r COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT Ai.r.fi it. t At iii i.ocai. ruuon. JIIooinsltHiv;;, IVO. S7 SSilS. mKT" Vn lnnm that the Pri'slivtrriati congregation of this place, intend hold-' ins a protracted meeting, to commenceon next Tuesday evening, tho 23rd inst. , EST We are please, to notice that our , clever young friend, CiiMtuw I). 1 bock- way. of this eoiintv. lira received llie ap n- pointment of Clerk in the Auditor ficn cral's Office, at Uarrisburg. CSy We understand that the Measles, ! t The late cold weather has produc are prevailing to an alarming extent in ed a lino articleol'ice, and our citizens arc Orangrvillc, and also, ill the neighbor- busy engaged in filling their ice-houses, hood ofUenton. One or two cases have , t&. h jg cl.limri, (lmt 1rinco rcsuitcu lataip. ; In coiisenJic!iceor tho sickness of our carrier, there may be some of our ' . , ., mi . " no Kcrvcu lo nay. Any one not receiving it in due time will please call at the office. Jtejy We understand that tho Method ist Denomination of this place, are mak ing arrangement!) for the purchase of a bell, to' bo placed in tho cupola ol their new church. vp havn ,i, iiiiiuii JCSyDuring tie past week had a fair taste of wintry weather. clear, high wind prevailed, and ice has been formed rapidly, on ottr neichborinn it.tira . I Im Ii'n.liiilliin4 tyyn unit iinimr un nnw bciiur ffllcd, with an ai.icle about tive inches in thickness. t:?i Tl,n rcvivnl t,-l,i,.i tine l.nnn ni-n. 1. iw.i i r.!- i pressing in the 31. h. Church of .hi, place lor tlio last two weeks, ant keeps up Willi unabated succcis. Tho Hevs. Mr, Wah- hex and Mr. Coi.m'lix, the able jiastors, are hard workers in llie faiifc ol their ,tnlnr. IMr.nv ..ni.vnrla Ilitl-P. irnrr.n,l ... , t . i IU llllll lUill U (lllll JI.UIIUII ESS" Monday, the 3'M day of this month, is the l.irth-day of Washington. It is eostoniary on this occasion for the icbi iiuir reverence in junior tn uie raincr of his cotinti Y, and we hope to hear of Koiurlhiii'r tlone tm this da v. in coinmcn. dation of the great dead. C ecn it. Yes, we eaw it, at last, n genuine, fasliionalilc "Italmoral," or, more intelligihly speaking, a red what-you-call-'em ! oh! a red petticoat, and that loo, in all its glaring grandeur. At last the ice is hruko in liloomslnirg, and henceforth the lialmoral" Will lie thu ratio in fashionable circles. sir jHtiny jicrsons Hloomshurg, who have street bells lis to their dwellings, . . , , en inticli aunoved, bv ' litno lcrently been persons pulling the wires and then run ning away. Those, who engage in this kind of mii'liief tie, principally, half irroivn bovs, 'I he citizens of tin nhice. who are thus annoyed, should It eye to llicni as one or two arrests have a good ellcft. - an wotilil ef&'- Sunday lasl, iho 1 lilt int St, Valentine Day. A lew years :iro the tliiv was one ot considerable iinpoil mice, ol whii'liJU li.tf l.Utetly been al most entirely shorn. To bookM'ller.s ,iiul notion tlftilers, it used to be a harvest, as also to '.he Post Officii Department but the glory ol the season has ilepailetl tho old citatum of sending love anil other missives has neaily died out. Sfitf It is with pleasure, that wo make tho announcement of tlio organization of n llrass Hand in ltlooinsbnrg, The mem bers havo already procured their instru ments and secured llie service of Prof. CiiAtll.F.s II. Sides, leader of tho "D.m villo Silver Comet Hand," lo instruct them. This is something which wc have long felt the need of in our town, and sin- curly hope that it may prevail. The re - putalion of Prof. Sloes, as a musician, warrants tht, belief that it will not be long, crc lllooiiisbnrg can boast of as pood :t Hand as can be found in Northern Pennsylvania.. tQf To KvintYisoiiv. In the e 'tirse of liunian events there arc a great" many marriages and deaths, which occur al most daily iu our midst and in our neigh borhood. It is always a satisfaction to tho families, iu which inieli thing.', occur to see them noticed in tht! ilillereut pa pers of the town and county, and as it is always ilouo willingly and gratuitously hy the papers, wo think that the persons interested might condescend lo tholrouble of sending a notirc to llie tlillWcnt pub - lishers. l''or our nail, we eanuot tifliirtl the time to run nnniuil and collect Mich information, anil if it it not sent in of course, we cannot publish it. ltd" Snow. At last this great tk'Mil. eratuin has been vouchsafed to us. It commenced Knowing here on Sunday morning and continued throughout the day. At dark about two inches had fal len at the region wo were then iu. Wc wished at the time for a good old-fashioned jolly snow one which would start the jingling music of sleigh-bells, tho chime of merry voices, and the round of merry makings which were wont to thrill the frame with glowing warmth, despite the whistling dirge of Old llorcas, and the biting colli without ! Hut our wish, has been of no avail, for lb." nun shines biighlly upon this teinainder that is left at this late, day. Oh! yn virgin flakes dficcndin one unbroken slicain, and tor nnrtj elnilif this wn kfd wot li' "i "'in hi i , li isir inil 11, u e iuji, , CT3 PASTE A SC3SS0JJS. cyy- V isiblc Tho withering hand of Jack l''rost. OS' In Town. The man wilth sorrowful countenance. tho 8ST Helios call a great many people church. JO (Joiiifj tip Tho ihcrmomctar and our subscription lht. 0 f , , , d . f rol.,oll. . ' h ' Kj5" All that is truly good and bcatiti- , fill in life blooms around the alter of dom estic love. Albert has a right to the title of King, if) (1"ccl1 vil:toria wills . vim"? WCCK "'"S ,l v"' there wcie 1 -1,001 tons ol coal trauspor- tea over the Heading Jtailroail. rtfTr Onn roin itnnn :i Iitish. tliniin-Ii Init ...m t,nt ...,:li w. : in ' 11 mill (tutv. 1 int 1. itiuil ULiiin ll lu be :t true vimo tree. JCit&" No less limn MOl persons tmc pro tiled with ludgings at tho central pol ice station, riiiliulelpliui, during the mouth . of January I.. I... T,..; 1 In "wiiii 11 m in, 11 wung 111.111 .iuii ijj 1 committed sucide, near OrwiL'sbiirc, Sch-' iiMi . u 1 " , ' uylkill countv, on Saturday week, hy snooiinir iiims( tl. JSSy 'J'ho oldest married couple alive arc supposed lo bo a Air. Snyder and his ' " 111 " 110 rcsiuo at unrnsuic, I'd. Ilr , tl?' & A 111.111 named (iriflfm, confined in 1 jil at Saldll, IaS3 for niuiu-uiuiiuill") I was on 'ruesday, married at the iail. On I WcdnCM ' he VV11S tried. c,mvi,?ted and sc,ltcnccd to the IIoui,c of Correction for three years, j Slroubc, who murdered his Wife nd two ehildieii, at Westtield, Massa- . cllUSCttS, a sllOlt tllllO