fMI Ml)l.. A 1 i.Ev. I..TATD, Bloomsburg, Feb. 27, 1858. J m mi nii mmmmrmm To Our Subscribers. ; - . Wo return our thanks to those of our subscribers who uavo oeon prompt in pay inDiin (In ir unbsnfintions. 'I'lir.rois notli!nr ' I 111 I lllll I lilt lllll II II I a-i 1 -a utaity tutu .11 a tunc wncn ciicapucsa ui tint cheers Editors on in tho hard path of. trallsit umicr t10 fWK0 rivalry 0f com. duty and right in this fallen and wicked pCting roulcs is controiing qxq selection world, as prompt .pay on tho part of sub j0f avenues to our eastern markcts.atid in eoribcrs. They feel that their services arc ( croasig t10 tonnage upon those lines opprcciaicu vj iiuir .uauUla .uim will take this occasion to remark to tlioso I in arrears, mat wo sro now cngagca in . rcviowiog our subscription list, for the first tinio in ten years. "Wo will send bills to all thosa who aro in arrears, in tho courso of tho oDsuing two weeks and those who do not respond to our call, and particularly thoso who aro in arrears over two years, rithcr by sending us tho money or giving us somo good reasons why tho demand is not honored, thoy must not complain if wo place them on a list, for further use, which we aro preparing. Thoso times affect tho newspapers, quite as much as other branch es of busiooss. Our Papor bills and labor are all cash and tho amounts duo by each being small, and scattered, as our subscri bers aro, all over the country, it is impos sible for us to collect the so sums without incurring expenses, equal to tho value of the bills and tboroforo wo havo to depend in n great measure on tho honor of thoso indoblcd to us. Thcro may bo somo instances in which thcro is inability to pay U3. Wo hopo such will inform us at once, as wo do not desiro to coeroo or enforco any who havo been unfortunate, and really have not the means to pay, even so small a sum. Come All and Coino Quick. Mr. J. IIuckcll, at his Daguorrcian llooms, in tho Exchange Building, is now taking off tho best Ambrotypes, Mention types, Amhrographs, Patent Leather and Oil Cloth Likenesses, ever seen in this section of country. Thoy arc surpassing in beauty and clearness of expression. M r. Iluelrcll's time of stay is limited, and those who may wish to avail themselves of his professional services, should call at onco boforc his departure. Democratic State Convention. Wo rejoice to know that the tone of the coming State Convention is over whelmingly in favor of the .National Ad ministration.' -Anything else would bo disgraceful to Pennsylvania. Most glo riously will tho old Keystone S'tato sus tain tho Administrative policy and demo cratic measures of her revered Statesman, James Buchanan. Chester County for Lecouiplon. The Democratic Convention of dies tcr county, on Monday last, elected Bu chanan I.ecompton Delegates to tho State Convention by a vote of 50 to 20. Messrs. Jfolman, Evans and Wheeler, aro the Delegates. The bkies arc bright in the vicinity of Wheatland. The" Nortli-Westorn Counties. Wo find the following item in the Ve nmgo Spectator, with reference to tho Dempcratio contimcnt in the Northwest' em counties of this Stato. Tho Spccta tor says j "Tho Democrats of Warren endorsed the Administration at a meeting held last week.' The northwestern coun ties are now a unit. Tliis is what we expected. It is tlio height of prcsump tion to suppose for a moment that tho Democratic party will turn its back upon the Administration, and thereby play into tho hands of the opposition." eSyWc synopsizc, from the Montour American, the report ol the trial of Win J. Clark indicted for tho Murder of his wife, in Montour County. The trial oc cupied several -days, and the altendanco at court was. unusually large, At tho trial of Mrs. Twiggs, in May, the con course will doubtless greatly increase, Arthurs Home Magazine, ono of the most excelUnt of its clsss is on our tablo We always road Arthur with pleasure and profit. The practical nature of hi3 stones, tho fino moral contained in them, and the originality of the plot are very excellent. Petersons Counterfeit Detector, tho Monthly No. for Maroh is on our tablo. We havo already spoken highly of its mcr its, and it maintains its character. It contains 32 pages monthly, and comes at only ono dollar; It is published by Po tsrson & Brothers, QOQ Chestnut street Philadelphia. jgyWe havo not yet received tho Feb' ruary number, of tho "U. S. Dcmooratie Hovicw," lly virtuo of editorial notices wo aro entitled to an cxchauc;o. If wo aro to havo it, send on, if not, say so. The Legal JtUflligencer, ought to bo on our cxehango list, and wo will put it there, with a first rats notico, if jho publishers will sond it to us, Will thoy ! . 