COLUMBIA DBHOORAT" I i.nvi u.r.KTB, niiiTon. "Rlnnmsllliro- liVIl 9f IQ'iQ ftu) STATE CONVENTION. At a moot- .. . .C Vr""''.'" a.w CoinoHi., iiri,i t L,"'d"t,iTJ!.,il,rVn"S!,4Ti m" ""SSf o'r"" -on 5 n ipr" lFn'!iS va 1 rimnri.' "tfi "tiw Ptat win eonrenpin iiif unii r Jf' JJ"U.". ".'I'P.':: I rcn atiTPR. at the Unpitol, on TlluriUli Y, MAItCIl I 4. tflja, nt io. A' m.,io nnmin.itortin.tiiiiitpt lor JiiiIbh i if Uie Siiorcinr I'onrt nml Uantl Coinmlratonrr. nnl far the tmntiictlnn nfiiiicli oihi- IxninuRa is prrtalni to loc nuinoriir 01 men wrnveoiioo. U. II. UUUKALGW, Cnairmm J llOlTIIINKOIf, n. J. lUtDXMAH, fecreranti. Now States. Wo do not now. call to mind a singlo I instanco, when a State was to be admitted into tho Union, or territory was to bo pur chased or anncscd ; that the nroicct was opposed bv tbe party in opposition to tho, democracy, whether by the name or Fed-1 0Dumated in tho general law of April 7, cralists, anti-masons, Whigs or ltepubli-1 18'10' aro suc1' as 0USut ut to bo givon to cansj or any other of tho score of names , any corporation for any purpose whatov they havo assumed sinco tho formation of , Thirdly This bill proposes to exempt tho government, to cheat tho people and , 1,10 '"dividual corporators from a portion hido their own rascality. From tho jay of tho liability imposed upon stockholders that the immortal Jefferson acquired Lou-iof a11 Eim!lar companies organized under isiana, until tho messago in favor of admit ting Kansas by President Buchanan, every nicasuro of tho kind has encountered tho bitter and unrelenting hostility of the Op position. We aro not surprised thoroforo that a long, Inud, and hoart rending howl is sent up in concert from all quarters, which in its fierceness and lugubriousnoss is intended to frighten tho administration, and weaken the exertions of its supporters. We say tals wan to have been expected, but that tho Ulack Hcpublican party should bo sustained by men calling themselves dem ocrats, in this onslaught, is mat'er for Amazement, to every sound and conserva tive man in tho country. What was tho election of Buchanan in 1850 for, if not to get tho Kansas question out of Congress, by her speedy admission as a State, and thus put her power of ar ranging her own affairs beyond a contin gency I And now, that her admission as a sister Slate is tho issue, the whole Black Kcpublican party raiso a howl of opposition j LIAM White, Adamscounty ; and Peter insist that sho shall be rrjicled, and tho JIastekton, Cambria county to bo Seal, wholo question re-opened for diseussioD, for crs 0f Weights and Measure?, for their re extended agitation, for food for lasting spcctivo counties. Bl"fe nY tiij; Canal Co.mmissioneds. Dr. Does it become a democrat to be eauc-ht , in such company 1 Is thcro one solitary reason why Kansas should not now be admitted as a sovereign and independent Stato ! Is there any reason why tho Kansas agitation should be continued ? Is thcro any reason why thn halls of Con gress should bo turned into a regular pugilistic bear garden about niggers and Kansas! Wo say no ! emphatically no 1 No sane man in Columbia county would say yes, to any one of these questions ; and wo submit to Lim in his sanity, that if bo answers no, then will not tho speedy .ad mission of Kansas, as a Stato, bo tho oom plete, sovereign and everlasting affirmative! Democratic State Convention. .Tho time for the mcetiug of tho Fourth of March Domocratio Stato Convention is near at hand, aud it is important that the interests of tho National Democracy be fully and fairly represented iu said Con vention. 'J he duties of tho Delegates in that Convention are not merely confined to tbo.uomination of a candidate, for, Canal Commissioner aud Supremo Judge, but should be directed to the accomplishment of higher aini3 and morcimportant objects, matters of paramount consideration which underlie the great principles of republican government iu the support of unadulterated and nalionul democratic principles. These mo'ivcs should goveruthe action of every Delegate who may bo admitted to a in said Convention, XSWiih one voice the Democracy uni ted in placing James lluchanan in tho Presidential chair ; lot that same powerful voico now go up in favor of sustaining him in his patriotic effort to eettlo tho most dangerous question that has over aiiscn iu our government tho question of tho ad mission of Kansas. Remember that the old democratic statesman of Pennsylvania has always been truo to tiie Union, the Con utitution and tho country. Lot the Democ racy be true to him and tho country will emerge from the dark clouds that aro im pending ovo it, aud biii 11c forth in all its original brightness and glory. Northern Canal Commissioner, Thomas Ostcbiiout, Esq., of Wyo ming county, wo aro informed, will bo a candidato for Canal Commissioner, boforo the coming lthof March Dcmoeraiio State Convention. Mr. O. would make nn ad mirablo Canal Commissioner, lie is a geutleimn of experienco, competency and sound democrary. tta-A number ot democrats whoso names wr-re mado uso of as officers at Forney's meeting in Philadelphia, on Monday week, have published cards in tho papers disa-1 vowing their unity or sympathy with tho 1 movement. j . TTT"", ' , .. . I 'Jlimarjua, I'cb. 10, 1808. .Mr. J, E11 r, , r. ... . . Barns and D. Ivcir, niino agents, wero suffocated by gas, j estcrday. Their bod- ici wero got out dtiut at eleven last night, Gov. W. P. Packer. Wo nro delighted to sco that in many things Gov. Packer Is honestly, fearlessly, and flcmooratically doing his duty. His vc'oc, of which ho h,ai sent in several, havo tho ring of the- true metal, thoy aro ground. oil deeply in tho ineontrovcrtiblo princi p of 1,0 "omocraiie pirty and with I official course, so far as hia legitimate T"110"3 'Uc3 aroconcorned, wo most hoartilv endorso him. On tliosn nninu lm " "oadlngcloscly upon tho heels of his , a,'ul'ra,,)'c inaugural, which upon questions! '" E'5to rl'cy was truly sound, able, and . 