affc, has l)CCll rested at l'oxlnirv, Vermont. Caf A correspondent writes, to know in ease tho Great Eastern Steainshli) 1 ';in'1 l'011,l; over ihe liars al.out Handy ,lu1"'1 B , 125'" f'fv. l'acker has sijrned the death 1 warrants ol Alexander Andurooii "l Henry ltiehauls, convicted of the mur- der of Mrs. Cather and Mrs i. Ilouiii, near Lancaster. The execution is lo tako place on Friday, the Dili of April. UtET It is thought that Oliarlcs Fcnno Iloll'man, the pedt, who has been an in mate of tho I'eiuisylvania Hospital for the Insane, will be restored to reason at no very dir-tant day. ttSr" fi'MS Cll.vi', who dont know moro than llie law allows, takes the ''Local" of the liloimisburg Democrat lo task for a careless style of writing, When that Wise-acre gets a Printing es- 1 tablishinent, he will not find time, to i writ0 uvl'rJ" lillc precision of a I Work on (I rammer, nor will he find lime . ... ., ... , , I to spend Six months, on a critical aualy- sis of local items. JJr. I). II, It. Jlioivcr. An Fhitoh's Audiunch. "Whom are , you talking to! Why, to a much larger i atiuicncc tliiin tlio best convcisaliouiEt ever i could boitut of, nnd to moro than over li&t cnctl to liim tlurltig n mouth. How few lecturers, how fctv public sneakers of any I description over witnessed an audience halt" so largo as that to uhich tho cdtlor of the as ii.. i. . . , it , MiLiitcj. ueiuuiry p-'peir iiroaeues : now inatiy clcrgymeu are they who are accus touied to the audience of a thousand, and ltow lew papers aro there which do not strictly and literally liiul inure! thau a thou sand readuis. rnwaa'9'rnzf!3id7zrojnuzszz Auolbcr rciuarUablcciirc of ilyspriisia liosroN, July a, 1851. Gentlemen, Agreeably to your sugges tion, it gives mo plcisurc to ftate, that some five weehs ago, I purchased two bottles of your (Ivig'iiti'at Jlitlcrs, and commenced usinj; the s.imo according to direction?, and experienced the happiest cfl'ci'ts. I had been troubled with dyspepsia about three y-jais, During tho warm season, and at times, was obliged to give up all attention to business ; and although 1 had , the advico of many good physicians, I was confuted for six necks lo the house, und continued to grow worao, until I took your nicdicing ; I am now almost cured of every , disasjrecablo symptom, and able to do business as usual. Tho whole credit of my restoration to health h duo to tho Ox; gcnulcd Hitter h. Your obedient servant. AliMKll SMITH. Central Square, Kast IJoaton. Sum W, Fowi,i: et Co., Washington Street, lioston, Proprietors, Sold by J. It. Mnyer, liloomsburg. MARRIED. (Ju Thursday evening, the lHth inst., bv tho Kev. W. (foodrich, at his. resid- , ence, Mr. .Itilnt Jacnliy, lu Miss I.uvina Dc'lriHi. both of Lilii.,lrcfl, Col. to. In I'hiltulclpliia, tm'tltc Hilt of Fchru ary, hy the Ucv, Sir, Icrailith, Mr, (Illia Vamtaltcr, ol IMooinsburT( to Mioa Car olino Kuupp, of Pliiladclpliia. In Matlisou township, Coluinliiii poim ly, on Tliuistlay, tlio 1 1th inst,, Mr. Isaac DtMOXT, uituil about 71) years, Mr. UPlllOtl WHS ll nilt Ohtilllalllc citizen, worthy christian ami aflcctionnto liiKlinml nml n.irnnl. 1 J .... . lu iiiooniiiiurir, on Sunday iiiorniiiir. tho 1 Ilh inst., Mrs. Hosanna Vannatiuh, aoetl 05 years, 0 monllis anil 1 day. J The ilet'eascdlived a christian's life and died a christians' death and has now irone lo reap the reward of her faithlul- i , , , . ... nt'bS, In the death ol a christian thu . ... gr.ivo is niliuctl ol its victory, and death ... . r Ol US htlllf,' J lor ,,i, i .i i e i "ISevontl this vale tit I cars 'Du re is a life above ; , , , . , , I Mllli'aMIIN l ll 111. llllil nl , i r ii ' I ' ' I, I ' ' ANNUAL STATEMNTlSsr.rsiSr.'.T."' of TUB MUKIITS AM) K.Xl'MIUTIIIlUiS 01 COLUMBIA COUNTY, For (he Year 1837, Till. Auditor rlrrtrrf tr tntUft nml mljnrt tlifl pulitlc fitrou.it of Coltunhla roiinty, in c examined Iho (iin from tlio flrwt day of J tin nary , 1837, in itia lint ci,iy,y5H, imtl rntpretiiiMy lay I ''fore tlm HonomMo JtHlgpR of tho Uoiirt of Common Pirns tho To lowing Htalciopiil timl Heporls nfitiimlily to tin- !i.M Section ol nn Av'tof Ihfdcnoral Aff'iiitity of this Commonwealth.. tiMl tho 4tli dny nf April, A. U, ItMJ. JAC'OM II AUItlH, 1:5-1, .'I'tcamircr uf Columbia county, In account with uld (ountv DU 1P57, January, To 1.1x0s tmtat.iiiillng foC IPSO nnj prcflmts yrnr, gHiO 74 To caili nf J. W. IIcikI.tMiM for plank, (1 2.1 tto of Jackson Ikcler lor plank, 4 :ti 1I0 Jury for ol Jjcoti llycrly, Protlionotnry, R (W do of 3p f liinimii fir repairing tenrs, !i il tin of II ll.ill), Cnri., Inml rol''i'tneiJ 7 07 do of l.V. Uvcs & II. Kitchen 1I0 2 (.(, ilo of If Crr.ifV, 'o J7 do ofTJias Kicks, do 4 h do of toiiidry persona for use of Court HdtMc, 23 (it) To County Tax on tinted lam!, ,5 do do unn-'aU'd do 7 m ilo Komi do do do j yj iiu 1 Diir im 00 uo do Ton day nspfsmriit, t'.n Jury let's of Jiiroli llyrrly, do tin nml lines of Hlcplicn ll 11 in Ud 00 Miller, 107 Ah tVvvt I 1: To amount of Tux nwftseil for 13.'(7, "luCIlHl ucflvudfor Mil t;irvnsi'fi8mcntforl:t7. 1.1 no do do olJnn Donk, 11. lalf Trniisiirnr, 33 yj m iienry w , i Qnm ior i'ccuk 111 Trcasu icr'a Pile. 107 fO do of Pinion Toldm.l.ind rcilcrmcJ, To balance duu Treasurer. 4 :n r.rj .1.1 512,873 17 SI7.I CI 1.1:111 III lot 07 a7i) Aj 7J7I III S.'l B3 M 'y "iif.nco one iirasnrcr trom Io0, iiy lati'it nilisi.imung Jail. 4, IHJd, y iU mn.ui durinjttiir Hy Coiiiinitnton allowed Uolti'rtoi liyauionntoi unicm rcdvutuuii, Ity Comiiils..lun on umoutcd land venr. Col k'r tors I nrr cent. I Oil IIIMl'ulttl I .tin!, 11 nxpiiMinuiiiis. Itoad ami Urtttge t'tcwa Amount pal I sundry iicriuns lur Ilo.nl Vii'ws, ib (.u Cur llriilijc Ju SM CO lj no SI J0 00 Ani0nt ,ni D..nld KfoMiuK'ftojrh.gcwk Urlilga CuntrntH. towtmhin 10 Amount paid Daniol Ko&lcnbider, rranktlu loiislilp, 83 on Ainouiitpni'l D.in'l Mctlenry.llcnlou township, on or) Amount paid Ira Blunders, I'iuo tt. lirectiuuud toun.hlps, 100 50 Amoiiiit paid Jacob II. Stacker, t'istiingercek luwiiolilp, '.'oo on 1270 oil 8310 74 32J 00 110 33 H 10 Urlftgt Itipatri. Amount paid sundry persons lor repairs, do John Snyder, Tor repairs at Or nneevllle bridge, Amount paid John Uut lor repairs at Light St. htiilr, Aniouiithaid tt. 11. Kline, for repairs at Oranco tiriJso, b SJlil ti SI'JO 00 CjmiilimujealUi'aCcsti. Ain't paid aundry persons as witnesees, 4:c , I'.leOlon h'.ipcmcs Amoiiiit otpenses ofrlprlni Uleclion, Amount Uxpeiises ufCL'iierai Clec.iou, Sl 31 3J7 05 Jfssesor't J'tw. Amilunl pail to thu diibireut Assessors for 'cunstaUt's 'ititunn. ' ltU'irn to t'eliru.iiy 'i'l-rm, 833 If, uo ,. ly uo do He ptemher do do D'-'eeinber do 2U 44 -0 3S 20 40 3.00 33 sri'i 5.1 Alt) 30 Siki o i -'71 bd 1021 57 Juror's rail. Gram! c Traverse, IVbruary Tim, do do do ,.iay u,i September do December do do do du Tip Staves. I'ebtuary Term, May do Keple-ober do December do 51 00 IS III) 13 00 13 IX) S3U IU Court Critt. Anion ut pihl Pluses (Juiriiiiiii, 1', liu.ary Tt-nu, S14 oo tin ilo M.iv l in. Io ilo 8rpii mbrr do In oi) .niomtij rut. Amoiiiit ptnl 11. V. Wiaver, Atlorile'y lo Cum. 915 P3 ltlslrlrt .ttornett. Amount paiil 11. 