Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 24, 1860, Image 4

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Creation'. Lordl we place our trust
In Ppring-llino, In thy holy word,
Which inlth, "Who acattcri In l In dust
The si.ed, etiall be In icaion heard
tilinll lee the germ rla) through the uiouttt,
The youngling corn take hcultliy rout,
Tha yellow tinmal Add behold
The orchard bend with mellow Trull.
We truit Hjcsi, Father I On Its bed
Wo cnit our seed with faith like rock ;
Vi sire our plough landi ample spread,
Aiul fence our Acids from herd and (lock,
We cull our vltiei of thriftless ehoot,
Ojr orchirdi prmn to luit tho sip.
Whilst tell uur loved once, veiled and unite,
Their gentle heart, with flower, to wrsp.
And will Thou bid our ralne and dews
Kefrssh the toll nhen .utibcnms parch
And drill our rmnilone in the softest hue.
Which Spring ooe from the rainbow arch i
And whtl.t Thou junrd'st our Acldi from hall,
And fine. t nature. pcril out,
Keep from our houeehold grief and nail,
Aud make our liinW and courage .lout.
To Km Ixskcts From Tkees.
It is recommended, its a remedy for the
ravages of the curculio, to grow plum trees
with tho lirftucltea over a stream of water.
The curculio do not eting those plums which
would fall in tho water if separated from
the limb. It is claimed by some that the
cunning insect is awaro of tho fact that the
plum would fall in the water, and there
fore thsir eggs, if deposited in it, would bo
How Many Houses. According to
tho now American Cyclopaidia, tho number
of horses in the world is estimated at fifty
eovou millions, (37,420,000,) or one horse
tor every twenty-one inhabitants, young
aud old. In Europe thero is one horse for
every eleven persons. Denmark has forty
five horses to ovcry ono hundred inhabi
tants, or nearly a horso for each two per
sons. The United States aro put down as
having (5,000,000 j Franco, 3,000,000 j
Uivsia, 3,500,000 j Great Britain, inclu
ding Ireland, 2,500,000 ; Austria, not in
cluding Itrly, 2,500,000.
Plant Peas Deei?. The theory re
cently advocated of planting peas very
deeply in the earth, in order to prolong the
bearing capacity of tho vines, has alpobcen
well tested in 'N'illianiitown, and found to
be correct. A farmer told me that ho
ploughed a furrow beam deep; then tcat
tcred the seed peas at tho bottom ; after
which ho turned a deep farrow upon them
with his plough, covering them, if possible,
to tho depth of twelve or fourteen inches.
They pushed tlmr way up through the
thick mass of earth very soop, and Instead
of turning yellow at tho bottom and dying
after tho first gathering, they blojomed
jind bore until lie was tired of picking tho
pods. Iftuch a result will uniformly, be
realized from the plan, pea-culture may be
iDftdejwore profitable thau hitherto.
House llAnisn. Growing horse-radish
i generally cons-idercd a matter of very
little consequence, in regard to the manner
of cultivation ; and tho result is, in inobt
cases, small roots .which aro inferior in fla
vor arc raised.
It is very easy 'to grow this plant with
rooty as largo as a man's wrut. Select a
rich, warm piece of ground, full exposed
to the rays of tho sun, and early in the
.fi oason dig it deep : oot.T for rows
itllrec feet apart, aud haul tho cfrth out of
?Jio rows, so as to receive a heavy maaiur
I'ng ; then cover tho manure with the dirt
taken from tho rows, and tct tint roots
about eight inches apart, and keep them
free of weeds,, as you would every other
crop, and -tile result will bo a growth of
Iicwjo- radish that h worth growing.
Plaxtiso Tomatoes. A correspon
dent of tho Gardeners' Chronicle (Eng.)
strongly recommends tho growing of to
matocs wholly in pots, especially by those
who rio only limited bopy of a dorcn
or two plants for homo uso. Ho also
.thinks market gardeners, and tbosc living
in cities, would find this mode invaluable.
Tho pot-plauts aro entirely under control,
aud require almost no attention, He says :
I havo not planted out tomatoes for the
lat five vcars, but havo had instead good
crops from plants in pots, with no trouble
in training, or stopping, and no failure as
tr nrndtiction or rineninir. 1 sow tho i-ccd
in a No. 00 riot at tho end of Fcbuary
Tho plants aro kept starviug under glass
mi mwlilln of Anril. then thiftcd into
thumbs, and put ontke pottingbench- for
week. They aro then packed together
under a warm fence, and when they want
it, aro hhiftcd into 00's and allowed to get
quite potbound." Seeds E.tnr.v. Rov. Daniel
Kmorpon, Summit county, Ohio, states that
ho has been successful in giving garden
codB an early etart in tho following nian
ncri Having selected the quantity need
ed, ejwli sort is tied up by itself iu cloth,
tho nawo being written on a slip of paper,
nd enclosed with the seed. The packages
aro then buried about two inches deep iu
tho ground for a week or two "N hen rca.
dy to plant, tho Huds needed for planting
nro taken from tho bags and used. They
will bo found to have bwellcd, perhaps
routed, and ready to grow. If tho
Id bo nuito dry. it is best
water tho drills after dropping tho seed,
nnd then cover with dry earth. Mr. E.
says that by this plan ho has never failed
1st. Invest all your capital in lnud, and
run in debt for more.
M. Hire money to ttock your farm.
!3d. Have no faith in your own biuincss,
aud bo always ready to sell out.
4th. Buy mean cows, spavined horses,
poor oxen, and cheap tools.
5th, Feed bog hay and mouldy corn sto
v'er exclusively, in order to keep your ttock
tame. Fiery cattle aro torriblo hard on
old, rickety wagons and plows.
0th. Use tho oil of walnut freely when
ever your oxen need strength. It is cheap
er than hay or meal, keeps tho hair lively,
aud pounds out all the grubs.
7th, Select such calves for stock as the
butcher shuns ; beauties of runts, thin in
the hams, and pot-bellied, but bo sure and
keep their blood thin with scanty herbage.
Animals aro pafeet to breed from, that
haven't strength to herd,
fitlt. lie cautious in tho manufucturo of
manures. It makes the fields look black
and mournful about planting time ; besides
it is a great deal of work to haul it.
Ulh. Never waste timo in setting out
fruit and shade trees. Fruit and leaves
rotting around a place mnkc it unhealthy.
The road to poor farming, though .large
ly traveled, is not well understood, nnd
these landmarks are thrown up for the
common benefit. Springfield Rt-jmUican.
New Method Wekm.vci Camiots.
In Williamstown, I was told of a plan of
raising carrots which was quite new, to
nic, at least. It is coining largely into
vogue in that town and vicinity. Thick
sward laud, meadow or pasture, is turned
over carefully and deeply. A light liar
row is then passed over tho surfarec, and
tho carrot seed fa sown with flax. As the
sward is buried six or eight inches deep,
no grass nor weeds grow up among the
flax to choke that or the carrots. When
tho flax comes to tho blow it is pulled, and
the process weeds tho carrots just when
they need it, this is all the labor requisite
for a good crop of tlieso valuablo roots,
until they are gathered in tho autumn.
Thus, two crops aro obtained by this
method from a common piece of meadow
or pasture land. No eeed, of course, is
obtained from the flax pulled in blossom ;
but tho lint is as good as if tho btalks
were fully seeded. This certainly is a labor-saving
method of raising carrots, when
compared with tho sowing the weeding
process. Still this practice may not he at
all new or uncommon to many of the
readers of tho Homestead. If i homo of them
who havo tried it, will give others, who
havo not, (ho sesult of tho experiment,
Uioy will impart valuablo information.
An Infalltule Cure foh Woiims in
Houses. Last spring my ton purchased a
raw-boned, low-fleshed horse and tried to
improve his condition by good treatment
and high feed, but1 found it impossible to
put flcs-li on his bones. His disease pro
ved to be worms, and all tho usual reme
dies were used to eradicate them, but to no
purpose. I tried the following experiment
and it succeeded effectually. I gathered
an armful of tho dry tops, with their teed,
of a weed called Jerusalem oak, the same;
from which oil of Avis is extracted. I
rubbed, out a quart of tho seed and mixed
with it two quarts of cornmeal well salted,
and put it in the horse's trough. This ho
licked all up, and in three days thereafter
my son s-tuted that his horso hud voided a
quantity of worms sufficient to fill his hat,
and all dead ; t-inee which tho horse thiivcs
and docs well.
