Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 27, 1858, Image 1

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"To liold and trim the torch of Truth and Wave it o'er the darkened Earth"
One Dollar & Scvculy-flvc c(s, In Adrancc.
GOltor, Publisher & Proprietor,
Cnkiitlmt linnncrut
Published every Saturday Morning, by
In Bloomsburg, Columbia Co.
Otfice. -In the newlirick Jiuilding, op
posite the Exchange , side of the Court
House, "Democratic llcad Quarters.''
TunM. or lumcniPTio.v.
1,00 In ndvnnoo, for ono copy, for olx raontbJ.
1,75 In mlrnnHO, for ono copy, ono year.
2,00 If not paM within tho first throo months.
2,25 If not paid nlthtn tho firnt six Inonlhs.
2,60 If not paid within tho year.
10 No ubriptlon taken for less than tlx months,
and no papur illscontlnoil until all arrcarngcsshnll
hivo bocnpahl.
ID" Ordinary advcrltsemonts Inserted and Job-
worK cxeoiuoq nttnoostaimsncti pricca
THE founder of this Celebrated Insli
tnlion.oiTirs the moslccrtnln, prtily, oiu only
rilcctml remedy In tho world for t-lltrts fur til ret it,
Firicltirfs, Beniinni wacunesi. ram in i no jjoins,
f ;Hi9litntinnal UcMHty. Inipotrncy, WVukncfp nl llio
llnrknml Llmhs, AiTcctloiia of tho Kl-Hnyn, l'a T i 1 1 a
timi of thn Heart, Dlfpopsln Nrrvonn irrltiibillty,
DiAcnflC ct thi lleml, Throiit, No or Skin, ami nil
ilifisi yerinus rind melancholy Disorder a Hung from
the ilantructive Imhitiiol' Youth, which tUtroy- l.oth ami inlml, Tlic seem ami solitary racticei,
am more fatal to their vinim limn the mhiji of the
Wyren- to Hip imrincr UI)foa, blighting their fnonl
:irlifiU hniii of .inttclnatioiiSi rnnluring mitrrlcgi;
SiC ImnOfisiule. (
Harriett pontons .or Yonnj Men contempt ting mar
rln;e, h-inir awnro of tve ikn-MH, organic ijn
l-11iiy. deformities, Ar,, Htonl I iiiiiii.IUti-ly roiihult
Ur Johnston, nml hi restored in perlcct health,
He who pit re hi nit IT iitidi'r the ram ol llr. John
ston iitnv rcllcloinly con ll do in his Imnnr as a gentle,
men, and cuulidentlv relv upon 'i" nHrih)iiki;iii.
Organic Weakness
iinmfdintrly cured nnd lull vigor restored.
Thlri dUcnti U tho pcntlty most tre'picnly paid by
tlntta whoh.ivo become lhs victim of improper fndul
eoinic, Voting pi'Moua aro loo apt to commit ei
ii-HH fro 111 not hring a warp of tho drcwlful t nn"ucm c
tlut may emu". Now, who lint nnitentnmU Hit rod
jeci will pretend id deny tint Dim power of p roe re 4
lion In lot sooner by lhoi! Cilling into liuproixr
IlJlntH til tn by tin! pritil'ilH, It'VideH being deprived of
li pi'iifnire 01 iM-aiicy 0111101112,1110 iiiihi scrums
11 n I de'trnciivi! Hympiom to luith body and mind
nrite. The ayntnn b'come"' dcrmged; the physical
nu I (rni-t il powcm weakened, iiervoiii ilrbiliiy. iIjh
peprfia. nalpilatigit of the hear t ,iiidiijetion, 11 wnltng
ut the I'tame, rmih symi lomRorcoiiinmpfion icr.
lTff"fincc No.TuiiTit t'ciiDKUiiKSrnii.i, seven donrp
from II iltimnru ircel, tint gido, tip the ntepn lie
pnriicnlar lii'tlHurviitx UieNAMlland NU.MIMIIt, or
yon will tn iftnkt t ln piece.
jf Curt Harrti7ite,or ni tcrj'e JlaJc, fa from One to
Tiro l)aij$.
J)r, Johnston.