11. Litllti. llsi , JVtf. Amoiiiit paiil A. J. livans for coat, "Jail" du tin ilo C. hotiso, tin Jt'.scrlli.iunoii tto tin tltl Will ColiMudll, ilo J.iil, ilo ,M. 1'. Jiyerly, lot ol' old uoanls, 73 iO SI.'. SI 'JI 12 '.'I i:t l in WJ HI AlHhtar'i mi. ' i Anioiltlt pa'hl I'.oniily Aii'litors mitl lln ir Cte-rk. C27 .10 i- Amount pihl V. Wirt, 11'., "i'roll.ouutm nii.J Utistur iiec'l,' 1J U0 SJJ i'J Instraneb Alnmilit paiil Lvcoi.tlli? litllr.itleo L'onni.niv . ast nil .No 1 1. si'j 31 loz Sculiia, Amount paid iliin-ri'iil n-r-oiis, 5133 ir. Amount piM Join. M. CUe'iiiliOlllli, pailltina t.'ourl lions,. iiici.. SJ3 CO .inii'iiMi iiuiicy a j 1 , j.ioju iur io.ua,sni 1; iil,uuu, 11100, SS)J 01 .10 00 .1!) I'D '3 .ill SJj'J 411 Printing. Amount paid It. H. Weaver, io Levi L. 'i'.ile, do Li;vi V Irwin U Co., do Chat Itb UuoK, lUanh lionki. A 1110 1 nl paid II. V. Wtaver lor one Ftt of Aa feeHMUlt UookF. Amount paid Mrs. Caroline Clark fur one Dcod Hook, Amount piid .".Irs. C.Clark, Ulanti liook, tc l)iijilicjie-. Auiout-t paidChuilcb Kiahl bind 1113 hooks. Si:i Hi UJ Id 0) 1 u 1 j S71 U0 Incidental Amount paid poiulry pcrnon,) for articles used iu audalioul the L'imrt lloiuf, Uuwlng Court IIoue. Amoutitpatd Ann Luiij i.lcauing Court House, Inquests, lii'l'iist 011 hudy of John ronlknrr, load DaitiQ'ja, John Kline, Lor 11 U tnwiiflnp, William tl. liatrls, (In'enwood twp , Jeo .Mather, do II. Ihltenlu nder, I'i- ti I nprrfek iv.it. , l'IillipKlino..Mt lieiuaut twp., HicphiMi Liiariu , Iltinou twp , $12 ai I .$17 0U giu GJ 1 g Hi, ' 111 1)0 S3 00 I ill uu , mi 14 no I. l lw I iil.111 1 UU SI'JO Pli Tat Refunded. Road, Srlmn laud I'oor Ta on uuci'ated laud ri'iuiineii 10 tuwiiiniiis, Vrothonoeary . Amount paid JarnLi llji-rly as ivr lulls, HcgLtcr'a I'ccs. Amount uid Dann I teo tr Kccorillli,!, fee, Postage Amoiiiit nid P. Unaimst l year's postage. Sl0 53 "Ml 21 SO 00 $1 01 .veuieal icrriccs. A1110untpa1dll.il IIiohii, SI 00 I JUrtcttltkral .Society. Amount paid J. W. Iluudittslinl, $I0U 00 Commissioner.' and Clerl's 1'oy Amoji'i paid Win. J Ui ier, smeill! do Jrinas Pali ri user. 14 I oil do lie ry ttllteubi'llder, :iu io do Kins Ihetenek, I .lu do 11. U. Pruil, Clerl,, aildl ;j 00 MctfJ's Di'ls. Aninuui pnid S. II .Miller, hoarding prisoners. notili ins Jurors, Lc , SMI t) 71 no "0 no SI7I 00 (lonveyimi iMosea tiaumer to U. IVlutemiaiy, Couveyiiif! George Ituplo do Interest. Aiuouri naidJolin Uonk, lli-'i., Interest on $170, 1 tar, Treasurer's Deeds. Ain't piid Jacob llurria for Trtafcnrcr't, Deed, Total, S75CI a'J ltC0CClCii. County, Hate. SI 50 V.I 73 S3 fi'J 7 27 a bj ii 60 i oo i -i 132 -1 1SI 81 23 M 7 10 13 bt) 21 5S 21 IU 31 17 lil 1.1 3.1 17 20 1 1 3') 1,7 H3 37 3d S3 10') 17 SI 41 c'li xl 'I ' lit li- u Ii, . . oil ' H.-iim1."l Apiittiuin. Bugarloaf, I jac'w. Wumer, Madison, i Nelson Kile. rSugarlMf, I ,. Peter . Peter ilayiuan, Orjnge, 1 is.w. r' '""'. do 1 Jjcob ttensii. i;.ittawissa, Jacob Stelll. I.OCIIH, 'yt"" raiiS., '''l',';",1;1" w- Vnung Jackson, IVillia,u Stephens, fcugarloaf, i'""1. Pelur Applcinaii. Ilennii, uiin,tian piiuuian, iieavcr, Isanli Jolin, L'nitaw's.it, i-'harits n. nictenck, uenttc, ! njohu lin.ards, Pishiiigi reek, Hiniuil llogarl. tlretnwood, Isaac Lieily, lltuilock, William tj.ioduun loeu.t, l'.vnu VVelliver, Montour, Ihioch l ot Pine 4ns ih 11 Kobbi.is. e ull ,' ' , ., 20.5 13 HI 13 t.17 1,1) 317 III I7U 01 211 III 302 72 l,:t 31 101 III 50U 77 7 IM 170 01 72 Ol 73 It IM) 87 71 61 32 3H 2.11 BH 117 Oil 10 U 101 in 4.VI 2J Adam Hull. Itrlnrcrc k. Jolin Zanuf Control J nli 11 tfcott,Catt.itf I4i.i, J)liu.i WoincrCohyiigliiim, John Larruun, Fjnlilnitcrrck, i iiomas iiouot rrAnKiin, ni 3t DavlilU, Allicrtftntl, Urrpnwnoil. T40 17 tl I., Elioi.iiattir. Hemlock, 3:io el lllfilol 1'oiHt. acknii, 3.1 A3 William tlnoiliu.in. Iiocurt. John rinllli. Moitlion, IPS P3 Uvati Vtlllvol. Monlu.if, 177 21 Uanc Vttlrt, Malnn. 300 01 Joippli Ctnwfiitil Ml. rlcunnt. 7'J .10 I.awli Iktiint, Mlllllii, '.Ml lo Milling KMI.!r,Or;ilicc, 1 7.1 01 llnnlnmlii Winli-ritein.l'liio, Ol .11 Allrha.il I'l.lcrolf, Ila'tlngctccki HI l Jnlin M. Ciilc.Sii.illoar, tl fll Kllslia II, l'uncl Scott, 413 18 Total, J1II) 31 S',131 03 Wo.thounncrjlsnfil iiittlnrn or I No coitntr of Co, lu.iiMa, IipIih ilnly olccioil to iiitJiKt nml utile Urn Dccottnlf of the Trcanilrfr mnl Connnliirioiiori lmo carrliilly ciniiiinril tho nrcoitnti and vot'clms of llri. ff.inn, from Itic Int day of Jinuary, 1M7. to tlio l?t diy or January, 1M3. ilnrcitlfy Hint t?o (lml ilirm cofmt lis net Icittli In INo riiri'tnhiit etatimcnt,nnil tlial tve find a lialincn duo Jncali ll.irrN, I:!., Treasurer from tlio county of Six liumlicil and nineteen dollars nml ninety. Uirco cent. liven under our lianili this tith day of January, A. 1). lftiS. JAfon DtJ.MOTT. ) , KAMUT.I, KIIUNK.f . JOHN It. YOIIU, J-'i""'0". Attejl, W. Wirt, Clerk. Wn the under. ieneil Cnniiuiflsloners or tho County of Col Iii.i, do certify that Mm foreitolni! It u Correct "taienient ol tlio accounts of said county for llie year A. I). 1H.17. In ICftlmony whereof ro h.ne hereunto set our Imnds this Otll ll ly of Ji unary. A. I). I B53. JOVAR I'AIIIMNrinit, ) Com't HtiNitv iiitti:mii:nuch,1 of ni.iAri luirimucK, Jew. a. Allen, R. 11 Phi-it, llcrl:. I'llituary 2d, less, iiniirot ed liv llie Court. JACOII 11VAH, ) jtanociato riiTI.lt KI.1NI1, JudgtB. Theap have since ,n)l in lull Mloomphurir, 1'eli li, lf5j ta-TO l'AltMUIIS - Tilt: tmv Yonic vni:i;i,Y Ni:VO, Is nn excellent ,ew York city paper lor rountry rcaJing It cont.tins Iho lallcst utid mnjt correct Cattto maiktt, nml l'roduce reporls, Willi all the news an d intelligence of the day. Try it mid you wrl lik tii y 51 n year. nitdhiieJ at No, 101 Nassau street. New tS-TIIIllii: IS NO r-UCII AVOIltl AS I'AII, Item! thu ndvcrtiicuic'it m nnotlier column, Inaded "llclr.i- hotd's Cenulnu I'ft I.TTrtttoiu" C5-TIIO.MAS W. JIA'lTriON, Kccrlvrr tho I'riio Medal at thu World's lair in lioudjn, 1651, for TllUNKS.OAIll'i:T llAnS,l!cots,.lhoes and Cuius flre-ll inducements arc now oirercd to purchasers of the abovuarticles. Thisis luiichthclargcst slockoltruuks Carpet Mags. ValiccsAc, in l'liilailelphla very cheap, or cash. .Mtiiufaclorlcs: 130 Market Street, B. W. corner, oil,! 