How to Smt.kct Fr.ouu. First, look
at tho color; if it is white, with a slightly
yellowish or isti-aw colored tint, buy it If
it is very wlnte with a bluish cast, or witl
black specks in it, refuse it Second, ex-
amino its adhorivcuess; wet aud knead a
little of it between your fingers ; if it works
toft and is stick r, it is poor. Third, throw
a lump of dry Hour against a dry miooth,
perpendicular rarfuro; if it falls like pow
der, it is bad. bourth, riqueezo tomo of
the flour In your hand j if it retains tho
shape given by the pressure, that too is a
jrood sitrn. Flour that will stand all tlioso
tcsh is safe to buy. These modus ar o gi
ven by old flour dealers, and we malic no
apology for printing them, as Uioy por'tain
to a matter that concerns overybody, name
ly, the quality of tho staff of life,
How to Guow Peaches Every
Tho following is by a correspondent of
tho Ohio Cultivator ; " 1'rocuro your
trees grafted upon tho wild plum stock.
Tho trco partakes of tho nature ot tho
plum, being hardy, and will never wiutcr-
kill, and, putting out lato in tho Spring,
will never bo injured by tho frost, aud it
is a certain preventive against tho work
ings of the pcachgrub, whilo the natural
life-time of a tree is beyond that of our
own ; eo you may depend upon peaches
every year, and for a long period of timo,
without the destructive and discouraging
influences attending tho growth of tho com
mon peach, They can bo obtained from
fifty to sovonty-tivo cents per tree."
Sy In tho English agricultural papers
are advertisements of a great company in
London, who manufacture manure from
. ' , , njl
bloou. Tho Company rCCClVCd 771,000
gallons of blood from tic butcher shop
iondon alone.
LOOK Oi l' ! (;0()ll AlUll'S I'OU Mil. 1
aW. ncvcr-falllng MRS. VAMIDHV, li tin best. Flic
. pureed when all others hate railed. AllvwJionru
In trouble nil uhn have been unfortunate, all whoso
fond hope havo been disappointed crushed and blasted
by falno promises nnd deceit,- all w ho havu been ilecclv
oil and trilled with, all fly to her fornitvlec nnd satis.
f-ictlon,.-all who are in ilnnbta of the affections of thiieo
they hue, consult her to rtliute and satisfy their minds.
.v wrt: .iff.iihs un: .vr.rr.ii mils'
Plie has the" ircret of u limine, the nueillona or the op.
po-lug aex. It In tills fart wlikh inducee Illiterate prc
leodcre to try to imitate her, nnd to copy her ftiltertlse
inent. Hho she shous oii the
i.iKh.vt.&'s uk Yuviitvruiw. mmomtvsii.i.n,
Or absent friend. Hlie guides the single to n happy mar
riage, and makes the married happy. Her nld nnd ad
v ire Ins be, n solicited in iiinniiiernlle Instances, ami the
result lias alteaut been the means of securing:
a r jmvj lurw Minni.inr.i
Mifl Is therefore a sure dependence. Hlie lias been the
ineutis of bringing tunny hundred hearts and hands to
Cither. Thousands of broken hearts have been healed
and made happy by her.
It is well known tothe public at luce that sho was
the first and she is the only person who ran show the
likeness in reality, and who can give entire satisfaction
on all the concerns of life, w bicli can b- tested nnd prov
ed hy thousands, both liitined aud single, who daily
and eagerly v Isit her tit
No. IMG Lombard Street, Philadelphia,
All Interviews are .trlrllv private and confidential.
iitjiltji iiM-vi-ytMn, noon lvck
AND HAPPINESS are within the reach of nil. She is
1111: living wonder of the enlightened age; all who cou-
sun ner are asionnneuni uie uiiuiiuokss ..i oer u-cnfice. No. Bonn rRsnRica- BitlttT, seven floors 1
loano a u u pre. iru. us. ..m. .oui ' -f " ' from Ilaltlluoro street, East side, Ui trio steps, lie par- lrftctod liy 11CW Settlors, (U1U CUB
iunaieiVlchloioVneu. ad b ppyV' To AI.I. In' buslnes, I J 't 'JtJ by tho change of water ftud diet, wi Plie inn for. 1. 1 w itrithegrent- V ',. . "t.!i Jih,l,.in from om It rorrulatoil by a brief uso of this
.st certainty, the result of nil eomiie rciiil and business 1Vo I Dyspepsia, a discaso which is J
transitions. If you follow her ,lt ice, you will .n Mr.(.Uv OIi nA1Iil"oi;P IlllUnU UPUP. r',L. l n i
iMriuiri: vovit cmci'.vsMAvtJs
ami succeed in nil your umb rulings. 'J'hoeo who have
bei n fortunate and iinsncreesful In life, nnd in business
-those who hivo worked hard and truaiiieu ngaiusi
adverslt) nnd misfortune thagreater part of their lives
and found the more they tried to gt forward in the
world, the more things things wint aginst Uicnit All
cases have consulted her for the last twenty years. Al
those who wisely followed lier adtice are now
In all her undcrtlklngf ; while those lolnded by prcjif
dices and ienorance, nel'leiled her nilvicc, aro still la
boring rcainst adverslt) and poverl. If you valuenu
happiness, )ou will consult h r )oursilf, and be sucrtss.
ful nnd happy also.
All Inter, lews are strictly pritate anil confidential,
l.'uuiu one I come nil1 to
between Juniper and llroad, l'hiladelphia.
.March li. lr.VJ-ly.
VfSHsiISSi '""kc of locks i"iual to any made
in the United Ftltes.
Fire $fc in one fr, taint out right; with can.
fesfs in good rantlttion.
The Salamander P.ifen of Philadelphia against tho
have liail t.m fitrct rtrmnstralion in the follawinp rot
tificntc Hint ihoir maunfifluri: itf SalftmanikT Hnfen line
nt lcniTi fullr-arrant''il tho ri'preai'niatioiin vhith hare
lipcn mniln fif tlirni n rundorinK nn umlouliU'd nerurit
against the terrific ilemi-nt.
l'lii!ft!flp-iiii April IC. Ift5fi.
M'W. Kran $ Wuton Gtntltmcn It fttTordit Ufl
the liiihe("t saiisfjrtnni tn ntfit"-tn ynu. irmt ohIth? tn
tlif very prf.tfrtivf innlitit i uftwtt vt the Pnlaiiinncler,
H-if.'g uliich wc purrliasfil cf you nntva tivf month siuee
wtj pnvt'fl a lame pfirtioii of Jewelry, ond all our tnnkft,
Kr.t t-Jpo-ci tn the tfllaniinmi, flr in ItitrMrad placa ou
thf mornlin i.f th lltli int..
When rciliTt Mint ttifx.' elf"-vtT(? located In tin
fnurll fiorv ofthK liiiiLllnir tvi nffimi.xl t.Tlii that thov
fi. II fulH'"picntly into it hfnp nf hurimip ruiii whvre the
vail cn-imitrntimi of tlic licat raiisod the lir.vs Itlnte? to
iiiflt, wo canrmt but renard tlmjirrn'rviitlou i,f thalr val-
curitv airnnlL'd hv trmr ttnf.n. "
We Khali luke (treat ijfannn' in reciniii'-nthiiff tlieiu to
iul'ii ui imtiiirfts nn n uur' rrinmco azaiiiM iiru.
(ICOKUi; ai.MMU.NSAc nrtO., Jctetllrrg,
(TTln'y hae since pnrch.ig.'d tit large HtifiK.
AngiiBt., li-51'.
J ITndtrtakint ;uiic. and k.-i-nMonntauily nn hand I
andfnrnaleat luo Warenit.iim, a Urpv acHortnu'iit of
l.MVTUli W1 -k 1 iTM.'fVG ,
rlM!3Ui'JJ fSwXii UH'lAo, '
Bv wlncli he is enabled to till orders "on presentation.
Also-Keins u Horse und tfearse.. and w III lit all
times be ready to tiltcud 1'unertls.
ri..iu.i i. pinv i..
r.loomsburR, January 2J. leS'.t.
THbWK&'l TllUiN'KS! !
fplll! lamest, liesl limdanm
I est and cheapest assort,
uient of Hole Leather suli.l
vclcd Travrlnur Trunks.
jjauita aornnri a urtnt trunx ,
..uiiiireii s s,onc!if, j runei- --,vi,i
ers iji'atiicr ami uarneimvs s., r-;t'ar!
