11AMIK DliPAHTHT AGENTS, ATTENTION t RaiBing and Foodiug Hogs '--r ..... wl-l. in r.,,,1 iTAn.l emntiivtaenl. ntlil makn III) ,nv with little nr tin Investment, and without . Inmferlng wllh four regular business' K you do, rcatl tin mlcrllrmnl. . ..... i 1 0. U. Torn k Co , of .T.U llroomo street, , Nrty nrk. mflmirnrfillll.i nn1 .elllniT Ilina.lVP tiolJ PttlCI , 1 l... ftae.cli.twhlrh urn ehc.-in nl tlint nrlco.i nml tlicv nbout throw In it tlfl or prlro wlm cnrlt Peneli1 wnrlli Ir C tin to S3. QUI, SlO.gj.n, ;?.iu, ,'"', and 8 WO. llon'l cry nut llum'iiul Lottery! no such thine; Tint Pencils ere sold nl IBnir en.n . I vnlxn. -in.1 nit IO t.fnflti nvCT Ihn flr..l COtl nTO IlltOWlt I Into the f irti, which n Kill ly col toe purchaser nnth-1 In. Tito prlza nre dl.tribulcd on n almplo plan ol drawing, which would take too much room to explain, 1 hut nhlch ha. never falted to slvn complete antlH'tc-1 lion. Wo have ilr.iwn and aont to purrha.cra IK1 cold wntcheaof various prices, "4 pur.ea or com ious.ra, I ONU DOLLAR A YEAR. 1 Circulation oicr 100,000 Copies Weekly. 25 Witnesses, jllGLMROLn'S GESUIM2 PREPARATION' SALAMANOUR FIRE AND THIEF STEAM ENC51NES AND BOILER. rC iiii.ctiiirris now prepared, wtm Bfw atariim" .... In Initio .Inllnnaiv p ii.ttioa . ftnlll .tto Kill llfrs! to'wer.iipnn tin l.itr.tlmprnvidplnna.niid will build to I Will CIVC SOIllO lllpgcst'lOI13 brectlinc an J raisinc hogs. At tlio outset i select a good nnd thrifty breed. If tlioy cannot bo bail, don't get any until the opportunity offers ; for it is better to have noun than "land sharks" and thriftless , . ,,,, , , , ,t 2ia f old Incsot., B.'.ll pold chain", nnd n corresponding breeds. I lie male lion; slicilltl ho kept : number of other prizes, within two month.. in a lot to himself and well fed, but notl THERE ARE NO ULANKP, made fat. The females should be let to 1 uv;M7,Sn:!rmnU UierZr!: him in December, in order that the pigs UV; ,. . .. o.ti .1 !iA U. ...M Ln.-.r, l.r.rn rtrltn In Ptltt. may come m miltl weatner. w lion me ;,;," wrnnr nVinu si ca.it r..r ecn purcimwr h. on. TI1E FORGER CONVICTED. JOHN P, DYE I. ti- Author, who has li.nl ten if yertr.elporlenfi' n. n llnnfcer nml Publisher, nntl Author if n r(i.J" Mailt l Ihe llreadxay Tabernaelt liciii for ton rtrcos.ltn nijhls.nvpr JUT JO nun People .O Greeted him with ton nil. of appl mis n, white ho c.. Iitl.il ..1 llm niinnnr til wlllcll Cull II tcrfcl to f . CI. title their Irntii'.. nnd the .Ureal anil tltottcrt menu or ililirilnptlii'm! .... ITit Btnl Xot lffraters alt 'try thai ke it the grt&teet Jtitlfre tf Paper Monti Itrlnr , Gicatcst Discovery tf the rrescnt Century for JJclcilmz Counterfeit Hank JSotts Itpprrlhln rpry Uentilno 1111 In rilncnc. ami cihllntipg tun fiance eery Couuitrfclt In rirru u linn I Arrnngiit tonilmlrnhly.llint Uofcrcnco la Hay nnd Uolrctlnn in.tnntnnron.. No lmlrT tortimlnel No pt;p. to hunt upl tint to HinplihPil itntt itrrKt Ltl. tn-ti inn tYinrcn.iii, 1 ta8g8&ggt i PROOF SAFES. Till! J.AROnST APSOUT- ttiPnt In tlio llnllP'l FtnlP.. Warranted l" hp niuai to noj tlow rimln, nml will ho nlil on n uobiltetmsin.ftitt hPtiMalncil rrntn nny other, liou'c lit tlio fountry.nl liVAiUM Pt 11 nicu.1 01 91 S.4t!l it., rtilladolplila. sow is about to farrow, separate her from !t:n;;Ve!c;?n,;.,,;,,,., yitttwS ! """k"1""1 "SjXV Vj!'"" all others. Allow her to rjro off and make for hil InraMty. siioiililnn njrent ohtatn a vaigal.1 nitow ucrio J.O utt .tint iit.tivi. loeturjiinithltu renell. U- wou'il Imto nun her bed to herself. After she has farrow-1 diinrniiy in obtaining roreoi purcha.cri, ana mukinj ) AunwinnAi nr.Ann ni:nin tVea.k noboilvto.pnil their money till they know I what pNzo they draw Any pprioit v.lililnv to try i llipir lurk, ran tir.t "enil u. their natn nml a.litre., ami we will mikn thc.r itrnw-lni; nml Inform tliptn hv return mall what prizo thy tlrcw, when they can .end on nnd take the rendl and prlz". or not. whlrliPTer incv riinnpn. n nwp 'ii.b nrivnrpi on v imicu in n purrha.cr. Allertlic tlr.l dinwlnf, evpry purrhaier 1 cd, feed her for some time at her bed, that sho may become attached to her off spring, and not allow other pigs to suck her. If permitted to lenvo her bed too soon in ssarch of food, her pigs will bo deprived of nourishment by the older ones crowding them off. In order to se cure large, strong and healthy pigs, the male should not bo allowed to serve the sow but once, and then driven off, she will produce more pigs than if she run with the male during the day. The next litter of pig3) the time should be so ar ranged that they come in September, which will have to bo kept over, in most places, till the next fall. The first may bo made to weigh from 150 to 200 lbs. net, by the 25th of November following. This may appear extravagant 10 the most of your readers. It is Jono by a simple arrangement, which is this : Keep food by them all the time clover and corn, which, on the .score of economy, is better than keeping them two years rooting up pastures and attaining no greater weight. At the ago of two or three months, pigs should be taken up, marked, altered, and the rooter split horizontally ; it U an ap pendago they can do very well without if sufficient food is given them. Rut it is certain, also, that the rooter ij essential when the pig is compelled to root for himself. If ho is properly cared for, there will bo no necessity for his rooting up slid destroying meadows and pastures to get his living. Pigs that are made to weigh from 100 to 200 lbs. at six months old, make delicious, tender and juicy bacon. It has quite a different flavor from that of the common scrub-hog of this section. One important item I would fain impress upon the farmer, that is, to give his hogs plenty of charcoal, rotten wood and ashes mixed with salt, to cor rect acidity. The best article that can be given to swine is brimstone. It may bo given in corn meal, It is a preventive of soro throat, measles and inflammatory diseases, and in all probability may ward off the hog cholera that is so destructive in Ohio and Kentucky, and may be anti cipated in Missouri. Rut Swift's maxim " the best patriot is the best man who can make two blades of corn grow where only one grew before," is strictly appli cable to pigs, as well as corn. Thin each tuay renu tlio aamc in hla own Natlvo Tonguc. Most ptrfect Bank Koic List rubliJtal. Al.o nlut nfall the mtVATK llAXKfiRrl IN AMKRICA. A complete Pnnmtiry of IhP Fijia-jci. or Hrnorn -fa Amkhioa will he pithll.bpd in eneti pdition. li athcr with all tho Important NllWr or THE DAY. Alto, A Fi:ilinf 01' TALLB rrnm nn old Mnuntrript found In tho Unst. It fur n I pit en the moat pomp I, te hiMorr of OKI KNTA 1. 1,11 IS thorlzodajenl. Wo will send with 'each drawing tlte I wlnrli tho I uHp.anilgeatlpinen ofthnt country Iiotp vI.IIp it, S'louhl n sound of tlio volco occur.lt Is lllnllLV CONCr.NTRATI'.ll COMPOUND l'LUID r.XTiiAt.'T nri'iii'. Ver VUtttet p tht lilttditr Kiilnryt. (Irtivtl, Drcpsy, ncakuettcii, urtrn'tloRt. .vr.