1T, . ' ' unexccptionoulc. His last iMossaco was tho veto of tho bill entitled "An Act to incorporate tho Trout Hun Coal and Iron Company," in tho counties of Contro and Clearfield. His objections to tho bill may bo sum med up as follows : 1'irtt It is unnecessa ry so far as it relates simply to tho busi ness of mining and vending coal or other materials. Secondly Tho powers nrono- 80(1 to to conferred in addition to thoso tho general law of tho Gonimonwojltli, Tho Governor is right, and tho pcoplo will abundantly sustain him in his course We hope ho will pcrsovero to the cud in bis opposition to all sucii special grants to monopolies of every kind. Dalegatos to tho Convention. Lkvi L. Tate, and tho lion. J. Kich ter Jones, have becu appointed Repre sentative Delegates to represent tho Dis tricts composed of tho couoticsof Columbia Montonr, Sullivan and Wyoming, in the next Demncratio State Convention. Col. John Deen, Jr of Danville, is tho Senatorial Delegate to represent tho coun ties of Columbia, Montour, Snyder and Northumberland, in said Convention. .Appointmonts. Bv the Governor Jacob Lewis Lvckiiardt, of Johnstown, to bo Notary Publio for Cambria county. Gconai: K. Dover. Berks ennntv: WtT.. Scott and .T. R. Ptor.r.TT of Urndfnrrl : L, H. Lit,, and Geo. W. Search, of Luzerne, to bo Supervisors of tho North Branch Division Pennsylvania Canal, Meeting of llio Special Comiullleo on Kansas, Washington', b'eb. 17 The Special Committee of the House on Kansas Af fairsmct this evening, Mr. Morrill (Vt.) offered a resolution summoning Ex-Governor Walker, Gener al Calhoun, Ex-Sccrctary Stanton and General Henderson, for examination, and requiring tliciu to bring all the documents iu their possession bearing upon flic sub ject matter of investigation. To this it was objected that the official documents being obtained from llio Exce live Department or all testimony might not be necessary. This resolution, together with fourjor five others looking to the examination of all matters covered ly the resolution tin dor which the Committee was appointed was tabled by a vote of 8 yeas to 7 nays. Mr. Adrian's (N. J.) resolution, in structing the chairman to procure from the .Stato Department tho registry and census of tho voles of Kansas with an amendment, offered by Mr. Stephens, (Goo.) "in accordance with the law," was adopted. Tho committee then adjourned to Wed nesday next, in order iu the meantime to procure the documents called for. The majority of tiie .Senate Committee on Territories have completed their elab orate report. Tho bill whic.1i accompanies it is similar to those heretofore presented on such occasions, and admits Kansas under the Leconipton Constitution. tSTThe Hon. Mr. Seward, in tbo course of a debate in the Senate, upon the Treas ury Noto bill, made the following remarks upon the revival of business : "In my judgemcut, the acceleration of business is going 10 rapiU, just in propor tion to the rapidity with which business has declined ; nnd I expect to see every day, and every hour of every day, marked by a rise in the prosperiiy of the country, graduated just exactly by tbo suddeocss of the depression. The causes of tho disas ter aro gone. I think there is nothing be foro us but a great revival of business, and a plethora of nviney to rcvivo it in all de partments. I may bo mistaken in this, but I am willing 10 s'and by it." Illness of Bisuor I'otter. Tho Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter, Bishop of tho Ep'13 copal Ohurch, for tho Dioccso of Pcnnsyl vania, was attacked on Wednesday, by Bcvcro nnonlriTV. at flrpnnnhnro'. Iln iq I better, but still lies in a critical condition, ! - . ! 1125" Tho North Branch Democrat, as its t;''c indicates, is sound in tho domocratio fa'h. Wo admiro its position on tiio Kan- sas question. Its articlo last week ihowov- cr in relation lo our Congressman, wo in .. . , ,. , T;,t clino to beheve, evinced a moaning. KJr'J'hc Domocratio Stato Oonvcntion meets ono week fiom ucxt Thursday. Tho Truth in a Nut-sholl. I Wo would ailviso all such Democrats, whether editors or privates as aro disposed to sympathise will tho frco state men of Kansas, to take to heart tho subjoined cx tracts, with many others of llko charactor that might bo given. That tho men who refused to atlond elections arc alono ro- sponsible for tho present position of tho1. 'Kansas question, there can bo no doubt. And. vet. Btr.inr.n lis it mnr nnnnfir. flm o j -1X , llepubliean press is denouncing President lluchanan, in most unmeasured terms, In- causo ho will not rcnudiato tho Democratic , 1 , poli07 of 7ion intervention, take sides with tlioso who stubbornly refused to vote, and say to Kansas you shall not be admitted ititn it.n I I T i . i In his messago to the late special session . .. n. of tho Legislature, acting. Governor Stan- tan said : "At tho election for delegates to the con-1 vention, on the 10th of Juno last, tho groat I , Airr.nNoo.v session. body of the people rofraincd from voting, j ho Convention met according to ad That refusal of tho majority to go to Iku journment, and was called to order by tho polls was tno unfortunate to bo now denied. 'Chairman. Tho report or tho Comiuittoo It has produced all the evils and dangers . businoS9 bci d ( f , of tho present critical hour. It has crea- , , , , ' , ted the present profound excitement." j soI,0,nB ,vas "''"cd and adopted: "The great body of tho people," i. e. the ' ,, It.,m u .Tlhal wo entertain tho report of free Stale men "refrained from voting." .. ..,.. .1 !-!..