Packing Trunk. A-c. ec.. at
'1 - l.'
relbrnled London Prire .Medal, llonroveil shell Slirlltl!
solid i.ld leather Truiih manufacMry, INo. 1112 Market ,
streel, South west corner fourth and -Market Plulad'a
Ausu.t e. 1!57 tc .
'TIIR unilcrplcueil rpspfitfutly inf'miii his frirnU ami
A. tne iiuuuc ui large uiui inu kv. ui umi n
lias n tpumiid uitdorliaciit 'f
In the clcttant new Plore House. In llnhrshurir, Columbia
County, Pa., v, here he nas a larue uu.l cnoicu ussuriiiieiu in
uinrii ho id ilf term in I'll to sill im fiifh terms nn w lit in-
tinea all ut leact in Iih u nitty, who arc m uaitt oi'.Mur-1
rhaniiizf, tn extern. Ihui llifir ruAtojn.
Ihi) flock lm b'eu nt wcw a uiui mum rare arm wun '
jcfcri-iicu tu thn wuiiti cf hi eomu.un.ty una without
ruing to riitiT iuto n imnutu niuinirntioii ( tbe ftiri(u4
it i ml -lituik nutjiuiif in !iuriit( Inx frH-inU ttint cv
r) thing wu.illy k it in C'm.uWy lure a, mn iieru Iju hail
a "liiilu liiinjier Dun the ch-'Hi-i'ft,"
x- Country protlut.-, hittuclmtf Orain, Lumbir, tVc,
taken In eha,,,e for good,. WIL80iS A0BB.
nulirpburg. Mnrra 10. 1"C0.
TJIH un-lprcifiicd rt-f-pTtfiiUy infonni Ms fnoiiiU ami
thn public p nt ru!l) , thuthuhait iiiirrh.iHl tho
ttik nfl. I?. Millard, nnd oiifin'J A NUU'Tl.V-
ivAiti: a nu amine ntu.v iTAiUJriiiMKNr.MnQ
Iii tliu luiilitiiiif toriiierWorcuniitl for that nurnoii) CJft.
by tho enitl .Mr. .MiHiunl, uhcru he trfiutrcil to run
durt the biuincs in nil its vurioun brniirhL.
TiiiHiiru uud IliiUrtc iioutii.t; of ull Kiuti inane to or
der on tOiort noiict- ami at uiodcrKte inci-y.
AUo- HTOVUrf, of 'nriom t)lcs, coiialantly for talc.
K t' pairing done to order In quick liine.
Rr' Country pniduro t.ikin in exiiiaupH for wnrk.
Jllnonihburg, Ttbruary II, WX
IinporfrnHnil DhjIc r In
No 302 Jlnrket Nt., Lower aide, abnvo
October 8, lP.VJ-in.
a I.AnnEaisortnient of 1'ieliest ferllllcrrs
iV in the market, ut reduced prices lor
cash, consisting orSo. I Peruvian and Co,
luuibiati fJuano's.huper-Pnnsiibuteof I.inie
i...,n in,, nest nianuLictiirers. i'otasli. 1'hos-.
phale, n new article for truit trees, 1'uudrtttet'la.tet
ate., at wiioieeaie uiim i, u,i .
lniplemcntand Peed Store, corner of 7th und alar
letHtreels Philadelpllia.
March 12, ISS'-I.
nr.ooMsuuiu; UAiuiEit shop.
rpilF. undcriisned rperifully Infornn the riiir.em
I nin,.in.nirrf llirl ll.U III. Ii lir. OHD Ttt I I V llltll lis.
Sfl :i,S.lJf.'r'iSCMtlVKII to 31)1 Cacslnut Strut.
!s-ji5-J,'fY4 tl-rt IMrt miadilrhia, have on
Mo..-.ftivrshlianl nlirire assortracnl of Fire
MS'ISi';''. s-Thiif proof S.ilamauder S.if.s.
''f'i!SS't lit"'if '"m ll0l"" f"r ll',"k" "
i atmi jio uauuku HiioiMiocau-it opposed thetjouat
' llouae itneit door to the Columbia lifuiocrat. in the
WhitjFram Iluildi n, oppmito the Kirlinnie blockj
tomcri to rntirn satisfaction
I VIII ha user utcq with car OJ.d neii tnes. and 1.1
THE founder of this Celebrated Institution, ofTrs the
most ceitaln, speedy, and only lireilual remedy In
tho world f ir itr.'cts for tilei ts. Plrlrtiiri s.Piinlnal wiak.
ness, Pains In the Mils, lb bilil), Impo
tent y, Weakness of tho Hack ami l.lnibs, Alb-rtlons ( f
theKidnc)s, Palpitation of the Heart, lllspep.ia, ivcr
hront, Nose or I
Hkln.nnd all tnoso serious and melancboly n'"'1'" I
I1? ! m,.7;.',! 'L?. ''Hi .'I, ." '.'5".',
vims trriianiiiiy, iii-ensn i uie uvuu
prar'ticcs, nro more fatal to'tlieir viiiimstban the sougi.f
tlio HuenstothemniliierslMysses.HiehMnKthHrino.t
i.!"'i?ill!leP" ' ' l-".-"""'""'!4't-
. ' MAitul.Uin.
.Married persons, or mnit Mm ronlemplatinii tnar.
J'oliiutnii, and be rcstorul to peifett health. ,
He who places himself under tlio care of Dr. Johnston,
may reiiaioutoy loniine in mi ,
niiilldeiitly rely upon his skill as a physician.
Iiniiieillntely cured and lull iifur restored.
This desease is the penalty most frciuently pa d by
those who hate become the victim oflmpropi r lliilulnen
cles. Young persons are too apt to commit en ess trom i
not belnc aware of the ilnadlul const'iueiice Hut l.ia)
ensue. Now, who Hint understands the subject will pre-
tend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner .
by those fnlllnc Into Improper habits than by the prudent,
llcsldes being deprived of the plensuru of healthy olf.
springs, the most serious nnd ihstriolive sjmptniiis
both body and luiinl arise. The sj.tcm becomes derung.
:,. ..... V.s ..1...1 ,i ,.:.,. u,.nkeiieii. nervous
hbihty, dyspepsia, pBipitntiini ..f the heart, Indige.ilon,
i wn.tint; oi tue irume, viiukii, cjwyw (
Member of the Hoynl Colli geol Purgcons, atl.onilon.-'
Graduate from one of the most eiuliient Colleges of the .
United Plates, and the greater part of w hose ife ha
been spent in the first Hospitals of London. I arls. I hil.T
dilphla and elsewhere, has elk. ted some of the most as-
loiiibhing cures that were ever known i many troubled ,
with ringing in the head nnd ears n ue "ieep, great
ffi'.Sfci3i SAS.&tt '
ilerangeiuentof iiilnd, were cured Immediately. ,
a i'1'ti rAlN IIIMIIABI'.. i
too often happens Unit an III timed sen-c of shame or
ureatl ot uiscovery, uiiers uiu ,.,.,,..,
who froin eiliicntionand respeitabililyfan tlune le'tjlend
... ....... .,,,,,.,. ... .1,1.
horrid di-ea.e iiinkes their appearance, such aj ulcerated
sore throai, dlsiasud nose, uorturce, palos in tne m ad
nnd limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on tho skin
t'iei!progrcssinitvlitli rapi.liiy.tiU ai'ui Hie palate vt t
selfto preserve the most invioalde si ency. auu irom ins
eJlensive practiM In the lir.t HonpiuU of Durnpe and
America, he lan contidently ri couimcud sale nnd speedy
cure to the unlortuuate viuiiuof this horrid disea.
nr. J. address, sail tlioso who li.iveiij.iied lUomselvn
by private uud Improper
ilueedh'y early habit, pf toutb. iu 1)ikn''''
Hack ami Limbs, Pain in he lieud. Ihione.. of rJl jlit,
HUSO UfU SOloe OI ray. auu .-" "..-j
l.u.s orMu.cuinr rower, luiiuiuuou i.i ;"
pciisia. Nervous Irratabilil), lluruugeliienl of tho Iligcs.
live Kuuctlons,Ucuer.iI Ilebilil, sjioplouisof toiuump-
'"j'l'llTAI.I.V. Tlio fearful effecH upon the mint! are
riuih to bedrendcil, Lonot Mtinory.Coiifunon of Idea,
llepression of the Hpirlls, r.til l orebodliigs, Aversion
ol souctl, Timit), A.C., ore some o'tlw otllsproduced,
'l'houand of persons of all ages cau now judge
is the cuu.e of their dedlliiog health. Lousin; their
MSor, becuiuiug e.ik, pale ami cuiaci.ited, havliis sin
eular appearauc nlioul the eyes, cough uud sjuiptoms of
OlltiAXlC WllAk.NKSS.