-m tntiattt, rcmaft Complalnlx, end all Dittstt A Ma Scxnul Crgitnt, Arl.lne from IIxcpmph nfid liiinrinlenclpi In 1Kb. nnd rpinntinp, nl' Improper tt.char"i'a from the l:laddcr, l.tunpya,or actum urpnn" wnimer ex tf ting in .MAi.n on .T.MAt.n, I'roin whatpvpr cau.o Ihpy may havo nrlglnatpd, nn,l no matter ol how Ions attniitntr, Kivlnc hcnttlt nnd tlcor to the rrnme. nnd Mount to the pallid cheek. ' JOY TO Till'. Affl.lCIT.tll II it cure.Nervon. and Helllltnledsutretcra, and removes nil tho pymptom., among which will he found Imtiapo pltlon to Utertloll, I,ne of I'owpt, I.ora of Mpmorv, ' tiflirnlt.r or l!r'Atltlna,ttpnrrnl W-nkneai, Horror of lllppipp, Wenk Ncrvts, Trembling, Prcndfnl Horror of Death. Night SweaH.lVlil I'etl, Wnkel linen. Him, tie-., of Vf.ion, Lnnauor, Uolrer'-al l.a..t'iila nf ihe Mu.piil.ir fUitem. oilon MiioToioii. Am,, tile, w th . , ltipiieptlrtiinpmm..Hoill"n,i, r'lii.hlngofihcliody, ' I Dr,neof thi,rkln.rallidUoiiiitoaineeniid BMplloin on tin r,ice, i nn in iiik n.tr, ,,.-,, i. m ,,; r.j.- , Iid, fteoii-nlly lll.tk Spot, flylngi In fore Ihe !!'". 1 cl.Plynllko ' lll,Temenrnrv fiirii.lon mil l.o-. ol Siaht I Wntit of 1 ll'Ore Will stn ci .at yi o noPKi A '' Atlelitlon.Orcnl Alelilllly, lteelle.nep., with Horror ' ofrloclety Nothing i. niofp dealrahle to nirh l'ailvnt. than aohtude. and nothing they morn drr.nl Tor lear of liipui.flvp., uorio.piif manner, no enrneal tie... no rv,"'liion. but a Hurried tranaltlon from one uea . tlon to anotlipr. I Thp.c aymptoma. if allowedlto go on which till a t tiipdtcino invariably removpa anon Ifollov,.. I.o.a of ' I'ower rnliltl,nivl Epilentie. fit. In one of which , Hip patient may Ptiire Who pan a.ty tint tli"" r-t-I rnea nre not'fre'piently Itdlimed by tho.e dlrefiH iliaea.ea lnfcn'iil aiM uon.iiiupnoo i j uc irt'imi, ,., the In. Hue Aayluiiia, nnd the inelanrholy ilc.lt li a by l.'itii.umc-tion. bear ample wltues. to the truth ol tlieeo a.ptrtioi'a. In Lunatic Aayluiiia tho, most melancholy exhibition nppeara. Th't couiuenancp ia nrtil'tlly aod lion HUU UUIIO Utf-lllilie iiriiii'- iiniiii ,ir tint, 3 irdcr doiiblennd alntilp porlnbln enlnr frnni 10 In aO torac powerltlg(ieu iinon rarriagra, w iin niiiit-r kvh tng hfiiimpt nlltoinptplnnnd ready for aellnn. Alpn -cylinder lluentid luhn lar boliora. cart iron ton! nreakg It. patented In IMO.Tc-r thrpslilng grain andcracklnr torn and now mndo onvn largo aralo for precldng oj ttPaUng cotl. Ileavyniinliig pumpa and flm englnel rlggrdcoinidrtcwUhiloitble acting rorJlug punip..ni Mnila of niillgparlngand hou.c caatlng made to orderl l.lneallalllilg Willi nnyue-n-ii birpb hi ,inie.a , uc is oimiTv Avn tvtr.l, pnnVAtt. I tlrvirlrflheCemmilltr.rii'rrlnlrtlotp'rl'"'l "''" with hangPta Ironplnnlng dono.aay B4rpet long! o. nt itlU Intnejn, at V(eaa'iajr.'irarKa7, 15.i?. mnda of Iron lurolrg licaVv proaa nitd other acrcw " lliamm, MnrHil, IBjT. ,uvcd wltli any dprlrcd fnilioflhread. The nnderalgnpd, mcniliera of the rrimmlilpo. do nmbcal Ilougb Iron thrpphlng Mifhlnca, that rvot rppptctruiiy report, innt wo anw uu r..,to, nallyrgteed tipoiihy Karrelet lurringand I.v.i orisl ma & Hale In t e liy the paymaster of iliel'lillidelphla and llpadlip Rnl I mad Urmpnny, In lilrolilcon t Heading, maniifiriurril hv rnrrela & llorrmg nno the Pafo In ii. i by II A. l.antn, In Ma atotu nnntil.ictiircil by i;vaua& Wnlaon, nnd put lit hooka aim iaper tf coiuelicforo the public, carl Iron nnd wfodenninchlnea made to order. I.cvcr power, tl.nln. or trenvd power undo tactdcr, AlahtakpaotilerBfortnofollnwIngiua. .i,u.,vi tlnfrl.on'a Inteatratntcrnllt mill, A 10011 of frredhy Urn Patentee lor It. equal. II will grind In good CHERRY PECTORAL i Vat (ho lniilil Ciiro of llnotupalW hu.hPl.tn ono hour. Al'iiholnnndelevn- I iUUUllO, tUlilfo, IHjlUoi'iM.ns. toraall In nt.lpr.nlaollugslii'a ralpnilllowcf.tuanuractiif in,villlTilci T.rjmrxiiiVi-1 unitin idhyO. II llarrla.Uo.,tl,o moat poworfill lllower UUUlNijHITIS. iMlOOPwfJ.tOlJGlfi nowlii nan with thplea.l animint ofpowor, one oft' lileh ,.....,, . ... willwputlnuapnllhp roundiv for exhibition. A'lol CUOUP, ASTHMA. AD llienhovoworka wllllicwarranted lolio what llipya.t v ' iiogii.titij nnmbpr taken out. with full deacrintiou uf the plan of drawing, yiuuriaa o. ri. todd & co., SOJ nroonio atrcet, New Yotk Jan l),ltj'-2m REM O V A L . JOHN STONE k SONS, Importers and Johberi tf Sill;?, Ribbons and Mlltiucry Goods, Havo removed front No, 43 So'lth Second Street, to their new nnd clegnnt atore, NO.tOJ CIICSTNUT STItnr.T. ONU DOOR ABOVE r.lfilll'H. Where they will be pleased lo seo lliclr frlcnda and tlio trnde generally. Jan M), IH.'.S-2nt Improving Old Orchards. Desirable as pears, cherries and plums arc, we call hardly count on very largo and constant supplies of such fruit. Our climate, or soil, is so unfavorable to their growth, or they arc infested with so many insects and diseases, and require so much care, that few farmers can devote suffi cient attention to their culture. The apple must bo our main dependence ( and it is no mean dependence cither. Yet, strange to say, many orchards are treated with ncclcct. The trunks and limbs of trees arc sufl'ercd to become mossy, the tops are allowed to grow up a dense mass of brush, and tho fruit to remain of an inferior quality. Now there are few men who can really afford to keep such orchards. Why not break up tho ground, and if it is not thought best to let it lie fallow, then give it a coat of manure and raise some kind of hoed crop upon it. If possible, mulch the roots of the tree with old straw or chips, Once a year, at least, scrub the trunks with wet ley, or potash water, to remove tho moss and rout the insects which harVor there. Then, as to pruning, then there is enough to do, but it must be done in tlio right way. It will not answer lo niouut tho tree with rough nailed boots, and axo in hand, hack away like a woodsman felling a forest. Tread on tho limbs carefully, so as not to start tho bark. Uso a finc-toothed pruning saw ; thin out tho branches so as to leave an open symmetrical head, anil where largo branches must bo taken off, rover the wounds with grafting wax, or a bolu tion of gum-shellac. If the fruit is of inferior quality, graft in choicer sorts beginning at the top and grafting only one third of tlio treo each year. It costs no -moro lo raise good kin !s of fruit than poor; tho satisfaction and tho incomo arc ten-fold grcator. Of all dta.ie.i.'j tho great, first can. c Hpringa Irom negluct of Nnture'alana mmwi mot. WIIXNAUURU ISOUAUANTtCU III ALT STAGES 01? MEGKET DISEASES, Stlf-AlnH, Jfertont nihility. Strictures, RfceM. Grarel, Diabttei. Diseases of tho Kidntvs and litadJer. .Vcreti- rial Jthtumatism, Scrofnla, Pains m the Bones and Amies, jnseases ej ine LKflgSt inroai, jpfc ava. r.yts Uiccrs viion the Hodii or Limbs. Cancers Drepstl, fpf teptie Fits, &t f'Ka'i Danes, and all ilscascs arising from aderangemtnt tf the Sezuat organs, tfucli as Ncrvong Trembling, Loks ol Memory. I-cm or rr.wrr. General w eakness, uiiiiucbs oi vifin wmi nccuh.ir fnota anneurlnv helorc tlio pics Lo9 nfflliilit, WakerultiPtB, ly-pcii9iit, I.iver DjecnFC, Unif tiotis upon (no Roc, rnl ii tnino iuck nnu nc;ui, icninic ir rpularilie3 nnd alt Improper iliclmrcs. from loth so Ten. It matters not from whit causo trie discir-i-origlnateil, however long at ami nip or obstinate the case recover if is certain, and In a. shorter