Mnmbsrof the Itoyal (.'illege of rtn'rtronr. London
(rnditute Irooi otic of ibo most eminent --lU'geM nl the
United States, ami the greater p:irt ol wii'ine life hi
hewn xpent in the llrxt llonpltila of I.otuf in r.iric(lii,
U'l'lplii.i and elt?e where, has ellurfd toene of tho wb'
imloiiMhingciireH that were everknown; ninny troub
-d with ringing llllhe. hedd and eats vi e alefp
great nc rroiKiiciii being alarmed j at, mnWen sounda.'
nnd lilKbf.llnmifi, with freiuent lil:ihiug, mtended
n)iutiiiie njth demni.'eiiieiit ol iniiid. ue'rucured itti
A Certain Disease,
Whon 'he tniiiidd and Imprudent votnry of plea
wnru llnd-4 h h m imbthed the b'!Hh of IImh prilnfill
ilipfiaiie, it ton ui'irn happotiH iliat an illtimed nenke ol
h ii'iT . or dm id of ili-.oirry, deter & him lrn'11 appll
lot; t iiione u h i front cdnriiiion nnd recprcl.ibilttf
can iilono befriend him dnliying till lhi coiihtiUili(Niy
Byiitploiiiii oil hi n horrid dienxemikrt thct r appenrani
nrh b ulcerated nm, diir.ueil none, nocture,
'p linn in the head nnd limb, dimness of Fighl.dc nlnttal
uuJrion the kkiii honeii, and nriuf, blotrhe-froti epn
head lire, nnd ettrcm ih'f , progress in j; u hh h ig th,
'ratilditv.till at lit the nalaio nftbc iiiihiMr bini
bones ir the noe fall in ,.1 nd the vietini of thlioi tho
'dii-emc become n horrid object of roin.niReratinu
d I'll nttiii n perioil to hi dreadful nullerings , by sell
'tlltujtiim in "llinL tiotirne from uliencn no traveler
niurn, 10 bumi ineremro nr. joiittFton pledgee
imefto prrnemi the niont erivjot itile necnoy mot
Irom hii cleoic practice in tli tlritt lloxpiiitln il
Htirupe attT America, lie ran confidently r'onimnu
nfu and ppedy cum to tho uuforiuiiatc vicciru of thli
hoirid diai nue.
Take particular Kolice.
Ilr J addrepneM all thone who have injured theni.
solve by privateiindimprnper indulriice,
Thene are iofi(e of thn ad nnd melinrbnlv nirrl
produced byearty habitB nfyoniht vi7. Weiikness of
in h;ick ami itimnt, rain in inn 11 run. uiniiicfont
itij(lit, Loss 01 I'ower. Palpiinitnn of lh(
lleiirt, tWspepil'i, Nervous Irratibilily, nerangement
of tlm Digexiivo runcitond.nencral Ivlility,Ky mntnuis
of Cousumpiion.c,
MIINTAI.LV The fearful r.Tecli nnon thn mind
arc much to bedreaded, I.o-n nl Memory, CoiiriMion of
Idea. D'l'n-ioii of tho Hpiritx, Uvil rorehoithifli,
Avenionof dociety, Tlniity, A.c, are some ofthecvlls
Tliouiudi of pertoins of all ages ran now Judge
wlnl U tin raiittfiurilielr ileclnihu henlth i.oofing
their vigor. In'conii us weak, pain and cm 11 iatcd, having uiruiiiiui; eyes, cimgn nun BJ nip
loins of Ciiiisniiintioii.
Dr. Johnston's Jrivigcrating Ucmcdy for
Organic Weakness
Ity ihit groat and Importani remedy, weakness ofthe
organs arn hpeedily cured, and lull vigor restoied.
Tho'inindiof iho innit uervxM and debilitated, who
had ht till hope, have been immediately relieved. All
imp? dimcnt 3 to Marrhge.l'hybicnl nnd Alenlat HI". -unification,
NervmiB Irritability, Tremhlinfa nnd Weak
iiei9,orex'iaut.oiioithi mo&t (ctrfnl kind, cpecdily
c n rod by Doctor JoliiirUnn 1
Young Men
Who have-fiij'imdtliciiHetveo, by a ccrtilii praciicr.
Indulged in uhen alone i habit frequently lenrne'l
I'rnm rvilcompanion,or nlnrhnol iliecfiectH ofuliicli
are nightly felt, oven when mlecp, and if not cured
mudi'M mirriaffo iiuposnible, and destroya both iniritl
and body shoittd apply Immediately
What a pity that a voting nun, the hope of his con 11
try. and the darling of U parents, should be snatched
from all prospect and enJoymetU of I He, by the ennse.
1'iiNco oi'devlnthijfroui tho path ofnnturct and ln
dulgiug In arertalrt secret habit, tiucli persoiH before
ahnuM rcflrct that n pound mind nnd lmyarf the rrton
necesiary reiuijiilei to prnino'c conunblal happiness
I ndeed, without these, tho Journey through life Incomes
a weary pilgrinnge, the prospect hourly darken 1 to the
View ; the mind brcoiiiett shadowed with despair and
filled withthn melancholy reflection thatthe happiness
of nnotlicrbweotnea hllghied with our own.
ornun no.7joutii ritiuuiiticK Bviiiinmore,Ma
all uitrjioAf oi'crationh pi;iirou.Mi;i.