Ily Ibis great aud iuiportaiil rnoedy. weaknesfl or tho
organs nre spwlil) cured, and full Mgur rcetorod.
Thousands of the molt nervous mid debilitated, who
had lost all hope, have been iiuuieiliati ly nlieii.d. All
luipediuienlsto .Mairiace, l'h)sieal aud Menu 1 l)liiuli
fitatloil, Nerl oils lrraUbilit),,lrnuWiilg and W eakue..
or eibaustatlou of the most fearlul kind, speedily cured
by lloiter Johuslou.
Who have injured li,n-i he. b a certain practice,
ilMlulued iu when alone -abnlul rre'tu.-ntl) lenroeil irom
r ll touii'auions, or ut ncbool-lbe elb cts of w ho li aro
ui if litl 1, it, even whin a-leep, uud if nut cured lender,
marriage impossible, and destro)s both mind and hod),
bhouM nppl iuiundlalely
IVLiHt u julty lb it )ooug man. the hope or his country,
and the darling 1 1 hn p.irenl, slrnuld be ,iatche.i from
li pro-l" cts and eiijojineiils ot lite, b, lb c"iis pi u
ecu ofilovialinir from the path ol nature, and indulging
In a sortnill eeinl habit, (hull p.'r.oiu belme too
utuputme. MAmilAf!l:
cliiiuld reHett that n s..n.l umid anil limly ro Hm mod
iMc-fsiai y it'iaiHti.-B to promt uitmubml lmppiu.-.
Indefd, witlioui ilit.'tf tliejuunu-) tliru'ijih lif.- b -umi"!
a uiary pil,Ui')C". tli" pru-put hmrl Oaiktut to
the lew tli miua Imcouh'i. fliaiitiv.Hd Mtli tlifpairi
Iill.d wilh JU- LulatujMl ntl, thou that Uiu liuipine
ofi.iii.tberb.to1iiLildii'lit"l v.ith our .mn,
oKKicu no. i ot i il iMti;ii:Ji;KHr..ioiiwM.-w,
ALIi bLICtii'VAl. Oi'URATlUNh PKIU oKMlii).
N It. nc Ulhv mod. t-t) pnvuut )uu, but appl
inuieuiaM nt." r IH.imi
TO J ii.1A u
TbeniMiytli'tufi'iidKCJredat tin-, iiibtnuiioi. withiu
tbcln-t 15ettrK. q ltl ii'iiii-rnun impuiUi.t Mrai&tl
Dperatim.H p.-rt'.rmod by Dr. JoliiMuii. wUnebeU by
thn rfiturtfiV utlie t.tln-r perwiiu. m.
ticc uf wbirh lmv hi pi aretl u;mit mid uain ber.ire the
publie, b -mleb Ms vtaiidint; K nlleiii.m of iharucter
aiidreHpuiuibiliti.inu uffltieiiiuariiiiUftuUieatHKled.
N. II. There are .o juany inofimt and worthlefk
health uf the already utttici- d, .that . JJr. . J h iifluii Ujl iu-
it iieceaa.iry to ay. 8I'7yul1 , ' j 7,' .1.1 .
w mi 111-repuiawo.i, umi 01.- v. - -
alvaM imnn 111 bn oiiicl.
foiitaiu n poftag fctatiip for tlw- reply, or nu unicr uill
March 1", leba
TUB undersigned rcspeclfally iiifurms Ins eld Irieuds
and customers, that be has purchased his brothers
Interest in the above establishment, itndtae concern will
hereafter he conducted by hinisell exelUpirely.
lie has just received uud olfers for ale. Uie law;
rsVi tst und most eileiiMve assortment of t A.N u i
Sari STU VKtf ever introduced into tlun market.
l!l. stock consists of u coiuploU! uaortuteut of
tho be.t Cookius and parlor stoves in the markit, toiiith
or withsitove l ulurLs of etery description. Oven and
Hot Stoves, Kadiutors, Cjlinaar r?toves, l.u it Iron Air
r.eht .tovea. I'liiiuoii Stoves. 4.C. ic. 6fepiie and
Tiuwnre con.laiitly on baud and muiiufacturi'd to ordi r.
All kinds of repairing done, us usual, ou short uotice.
inepairouuBeoi ,u mmu u 1 tt ilirnvV
sncLiuuiv suiiciieu,
llliiouii-burir. January 2. lH
iVos. 21 ij- 211, South Sixth sttcet, ntur
tho State Hvvse.
riiu.Aoni.piiiA, rcNNA.
rpEJJ floor, ot iliiucious buililinK, irixteil ar press
1 ly for Ilia proprietor's trade, nro stored wilhseids
and implement! ot interest to tanner s und gardeners.
Suiv VtR! EsiaausiikB. 'I liosulnci ibers desiro to
call tne ullentioulof every ose interested in fariuini;
und earileinnj to Iheirwell selected slock ol Arliul
tnrnl Inip'ementiuiidSlachin-rs , creai varieiy u. uur.
tiruliural 1 oola
Warjaalcd Harden and HswrSK fJraM Jill icfp
this linu fully equal, il not supeilur, to utiyining ni
tho kind ever before otlered tome publie.
Eandtedtirs wnrinnled Oardeu deeds have been be.
c..i.. ..,.1.1. Inr iintvards of siXlV I'ear. 1 thCirwillO
nrends ooiiularlty, land the inereasins demand Irom
vear unit, are the best evldcnceiofthcir superiority
over ull oltiera.
l:ou ntry niercliant! can oe siipo'im wiin .n;,,.
papers, or in bulk, on llie most liberal term!.
1 iAn...-, . itriHiol. l'a..our enrdei. seed crounds,
couuini three hundred und seventy acres, and l. the
largest establishment of its ""J'.'rBOV.
,V. 21 I- 5' Si"" strict, Philadelphia.
CJ- Laudntli,i ltur.ll Iteislsler und Almanac lur If CO
rouulninc ae Farm, (lardu and tireou llon.e
ilar lor every moalh III the year.cau bu liadfrotfs, up
un personal or post pain application .
January til. IK.0 y
" M. v, rr w
C JIA Si Pi IVy fl,-t'l f
tt tlQ -Kr.t r.rif, kv Arrh
Wholodiilft & newll .Ma.i-I.icmrcr of SSISK,.trj itfviri iinnio Twl "O
if .. i. t f Lint cc tliiina I? i
. r,
ISan cers UaSCS. jurc&xmiz i-kam. it
Desks, 'oil l"ollios, Hill Rooks,
Sic. tit ., lie..
I'l-liriiiry Ulcul.-tiiu.
To. 3S South rourlli St., IMiilailcIpliIa
Looking Glasst rjrtraitt Photograph and
UEItmN OILT MOULDINGP.l'lain ard Ornamental,
PAHSbl'AKTOUTH. or Inside (ittio;i lor Frumea.
ni a lir in Mrtaii-if rna
lltlioinonia, (.'rpcian ni.d OtifMai I'alntinsi, Da iimMiinn Stained tJIata, artUta
Matpriulf. tic
Ortobi-j P. IMS- fim
the tiitiuiii niui lumen ui iuu nh i-m iii '" ', uio dout oi idru, renuciDg mm 10 b nitre piih-
iliiii ; lilii! to " bourne from whenre no trav,n.r re- eically and mentally tieclcss, can bo dtiven
nirus " To smb. lluretoro. llr. Johuttou pledges liliio from thn bodv bv tlio Ufa of UOSTETTEH'S
. . .t-. .7. I ... am. ,1 1 .1.1 llV 11, 1110 UlO'liV ,
. nV , ., ,, . , works .ru. tainiiie to the PAINT I1USINKBS". 01 unnr.ceuenieu
inailllluttllreil aloitr sl-aill worhs, iiri.iiM.ia. nrlre. Im roll
llav.,,e .'' V, :;'i 1 wl HIM! i "uF. Io, Clothes ,-u. up In .mall
to axpeiise, with tlio UIO!. compute 111.11 lliuory llie . . .,..,1
luntnuficiure ol variou. kind, ol asric.i llura ."'".j '''i,' ,,.