tunc titan it permanent cure can ho tree ted liy any other trpatmeiit even alter tlio (licafc hat La filed lle fhlll of nninent pliysiriani nml rentstnl nil tneirinrai.it or cure, inal lMcdicinufl aru n I rasa ut without odor.caitslnc nn elrk ncs-mrnl freo from ntcrcnrv or balwiiii. Durinii twenty ycarH of nr.icl.ee. I luvo rccue(l from the Jaws of l innt it m.ihv i iniiifinds. who. in tiic last St nets ot ino abovo mentioned ilispnscs had been civrn up to die by thoir physicians, wiiint warrants mc in promising 10 ine oniictei, wno may pmcc iiieniBrivin hui-i my care, n perfect and most speedy cure. Hecrct diseases nre tl e crcatest enemies to Iiralth.as they aro tho tint rauso ol Consiitninion, FCroW'n anil many omer ui. eases and should be a terror to the liuirnn lamity. A a permanent pure is scarcely ever rfllcted, a ii.njorll.v of the cases falling Into t lie Jniidg of incompetent persons, wno noi only tail m cure ine uni-ases um ruin the constitution, filling tho system with mcrntr, which, with tho disease, h.ittens the sulTercr into a rapid Lonumpuon. Hut ilmuld tne disease and tho treatment not cause death speedily nnd the victim marries, the disnaso Is entailed noon Mm chit.'rcn, utio are torn with feeble confatllultons. nnd the current of life corrupted by n virus which iirtrnys ifcii in j?croiuia, icuc uicers, Cnmiloni and other affei lions of the skin. pvps. throat. and Lungs, entailing upon tliein a brief existence of suiit-rins mm consign) incm 10 nn enriy prnvc. SULF'.MlUSUIs unoilier formldabic enemy lo heal t'i. for nothinz else In the dread cittalozue of human dis eases causes so destructive n drain upon the system, draw In tr Its thousamU of victims throimh n few vears of sufl'crHig down to an untimely grave. It detroys the nervous syttciu, rapidly wastes away tun cncigiei of Iile, pausea mental derangement. prevents the poor development of thOBystcm, disqualifies for marri.iEe, socieiy, uuEiness, aim an i-anuiy ii.-ippincs3,anaicnves tho sutTcrer w recked in body and nurd, nredisnoscd to consumption and a train of evils mure to be dreaded thin death itaelf, With the fullest confldenro I assure the unfortunate victims otStlf Altuseth.il n pprminent and speedyrure cm be cirectetl, nnd with the abandon ment of ruinous practices my patients can he restored to robust, vigorous health. i ne amirteaarc cnuiioncu nsainsi uic uee ei i nicni Medicines, (or there are so many ingeni us snares in the columns of the public prints loca'cft and rob the unwary suirercrs that millions have their constitu tions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poisonous nostrums vended as " Patent iMPiiiriiiHia. i navu cartiiui'v .iNfiirii j v ui iiii: so-called l atent aieuirines ami nml mat nearly an or them contain Corrosive Subliinae which is one of the slronget picparations ol mercury and a deadly poison, which insreauoi curing uic uiscasu uisaoics tnn sysif'.u in r ine Thrp( lourths of the natcnt nostrums now In use nrn nut tin bv unnrlucinUd u ml ignorant persons, who do not laiiderMaml even the alphabet oi the materia mcdtca.audaro equally as destitute of nny knowledge of the human system, having one object only in view, and that to mike money rcgaruefs inconsequences. Irrptruljrlllea and all oiseases of males and females treated on principles established by twenty ars of practice, anu sancuntien oy iiiuuruinin ui uiu umsi re markable cures. Sledicincs with full ditertlons Rent to any part of the Unitco States or Uanadas, by r-a-tients comrruniratlng their symptoms t;y letter. Ilusl ness rorrespoudcncn siricuy cninnieniiai AUUfJSf, J CU.ll.HLaU iUiJU. in. IJ,, Ofiicc, 1131 TiLBkHT Blrect,(old No. 1(19.) IlclowTwciriha'hiladclpliiara. Julv li l.-lflmrcn ty beeu o often fiiund. Theni' storlrn will rontliiNe throuelmut the whole . voir, and win prove tno ruasi entertJiiinitR ever oflVirr d to the public I'urnnhcd wokt to Subscribers only, at 91 n yonr. A I Meter s must bo nddrri-eeil in JOII.V H. DYE, firoktr Publisher nml Prorriet'r.'O Wall n., Npw York. PIIIIjA. and reading h a i l uoad Winter Jrrahgcmtritt for rattrnfftr 7Valna, January isr, isa. I7 J A..M I UP Train., going North, leave rhilaitulphia ' A. M nmlSH'. N. ltotvn Train. guingSoutli, leave roitavllloQl ?t Ire. ami ( r 11. Uplrainanaaa Keaiilnejnt 10,21, A. M.nmlCS-il'.IM. dawn Train S,13,A. M, 5,43 1'. M. The ritpreaaTrnln la itlaeontlnueil nntll further no. llco. Clo.o connecttona aru niaile hy the 10,33 A. M' tlta Train fromrottUllntontn Clmirnnnil all Intertne. iliato poinlat anil by tlio lt,S3 P. M Un Train from Port Ullnlnn l Elinir.t.Oannnil.ilgun. Il'ltralo, Niagara, I)c not, Chicago, St, I.oulf, il)avcniort, nnil Imvn City; M.iklngthi. route thcahorlcaland chcapcat to tht Lett Erleet and Canada. OoSuiiilaya.lho Dotvn A. M. Train front Potlayllle, nmlUpP.31. Train front Philadelphia, lonly,rnn. UAMtirni-Ro Cositemo.ta, hy Dauphin RQWrond ntAu hum A apecinl Accninmodatlon Tasaenger Train lenvea 1 rateiyiiriiTuiii.. M , . ' Witlnvoefiil men. urea an ilcpalr I Low ailllen aoitml hla grief hepni'eil." 1 Deliillty lauioattcrri'ilel and hia hrbuglil Ihou.nnda itipoa lliouaand. to itntlinely cravea.thit. blasting til" nnihitloii of many nohlc youtlia. It can ho culediby t lu iiao cf tin. WFHLIBI.r. HKMr.DY. If you ore aufl'otinc wllh niiyot tiicahovedlatrea.lng ailment, the Pluld llittnct Ifnchit fill ruro you, Try 11 nn.i 1,1. eitnrlnrnil ot Ita effirarr. Ileware ofamck No. Intnl. andtliuacklloclnra, ulio 1 filailyhoartnfnbtlilieanodrelcrencea jlatlten, know 1 !M anil.avoid lli'iit and aavelonj antrering money, and u eipoaurc, hy Bending or calling for a bottlo of this . ,ni,,it.ir nml anerlde rcmedv. It nlliya all pain nod intlnniinallon, In perfectly plea. ant in ita mate and oilor, but immediate in its c"0"' mu.vr.ot.n'S nxTiiAcr nucnu l.'prcpareil directly according to Iho rulea of I'Aarinacy and Lhtmiilry, With the greuleft accuritcy nndiChemiral knn'viedgo and care devoted In it. eoirihinatloo, Soo l'rofe.aor liowee.' ValitnbleWorli.on the practice orphy.ic, nnd most of llio Lite Ptnndaril Work, of .Medicine. tn-ONK ItUNIIIUU) IIOI.I.AIlHl One huiitlred dollars willboptlil to nny phyaictnn njureii a lip until lourcoru. 01 green ii.uij. oakaad hair cli-alnnl ton wood n ere entirely Con. an I, tlio ttlmle mult r tlio aiipcilnlfnilenei of tlio aul..erlhera incnihnra ol tho Committee. 'I lie galea nore then cooled oH with water, nr tr which they were opened and the nm.ka nml papera tnkeiinnthy the Cotiinilllce and mM to II. A . I.tititz'a alore lor puhltccaiiilnntioo.nnilinalked hy the Committee. The hooka nnd pap r ataketifrnm tlio S.iro . "ininrac tilted hv rnrrela k llcrrlnga weto, in our Judgment, damaged fully (II tccit per cont .morclhaii thoaii taken from Ilvana k W-itaon'n Pafe. We helleve Hie above to have been n fair nnu lm parlt.illtinl ofthe rafapa 1 3? 1V5 1 V I nVpHuu! ! PAN I U.S. IIII.VTRR. tlnving been nbaent ilurlnR tliohur iilng, we fiilly rolneiile wllh the ulmvo an lenient of tho con-Ill on or lliopaperannd hookat.tlicn out or the respective Snf''"- n. A'ICOM.?. 11. 11. vi u 11 f.r.M nr.no. J.a.Mtl.llOI.I.ANI). March 99 1S7. C0NSU3H'TI0N. 