (t.'t So chftriru for t'l.tiului; (jt)ol. irAviu lowenhkui;, lUoohisburi;. March 31, lJGi, (Junu ) WATCHES GIVEN AWAY 11 A (J I FT valued from two ddl.ira to one hundred dollars (jivcii with every jiook void nt rttiul prices. AT MUST OXK IWIVH IS a UAIUXTEU 'W Ei'tlUY These inducements arc oifered by thc SUFFOLK KXCHANGi; tjn. lit. Wjiihlnplon Etroot. "Coston. THU most extensive and thc hiOft lilieral tiift concern in ellblfiice. i-Vud fox a CataloirU''. Thoso who luc patnmizi'4 oth r Gilt Ilouffs are particularly re oiii-sti'd to aetjuditit th'iun'lveB with our term'. Our In WniiiueuU arc uurhalleJ, uud put aJl otbere 111 the h.lrl... 'lhc following aro enme of the Gifts to purchasers of bLtoKa. nn-jlii-h Lever Gold Watrhej, hunting raees. I'.it.'iit Lver " " " ' Isadii-V Lt-ver ' opon f ic. lKt.uhod Lever Silver Wtchen, hunting cases. Leplue Silver Watched, open face. Gold l.ocKits, variou t,i?.ca. i.aiht'rt hiiiI Gtnta' Gold Chains. tnrif-UK fltvlcn. Ladiei' und Giiiu' Gold tilecc lluttons mid Htudrf, all patterns. Giiitx' llosoin rim, new and rich at) ten. Gold roncilf mid l'Lns. Ladii'M and llvhW Gold Hides. Ilnlil Vl'iitrli Ki'VJ and lt-lt 1'IIH. A t;reat varaty of ttiulies Jewelry, Pins and Kar drot. cnmnrifinn all the styles now worn, bucIi anCauieo, Mosaic, Gold intone, I..iva, Floreiitine, &.C., &-C, AtC. Guld nrnLelfH. all tsivle, The lint of Hooks comprises a pre at aBsorlnicnt rf j tiUl, tQ t,( )Wlg anj n(; not faiI t(J K,n(, for a 1 catdluRue. Cdtatoguen mailed frvo to any add re o. -I'pii SUi FOLK EXCHANGE COMPANY, i 110 wasmngion sireei, uosion. C. W. IsLDRiDCJt, Treasurer, March Ul, lv"(u-;u. PHOdljAMATION. WIIi:Rtt.H, tlit Uov. WARRrN J. Woodward, Prcsi ii.'iit ut thu Court of 0tr ami Ti-rinitier .nnd (Jen rmlJ.nl l-li'ry, I'ourt of tiuarter Hciiiions of tho lVac! and Court of (;ummoti Hi'iia and UrpN.ura Lnurt, In tin- a .ih Jmlici.il Dixtrirt. collinnBtfil ot I I'l (olllitH'f of Columbia, SulliviiH undWyonini):, ami the Hon. Jahib Kvass and i'Eita Ku.he. Associatu Jiiilyt; of CoIunihM riiniitv. Iiaiu issued tht-ir Druci'iit, ti-'urnu: date ttu: ninili tliiy of iVb., iu thu ear of our Lord one thousand tight luiimreii aim Miiy, una 10 iuu uirvcivu ut luuuuig c Cimri of Over anil Tt-rnnner and Ht ntral Jail dtlivirv, Cfiieriil Cludrttr HesflioiK of the react-, Common i'k-us ami Orphdu'a Court, in lUooiiinhurg, in tho county of Coluii.tiiu, mi thu iU"l Monday, Uving thu till day) of May next, and to coutinuu one teett, otn:J i herfby Kivt'ii, to tlio Coroner, tho Justice of tho lV.ico ana tonaiabifg on no eaiu coutuy ot uuiuuiDid lh.it tlx'y h(j tlit'ii ami tlu'ro in tlnir iirimi'r'perBonn ut Kl o'clock hi tho fort' n 'ou of said day, with their ruorilv, in'miEitioiu and other reiiieiiibraiicu to do thotjo thing wiurh to tlu'ir oHict-s uDiicrtnin to bu dune, And tlmac tli nt nni liciiuul In- rui OL-iuzuiifi. to Droitecute aealufit tho priionern tuat aro or in.iy no in tnu jau ot nam county ot lOIlllllUld IU lU lilt' II Ullll ilUTO IU liTI'01-l.lil.U I lie 111 us ruuii bi-Just. Jurors itrc rcnuebU'ii to lie puniu.u in ineir at tfinl.iiii'j. ulti-i-iiIiIv to their noticL'ti. Datud at 111 noma burg! thc "JutU day of March, in tho year of our Lord one thousand tight hundred and bitty, and iu tho t4th jear oilim inut'iHjiuu'iia 01 inu uinim riaicti 01 .iniiricu. (uou sate too i.oiiiumimt'iiiui.1 March 31, 18C0. Grand Jurors, for May Term. nontoiiMoBei Vocum. liriarcrcck Charles Whitmirc. Centre Henry Uclong. (eo. A. Herring. Con nghain Heulx-n Wnnacr. rinhingcrt'ok Ull Hobbina, tlrL't'uwood Jamt'i