...,. re now oreoared'o BUo,ly nil Ulticlealll felirnary .a, I im-
WOL'LD lenpectfully iufurm the ritlzona of llluomn
l.'ifp and vlrlnitv.thathu cmitinuoatho PtacliCiof
It In i fact thfit, at Ptimc porin.1, pvory nem
l)CT of tlio Immim fnmily li ttililKt to tllewijo
or disturbance of tlio bodily functions; Vitit.
with tho aid of a gooil tonio and tin cxcrollo
of-nlnln common t.itr-0. they irmybo ablo so to
rcgnlftto tlio systoui ns to socuro permanent
j,onltb jn orjOT t0 acCoini.lish tills dceircd
ohjee, ll0 tru0 court,,, pur,.,0 is certainly
that which will produco a nntnral etato of
ung, nt (j cnft ,atardof vllftl strength and
!lf; F?; . rn'o,C Dr. Hosteller U lu-
troduccd to thin country a preparation bearing
j,), riiuno, which Is not u now modlclno, but one
that lifiB boon tried for years, gWlnc; entlsfao
tlon to All tvlio linvo UBcd it, Tho Hitters
opornto powerfully upon the utomftch, bowels,
nnd Jiver, restoring them to n henllhy and
rigorous nctlon, nnd thus, by tlio sltnplo pro
cess of strengthening ntUuro, onnblo tho pys
tom to triumph over dlsense.
For tho euro of Dyspepsia, Iml!go!l!on, Xrtu
Hon, Flatulpucy, Loss of Appetite, or any llllloiu
Complrtlnts, wising from n morbid iunctlcn
nf tlio Btomiich or Dowels, rrouticinc urnnips.
Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, io., thee
jiittcrs hav
havo no cmil,
Din-rrhcea. tlvscntcrv or Cm. f 0 rrcneritlly Con
eu principally
II tio speedily
irobably rooro
ma llinn ,nv
otner, anu uio cniwo m irairu uioy sisios
to attributed to derangements of tlio dlgestivo
nf j wllj0ut M uging
1IlqT,.TTV.ri.a RrnMAClI nlTTrnfi nn nor
1IOSTL1 lhH H blUM AUl 1511 1 LUb, (18 per
directions on tho bottlo. lortliis tlisoaso every
physician WU1 rocotnmcnd llittcrsof somoklndi
J T- al nr"?l 10 b6 lnf,J'
liblot All nations haTO their Hitters, as n pro-
.r ,i:..... ...t .I....H..... .r m.
! goncrnl; and amonsthem nil there is
not to bo found a moro healthy people than
tho Ocrmnns, from whom this preparation ema
nated, basod upon scientific experiments which
naicu. nasou unc
llftTO tendod to fTOTO tlio TaltlO of this great
tirennxation In (ho tttnlo of medical science.
rnvEn and AdCE mis trying nnu provoic-
ing disease, which fixes its relentless grnsp on
RENOWNED DITTEUS. Further, nono of tho
abovo-elntcd disooscs can bo contracted, cvon
in cxposod situations, If the Kilters nro used
as per directions. And as they nollhcr crcnto
nausoa nor offend tho palato, and Tender nn
nocossary any change cf diet or interruption
of ordinary pursuits, but promoto found eleer
,,,, .ililln. rcmnlnlnl U ro-
and bcilthv dizoslloti. Uio complaint is re
moved as spoctlily na la consistent with tho pro
duclion of ft thorough and permanent euro.
For Penont in Advanced Year', who aro
suffering from an onfooblcd constitution aud
infirm body, tlioso llllteru nro invaluablo 03 a
rostomtlTO of strength nnd vigor, end ocoil
only bo trlod to bo appreciated. Ajid to a
mother vrhilo nursing tlioso Dittera aro lndhi
pcnsablo, especially whero tho motlter'a nour
ishment Is inodoqtiato to tho demands of tho
child, consequently her Btrongtli must yield,
and hero it ia where ft good tonio, such na
Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, is needed to Impart
temporary strength and vigor to tho eyetom.
Ladles ufioitld by all raeana try this remedy
til,. 7UUI1J J, , 1" , V I
should ask their physician, who, u he is
. i .i f . .,. .... , :n
rtcquaintol with tho virtuo of tho liittcra, will
rccommcnil tncir uso iu au ciibcb oi weiuinoos.
CAUTION. Wo ciuitloa Uio fublio ogftlnrt nsing
any of tho tunny Imitations or counterfeit, but ask
ami foo thai cuoh hottlo lias tho words "Dr. J.
Hosteller's Gtumnoh Eitttru" tlomi on tho tlOo
of Uio Iwttlc, and Etajni'asl on tiii mctalllo cop
oovcrltig tlio cork, and ohecrvo that our autograph
signature U on the lalicl.
W-Propnred and fiolttby HCD1T;TTI!R&
BMITH. Pittsburch, Pa., and oold by all
druggists, crocors, and dealors tconcrally
tltrouKhout tho United States, Canada, Couth
America, and Germany.
'Pllld lelebrateil Vllsultl, IS now III market
J lor more ihnii ii yonr, and that it b.iseivio mil sati.l.irtioii. is . viilenl Irmi 1 he tjct. lint the
Manufacturers of il iu order In supply the ileniind.
Iinvettien ol,i.,i.d to 1 uereasti ll'eir e.ipneity to make
equal to fine Hundred 7 haustiml houhde per U'ttk. II
1. ileelde.ll the btet and theajie't 4's.ii ev.r o.nae in
this t'oiniirv ; Ose Pound of it will go at far forantust
as 'l'areeoftCotnnionloap la general o.s I1 is main
upon u new prlliritil, oi tn best materials, sir. 1
known only 10 Vsa II sor It McKrnir. II do, s awav
entirely Willi Hie washboard saves the necessity ol
lilliu!! llie clolbcs, It Ooes not shrink I'laiihnls, Ittt
MUVIX UKEAKU IN'K I'll PAIN'I rl DIM peifi 1 llv
and Irom the most delie.ite fabric, savca lully one-li.i If
the lime und la'.or usoiPv spent to do Hie wnsliiuj.
It it warranted freejrenf A.eO., or othtr injurious
alialltt, and euarunleed nut to rot or Injure the 1 lulbe
Van.1a.1gpn li McKpoiiv's,
Bnnerior oriental Toilet Ubenueat Olive Pale, Ex
tra Palo and llrow n !mris, ns well as luvio I m.ik fc j
Un. Ail.iiuanllue0.inules at lowest market prices.
For ruleby all rs.peclable llroceii, and IVholesnle
v TIIAIN Si MclU.ONi:, I
No 52 and 51 South IVIu.vbs, I'lHLtsBLNllt. j
There heiilff several iinitaliou brands of Detorsive
Soap Iu market the public lire netitied that none s
Eeu nine evcepl Van llur It McKtonv is slaliped
upon each Hat of Hie wellns llielloxss,
rcbrmry 2.i. Itbtl 15m.
rash Faiut aiitl ;olor,
Store and Office, iV. IV. cormr o l'outth
& Race Sltctts, rhilttddpiin.
Win. U'alrrall & to., r.ojiriplors
PUItE White l.eiul French nnd Americuu Zinc Paints
Window fills., Pullv.Chrouio Oreetl, c Chrome
Yellow Prursniii lllue, Varui.hes, llryins Japans,
Linseed Oil. Turpenliue llrusliea and everylllin; per-
iTo. 141 2o'lh 'id St. bnuun Arch
Ilace Philadelphia
IMPOUTEIl ofToys. Iliicy llukets, Pipes, SnufT and
Tobacco lloie., Sejrar Oases, Caues, llominocs vc .
WUOLKSAI.B it Uli l'AlL.
Manulneturrr of Flacs U Alpliabel block!
February 5o. IKOn :bn,
SsljS-'UUfct lOT.
nnc nm.fisMiri'ii in V.i si Hith nltsppt. riltu.
U7,;inu IWn- nn LKT-m'lS'
ofllulimuedextenl, lira U. c Co , Have the . ratifies.
lionm itrcfentii) unrrMiuif with retm-dip. ihat
have never luilcilio uir& I lt? nioM tilnriuiiiK ra( ol
, (Ii'iiorrlKcu ami Hypliiili. IH'iu hui nu ircuimrm,
1 ihf liortors u Vf-nen-al nnd Imniiro Ittoml, Prrlull
' Ulnjru.roiuaml Ui-lrvt or lutlainatimi of Mart.
ing 'iii tU uf.liscajith. are ma.le t bixoii.e as liarim
i t if 09 tint mpli! a li(n f'Ta i Uilt .