'LnTBtn np,ter tnr Renll. Patent tlltfl.a,i,llU Blllkrr.aiidrlghtalnll.e them liilliecountieaolColultl' "111 remedy la ollercd to the cum in 11 11 1 1 y with tho Ida, Voiour,Northiini'ietl.iiiil,l,vroniing,Pulllvnii and I coiillilencc we feel In nn nrtlclo which nldiim I. HI. to Clinun, one of which can bo seen at my aboii- . Itnllle tho hnppleal cllccla that can be drilled Pn I.UU'IS II . MAII8, wtdo la the lleld of Its uaefiilncaa anil to iiiimeruua tin; MarhM.lFSn. Don m Shu . Col 11 111 Ma f c . ensea of lla turei. Hint nlinoal (very arrlion tflho HIS r whnmn nrnvd tint Iho Meihclnw ever, llifure.l .1 1 tienl'; and the testimony orthomaniN ran hp produced to prove that it dp srent unoil. Cases of fioui otip week lollnrteen jeats stunilinn hnio been riTeetcd. The mnssof vulun..i.y testimony in pnsai'ion of the proprietor. vniifhingili virtues nnd runtlve power", 11 Immense, embracing names we 'I known to rfrienco and Fame. , ... . , 100,000 t0t Ilea nave ncen s:oiti nnti noi a Finnic in 1858. SI-KINO AND SOMMFR. AMVSlfiii&iSrlA (JKO, nubl'lN cc uu. lMrnnTF.tis Jixn .v.ixvF.icri'iiF.ns, 171 UIIKSNUT STIIBUT, Are now prepared tn cthllill their New Sty lea FOR SPUING TRADE, INCI.UMNn niali.ck nnd cnloredsllk Mantlllaa Cliantly I.nc Man Mactlllaa, I'rcnch l.ace Jlantll.n., I'.iiihroiderea PIIK M-mtllln., lhiglcil Lncennil Net Mnittlllaa, Mourning Mann las. llas'tuea, raiiun.. 6ie. , a.c , counlty nlioiinila In iieraon, puhllcly known, who linvn hueli reatorcil irom uiirnuug nun even tiespenuc ins t'liaii. of the lunge, hy lla ll.o, When nnre tried lla superiority over overv other pieiliemo of Its kind I. I Ino nppatcn lo rrctipo tlseivMlen, lind win to Ita Minn a nro known the public no lr.iif.rr he.ii.ne what (nnllilolo to employ Tor ilia ilntrci-sil g nnd ilnnttloiia nnvcllnna of tho pulmonary orgnna, which nrciiicldint I to our climate. , , Nothing I na called louiler tor ine earnest enquiry ot ti.tnnn ine am inline prcviueiuo nun j-iui'iiy. ,.f Hun - nl.,.a. n..p lina nnV niiA elita. fiT ' I illi UtldursiKnctt rcsput; tuny iniOnilS oi.uisea dim mom 01 niru iiivrFirs,iii, mit-,-S hla frlcnda nnd the public tnnl he lm taken the I li"l1;J;ct tin ndonuatc rcmedv haa hcen Ptovided. olt K?t;,af.c(,ltinioo,nsburg,locatedollMalnBlreel, "I"''', ''V'TVZlitT.!,JS'. K ,tll l ie t .T.nluJ directly oppo.lie the Court llouso. which has heei f, Ti t n,r,Jfve, ? -n, . nicle o ,u Set .hrougtiiy'repaireil and inipro.c ere he I, .pro. "''P' nnd In seneial sillslnrtinn . He nio nat in connection wiin tnc uxrimige li o- tci, an excellent OMNIBUS LINE, riinnliiffrrcularlv srveraltlmrs ppntav.lo nnd from the Dcpntunthenrrivnlnflhe Cars, by whlrh passeng- ims vn i tie pieat?aniiy convcypnin mm in pniriiUMin.ni taken from nnd returned lo their reside nccs, if deMrrd. $3' llowill atwayj be liappy to entertain niidntcnm m od ate Ins Iricndstn then tin mtn hinl,tUli-'. pr.Tr.il jjnii.sii; i;u. I'roDrictor nloofisbiirg .April ,S , If .fi y . Allofwhich willbo Mlcred utlhe Lowest Prlfp. 0I1O. IWLPI L'O. 171 Clipsnut Street, abovo7lh, Phlladfhia. re.i7lh,lHS-, to Itcndlinilnllly, (except Sunilaya.) at 71 A.t ,'ctitrnlng i Eic' 0f n lalluro h.i. ho"n reported I from Auburn ntilj P. M., on arrival of 3,10 S. .M. Train irom liarrisnurg. WAY FAKES FnoM Head-no to 'hW.idelplih.Sl.T'andl,; Pottsvlllo 91,01 nnd 0,83; Auburn, 0,7.1. TIIKOUtill FARES. In llarriaburg. HJ55; Tnmaiim l,:i.-i; Wiiamaport SI, 10; nimira $ii,U; CanninMia 88 001 lluir.ii or NlaaroStO.OOi C.earciand 310.. iToioilo SH.Tj ; Cincinnati S1C.0U, Chicago Siu.lM Ok Island 4'JJ.OO. ALL, Paaacngerawlllprocure licketa before e nterluo 0 cars: 10 cents extra on Fares paid in Iho cam . tyfba.tOf perseual naggagentfowed each Paaeeiio g 01 over that wolghl aachargedUxtra Uaggaeo U A. MCOt.I.B. January 3,1. 1837 tf. OeuWSup'l J. Si li V to d u c o li. L. l'EKOT, and Go n oral COMMISSION MER CIIA N TS, No 3d Norlli Whnrves, PllII.ADni.PIHA. RsrERESCES; Jolml' Penl.tnn.Esq. Plllladelplila, Messrs Hacker. I.eu k Co. " 11 Siter, Prjeo Ac Co. liucknor. McCammon Co. ' " Charles Cilia & Co. " ' S.Morris Wain & Co. ' ' Unlcrbridgo, Arvov k Co. Charles k Joseih Perot, ' Thoinaa & Maxtiell, New York. ' CM. McClung U Co., St. I.nuia, Mo. i J.S. Morris Son, Louisville, Ky Vnrcli 15, 1830-v 1 EVANS A; NKWCOMEU, Arcli srec, abpvo Third, Philatlolphia. Houits op MI.ALS IJiiBAKrANT, .'), 0 and 7 o'clock to 10 Uii.sER,tientleinpn'sordinary,l o'clock loj.1. " Ladies, 2 o'clock. TBA.mo'clocktoll. BVAN nVAX3.J U. B.NnWCOMCR. Jiuif.i i inai. y. National Hotel. ( LATE WHITC SWAN, ) Sides 5 Stover. Race Street, above Third. Fhiladtlnhia t'ETsn Sides, late ofthe (Irm Stevens, liolliiigaticnd't Co JamesT. Srovea, of the Union Hotel, nugii. I :i, 10.JO Personally niipeared before mo, an Aldortoali of the city of Philadelphia II. T. HELnoLO. Chemist, who being duly sworn does aay, that hla preii irntiou con. tains no Nucolic, Mercury or injurious llrug, hut nro purely vegetable. II. T. llnMIUOI.O, Solo M.mnlicturnr. Sworn nndau!ncribed heloro mo tula 31,1 day of No vcrohcr 1B31. WM. P. IIUIllAltll. Alderman. rrica 81 per bottle, or sizfor $1, delivered to any ad. drcrj,tarconiianled liy reliable and responsible certitl catea Irom Profe.ora of Medical Collegea, Clergymen , a"wc'nar"i nnd Eol.l,by II T. lir.I.MHOI.D, PrecticaPand .nalytic.il Clienii.t, No 52 South TENTH St., below Clieslnut, Assembly llullillnga, I'hilnilelphla. Cfr- 7'a be had of J, It JlfOYFM, Moomtburz. and of all Dtvgfrtttt and Healers througbont tht United Statct, Canada and HrllUh I'rorlneee. iir.wAiii! or cou.NTiiP.rr.iTS. ASK V01 lir.l.MROMl TAKI1 NO OTHER. CUIICS UUAKANI'EEU. June 13, 1P57. Frankiin liousc. PARKEll & LAllil), Proprietors. Chcsnut St., between Third nnd Fourth OILS, 17011 Manufacturing and Ilurning purpose, for onlo X. by . cheap WATOiifcjinvr.MivsTonE&sisS iNn. IJ,, Wortli Drcoml street, OPrOSITE Til 11 MOUNT VERNON HOUSE, I'll 1 1, A RoldLcverWiilclicsfullJewelled 181! Cusea . SiS" Silver do do 13 UU ilo I, en Ine do u ou tlilarlicrn . S onto 7 00 OoldBpectnclea, 4 Soto 10 Oil Silver do I til SilverTnbleSponna pcraell, HOUtolulla uo tieseri nn no uootoiioc do Tea do do 4 75tn 7 ."in noldPetiaandOolilCaea, 3 S5to .'. O'o do Silver do (jo ocelltorwlth a variety of fine flold Jcwolrv.rini iir.fliinrdnndroliChalna. A 1 1 itoods wnrrnhlr.i, i. nspre.cntcd . Wutclica unit J ewctry rcpalrt-ill n t h liestninnner . N It. Alloidorssonihvityinai lurothcrwlso. wlm,. Iilinctunlly.ltteinledto . Mivem.nir. io.i.i. u Juno o, ip;t. J. II. A. k S. AI.l.EN. Noj. 7 and 8 South Wharves, Philnilelphla Seplenibcrn, IP5H, PHILADELPHIA, 'MAN, KNOW TilY'SEiii'V AN lNVAI,UABt,n BOOK TOR 33 CENTS. CVC11Y FAMILY SHOULD HAVE A COPY. -.itn;. HUN'TnirsMunicAL .n'V.v Wllj MANUAL & HANDBOOK viVMrffrSJyy 1 011 Ai'ri.iirrni).- ..IrSyySiiA l7AV'er,iil.ili,t,, n ,,i!,.,n r il,n ffivr&&?. 0,8ln. progrefa, treatment XV 6&uA,M. """ c""' orevcry firm of dia XLtlSeMZ c'm conlractcd hyproiniscu SfiXSN' oua sexual intetcourso, by pm I nut t5ov; ,olr al,uso, or by aexual ex. '',7'lV ecaa, wnli advire for their Drevention, wr'tten in a familiar style, nvoiding ull medical technicalities, and everything that would offend the car ol decency. Testimony of the Professor of Obsleries In Penn CoUeee. Philadelphia.