Vauhorn, llrmiocn Kfuui'n uutiui, joim nciius, samutj uni. Jackson John V. Dt rr. LociiBt Uanui licawr, Chai. Billig, Wm. Goodman, J.icob llariu-r. Muiuo Wm. Hitler. John Kelchnrr. Maduon IK-nj. V. Fruit, Ik' hut 0. Milli, I suae her Tilt- man Montour jona Gclgtr Orange Samuel Ucidlvinan, John lU'rring. Itoaringrretk John Ixtan. Hlooiunburg, March 31, loOO. Traverse Jurors, for May Term Moom Newton Uoon, John Tumi, Jacob It. Groul, lUiln'it Cathcart, btt-nimn Knorr IVnton llvmlrick llangM. IUmmt Jacob llerriuetT, Fainurl risher. llriarcrcck Motft'n Udin, Vincent ltichard, Haniuel Ki Ichncr. Ctnttr Johhm I'owltr. Samuti llageubuch, Kmanucl Hilt. Allen blKlUi-imiitf r. CnUaii;i Michad Hrlt, John Ktifir ('oiiyntjliam Daniel T. McKUrmaii. 1'uhiugjreik William Jkh r. urL-euHouujouu u. irunn. Hciulork Uaac TurRtl. Jnckuoii lli'unati W Vouns. Joim Mclleury liocunl- Lurao rahnngir, Amzi 1'aut, Moutour-Wm. Uobt.rU, Hamu'-I lazarus. M.idion Henry K)tr. ; Mi 111 i n Buimiel Creaiv. Mount rieuiant Joint White. Orange John Vance. Iuvid II Haynnn. Jatrih Pnydcr Abraham Keifcr Pinn -Calvin Chcmbtrhn Hcott Danitl Pniltr IWootuiburg. March 31 10 iKau OIonrL AD.IOUHNED HA LB. p u ii ii i vv K is ou'e or ' Valuable Prrsnnnl Froncrlv, AT Tim TUT. underlined will cjioe to TnMic Halo nt tlio Ei. change Hotel, in Dlooinsburir, Cnlnnibia county, tn Fr'ulay cj- Saturday, 3Mi, & .'II si of Mutch, 1MB, the following pcraonal nrupetty to wil i THREE HdUSUS. one milch cow, four Shoats, ono two horse HaeR, orte Carriage, ono Open Ruggy, one Truck Wagon, one Blelgh, ono Omnibuss Hied, single and doublu liarrfcii, bulla I o robes, blankets, whips, 4tc. Also, ONE NEW riANO, Bureau' Rofas,( Tables, Stands, Cupboards, WirMsor and toinmm Chairs, tiitctnsware and Htonware, IUhjK Ing !:.id IVtlf-r Htntei, carpet of nil kinds, bedi & bedding, clicks, looking Ulassea, Decanters, Tumblers, bottles, with all tho lt.tr fixtures and stewing apparatu set in tho oyster cellar. Alio, ONE BAGATELLE TABLE, nearlly new, one Rnttcan, ono Colt's Reuolrcr. a lot of Hjtver I'latrd Cutlery, nearly an good ns new. Also, n lot of LIQUOR OF ALL KINDS. A great many articles n ill l ottered for sale that aro not here mentioned. Uy" Sate to commence at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, when terms will be mado known and due attendancu given by Rloomthurc March 1", lPCO. THE PHILADELPHIA. Cash Drug, Paint and Glass Siorc, H. W. cor. Fourth nnd Cnllow hill Btrccts. rilll.Al)i:i.l'lliA. (T7" nruenists. Merchants. Knrmcrs. and the public ev. crywlierc. I will sell nt wholesale nnd retail, to thc Hpring Trade of leM.0, n heavy stock of Drugs, Medlclnca. Chemicals, fcc.,&c, &c. LD.OIH) lloxe. of W ndow (1 ass. assorted sire An nualities. 10,000 rounds of 1'utty, Wita Black, lied, fee, in bulk or it in lers. 50,000 Gallons I.inseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Cam. ouiiie, 'uroiitu, occ. 50 Tons of Pure White Lead, in llbls., 1 nbls., 100, 50, u nun it in. Kecs. 30 Tons ofrenrl Snow White I.ead,lnBbls., I llbls., I0U, oo, .l nno ivi id.. le(s. AO Tons of New York While I.cad, in libls., I Rbla., lis), on, 20, nun i-ii m. kits. 40 Tons of America Snow While Zinc, In Rbl., I Rbls., 100, 50, il nnd l.'l lb. Kegs. 50 Tons of Ihinh American .Inc. llbls., I Rbls., 100, SO, 55 and 151 lb. Kecs. 55 Tons of Zinc I'alnls, ofilinercnt colors, llbls, 1 llbls., 100. Sll. 55 nnd l.' lb. Kegs. 30 Tons of Mineral l'nints, of diirerent colors, dry or Krounu in un 10,000 Pounds cf 1'iiro Fronrh Green. Crome. Green, vciiow, unie, niarK nnuotner colors, ury or in un. i.uou loiiuosni riiiims'nssorieuiiiue,uiacK, lieu, ureen. nnu otner roiors. 