-.1 II That's truo to the letter, But, what docs . tho Herald of Freedom, tho loading frco ... . stato organ, sjy ? Itero it is-reau it :- , .... . .. i n. . . .. .. . nau tiioircontato party consuitou tneir ' st interests instead of standing on cti best am' ; t ni i.i quctto h'avo "pitched in" and elected every dele- ppect.vodistr.e s and the results attend gate to tho constitutional convention.-1 l rcachcrs Imll,Mc hcld at Then if thoy had wanted tho Topeka con-. ,. ,fiacc' ... . ,. stitution as their fundamental law, thoy ''o po'-pittee on ion reported i !. '.i. ' a Constitution, which, utter bciUL' amended eouu. Uao ciou.ou u w.iu -gu. buucuu.,, 50 tar as appearances aro concerned, aim now i.Vi, 1. t,ip ,.. . r wo could havo boon half way out of the woous, instead ot being Burrounucil with difficulties which at limes seem insurmount-1 able. Wo havo a long chapter to wrilo on i this subject somo day that will put a dif- fercnt t'aco on this statement from that now seen by many of our readers," That would bo a enough for any reason-' ablo man; but hero is another extract aKU"S, ? " nuva uccmcnt ot' uie cause ... of education general y, throughout the from tho same paper : county. "At Mound City, the ballot-box was Art. 3. See. 1. Tho officers of this As broken to pieces by tho deluded disciples sociation shall consist of a President, two of this policy, and votes wero scattered vico Presidents, Treasurer, Itecording and broadcast upon tho ground and trampled Corresponding Secretaries, and Exeeulive in tho mud. At Clinton in this county, a ; Committee, and thoy shall each perform body of peaceable frco-Stato men wont up the duties usually assigned to such officers, to tho polls, nnd they found others upon Sec. 2. Tko Executive Committco shall llio ground declaring that no votes should ' consist of five members, whoso duty it shall be polled thcro that day for State officers. be to prcparo items of business for tho A general melco seemed inovitablo liven- consideration and action of tho Association. ty coats ivcre sUipycd off and twenty brutal ( See. 3, Tho election of officors shall bo men stood ready, it is said, to fight if tho held at the first stated meeting of the As polls wore opened. Tho truo men of tho sociation in each year, vicinity, who deprooatcd such action, and j Art. 4, Any Teacher or friend of Edu who still desired, to excuiso a voico in tho 'cation in tho County, may becomo a mem election, provailcd upon tho judges to visit ber of this Association by subscribing to Bloomington, and open tho polls at that . the Constitution and navinc an iniiintinn place. They complied, but were followed by these rowdies, and an election was pre- ventcu at tuat point. At Lawrence no vi- tfs Corresi'iir.Jing Secretary, from timo, olenco was exhibited; lint throughout thc to tune, invito any well qualified person to day men were seen around tho placo of deliver a publio lecture boforo it on any election, continually laboring to provont. subject connected with the causo of cduci Other artifice which a bad cause can invent ti'ii. were used to keep tbo people irom exerci- sing the right of suffrage, and about COO were luuuceu to wuiiuiu tiieir uuuuis lor business. Stato and Legislative officers, lttiniiers , Art. 7. Thcro shall bo at leist two sta and newspapers, and lying circulars wero iel mectinos of this Association ilnrinr? the sent over to Doniphan county, tho object -ri..-i ...... ii. . .. i .... oi which was not ia unug mo pcopic out in their strength to the polls, but to keep them away ; and too well they succeeded." JMow, all tins exoniplitieation of rujjian- ism wos iinrnldml llirnnoli tlm nnmitrv nt J the time of its occurrence as tho work of interloping Blissourians or pro-slavery men. llut, tho sober second thought has returned, and tho saddle is rightfully on the other horse. Will Democrats endorso this conduct of tho Frco Stato men, now ad- milled, by keeping Kansas out of tho Uni on ? Wo hope not. Spurgeon's Brief Statomont of, tho Qospol. TLis popular pulpit orator, who, on tbc ( Tho Teachers present followed wi.h ill occasion of tho recent national fast, preach- tcrcsting remarks on the schools in their cd to a congregation of 24,000 per ona in1 neighborhoods. 15ut one sentiment on tho iho Crystal Palace, London thus defines1 good effects attending tho lato Teachers' the Gospel in a sermon recently published : 1 Institute, prevailed. There U one loud " If any man hero should be in doubt' call for others to follow as soon as proper, on account of ignorance, let mo as plainly I a committee composed of Messrs. William asloanrtito the Gospel 1 believe it to uurgcsS) Ht Kttl0lf j, , Swart, L I havo always cousldorcd with Luther and Oalvin, that the sum and substance of tho Gospel lies in that word Substitution, Cftml standing in the stead of man. If I un- dontind tho (lojpol, it is this-I deserve T 1 1,1 l. .1 ,1 : il.!, ni..!i ' ibuuuiu uu uauiuu ui, tuat uutut WaB punished in my Stead, and then IS no ttppilln rremlp sputmre fmire fnr in neea io execute sentence uuice jor sin. Uhrist tool: tlio cup in botu bta Hands. ,i 1 ' Alone ircmrii'lnus drauglit cf lovo 11c drank (Uiunaiiou dry." Decidedly Cool. Tho following in etanco of o iol performances i3 givtn by the Clearfield Journal," (iEvorv body knows that OUr Jail IS ft 1 : "it. 11 .1 great institution, and occasionally the "loarJcrs" indulffO in SOmO rich nerform- . Q . . T fll1 . . . uuuiai uaiuiuuv vvtu us uua. vjuiiv nml W'm iNIItlnr Txhn urn cnrainii mil inn , J , 1 . , ,. ,1 ami ra. iuuior, no aro serving out sen- Qn motion tho Association adjourned tenecs of ltnnrisonnient having bocn allow- . . . . .. ... H.n Y,rivilo,n nf nninr. nuf fr,ln tlm inll to Weel nn Saturday, tho 27th lUSt.. in lllC CU tllO priVIJCgO Ot R01UR OUt into thCjail. .,,,., .... vard. scaled tlio whII and vamoucd Mil-1 "amo place at 0 o