-"OR. 1WXTRKS Jllr.DICAl. HANUM. ' Tlio nulhorof this w ork, unlike Iho I? majority of those who udvcrtiseiorure Hie diseases o( which It trcata, ia a graduate or one nl tno heat li- Collegea In the United Siatea. It affordh me plea I sure to recommend htm lo the unfortunate, or to , the victim of inal. practice, na u Biiccesrful anil ex 111 perienced practitioner, in whose lion r and inleg te rltv tliev mav nlacu tho greatest eoodiiencc. ' Josrrlt Loto.iioRK, M. D. DYER'S HOTEL. Cattawissa Fa. n IHBoldand wellknowu Ilotcl.lnthctown .A , ai uatlaw asa .last! kcol hv thn nnrf.,. aaaata algticd.andluapiteofallllcen.e latva, ho ls.lj8?M. iiewiiiiiiieu iu niaKciiiB House oneoi toe uioatcoiiitoita hlpptareaforiravelerstostop ot, that enn he found in lliolnteriorofPennaylvanla His table will he furnish. en uauy with ine ucsttne.Marketcali atlord. inMyoldrriendaandlrnvellcrtgcncrally nrclnvitcd ,0!l". JACOU DYER. May 21. 1855. y . 2 from .3. modward, Jlf. D. ff Venn. Uuiursityt Philadelphia, 1t rvfm nip idcimirn to add mv t csllmnnv lo the n roles si onal ability of tbft Author of ih "Medical Man aJ."--Numerous cases f( Diseases of thu Hen ital Organs, some oftlieni ot Ion? utindinz, havo coma itndr my uotiio. in wlm h bis tkill hag been manifest in restoring to perfect health, in somo iitBtauciJi where tliu palivnt h.u been considered beyond medical aid In the treatment of seminal weakness, or diatarrangeuient ol tho lunrtinns pro duceJ by -fef JPist or Kztcss of venery, I do not know his superior in uic profusion, i nave peen acquainted with the Authur tomo.thirty ytars.nud .ippiii it nn tnoraj than luetics to nlin as well as a kindness to the unfordmato 'victim of tariy indi-i-Z erf (ion, to recommend him as one. In whose pro- lessionaishiii uiiu initgrny uu-y 111 if b.iicij-cunuuu themselves. IITBED OODWRI, PI, U, rinn t.inv.BPcurcIv enreloocd. wilt be fornrded free of p'jslJgcto anj part nf the United fit ites, lor Vt CPUm. nr tiipir, Mir 41 ir5-AJdrcsfl.OOSIJt:?p:&CO.,l,ublijhcrs,Iioil07, Philadelpiiii Cy Itooksti'llera. Oanvasecrs and vox Agents supplied on the most tibsral terms if, c a. in.)!- States Union Motel. I'ORMGnr.LY BED LION HOTEL.) No. 200 Market street, Philadelphia, rtEOROE w. IIINKLE. Proprietor, formcrlyofCo VJ luinbia, Pa. , would inform his frlcnda nod llienuti lethal hecontinuesto keep the above named lintel which la well nml favorably known throughotitthe Slatea a onenfth coldca In nd moat convenient Hotel in hncity. no inostrcspeciiuiiysomitsasliareot pub ir H'lii 11 ige, Jipni i. icoa. WM. sT SMITH & CO., Produce Factors AND OF.XF.ilIL COWIISSIO.Y XF.nCllJIXTS, No. GO North Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. Tho Market value of all consignments advanced In ia.11 wuen oeaireii. March II, Iril.-ly CATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPORT &. ERIE KAIL KOAD. Direct Railroad connection bcttreci Maara Palli and Philadelphia, Shortest. Quickest and Cheapest Route from Wes'tra Xeio York to Philadelphia, Ilarnsburg, Hitsburg Baltimore, tl'ajhngfii eil'j, and the Smith. PASSUNCUU TRAINS leave nimira dully (excep Hundiiyt.,) at7 A. M. paslnir Williamspori nt 10 ISl a M. cnniicctlnc wllh ItPiid'ni; llnil tlnad iitl'ortCIIn. ton, and reachinft Plulndclnhia at 7 110 P. M. Itpturiilutf. leavo VlillndPlplilafrom corner offlroad nnd Vinpstreu?,ul7 '.10, A. M. rciichlnir Willi-iuisitorl, Ht5 15. P. M..ninl nrrivinK ntniaiira atO, P. M , rASftl.niitiU IUJUjIH tXlili IjliAVIi PORT CLINTON If Olt llAKRISBURG Direct, via Duuphlnnnd iJusiuelianna Uuiltlond.on the orrivnlol waiawisiu i ram ,ui hj l . Ai.rcacuiug iihr rlsburiratB V. M. HeturniniTienve iiairiMiurgiiH i-J ii. ni..cuiiui'ciing nt l Oriu Union wiin tjuituwiBHiii rnin uuhiiu n tfi lurm tnglhe niosldlrcctroute tollarrisbiirg, ri.Uburg, ll.il liuiorcnudlliP South, connecting theso points with al No nh western Pennsylvania a nil WPiternNVw York. .lnat I'.lmira with truinson New Yorkand tlriellail 1-ond tntso, with the Clmtra. Canandagau, ItorherVer, lHiuaioanuningiirn i an. Cppiiectlngdirpctly with thefirent Western Rnilroa ni RunneiiBinn bridec for IJetrolt, Cliiraan, Ht. Louts, ii , thus making tho Mhortrt,undthcapcsl route f ron Philadolphla lolhose poiois. A FKIfiLGHT TRAIN. Will leave Williamspori DAILY, at C 30 A. 5I.ro IMiltndfli.hlrt. L rrijjUViraill 0 :inu 1 1 "ill i mi.iuc-iiuiiu h niiuii i irilll ahipment.froni Heading Kail Itoad rreightUepot.corn roi urn nil nun uuerry m'vris. TKAINS PAaa urtnviia,ii noruiiiiUi.a HOthO BA8r. PussetigerTraln 1 - M . reigni t rain , a.iu GOING WI13T, PassengprTrain , 3 -" M rieiglu Train, S'JP.M I'AItCa. Between rhiladclpliHandltupert, $1 40 iMuviue, u m Catawissa, 4 so Tama'iuu 2 ?0 it Milton S 10 . Wiillamspori. 5 00 nrupounds of personal Itaget-ge allowed tn oaehpass sctigfr excess cuarji'ii. ii uii.m.-ih iupo.i nn-ii Jnn 5(1,13 FALL & WINTER GOODS FOK 18.r,S. THE subscriber respectfully informs hia customers and thi public generally, that lie Ins reccivcua tmmncK oi cuoice and n inter C?oocl3. pomnriltiff a full usortniPi't of Ulotln, Oaislmprs. FatniPtts. Delaineii Hrlt7icrs Calicoes. Stc., togeth.ir with n great vat iety of oilier articton usually kept in uounuv Biore. ALKfJ-i'ardwarp.uuirery, uiipciiswnr'- put, I'ish, Moi.ila:e3, Irnn.Sterl, UatF, Caps. IlootP.hofi. &.C. $r Country produce, inrludlng Grain, Lumber, Ate. inken in Pirhmcf for irooili IZr maiiKiui inr p.iipnrouigo no rcspeciiuny asks n comujanccoi mc piuiip. THOMAS E. EVES. Mlllville, Jan 1, lcVU-y. MONTOUR HODSK, CORNER OP MARKET AND MII.I. STREETS, (linnediatblg opposite tht Court House,) DANVILLE, PA. HAV1NO been recently renovated nnd rufarnUhed in nailperioralyle.lhia elegant llrlrfilia now reopn tor t ue reception ui strangers ami via tior a, wno. e pa ronaro is re.ieciiuiiy reuurateo. 8. A. BRADY. Iyi3, 1650. JOHN O. YEAGElt, Fashionable Hat & Cap Store NO. 103 NORTH THIRD STREET. PHI LADKLPHIA II? Merrhantannil visllora from NoitbcrnPentiay vanta.arereapectfullyliivltcdlo give hlui aeall, when VI. lung rniiaueipnia. J ll ,le (ti.len,.y. NEW GOODS. FA LIi AND WINTKlt OF 1859 lic undpi'signed, Rratcful for former liberal naironaje. rc?H-ciiuiiy infrrmtt hi triends and cuntonters in general, (nut ne has com; menceu bus nessin his ppurious npw ytnru Mouni next door to !Jin1i Sliuman's Hotel. where he has Just received, nruiiuuppiy ot AiND WliS nai UUOUS, comnrislui! svurv variety of fashion, mailt v and sItI uiuauy Kepi mi tuc oesi sinrpi,urncpriei.,itiuincewari nam ware, i mi, aans, uiia,i-api, hooir, enotg, xc, which win oc eoiu on Hccouiiiiod.iiiug icrins. LT urain ana prouure oi an Ktnuw lueu. A & S. ANDUEWS Manvllle. Jan 1.1P58, y. Nos. 0, 11, 13 nntl in OourtlanJ ttrect, NEW YORK. D. D .WINCHESTER. TIIOS. 0. WINCHESTER I1ENJ. 1'. WINCHESTER. My .11. 