100 Parks of Gold lenr, Glaslers' Diamonds, Glaziers 1'utty, Hack Knifes, &c. SO.nm) Gallons Roiled Oil. Varnishes. Janans.ZInc Drv or, occ. l'.unt, Vninish nnd Calsomine llrushea, togeth- er wun n rompuie iissoitmeiii oi nrsl class uoous em braced in thc Drug and Taint Uuslness. ALSO, 5.000 Rbls. Roman Cement. 3.IHD " Rosi'iidalo and llvdrnilllc Cement: l,ll " Calcine,!, l.nnd.llentistry.Cnstlnir I'laster.fe, C7-Allof Hhiih I will sell at WilOIXSALlI or RK TAIL, ntfroni 10 to 50 per cent, less than other (Stablish. IIIMIIS. IIDNRV O. I). nANKS, Proprietor of tho rhiladelohl.1 Cash nrue. I'.uut and Glass Floro. South-nest corner of Fourth and Callowliill Sis., I'hila, March 17, ldu)-3m. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Heal Estate "I X pursuance of an order of thc Orphans Court of Co- x iiunuia cnum), nn Saturday, the 7th ifavof April next nt 10 o'clock in tho fort-noon, Mrs. Catharine Ktmc, Ad' ininistr.itir, vi Aim mum V. KLtwK.latc ot Uranqu twp.. in eaiu county tiecancd, will expose to sale, uy I'uouc Vtintuc, upon tho priMiiiAL'n, a curtain LOT OE LAND, lj In? nnd Win 2 in thc township nf Hid) I no Creek, in the cnid uuiiniy, rjoutuicn uy Limit 01 .iiuhcx .iicncnry, iuhi lands now of James R Wmnls. late of John I.azaru. deceased, and by Iho 1'uIjUc ruad leading tliruugh rtill Water; Containing moro or less, wherron arc creeled n tun ntnry Frame Ihnlling Joucc, n Vramt btahte, n TANNllUY, and the nececdary flxturrB of hark .MiU.fcc, Lite thc INtatc nf paid di'K-.ificd, totiutu ut thc towiuliip of rinhingcrtck, and county nfiirenuitl. nionnlnire, March 13. lar.O It. Cterl. Bl.OOMSliUlU; AOADKMY. fpllEPpring nnd Summer Hession or thc luoomsmir? X Academy, will begin Wednesday. Jtpril 11 th, 1S0U. Piitiila liifctrurtert in r.uclish. Clnhsics. Modern Langua ges, Matheiuatirs, Natural Hciencvs and Vitrul Music. Tim course of Matin-malic and Cl.tpsics is intended to prepare thu htudont tor admission into a Uimersily or Colletiu, or to Mu.ilhfy for busuuss. A liaily Kecister of tho nttfiulaiicG, conduct and schol arship nf each student ia kept, which is open at all tunes lor eiumtuuu'm uy pan'uis, uunuau ui, ..-. Rpfciiil attention is give it to those whu dtsigu fitting tlieuirieUes fur tcaclnuir. TRllMS: Common Rngtish. per Uuarter, !51 00 lliaher Ruglish and Clasijica " gj 00 No deduction wjU bo mado on account or non attendaiae or of withdrawal before tho close of tho session, uulesa in casu of protracted mckiu'Si, Coo.l bo.irdiug'can be procured in private fain lies at n-nanuiilile rntei. UefereiHi's 1'atroiu ofthe scunoi. U. A. IILCKLKY. A. 11., Triucipal and Teacher of Classics uud Mouorn Languagts. A. A. KOrL Teacher o Jiatneniaiics. lilooniHb-irg. March 1. liAi. 5 tar car NKW FA1.I. ANI1 WINTER GOODS CHEAP, :xs AX' 8" Cgi- "a .sss ssr HiiiiT mm, Jgtnt. 1ST J5ST -1 May II, 159. "A Imin. lint rfti'ii fills llu' purse. SAVING FUNDS. FRANKLIN SAVING IVND-No. 13C South, Fourth Street, between Chestnut ond Walnut fnuao'')mui, piij b un nposits on ueiiiami. Depositors' money secured by Oovt'niment Plate anu i uy i-oani, urounu items, Mortgages, &.c. inn uompitny oeems saieiy otuer titan large nroiits, cnneuuently will run no risk with ilenn.i tors' money, hut havo it at all times reudy to rt turn w im a per ci iu. niicii-hi iu un- un hit, as lliey na V uinujxiviii), iiiigivmpu; mici ph JIVIIUCU, Female r. iiiarrit-d or smele. and Minun mn .i posit in tlulr own rlchl, and fuch deposilB can bt withdrawn only