N. Hi Lot no fa I to modesty prevent you, but npp'yim
mediately either personally or by letter-
'Ib Strangers.
The many thousands cured at this Institution with'n
the la fit 15 yea re, nnd I ho numerous Surgical
L'prjrationi performed by Dr. JohtiBton, witnessed by
ihc reporter nl the papers and many other pcraons.ho
'Bicei ol'whlch have appeared again and tig tin before
the diiblic, besides Ills standing u a gentltmnn dl cha
trtcrand responilbility, Isu aulTlciciit guarantee 10
the alltictcd.
Take Notice
N. It, There nrn so many Ignorant and worlhlesi
tiuackH advertising themselves Physicians, ruining
he health of the already utllicted, that )r, Johueton
(rccmitiicceetarv to say, especially tn those unac
nil aimed with h reputation, hU rredemialu and
diplomas always hang in his ctficc.
Tt5rAKNoiiCB, Alllettcrs innst he post paid, and
contain a poitagc itamp for tho reply, or noatuuer
be will trnt
.niiarly 7 1657.
I V A L.
L T IS 0
rTMlU undersigned, grateful for pail patronage, re-
jl. spccuuiiy in i rati ins ci.siomers aim ine puuiie
generally, Hint he ha Just received from the Easier u
ritiis, tho largest and most select slock ol
FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, In. yet been opened In lltooinaliurir. to ulilcli he
Invite, iho attention of Ilia friend., anil nteureii them
tlmt Iheyoro ottered lor .ate at great u.irc.ilns. U13
titock comprises a largo acrlment of
Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel,
Confining of PASIIIOVABM! COATS, of
vrry oVacription 1 I'aiiU. Van. Whirls. Crnvnts,
BlockltCotlnn lhiidkerLli;i.,GlovPi, Suspender.. A-e.
Gold Wglehes and Jcurlry,
Ofcvery ilc.crlFMnii, lino and clirap.
; U Kcmtnler Lawinierj't CJi(u; Kiimim "
Cjlloo'l rec. No charge for rimninin ilt-nds.
Jjnisbury Aug leji
I Never IlaTO Keen Falso lo Thee
iiy iiEonac r. mowus,
I nevpr havo been htfc tn thro I
Tho heart 1 irnve thee mill Is thine ;
Though thou Inst been untrue to me,
And I no more may rnll thee mine I
I've loved as woman over love,
With constant rcml tn good or ill ;
Thoii proved ,os ninn too oflcn provcfli
A rover but I love thee still I
Yet think not that my spirit stoop
To bind thee captive in my train I
Love's not n flower, at sunset droop,
Hut enillfa uhen conies her pod again (
Thy words whirh fall unheeded now
t'oiild once my hcnrt slringa madly thrllll
Lovo's golden chain nnd burning o'.v
Are broken but I love thee still 1
Onea what n heaven of blis was curt.
When love dippelled tho clouds f f rare.
And time went by with birds and floweri,
While song nnd I license filled the tiir t
The past! mine the present thine
Should thoughts of me thy future nil,
Think what a dcstiiy it mine
To loc but lovo llice, false one, still I
Written Jot the Columlla tiemoerat.
To tlio young ConvcVts of DIooiasburg.
Exporionco has taught mo that tho life
of tho Christian is indeed a continual war
fare ; and moro especially is it tho caso
with co.svr.KTs. Surrounded with
temptations on every hand, and bcsctmcnls
on every side, you will And it necessary to
over bo oh the watch. Every moans that
Satanic genius can invent, will bo raado
uia of lo lead you from the fold of Christ.
You will find temptation lurking wherever
you go; yes, at every turn in lifo, you will
find snares Ep'road for your feet, and I
would warn you that you gal not entangled
in tho moshcs. Even under tho mask of
innocence will tho tomptor seek to ingrati
ate himself in youf favor; and my advioo
to you is, to ever bo on ynur guard against
his devices. He will tell you that thoro is
no harm in enjoying in light ant! trifling
conversation; reading trashy novels, at
tending balls, parties, plays, &e., but believe
him not ; any exercise that will draw tlio
tiiind from sacred duties, will retard
your progress in tho divine lifo. 'Tis true
tho young fchould bo social and friendly,
but it is net necessary that they should
display their friendship by making a sacri
fico of their sacred truths upon "unholy
altars." Christ said, " Come you out frott
tho world and bo yo separate." Sow this
certainly must mean, that professed Chris
tians should pursuo a different course from
tho former ono ; and also, that they should
converse and aot that they may bo iho
mean3 of " pointing sinners to tho Lamb of
Qod that takcth away tho sins of tho
world." How necosary then that you
Bhould bo over careful what you say and
do ; always remembering that you arc
constantly and closely watched. There
aro tlioso who would exult in your down
fall. Tlio question lias boon asked, who shall
bo tho first to bring a rcproacli upon the
cause of Christianity ? And I repeat it
What oco among you shall, like a doubting
I'cter, deny your AI aster? or, lilio a Judas,
betray Him into tho hands of hi? enemy ?