3in Aviso's FALL & WINTER YV MENSOII'S CHEAP STORE. "riHE iintlcrsignotl haviup; romovotl hla n s:iur,u, inwn, ai inn si.ieii, lately occupied uy II . k 1. W. Ilnrtnillt where with crntcr inpr.,..! Iacililica,licisennldei lootfern rulln..ijrmcnlof X'nsliionablo Good.. Which lio has ltt.t received from the Eadem l!lne.. coiuprisllia llry tlood.,:roccrlcB,llard'Ware, (lueens ware t;eilur.wnrn. Ilollo-wure, DriiRS. Plsli, fciall &c. Plaster. I rnn. Nail., Hoots, Blioea, Hal a. Cups, &cAc Al.so-ltIiAJ)Y MADE OLOTIIINQ In abort, every thmc tiauully kept in country Slorea to which he luviteathe public i;enernlly . yCT ('sail, Lit nber, Old Iron and Country Produre taken ittcxcllmgc lor Ooode.jtt tho hlgcsl market price" A. U. MP.JNSUI1. Illnonirbnrir. Jan 1, IP5a. ElALL and Winter GOODS. npUF, undersigned respectfully inform Jj theirrustoinprH and Hie pub'ir generally, thnt tbey liavrjitii received nl their ntw lirick Hiorc IJouaudn I'lglllE-irei,-!,, II Kl'lt'Cl IIPFfirillllr-III 01 I n P II I 0 II II II 10 rasiuonablo Uooils, illrrct from the llistern citien. rninpriprng all the "arions snlcctlnuB to he found in Country Hlores, (Jnuiting ot Glnthf, Uanrimeres. Detain, Hraze. rialicoehiKc logetner with n,i kinds of urets goods fur the Indie. Ai.sn.-GBTLi;Mnxs wnAn, or almost VI.ky n out .u firvi.i;. IiADU'.S TALMAS IIUOPI1 AS.DAWf.fl &c. Groceries, Mnl.ifseH, tiiiL'ars. Trai. i'nin-o. finlii and in ahort.evprythintf lnthwny of Merchmdizc. tit' A ft V- W A I I . il I fl'PII I vn a . . (T lmn(8terl, ail. Sulky Spring &c ' " ir3-Thankful for nal nalronni?o. .livlithi nni. utiidious aim to please thcii customers nnd tr give uuiiuiai tritnim-iiiiHi II.W.& W. N. CREASY I.l;ht Slrect.Jan 1 . 1 P .. S OIIAUI.ES II. MAltPLE'S. WINB AM) LIQUOIt STORE, Nn. 1-13 North Third Street, Above Race, East 8u'e, Two doom nbovc IhcEaetl Hold, PI1ILA DELPHI A Hns constantly on linnit lrenrh llrandiea, Holland Cm and a ceiier.il assortment of I'oreign Wines, also, nil kitul. of Am-iican Spitils, ke. March 15 'n;n-.. it 1.? iTB ES V Dt ii ' Tomato CiiAMPAaNE. A 'ronncssco paper rcconl3 tho lnanufacturc of a novel bovcraco in the shape ol wilio exprosseil from tho juico of tho tomato. Good judges pronoimctf it a first rate article-. Its ingredients nro simply Iho pure juice of tho tom.ilo and -sugar, and it much ro scmbles champagne, having a light, trans parent color, 'with a pleasant,, palatable flavor. CAlHlfeT WAKEKOOMS. TllEundcriilired respectfully luvllea thn attentloa ofthe Public lo Ilia eilenalve assortment of Cabinet rnruitureaiidl'halra which he will war rant tn be made nf eooliiuleriaUnnd In a workmanlike manner. At hli rr.slablisliineut.canalwjja ho found ojoodasaorl "ie"li" A a I II ONA13LE FUKNITUItE. n Which iifoualin slyleund fiiiiih to Dial of I'llit fc-Si aueipiliaur ilV wiwhm,uhmu.u.ivp r'rV-l Z3ille lias SOFAS, (mtmdi ofBlfBcnt alylca nnd prices, f'om5SSiSSj SIT tf4Hli, Divans, L.oiiugfa i tvi- . nut nnd Moliojnny, Parlor chaira, Rockinz a nil eta) ehiirs Plana atoota, nnd a variety of upbolsteroditvrk Willi lirOBSinit'lii'i aiiwi.'ui.u., v... v..... nleitahl. ,il-tashus. cliclhiuicra whatnola andcomon ilrea.and all kinds of fashionablo work. Ills , lock, of bureaus', enclosed and eouiinon wash alnnds. dress, mbliCornef euptwarila. sofas, breakfast utiles, bed steads, cane aeatuud common chairs, la lite largest In this acclion of the country. He will also keep good assortment pfl""kiij Kl.i....ea with faury lilt and coni' nioii frames. Ho will alsn furni.li pri nt matreasea litled t'ljuny alio of beadstead. whicli urn auperior for djrabiliTyjtndcuincforlto any bed In u.e. nuraiiiu.y. SIMON 0. BII1VU, yioonjtburt! April tin, iwi. PHILADELPHIA OAltPET STOItK C.ARPETIenS.OHCIoihs. Window Shades, Matsan I Mattings Just received ao.OUO pieces new atylo nufnctiired and linnorled expressly for CARPET LI,. Merchanta and Housekeeper, will please no Nob. IH and -JuNorllt rJecond Hlreel.lit door below nsTa Church. March'.! IP'.O. DNEY JONES. Uurkwhiat .Irawi I n rt I " ' I " laid to lie ui 1 1! HQMK jOUi,alu at tin. office of th'. Columbia LINIMICNT AND CATTLE I'OWDIJKS FALL & WINTER (noils. rTtllFliinilrraliinftd respectfully lnlurm liUfricndinnn X tile pub.ic atUrit mid the real of mankind that rienaa eatauiiaoeun apieuuiu Li the t le-rantnswBtorn Houae. lustertctedin Rohr nrg, Cclumbia county, Pq .wherehe has now opened . lariQ and enoioe ass rliueni ot Fall and Winter Goods, Which hci detcrniincii to self on such terms niwlll induce allot least in tills vicinity, whu are In want of Mcrenauuixc, tocxtenu ruin uiejr custom, Ilisatoek hasbeeniclectPd wllh mufheare and with rele rente tot he want sot this community and without going to enter into a mi nuio enumeration or ine various kinds ho risk nothing in assuring his frisndg that v ry tiling suauy Kept in uouniry piore, can neiuue hmln "htiln cbeanrr than the clieaneit." a-Country produce, including Groin. Lumber, &c, taken iiicdianje ro, goou. . rtolir,'iurs. Jan I.1P.'3, y NEW WAUON (SHOP, Willow Grove, South nioomsburg. THE nndersmned respectfully informs his friends nnd the public generally, that he lua taken tho a land wltl voccupieu uy mr. jvnuer, mm m.iu , ihl. Grove, Bouth Plunmaburir, below the Kbi.tc.Qil, ttleie ho will continue the Wagon-making Easiness. -In all lis vnrio t" departments, in ft-oil -trie mid Miniorlerntn trrniv. Also Kepalrlni: Waiions, lll.l(..Carrianct Kill. kinds, ke , none lo order nnd on short lime. tT Produce taken for work. CHARLES IIUEWER, llloomibur; April K, 1837 3m MAKKIARK (1UII1P. IIY DR. WI 1,1,1AM YOUNO." MAUIlIAliE GUIUE IIY UR. WII.I.tAM YOUMi. MARRIAHK GCIIIE HY DR. WII.MAM YOUNO. MARRIAGE GlllnB IIY DR. WII.I.IAM YOUNO. MARRIAGE UUIHB IIY 1)11. WILLIAM YOUNG. M A u in Aiii; uuiut: iiy uk, williaii iuusu. MARRIAGE CHIDE HY Ull. WILLIAM YOUNG. MAHRIAtlE GUIPE YOUNG'S GREAT SrPllYBlOLOGICAL WORK. THE POCKET yjif&ZSZAiSUh APHIS, or Every One hla own Joi-1 Doctor, hy Wm. Yoono.M.D. ltlawtillin in pljin language for thecenerat tender, and is illus trated Willi upward ot one hundred engravings. All youns people, or those contemplating ninrriaso, and tuvfti? Ihu least iinpcdliuetit to married life, shoubl read this book. It disclo.es sccrecln tint every ono should boaeiiiainlodwlth: still, it la n hook lhat mutt ne kepi locked up, anu not ue aiiouitue nousu. mrin be sent In nny ono ou the receipt nl Iwenty.rivfl ccnls luuress, uu. tv.i, tuunii, Spruce street, Qbovo Fourth, Aug 03, 1857 Philadelphia, P.t. ""OLIPHANT, W00D3IDE & CO. Importers and Wholcsalo Dealers in No. 107 Arch St. abovo Vonrtli, PHILADELPHIA. . OMriUMT, i- WooDiiiD, Cko, McAt.rt. January, 3t, 19 37 y AGKICULTUKAL IMPLEMENTS AND SEEDS. GOCMAN'3 TAHM MILL, for Rrinding nil klndi or gram, f any d-)ired fineuetci Dnntels ll.iy.indHlrawnnd Tnddcr Culler, for hand or horse power ilie't are unsurpassed for cficiency. simplicity nnd du nihility. NenBlinin's I'aieut Tortablo Steamer for rooking food for Block a gretl improvement on any tint havuevir before been used. Dederci.ks ll.iy Treiscs, Com Shelters ol supo ior luality and tin lull Houghs In great variety nnd of tho most approve! patterns. Knot Cutters, rimar Mill, Lime nml lluann 8ireaderi, nnd all other implements needed by tho Drmer mil gardener. Orders bo li cited and piompily attended to. PAPCHAU. Mounts & CO , North Iit corner 7th and Market Bls.( Jan 0. IP.7 I'hil'idplphll Ipylown Coicli and V.igon.Fiictory Dr. J. S. Houghton's GIVE AT CUltE FOR DYSPEPSIA. TViidroSiclJILILOTTGIITCN'S. Jiitcu Preinreil Irom Rennet, or Iho foilllh ffffpffftlJJ Stomnrh oriheOs.nrtcr UgnvVi EaV rV dirertionsof Huron Lie. K 26 leal Cheml.l. by J. 8 Toughlon.M.l) , Plllla delplila I'"- Th'fNalitrc'aownRetncdj lor nn unhealihy Pto tnacp, No nttof manenn eqtial lla curative powers it c nut niti a no Alihnliol .Itllti is . Acids, or Naiisaoua Ptnga. 