12 Market slrcil. a. II. cornerofroirth. IJ-Tlli: KANSArt CONn I'l 1UTION A venerable ticntlciuau, who, when in ticthe life, hi Id a very dis tiugulslicd position iu tlio Democratic party, says: 'llrentlies tiiere a mm wilh unit so dead, Who nut-er lu bimself hath said, Tl.ni ll,,. n.lid. " Ptochre ij,,..,., , ouu cnenp ciotliiii', is at the Metropolitan nslablish- inent of uranviiiu rjlokes. No. (.07 Clicsnut street f" VJ-A NEW rittM AND HL'SINLSi UI'ON N1JW rRlNCICI.US. THOMAS V. DIM. fc CO., have be come proprietors of the IViiitk User. Ci,otiiisc lUAAft. corlifr of fourth and Market strpets. L'hiiadelpbi.i, hut wilt not follow in the b-ateli track. Wc lire saiislicd that Ilia only way lo build up and keep a largo business is lose I goods cheap and give salt. faction to customers (pictenco will not answer and humbug lias had its day) and uo intend lo sell our goods at G per cent, advance upm cost (uo less and uo more) and uo v.iri.i I lion i a marked prices This "tsli in will sustain itsel without pull'iug. We shall buy uud set I exclusively for Cash. Our Clothing will be made as well us cloth lug can be mado Our assortment for men and boss is the largest tn I'liihdclphia, and ourpricce much lower than others. Cell and see for yourself. THOMAS V. DIM, a. CO , While Hall Clothing Ikiuar, I Koiitli Vtsi roinrr 4'li aiul Murkct tits., riiitinVlpliin I KQUALITSl to ALL 1 I TTNtroaJUi v op I'ltiiinsi a swi'uniin 1 U Ite'ststss. l.icry one Ms oxit &U6mcnl I , "00, JOXH3 ,t CO.. Oftlio Crosfpnt One 1'ricu Clollilii: Store. No, M.iikti strett.ahmo ixih, Pliitadvldila. In addition to having tho hirgi'si, most vnrhid n!i! -isnioiialdc stock of Clcthli.g in i'liiladi-lplii i, niadu irriih1 ' fur ntal sales, luie constiintrd every oho , hla own sntosmnn, hy hriving nnrl.d in Hurrv, oi: eaiharlLIu tho ory lowest priLO ft can he iold for1 they r.iiiuot i04itlilv ary all iniMt hoy ahk Tho goidsnre wi It spotigM aitdiireparnLittii) great pains' t.iU'.i with the tuaUii.i eo lliaiall can Lu wnfi ho full asuraiicn olgi'liniij U good nr ice n'. t iu vnry J lo,'tl prien. Also.n l.ngo slock of pn'Ce foods on liaiid.orilni I nest fljloaiul best iuallllrs, eelncH will bu nude-to order. In Iliu most fasliionsljlu and best tuaiiiie'r.SS ir; r cent, below crei'.li price's i.c,!l!-,lr,.s 1 e,r, !S. CiL'5c,nt, ill :,IarLtt, above SUth O-SI.UIU ItlUVAUU IVI1.I m: paid roit a.vy Medicine tint will I'll ATT UUTClirja'd M A- I OlU OIL Inr th'J ful lowing die,is(.-a: Uheumaticiii, N'euralfjU.Hpiiul Alfcctlons Contractsd Joints.Clnhc l'alna. Pains in the ijnlu or H.u IcIkMdatlicToollitU Ik, t-pranu Horo Thecal, Cuts, Li rimed, Hums, and all dlseil-teii of lln: rtfcni, MihcJp uud tlte Gliilds. tfoi'o genuino without tho signature of "Pnitt ft Hatcher" iitlailioil tiieai'li la ti. I. TrliKlpal oillci.'JOi Wasln op to 11 1,1 reel, Uro.iklyn, New York. Hold hy C. M. IIA CUMIL'CII, Unij-jit, Uloom.lmr. i CiTThM iatocPrtllytli.il I hue made hut one appli cation of tho Magic Oil oil my fitijjers whnli have been drawn Irom contraction of Ihe (ordn, brought on by iIie'iiiialiFiu. tt wan of soventecn months ulandinj, on 1 1 am now entirely cured. I cheerfully rtcommtnd it to .ill illliUud UKc.in.'. J. M. FIN'nROOK, 7 Isocusl otret'l, Hamburg, Auanst I . iKl7 IO A CAItl) TO TllU I.ADIIiS. l)H Golden I'remii ril.L3arejra.7i!'ldl'l ren cttw. DeU'ONeo's stoppages or irregularities of the menses. Thc-si1 l'lilsare' iioihiii now, tit Invu liccu used by the Doctor for many u.irs,li0lli in l'raucu and Anicri c.l,vittt uuiinrallckd success in e t e-ry case ; und lie) is ! urged liy many 'thousand ladies who havo need IIicih, lo uiaku I tto Pills public, for llin .illeviution ol those sulterii! from uuy iirt'milarili-ls whatever, us welt us apreventive to thosi ladies whiso tuallti will not petmitaiiiticieasa of family. Prrguaut teiualcs, or llione supposing themselves so aie cautioned against using these I'll Is, as the proprt etor assumes no responsibility utter the ubuvo niltno liiliou, allliougli their mildness would prevent mi v iu jury to health; otherwise, these Pills aiu recuut lueiided. Directions accoinpiiiy each bos. Price Ql. Hold wuoieeaienuu retail, ny (iiioutii: .ii. iiai:i:viiuui, i General Agent, itlooiushurt!, Pa. -I !1q will supply the Iraile ut the proprietor's iirices,, ' and send the Pills to lalies confidentially) hy mall on rec cleipt St throhtlie UUiiiKbarj l'o.i 0,1b,. tQawy'rnT.Trx7,yviaw,eiswxejr-TT-tri.--ri 15LOOMSUU11G 1J00T AND SIIOK Minrinii 1- Ulll's. rillll: undersigned respirlfuHy inroims the citizens X of l'loiimt'jurg and the public in general, lhcl lie has one lied a III U 113 u.1 JHI AO IW'JJ 3 35 fill 7 Special- Notices. i Boot awl Shoe EbtablisJimcnt, 2d20,Iii the w lute buildiiii. on Main street, above lllse'r. 1 u Wilson's tlikery. wiie-ru tto lias constantly on hand 8147 34 1 a lurge assortment of Jioots, bLiocs, (j niters, eVc, And will uiakeup work to order on short notice Mis long experience in llie Lusiuess, and general know. Icdj. ol the wants o," the peopl", will eunble Inn to render satisfaction to all Ins customers, and should secure him patronage which he hopes lo merit 11UNUY KLCl.M lUoomsbitrlt, M.i) 2, le-57. .1J' KVAKM, 10,0111) flUNTUIt, Kj Otiiiln in r Hour: .M v n.i',t,.iii,iMo,t,i,at)ii,.M. II ei,.u,i i,b,e,...iiini. .titt" i i t lk..iL,slirutT. iartJ TUerr.. 1. lU ,.,.,V" r.ll. Oui..SU.sl. it I.1 .,llClS', T.Tlu,ie..J.rlli.r,,. w 4llr. ih.T.Urt.ijta-ciir,w.riirriua , ' I'cr.r.lbrory.FOUHTII NT, below rhctuui.1 FOR KENT. o.Ters lor mil Un ud tho llriarcrrck i llie Canal bank. miles Irom Hi nvitk, tojeiher llllll! hoiue, out lot. 8 (.tides. uh.iif, , whi'h u i rare ch.iuro lor any pLtbO'i 1 JSFS&W Till: iiiHlemancd 1 ,?4i!i. CtJd'roccrv. tfitnatc 01 1 tmmxM'sz IViolllllf; 111 H'lll Oil Il.KOIUliI' ICHIIa. I 01 4itau'.ir ' i' v 1 'Jt n i J UomY . Ui i m. TTE1UKS. iiniiflrnf t -mn! Avrnomtr.u or run sr.irr. tfn nan n.H ti ..t in s i r--. fc.W-?iw,uu rui u isuinrsi. urn, - . 