Ciod forbid, that ono of this little band,
who havo lately been converted in Blooms
burg, shall thus forfeit their chini3 to
eternal lifo.
Thero is ono thing in particular I would
havo you guard against it is indulging in
wrong tempers , never cultivate a revenge
fid spirit. A calm, unruflled temper is of
moro valuo to tho possessor than a mino of
gold. May union and lovo with you ever
abound ; may no seed of discord ever be
sown among you ; may you over live as
becometh tho followers of tho meek nti'd
lowly Jesus.
February 27, 1859.
A. Model Logislaturo.
Wo aro glad to seo that moro attention
is paid, in somo sections of tho country, to
the character of tho men who aro to rep
resent tho pcoplo in tho Logislaturo. In
this respcel, old Kentucky is looking up.
Tho editor of tho Uradstown Gazette, wri
ting from Frankfort, says that tlio Logis
laturo of that State "is composed of fino
lookitur, well-dressed, and well-behaved
men, and that among tho wholo number
thero aro but flvo drunkards, and only
somo eight or ten fools a smaller number
than was ever counted in any previous
Gonoral Assembly."
Wo really hopo that this kind of reform
in Kontucky, will bo followod up in other
States, Of hew many States can it b9
said, ''They havo less fools than usual in
tho Legislature."
A Spanish proverb says tint tho
Jows ruin themselves fit their passovcrs,
tho Moors at (heir marriages, -uitl (ho
Hiriatian? at their 1-w suit?
I witnessed a short timo ago, in ono of
our high courts, a beautiful illustration of
tho simplicity and power of truth. A littlo 1
girl nino years of ago was offered as a
witness against a prisoner, who was on trial
for felony eomtnitted in her father's home, j
''Now, Emilv." said tho couoeel for tho
prisoner, upon her bc'tDg offered as a wit
ness, ''I desire to understand if you know
the naturo of an oath !''
"I don't know what you moan," was tho :
6implo answer. i
"Thero, your honor," said tlio counsel
addressing tho court, ''is anything farther
necessary to demonstrate tho validity of
my objections? This witness should bb
rejected. She doc3 not eoraprchond tho
naturo of an oath."
"Let us seo," said tho judge ; ''come
hero, my daughter." ,
Assured by tho kind tono and manner
of tho judge, tho child stepped towards
him, and looked confidently up into his
face with a calm clear eye, and in a man
ner so artlosa and frank that it went straight
to tho heart.
"Did you over tako an oath 1" inquired
tho judge,
The littlo girl stopped back with a look
ofhorriir, and tho red blood mantled in a
blush all over her faeo and neck, as fclio
answered, "110 sir." Pho thought ho in
tended to inquire if she had ever blasphem
ed. "I do not moan that," said tho judgo,
who saw her mistake. ''I moan wore you
over a witness boforo ?"
'No sir; I novcr was in Court before.''
lie handed her tho liiblo open.
"Do you know thatbook, my daughter?"
She looked at it and auswered, " Ycs,sir ;
it is tho Bible."
'Do you over road it?" ho asked.
"Ye3 sir ; every evening."
"Can you tell mo what tho Uiblo is?"
inquired tho judge.
"It is tho word of tho great God," sho
"Well, placo your hand upon this Bible,
and listen to wlut I say ;" and ho repeat
ed slowly and solemnly tho oath usually
administered to witnesses. "Now," said
tho judgo, "you havo been sworn as a wit
ness, will you tell mo what will befall you
if you do not tell tho truth?"
"I shall bo shut up in tho Stato prison,"
answered tho child.
"Anything clso ?" asked tho judgo.
"I shall never go to heaven." sho replied.
"How do you know ?" asked tho judgo
Tho child took tho Bible, and turning
rapidly to the chapter confining tho com
mandmcntSj pointed lo tho injuiKtion,
''Thou shalt not boar falso witness against
thy neighbor." "1 learned that," sho said,
"before I could read,"
"Has any ono talked with you about
your being a witness in court here against
this man 1" inquired tho judge.