bv their cun petit. i nartcr pepriuai lncorporatea by the State of I'cnnsyivaui.i, w un uuinuriiy io rtccivu nionej irUIII KIIBICIB illlll llHllllVIB, MIME WA7 KVJil'U a(W RECEIVED. Olllce onen daily lrom U to 3 o'clock, and on Wi-A nenday evtniug until ti o'clock, t VIIlEClVItS. Jacob ft. Shannon, Cvrus Cadwalladct. fi John &hiudlcr, (ieorge ltuisell, .viaiatni vv. bioan, uiiwartiT. in nit, sew Is Krumbhnrr. IKnry Dels n v. NichoUs Huti'iihouse, Nathan Sine die v. Jos, 11. Sutherthwaitc, Kphriam lllanchard, Joscpli Lsippiiirotl. JACUll a SHANNON. TreiJent, CYRUS CADWAI.LADKR, Treasurer. March Li, ld5U-lJm. "A Dollar saved is twice earned." TO FARM E ItS AND GARDENEKS. aMIEFubscnbersoirerforSaleCO.OOO Itarrcls of FOU DUETTE, made by thc Iodi M amjf jcicrio Com iuhy, in Lots to nuit Purchasers. This article is in tho tweiitii th )i'iir of its introduction inti this rountry, and has outlived fertilizers of tvvry othor description, for thu following riasous. Int. It is made front thc night oil of the City of New York, by thu L. M, Co., whu have a capital of $100.uoo invented in tho business, which is at rirk ehould thry make a bad article. 2d. For Corn nnd Vegetables it Is the cheapen, neat rst and handiekt muniire in the world i it can be placed in direct contact w ith the seed, forces and ripens vege tation two weeks earlier, prevents the cut vvoim, doubles Hi1 erop, nnd is vtthout disagreeable edor. Time dollars worth ortwo barrels Is all suihctent l manure an arrc nf torn in the lull. nuts-1 bid. $-J 2 bbU,-Si1 50, -5 bMs. and over Cbbls. 91 50 per barrel, delivered free of cartage, to ves pi U or rnlmad In New Y rk City. A pamphlet containing every informition, and certifi cates from i.irmerH all orr tho United States, who have used it from two tn seventeen years, will bo sent free to any one npplying for the same. GRIFF1NG UROTIIERS A- CO.. Voith Hiver Agruultural WarrhoiuP r0 Cnurtland Plrret New York .Or. ISnSouth Delaware Airmie FHILADELriMA I Marrh 1", lr"?0-2m , AUDlTOll'8 NOT1UB. I Estate of Jbhn Wise, deceased. TNMlleOrnlian'a Court of Columbia county, In (ho mat i I ler of the account of IVtcr Wclkhelncr, Adinlnli.ua. tor nf tho catnte of John Wire, deccnaed. . Tlw nndpralffnH. Auditor aomdlitcd bv the Ornhan a Coutt of Columbia eouniy,,to twttle and itdjuat Iho rnlea And nroportton, oi too asacta in uw imnua ui hk ...n ndminintiator, nrunnir the creditor, of tho .aid crtate, In tho order cttabllahcd by la(V, will nld nd to the dutlea of hla apnolntrarut, at III. omcc, In llloomibuig, on Thur.dny, thea.tli, day of April, A. II. ltM, nt 10 o' dork in the forenoon, when and w hero nil pcreona Inter fratcd may attend, if they think proper. vtai.nv wirt. Bloomibutg, March 10, 18M-41B. lijer. " NOTICE. . . I I.T. persona arc hereby forbldcn to meddle with tbo Cllowlnn ner.nn, ttronerlV. vi !-OllO ClraV .MaTC. two head of Cattle, nine RWiiie. one 1 horse warjon nnd defendant', other properly, hlch I bntgltt In at Counta ble a Hale, on uieiM nay m .narrn, irui, rm in." pmi'viiy llnrv l.eflr. Jr.. nil of uhirl, I linvo left III nCs.eaaioll have left iii possession of i the anid Henry l.enr, Jr., during my pleasure, of which tho public will taac notice. t , nenver Valley. Matcli 10, JOHN C. YEAGER, MANUFA(TURl:U Ic WIIOLKSALU IJKALKR IN 1 MATS. MS, STRAW GOODS, Ronncls ami Artificial Flower?. No. 537 NORTH TIIIRP STRRP.T, rnll.ADELrillA. March 10. 