clook, A. W., when it 19 r . ... . . . I. . .. ... . n n ft Itnfrt tn iimmn 41m M ... f 1U.H H IIUIU M.U.,U..I ..... UUUlllt .Ullb1 lio had gone homo to sttenU to eomo busi - non, and that ho would bo back next oven- mtr. Uurlv coollv moved around to "soo what was coins on in tho town." until about niuo o'clock, when ho returned to the. jail, and, all tho doors being locked, had to rouso tho Sheriff to get in. On Mon day ovcuiug wilier oamo back." A Two Mile Uiudoe. Tho Viotoria Uridgo across the St Lawrence, at Mon treal, which has heenin courso of erection for years, will ba the largest and finrat in tho world. It fc to be two miles long. Tho total weight of iron in tlio tubes will bo IO.'IUO tous. Tho bridpo will cost about 0,0UU,U00. Toaohors' Couvontion. In rcsponso to tho call of tho County Superintendent, a number of Teachers ofj Columbia county, assembled in Mr. Elton's School llloomsburg, at 1 1 o'clock, Saturday, the 13th inst., for the purpose . 1 . 1 of forming themselves luto nn Association.', fni p ,i . .. ,v ., j w.6.. Uurgcss, Olinirman. .''u' ' ' ' on.rLi.irjr. A An- crtrt MM4i.1 After somo remarks by tho Chairman, ' on tho objects of tho mectinir, a Committee, r m oi i . . consisting of Messrs. Sharplcss, Morn, - . . 1 . 1 r. n . anil IvCStrr. Was nnnntnlml In ilrnff n flnn. I stitution for tho government of tho Asso , ,. On motion a second Commiltco made ul' uivaaio. lit i t unbuilt U. W. , . '. , and A. P. loung, was appointed to report , i . i , a scheme of business for the afternoon Ul UIIIIIU1HTO 1 on orgamzition. .... . i item y. That ira rnmiost lim nmint.. 1 Superintendent to civo an account of tho ' it of tho d by hisi progress of education, ns indicated An'.:ni r .i. ? . r . ' " s '." 0 M ! XLUii. ... J.1HIL n il tiroennr ii , , , , , , , . :. , ' f lso rcquc ted to make br.el sta.cincnts tbo prcscEt condition of tho schools iu their w'fln ..,,:. I ,, r , --j -..r.v uui.. tho following form : CONSTITUTION. Art 1 This Association shall bo called tho " Teachers' Association of Columbia I county." I Art. 2. Tho object of this Association shall bo tho mutual improvement of its members in tho theory aud practico of fee of twcnty.fivo cent". Art. C. This Assooiation shall throu-h Art. 0. Ten members shall constiiuto a r,UOrum for the tiausactiou of ordinary year, one in the first week of-February and r . 1 . . ... . . J ,n mo first wool: ot Uctober, ami as many pnccial meeliiiM ns llio Prnsldnnl nml !!. ccutivo Committee may deem advisable to call. Art. 8. This Constitution may bo altered l-.l l... i. .r, ii.:.i .r .i.. ul ""'u mu ujr 7 vulu '; ation has bocn EUra,ttod ,0 any prcviou3 meeting. Mr. liurgess next gavo a very interesting statement on the condition of tho Couuty Schools, Ho thinks that tho opposition to tlio School L'iw is gradually giving way and that a new and vital impetus has been n.rin tr llio cctnirt oir.1i no .rill crtrtn Qnniiyn or u tho en co;cdeucc f tbc commu. 1 nily. Apploinan.T. J. Morris, and A. P. ouug, wa3 appointed to report at tho ncx- meeting a list of officers. Tho following resolutions were then sub. i jniUed aD(1 unauimously aaoptoa. JUbOlVCtl, Ihat WO hereby blgnify our , nnnrnvtl of tlm nreint Onni.nnn , X aPPr0Vat .0tctlU0 Prccnt ?m.WM" School l.aW Of this State, and especially bf , ., (.,,,i!,, ,i, .,. i,.(-,i,i " : "b . . , by tho Legislature tho separation uf tho 7r i D7 t c ' . 1 l p r. OlllCO Ot OtatO OUpcrintenuOUt Ot UomUlOU 8-CU0013 trOlU tUnt Ot becrctory Of btalO atlU that VtQ regret tllO attempt rcCCDtly .,..,i.tB lTr,l : made to repeal said foituro m tlio law, aud that we recognize in Mr. Ilickok, tie pre sent State Superintendent, an efficient, cn tcrnnz ntr and tborouylilv coiunetcnttierson ! for tho nosfc lin nnnnnifts. 1 ti f ,m , , , , Resolved, That tho Secretary present a smonsta nf our nmftnndinrrs tn thn nnnnrs , , Kesoleea, That tho Secretary present a lionsis of our nroeeoi hnrrs to tlio nancrs , j i ' 1 fc- & 1 " " p . . ni r e en rv iap n l i Men m innili in.A n 1 I.A n Iu l nflnnilMnnn rt UWI.M .... lllll W (Ul. Ub.UMUUVW Wll 1 tho Teachers of tho County, as lusincss of iuiportanso is t0 bo transacted at that I .. ! mccl,DS' WM. BURGESS, Chairman. L. T. Siiam.'IiE3S, .Vcc'y, pro tern. Washington's Birth Day. A Military and Citizens' Dress Hall, in honor of tho liirlli-day of Cien, Washing. ton, will be given by llio ' Tamaqua Con - tincntals," at Tamaniia, on Monday next, tllO 2'Jll Of Fcblllary, . , U.. It ! S11UWII12 Hh Wt. go tu lUcS (I'l'lllai ) From the IVJsvillc Standard. The Licence Law a Failure. 1 Tho present licenso law was designed savs tho Heading Cizctto of Saturday last - - a " as its tltlo indicaics, "to restrain tho salo T ,, ' . , S M." ' 'tinnvlw fwn vrnra linq nvnvflil it In havo ... f ' .... , . n -.UblUliy iiiliuu Ui uuvuiujhidjiiui du viucii mmiw , T . tl.niiVrtlt Qrt . . " M 77 ... i n .1 C ..n nmn!.inn. fiAa tlif. 1ltnant ,. . . . , ...... , f i!,.. .. ou "'r u , , J.f .,, , .. ,, bravo its penalties, as a lesser evil than ao- . ..' , .. ... LCI UUK IICUUSUS UUI1U1 113 IiJIIUll utllulito . 1 o I A lew days ago, in making an extract from ,i c. . m in . i the Stato Treasurers Report, slowing .. . i .. 1 t . i the unequal and greatly dofectivo op- oration of this law, as a revenue measure we took occasion to recommend its modiH Ml,on or rc. ""! "'Of Stitution of SOlllO moro practicable Echolno bv which ouiuu HiMiu iiiunnimiu ciii-iuu uj """ everv man who undertakes to sell intosi - ... ... eating uriiius, migni uo mauo to pay lor, llm otleilniw. nnil rninnnllwl In Kiiiilnir. In 1 reasonable legal restraints. Wo aro now glad to observe that the views we csproM.BWS cd as to tho total inefficiency of tho csist- 'hAWA & ing law, und the necessity of a radical , .Iul ml ... or . , chanRC, aro also held by that respectable , tl ;l 1 I ... .... T. ....... .1. I i uiiaucmma lournai, tno innuircr wnicu has always been distinguished for its aetivo ! interest iu all measures thatcouducoto tho has alwavs been distinguished for its aetivo ! prictioal sunnort of temperance and .nor - ality, in itsissuo of yesterday, the Ittquircr says, with ns much force as truth: ''Tho present statute is regarded by tho courts, by the bar and the publio, as tbo very quiutcssonco of absurdity. Its influ- ence, so far as it .coca 13 to increase tho r.nn5,m,nrifn nf 1inr. nn.l tl.nt. Ino. in ,U. ' ! 