1 hf lollowiBj Bclieni. win he drawn by H. Bwak tc I Co., Managers of lliefpaua Academy Lottery, in each ' oi incir nintio niimuer i.ouiri'isior l tnruuty, I8ji?, lit AUOUSTA, Ucorrjln, In public, under tho upcrlnttii-1 .lenco of Couinilssloners. f Tol.adMwnlotheeHV,,'2.;, ri , . i ,.,.' on Hatuiday, rebriiary I3tl, lUo8. To ho drawn in the city r,r AuguMn,ficorffla, Jn jiuldic ur.Asn 4. To ho drawn lit lU city nf Aupu.tn. Ceoritla,hi nubile, on MAtarday, l'ehruarv 27lll, IfSH. on Tin; I'I.an of HiMii.i: MiijinnnH. VM Tkoutanil I'oht ltvitttred and Etfthly Uri l'rltttl Nearly one l'rizo to every Niuu '1'ioliots. jif -i axnici ;av sciu:.mi: i H CK nilAWN IIACII 8ATUI1UAV IV Pi: 111! II ,( n vi I t'rito of 70,000 I 4 I'rlio of u.imn 30,000 4 ' 1,50-J 10 001) .' Iml s.noo 4 I'm 4 0011 il) " j 3,001) 50 ' "loll I,.'i00 llin i ji 1,00(1 130 ' inu AITnfiUiMA't kin rnr.iM. ( l'r i.i'a ,S I'i'JA j. prox'i ng (o S7H oiai I'rleaio flora :'nt) ao.ooj 1200 210 121 lull .10 Maris 10.0IK) S.tKO 1,(11,0 :i,ooii 1,500 too 500 400 3011 2(10 loo.oou loo I'rirer. nmouiiitnz tri fr320,ooo WIIULU 1IUKU1M S1U s iiAi.vr.tf Hi UUAIt TJ1HM 621. Fan of the Jjottcry, The Numbers Irniu 1 to .10,001), corresponding with those Numbcls on tlio Tickets printed on separate slips ol paper. areeueircled with small tlu tube-suud placed In one wheel. Tiie lust 457 frizes, simil'rlv nrinted t nil cuclr C I I Thu ale placed in anotlier wheel i wlUls nro llieit revolved, nmt rt number Is drawn from tin; wheel of Numbeis. and at thu same time n rnrels ilrnwu Ironi tho other wheel Ilia Number and l'rizedrnwn out nro opened and exhibit ed to tho iiudli'iice, and registered by tho Coiiiuiis sinners; the l'rizo he ing placed ngainst tho NtiliihM Lawn, 'this operation Is repealed until ull the frizes are diaw u out .ir02linsrioit J'r(:rs. Tho two plcceding and lha two succeeding Nuiu'iersto those itrawinir the first 7 Prizes will lie entitled to Hie 2S Approximation Prizes. I'or example: 11 TicketNo. 11250 draws the 70,111.0 l'rie.thiKO Tiellits numbered ll,24i, 11 24J, 1 1, 'Ail, 11.252, will each be entitled loSI.il If Ticket No. 550 draws the $30,000 I'tize, those Tickets num. hired 54S, 54.1. 5.11 . 53J, u ill each be eulltled to Jl"J, and so on according to Die above srheme. Too 5000 Prizes of QUI will bo determined by tho last flsureof HieNiimher thatdruws the .;o.t'llO Prize. I'or example, If iho Number drawing tho 71)000 Prize ends with No. 1, then all the Tiekits, where the 'iin.l.rr,,,lj. I I ill t.o t.iit I, t..,l fc.iii lllln, Number ends Willi No u.ihei.all the Tlekels here I mi.- iiillllllUt Ctllia 111 Will U t IlliLII II III 5iU sUllil SO oil tu(). Curtificiitm tit IVckapcs will be Bold nt the full on -liifi rnii', whirh i tln rii-h . Ufitificiteof l',icJnyo ol l( Whole Ticket., 6JH !' do if) Halt du 40 du ili )0 (luiirtcr do UO do do io Lis lull do 10 IN OUDKKINU TICKIJTS Ott VCIVI iriCATI'S, i:iirltHI' till! IIWIHI-Vln ..nr li.i.l fa r 1 hfl tl l.ol I onlorcd, on rucfh.i nl vrjinj? ,rtf,p tt M.lm fndin tn if ( Ir-I i.ia II. ' . ' ' I O'l... I. let ltn.. .. -V'. n.l t.iT..L I II I,.. e.,.t I (I ll 1 ri ll fl K I ttx iiiiini'.li'iliitif ltTlnr lit., il pliU ktirr Pusel.t.rr. tv.ll I.,., w a I ...-,. r,lnt- , n,i iun iLinrt.'ir.n,' i nuiiuili., ' 1 i.-?'" ...i. .i... . : .:.t. ... . .Y m..:.. full without drdUMlon. AlU'ris oi Siuyaa i.J under, ipiid Immediately aRur tho drawmu-othor Viira at thu Ubual ili:io oi thirty IlilJH. All comm'inirationn htrirtly conlutrntl it, AddrCbS oidfra lor Tict.i-1- or CVrtiflcftlr to a. SWAN CO , 4vjufa, i7i. Persons rohidins near Muiititoinorj .Ala. or Aiiaii'rt. Ui .cnn Invo ihnir onlfr tilli'd. und favo liiin:, lij addriBsing ri. Hwan sc Co , at either of iho-i iitics. r'Allxtnl tho niimbora that aro iiriia Irom thu whi'Cl, with t lie anion tit nf i ho pnzr tint earli om is pntiih'd to will ho piiMihhod alU'i every drawtny in tho fdl'iwnn iMjiPr Augusta (Oca ) Constitutionalist. Xcn Orleans Dtlta, Mobile ltfrttir, ChnrlCtton Maiuant, XashctUe (lautto. .ttlanta Intcttijcnctr. Xcm York Weekly Day llooU. Savannah jlforimip Acids IlichmonU Di'i'Mtll, Xrio York JjhpaUh and I'sitldin ) Clarten. THE GOLllKN I'llIVSE FOlt 1853. ii.LUTJt.m:u. r-pIIC Now York ivppkly UOI.IIUN riU7.ll is one ol X tin; urucsi uii'i bi'sl literary papurs ot the el.iy. An Impe'ri.il (iuailo tontalniiif! tin 1 t'Aiits.tir toiirv e.0L.e,i!,i, ori'iitt'rl.iluim original nidlttir : tend ll.oast. LY II. I SI RATI D PVITV He'l'K. Jl Oift xarth from ill cell's to $.101) 00 III fcAi, W It prrecnttd to each subdcrlltr immediately on imi;r if the &u!rftrliiadit money. 1 ropy for 1 sf ir, Si 00 and 1 trill. 1 eopy lor 2 ye-ars, S3 .111 nml -pills. I coiyf.'r:ij,'ais, stun ami agilis. 1 copy tor 5 )i nrs, il tio jnd 3 gills. AhD TO eu'us 3 copies 1 jc.ir, S5 111) uud 3 sifts. A copiiis, 1 ye-.ir, tu und Si;iiu. lili-opii's, 1 ei'jr, SIS (III uud lllpilts. ill e-npies, I toar SJOtllaud t!J till.. 77.S arltctis to be dutrlbuted at e comprised 111 the follow i '"i'"" ; . , , ... J iaek.igc. orGoldiCOtitniii 1)2 800 0') l.ic i. ,-, 1 ,i ,a S "UO Ull i'.'ii li I 10 da do sloo (II) e'acli. I lUlii'nt J"'"' lliinliiigC.iscdlVachcs. llio uo . arli. I - ".. !:;' o oo i,o oo e'licn. l'lO do 8,111 U0 racli :illll l.'idiub Hold M'at'iirs, S 'j 00 cacli .Hi'J tilvi r lluutiiiff Caed Watched. StUOUeaLh AtlUHIivtr Wutchi's, CilOluSiAiurli, lm.liColrlfluard. Veft Ac Tub Clniiis. 9 in to.$'ID rach. Cold Aoelffa, Uracttcts, liroochctt I'.ar Drops. JJreast t'tns, Cuj ruu, ttctcc ISuttons. lltngs, bhlrt Huds, Watch I Keys Ovid and htlver Tnii.i'jlcs, aud a tarhty cf other 1 articles xct,rfhfrcueentg tu 15 tltl each. Jmmtaiatefy on receipt cf the subscription money, the tubacrtber's name Kill be entered upon oar subscription booh I opposite a number, and the gift corresponding with that vuvdt'r ieU beforicardtd trltltinonciccch tothe su'jaciibcr, by mail ur eiprcss, postpaid ! t5 lt .ojiiihumcatioiii houtd be addrcsud to llKCKllT &l CO.. H.i ml 43 Modal Luilding, UJj Hmariway, New York ' fcipecimpn copies sent Ircc. JjuiU, PlItVATK SAU3 or Vaiiiabio Real Estate. rrMli; unilcrHjiicJ offers to si'll, nt I'ulilic Sale, u X valitalilo HOUSE AND LOT OF a hound. Qiliiule iu INiutDwn. Columbia rniimv. l'.t. t-'aid property is u corner lot.MUMie on .Main fitrcet, oppo-iio the residence ot Cjrus Haiton, v hereon is erected a large and coiofurla. le laiAWK X) XV 'i ii Jj L IN U IlOUrii:, MTCIIIJN. Al 1'UA.MU STAUL13, whh tlm rir'ptmte outlmild i pinup uud well uf (jooil Miter, JziAiiejr at the dour, w ith otlar roiiveuieixea A Urge .iml cxrepeiit Harden, is attached to "said premiei, hitli is in iod Loiulition. Haul properly i centmlly lotnti'd in Ufpy. atljactnt to llie Meant tiiw .Mill. Luititicr Yard? and llo.it YurtH, utlardiuj a duniiuljle rcnideitce, citlur tor a Lucinciia lniu or a private individil I. V li'Hild the rJiove iianird propt rty not be told at private Kile, L'loro .ilun'av, the -Uih of I'ldnuiry next, il will on I tint day, If ot Cored a; I'tilillc Sale, on the (irtniUes at 1 o'clock, 1. M, Ternii made Know 11 onapplication to tho suli"crihef. AUUA.M