18C0-12m. HUBINCAM & SELLERS. WHOI.K8ALK CONFECTIONERIES , . AKt) F It tl I T K II E It S , Oranges, IenmnB, Prunes, Raiins of all hinds, Tigs, ipaicn, iiuis, nnu ui'URTiu'nury. No. 1C1 North Third S!., I'liiladelphla. Country Merchants are invited to give us a call. Ky Orders promptly nltcnded to. 3 March 10. l0-(,in. TOUAoUO n SEUaKs. MARSHALL HUGHES, WITH SHE A G X H 6 BOffij WHOLESALE DEAI.L'llS I.V Maniifncturcd cc Leaf Tolw'cco, HAVANA GERM AN AN I) DOMESTIC, SEGARS, &C N. C Corner of Front and Arch Streets, ARTIILR. II (OKI. 1 jmis m. novo. I rilll.AUCI.PHIA. Marrh II). Ihmi l.m. VALUAliLE IMtOl'KWTY FOR -SALE! rpn MR subscriber olfen t sell at I'rint'i fnle, hU STEAM SAII-MiLL. at Cepy, la., situate in n good locality for buttinrps, with u fioou run hi cuhioiii. ah oi mo i.uinncr, niant, vc.. Can bo Hold at the Milt. It can bv managed by twu uuii and one boy. Is in excellent running m'er. A No A TRACT OV LAND, AND WATCR I'UWKIt, nlthn SJIW-M1LL Ihcrron, nituate in thc township of Greenwood, Colum bia County, l'a. This In a rare chancr for any on irichini; to go into a good business, already ivlablif-hed. A uion' ihirable I'ronertv for a small investment Is rarelv ollered. The property well known far and near, as a good pa) Ing 'e Mihscf iber ha ing a large l'lalning Mill, and other biuiiifiH to sHi'iul to, ilws not feel able to giro th1 aU.a mentioned Mills tho attention itup them, therefore oifer them for pale on terms to suit purchacrs. Apply at once l'arties wislnng to purchase, can have nccess to thc nooks of the Mills, wftich satisfy them as to its paying. THOMAS W. KDGAR. r,npy, March 10. lBfiO. U'ATtUHS JKWELIIY ii SIU'IJU WAKE. Cheaptr than auy othrr Houte in the Vmtcd S'atc j. errry article Sold onlyor vhat it realy u, and warranted to be as represented. II. MULLIGAN, No. -Ill, North Second Street, aboto Willow, Went Hide, lHllLrtUEl.VMA, 3"MI'OnTt:Hof all kinds of English, fVc ne A and Siris$ Watches, and Manufacturer of Jewelry, ot every des cription. Country, .Store Keepers, Auctioneers, Pedlars & deal crs eenerally, are nsmircd that they v III find at tins en tabliKhment tho large ft mot ariui; nnd racluoinble assortment of goodn in tho United .Vdfsi, and nt prlci, vj jter cent iwwer man any outer iiousc in mis uoumry r-toro Keepfrs and othern, who cannot come to tho rity, can oruer mcir goons oy .ait, ami navi' infill huih i'y Uxpress to any part of tho Country, a chtap and well selected as if they came to the City and teh-ctcd them in person, Ke member tho place, II. MUM.lnANU No, III, North Second St., above Willow, Wvhi side, l'lltLADKLlMIIA. Established forJOTer Fourtoen Years. March HI, leKiU 1-Jiu. HOVER'S INOELLIIJLE INK. TWO KINDS Ono with the mordant, and the other w tth thc Ink so prepared that it entirtly ob-, fates the use of the same. To tatisfy all who have been deceived in purchasing, what proved upon trial to bo utterly worthies, the following strong certificate of Professor I loot h, of the rranklin Institute, of Fa., and whose repu- ! ttitbm U coextensive with the civilized world, is pro be me u. LAORATORY IN THE OLD MINT. I'hilaJelphta, Dec. 15, 1 12. To Joseph E, Hover, E-i. Dear Sir Hav ing examim; tho compot-ition of your lndelliblc Ink, and t-mployt-d it in my l.nnily, I cut speak with confidenre of its unu sual exctllencc In comparison with others of a Himtar nature. It is of such a con lute nee hi adapts it equally well for coarse and tine fabrics, and when its lull shade of Mack is developed, it is not altered by washing ur ut mobpheric agents. Ur-fpecifiilly yourn, JAMI'.fl C. HOOTH, Artalj tic CheiuUt. Orders nddrcised to tho Manufnrtory, No. -lit. Race tt. above Fourth, (old No. Ill,) i'hiladelphia, wilt recclv, prompt