1 , , , ... - fienco of a 1 etral rostra n'.s us to t incs. 1 fience of all legal rcstrain'.s us to times, I persons or circumstances, llut tho system , is so feeble as to bo universally despised. jiany t0 whom licenses aro Granted will 1 ; ' , . b . not take them out ; and the reason assisn-1 cd is that it is folly to pay for n liceuso when, all around you, men sell without one. Tiie system is no system ; the re straint is encouragement ; und, at this mo ment, three-fourths of the liquor retailed in Philadelphia is sold without license. Tho statute is a gross nnd unfortunate blunder ; it has done much to widen tbo , . , .... , , desolate empire of intemperance; and has ,, . , . , j .lUUULUU iltl'iuuj llUlll.Ujj IU UUI'JUUli UIU philanthropic) views of its, authors It should bo reformed altogether. Tho wholo system is a faho one." New) SVDucvttBcmcnt SOLILOQUY. T II E 5t E ASOWS W II Y SHOULD BUY William i?8. ISiciilcy's H EAJIIIiY 3IEEJICWES. 1 Ft. Tho Doctor being. i tegut trly et'ucnted I'lnriclair, a 3.1 luting ninlo ilif iiniimi.irturiny ol inedjciiiiB a tnilv for t lie 1 ist 15 Jer'', ''.is fticcci-dcd Ly tlio tud of hi 4 tlieinical Knowlcilge in cmnpanmluig b'iiiki of the most v.'iltmhl.i inDI fciuea huvu ever been piuscnt ed belnru tbo public '-M. IMiysirmnj" hn are opposed in the;ttioit that are lloo'lin the country, r rcio(-& incud Dr Uicklfly, nn tin; wiily rcli.ibl nnd worthy medicines of tho kind. 3d. Tim niimcimiB recomtiielnhtbm dailv refpived. by tho doctor, both from ageing and Indit Idu.iH , who n-nuFiiiRthPin. Battles the -luoMion in tho minds of L-very itittlliseut read'-r. that ii he needu cool nid run Uiie nicuirincs, m nuy nr. mcmey-n. There U an old adae lint a yrnnlut hnth ni honor In liU own coitniryi Iml Dr. l!ickiy's Tamlly Jledi cines nro nn cvcppllon. Wow let us hac llio proof, and htar what agents say. r III OOMEBt EO. Da liiciti.EY Dear Sir : I have j nit received yourB ol tho Ulh. Vour iHeilirinpH h tve pjen Cenerat satis faction, rertona usiiij (hem always call naiu lor thfin. Yourarespcctftilly. JOHN II. MOYCIX, DrvggLt. IiLOOMSDl'Itd. I do licrply certify. Hut I Jme bpen tieiiiug .everI preparations put up b) Dr. Win Al UicMey, of D,in llle, Mnntour county, I'n., rt!:d find his Uoft l'tctoral aud Cream of Camphor to rentier very satiafac Hull Ul'IIUAIfJ LUTZ. Druggist. Dr, W. M- BitKLEY Dear Sir I received your Medicine a few days ngo. Ah sou wished to know what satibfartioi our mc'litirMs arc giving, 1 will only odd, in fir ns they iiaic In-en used in Una nnigh bitrhooil, they have done more lor the relief of the nl llicted tban any oihcr medicine ever Introduced. Your Itnse l'ectural. in thU neigh ti rtiond, i considered u certain cure for the Whooping Utii?'i, II talteit i n time; nlfo, for many other thacnBe? ivtuch wo are subject to. You can Vbl .usurtrd your Medicinrg are waSpinng llio eyes of the rommuuity, and sive i;pneral falial.irtiou. Your?. truly. Si Mcll BNUY & Co., Itcrvick. Ilavins been cured cl u pain iu my nrm. (-iinitar to Hlu umatiini) winch deprived me ot the Irce uee of it for about four mint hi, ly using one botile of Cream nl Camphor, I would statu that 1 consider it the heat remedy ol the kind I have ever used iu my Inmlly, nml I would freely luoiumciid it toothers with tiniiUr uflulions. YourB, respectfully J0VA3 VOIr, Jiati Tcwnshtp, Northumberland county, cauvr CUHC. Loss of Voire rtstortd tchh one bottle of Hose Pectoral Miutimnn YVhttlock, of Uush townjliip, Nurthum the eariajU, wsitlio use of her voice from n severe cold sho contracted; alter trying o number oiremed,cS uilh no bcncill, bIio was entirely restored by taking t" tollloof llo,c I' alter Hindi .In' voicu ucaiu. irom a frith ci.i.i biiocjniracted, lost Iter and was ua 11 renorei uy un ,fJU,r '"i" us 10 ' in ur.iifiiliir bnitle; .lie then ttinicllii'ii licr hrunsl. Irom uliicli ' ."c ui'ii.irii inu uiu,. .iu.iucii iiiinriii, uuu nu. ut-i-u in , llic enjoymcnl ol ccl-i Icm litnlth from mat llino to tbc '"S ai.ovc.nt.mmU Ual.l r,0mDr.l'riel..l,e physician who attended ber; uUo her mother, who i iliiuki she would not bo living ut tliig time if it hod Hot bu for Uw Uog ivctorai. Jan 23, A LMOdT AI I It A C U LO U6 lU'PIICTS ur'JIlK WOltM KUit.lN C AGENT. nnivnn.iin r nr ni,.i.bu'f ;ii!i,. A,,Xt. i which he gave to three chihlretit liz: To a ihild fa year, j uobub, which iirouum uwuy over u laruewonn.; tu ciuid u year, u iio..-, iii.riarseii ovi r ioj lame years J doses which brought tiway over 75 largo worm to cinid ti years u iohe8, djhriurBed over ioj uigt wor,nV ?'itd3year with only one half icajpoonful i ;.." '..:.'. .... . !,,'.'.'"' '" ...". ".r Qviicifm'u over worins-a luui'iner over 1 uvui.iiii.i;u over -J wotill. unuKi'iiier over .uu laijje I wornii. nun on y i unit e, irom j c air , 'flicso vtluablo meiliclno iro lor alu hy H 1'. Lull, John h. Moycrmni (i. m. iiugentincii.iiiijoiiistiiirg ; j. IKcuci tco.