"Yes sir," sho replied. "My mother
heard they wanted mo to bo a witness, and
last night sho called mo to her room and
asked mo to tell her the ten commandments,
and then wo knelt down together, and sho
prayed that 1 might understand how wiok
ed it was to bear falso witness against my
neighbor, and that God would help me, a
child, to tell tho truth as it was before him.
And when I camo up hero with father, sho
Kissed mo, and told mo to remember tho
ninth commandraont, and that God would
hear every word I said."
"Do you boliovo this ?" askod tho judgo
while a tear glistened in his eye, and his
lips quivered with emotion.
"Yes, sir," said tho child, with a voico
and manner that showed her conviction of
tho truth was perfect.
"Qodblessyou, my child," said tho judgo;
"you havo a good mother. This witness is
competent," ho continued. "Were I on
trial for my lifo, and innocent of tho cliargo
against mo, I would pray God for such a
witness ai this. Let her bo examined."
Sho told her Btory with the simplicity of
a child, as she was, but there was a direct
ness about it which carried oonviction of
its truth to every heart. Sho was rigidly
cross examined. Tho counsel plied hor
with infinite and ingenioui questioning, but
sho varied from her first statement in noth
ing, iho tru'h os spoken by that child
( was sublime. Fr.lsehood and perjury had
proceeded her testimony. Tho prisoner
had ontrenched himself in lies, until ho
deemed himself impregnable Witnesses
j had falsified facts in his favor, and villiany
j had manufactured for him a sham defence,
but beforo her testimony, falsehood was
I tcattcrcd like chaff. Thu liltlo child, for
whom a msthcr had p;acd i r staiiglh
lo bo given her to speak tho truth as it was
beforo God, broko tho ounning devices ct
matured villainly ta pieces like a potter's
vessel. Tho strength that tho mother had
prayed for was given her, tho sublimo and
terrible simplicity (tcrriblo I moan to tlio
prisoner and bis perjurod nesooiaics,) with
which sho, was liko 0 revelation from God
How .1 Church was Cured of Frcmonllsia
Tho Hartford Times relates tho follow
ing: A Congregational church in a neighbor
ing Stato got so completely enlisted in tho
presidential contest, for Fremont and Jessie,
that little attention was given to religious
questions. Th0 minister was constantly
prm ,g, praymg aou upon
political issues, and his deacons and tho
laymen followed suit at tho prayer and '
conference mcet.ngs. Finally, a worthy,
old farmer, ono of tho Mtunchcst and best j
members of tho church, and a firm, undo-1 democrat, was called upon to offer
a prayer.
" 0 Lord," said ho, " uphold tho, demo-
cratio party, which has received Thy pro
tooting support ever sinco tho great Jeffer
sonian struggle. Continue t bless that
party which Ins, under Thy protection and
providence, brought great blessings upon
this republic. If it bo thy ploasuro, and I
bclievo it would bo, 0, oirry that party
through this struggle to a complcto triumph.
Illcss James Buchanan, tho tried and hon
est statesman, and guide him safely to tho
presidential chair. Illcss John 0. Brock-
inridgc, the young and zealous democrat,
and open to him tho path of duty as well
as that which leads straight to iho Vice
Presidency. Givo them victory. O, bless
tho opponents of democracy personally,
but utterly destroy their fanatical and in
jurious schemes, if it bo thy will to do so,
and I verily bolievo it is. Bo on tho sido
of democracy, 0 Lord, as thou hast been
for tho past lifty-tiz years, and on the -1th
of March next wo shall witness tho inau
guration of Pennsylvania's favorite son,
nnd tho pcoplo of this country will onro
moro setilo don in their peaceful pursuits,
instead of warring wickedly, section against
section, interest against interest, and man
against his brother. And O, I beseech
thco especially, frco Christian churches
from tho political slrifo and bitterness
which arc rending them asunder, destroying
their usefulness, and turning them unhap
pily into mere political associations. Let
us hear something of tho mercy on tho
Sabbath. We havo already been pliod to
fullness with political fanaticism, and our
minister has beoomo a stump orator against
a good old party which Thou in Thy wisdom
hast upheld so long, aud so repeatedly
guidod to victory, and sustained in tho
establishment of sound measures. 0 turn
his mitul from theso things, and direct his
legitimate religious duties, or turn him
ovor directly into tho hands of the federal
or abolition ptrty, and lot them tako oaro
of him, and provide us with a truo minister
of tho gospel. At any rate tho present
stato of things cannot last. If politics aro
to rulo I shall claim ono half tho timo in
behalf of tho democratic party, eo that now capacities of delight now powers of
thero may bo fair discussion within theso perception now glories of beatitude !
walls Amen." The thousand fancies rush upon the mind
This was a stumper. It was the first a3 contemplates tho awful moment be
prayer ever publicly offered in that church I twecn If anu" death! It is a moment
for tho success of tho democratic party and 'S w'lu imagination's greatest hopes and
its nominees, though hundreds of prayers fears ; it is tho consummation that clears
and exhortations had l-ccn mado agaiust
that party. When tho old man had finish'
cd there wa3 a silenco of half on hour and
tho meeting then adjourned. And thus
ended tho political preaching in that church.