5yTjiE Kditoh hasgono to Philatk'l (ill fa route for UurrMnirr jTho Tonnage Duly on Freight Passing Over llio I'cuiisylvniiln ltallroatl 'To llio Honornblo tlio Senate ami Home of Hcprcscntatlvo of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Tlio memorial ofi tlio uidcrBigiicd, llio 'constituted nu.hor.Ucs of the city of Phil. , I mini nil in. rctll11lv rntit-nennls llml Irniln and commerce among tlio States of the Union, in order to be prosperous, must he frco, and that its freedom may be as effectually impaired by a duty on the tomingr&iassing from one Stale to aiiolh- aa )iynny other means. This is wpc- s-iiT. . . . i ... -i e 1 over which, it is carrricd at the least cost, In view 'of tliis fact, it is obvious that t0 preserve and enlarge the business of Pennsylvania improvements, the price of transportation must be reduced to the minimum of charge on all competing routes beyond our borders. To effect tliis end, the cost of transporting to the parties who do the carrying must first be diminished, before it can" bo- cheapened to the shippers of freight. Hence all taxes leveled by a State upon its high ways, for revenue or otherwise, decrease their tonnage by increasing tlio expense o' conveyance, anil therefore wiim public policy requires that all such burdens should be rcmovcilt There seem to bo much sense and rea son in the posi'ion taken by tlio memo rialists, and tho case is very ably argued by the Committee to whom the subject had been given in charge. They proceed to show by facts and figures that there is no rivalry between tlio Pennsylvania Kail ltoad and the Canal ) and that the building of the road actually increased tho business of the canal. Tho positon is unquestionably correct. Business breeds business, and trade will follow in that channel where there is a fair field, and no invidious discrimination. We see iiq reason therefore why the tonnage duty should not be taken oilj and tlio trade made frco as possible ; tho increase will more than mako up tlio difference, and the improvements and business of tho stato, and consequently her wealth and prosperity be aided. The cheaper freight and travel can bo carried through our Stato the more of it will take tliis direc tion. The more trade is increased by theso means, the greater the general pros perity and the higher tho value of prop crty in the State, consequently tho better able it is to bear higher rates of taxation without oppressing property owners. If the policy of taxing tho Pennsylvania Railroad on its business, besides tho oili er taxes which it has to pay, is a good one it is also good for other railroads, and what Legislature could think of in creasing tho general prpspcrity of the Stato by taxing all the improvements which havo been built to bring trade to it? The question is one which every citizen is interested in deciding correctly. Girard Lifo Insurance Company. Wo aro not surprised that tho operations of this Company should havo been so wido ly extended. The inducements which are offered to individuals, to effect insurances on their lives, aro such as wo should think would invito very many to avail themselves of tho advantages (ffered. Tho rat03 of premium aro low, and such as can bo af. forded by almost every person. To thoso persons whose families aro entirely depen dent upom them for support, and whoso deccaso would necessarily bring with it destitution, tho propriety of securing some thing to provide against such a oontingen' cy is too obvious to requiro to bo enforced There aro but few incomes, however Vital ted, that will not admit of a slight abstrac tion for the purposo of a premium ; and tho man who, in this way, secures his wife and children from tho prospect of immcdl ato want when they shall bo deprived ol his services, acquires for himself a satisfac tion which under ordinary circumstances ho could not enjoy. A few dollars saved from some useless expenditure, and applied to tho purposo wo havo mentioned, may prevent much distress, and alleviate much suffering. Saturday Nwa, Gold Pens. If any of our readers wish to havo a gold pen, ono that will mak them feel liko writing as soon as thoy get it in their hands, wo would advise them t purchase of Beckett & Co , 333 Hroidway, New York. Wo havo been using their pens for somo time, and would not like to do without thorn. They aro put up in gold handles, which aro tlio moro casiily kept cloan. Beckett & Co , aro tho publishers of tho Golden Prizo ; which offcr3 groat, inducements in tho way of prizes, to sub scriber.'. Sco advertisement, in another column, Loaded "Goldon Prizo for 1850." Death of an Editor. JAcon Fnicic, Esq., ono of tho f ditora snd proprietors of tho Millonian, Milton, Northumberland county, and a member of tho "Koyftono Editorial Union," died polit'cal pcrditicn, Friday evcnmS last. Tho deeoasotl was a , Iccr stun, tban is usually lounu in cases ot , " 0 m th d j j d - . v'J. .;" mi cicnd. w.ii b. wcii ,d Wh.f iicrwkk, with .w. -r.p;rieinrr.- son of tho lato Gen. Henry Friclt. and was'murder. Uatlianno Ann uiarif, was your , -- - . . . p, fi i i.HiBiiwp.iai.or ja,n oi n.nton tuwnsi noZinZi. 7 0Uot ry uvtt.uuun evidenco in tho cause, 1 convicted of somo crime, including May. ! In I.awrenco towDiliip. UoarCelileounly, coiumbijcoiii.iy.uccali. , btuhiun n. 34y0J"f!!!: . waa'not wautin3 in duty and affection for or Wcimvorth. They aro all Uepublicans, te' J! moa,,0A " WlIKaE ARE WE DniFTINa 1" J$&'Ya ?-lho last case published is lhat of tbo cj(1 lhcr of of ' g g Y$& MMT 1 N' K'ftAW Foma's Press. . '"" ' ' ,,,,,? nrnm,.,i t , E. S. Hanson, a nephew ofLontf John's, per, aged 01 years. 1 A WWjr. ii ..nw unnit.NcEu. . ..My lV(: .-u..TZ?.; ,ZZT. - i J uuia ciuvv J ...w.. -. ,HW t , , ..... . . . . s ill II mill IUII.II 1111 i3C until llilmn on TJJlul ull i .1. r ; 1 3 ........ , ,.,. - Whcro all traitors and onostatos no. to r,,nrrin.n to Eunnort. love, comlort who h charged wall larceny, lie Near .Millvillo Sd tMontli, ltli. 1853. or m ihu itU.ienct i tin j n...u. ' Murder Trial. Tlio trial of Jno. Wm. Clark and Mary Twiggs, indicted for tlio murder of Catha rino Ana Clark and David Twiggs, com menced on Tuesday, 1'otruary 10th, inst., in Danville, Montour County, 1'n,, before IIon. Aloxmndcp Jordan, Prcstdont Jndgo.. Tho Prisoners demanded seperato trials and Clark was put on trial for tho murder of his wifo, by Poison. Hon. Paul I.eidy, and J. W. Comly for Commonwealth ; It. K. Clark and Wm. Q. Hurley, lisqts., for I Defense. We havo neither time nor spaco , , '0 COnu enso tho evidenco ! and only add the letter of tho prisoner. THE LETTER, Wo here subjoin tho letter rcforod t) in tho testimony of And. Thompson copied Verbatim. Danville MoNTOunCo. Aug. 20, 1857. Dear Androw I bono that this will find you and yours all well. 1 now reveal to you what wm liberate mo at tlio tryal by your dowing it for mo, Having tho confidence iu you that you (Till duo it, for mo, and let no ono bo tho wiser of it, Although I little descrvo your aid Dear Brother you sco that it is testyfyed That 1 purchased Poison So if you would Bo So Kind as to Buy tho following amount It would Saivo my lifo & enable wo to Howard ten fold, for the ?oid trouble and Expense, that is to Buy. mo thrco ounces of Arsenio & ciht grains of Stryeh nino got 2i ounces by itself Si half an ounco By itself & Get it as soon as" this comos To hand and bring it up with you on Next Friday tho 4th and stop at Blooms, Bloomsburg& get Mr. Robert F. Clark to Come up with you, ho, is my council dow not let him know that you havo it, hilt you Can Givo it to mo when ho -is with you without notioo & tho t-hcriff will not bo in And I will pay you your oxpenscs Look at it Dear Brother your self iV your Good understanding will tell ycu that when I Will havo the fame quantity of Poison to showiu tho Court that tho Will -havo to liberate mo, 1 am Eorry that 1 could not aquent you of this Before, But you know that it is very few that I can trust with one word to pleaco of A letter Dear Andoy by dowing so you Will Siivo lifo & credit & I will well reward you & you will be running no risk. Whatever watch that you get honest waight I havo certain rcsons forurgingyou to comoonfridayor Saturday next, tho 4 o 5 if yo dow not got hero on somo of tho 2 days I will tako that as A token that you will not dow it. But I havo Confidence in-you that you will attend to it for mo saivo my liio And I will bo your humblo Servant as .1 rcracn yours in tho bonds Bonds of Poaco Law nnu order. Ever yours Affectionately William J Clark Let no one sec this letter. Tho evidence closed on Thursday after noon, when Paul Leidy Esq., District Attorney opened tho argument for the Commonwealth. Ho was followed by Rob ert F. Clark Esq., of Bloomsbnrg, for tho Dcfonso ; and if ever Counsel did justice to a olient, it was on this occasion, Tho eloquent and powerful address of Mr. Clark, exhibited Profcs-ional talent of tho highest order. For near two hours bo held tho wrapt attention of tho vast audience, as ho i manfully battled against tho fearful weight of testimony. But, alas, no human powe1 no argument however, logical no con clusions, however clear no appeals, how ever fervent, could stem tho tido against the prisoner; and yet, tho effirt was no ess creditable to his Counsel, becauso it was unsuccessful. The Court mcfon Friday morning at8J o'clock whoa Wm. Q. Hurley Esq , of Bloomsburg proceeded to address the Jury for tho Prisoner, this effort is also spoken of very favorably, and regret that circum stances did not permit us to hoar it. J. W. Comly Esq,, closed tho argument for tho Commonwealth in a strong speech, Judgo Jordan then delivered a full fairi and impartial chargo to tho Jury reviewing the testimony and explaining tho points of law, connected with the case. At about ono o'clock tho jury retired and rcturneu into Court with a virdict of Guilty," at 7, o'clock' in tho evening. Tho Prisoner hoard tho verdict without any visible emotion, or change of counte nance. IIo was than remanded to prison, to await tho sentence of the law. Saturday Morning, The court was called at 8i o'clk. Tho Prisoner presented about tho samo appear ance, ho had manifested throughout the trial. Tho Judgo then enquired of Wm John Clark, if ho had aught to say, why, Eontcnco should not tc pronounced upon him. Tho Prisoner, then, in a calm, but earn est tone of voice, undo an address of several minutes duration ; ho asserted his innocence, lii3 readiness to meet death, and his preparation for tho change. Tho Judgo then pronounced tho follow ing solemn sentence. I did hopo that during my official term, I would uavo Leon spared tuo pain, olpas sin:; upon any ono, tho awful scnteneo of . .. mt !. 