AIIV1NR, tin, Jan u, is:i 0IIKA1' 1'OK SALE a r nit: orrice ot nif COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, i P0;,'.";" v.' V1"'"" "" llotLii's WuniMi Imis, 111 irk. lilac and He'd, iu bottles ol various shapes nnd tit i s HoNnCs l.wum ll.w live, wlilcli will color Hair and i Uenrd perlectly I, lack. , Stahomrv, coiupriini: pens, holders, pencils, scallns ( wax, hlanl; hooks, checks &.e. Uni. Se-i'sitn.sc t'redu Alhaiubra Laid Note Paper and Ilinrv llllvelotn'S. Ui.anks, Deeds, fc-chor.l Orders, M.irria;e Ccrlir.catce, Justices, C'unstithlen nnd .ill olhe r tonus. Mt-ric!Ms,-syiiii of Varrnw, Ague Cure, Ulackuorry tir'ip. Cattle Powder, llore J.i iiimciii. etc. mjsv sm jBJiwaEiSj Ut-cuted ut ull Inn.', in various colors Ahvav a N'c.itly, cheaply una espedltlouily. PpcSO, lt57 , WATMI3IAKKH AND .HIU IIIiLIiH. rrt TMfJ HL'lICUIUl.ll rrepiMtlully informs tlo VtjVi. filueus ot tUloomibiiri; und t lie public I ii ticiiu (tsiUnil. tlut lie It us opunod a JSviv Watch and Jcivclni Establishment. In Itloonitlmrs. on Main ftroft. ontiomii! tti.i t:rh.i u - ; in Y.UV U Wilioii' lluihlings, whero liu oll'ura to I on mo dcraiii turins, ull sortu ot I nr ii ni 1 v , atCllCS, LIOCUS, .Ve., Of mpprlor H'lalitv. l.ito blylu, nnd ;it low prices. I ft- I'f.fi Ml A VII W Vl'l'll 1' J - . ..r.. 1 1.. I ..... Iv lenaired. The public aro Invited to call and exam 'nn. JOHN WOOD. 11 loom faliii rs . Jan 2. le'34 ,T ; iltXv- ni, , , . U e&b UU ,, lM AUU unit delm r packafes on the Hue or the L PoltsVlto nnd Ilea dm a. Cattawissa. IVllluuispoll i.i.e- ui o . .1,...,, mi.,, i .inu I.HIIII.I i.aiueuu. Hulls, Noles and lllll. piompll) mill , led SWAN & UO.'S L0TT1 .-...vv . ,.,.,,,,1 v-.i,-,. .r,il il, hi, . a diiuguml. uSi lu. ... ! 'i' -r v L ANDllRTH'S AO II I0ULT U U A L -Is- tNi',l,B,',,"r.,.',J-n-.TfjV-i1" - HHIJIDF.LHii,.- riir.N (looMof t ilssnicliusbiuldlnii.erecteiii'Jiireisij' I ir ,l rropritiors' trade, atfc stored with Buds nmi ininlcuieiils of interest to Parmcri and Cardenas Iiiintcuienls fit interest to i armers ami uaroeiiLts, HlvrV V IJ A HIS UBTAUI.IBII l;I), .... .. ni deilre 10 call the atlcution or eveiv , me ,,,.,,, farniliigand jaiueiiiiig, lo ilicirwell oi ten am ffi Beeds. Uras. and field Seed, of riii i Airit inaniiractiired nt our Htsiini Works, l)iitol, I'n. Iliivlni fitted no tliis i sciiillshnicnl t.ithout rrpar.l ,,r,Ke p iiinentr., wonre now picparen to snpiny nil nimies i In thlslliiolullyeiiml. il not superior, tonniililnj of, tho kind it er before o.Tured 10 tho pulilif . I Irelh's I Warrant larden Seed. Ii.tvn b.en hrforo tho puhllc for upwards nrrltiy Jear , llieir wide M,renii pnpulai- , Iiy, anil Iho lenslanlty Inrreasinr; dfiiiinid l,om)rar to ynr, Is iho beet i tnlciico of their superiority oter all ntliels, ICS" Country Merchants can bo silfiplled w.tli seeds tu pipers, or bulk, on the most reasonable tomi. liloomsdi le, near llrlitot, IM.. our Garden Sied fttiMiti, la j.n,nlii. iltrve lionilri'il mitt Kel'i'iilV nKres. mid is the Irrgett e.tablislinient of lis kind in the or iu, I). l.ANIir.l'.TII k rON, Nos.21 and ii Soiuli rtlmii street, Doc 12, I (.,;-! I I'liiladrlpliia VAlsllAUl.K MILL l'llOl'Elt I'Y nPHK suli.-ciiber olfers for snlo tint de ll sirabie .Mill nruocrtv situate in Greenwood tv. p , j uoiilliiioa i;ouiny riiii.i.u hk -iLe of a MUST M I I. I., baviim Sflc.r fAii' 'hreo run nl riiuiin. tSlSUmfJ''tcfi ,vl"" 17 feil hish.a tqiW ' '-M :Suw Mill, a J) 'ver-iooi mid a i,...... 4? House nnd flttni, at,,, Toi tlar with J 'I 'an or cj M cellent P TlMBUtt LAND, uonnsnni; oi wialiuis i ue aoovi nuns oi,- u,m- j"1 "I"!"'1 ""' f1";1"" V "'Vi !!.".' lll'ln'r (oii'tniitly. 'llie iibnre property i. located 5 miles from lthors bunt and H I rmu .Mllllille. Terms. SI0TH pah o,i ri cnlviiiR possession, und the ri iiiaiiuliT in three cpial e:ul payinents. Xlf I'or 1 ii r t li r pattn u'nrs iipplv lo Iho snbsi liber in Ttirbiit lonnsliin, Norlh'imln rlindeo., or eddren JOSHUA CUlii:. Mlltou I'll. Dee. 19, 1P17. 2m IIl'JAU TI1K MILLER. J who havH ..nrtih'd mmuiiii. wl.h thr Mhuuim forlM3IM. ri.oril. Kc . un rMi-tclhiH) im trird ! that nn Wtcy have rvn iiriiiiiiiiod.iK'd I lniu tlibt tliu ! will now actummodutu inu, and inaku iiunitdiiit" r)-1 incut Wll.lslAM ItLU'n. Ajnediit Mill', nv.2l. 1P.1" UK. WAL'J'UN'S AMFUIOAN FILLS JOY TO TllK .1hlFIJCrt:i) I ovs(i amci:h:a vicjoi:iui;s!i fNfi simill Ui of I'ilU turcs iiim iv-i.liit' taf;t out KJ ol a tiM ndrid. no If.ifnm no oo tho lirr.tth. i.ii loir of tluluttioii . Itrriirv. no ."lor i itu I Two ti.i.i 1 1 1'ilU a , i!om", t.toli U-tti- and liariokKi as Wal'-r full ihticuons , as Willi tho ad vict" nt ill,; hiOtiAit'A'i"ffiife 111 Iiltlu ' Ull jl MQf ,l"fh IT. in I 111 PR lit llifl'UM!. l'.T IIY MAIL TU AMY 1WUT uV I lint:HT- Tl! V 1 1 1 Itin 1 inf nun .li.M.ir lit IIP 11.11 II tlllu . X II ' 154 Norlll .-N'Voiilh hlM-tt. below Hare, I'hlLide'iilna ' Ji liberal di.rouiit to tke trade, 0llc nun no witlio'll tllU ICnttdl HtH llfllllfD ofl). O, Willloll , I'TOH tittor Ilr W I rnatmcnt fii r f AbusP. UV.iIlllC S , kc i .ntulw .i.ntt....f rr...,tiim tiKioii j.niirn. Ilr. W lllIt8 cnrtif lnimlred who'havti irh-d oihcr without f "-huou i hu uuM inii . ... y .t.., . . , .... ..... u aboL'. givinE'n dill hiet.iry ol ur taar. and ion will Mcm iho day inn i.'adi' ilic vffatl lo 'ttMro uhal id JCi'lt.'lin A KA hlVAu UUULi. ian :iu, !:.- PllllUNOLOGlCAL CAHLXET. Til I! I'hrciioloiFiial r.iliimt of rouh-r. UV1U PvV,& Co., law U Arc Wy 'I)i'cii r niovodiit D.i 5 whu hai htd tho inn )rcii ttr?i i iui.iuciiniiii, 11- , VfJIo-flllll SltCct All.UAl'IN. , niini't?oiiiviit of Iho fijiahli'li-1 f"t input lor Hi" lasi tijliit on iiiuiuhs, will toiitnmc lo Londiut tliobuiint'oitiiH hcreloloro in nIlfH hrnnrhcrf. 1 P-t.iudan: nur 1.8 oti Anatomy, Phvuuli'sy. rhrcii.j'oey. WaH-i Cine. I'honogranhy. Uc, roiiftaiitly on h.u d- KffilK nn) in nuiihc luriurus, All onlcrp t-enlhy mall will meet with firon.t attfii. lion Hejiili'iila of neiglibornif.' MlhigeB dvKirh.K a It-cturo cr conrso f Itcturusoti I'hiotiotuy , Tor lutUnr iiilornialioii should adi'ioii joMV I (J lMN' 02 CUesnol strti t, riiilddulpliia. Uve ic. nr,- " . .-.-..r HIRAM S. CARL1 1.x. me iteti 1115c. Mi"iu nn i- iri-.irt;u in iiiiisu tnc bc&L work from HhII.lii or Amerkan ftarblelor MOeSUMi.NTS, TOMIIS, Tomh-sioiifs, Tah'.cs, MauttcB, Wii'dOwhtll? and Icn III". 