attention by 09EPH E. HOVER, .Vrtnvlrr. March 10, lt?C0. TO OUR COUNTRY FRIENDS. TT7E hen leave to call your attention to uitr larce and W well assorted Stock of Goods especially utdected lor me suppiy oi ino SI'RING TRADE. Ileing pofsesscd of every necessary facility, wo havc now on hand, and Intend to keep ono of the I argent and uesi seietieu siocks oi FANCY DRY GOODS, EMUKOIDERlEP, NOTIONS. JEWELRY. Ac. to be found in this market, whlcli we aro prepared to oner at ppces mat ueiy cmnpeiiuon. t e nre thankful to all who Pave favoreu us in the pari with their custom, and trust they vmII renew their favors. ve coucit nil who ilesiro GiHhls tn our line, to call and ei amine our Stock, and we nledce ourselves by giring tntlro bntisfaction to merit a continuance of their confidence. Respectfully Yours, DRElFEfiri & FERNTiERGr.n, rhlla'da. March 11), lbU. No. 105 N. Third St. BROH'.YS E8SEXCE OF JAMAIC1 OI.XGER. KHEDEIUOIv UK-OWN, CHEMIST AM) DRUGGIST. Xorth Etctt Co'ney nf Chtttnnt and Fifth it'tels, rillLAUULPlllA. cOI.F. manuf.ictiirer of Itrow it's Essence of Jamaica O Ginirer which is recognized and prescribed by the .Medical racuny, anu nas uecoine ine tiiauuani ramny .vieuicinu oi ine l nueu ritiies. Thi L.seiico is a ureii.iratiou of unusual excellence In ordiiitirv ili.trrhu'a. iucinielit cholera, in idiorl. In all cases of prostration of the digestive function, it i of incst uinuiu niuo. iiurinc tuu nri'vaiencu i e ituemic i- t cholera nnu summer complaints oi cniiurcn u is peril- ( li.iily eincaclousi no family, individual, or traveler -j siiMUiu tie wuuoui ii. To nrcvent this valuiblo Esstncc from beintr counter1 felted, a new steel engraving, fit-ruled at a great cot-t w ill bo found on the outside of thu w rnpprr, in order tn guard the purchasers aeuint bung imposed upon by worthless imitations of Ir.'W. Pmnnred onlv bv FUEDEK1CK ItROWN. and for sale at his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corn, r of Fifth and Chestnut htrceti, I'hiladelphia. Also for sule by all respectable DruggUtt In the Uni ted State. Marrh 10. lfWi-12.ii. C. M. LMMBKMAN.n, MAIT4CTCRKR OF American Violins. In Cremona style, vtt patent tailpieces, PATENT 0ON0E11TINO8, MILITAHV DRUMS et all siies on a new plan, II.1.VJOF.S, V.1MUOR1XUS PARCHMENT. VEI.LWI.CALr. AND SllrXP WIHK Strings, Organs, Melo Icons if Musical Cmirs, Nn. "1$, (ol.l N'' l1) N'th Pccornl fcticit, All kinils of Musical Mcriliamlisu rMnstanlly on haml. All klnils of .Musical Instruincnls tuned anil rcfiatled Marcli 10, leiiO-lim. .MANUFACTURER or C.M)IS:S, VIMi tOM'ECTlOXUIiY, if., USD VVIIOt.StLe DIALER IH I'OUKION & DOMKSTI0 FRUITS. Raisins, iTruncs, IFea Nuts, iDricd Applos, Currants, Almond, '.Feacan Nuts, I " Pearhes Citron, Eng WalnutslOranges, IfiweclOil, Figs, j Filberts. Leinont. iHyruns. llales, iCream Nuts.'jrino Apples, Crackeri, FIRE WORKS, 4C $C. N'o Notth Third Stieet, fouth East rtwu Vint pim.AnKiiPUiA Mmch in. mn Urn From "Washington WASlIiNlTOf, March 127. An umfcnal ly largo number of fctrangcri aro in tho city, including many jioliticiam from va rious quarters of tho Union. Government bonds to tlio amount of 8100,000 ivero iuued to-day by tho Gov- cmmcut for tho benefit of the 'andottj Indians of Kansas, through tho cxcrtioin of Judgo Williams of that Territory. Advices from ltuatan to tho 11th inrl. that tho excitement with regard to the transfer of ltuatan to Honduras continued unabated. A letter from Vera Cruz to thc I'icayunt states that Miramou, on thu way down from the Capital, imposed a loan of $100,01)0 on thoso