1 1 ! !. ... .it.A-n dcaib. xma uupu hum muuj viuvi, iu which I havo fondly indulged, has' van. I iahed. The duty tuo law imposes upn tho curt, is a most solemn and painful 0110 ; but, it must lo discharged. Tho crimo for which you havo boon convicted by a Jury of your country, is tbo murder of your wife, under circumstances, whioh, if possible aggravato tho enormity of tho onlcr:m0 aBd impart to it, a deeper and dar- marriai'o suar. 10 eu niun, xuvt-i aud cherish each other, in iclsncfs! and in health, so long as God permitted you to livo togetlior. I'mm tlio cviilcnco it ap pears that you lived together happily suo was tho mother ol your children, it' was an evil home for you, when forgetting your duty to her your duty to your God .. .1 i - . . i 1 . ; . i i aim to jour country, you nnuiiuisicrcu iu her a deadly poion that soon tcrminatod her lifo. Sho did not suspect that when you wcro in her sick room, and stood by Lor, day after day, apparently anxious for her recovery, that tho cup you presented to her contained a deadly potion, and that you wero scekiuc to destroy her life, Sho did not suspect that tha agouios sho was wore caused by you. Ob, it was n deed of tho foulest kind, evincing a hardness of heart, that has scarcely a parallel. Your guilt, which is established by tho verdict in this ca?o would'in all probability not havo been delected, bad it not been for tho examination made by tho Physicians after her death. In her stomach was found tho evidenco of tho cnuso of her death. During the brief poriod that may clapfo between ibis and tho timo when tho Fcn tonco of the law may bo executed, tho Court would most solemnly and earnestly urgo upon you, tho duty of endeavoring to prepare to meet a Judgo from whoso dread : scnteneo there is no appeal, from whoso oyo no ono can escape, and who is able, with unerring ccrtiinty to distinguish between the innocent and the guilty. Do notncg- lect this, with tlio hope, that tho Kxccutivo olemcnoy will sparo you. Tho Court most auut'riug mm uic pama suu va liuiuihi, . U'cply sympttliHc witnjou, out our sym patbies cannot prevent tbo sen enco ol tloatn, ; OTH3 cxeeuuon. iou uavo uau cue peneni of a fair trial you havo boon defendod, and ably dofeuded, by your counsel, and you havo been roudemned by a jury of your country. It rcmaius for the Court to pas3 upon you tho sentence of tho Law, and that is, that You, William John Clark, bo taken hence, to tho placo from whence you came, within tho jail of tho county of Montour, and from thcuco to tho placo of execution, within tho walls or yard of tlio said jail, and that you bo thcro hanged by tho neck until you are.doad And may God havo mercy upon your soul. Exceptions havo boon filed by tho Do fenco and an appeal will bo brought before tho Supremo Court on tho ground that Judge Jordan has no jurisdiction, and al so on tho want of formality In drawing tho Grand Jury. Tho Trial of Mary Twiggs has been postponed until May term, as no unbiassed Jury could bo found. A Panacea for tlio Panic Every mmd is excited with tho panic. Few suggest a remedy. If ono is fcasiblo that may be recommended, it takes an ago of susponso to render it practicable. In this emergency wo havo a suggestion to offer which wo regard as wiser and moro availablo than many that meet us on all sides, and which is attended with far less risk than many of tho commercial and fi nancial speculations of tho day. Wo alludo to tho opportunities which aro afforded by tho lotteries of S. Swan & Co., which aro drawn every Saturday, at Augusta, Ua. and which hold out tho splendid opportu nity of realizing for a trifling investment of 810, S5 or S2J, tho whole, half or quar tcr of tho capital prizo issued from the never-failing mint of tho abovo reliablo firm. "Wild Clieriy. 13r.ooki.Ine. Mass., Feb. 5, 1851 To W. Fowle, My Dear Sir Having experienced results of a satisfactory character from tho uso of Wintar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, a cases of scvero colds, durinc tho past two years, I am induced to express tho full faith I have in its reno voting power. I was first induced to try this mcdicino as an experiment, about two years ago, in connection v.itli tho strong recommendation of a fiicnd, who was well nigh goto with consumption, and whoso relief from tho uso -e --I'-r .i -c :t i Qr coi.i9 nn.i jGC1ine. nm1 m0t dourly . demonstrating to my mind its great value , as a rcstorativo, that nced3 only a fair trial 1 10 msuro a graiciui ucmousirauuu iroiu 1 " Your obedient servant, SAMUEL A. WALKER None genuine unless signed I. BUTTS on the wrapper. Sold by J. K. Moyer, Bloomsburg, How thoy wcro Oouvortcd. The conversion of Messrs. T)ouglas AViso and Walker, three Democratic can tliilates for tho l'rcsiilenc.y, from fellow ship with the lirc-cati'rs, was doubtless owiii;; to tltcir perusal of tho 7S)th chap ter nl' Psalms, Dth and Oth verses : "Lilt not up your horn on high ; speak not with a stiff neck. "For promotion comcth neither from the East, nor from tho H'est, nor from tho South." Of courso promotion must come from tho Nonh I Would it not ho well to send a copy of tlio Uiblo to Jeff. Davis and Mr. Kcitt I The Late Jf'ar in Kansas. Tho lato civil war in Kansas did ntft last but a day and a half, A Kansas correspon- . . . dent thus sums up tlio result ol it : Killed 0 2 0 3 Wounded, contusion of the nose Missing Captured - Frightened '. ' 5,718 isJfTlic Chinago papers stato that i latltfllalll ut pulu o ..U... n.nniil nntrnini. fVlATTTI Tvifviftf .TftfAM. X n ! TTnco n flf 1 fs ll) tllO iinmodlltO vicillllV. ThA nl t i nf it vrMlnnf DU VAI.L'S GALVANIC OIli nets by imparting to the system an electrical current .henco tho speedy cures Nothing can bo uioro quictiug to all nervous dis eases than tho Galvanic Oil. Sold by G. M. nagonbucb, J. It. Moyor and U. P.Lutz, Dloomsburg, and Country Merchants, ccncrallv. 