HL.vllNAU VliAUMd-!)r. (i. K Co,, devote.
much Dftlu'ir ultctiliuii lotliu Irffllmprit of llioiifapjj
cjused by URtcrfi nntt fcoliur. Iiubit, whirl, mini the
1 "'"ly Biiil miliar, uoimi nir I"' tMnan.iimioiiiiHniiii u
i eittwrtitniin-n or cociety. omcot thenu'i ana mi
nnclioly tilfcii prndured by ihe.u t arly habit fc ol youth
ait. Vwikiifaol Hip back ami limU fiiliMtiilion ol Ibn
lleurt, nyntrpiU. rtf voiisnpfci, uirutiffiiiiiit 01 mu
ilijtfKtivu IuiicIioiin. s)tniiotiii uf Cumtiiinptirn. nr.,
etr. The fearful cllVcta on Ihtj mind ara much tube
dreaded, vis, hova of memnry, c illusion of ideaa
depression of ipiriti,vil forhodlni;, aversion to au
cietyrelf tliutrtibt tinduity, etc , :ir nmoifftlit; evil
produced. Hucii jierionf, behire roiiivmp-uling mar
riugi.ilinuld (oiieult n pbviiciaii of iklllnml i-ai'ir
enci', and be at once restored to lieu 1 1 Ii and liappinf-si.
Auo and Kcver cured, and warranted.
All pttrrcontniiilU(f o feu, nddrpssrd to Dri. COLD
PMU'H A. CO., ritlfihiirtli. I'eiui'n. will uieet with
prompt nttenllon. and nifi'itiiiea ioruurded, accure
rrnm ohfervntlon, and a cure guarraiitued. Tlio itrict
etiffcrfry ob-erved i r. ull ruea
IT Don't forget th place, Mi, 42 Siilh streets Fitti
tm iff h 1
t?.MH-inh-rltl. tft3Q -iVtn.
((( 15 lareit anil inoii fjiniiifipninrinifciii oi jctc
Agncultural and Horticultural Iinpltnciita Sljw
cveroifureil In riiilsilolpbin . ruiiiructns inan?v
new linieinenl. not to l,e fimnii usewliero
minis of tne liest materials ami workniaiislni,
iire.sly for ins own .ales, rainier, ate invileil tu cs
Anil Jarn that n Mrrpct Rod rndiral enro I wurriiiiled
jnrl pu(irHnlM.l to Mil who r umirtwl with wpaknpnn. do
MMly, tiprTou complnlntti, melanclioly llioiigilittt, deprc-i-Bion
or uplritu, dlPttrriHA nnil BDKiiloh of mltnl, To of nleop.
Ion of memory, lo of Pncrfry tii miifteatnr power, ttiny
KTiw(h, WMtlutf away, aoiI a want of confldonce. In tnem
hpitoo, fdlntliiif fit", convnll( treinblliiBfi, Impotcncn nnl
uiBRnrifc wj in, nomo piiypicinrH rennirfl in nn toia ina
nauiro oi yonr dlr.R).e tlio KNfJLIMl liOTAN
tn lMiY-
RICiAN dfrPH lint. Illfllx-rftM't ktiniTlAiIirA of IliA Immrin hvn.
tern enaldo him to dcfta-lbe the i1Ihhho without nny lofor
rnatlon from th patient, to explnin Itn otlfrlanl eausp, and
to frnnrantoe IM cur. Aud, what I mors ralunblA Mil),
lie win nonetiyaaii rrauKiy ten nhPthr you can be cured
or not, thm aVln,r tqu trouble, pouho and disappoint.
ment. llUexatiilnatfonflaremade wtthoutnT!i.fl.rn il0.i
fromtb patient. thoref-ri!hftll.orouiihlyndeTfitan.Uthelr
PhyBlfalcoudltlonaod rhtenolotrlraldorlopment, trlthpnt
which be nevprcoubl have performed o ran ay antonlfhtn
curen. It pbonld ! remembered thin Botailoal Phynt
clan performs enre tbongbt ImpuMlble," Medteal Jour
nal. Let rterttfu. and mori ortelallr thou who have trlpd
other and got no reliff, let them read the follow Id? facts,
and ludtfo Tor themseUen, of the tfood effecta of the Ildan
!e rhyMclan'a New llempdlen. An all his correnpondencn
Is ftrlctly private and coufldeuttat, liaor prevents from
giving names.
"I am now lweotyAve years of ftjri I liavft suffered
from the following symptoms aince I was voventeen years
old; I employed every means I conmlted a number of med
leal men. and opeut a little fortune for medical treatment,
and pot no relief, nntll I tried thn Botanic l'hynlclan. Un
der his treatment, I was restored to prfct health, both
mentally and physically. The following were the pymi
tom I felt: At the atro of seventeen, palpitations of the
heart came (in, and which were afternard Indiicid on the
slightest exertion or excitement; periodical lie.tdAche,
noise and buzzing through the ears ; Imperfect vision, ou
jeets 11 ko fllina: tars nnnnylng thn night; trmpornry
attacks of sinlntlng; pimples RnJ blotches on the face; a
eLi Welled state of the frame, with constaul cold tvet aud
hands ; loss of memory; Incapacity to (urn the attention to
any ore subject ; frequent fits of ab traction; total Inability
to niuay ; aisiiKe to society ; aiiarasoi aeponaeney. melan
choly, lnrolnntary shedillrof teais; heatx and flushes on
the face on the tllghtcat occasion, aud thoughts of snittde ;
difficulty of breathing on the least extra walking, running,
or going upstairs, or np a hill. The etomacu was con
stantly out vt order J the appetite became eaprlclom; some
time Itlncreased, and at other times nearly absent ; f luclful
tauten and a longing fir strange food. A train of dyspep
tic symptoms set In, snch as Uatulence, constipation, and
looseness ; extreme heaviness and torpor after eating; great
thirst, restless nle-hts, frightful di earns, congh, night
sweats, f'tid hreath, decay of teeth, constantly furred
tongue. Tho chief symptoms of which. In addition to the
Drocellng, were pain and debility In the bark and loins,
creeping and shivering sensation down thesplue.asthouKU
nnU were traversing that column. I wa engaged to bo
married, bnt dared not, for fear my infirmity might be
known. I felt anfue of fear, distract and shame, with a
dread lest my Infirmity should be suspected or discovered ;
a wasting away followed, and my friends thought I was
consumptive; my complexion became sallow, my eyesight
dim : I held a dow ucat aud an abal)od look : I was unable
to stand tho gave of other people, I would MnOi when
spoken to; ray forohead and fnce became blotched and
pi in pi fd ; a loot of flesh f dlowed, aud a great drowsiness,
with an Indifference to eTerythingbnt wclu-iioti ; apiar
nces of rupture bogan to liow themelvos. I begun to
Tine away j for spven years I su&Vred all tbi'so symptoms
and kept the secret In my own bo-mm; and I behere I
ahonlil have taken tho secret to an early gve, had I not
c.iu.ultel the llotauio l'hvsiclan. 1 write these forts for
the sako of snlTerini; hnminlty, hoplnjr they will save
sua. of my fellow-creatures fiein a life of eullering and a
preniatnre grave.
Tours, trnly, Sit., ."
When the above pentlenian called on me, ha bad no
hopes of a euro; all be "XpertM was a little lellef. 1 flist
made a l'lircuoloulcHl and nu Auatotnlenl examination of
htm. Ilavlni? aatlsned myself that be had no chronic dis
ease abont hlui, I told him nt onre that 1 could enrn him
put be hadsnileied so much disappointment tn the otlor
remedies be had tried, that ho even doubted mine; hvr f moils thn npcsKMirv St ilti(Oiiatl,.nt nnd A.trttn. oiliest
calculations; and hntlne by these lileulis ascel tallied what j
berbs, unuer planetary inuueuce, weie oesi auapieu to his
case, the cure was very somi accompll-bed. Ho so,.n re- I
ebvercil all his mental and physical enemies ; In sburt, he .
beeaino a man strain; aud sliorlly after marilcl and I
neoa not say became u nappy man.
All letter., communications, and Interviews, are strictly
private and
x answer will t. irlren to letters unless one dollar Is
, , .... . ......... ,i.
postage of the ati'wer. Addns,
Consultation ilnllv, Runday. evcepted. Olflco tours from f
II. A.
to 6 u'clork, I'.Jl.
D C A Pi '
And heir xtht -ntliorn hsvfl "flUl ff hlid an.l hU cnrt-!