of Jalapa, and what is mote, got tho money. Loooraotivo Explosion. Kasto.v, Pa., March U9. Tho Loco motive Excelsior burst her boiler hero about 7 o'clock th'n morning, just as she was about starting up tho Lehigh Valley Railroad with a train of cattle cars. George Winters, engineer, and William Pharoah, Jackson lJilman and Wm. 15il man, train haiids, were hurt, but lwno of them tcriouly, and they aro expected to recover, The engine h a total wreck blown into hundreds of pieccH. One piece of tho boil er, weighing over a half ton, was thrown u dNtanco of a quarter of a mile. The bell was found in a gravc-yard still further off. It U a miracle that no Uvea wcro lost, as, besides those on thc train, there ticrc eight or ten persons standing near thc engine at tho time of tho explosion; OAMDHA AND I1LOOMSI1U11Q T'lIK undersigned would In form the travelling public X that ho has become tho proprietor of tho above named route, and hai prepared himself with thc bet KIND OF liOUSRS AND A NfcW TltOV COACH, for the acrommoil.ition of the trn idling public, ills Coitrh will run Tri'Weikly, .Mvndaj, htdnriddi, and t'ndaf, ' JLiLOOMSBUIlO AND CAMBUA, Leaving Camlra at 6 o'clock A. M., arriving ot Uloonis uurg ninaii pufi 11 u ciock, . rii., in iiota toconnt-ct with the I'illlsADKl.riU A & LACKAWANNA ANU ULOOMSHL'RO TltAlNri at Kunert.niul Lackawanna and llluonitburg station Hast and West. . Leaving blooms burg each day of thc regular trip, on the arrival of the riilladclphi i .Mails, and arrlvu at Cauibra nt half pants o'clock, same evening, lU'trular ftopnlng places on said Route ns follow: NKW COLUMUU9, Ol'.ANUEVILLK ANU LIGHT HrilRRT. tLTh3 patronage rf the comnvanity in solicited, ai fiiired that it will bo the ainbitou if the l'roprktor to rtnder general satisfaction. FrcUht, U.iggagc, ic. carried at mndcrato prices. WILLIAM UtlMLKV. Cambra, March 10, ltC0. KXECUTOK'S NOTICE. EstiU of Elizabeth Ibn?, d ceased. LKTTLIlrf teptimentary on the estate of L'lizahktii Yohk, late of Locust township. Columbia county do ceased havc been granted by the UegiMter of Columbia county, on tl'o uIhjio I'.state, to Stephen Yohe, reiiding in bum liocii'i low iiniip, ui.iuinoia county, notice Is here by given to nllpersnshavhigclniuis or demands ngaitiit the ett.ite.of tin paid di cedent to make them kuowu without delay, tn tho said Lfecutor, arid those Indebted to said esltitw, to make immediate payment. HfEi'IJIJN vtuin. March 10, l?C0-Cts Lxetutor BLOOMSBURQ Skylight Picture M!ery. IIE undersigned iufyrins thc citizens of Moom, nnd X neifthborbou'l, that he has taken the large room in the Exchance lllock, extetidiniE over Messm. htnner Mcnchri Hakery, and Mrs. t'larks Uookxtore, wlu-fe bu has put in a largv bk light. Il is only by Skylight that goou pictures can b laki n esp 'cially groups, w her j each person can bo taken just ns well as separate; lie Ins gone to considerable rxpeils-. to muko hi es tablishment a first claftf one, end hi tlufefore woluits u hh -ral patronig - to enable him, to constantly tniroiuis all tho modern imprnv einent i f the uct. tjr uouniry produce laseu in t:tctitinge fnr pictur's, HENRY UOSENrfroCK. I'loomsburg, Nov. CO, lt33. NOTICE iN PAKT1TION. Vsf'ntc of Joh?i Pice, dactisrd. columdia corvrv. ss. jTSFT?? 