11 1. extremely agreeable toilietn.to, and mny Lclakenby the moslfeeble patients who cannot eat a wnlercrackuiwitltoutacutedislrera He ware ol Drugs ed linltalioiis. Pep. in is not 11 Urns Ca'l on tho Agent, mill get n Deacrlptlve rireilln trails, giving a large aiiioiinl of Sclentilic Eviibuce IronlLleblg's Aiiiinaiuliemlslry,Dr.CoiiiheBriiisiol(,ey Digestlooi Dr Pereiraon Food and Diet j Dr. John W Tlaper, nlNew York University; Prof. Dunglison'a Pvs'olngyi Prof. Silitmnn,nfYnlci:o!ledge;I)r.i'arpeii. leVsPhyilologyi A-ctogcihcr with reportkof Cuiea rromall paitaoltho Uliltcil Sloes. Soldhy E.P. Lntzniid J. R.Moyrr . Hloomsbitr- S.ll. Ilowinan lierwlrk. octa, IB5J ly. TTEN'J' WAU1AGE liltlNDERrl FOR PALI! AT llrtt, I el n in. pAI JgXl'P O 1 MAtUUULL Uloo'msliurg Tluwarc and Stove Stow. rrMlEiinderaisned respccfully infornia his old friends L and customers, thai ho ha. puri-lnscd lua brother Interest Inllienhnvo eatabli.liiiient.niiiltheconterti will liercatlcr hi) conducted by lilmself exclusively. Ho lias . iiiEt tecelved nnd ollera for b lie, the largest and tVrh most extensive naaorlineii I of r ANU Y STOVES over Introduced intolhi irkol. ilia Block con"! ata of a complete a aaortmenl ol e blhow Cooklngand parlor slovca In Ihn market, to lltcger wllh Stole 1'IMurc, of every ileriptlon,Ovon 11 11,1 lluiStnvea. P.ailtnlora.Cylliid.'r Sliivna. Caal Iron C7, t I Alr.Tli.li Mmvi... CllllllOtl StnVCB. ke. 4iC . ... ir" r.V 1nWY l?r SloVcpii peand Tinwareeontan. Ij on hand and man i7m. ' u ,M"6,1U"C,I ufactured to order. All kinds of rr Till, underpinned having suecveded Jacob 0. Uva in the Vr. jton anil Coach making but?! ncsn,nt In h stand, in Ci'iymwii resppctlully inlorm their friuue. amltho )utdie, thatthey cnntinufwil I tho Wagon Making JJitsincss In all.lt s dppnitincnts, reive orders nnd prom line, with uen tnpfs and depnatch jtj- v it tie i oar row b maue in orucr,ann aiiKimis ol repairing done on hor i notice. ) Lpviown , June7. 1850 y OIDEU MILLS. KllAUSCU'S roUTAULH CIDHU MIM-P. Itie he.t In llae 1 Wlieeter'. (In... P.t.vpra nml IMi'riireslierB.CornHhelletsof vnrioils sir.es, liny, &.iSiraw and Fodder Cutlers. Grain Fans. Root Cullers, runners' Hollers, Side Hill, Sub Boil nnd other Plows. Plow Cisting., Corn Itnekita, Spains, Atmospheric Chiirna. kr., wtiole.nlo and retail, at PASCIIALL .MORRIS k CO., Implement and Seed Store. Ttti and Murket at recta, P til lade Ipli la ' Oclobor J0.IF17 "GOSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, &o. EXTERMINATOR. WILLIAM J. DEIDLEMAN, MANUFACTURKI!. Illooiiiiburg, Aug 15, 1357 SEEDS. PRIME Timothy nnd Herd Grna Becda, Orchard , -tlraas, Italian Rye Grass, Amerirnn and English Lawn Glass, hentucky nine Grass, ir.. nl PASCIIALL MORRIS U CO.. Implement and Seed Store. 7th anil Market slteits, Philadelphia. Ilrtnber to, If37 Tut up in Cue 35c ,65c nnd SI bozea, "COSTAU'3' HUH 1UO EXTERMINATOR. 1 Put up in 50e . 75o , nnil 81 bellies. .-COSTAUS1' ELElTltli; POWDER I'Oil ANTS, INSECTS fce Put up In ".1e, and Ft)c boxes. Principal Depot. No :!B-t Broadway, New York, and j soldhy Uruggistsand Dealera everywhere In the Uul ttd States, (.auailas, Weal Indies und South Americn. Aug Si, 1837-1 III tiiaclured tn order. All kinds of repairing done, na usual, on short notice. Tlirpatmujsenr old friends and new customers re- a, mnl I n II .nl I el ted. r ' A. M UUl'UUT. Ploomshnrg, Jan. 2, 1651,-tf STAmEir& UARLEY. CUF..1P u'.fircnF,s jixd jeh'f.lii r, , W DOLUS U AND Iim'AIL.ni iho "I'h lladelphia Watrliand Jewelry Slorc," No. 118 (Old Nn.Jb) Norlli HKCON'D Street corner nfauarry.rhiladelphia. Cold LcvcrVatches,futlJewelled,I8raretrai'e8,S28IiO Cold Lepiue, IH cnrU, . -li to Silver Lever, full jewelled, . . . ISiCO Silver Lepino jewels, 0 UU Superior Uunrlicrs, .... 7b0 Cold fc-noclaclcs, . 7 00 t'i no Silver do. 1 SO Cold Bracelets, 3 00 Lady's Cold Pencils, .IPO Silver Tea Spoons . sot . - - 5 00 Gold Pens, nlth Tenet - and Silver holder, 1 00 Cold l'iucer Kings, U7 cputu to StO j Watch Classes, r' liln, 121 cents, patent lti, I.tinet other articles n proporiion. All goods warranted to bo what they ' nrc sold tor. BTAUTFCR IIAULUY. I xiyOn Imud soma Cold and Silver Levws nml Len me i sUM lower than the above prices, j October 10. !Ki7 tnfumifh the rommipiltv n llh siiIih remedy. Ol this lint ktntfinf-nt tho American nio'nlc are now Ihcmtcl c pn pnrcii to Judci', nnd 1 appeal wllh coi fidenci' lo ihcir d nilnn. 11 tln-rp in nny Kopendtncpto be pliced in what niPii of every Plas and station certify it ban done for Hit m if we ran trust our otvn fpiises, when we rtn dnmyjroua nirtctlont of Ihe throal and htngq ied tn it, If we can depend on tin: ni-nranfc nr Intel figuil Physicians, i ho make it Ilicrlniilni8 to know,, tn rmrt, If there Is any reliance upnu an)lhing, tJicn is it Imfuinbl) provpu that thit m edit ine dot n rehevr nnd doiP rare the rlam "I C1?p,isps It ts designed lor, l-RiMid any nnd nil othprs that are known lo mankind. If tht b" true, it ran not he loo irtt ly pui llsht-d, her Lo too widely known. The allUcted should know it, A remedy that cures Is pnttless lothem. r.ii'iitsshouM know it. their children are priceless lo them Atl shnuld ki'nw it, f r health enn be prietd tn no one Nrt only thnnld it be firm laicd liere, bnt tvorywher-'. not only in thin country but all roniiln.s. How taith fully we hmo urlid on this conviction, in rhcv.ii in ilu lact Hint nlready this nrllLtc has in d tlie ciicli- f Ihu globe. 'Hip fiiii nrvi r sein on It s lnnlt" No continent is without it. and but lew peoples. Although not u en general uo In oth'-r nation t as in lhi. 1 1 in emu ley id by (he morp intelligent in almost nil cvilized totiu triPF. li is pxieiisnely rmploji d in both A luetic.. in i:urop, Afia, ATrlca Australia mid the lar oil Is lands or tltui-pa. Lllc is at Hfar lo if ponitrniori tlitr n hprp.nnd thtygrnspata v&funMc remt dy with cvt n morenvidit) Mini nut selves. L alike nmst pn paralioi-H ol ili klnd.it is nn cipenpivp rompixltion of coqtly material. SHU it lfoilurded lo the public al n renen ably lowpnco.and w lint Is ol vunly merely impnit nncc to tlinn,ui Tua'ily n ncv cr sulh rrd lo drclmo Irom Us nrlfilnnl standard i-f I'Ttelli nee. Dverv bottlo nf this ncdlclne now manulactuted is ns good nn tvi-r has been made heretofore, or as we ae rnpabtp ol ma king. No toil or eol li rpnrod, hi mait.tainiug It in the ben pnrfpction which il i pof-iible to product. Hence the patient wh" procures the genuine Cntrrv Phcioral. can rely on hiving as gooo an article as lm h evtr be n had by tho-c who trtliry lo its care. liy pursuing this course- I bine tlij hup' if ihing Fomc good In iho world, as well ns tho saiinfacllon nt lf lieving Unit much Inr. been d.mp ulrt adv. PltlH'AUCD IIY Dll.J C. AYClt. PltAUTICAL AND ANALYTIC L CHCMIST lOVVllLL, MAHfl. fr U I' LU'IZ, and nM Dm gittts in Illounikburg, and Dpulers In Medicine h eviriwh ro Jan. ti, 1M5H IMPOUTANT DISCOVERY (oxsuMP'noiv, AND ALL Illsr.AbLS 01' T.lll HfNCS AND TIIHOAT are potitlvely cur;tb!o