From that lime forward, tho minister at
tended to his gospel duties, and left all
political questions to bo settled by tho
people outsido of tho church. Again tho
society prospered, and there was a bettor
foiling among its members nioro Christian
charity moro brotherly love. Tho old
man's earnest prayer was answered in moro
respects than ono.
SSyllibernian when knocked down, ox-
claimed, "Do you striko a man when ho is
down I" "0, no," said his antagonist.
"Then faith, aud I'll lay here 1" replied
ffA thief being caught robbing n
bank, whon asked what ho was doing, an
swered, "Only taking notes."
SSfWhat thrco authors would you name
in cominontiug on ari oxtensifo conflagra
tion ? Dickens, Hewitt, liurns.
USy-Tho truest epitaph wo cvor saw was
that of a clown. It simply said, "llee I
A Mother's Lovo.
If thorc is anything this sido of heaven
to which tho word holy may bo appropri
ately applied, it is the warm, gushing, do
voted lovo known only to a mother's heart.
This is a lovo which is never exhausted,
ncvor Is eradicated, novcr changes, novcr
It hopes on even ng.inst hope,
8 not 1,1 . 10, .bcI!tinLS 0t th0 1
and ceases
mother's heart aro chilled in (loath.
A father may lose his affection for hia
child. Improper conduct, long continuod
dissipation, may alienate that father's feel
ings, and ho may disinherit hU son.
Brothers and sisters may becomo enemies.
Thov mav fonrct all tho associations of
chidhood, and grow up into life, baleful
nn(j j,, onQ anohon UnshMdl3 and
jVM m,y provo rocroant to the solemn
yowg th ,mvo raa(lcbeforo Go(1 nnd man)
M(1 may bocomo pcrsqcutor3 atld pr03CCU.
(orB of oacI, otucri I5uJ a motllor,g i0VC(
whatoan nlionato that! It endures through
ovcrjtuing. In bad rcport and in ovil
ronuto ; in faeo of tho condemnation of tho
world ; in spite o( ingratitude, unklndness
and abuse, daily exhibited towards her,
sho still loves on.
Wicked as ho may bo ; shuncd by his
companions ; frowned upon by the auster
ely good ; despised by his brothers and
sisters; discarded by his father ; dograded
by his vices ; tho jest of tho profane, and
tho song of tho drunkard, still tho mother
lovo3 on. Sho alo"o 'of all his kindred,
oborishos tho hopo that ho will yet seo tho
evil of Ii 13 doings, and repent, and bo
olothod in hi3 right mind. All, sho can
j not forgot tho feelings that stirred her soul
when a linv form was nlaccd in her arms.
and sho felt tho warm, soft breath upon
her cheek from tho littlo ono which God
had givon hor. Sho cannot forgot tho in
fant smiles, whioh filled her bo3om with
delight, whon his oyes met her3, as ho lay
in bis littlo cradlo. Sho oannot forget tho
joyous, ringing laugh, and tho gleeful shout
of his boyhood. No, no. All these things
come baok upon the mother's heart, and
though all tho world desert him sho cannot
givo him up. Blessed mother 1 You aro
right. Thoro is somo good in him yet,
and who knows but that hopoful, bravo
spirit of yours, that never despairing trust,
that abiding faith, that earnest prayer, all
cmbodiod in that maternal love, will yet
bring him back to paths of rcctitudo nnd
Let no young man ever think lightly of
a mother's lovo. Olive Eranth.
Rofloctions of Death.
Iloavcna ! what a moment that must be,
when tho last flutter expires on our lips!
What a change ! Tell me, yo who aro
deepest read in naturo aud in God, to what
now worlds aro wo homo ? What now be
ing do wo receive? Whither has that
spark unseen, that uncomprehonded intcl-
j ligeuce fled? Look upon tho cold, livid,
ghaatly corpso that lies beforo you 1 That
W.13 but a shell, a gross and earthly cov
ering, which hold for a while tho immortal
essence thai ha3 now left it to range, per
haps, through illimitablo spaco to rocoivo
UP aU '"jstery revolves all doubtswhich
removes all contradictions and destroys
J error Great God ! what a flood of rap
I turo may at ouco burst on the departed
I soul! Tho unclouded brightucss of tho
j celestial regions tho rare cxistenco of
ethcrial boiugs tho solomn secrets of na-
.1 t- 1! .1 11
iuru uiu) uiuu oc uivuigcu ; tuo immedi
ate unity of tho past, tho present, and tho
future strains of unimaginablo harmony,
forms of imperishablo beauty may then
discloso themselves, bursting on tho do
lighted senses, and bathing them in mea
sureless bliss ! The mind is lost in this
excess of wondrous light, and daros not
lurn from "10 "oavenly vision to ono so
. Slou,y. 60 tremendous, as tho departure
of tho wicked ! Human fanoy shrinks
back oppallcd; while- hopo ami charity
whisper to tho bleeding heart that there,
where all moroy is, thero too will bo for
giveness !