-aiiii criviiiiig jtiiombuy, i:.y; j it- Henry S: Co. and J. II., IWwick i Kotiitn. I.ijllt ilrcm SliocmakPr Uucklionii Ironilale.Orjnsevillr-, , Miiiviiie, jenrjuwn, Ko nmuurs. scrHno, catawu.u, Mamvllle. Alilllinvllle. unJ Lv blorekt-cner. neiiL'nillv . . .. .1. ' ' ,11 TUIl gllU U V I Hi! CUM II I If . X. 11. Cu I on llm Acenls nml zetoneor Ilr. Dick ev s Almanac! for 1 tod, Tree grntin. they contain rcmarkatilti cure. tilrL'etn.)by his mciliclniR, nb'M, less. T) EM AINIXG in tho Post Office at XAi Ulooinsburi l'a,, (luarlcr cnJinj I'cbruary lolli, Andrews A J Uuotli rrnnhlin Herring Oca A I llfirilinff 1 suae 2 I ll.irl John A I Alllle, o A J K Martha llicharil Jolio Eeogrove. Juines , Htrof.i-r Aldru ( Pirniiiier Jacoh Ti'fl 'I'llOIUJi O Wllklnion II il Hi 11 1 n n Janit. jilui lie nhovc UiiLrn will plcatu I'lllMl' INAWn f 51 llowinan Harry i Uicktmon Jienry i:r3nmn Joimtiian 1 rii'man jiarsam rcurcdAVriia J ulrcy'Vlliecra Ilirlnian A Hcv tif l IV' l .om Cillina fu nyilicyarcaiHu i.i.l io ,"J t I'lHJIilO SALE r Valuable ItCal IDsUUc. -rz ...... TY virtue or nn (Inter ol llm Oriihans' Court ot Co. IJ liunlila cminiy. l.nar l(. Krlckbaum, Hxcruior uf r '". VviiUy 1011. .lay or March next, At 10 o c lork In I hr forenoon, ctrtt c in I'hLNa Hit. tim pnmii, in the township or iicnion, in nm i m funi m unit iii miu rrsiiicnce ui IMC tllld r TRACT OP LAND, j.AiiiiVJL WJt .... .... ' on Hie foiiiIi. Hie holr of Jolm Kllnr. ,iirM. on n. .''" " 8-""uJ' " ':-t, Yon- Fortv-Thrco Acres and 1'ivn lVrnlipq ,7 , , Il,-rca auu Ao 1 crone?, Jl"t of wlu'eh In It mhnr I itul. Abranciiolllnvoncutk luni inroosn TIKI Itlllll , GOOD SAW -MILL, I III llio tininoiHili. vicinity. Tin- mil I, of otccllcnl qui uiy. un.i tin- iani, nicr i.cir.s cicar.-.i. win lu wcit ailatitml to firm Inc. i.nteiim citato or Mm Kline, oi iicmon tnwntiiip, Co"""H' co JAaJ1) eyeiu.v. iiiconisbiirg. i en i.i. i?53 uer&. CAUTION. A '''' PT'ohh nrlifrrliy rautiontil nf.ilnn tnkln- nn j i-V atilsnmonl ofnci'rlaln noin, Rmn l,y tho iinilur 1"1"!""'!'" Ueiominr in.t. to Anilnw jiiifrr., PI' ,..-r.?c.,.,.:5:, ,.,,:.t.,:.,P.r;.n.".,L"",..",',',rI c"j " ioioi,ut,..., uuo iouim.- 01 ' nil SO. 1P3U-3I CAM:U 0. MIX. SflElUb'F'S SAL12S. eytw,,i t'otinntih coiuny, romuinins' ( IIKI-l'llllrtll nl Ml. nn "-wi, irom ,i i,,wn to mi'iivi'iv anVolhowiia'Viutnrs! X.iZltTW? !'$. " J?.?'"S. Mil liv W ham RiMcr.1 - iwuiu .t i u rimy i i.iiiic ifWL'IIIIIS MUliaf, II UltlUIQ wild the !ii(i:trii:uicrii Pot7.oJ .inkcii tn cxrctition ni lhtiroprrty of I'lilnrng AVf-llHur. ileruasctl, In IIiq i imUol Ills uilmlniktralor. Nolion Wcllivcr. ALSO, U V Tirtll P of flilvml U ri t nl'fC Jliliiotji nnam in ..o iHrcciLit ulll Iju soltt, m ttu i.iiii! iimu and l.iru, all orJott ' ""V!,,!;,"':,1-,!1; J': .i!!1.!1, 'V il,.'Plli one hundred nnd fitly r(-rt more or li'im, liomidi-d ' "j a "pv " "'V.?"11,' ly. min UQlt ,i uiu iiu.iii i.y ,111 iii,i-y, 1111 mo souil orpaidtoivu on tlio imsI liy l"t ot'tlio and on ii oiuyn lotoirrriciit:.Uoii.n ui iKraiicniirtii. u itemed uTnuStory Frame Dwelling House, Htalild, with the appurtenances. AJllllliiuX?cl janAbuluKeMod? . .Alf0 , . ,Al taj time and piai.., all tint lenain lot or fcliip. Columbia lininly, containing One-Fourth of an Acre, lie me pnine inoie or Iim, hounded on th" North l,v nu uili'y, on tin; l est l,y a Ii nil. 112 trmu lllooiii.tiurc to Juf-rviown. nn the oil'Iiliil liv n rujil: nlii.-i(.-u i s erected a one and u hulfhiury Pramc Dwelling IJousc, A Frame Stible, a good Well ir Wnler, with ttii purlun nri's. Hciicd, ami tnKcu in cxciutlon ns the property of U litis Uiriun. ALSO. Al uie Fanio lilno and, all coniignou, imi or pieres oi iimi, nn of Omvkk, Columbia county, font'iin At Wxp Fain tunc ami pliicn, all crrlnlu tno ntitic tn me uurougu iniiig Ono Acre, Itfi tho m mo more or les, Ijoumlt'd on the Northern Fide of front Btrect of i-niil horoiii'irof liTwirk, on the by a lot formerly of Hohcrt M "Curdy, on iht NoitU by Hero 11 1 1 utrrui, mi I he HVni by anolliLr lot, forim rly of Uobcrt M'Cnrdy, and on the Houtli by Trout Mi t t, b-'lng losfthi-r nl n I y lc( t on Fiont sircft nml ex ii-ml inn back one hundred unit etphty-utie nnd our bull let to Hern nil street, ami hemp iniuthercd .''Sand Si fti the sud bormi'iti of Hern ick, w ith the nipuiicnnilcctf. Seized. nml lacu in executio I ai the properly of Thomas UaK :r. HTlH'linN II. mim.i:. PhcriH'ti Offlfp, i ihortj. Iltooiusb'ir-, I'sb 13; 1633. J V M X JS V 12 I WTM. bo exposed l sile ry I'nblic'Veiidue, nl the reidenre nf the, tubscribrr, in Iluiilot.k luwn fliip, Columlib county, un JSlondajf ftrst of March, Tho following tiWeri'-i-'d perFoiiii' propcly, viz TUN IIIiAI) OF CA'l'TLU, .mii.cii cows PUVIIN VOUNI! (JATTI.i: ONI:' vi:ari,ii; iioiihi: c.oi.t. oun niioon aow. ri4sxiji (.'(mil two litriii' l'nrui V.iLrntit ilou,ito (luuilor U.iri)iti. iloulilii biU l.t'.iil ILirni1., Kr. Uun Pleil. riona. llarri.wii.lliiltlvntori tlMiitCrnillc ' unit rnriiilli' c ni'r'illy. Aljo A giiotrnirchliiiip .W,nliliiOiiitttlalous other ' niticli'ii tun tiuiui'roiis lo iiti'iili.iii, I TlJ'H.lli' lo Ltiiiiiui'lHO ul Itlu'click 1. M , of Fin J thy, 1iiii ailciiilnnco will he given und leruin mailt' nuowii. uy JOHN IS. MC'ITRICK. I'd. IJ, ISSd IJKIDCH LKTTINd. IJUOI'OSAI.S Mill tin icct'hej ut llio liou.i' or Jaroli liycr. iu lloi town ol L'u'.iawjBii, on .Mnntluyt ilif ' f,,,y ,,,!. , I '.p.," '', of Jirth Covered lirl'lffe ov Ciiiia- wUx.t Creek , near mid town, in Unttnwiesu low nhip. The bridge In I"' l-o fnt lout; between ihonliuiiiieuts, 10 feet wide in tho t tear, and built upon Die aid alut menu which are lo be raised lour (eel h'Slnr. Plan aud specification cl bridge ctut be cn on the dnv of (he L'ttiuK- AIpo, on the same day nftr the ktlinp, the old bridge to be J'Jtd. 11 y order of the County CoiniiiipiMutr. liUUUUT C i'UUlT. Coinmuiot erh Ollire, t CUrk, Uloouuhtirj;. Teh, 11,1-53 G reenwood Scmiiiiiiy . AT MILLA'ILLK, COLUMBIA CO., 1'A. ASVSi'UMATlu courae of luMrnrtion is sivon in all ihe Lngltuli branches iiriially taught. 