liy iniialntioii, which rnnvpys Ihe fpnif.'ns to ihe CMitti-i in iho lung1" IhriPigh the air pupt-nges and cuiuihg in iiict co'itact with Ihe dimnce, nrutrnhr'n liie inbercDlar matter, nlluytt the cfiiij.lt, cnusis u (ri r and iay ex pn toratioT, built the lungs, purifies tin- blood, in) u n riMioMi-.t iii-ihtv 10 ihe neruniiM nvstt-iii. KlviiiL- lhat to iip nnd energy o lndippnnblp lor th' retraii n i.f lienltli. To hi- able tn slain conlldently Hint Cmnunip lion In rurnble by i nhntallon, t to me ft fouicp of .n-ul-toyed plea-ure. H fs as ninth unrVr Hip cnnrl of III ( i'J Cltl irrnillieni Hi liny mint imninumr Li-vii-r s ninety out of every hundred cntrs uui b nn d In Hi" tirRtungPh n ud fitly per rent in Hip fccoimI ; hit in tin third siagp it is ImprFElble to nave more than ltvpr cpiiI . lor tho lung? are so cut up by the itis'-nfc n m bid debnnco to mtdlf AUklll. Lven. howt ver. i n ihu Lift stagpf", Inhalatluii Htrords exlp ordinary n-IIH tn tho -uih'ring nliemiiug this feniful Froiirnr, which nu nnally iipinroys nineiy uv ihpiihii'o (irrKu.r. in ii't iTiiitcil Hiaie nli iip i and n e orrert mTculit 1 1 u f how s that nl the prPFcnt popul.itiou ol tl e earth, iht mil linns are iiestineu hhhi hip rnnaiiMiMii n jirave I ruly UiP quiver i iiemu una mi j-irmv n i.nai pt Coiimmption. In nllngpx it has been ue prml emiiiy of lilp, (or it spares tH'iilur uj(p imr rei, l.ni nwpppM oir nlike Hie htnveth'' btnulinil, Hi graceful, and tho Bfleil. liy the help ftflhal fupreniP Celng.irt in whom COIlM'lll OVIirjr S" j" i it i. f-i tun riitiuii ll in otPT lo the ntllicted n permanent ftiiiWii tdy cure in Consiiniptioii. The fliHriii.tf of tubi-rf I in id trmn mi pine blood, and Hip inimpdintp pflVct, produced byl)ipr itpposltlnniii the lungs. it to prt iit the free ntlnuii.ti of air Into Hip air cehs wliiclitnut's n wpnki ned vil.i , rational to rxppci grrater good from nn diciurn PiitcrlnK the cavities of the lungs than frt?m Hiosp ndnilnDterril Ihrouj-h the stoiimih , Un- path' in w. ill nwa find ih lungH ffco nnd w bri nthing ini j nllpr li hating remu dies. Thus, inlulalion U n It cut rtmedy, nrvertlielrf a it nets cnnelilutioiKilly.niid wi'li h-jotp power and ret, tainty than rcnii'djps ndmlnlHt-ri'd by the Ftomath T o prove (ho powerful and direct influence ot Hit mn'r r( ndniiiiUtratiriii, clilort.lo t in mli.i'iil will ini.nl) dp stroy sciioiblliiy In n fw minutct paml t T.init ilto en tire iiuvous sytPM . s thnt a lm b ma) If niti put ntn) Wlinnui l no nijiiuiti i'ii in i iiuiiiiiiiE i in uriiiiiiirj uu tii - trg g.i w 111 di-ftioy lm- in a t w liu'irt. '1 ho InhnlMInn or nmnionia wilt mire i1ip sjfiphi w lien rnlnlli g or 1'pparei.tlv di mi. 'Jhi r.i'cr ! maiy ol tho mediclups Is pt rcept'blp in Hip skin n fi'w min utes nftur being inlmled and n ay bo iniineiliately i'c tectetltn the blood. A cnnviiifini-prnnf cf ihe eonfil tiitinnaled'i tin ftfinhalation is Hi ).ict thai stcknctP la nlwavs prrdiind bv breathing frnl nir. In rot tin, poitivo pvidenco t lint proper renu dir, cutrltil ly pr parpd nnd J-idiclnufly ntlmlii lt nrr it ihr ith ilio Inngfi, hhoiild proitutelhc uiosl happy rebuilt ? During eigh tren ji-ars prnrtifp, trany t (on m mr- Mint-nog frrm dlipasps nf the lung, und tlirnat. Inve been under my rare and I hiv e piTlcIi u maiiv rPiunikable t urcf. even niter lla- puOrerti had )een pront inn id mi I lie lnr-1 stagpft which fully .nliitlcp me Hjm consumption I? no Int.cfr n fnial dicenre. Aly trentiuFiil ol'tonsiiinpiion is original, and luniided nn Itingcxpi rli nrp mid a tho. rough investigation, flly perfect nr-iunlnianrc wliit llipitaluriiortiibercles.Ac., etiMiles ine tn dislinpiti h readily, the vnrintii forme or dlpcarc thnt piniiilntr roiiEiimi tinn , and apply the proper murines, rnrelv being mistalteneveiiin n slnilp ciiph. 'ihis fiii.illaritj in roniuction with certain pathological nnd niirtoscM pic dicovcrien, enableii tnc to relieve the limes front Hip pflVrts ol contracled chests ; to cntarc Ihcrlirst, purify ihn blood. impart to It renewpd v ilolity . giviiif energy nml tone to the on lire svit'-m, Mp iclppt Willi lull iiirei tiotiB ii nt tnanyparl thn United States and Caiiat'n by palirnii ff iniotiii t-allng their rymrtoniR ly litttr. Ihit Uic cure won bo more certain if the patient idiould piymenvia whlch wruld give mo tin rpputtnnlty to pTnmliip t I line i and enn Mo mi lo prescribe vv ah muih (.lent certainty, nnd Hipii the cure could be cited cd wilhoi? my teeing tho patient agnin. C. XV CUAIIAM, M D., OHlce, lUl Filbert strpi l, (old No. 1PD.) llrlow Twelfih, l'hiladcii lm, Pft July II. l7-(31aicn4) SAVING FUND NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO. OITlCD, WALNUT ST., f W COltNUIl Ol' TI1I11D Jlrrangetnevts for Itutlntsi dating the Sufpcntwi o Sptcta payments vy tnc isonm. 1. Deposits received nnd piiyiiiciitu made dally. 2. Current Hank Notes, C'hcchs and Specie will h rrLelved on deposit J Deposits undo In Rank Nf tes or Checks will b paid lack in current Hank Null's. 1. lb-potflu made In Cold or ti'vcr will be paid bar in Coin INTEREST nvn IT.ll CI! NT. VV.W ANNUM- JIlMtY t. ll.MVEU, i'rtMCHl, U'm. J. Tceb, SecTttary. Nov J8.ie.17 TRUNKS I CHEAP STORE. FA L I .ANh W 1 NTFir UUODS. THE unduisiKncil take ploaauro in an noitncln to Ihelrru. turners and liie publircener n Hy. Ihattliey Invejusticcelvod, at the Lime Ridge Diore, a cuoicn Dssortuit-ni (.1 TRUNKS 11 - Till. LARGEST, 1IES1 liaiiilsomest ami cheapest ua aorttiieiit 01 Solo Leather So'ld Riveted TBAVF.UXO TRVXKS, VALISE TRUNKS. JSSfXiSi U lief Bonnet if llrest Trnh teJrjt1-' CHILDREN'S COACHES. 1 Propellers. Leather and Curpct Rugs, PaekinsTruuk '&c,&c.,al , THOMAS W. MATTSON'H. I Cclebrnicd London Prize Medal, Improved Slo Spline, r7olld Pole Leather Tiukk Mnnufrctory, NO. 4UI MARKUP l-TREET. r?outli weal corner Fourth and Market, Philadelplila A-lsusI 8, 1857 tf tic ill IIVIU'.MAN' ' l-'UlSIIflUTII fellUOTllFRS. WHOLESALE N'J.iua.Noii.'rii 'i iiiiti) f,nu:nT 1 lie do 'i ' '' t' l!.i' rllll. MiLl.l'lll A .Vanitfacturer and Wholesale llealtr ,n Oomptlsiog OVfry Srliclo UStiall, kept IH fipni trillllt a vi, (tin 1 nil lirin,,. Country Store, which have been selected with caio, tJ.IM, It.UUU AMI IVItil.UIV iVjlUi'.. andwIMWaold nivcrylowpt ea for ready pay. ii ui lJ ILI 'ill (6 $ I CLOCKS. LOOKING CLASSlJit. CORD'ian, Oil. 1 Cl.lll'HS, IIRUHHES, WINDOW BIlADErt, 4c. No. 22.-, North THIRD Street, Oiifi dsvr belou the City Hotel, ! AujS, 1&7 PIIII.ADULPHIA S. L. Ptincoast & Co COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ANUS IN'D DEAI.I! FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, 17 North Whnrvei, Phllndeliihia 'T''NL 1 o.M. I I- by II W KLArtY SIB. U H viw-isr B Kir 1 fiuisininc of a lure,, inritty 0 lui",, Casilincu, Del.tinea. Ilrtizea Call oea, kc. 1 It5 Couuiry produrelnkeii in exrlianeefor food,. I ive tu a call None need go art.ty dii-.iliiii d. h. WM. W. 'mi u.i- Hi. NO 6-. C. SADLER. J- CO.; 0. Noith W'atrr Hrert Pliilailol- niii.-i itriMMiKttmN Mi'itcilAJfTS ami dealers in 'Lard, jihoiililcri . Cherso. Ilauia 'iulk-la. Porka 1 Hour &.C I April I.lf5.1-ly. Y A. M. It If PHUT Tin tare and r-ihecl Iron .M.n.ul irur- ifuri,Ii 'iti, I blltw U 11 1 i .'li