" Thl'oriiinrnt Hnianir rityicinn lift rrnlljr i'fr
forined font of the inont (vtoiiUliIiiRf tirf rt-f"iiJ, tn tills
or In nny '0jt omiitry, by hU ulini'lt', liiuoreut, lmt or
taln New JUmpiliei. i
" Kvcry, Woman nnd riilM, wbptber pAthr. Ifu
iVflndor S-m; all Lndies wliMlirr Yoiiaj; or Old, whether a 1
Uh(Ml fllrl or .Matron, hptlu-r MotbiT, AVlff or n.nig:hlftr,
whether Murrifl or Mmrlc; ll nhoold roitmlt th t-.ii.fli"!.
It.itmlc 1'hyHician, If Ibey wish to l pprtTi.ncntly and
radically cnied."
' Ii noyijiincr man ftitcr tli BArRED OHMnATIOXS
OP MAKUIEU LIFli, without firfl cniiMihlnr; thU emiupnl
Kiic1i"h HatiKiIn I'njlchni. Mo hHi nircd hiindrftilMtf ch
which have hfen i-rouoiiDCeil tiicurrihli; and thoiiHaiid4 '
hao lpn raJItatly cured by blm, nnd thoi'artl"pi ttrf now t
tnmrled and bai-i-y- Hvory oin, nniipcially ymtij- wr-i'iin ,
and thonn coutfiii1atluir m.irrlapc, itu.iiid con-ult blm.
Ho will denrriba yanr ditifaie ana the init Htrert-! Un
will descrilw tbn trun cnnsool' hU yoiirHUlMliitiud litllr
initie. lift will UU ntl tha in Lm you havo exi.- ,
rleuoi'd, and all ihesyiiitijnn you will x iorl enco, nud the f
result of all thcrtft ttynii't'im on your btirilth and con-.tltu 1
tUm, llti will tell you bow bum yon hitto alTffteil.
He will alao tell yu bow and whn you cau o cun.
No deadly jkiUou., hb Arwulc, uv Vomfra, ()jdinu,r any i
other poUojin ; uo Mcrtury, nor auy dailly inlnial noth- ,
Inif but purely M'setRbln applicrttloun ar by '
111 1 1 wonderful UtjUulnt. Wo Hdvl.e every uun tn
contiult tht EiiKlMiHotanlo 1'byilcUu, and jud 1 r theui
aelves." Mrtli&il Journal,
Kevins, nii.ii) Tssrs:
' I havo icon married trn yeaia ; I never had any rhlU
dren; It c&UHod dir-contentinent In my hiifhand : ve Imth
were anxious to have cblldreu ; aud I tried ueveral tbiujrn
to remove my birreuueos, but they had no enVct. About
three yenra ao, I called on the llotauic I'hyilci.iti ; 1 took
hla llemedlet, aud am now bleted with two lovely chil
dren ; my health Is much improved, aud my b unhand U
mora conteutod nud happy.
Uelteve rae, yourp, 4c, ,M
" Eleven months after I was married, I travn birth to a
daughter, but iny nutferlopn weretso (treat that the Faculty
def paliej of my recovery. Thi made me dread the
thouxhttt of having any morn children. I tried every thtuif
to prevent a repetition of my sufferluns but without hiic
cecdluff. Two years after marrla, 1 was aijain cunflued.
hut my tsntftfrinKa were ho great that tbe child died. I wan
told by my Phynictau that If I had any more children, he
feared my life would bo endaugeied, I trlod the IIOTAN
lOI'HYblCIAN'S Prcvenllve to Ilnv Clillilrcti
Hla I'medif l had the deMred etfect ; they uot ouly preveu
ted mo from having children, but they rUo Improod my
health. Tu tlm2nit Uitnyn are pure.
i Youm, eiucerely, &c.
JU OrJt MP J Mid K9
WhoM delicate health makes It derdrahU not to havo chit
i dren, commit him. AH thoso whit are chlMIeM", nud wlch
to have chlldnu, rousult hint. All Ladlea coutult him lu
the root delicate caneH, v, itli Implicit aud perfect confldeuce,
TO THE JIAKKIED LAUlhH. whoco health will not ad
mit of an increase nf family, hla liemedyN lavaluaMe,
aalt ran bo nicressmJIy uwd an A l'llliVKXTIVli
AKiiliiat IIvtng any Chllilrt'ii If you have
tried others, and pot no relief If you wlh to enjoy eood
health aud lonjf life If you aro wi-e, you will ko and con
aulttheENOLISU IIOTANIO l'HYSHMAN, at hla prlrato
reildeuce,No.l331 LO.MHAKD STHFET, 1111 LA UELUIIA.
All Interview ira ftilrtly private and confidential,
Thousand can testify to bU honorable, fatherly and sen
tlemauly conduct; hla fctaudlutf aud experience of half a
century prove, b?yoad all contradiction, that they can con
fide alt their little trouble aud aecretn to him an a father.
a man of moral rectitude, aud a man of honor and high
e une of duty. Vat experience haa proved that all their
little tecrets are eafe aud tarred with him.
I have been married fourteen yearaj about five yeara
ago I began to loe my muscular power, no much to, that I
t.ired 1 would Wome lmnoteut. I applied to oeveral med
o , "KnSenenlm
"ZZ,. clc,ih ton and asieil,
ical men, hut got no teller, uutil, by mere chance, 1 applied
me mine was a raite turn
cnarantee a norfert euro
nt my namo ou hU book :
he made a calculation and at-ceitaiued what horba would
bo inont e Indent aud boht adapted to my rate. Ultimately,
by attending clonely to bin advice, I teroveied all my IonI
power and enerpy, and I am now stouter and a stronger
man thau I over wan.
Ymre, gratefully, &c, ."
Concnltationi dally, Pundayn excepted.
Thotto at a dint a nee cau communicate by letter. All Let
ters, Communication and Interview ttriclly Private and
Conndenllal. The rofttajre ef all Letters mujt be prepaid,
and One Dollar eucloaed for Consultation I'eo.
All letter, rommmilcAtlona, and Intervlewa, are strictly
private aDd coutldntlal.
Ho annwerwlll bo given to Uttora nnteha one dollar Is
eucloned as a consultatlou fv, and a stamp to pay tho
pontage of the answer. AddruM,
Consultation d.llr, gandayseicrerilsj, Odoo hoar.froaa
11, A.M.. lu O o'clock, 1.M.
rplln mihicnhpr would reuppclfnt liifnnn ,
I.'.. t..u,.Am Ilia ItnuutluK, nlil.liss
ho hat taken rhorRfl ol llie above uainod hi'tf'
nnd h.l nile.l It lan In HtH Im.l nns.lliln lltniilkn, lor I lin
Arrniiiiiiodalfon nl hII wlin inav l.ivor 1. 1 it. Willi
.atroniifp, Un flatter. Iiin..ell Hint liy unr-iiiitiinit
attentinn. lie ransive entlrn .nlisrnclion to all III,
lab'e will tin miiilie. witn tha lie. t tin inaihel slfnils,
snd his liar with Hi iliuir.esi ll'inir. I
tr'nii . ssi. sins ir " "i i-" s'-.oii
QUE A I' fiXUU'KvlKNT ,!
At S5Ioomsburg !
i.v run nijiii) with av iNcitn.3i:D rone?.
Bloomsburg I cad Qu ar Lorsl
tt I! would announce to the pnbllo and our friend,
that wo luteJuM rjtutueil from th.l City wllhu
very large assortment of "
mm (iooiis,
fif .tiuk nriinv mum - , , .7
,,,? hnmi
S"V." . a 1 L"0"10"1 w o lerwl in thi. town. UVara
ull" - 1",M,t" cuinpwo nun inu
nnd all those w lililiifr to buy c heap, fan save motisv bv
clvlnif ns n call. We have all kinds of floods nnd Wars,
to supply the wants nf the people. A large lot of
! Ladies' Dress Goods
, Pleeves, Collars, Ppcncers, Handkerchief., iriounclns.
I Hands and Triiuuilue., lces and nifiiue
Uounit llihbons In larpe variety, Vel.
t ct Hihhons and braids, Kid,
t'otten Ic 1,1'lc'lhn ad
, flluics Mohair
' Jilts, ir.
lllark Cilk. 'Cashmere, nmliroidcred, filla, 4:r. Also a
larpe assortment of Uofhs, Cas.iniers, R'llliicla
Vestlnns, Twooils, Jeans. Heater Cloths,
Coallo?, Velvet ic.