1'ortho character and finish ofhiltrl; li- refrrn to HiKhasho li h undo Is ihi ronmv He will fiirnih di'sitriia for work or cxi mte any lh.il in.iy 1 e fnmiih cdlol'Hii. Ihwork shall alvtavs he oatlifacturi in 1 i4fiyii;ioo rt-iibon.uufio pnuc liloouifi.'iirt', Doc.o.ltjij COl.UiMIJUS MAI.l's A NO i'UMALK ACAUKMV. TllU W1NTUR TUUM of this Institution ui mm me nee on AID.NDAY. thu 111) tlav of J inoaiv. laj? '" V,f 1 ", S, 1!lf",lIt,10" li.Hv;, r,.' ''l 'LxXI'.! Intruttion will he given In u'l tint branched of un Academic and Commercial l.diuaiiou. There will atao, at the opening ol the net Term, he organized a (.omplcta formal JJcpnrtmcut, 1'i.r Hie P.,'iii.illon and tralmiii' uf Tejeliprs fur Public tfcliooU Port'irtlier particulars see , TlL'SI'lllia New Coliiinlins, l.i'rcorne Co.. Pn. Dec'.'li. KAGLU FOUVDllY 13LOOMSBUKO liii-u Jii-i i wu.iimi , Uiiuuiuouuiiu. MOYt'S .lUtl IlinVarC. TUUmliscrilier hivin; erected a laruo now brick Poundry and Machine Shop, ill plate nf the old one, i. prepared lo make all kinds of cistinz ut iho lowest prii. s. Plows constantlj on hand. The sub .criber has also removed his Tin Shop Irom Alum st o Iho l'oiuldrv lot, where he has erected a building Itogtther forSioves and Tinware. A Tin' L'ookflilt Sl'ivcc ruli.lt orihe W.M. I'LIW EjriitlK. UAtli: I'OOK, VANl.HlIl COtllC, and nPAItl.tllt ttTllVI ot .ill kinds. th llllll I : ' KI.IMIIllt STOVL. tc. All kinds of fcnoiiliu. made to older. JOSEPH SIIAUPI.P.SS. liUiuubiirg. Apnl 11. iPo". Kl ' S 'fr? JI:!SJTAl5BiEsaaf5:l',l, IN 13L00MSBUKG. i t , rt i t yt - n unvu. uucu oiuiy factory, on .Maui below Market. rpili; BiilHcrlhor would rettpei Holly annohuceio rhc X public, tha hi l.t.hCoiiiinenei'd the in nt I nilr-Mirlit, Ho i & (in p-ired iotxrcitc ull irdcrtf .ind lias oti h u ml m ri's.L'iit.'inai-ortmfnt of fitiinhrd work wliiilimircnL'is nillliudii to tliclrudvaittiicu tuuu laino. ! Will Lodono In tiie uirtHi inninit .ml rrtrcfiii manner and iiiioiiUiuii whirl) i. in not l.ut lo uiso satifm tnni. ( b'lKlWURIUGi; A. VII.HU llloomslurg, April . 1oj.i. J) U N T I S T It Y. SUItC0. DIJX'MST. llliUliJISHUlin, COLUMBIA CO., Jr Uc.idetice, fircillrhk building below llartiuau's ston on .Main tttruet. r.SPl'.CTri:i,l.V offjrs his professional tervlres I L tuthy ladies and ci ntleiin le m lllnoinliui .mil vltiuily. lie is prepaied ta nllend lo a'l iliu t irlo.is , operations in l)cnti.lr, auJ Is ptutided Willi llie !,i UEt illiproleluelil . ' Porcelain Teeth, I Which will be inserted on pivot ur culj nlale, to look , cs well as llie natural. 13-A sup.Tlur article of TOO I'M roWDlUl. nl , ways on hand. Juno 13 If37.-ov. NI5, 'S3, I NKW TINWAKK SHOP. I MAIN BTKl'.I'.T. OPPOSITI! TilU BXCII ANfllJ. riMlU under. isned i ei.p, rtlul ly imiuius his friends JL and the psblic jeneiiiily, tlut In lias opened ! .'I JSiw Tinware and Slictt Jion Eta 1 Uishmciit. In tho building lortiierly occupied for thai purpose. i - k Josi'pli tSliariikkK, where ho itt nrrnarid Ut conduct sell, tI:t uinos in till in vnrjotn Lranclifn. i Titinnro and llonu H pouting of ail kinds tuddc to order uiwidmrt nolico nod ut modciaiu prices. AUo-bTOVUS, of vurioua tyluB, conslautly for ato. . Itnn.1 irlllpt .Inim In niilns i 11 ., llniA EU'Country produce taken iu exi liangc for woik. O. C. JIll.LAP.D. lllooni.blir:, May in, 1857 y i TO DKMO0HATS i f I rf:t nNI:or""""l'"''fC''""""ora.is.o.,.p. And. J iiorl Ins ii.trtv on a.. Till! WAV VllliK DAILY 'epail 1 AND WCUKI.V NlltVti is now w.ll fhl.ibli.lied in Iho ! ! liemoeralic ort.,11 ol New Vork en v Ii i, one ol b, .1 ll. n sp i,ei . of the dny u0, , r. Kelid lu im HiuiM (iimiiiu tv, ei,,y ixi wi i, nly tine liell.u ,v , Pulilihid al N 1' ' i x , i HA CSOn D fT)rP . r(3.i,n It;fll f Willinni .T. (3larV. for - r nnUcninrr nf Ids ifr. nalharino Ann (Marlt. o . . - occupied tho Dtnvillo Court up Co I'nday evening, Mrs. Mary Twiga was indicted tho sanio act, but they Ticro to Undergo ECpaM separate trial"!. Hills of indict' isoDt were also lounu against iw, wan: i i 'l'urr fnr tin- tntirdor of Mr. ami l",s' l lg.l ior tut uiurucr OI ir. T"ifis-liusl""1 "f "' M JIarv rn ; iy it,n.,i. (j (;ook for a 1 ,,t ook Js.tj., ior a full renort fj' tllO nrSC cd!tlB3. lu" " '""P' ""'b'" , n,.,.: .. t. tf)3' P:i 1Z''Meit JaJ'IHIIHlHll III ITe.ul Cni Hnrlnti, Mspytowif. Andrew Valkcr, Limo Kidc. Joint McNYal, iShickliinny. (J. (iurrnluiii, Plymouth. I), Kbrrth, Pitisioit l'Vrry. UNttlVALLKD ATTJIAOTIONS. nMLILiOX,rf.M.(iA.IM: ANtrrtnAM'B MONTH- i.v. nro MmArXKS tx oxr.t! XinttiJ thou tend Cf'i tht llnl Afoul hi ff MAiiMl'rt V,T I'KUUKAMMH IOU lV. IWENTV THOrfcHMl DOM AKri IN bl'MIMIIII WUllKPi fir AUT rivn noi. t.Au u.NuuAvi.vu io uvcrv eun t(ftfiti:u. 'IUJni:ATLIlJRAUYOFrUI!-AGnTHGl;TTlMJ U1UI1MM fpHK union nr Uiwrvoifs Maaxinc nnd rtftnnm' X .Mdtillily hait pivtii lo tho ,coifulhtutiil wurk u rirciilnlioii (tproud to but our ahtitlrtt publicaliuti In tlu; i-utmir)'. and Ii.i ntciirt ! lor it n ciiiiiliinatloii t i Uintnjy ann .irilfHc talent f-tolriMy OiirlrltTi'd Uy tiny oili'-r Miijaziue in tliu Wvtitt. Hurlng the first month the kiIc in Hi' i ratio nnd tlriiinnfl iront tuhrril'ers tx ccci'i il !'0t ui) (upic, uud li.u iium(jcri ulrendy ttnn-d of the roiunthlnt' d v orfc .iri- unit pfMilly ctnr dt d ii hnvi,uiiafc-d, in iliu riiliix; at tfu lr liturnv con H'lils mid iho itfaiity nnd pmiii'-u in sn of tlcir i'lrlnh f illutr.iui)ii, any innpeir.iitc (Mr U-r.irp linm d from llie AiKi'iimn irc9. liitcmirat tl hy tlicac i vldrncct id' Livi.r, iho )ijjljlifr hnvf; ih-tut mliiid in ctnniiicnrr ih new voliinirt In Jainurv with Hill uildlimrial ntt'iic liont.itnil tn olh-r ftnh i lUuci-incnls to tubgrrihrr ii caniicii l.il) io hhit e ji in rirrnlillnn. at llie lic.iu uf Americaii uiasjjtiiic. With Uil view thev now an iionnctlhi f.Hltiuins ru,- niird irr2r.imni(3. 'J'hcy have ,iml"(rd Hiat IrJi auU co. tiy .led phrc cngiaMng. im; h.sr surn;ii." '"'' will prpfccni it hi cwijf S-J subrnhrr for Hi yenr IMd H iwh enpratrd m a tot ut oit 8S,U90, bv Hih luiflcrlctiMipd A. L. Dirk , I rom Ihe oriln;il ol It.iphacl ..juiii-h, un i' i j.cou.ifiui ij.i inn. .MM i m iuo J-irgrai flctl 11.11 eirjraviiig uvrr t s (uted In this country. I 'eii'S Hiruetniiua i1i-j fit; oi thu orJuury three dollar i uijrrEivins. ! "1 lie lint niprc-8-iona of Utla vst Ire aro held nl SlO, and Jt was i!h int icion of the iirlisi thitnoni or vs.i.iuss- riiMitui -.iei lie uiii rcn itir 11 ict rmii Unit 5-i, iflnnif richly wnnh ihni iniifnitit. Thim fcvrry tlir-i dollar tuhrni)i'r w it) rceivi llie Mai?azine one jiiir f ni'up ui 3.1- -nmi inn i,-iMni cri(rrovinj. ricuiy nittTii i mi ilT I,,. t-'ppiai inpi ini- MOII J li. 11 U .li u in in, ...i.i. - , will b-.all :llt"(r'i'"'" . We i-fVall.iliertftr'. U X 111 li ltftlvoil 'I'hotowhodt in liM uWMiFV.V'tttl1"11 r" arl,unl from tlio lira imprestUm", li oti I tl fi-inf in i.air