1 id J i To Cure a Coueh, buy a botllo of tho B.ils.Mii of Wild Cherry. Wo havo rnoro faiih in this combination of Dr. Wistir, than in any other romody known, having witnessed its entire success iu many cases ol proiracicu cougil lSp young man representing himself as a son of Commodore Stockton ''diddled" tho Lancaster Inland Deposit Company out of $50 very handsomely tho other day, by giving them aohcck 'on a Now York Manx to cash. 1 J o came a similar doilce nn tlio Ynrlf (loiintv Hitilt fnr llm ran on me .ions voumy uaiuc lor llio samo amount. In Massachusetts, last year, three hundred and thirty-two liquor-sellers were imprisoned for violations of the liquor law. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho following aro tho receipts to tho office of tho CoLUjiniA Democrat, during tho month of January, 1858 : J. II. lkcler., $3 IS Uriah l". Jlrlfcnry, 10 (1.1 1 Jnmi'S Knncr. '2 00 I Wm. Cole. K.hi.. Statf.V f S yT.,y t.0inui.Ls. John Hi, lllll, 0 Culib I'. Tortlnc. CalfhC Vox, CtlirrlffSliller, Joint It. Vohc, E31-, John Wood, Joicph Kistlcr, H.i iu ii ' I niionc, John iU. Johniion, rt. II. Wlntersti l.i, Dramatic lii.litutc, Nchcmlah Itirliatl, I (0,1'etcr Unt.lVi., VO 1 ,u nr duun v . nun i ii , avu 5 51). Thomas W. MalUon a 0 U IX) . 1 ,Mnc;ro, una .10 Columbia U. k I Co,, 4J 00 2 00 ( Jon-pli t: llovur, boo HI UP J Notional Motel, 3 7."i i!0ti:J.icob I'.jetly, li 7Jn I oo: Jneoph J. Fry, 4 uu II) OH , t'n'cli Pierce, r. 53 Mm. Sar.ih J. Miller, 1 50 tVm. II. Welllvcr. MOD Joseph l.llloy, 1 .10 R.M. I'ctlpnillll & Co.. 0 tirj Lnr.arm.U' & Co. 3 00 Ur.G.M.IIa;cnlurli, 1000 b'nmuel llverrtt '.'(tut 1I0 I'ratl & Jluuli-r, 3 till Bruit HchiiolDIMllct, 1 M) r.ha llo oil. 2 to W. r. McMlllcii, 1 oil) Henry Ihttcnbemlcr, U 00 1'ctcr IUsii, 1 50 IMatc 3. A.lloivuun, 1 Special Notico ! Wo nro now sending out bills to all in arrears, with a view of having every account settled up to tho first of Jlaroh, with tho close of tho Eleventh Volume. This must bo done, after which timo, no subscriber, out of tho Oounty, will get tho Comjmma Democrat, without paying for it iu advance, and those then in arrears, will bo aliicken from tho roll, and their accounts placed in legal hands for speedy collection. Wo find this courso imperative to our own security, and will religiously oarry ihis measure into cffoel, as wo intend to open tho Twelfth Volume under new arrangements and with additional improve ments. John 11. vuuit. 2 CO- lsnaclii r M. lllaker. 1 7.1 MARRIED On Thursday, U5lli inst., by ltcv. 1). J. Waller, Sir. Hiram Steiilino, to Miss Ruth, daughter of Daniel Ernst, Esq., of West Hemlock, Montour county. On February 18th, in llorwick, by ltcv. I.Bjhl, Mr. MioiiAr.ii Rockel, of llollcn back township, Luzerno county, to Miss UATiinnlNE ivr.nciiscn, ot rvescopec. At the samo timo and placo, by tho samo, Mr. John Hockf.l, to tMis? Susanna Kiinesmith, both of Hollonback township, Iiuzcrno county. On the lBth inst., by He v. Geo. Warren, Mr. Jackson Evans, and Miss Saiiah A. Fox, both of Espytown. On tho 18th inst , at Jcrscytown, by J. Thomas, Esq., Mr. Isaac CniDEU, of JScrwicU, to Miss JJAitY Hicks, of Centre townstnp DEATHS. In llloomsburfc, Saturday last, r'ebruary 20, 185d, Mrs. Oaiiiaiune, wilo of Jarob hyerly, bsq., 1 lothonotary of (Joluinlna county, agotl OJ years, 0 months, and days. Mrs. Eycrly was a zoa'ous member of Evangelical Lutheran Church, adorned vjiinstian proicssion in uio, ami tiicu in f.,11 linnn nf n liltcufnl immni--i1ilv drml Ull Hope Ot n lUlSSlUl immortality. Urcat to rl.c ,.fflir.l!nn nf lior l.oroovoil Mnn.U Cor tho decease of one of tho hoada of the fam ily which is always au irreparable loss but though they mourn, and deeply mourn, it ia '' not without hope." Calmly her ransomed spirit ascended to tho bosom o her Saviour and her God : llarkl they uhispcr I angels say, Siitcr spirit, erine away;' Lend, lend jour Mings, I mount, I fly, O kmvu, wliero is Ihy victorv 1 O dcatli, where Is thy sting t" In Dloomsburg, on Friday, tho 2fllh inst., of Consumption, Mrs Ei.r.EN, wile of John K. Girton, aged about .10 years. To thoso who were intimately acquain ted with tho deceased, a word of eulogy, from a pen of a mortal, would seem, al most liko a desecration of tho christian character of tho deceased. In tho dis pensation of God's providence, a hus band and children havo lost a companion and friend, that can he fupplied by no earthly being and the Presbyterian church a worthy member. Her patient endur- ' - 1 ancc, her godly conversation, her pious: life, havo left behind her unmistakable evidences of her acceptance with God, and of her passage from scenes of sorrow to thoso of joy and eternal happiness. In Bloomsburg, on Saturday last, Henry Albert, son of Casper J. Thomas, aged about fl years. This lovel) bud, so young and fair, Ualleil hence by early doom, Just came to show how sweit a flower, lu Paradise could bloom. At her residence In Fairmount township, r lirornopniinlv nn ,TnniU.i T?.l,r,. 