Holiness. It is holiness wo want abovo
every thing else holy principles, holy
ministers, holy discipline, holy tempers,
holy sermons and prayers, holy habits and
conduct. Nothing will compensate for the
want of this. If tho churches are not ad-
. vanciDu in holiness, wo cannot ha surmised
ti1Jt Hicro aro few eonvcriona-littlo
'.pirituj! life
A Dovotcd Wifei
A correspondent of tho Boston Post ro-
late? tho followingm referring to tho recent
accidental ueatn 01 uoi. wynuoops 1
Col. Wynkoop, ol Pennsylvania, led into
tho field in .Mexico a regiment second in 1
point of disciplino to no regiment of vol-1
untcors, except, perhaps, llreckcnridgo's ,
Kcntucklans. Ho was distincuiihcd in !
maDy engagements; he captured General
Valencia and staff; and, at tho close of tho
no returncu nomc witii laurci". 110
1b now dead. Tho circumstances aro fa
miliar. With his wife who is now an in
valid, ho wa3 visiting tho interior of Penn
sylvania for recreation and change of sccno.
The country is wild there, and sparsely
settled. One morning bo wont out with
his servant to shoot game for his wife. In I
handing him tho gun, tho servant by acci
dent discharged it; the contents took effect
in his leg, severed tho artery, and ho lived
but a few minutes. This has been told
An absurd superstition prevails among
tlio ignorant inhabitants ot tlio region.
against touching a dead body boforo an
inquest has sat upon it. Tho servant had
been sent at onco for aid to somo distance
and in vain did Mrs. Wynkoop endeavor
lo induco by supplications, by proniiscs,
by offers of money tho stupificd neighbors
to shelter and care for her husband's body.
It was a dark night. Ho still lay where
ho fell ; and there, in (hat howling wilder
ness, with tho clammy dampness of mid
night gathering on her garments, did that
dclicato woman, as frail.ns tho wild flowers
around her, that folded their petals toge
ther in that weird solitude, sit alono on tho
oliill turf, supporting on her kneo tho head
of her husband; and there remained, keep
ing her lonely vigil until tho breaking of
gray dawn, alono with her dead nnd with
her bleeding heart.
If the incident bo a sad ono, it becomes
a season set apart to lessons aud pledges
of affection.
Tho Angol Child.
"Mother," said a sweet littlo girl of four
summers, "did you ever see an angel ?"
"No, my child, thn angols aro in hoav
en. "But, mother, tho minister said that the
angels woro with us all tho lime, and that
pretty hymn you sing, ays,
'While well appointed nnjcls keep.
Their nauhful vigils round my bed."
i no awato to waton tor tucm every
night, but they don't corao. Why can't t
sec them, mother."
"My child, tho angels aro spirits, and wo
cannot sec them even whon they ato near
us. Whon wo die, if wo lovo tho Saviour,
wo shall seo thorn."
"Mother, let me go to heaven 1 I want
to seo tho angels."
"0, mother, I've soon an angol ! Ho
camo lo my bed last night, and I asked
him to tako mo to heaven, but ho said ho
would como back again for mc, 0, he
was co boautiful!"
Tho mother bowed hor head in anguish,
for sho knew that iho white-winged mes
sengers were wailing for her darling.
"0, Qod ! spare, in mcrcy.sparo my only
child I"
Again tho dreamy oyes woro opened,
aud tho littlo arras woro clasped around
her neck.
'Don't cry, mother, I shan't bo tick any
more in heaven, and I'jl ask tho angels to
como back for you. He is como again,
mother.; don't you seo the glory all around
him ? IIo is waiting for me, and I must
go uow. Good bye, mother !"
Closely sho folded tho littlo form to her
breaking heart, but tho limb3 relaxed, and
tho azuro eyes grew dim ; her darling
was with tho angels.
Bertha Moktimck.