'Ihe Prineipul will be nssUUd duiin; the present year b T. M. roTlri, an experienced te.icucr, recently trom the Ijiincastcr county Normal Hchool A vacation of bcvcii weeks will commence July 1st THUMB. Tuition, for nay pupils. S'liCO tn $l,;0 per quarter, Ilo.inliux, Tuition Va3h1ue, Lights, he , 20 pur quarter of 1 Nen weeKs. tmc-huiriii advaut u Tor circulJr, tataloeiie, or other p.irticutnrji add res WM. tiUltli:SH, Mlllvillo, April 4,157 PrtnttVal. DOOT AX1) SIIOK MAKING, Till! undorstsued, tli.iutdiil for Uie literal ' natronane Willi which hr ha bieu I ivord lor eiiru gum by, would iufunuhii Iricinls and citBlor.teis, 'lint he rontinuetituinanufjcluiu IScots and Shoes, At hia old and wcllknownstaud, tin Malnbtrret, lllooiiioburg. in nil theiMunouh and fotm,in good sty le andon moderate terms. Ills Itmz experience in tho Impinnsa, and enter a know ledge of iIm neople of Columbia', ouniy, super-1 nuueu ton nicn iitternnnniion iu rentier k.iiidi.icnon lo nil hin cuBtuincrsthhiiuld secure liini increased pa tronage wlncli he liopett lo merit. Illonmsbtirg, Mntrli 10 lfctf. L'ALli AND WINTElt &Pi fin fsn W-; (et, m n u m mx To be Sold Very Cheap, juar ruuuiv i; at tiiu stoki: op j. j. uuowmt, Vloom.biire. Jan 1, 1858 "good newsfc-h iluuTtTjiI sT" TIIU euhfrrihera havo jnsl rclurncJ front tho city, willt a good ntsorlnient of G'ooda tit juices io vmi the times, which they wilt tlipusc of at pricis for ready pay. We invite nti persons Uq w Uh lo hnyrhcap. to call nnil oxamino om stock. Country Troituco taken as Uiuat. II. C. & I. W. IIARTMAN. Oct 17. 1357 U00K-11INDING. I UIIAKLHS J.STA1II. woutJrc.ncclful. . lyllitoriu llm citizens ol lllooiu.turL' ami viciiilly, Uiul lie has late y t.tatilialii ,1, ' In tin. nlace. a llook llinjLrv : ulniro lie i U iircparcil to ilo all kinds of work in his line, on llm shorln.t notice, and rca.otiubluii-rins, J Oritcu on Main direct over Kleim's Hoot and Shoo 1 Store, ii imiogiiu the t'os, Oilice.lllooiiiEliurg, July J, iei7 A Glh'T WITH EVKltY 1J00K Worlll from SOc nts to 100 dollars, At ihagee's Gift Hook Store, NO. m CIUMNLT STIIl'.UT. t-d door helow 1'uiirlli. Oct 1857 VlllL.WEirill.'i. NUW.NO. 3 JI AUKCttCL just received nl HART IIAHTMAN'S. I cULliNU Ouuds very cluiaii lor Ca.hat llartuian'ii 0!?tcle. j.vntA U, 1 MAL'KUnUI. forsalnnl HAItTMAN'S. S'1 ' I U CUAIi I al' by II W A' UlLI-IV SPLENDID GIFTS AT 430 CHESTNUT ST It EFT ,. , . rinuDr.LriM ' ,8""u u " lf0" vt .s..t.i.. t.- i.-i " ' " ;.",'' " " 1110 . ' ruMi;,;!;,i; "A."", "b' 1 fcuVMilS'lSiT-V U'tcire ni.n i.f thr i i?irt!i .m. ....... j r 7 ""J uao sioMona'iting 0ruoid watche,,, jVuViry A;J JewHry f 55? ra,c"1 litfjl'l' Lover (lol I Wntelicf, o-iu i'ntunt Anr inr .(.. inrrri e i nn no So ot, :r w IS 1)1) nun l() tn S3 io la hi looo 4110 i 4(10 t.nillrj' (lolil U'nlflifn, ttlKt uiu Hllvrr Iiovt-r Wnliliti, Hurronlial, J1 hum o rri, i.iir uropi nrhl l'ilis, ilttliri1 (ZuKI llrnruliMfl. wmiciu i cur uiininv, Hum (I old l.ockr'tli Inrcc iIik, '.'nun iinhi l.oikcn, tmM Hit, lIHHKIot.l IVncll Cnnci, nltli UoM Ptns, li'iu Extra tiolil I'm., (.'.tci rind lloldou. s.'W liolil rviclli. I.nilic' '-'.UU l.u.lira' (lul.l IVlii. Willi t'Oftf. WOOcnt'ii Clol.l limes, Ml l..ulio' Hold llutntnlni, :UKI Jllnr.' tlo',1 llic:uinli,f, Mini I'orlii'l Knlii'K, i '.'Olio Sl Gciit'i CaM llototn Blnit, JJIKI do do BIcbvo llntloni. ".'(inor-iiir, i.iiim Ear Pro,,,, ' Hll'O l.aii,ct. l'(1t cant Cutri, 3 0(1 3 no a to 10 Ul '-' til 1 so l on a 7; -' so 1 M 71 a uo a ;u j so s no s 00 i uo s.niii i.ndi ni..n: Sand l'i iriiltr'K II 1 1 in i:van' ni:v'om .iiiui;.iinn Jl or .i.or.i v I'jni. o Mmw! unit Ilililon Plus, .nm in ii. m . tow urn rXTAl.tiCL'l! conmln nil llm mo,t so tT.P'r nr ihp iljv. ami II a nnf,.iii.. m or wmch wiii i,0 f0i,im i,iwn. enn i; oiiiiiic"! , ! t!jTJ.u,uL. k..l.r..":'!.,,!!'.' ?",.",.':,., "I l'oli lenl fit o. lVWirl!(hT',';"' iimiT,iB4?,;t,"!BJ,i f'TJ: ;!!1,."',."!!")"' Vi- imrelintii from aawtf...-.. ,, ), , M0 kel0'; riiil.rnclntr.vcry .U-pnrl ni.'nt of lili-rninro nt prlrVi,' wllllll will rniil.lo Mini to fly, S3UU n,l,,r ,L'l , Mllr-l.,-.l,!,,,i!ll,'''!!, ssoo ortii o'r tho niovu An ullr. I... . . . . .7 '. "," " """'" s'. i" oo feni tonc i nor- . '"" L ... '" " " " aJJK"' kjr inn-rn iw.u THE NKW YOltK STM AM SAW MILL ,,,,, .W'-.d"?!!. '" co.MPM-i: LAITIAI,, TWO HU.Vlmiil. AM) I llfV TliOLt SAND 1IUI.I.AIIS. T,'I8:fJ'J'"l'1"yl'n'l)ert (i?lnl.,,l ,li th, nlmvo J- cajitiiil lor thy ii.jriioso of mrnlyhi: tlio .lri.-i,i Tor t lie pplyhiS tlio .leniand saw .i. 1 '.!" irci..t iL! ,',V,iro SEry .,, I., ! aioinxomery utu ai;i,k.'fV. o 1 e ni. U',;. . 1. "" 'ti i'ii i,y j. in. i. iii-ieo 1 & l.-o . :i ... i i,. 1 inii cily, :n..l with tlx cxiicrioiici! nmt, - . V' ?Z ! A"" ehimrv .1,111 i?i ,.u ... 1 lI l ' 1M' I"' . ii urn pn-iiireii tulurnifii mi iiinit! Iili. ml iptis, than Ii.ii vtur 1 1. 'on oiIitciI al any 01I1 ,r el ildi.lit, I'Jm Coiiioinntloii Saw Mill i.i in en 1, .l4 liiili.nlr.,1 nt, ,!,. I iS'll, 13-iii, nnd is now L'unernt'v nrl.iiimii.i.i. in i. n... nVrr'A;?,;:': ""r.Vr'1 1 lonniry, t.iniiiiii Cnli.i and Soul 11 A iiirritn uiul wli,,, I'Vrr ilu-ir on in, imtc loon le.inl tli.-y arc l.i'iin: adorn oil liy l.iiuLx-r luaiiiiMetiiri'rn In ,ri'lereino iu all oil ,t Tli,folli.i,M!li,iieriiir,.Mi Uie grni-rni opinion orilios,. win nr- inn,,,. iln (,'il.l;,il .mil . ! n.K-siti. r.i.nov & t;u -tiiMiiliini-ii I have tried 1 110 fc.v ,,,",, , , ,, , . , .. ,, ,NMI-, u" " m-r ........ .....n ,1 .1.' '. ') itud more linn iimi-i hivrriii.riK...... nill U'fll lllrif(l Wll I flA li.rl.r,iir.. ' I u a km.tll;iiit tliat a1nrd'd cMi.t(u,t it .iter ub.mi as thick 1(f my l.lih- ihiS,.r, hirh imih iUUrp more man MM hcieiit io mpply lb-' builcr. We are. ,1,1c tu t ut ;iuii() leel tif he.iutiljl luiiibi-r in Ji lnmrif, nh nuw tliibu let" than om Lord v uund. It is tlx: viry Hun? u? Inve no mtith u in our county Inr a long i.uie - itli u little iriiuble and i-ipent-e, we itrv able in uu t Irom to tn mib-H pr (av. nmt m-t it up in tho h'-.irt nf the timber, vvbirb kiwi the burden o( li.iuluii; the Iuh a tornj dlstaute tu the mill. Yours, respectfully, Jefg Kkun, Jr , , I.oulHV llle, 'IVniRHwe The Company hai piiNha-td I-uu-rfc Patent iVol Arianriiiienl, which i M Nhi r:it-. and dcscritu-din luo Scientific America a fur Uciobcr V-l. Till adds creaily to the cthciiiirv ol tho mill. Tim COHIUNAI ION MIM , with all Hi rec nt iiupruveiiHiilfi.uiid eleiun poer on 1J llorefl, jg i tptldu ol H.ivlri; If i, I HUlJu to -lUUd I. - l in U houri', nnd it- sold lui $l.liSU. Till: NUv VOKK UIKCUIMK HAW M ILL l iiijiitii.ieiurrd only by thin ennimuy. It Jh ol bitpe noi toiuir.ntiou, and sold lor S? ptr cent, lenu tlun other milU oi no g rt nter t,ipn ity A null w itli ltd it 51 iut h f.uv t.iu be sold fir Sl'd) to sri), and nlth .i borne enino and h )ilcr in hold for gJ.VOU. Hit am Cniuri und Ilotlcru: i:u,fiiieij ol Irom one tn lO'lhort-e power; I.otuiiiotivo, T.iliulnr, I'liicaud l'y lititli"' Cuiltra I'u r ii i th. 'it at grentl rci'ired prices lmm lormer inoiation a. Ir.iw insrt, tvi Hi pi in ami Hpeciffraijnii forbitild iikb and m.iiliinery .fnrit)hed Krati-. in ur rmiumrrs Lompeteiit jiitchaniri, are n'lit out to pui up ami ei t In opr;iiion nur iu iclnnery. m hen r 'piired. Ho uIhii in imiiii tn.f! rihlHGle .Mj.chl iie, I'l-wun M.hiiie,rtii.-ir Mi Us, and mm In tiny hi rcu ml. Hpecjil ittlt-iitrii'i p.tid In clltlii' up th.Ulliu inl I'n Ihes for inmi,if,iuiunen. an lull Kiudr, o I mill v ruin work. ( Thi a company are sellfn? In ureal numlern I'nteiu Conical llurr Mill, lor II mr, corn im-al. und nil klmU ut f,ud. whiili if prMio'llired by evperivlirfil millers, buth iu (hi!) con nl rj an I Europe tln beat unit ewi cniibinnied It will eriud mote srain in Ut tMiie time, and with tt -i II ilt tmcr, ol any ti.itl ul tin. miiiiu pur 1 in th't niarkrt. v ul mi firuuli uth'ruyled of CrUl MilU, whin ic'piireil. J. 31. inii;iM'N K CD . Atfi nl.. iW 37 1 Itru.i Iway. New YorK,? Jan 91. IP.jd J GAMiiitA an iiiiLoowsnuita m A 1 L COACH rlilllj limii-Utpiifil WdtiJtl iiiinriii the imyi linf pnliliit, X tint he ln'Utiiic the prepriihtr n the .buye uumetl ltniite nml b ii prfp.ireti bun-. 1 1 with tlr hint KINM Hi' IIOUS1.H AND A XVAV TIIOV CtjAi II for the iircuniniuil Hi Jit ot Un traveling public Hid Cnarh mII run hi-reioi ire. Tn iwi kh . bi twitu IIIiMUMrfltUUC AND CAMUIIA. I.e;ivin; ('.iiiibr.i evi 1 v .Mund.iv Weihn ulny and 1'rl d.iy niorniui!, ,il 11 oM..(.k, A iM ,a riving ;il burg nl hull iat 1 1 oVbir.k. A M . 111 U1111 lo inniiPit With Ihe IMII. WlCl.rili A TIIA';NS nl Jluperl Blntloii Hmith and Went. Leaving lilo.i(.it.i,iirf arli d.iy ul ibe teynijr Iripr,, on the nl the I'liil-lHelphM .M.uU, and urilveti at C.tmbi.i at Jm'f patl U o'tluik rt.lttlt' i-M tilng. Ki'V JtuiMi"ir pliee on .nio (Entile renlnlltiT sv.w ctii.tMiiius, & i.iuiit ut RTlie pit nt 111 i!t nf ih muiindiy it ttullcitui a-stirt 0 ih n 11 mil If the ambition uf the Tropraior In reihii-r gt'iictul sat lfit tiuil . Treighl, li.igtdge, e., i arrietl at mod r,itf nrit fa. 11 r. wnt'Ji:.MAN Ciinlira. I)(.Pi'inber 1.1P57 ULUUMSDUUG liUOK STOU15. rpiILl undersigned respectfully mmounccs jl Ih.ttKlii! tdiitniiHis l hu LloomitiHrp liooh More and Matienaty r.tabhshttnt, Int ly ci-iniiittcil li hir Je;t ncLd Iiiiflt.tiitl. t 'In iK.- in all tin ir anuiik linn In , ul I ho old Un nti in i ho Ksili.iiiijt' :niiitnt(;s ftrtt dour ii.islof thf JUduiic lloltl. u'Jitli.ij(i( repltihUlu-.l Iht t'HliiMihliintMit with u (tioko ktotk ul A'cw Hooka and btutioHary. six 1m prcp.iml lo accojiiiuutlalc all "lioniuy givu hvi ti call In Ih'i liiic, Tht Ilcfttniiraut S.ilon m, In ihe lictnrti t of the r.lion eM.iljlikhiiiUit.ul1 In miiiimicil us itftiiil ny thusnh-pcrilit-r, litre tl.n p.thiic tan ttl lilt In H'U lv supplied Willllh'l (ImiC(pt Uvi-RLfl AND Itt.HltHll.itNTH, mull a Iiii"raN.S,irsripiirill.i, lit it. Alt, ic , unllnc, Splccdiuul I'irKlt'U Oy tirit I'lcKlt'il Cluins, rte. t3TIi public custom it rt'fpt-rttullv fcoltcitt'd. CAltul.I.VJI (M.AKK. Sutccsitt ( Jesse U. Clatk. Illooimljurf.'.Ma) '.M6o? l'ATENT SPUING 11ED LOTTOMS. AM.jnti ih t wan lo rct and slci-p pood rail on f!i:ni;cp. iv i'iifti t. .i i,n Minii't n 4 ) TtJCr Vlll) IiQTTOMS ll'v hua hounht llio patt'nt i 1 1 pit; of Coin iiitui contily, and )i now prt'paitd to fnr n ul Uottmng appticuttlc io nht as we II im utw In dneadn. I llfi Uat idto on In tid all klmU ol Cabinet .I'nrnitun , J Clmrit.L'MUct itLMlstend. and oihirCotMpo ruiiiilL-u , i whi th ho will bd 1 uf cheap us the chcfljCbt. Alio, Ilcatly-inndc Collins OUOltGK V. COKULL. niooioFl.urc. Oot 17, 57 inilUTLIWS AK1E1 ST. THlC.vfUi: AKCII KTKUIIT, AUOVII SIXTH, PJlItDHLVlIM- Tim HT.Mt COMPANY. eompofil of the linen Ar li'les in the world, and e.tetTdiup in Hlrtnsth nnd Talent y Dr.ini.illc combination hrrtlofbrc oiferrd io thu Theatrical public, ulll uppur vt ry niht in in idy, Tragedy, bi-no Comic Hrauj.i4 VauJevi Ike , Mui j rat llurltUi, &c i-c. When wetting the City, go ltlt'0. Oct 111, J657-3iu GREAT BARGAINS. T7IVH IJUNDltED THOUSAND .1. I'RIMi: IIHIUK, j in I lurnid out. nl lliw snbsci bet's Urick Vnrds in lllonni.biirp. and nro ollered lor sale, 'i'lm best in lliecoitntrj. Annli In It. 11. AIITIIUK Dloomsliur;, Jan C, 1PM S 23 tLStBir SI53Oa AClUAIlTllll HAS JUST COMMBNCI'll. Aiply lar ailnu..ion al t ti.- Bcliool Kooiti on'l'Jiird strict, ur at the residence or.Mrs. j. Iiarton. II r. KATON. liloonuburg, Not 1637 AN a.jortmfliit nf fnnli'dlnnerj, Jmwlry, rerluin' ry,, lla'r Oils, ronrulrs. iir , In he liud a I -. CliAltK'S Hook Blorl'. lllnoiii.lmrs. May SO. Itj7. IJUiUlVU MJl f.liUDb AM. Till, 'Hill. V IV 1IAISTM Wr' 13 uiul in: riii.M i. HI ll.'l ni n .