1 1,1, i.uzcrnocouniy,onoionuay,ieuruary l.itli, Mh. ALMIRA DoDSON, Wifo Of Silas Dod- son, Esn , acod 08 years and i mouth. ' 1 ' h 3 ' mount. In NeSCOpco township, I.uzerao COUntv. February XSth, Mrs. Oathabink, wifo it John N. Ziser, aged DO years, "1 months, and 18 (lavs. V" In Salem township, February 18tli, ase J. Hicii, aged l'Jycarsand 0 mouths, ' J. Wat) SWucritecmciiisJ Boat, Horse and Mule for Sale. Jl'ninVi TUB nilucflbrrolTcri to ncll nt Pr. filfeaualSgSvaHi Pjlc, between Hut tlnto and the flnl of April. tl nijrtou nan open n a 7vr a r 7 r A rn ,,,,,, .,J,mad, , r.fPy. together uiiii'o nonsn, MUl.ll. anil IlicrcqulntclUtitrcirbrCanntniicratlonfl. in- Annlv in tlin timlrritlirneil. linonnc vansickci.. i:py.rc!S7, 1853 ASSIGNEES' NOTICE! IV OT1CE Is hrrcliy Given tint ltcutii'ii Fjlirlnger anil Nmlian llrrl.liafcli, AMlgneci ortleorpi! W. llrrld. IkuIi, of Columbia county, lovn cxhilmcil anil filo.l la the Court or Common l'lcns of rniil county, their ar. fount nff nMlpner s an nfuri'Bllit. nnit Hint inlil nrennnt will be allow fil by tnld court tit tile Mny Term tlmrrol, lP.IS.unlc.4 cause In1 tlien tlicwu why cab! account slioillil not bo allowed. JACOII EYCRt.V, lVb S7, 185S rrelAonolary. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of George Derr, deceased. OTICll Is licrcby given to nit pernnm mlcrc-tteil, Uerr. Into of Mailljoinowmlilp. In Coliinibln c-uniy, ,i,.crn.,i. imvo birn sranteii i.y tnc l!rslstir of Willi, i. i i lint lirtters tcslnmentorv on tlii ttnto nrdenrze ol tlio nniil enmity, to Frederick llcrr. tit whom nit account inurl be presented without delay, properly uullicnticntcd for settlement, . rrtnnnmcK iicitn Madison twp., Feb 27, 18S3 F IJ IS Til O SALE. WII.I. ho expo.eil to ViiliHc Halo, ot tho renlilence ol the fiibscrlliir, In Ml HI in township, Columbia county, on Tuesday, the Dili of March, Tho following valuable rcrsonal property, to wit: Two Head of IJorses, n - FOUR YOUNG HEIFERS -A TWO YBAKOI.U HUM,, TWO UUM1 suvun or sncur. ALSO. II ........ J. i. ........ I. 1. 1. ..... i. ..r n.. O Wlniwnn On.,,,. IH.,.n. 1,1 - ln.... I f.t'riinn; 'ntfiiflK ' I Sale to rummi'iire nt II) o'clock in the forenoon of sai.i day. win. n .iiti niiiincc will be given nnilcnntlitiuns inane nnuw , 11 J3IIN IIE39. Minim twp., lba-, 1P.53 s 8 a a !l!NTEllTAINM!iTS! shew sessosiav AND NEW ATTRACTIONS ! ! rpnn "nLooMsiiuito dramatic institutr'' X WO' ine a r nuM rrmtpctfiillv nnnntinr.f thnt tlirtu ilrmltrn nlv ing a rcond (I rand Serins of I'm he UtitcrloinmentR, at tbu COURT IIOUSII, at llloonnburs, coniiiieiicliii Wedncsitoy Ermine (lie lOlli of March, Anil tn continue several cvrninen. Ainone other very popular anil entertaining p)ny, they design exhibiting inv ..ii'ui .iiorni uomi'siic lempcrnnco iirauin, THE DRUNKARD, or, The Fallen Saved. Tho "Tocdles." r,ovo in Humlile Life," nml yevern! other hiiiiiitnlilr ninl run provoking Comedies, Uon't tTJ I'ricu nl .tfmlF0ion. 15 cents. Tickets to be iiait nt the Hook Htoro. Tho Bloomsburg String Baud Wilt up in aumdanee. e. c CHEfGnRoean. kmc c i-carson. OIIESKHKOUGII &. I'EMISON, co.v.urssio.v MFjtcrr.i.vrs, AND PEAL! US IX FISH, CHEJJSi: AND I'KOVISIOXS, NO. 5 NORTH WATER STltCCT, Three daore above Market J l'UILADCl.I'llIA llavn conmnnlly on lianil on asioriment or UrteJ nl I'lcklrU Tmli, &c, Ac. Mackerel, Salmon, fliail. CoiIiIbIi, ricer, l'ork. I. anl, II. 11119, Biilcs, Fhoiililrrsi ChT'O, HuHcr, A.c. tVb !17, lf31 SAVING FUND, pirn pku cca'7'. NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO. WmmWWJS-Si f-ZtjSZ''1 v HP -S-izIZi l&fjhSZ,, .i-H;2fs '"SMSSSU - i-SsS" walnut stiu;i:t, p w corn'uu or tiiiiu), WliLAUCLlMIIA. Incorporated by the State c Penneyhanla. Jlonoy is rt rcived in any nini, larpe nr rmull, interest paid from tlio Uuy of depueil to tho diy of Wllllil'aw ii, The ouVn Is onen evcrv tl iy from I o'clock in Iho ninrninij lill 3 o'clock iu thn nlti'rnniiu, and uu .Monday nnd Thursday cvontues lill H o'rlock. IION, Hl'.N'ltV I. nuvNnit. PmUmt RotifiiiT si:i,nuDan. me PrcMtnt. WM. J. Pecd, sectitery Hon. Ilemy I.. Urnncr, lMwanl I,, ("nrtcr, Kobert rirrlili. f iniuel K. Ashtnil. litltuu t UKS : r. Cirrull llrewilcr, Josi.pli 11. Itirry, I'raurl-, Josi-nh Yerkes. C. Lanilri-th Muniis Hi 1 ry )ill'.j:iilcrfli:r. Minn y is received anil payment niudo daily without notico. Tho lnvestni'.nls urn made in KGA1. IISTATI". .11()KTI!A(ll:-4, (iltOUNO ItllKTil, and nucli flr.l clJ.n si eurities as the Ciiarta r rdiuires. l'cha-, luis V E W 3 51 BJ ! exposed lasulet.y Public Vendue. ill tlio shit). Culuinbi.i con nl ir. on r.-.nui:iin! ui in.: iiubi;iiui.r, iu ui-iuiucr. lull .Monday, first nf March, Tho following tlceribeii person.11, viz TEN HEAD QV CATTLE, rinti-ii .iiu.i.u i.wivn .Muv9zrrsr Y), snvcN vouviiiiATTi.r. )Ni:i3?M ftf-fi VUARMN(! IIO!t!Ri:OI,T,ono jTJ Tintci: jiimiii cowa and j ,7 ' ' V "t'l" rail ?"r' i .