NoiiLfi Sentiments. Condemn no man
for not thinking as you think. Let every
ono enjoy tho full and freo liberty of think
ing for himself. Let every man use his
own judgment, sinco every man must givo
an account of himself to God. Abhor
every approach, in any kind of dogreo, to
tho spirit of persecution. If you cannot
reason or persuade a man into (ho truth,
never attempt to foroo him into it. If lovo
will not compel him, loavo him to God, tho
Judgo of all.
War should a little boy bo careful to
watch the conduct of hia papa's sister ?
Becauso tho Biblo says, "Consider tho way
of tho aunt and bo wise."
Kindness is stowed away iu iho heart
liko rose-leaves in a drawer, lo sweeten
v(.ry obifcl around ilicin.
Sheriff Howe, of Lancaster county, on
Monday, received from Governor Packer
tlio death-warrants of Alexander Andcr-
Eon and iIcnry Hjchatds, convicted of i':o
,nuricr 0f Mrs. Oarber and Mrs. Iteam,
ln T)ooombor Ho proceeded to tlio
pri,on about (cn hc;, tn read the samo
to tt)0 unfortun;l,0 mcn. Tho warrant was
rcad t Andorson first. w.hon tho fhoriff
a..a.... .1,I ;n enmr.
j wlat (1I am ; cd for
idoatIl rcp,.. t0 a rflmark from .
SherKT Alartiu, to tho effect that his days
were now numbered. Anderson again said,
"Well, gentlemen, t will bo prepared lo
die." The party then silently left his cell
for that of Bichards on tho opposite sido
of tho corridor. Richards was standing
up in his cell, hoppled by ono foot, and
greeted the party as they entered with his
usual good-humored smirk. Tho warrant
for his execution was in the same words as
that of Amlcrson, (except the name,) and
when Iho readiiu wai finished,ho remarked
in somowlnt faltering tone?, "I hope I will
bo prepared." When asked if ho remem
bered, from hearing tho paper rcad, what
day ho was to bo executed, ho said, in
April, but did not remember tho day.
It was repeated, and tho prisoners ijcro
left alone with their own reflections. An
derson is now engaged in writing a com
plete history of his somewhat eventful ca
reer, to which ho will cause to bo appen
ded a true confession of all tho facts con
nected with Manhcini tragedy. Tho pris
oners are to bo hung on tho Oth of next
April, in the jail yard.
r$y' Sir," said a fierce lawyer, ''do you,
on yottr solemn oath, swear that this is not
your handwriting?"
"I reckon not."
"Doos it resemble your handwriting ?"
"Yes, sir, I think it don't."
"Do you swear that it don't roscmblo
your handwriting 1"
"Well I do, old boss."
"Y011 take your solomn oath that thi3
writing docs not rcsemblo yours in asinglo
letter 1"
"How do you know 1"
"Causo I can't write."
CLA53 in tho middto. geography stand
up. " What's a pyramid ?"
"A pile of mcn in a circus, ono on top of
tho other 1",
'; Where is Egypt?" ..
" Where it ailors was." ,
" Where is that, you young vagabo'hil,
"Dunno, sir,"
A young lady recently remarked wi h
much simplicity, that sho could not under
stand what her brother George Henry saw
in tho girls that ho liked them so well, and
that, for her part, sho wculd not givo tho
company of ono young man for that of
twenty girls.
A good doacon making an official visit
to a dying neighbor, who was a very un
popular man, put tho usual question
"Are you willing to go, my friend ?"
"0, yes," said tbo sick man.
"I am glad of that," said tho deacon,
"for all tho neighbors are willing."
Judgo Coon of California has decided
that under tho statute of that State thoro
is no law to prohibit women from dress
ing in male attire. This decision lias giv
en great satisfaction to tho ladies who wish
to "weir iho breochos."
A certain editor thinks when a siugla
gentleman cannot pass a clothes lino without
counting all tho long stockings end short
sleeves, it is a sign that ho ought to get
married, and sooner the better.
iA child, taught that sho wca mado
of tho dust of the earth, and that Gcd made
1 her, said, "Ala, Ins Dod got any moro
' dust?" "Why, child ?" "'Cause, if ho has
1 I want a littlo brother."'
During tho session of a country court
iu tho interior, a witness was asked if ho
was not a husbandman, when ho coolly ro
p'icd, amid tho laughter of tho court, "No
sir, I'so not married.''
When tho Princess Hcleua was born, it
was told tho Princess lloyal that she had
got a young sister. " O, that is delightful,'
cried little innocent royalty, "do let mo go
and tell mamma."
25" " Faih and shuro," said Patrick,
meeting on engine, "dial's tho divcl."
"Och, no," said Miko,''it's only a stamo
boat hunting for wathcr."
C-i5" Don't rob yoursolf, said tho firmer,
wh' ii tho lawL-r called him hard names,