f-iusciituoiis utuioui . ia . j i.o t-ni;ruiiig (iiir ho sent on lolh'iR, h mair, or in at.y other m.iniicr,oa kUlMCtil)irs i-hall older. TWUVi'V 'III (JUS AN') DOLLARS l WORKS Ol' AUT. In a rid i! inn r the -i'i'"rl enprnvinp of "Tho I.nit tu !; r," w h ich ill hi m n-nti din every threoihiMur t.hf.Lrihi.'r lur iPot, inhlUhurs haw i-ouiplelod ur rai'i'iiiriitd lor iho illWriliiilh'ii.oit tlm l2oiU of i)f-ct-m btr, or a pfrhsnl elt-ntlil woihnl art, conUt i uii ji uiiu iitiuuini i it ii ui li cm- wji i-i ii uil'i Viillil'il .it Irom Slut) in sICOJ cit-h ANo umiO n ni'iuiici nt Pt"HlMnt UnsKiMiicn.woMh from $:tto!5i tnili, and itiUii ( hoito Holiday Hunk, worth Irom S-l tu S'i i,ifi, iniKliijf in nil over three thomamt ffis, worth tver.tj thousand doUats. llticlusc S3 to th oildit.hrr qtid yon will commenco irtcivinv tho Mataxiuc l, ifinr mail You w ill uho r,rti-o with tin1 firt tojiya nnnhf m d fciibecrlntion rtrciiit tn lit! no,' jcu to tltn n?iuiiig tl THU LAST rilJITLlts" " -0T.,0l,sad KCAfcOX WHY YOU HllOlJIll fli:CRIIIK rou li; UtSOX'ri M AfiA'IMI t'OI! 1RW Ut. llfcaopu us hir-tarv toiifnts will, during tip car, cn.br.ico coiitritaition lnni ovir ne hundred ditlerent wiiteis und thinkers iiuiuhnlnsuuioiif; thrm iliu mofei iliKti nsn hi it'll oi AmeriLiMi niiihoi. 'Jd. I.Tauiis h t-ditniiit ilepariincrii,,, ..Our Studio, ''Our Wllidow'Uii'l Our Oil a.' mil i:k li UTfiiiiinn,..! J'iid rithneaso: itstditonal ionUMil8 mi) olhcr loatj. t t , IkkI Americari .irtii-H I tth- llecau' for the hui.i of 53 jou will receive this Fplendid monthly, more mluy worlh Hut Mini than any other nujiuziui' and the si. pi ih mgr.ijiig of Iho I U-ifai aupper," woith .Ilh i:eraue jnu will he very likely io draw one of I the three thousand prieg to he dittnlnited on the Will il.t oriJeti'uihrr l.-ud-peilKiptfoi.fih,iU4VMrlli SI0CU Noiwnhsundiiiy ihal thci-e rAtruoidinary iin'mr. iieni ran hardly tail to uicomnJMi the uhji-cl o( ihe I puhlwherH without lurlhereilorN, ct ih y ha e deter- uiiim! to cuntiitue ihrotifih the juar. I tiii: (jnr.AT tjnitAKv ovvtw To any iiertoti who w ill "i t uo a i loh ni ninnit rt,r fiUhiii'je'tf, iilier'il hue or more nost oirict-a. u u ui present a splendid l.ibiurj, t iim.ting nfover Pony ,,1,!f 'V' v-'.nV'""'"!' t". most .'opnlaV works ill the market. The i hit, mav l liirinn,f , ,i... club price. Sin uir, w illiuut the i iignti'lug, or ut the roll price, S'I. with thu 1,'Hl Hupiiei to each suhscribrr. List uud eli-.i niitioil tn ihe Libia v and siieciiiien conv ol Ihi! Maijiallie, will . furwariled on rerenil ,,r SI ICIHS. U i r -ll l.llir'.r I, (, nr MI0U t ollilue a liateal ready been lislril.ii lu.l hi uccordanco wtlli Un, rflcr. ''ould lo ulad ol uu .,,uiiu,,,i) lo lurm-li u 1 l'lllr'V 10 ivery clerirjinan, to .viVthnol tciulier. 01 10 a0""! u"c 01 L1 ' '' Pu-t "lllce iu Hie eeiunlrj . I AUUT3 IJU'ITINO llll'll. The Slicci ss w lnell our .iL'elil' urn lue, linp w I'll is k,,l,"u,"1 i11"'11'111""- y .vui.nc. ot j tbijif.,,!, wi arepeuuiit.dio,ubli,li i,;. loiiowmi: en"ll 'Hie l"llwlni! larl.ln i,lii, in ,at 1 )'""' Afiits "le doing iiuhis skciioii. iiiii he of use to , ''no' eiit,iririsiiig S"ung l";""'i nut ol euip'ojiucnl. I 1 lie llev. jnlin I.. Jar don ol Hits place, lias made since I la' I i-lirislniiis oil r CI00J in Ills aL. iy Mr.IJ.ei.l ?.' !I.M". ,'' lH't'lv. Jlo i lour cen. nl agent lor plan t "v ." "Ul'iiii! i Si l-ur 'day on mil sub litem iniplntnl 1 """ ": "'" enin rst e-vans.oi uregon, Mo., jour .igyiHt ior lion (.oitmy . ii re inaKHii; Irom Si tu per Hay, n,lil ur huiinde servnn has niai'e, sime the Tth day ol Ijm January, out 171 u. h 'Stdca pajin for 'M0 ai-res nf land out of th I'lii ih-h j worth t r $ll).)0 You nre at hbMl to pu!ifh Him tl..ttu.iTl if iou IiKe, and t u rdcr to any f ihe parties namet Di.Nitt, ttRLi.u Carrolton, M. With hiichiiid.i enieiiisjaa w uti'iT. n,w t.n.i.. rnn i tKiiiihiniriheri. We itn ito every pinih iunn out of ' CI"l'll'"i't. ami rvcry lady who virei a piVii.,ar.t npeiirv. ApplirantB hho'ild em In-.,, y,; hjih j(,r a ppei iiu-tn cipj of iho .M.itiiiiu, vihn h will nlwavs u lorwarded with ainnr lo applitaliun by return mail. i .m n N i:.c it a v i x a . n w e h hire to plate fit the handx ol i vi ry pi rmn whoproM.en tucrl up iicluh.a-ij alto ol verv ,icm t .a copy of iho en-rauij,' ut -'j'hu Last Supper," an a HociUiril.eell npolicuiil HlLlollig u- m rrri-ive ilioenuraviiitf pourp-na.uv return mail .aUo spi nioeng id our j uhliearnin audcu-ol ihe nuri,Kre.l ruhscnpiion teci'inu. i nl 1 1 ti ii; Ihe holih-r in tfi tinn. ... .... . ' und ton ihaure in Un- diFtiiliutiuii Tina i ilVr i. mado only to tlioMi who dtun- w act at nguiu or to form ilul)d. Addrvs OAK-'MITH . t o . 371 IlroadViaJ , New V 'k. No, .l.ui 2:1, 1J.H MADISON 1IOUSK, NOd. 7 A Nil Ull N'"UTU KKUON'O STKIXT. tBLlO'.V ARL II urilLfcl 1 , ntll.ADCMMIIA nilllh' pnjm'.tr Hoii-tp lin Ioimi tlioroiil.'y ronov iii d. J. nnd tittuttce ttnproecments mado (or tho uccoiliiuj Oath in ul a,",t'. In timiHiijou with Hit nlmn Iloifl, iliu pruprtcior lint oind. in ii uniiiiciii, o nin i:atim; ami ir.iKiNii Ai.tui Ainmnh. r tho Ksiaidiihiu'Mit coiiip.iruj Mvoitui wan iti iir.i 1 1 isw pi ici'ii (d iirLiiiiuiifid.it Kin lor 'I rav I It-rn (.'in, us j.r lntR within a bhort illctanco of to Voile nnd rsultimoro I iilnMiips, uenr lltr 1 O-t Oirlro und i.v luuite, when OiuUIitiuft going lu ull parta of tho C'mv nan ironi. The I'foiujctor liopou, Iy strirt titfiitlon to "hi wniUfl -f his tueu, to rcaiu a liUml k.'iuru oi .lit public pa Uu na,;e, J (I'lTCNKUUv, rropri'ior. Late oritiltimoro, Md., uqd Cii.uii.iau.uiiK Oct:it, Itf57-Cm l.KJIOVAJj. nt'tn euliscriher linvtnc; ren.oed his .M.r1.,!, v,u X irom near tlio Court l,niso, to the Souin w,bi , . ner of .MAIN auJ MAP.KCT lre.'ts. lu !!.ii a . tl, wlure he is ptepmed lo lurnlsh oil kinds oi ilet'Wc Wnrk. Viz: .MONIIMr.NTS. Craaio IoiuIm. Ilox T.unns m,i Head Mones nl every ilokeription. Ills stoi k i- ,u tn, best k iml, tlio wiirkman.ltip not siirpu.,...! i,i , , , Die country, aud at low puces. Call und jiulg E3" Ilo wl'l also fmni.ti Taldn nnd llureau r. . Mlll.teU li't Iioum's. ll.iHi U.r.''s. l.llltle..uuil fS.nv lor Uiimms and Doors, tit .1 low llainu. Thuiiktul for past luvvrs, ve lionu fur u .on mm ol the same. ANHIUNV W ll .MAN llloonnburj, April I. If37-t'i.i coorEii siioi. a Ml! Fiihrrrilii-rmnioiiiiri's that ll wi'l nn v nn j roonuti.Nu iiuav.KiS4Uiu umv.j u. i p Kin v i lit, lnrr Itn will i.n.K An.ltiviri-iliiiiii in i li.u mtifbuviiie. n r tnft. ui .ui hum, a Hit UliiU'i n Ki iu m j uie i,r i 'i i i:i....5 v. i. i llliittsl n j Jn.t. I.i l- , ( , Tl, J