1 hoots ct hiioEa ov all kinds
and, for Men, Women and Children. We hatia
l.irso iissortnientof Hats and Caps, of latest f,is.
ions'-Wo hao also, Hardware, tlui ens
I ware, Cidiirwure, etc. Very Cheap
Carpel, Carpet llns, I'loor,
1 'i'able and Carrlaee Oil
I Cloths, Mats, Hues,
ll.isk, ts. Air.
Ili.ipers, Tnwlincs. Drilllnirs, ic, In nbundanre. Mio'
a large assortment of Iron, Nnils Cln ese, a '
iarsu ipiaulilyof rtill, ir.
We Invite our fronds uud the public generally, tn rive
us n call l,i foro putelusln" elsewhere. Wohaic bouebt
our cood. nt the Lowest Cash Prices, nnd will net bo
undersold by unj body, or tin- rest of mankind.
Illonmsbiirrf, Nov. lll.Vl. (June 4. IJS'J-Q
p the
reet Store.
Light Street Store.
Criasy, lirolher allhmi'ls on active duty
infofni our Irirnth anl
il. "'"""""""l e have Jllstricelred an un.
uslitlty lame assortment t f
Which we offer at lower rates, for ready par, than aar
tier before op, tud hero nnd will be sidd cbeaoer than
the cllenpest."
We shall not attempt toeniimernletlio variou. nrtirles
- tin ) are inimeuM. a, id thi ir naino is lecii.u-ns our sua
nous More I!.,ins, j ... ludiiii! the Cellar and flarnt. are
tilled toovrlbiwiiic Tin r. nro to l, f,,und tl. ,,t
" " ';i in uioiiisiiiue low- nmires -i,a-
ever hetiue
"' i"inues, ai -i per cent, louir than
lietnre otl.-rei .
i i.ivni.-i, .Murti.lvH. np.oci:i!ir.H. iiaiv. caps,
sionts, Shoes, etc.
in the same rate. In short, almost evervlhinit In tho
lueri intile line from a lu-nllc to an am bof.
- Our friend, will do well to call before th.y make
th ir selectimis .
, . H. V. A. W. S. CIIBAHV.
I.leht Htrert. October 111. '5 ..
i nr. tiivmu iiuiti V.iii
TIIR OI.U AltCAU.E Ins Just returned frmn the city with
J nii'dhcr l.irce mid si hit assnrlm. lit nf
lirtt UUUIils,
I urcnascuin riilaiielihinal tle-,li ft figiirr, nnd uhirll
.lllllleil III S Otis. I,l,,,l,.rti. , u .n,.k.
Iirneiired i Isi where in Ill..i.nisl,u r(i. His st.k consists
fit, t-est stjles and late.t fisliln'l.
ry (Irorirut, llurjuarr tjnrenttrare. Cedar ttYr
hollow ilUri. Iron, .Votlt. Ituoln and Shoe,
llatt and I'upt 6,-e. ,Vr.
I li short cr) tliiint iiKtinlli Ktiit in rnimtry Ht
svliieh In- Ic. v .t the nildic gtiii rally.
Tin liiiilic.l True imid lor roiiutry p.- "liir-
flTI'IIKN li Mil.' Vt
Wcoiiisli'irs. Ilrloher '."J, RV.- .
HA U UaTxTF ' lUlliUAINn
saM & lassie
V"J '" ri'. cti,illy iiiforni the citizens of .irh
Ctr.uainl ii limy il ,a, u ju.i ricelvid u
liuiv alideltcn.lte nssoltl.ieiilof
lilioli they mil sellcheaj, r..rea.h. They haw n laras
an.l inriil) , all that is ioiiiilt u, ,
i oiintr) Htore. and are dit, rmineil to sell,, hcnii. T'otlia
s...,tiur.irti.lslh, ) have paid uriit ;
111 r, lore, thtir inerih.liidl7.e ill Uur r. couiinendallim
an. i will iroe to Im ol'llie first class.
The iro,netors cirdi.ill) oh,it n share of pat
rinoue. t'listomors Mould do Hi II in i-.ill nn, i,lu,in
then f. neral nriely l,.,,. ,iirrhnsili! i Isewlure.
'iniilry iirodiue taken in ttrli.iiiKii for goods at tb.)
hiultest markit itice
, . , . MAmZ 3c UNT.
I.illlit Street. October S-.'. IPSO,
Fowicrvillc Store.
'I lir. iimlersifnnl, thankful for .ast iiatmnaite, respect
. fully iiilorms Ins frenils nnd lustouars that ho has
meiveii Ins fresh stock of
At hUNcw ftftrc. nt Fonkrvillo in (Vnl re trwnchlp.
f'nliiiiilMa nmiity. tu uhirli lie inwuu the otlmtlon rf
i tin puhlic generally.
! Mi Stork coiiiprii-cn erry nritiy usually k-rpt In a
Cuuutry Store, hd bui'ii nfloitptl with run-, and will bo
! fuuitd udininihly nd.ipti-d to the wautd of the people, and
( enn bo Bold at i-ry low price.
, 111 Clotlu, ruKbliues, lirorerien, nnd Htoro Cnodi
1 pciierally nre of a aupfiior '(iialiiy and oiler ruru indure
i menu to piirchutsi-rs.
I "tJniiii, I'riKluce, nr., taken for fIondi.
ll' aolic.tH pnblir riiitii,i una Khali aim to render hit
ciMojiier cuinpUtu Matiularlion.
1 M . I. K. SLOAV.
1 Fowlcmlle. October
Shurplcss' Store.
Til): prcHfnt ni in nnr i f protrrei-imi t Thin truth
clearly dtimmiruu d by the lait that th.- undi-ruu
I'd haii jitft re
invn ir f ii uoiii I'ljtijtlt ipiiia, a large
cuppiy oi
cnnivn finniui
mum imm
which he will nil at hii Pun on .Main Hired, IHoomi-
I oun;, ai inn i.uu i.rr ia ruiLXrt.
Cou ui ry produm taken in exchange for goods at tho
I iimrki t price,
Illoouifcburg, fciopt. 17.
j D V H 0 53
I HK tindrrtisncd, Kratoful for pant patroiiaffe, tfperi
i 9 full;intoriiii hiiriiatiiiju r and tli- puhlicf,'fiu'rnllf .
i that In' litis J lift received Irom tlio Hauler no tit in, tbi
id r feu i iiim.iuoHV Mt'tuii riock oi
That has yet hot'ti nprnrd iii lilooiiiiburg, to which h
inviU'fl tho uttcntioa of biit frioi.dn, and asourca llwu
that tiny are oil j ml for alo at (treat tartain. Ills
IStoik coutpriM'ii a lurcu anKortnifiit of
Rl..vri.-KMI.Vti VK.ltIN(J ArPARKL,
tJom-iftiiin of FAiiiuoADu: DRkM CoAia, of evtry dei
rription; Fnnls, Vi-etu, thirln, t'ravata flocka, tVtoii
Handkerchief, (Jloyt-i, HuKpi'inU-ra, tec.
Of cverjdtisrription. fiuu and rhi ap.
N, 11. lU-iiit'iubt r " I.oirrnbtrit' Chtap fmparium."
call nud aue. o rhargo for I'laiuinii (ioodi.
lllooinhure. Marcl) 10. lffitl. (June
Uio Wo P. i tL H. S !? &
Ilth, Ihlnnarc Aumie, rilllsADKM'HIA.
Hole ngnit for rcuiuylvnuia, Delaware and New JktY
iA)IIJiAIlici(.Vi(ii:r-il)ulll cpiai t"i
I 1UU lu.tinji poWL-rv, lc5 Iba Jtftt muiian f7w.
' d It ia packed in ftroiie Cava, ' f ltt) Ihi each, and la aou
nt ifejil in) per ton, or $ tat per fluclu bag.
1 U luta tho J.prritiictiofVVa Ytan ami la aufdy rec
oimueiid it an the bet firtiliM-r now In uo.
fnmpltn, :ufulari and 1'ainphlvta containing t"1
iiicudatiuiii from Farmer a, st-nt gratia lo all whoreiu
, I a m,
j AugmHSJ, lttO.
their I irl Tf sr. ieri tWf K V. s. s il ftl1 1 B
. PCSSIaSZa t V '
i r Q a n, PR &. CD..
' , , ,
I CmiUilisMOIl Merchants anil dealers It
.sioil mi If vat! X. UIK1V1K 1JH.
ensiv. Ife ini., null) U111..11U.. .v . a. v.. - -
n l'rnnt.