-T ' tl"uil" "no r'led. Plows, narrows, cultivator, drain (.'radio and 1 aiming utoiisns genrraily, ai.o-a uod ihrcshiugMaciiino.ondvariousotiier t"Halo to ronimeuiu nt 10 o'clock. V.M., of sniil il.iy, when attendance will be given and terms made known, by JOHN U. UIUTERICK. Pth 13, 183S l'TJIJLia SALE or Valuable Real Eslate. DV virtue of an Order ol tho Orphans" Court ol Co. IJ Itiiiibla county, Isaac K. Krlckbauni, ttucutor of Jonn Kline, dec d. will, on Friday, lOtli !ay of March next, ' At " o'clock m tin forenoon, uptso to Punie sale. '" lllu I'timlseS, ill Iho of llenton, ill tlio ronntyof coiumLi.i ut tim ine r!idei,cc orihe M 1 "'etedclit, iho fillowiug Ileal Kitnle, vis.: I . TRACT OF LAND. T(ic WCJ cliJ o(.lhe ftr( aiIJuln, h,Mll) (lf Jmb iUU ' nn e011"1. the heirs of John Kline, dee'd, on His , um,T 'wn,; -mml """. ... i Forty-Thrco Acres and Five Perches, Most orwhirhlstlinberhnil. A braurnof Uavcncretk runs ihroueh ihe iJiul.aiid a 1 GOOD SAW-MILL, u'Ugtu j.0 . i .? i 1 I 1 i j MiT?&-l&9Xi&(7 IVOU) ilii iln Sle-vc Muttons. an) 23 iAifWSfew-CTisiiii Tr-era.VsS 1 1 ' '-""en' Car Drops, 2 50 " 1 SyM;!)wJsaSlfa flKlO l.ailieV Card fihr, SOU . fcilSf"r$i I l3,M10Umeo Jet or ora e I'm SOU H, SlHSrf?BwirtlBI4?HB!llffl 2.-.0ul.n.l.,Taiiii.oSI,aluii.lKll.l.onrinF, U 00 UlO fe'aiSg&raSKJlKKfe 5UU0 Kelrnlje'. ll.ilm ni-liw riiiuor., SU I, n Ki8iSSS'&".lHSlk I Sttf4,SS i$ liVANrl- NIIW UA'l'ALOGUi: contains all lli mo.t "Cr tPfetfvi.6ft,Jfe1ffiAfTO ' popular lio.iK of the ilay.nnil Hie none.t pul.llrationi , i.,WU.J-flVUW wHl.l.'XC,t tSi - if.iTJ iillOiullirli . ill lin Uiil.l liiv ii, mi. 1. 1. .tn 1 nn.1 nl SOLILOQUY. THE KI2A.SOKS WHY .T SHOULD BUY William Hi, Hiclf ley's C3 VXUmX. ItllUHCIiYES. 1 M. The Dor tor facing ti regularly educated Physician, aid having in i Jo tlio inniiur.irttirin nr innltclfus n Mu ily Tor I ho l. jenrf. has riicceurtfil by tho ohl of lilj clic micnl Know ledgn tn compounding gome nr tho most vnlualitu meitlclncs llm have ever been present i cd lie for o thn tmbllc. I 9il rhyrlcinng uhn nrn oppnpit tn tho worthless prpp-irntloiu that nre floo ling thoconntrr, wo rccom f inn fnl Dr IHrkley'p, ni Iho uily reliable nod uorihy medicines or the hlml. ;M, Tlio tmmcrntis racommcinl.itlnn ilnllv rcfcivnl, by Iho (loctor. hnt ii from ngnti nnit Individual, who n-n itflnp them, ?Ulos he que Minn in the ruin tin of (very InlHUsmt trader, thit )l lin tiretla good ttt.d reliable nicdicinci, in buy Dr. ittcklry'it. There It an old adairr ihit n jrotilHt liaili no honor In his own country; but Dr. lJickly'B Family Medi cines nrc an exception. Now let us Imvc Die proof, find hear what acenls sav Pl.OOMPBURn. Dr, n.nanr Dear Fir t have juit received yours oi thn 13tti. Your nmllrlnes havo given pen era I palls faction, rcrsons usinj tbcm always call again lor them. Yours respectfully, JOHN K. MOYER Drvggitt IlLnOMIDL-Rnt I do hereby certify, that I havo tieen ariitng cewra! preparations put ut by Dr. Win. M.HUMcy. of Dan ville, Montour county, PnMaml find his Rose Pectoral and Cream of Uamnhor to render vrry intipfac lion KrilUAIM .TAnrvggt Da. XV. M. HirKLKY Dear (Mr: I received your Mcdicino a few days a;o. As ynu wished to know what MtJefartiui our inejirines lire giving, I will only mid, 10 hr iu they have t en ucd in this iigli horhnod. they have done more for llm relief of the af. dieted than tiny other inedlclnu ever Introduced. Your l- 1 1 II 1 II til 1 1 In T Ml H Wlln fitll II IT I I.l II CT ll . 1 1 t n k l n I II I I ii.BI Kima reciorni. in tins ticignb 'tnooii, is considered a nlftn. for Ilia n v nl lirr illarnan tvhirli wi nrn ufiliM In. You can reit nssurctl your Mrihciue. arc wakening the , f" ""! community, nnu eive cenerni Fntiaiamon. " Yours, truly. ' J. J Mcll UNHY & Co., Berwick. IlnvinK bcrn curnl nt u pain in my nrni. (similar to Rheumatism) Inch tleprivrd mc of hr Iroo uso of it far nbnul four ninnltH, by iifing one bottle of Cream or Camphor, I wnulil rtnlu that I coiuirfer It the beat rrmnly o( the kind 1 have ever used in my family, nml I would freely itcomniciid it toothers with similar affcftloni. Yours, fpsptftfutlv. JONAS WOI.r, Hush Township, Northumberland county, grcat cunn. Lots pf I 'out restored tc((& one bottle tf Ron rectorat Mli HtiBan Wilt lock, of Kiieh towinhlp, Norihuni bcrl.tud romity, for it number ol )ears nn invalid, in th jrtir l:M', lust tlio lue nf licr voire from n srvcrc colli tho contractediutter lrin(f n number of remedies uiili no benefit, she was entirely restored by uking nnr bottle of Kosc rcctornl, iiltar u Inch Hie lost tier voice u'Min. f rum .1 frcrli cold he contrnctiMLnnd was iiL'nln rr'(nrnd Itv Iho use nf nnother limtir ! lUc then look four tiottles tut renci lien licr breast, from winch sue ueriveti tite uiosi iiecior'u immhmh, nnu nas open 111 the cnjojiueiitot excellent health from that time u tho pri'feut. Tbu nbovn l 'fmtnt 1 ol.nlnrd fromTlr rurpel.ttirt physician who uttemh-d tjer; aleo lirr mollipr. wbn IhiTiku bIip w 011 Id not bo living at this time if it bml not !( 11 for tliu Kone I' J ut 'Jj, a inmost Mm a (J u i.outt i:r r ucts pv 'iu i: worm Kll.l.tSC AO LINT. Thomas fJibon. Mnensburs Moniour Co, bought onlv ono linllle of Dr. Ilirkb'v' Wnriu Kl Mine AlmmiI. j"hrch he pavft to ihn'c cliildrrn. ; To 11 rliild H 10 cniui yenrs u uos's, niyrnargeu nvrr ju'J inipi wornii; child Hypirs with only one half tea spoonful ( cviicuntiMl over -3 worm allotetlier over 00 largo wornn, with only 1 bottle, IrTmi :i children. TIM'S i luablf medicine ire far eal' by P. I.ntr, J.