'j1ic Commonwealth of rennsvlvanm, l,S.t,, J'Hi Fice, Saumtl Frite, Jonas I'nce, SSSL J'e K GeiiMl, Amos D. ,Vum1, John LyJ. Gelll. MurV Geiisil. A.tnm Cnn.il Sarah Geusit, William Yrks, tuanliiu of Harbara Gen sil, children of Rebecca (ien-il, laie RibocCa Price. d ceased, 1'eter K, Herboin, Guardian of tho persoin and eetates of Harrison I'rire, Hannah I'rice ami Win. I'nri, children of Jihjah Frice, decvas.'d, David Retubuld, (ritardian.M receivi notice for Jackson I'rice, Catharin Frtce and David I'rire, children of John Frice decased, Jt-Iiil Fiice, Jjviu" in Union county, Jeremiah Fnc , Elizabeth Frice, rinmui Frice and Mary Jane Fncn children of Sanuu I I'nce, deceased You and each of ou, are hereby commanded to bo and appear at our Orph.ins Court, to bo hidden at ltloouburg, In and for tiftid county of C(lumbia, ou tho lirst Monday uf Mny next, then and there to accept, or refuse to take tfe rt ul Estate ot John Price, lute of Cattawia township dv reaed, ut the valuation put upjn it, by an Irf'juen aided by this Honorable Court, br hhow causa wh tho hamo should not b sold WltuoS the llf-rtnrHble Warren J. Woodward, E' , Frrsidtiitof our Said roart at IllciomKbiirg.the ninth day of Fibruary, A. l eighU'iu hundred and J ACOU EVER LY, Clerk O. C. March 17, lhffl. A U . 1 1 N l i' u t 1 u K 6 uiiJI'J, Estate of lliumy Jjagmbuch deceased. LETTERS of Administration on the Ettnteof lU-i.-tT lUtiEM.tiii latu of Si ott township, Columbia county deceased, ha c bom grauttdli) tho Register of t;dnm'-ia rouiity, totlu uiideroigneJ reiuiug in Light Street, in said township, all persons having claims against the Kr.t.itc rf the decedent are reUested to present them to (he Administrator, without delay, and all persons in dibu-d to make payment lorthwith. LEWIS LARIS1L Mirch 17, lPRn-fta. Adn'r. DISSOLUTION OK PAKINEUSIUP. , OTIOE i hen by given, that the partnership hereto I N fure existing between, Eliklia it. i'urstl aim Thomas C. Towler, trading under the Arm of Fursel i. FowLr, uthis duydUfolvedby mutual comenl. All persons in b bted to iaid tl r in, will please make sett lenient without d lay The bubiuess nf manufacturing Ad telling Huf f r' Fate ut Wanhins Machine, will be continued as usu al by thc said Furstl E. B. FURSEL, THOS, C. FOWLER Enpy, Marrh l', ltVA NO I 10'. Will UCAS, I transferred a certain promissory note of $HU iM.u.tted the FJth of Marrh, I ML', and signed by Joseph Coleman, to one Dacid Fetter, pataldn one jear alter datp, I heriby forbid the i-aid CHlciii; n pa lug ttaid note to the resent holder, and all other p rsons takin? nu nsii!itiii nl of it as 1 have tot ri teivedvalu ihcrefor.or any part of it, and anidneimincd not to ay llu i-uiu i eiu , t,. tnu same, unk- o iviu nil -d by due course ot law MOLLY I1LOOM Fuhingcreek twp , March 15, 1?C0 'Jt. " ri.oun and fbedT .ir prices a uit nn: timfs. AM selline fliiir and f-ed at 11)0 Auduct .Mills, t ve'r siiiull profits tor cah, m block coniw of tl c verv host of rtuur, Hje Corn and (tats Chon.titbei tp rat or mixed A fun ground Flash r which I wilt ex rhangi for cram of all kinds al market prices. N 11.-live Corn a id Oals ukeu in exchaucw for dour WILLIAM ilEKKfl. Manh 5. (May U, r3-) iUi'i'lMiKlt'M KVrAUlilSUJIENT. Tiice Itvtlii-rcd, Jfcc. pilE diiricult watih and Jewelri rcfatung has , -s. im I'll uou'- Sinn luuonibuuri: IS IWOOUlHiUrg, ny ULsav 'i 11-it.oK. nnu tnougi't im (,tunf tromlllL ntil'lte of the case. iMi?ed tu rharreC pinny itiKii. ins pntck now ,iri g really rrfurctf, arm ln . iihtomera uin n-n assured that ho has tU-i te'iuirto qualihcatious and materials and pi ur, for the t M 't of all kinds of Watrhes, Jewclr Atcmdiotu, and eei thing usually attended t at & reguUr vvntch makers shop Honesty and faithfullnesj hU alwu)bo his tut principle and uim. (Cy Orders or Gcndt tik.cn for pay henr zirriKntR Flionnburff, Mnh lft lPfo