-lui R Moyer nnit (1, M. Itauburli, nioomiliurg ; J. Ki'Biei c ('ti.. and (ri villus Itomboy, INpy; J. Mc henry & Co and J. II. Hudson, lWwick ; Knhjni. Light street; SIineiniik''r liucltlmin; Irondtb. Uranupvilhs Mi)vilf, JiTiioyfiwii, Ridirsburc. fere no, Cabiuissa, M.iiimlle, Mitillnvllle. and by Ftori'ki'eperi ifcuciallv tlrranq lioitt the eouulry. N1. It. Cull on the Agent nmt cdoi.pof Dr. Illcklf y'j? Al'iinutrd lor 1 808. free B'lilK they coi tain remarkable cure t'lT'-rle! by hii inuiticints. ftbi.11. Id58. SPLENDID GIFTS A rn 4ag (J H E S T N U T S 1 It E ET. I t tllln . The. Only Original Gift Book Slorc. ( (I. r.VANS woulil Inl.inn bin ri"n.N nml tuo nulilir.tliat In lin ri'iiioveit Ills Hlnr CJlll llook Slorn &tiil rulili.lilre lion... to llio clili m'jil Hlore ill , ISrown'i. Iron Ilili 1 itinsr. 43'l Clii'slliut t trei-t, two ilootii Mielow futli. v lieru llio nurrliaser ol e.irli Look will PMOIfe ono ot mi. 111110W1113 kiii. iniui-'ii hi ironi C13, to 31C0, conk H'liia ol tlolil Watches, Jcvvi-lry, kc. WORTH aWPntont I:n(tliili Lover tion waicnrr A.ji rotent Am lior iln , 4110 Uiilirs' CoM Watches, IPk, ono Silver Lever Watrhes, arrnnUil, r.OQ I'orlor Tioiepieccs, 500 L'nmi o Pct, Car Drops aril l'lns, JM I.a.lies" tlol.l llran'lilt. 5ootieut's Virr CliniiiK, 1000 (loli! I.ockcls, larso rix-;. JOdO Oolit T.ockt'ts, em ill llm, lOllllOo'il IVlicll t.'.-tri'S, Allll (lotil I'rnv, 10K) r.xUi ilulil Puts. t'ai.a nud lloliliis ason tlolil iviciis LailiiV M SlllO (10 5U 00 35 01) 15 Oil 10 tn 10 Oil S3 to 12 on 10 00 .1 01) 3 01) 5 III nun 2 5(1 1 511 I 01) 1 7.i i 50 S.'illO 1 jiillea tlol.l reus. Willi uns"s G.0 l.nlil Hints, l.tulies1 SWO (lenl's fluid Kings, '.'''Oil I.nliog' Cold l!easl)ln , :u) M !(' Ii)M ilreasioiuii, 'Jim I'orkel Knives, .VI 2000 S'Hs (lout's Jo I.l Cnsoin Studs ..ih-rsior.. Aro.,,niet,:c.1iaioB,,,r7,ii;0k7sr.,,tf,eT.; bv appiicnuon lliiou8li the mail, by aililressini: U. 11 , i:VANH, 4LD Uhc.lnut stnel, l'liilartelpliia. Aeenis h"!rJ " vc')' !" ' Uuilcd Hil.s. '1 hose ilfslriii!; o in ucl cut lull n.irliciilars bv ud- dressing .is nliuve ! N U. In ruiib,.ui.ncn of the money riiris. and nil. incrous fnluri's, liio itibrrriber lias been ennbleil 10 piir-linse Iroui as.lii nees 1111 Imtni nsu stork ol books j embracing every ileparlini-ut nl' lili-r.nuro at pricen : Wllllll Will lIIUIIK J 1 1 It, ill jjivi Ivc sitK) uorili of tlio alovu gills on every SUHK) of bonks sold. All "IN bunk, Willi a cift, will In- sent to each per son otdi-riug TUN bonks tn bo sent 10 0110 address, by Ctpross. m-snNi) roit a catalogue, Jan 30, IMS SIIKIUFF'S SALES. BV virtuo it a writ oliifrl f.ichs tome directed, wilt be exposed to publir sale, ut Hie Cuilll llru(.e, in l!lnoinl,urr, on Saturday, Hie Kllll day of Mjrdi, Inst., nt 1 o'clock, I' Jl llio following Estate, to All tint cenain lot or piece of land, situate in Jci sc)lown, L'nluiiibi.i county, routaintng Oiic-Foiirtli of an Acre, .llurc or less, bouuiled on tho North by a road lesdins Irooi uniil liiwn 10 .Millvil'e; on the Hniiih by lot ot I ho widow IVnlllver , on llio llnst by Willlaui Barber, and on tho West hy lot of Ncal .McCoy, whrienn aro erritid a Two ?tory r'rauie Uellin- (louse, 0 slablo i will I tie a linilrti 11:1 nrea t'rizc.t t ikeii in usictltion nn thnroni rtv nf rhineaa Wtlhvt r. ilrruaicd, in the liamW ol In administrator, Neltou Welllvcr. ALSO, lly viUiu of several wiu venditioni npotasio mo ilmcu-il will no sold, ut tlii name lime and place, all tliat ctrialn loi ur nitre f hud, simnic in Ctipytown. a uit towiiihlp, ColuintW county, containing in witllh lluily ceven uui, Un Iti" frame moro or kii, and in tfeptli ono Imndreil and fifty feet in urn or les, bounded on ilio uorlliby nn alley, on tlic loutli by Main street bfhdid tow a, an tlio can by lot of tlio Lutheran church, and on the wthya lotuf I'rwiiBO.Bomboy, whereon is cn-ctcd a TuuSiorv Framo Dwelling Hou&c, BtiiMe, with the Pppnr ten unci 8. abtULil, nnd lakun in elocution as tlio property of Jane Abliott. ilcroaFCd, in ihe hands of (I cargo V. Abbott, Adiniuif tralor ol Jane Albolt. deccaecil, AhfcO, At t!io i-ame lime and place, nil that rcttaln lot or pie to nf lair), sitnato in Wedjetown. Utmlock town ship, Columbia county, containing One-Fourth of an Acre, He Iho samo more nr less, bounded on th North by on alley, on tho West by a toad lending Irom Hloouihburs lo Jerieylown, on the Sou'li JUit by a road; wlicicuu b creeled a ono ami a half ttury Frame Dwelling House, A Trame Stable, a good Wtll o( Waler, with the op purien nees. Htiized.niid taken in excution ai the property of Hallij Girton. ALSO, At the same time and place, nil certain two roiitigumi tutu or niece of Lind, muaie in ibe borough, ofUerwirk, Columbia comity, contain ing Ono Acre, Bo Iho c.iniB moro or leu, bounded on the Norlhcrn side offronl itrcet ot said uti.foi' Unruick, on (ho Kail by n lot formerly of Kobert M Curdy on the Noilli by Kecond atreei.ou the We by imutliur lot, iormeity f Kobert M'Citttly, und on the H&ulli by Front mm, bo ine toircihtr nlntv feet on 1'iunt iirect nnd r-x teud- in; bark one hundred and eighty-one and one lull b et 'Mill. 1 1 Ua.ll .Mli. Tn I mi UUijii lor mi. i-iiji, a U1U.I. 3 t" 5